Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 26, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7
)TTON DOWN AGAIN ON HEAVY SELLING Calls for Additional Margins and Stop-Loss urdcrs Arc Damaging Influences t PHTltN HF.I.T WTATIIER CONDITION". rff tORK, Orl. 79. The fellawlng tprralcrrn nrt recorded In the ration 'RL.fc,nir.dVrt Smllh. Ml .MIn. .jiol ahama. 40 r.ltll Raek. teka tlfr end hnatYllle, 41 Khrprt. Mem. S3? nirmlniham and I itattanooaa. 4I Cr HI. Merldlne. ""' and Atlanta, H, Pin AMonle. 41 Maren and Mnnj ifi.rr. il Mobile. Ml. Sew Orleaja. lal KKSf Corona, t'hrl.ll. ln.arol nnd jSrfiaStllli. an fcllmUlon. Charlfa. m and Sarennah. fl Tampa. 10, "riVfT waa .01 Inrh of. rrerlpltatleii at n..H? tn l .On Inth at JarkyanTllle, and .M lath at Tampat NEW YOniC Oct. 26. Further declines tri made on the Cotton Kxchange at the onenlnic this morning;. Tho tone was easy, with some excitable trading In December, which started on the call at 18.90 sold eff to IS'8 ni tncn ro ,0 18-80 a "e' decline of IJ point. Other aotlve options were fcut to 10 points lower. Calls for additional margin over nlcht caused the selling out of some accounts and stop-loss orders also were encountered. TCe principal selling;, however, came from v one of the largest room operators, wno told all the months and orTerea 10,000 baits of March nt 19.1R. r.Wfrttool also supplied January and July ' and tommlfslon houses were sellers. There was proflMaklnR by shorts. The buying nt best appeared scattered. ene Important room trader taking some cot ton, but apparently stopped buying when the supply Increased. Southern commission . .. ..iiMil.qiAr1 tnnitrntMv. it IKU..C3 V ..,-. raf.U,l' lli Tnarti Tne ruriy y..,.. ,......- ..... - - about 19 to 12 points lower, but was checked considerably nt,0vo tho low levels reached on the break of yesterday afternoon. March contracts, for Instance, sold oft to lS.OSc, compared with 18.80c yesterday's lornt. and while there was a good deal of bearish talk around the ring, offerings were wtll enough taken to causa rallies of about JO points toward the middlo of the morning. Wire houses and commission houses were buyers by balance, while trade Interests were credited with selling January, nnd there was considerable pressure from local sources. Sentiment was still nervous and unsettled after 11 o'clock, nnd trading was active, but the Intense excitement created by yes terday's sudden collapse appeared to be subsiding-. The market was very nervous nnd un settled during the middle of the day. The decline was not as sensational as the big break of yesterday, but liquidation wai orient and general, and before It subsided, January had sold off to 18.78c, or moro than it points under last night's closing figures anil ahnut 3S nolnts from th htfrh lnvl V of the morning. B." V.a. !,. n , m n -.. .,,,-. v.111 I. (I. Ill, J4 HI. m p.m. pMtmber ....10.07 18.80 1H.04 11). 00 IK. no January 10.13 1B.U2 18.08 10.O.1 is 82 March 10.32 111. -JO 10.12 II'. 17 Itt.UO Ear 10.31) 19. SO 10.23 111.29 10.11 Jalr 10.B0 18.34 .Spot 10.10 ' Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL. Oct. 2G. Spot cotton to- Ei' aay wim in kvuu ucinunu m iv points lower y i. h- i.i. . . m ... 4 j IU IW UUOlf Ul ll.Vd 4UI yVIUCriCUIl ITMU- tiling. The sales nggregatcd 10,000 bales. Including 6000 bales American. Imports vera 16,000 bales, Including 9000 bales American. The market for futures In cluded 9000 bales American. The market foi futures closed Irregular at a net de cline of 13015 points. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Oct. 26. The market for coffee futures opened easier, unchanged to a decline of 9 points. Trading on the call was active, sales amounting to 13,500 bags. Immediately after the call a leading op erator bid up the March option to 8.75, or one point abovo the closo of yester day. Today's Yesterday's ouenlnff. rlnai. to October 8.02UNA3 ptcemtwr S.02 8.(Wfin.3 January 8.33O8.B0 H.linJ(l.7H February 8.noQ8.70 March 8.0308.00 8.74WH.7B . APrll K.7MO8.S0 y , 8.7308.80 H.H208.M miSS ..iX... 5 TH.HO uu ..., ... o.uuva.vi .'. WH.Hil Auguat 8.98.0H tcplembrr 8.00 00,01 0.O0OV.02 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS , nid. Aakfd Jim Butler' OS .ns Mir.Vamara 10 .12 Midway 23 .25 Mlpah Extenalon 10 , . 17 Monlana , yi y North Star 18 'is Toropah Xrlmont 4S 4W r TODODah Kllnlntf .... . n .il- Peicu) Eulalla '. '"', .21 "27 et End ...............l.U I?3 OOLDFIELD STOCKS Atlanta in 11 W.V lu .is VN I, .,,,,,.,,,,.,, 0 0-4 Comb Krac 'nS 'nu i. ptmt ii. h..;; s - oSSn'B ?fnlldaud J ... I . ... .M Irs OoWllcId Jttraer 07 ok Jumbo Kitcn.lon ...'....""'" 'i,. 'Ss m ti:" .::::::: 42 :?s 5f Ken-:::.. ::::: -kj -xj it """ "" ;i .a MISCELLANEOUS , Nevada Hill . ,!, Nevada Wonder 2'-'7 "? Ttcopa Minims .....'...'.'.'.y.".''..- -fg K vnnv.imv pvnintnu NEVV YOniC, Oct. 26. As compared with a previous new low record of 11.95 for V'""a cables, that class of exchange and ciitcks fell to new lows at the opening of business today. Kroner cables declined to L;,AandLchecks to 11-92' Th' Is a dis count Of about 4S nr rnt fpnm t.. nn.n.l F . llelchsmarks also were a shade easier In B (One, alihoush at pIoha tn ti. '(.. i.. E, record. Cables were quoted at 10 H and I 'c't t 70 1-16. Italian exchange and ....ucro wero aiso a shade lower, Business was very moderate. Quotations were: Demand sterling, 4.H H-16; checks. 4.76 7-16; 60-day bills, ,J7lH04,71i; 90-day bills, 4.69U04.69H; wane cables 5.8SH. checks 5.84K; Ilre.ca Wea 6.65, checks 6.65 a; Swiss cAbles 8.26, X"' 1-!8Hi Scandinavian kroner cables 0O. chaplra fliKi n.,.1.. .nll.. n fllfl hecks 20.25; guilder cables 41 Vi, plus 1-S2 ; 'Wjtcks 41. plus 1-1.6; ruble cables 31.15, wcuva ii us. The markat rnntlnnvi1 nut In mtA- afternoon without changes In rates. Vienna ;"" were quiet at 11.94 for cables and 11.92 for checks, although It Is generally Predated that business In these checks Is impracticable In the present naval war situation. Ilelchsmarks stood at the low Wres reported at the opening. 70 U for Mblcsj and 70 M6 for checks, Sterling was ,aay t 4,75 11-16 for demand and !'! , ' 'or cables. French cables are , JH and checks 5.84U, Italian exchange JUled heavy at 6.55 U for cables and 6.66 Vi ' W checks. a RATES FOR MONEY fWlV. .:....::;: if 3iH Sgj". CS. B. i avkgsa',- j,ftpeftri'St.to " """"'" I'"'u" BANK CLEARINGS m claarlnsa today compared with corre- ' ajr iaai iwo yearai mm f iots. tali. "-'I ..!.2I0,820 20.V4U,S2(l IS0.U1U.0S4 f York.. 7lj,mi,540 4M7.lsn.n7a sso.AuH.Ahl W(" . . , si'.'M).2a 31,218,838 0.231,003 0 ., 18.e&,&l A6.S74.b3 41.J3J.04V NEW YORK UUTTER AND EGGS 'mSF YORK. Oct. I BUTTEH Itecelpta. tC.ik': market nrm.r. Trad, allahtly '.MfearL1-. 9;amrr. SOWSOKo Btata dairy. Jar?''C. Other fiuoljLltnna eunrlianueil. Jt Rtcalpta. ftfM cralta. to fancy u.j -"Vi .-vit. i'iiMrarua guifi, u.r.nw ady. VUtraa. WaalMiol tra Hrata. S103oi !?" 3.-e vrfalta w, Mafeici other sradta "f. - BAR SILVER In T Jt . ..i . . wj '""ii iwr silver ww dMotaa w LS" ciuy- unohAnawal, CMWMrtvl taar quuunf tm NtM ym 4 lllU - "-' ?&& ..t?,. t aat i; ii rJIL.Wj JWlfenXG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THITBSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1818 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR wa'?'fl.:,ATta,n'S!.,E,! ,009. bu.h. remand Ss &S3 S.rn.-.vc.r' .5"s. II S18I :! iZill1r,tci'i A- Sana Wr i,!..,mr'".'