-wwBWPWv JLE TTtUPPE ITALIANE RIPRENDONO LA LORO l , AVANZATA SU TRIESTE JEscrcito Itnliano dcH'Albanta E' Ora Unito con L'Armntn dcgli Allcnti sulln Fronts dclla Macedonia BATTAGLIE DI VELIVOLI ItOMA, !6 Ottohre. II generate Cadorna ha rlpreso la sua affenslva contro le llnea nustrlnche del Cirso. cloo' I'offenslva su Trieste, che ' rc-blettlvo principals delle furze Italians. Un dlspaccld itlunto qui orrI da Udlne dice che lo fone del generate Cadorna eperantl nella zona ml est dl Monfalcone eono Rlunte In vista dl Trieste, rlcaccnndo Indletro lentamente le forio austrlache che tbarrano loro la atrada. Su tutta la fronto del Carlo e -11 Gorlzla soro ImpcBnatl In 'tanto vlolentlsstml duelll dl artlgllerla. In queatl ctrcoll mllltarl si crede che, ae r aystro-tedeschl rlusclranno a conquts tare la Rumania, come Rla' feccro con la Serbia, east oleeranno lo sRUardo all'Italla per una grande offenslva Intcsa a costrtn cere ,1'ltallft a domandare separatamente la pace. Naturalmento questa oplnlone e' un flflesso dl quanto al sa al Mlnlstero dclla Guerra ed In seno alio Stato MnuKlore ltallano, e II ftenerale Cadorna prende le ue precauztonl. Non e' Imposslblle qulndl che la sua nuova oflenalva, dl cut glunge apenna ora notlzla da Udlne, ala stata InlztaU appunto per Ruadagnare una plu' forte Unea dl dlfesa ed una plu' alcura garanzta contro una posslblle offenslva nut-tro-tedesea. Un dlspacclo da Berna, al quale del resto non al da' lmportnnza eccesslxa. dice che I'oftenslva contro l'ltalla sarebbo comandata (Is! generate von Falkenhayn, chp comanda era le forze austro-tedesche In Trnnsllvanla. dall'arclduca eredltarlo d'Austrla, e izrebbe fatta da truppe mlste tedesche. aua trlache. bulgare e turcho, dall'tntero blocco teutonlco. OLI ITAMANI IN MACEDONIA Repartl dl cavallerla Itatlana operantl Bell'Albanla a merldtonalo In dlrezlone est hanno stablllto It collegamento tra le forze Itallane dell'Albanla o le forze del I'eserctto allento dl Salonlcco. conglun fendoM a la cavallerla cd all'artlRllerla del generals Sarrall. La notlzla vlcne da Pa kigl dove o' ntata data ufllclalmente dal Mlnlstero della Guerra francese. Con II colleRamenta stablllto tra le forze Itallane dl Valona e le forze del generate Barrel! -,gll alleatl hanno ora una fronto Inlnterrbtta dalle alture ad est dell Struma flno al Mare Adrlatlco. SI calcola che fltalla ha nell'Albanla merldlonale forze che amrriontano probabllmente a quattro eorpl d'armata o plu', sotto rII ordlnl del generate Placentlhl, uno del plu' ablll eomandantl Italian). Appena poco plu' dl una aettlmana fa le truppa del generate Flacentlnl operavano Bulla atrada Corlzza- Glanlna, ad una quarantlna dl mlglla da Monastlr, dove operano le truppe serbe e franccsl formantl l'nla sinistra del generate Barrall. Repartl dl truppe Itallane hanno anche occupato vlllaggl In tcrrltorlo grcco, oome annunzlavano reccntemente dlspaccl a Atene. SULLA FRONTU ITALIANA Il'Mlnlstero della Ouerra pubbllcava lerl sera II seguente rapporto del generate Ca dorna circa le operazlonl alia fronte Italo austriaca: , L'azlone dell'artlgllerla fu nncora ostacolata nella glornata dl lerl dalle sfavorevoll condlzlonl atmosferlche. Nondlmeno sulla fronte delle Alpl Glu lle le nostre batterle sono atato attlve contro I deposltl nemlcl dl Dulno, BIs trovlzza e Comen. SuH'altoplano del Car so le nostre truppe, operando attacchl dl aorpresa, rlconqulstarono alcunl puntl su quclla fronte dl battaglla. Un altro comunlcato ufTlcIale dlramato at Mlnlstero della Marina da' conto dl al cure operazlonl complute dalle squadrlglle dl avlatorl addettl alia marina da guerra. Eccone 11 testo: Squadrlglle dl ldroaeroplanl Italian!