&$ "V" " jlltatotai JflVJisAJUNU LEDtfUK-l'HdLADm'iUA, lJbOlAl', UUltJlSldlt 27, 191 u meok r BOLATA 6a ogmMte dalle FURZE DMl ALLEAK L'OfFenslva Auatro-Tedesc Con i, tro 1a Rumania Procedo Ora Plu' LenUmente Un Ponte Fatto Saltarc : I SBRBI "VERSO MONASTIR ? JtOMA, 27 Ottobre. Hd eera tl SlinlsUro dell OuatTa pub MtoftTk il MRuent rnnporto del Kenernln CMtorna circa la sltuailone alia fronto Mato-austrlaca ; ll glornata dl Terl Hi cbbero axl ofil dl artlsllerla nlla tona del Montd Latmzuol ed In quell d! Trnvanantaa del Bolt, oltre ch ad est dl, Oorll BuU'altopInho del Carso. Nel pomerlprgto II nemlco Intcntlflco II uo fuoco contra le nontro voslsloni ad est dl Gorlxln. jVlcunl prolettlll Oftddcro nella cllta uccldendo poche personr. .Nulla, dl uniclale at sa ancora. circa la MMva avanzaia cul accennava lerl un talc rairtrta da Udlne. II comuhlrAto officials atwlrlaco dlco che' I'artlKllerla Itnllana lia' feombardfito furlozaments la poaUlonl- nun trtaefc dalla valla del Vlppacoo del Cario, tna, nuU'nltrq si sa dl positive UA OIlECtA ISOLJVTA 11 collegamento opcrato dalls forxo dl eavatlerla Italians tra lacrclto del generals Flacentlnl, operanta nell'Albanla a l'cser Ito del generals Barralt In Macedonia ha laolato completamente la Orcein, InRllanrtole cnl via dl comunlcaxlona con kII Imperl centrall. II collepamento a' nvvenuto n. sud-ovet del tago dl Trenba. Kcco iuunto a qucato propoelto un'autorlta' mllltara Hallana dlceva lerl! It Mlntstero delta Ouerra franceae ha annunclato che si sonu fattl ulterlorl panel per cementara II collcRamento dcsll Italian! con le forte dl S&rrall. Infnltl a sud-oveat del Uko dl Preaba la cavallerla (ranceao. apporolata dalla fanterla, ha occupato II ponte dl Zveada cd I lllapKl dl Oolobnla e Lalaltsa, al conflns iTeco-Htbnncse. Jntarrto la trtippe serbe operantl aulla Ccrna hanno avantato ancora dl plu' verso Mopaatlr nonoatante alio rlnforzl tedeachl elano statl Invlatt alls forzo bulgaro cho protaggono gll npproccl dl Monaatlr. I aorbl I aono Impadronltl delta alture alia conflu eaxa del Cerna a dollo Htroahnltza, a circa 15 mlclla da Monaatlr. "It'offenalva del generate Barrail puo' ea are ora rlprcsa con buccmso, II auo flnnco lnlatro e' alcuro da Qgnl sorpreaii e da ognl tentattvo dl avvlluppamonto. Ora cha la Grccla e' atata prvata del la sua flotta ed ha la aua frcntlera chlusa completa mente dalla forza atleate clio si atendono atall'Adrlatlco all'Hceo; ora che casa ha II tid eaerclto smobllltato, dlvlena una quan tlta' traacurablla, glacche' ognl posslblllta' dl comunlcaxlona del greet con ell Imperl eenirall e' eliminate." NELLA HUMANIA Ioffenalva austro-tedeaca o bulgaro tedcaca contro la Rumania e' dlmlnultu dl lntenalta', graxto alia plu' efllcaco rcalutcnza plegata dalle truppo rumens a dn quollo rugae. La forzo dl von MacUcnscn hanno occupato Cernaoda, ma II pouts non e' oaduto nelle manl del tedeachl glaccho' 1 rumen! e ruiul lo avevano fatto salt lire prima dl rttlraral Bulla slmlstrn del flume. Ir.tanto b1 dice cho von Mackenaen ata portando Innunzl I suol grosal pczzl per lentare II passagglo del Darubto. Sulla fronto della TraualUvanU II gen rala von Falkenhayn ha eplnto lo sue forte a eud dl l'redeal verso Campolung, rluacendo ad avanzare dl ben poco. Ma aulla zona moldava 1 tedeachl cd austrlact .ono etatl vlolentemente contrattaccutl dal rumenl o coatrettl a rlplegarc. In com pteaao la altuazlone del rumenl aembra che! vada mlgllornndo, grazle forao nll'arrlvo dl .rlnforzl rusal. FRENCH TROOPS CLOSING IN ON FORT VAUX LINE Continued front Tata One north of the Constanza-Cernavoda Hall vray), It was officially announced today. The Ruaso-Itumanlan lines everywhere are Intact. LONDON, Oct 37. Russia is preparing to make a great effort to save Rumania. The salvation of ttie menaced kingdom Is now foremost In lha minds of the members of the Petrograd government. More troops and guna and ammunition from Japan ate being sent into the Rumanian theater of war to help the Rumanian army drive back the forcea under von Falkenhayn and von Mackenaen, It aa reported hare today that there are Japanese officers and artillerists among the recruits sent to the Rumanian war theater. PARIS. Oct 27 h direct drive on Bucharest, the Ru manian capital, la the ultimate objective of the German armtea under von Falkenhayn and von Mackenaen. In the opinion of French