liViilUNCl LUiLruiSiJi I'xxxujrybibbi hlA, rJ.JaLll, v.A,L.Lui -o, ItfJ-tf UtENCH ASSAULT AT V0RDUN MARKS NEW TOT DRIVE "Offensive, Together With Somme Push, Designed to Crumple Germans JOFFRB WATCHED ' FIGHT 11 J 4 fO fcl. i FALKSNHAYN HURLED BACK, BUCHAREST SAYS Btdcrabt mK to rolling stock, It waa officially announcl today. WHERE VILLA IS CLOSING IN k-ts ly HENRY WOOD VERDUN (via Chanl'lly), Oct. 26. BattllAc In rain, mists and clouds of moke, tlw French recaptured F"ort Douau- Ont In less than three hour In the brilliant offensive that wept the Crown Prince back from Verdun. 0 The entire opcrat'on was witnessed by General Joftre, Commnniler-ln-Chlet of France' armies Prim an observation post In one of the Verdun forts, the correspondent watched the French Infantry launch the attack at HMO Tuesday morning after three days of unprecedented artillery preparation. The rain, the fog; nnd the constant explosion of ahells h.d men from sight, but It was pos Slble to follow the French advanco by the shifting of the barrage fires, especially that of the Germans, which first camo from Frols de Terre, and then wos forced to shorten upon Thlaumont and Douaumont as the French swept all before them. Telephone calls from other French forts kept us Informed of the French ndvance. First, at 1S:.10 Holly ravlno was captured, the voice over the telephone said. Then the Houdromont quarries the village of Douaumont, tho forests of Chnpltra, Fumln, Chenola, Laufeo and Calllotte In quick suc cession. There waa a short pause and tjie tele phone brought wbrd of the capture of the Vauzpond, It waa 3 o'clock when Fort Souvtlle tele phoned that tho French hod reached Fort Douaumont and were fighting about Its entrance. French olllcern waited with cool confidence for the next word. DOUAUMONT SUIlIttOUNDED "We have surrounded Fort Douaumont," same a message at 5 o'clock. For an hour we peered out over the distant battlefield, on the alert at the same time for some news from the telephone. Suddenly sharp gusts of wind lifted the mists and the smoke clouds, revealing the tricolor qf Franco floating at the summit of Douau mont. At the same moment Fort Souvtlle flashed the word that Douaumont had been captured, it waa then 6 o'clock. "With their Somme offensive permanently established, the French launched this sup plementary offensive at Verdun on October II, eight months to the day alter the be ginning of the Crown Prince's great effort. Within six hours they had recaptured all the Important positions east of tho nteuse, excepting Vaux, which it had cost tho Ger mans six months and terrible toll In human lives to conquer. Tho French chose the mohient when the Germans were weakest through the, trans fer of troops and cannon to the Sommo nnd becauso of tho unrelenting work of destruc tion wrought by French guns. French avia tors had established the fact that many German batteries on the Verdun front con sisted of a single gun and others of only two or three. Since the Inauguration of tho Allies' Somme offensive the only German re-enforcements sent to that battlefield were drawn from Verdun. This last source of supply has now been cut off, In tho opinion of French officers.' The French Vardun offenshe I backed with more organization and preparation than preceded the Somme offenshe. Both offensives, proceeding simultaneously, are calculated to crumple the entire German front. Approaching Verdun Sunday, on the sec ond day of the artillery preparation, we reached Soullly. A moment later a bugler sounded the nlarm. Two German aero planes, flying at Invisible altitudes, had suc ceeded In crossing the, French lines. The streets were filled with girls dressed In white and white-ribboned boys, going to their first communion. They scurried Into cellars until French planes appeared and drove the Germans back over their own lines. OREAT AEIUAt, ACTIVITY En route from Soullly to Verdun the roar ef French artillery preparation Increased steadily. The aerial activity assumed pro portions I had not witnessed before, even on the Somme front. German anti-aircraft guns kept the entire sky throughout the day flecked with white sharpnel and tho puffs from black, high explosive shells, executing a veritable barrage against the airmen for the double purpose of driving them back and obscuring their observa tion. On