Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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hitemarsh Club Holds Second Meet Dinner
and Dinner-Dance to Be Given Tonight for
Debutantes Other Matters of Interest
TMB necond meot ot the White
marsh llunl Club takes place to
)ajr nd there will b quite some
entertaining In connection therewith.
The William Frazlor Harrisons -will
ghe a largo luncheon at their place.
Bjdgowooa r nnn, vrmnnu, nnu uarKor
Mellor will entertain af tho club. The
Charlie Munns havo n house party
erf outoMo,wn guests over the -week-Mid
and "will entertain at a largo din
Vr tonight. Tho Whltcmarsh races
gain In popularity each yenr. and
great Interest Is shown In them by
men from other cities. P. Ambroso
Clark, nobcrt Gerry and various oth
ers have entries In today's affair.
Thero ore to be two debutante
parties tonight tho Armltt Browns
are giving a. dlnnor at tho Philadel
phia Country Club for their cousin,
'jKatharlno Lea. Mrs. Charles Lea
was Miss Chorlotto Urtfwn, you
know, and Is a closo relatlvo of
Armltt Brown. The young peoplo
will relieve Mr. nnd. Mrs. Brown of
much of tho chnperonago of their
daughter during tho winter's gayo-
ties, as Armltt ana his recent brldo
co about n. great deal. Among tho
guests at tho dinner tonight will mXmSSSmmJ-m
mtms . T1llli .! taut men. dnt wan teas n tan-. !5a
and Natnllo Klllot; Anno IMclrs, Knth-
arlno Hancock, Marjory Curtis, Kllsabeth
of ttt Calvary Presbyterian Church, of
Wynco, wilt be held en the afternoons
and evenings of Thursday, November 1.
and Friday, November 17.
Mr. and Mrs. ndwln A. Bfttcman, of Mllt
boume, announce the marriage on October
25 ot their niece, Miss Anna Trimble Ash
down Oerman, to Mr. O 3. TL Miller, Jr.,
son ot Doctor Miller, ot 1769 Frankford
A number ot entertainments are being
arranged In honor ot Miss Mary Harne,
whose marriage to Mr. George Ijtwrence
Miller will tako place on Saturday, Novem
ber 11.
On Monday, November 8, Miss Josephine
Tomllnson will give a luncheon at the
Union league In honor ot tho bridal party.
which Includes Miss Prudence Xewltn, Miss
Kllsabeth Kolb. Miss Helen Burnett. Miss
Marjorle Thomas and Mlta Allfe Darby.
Mrs Silas M Tomllnson will chnperon the
party On Tuesday, November 7, a lunch
eon and theater party will be given by Miss
Marjorle Thomas.
MI-.S Hntet A. Manriers. of Newark. N.
J. Is the guest of Miss Kthel It Corwln.
of 2149 North Cnmae slrret. who enter
tained yesterday afternoon for Miss Man
ners, whose engagement to Mr. Of urge
Yngle, of Newark, was recently announced.
Miss Julia Lavlno. of Hast Graver's lane.
Chestnut Hill. Is tho guest Of Mrs. 11 8.
Drlce at her homo In New York.
The nresdlcr Club will hold Its first
marque dance tomorrow evening at New
casino Hall, 719-21 Dickinson street
today before tho Whitcmarsh Hunt Club
Adams, Josephine Foster nnd Hthel Lea,
.V..., . ... -,-.. -t).. Ytr.t fi.
01 WlimiriEtuilj ucuiku uiutvji, icu -it-
chell, Harry Hodge, John Evans, Percy
Taylor, William Arnett, Jr., Malcolm
Lloyd, Jr., Malcolm Huoy nnd Robert
A second debutanto party on a larger
scale will bo tho dtnncr-danco which Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Custls Harrison will
gho for Elisabeth McMlchnel. who, llko
her cousin, Hopo, was left, an orphan
through the early deaths of her father
and mother, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Mo
Michael, and has lived with her undo
and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emory McMlchaol,
since early Infancy. Mrs. McMlchael
was Miss Ellen Harrison. The dinner
Aanrn tnnlcht will bo civ en nt the Harri
son country placo, Hnppy Creek Farm
and about one hundred guests from tho
debutante sot will attend.
An Interesting recital Is to be given
next Wednesday by Miss Elizabeth Dick
son, who Is a cousin of Mrs. William
Woodward Arnott, of this city. Miss
Dickson has been studying In Berlin with
Corelll for several years, I hear, and
many of her friends are looking forward
to her song recital, and-certainly a num-
ber of prominent women are mioresieu
In her success, for among the patronesses
for the affair are such women as Mrs.
Btokowslcl, Mrs. Stotesbury, Mrs. yan
Rensselaer, Mrs. Harold Yarnnll, Mrs.
, Crosby Brown, Mrs. Henry Thompson,
Miss Audenrlod, Mrs. Morris Clothier,
Mrs. Isaac Clothier. Mrs. William Jay
Turner, Mrs. William CurUnr Mrs. A. J.
Dallas Dixon and Mrs. Rodman Grlscom.
Among the songs which will be given
Is "If Love Wore But a Llttlo Thing,"
ttt, words of which, written by Mrs. Flor
ence Earlo Coatcs, have been put to mu
sic by Aurello Glornl especially for Miss
Dickson to sing. (
When a man marries his troubles be
gin.! but In this case his troubles In
monetary matters bogan before the wed
ding, and It was not future wlfey who ran
up the bill, though tho causo thereof was
dedicated to her, I'm sorry to say. 'Twos
thus It all happoned: He gavo a dinner
to his bachelor friends beforo becoming
a benedict, and among tho Items on tho
bill was tho charge for eight dozen broken
Classes. Of course, there la the old cus-
' torn that the glas's from which Is drunk
the health of the futuro bride should not
be used again, and consequently as each
"bumper" Is swallowed down tho gallant
rushers throw their glasses against the
Wall kersmush! or btft into tho fireplace.
