;. "VPRWr mimvi ljaflWTT,--OM 2 4. tUMMA, 4anVer r ! KiieaaTn iwflnenT. i -.wtt heads muted to fanarat. ali T5W a, m. of bra Ma 1 , Hlack, ' hrathir-ln-taw. -Jamea Hlack, w tSfa Ml4 -naaa Church Mr at VMrf1 a, m. Ml. fit. Denis' maw im. eg. ttaTftirtr Vi.. huaband try Itanler-liwa Martin), jleiativee nnq Wiled to funeral. Sat,. 8'i m . 4814 a vet HMD MM ef renulem unurrnoi. trr d Hetrowe 10 a. m Int. waatmtn. ai BI.UT. 4VI. 23. JAMES C. KAm 4 of Catherine Earley (nc McRride), " m., JM8 ILKY. nertne rcaney incu Mrunup, nun t Jamee Earley, Funeral Sat . a i JW Montrose .at. lllcn requiem m. Cher We Church 10 . m. Int. rrl- WAltD. Ort. 2. THOMAS J,. htiabend raeiM u, ysowerne tnee rcnwciwrw. mto teiattw nnn rricnua. empioyrs i wer- , . i -. inviien in lunrrai, nun fetfBerkley it. 1 P. Mi ma r v r-. a... V T lnt 1 , i a nriMr a... a,,n.i, .-... -..-. ntn Westminster Cem. Remains vie red Bat.. T to 8 p. m. KVANR.Oc, .3, TllOMAS J.. huaband of Mary. Eyaha. Jhre. Wllllama). ..nt'-A'T "nd Mends, Columbia lvjge. No. S, I. p. O. F . Urlled to funeral aervlcea Hn. Ian P. m.. air a i oi rmow iiroa , ;iai n. iirun . u. ate. Nia renown- urn. , ,.., INC.K.- ivt. ru, m iJcnver, toio.. j.;;," ft. . vn & ,,,,? t a a.,,..!,,.,. M Clara c and lna Edgar rrsnck. OAf FNEY, Suddenly. Oct. 84. JAME"! J . on of wi and Catharine tlarTney (lirr Mona. .11. ageo in. lieiauvea inu incnos. pupiih oi mhh fthAll lllvh Helmut. Irnrii nf Harrvd Rirt n1 AltMt- of lloiry BorlHe.lnyltd to roovrAl. Man.. 7:A0 o oWmn rfwitilem tnMi Pt vnvrrn w ..ni JTSJ l'tmUr, h rartrm JUL Ilnir rro I'm t. Xnlrr' OAMIIIIKIl.-KV-t, S.V JiillN I1, luibfind of rctrtt (lalluher lnw apl-lyi lUlatlin Rnd Mnb, otnrloyta of Turreprtalo nitrntlnn ilnt. iritW to .funrral, Mon, . in., MS rorln lUn Vo. (nrr Unth ami rarrlih tla.t. Hnlpmn rwiolrm mm at t'hurrh of Hti Krancla lavlor, 10 a, m. Int. Holy lm m. , OAl.l.AUIinil X-I. SO. HAIIAII A ftSWftof'l M. Kanulrrn lnlUhr. wMow of It'latlvr nnd frlendu funeral. Hat . SilU a n . nin Hnruc rI. jnmra a i iiurin iu a. in. ulm maaa i IV... lmt fll.l f'pthHlrnl f'pTn OrtHOUH. vt. S3 AUNES. auiMr of th lata John an.l Mary flllmour. ad H7. HHa yn and frlrnda invllnl lo funcrnl aprvlc-ra. t.. S:S )i. m., Iimthor'a rraldrnrc. Ijiwrniro gllmotir. 1413 Dellrra at,. 1'rankford. Int. O.Inr OOKtZ. Oct 5S ANTOX huaband of Ktlia. katH Goali Oi Krldprlxl). afrd B2. IlflalUta and frlenila, mtmixta of Archponfrlrnlly nf Moly Family XL I'rlfr'a Tounif Jln. Holy Trln Ky. and Oarman Oak No, 1 lljnrnclal Soolatlfa, and Blahop Nrwman Oounrll lnltrd to funtral Pat.. TJIO a. m from rcaldpnca, .39 N. Irfw. mii at, Hotrron rnjul'm ma, II a. m.. St. ptr"a 0nirh. lnt at. lvtrr'a Cam. OKA1IAM Ort, SS. at hrr rtaldcnca. MI2 Hamilton at., JUAN T.. dauchtrr of lala John and Maraarrt (Iraham. In lur 80th )iar. Kimtral aarvUra and Ihl prlvata. HAIINOKlt. Oct. Id. at Val.la av., rtcl. air: N, J.. A.NNA K.. wlfa of Kratlarlck llal alnatr. am-d 4S, Duo notlra of funeral will ba "hU.IiPJIUI At Itlvaralda. N J, Oct. SI. 'AU1.1NI: B.. widow of Itrnry llllbar. nrd (! lalatlvra nnd frlan.la. alt aorlrtlra of which aha tafaa a mmlir. InvltfMl to tunpral aarvtrra. Mat 1 p. m. at rcahlfnr itf ann-ln-taw. IMward vahn. ror, ' a, . inter, pi Rai p. m. at rcalilanra itf ann-ln-taw. IMward hn, ror, 4th and It ncoraa avp.. ltlvrraldn, M. Inter, prlvata. Iimnmount Ccm., 1'nlla na mav t IcwhI l"r ava IlOr-KMAN. Oct. S3, formerly of Ilnttlmor. Wfl S amalm ki.kauiia 2.I.. winow or cnariea iintr. man. Ilelatlvca ana rrlemla invlim to funeral Ervlcca, nat., -J p. m at aintcra rraiiienc, r, Uullola. 817 Jeraey v., Ulouccater, N. J. lio'rlllATir -lOct S3, EMlf. F. Imahand of IfOUlaa Ilohrnth. aKcd 71. ltelatlvaa and frlcmla, Norddautachrr Kranken Unteratuoliumia Vrreln; i'latteutacher Kranken Unteratuetcunira Vreln jnvln.1 to funeral. Hun.. 1:30 p, m.. 137 N. Wilton at. Int. private, MUOlinS. Oct. St. MAnOAItKT, wife of lata Michael llucnea (nee Moctoey). Uelatlvea KS trlenda, Hoaary Boclety of Ht. John the ptlat Church. Invited to funeral. Hat , N:30 a, m., 4330 Main at., Manayuuk. Illicit rauutem faaa Bt, John the llapttat Church 10 a. m, Int. aatmlnater Cem. JANDA. Oct. SO. HAlir, wife nt John Jnnda. Relative! and frlonda lnlled to funeral, Mon., R'tO a, m.t realdenco of eon. Joaeph H. Janda. 3004 Haul aL Holemn requiem maaa Churih of the Nativity 10 a. m Int. St. l'eter'a Cem. JOHNSON. Ott "(1. l'lllUl (111 A NT. hul. band of Alary (nee Caaalnl and aon of Ktnrna J. and late Capt. rhlllp Johnaon. Hetatlvea nnd frtanda. employea llarrett Co , Invited to funeral aervlrra, Hon.. s p, m , 4USU N. ISth at. Int. prlate, Central I.aitrel Hill Cem. KAI.CIC. Oct. 23. at Hwedeahoro. N. J.. CHAKLKS W KA1.CK. huaband nf Carolina Kalck (nee llommel). na-ed 81. Relative nnd frlenda. I'hlla. Turitemeindn, l'loneero of I'hlla. Turncemelnda and Krankenkaaaa, Noa. 1 and z. invitea to funeral, lon.. z p. m.. parlor of Oua A, Klrchner. northweat cor. 13th at, and Ihlah ava. Int. Mt. Jlorlah Cem. KAVANAOII. Oct. SI, JIAHT. widow of Charlea J Kavanaxh and mother nf Ittxht Itav, Mar, Charlea 1 Kavanash, Itelatlvra nnd rfnda, H. V. M. Bodallur, Invited t funeral. Bet.. 8-40 a. m., S2U Spring Garden at. holemn requiem, maaa St. Krancla X'uvler Church 10 a, m. Int Old Cathedral Cem.' . KKLIA. Oct. 24, rilANCIS. huaband Mary Kelly ne Crllly). Itelatlvra and frlenda. all bo cletlea of wblrfi ho waa a member. Invited to funeral. Sat., 8:30 a. m.. 19S3 N. dth at. Solemn requiem maaa Ht, Jtlchael'a Church 10 n. m. Int. Holy Hepulchra Cem. Auto funeral. . ,. KEBN8 Oct. S3. MAnOAIlET R.. wife of William. Kerna. Itelatlvra and frlenda Invited to funeral oervlcea. Bun . 2 p. m.. 21S0 Manton at. Int. lit. llarlali Cem. Hemalna may In tlawed Sat., between 8 and 10 p. m. Auto lu pernl KKTSKK, Ort, 24. -4340 Hublcam ave Cler naiitown. 8Yt.VK8TEn. aon of lata lluben and Hi I it. Van Dyke Keatr. used 72. lielativa and frlenda. ,Phlla. police rtarrve. Invited to funeral wrvloaa, .Sat,. 2 p, m . at old homeatead. BS2 OarmaMdnra ava,. Gvrmantown. Int. Ivy Hill .. 