Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 26, 1916, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15
BOARDING tiiL 440B wen lurnt.nea room.i Ae- .aii,.iit location. Preaten iSJio TFend.ome Wt'tSoor euHe 5j SiiJtJ"" waj4J;ll".Sii fi s rurnianeo. ramu, private iVSri Phone Walnut 7171 SANITARTOMS S-rt, ijOCATlONi .peelel eelentlfle carat '"JiiifWi evarr com fort i nur.e.i book- ; mna.i vr .'" """" APARTMENTS & a? minutes of city Hell tU Mar- "Ml to'the building Suit, of ft and Wtehenette. frotn ISO to b)k"min room located In building. nrtrbroOK. OUlf , .. "C- - THE. JiiNOBri room, end Jjfcth. Appir " jm,i,j"i i i mTTpxUtBKNTS. M to 15 N lth IbS yiin.imtlfullr furnlahed aulle.i K'WlJu. ..client Vocation, i.r.tOTWt!( THE new ADP W ADDITION ,11AM .UUIU a or . ... ... ... ..at Th..llt Ia MMftW ktl AM cuuh i " ' --"'v "v;.:a .ftpTa-re "SSSlinVd '." tkWw' Uai rind receive. moderate; It' will make .OTK nn r.Tecat.d at Carpenter'. "h.rmBntown. Ju.t oft beautiful U- "W-ii on, the renn.ylvenia itaiiroeni "".;ii,. . day. surely transportation go lor any on . - .. null your require- quiet, perfect Iftjkafi1 tn &n eh. atihurhan location. r'l word you may com. to TMI.lt AM feiT TnOndV perfect .uburban location. rtrVaon onjxcjd .n (dU? con- """ eleVt an .rtm.nt of ' 1M .1.. , Bt your Individual needs i you will find ar housekeeping, problem, solved and nM of for you anaoiuteiy wiymui T"".r I Siiiit. you will find n ioi or. tn. fe9LnP.iMllVnc t i looit moderate prlc. r2Sih roi uruiy. V.rvle. end attention B!Jrrm throughout the onllro ..tablteh. m " Sr full Information, arrangemente for In. 5Jon VnJ rutrvatloni call, nhono or EVENING LEDGEil-PHILADELPHIA, THUKSSDA1 :, OOTOBEK 20, 1U10 v 'ib REAL ESTATE TOR BALE ntr Cof,f , rrrcrdUe Column" EA!T nnUt,n'ATtt isjoo isoo CAnii lory, n rooma. harrfwfwwl ..orM-ciroV'oTS'i.Ti '!?! M M ... , vtrmuon! JLSK F0R MORTGAGES 1W-lanV"-",VW.1,",.,." "i.CV-B.j!:VltiWin..nT. I1KI eh i"roo5. F1'1 ,!u"' P BWntoVTC rr r FAnrtfif.f io a snih " .nffft JJ!S . Jt-ifinrCTW am. i amY . VV J"""f" ! ZJZ "iflrsissii. allon only la art IlCAt, M8ATK Poll miu mi uiiw lllliru ii-hv.:v.-.",a""- '--- iiniiiniAn a lii REAL ESTATE FOR SA1.E IIV LINK. V. B. B. Conllniini rom rrrrril Colm HAVKnxnr BTONB AND rrtAMR 1IOUSR H ACUB r'onlalnlnit 14 rooma, 2 baiha n ht location on north alrtf , Thin property ran b pirthl t batfain "Ur' WAnS'OCK KMl.TKf Commercial Truat llulldlnt mw JhRsr. m iurtn,? -"It - o. AIA.I Oft lJ. THOMAB j WAHUj l5li North tth. -HJig IUjl rarlary Bltea, tit .""v.M'lJln. Jlol. ID Jial iJti. -trutt J?. nivnn-Kiioirr I'StSpr.iiTiEa hia nl room.. ". Ttliai iha ! to, t-roe,Mf7nn."r tiji'r:M. .tapt .nA fflK,' ,ytSi7..K. fuoi ;a to fit Itt P NORMAN S.SllEnWOOD S BntrCB Mil. HACK HOIS. IflrTi I W r?prantatlva on th. pr.mla at ljKSllmtnta may ba mad. ,'or automobllj Q . m11 at your raaiarnra nr p,""i""". RZfeYou directly to I'EI.HAM tuuiu ai your iaSrwUnc nd pltaaura FPRNISHED APARTMENT8 r . 