ETvTSNING LEBGER-rHtLADELPHIA, THTJBSDAt, OCTOBER 26. 1916 $eatf w& miMa lit fffl Ula.HMH .1 frtend- invite MMPhjittl. ,1. OarnMMOWH, AJ4TBA ADAMB. mint au in". "' "'. 'spiiLr.T ie.tin ave. HUH Jnti crlvl . . huenana ' ' ADAMfj -Jpit. J. WlLMAM . Vm niia t. m , Km funrT parlor of SSS!21mH rViinlc DreMr. o.l Olrard v. Bo emn tilth MU . m. St, Flancts Xavter cnurcn, svviy ireae warn. . . 21. M .Princeton. N J... Kwr.l 7vice. Tflnltr m vfiut. .."- -fetrIfc PtlfiMlnn Vrl. 9 WMKlt Oct, 84, M9IAII P. nnOOKB. n Hi year. Relative, end friends ,'"' hrieral wrT fee. Frl.. s, r. " ,vi22. i" i"JJ ft, In. private, Umerlck. Montgomery Co. Pa, Omit flowers. . BttMNK. Oct, 28, MAttT I... l '.. 3, fherle E. Hurn. htlw?.ilrl.',nd,iiJivJiMd to (mnl .ervlce. 217 nedcllffs ' ."tf" V, ., Thgrs., 1 p. m. Int. strictly private Boulh juturei hiii, ' . .. . ......... , .ah .f T11an UAHlliU VJCI. .33. Ilrtm.i ,.,. .-"', ; ,',"V- . and tat Daniel C, Cabin tnw ""IT'i ".-. re and f rlenist Invited to f.Vt't.j1Jr1,1' f Jfy m.. reoAnc of brother. Daniel .1 Cabin. 18-t Tesr . Jllih ma. of requiem 81. Thomaa V of AndVeW Chrl.llnsen. '" " Undo Invited to funeral.servlee., P' J. A l.t. residence. 113.1 8. ltt it. Remain, mny be viewed tTI ,.nfi-r T P. m. 'PkJfSa ? . CIRK. Suddenly, Oct. 94. H08ANNA M. lfH McPeak), wife of John C. CU'Jt. Ill.tlv.ii and friends, Capt. J. 1, Heleterllnr Circle. No. IM, U. of d A II i Alter and Rosry Societies i"f4t. Jonn th. JlPt Church. IBftl to fu eraL Krl., 8:30 a. m . 240 Hector it.. Jtoxbor Ein. Solemn huh m... St. John lh Il.ptl.t Uvti and friend Inrltcd to, runr1rl ki4lva mtiA frlndi . re., iv uarvfr uipenc lUrmininwn HorvlfTH . m. Int, private. Ilmln may b vlewca COJNERTT. Oct 2J, ItOSE, dufhUp et UU P7er4shMrt BiSrItty if Church of Aycn.ion KVttwJ to funeral. tVl.. 7 a. m.. 'ld.e.ncMi Mualn? John Hw-.nfr. 60S B. rirnW at 8ql; rain rqllm ma Church of Aaccnalon J a . m. Int. St, l'atrljK'a Carn,..lIotlalll. !. Kr 10-85 train from sih and .Coliirntila aj-. , COOIiB. Oct. 25. HANNAH CMUtlClAN. rralilenr of hr aon. Harry II. CopKo. IIS Jlapla. ORIVII.I.K. Oct. 24. W1I.III3MI1NA I III' V1LI.B. widow of Anion rrtvllla "'"'"'" ared (12. !! atlva anil frirnda Invited to fu SJrVl. Frt.. 2 V. m", 802 Wood it. Int. Orn- "ctSsoSf.-Oct. 24. TSOWAniJ. of tlachel Croaaon (n Ward). Hl;v- .nd friend Invited to funeral. Hat. S SO a. m.. 2nt2 Belrade at. iJHth Ward). Solemn requiem run Bt. Ann'a Church. 10 a. m. Int. New ' CUAVI8.Sct. 24. .MAIIT DAVIS (ne. Dunn). ir or llnrry iiavia ami wywwr ,""'j; ami lata Mary Dunn. IlelatUea and .fr lenda Invited to funeral, residence, mil i "JWIPJl'ITO '!." "!.: ".'i'Su tvvvt i ! huaband of Kaalo Devlin (nea Deacon). ji4 . laaiai i iwaifi ann inanni invuru tu aunr...., - .. ral. Frt. H.30 a. m.. rather'; Oli at Hlh maa Church of . m. Int. Ht. Danl; ,"" . Boiemn requiem 1U a. m. Int. ajin m in.a4 n 20th at. maia Bt Rlltaueth'a Church " DOuaHKnSrrll-oet. 24. ihdbna. ;V':, f 11.1- anri micalMth Douchertr. iwl-un"- " .; " ."