Sunda evening, the Germans fearing an Immediate attack, launched a terrific barrage fire, using 300 guns. On Monday the French resumed their preparation. At the height of the bombardment a 400-mllli-meter-caliber shell struck the centor of Douaumont. The explosion was visible on the entire front and flames buret forth from three sides of the fort. GERMANS SURIIENDEU On Monday night, French officers re ported, more than one hundred Germans and three officers deserted and surrendered to the French rather than face the Impend ing Attack They are said to have given up valuable lnrormat.on. On Tuesday the French resumed the bom bardment more violently th,an over. Half an hour before the attack was begun we visited Verdun and were shown the opera tions of the machinery of the vast sub terranean city, with its water, electric, plant, bakeries and even print ng presses operating In their usual methodical manner. The garrison theater even had a per formance scheduled tor that evening, though al) the soldiers knew and were elated at the prospect that they were about to begin a great offensive after eight tnontha of defensive fighting. ' BRITAIN MAY SEND AUMY NOW IN CAUCASUS TO AID RUMANIANS' FORCKS LONDON1. Oct. :. War Secretary Lloyd George's declara tion that the Allies are hlplng ltumanla was followed b a rejrort today that Eng land would send an Army Into that war theater. lingland has already sent a big force Into Kuntla for use in the Caucasus and this force may be diverted nnd used against the armies of von Fnlkenhayn and von Mackensen. It Is admitted ccn in official circles that the plight of ltumanla Is getting desperate. BUCHA11K3T, Oct. 2. Great quantities of supplies were de stroyed by tho Jlumanlnns before they gave up Constanxa nnd Ceriiavoda to tho Ger man allies. Much oil nnd grain was thrown Into the sea and Into the Danube to pre cnt Its captu.'e by von Mackensen. GERMANS PREPARE (JREAT DRIVE TO RECONQUER LOST GROUND ON VERDUN LINE ' PAttlM, Oct 26. French troops on llio Vaux-Douamont lino,' northeast of Verdun, were xlolently bombarded nil night by German artillery, the French War Olllce nnnounced today. It wan Indicated that tho Germans were preparing for another great series of In fantry nssnults In un effort to win back ground lost to tho French on Tuesday. Tho situation generally was unchanged, tho communique said. Tho latest attacks of the French on the Verdun front were made In the direction of Fort Vaux, Indicating that tho next big drlvo would he launched against the Ger man f holding that position, Tho War orilco statement today of the exploit of a French airman who, white 800 yards above tho ground, opened fire with a lunch ne gun against a German artillery column, Tho attack caused a panto among tho drivers. RERUN ADMITS THE LOSS OP DOUAUMONT; GERMANS' MEUSELINES WITHDRAWN IinilMK, Oct. 20. The fall of Fort Douaumont, northeast of Vordun, wan admitted by the Gorman War Office this afternoon. The statement as sorts, however, that the fort had been evac uated by its garrison when the French took It. "We did not succeed In rcoccupylng tho work," the official report added. The Crown Prince's linen, tho Btntcmcnt said, were withdrawn to n prepared posi tion close to the north, "In the mnjorlty of cases only upon strict command and reluctanctly." All further attacks, partic ularly agalntt Fort Vaux were beaten off. On both aides of the Somme nil French and British attnckH were .repulsed with "heavy sacrifices" to tho attackers, tho statement said. RUSSIANS CHECK TEUTONS' PLANS IN SOUTHERN RANGES OF CARPATHIANS; TAKE ARMS LONDON, Oct. 2G. The cutting of the connection between tho Russians In the Bukowlna and tho Ilumanlans further south seems to have been prevented. South of Dorna Watra, In the Carpathians, at the border of Rumania and the Bukowlna, the Russians yesterday drovo tho Teutons from a series of heights, capturing prisoners and machine guns. Last week tho Austrian-) under tho Arch duko Charles Francis made stubborn at tacks In that region, where the Russians and Rumanians Join forces, with the evi dent object of cutting tho connection and rolling up tho flanks of both armies. Snow stopped the attacks and now tho Russians have offset them. A German statement today Rays a Rus sian gas attack on tho .Slum River and another attack near