1UKK. Oct. Id, JOIIlf 11. KlfllC realdence. Norfolk Apartment!, No, 1, Hldxa ave. fcnd Dau phin ata. Due notice of funeral, will be uiven . KRAFT. Oct, 23. VICTOIl EAIU.n. Itela Uvea and trlenda. tVaahlnaton Camp. No. 4S3, 1. y, H. ot A. t Htonemen'a rellowahlp, membera of Church of the Apoatlea. employea It. D. Juatt Anna, and all other aorletlea of which ha waa a member. .Invited to funeral aervlcea. Hun., 1 p. m.. 3348 N, Urati at. Int. Northwood Cem. . liANOAHTElt. Oct. SB. HENKV. huaband of lata Elizabeth bancaater (neo Wliltaker). Uela tlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, flat.. 2 p. m., 823 Capital at. Int. private, Ratnalne may be viewed 1'rl., after B p. m. MALONB. Oct. 23. CATIIICIUNI: M wife of Geortte jC. Malona and daughter of late Hugh and Anna Tracy, ltelatlvea and frlenda, Altar foelety and Leaeur of the Sacred Heart of Ht. Malachy'a Church, Invited to funeral. Mon , 8:30 a. re., 1323 N. 10th at. Solemn hljh requiem maaa St, llalachy'a Church 10 a, In. Int. New Cathedral Cem .MARLKT, Oct. 58. ANNA, wife of John. Marier (nra Connolly). ltelatlvea and frlenda. alao league of Marred Heart, St. Charlee'a Gi?-"?!' Invited to funeral. Mon., 80 a, m.. 2123 federal at. Holemn high maaa of requiem fit. Charlee'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Ht. Charlea' a Cem.. Kellyvllle, UcCRIMmiT.rW. 1 IlltRD ain nt Ute Jamea and Amanda Mccrelght. Servlrea and mt. ornate, irom Armairon a son. looo Co- umbta ave. . UMnrotinTi. i.. 1 . , nntnnffm 7'ldow of John McDermott. ltelatlvea and rlenda, membera ot League of Sacred Heart, Invited t0 funeral, flat,, 30 a, m.. 1U00 H. Wth at. Solemn maaa of requiem Church of Blcued Racrament. Int. Holy Croaa Cem McDEItMOTT. Oct. S4. MA11Y McDEHMOTT, Sf Mt. Airy, aged 88. Vuneral irom 623 W. lain at,, Norrtatown, Mon., 8:3(1 a, m, Holemn reaultm maaa St. Patrlck'a Church, Morrla. T4' " . ". ini. ot, i-airicK a teni. l Mtt.I.KR lt Jdll.LUH. aged 80 yeara EVENING IiEPOETt-PHILABELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1916 MtATIftl m, Inl. Moly Croaa of Hacrrt MhHi P.3l k, A PAnKR.CVI. 23, MART K., wrta of Jame; A I'arha, Reiatlna and frlenda, rrealdent nd.l'aat .Prealdenla' Aaanelallnn nf Ijidlea' Anilllarr, R, Ji ldlea' Auxiliary of IYC J',, No. 33 K. T.. Corinthian Chapter, No. ,1. ttrdef nf tht Kaatern Htar. and Hlara and Hlrlpea Council, No. &. Ilatiirhtera of Liberty, Invited lo funeral aervlcea, 220 H. I3lh at,. Mon., 20 p n lnt, Klvata. W.. laurel Hill Cam .l'KTKitSON ct 31, imiKluM. daughter of Atartha A and lain John A, Peteraon, aged 23, ltelatlvea and frlenda, alao emplovea of A. J .llearti A Co memt.ere of flloam M B, Chorch and membera nf Kaat Mrmtgomery ava, l K t'hurrli Invited to funeral aervlcea, Hnn,. 3 n. m . IA1T K Rtiariuehnttna ava. Int. Pal mer Cem Hemalna may bo viewed Bat., aftar R n tn. . UHldl.Rr Ort SI. JAMR8 P.. huaband of late Annie Qnlgley and aon of late Krancla and Annie Qulgley ltelatlvea and frlenda. Dlvlnlon No 10 a. O It . Invited to funeral. I"t.. 8u30 a. m , from reaiilenca 232H H. Juniper at. Hol emn high maaa of ryqulem Epiphany Church 10 a m. lnt Hole Crn '"m . .,.,. QIJIRllM Oct, 20. at Denver, Col . X'ATltA. dauahter of Hlfaabrth and (at Iter Qulrln, ared S3 Rrlatltra nnd frlenda Invlled to funeral flat 8.80 a m., at parlora of Iayld tl. Krankenneld A Hona 822 N. 32d at. High maaa Church nf Onr iJidy of Victory 10 a. m. Int New Cathedral Cem. ....... . . . , IlUHHKl.l, t)ct 23. WIl.T.tAM. huiband of ft.orala Ittnaell (nea Matlaek). ltelatlvea and trlenda, employea of Klnlahlng Department of John If Htetaon Co.. and Hlonemen a Kellow ahlp hf tho Slat Ward. Inv(te In funeral eery la. Hat S P, m . SSI0 Oaul at Int. private, K of P Cem Itemalna may ba viewed I tl.. 8 HAI.Tnit. Oct. 20. rillf.TCNA KIN8I5T. widow nf if A. Palter aged 83. Itelatl.ea and frlenda tnvtleil to funeral aervlcea Bat . S n. m . M&M"U!ct 13.Prv?Ort0I'A,l flWtfM. SfJS "- H'.ref.nt,vV,iWOanfldChTe"n.1,.,,BV S runernl aervlcea. Run 2 p. m , 4440 N. 6th at. Int. omnia, tlreenmount Cem. . BEIPP trt. SI, MAIinAltirr. widow of Charlea Balpp, a.i' CO HalalKea and frlandj Invited lo funeral eervlrea, I'rl,. 8 p. m., 2os " ti&tih.!ykr&lTllKtX C.. Wife of JO gepn p Henger nnd daughter of tl. Clavton and Ea M V..at aged SV lalatlea and friend; lnvl!d lo funeral aervlcea, Bun . 2 Pt.m . 63n N nth at . Kern llock Inl, private, Northwood Pt rni. ixiMlllt t.t,n nf '. Kl',."'TVn'. "'VZ".'.'.'...;"' r.218 llaael ae. Due notice of funeral will be BlHCOTT At Inwood. In I . N. T. Wit.MAM, hnalmn.1 nf Maggie Hcott (nee MrKlrmeyl. aaad .Tl llelalivea and frlenda Injlted Jo funeral. Hun . 3 n m . realdenca of brother In-law, Thomaa felaon, IK27 Herbert at, Jfrankford. lnt Oakland t'em. It. malna may ba viewed "fWACH,mV,-Ort. 23 flTDMHT JACK B(N wMtw Henry T . Ktnrkhouie, ,aed Ht. ItelaiUea and frlenda Invited to funera aervlcea. Hat Ort 21 11a m , nt Merhanlravllle. Phlla. Int 'llrechwood Cem . Il.ilmevllle, Pa Carrlagea will Iki In waiting nt lied Mon, from V to HI a in . nten meet train nt Trevnaa leaving Tren. ton ii 42 a m . nnd Heading Terminal (1:17 a. m iVntKCKHIlT O.I 21. AltTHUH. aon of lata Perdlnand and Cecilia Hlnwkrrl nea Hinder). Ilelalvce and frlenda Invited to .funeral eery. Irea. Hat , 2 P tn . parlora nf Mra Henry Hrhnelder ft Hon. 1733 ilermantnwn ave. Int. Nrfrl'KVB'iSa. IHAi:i.t,A. wlfa of John Hutclirfe. agedSN llelalivea and frlrmla Inilted to funeral aervlrra. Hat , 3 p. m 0J1S Dlckena ave.. W Phlla. Int. private. Ml. 'T llT-lVl'lMAIIT -Oct 2d. WII.UAM E hue. band of Huale Tlttrrmary (neo Cunning), aon of WHIIarn and lato Chrl.tla Tlttermary. """' and frlenda. enno Trlla-, No 3JK. I. O. II Ml Court Neahamlny No 140. I' of A.: Mozirt llarinonl". Verfrly Society, employa of Jlarrl.on Co . Invited to funeral, Tuea., 21111 H. Philip at Holemn maaa of requiem Church of Our I,ady of Mt Carmel. U:Sp n. m. Int. Holy Croaa C'wAt.TIIKH Oct 23. MICHAEL WAI.TIIP.n. huaband of Huaannj W'alther (nee Dlehl), aged 73 ltelatlvea and frlenda PhlK. Quartet Uub, PocketboolimBkera1. Hen Aaao,, Liberal Unterat. Vereln Kalrhlll Vearly Hen Aaao.. Invited to fun!. Hun .2 P. ni . J27 W York at. Inter. (Ireenmount Cem. Hemalna may ba viewed Sat:, 8 WlTllfi'UoW'. Oct. 24, JAMES, huaband lata Mary McKelvey Wllhernw. aged 77, He atlvej and frlenda Invlled to funeral aervlcea. Hat., 8 p. in chapel Northwood Ccm. Int. Northwood CrwllEN Oct. 2d. JAMES OWEN, huaband of Ida V. Wren (nee Knw). nged 30 ltelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Mon . 8:30 a. m., 4810 Haael ae. Solemn requiem maaa Ht, Prnncla da Hn'oa'a Church 10 i. m. Int. pri vate. New Cathedral Cem. .. . YOUNO. Oct. 24, 1018. at Poltatown. Ta., EAUI, I). YOUNO. ared 33, aon of Mahlon A. and Huaan Young. ltelatlvea and frlenda In. vlted to funeral on Saturday, 1:30 p. m. from Jonathan Hlllegaaa'a realdence. 