. n,r4 ""a' with d. a a to i5i.iiiuo.l,0.",! l !.r le 'or loral tradf. its Ic,.,Bw",!m No 3 riiow. 11 mo 3 .ellaw ll'noTf; &,2W' J1 WOl.Uj d" N. 1 tf ' ,,08,10. do, No. 4 j.llow, 11,00V w.AJto52lfl."-. "f.L s-'Ji-ja t OT88c. tamnta oala, ftitfBsc mmvrmta demand, funta- annara wnita. C No. 4 White, . ' " n nclrta. 401 kmi .a i it it.. irmtt.i. T5:?..w". Jlttle tradliia- but .mtli tr IDA jivi iJ ,,"" jr." vuoinirrn nrr roiinn Mckl. ISS0US.8II do. 11 follow. KanaaaV Vl.'..'""".."' .'' " ", atralaht, cotton aacka. 18 no ttrand fancy au, do, do. talnt lir.nmin H.i'TF. KwUri ruld Orm under small aupntleaj per not., aa to quality. PROVISIONS m.XIj"1?.'1!."1 .n,1"l """ with a fair lohhlna demand. Following ar tn quotatlona: City bf. In a, smnkel and alr-drlcl. 3Bi wratrrn but, L-..;!;'l ". SSci city and wratarn bf, Jnucklea and tendera amokU and alr-drld. Si'pin1?' nm' .20; poak. family. I2 :wlS2L.hm " .V'."HI- Ioow..lVi4Ue. do, Vf.1."."!' l'",,tlC:!l'c1 do, do. amoked. ai i.f;?0, ?lnr hama, amoVrd, city cured, aa to brand and atrace. SOkic. hama. atnokrd. wat. rn inirrd. su4e, do. bolld. bonelrae. Slci oo- !?' ," tjll'". In Plckla. accordlna to iJilV' Jeeaa, 174c, brcaktaat bacon, aa to K an' vraa. city curd. S34c; hrrakfait .".."""'".jur.!. 524c. lard, wratcrn r 5. . l,nf- .1Tc, do, do. do, tub. 17oi lard. I.Y.V c!.,) .k',l) rndrd, In tterc 17ci ard. pura city, kettls rendered. In tuba. 17c. REFINED SUGARS Tha market waa quiet, but ruld wry firm, i.llir.. "' Prtca. Katra 0no sranulated. T.BpWi.noci fowdrd. 7 S0OT.70C! confection ra' A, 7.40OT.60c. aott aradea. 0.7307.43c. DAIRY PRODUCTS , nUTTr.n There waa a fair demand for de. fjrablo atock and valuea were. Hrmly maintained. tot owing- are tha quotatlona. Western aolld- Sacke.1 creamery, fancy apcctala. SHci eitra. 0W37c; ettra nrata, 33C334c; Hrata. 344os acconda, 31c: nearby rrlnta, fancy, St'e: aver naa emrn. 373cc: rirata. Sec; aaconda. 840 Sjci ancclal fancy branda of prima Jobblna at 4SU43& K(!QH ruled firm with demand absorblnc all otrerliuia of dealrabla atock. Quotatlona: In fre cnaea, nearby extra. SOo per dozent nearby nrata. 110 NO per atandard cane! nearby current receipts. 110.30 per caae: Weatern itra. 3e r oozen: extra nrata, iio.bo tier caae; nrata WHEAT ENDS BETTER WHEN SHORTS COVER Export Business nnd Bull Sup port Bring Rnlly After Sharp Brcnk OR UK nm.T Wr.VTIIKR rOKr.CART rniCAOO. Oct. SO Th wather fore raat.far thlrtr-alx hanra fallowat .. llllmil rafr. rlalns tronraare.rrllar wt, l.conaln rl today. tllnf lempcra- Ipr. rtrfPt atrm aatl rrldar, pamy clondy. warmer eatl . .Mlnneeta Kalr. rlalnt tmprator in- dayi frldar, nrobablr unaettlrd, fooler In north and weal. ... .. Iowa fair today and probably niWi rlalna- letnncrature today and at and central lMay. . ,. .SJ North llakata Partly eloudy, colder rl- "Sooth Datota Fair and wanner todayi rrldar, tartly elandr. colder wt Hn.i-le. ..,m., IndaT. colder Wt Friday aflemoon ar nltbr . . . Indiana fair tadari Friday, fair and Mlehtsan rartlr l"d'., JW warmer, liwcr rrldar, dandy and warmer, probably r In. north. .. .... ...,.k Mlchtaan rartlr . clandr "n,h'j '1 dlmlnl.hln nnl wlndai t'rldar, cloudy aa warmer, prooaoiy rain. CttlCAOO. Oct. !6. Wheat ralllled In the final denllpua today on covering: by shorts, some etport business and support from bull leaders, after It had broken sharply on heavy selllnK of lonit sturr brought about by reports of refershlnir rains In parts of Arnentlnn. December finished at l.0Ol-a0. after having been ns high as $l.Jtt nnd as low as Jl 71: May closed at H..0MUJ.SOU, after having been up to ,1.83 and down to 1,77;: July cloned at $1.46 to tt.45,. after having touched J1.47 and sold ns low The course of prises waa decidedly erratic, nnd nt one time the market showed a