Bo be It, but Just why is It necessary, do
to jou suppose, to drink, health to tne
amount of nlnety-slx glasses among
, eight men? Goodnlghtl I am glad the
bridegroom In the case did not havo to
be borne to the altar next day by his
convivial frlendsC Future brides, why
don't you do something to stop this dls-
, suiting behavior?
f. j jut HBIIEh
'"opyrliht, laf rvbUablM CoMpfcuy
Parent (making aurnrtae vWt
to their married teurhfer in tM
city) . Now, how did ih know w
Were comhWf Why, tfcyve got
ry room to ttwlr htt lit up
for us
Alt eiuu.,m.iil AnnAti.iMl tnV IS tSAt
J Mim Kl Mibcth litwon WhMler lUugA-
f Mr mbun Belt tu Mr 4-9n
Wr Kwmedy Jr son ut Mr and Hn
!.' Man mat IbMMB W0 Mtf
Mfr -"--fr ,itliT',j.VifiJ-,
t tjtbtj, ,' it. as i ft
kit .iiiv
twenty-eighth club night at the Little Thea
ter. Seventeenth and Do Lancey streets, next
Friday ecnlng. when two plays written
by Mlsi Mary Mlddletdn Mltoioll and Mr.
rullerton U Waldo, respectively, wilt bo
ghen by members of the club. The cast
for Miss Mitchell's play. "Perspectives."
Includes Miss Katherlne Eeeler. Mr. Regi
nald Oates and Mr. Henry B Schatter, Jr.
Mr. Waldo's playlet. "The Sea Shell." will
hao Miss Helen DufHeld. Miss Ruth Ver-
lendcn, JIrs Wirt Tutwller, Jtr, Joseph A
Dcerlng, Jr , Mr a Drexel Steel, Mr Alfred
Lewis Ward, Mr. II A. Hornor and Mr. 11
Neall Matzlnger In tho cast
Mrs. Atwater Kent, who returned today
to her Rosemont home after a summer
spent at lCcnnebunkport Mo , will give a
luncheon of twche cocrs early next month
In honor of Miss Katherlne Verner. whoso
wedding to Mr. Channlng Daniel will take
place November 25.
Miss Katharine White Field, of 131s
Spruco street, entertained Informally nt tea
this afternoon. In honor ot Mrs. David Wil
son Jordan, of Fort Washington, who, with
Mr. Jordan, will spend the winter in the
Miss Fannie Morris Wain, of Westtown,
has Miss Elizabeth Gains, ot Warrenton,
Va., as her guest over the week-enJ.
Mr. and Mrs. Wirt L. Thompson will re
turn on Monday from Cape May to their
home at Jenklntown.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Page have taken an
apartment at the Marie, 251 South Fifteenth
street for tho winter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rldgeway Rcllly are
spending a few weeks at White Sulphur
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clark and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur nrockle. of Chestnut Hill, left
yesterday for Yama Farms, where they will
spend the week-end.
Mrs. William B. Kurtz, of Manhelm
street, .Germantown. will return on Monday
from Hot Springs, Va.
The flrst meeting of the Science and Art
Club of Germantown will be held at the home
of Dr. and Mrs William Beatty Jennings,
6012 Orecno street on Monday evening, No-
ember 20. Miss Elizabeth Hood Latta and
Miss Edith Wells Bly have arranged a de
lightful musical program. '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rich Wallace, of
Plttsfleld, Mass., are receiving congratula
tions on the birth ot a son. Mrs. Wallace
will be remembered as Miss Anna S. Taylor,
of Cedron, Indian Queen lane, German
town. Mr, and Mrs Frederick W. Morris, of
Valley Farm, Chelten Hills, have returned
from White Sulphur Springs, whero they
have been for a fortnight
The Men's Club of Wyncote will hold
Its first meeting for the winter 1916 Mon
day evening, No ember 6, at 8 o'clock.
After the business meeting and election of
oHlcers for the ensuing year, Dr. W. Estell
Leo will address the club. His subject
will be "Red Cross and Ambulance Work In
France." Illustrated.
Mrs. Robert Baldwin, of Wilmington,
Del., Will give a dinner and theater party
tonight In honor of Miss Florence Frls
muth and Dr. Frank Ardary Craig, whose
marriage will take plaob on Thursday. The
bride's mother, Mrs F. M. Frlsmuth, will
give a dinner on Wednesday evening,
November 1. The guests will Include
Mrs. Robert Baldwin, Mrs. Alexander
Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heston,
Mr. and Mrs. John Craig. Dr. and Mrs.
George Fetteroff, Mr. and Mrs. IMmund
Balfour. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wager and
Dr. William Merrill.
The annual luncheon given by the
Alumnae Association of the Stevens School,
In Germantown, will take place on Novem
ber 14 at William Penn Inn, Gwynedd. The
trip will be made by motor. Announce
ments will be sent out In a few days by
Mrs. Horace Cleaver, president of the as
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur poodfellow, whose
marriage took place last week, have gone t
Virginia Hot Springs on their wedding trip,
Mrs. Goodfellow was Miss Helen Carlisle
Van Dusen before her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Valentine, of High
land Farm, Bryn Mawr, left this week for a
two montbs' hunting trip in Jianoru
County, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gardiner, of WIs
sahlckon avenue. Chestnut Hill, who have
been spending the summer at their cot-
. A,i.-t.l.1.ln- XT V 1..... . .. ..a
lago Rfc rauiliuiumiig, ' - wvv rriuriJBu.
Ur. and Mrs. James Field, of the Powel-
ton Apartments, who have been spending
the summer at their cottace at oeean city
returned last week,'
Friends of Dr. James L. PatUrso. had
master of the CUetnut Hill Aeademy, will
be glad to hear mat ne is recovering- iroro a
Mvsre llbMM In the Cn4Bt'Hin IeefUal.
Mr. n4 Mrs. Harvey Snyer. of Peaarth.
Ardioore,' have IWt fer "Washing tew, wti
they wUl rwwiH w a rew amy, an.
Boyer aspeets to ytelt her alma mater,
Mount Yerwm nmmry.