420 Weet at.. Poltatown Int private, . . .. . . . ZECIIEIl Oct, 23 C W. 7.ECHER. huaband of Maude Zecher (nee Weber) and aon of lata Philip and Elliabeth Zecher. nged 33 Uelatlvea nnd frlenda. Phlla. IMlge. No. 72, K and A. JI.: Wlnnepurkett Tribe. No. 3H1, I. O. It. 31.; Hllver Crearent Council, No. 3, D. of L.i Penn Town. ahlp Council. No. 03, O. U. A, 31. i Electrical Aid Society, and the membera of tho Harper Memo rial Preabyterlan Church and Hundaf achool. In vited to funeral Sun,, 2 p. m.. late realdence, 2010 N. S'Jth at, Inut, urlvate In Mt, Peace Cem. 23. suddenly. EDWARD 8. re It mnnttia. Itelntlve! nd frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Prl., 7.80 p, m,, realdence of aon-tn-law. Emory Sudler, 817J.farkat at,, Camden. Int. Kutxtown. Barka Co.. Pa., Bat. moraine. Frlenda may all Prl. en. ' atiuLM Oct. 20. ItuliKIlT, nuahana at noa axiiu, agea to. ltelatlvea ana irienaa. n Lodge, No. 1000, I. O, o, r.i Temple aapment. No. 100, I, O. O, P.; Waahlngton Au, ogv, A. w, o, Dl Jl,l VIOiJIOirrB Ul P. m B708 N, 3d at., Olney, further In Chapel of Hlvervlew Cem., Wllmlng. j. Mon,. ll:8n a. in. BRT. ct 23. auddenly, DELTA, wife nlclc Mflhert. ltelatlvea enrl felenita In. to funeral. Bat.. 8 a. m.. 1311 B, 4th at. a reaulem maaa St. Alphonaua' Church LJ& lot, private. Holy Croia Cam. OTaW. Oct. 23 at lata realdence, 822S Ilia,. CJIAKLESH IV. IIOYKII, hua. LOST AND FOUND HA NIC HOOK I"t. bank book No. 1102924 of the Howery Havlnga Hank. 130 1 lower y. New York, the finder la requeated to return It to the bank! If not rcatored before the aecond day of November. 1010, application will be made to the bank for n new book. . 1 POCKETliOOICA pocketbook. aum of money nnd paprra. Return to Cnahler, Rldse Ave. Hank. 4-'3 reward. . VANITY CA8BIat. allver vanity caae con mining chock for ISO and 110.40 In caih: rinder may have caah by returning; check and raao to II. I. II. ( Cuatom Houae. HELP WANTED FEMALE reaulem maaa St. Alphonaua' Ch .'a. 1st. private. Holy Croaa Cent. TaUt. Oct. 23 at lata realdenre. I nut. at., I'hlla., CJIAKLESH IV. JIOYKIl. hua. f Katy Hohrbach Mover, aged 31. Itela ana (rlenoa Waahlngton Camp. No, J (11 z. ai . 1 : Pi f 8. of A.l Phlla. and Reading ltwy. T. M. m, inriiea lo xunerai aarvioea, nat. i:nv P. WOO United Hratbran Church. Heading, Pa. Allaberh Cem. MftBitlm miv lui vleweo 'rl , 1 to 10 p. m,. at jata raatdence. aflTRRAT.-ijbct.' 23. CoftNKI.HIM J., huaband f Bailie Murray and aon of John and Mary array inee Menameei, agea zv, uciaiivea ano -lead. id No. 476. I. B o T., C, F, and of A. I emolovaa of Oaa. D. watherll at Co.. lavltad to fuoeral, Mon., 8.30 a. in., at parent!1 riatilanca. ZsM B. A da ma at. Solemn requiem mtm . Ann'a Church 10 a. m. Int, New , Oct. M, JOHN T) huaband of Mrera. rUlatlvea and frlenda Invited lervieae. Bun., 7 p, m., aisi , atllaaWta NeUon, Uelatlvea and frlenda Invited to finaaral. Bat.. 8 a. m from realdence, 1823 i M tt. High maaa of rtqulam, at the Church DELIi TELEPHONE! OPEHAT1NQ Work near your homo In pleaaant and healthful aurroundlnga, with excellent oppor tunism for rapid advancement. There are twenty-eight Hell Central Offlcea In Philadelphia; probably there la ono within a few blncka from your home. Unuaual oppjr. tunttlea for earneal, Intelligent young women botween 18 nnd 24 yeara of age. New employea are paid while learning and are rapidly advanced. Pleaaant dining rooma, where the beat nf food la aold at coat. In every Central ORIce. Comfortable altttng rooma for reading and relaxation. Opportunity for advancement to Senior and Supervlatnf poaltlona. Apply at 408 Market atreet. dally, except &unday, 8 30 a. m. to & p. m , or evenlnga -tween 7 in) and V.OO at any of the following Central Offlcea; 20 W Chelten ava., dermantown. &4th at. nnd Woodland ave, 1703 South llroad at. 17lh and Diamond ata, l,ancnBter ave. eaet of B2d at, 408 Market at. Hope and llerka ata., Kinalngton, r BOOKKEEPER Toung woman aa dark and atock. keeper tn dreaamaklng workroom) In duatrloua, accural, and with beat ref erenrea. Apply, after 4 p m,, French' Dreaamaklng Shop, fifth floor, Market at,, weat. UTRAWBRIDaK ft CLOTHIER funeral aarvlraj. int. BOOKKEEPER and atenographer wanted, ex. rerlencedi atata aalary and age. V 447, . Hlger Central. . DOOKKEEPINO and typewriting, young lady) atata aalary expected and experience, F 432, ledger Central. CANDY PACKEIIS wanted. Apply Mfg. Co, of Amerlcat4Sa N,12th. CHAMI1ERMAID and walTlng, white) wagea 18 call mornlnga. 3334 N. Uroad. COOK, experienced, wanted; only thoie" with hlgheat referencea conaldered. Apply by tela. phonetp Mra, J. E, Caldwell, Ilryn Mawr J00, JmAatATK! PliOPLH 'wanjed, exp.i aleady work Karle jlroa,, care Phlla, Show Print. DIlKKHMAUKll -wonta cutter and' rectifier on walat lining!. Apply 1813 Cheatnut, HMX.T WAimED FEMALX ConlUurd from rrtttilnt Column DnESSXIAKKnS Expert walat and aklft drapera, (tn l.bera and Improvera. with referenrea from tha moat faahlnnable eatabliah. riente. Apply before JO a, m , french ireaamaklng Shop, fifth floor. Market at., welt. BTRAVP.R!DCIB ft CLOTjHtEn KXIIinOIDKREn" Hand embrolderera wanted In dreaamaklng ealab.AtpJjr 18l2Chealnut at. oini-i 14 TO 17 TEARB OF AOE. PQTl VARtpim liEPARTMKNTH: jKxPK.HIRNCIl J NNftO KBMARr. APPLY EMPLOY-HINT nUllKAU. LIT HROTIIEIIS. Ollllt, not under Id yeara of age, of rood home training, required by Jnaeph cl. Darling ton ft Co t permanent poaltlona. with good opportunity for advancement. Apply Huperln- tendent, 1120 and 1128 Cheatnut at OIRLB to work In laboratory, filling and An lahlng Apply Smith, Kline ft French Co., 33 Poplar at. UIRLH wanted for light factory work: atart lfli good chance to advance. Apply 00 1 w. Olrard ave. , dltlt.B over ilrt. In envelopo manufacturing department! 'iermanent poaltlom ahort houra. Mil Ludlow at OIltLH, over 10, Apply at International Arl l'ulillhlng Co, l:th nnd Callowhlll, Sd floor. (llltl.H wnnle.1. Apply Mfg. Co, of America, 43D N lSlh. (ItltLH over 10 yearn nf age; good wagea. Ap ply Wolf ft Co.. 310 N. 12th at. ,. HOSIERY TOPPERS nnd knltlera on Hrott A Wllllaina and Standard F marhtnea; tilgheat wagea anil aleady work. Hygienic neecr.1 JJnderw'r Co., Ilnalery Dept . SIIA N. Howard; HOSinnr PAIIIERH and .ol.lr on ladlaa' and rhlldren'a cotton gooda 1lglenlo Fleeced l)n dernear Co llotlery I)e;i. 2413 N Howard. HOUSEWORK Reliable while woman for fam ily of S, rooking and houtework; no waahlng. Haierford, Pa , near atalton. Call liefnro 11 a m .,! 