Kolostrov, northwest of Lutsk, were beaten back. Russian attacks near Dorna Watra were repulsed, tho state ment says. Russia's drive at Lemberg has been stop ped by the German victory on tho western bank of the Narayutka and the driving back of the Russians to the eastern bank, saya the military expert of the Overseas News Agency In a review telegraphed here from Berlin. The Russians have lost the dominating heights on the western bank In a bend of the river north of Halle. The Russians lost B0OO men In thn Mvnn days' battle, na well as much material. The Third Finnish Division was almost an nihilated, and the Forty-first Russian Division routed. Prussians and Branden hurgers won tho battle. " V J COLUMBUS 1 f i P- bZ PV750 J ClUDffD iU7&ZSJX rscevsor 1 CfJSffS hfOLON DUBLffN ' OCRR&IZftL G&?A?OESuT ( I 0 J N o If . n J o V ' l QBRBICORfl V 1 v CHIHUTHUfl J&Cp EMLRORDS ...P..CVA?. GUERRE diaz and zapata With villa plan big triumvirate Kinsman of Former Presi dent in Scheme to Over throw Carranza ANXIETY IN WASHINGTON Chihuahua, as tho crow flics, is about 180 miles from tho camp of tho United States troops under General Pershing at Colonia Dublan. CHARITIES BENEFIT IN WILL Estate of Moro Than $100,000 to Bo Divided Among Institutions An estate valued nt more than 3100,000, left by T. Morris Knight, a retired diamond merchant, who died at Dooner'B Hotel on October 6, Is devised to charities, by tho will admitted to probate today. Bequests Included In the will were $6000 to George 05. Meudo Post No. 1, G. A. R. : $10,000 to tho Home for Incurables: SG00O each to the Pent sylvanla Hospital, Hahne mann Hospital, Jewish Hospital, Jefferson Hospital, German Hospital; Home Mis sionary Society, Children's Aid Society and the Society to Protect Children from Cru elty. The remainder of the estate, with the exception of $1200, which is left to ser vants, goes direct to tho Homo for In curables. Bequests of $500 each to St. Joseph's Seminary, Baltimore ; the Society for the Perpetuation of the Faith, Philadelphia, nnd the Catholic Home for Destitute Chil dren; and $300 each to St. Joseph's Homo and Ht. Vincent's Home and Maternity Hospital, aro contained in the will of Mar garet Sherln, who died In St. Joseph's Hos pital recently, leading an estate valued at $6030, Other wills probated were those of Har riet M. Lutz, 1710 Uber street, and Mary D. Lapalme, Rising Sun avenue, who left effects valued at $4100 and $2650, respectively. BROTHERS SHOT BY SAME GUN Wounded While Hunting for Deer When Twig Catches Trigger EGG HARBOR, N. J., Oct 26. With his right leg hanging at the hip. James Bowers, fourteen years old, was brought here last night, from the deer woods In Burlington County. Sitting nt his side In the automo bile was his twelve-year-old brother, Alfred, whoso right leg wns terribly torn by part of the same load of buckshot. All local doc tors were out of town and the bojs were taken to the Atlantic City Hospital. They had finished hunting for deer and were sitting In the nuto. The gun wns dis charged when the trigger caught In a twig. SAN ANTONIO, Oct 2. Army Intelli gence officer! have obtained possession of papers which. It Is reported, give In detail a plan for the overthrow of Carrania, In which Villa and Zapata are to Join force with Felix Dlai In the campaign which military authorities believe i now well un der way, A statement made to army headquarters here by a representatva of Zapata confirms a report through military channels that plana under way for many months for a Joint campaign by Villa. ,nd Zapata are now being put In operation.' An exchange of messages between Villa and Zapata, this report says, resulted In Zapata starting moro than 1000 froops northward to Join a Villa command, about fifty miles west of Chihuahua City, as welt as the shipment of a large supply of ammunition for these and nddltlonal troops. Persistent reports of the fall of Chlhua "hua City to the Villa forces, which have been current here, have not been confirmed In advices to southern department head quarters of the United States army. Gen pral Funston. Questioned as to the reports. said that so far as he knew they were not true. General Jacinto Trevlno, commandant of tho Chihuahua garrison, has Issued warning to residents to leave tho city, according to a report to army