Mrs. PrMk VristiMM KeMer hjw et out
Ueld at be kMM ltSg J LW
nlwnwoB. Miss nmMft Whatta Jeto
town, ww ' tw f ""',fp-
Mtas Mnlly Kedanbougb, of Baeiou, T..
to tM wm. t Mtas Dorothy Burgess, at
tH ttmvnftlT- ayenue, Oerssatow
Ms and Mrs UUhert Sprueaos. of II
MauheUo street Uermanlowo, announoe the
Mrss-tT"-' WC tlwtr daiMbUr, Mis Btvia
the u wmn
Miss Mnrlnn Cecelia txnergan, daughter
of Mr nnd Mrs. William Edward Lonerirnn.
of Bala, heenmo the bride ot Mr. James Ber
nard Roland, of North Adams. Mass.. this
morning at a nuptial mao nt 10 o'clock
in Ht .Matthias' Church, Rala. The cere
mony was performed by the bride's cousin,
the Rev John McCnll, of Troy. N. Y. nnd
the mass was celebrated by tho Rev Jl J
McCabe, rector of St Matthlaa'
Tho bride, who was given In marriage by
her father, was dressed In. a white satin
gown cut on slmplo lines, trimmed with
Inco and tulle and fashioned with long court
train falling from tho shoulders. Her ell
was caught with orange blossoms, nnd she
carried a shoner bouquet ot lilies ot tho
valley and bridal roses. Tho maid of honor
was Miss Ruth Norlno Lonergnn, a sister.
Miss Kathleen Foyle, of South O.-nnge,
N J : Miss Maude McManus. of New York:
Miss Eugenia Husscy, of Albany, N.1 Y.j
Miss Dorothy Roche, of Troy, N Y. Miss
Alice Cn anaugh nnd Miss Isabel Agnos
Lonergan, another sister of the bride, wero
bridesmaids. Llttlo Miss Mary Alice Law-
ler and Miss Agnes Itcllly wore llower girls.
Mr. William Roland, of North Adams.
Mass , wns his brother's best man, nnd the
ushers wero Mr. Joseph Roland of New
.York; Mr Francis Brothers, both cousins
ot tho bridegroom; Dr. William Qulnn, ot
Springfield, Mass.; Dr. Charles Welch, of
North Adams, Mass ; Mr James Ca anaugh
and Mr. William Armstrong Lonergan,
brother of the bridegroom.
After the ctrcmony a reception was held
at the homo ot tho bride's parents on Bryn
Mawr avenue, Ualo.
Mr and Mrs. Boland will be at home
after December 1 at North Adams. Mass.
Younpr American pianisto, who
played the Liszt E flat Concerto
tinder Leopold Stokowskl at tho
first "pop" concert given under his
baton at the Academy four years
npo, and who will give her first re
cital in this city slnco that timo at
Witherspoon Hall, Thursday evening.
Brand-New Babies
Tha Krenlnf IUrr will nrlnt, frr of
rharse notlc r rprent lilrth fnt la
Ihroaitli proper rhannln. Andrvn IIrand
New Uolilfi' K.rnlnc lrdrrr. QOA C'lifhtnut
utrrrt. Name and ntldre una. ulirn imU
ble tflrphon nambvr off tender mutt so
rotnpaor catU notUo bo tnt.
77Z5 I 777
'r'v .
mlltOMI hrM
Ceprrlsht Life rubllthtnc Co i nrproaurea by Bpcll Arrsnztment.
CopyriaM, Ittt. by llarptr 4 Hrotscrt,
ATjAtKB AUSTIN, mlilrtu et I-nt J'ot'ioj, cm el the fnttl rairhft en tS Tnn
lit htlv
Aitjiiiia AVM murmv or snm j-nrqnv, rut 0 in jinr$i rancnr on in 3
ldf of ih Rio aranie. n4 La Frria. nrri Die iteiicnn border, (a loat among
mrtqult bnahre whn ner hom fall ttnd brraka o Ua, A.irr n trrriito ttruooU
finaUv tiirrrritA (n rraehfittf a irntrr h6l which he had fajrd earlier in the (fay.
liAVIO J..4U', n forest ranver and former toldler of fortune, iM rrevarino Ms rv
meal at the irater hole uhrn .llairr nrtim. She fj ui the erae ot rollapie.
nrr to ronfon ana jumtnew ner vtn 1000. jrvm m meaner VNrPlJf.
Kit AUST1X. Alatrt't hutband, hat rtlalinlnl (ill fortune and wealth, Alain,
otpoatd la divorce, lixet In a tecttan of the houee npnrr tram Kd, Thru aetdom meet.
ar.XKKAl, H'lH tJ)faoniO. head of ff Mexican federal Iroopj. la a tall, tuaerpft
ole iMttn, who (mmntloJrlv nil) head mer-heeU In loic trtlh Alain uhti the mtef Mn
In nn effort to eft til rrallimion tor the rmajjra 0 the ilerleam on hr ha Feria ettate.
This he sHiMnpIt pnmliN, anil mor, too, and Alain finde It duncnli to ward oil hit
adiiinrrs toltMowt inaiiltlno htm.
lll-AtK JOS'I.S III fa trllh hit daughter J'nlomn near l.a$ Palmnt. and tchen Dave
arrive In the ieinitu to Investigate can e ihetts he mnkn hit home there,
KL.I.SHORTI1. Alain's attorney and Doie'a pool friend, makee the rangtr prom la
sfvet la tnarrv before flrat tntaking to him anovt It.
Th minor tSaracter inclucte Joae, who resolve to aeno the mnrnVr 0 hta eontln,
runSlo Snnrhr. hlllnl bv Jlntr In an affair wllh a Uexiean outlaw: llolorrt, Alalre'
maM. Tatl LetrU, an onicrtipttloiit nriffhbor anil parlnrr 0 "Kd" Auttinl Vroina. on
0 .rri rmployrd cattle ihlrtr, and JUCardo llHtttian, uhoae ratllo have been alolrn.
hen Dave return fron Mt fruitiest trip lo J'uf Ho in arareh of Vrblna, mate Jonrt
tell hint ot tttranift, the lortnne trtler In JftHrvtlllf icho has the tuprratltlnw ifrxlcant
Irrmhlinff idlh fear. Dave delrrmlnet to call upon Slranpe at toon as poaalblc.