802 Spruce at IiAUNDRF.KH. experienced only thoaa with high, eat referencea conaldered Apply by ..lepbone. JIra,J. I), Caldwell, Hryn Mawr. 700. MAN AND WIPE aa butler and rook for amalt family tn auburba; muat lie thoroughly ex perlencert and have exrellent referencea i wagea 7B per month. P I3H. ledger Central SlOTIIER'H HELPER wanted, under 33 yeara. for little girl 2V4 lenra. In country, 123 per month: eend referenrea P 0-4, ldger OITlco OPERATORS on alngle-needle machlneaj aleady , work. Apply Oreenwuld lirothera, 247 S, 3d. SALESWOMEN LIT imOTIIERS REQUIRE BALESWOJIEN FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. APPLY EMPLOYMENT I1UREAU. STENOGRAPHER Young lady; manufacturer'a mu offlcel atate nge, exp., aalary. P. O. Uox 1340. STOCK OIR1.S PLAUNERS REOItlltn THE SERVICES OF HTOCK IlIRLS IN HIIIRTWAIST DF.PART MENT NOT tlNDEIl IN, APPLY HUPERIN TENHENT'H OPPICE. FOURTH FLOOR. 833 MARKET ST., HEPOIlll 10 A, M. DLAUNERS TEACHER Wnnted Immediately, teacher of bookkeeping for Phllndrluhla private achool; either man or unmnn. Phone or call National Teachera' Age. 337 Perry Hldg. D. H. Cook. TELEPHONE OPERATORS An opportunity to a. euro employment In ex change nenreat jour home. Vacnnclea tn both local and long-dlatanra offlcea for experienced opcratori; alao In achool for alrla to leorn operating. Apply Keyatone Telephone Com pany. 135 9, 2d at.. Room 403. TYPISTS for addreaalng; experienced, rnpld, ae- curnte. Addreaalng Co., Hale Hldg, WOMEN and glrle wanted"; ateadyempIoyment; otartlng wjgo 13Ve per hour, minimum week ly wagea 17.30. Incrcaaen automatically. Ap ply Joaeph Complwll Co. Entrance. 2d and Market em,, Camden.N. J. WOJIEN experienced. In Belling "high-claae toilet prrparnllona to the consumer, to Introduce now preparation uae.l In enro ot the teeth. Apply H. It. Coke. 1011 Cheatnut. Room 333! YOUNO LADIES to fold atntlonery, tie bowa, etc.; good pay while learning. E. A. Wright. Uroad and Huntingdon. " ll HELP WANTED MALE AliSi17r:ClUnAU nnAFTSMAf. wanted at pneo for ahort engagement. Apply by phone or ln.ugnrn,.At.gnlcrtv.'1M'cyS"' 8' AUTO.MODILB SALESMAN Flret-claaa aaleaman for high-grade automobile concern; gooa rllcntele: only man who can produce need apply; earn liiir power unlimited; nnewera conflden tlul. .L, 830, Ledger Central. n(Sf7P,...T' I-NEROETIC DOT OVER 10 YEARS OP AOI). OF OOOD EDUCATION EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO LEAIlN NEWSPAPER IIIIHINPHHr RAPID AI). VANCEMENT TO ONE POHSESSINO THESE QUALIFICATIONS APPLY I.EIH1EII OF. F1CE. ASK FOR MR. UOUROAIZE. B0T' SE L" yea!:'tn '"! Oordon preaa. Ap ply fifth door, 000 Cheatnut at., Job printing department. ROT, over 10 yeara of nge, for adverttatng de partment; good opportunity. Apply aecond floor, 008 Cheatnut at. ' BOY, reliable, for general office work, letter filing, ahlpplng. etc.; opportunity to advance for the right fellow; plve referencea and aal- ary dealred. A 7. Ledger Office. ' HOY. 10 yeara old, to work In ahlpplng depart- ii-iii, ,i't,. -,a.,i-iun 4uiiui.ue j.iacnino o.. 24th and Locuat ata. BOY, 10 yeara or over, for office of mill. Ken alngton aectlon; good chance for advancement. Addreaa ' 07,'" P, O. Ilox 8500. """"' for art department: good opportunity. ,l e....-l. n. ,ia,i Au.... -'--... muat be 14 nrw ,w. ., v u. i,ai.iiiiii Knihl OPPC .-Apply fourth floor. 000 cheatnut at. BOY wanted in lawyer'a office; yeara F 443, Ledger Central, HOYS WANTED AT ONCE GOOD POSITIONS OPEN, WITH PROSPECTS, IN EDITORIAL DE PARTMENTS OF PUHLIO LEDOER FOR URiailT HOYS OF 10. APPLY IMMEDIATELY TO MR. JOYCE THIRD FLOOR. OOS CHEST NUT ST. " BOYS In ahlpplng department to run erranda, etc.; good pay, E, A, Wright, llroad and Huntingdon ata. M. WA)TrD-XAL-8 ' ill i i ,, ,ii w ,, , i, mill i - . 0,,"" trm rrtttMnt Cofuma Dn.,.VH,J? WANTED; STEADT WORK AL7. VINTER OOOD WAURS. APPLY CRANM H'l? SllIlCO.j 2SBj2jlD JST . . nnyus Experienced man to work In order and checking department ot wholeeale dtug hooae. Addreaa M 831 LerleJ)fflce. KNOINEER, llcenaad. email planli. 114, Apply 4432 ork ava., between 4lh and 8th, below Noble BRICKLAYERS, 25. wanted; ateady work. A? fly Irwin ft Lelghton, Delaware ave. and larket at., Camden, N, J. uiiicui-a.Titn .wantea. (loorga C Wllllama Arch above 82d at. UUTLKR AND COOK Wanted, man and wife for butler and cook; 1(10 per month. Apply 303 Oowen nve., Mt, Airy. Referencea rtq'il, CARPENTERS WANTED, IB. APPLY IRWIN A I.l.inilTON, DELAWARE AVE. AUOVE WAliHUT Bl, DLAUNERS num YOU, riiir,, r v llKlXJRU ERRAND. TIOTSI. IIK(JU1MK MKAT ERRAND )YS. A ROUT 181 HltlNO.PEItXIITrt WITH JU, APPLY, SUPERINTENDENT'S OF OW, FoORTH FlAKJIl. 833 MARKET ST.. l-XiRE 10 A. M. DLAUNERS ERRAND HOYS CHANCB ."OR ADVANCE- MENTl 14,80 PER WEEK. 'WILLIAMS. RHOWN ft EARLE. INC.018:iJE8TNUT ST. FITTERS AND MECHANICS wanted; boiler and tankwork. Cruae-Kemper Co., Ambler, Pa, qnocctt experienced, to aollclt and. deliver or dera and work In atorei ateady poalllon. Ilahm, 47th and Woodland ave . HOUSEMAN, COI)RED. Wmi KXPKRI ENCE. llfcP ItpqUIRED. 2117 CHESTNUT INSTRUMENT MAKERfl. 13 24 lo 13 per day of 8 houra. tool makera, W.ftS lo IS. maehln. lata, 12.70 to IS. aaalatant mathlnlata, 13 to 12 (id. all baaed on experience and capacity automatic tirreet lalhe. opejatora. Clawland, Iirown ft Sharfie. 11.50, Potter A Jon,11"?"'. 13 30, hand turret latho operalora. 13 1 to 13 18) liraaa moldera, 1)70. .Wackamlth a helper. 2 2l higher, rompenaatlon When on Piece work, aklllcd laborera. 13 lo 42 2ji anlderera 12 24 Apply Frankford Araanai. PhlladM Phla, preferably In pereon. .'"VJ'-'li.'Sk a m. on working daya for application blank. fNSURANCE CLERK and atenographer with indu.trlal al.k and accident "Prlencei fa r SITTTATIO-t,. WAKTJD-yiOltAI.1. . Conlfa-fd from rrrctOtnttCotumn MOUBEWORf Woman, colored, wlahea general houaework. In or out of city,. 2110 Annln, UM'NPHEBH, olnred, wlaheelwnrk at hnmei One work apeelally, ref 141U; Ledger Branch, 8943 FVIrmount are , . 8ECRKTARY and managlnaTnoueekeepet A re nned.and highly educated woman, very capa ble, dealrea tha management of a .alert home: a companionable pcraon, fitted to rater, mar ket manage, help, tnkn charge of accounta, correipondence, etc , hlgheat reference. 