- francesl hanno compluto una Incur alone aullo coste occidental! dell'Istrla d hanno bombardato opero nemlche a Balvore, Umago rf Clttanuova. Tutto le nostre macchlne e quelle frnncesl rl tornarono alia loro base aenza dannl. Nel tempo medeslmo una squadrl- glla dl Idr&aeroplanl francesl nttacca ' -yano una squadrlglla dl aeroplanl aus trlact che aveva bombardato Caorle. Tutte le macchlne nemlche furono col plte. Una si capovolse ed un'altra cadde nella laguna dl Uassoleghe, L'utnclale osservatore rlmase ferlto gravement e fu fatto prlglohero In i aleme col pllota. NORWAY POSTPONES REPLY TO STRONG BERLIN' NOTE 12,000,000 Worth" of Norwegian Ship ping: Destroyed by U-Boats in 24 Hours AMSTERDAM, Oct 26. Tn view of the critical situation that has developed between Germany and Norway, l postpone Its reply to Germany's submarine pote. The German note, which was virtu ally an ultimatum in tone, was a pro test against Norway's, refusal to allow sub marines of belligerent powers In her ter- rltorlal water. In the meantime, German submarines i have been devoting their attention to Nor- ( weglan vessels and nearly 12.000,000 worth o Norwegian shipping has been destroyed Within the last twenty-four hours. V German Paper Famine at End BERLIN. Oct, 20. The threatened paper famine, which months ago" caused cries of distress among the publishers, ap pears now to be a thins: of the nast. Prnn. , aganda for the econom'cal use of paper "v. mo eueci or. inarxeaiy resaucing con sumption, and the manufacturers felt It necessary to encourage consumption. The association of Saxon paper manufacturers has Issued a drcillni rnmhnltnr tha vtur I!,, that a paper famine exists. F. Strictly fresh flowers CA.U -you tell when a flower is fresh, when the best and the true delicacy of its fragrance id gone? Flowers bought here are, always strictly 1 fresh. You pay no mpre, Thl ueeAr, regular $1 Orchid; 60s Sif 0f&e Jfpj 121 South Bread Strttt In thm mlJJh tht Ueth VI M ."S K pictu - - .... M-M. lit.T. MOTION xtb !l E13NIG LEDGERr-PHlLABELPHIA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 191G -S4 S ' HOLES IN DOUGHNUTS HIGHER Nucleus of Delicacy Increases In Price ns faster Bakers Jump Charges for Cakes The hole In a doughnut has Increased In Price from ten to twenty per cent through out the city Tout u l.UMA V, meet he adance In n?. nu 'iV? "Maine,! at a mcotlng of tton at l-ai'h. M,RB,'r nrt' As"1" "on at t,01 Woodstock street br Chris Bonnet, president of the organization In Their ,..,,.0,th prlc? of brMd ne ou'n" melr strategic campaign "The small bakers will not rale their rniC S.bHCft'V" he.,,Al,, """ "" s ng the hlsh price of flour by shaving down tho loaxes and adding a ten to twenty per cent Increase to the price ot pies, cookies, cakes and doughnuts." m3ilh.Vh.!n!:".',Md.C0I!t of th lhnut proper, the hole forming the nucleus of the delicacy also advanced In value. ITALIANS RENEW DRIVE ON TRIESTE; NEAR GOAL Rome Believes Teutons Prepare Offensive Against Italy. Falkenhayn to Direct It . nOMH. Oct 28. The drive of the Italians against