I rmuan, tohllr on a Irtp acrova Ihr borifrr, m A Hint, nnd a parly of Americana drcld
to rall lh Xlerican town and rescue the body, Alain poet to Jonrtlll0 to warn Dote
after Jose leaves to avenge the murdrr 0 hi roualn lans;o. Jose flrst goes to Xjonoorio,
hit Idol, ichp l In A'omrro The Aertcan prnrral lella Joaa hla lova tor Alalra and
fmmlara to hrlp him get rid ot Dave, if he in rrturn acta at a spy for .Lonoorio at Lot
Itnaa. XonpoHo it tealout of the ranoer.
i'alomo payt a vialt lo Alalre.
1 '
HOHM:0, Mr, and Mrs John, 702 Catharine
street, a son, JUto Anthontr, S pounds.
unvwAX'. Mr. and f rn. flrhnnt 4KOI T.ln
more avenue, a son, 6 pounds 0 ounces.
CURKAN, Mr. and Mrs. William, M3 North
Taylor Btreet, a daughter, Frances, 10
pounds 6 ounces.
aoODMAN, Mr, and Mrs Morris, COOS York
road, a, daughter, 7 pounds 2 ounces.
JACOHHON. Mr. nnd Mrs Raymond, 28,
South Alder street, a son, 6 pounds 13
KHAUH, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge, 2227 Itldgs
avenue, a daughter. Mane, 7 pounds IS
LOllUi:, Mr. and Mrs. David, 1209 South
Forty-ninth street, a son, J pounds 16
VAOHorHKY, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan, 728
South third street, a daughter, 7 pounds
8 ounces.
Wesk's Celebration Begins Tpmorrow
' With Gwynedd Congregation
OWTNEPD, Ta., Oct 28. Tomorrow will
marl: the opening ot a week's services In
observance ot the fiftieth anniversary of
the Churph of the Messiah nt Qwynedd.
The church la prominently known be
eause It la attended by members of the
wealthy summer colpny at dwynedd Val
var from FltHadelpiila, and )W surtHirbs.
ZiZ . I. t.irLttlArlAdl rAvl auV t
RV. Benjamin N, Bird, rem, wHI dellvtr
an address on mm jwainiscswoee er
Partsh Mletenr," At a wnaital servtet,
thx seeakera wilt be Jutla WlUtean K,
Ulaike, o pmisdaUHtla, ivMe auasmajr
home to ht: Um ttr, Ksaaeia tOattb, ot
WK Cheaper the Bv. Herbert ,W. Burke,
of Jierrletowa; tfc JUv. H. A. Ls Heyt,
Cyuwyd, and the Rev, H. C l'airtorlus, of
Iuutferd, who was reotor from 1872 te
lilt, i
CHAI'TI-.H XVII (Continued)
"yOU ought to havo children," the girl
X declared calmly.
"I have, Yea! Imaginary kiddles and
they are perfect dears, too "
"Aro they eer naughty 7"
"Oh, Indeed they are! And I havo to
punish thorn Then I feel terribly. Dut
they're much nicer than flesh-and-blood chil
dren, for they had no bad traits whatever,
and they're so amazingly Intelligent."
Such exchanges of confidence drew the
women Into fairly closo relations by the
time they had arrled at Ijvb l'almas. but
the thought of what had brought them
together had a sobering effect, and during
their hasty supper they discussed tho sit
uation In nil Us serious phnses.
In offering to lend n hand In this diffi
culty Alalre had ncted largely upon Im
pulse, nnd, now that she took time to think
oer the affair more coolly, sho asked her
self what possible business of hers It could
be. How did this effort to secure Don
Itlcardo's body concern her7 And how
could she hopo or expect to bo of help to
the men engaged In tho hnsardous attempt?
With Palomn. of course It was different ;
the girl wns anxious on her father's account,
and probably concerned more deeply than
was Alalre for tho safety of Dae I-aw.
Trohably she nnd Dae had an under
standing It would be natural. Well, Ta
loma wns a nice girl nnd sho would make a
splendid wlfa for any man.
Tor her part, Taloma was troubled by
no uncertainty of purpose; It did not seem
to her at all aUnurd to go to her father's
assistance, and sho was so eager to bo up
and away thnt tho prospect of oblong eve
ning's wait made her restless.
As usual IM Austin had not taken the
troublo to Inform his wife of his where
abouts; Alalre was relieved to find that ha
was out, and she decided that he had
probably stayed at Tad Lewis's for supper,
Tho women wero seated on tho porch
after their meal, when up tho drlvowny
rode two horsemen. A moment later a tall
figure mounted tho steps and came forward
with outstretched hand, crying, In Spanish;
"Senoral I surprise you. Well. I told
you some day I should give myself this
Brent pleasure. I am hero I"
"General Longorlot But what a sur
prise 1" Alalre's amazement was naive ; her
face was that of a startled schoolgirl. The
Mexican warmly kissed her fingers, then
turned to meet Paloma Jones. As ha
bowed the women exchanged glances over
his head Miss Jones looked frankly fright
ened, and her expression plainly aeked the
meaning of Longorlo's presenco To herself,
she was wondering If It could have .any
thing to do with that expedition to the
Romero cemetery. Sho tried to compose
horsolf, but her apprehension flooded her,
Alalre, meanwhile, her composure recov
ered, was standing slim and motionless be
sides her chair, Inquiring smoothly, "What
.brings you Into Texas at such a time, my
dear general? This Is quite extraordinary."