8137 ji. lnUjjeLifhojia Tioga 231 J. J. . TUTOR, refined, well educated, will take. 1 or 2 children for education and private training. In her own refined home, entire car of chil dren aaaumert F 431, I,rdger Central . WOllAN. roldred, wlahea" laundry- work out or waahlng by week 1022 S. 20th at. COLLEOB graduate, 1014, will ('dor evea In re turn for a comfort, home. F 313, Led. Cent. by' Vettcr" only", "give "age." "aTpeTlenc. 'and V. j- .'.ydV,"e;r'yArpllc.ll!inalre. iv. Caaualty Company. 031 Drexel Hldg. LABORERS. BO. wanted Ambler, i'a Cruie-Kemper Co.i WK)MFIXERS. nonunion, wante ?". "'K Iciomt, Addrraa, giving full partlculara, M 321. IHlger Otflre MACHINIsrs. all-around, wanted. Apply i-am-iH-rt A Todd Machine 0o. .Camden, N. J. MAN AND WIFE, Aral rlaaa. neat, clean, well trained aervanta. wnnted for email 0L;. '! Alrri 1 odulli Philadelphia reference required; gwV homo and wagea' for right party; while or colored; no other aervanta kept except a chauffeur P 237. Ledger Central. MEN WANTED Boilermaker! lo" mJ; rhlnlata. ar repair men, laborera. locomotive flenneia, Penna 11. 11.. 1711 1 llbert at MEN. HI. wanted to" learn the eauiaga and pork parking bualneaa. 22o per hour. Apply 3.43 tlennanlo)n nie. r-rn OFFICE ROY, In commercial houae: aalary 13.50 to atari, P 1123. ldgerjpfOce. PIPE FITTERS' HELPERS o I to wnra lit once, ateady employment. Apply D.w.Lvaria. Plttaburgh Valve. Foundry and Conatructlon Company. Coateavllle, Pa. ' PRESSMAN APPLY .-. ..a-. nmiDDuiM wiwrrn. T I ROTH ill's- PRINTING DEPARTMIJNT. 2 1 1ST AND ELLSWORTH 8TS. ASK, FOR Mil. EDUAIt, riHNTINO Roy with, aomo Prlnf ,t'.V. caae for private printing plant: 0PP0Jun. for learning nnd advancement. M 168, Ledger Central. RECE-VINO CLERKS TILAUNERS REQUIRE THOROUailLY EX V II IRNID CUMK AND, SUIT DEPART MENT RECEIVINO CLERKS. APPLY HU-PEHINTENDENT-8 .OFFICE. 4TII FLOOR. 833 MARKET HT liEFORE 10 A. M. , ULAUNERS SALESMEN Experienced aeleemen to handle n well-knnwn high-grade ofOca apeclalty. manufactured by ono of the largrat and beat rated conccrne In the country, on n atrlctly commlaalon bnala; reatrlcted territory given to the right man; email bond and beat of referenrea -required. A . ledger Office, SALESMAN Optical department: muat have had experience In fitting. Wllllama, 11 r own ft Earle, Inc.. 1)18 Cheatnut at. SALESMEN i 'IF!" If you are a aucceaatul aaleaman In any line, If you can prove that you have eucceae fully aold any line. We will make an openlg for you In the permanent aelllng organization of the fargeat publlahlng houae In the world, where you can make far more than the average aaleaman. Wa will train you thoroughly. We will furnlah you loada.v . Wo will give you a drawing account. Wo guarantee rapid ad-an(.-cment to thoae who make good. Men wanted now for both Seara-Roebuck and Cambridge Edition. Come In, let'a talk thla over. ENCYCLOPEDIA BR1TANNICA CO. h at., corner ( Philadelphia. 130 8, 16th at., corner of Walnut, CARPENTERS. IB. wanted! ateady work. Apply !rwlnftUJhtonJ d.and Arch, CHAUFFEUR, experienced, capable of making own repalra: elate experience reference and aalary dealred, muat Hie In Weat Philadelphia, Addreaa l,VJ)8,"l'.tJ.llx 8443. DRAFTSMAN wantedi one with 'experience n machine toote or almllar work preferred, Ad dreaa Box 07, Weat Cheater, Pa, SALESMEN. 2, for eaatern Pennaylvnnla, Mary land. Virginia, one local; bnala aalary, com mlaalon nnd expenaea, do not wlah to Inter vliw jou unleaa ambttloua. hnrd working and reapaualblo, e expect aaleamcn to earn 11800 to 13100 and expeneea: atate nge, whether now emploeit and how, nnd other detalle. SALESMEN to demonatrate to atorekeepera new changeable electrical . window dlipUy algn: aolla at eight for IS; live wlrea can make big monri, CrowiJ.Ifg.Cou704 Market at. STHamSHIP BROKER, experienced, flrat claaa, .unniB in N.w Vnrlc. lteDlv. atatlng exDerl ence. andaaarjfdealreL)l 333JLedger office. STOCK SALESJIEN for Harroun Motora Corpo ration. Apply Elwcll Naulty 4 Co., Stock Ex- change Building. YOllNO 3IAN wnnted at once to learn coal and lumber bualneaa with large eatahllahed cor Dotation; houra, 7 to 0, atate experience and aalary expected. M 151. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN. not over 20. for development Into aaleaman In. machinery houae, one with hardware or almllar experience preferred, A 5, Le-eer Office. YOUNO MAN for general office work; muat have good education: atate age and reference. P 022, I-tdgrr Offloe. COUPLE." colored, flrat claaa. well trained, with Philadelphia reference, wanted by.l adult In Mt, Airy; muat be clean, neat and thoroughly truatwortny and do work of houae together, V 258, Ledger Central, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ADVERTISING Man with ability to write good atrong .aalra-produclnr copy (letter, rlrrular. Iiooklet), would llkey evening work at hornet . rood opportunity for bualneaa flrma or- Indl- J vlduala F 30, Ledger Central. ADVRRTISINO ft BALES BUILDER fl yeara corporation adiertlaer 0 yeara aalea and adv. mgr.icap. eaecullie, aatematlter. correapond.. dealreajo make change F 430 I-dgerCetit. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly cornpelent. 10 yeara experience, dealrea poalttnn with reliable con- ' 033, ledger Central. BUYER AND MANAGER I am connected at preaent with a mena merchant tailoring bualneaa doing a caah bualneaa ftf 130.000 yearly; going lo make a change; are you lutereatcd In a man of thla kind? D 323, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, married. 10 yeara1 experience, wanta poalllon. private or commercial; ac quainted with clly and auburhan made; me- chanle; reference F B44. lrfilger Central. , CHAUFFEUR, while, married, total nbatalner, mechanic, lugh-claaa poalllon only; beat rafa. Addreaa Chauffeur 1333 N. Natrona. CHAUFFEUR, while, married; 30 yeara; 8 yra.1 fractlrnl ahop and road exper : dealrea altua- Ion, prlv or commercial. Pnone Poplar 1631. CHAIIFFEUR. exp , Prut., expert driver; pref. Cadillac, Packard Hup, ref P 433, I-d Cent. CLAIM CLERK wanta poalllon. 1(1 . eara'exp. j excelent reference A 2, l-edger Ofnce . CREDIT MAN-OFFICE MANAOEIl, aged 27 leara, 8 yeara with corporation eclllng. to re. tallera all o-er tho t'nlteit Stalea. now em- ploved, aeeka almllar connection, expertrnred In collecttona and corrrapondence, palnataklng and accurate, welt rducaleit. noaaeaaln. Initiative and good iudgm't. complete ref to three Inter im with detalla, r 437. linger cent. vrtahea twialtlnn prnate place, underatnnda all branchea, in- eated A GARDENER. Scotch, married, on nrllala nine. un,ralnnri. eluding landacape work. Park, 40 Crary ave , . i ernon, n. r OARDENER-rU)lltST Good greenhouao man; care of otork, poultry, milking; reliable. . I' 413. ledger Central. 