the Austro-IIungarlan city of Tri este has been renewed. Trieste Is the main objective of the Italian forces that Invaded Austria-Hungary along the Isonzo niver. A dispatch from Udlne today says that the Itnllan army Is now in sight of Trieste, slowly driving the Austro-IIungarlana be fore It. Heavy artillery duels are also re ported from that front. If the German conquer Itumanta their next great campaign will he launched against Italy, It Is bclloved by many mil itary critics. The Heme correspondent of the Idea Nazlonale telegraphed todrty that plans aro already being made In Merlin and Vienna for a great concerted attack against Italy and that materials are being gathered The army groups will be composed of Germans. Austro-Hungarlaus, Ilulgarlans and Turks. Germany nil! furnish all the artillery and most of the other supplies needed One of the two main army groups will be commanded by General vpn Kalkenhayn, It la said, and the other by Archduke Carl, heir to the Austrian throne. MASCULINE MOVIES WIN, SAYS CAMPEAU Film "Bad Man" Cites Influenco of Hart and Farnum on the Photoplay , By the Photoplay Editor Modesty nnd the movies nre not usually ns-roclatcrt Hut Frank Campeau. who Is playing the scoundrelly orderly In "nioi Grnmlo." aftho Uroid ftrcet Theater, Is so dlflldent about the success he achieved be fore tho camera that the Photoplay 1 dltor had some dimculty In extracting hla nim opinions the other day Two of these are Interesting and worth printing. Ue think many storle-i are man handled In adaptation and casting for the screen. And he thinks the masculine ele ment has taken the predominant part In popular esteem Instancing Douglai Fair banks and William B. Hart. In tho latter case, Mr. Campeau threw a curious side light on Hart's first activities In the silent world. "I.Ike most of us from the legiti mate," remarked the actor. "Dill thought his first picture was rotten. 'Gimme a ticket back to New York.' he moaned to Tom lnce. Hut Ince persuaded him to stay. The result is that Hart Is one of the greatest factors In pictures. When I did 'Jordan Is a Hard Itoad' for Fine Arts. I, too, was thoroughly disgusted with the result Nevertheless, people seemed to like It. and so I went to Sellg and acted In T-ane Grey'a The Light of the Western Stars.' Allan Dwan wants mo to do a picture with him In the Hast, where that excellent director Is working now. If noth ing turns' up In tho legit, I guesa I'll go back to the pictures. 'They're getting more Interesting every day, especially since William Farnum and others have put a little manhood and pep Into them. Their Influence Is doing aay. somewhat, with the Vrctty boy stuff, which Is all right In Its way, but sometimes over done." Mr. Campeau Instanced the fllm versions of several current productions as having boen tailored to the stnrs. Instead of cor rectly cast. He added that he'd have liked to Ho soino ot Frank H. Spearman's stories, but that Mutual got the rights. International, which Is putting out Golden Uagle features, will lsuo an ad venture series, In five nnd six reels each, about the fifteenth of each month. The first will be 'The Jockey of Death," In No v ember. At the luncheon tendered by Annette Kel lermann to newspaper men Inst Tuesday the nriuatlo film actress confessed th-it she already had tentatively mapped out her next big feature, to succeed "A Daughter of TH' thoughtless talker is like a blank cartridge. He makes a loud noise but never hits th tarcet. " TV A Eh .a .