"Need you BBk meT" cried tho man. "I
would ride through a thousand perils, sen
ora. Ood In his graclousness placed that
miserable village Romero closo to the gates
of hcaen. Why should I not presumo to
look through them briefly? I came two
days ago, and every hour since then I
have turned my eyes In the direction of
Las Pamas. At last 1 could wait no
longer." A courtly bow nt the conclusion
of theso words robbed the speech of Its
audacity and tinged It with the licensed
extravagance of Latin flattery. Neverthe
less, I'nloma gasped nnd Alalre stirred un
comfortably The scmldarkness of the
veranda was an Invitation to even more
daring compliments, and, therefore, as she
murmured a polite word of welcome, Alalro
stepped through the French window at her
back and Into the brightly lighted living
loom. I'aloma Jones followed as If In a
Longorlo's bright eyes took n swift In
ventory of his surroundings; then he sighed
"How fine!" said he. "How beautiful)
A nest for a bird of paradise I"
"Don't you consider this rather a mad
adventure?" Alalre Insisted, "Suppose It
should become known that you crossed the
Imgorlo snapped his fingers. "I answer
to no one; I am supreme. But your Inter
est warms my heart ; It thrills me to think
you care for my safety. Thus am I repaid
for my days of misery "
"You surely did not" Paloma swallowed
hard "oome alone?"'
"No. I have a duty to my countrv. t
said, 'Luis, you are a brave man, and fear
is a. sirapger to you, nut, neertheess, you
must have regard for the Fatherland' ; so
I tookr measures to protect myself In case
of eventualities."
"py bringing with rna some of my troop
ers. Oh, they ore peaceable fellows)' he
declared, quickly; "nnd they are doubtless
onjoylng themselves with our friend and
sympathiser. Morales."
vynereT ' ankea Alalre,
"l left
enora." ralom Jones sat down nearly
in iisniMi hmiii aatii yo ueed have
pa UMastnea. They are uU and orderly;
they will molest nothing: no one wouM
h"Y.wh.T ,t8 "tr' l t1" H
tie with the laws ami the euetonvs of yeur
ountry, dear My, but you would not
eare for a man who allowed suo, Mn.
jtideratlone to eland In hie way, ehT"
Alalre anewered, sharply "it w&
very reokleee thing to do, and yew must
aet remain here.1' ,
"Yes, yes!" Paloma, eagerly agreed.
"You must go Uaek at ones,"
But IonaTOrlo beard, ao vwfee eseeWt
AlaWa. In , atae catering the itvtnr
roam he had aaareaty take We eye trots
her. -Now he drew Us maly Vtshee
brows tofetfaer In a pWtntlve frown, say.
tM, "You are inhospitable! rtus
e.vs1oii ltffcteaetl. "Or tm M," he ashed
"as K that yea are Indeed Mpraraarw
fe see?"
. aJIS(ajPe SBwOw see m vaaHBSL. A
never forgive myself If you came to harm
hero at my ranch."
Longorlo sighed. "And I hoped for a
warmer w etcome especially since I have
done ou another favor. You saw that
hombre who camo with me?"
"Well, you would never guess that It Is
your Jose Sanchez, whom I prevailed upon
to return to your employ. But It Is no
other: and he comes to beg your fnrriv.
ness for leaving. He was distracted at tho
news of his cousin's murder, and came
to me"
"His cousin was not murdered."
"Kxactlyl I told him so when I had
learned the facts. A poor fellow this
Pnnfllo evidently a very bad man, Indied
but Jose admired him and was harbor
ing thoughts of revenge. I said to him:
Jose, my boy. It Is better to do nothing
than to net wrongly. Since It was aod"s
will that your cousin came to a bad end,
why follow In his rootsteps? You will not
make a good soldier. Go back to your
beautiful employer, be loyal to her, nnd
think no more nbout this unhappy affair.
iv requirca some argument, I assuro you,
but he Is here. Ho comes to ask your
forgiveness nnd to resumo his position of
"r nm glad to have him back If he
feels that waw I have nothing whatever to
forgive him."
"Then ho will be happy, and I havo
served you. That Is the end of the mat
ter." With a graceful gesture Longorlo
dismissed the sutrject. "Is It to bo my
pleasure," he next Inquired, "to meet Senor
Austin, your husband?"
"I nm afraid not." ;
'"Too bad. I had hoped to know him
nnd convince him that wo F derates are
not such a bad people as he seems to
think. We ought to be friends, he nnd I.
I'vcry loyal Mexican, In these troublesome
times, rteslres tha good will nnd friendship
ot such Important personages as Senor
Austin. This animosity Is a sad thing."
Under this flow of talk Paloma stirred
uneasily, and at the flrst opportunity burst
out: "It's far from safe for you to remain
here. General Longorlo. This neighbor
hood Is terribly excited over the death
of Rlpardo Ouzman, and If any one
learned "
"Sol Then this Guzman Is dead?"
Longorlo Inquired, with Interest.
"Isn't her blurted Paloma.
"Not so far as 1 can learn. Only today
I made official report that nothing what
ever could be discovered noout him. Cer
tainly ho Is nowhere In Romero, and It la
my personal belief that tho poor fellow
was either drowned In tho river or made
way with for his money. Trobably tho
truth will never bo known. It Is a dis
tressing event, but I assure you my soldiers
do not kill American cltUens. ,
"It Is our boast that Federal territory Is
safe; one can come or ra at win in nnv
part of Mexico that Is under Fotosista con-
auivcioiy nupo mat wo navo neara
them at yeur pump! piant,
Falom Jones sat dawn heawiv
tho last of this Quzman affair."
Longorlo had coma to spend the evening,
and his keen pleasure In Alalre Austin's
company made him so Indifferent to his
personal rafety that nothing short of a rude
dltmtssal would havo served to terminate
h's visit. Neither Alalre nor her compan
ion, however, had the least Idea how keenly
h resented the presence of Paloma Jones.
IM Austin's absence he had half expected,
and he had wildly hoped for an evening, an
hour, a few minutes, alone with tho object
of his desire. Jose's disclosures, earlier In
the day, had opened tha Oeneral's eyes;
they had likewise Inflamed him with Jeal
ousy and with passion, nnd accordingly
ho had come prepared to force his attentions
wltii Irresistible fervor should the slightest
opportunity offer. To find Alalre securely
chaperoned, thereforo, and to be compelled
to press his ardent advances In the pres
ence of a third party, was like gall to him
the fact that he made the most of his ad
vantages, even at the cost of scandalizing
Paloma, spoke volumes for his determina
tion, It was a remarkable wooing; on the one
hand, this half-savage man, gnawed by
jcuiuuo iiceuieaa ui ino iiucit nature or
his passion, yet held within the pounds of
decorum by some fag-end of respectability;
ana on tne omer nana, a woman, bored,
recentful and tortured at the moment by
feur about what was happening at the river
Alalre, too, had a further cause for worry.