4 GARDENER, exper. with cowa.chlckena, heat- era, married, 2 children, ref A 3. ledger Off OARDENER. flnrlat, Aral claaa, alncle; Hwlu. CWldtner. 82(1 Callowhlll at. INVESTIOATOR, 34, aaat. lngr.7 aaleaman, ao- llcltor, collector, bookkeeper and clerk, exec. nhll aerka Imm poa i lieat ref 4I4( Greene, MAN. 50, experienced hotel watchman, atrlctly temperate, at preaent employed, dealrea diy work of any kind; good reference. 1) 328, ledger onice MAN 33 )eara, with good purchaalng experience In mfg. lino, wania opportunity In direct lino of bualneaa. 1) 3211, Ledger Ofllce. JIAN, colored, wanta conking or waiter or houae ( man; reference. J W. C , 1730 N Slat. SALLSMAN, S3, now employed aa aaalatant manager for ayndlcate firm, dealrea to nOlllata with rellahln firm handling alaple or apeclalty llnea; hale B eara" exp. In aalaa and executive cnpoclty; familiar with Penni , Jeraey and aouthern terrify; beat ref. P2t8. Led.Cent. SECRETARY Young man. 21'jcare of og-, at Preaent emolnled HAatrea nnafllnn na bualneaa or private aecretary;M'Xperienced atenographer; t o. hlgheat referencea. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, male, now em ployed, wnnta poellton requiring execu tive ability, Referencea gladly ex changed It condition! uetlfy it 323. Ledger Oltlce. STENOGRAPHER Man. 23, dealrea poaltlon aa prlv, aec. or atenographer. D 320. Irfd. Off. STENOGRAPHER Expert typlat dealrea work In evenlnga nt home. F 844. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. ambltloua. nge 20. 3 earo' buel neaa experience, wlahea lo make connection where advancement will be forthcoming for aervlre rendered D 323, ledger Offlce. YOUNO MAN dealrea poaltlon with mercantile nrm where nblllty nnd Inltlatlie will bo recng. nixed: 3 je-ira' exp., rcfa F 242, Led Cent, YOUNG MAN. 23. college ed' electrical exp., Cie- airea opportunity. 1410 Jedger Central. YOUNG MAN would like to locate with a re liable Arm A in, Ledger ODlco CALIFORNIA! will act aa bualneaa renrcacnta ttve for rellahle rnrrern In Ita An,l,i m Cnllfornln. I 331. Ledner OfHre. JAPANESE Induatrtoua, gen. houaework. wnnta poa. email family; brat ref. lao. 1034 Vine. ATJT0I0rL-W Per ,!, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. Bll S. loth at., wlahea altuatlona for Ilrat-claaa rooka. chumbormalda. nuraea, butiera houaemen: whlto couple, cook nnd chauffeur: girls for ctmnberwork and walt- ing; iilt well recommended. Hpruce 3401. WANTED Cookai chambermaid!, "chlldnuraea. houaework elrla; rooka for inatltutlon. Mtaa Roao Dougherty. 1313 W. Glrard nve. FIRST-CLASS cooka. general houaework glrle, white and colored. Brown, 1D09 Catharine: Spruce 2777. LAUNDRESS, Proteatant, wlahea aituatlon. city or country. Bll S, luth at. Spruce 8401, AUTOMOBILES For Sale General BOOKKEEPERS and TYPISTS. I00 mo.) CLERKS, 110-112: STENOGRAPHERS, 116; other, poaltlona open for high-grade men. llUSINfcsa SERVICE CO.. 1301 Land Title Building. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID wlahea poaltlon In city; 17 wk. beat rat. M. N 111 B Weatmoreland at, CHAMIIERWORIC and aervlng. Proteatant. F 4 40, ledger Central. COOK AND chambermaid Lady dealrea to place 2 experienced, Proteatant malda account break- Ing up. F 44,1, Ledger Central. COOK Capable German Prot woman wanta aituatlon, refa. 1033 Someraet at, COOK Young woman wlahea Place for cooking pn!y. Weat Philadelphia ,or city. 4048 Ogden, ELLIOTT FISHER HILLING macRTne operator, experienced; knowledge of bookkeeping) ao curato at flgurea. D 824, Ledger Ortlce. OOVERNEHS Nortfi German nuraery governeaai xpeaka Eugllah fluently; IV. yeara In preaent poaltlon. Addreaa F ;4o. ledger Central. IIOUSEKT-EPER. managing, exper'd In Tiome, hotel, f rat'y. houae or Tnat'n, Baring 7007 W. HOUSEWORK allddle-aged woman to aaalet chamberworkt light dutlea about houae: email wagea; 12 earaT reference, . 2028 Winter at. USED CARS PACKARD 4-cyL SO-IL P. 7-paaa. Llmoualno nnd Touring 1330 PEERLESS C-cyl. CO-II, P. 7-paaa. Limousine nnd Touring, atarter and . elertrlo llghta 1900 VBLIE 1014 ll-cl. 7-paaa. Touring 1500 101H STEARNS 8-cyl. 7-paaa. Touring, alxiut 4 montha old: Ilka new 11600 PIERCH.ARROW 0-cyl. 48-H, P. 7-paaa- Llmoualne 4000 PULLMAN 1014 B-paaa. Touring; atarter ,.,?.".'.!... 'icl'1' Ua-htga $500 WHITE 4-cyl. 40-H. p. 7-paaa. Touring. atarter and electric llghta...,...., .. 8800 PACKARD 4-cyl. 80-11. P. Ltmoualni .and Touring J700 LOCOMOIULE 0yl. 48-IL P, B-paaa. . Touring J500 PIERCE-ARROW Qyl. 48-11. P. Cbaa- a...Li-Jn. cxcollent. ahape 1175 W1NTON U-cyl. 7-paaa. Touring; bar Bain , , 273 TRUCKS KELLY 1-ton Expreaa body., ,. 1400 .1014 OVERLAND Delivery ""."". 1300 TUB WIHTB CO. ' , 216 NORTH BROAD STREET L. II. O'NEAL, Uaed Car Dept. -. .. Phonea Bell Spruce 1602 Keyatone Race 1784 UTOCAH delivery truck, 4 cylinder, big bar galn.J233. R. Fertlg. 1283 Arch at. BAKER ELECTRIC Lady will aacrlnoe modern Raker Llectrlc. 4-paaaenger coupe; perftct con dition. Call, phone or write, Mra. B., 4716 Lelper at. Phone Frankford 2064, BIU8COE 1013, 6-paaaenger touring. In elegant condition, at a bargain! caah or convenient term 7 S. HOW HUM COMPANY, Uaed Car Department, 256 N, Broad at. Walnut IU, CADILLAC, 1814; excellent condition In every detail; little uaed and well rared for: bargali for quick buyer. W. A. -1COTT, 1213 Fll CADILLAC 1.14 touring car. overhauled ana repalntadi full equipment) price 1780. AUTO BALES CORPORATION. 142 N Broad at. DETROIT electrlo car: good condition! cheap! Phone Cheatnut Hill 1894 W after 8.30 p.- in. FORD touring, Juit overhauled and painted, new tlrea, good appearance. 1200, bargain, Vade,lSll Snyder ave. ' " (JRANT 1B17 6-eyl. B-paaa. touring" can eleo trla atarter and llghta: low mileage: paint like new: aeat covera and general condition ex cellent; very eaay riding and lnexpenalve to operate; plenty of power. L 255, Ledger Central. Confln-M root rrrcrdlag 5LI-CT-Z ," - a DODOn HROI. TOURING CAJV A"-'"" "",' dltlon, oaed 8 montha, run 4000 mlleai atirao 'j"rTVi!o 8T1I AND CROBUYVrS. TllONlS CHESTER 1323 HUDSON Phaetone .roadatera and cabriolet. equipped with eleclrbi llghta and "? OoVlEllY-BCIIWAIlTJ- 233 N llroad at KISSEL LIMOUSINE 10IS. T lajiaj. . Mj;J laalhar upholatery. Juat the ""H,' or tail work goM condition rerwrjlly " forlable. eaay tiding oar for atremiouaaerr Ice maka ofler L 342 l"dfer central. 