Rood deal of strength on buying by somo Of yesterday's sellers. A feeling of nervous ness waa In evidence throughout the session. Outsiders were less Inclined to tako on fresh commitments of excessive calls for margins. . , a Sales abroad were placed at about &00.000 bushels. A dispatch from "WtnnlpeR said that the British Government had completed arrangements for buying wheat there. folkma: . . . lea nay a i-r, iiuzcii, riiiH iiini,, ,iu.ou iwr laaoj iithik. Slo.30 per caao; refrlarrator egaa. extra. IV. 73 caae: nrata. it it. .wiio.o, lr frn 43u43 per doaen, ler caae! flrala. 10.30UU no nar caae: aeconda. ISS3TS.3 per caaa; candled ei Jobblna at 34ej do. ClIKRSU-The market ruled ateady undWr Itprht oRcrlnga and a fair demand. Kollowtna- ara the) nuntatlona; Now York full cream, fancy, J 14 021c; do. do. fair to rood. SOUUSlc; do, art aklma, HtPlDc. POULTRY I.1VE5 Th market waa dull nnd weak under fairly Itberalrferlnta. Quotation-.: Fowl, aa to quality, 10018c; rooatera, HUlr.c: arrlng chlckena. accordlnc to quality, lOtMHc: AVhlto Lechorna. accordlnt to duality. 13vl7c; ducka. na to aize and quality, lo&lhc; turkeya, SStS4c; irccao. 10O17ci plaeon. old. par pair. 23tf2bc; do. young, per pair. ISOSSc. DHKSSKn Itecelpta of dcalrabl atock were only moderate and tha market ruled atcAdy with trad fair. Quotatlona: Krcah.kllled, dry packed fowl. 12 to box, dry.plckcd. fancy eeiecieu. ..a'.ac; oo. wcianinr liva iba, apteco. Z4c: uo. weiamnff 4 ita. apiece, do. wetahlnc 34 Iba. apiece. SS4c wtlxhlnc 3 Iba. nplece, 2W22c; fowla, in bbla.. Ice-packed, fancy, dry-picked, welsblns 4W5 lha. and uir apier. l'34c; do. amaller lie. 10QS3c; old rooatera. dry-picked, 104c: roaatlns cnlckona, weatern. welahlnc 8 iba. and over per pair, StOSSc; do, tl7 Iba. per pair, 224fS3c; brotlms' chlckena, weatern, welshing- 3 if Iba. per pair, U402.1c: chlckena. welirhlns fi&54 lbs. per pair. 20U21c: do. mixed altea, 210220! broiler. Jeraey. fancy, 30U82c; do. other nearby, weighing 34 lha. per pair. SSO 30c: do. do, amaller atzea. 20027c: ducka. near by aprlng. 22023c quaba. white, weigh. Inc 11 ti Iba. per dol.. S3.7SO0: do, do, do, 0O10 lb, per'doi, M.S5O0.51I; do, do, do. H lbs. rr doa, I4Q4.33; do. do, do, 7 lb. ir dox. t3.30US.73; do. do, do. 0004 lb, per doz, 12 752.0O: dark, 12.3002.00; amall and No. 2. 00c OS 1.23. FRESH FRUITS Cholco stock sold fairly and valuea genarnlly were well auatalned under moderate offerlnga, Following are th quotatlona; Apples, per bbl. JonathTan, 14.1,005: lllunl, 13WI; Urlmea' Golden. 4 50O3: timokehouae, 1403: Alox ander, 2.3U&3.23; Wealthy, I304: Twenty ounce. S2.&0O.1.00; York Imperial, K.MU 3,23: lien UaM. 12.2S02.73: fair to good, tl.50 02.50. Applea. Delaware and Maryland, per hamper Kancy, AU073c: fair to good. 25V4uc. Qulncea. New York, par bbl. No. 1. S40S: No. S J2M2.50. Qulncea. New York, per buah,. J1.30 01.73. Lemona. per box, I3.no04.30. Grape fruit. Florida, per crate $3.3003, Cranberrlea. Care Cod, per bbl.. 5On.30 do. do. per rrate, S202.4U: do. Jeraey. dark, per crat. J2O2.40: do. do. light, per crate. It. 3U02. I'eachra, New York, per baaket. OOOUUc; do, do, per buah. baakct. .1.2301.7.V I'eara, New York, per buah. hamper Seckel, 11. 75 O 2.2.1; Hheldon. I1.2.101.5U; Uartlett. No. 1, Sl.2501.73: do. No. 2, 00c. Peara. New York, Ilartleti, per bbl., MO4.50. Orapca. New York, per 4-lb. buakct- Concord. 13014c; Niagara. laOH4c. tlrapea. New York, per 20-lh. baaket Coniord. &3Ou0c; Niagara. 33000c. l'luraa. New York, per baaket Damson, 20O2Bc; prune, 23033c; green gag. 300 IOC. , VEGETABLES Offerings were light and th general market ruled llrm with trade fair. Quotatlona: White potatoea, per buah. lnnalvknla rholce, $1.40 lT50: NeT York choice. $1. 