military experts. Tho war critic of the Journal In writing of the Rumanian opera tions aays today: "Von Mackenaen has unqueatlonably at tained his flrat objective that of cutting rati communication between lluchareat and the' sea. He now plana to follow up the pursuit of the retreating Ruaao-Rumanlan forcea In Pobrudja and then cross the Dan ube. His aucoeas up to date shows that' the general plan of the German general Btaff is to out the railway between Czernowltx and Bucharest and Isolate Rumania completely." GERMANS ANNIHILATE SLAV BATTALIONS WEST OF LUTSK; , CHECKED 0J( MOUNTAIN FRONT r ' BHRL1N, Oct. 27. Ruaalan battalions ytaterday evening made an advance with-e-v artillery preparation agalnat the Ger man positions to the west of Lutsk In Vol hrnU, says an army headquarter state Went The storming Ruaalan "waves, the mszsma Improve your skin while cleansing it Almoat zny soap will (ban the akin and hair. Many iollet soaps are pure enough to do' W without rnfii ring these delicate texture. But t-Qev who want a soap wliick not ooJy cleanses hat actually AtAt the & complexion and Ualr are wwe to CaWM KMOMa-pfL , UN tooo-flf, Aft-inf fmpiatM ItUthtA en-We k UsVh s) mm cm (on aauwyMtg trap 1 k-ep the cwmpieiuoo ciar, Itae hair rich am Uu-wui, Tlrhj, which vr murtfjt pure acM f cannot bi expected to do. i taw akin U 1 hrf caueWm, kM; tmm isaelti iw itvaraailw,sB i a wins stwa uuiuhsoi Mr isa ar m Maaa setae JUrioal 8aa i fM ctmm sM aH WWsWsw '"M TEUTON" TEiEtH CLOSING ON RUMANIA RUSSIA r" lm r- 5TRAN5YLVAN,i4 .? y B W M A NJ AAs' Vis X A vr i i GtRNgyoDfirQs I BUCHAREST VT SbF BULGARIA f Oti MaaBaeeaaBBapggaegg8aegBs8BsgggaggasBSBgasas8BB8SBSg gsagaeaea inough the Rumnntnns nsscrt they have checked the Invaders, the Teutonic pressure on both tho Dobrudja and Transylvanlan fronts may have a serious menninff for the Balkan kingdom. Tho capture of Constanza closes that port to Russian re-enforccments, and the loss of Ccrnavoda puts Bucharest in danper, Russian aid must now como over tho difficult route over tho River Pruth, by way of Galatz. Mean time, tho capital is in danger from both sides untemcnt adds, melted away under thn Gorman artillery Mre. rKTROORAD. Oct 27, Russian troops In the wooded Carpathians are successfully wlthntandlnc; Teutonic assaults, the War Ofllce announced Inst night, reporting the re pulse of an attack on the height northwest of Caput Mountain. i GERMANS STRONO AS EVER ON SOMME, BRITISH OFFICIAL SAYS; PREDICTS BIO EFFORT XONDON, Oct 27. "There are more Oerman troops facing us on tho west front than ever before," Major Ocnernl F. 13 Maurice. Chief Di rector of Mllltnry Operations, told n corre spondent In contradicting the general be lief that German soldiers had been taken from the west to bolster other fronta. General Maurice declared the Allies were giving every possible assistance to Ru mania. Though ndmlttlng the military sit uation In Dobrudja was extremely serious, ho thought there was no danger of tho annihilation or capture of the main Rusno Rumanlan forcea there. Tho poBltions on tho Transylvanlan fron tier wero much mora favorable, he said, especially on tho northern border. "AH our recent work in the west ' hai been preliminary to a greater effort," said General Maurice, explaining that tho slow ing down of the Urltlah offenalvo on the Uommo has been due entirely to bad weather. "Despite tho fact that wo have not made n large attack In the last fortnight," said he, "you may notloo that the Oerman offi cial communiques frequently stnto that heavy attacks have been repulsed. Such statements nre purely Imaginary. "Our chief operntlon- was the occupation of the brow of the ridge extending from Lo Bars to Thlepval, which was dominated by the Kcliwaben redoubt. A brigade order captured from the Oormans states that the redoubt must be captured at any coat and offers members of German regiments four teen days' leave for every English prisoner brought in The order explains that the holding of this line by the Urlttsh enables them to overlook the whole German artil lery position In the valley of the Ancre, exposing them to destruction." pulsed. Von Mackenscn's nrmy that cap tured Ccrnavoda has advanced twenty-live miles northward to Hlroa, nt the bend of the Danube. The capture of an advanced Russian poal tlon south of the Tehara River was an nounced by tho War