."" ."" r . .z e j wtin . DHEtStlACir. Oct. 24. ntlBSKLI. E.. aon of Emmo-i B. and Amelia A. Drelajiach. J " fielatlvea and frlenda Invited to t"""'f?!: Fr .. 2 p. m.. realdenco of Pf?1' ?,.uS.?. ava.. ab. Ilurmont ava.. Drexel Hill. Delaware Co.. Pa. Int. Arllmtton Cem. Ttemalne may De Viewed Thura. eva.. 8 to 10 p. m. ,,,.y,mnA nUMI.CVT.-pct, 25. rAIUCK, I... hueband er Mary iiunievv inn Ainrini,. ....."- ."-.,, I -. ; - .. . - . ., u.. a. mi a Tn . i. y. ,...-.. -- v.--."" . u. a. . m irlenaa invuea io runerai. "' ;"" -nv,i.i, if lerlon avo. lllih maa; of requiem Church ot Our Xother or uorrowa iu a. n. . .- " ECKMAN Oct. 28. KMMA. wife of John cvSn and JfSaht;?- of Ch.rfe. and Bjriphlj hoepel (nee Albert). fd .:L'V''V'rnitv of frlenda. member, of the Archconfraternlty or the lloy Family. Invited to funeral, f fl-,?-;" am. 1828 N. feth at. (rear). Itrqulem maaa la funeral eervlcee. Frl.. Ji,nUl,ii5tl,erJ lit ience. 1B46 8. Alun at.. Weit rhlla. int. mi. M0OAKFnTt Suddenly. Oct. 24. JAMBS J., on of JameV and Catharine Oarfney (nej Mona. nan), aeed 18. nelatlvea nd frlende. puplla of Roman "athollc Ulah School. MM ?nfvS!Sr',2 Heart and Altar of Iloiary BocWIea Invttea lo M Ma'wSt Oa uiheV (nee Caa.ldy) ne at ve. and Tfrlenda. aUo employee of Torreadale V I Itra flon Plant, are Invited to attend funeral. Mon. a. m" 843 Corinthian avo. (near 20th , and Parrlah ate). Solemn hlh requiem maaa at .tr.".!? .f ai Francla Xav er 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croea (em, '. j"t-. .. " mi j.twtatti t . fiitanana of tow' oTrUhan'tneTEaray) and .on of hra.Pm1on42r,c.1.tU'BolVmnUm'arf.,-orrrV-Jilim Cburch of'Our Lady of Victory V a. m. Int. Holy Croia Cem. Ilemalna may be viewed Thura , T to D. m. Auto aerylce. oEeNN. Oct 24. at 1218 W. Cambria at.. SIUA I.V daughter of late William and IJIeanor lemV. jtel.tlvee and friend. Invited 1 to funeral ervlre.. Frl,. 2 P. m Oliver II. Ualr llulld Inc. 1820 Che.tnut at. Int. prlvafj. Ilemalna may bo viewed 1820 Che.tnut at.. Thur... 1 to doETZ. Oct. 23. ANTON, hueband of Eliza, bath Oo7(nee FrlderUI). ad 82. Ilelatlv; and frlenda. membere of Archoonfraternlty of Holy Family. Bt. Peter a Tounc Men. Holy Trln. Ity, and German Oak No. 1 Ueneflclal Hoclette.. anl lllahop Newman Council, Invited to funeral Sat., 7d0 a. m,. from residence, 1B39 N. Law fenes t. Solemn requiem maaa. 0 a. m.. Bt. 'etera Church. Int. Bt. Peter'j Cem. ORIFFIN. Suddenly, Oct. 23. JOHN, of Sarah Orlffln (nee Malum) rind aon of Sophia nd lata Michael Griffin. Ilelatlvee and friend.. member, of II. of H.. Ken.lnglon lodie. No. lis. and P. A It. Helief A..o. invited to funeral. Frl.. 8:30 a. m.. 2121 E. Monmouth at. Solemn equlem maa. Church of the Nativity 10 a. m. nt. Holy Bepulchro Cem. HIbnftnO At Illverflde. N J., Oct. 24. PAUI.INB 13. widow of Henry llllbera. axed I0. Itelatlvea and rlend., all aocletlea of which aho waa a member. Invited to funeral .ervlcoa Bat.. 1 p. tn.. at realdenco of .on-ln-law, Edward Dehn. cor. 41b and Itancocaa ava;, iMveralde, N, J, Inter