Of late Ed Austin had grown Insultingly
suspicious. More than once he had spoken
of Dave Law In a way to make his wife's
face crimson, and he had willfully miscon
strued her recital ot Longorlo'a attentions.
Fearing, therefore, that In spite of Paloma
Jones's presence Kd would resent the gen
eral's call, Alalre strained her ears for the
sound of his coining,
Jt was late when Austin arrived. Vis
itors at La Faunas were umteual at any
tliro hence the sound of strange voices in
the brightly lighted living reom at such an
hour surprised htm. Ke came tramping In.
bested and spurred, a beilhrerent look ot
Inquiry upon hie Wealed features. But
when he had met hie wife's guests his
surprise turned to blaek displeasure. Him
own sympathies in the Mexlean struggle
were so notorious that Loafferio's presence
oemed to him to have but one peeelble
ignlHeaneey Why Paloma Jones was here
he oovld not Imagine.
Thus far Alalre.' ealler had succeeded In
Ignoring Miss Jones, and now, with eaual
self-assurance, he refused to reeaxalse lU's
hostility. He Mmalned at ease, aa4 ap
seared to wetoome this ehaaee of meet lag
AMstlav Yet It aeon became evMeat that
hi apinanw of bis nest was ttvc frem aattaw
lag I ishsath his pemeoeee he began to
afcotr-aa amueeat ooateeayt, which Alalre
jatfcelvea. even though her husbau4 did not.
Lilts Longorlo wae the sort of ma vhe
ajvya a attained situation, and one who
fern to the test adventafa uader aOsrae
Mk AsaaWaiaJSag. aifstsW. MV
Bread ef tseaatajiMnfr itts faejaafWarai tetse-jsy
served to prolong Ms say.
It was growing very late iwrw, pa
loma was frantto. PretHlng by her Bret
opportunity she whispered lo Alalre, "For
aeds' sake, send him nway.
Alalre's eyes were dstk with eHeiiHt.
"Yes," said she. "Talk to him, and give
me n chance to have a word alone with Md."
The opportunity came when Austin went
Into the dining room for a drink. Alalre
excured herself to follow him. Whett they
were out of sight and hearing her hmeand
turned upon her with an ugly frown.
"What's that Greaser doing here?" he
asked roughly .
"He called to pay his respects. You must
get him away." . ,
"I must?" Kd glowered at her, "Why
don't you? You got him here In my ab
sence. Now that I'm homo you want mt
to ret rid of him, eh? What's the idea?"
"Don't be rllly. I didn't know he was
coming and ho must be crazy to risk such
n thing"
"Crazy?" Kd's Up curled. "He Isn't
crazy. I suppose he couldn't stay away
any longer, lly Ood, Alalre "
Alalre checked this outburst with a sharp
exclamation: "Don't make a scene I Don't
you understsnd ho holds over flfty thou
sand dollars' worth of La Ferla cattle?
Don't ou undorstand we can't antagonize
"Is that what he came to see you
"Yes." Sho bit her Up. "I'll explain
everything, but j-ou must help me send
him back, right away." Olanclng nt the
clock, Alalre saw that It was drawing on
toward midnight: with quick decision Bhe
seized her hutband by the arm, explaining
feverishly! "There Is something big going
on tonight. IMl Longorlo brought a guard
ot soldiers with htm and left them at our
pump house Well, It so happens that Blaze
Jones nnd Mr. Law have gone to the
Romero cemetery to get Rlcardo Guzman's
body "
"What?" Aurtln's red face paled, his eyes
"Yes. That's why Taloma Is here. They
crossed at nur pumping station, and they'll
bo back at rny time, now. If they en
counter LoiiaTorlo's men You under
stand ?"
"Ood Almighty 1" Austin burst forth.
"Rlcardo Ourman'a body!" Ho wet his lips
nnd swnllowcd with difficulty. "Why Jo
they want tho body?"
"To prove that ho Is really dead and to
prove who killed him." Noting the effect of
these words, Alalre cried, sharply, "What's
the matter, IM?"
But Austin momentarily was beyond
speech. The decanter from which he was
trying to psur himself u drink played a
musical tatVu upon his glass; his face had
become ashen and pasty,
"Have they got the body? Do they know
who shot him?" he asked, dully.
"No, nol" Alalre was trembling with
Impatience. "Don't you understand? They
are over there now, and they'll be back
about mldnldht. It Longorlo had come
alone, or If he had left his men at Sangre
de Crlsto everything would be nil right
But those soldiers at Morales' house will
bo up aq,d awake. Why, It couldn't have
happened worse I"
"How mnny men has he got?" Austin
nodded In the direction ot Uie front room.
"t don't know. Probably four or Ave.
What alls jou?" (
"That won't do. They won't light on
this side of the river. They thejr"d hold
them off."
"Who? Wnat are j'ou talking about?"
Something In her husband's Inexplicable
agitation, icmiethlng In ths hunted, des
perato way In which his oyes were running
over the room, alarmed Alalre.
Ed utterly disregarded her question.
Catching sigh", of tho telephone, which stood
upon a stand in tho far corner of the room,
he ran to it and, snatching the receiver,
violently oscillated the hook.
"Don't do thatl" Alalro cried, following
him. "Walt 1 It mustn't get out"
"Hello I Give mo tho Lewis ranch
quick I've forgotten the number." With
his freo hand Va held his wlfo at a distance.
muuenng naisniy: "Get away now I I
know what I'm doing. Get away damn
youl" He flung Alalre from him as she
tried to snatch the Instrument out ot his
"What do you wont of Lewis?" she
"None of your business. You keep away
or I'll hurt you "
"Udt" she cried. "Are jou out of your
mind? You mustn't
Their voices were .raised now, heedless
of tho two people In tho adjoining room.