-, i&jtfSfcws m. so aixttto...F i m 1 llllSSLS 2 umHQmk le$$1 WHEN you ' stop to think, it's little wonder that VELVET is good. Every iS. bit of it has been 7 naturally agediot two years. tjggijeftxfw36accoCbi rarswtffir.niKkiitiiiruBiffiifflifflitattii.iv'rai mbhot un: nwracinriawEmaHiaHnBH Prominent Photoplay Presentations fflXEOTiXLTrasaiiixMra Bnfy BoSna Grwww THE follenlni thenters i.btaln their plttures throosh the STANI.KY rtooklor Comptinr, nhlrh U a guarantee of earlr ith.wlnr of the finest production. All picture, reviewed before rihlbltlnn, Ak tor the (holer In jour locality btalnlDC plcturos threuth tho BTAM.KV U00KIN0 COJU'A.NV. A lll 12th,Morrlift TaaaunkAve. AlnamDra Mat.lMlly f. nr.0:B4B Paramount rlcturea. Blanche Sweet in "The Storm" ADfil I f 82D AND THOMPSON ArULLU MATINEH DA1LT WILLIAM FARNUM in 'TIHES OP CONSCIENCE" ARCADIA CHESTNUT DELOW 10T1I NORMA TALMADGE in "FIFTy-KIFTT" BELMONT Dustin Farnum 62D AND MAnKET, ,A,a . man M- II ..n frt Ercs.,' 0 SO. 8. 0:30 Ito in win riuiiiiriu PAItSON" ppn A Xf 60TH AND CEDAn AVK. L,UJi PARAMOUNT THEATEH Harold Lockwood fie May Alliton in "MISTEH H" FAIRMOUNT WT'5AARD AWnm June Caprice &c Harry Hilliard in THE P.AQQED I'ltlNCESS'' FRANKFORD t1n ,nANA88S Nell Shipman & Wm. Duncan Irr "TIIROUOH THE WALL" CCTU CT THEATEK. MAT. DA1LT. OOin Jl.Helove hnruc. E. T toll. E. H. SOTHERN in "THE CHATTEL" r ARnFN MD LAN8DOWNE AVE. bAIWUi evknino e-.sn to u. Wm. Famum & Kalhlyn Williams la 'THE BPOILEH8" JEFFERSON m" K&vn NELL SHIPMAN in THKOUaiC THE WALL" t w - A T-kn"T FORTV.FIHST ANri " LANCASTEJt AVENUE Anita Stewart "THE COMBAT" LIBERTY DK0AP alumbTT ULUAN GISH In 1C0W"MA "DIANA OK TKB JfOLLIKS" WWtT lMlLAlaijPHU LOCUST B2D AND LOCUST Mata. 130 and 3:30, 10c I.lhol Clayton & Tk. U.'JJ cl fr n AUG AAIUUCH juir Holbrook JSltfin In Market St. Theater "SrgS" J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "THE SOCIAL nUCCANEEIl" OVERRROnK" 83D HAVEnronD . CLEO MADISON in "ciiALtci; or soimow" PALACE ,!U MA1nc:0(.OTnEET Marie Doro .qg"-,,,, PARK n"B AVE. A DAUnilN BT. 1-rtiA.rw mat., aiin Bvn. nu ti Norma TalmadRe-TuIly Marshall In "THE DEVIL'S NEEDLE" PRINCESS mf.V! CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG' in 'THE DAItK SILENCE" RFHFNT 1M4 market btheet -2? A "l1" V0I.0R "ROAN F. X. Bushman Ac Beverly Bayne In "IN THE DIPLOMATIC SEHVICE" R1AI TH OErtMANTOWN AVE. mni.1V AT TULl'EIIOOlfKM ire ir Charlotte Walker KINDLING" RIT R V MARKET STHEET U O I HKLOW TTIf BTnEET EDNA GOODRICH in "THE HOUSE OP.L1K8'' .SAVOY '"IttS" MYRTLE GONZALES in 'THE BND OK THE IIAINBOW" -- TIOGA "T" ANDJ VENAN "a. VIOLA DANA in "THE L1UHT OK HAI'l'INESS" VICTORIA makk" T L .V i V . ABOVH NINTH F. X. Bushman & Beverly Bayne In "nOMEO AND JULIET" CTANI FY MAIIKET ABOVE I8TII 31vmC.I llila A. M, to llttn p. m CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in 'inm xjmmvh .aw- mijt: , to Enm(mjDffip? &mm MS jmaumJwiiL. QliYMf IA JIAUUtfUIXU WO RUWMrH. JfMrT . tf 'htmJ'' (lis Oods." now at tho Chstnut Street Orxra House. According to Miss Keller. trmnn, she has determined on the locnle b plsos never touched In movie work here tofore nnd one distinctly exotic She hs nlresdy done pictures In Bermuda nnd Ja maica. She wouldn't say where the new