4wv room rimNisiinp APAnx- fcr'H CFNTEII OK CITY! 200 PKK h . fon wNTEn months . gOUSEKEEPINQ APARTMENTS THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT But fuppoaa. tnataad of trylnc all thuo dlf HrVrt waya you luit call t thla offlr-tha CStit. moat attractive and.bcat equipped In Knailtlphla. davoteif eiclualyaly to aocurlnc ut what they want for particular people. TM ua your requirement. T.nS lfl" aai diilrabla apartmtnte In Philadelphia are Jtd with or may bo rented mrouan ua uur Eimobllta are waltlnc to take you to the of vrorertlea you dealinate, and with the t poetlMe effort you will aecuro the one FtMttment In Philadelphia which moat nearly laperoachee your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT BT. Pfrrace 3?1. naoa 8038. TOll CANNOT FfNP A BETTEn APAUTMENT N.LCor. 1 7th & Walnut (1 block from Rltttnhouea aquare) The houaekeeptnc aultea are perfect In tAelr plant S larse bedrooma each hav ur bay wlndowa: fine laraa lllnR room, nalitc room, kitchen, mald'a room and S tathrooma aa wall. Ideal winter and aum. nr aparlmenta. Alao aultea of S rooma tad bath free uaa of laundry on top fioor. Tour Inapectlon cordially Invited. Phone Walnut 6020. MERT0N W. GREIMS Second Floor N. E. Cor, Broad and Cheatnut (.Voto UUrtv, Sldo.) BtSKEEPIN'O lAriTMV-MTH4ll r.rl. r,t iJW' ' fma and bath to T rooma and bath l 1 iw iu.1 u wr mnnin: ran J?.llR.P,rrnn,!',U "'Ir Phone or write. BAMUKt. 8TERrf, udl Cheatnut at. , 74 modern apartment bulldlnaa Second tar, N. E. cor. Hroad and Cheatnut. m MKW mnnMilui CHKSTNUT ANI D STUEETa A tew acancli AudIv janitor. CB BT., 2110 Excellent corner houae- 'ina apt j aiao ooctore orricei mooern. west rininici.PiiiA KINOSCOURT riPARTMEN'Ta lsOR RKVT. El.fcCTllIC K1.E . VVTOIIM llilll.lf" riiwivn lirnr iiini.v ILjaf. THOS. M HKBDq, JU , ll'UT RACK (JT, JlX. 34fh and Cheatnut: Wnnterey, 41d and m fleeter, Uilmont, 31th and Bprlnc Garden Mmtwm januor, or v;nr.ai3t3. aua iiaia jiiajr.. 30UBEKEEPINQ APTS. WANTED FurnUhed iiim OR Want furnlahf1 limiaA or tiartmf.nt orb preferred U 810. ldr utile. APARTMENT HOTELS OTEL COLONIAL ".sl r..t f AE1.ECT FAMILY APARTMENT HOTEL Csavenltntlv located In the center of the no vntbln a few aquarea of the principal ir and ahopplnir dlttrlct, One, two or rooma with private bath. Cuialne and 4 of the hlgneat atandard. RWBRMANENT OR TRANBIENT OUICSTS rr WmT .? Keniiey, Manager. . 'iRKSIDE APARTMENTS aiary u. Atniiaae, manager ucc4Mor. of Mra. Ctaarlea MoUlada. -a.' arKeiae ave. at 40lh at irTJtrrct line, to Vemer oTelty. A'" iu rooma i lurnianea ana unlurnlahad. ci peculiar excellence. ' ae fiarlng ijl. line Hotel CHESTNUT AND NINETEENTH I TM8 BEST ROOMS AND HU1TEB 'WH THE BEST TABLB IN PIULA. T, WEEK. MONTH, BBASON, TEAR THE GLADSTONE 11TK AND PINE STS. Abeolutelv Flrcnroof lltVaMUb VERT DESIRADI.B SUITES CAN . IIN HKULIItKIl HBO OK Ul JGlBNIgHj IR CUNTON 1NiruyNtBHEO TENTH 11ELOW CNIBNCK ROOUB. KVER-r rnwvxcNl nlehed or unturnUhed, either M or tranalentlvi aultaM af en ae r rooma. with bath. , ,. DELUAX-MORHIS abed apartmentai one roan and batk aiao bouaaltaariag apartmanta. . iNG HOTEL "vIMr'atK; gtrieao pitu, t. giuropeaB. u up. ESMOND h Jfe iifiRWSP.W?" yor a. i and raxnQViSbfi iu. THg? XBA mm& CIABLWJ, Sll.ll V. Sd Attraatlve 1 to JUkartauatjl all aTeaJiiw terua .;.... , aq iivni ibii, irui -UK VAIIVIT BT ji-rsj PiuunEi.rm YOUR OPPORTUNITY anlt'n'rtSS't.;!"! "rp."n ?-ejory1 corner alone root fl!c,K..V?l''.nc illl "alUtnore ave Bn. raViArlif.V. l -"eetment Urge Porchea Krir JirTA lBln foorn. reception hall. WM. H. W. QUICK & BRO., INC. 8 40TH BT -g.irlft'K Ll,0B.'01' rrofeealonal ofneen lot nSJJ? h:Ui."i7 Iwlni aervania- room fourth noori hardwood floorai e artrin lihi tatlorj, hon. : .na a nr 4flth al Sl S2t N. BID BT. t AT TIIK cnit-riiv. 'nenta. Apply to II. rr An aoartmftnf bAiita full ...,u .. '-11 "v --A. v. - ...V",-. "!''! ' "arria j, ut) ...a ITCUI .. H la 11 ttllton. owner. . 