"Keep your hands off, I toll you. Hello 1
Is that you. Tad?" Acaln Austin thrnnt
Jila wlfo violently aside. "Listen! I've
just learned that Dave Law and old man
Jones have crossed over to dig up Rlcardo's
bodj-. Yes, tonight! They're over there
now be back Inside of an hour."
Alalre leaned weakly against the table,,
her frightened eyes fixed upon the speaker.
Hven yet she could not fully grasp the
meaning of her husband's behavior and
tried to put aside those fears that were
distracting her. Perhaps, after all, she
told herself, Ed was taking his own way
"Yes I They aim to discover how he was
killed and all about It. Sure! I suppose
they found out where he was burled. They
crossed at my pumping plant, and they'll
bo back with the body tonight, if they
haven't already " The speaker's voice
broke, his hand was shaking so that he
could scarcely retain his hold upon the
telephone. "How the hell do I know?" he
chattered. "Its up to you. You've got
a machine" '
"Ed!" cried tha wife. She went toward
him on weak, unsteady feet, but she halted
as the voice of Longorlo cut In sharply)
"What's this I hear? Rlcardo Guzman's
body?" Husband and wife turned. The
open double door tu the living room framed
the tall figure of the Mexican general
religious MtvrrrrtM
.. :-7- tL
rrctera et
af Mneat aftul
BBasM OBleBtM t.flftt0afaMt alt
itrtee sag Motiisenwry aveafMk.
the huaptul hnra romll In ate
The HT. MeVeid Mswfcs, f at
Citiarrii. wilt eelmr a tartar mi
ram a Catholle." In the CMrek e4
ot the Menial tomorrow vaahac at ?
inF'terLzsz '
n. a. aaajaa. tjaret i
t a. abati
Hntmant. af IHrarttuawr
a mratMr of the .Ualreiasl rc
a mti
be ens ot the iphei.
Chsrlen rltnrr
fore retifi on
Ttrtfit. totalise
convnntlon M RU lAnrt. I la Motor aw
of tht Amark-an drleajatloii to the Mental
Trill aaoak Mantdar. MaM
a on wnrac nt fna. I-Mlluiwana
.-- - -.-.r.- ...,-.------.,.-.-.,..-.
Jirani l Known
took a leadlns
rr,Ms tartrlirctaal w
In Mrt M ttai Protnajtant
at St. fntK. V.1 Is. Motor
rtllaloua boo
A srrlra of Pohy
at tho Flrat mrlallai
ruaa warn for rfTretmv worM
with n adilrran tr
Birnrinmoro i.-oiire.
national Arbitration.1
nc worM poaea will bawta
8trat HartlH CtJi, flts
Uranrh v. M. C. i. laiieaiiaii ,
"liurnlnc tho Canals at Beta
Thn Bay.
thn North
noon on
Tha IIt. Oeont Chatmro
rrrarh tomorrow nhmt at S o'
EldrloaVa trriure hH. lslt
Hquare. on "Prosreaalva rreteet
Tho Bar. KdwarU J. Humaetee wW aStreaf
tha I'rrabrterlan mlnlatera) In Walnjh4r Bah
next Monday morning on "John BserheWK Jaeae,
Frank J. Cannon, ot Cswrade.
tinon lit srowth of Mermonlani tn i
ni w-iorv ira am
rhood or Andrew al
to ba held In tha Hethanr Brothwheos,
nt Thurailav nlaht afflr In
Union of tha Jirothorhood of Andrew
watt ' tJH
reformation day aervtrea wilt bo hM la
Matthaw'o Lutheran Church with valwr I
tha Matropolttan Onera Kfiao, whor the Ja
meet in will n ii1i)j. Tna Rev. aMwni
Delk, naator ot tha church, will wwa at
mornins aerrice.
The Iter. John W, Rteekwall, Meter- of the
Church of tha New Jeruaalam. will jwoaea ta
mnrrow morntns on '"The Mamteua .rewer efa
Little Child Over Wild Beasts" K wiU ajaa
dlaeuaa "Qetttns Tllaser Aeaults Oat ot Mrs"
at tha avanlnk arnrltra.
Marrar wtH
ir arita
ml M
One Out of Ten" will ba tha
ina nar tor i'e1
flM,, IVmr and Ted
Ihele enrlal aervlra WOtk In thta Ctt!
nmnrMiw aflernonn in tha Central
Ilranche Y. M. C. . A. and In sareral of
ehurehea In tha victnnr aanng uia ear.
Tha ner. Danlal.R. Welcle. Mttor of tfce
Friendly Church, will eonttnua hta Sunday
nine talks tomorrow ntcht with a dlacoura aa
The Thraa Burprlaaar'
The Iter. J. Oray Bolton, II. D,
twice tomorrow at ino nop
fourth. On Out of Ten" will
for the morning and
the toplo at nlsht.
The temon lltll Aaaorlallon will meet t
row ntiht at tho Oarrlck Theater... The
Charlea II. l.raman. u. v.. win iais ea
Great Flsht."
Tie Jnhn Wlllla 8Uuthtrr will trBaak
Mexico and th United Blatea' tomorrow a:
ernoon at the urnaa mreei Tneaier imaor
auaptrca ot tho Boclallat Literary Boetoty.
T)r. John Carroll rerklns. of Beattla. w
preach tomorrow mornlnr at th Firat Unttariea
Church. .
AlfaWI VT. Martin, araoclate leader of the
New Tnrk F.lhlcal Cultura Society, will aeaat
at the rtroad Street Thaatar tomorrow morajng
on "Has tho Kthlcal Movement a FutureT'
A apeclal aervtre commemnratlnr twenty-aae
years aerviro nr narn m. niainn aa ornanasf
n P Keel
on 'The Mlnlat
iuiriM tr. an
at tUa pariah houae,
taai Antlnn .meellnaa In thta Htv rin i-a
reaumed tomorrow with a talk at 4 o'clock et
tha Walnut Btreet rrrabrterlan Church by for
mer Oovernor Patterson, ot Tenneasea.
C raters, of ,New York
the BUDJfCl. OI nm itcrimiti u lira munuar.