3301.40. Whit potatoes. Jtraey. per baaket. 83 OIJSc. Hweet notatoea. Kaatern Hhor. per bbl. No. 1, J2.2.1 02.30; No. S. $101.30. Sweet potatoea. Del aware and Maryland, per hamper, 0UO78c. Mweet potatoea, jeraey. iwr im,i.,b. i, ouv .tf9S3c. Onlona. ier t2.C002.N3; No. 2, ll.4Q01.75. Cab- 70c; No bg. Danlah. per ton, per Ion, $35040. bag- $45050, do.'do'meallc. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Oct. 20. IIOQ Receipt. 30,000, Market alow and weak. 3o lower. Mixed and butcher'. S9 60O10.4rf: good heavy, IS.750 10.40; rough heavy. $.750.5: llghi. $0.75S lOSsVplga. $7 7BO0.05: bulk, ltlJlll.3J. M awilTK ltcelpta, 0300. ilarket atvady. neevea. $0.00011. 03 Cowa and helfera, $S 33 ON.bu; atock-ra and feeder. $4.0307.73; Texana, I7.10OS.15; calve. $701t. BIIkIjP Hecelpta 28.000. ..Markets lOo higher. Natlvu and weatern, (70S.23; lamb, $8.25010.75. NEW BRITISH LOAN LARGE Will Be for $300,000,000, Backed by $360,000,00Q Collateral NEW YORK, Oct, 26. Pinal details have been arranged for tho new British loan, which calls for an Issue of (300,000,000, composed Of J 150,800,000 of three-year holes and the same amount of flve-ycar-notes, all to be dated November 1 or thereabouts, to bear Interest at EH per cent and to be offered to the Investor so as to net at least that Interest yield. The collateral back of the new 1300,000,000 Hrltlsh loan has an approximate valuation of f 360, 000,000. Extra Dividend for Amparo Mining; The Amparo Mining Company has de clared quarterly dividends of 3 per cent, and an extra dividend of 2 per cent, pay able November 10 to stock of record Octo ber 31. Sugar Futures Steady NEW YOItK, Oct. .e.-i-Ther) was a steady undertone In futures at tha start, with first prices showing gains of 2 to 8 points and sales on the call amounted to 37C0 tons. On tha strength In the epo. market Wall street, Cuban and trade inter ests bought actively, with tha selling more or less scattered. Financial Briefs A, D. Swift, formerly cashier of the Elk County National Hank, Itldgeway, Pa., has been appointed an assistant cashier of the Central Notional Jlank, this city, ' . The New York Cotton Exchange member ship of If. a. Smith has been sold to II. Jl gchloss for ,17,250, an Increase of !&0 over previous aalo. The New York Subtreasury has transfer red 1720,000 to Ban Francisco. A folder containing: some very Interest ing; figures on the United Clan Improvement Company la belnT sent out (.0 customers by lteed A, Morgan Sc Co. The First National Bank, lof Merchant vllle, will celebrate ita Until anniversary on next Tuesday vnlwr, ma New York alutMratutary last.M.tl.- sjsjs ss aaSBaxar , . . ..... Jl & leading futurea ranged aa Wheat ... , Open. High. Ixw. n.e... l.Ml 1.MH4 .!!.. May.. l.so 1.S3 l-T' July . 1.45VI 1.47 1.43 Deo... 87'4 sa RflH May.. tilS S9 July.. eV bl)S M Oat Clca. l.HOS l.HO'i 1.40 7H tHOVa clone. l.C0 s& MS vB.-: Sis .ft Ks .S?3 :B5i bard M ,sn0 iSi. 15 70 13.72 13.50 15.37 13.K0 . jaS::: 1S.07 13.12 14:07 114,02 U3.20 OctVlT '14.40 14.90 Jan..! 14.10 14.12 13.77 113.83 14.20 I'ork tM.OO 20.00 Dec... 20.WI 20.00 26.60 ! 00 2rt.0 Jan... 20.33 20.50 23.83 23.02 20.03 Did. tAlked. INomlnal. CURB TONE HEAVY; MOTOR ISSUES ACTIVE Magma Copper Attracts Much Interest Midvale Steel Strong NEW YOnK, Oct. 26. There was n jeen erally heavy tone to the Curb market dur ing tho frrcator part of tho day, with tho motor stocks for a. tlmo the most active fraturo United Motor was without sup port in the forenoon, when It dropped from 05 to 03, and at tho same time Chevrolet, which opened at 199, fell to 191. Other motor stocks were generally established at lower levels. Most Interest In tho Curb trading for n good part of the forenoon was attached to Magma