1.7.IKR 1013 email atx ;:".l,"XlL".mlr eiceilent condlllm In every detallj flna m7 ear, wll aarrince for quick aale, rlu rami elertrlo tpm and atarter; look "."'';, rJrV.iirrav: wt?ak m,,' lo aava money M 183. Ladger Central. RENAULT Llmoualne, Perfect "JPj,on' nul"t aaerlflce R. Fertlg 123.3 Arch at . ltttn CADILLAC eight, fully '"lnd jj , AVeallnghouao ahork alieorb-ra. ru"M,T,lca,uae 8300 mllea. In flna trondillorn jmW a owner la pultln cloae.1 car In commlaalon, ap ply RoUrt Wllaon. 2030 Hlltenhouae at. . nA. .1AINS IN V"!fc CAM uo All makea aid. aliea; price" 1M " Have been traded for new Palrarar. BIGELOW WILl.KY .MOTOR CO., 304 N llroad at. . , CADILLAC PARTS Schobcr 8319 MARI-Ll UBED TRUCKS Several" well-known makei. masf 0,?.... aiass c-jk Wanted Autos wanted ron wnTa. rMi"deipWa Auto Tarta Co., 823 N. 13th at. 1 ark mo. AUTO LIVERY AND GABACtES "INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 1315 W. BUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRE LIMOUSINE TAXICAI1S AND TOURING CARS ,. Dla. 8408 Neier Cloae.1 Park7J TO HIRE DAY AND NIOHT , AtrnnOIIlLES, FINES'. CARS IN THE CITY FOIl ALL OCCASIONS; 11.80 PER ""lIRlClllTON OARAOBi POPLAR 3409 POPLAR 1017 To hlra (open day and night). Part 1482. .brand-new B-paaa. tu,V" ft- 11.23 hr . nlao br'nd-new T-ta"a). Ilmoualna). l!80hr s weddlnga, funerala, 1715 Glrard to tniiE 3 ft 7 PASS, n CYL. CARS; SPE CIAI. 11ATES FOR TRIPS. t 23 PF.R I1R. ft UP. POP. 213. ALWAYS OPEN. RACE 2211. nuY MoisTt-m rortjbi- ". :.8rt'l3,.V etucco. On dlaplay 3031 N. Bth. Tioga 2a mm mxi iron Yfce)r- CK. Encyclopaedia BriUnnic laara-noehurk and .....i... ..'v iMItlOBe. , ..B."P.'hu'k JJ Cambi v a a, .iitj nil i nfTIM o4 U:" .'utllOfW. g8 ftzai',NlM-".a BAPEB, flrcpronf) rioting out on .i7.vii- "" all l ilea and makea. big barraft.Ul.!l. ., Fourth at. (hvtwren hn an yineL "i": SCHOOL DESKS. . ro .- Cl!A!RBFCHAne?n?.ouUI"' ' LHAiti hxcilANOL, corner Bth and vu. fatttt, . ........ aa. "yicuSm airT,lTO7d'nlir,r'' ."' large varietr nr Ka!T.!;!l:.?W' oargalna ;T tfflK a tuner.. . - i-aMIt axuraa, tialaa Ufrmnnlown nnd r.2d.Vdh,rar.,.l'n'.Wl . .: : . """""'a"' in tma una .j . tf II: twat aaaortment and iwit I. a Philadelphia, free auto deliv-ra.I,,B" Illilllni5, IITH AND" l.UTTONnJ-orr?-LL MAKES tviwwHl.,. .. . ' '.-. VD HT5 LL MAKER typewrltera at w.., r o0fi at. , rebuilding1 o" rhVunaJ!l8tfSC chlneaj be.for . . buying. RoiilllJt'a SS' -ft-wmtr Al.I al v-w , rfwi r nin ei a.A . n l''rw.f A..oPrtrnJe7tre?nMTown. AValter'a Pawn Shop. 801 Vine MACHINEItY AND TOOLS machine faring! to withalaS7AhV.v.rJia5 IIu'rR.'r.li 'sendnf D" KS JAMES TOCOK A BON POWER-PrtANT EQUIPMENT Dynamoa. motora, bollera7 ateam aia an lnr. . Pntnoa. alr comnreaiora M n niANK. TOOMKY. Inc., 127 N ii ,, nvvillna m...- .. . -5i IVA iiiVai. .na macntnery booght. aui and rented; armaturea t,.ij .!"! HM aiain fi. .Market 3003, MODERN MODEM In armaturea reoalrerf learaiey Co ! Nad m. .52K1. ..'?". .8. r-'-a?nnl"an.T oil" engine. l,Pi. . IAH AND Oil. KNOINU CO . 43 N. 7th aC" FOR RUSH ORDERS of aprocketareh7iTr vator bitrketa nnd tranaml.alon naferfa?; Af . on CHARLES BOND COMPAN8Mu?h BO-IC. W. dlrectonnecled generatera ,,r? alnea 120 and 220 voile; belted gineraioe. .; . awltchboarda. NUTTAiri74S N. 6th lit! "' POWER rUMPfl Duplex and triplex: HZ jKr.'srw i?.ri8dra,-.f ' " 5S.tta- PIPE FITTINGS, all alaea. PIlliA ,: P1FE SUPPLY 1003 N. TtV llath ieSi? MANFTR8. of plain and automatlornhSir Hend for bookfet A. Nacke AjSon. 240 S Jtt LOCHMAN carving machlnea, 3. rMar5iaa S. lAwrrnce at. "erne, set AUTO REPAIBINQ . I1EST-EQU1PPED REPAIR SHOP In.Weat Phll adllphta; good machinery, good toola and good men; ratea lid centa per liour and an honeat count Waaler carbureter;, HIOOINS BROS.. 4212. Cheatnut. 1 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES T Cce BILLY, at hla new location. BIO NORTH UROAD ST., AUTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT to aell jour old car or want any part, to repair, call. writ, or P hone. 81b'-17 N! 12th at. Park 1140. TlMKliM-lltiAlllua .i.jvw New Departure Service 8ta. The Owllllam Ce.. 1314 Arch at. Ph. Walnut 3197. Race 3083 l'AHTI to build or repair any car. rhlla. AtPartaCo K2 3JN lhPark 1418, DEMOUNTABLE RIMS, all aiiea and makea alao tlrea and ttibea and other acceaaorlea. P. Sl It. Auto Parte Co.. 813 N. 12th at.- AUTO TIRES 3043 PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3500 mllea. Compare prteea. OniM a, -J . uraau aiv 14 NON'SKID TIRE3 S0x3H Red Tubea, cuaranteed.. ui 17.80 i ia X3 ilea luoee, BuiiittiiicTu,,.....,, -. .- lnvVini.iMi -111112 co. 1231 Arch at. HERCULES TIRES-Guaranteed 3300 mllea. Herculea Tire Co.. 012 N. Broad at.- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PROMOTION COAL LANDS AND TIMBEtl A wonderful depoalt of POCAHONTAS COAI, ahowlng preaence both oil and gaa, and vaat foreat of irfln timber, haa recently come Into my handa: It will require more capl tat than I alone can aupply, and practical ex iwrlence; title In fee; no encumbrance: all cor reaDondence conDdentlal: will furnlah mapa. iurveya and catlmatea of competent englneera j-and go anywhere for peraonal conference with tiioae ot large nvana and who are Intereated: 1 Invite moat ararchlng lnveatlgatlon of thla propoaltlon. Addreaa G.. I'. 0. Box 1333, Richmond. Va. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 186 CHICKERINO" UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. i m "VICTOR "RECORDS NOVV OCTOBER RELLAK. 1120 CHESTNUT ST. 5 OLD Q OLD OLD GOLD, allver, plAtlnum. plated ware, eldl atyle jewelry, teeth platee bought tor eaiaT Eji87J)JUClarkenne07 8an": OLD GOLD Caah paid, for old gold, eUrir ?s'uVo(TiVs.w!irBa"i7ti?ti't.pho0'- STORAGE FIDELrrY. FIREPROOF WAREII0U8M 1811-1810 MARKET 8T. TENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 5130 3IARKET ST. WEST PHILA. AUTO SERVICE MONARCH STORAOB C6 Parking and Shloolnr. 3S70 I.ANCA8TER AVR TYPEVTIITERS AND SUrPLIE3 REMINGTONS KUIl RENT mn t7.RO IIim. m, aatlafactlon guaranteed. Ram. 13 Ington Typewriter Co.! lot. iiu o. vtu ai. WANTED PATENTS 'Send for, our frea book. Patent a and Trade-Marks." We will help you develop your Invention. Ad vice free, Iteasonabla feet. Open Monday eve nl tins until 8,10. FOSTER & WEBSTER BUITB 031- .JOllJThcetnut at. Bell phone. Walnut 1301. ROAD"lIOlIHE I'ROI'OSITION Brick houae. 