8 e8MA-I'iH,PVP..n3, Er BOth and Raltlmore jr. ilOsaalrfMjTl!,.o9o'.TiiSr.":;: W.E U0,VTv ,or hunareda. why not fof 0V,T., J.imPi "u;e. open dally! evening., too. ?THANDSPRlNariEI.l1AVK BEi5.T,Ji? ,Nltw "AMPl.H HOUBB BUS Walton ave.t 100-ft. lota A..UUIIU iiuuuer. rn1P aiHili INVBSTMBNT Camden real eetale. R. D. CLOW. Jr. clSSW'i ti , i rcnton pi j , i.lPPlNCOTT 1a?TS AJ6.flO"MES INCOTT 1a?TS AND.JIQV ArItN llRIU!ttj. N. J Vl U.fcT I.IPPINCOTT . rrJ.NMI.VANI rRM SIS ACRKS One of th lt dairy and general farm. In the State of Penneylvanlai plenty c.f building., (.Ml of them new locate! In lluek. County, no hill., no atonea, plenty of good water, price lio.fifto far mlck e.l" Room I, woolworth llulldlng, llethlehem. ra REAL ESTATE FOR RENT (1F.RSIANTOMN CoaKeura rom iYccedlaff Cotumft ?S U6u,VIr 'tUMlV. jvmmjrrlaTruil Rulldlng prnnm i.VANt v Ri nrnnAN MOVIMN Attractive country re.ldence at Mr Ian Rc Valley, ample .had. and lawn, al-oul fl acre, hoi.o atanda on lilgh el.va. tlon commanding extcneivo vlewa, haa to room. bathroome hot water beat, eleetrlo Irht. eto.i crrafteur.-a dwelling, wllh garag. aftaehed. rent IIOOO per annum Whlte.lde mcuananan itn ann i-ine "i vnn U IlL'nitAtt 1IOMKB c jl MilWS "SS.'NKw si main nn. p. n R. ARnVOIlt: Bl Paul'a road. 13 room.t IS01 t balhat larg. jol W. II. SMITH sOOl Dre.el road. Overbtook. lift ACRF.8 Conrenlenl lo We.t Cheater. po. lively to bo .old inuV 3 ft TllOIPON Ve.t Cheater, Ta JIEAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITT AND BttlttmitAN properllee for aale or rent. Ixwer Merlon Really Company. Land line itmiumg I'ntianeipnii !. CITT CENTRAI, PROPKUTIKS For e.lo and rent . JAMK1 D WINCHKt J. Iflh and Ban.om ttm rRNNBI.VMA BIIHIRRVN RALA.CTNWTD Large ll.t houeea. aale or rent, at all rrlrea. Hamuel C Wagner. Jr., Commercial Tru.t RUlg , IMh and MmIk,,4 MIN I.INn. P. R. R XI A IN LINIS Heat Una of Main Line nou.e.. in rrice. . .. Tru.t mag. either for e.Ie or rent at all price. IIIIIHT McJin.l.l.N Weet r.nd B?SiiSSfS!LkdPJ". H..!L.!.'i . ?' MYKRa -UKim.- ftn.;U'even'.nd' fflfi""- ---- rw-T. -K"-ii . Mnu ni BEAUTIFUL aty porch man.lon. coil 110.000, . .acrlflce for 18000 t.rm.l'h llarlng fli W. ,Btreannd Dwelling. L1VR IIARDWAHR MAN'B OrPORTUNITT Proaperoua location; one of be.t aectlona In city. Pre.ent owner retiring from bu.lne... TIU8 IB 1110 EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S. E. COR 4TH A BALTIMORE AVE. Phone Wood and 62U0. OERMANTOUN lTJHill ARE LOOKINO FOR A HOMB In Oer mantown Ml. Airy or Cheatnut Hit! cen.ult JPij A. R. Meehan. 0741 Oermantown ave. CHOICE 1IOMF8, Tulpfhocken a) ea.t of Qtrl mntown ave. J. H, cllADWlCll CO. n82 Oermantown aye. OUR REAL KHTATE IIULLBTIN will be .ent to you by mall on application. Oermantown Tfuet Co , Cheltcn and aermantownave.. OUR NKW RENT and'.aleT ll.t ot'Oermantown and Cheatnut Hill propenle. aent on aoollca- "w '. ... i-imiar ox Hon nnu iiirminiavn ir. OERMANTOWN HOMES ell eectiona. . . PMUl.l.NN A II AUK I Franklin Hank nulldlng.. Walnut IW, Che.lnnt Hill SEVERAL pEBIRABLH PROPFRTIES Aimiuu?. i. witiuiii I.U. nuiuing. R. E. SALE OR EXOHANQE WK HAVi: 10 FARMS wntcn we win aacr rail for particular. taken In exchange. which we will aarrlBco for quick ca.h al.. OOIIKN 12:0 fiioeri. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL r.BTATF. bought, aold. rented, renta eel. lectrd, mortgage loane for a term of yeata or en )ulldlng ai.oclatlon plan AUtHUIl (IO.1V. Kt.L 2M N. llthjjt. WILL HUT cheap real e.late. anyeectloa, Phll.d.lphlai ;rum.dl.te .n.wera. broker? oro tected Che.t.r I) Itottmr 14.20 Cheatnut. IIOI'BK wanted In Overbrooa or Wynnefleld eec. lion fair alte lot. coal about IIS.OUO. L S4. Ledger OSIce POR RENT PTJRNISIIED CITY Ul 8. 8D BT, II rooma and. J hatha, wry open eouthern eipotur. well furnlehed, Bam uel V Levi.. Reel E.tata Tru.t Kldg MORTOAOES TO BECURK A MOUTOAOE be It Bral or .econd If you dealre efficient ervtce. quirk and aallatactory rraulta and mo!erale charge. CALU PHONR OR WHITE TO UB "Tour mortgage will be aa good a. placed." JNORMAN 8 RHRIlWOOn 14L1 Walnut at "$100,0005 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST TUND nnon Fine; IIORACBJI -TniT 1 1 000 itORTOAOrq IIS WALNUT 8Tt . NOTE OR MORTOAflE immeai.te aemememe, tln.ettled e.tata Jcane. a. en tunua. HET ST B, lAth at llulldlng a.e'n fund UKMrHKT -U. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND BPRJNCI PARPEN g 1l ' SCRAPPLE XwPI The Younc l.nily Acro the Wny THE PADDKI) CKLl ' lani-iiiii ig-i ill. 1 MQRTOAOKH BECURFD ... BUILDERS' APVANCKH A (tPECIALTT BRUMUAlioll A PARKKIl. INC. I4 WALNUT BT, ,. FUNDI for flr.t nd .acond mortgage., J. J. TURNER, ISOl Che.tnut at. MorrlaBu Tlog WK HAVE Till! HOUSE TOU WANT N T101A Oil IAXJAN T.NNEDT P.AMIIO. SI40 OliRMANTOJ liHMANTOWN Logan REAL ESTATE, mortgage, and conveyancing. WM I) CIIAMIIERS 43J N. Ilroad it. rF.NX1VI.VAMA Ht'IHRIlAN BUOOKLINE Brand new del dwelling., 7 rmi. and bath, water heat, electricity, BOtIVS, 3O0.'only M.10 caah required, will exchange. ELMER WAT18, opp, Brookllno Station OLEN8IDB HOMES and building altea every deacrlptlon RENNlNUEIt A RENNINUER. , Olen.lde. Pa, IJINBDOWNE. Pa. ttSSOO. Real alue. Well-built brick houae. lot 1113 ft. front! eur. rounded by hlgh-claaa propertiea, 11 rooma, hardwood flnlah. saa and eleetrlo light, near train and trolley, CHESTER OSBORNE. INC. Offlcea, Lanedowne and 1&24 Che.tnut .t. OAK IANE Modern, elegantly located 10 room homo, every convenience, 1076(1 1303 63th aenue . . WILL SACRIFICE Id-acre country aeat. near Ambler, for quick aula, new Colonial man.lon. 12 room. 3 hatha, ctealgned by Sav.ry, Sheet. & Bavery, remodeled Colonial farmhou.e wtth Revolutionary War ui.oclatlon.. 2 tonant hou.ea, large barn., poultry houae.. garage with living quartern, etc . lawn., shrubbery, ehade and great nliundance of frullt a rare bargain, full detalla on reque.t, will .how by appointment H J nAaER.Jnc . Ambler. Pa, SUBURBAN TOWN COUNTRY Bend for Catalogue. BROWN A lAJUD Norrl.town Pa. HUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Anv nrlca All location. Sale or rent. CHARLES f HOUU A C'li Morrla Bldg 'CITY AND BUHURRAN REAL ESTATE- Air.Alin s uiiuiin 20 J H. IMh at SUBURBAN REBtDENCFS for .ale or renti attractive location., price, right. Maurice J. lIoover.ReaL IS.tate Tru.t Bldg. LARTlB LIHT OF BIIHURHAN HOMEB, e.Ie or rent, on Ih. Main Line of Reading It, R. WM 1L WILSON ACOj Morrla llulldlng. . MMN I.INB. V. R. K. U'"" "a"mTTM: DIFFERENT Two new hou.e. at Uryn Mawr. beautifully planned and nnl.hed Mend for particular. MAl'RAN DOLMAN fc CO.. N. K. Cor. Broad mid Cheatnut. SUBURHAN HOMES, country placea and build I nit .Ilea to ult all requirement., urn eii.i aHUNTKR1J.Vayne. Pa. WAYNE Attractive country home, lineal con dition! H rooma. bath, ... .lectrlo light., open SrVp Lee! fruit. 1, M. Kron.lleld. W'iyne. Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT IIV WILL teACRIFICE Rent or .ell. 13-room emt. detached, a,h.olutely motrcrn home, 2 bathe, hot water beat owner living In It at pre.entt thla I. a decided opportunity, 3 block, above Oermantown station, Heading R R, Apply . 4SJ K Walnut lane, Oermantown STORES AND DWKI.LINOK In all aectlona of city. See our ll.t In ttn l-edaer Haturday. SAMUEL T FOX ft CO B. E cor Vlh and Callowhlll 2229 N LEITHUOW 8T 1 .lory, T "rooma. bath, range, g.a, nlco ard aide alleyi newly done up, only tl3,kea there. WM L CIIAVKN 14 bONS. .31 N 7th at. 8F.ND FOR pl'll HFNT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad am) Che.tnut ta. 302 S. 13TI1 8T B room, and 3 bath, rental per annum IKOO. Eilgar U Crosa, 1411 Wal nut at 11u t .urn bi linen pari an conv t partly heated Delany'al cor. Elloaworth and 0thj Bu.lne.. Proterllea and Store. ABCIt HT,. 707 0 Store and laaementl large wlndowt good apace for memifnriurrr a oaent to make dl.play. LEA EsrAlES, 700 San. aom at MARKET ST. 831 Entire building through tn Commerce at 1 eult retail or wholeaate builneeei Immediate poe.ea.ion. Apj)lv. PENNACO. BIT Cheatnut aL htorb innn arch tn. 0O 8QUARE FEET. PINE LlQHT FRONT AND REAR t Factorlce, Marchoiieoa. Mfgi Floor. Cohocksink Mills Floor., BftOfi to Id 000 q ft.i cheap power. It I'.McNLELT 1782 Randolph THREE STORY 40x00 lot 1 good light, term, to iei.lt J A MIDDI.KTON Factory Sped. Hit. Wldener llulldlng Philadelphia. FACTORIES .lie. warehouse. , floor .pace ... clu.lvely J Alan Mlddlrtnn Factory Mpecl.l- lit and Engineer, 0OU-1I Wldener llldy . JPhlla.. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for antl.factnry tenant. Dir.TEIllCH 737 Walnut at OFFICES, III'XlNr.l.H ItpOMS, KTC nnilXEI. Ill.nn OVFlcteAi Annual llmtal. Blngl. Room., $100 til. llfUlr U".0,I4.MI.I100 Suite. 'J Bm. , 1144, 11,10,118(1 ijni),i''"1 isin Suite. 3 lima. i27B. 1400 l410.lOn.St5 ttlft Corner eulle. 4 to 8 room., IHSO to 11050 BLUS D WILLIAMS too Drex.! llulldlng, 11." 50 HEED Ilt'lLDINO IIS BO 1'JII.IT Pllhart at . .. . -. ---i.- .--- tentrauy locatea, an conv. MONET FOR MORTOAOES LARUE AND SMALL .AMOUNTS QUICK ANMWElt W II HOOD B12 W NDHRIB 8TS . 100 600 TO INVEB'" In "flr.rimorti .um. from HOOO up! nl.o building a 50 118 Ml rente attractively low, .ervtce continuous. 122.00 i rrofcelonnl OfRre. PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO IMLSS Che.tnut at A few .ultra for phy.lclana or dentin.. J T JACKSON CO Che.tnut and IJth. SPRUCE. 1337 Offtceai .team heat electricity; goo.1 aervlee morning and afternoon houra WENT I'HIIADF.I PIIIA SEND' FOR A RENT LIST STATE PRICE OF HOUSE YOU DESIRE JOS. ALLEN POTTS tiot.iVV 130 SWil WILLOWS AVENUE, a 3 alory hou.e on a beautiful l'lo street In the rry lined nelghbnrhoml, aurrounilett by every neceaaary ronienlonco PKMHKRTON ESTATES. HJ6 M r.Slli at Phone Woodland 4787 "" 44TII HT H. OK WALNUT 8T New, modern 3 .lory home, porch front! 10 rooms, m uaiiia tiurii iiaiir. vnir m irit 1 e I u o WM T DICKSO It CO Mm Market at. IKItMNTOHN OERMANTOWN. pear Queen Lane Sta. and 0n. Cricket Club. 3 bedroom, a l,.th.i hot water heat 1 B story .emldetachcd homo; 143. L V37. ledger Central. r rtgagea. In a.oclat on money for a.cond mortgagee. O C BEIDEL CO . 4th and Callowhlll al.. 1100. 1200 TO 15000 TO I.OAN LEWIS I CO 192T W. Illrard ale. ALL "AMOUNTS. IflT AND SD MORTOAOES 3ulek answer. ATSINUGR Rl Eat T. Bldg TRUST Kl'Npi FOR FIRST MORTOAOD IIKHKNKB STETSON LANDTITI.E niMLDINO MONEY JOR TMTJJIj, MTOAOES 70T WALNUT ST (1203 SPRUCB 8T IIUU.DINC1 ASBOCIATION AND riUVATB ROBERT J NASH. 'lOOl CIIEBTNUT BT " FUNDS FOR IBT AND 5D MORTOAOES ANY AMOUNT POTTS A THOMSON 2(121 Vr.nkford av. ' i'lJNDS Ftlll 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES MORTOAOKH r'll nAI.N THEO n NICKI.E. 2313 Oermantown ave. MONEY 'orrt.age, ".ucVCouny property. Lincoln Building Philadelphia. "ADVANCES TO ItUlLDEHH A SPECIALTY IIAZLBTT MOq" BIS WALNUT ST LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Chargea JOHN A HARRY B0T Land Tltla Bldg 8" PER CENT FliNDS FOR MORTOAOES llulldlng association money for second. IIJBJJERD H WORRELL A CO , BR3 N 17th 1ST and 2d mtg. tbldg and private fund.; quick and .ntlsfactory result.! moderate charge.. CAMERON ESTATE SHIl Kenelngton ave. FIRST and aecond mortgagea wanted, city or -u..Vffu5.i-t ninnnun mhl rhfstnut at. FUNDS for let,2if or split mortgage., collet- erai ana pnoriierm na,, .... .. ... AIIERNBTHT. iS 8. 12th. S72I N. Bth . MONEY for ftr.t and second mortgagee, private riino. anil nuiiuma M,wiiniri.. .... WM FIIIRDHICK A CO , 881 N Kith Jt . TIic joung: Inily neroa the wny h docan't supiiose mnny of tlio bojn under. Inml football nny belter than pho docs now Plnco her brother inatlo ccntf. field on Iha nr.lt j- and .lie goes to tee eery came. Aids to Cupid ''Tho tolpphono Is a woiulorfiil thlnff," rolnnrUed U10 tnn.11 wlio poso as n student of tclencc. "Hiiro," replied Ills ft loud Wtli it sIopliiK brow. "Next to tho nttiKe, moro Klrls luio quit tho swltohbonnt to marry millionaire- tlmn uny other kind of employment ever untlei taken by tho fair box," j . 1 1 , ' J TlCTiOM ( j ThoYrgalu , w uuke' i woul&ht ff r liijL I now ti:ll mk, does it pay? Emeroency funds pIi immediate answeri low, LANEY. 1112 Lincoln. placed at onoel any eumt owe.t rate.. F. X. DE iln. Broad and Penn aq. STONBY for flr.t ami aecond mortgagee 1 bullijlng association onu insmuin?". iiiw,"a. .,..,. Winchester Company. tOOlChestnut at. FUNDS for drat and aecond mortgage.! any amount, quick an.wer. CIIA8. W. MlLLI.ll. 401 tnCommonwe.lthjnulldttigj READY FUNDS for good flr.t morgagea, bring us your application, fills I, BROWN A CO , SI7 8 Brond t. Xt.L AMOUNTS to Toan on l.t and 2d mtge. Cha.. 8!. D. Young. 400 W. End Tru.t Bldg MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN GET A LOAN From This New Licensed and Bonded Company quickly, privately. It you are houaekeeplng. i. loan lJo 1204 on eaay t-rme Your monthly payment on ISA I. only 19 Your monthly payment on (HI la only 17. With lntereat at S per cent Tour monthly payment on 1182 I. only 111. Your monthly payment on 1204 I. only 117, With tniere.t at 2 per cent Call TODAY, write ua or phone Walnut 4303. HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 SOUTH BROAD STREET Kfrond floor Njt to Forreat Theater wnir f..v unitlinw fnupv ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS. ETC. !J1 AND UP 'if, 7B AND HI' 1H 60 AND Ul' 1 RIEDER'S 125 MARKET ST R1DUE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. "I, ANl SOUTH 8T8. MONEY IX)A?JEb loTielra of un.etfled e.tatea, intere.t. nougni. 2S Stephen Uirard FRANK V. MARTIN, .724 Building. 