Copper. That stock had a sensa tional rise Just before the close yesterday, nnd this morning, after ranging from 32 to 30, roso to 30 with the ndvance accompanied by assertions that Inspiration waa making to obtain control of the company. These statements were denied, nnd when the dentals wero published, tho price re acted to 32. Midvale .Steel was strong for n time, moving up from CGVi to C7, nnd there was a show of strength In Submarine, which rcae from 49 M to 41H. Klemlsh-Lynn came into prominence again, with trading at 2(4 to 2H. The oil stocks were Irregular Trndlng In Southern Oil and Transport was on a fairly large scale at 8 to 8 Vi This com pany, the subscription for which closed on Tuesday, owns tho Scottish Mexican Oil Company, which has contrncts on hand for the delivery of moro than 7,000,000 barrels of oil. 1NDU8TR1AI.8 nid Aaked Aetna Riploalrea 104 11 Amerlcan-tirlllah -Jlfg 12 20 American Marconi 3 3U Canadian Car Co 3 43 Can Car 4 YAr pfd 03 73 Charcoal Iron 7H 7H Chevrolet Motor ISO 10H Curt! Aeroplane 20 S3 Kmeraon Phonograph lul 11 Haakell L Ilarker Car 41 41H Hendee Mfg 23 . 2S Kathodlqn llronz pfd SUj 11 laurel Oil Uaa ., (1U Mailm Munition A'i 7 Manhattan Tranalt 1 1H .Midvale. Htrel 07H 07K otla Klevator s 07 1 l'eerteaa Motora 23 24 I'oolo Kng 10.1 , 113 H H Krrax w I 1.1U 14 rltandard Motora Ti i Hubrnarlne lloat 40tt 41K Trlanal Film 2, 2M United Motor ASH 04 U H I, )l com 2i 2K II H I, 4 11 pfd 4, nU World Film 1V4 1U Illlnol Ohio Pralrt IMpe h ti or ci H O of New Jery a o oi new zone STANDARD Oil BTOCKB . 2-3 8M ? tvv ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,-ey allfornla 3IS OTHRIt OH. BTOi Codn Oil Coden Co ...Ik. Inter Petrol .... Ilouaton OH Mldwcet Iteflnlng Baculpa Iteflnlng CJH (100 240 IB 71 10 MININO STOCKS Atlanta .,, g llutta Copper 4 Zlne 7 Ilutte New Tork IS Cerro dn Paaco ,, an Plrat National 414 Florence Qoldfleld .,,,,,,,,,,, 40 Ooldneld Merger ,..,, 7. lltcla Mining . , Howe Hound ,,,, Jim iiutiar ,,,,,, jumno cxinaion fllnl-v.llBrrati Magma Copwr I3V, Mine Co of America 2H NlplMlnc Mine Co , R Han Toy JjJ Ht Joaeph lad ,........, ,,. 1H Weat Knd Conaolldated 61., White Oaks 4H JS S3 Rztanalon 84 nu BONDS Cerro d Taaco 6s Midvale Btetl Bs .. Iluutan 0Vi ..,,. .110 . 1I4 .100 225 370 207 833 (103 242 1SH 17 im 20 8 41 0 oft 03 All 02 33tt s& 70 s 08U 100K WHET YOUR MUSICAL APPETITE WITH A FORETASTE OF KREISLER Beautiful Records Offered Concertgoers of the Violin ist's Own Compositions and Solo Numbers in Phonographic Form ny the Phonograph Editor One of the Inestimable advantages of own ing n phonograph Is that you can whet your musical appetite, nt comparatively small cost and with little trouble, when famous artists are coming to town In opera, or recital, or ns soloists with the visiting orchestras, or the Philadelphia organisa tion, under Mr. Stokowskl. Krlti Krelsler, without question the most admired violinist of these times, now that Rugen Ysaye Is out of the public eye, will be here soon, flrt with the lloston Sym phony Orchestra next Monday night In the Academy, and again on November 11 In n recital. Perhaps you have In your cabinet some of Krelsler's best records, nnd haven't played them for n long time, because you were busy keeping up with the new stuff offered you by the companies rrfonthty. If so. "why not get out the offerings of this artist nnd refresh your memory before you go to hear him play with Doctor Muck or at the recital T Or. perhaps, you haven't nny Krelsler records In your collection. It might be n good Idea to have some of them played for you. We think you will find that n comparison between the disc reproduction nnd tho reality throws no dlsteem on tho former. Uesldes being a great