BtKHlKa LtttXHfitt -PHiLArfBLPHIA, TJHUBSDAY, CKTTOBfflR "56, IsJl tARLOTTE WENT ON SKATES BY DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION ffofc the Kind You Thought at First, for She's Sickly, Now Hardy By M'LISS ntlme to be weak and sickly ! a jmJ fortune. It' a way the Rods havajf Jrtln the mettle of a man or woman. rr-v r, take your medicine. Hut It s such nice medicine. There was a man there, at the rink He was a rood skater, and 1 came no often he taught me nil the simple fig urea. I hndn't been there Ionic before I could do the eight, nnd the three, and the waits, nnd the spiral. Many skaters who are Rood professionals do only these and get away with It. "Hut I was not content There was no school of skating, and so 1 started one. No, I do not mean that I took, In pupils." I mean I originated, figures and Hint way originated n school. Just a different schools of dancing are originated I practiced dim cult Jumps nnd swerve. I learned to ' laiaiaiaiaiaiaiaBfM? WHHsaEiBHI "If I hadn't been I tick I wouldn't be ffsmouV is me way ! Charlotte, queen of the Ice rink, phrases It. ana now xnai I'm famous I dare f not be sick It's too expenilre." Charlotte la sev- ntttn, famous and ! wry. very healthy. fajio very, ery Ger man. Her last name ft It Oelschlager. but ;ij the American press . srent, who Is some i thing" of censor when It comes to I persons he has got to tavertlse. know 1 what to do with that. He forgot the Oelschlager before he even remembered It, nnd eery one else fol 'lowsd suit. Hence Charlotte became fa. Rious as Charlotte only. .Mamma unit Pan.i Oelschlager, who travel with their nimble eaujhter, are dolnit their best to keep the family name alive. PKNSIVH AND ritETTT It was a rather pensive youngster whom I Irtervlewed nt tho Metropolitan. Outside let her door there was the babel of many Ivolces chiefly German ones nnd the olnt Pter of many feet chiefly German feet, but eclsd In the sabots, nandal.i and slippers of imsny nations. At the Hippodrome It'n an easy matter to make n Chinese mandarin or I Breton peasant of one who opened his eyes J to the light In Munich or Berlin. Charlotte took to the rink seen years isgo, when she was ten years of ago. It happened In Berlin, by the doctor's orders. "I was Buch a puny little thing." She overed her green velvet skirt with a large (handkerchief and let the powder fly. She was making up. "I was what ou call It ?hrs In America? I was going into the I decline. They said I would not live. "Let her have exercise," said tho Herr Doctor, Sand so they put skates on me. "I had to skate Just like you have to BEAUTY HINTS FOR DEBUTANTES By LUCUEZIA BOM Trims Donna of the Mftropolltan Opera Company, dance complicated steps and to pirouette. "Ves, It li dangerous; a tiny little so called invisible hairpin can cause n dan gerous fall it's oood vronic "Hut It Is good work, only now I must skate always Inside. I can never go out on a river or n pond nny more. You see, I am The Charlotte,' nnd tho management they would not like it because then the people who would pay money for tickets would come Instead outside to see me." Tho girl wns speaking then, not the pro fessional, tho girl who pined for the keen crisp nlr of outdoors, the nrtlst skater who appreciates skntlng as it should bo skated, in the open with the stars ocrhend. In stead of watting back In the dressing rooms for one's act to be oer. Charlotte has wonderful muscles; they are ns hard as mahogany. Her legs are llko etcel shnpely steel Her harel eyes are bright and her complexion ns clear and as soft as a tea ros, "But I was not always so. ' To all who are sick I should say 'Skater " And then she climbed Into her airy, furry Indoor skating costume, half arctic, half tropic In its composition, and left to "go on." DIARY OF A WELL-DRESSED GIRL Smart Evening Wrap for the Amateur Play Very newest evening wrap of bro caded velvet nnd fur. miHNOS wars In n dreadful mlx-UD about !