private. (Ireenmount Cem., l'hlla, Ilemalna mav be viewed Frl. aye, 1ULI.MAN. 8uddenly, Oct. 23. OEOItOR. of Mary K. Illllman. Itelatlvea and (rlenda, membera of the Volunteer Heller Ie partment of l'ennaylvanla Itallroad; Ilrotherhood of Hallrond Trainmen and Wraahlnaton Camp, No. 842, P. O, 8. of A., Invited to funeral aerv lee.. Frl.. - P. m.. BT34 Bprure at. Int. private. Friend, may call Thur... 7 SO to 9 p, m. HOFFMAN. Oct. 25. at 817 Jer.ey Ave.. Olouceater, N. J., ELDANOR M.. widow of Charlee llotfman, forilierly of llaltlmore, Md. Due notice, of funeral will b given. HUOHES. Oct. 24. MAIIOAHET, wife of lata Michael Huthea (nee Moctoey). Itelatlvea and friend., Ko.ary Society of Bt. John the Iiaptl.t Church, invited to funeral. Sat., 8:30 a, w., 4330 Main at., Manarunkv requiem hi Bt. John the Daptl.t Church 10 a. m. Int. HONTHuddenly. Oct. 24. MATILDA J.. widow of H.rry Hunt, aged 77. Itelatlvea and friend. Invited to funeral eervlcee, residence of Henry Martin. 328 W, Thompaon at., Frl.. 2 p. m. Int. Chelten Illlle Cem. KAITOER. Oct. 23. llBltTHA. w dow of John Kauber. aged 74 yeara. Ilelallve. and frlenda Invited to funeral, Frl., n a. m.. 2335 W. Cleaiflud at. High m. of requiem at Cf.orch ot Corpu. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem. KAVANAOII. Oct. 24. MAIIT. wldow ot Oharlt. J. Kavanagh and mother of night Ilev. ftgr. Charle. V. Kavanagh. nelatlvea and nVead., R. V. M. Sodality, Invited to funeral. at.t 6:30 a. m.. 2211 Spring Garden at. Solemn requiem mat. St. Francl. Xavler Church 10 ?2L an Anna Traey, nelatlvea and frlenda. Altar 2,chtr and.lagua of the Bacred Heart of Bt. Malachy'a Church. Invited to funeral, Mon . (I:" m., 1823 N. 10th at. Solemn high requiem rnaee 8t..Alatchy'a Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral im. MATix)TT.--Ocl. 24, MddVnlr. cilAIII.Kfl. huaband of Mllga liayTott, Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Bat . 2 P. m,. aon-ln-law'a reaidrnce, Charrea Ileece. 84H N. A at Int (Ireenmount (K of P.) Cem, Frlenda mar view remalna Frl . after 7 P. m. ... , Mo;itf!IgilT ivt. 23, jAMEfl. aon of late Jamea and Amnd XleCrelght flervleea and Int private, from Arm.troni Hon. 1800 Co lumhK are McDCHMOTT Oct 24. auddenly. nniDOET. widow of John MrDermott Itelatlvea and friend., membera of league of Barred Heart. InHlert to runerai. Bat 30 m 180 B, 4th t Solemn maaa of requiem Church of Illexe,) Recrement Int Holy t'ro.a ('em. McDEItMOTT Oct, 34. MAIIT MeDKlKIOTT, of Mt. Airy aaed 83. riinerel from B22 W. Main at.. Norrlntown. Mon . 8-10 a m. Solemn requiem man. St. Palrlrk a Church. Norrla. town. 10 a, m. Int Bt Patrlck-a Cem. . MKF.HAN Oct 23 JOHN, hueband of Ellen Meehan Itelatlvea and friend", employe. M. P. jlnwlett. Invited to funeral Frl a. m , 809 Wolf at Solemn mae. of requiem Lady of Mt. Carmel Oiitfch 0:30i( m Int. Holy Crnaa Cem. .MII.IIEItT ). t 25. au4denly, DELIA wife of Domlnlck Mllbert Itelatlvea and frlenda In vited to funeral. Bat 8 a m.. 1011 B. 4th at Solemn requiem nun