location was. Theatrical Baedeker nitOArv "RU rirande." with Frank Campeau. Amelia U.rdn.r and A II Van lturn Autuatua Tnomaa'a ttpcattlon of nrrnr lift on tn M.iloan twril.r tntrreatlns anil In irenlous at tho eipfnw of rrallly LTtllC "The (ilrl I'nn llraall." with lranra Di-marr.t. H.th Lrdy. Mul Od.ll, Urorr tlan.ll Hal Fordo and lxiul. A. Si mon Xtr llata.lt. a comic s.nlua, rrdeems an unimportant operetta. OAntlirK 'Tommon Clay," with Jana fowl and Henry stephenaon A drama on th. "fall en woman," rnmMntnc humor and social atlre with sood altuallona MRTltOPlM.ITAN orullA 1IOURR "lllp. Hip. Hooray." with Charlotte, the aVater. Pou.a and hla band Nat XI. Wilts. Charles T, Aid rich and many apeclatltts, A three-rtnc clrJ rua ot vaudeville, braaa band and skatlnsi all ortd nmiiRSTW'fljMI." with Julta Sand.rion. Donald llrlan and Joarph Cathnrn. A pretty ptar, an aslle star, a comic star, plua torn. pr.lentloua orrhe.trated melodl.a. ADKI.rill "Hipcrlenre." with Krneat Olenden- nine. A "modern morality play" with more humapneaa than srac4 "Krerywoman " JTh.re a a large cast Qlendennlns acta su perbly, ItASCtXa Itnovn "The M.lon ot Halome" snJ ether danrra by llaud Allan and her company, with mualc tiy her aymphony errheatra. Thla after noon and tomorrow afternoon. at rorvLAR miens WALNUT "The (llrl Without a Chanee." by WhttneV t'olllna. produced by rtotrt Hherman. An eipoae of the White alava trafne. In vthlch there la an amplitude of comic relief. In addl tlon to the pmpasanda KNIl KKlllKMKKIl "For the Man Rhe Ived." a murd-r myatery melodrama, vetlh a teod twist In the plot Juat Itefore the cur tatn falls arol acted and stated with con siderable aklll rKATVflE MJIS STAN't.r.T "The fommon ljw." with Tiara Kimball Touns end I'enway Tearle. all week. !.ouIr J 8rlanlrk a nrat Iprat preaentatlon of Allert Tai-ellanl a production of tha Itobert VV Chambera novel Iteautltully atased and well actd. but n hit alow In dramatis move ment. Newa and travel pictures alio on the bill VIi'TOttlA "Itemeo and Jnllrt." with tleverlr llayne and rranrl. X Iluahman. sit week. Ural locil ahnwlna of Metro'a elaborate screen veralon of the Bhakespearean tratedy, accompnnted by a aim tat mualcal score. Other nhtorta rt AltCADU "Hfly-r rrtr." with Norma Tal- madee. a Fine Art" Triangle. nKtIKNT "In the Dlidomatlr 8erttre." with hVnnel. X Iluahman and Heverly llavne. rAl-ACK "The l.h." with Marie Doro. a La.ki raramount reature CIIKHOIIT .MIHKKT Ol'KttA HOUS1J "A Daiichtrr of the lod.," with Annette Keller- iiimiiii wnti .. iiiiani nnay, npeciacia and beauty ot tha beat, but somewhat tackles In dramatic alsntftcanca. VAVDKVtLLH KKtTlffl "The Ace of rteaeon," Jaek TVIlaon. efank Hurat and Lillian lloardman. Xtay Nau datn and Anatol Frledland Charlea Kelloy, VVInaor XfcCay, William and Xlarsaret Cutty. Fir Kttamuraa Weaton and Clark, flamaroft end Honla end ritm.. Wlt.I.IAXt rKNN New v-audev-lll bill and Dotiilaa Fatrtanka In "Xtanhattan Xtadneaa " a'tANl "Don't !, Tour Ser." Jew.ll'a miniature circus. VVIIaon and liraen. Tommy 8Hfc.'2!"! ;??"" "? " N OUmn--Pauttn. -The Olove Trotlar otj. Diftr and lialay, Arthur i and IS dre.l nthera. CPOIR FTK'Th. Cabaret Ofrte," Davla, Harry ttanka. frBrkm aaal Tracy and Wll.on. 1 Toy Brother, MNMTRKL DLltONT'lt New Mrt.ttl.a k Hm company, Includlnc VHehool OpeiM"aa llr.w.ev Klnt..m.nt ' ' , Don't Buy METAL WEATHER STRIP For windows and door until you have examined our equipment and reference list. ' Our price will get your order. A postal tut' do. CHAMPION CO. Ball, Walnut 1400. 