headquarters from General George Bell nt Kl Paso. Oeneral Bell said Mrs. Trovlno waa among many refugees who arrived at El Paso from Chihuahua. WASHINGTON, Oct 26. The sltua. tlon In northern Mexico around X3hlhuahua City Is growing worse dally. There Is no food and the people are fleeing for safety. Villa holds tho upper hand In that terri tory nnd reports to the War Department today confirm tho successful battle waged by Villa against the Carramistas last week. Dispatches from Major General Funston given out by the War Depart ment, confirming the Palomaa battle and tho departure of Mrs. Trevlno nnd- family to Juarez from Chihuahua, forced the ad ministration to ndmlt that the situation in northern Mexico was bad and that Villa was In control In many sections. With Pershing and his 11.000 men sixty miles from Villa's camp and held Immovable by orders from Washington, Secretary of Wood for Grates Wo sell choice dry Oak and Hickory logs at current rates. Also splendid kindling for starting fires. Cumming:s, Coal Yards Main Ofilco, 413 N. 13th Street Lauds Both Wilson and Hughes SCRANTON. Pa., Oct. 26. A new note for a national candidate In the present election waa sounded last night by Ira Lundrith, tho Prohibition vlco presiden tial aspirant, when he declared that Wll. son and Hughes were both excellent gentle men, and that he did not caro who won tho presidential race. VETERAN BOER LEADER DIES General Snyman, Stricken With Ap pendicitis, Succumbs After Operation General William D. Snyman, a veteran of tho Boer war, who has been living for several years In Mexico, died last night In the Jefferson Hospital, where he under went an operation for appendicitis. He waa stricken in Atlantic City last Friday, Ho was ubout fifty-five years old. General Snyinan was well known in Philadelphia. On his visit here In Jan uary, In an Interview, he tharacterlred the massacre of the eighteen Americans by Mexican bandits ns the greatest atrocity In the history of the United States nnd as serted that Intervention bv the Govern ment seemed the only solution of the dis orders In Mexico. T srm usBBjjsjjsjjwHsfltugaafl UriH-sj? 9 . hUtjiugBuraMBnn I 1 fyi3wtsjt 4 BeilW? as egg comld rasl tin very simplest- tblMf is tsi euliaary art. But getting an egg that k ahmtuUly, faenaitly iVsisi Uys, m1 g Uiih t-r.w, Ht t. 3mt 1 jntmmm nr wm IWKI Satisfy Yourself I that your neckwear liar' mnnllca with the rt of your atllre and you'll tart the day full of "pep," with prrfeet eon Hilenea In your oppr aiice, We have a fine line of SILK TIES that are real $1.00 values, now tiling- for 55 Iscludlnc h HHp-Ky band, and la a great -rfetjr of Iwa-Une csTt4, tred, l'rf(Un ana XlmcBtsl Btripe. &t TOKK WIS Ctostnut Stmt SOME men bear the blamo of their tailor's bad taste. Others choose a tai lor wnose taste is beyond question. In matters of men's dress it is diffi cult, if not impossi ble, to think of a name that carries tho weight of "Hughes & Muller." Wo feel this is not a' boast, but a fact. HUGHES ..AND MULLER 1527 Walnut St. biSjiSjiSjiSjiSjiSjiSji M lita I Ull" KiaiV-BSjiUsVtr M - . HH1$ '" a VsHBF Notn sBBHPjpn a onocB wi QSjBj0rt "-- try Oroaa-tota shot is an Educator. Look for this mark on sole. (TAW una y MX ' 1 x l l W V ' vOdV 1 If Your Feet Could Talk '"PHEY would say "Those pointed, bonc-bend-" ing.'fashionable' shoes you buy, give us corns, bunions, fallen archcs, callouses, ingrown nails. Give us a chanct. Put us into roomy, com fortable, good-looking Educators that 'Let the feet grow as they should 1'" Made lor MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN Start the whole family wearing Educators today. Let Nature relieve you of your foot-ills. Let your children grow up without any foot-ills. . Made by Rico & Hutchlns, Inc., 15 High Street, notion. Fducatoiv M1UL Mlathtf Educator tor Mtn KC.U.S.tHt.OS. Retaileri canle supplied at wholesale from stock on our floor. JOSt'.ril I. MHANY & CO Inc., I'lilla., Pa. STEEL SAFES ftanscom's Restaurants throughout the city appeal to particular people. QusAy Fgtb t 14lrU Every paper of any importance in your office can be pro tected and systemat ically filed at com paratively small jot Jn a Glob Steal SJe . Wmrmmmmtf 4- . w 1 1 Lh tv ; r .y m H V 1ss4bssH Pftratively small eoet B Bejl SiBstf F sl El 4W SUti in Stock I lil M E II f R JW r ! ii