Interpreter. Krels ler Is a composer of decided merits, nnd one of his most beloved trifles has, curiously enough, been lecorded by another nrtlst of towering arttntlc stature Ysnye. The ef fervescent "Caprice Vlennols" Is a Colum bia feature of unusual merit, combining, ns It does, tho Austrian's composition with tho llelglnn's "reading" of it. It Is a strnngo conjunction of nationalities, but quite fit ting. In music there an' no wars, only tnlents, ns someone has said Kathleen Parlow. well known to riilln delphln concert frequenters, has recorded for the Columbia Krelsler's "I.lcbesfrcud." Her method nnd technique mnko a pertinent study In relation to Ysaye nnd the com poser. That Is still another thing your phonograph can do for you teach you tho differences nnd likenesses of violinists, for you can havo n threefold concert all to yourself, whereas, were ymi to wait for the appearances here of Miss Parlow, Ysaye and Krelsler, you might have had your critical sense blunted by the week-long stretches between their various engage ments. Tho Victor has a long list of records mado by Krelsler, arylng In mood nnd length from the airy bits of melodic fluff such ns tha "Taprlee Vlennols" and his own Tambourln Chlnols" to Hnydn's Austrian hymn nnd tho big nach concerto for two Mollns, In which llfrem Zlmballst la the other player. Some of the loveliest pieces of Krelsler vlollnlstlo work, from the purely melodic viewpoint, nto the "Chanson Louis XIII nnd Pnvnne," a re-crentloif from Couperln: llrahms's fifth Hungarian dance; the exquisite nnd touching "Indian la ment," of Dvorak: Schubert'a "Moment Musical" and "Tho Swanee niver." There nre several others of equal merit and more elaboration to choose from. Incidentally It may be mentioned that novelties nre promised by Mr. Krelsler for his appearances with tho lloston and by himself. Probably It will not be many weeks beforo tho astute phonograph men, GRAND NEW Gold Movements Are Heavy NEW YOIIK, Oct. 26. Unusual activity In the movement of money Is Indicated by the frequent changes In the amount of gold received at' the local Subtreasury and the transfers of gold coin from It to other places. Announcement was made today of the arrival of an additional shipment of 2, too, 000 In gold coin1 from Canada, Vrhlch was deposited to the accountof J, P. Mor gan & Co, Two large transfer from the Subtreasury were also reported one of 1601,000 to Cuba, and another of (260,000 to San Francisco. The latter shipment brings the total amount transferred to that center this week up to $1,760,000. Steel Trices Show Big Gain NEW YORK, Oct 26, Steel prices have again -broken Into new high ground, the average of eighty leading steel products this week being $68,76 per gross ton, com pared: with (62 a week ago and (62.40 the previous record a fortnight ago. Aver age prices today ara (29.17 per ton higher than those which prevailed a, year ago. Fine Granulated Sugar Prlefta NKW YOHK, Oet, 26. Anwloan, Howell b4 ArbueM uafs4 7. Me law toe im. 144 todoir, wklU Warner aa th jaj 1f "-" "" " -- rammraa riione vrainut i;t7WSCTDra19 TODD SERVICE Means More Enjoyment From Your Victrola m fffl Hal' ill J$75 All styles and finishes. Ueatly for immediate delivery. 1 $15 $200 Easy Terms Every Record ALWAYS IN STOCK (Formerly Manager Jaroh Hroa. Co.) 1306 Arch St. iTDaPIanostiliEiliPlaycr-rianosliiEirM i(KraRD556: Jolly t. nupetamlth and Coronation Hell. Star ami strltxa and lllrth,1ar Marrh Itoamln' In the dloamln' ami Wnanlnaton Oreys. '"no IJanub ami Morgtnblatter Wain. lrlh jlaa ton both aldea). i. w-2miT ' .D.V ",?.'! vh?n You. l om Home. Wall Winds (aceonllon) ft Amoureuae 'Hundred of other nt Ode, xiudrat tone needle made, lOe per park. Everybody's, 100 N. 10 $" ;h who are not slow In sensing pefruler trends, nre offering their publlo these new num ber. He On the lookout for them. Rearch of the lists does not disclose a single fragment of nimsky-Korsakow'a glit tering symphonic, suite. "Scheheraiade." which the Philadelphia. Orchestra will play tomorrow afternoon and Saturday night WhyT Hero Is some of tho most brilliant, shimmering music that ever has been writ ten. It Is bubbling over with color and Oriental fancy. It la far from exalted, or. If wo must use the ragged phrase, highbrow. Perhaps somewhere there are phonographic reproductions of this suite. Has any reader ever heard of them? It not. It might be a good notion for some of our Important pho nograph companies to give them to music-rovers. Will Take Delaware Soldier Vote DOVKR. Del., oet. 26 Governor Miller announced today that he has appointed T!ieKroer,rS.,on' of "'"cUblrd. aEd Colo. .7iCO10r?. Townni!. 0 MUford. to be spec al election agents at Demlng. New Mexico, for the Delaware soldier. They will depart for Demlng In time to arrivs there before erection day. Mr, Ferniann will represent the Democratic party and Colonel Townsend the nepubllcnnsT STARR&I 1 Bur in Tioga Tfia harmnit aenrt ef m. Mr. IlarTT Bonier lnura rrr tmrcnasar or a ma chine or a record the fulleat enjoyment t Its polon. Licensed Kdlaon Dealer. 2627 OERMANTeW ATE. n,i iwmif jvrie Oftn Evtntnei .$1 MILLER m PIANO STORES XR3r Records in All Lnquqj OO4-0OS &SECONDSC OPN CVTNINOS ( iJJ3ijiiEliLtiTrfHBH II - II The Ladder of Roses V. am. "" 10 In., 7S el. FROM HIP, HIP, HOORAY! The Big Hippodiome Show now at Metropolitan Opera House And All Popular Sousa Numbers 17 South Ninth St: .5ESS55, ft!QN06RrV?! l1 a"k$ alwaW lSieW&I BImm f ST "f V m'aWaagek. ''WgaaS.'-'-lsgeV Fashion's Finishing Touch BURGUNDY The New Color for Fall S o r o a 1 a Shoes are as comfor tabls nnd durable as they are beautiful. Unquestionably it is your footwear that makes or mars your appearance. It is the knowledge of this fact that prompts the carefully dressed to wear oorosis Shoes. In elegance of design, in beauty of finish and combinations of, leathers Sorosis Shoes meet the most exacting dictates or tashion. HotUry In Burgundy and All th New sKaSit I The illustration is tho newest fall idea a graceful shoe with black vamp and Burgundy top. Sorosis Shoe Company 1314 Chestnut Street $&. m ff ,v. fctfi I 44Susi a- JfJ KMHKfiHHsflssHevlsaflHHIHIVlMffd J III .VP il flt j vitmti 1, i , siiii -.v ''IV m M " v i Cunningham Pianos VOUR Christmas piano should be a Cunningham i ,, , ,. ,i , . . iiij. oecause it is tne cneapest in price ana nignesi Cunningham-Made Upright r Pianos $235 UP lagel JaaaaH Lf Jgegegelj I Cunningham-Made Player Pianos in quality, because it embodies the results of a quarter of a century's piano making, because. it is sold from factory to home direct and because you save 25 to 30 by purchasing from the maker. The character of the Cunningham instruments and the reputation they have earned for their durability and quality have made them the choice of over 50,000 homes. There should be a Cunningham in your home. Then you will begin to realize why so many piano owners are Cunningham owners. Remember, it costs no more to own a famous Cunningham Piano or Player-Piano than an inferior make. Can we tell you ff out our "Easy-to-Own-a-Piano" Plan? IT PAYS TO THINK $450 UP U IJMAHtttW HBeXPHIAJ J j r IT (fimmrwficwn iirsro llth and Chestnut Sts. Philadelphia Brattohta 52d & Chestnut 2835 Germantown Ave. Omr Kvia Factory, KOtii aW fMrfcaJcU Av. mimmmmmmm W O O. & & s&y y NAHX ..,.,, , isiapm ;.. - ' vt?v You may Rmtt me art cafcuac O u n n InvlaABi " Pianos and fuH'W- tleukrs of your MSaav- to-Own-a-PianoM ?Um. mmM