1233 LudloW SL " III iXttohif m i. in n i mmmmmmmmmm Mason &. DeMen? 1 1 15 Chestnut Street Opp. Keith's mtr dtrTtk pS5 VVV , K 9 raf Hi - Do You Realize This Sale Ends Halloween? And Halloween is only four shopping days ahead. N If financial reasons have postponed your fur purchase, then read this important inducement A Small Deposit Will Reserve Any Purchase Until Desired At 15 Per Cent Off Marked Prices We Reserve Your Purchase Upon t a Small Deposit or Charge it Subject sto Bill of December 1 Coats November October Ursula r Pale 1'rlce Trice 45.00 Russian Pony 38.75 (Heaver or Ilaccoon Collar) 70.00 Select French Seal... 68.50 (Skunk Collar.) 75.00 Russian Pony 63.75 (Skunk Ilaccoon Collar) 60.00 Natural Muskrat G8.00 (Flare ilodel Full Furred Bklna) 85.00 Russian Pony 72.00 (Hliunk Ilacoon Collar and Border) 90.00 French Seal 77.50 (Kkunk Ilaccoon Collar and Ilorder) 90.00 French Seal 77.50 (Very Full Xlodel and Contraatlnx Collar) 95.00 Natural Muskrat .... 80.75 (lludaon Seal Collar. Cuffs and Hell) 1 1 5.00 Hudson Seal 07.75 (tO'lnch with Collar and Ilorder of Skunk or Ulack Lynx 120,00 Hudson Seal 102.00 (Flare Xlodel Selected Skins) 130.00 Hudson Seal 110.00 US-Inch Flare Model) 4 Mm m aB aaH aH Coats November October Ileaular Kale Price Vrlce 140,00 Natural Raccoon ....110.00 150.00 Hudson Seal 127.50 (Skunk Collar and Ilorder) 160.00 Hudson Seal 130.00 (Very Full Xlodel and Choice Quality) 160.00 Leopard Skin 130.00 (Iladger or Ilaccoon Collars) 170.00 Persian Lamb 144.50 (Skunk or l'eralun Collar.) ' 175.00 HurVon Seal . . '. ... .148.75 (11 In Ilorder and Co I hi r ot Skunk) 190.00 Hudson Seal 161.50 (fl-ln Ilorder nnd Collar of Skunk) 250.00 Leopard Skin 212.50 (Taupe Fo Collar and Wlda Ilorder) 300.00 Scotch Moleskin ....270.00 (Flare Xlodel with Wlda Ilorder Collar of Skunk or Fox) 325.00 Scotch Moleskin ...,276.25 (fl-ln Ilord.r and Collar of Skunk) 475.00 Natural Mink 403.75 (finished with Suble, Xllnk Tails) Sets November October Ilearular ftate I'rlco Price 30,00 Hudson Seal 25.50 (llarrel Huff and Straltht Scarf) 31.60 Black Fox 26.75 (Animal Scarf and Barrel Muff) 35.00 Raccoon 29.78 39.03 Skunk ( 33.10 40.00 Beaver 34.00 47.00 Black Fox 39.90 65.00 Pearl Wolf 55.25 72.50 Black Lynx 61.60 75.00 Battleship Grey Fox. . 63.75 75.00 Kamchatka Blue Fox.. 63.75 (llarrel XtufT and Scarf) 75.00 Moleskin 63.78 Ularrel Xlurf and Straltht Scarf) 80.00 Red Fox , . 68.00 Sets November October Rfular Hale Price prtoe 90.00 Moleskin 76.89 95.00 Kolinsky 80.60 100.00 Fisher , 81G6 (Animal Scarf and Barrel XTuS) 100.00 Dyed-BluoFox 83.0 100.00 Cross-Fox 8S.6 110.00 Slate Fox , 93.M 110,00 Cross Fox , 93.S (Animal Scarf and Bunt UiuT) 115.00 Pointed Fox ........ 97.M 130.00 FWier UO.f' 245.00 Hudson Bay Sobl 268.M 360.00 Natural Blue Fox....39.M 400.00 Silver Fox 344.M 900.00 Russian SabI 7H.M &4 '? A Millinery Special Extraordinary We are able through a fortunate purchase to offer a hundred of ex- 8 .50 quisjte, smart and bau tiful models of exceed ingly good taste. Values $12, $15 and $18 P wekMittff AgemU OrtUrt AGOpted MaM Qd RMemFtfTrtietf AHwtJM rmt Wiimlmil and i i SjjgjgJLteg)!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers