Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 26, 1916, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3
EVENING LEDGER lLLAUiflLPHIA. TllURSDAV, OCTJeOJJlOft 2G, 1016 TUTOR'S WIFE Hrr HIM WITH FRIEQ MACKEREL, . SERVANT GIRL ASSERTC ll ft RcVt Jolin TrJPlctt'8 BTT....- TToll Tntn n. Howl of Gravy, Witness Snys nt Divorce Trial CAMDEN COURT CROWDED rtre were many storm scene In the llf . - Ter John ana uoruiny iinm, ui SoT'the liveliest took pUca In tlia -SJr.Jhome when Mrs. Trlplett, It In aald. 22a her husband In the face with frll v!L..i thereby cumin hla ilaaees to S Into a bowl of cravy rM la a sample ot the testimony which .Introduced nt the airing- of the suit TrVi which the clercjman brought fJilnt his wife. The Court of Chancery crowded and Advisory Mauler C V I). Mine wax patient The mackerel episode wn mentioned by Carrie Schaaf. rt former secant She nalit JT" Trlplelt throw the fish nt her husband ken he demanded wme for his mother .A sister who were visiting them I.ater. ieeordlnit to the witness. Mrs. Trlplett !- before the door of the room occupied Wtho Msltora nnd called them "sponKers. j-IinEATEN TO I1UKAU DOOH Carle Schaaf. aald Mrs. Trlplett was ""run In bad humor. -"She called him a fool." said the wit ntM. "and. encouraged their daughter. Doris. tTmake fun of Mr trlplett when ho rut Id rrsee. She also objected to hla being" nlone In. his study. One time she threatened to break the door down with nn nxe" Although Mrs Trlplett iVten complained bout the meals, she admitted, the wlt Ittfig said, that these complaints were made because they caused Mr. Trlplett to. make t funny face Miss May Blake, another wltnesa, wild tiie defendant often made her husband get kls own breakfast and told him she was tired of his "old hen" parties This caused a hum of disapproval In the court, as there were several women present who had visited the Trlplett home. Several witnesses for tho clergyman said thit Mrs. Trlplett freouently complained of the "slow life" In Woodbury. Henry V. Rogers, of Voodbury. said that Mrs. Trlplett told him she wanted to got tway from the dear old ladies in the mis sionary society, "I don't llko being n mln liter's wife," Mrs. Trlplett wa quoteu as having told the witness. "I can't net tho way I like to and I don't want to mix In with the strn,lght-laced church people. I can't even look cross-eyed In Woodbury without accounting' for It. If I had n litis hand who had Rome get up and go about him he would get another church and not keep me In a Jersey (own My mother wanted to get mo married young. I made a mistake; Icould have made) a better mar rlare elf t had waited." PAID A SOCIAL CAI.Ti Regers said this conversation took place when he paid a social call at the summer home of Mrs. Trlplctt's mother, Margaret Kelson, at Kids Islands, ot the Thousand Wands. Cross-examination by Hdward Wilson, at torney for Mrs. Trlplett, revived the wit Bess's memory and he added many other statements. Rogers said Mrs. Trlplett fre quently found fault when her husband was lata for meals nnd crltlclxed him because he couldn't raise 'flowers on a patch ot ground near the house. Mrs. Florence Evans said that Mrs. Trlp lett complained because tho clergyman orouiht his mother to their home In Oc tober, 1912. According to the witness. hIio also objected to the keeping of chickens In the cellar. "I pulled his hair good," said Mrs. Trlp lett, according to Mrs. Evans," I have a temper and I get It from my mother. I'd rather have my bad temper than his. I get Bine over with. He keeps hla In and hakes?' m m fMMulSaaTaaTaaTSm A JakW , 'HJJtmV'' isfff "aPrfSSLi? 