21 H. 12th aft FARMER SMITH'S RAINBOW CLUB YOl AET "fQUft 'Kir.ND MB. OfiN-a ANt iYa.ft.rio RAMI AbOOf Y0UK N6W NAI& ( OH I Mf tut DtY Cooa now I 5MVSOUSY AJFNIL AND VOU KELP ON l?AVNfcr You OUUNT TO TA31E- HiR. CoOKiMg ant eAAKfcl IMC FINEST PltV At MI.K CAKlb A.Vt DKUCIOUf. , t INH SMli io ANHOOW TO ' .1. c tstir) f iau't I in iahk I akaaaHsV, aaeaMaaO Wr tSHIWur I y ?L Jei-4 C KttPINl. hluit " U PlAVvoSa V4ITM VOIM iMtUBw I1AUVT MiRvmHJ I KAV1 it CAHtM IROUBl-llNITMl M Htl-P 1 mitnI 9 ANO XOU RAVEON Vou CANT BRAt, htR U roo HldMlt MR.JONE. OFFIRi. (oA(OB, IHHtt-DClVAP.i VMta. rnoixtr KAliE t TANK I BEN CON NA. UtAvE Akin fuf NEAT BJ.Y tur I AAAtt V ("?. I only unttruPT itsr. V I I ,X.e A J agaTaeTal v V I A Nt T OO ptAVt AND RA.V E ANO ftVtRltHIMll AHt tOUt.H0Ul.b4tl tHt WAY lHDOl A"1 HIBT WAIkTfc- ahp 3Hi nav WANTh A HIUrlT, , orj Jk I SIXKv I J tt A I 9r VlggeHglggelggelgelggggi TILL ME, DOES IT PAY? yi r SOHlf SWirJ -&? His Only Heal Thrashing Tom Thompson, of Howard, says ho has been threatened by all sorts of men, InrludliiK some who boasted of their hot Southern blood; but tho only real thrashing ho oer got wns at tho haiula of a Suede. Kaunas City Star. "K.erybody's Doinft It" ARF. YOTI A TURTLE? Dear ChildrcR Sometimes I wrlto tho heading for my talk Jlrat RRd tho talk afterward, and sometimes tho other way around. With the stories, I generally writo tho story and then tho heading last. Stories aro such funny things 1 v What was I talking about? oh, yes! I wont to 8ce moving pictures tho other day, and one of tho pictures was that of a turtle with a neck bo long that he had to put it under his shell SIDEWAYS. Do you notlco how people carry their necks? Did you ever see n boy or girl stick his or her head out from tho shoulders like a turtle sticks his head out from his shell? Do you know hat the center of your body which shows your ItEAL char acter more than anything elso is located beacon tho place where your hair stops and a spot between your shoulder bladei? Did you ever see a soldier who did not stand up straight? Why do they teach soldiers tho VERY FIRST THING to stand up straight? You never saw a coward atand up straight, did you? Not all who stoop aro cowards, by any means. Stand up straight it shows SELF-RELIANCE. Loyjngly, . FARMER SMITH, Children' Editor. -JMAL MTAT JOE 8ALB 3&I jycwAT . WM, ra city sffiplm ;$ centra,, pvyMOjrjtai. OET-UP-TOWN By Farmer 3mHh eplnh t Bflagh I StihWllll WWeBWBk peeked out from undw hl dark brown ylshes. BpUihl Rlht nr W chwk drop of wtr ii.. orm WN oomlB down. H looked u'pndTho i fcS but W frtB-A ths Oood Drm Klry, IUIb on th hand ef kis Ud, Ohl" h txcUlmed. "I am so glad te . Wber hVB you been thU lOBf. "rjiB'eJrieB'm Kalra '" Fr0M h.r twU Trtw tt d'By llken klef vM vtf hw bautlful y. Ir I'SthHui kwsl dr!HJ8g on ''why "?u oryt" 'akd Willi Wld. bmi orWd blaMMf. I? Ik I T " hB MB vail 4. ,( Mt Up l thai BWBlBB, Ok I VH. STrwUI kivB U Uk you oy th U 5-U.Tow, wkr aU ll) kom Mk4 BrU nt UD to B't th . orkmllrlon yegvr. ami a cW tk ItfilB feiks af at-U-Town ari erly Never Ib Uuat tim kas oih of tberu (gUd la grttt tfc sua. Over aUUitw yBM a boy lay In bed until 10 o'clock In the morning- Think of It 1 And he dUuppeared th llttlA boy disappeared They always aid In at-Up-Town Wat Father Hun waa bo dlipleaaed at aealng a llttla boy In bed bo lata that ha eent the sunbeams. They took him avray to the Ner, Never Land and ' Willi Wideawake peeked over the bed clothe and then sot ,up and dreased Father Bun. waa juet oomlng over the hills. 'Oood mornlnf. Father Sun, I oome to erect youl'' It seemed to Willie the sun smiled at him. "Mercy on us I" exclaimed Willie's mother when she saw him. "What AUK you dolnk up so early;" "I'm going to live In det-Up-Town after this," said Willie, Then h' mother kled him. Things to Know and De Conundrum At which end of a river U a Hahinnan mot likely to get a Wet ' " i; n. i - The Wise PuMy He- WILLIAM BtOUT. ML VettUa) ). 