Office. Ono officer and eighty men wore captured. AH Russian nt tocks launched during the last twenty-four hours were beaten off, tho statement added. Tho toxt of tho report follows: Army group of Archduke Karl In tho southern part of tho wooded Carpathians further attacks by tho Russians nnd Ru manians failed. Attempts by tho enemy to advance on the eastern frontier of Tran sylvania broke down. On the Tehara the Russians again twice repeated their attneks without result. The storming companies were driven back by tho flro of the garrisons of tho trenches. Further south, on the mouth of the Vedsma-Sllesln, our reserves captured an advanced Russian 'position nnd brought In ono officer and clghty-clght men ns prison ers. On the Lutzk front. In the sector of Klselln. strong Rusalnn artillery tiro con tinued. About midnight ensued nn attack, which wart broken down by our flro before our barricades. South of rredeal, nnd in the direction of BERLIN REPORTS NEW GAINS IN DOBRUDJA AND. PROGRESS ON TRANSYLVANIAN FRONT BERLIN, Oct 27. New successes for the German allies on both the Transylvanlan nnd Dobrudja fronts wore reported by the German War Office today. Rumanian attacks were re- Deerfoot Farm J 21 U S 81 Q C have such a savory, smach-your-lips flavor. tKiiimMaiiiiKiiiaffiffli iCOMMGRCIflw .STflTI0Nl. The MANN iHi.r. i.ui.rv Loose Leaf LEDGER Leaves arc as secure as in a bound book. Tala lock la not detachable. Br turning1 Tala key tho clamps on leavea expand allowing you to Insert or extract a leaf. The pereon In ponestlon of tjie Yule Key Is responsible for every sneet In the ledger. Phone Market 160 for Your Loose Leaf Requirements WiaiAMHIANN COMPANY Sleak Beokl -Leeet Leef eteUeoer; i rrieilif ni UtaecneUaf 529 Market St. Old-Fashioned Jewelry Remounted Original designs and esti mates cheerfully submitted. S. Kind & Sons Diamond Merchants Jewelers Silversmiths 1110 Chestnut Street A Perfect Foot ' - ' 1 'I f - r The perfect foot Is the natural foot uncommon because ordinary footwear does not five nature a chance. , The DR. REED CUSHION SHOE allows perfect free ,dm of all foot muaclw, supports the arch, supplying a restful uehltm that fits the foot i nd style Is net sacrificed fat our wide variety of modish ttyUs for me and women. Dr. Cushion Reed nOt jsri 8 N ia $t. o"fefe h gpg Kampotune, chir attacks have gabled us further progress. Army group of Field Marshal von Mackenaen .The pursuit ' he flaalmr Rua slana and Roumanians In Dobrudja con tinues. The German allies havo reached the district of Hlrsova. "Macedonian front There Is nothing to report." It la significant that 'the German official report omitted the name of General. von Falkenhayn today, rt Is possible, .how ever, that the omission may have occurred In the wireless transmission. It was unof ficially reported several days ago that Von Falkenhayn had been wounded. an attack dn muff trench. Inflicted heavy losses. The Rrltlah cum ITALIAN GUNS MJSY ON CAH80; AtlSTlilANS BOMIJAHD tlOIUZIA SECTOR, SHELLS FALL IN CITY 27 The official etate- UKflMV, Oct tm the "War Otee at Vienna ilng operations in me ment, Issued laat nlsht i Our position in the Wlppach (Mp paco) Valley and on the Karat CC0,' rifttean yesterday irars shelled neavl ly by artlllory and mine-throwers. The fire diminished gradually toward noon. Hostile reconnolterlng detachments which approached our positions were teptitaea with i- hswd.grtnwe - i ROMR. bet. If-i... -..-.., K Issued by the War Offlo saT-a l " - Yesterday there were artllw. tlona In the region of niL?:!?' vn.ivjn, m.Mj it mo eaBr nr n4- "- nn tha narsn T1.( .. ' ""' on the Carso Plateau. HERMAN TROOPS RATTLE TO SAVE VAI1X; FOUR TEUTON COUNTER-ASSAULTS CRUSHED LONDON, Oct 27. The Germans made four violent counter attacks In a vnln effort to rewln the Douau mont position nnd remove the French menace to Fort Vaux, which Is now only S00 jnrds from Oenernl Nlvelle's lines, nnd Is expected to fall before the next French rush French military experla assert that the alow reaction of the nermann at Verdun nnd their apparent lack of strength Indi cate that Hlndenburg no longer has a gen eral reserve, but was forced to draw upon othtr sectors for the men hurled Into the assaults. The capture of Vaux would restore the lino held by tho French on February 2S. Herlln admits the loss of Douaumont and, the failure of the counter-attacks. Ho