'IwHiSfflBsanW MffaaTa0aTaOHvrjb' rjVwBHssH ' llllSijMtviPBB. -.BBfejnlitf SsSidBnasapsps jMaaaa .aaTaaTaaTBaH i. -.aaTaaTaaTsaTi SaaTaaTaaTaaTaaTaaW i aaTaaTaaTaaTsar! aOaOaOaOaOaOBT Wl aOLlBOaOaOaOaOaOaLl OaOaOW? r- a anTaOaOaOaaTsaTa DU. ROMULO S. NAON ArRcntine Ambassador to Wash ington, who will remain at his post despite the change in administra tion nt Huenos Aires. "PUBLIC'S ON BOTTOM, BOOKIES ON THE TOP" "Who Cuddn't Clean 'At Bunch?" Gnmblera Sing on Wny From Whitemnrah .Tired, ootsor. ond weary, J" fill last mom in "" . win,, mopsere-iid mofly-rom in. WMle- mora Valley "' " FIHST HOOKtK Qeel'At was some SRCOND DOOKIK Tehl lladda laugh nt Chawlle; some guy e.-ed him from a Hnlf and forgot ta glvlt back. THltlD HOOKtK I-ooked ka Bruce when the hounds bark at the bones Mem ber downta the Ora-a when h had that nag 'at cuddn't loet aUCOND HOOKIK Yah! Finished last. THIItD 1IOOKIB Soria crutch. Hl-.fOND riOOKIK Cnddn't see straight FOUIITH AND FIFTH nOOKIES-Waud; rfmlu comlnu. to KM WaaaatT ChawlleT Ueaned ot a'fln'T rlltST. SKCOND AND THinD DOOK-int-ln chonuj YehIftWaiaatrubbl? You guys deadT FOURTH AND FIFTH UOOKtKS In dlpnatelv) Do we lookltT SECOND IIOOKIB I hadda laft at the birds plungln' on Induction. I knew 'at nag wuddn't finish. Two ta onet I'd given a. million ta one. FIRST BOOKin erMmtfi one of Moe TTelhecfc's Ticeatlelfc lenrtl men; This thing stop at Geerard AxnooT CHORUS No. FIRST IJOOKIH freorefMllv) I'd a saed n lit; Id a gotten oft at Columby Avnoa CHORUS Whadduh careT Dldnja clean? DldnJaT . FIRST ROOKIE offecllonnlelv fnwmb- inp roll o Mil) Yeh' .rncllloereallyl Who cuddn't with 'at bunchT Who cuddn't7 The nags they pick finish so far back 'at the) rotla bo carted off to start the next race CHORUS Iptalnllvelyl f'ubflc'e on bottom, llooklts on lop. lulls In Ilia pndilnck snyln' "IVAy itonehja alopf" THIRD ROOfctB 'At was good. ITo ml rvtA member 0 quintette irlfh snusnpf thaptd ton boloonl Heyt Uolonyt lletcha fin' papers) say track wa clean of rotten gambling, lletcha FOURTH ROOKIE Don't want nuthln'. do yuh? Yuh wuddn't back Roamer against a bunch of also-rans, wuddJaT CONDUCTOR Olrard Ave-n-oo. SECOND. THIRD. FOURTH AND FIFTH BOOKIES Seeya Saturday! FIRST ROOKIE DJeer see me turn down a roll? O'nlght. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS LHaE"CinCKEN CHORUS" Mrs. Nichols Makes Com parison in Discussing Low Waists nnd Short Skirts DENVER, Pol.. Oct J - If the chicken rlrorpa In some glrly-glrly show were trans ferred rrom tho stage Into some school room and seated before n few books nnd teachers the elTect would be not unlike that of the modern rlni of high school girls. In the opinion of Mrs It IS Nichols, a dele gate to the State Mothers' Congress, now In convention here. Mrs. Nichols regrets that skirts now are worn so short that curbstone delecthes nearly ntwas can tell when the girls lime hows. In their stocking. "High School girls thew days wear their waists too low a ml their skirts too high " said Mrs Nichols. 'They k to school dressed like uwnpha In a Urerk dance and they paint and powder like Pomnnchcs nn the warpath They ponder over algebra to the ruMIe of allk and satin dresses. Why To nttrart the uttemlon ot the bojs, I suppose. A good ninny of them sxml mote time thinking nbout the boys than on all their lessons combined They aro boy-craiy and. when It comes to flirting, they've got the average suffragist backed oft the boards," American Ship Ashore Off Hraiil 11A1IIA. Itrasll, Oct J6 - The American schooner Porn F Presy, ashore near here. Is leaking badly and In danger mmmm A IMolwr St I lt iNr taflle al . Ihlf ulln niPlirHIon lr mi arai'Mat Mi mii i'UMiii:n tii HpFlI'MIon blsnl t fflceTf liltnilrlnhU Meter i. Bit Ileal r.lte Tni'l UM. a Alfred M. Bloomtngdale 0 Original Ideas in X 5 Elecbical Work 5 J 217 Walnut St. 0 CITY WILL SAVE ON LIGHTING Will Install One Thousand Electric and Gas Lamps The reduction of rates charged for elec tric, lighting by the Philadelphia Electric Company and the changing ot many gaso line lamps to gas will result In n. aalng to the city ot approximately $130,000 In the 1917 lighting bills. Ofllctahi ot the Ilureau of Lighting esti mate the saving on tho basis that the city will Install 1000 additional gaa lamps and several hundred more electric lights during the next twelve months. If these Increases hnd not been decided upon the saving would be correspondingly greater Dlds for the 1917 gasoline lighting con tract will bo opened November 8. The WeNtmch Street Lighting1 Company of America for many yearn has been the only bidder. This year 589,23S was appropri ated for this bill and Mn&,000 H asked for 1917. Elkton Marriage Licenses EI.KTON. Md, Oct. 26. Marriage licenses wero issued In Elkton today to Walter S Stlckley and Viola M. Riley. Frank Dlbonso and Asundft Onrofolo and Alex ander J. Musante nnd Teresa M. Oaborlno, nil of Philadelphia; Leonard A. McPonsey nn Emily A. Cole, Quaryvllle. Pa.. Charles M. Levis and Elolso Ijimbert. Hlatlngton. Pa.; Samuel E. Ewlng and Lllllam S. Gar rett, Coloro, Md. ; Carlos E. Cld and Lew belle Long. Reading; William T. Uregg, Newark, Del., nnd Mary C. Scarborough, Providence, Md. fs The Yale nS A Rich, Dark X V0I Mahogany f VVa Calf X x. X X. -W fNk inrrmm ' am Twenty Divorces Granted Common Pima Court No. 3 today handed down twenty decreea of dUorce. us ollowa. Emily Jordon lienorman from Howard Lleces. Mr Unerman. Elliatxth May Doraey from William Dorsey. Lllubeth O'itourks from Kdward O'ltourke. Crt Lillian Wilkinson from William Wllklnion & ". 1--n tll.nl. lMU.a,.,. ..u. ..... . .,U Vl rrederlek Aur from Marearet Auer. Eleanor J. Meyers from Joaoph Meyera. Pairld T. Stayman from Kmma J. Blayman. Robert Underwood from Esther Ellzabth tin iirwood. loula Bch-tarts from Rophle Schwartz. WlllUin M. Dlckcraon from Nellie M. Dicker. Son ,. CIltTord Warren Bllber from Maria Sllber. Helen Itedgrax O'Neill from Joaeph Francis O'Neill Ra. Itutter I.aurlo from John riod J.fta ), llrualer from Clinton I. itrujler. William Carl llapn from niala 1 Vina Ha pp. Fannla Ooldateln from Louis Oolditeln. Bertha II Friedman from Adolph )I. Fried, aun Ruth II. XV Stevens from Harry IC. Stevena. Clarence Carter from Ina Carter Will Build Springfield Houses ', The Yocum & Powers Company has sold ; for Charles P. Eggleston n'tract of twenty- en acres at the corner of Saxer avenue and Springfield road, Springfield township.' TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES William Crawford. SKA Olrard ave., and Mary Itowan. Hit N. Markoa at. Lenwood Stern. tDt W. Prlco at., and Qertruda llamaen, 2.'(l K Itlttenhouae at, Percy II. IACka Jeraer city. N. J., and lleeite K. Reaaler. 137 K Walnut lane. Clarenra I.. Idcll, ml W. Hteln at., and Anna K. Eustace. 7125 Uoyer St. Mamie K. Crolshton. 1031 H. Cleeland ave. Jamn Stotta. IU20 N. Alder at., and Ethel Hmlth. 2852 N. Orkney at. Oeorse Jnrknon, 1440 N. 10th at., and Mamla Ulhsnn. 182U N. Perry at. Ainna C. Mearna, KlmMvllle. I'a and Ella V. Wllaon. KlmbaUllle. l'a. Ia Jonei, 12 ninnold at., and Florence F. Hnaely, 1232 8. Hlnejnld at. Irwin Hamilton. 1A13 H. Itlnegold at., and Marlon B. Yoat. 1024 E. Chelten ave. Alfred Hlnea. 132S Carpenter at., and Julia Ilnddla, ISiO Carpenter at John C. CMldy. 1212 Daly at., and Anna Mc Donald. 1237 Daly at, Hohart H. Orohan. AQ romona t., and Inaa J, Keaat. A181 McCallnm at. John F. Matthewa, 1718 Titan at., and Maude Jnaper. 1813 Carpenter ST. Oodfrey Ford, 7ir 8. llancroft at., and Nellie Brown. 1310 Hodman at. Samuel nrounateln, r42 Fernon at., and Ellia. bath Cohen. 1428 8. 8th at. Chrlatopher F. Sweeney. 3343 Market at . and Catherine Mannlon, Phlla, General Iloapltal. CHOOSE NOW Never have we had such a choice of nmart styles in menva shoes as we have now. Never has such a wide selection In leathern been offered. And never have our tremendous record-breaking values been so obvious. FTrrr crvuad flr mud kvi Uie SS h mt urn r ttt. t tlirlr florae h Ml IhMr prlr ( IT (. k. If von don't ItDAW Ihla to bo ftwt tiiko Ihla opportunity of proTlng- It. RfBfmhfr, right now no h a v Cordo Ciir.KtH Coif. MtioKonr rir, nor, cair. Ort?r flfty oljUa, In pattrrwa unil kliottro uornimUd In I'hllft, All ot oar Bomtnt vrirm of . ... Oirao In, wo'll glodlhow you tho 'l.t In Phllo- paft nriroo Which idvi tm K.lt I a $.1 on, t err pair. s ROYAL BOOT SHOP FOR MEN "BetUr Show at Basement PHces! N.V.Cor. Market & 13th St Entrance 13th Street, Downstair Open Friday ! Satnrday lalll 10 r. M. "' SA K&' HOTEL ADELPHIA This Week's Entertainment Ladltt' Dainty Lunch on Balcony Buiintu Men' i Lunch Englith Room A la carte service all day. The charges are moderate. Daniant Engllih Room 4l30 to 6 P. M. An Exceptional Dane. Orcheitra French Trio and the Popular HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA J. E. Caldwell & Co. 902 Chestnut St v. Jeweled Guard Rings , Diamonds . Sapphires ' Rubies or Black Ortfx Cut Carre y pEMOVAL: At a very early date the business of J. E. CaldtCell & Co. mJiII be located in the Widener Building, Chestnut, Juniper and South Penn Square. Jfeie String Music Inspired by the Fire of Genius THE very soul of the instrument sings in Kathleen Parlow's Columbia Record of the Thais "Med itation" and the records of Casals, the greatest of 'cellists, Gittelson, America's violin genius and W. H. Squire, England's master of the 'cello. ' Hear these wonder-records and you hear reality, the actual beautiful tone of the instruments: 4 & v:.: .7" "una iiui.uiw Cr. 13th and Sansom Sts. Tailoring That Creates Pretige WHS or tOCrntCn OVERCOATSu f" Milter-(Ss CMtiau, WlM. ate., lo. H Far Wur4, uuuevo taiLatuaola. Han. a4rM. Tahlwtita. UL 23 so. nth st.'jKcjfr.-M Ready Money U-iitd Staic. Loan Sodofcr UTNatth ISUftMiia, ' Vl 1 . MaNH ot DlLKS 1102 CHESTNUT ST. Tyrol Wool (In a Knitted Fabric) Mens &? rVomens Sport y Outing ClotKin ' Golf Suti, Top Coati, . ' Motor Coat, Jackcti, Veati, Sweater, etc., cte. Tyrol if sot affeete J Ly J a rap new BceJa ao prtMiaf , A 5843 U-lnch i.50 A 5847 iz-lnch 51.50 A 2029 10-inch 1 1. 00 A 5832 1 2-inch fl.oo THAIS. MEDITATION. (Masienet.) Kathleen Fallow. Violin solo. ANDANTE FROM CONCERTO IN E MINOR. (Mendelssohn.) Kathleen fallow. Violin solo. f SPANISH DANCE. Granados-Casals.) Pablo v.aaaist ucno aoiu. CANTILENA FROM CONCERTO IN A MINOR. Opus 14. (Goltetmann) Pablo Casals. 'Cellt solo. CAVATINA. (Raff.) Frank Gittelson. Violin solo. MELODIE. Opus At. No. 3. ITschaikowslcy.) Frank Gittelson. Violin solo. DRINK TO ME ONLY WITH THINE EYES. (Arr.by W.H.Squlre.) W.U.Squire. 'Cellosolo. SILVER THREADS AMONG THE GOLD. (Danks.) W. H. Squire. 