--the play, "Bunny" Caruthere tore his IWond hair nnd called loudly for help. Just a we had our parts letter perfect and a good-natured stage manager promised to i give ui a few last coachings, Mrs. Plemmlng : flaUy refused to buy her girls new clothes j tor uch a ''foolish purpose," This was mv cue to coma to the rescue. ; X told the girls that I would lend them the ; clothes thev needed. Hetty Is exactly my ,Ue, while Frances is Just a little taller.) Bunny's annual play Is one or. ine "events' of the town, nnd ns the proceeds are turned over to our pet charity I can SOt mucins nnv one not carlnc to do what they could to make It a, success. It was a. l.irlrv fMnv fnr ths nlftV that the ' box Dad sent from Japan was almost filled lth lovely silks, , . in me second act Frances naa to wear ' n evenlnr wrap, and as I need a new I e. I decided to appropriate the handsomest . ricce or Japanese brocaae for me purpose, Mother became as Interested aa I In the Use clothes." and rnrand Mrs. Mathon 'tor a. week to help me make them. we started the evening wrap nrrt, using ! ft htavy white silk brocaded In silver I I prowled about the exclusive shops until I w a French coat that looked the "part" i nd made a sketch of It. We copied It I exactly. '' Thfi tvuit foi jitt (n biia)i a mnnnp 1ht jtta graceful draperies at the aides ter- Kinsie in sleeves. It Is not as voluminous M some of the new models. It Is of med ". width about the bottom, and one side ! the front crosses far over the other In MUnlw. Mrs. Mathon Interlined the coat with a ayt Of heavy flnnnul ivhlrh rtnmaa fnr this gH-poM. so that the coat will be suRIclently Trm to wear on the coldest nights. chose a soft, Japanese silk with a f. blue background, a flower design In Jly tone of roe, mauve and green. To m oainiy touch to the coat l maae a fw ruchlng of the silk nnd stitched It jut the extreme edge of the. lining. Then lavin , t...,ii.,. J.-ttit t trirameil my last year's black velvet t we vwa it about the hem, Hty I turn tuck iin- v The coat len't aa voluminous as some et uew models but the Unas are per'eo . emarur thaa la ueuaUy Uw JJ aaaa't eeea It Pt. tart ah eajA over tho coat until It was an absolute replica of the Imported model. Judging from our. first effort nt "stage costuming," Bunny Caruthers's ploy will be a sucoess If clothes lmo anything ta do with It. Mother had a letter from Dad saying that ho and tho Hdltor Man would be home by the first of November. We'll surely have to celebrate. (Copyright.) LAFAYETTE PASTOR NAMED Rev. Harold McAfee Robinson Accepts Appointment Contingent Upon Ac tion of Hi3 Congregation Lafayette College has announced the ap pointment of Dr. Harold McAfee Robin uon, pastor of the Market Square Pres byterian Churcl), Germantown, as college pastor and Manson professor of biblical literature. Doctor Robinson said he had ac cepted the appointment contingent upon the nctlon of hln congregation nnd the Philadelphia Presbytery North, of which he Is a member The chair and pastorate were established by the Helen II, T. Man son Biblical Literature and the College Pastorate Foundation, which has Just been created by Mr. and Mrs. John T. Manson, of New Haven, Conn. "The establishment of the college pas torate Is a new Idea," Dr. Robinson said, "It Is the tint time religion will have a definite part In college life. The establish ment of the chair of biblical literature gives the college pastor n. standing with the rest of the faculty of the Institution. TODAY I was to have n stralghl-fronvtho. shoulder talk with the debutanto who ta now making elaborate preparations for her Initial bow to society . The seclusion of her school davs Is ended, nnd she stands upon the threMiom or tho social world, ready to enter this new excit ing life for which she has been ao carefully prepared The modern girl, un like Cennyaon's mnld, stnnding with reluo tant feet, where the brook and river meet." I nil too anxious to plunge Into the river Hhe long to be "grown up," and Immediately 1.1XUKZIA. null! upon her presentation to society sheds her youthful simplicity, chnrm nnd Interest In thlrg as she would a threadbare cloak She imitates her eld ers, lasea nil IndMduillty and becomes n prattling parrot Soon her face .losis Its animation 'nnd lakes on a blase expression that causes many n sensible mother to sigh and wish that her "little girl" would have retained her youth a whlla longer. I beg my young readera not to let thh be tho state of affairs where they arc concerned. Ou.