Chriatian in ikiibi urieiiRii ora
Tor In evening aervio i win a
men only at 2 JO p. m. on "Th Man
and cholrmaater of 8t. reter'a Church. Wayae
avenue and Harvar atreat. will ba held toeaark
row nlsht In th church. Tha rector, th Biv.
m. wm rrracn tomorrow raerMac
Inlatry of Muate." A reception was
r. and Mrs. fitaton on Tuesday nhrM
Dr. Madlaon C ret' of New York. wMs
preach asaln tomorrow In the Mrmorlat Bapttat"'
Church "The Motherhood of Ood" wHI b
nominr, and
a" th tople
IIAPTI1T TK-Mn.K, ProaC and Berka aU.
HUHSCI.I. 11. CONWBI.L will preach 10M
a m . 7 JO p m h
DONALD ClIALMEIlS. boaao. will sing at'
evening aerrir
OltOAN IlKCITAL. 7:15 p. m.
uisyrtut.ua. iJirector.
S SXmTt-j
Cheatnut at. weat or tutti.
OliOIlUE D ADAMS. 1. D . Paator.
a.m Urotherhood of A. and P.
10 JO a-m. Worahlp and Sermon by Paster.
2 so pm. Iilblo Bchool
tltp m VV'orahlp and Sermon by raUr.
IDunker). cor Carllala and tiauphla ate.
Preachlnir 1UJ0 a m. and 7tS p. m.
Hunday Kchool. SJ0 p ra.
l'rayar Maatlns each Wadneaday arantes.
Kthlral Collnra
AI.rREII W. SIAKT1N will apeak on, "KaiaVt
Kthlcal Movement a Futuror' Hroad Bt. Thaav.
ter Sunday. II a. m. liualo rearularlr br
Schmidt Quartet, l'ubllo Invited
Imon Hill Aaaorlallon
llev. CHAIILRS II. FltDMAN. 1. D.
October SO Oarrlck Theater, 7 JO p. m.
Kverybody wtilcoma.
10th and JelTarann ata,
PAN1BL K. WKJOLB. Faster. '
Mornins Bervtee, 10J0.
lilbla Hoiool, : SO p m.
Kvenlng Harvlre. 7 4S . . .
Herroom "TUB T1IKEB SURmlSBS" (T) 1
Solo Quartette and Orsan. '
Motion I'lcturea.
HOLY COMMUNION, Cheatnut abov Slat Barev
leea. II, 8. Hay. B I'.Pfattelahar.Ph n..Vsmjst,
Melhodlat Bplaropai .
COLUMBIA AVK.. cor. aeth St. Bar. B. Jt,
HART, D P, Sarvloca 10 80, 7 801 S. B. 1'M.i
nVK. 8d and Wharton ats MlnlaUr, .Bof. '
J. llnAY TiOLTON. V. D.l Rar. miXAAM
TAYLOU CALDWBLU Aaafatant. 10 a. leu.
Doctor Iloltonj theme, "One Qt of Taa."
7:. Doctor uoiiom mama, sat
rh War ia
Frotaalant Bplacopat
IOKGOItlO stared first at the huddled,
X perspiring man beside the telephone
and then at tho frightened woman. "Is that
tho truth?" he demanded, harshly,
"Yes," Austin answered. "They are
bringing the body to this side. You know
what that means."
"Did you know this," The general turned
upon Alalre. Of the four he was the least
From the background Paloma quavered:
"You told us Illcardo was not dead, so
il Is all right There Is no harm done."
A brief silence ensued, then Longorlo
shrugged "Who knows? Let us hope that
he suffered no harm on Mexican soil. That
would be serious. Indeed ; yes, very serious,
for I have given my word to your Govern
ment. This David Law he pronounced
the name carefully, but with a strange, for
eign accent "ho Is a reckless person to
defy the border regulations. It Is a grave,
matter to Invade foreign territory on such
a mission." Longor(o again bent hie bril
liant eyes upon Alalre, "I, see that you
are concerned for his safety. You would
not desire him to come to trouble, eh?
He has done you favors i he le your ftend,
as I am. Well" a mirthless smile ex
posed his splendid white teeth -"we nut
think Ot that Now I will bid you geed
night" .
"Where are you going?" demanded Mies
'To the river and then te Beware. I
may be needed, for these me ot egae
stupkt reviews ana tvere m
Misunderstand lag. In the da
may baseed. I should iMke b
David law l he le a man of my
Turning to "Youag ," he seed. Tfcefe 1
reason for haste, and a fceree wevas stewly.
Would you do me the faver, K you have
an autowoWIe -"
"Nol I wyntl"1 wi aeeieeea. -i ooe'i
want to see th Ro Orande toalght. I
won't be Involved''
School 3 JO p. m.l Bveetaat
a aaaaaaj
t nrieiian ata , fwr, waawrv
U. u,, nactor aierviea
a. m.f Kiuidav School '.
aarvjc omitted becauae of .ceraaratsa
ol cnapei or tne weoiator at a p
Hth at, below Bpruo.
6 a, m. Holy Communion.
Jo a. nt fiunaay ocnoou.
1 a. m. Mornins l'rayar
p. m. Lvanlng l'rayar.
Tfi Hector will preach at both sarrteas,
iMigajr m, a
Meet tMe
WkAi DtiMT Tonight
SUrr QsiaVH JeVsBtal
ViaaawesaJ eeaee tnSBien. Maw Cuniury
raarual BaaaB
Cet-ae Saltaaansate AaeoalaUae
7rif ItelaBi IWfMka
Betaswaaa eelifc-nWia. rraakft
Jjaaaaaw ajaaaaaaaaw-
- .
a ipBtem
84th at. and Havarford av
Now pulpit .erected I by th sm
ory of th Rev William Bnur
catea on A uainta- way. j
nKlclat Barvlc et, 10 a, W.
Oeorao coaaiana
Ba laHat LaUrary eettr.
lacdQ aVotasM ooaamatieaa KawaSbar S. flttC
fjatalls aa to aounea auy ke obtained by w rat
"Btr !&. LaaMBMsaaae, ieoraiary.