limn TTi mi hmiiiT mat. LM-tiw e4r WI 1W wae preparing t Mealco. Me ". Rtate Departure 2?,61l nnd that the attrfi waa vtwe4 with the Chlhtsahu were wtm e f leed than at anr rrevletn thna. In the meantime the cwifereaee at At. lantlo Cltr eonUnue with no result, while Ckrran show, himself lee- ble to do anythlnr that hi mml,i2"?.Jh?n asree to, and no one her expect nr1"; tc? eventuate from that conference, which will probably come to a audden and unsat isfactory end lr 'n Nrnber- Com wrnt U mad. en la. fart that "P""'"' tive. .f the Ud " '"!eJl' with eomml.sloaer. representlaf ' Oererameat wlsVh It weak that It eannet pat d"w bandit with eemparatlrely small band of lll-fed folUwers. f PERSHING TREPAIIES TO STAY THROUGH WINTER IN MEXICO COLUMBUS. N. M..Oct-SI.Heavr ship ment, of Intrenchlnr tool, pick, "hovels, crowbars, sandbar, have rrlved here. It f. said they are for the us of the punitive expedition In Mexico. Officer take ths shipment a an Indication of a possible re newal activity In the field, omc.ra aa, the tool would not be needed at field head quarter If the troop are to remain there. Recently the band of the Fifth, Seventh and Thirteenth Cavalry, left at the border when these reslment went south, wer ordered to rejoin their command. Adobe house ar belnc built at field headquarter In Mexico, It I reported here, and army overcoats ar belnr Issued to the soldier of the expeditionary force. K0ERBER APPOINTS) PREMIER OF AI A7taU fflrit a I AM r.C Yi aa ....avd ut nnance f v18. o -".. na suite), Friend of Germany AMSTERDAM, Oct JIA viea. patch report that Dr. Krnst vn. v' Tina been appointed Premier of Austria, von rvoiruer, wno is Minister of F1. Is called "a jreat friend of Oernunv-i latrr tnailA. It una nf .. MA...,. ...B . .... vunuiuons Qf j'jl aceentanca that hn t, altAM.. , .. 3 , .. -m 10 (UM tkfcS ftnannlal no1lftl nt hnik , m Hungary. (The Itoma correenondent a .,.. chanc Telegraph Company had m, reported that Prince von liofc pi.iiiimihiiui.1, iibu uon named - rm Premier.) ABwl Foshalt Keerto Gets Half of KsUt, Minr.vuA, jj. i., ucu 2. Th'm Sarah J. Keene, widow of Jam., n F ' b.a,?kAr H iS?". .Sm .-.m...... .. .w..u, n uuorn lor nmt In tho Surrogate's orilee here. Th let la valued at several mlutn. J?u One half of the principal goes to vl?? P. Keen. The balance Is nlact i. 7" for Jessica Taylor, the daughter, whatl' nnvr Jftsxlea Ivn Fraal - ii! .. , .vv iTiiTturirn!TiiTifrTjrTuTUTifTi HARMONY APIPE. BliENDfJ The tobacco with a flavor so delicate yet "full" that it might be called "rich'mildness" 2&22y f fix dtstmct kindi I tfJporttdand2k. , nwC HHXlCCO-axfy ciriu watte m.. adelmhtt.r --"r iiui iirrrsN and 'nahimt 'fl.. ,; fefefi c7r-Ju.aM f fifiezw. cream cohrti nutbrtumlin t Sterling Silverware' Tableware Tea Services Chests Toilet Articles Novelties S. Kind & Sons Diamond Merchants Jewelers Silversmiths 1110 Chestnut Street i m sMKm B 58STEINWAY Duo-Art Pianola PIANO wwm, Small Grand, $825 In Mahogany Case Whether your choice of a piano is to be determined by beauty and richness of tone; or, the modish form' .of the case; or, convenience of size; or, the effect of the maker's reputation on your friends; or, fairness of price the Steinway Small Grand is the piano for you. Steinway uprights, $550 to J800; grands, $825 to $1750. . Steinway Duo-Art Pianola. Piano will be a delightful surprise to you. Try It yourself, as a piano; then as a pianola, with ordinary rolls ; then as the glorious Reproduc tion Piano, recreating the playing of great artists. Electrically operated no pumping, N. STETSON & CO. 1111 Chestnut Street $ EDISON Diamond-Disc PHONOGRAPH J British Women's War Work Poor ladies I Throe years ago the public sniffed fit them if they wanted to work. Today all Britain cries for thefr labor. Three years ago the British wpman stood a migni.y gum, cnance oi gating int? vui. Now it is doubtful if she can escape the franchise after the war. Today in Britain women are largely, if not solely, response blefor keeping the wheels of life in mo tion, since every healthy British man'ia g erf orming some sort of military duty. InfW unday's PUBLIQ LEDGER , May Bos man reviews the way in whiw Britifth women have proved their case before the world. It's an intensely.interestlng article. r 7TIJ I
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