-ird your youthful charms you would our most treasured posses sions, for they are your greatest beauty nascts. Do not think It a social error to be enthuslnstla about een commonplace happening. Be your natural, nttrnctlxe selves at nil times, nnd never ncqulro nf fcctntlons that will surely rob you of every particle of Individuality. When you are happy do not be afraid to show It Allow the emotlorfi of sym pathy and sadness to piny upon your heart strings when the occasion wnrrants It, for any suppression of thest childlike quali ties will harden your nature and your features StMPI.n COIFFURKS BnST No matter If every other debutante In your set allows her hairdresser to ar range her tresses In nn elaborate coiffure, have yours combed In n simple manner that Is characteristic of our youth and sweetness. I decry the use of any coiffure ornament with the exception of n simple shell comb or bandenu for evening wear only. Remember that "beauty unndorned Is beauty most ndorned " Do not Inpse Into the Irregular life of tho usual "bud" after she has mado her bow. Try not to turn nlsht Into day. but get yoiir "beauty sleep" whenever It Is possible. Rest to preserve the brilliancy of your eyes, the clear plnknesa bf your complexion nnd your well-balanced nerves Tnko the proper amount of exercise to keep your circulation up to par nnd your muscles nnd flesh In a Arm, healthy con dition. Never let the Idea get Into your pretty heads that It is "smart" to be languid and Inactive Pay strict attention to your diet Knt regularly, nnd do not substitute rich, highly seasoned dishes for the plain, wholesome foods of your school duys. dUARD YOUR FHKSHNESS Never think of U3lng cosmetics unless to correct somo blemish of tho skin or defect In the shape of tho ejebrows. The rouge pot, eyebrow pencil or Up stick should have no place on tho dressing table of tho "bud " A Judicious use of n harm less face powder Is permissible, for 'Society" will not tolerato shiny noses. I-nt. but far from being least, retain your slmplo style of dressing. Do not think because you happen to have n gen erous drclls nllowanco that you must blos som out In tho plumage of n peacocK. Remain tho delightful, lovely Prlscllla" that you are. even If your friends areas Horgoous ns tho Queen of Shebn You will appear nil the moro attractive because of tho contrnst. Hold close your youth and unspoiled freshness. Do not let charming qualities get nway from you. else years hence you will find yourself exerting every effort to recover them, but In vain. There Is nothing more pathetic, to my mind, than a mature woman striving to regain the lost charms of her youth. So, my young fledglings, preserve your girlish simplicity nnd beauty. Never allow the thought of growing up to force the adorable childlike charm from your per sonality. Kven when tho years rob jour hair of Its gold and our cyeH of their luster you can keep youth singing In your heart and the world will still consider you beautiful. (Copyright ) ' Chemists Will Move to New York William R. Warner & Co, C33 North Broad street, manufacturing chemists, will move to New York April 1, whero a $1,000,000 property, Including the old Alt man store, has been bought, YQUR FURNITURE REVEALS YOUR TEMPER, AVERS CRITIC Disposition as Well as Taste, Good or Bad, Exposed Through v New Medium Girl With Sperry on Flight .NEW YORK. Qct, 26. Lawrence B. Sperry, accompanied by Miss Kmlly Rich and his mechanician, arrived In New York from Amltyvllle, L. I In Mr. Rperry'a flying boat late yesterday. The landing was made on Governor's Island. Tho trip was the second and final lap In Mr, Rperry's 2J2-mlIe aerial Jaunt from Massachusetts. 'J WHOLESOME AND APPETIZING arc more than mere rf teriplive adjectives. Thep specifically tell all there u to tell about Bradley's Quality. Of course, we can't print "taste." That's why the tongue is mightier mthan the psn. For Comparison Lsgs of Lamb, 25c lb. Chops of Lamb, 32c lb. Our Dslivsry of Fiftssn VshUlss Insures Promptness Bradley Market and 21st Streets grtJ? In tho world of tho rutuj-e It won't be necessary to have your "bumps" rend by n phrenologist to find out Just what sort of a person you nre. If you really want to have an Insight Into jour own personam), uu will call upon nn upholsterer. And the will look over your fum'ture, and If he ares an angular, wvere-looklns. chair In your boudoir, he will tell you truthfully that )ou nre too cold ami for midable