11 MeUa tial.a1fyt4Jr-ley Wr Ixokin far rut. But oftentimes a aeoww wan wut Uul ofuntlaoee a mnieee as And wlU ft au44aa Baak &&iFffii'nJL Our lTistomco Box This Is llttla Adelaide Holcotnbe, of Cyn wyd, the sister of Malvlna, who told Mon day night In the poatofTlce about getting all bumped up In a bloycle accident. Adelaide Ih Just a brand new llaln bow, but she Is Kolng to hurry and maa up for lost time, so that not n blessed one of you will know but what she was a pioneer mem ber I Who ran write and tell what a pioneer member IsT Two moro recent Italn- uwna uio oyivia MacElroy and Viola Brand. 0f TleMaaKiirw n.n. ADELAIDE HOLCOMBB of ,. - ffi are active little somebodies. Just listen to Sylvia; "I have a cat named Teddy that we raised from a kitten I bathe him and keep him nice and clean. I like to play the piano and I Ilka to read. Home of my favorite books are 'Uaby of the Frontier Three Little Women at Work,' Iloy Chums In Mystery Land' and 'A World of Girls' " Viola wrltest "There was a block party In Brldesbura? and they had a bear ahd a pony. They kept the bear In the house back of us and Sylvia and I went back to see It. I have a kitten named Tiger" Wo are going to write a letter to these little girls very soon. Watch for the mail man I Yr BxggggggggggggP RBUa.s-ta nmm Mike Save Teddy By HILDRKTH HARRIS, Wilmington. Del. Far off In the country lived a llttla boy who was not aatl.fled to stay at horn. One day when his mother waa going to market s4i told Teddy not to go In tho woods. As eon as hk) mother went, Teddy went Into tta W4HMU. na .aft hU dog Mike V sleep In the barn Teddy soon got lost In the) woods and didn't know what to do. It waa then kalf.past six. The boy fell asleep and all jor una. Then TeaWrV HUM lut as a rattl(mk waa CrUmtag fiom a bush toward him. When Ike found TeMy he brought him home to his laotiver, aMt Is itroaulati a wovOd uever o awejr strain iillllnr Th. Sketch. The customer Surely these eggs are very small T The shopkeeper Yes, mum, perhaps a llltlo owlns to' tho war. SAVE THE MARK The Pasalnc Show. Visitor (examining tho record of the local flood) And did ths river really rise to that mark? Native No, sir; but the children used to 'bllterate the right mark, bo the major 'e ordered It to bo put 'Ighor, bo as to be out p' their reach. Slight Leanings "Whut nro you conning there?" "Tho Darwinian theory." "Do you bcllovo In tho Darwinian tlioory7" "I can't any. Hxperlonce bears. It out to sonio extent when we constdor man's tendency to make a monkey of himself." FAT CHANCE nau-jKH six, 4110 uuy jell 1 thl time mother was looking j ak see Mike, to look tw ' 4s4m4 Teddy Jut as a rat 11 ' ' " -"-T ' ""' ' ' spanssSageysBi J) h VVi! a r MisJy.s.WyA jump ) " " J tfk'zb (OfFTHATQARRetiO V mI 5 JIMMY Klti 00 HIS TRIPLE I PVil fl IPIN WHEEt FOflUSJ yASB,lh , 1, 1 .a s.i Ttri ' 11 Early Handicap Overcome "You never can tell how a boy Is going to turn out." "No?" "I used (o know Qrabcoln, ths emi nent capitalist, when he was a little lad with shining ringlets, going to take hi violin lessons. Now he's president of a railroad and hard aa nails." 4 ADDING Uf A COLUMN Or rA0Ks en let ' w"aaaaf ig SsX'eil as.-Ji III MlIM TWO "TWCV 1. F4WB. Ant, 16 rBI Wie, Viu rt Bam i i'-..