80x 63: lot 130x250; at end of lllage, on Rood road, Allentown. Bethlehem, Naxareth. Ban gor. Delaware Water Gap: 10000.00 for. quick aale. Room 1, Woolworth Building. Bethlehem. Pa, URICK BUSINESS PROPERTY, on Northamp ton at., beet bualneaa aectlon of Eaaton, Pa,; lot 40x220; 110.000 00 for quick aale. Room 1, ohvortiyulldmgnethrhenJ; PATENTS Our four bookTaent free. "How to Obtain Patenta." Victor J. Evana U Co., 1420A Cheatnut at.. Phlla. BUSINESS PERSONALS DRESS SUITS TO HIRE Laleat atyle full dreaa. Tuxedo. Prlnca Albert, black and gray cutawaya for morning wedding!; alao allk bata. SAMUEL COOPER, 1010 Olrard ave. EVENING CLOTHES TO HIRE Latret atylee. Phone Poplar 233. Open evga, LEIDNER'B, loth and Glrard ave.. 8. W. cor. DIAMONDS ROUOIIT Bank referencea. Appralaement. 1 per cent, HARRY W. SMITH, 717 Banaom at. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolyata; tha only permanent way. Eyeurowa arched. MIS8 SMITH. 402 Keith Theater Building. 0ENT8 CABT-OPP CI.OTHINO BOUGHT. 123 N, DTH ST. PHONE WALNUT 1888. CARPET CLEANING1 REAL CARPET BEATING! NO TUMBLERS USED. BOYER CO.. 8300 N. 12th. Tioga 02 00. POR SALE BILLIARD. POOL, combination, aecond hand. bought, aold, rented, exchanged; repairing; auppllea. I.afa Keafer, Amerloan manufao- turer, 820 Olrard ave. Phone Kane. 2316, BILLIARD. Ttool tablea; new, aeoond-hand bowl ing alley; eaay payment!. Hoaatto-Uarry-Street Co. 222 S, Bth at. Phone Wa). 2284, BILLIARD .AND POCKET TABLES -Alao bowling alleyi; eaay paymenta. BRUNSWICK- iia urve.-iL,ii.i ii yu. 1002 Arch. CASIMIKGISTERS bought, exchanged, repaired, repiatedi auppllea; new and factory rebuilt) new total addera aa low aa 130. Call ana aee our new modele, lleglatera aold by ua on eaay paymenta and fully guaranteed THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 780 CHESTNUT STREET DESKS. SAFES. ETC. New and aecond-hand Dutlng Central Second hand Furniture Co.. O0t-vOO-14 Callowhlll at. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, old china, antique aB verware. plcturea. ruga, old needle work, bended baga, old gold, falae teeth, etc. Aft- tln.ue ShopL43 B.17th, Phone Spruce 281 ANTIQUE "FURNITURE, falae teeth,-faatktr beda, broken -Jewelry, gold, allver, dlxmonla bougnt.J33W'aInut. Walnut 7020. EaLlaM. ANTIQUE aolld allver te.i arte, odd pltchtra. 1 , Buiaiuvwii, leu 1)U13L eic. r JU, eq. .tw uiiuitKN jewelry, antlquva puneli. cotnj,, coin booka, with prlcea I pay, mailed 13c. J, & Hoaa IPeople'g Store). 208 B. 11th. Wal. 41W. . - ""CAST-OFF CLOTHINO we buy men's aulta. overcoata, full-dreM Tuxedo aulta. etc. Owing to the great de mand for ciothea at the preaent time wa will pay you very high prlcea for theae good, t1, Pbona Poplar 0312. SAMUEL COOPER, 1010 Olrard ave. , CAST-OFF CLOTHES WANTED We nay varf.f hlgheat prlcea for men's aummer and wlntir tffl sulfa, overcoata. ete.. and evenlnr elothea!Sf nlao ladlea' atreet dreaaea and evenlnr gowne. .Y'feri write, call or phone Market 3338. We calk " i'a city or country, day or night. United MUM .- . jj uiotning uo., woo Hpnng oaraen at. , CAST-OFP CLOTHING Hlgheat prlcea paid fer ladlea' and men'a clothing, hata, ehoe, ata. I'hone I'oplar B7. 1. BLACKER. IZ ropier,-CAST-OFF"CLOTHINO nnd ahoea: hlgheat prlcea paid. Send postal to call. Barnett. 6141 uoiumpia nve. or aT07 ppruce. FL'RNIlUREVolanoa. caroeta. antlauea: aatlre or part hduaea bought for caah: no matter how large. J. Bemateln. 1834 Ridge ava. ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. 2111 Nicely furntahed rooma: all co' venlencea; gaa. heat. Phone Spruce 3248. , BROAD. 8.. 418 Juat opened: prlv. bath. alee. llghta. ateam heat: furnlahed orunturnlaae4 CHESTNUT. 2007 DESIRABLE ROOMS. PaHt- MANENT OR TRANSIENT. n CHESTNUT. 1004 Attractively furnlahed roorxa. ' single or en suite; ateam heat electrlcltyTO, CHESTNUT. 2117 HANDSOMELY. FURNISH EH ROQ3I3 ALSO PHYBICIANS' OfFlOM. CHESTNUT. 8444 Dealrable roome.wlth boardl , 1 aq. frrm 1.. BSth-Cheatnut. PreatonBfsift y LOCUST, 1318 DESIRABLE ROOMS; EXCSLe I lU,M 1 UUU.li POWELlON AVE.. 8327 lat and 2d aty. aaw. with or without private pain, i'""" "' 81'RUCh.. 2022 Furn. 'om, rooma: PJL bat) , I'ltuce,, SU2Z rtirn. 'oro. rovi", i-.aaa' eouthern exDoa.: open ".replace. Locuelioeaj SPRUCE, 1337 Suites with bath; alngle rooeasi onicea; aieam nean reaaonauio. SPRUCE, 1320 Suite of 8 very dealrable rocag and bath; furnlahed or unfumlahed. t doubla Parlor ano aa sqr, prlv. hallway) , 1RTII. S.. 330 Large Joining room on Sd floor, prlv. "''"? , phyalji.dentlatitudJBraJ.Pii B2D. N.. 217 Nicely turn. 2d-story .""OU-g" ' , tiemen; private lamuy near aii.. : INGLE ROOM, private pain; aiao ia rooma) light housekeeping. Preaton BOARDINa OSAGE corner 8240 J. AVE., 403 Wall-furnlihad J2J' houae) excellent location. JTeeie- 8PRUCB, 1028-80 Handaome 1rt-nS? tB! unfurnished choice table boam. waL J SPRUCE. 1224-28 Furnlahed .rooms. fnTat" batha: table board. I'hone wamui OOOD BOARD and beat of care given WaUST lland HW. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL LOCATION) epeclal "tJf JJ narroua. elderly: every oomCor t ! nuta l APARTMENTS xc 9B7ess ' A1 THE) MONTEVISTA Located In on- of the moat excluai' rrna croaatown Located In on- ofthe most sich dentlal aactlona of the idtw high W and within 25 mlnulea ot City ket at. "Lr- and 00th at. croaat which runs direct to .the bulldlni 2 rooma, bath and kin 11(1 tuhtla rilnlna rooi Phone Overbrook 8068 ling. SuH JJ edWatiSa ra real- '. Mar , 2 private bi 8.. ilB Beautifully fui athat excellent location. furn Ubedaetv-J iPOLLY AND HER XLS Chaperoned thePbaw Out Pa !. T-IW. "U lAJT DISCDMM0DIAJ' Mt M<jl USlf ID AS 1J4F 6tbT) hc y I VOMITS he's ao tl0Q6K Tb'BETHE CJllLO' GiMTk? 13DT- 7 . ..-.fci-irTiiln ilAtf!.. I' I LraumainMw w . -i KTHEVSAofOUUKt A OLD ICC.. 1 '- - ' ' a.i tjii ulsiSTS uFbAl 6blAl' . . T .v..-rr:l iit 'Tui-rl iir..i ASW9 m fifi.1 f1; , ;..o.r;-,,iv iwhjch i2 rvi-riciuvi--, v .:rr: i i i vui vi ii a r ' g -ill I jn. ill m a w- sav a j t a . ...... a 8 ul IJ . I,7tTz -RE S H L -"M-rnturawj ROPfR . UT CWf.OS I "-w Ui mTCHER SHOSaVJ--' K&tk vuuLi .j ? i . i i i ".". --..-a . iM.rnM win int i cut 1 1 .--kjrTN i g,v "" 1 jrs.tr T7-. I I I A - ZJiltlA I lJl7t-'rll- I i ( irwi-i-.-i.- le- -JV- I I Y1 -f.LMr-T- A 1IBV X ---.. . I vwn " id ' ' " ' ip' mi-. nail mi-ass iauJu - .i.aiii a. Iiliuia sail. j--axta-ui' i ail ui'u i -p-w-waWaw--wa--- a -as i i la - . .. 'a1'l,,',""a'aaa ii il m W, mwWBm'mammKmrmm!'r--'