Or If you are n man, nnd In your oltlce he sees n poorly carved, faultily con structed desk, he will tell you that vu nro slovenly and without regard for line ap pearances which nre necemiry to business success. ,- At least, that's tho way Sumner Robin son, art critic and lecturer, reasoned In n talk nt the Central Y. M. C A last night, under the ousplces of the I'nlverslty Rxtcn slon Society He didn't Just use those vvofds, nor did ho cite thost examples, but ho proved to his nudlenco that he could tell you what you wero more accurately by the Interior decorations of our homo than liy the company you keep. It was tho first of n scries of lectures nnd tho nttendunco that It attracted Indlcitrd thnt Mr, Robinson hns becomo n publlo favorite nmong I'nlverslly Intension lec turers. Ho showed that furniture was defi nitely nn Indication of temperament Ho argued that flashy. Inartistic furniture was seldom to be found In tho home of a man or woman of-ienlly refined tastes He showed, furthermore, that It wasn't necessary to havo money to demonstrate fine tastes Homes, esthetic nnd otherwise, were flashed on the screen by tho lecturer. He explained that n homo could bo expensive nnd jet bo "cheap," nnd thnt It could bo In expensive nnd yet well furnished Mr. Roblnsnn traced tho history of In terlor decoration, telling how even the sav age In his house of twigs hud delighted In some slight bit of Interor decoratnn "The term Interior decoration," said Mr. Robinson, "Is so inadequate as to bo almost forbidding, Perhaps when wo realize tho true scope and Influence of thin themo ns n force In our lives and how It teems with human Interest, we shall coin a more com prehensive term 'To begin nt the very beginning, In trac Ing the development of our subject, it Is dlfllcult to go back much fnrlher In the early twilight of human life than the In vestment of mankind with nn Imagination, a sort of visualising Instinct This, being capable of responding to conditions not yet In sight, centered actively upon the things the objects pertaining to shelter. Man's first concern Is n protecting roof nnd walls from Bun nnd rain nnd cold But these obtained, his earliest surplus of energy Is diverted Into Joyous thoughts nnd visions of tho comfort and adornment of his shelter. "And Just In these two factors, first of necessity or practical utility, nnd second of decorntlve embellishment, lies the Im portant thing In the subject of Interior A d SUMNER ROniNSON decoration. The history of a race Is analo gous to thnt of the stnglo Individual. Or In other words, the Individual In his own llfo passes through tho various stages of development of n race. . "His childish liking for tojs nnd for barbaric colors corresponds to the savage vi ho shoots with a bow and Is dazzled with Lbrlghl bends. Ills moro mature tasto for iim:iii!?b mm uriisuu lenneincni corresponua to rnclnl development In practically nnd artistically expressed achievement "Hence, In nil tho vnrlous forms of deco ration nnd furnlshinents nbout us wo see the recorded history of nn devel opment, representing n wido sweep of man's domestic Impulses, thoughts, h.iblta of life, temperament In countless dlffeirnt forms "No wonder that men toll nnd struggle on blindly to obtain tho domestic things. No wonder then that so much of tho crea tive activity of nil ages hns been vested In the making and merchandizing of things thnt ko to satisfy the furnishing nnd adorn ing proclivity In mankind." T HALLOWEEN GAYETY TO HAVE FULL SWING PrcpnrnUons for Night of Mys tery nnd Mirth Forecast Big Celebration Many surprises are being prepared by those who will celehrate Halloween Kn thuslasm for this night of festivity seems to Increase each jenr Costumers and dressmakers say the rush of business Is un precedented nnd In many cases the lnt stitch will not be finished until the very night itself. In addition to the thousands of house parties throughout the city, n number of (mils nnd special Jollifications have been scheduled nt the prominent hotels. There nro nny number of ninsqueraders who celebrate tho night by promenading the streets, They get their fun out of fooling the people Most of the open-air mummers, ns a rule, pose as women, and somo sport their sister's best clothes. Tho sisters In mnny caies nre Just ns energetlo