eager were the Germans to retrieve themselvea, sas tho Ucrlln statement, that the troops, when ordered to lake up positions north of the fort, did so "reluctantly and only upon strict command." The repulse of violent attneks ngalnst Vnux nre claimed. Paris Is especially happy over the re port, from the front that tho French losses are far loss than tho number of prisoners, which has reached a totnl of B000. A big percentage of the wounded were only slightly hurt. In the Itavlno of Death tho Oermnna had gathered guns of every cnllber, all' of which fell Into tho handa of tho victors. General Joffro's Judgment of men Is em phasised onro moro by the Verdun drive. All threo lieutenant generals who led j.he attacking divisions, tinder the supreme com mand of General Mnngin, were lieutenant colonels at tho outbreak of the war, and wero picked by Joffro for their Initiative., energy and ability In tho technlquo of war. On tho Homme the weather has hampered Infantry combats, but tho big guns on both sides nre ceaselessly pounding tho opposing lines. Tho Oormans were beaten back In pnraiwniwmiiiiM, W rTu- 9t3rM,..s f Jjt 1 wqfSw are not old and rido All witchea and gaunt, broomsticks. There'll ba some mighty pretty witches at the St. Jamea on Hallowe'en next Tuetdajr. Have you table? engaged your Walnut at 13th Street vAWCiNa in the ByjBiritra W twma w Y XTiiii",a!hX. V'ftiiHP! iiV XkK w 9 A smmFs of application, we find now, a new fulfilment of the Geuting Idea an. idea that has won in an unpre cedented way, that has established in Philadelphia one of America's Greatest shoe stores the first in fact to lift the shoe business above the plane of mere shoe sellingand place it upon a semi-professional basis. 'ji A'l to llril'i.iliiH .. 'Hl'iiT HI 'The Geutinc Idea in its aim at higher levels, pre sents in a unique way these four fundamentals of shoe retailing; Dependability In these days of high leather prices and a consequent wide-spread substitu tion, imitation and cheapening o qual ities, it is especially advantageous to the purchaser of Geuting Shoes, that Mr. A. H. Gcuting's knowledge of shoe and leather values, gained through the merchandising of nearly 11 million dol lars' worth of shoes guides him in selecting only such makes of shoes as will uphold the high Geuting standard of service. v Variety This store is the marketplace for the products of not one or two, but of FOURTEEN famous shoe factories embracing the essence of the world's best style thought, modified or intensi fied by Mr. Geuting to meet Philadel phia desires. Orthopedics MaaeaaeKiiaiaHsaaaeiaMBseaaMaHaasiiMaBSMaHaassasa.aaiaaaBt Even the 'highest quality leather and the finest shoemaking will not make the foot comfortable if the last is not scientifically correct. Geuting health lasts are sculptured and passed upon by an eminent orthopedic surgeon, creat ing a higher degree of foot-health and greater comfort, with the utmost grace and symmetry. Service To better has been our inspiration. Fine has been refined. Three Geuting Brothers are constantly at your service from the opening hour until the even ing, bell rings supervising fittings, advising and co-operating with the Geuting organization to perfect effici ency constituting a personal service, impossible at a store that is "run" from somewhere by somebody whom you never see. m 1230 Market Shoes and Stockings ,for the Family. (pronounces, cytino) M J 1st iaw I The Store of Famous Shoca j .19 South 11th A Quick- Service Men's Shop x!j Every Foot Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brothers Supervising. There's Another Broken Little Cigar! 2& on the ADMIRAL LITTLE CIGARS A great divine says it is not profane to damn a thing inanimate. Therefore you are excused when you yent your feelings on a broken little cigar. But what's the use! ' Admiral Little Cigars, with the Million Dollar Wrapper, do not break in the package, pocket or mouth. THE MILLION DOLLAR WRAPPER IS MADE OF. PURE TOBACCO. AND NOTHING BUT TOBACCO, selected to blend and hro?ize( with the sweetest, teildest and most satisfying to-' bacco you ever smoked. 'It i found only en Admiral Little Cigars. jv9 !"!3 ' 8v '.. A""i Tke Mkllian Dollar Wrapper mssai ne profanity sKisppoisitaaeat. A nickel prov it, In f U-ttsW patkagsw. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMTANY ;& 'w aw.fA vrLy sZ,