'Cellosolo. These records are among the most notable exJ amples of the exclusive Columbia process of record ing, the process that worked a musical miracle in recording instrumental and ensemble music. Ask for the records with the "music-note" trade mark and you'll know what this process means in every class of music. i Columbia Records in all Foreign Languages I A'tui CelumUa Ricordt on lalt the toth ef evtry month Thit tdvertiumtnt wat dictatid to the Dictaphone CoIwnUa Grafoool Kric. S160 COLUMBIA RECORDS FOR SALE BY v W Mann Dilks 1 its itnrritur st. CENTIIA', Cuunlat tiani l'lauo Co, 1101 Clic.tuut HI, I'aunarltanla Talkloc laclitna Cu. 1100 CliMlnut HI. latUenburi', N.. Cv., ltth and JlarU.I Ola. fclrawbrldv Clolltlcr, ! and Markat Bla. NOUTII City- I.lna rbarmaer, York Koad and Cltr Una, Dollar. John C, 1SS7 Rockland Ht., Iaxbb, rilt.rnlk, BenJ., 140 Norlli Klflilli 01. Idral Piano and Talklar llaclilna Co.. tISS Clarmaotowa -Kit, Jacobs. Joupb. 1(30 a.rniaolown Ato. Old.nurtel'a, tatS Ocruiaolown Aro. Oln.r lluili 1'arlor. SB1S N, 6th St. riilladalphla Talblur Machine Co.. POO N, Franklin HI. Kclro, I. 8.. 18 Olrard At. Bclicraer'4 l'lano Company, 010 X, lib St. Bcbnall MagaUau, lilt Columbia At. NOHTHKAST orr, Kdarard U., 1411 rrankford At. Colonial Halodr Bbop, lt3l X, Front 81. Frankford Maate Hlora, 11ST Ortbodos 81. tioodntan, V. ., Ill Woal Olrard A. flutkowakl. Viator, Orthodox and Almond 8ta Kiunr, ThoniMa It., Itli Ktnaluftou Alt, Kitty. '., ISO VV'oat Olrard Ato. Uryclor, Joaatth, SIM Klrhniund SI. Mlllucor. Hamaol, 1104 Korlb Fltlb HI. FblladrlBhU Talkiai- MaoMn Co., 044 K. Id SI. atalalieliuor'o liiarlwat Hloro, Front and Huavaotiaana Ato. KOUT1HVKHT Caraon, T. II., SSXO O.rmantowp Ato. Ilali, Frauklln, 0004 Warno At. Kalwatc, Jlarllu, 4103 (Irrmantown Ato. K.yatone Talklnc' Macliluo Co., ISO! North lid HI. Hoero, 1, II., 6618 Oarnmntovrn At. Tompklna, J. Monro. 0147 Oarmantown Ato. WEST riIH.AIIEI.riUA Carr. H. V., 011 Main St., Darby. Ilatlt, Ooo. II. A Co., 3V10-S010 l.ancaat.r At. Kaktna 1'lano Co., ttl-ll H. Old 81. Flllman, YV. II., 0114 Lanadown At. Idan, Harry, 410 North Bid St. aitlcblurrl llroa., 4031.40 Laucaatrr Ato, MbuU'a Drue Htoro, 8010 Marb't St. UnlTaraat Talklnr Marhln and Kacord.C SOIIi nnd Cboatnut 81a. Wait l'lilladtlpbla Talklnc Machln C.o 1 Bouth 001b 81. SOUTH Ilu Brow, I.ouli, 1103 South 4tli 81. I.uplnaccl, Antonio, 730 Soulli 71b St. Mlllrr, H.. 401 South Id St. Moalcal Kclio Co., Tho, U Zebeii, prop., u. a, cor, Stli and Halubrlds Sta. I'hlladalpbla I'bouoirapb Co., ISIS K. I'aaayunk At. 1'blladelpl.la 'houoaraph Co., 813 H. Olh SI, iMoaanfald, II., 134 South St. Slolfu, Harry, 011 South Will 81. t IHISN, N. t, Uudlay, H. J llt5-7-t Vfoadwny, CawAM, N, J. CBMBHOHOCKIIX, l'A Kaltaaky' rHt Mora, tfl yt4 84. :' "VU t , 1 If 4 A Perry $15 $18, $20, $25 Suits and Overcoats have features yon'H i r find in no others! fa I v , Perry' SrKOIAT, MODEL FOR TODNO fKN Coata, narrow ahouldera and sleeves, with plenty of room arroaa bark close fitting; waist, deep vent Vest with or with out collar; tronaera narrow from belt to cuff. CflThey always fit dif ferently. If you could only stand around here while men. are buying a Suit or an Overcoat and listen to the comments they make to a friend about the armhole comfort, about the -collar snugness, a bo u t the way a Perry Coat seems to glide into its place without pulling" or h a u 1 i n g if you could ' only do that,1 we'd not have to write this advertisement to ask you to come in and seefor yourself. Another thing f about our Stock J Its Big General Fea- " ture this Famine Sea son is its Opulence! It will do your heart good, we do believe, to corner in and see the fabrics and colors wc lay as- ssmbled m spite artiw dye situation I A pemt&co. tl "N. B.T. 16th ut ChkJotnut 8tv Aci Hvi '.v "V"'"'1 "I'M