nnd parade In brother's best outfit. One thing which Is bothering the prospective hosts on Hnllnween Is tho high cost of nuts. Kollow Ing the pace of other kinds of food they havo Jumped to unheard of prices. And nil the thlnps which go to mnke up the Halloween feto have fol lowed tho pace. In tho suburbs the Jollifications will tnke the form of auto parties, which make n practice of stopping nt many homes In tho course of their trnvels. Minerals In SpitzbcrRcn Specimens of nlmost every precious min eral have beep found In Kpltzbergen, but there nre no signs, according to geologists that precious minerals exist In paying quantities. THE CHEERFUL CHERUP tsssssssssmssmasssmsmmmsmmsmmmsjmmm I sit tcnotwtK tkc. tirj nigKt sky And wondar wltk t. uistFvl sfdK IF from "tkis vwt irvRnity r little verse nvty coma to me.. rcje"" & y IM fffen rwH mmt Cto jpNi n ! HAJK.KTO.V. ra.'twt. H. Cajnf scarcity ahd hih price of Ink: Am I Kuropean war. the use of stub hens m discontinued in tho schools of Has for the reason that the consumer i the fluid than the pointed kind. TIM i trlct is very short of nil kind of materlau, as n result of a strln the paper market. Life And this Is life. A desolate song of strife, A chord nrnlm, And yet what cheer i Bweeter the music after Kn ns n lover's nuarrel endAt a kiss J Or tears With golden laughter Chs. K t..etterlr. tn riosten TranserMffl m lllmr HtsniUrrt Mine Fashion's Favorite at a Low Price Battleship Gray is the Newest Shade Glaca Kid This model is special 1 ,, " ' ft M S S I i I 4 jA tl rii By A i j S1.25 4 AnA worth rr err rent nt It tnfT win OS QUICM7. DcLyto style, service, perfect fit and sutier-nualitv arc factors. YouS should see our showinp; of thirty1! three styles In nil leaUicrs ?3 ttl H.ou. 'T1R A FKAT TO mj JTEKT Shoe and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market Street E THK IIIU HMOB STOKE m i Elizabeth 1 1 Arden's 1 j . w : Venetian i Cleansing ' j W a Cream j H is tho logical Bubati- W j tution for sonp nnd WJ H wnter- 1 fcj It is frngrnnt, Mfo LI cleansing nnd clears jk rj tho complexion. W Q nflr. $1 nnrl S5 W Fj We alio hnv txeluttxtlu IE W M the complrt collection of E Km C2 1 "II of Blitnbtlh .4rffrn' t W T, J l'ertfflas Totltt i'repara B fh'A H tlont. E WW I BONWITTCLLER.5..CQ 1 fjjj L'j The Spfclali Shop p WW S r-Jfj o Orialnatlont fe31 ix. r ME .. 164? tsfl) S -JfjJ vnr.nittui vt idiii -ll 1 ve piiiiiiiininiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiinminiiimiiil m w Vf At All Our Stores - - Where Oualitv Cbiinti .. .or r : ' - && vw I w NVK W X v " w m a ROBINSON & CRAWFORD Low Prices Prevail V w, iii jwi - ! i mil ii Happy Homemaker i)i sits the j&Iectric Shop WHEN we had our house wired for Elec tricity," said Mrs. Happy Homemaker to the Electric Shop man, "I promised myself an electric iron and an electric toaster,' and, if convenient terms of payment could he arranged, I wanted to invest in a sweeper and a washer." "Payments on theo and various other appliances may be ar ranged cover a period of several months, according to your convenience," answered the Electric Shop man. "And I would like to emphasize the fact that we guarantee every appliance we sell against mechanical and. electrical defects, in addition to the manufacturers' guarantees which arc substantiated by our laboratory tests, "Wc will arrange to have any appliance fully explained by an experienced demonstrator in your own home or in the Electric Shop. And we want you to feel perfectly free to come in the Electric Shop and ask questions to consult us about electric appliances, for your own particular requirements in fact, to make use of our experience and knowledge along this line without in any way feeling obligated to purchase." t Phone or write the Electric Shop to send a representative to tell you about Electric appliances for YOUR home. Philadelphia' rjm fMk, itSMt mm wsmmm ctricQmbaky! ! Extra-Value Days9' At All Our Stores In each of our three Teas we give you full value always, for each blend comprises "The Very Best Teas" that can be bought or sold at their respective prices. For today, tomorrow and Saturday we offer what may rightly be termed "EXTRA VALUE" In the way at any of our Stores this week. This Coupon is as a bonus to our regular customers and a special inducement for those who have not yet tried our Teas. Today, tomorrow and Saturday are EXTRA-VALUE DAYS in OUR TEA DEPARTMENT, but a visit to any of our Stores will show you that the Extra-Value feature is not confined to any one commodity, for there are many other attractive bargains to be found among the great variety of High Quality Groceries we sell. Owimr to the upward tendency of all markets, we would advise our customers to buy liberal supplies now. fpsrajsisisiaisjsjsisian COUPON sraisjErajasi a Tl- n 1 e- ui l nin l.nnnnn is t ,niul t-nr Wo will nccept this coupon us (1 cents from nny person presenting the same and buying n pound of Tea at nny of our Btoros any day this week. Kolilnunn & Crawford ill I-S-27.Jg-in. SiMSi'2jajaisiaajsjsisBsiaaBjai3J3MSai 51 Si) mm m Pride of Killarney && Tea lb. 45c 12-Ib. tin 23c i4.Ib. tin 12c Pride of Killarney is a rare blend of the choicest Teas Imnnrted f Tndi, and Ceylon. It is rich, strohg and fragrant and has that real satisfying flavor only found in Teas of the highest grade. You can search far and wide, but you will have trouble to find a Tea that will compare with Our Pride of Killarney. even If -) TEA cCS23 you pay 80c to $1.00 the pound. To those who love a cood. stroncr. rich cun of tea we sajr, just try Pride of Killarney you'll be more than pleased you'll be satisfied. Gold Seal Tea lb. 45c Vz-lb. pkg. 23c 14-lb. pkg. 12c Gold Sea, although not so strong and flavory as Our Pride of Killarney Tea, is of the same high quality. It is a particular favorite with those who like a rich, mild drinking Tea. Three kinds to choose from, Black, Mixed or Assam. Kamelia Tea lb. 29c Vg-lb pkg. 15c y4.b. pkg. 8c A Tea of excellent quality, far superior to the aver age 29c Teas. Unquestionably "The Best" Tea you can buy for this price, as comparison will quickly prove. Your choice of Black, Mixed or Assam. NUTS for Halloween It wouldn't seem like Halloween without a plentiful supply of nuts, and our Stores, of course, are ready to meet your requirements. Soft-Shell Almonds, lb 28c Fancy Walnuts, lb 20c Large Filberts, lb 20c Choice Brazil Nuts, lb 20c Choice Mixed Nuts, lb 22c PORTO RICO ORANGES doz. 15c 22c Fancy Apricots, lb 20c Large Prunes, lb 12c, 14c Evap. Peaches, lb.... 9c, 12c Mince Meat, lb 10c, 12c More Halloween Goods You will find our Stores well stocked with all the good things that pertain to Halloween. All of the best quality, and priced as low as market conditions will permit Uneeda Biscuit, pkg 4c Cheese Wafers, lb 20c Lorna Doone Shortbread, lb... 20c High-Grade Cake, lb...l 18c Rich, Tasty Cheese, lb.. 25c SEtt ase. 1 PZ!SSS&L ro'Lw''!- JHf" Gold Seal BUTTER lb- 43c Gold Seal is the highest quality of freshly churned Butter made unequaled at its price. The more particu lar you are the more you will appreciate its fine flavor, fragrance and superior keeping qualities. Gold Seal is the Uutter used by particular people. pre Hy-Lo Butter lb. 40c Fancy creamery Butter that will bear comparison with most of the higher-priced "Best" Butters sold in many stores. Ca-Ro Butter lb. 35c Absolutely pure Butter of good quality, and, lik all our Butters, a big bargain at its price. It always pays to buy Butter Where Quality Counts, Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices Fancy Pumpkin, can , . . , 10c Gold Seal Peaches, can 17c Choice Calif. Peaches, can 14c Fancy Sliced Peaches, can 10c California Apricots, can 10c Sliced, Pineapple, can 12c Gold Seal Buckwheat, pkg...... 9c Gold Seal Pancake Flour, pkg. . 9c Choice Table Syrup, can , .10c Fancy Seedless Raisins, pkg, . . ,13c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkg.,., 8c Kellogg's Krumbles, pkg 8c Olives, bot... Sc, 8c, 12c, &$ Dtunca uiivcs, doi. ...,c, ijk, Ul- T.JI. D.ll.L t.,.1 . C!1 AllUia JC1BM. UV1........4 Heinz Tomato Ketchup, bet,,. lis) J Lea & Perrln's Sauce, bot,..,. lit1 Pure Jelly, glass., .,,.,.,..,,.., ! ROBFORD Blend COFFEE ib. 20c Robford Blend Is, without exception, "The Best" Coffee you can buy for 20c the pound, in point ! tati, quality and flavor try a pound I If you, are particular, you wiU appreciate the quality of the groceries we sll, and our rtiiM yMtt "sTkl O-N ! H Kobmson & irawrorci Tkc Stem WW Qwftlky CowsU Tbrauthpr bMiCky al i U-
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