Bt. Alphnneu.' Church vjn a. m. Int private Holy Cro.a Cem. ..MOORE (t 25. ANDIIKW J. huebnnd of Alice Moore (nee lleddow). aged 41). Relative, and friend., employ, of Schaum and IThllnger Co.. InvltM tu funeral, Frl.. 8 p. m . parlor. or John lloae A Bona. 2010 llrldge at , ilrldee bure, Itemaln. may lie viewed Thur. 8 to 10. Int North Cedar llfll Cem. . . .... ...MOTUIt )et 28 at lata reeldenre. (1223 Walnut at l'hlla CHARLES V MOVER, hu. band of K.ty Ilnhrbarh Moer. aged 51 . Ilela. live, and frleml. Wa.hingtnn Camp. No. in", P O s. of A.: Phlla and ReadTnc llwy Y. M. ( A. Invlle.1 to runerai aervlce., Hat. 1 JO p. rn , Zlon l'nltel llrethren Church. Reading. Pa, Inl Alleb.rh Cem Remalna may lie viewed 1 rl , 7 to 10 p m.. at lata realdence Mt'RRAY Oct. 23 CUIINEI.U'S J , or Halite Murrav nnd aon or John. and Mary Murray (nee Mr.S'amee). aged 20, Itelatlvea and friend. lxv!e No 470, I II of T , C, F. nnd II. of A i employe, of Geo II. Wetherll ft ( o . Invited to funeral. Mon 8.30 a. in , at parenta rr.ldenco, 2530 E. Adam, at Solemn requiem maaa 81. Ann'a Cbuich 111 m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. . , 0'Ni:it.L Oct 23. ANNA E, daughter of tho late Thoma. J. and Catherine O'Neill, graduate, nurae of Hi Joeeph'a llnillnl. Ilela tlea nn3 friend, al.o II. V. M Sodality. Iukiio of Bacred Heart and nurae. of St. Jo.enn ; lloenltal lnllcd to funeral. Frl H n m. 11 N r,5th at Solemn Requiem Mn." at Lndv o( Vlctorv Church, lo a in. Int Holy ( ro.e ( em PARKE Ort 2.1. at 2211 S. ISlh at.. MARY E., wiro of Jame. A, l'orke. Duo notlco of tuneral will bo given. ... .. .. . PETERSON. Oct. 24 ETHEL M.. daughter of Martha A. nnd late John A, Peter.on. aged 23. Itelatlvea and frlenda, alo employea of A. J. Rearll A Co.. membera of Slloam M. L. Church nnd member, of En.t Montgomery ae. M. 15. Church, Invited to funeral aervlrea. Bun . 3 p. m. 1817 K. Su.quehanna ae. Int. Pal mer Cem. Remalna may bo viewed Sat., after Sl'Kit.r.r. Oct 34. JAMES F . of lato Annlo Qulglev nmi .on of late rrancia nnd Annie Qulgley. Relative, and friend., Dlvl.lon No. IB, A. O. II . Invited to funeral. Bat., H 3(1 a m , from realdence. 2r.2U 8. Juniper at Sol emn hlith man. of requiem Epiphany Church in. a. m Int. Holy Croaa Cem. QOINN. Suddenly. Oct 24. JAMEB. hit"band of Sarah Qulnn. Funeral and Int. Private Thur". QITIRIN Oct. 20, nt Denver, Col., MARIA, daughter of KIKnbelh and lato Peter .Oulrln. aged S3 Relative, and friend. Invited Jo funeral, Sal. R.30 a. m.. at parlor, of lld O. rrnnkenneld A Hon.. .122 N f2d 1 at. Hlh maa. Church of Our Lady of victory 10 a. m. '"lil&v" SalalBnIrfcBt. 24. JOHN O .hu-bnnd Marlon Rltey (nee Woodwanl). ?''?"' tlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. I rl . 2 p m.. 1528 Adam. ae.. Prnnkford Int. Oakland t-em. Remain" mvy b viewed Thur. . P to 10 p. m Rt'BBELL Oct. 2.1. at 2310 tlatll at. Vt1j LIAM. hu.bind of Georgia Rua.ell (nee Mat lack) Due notlco will be given. SCHMITT. Oct. 23. MART, daughter of Su ale and late Adam Bchmltt. aged 29. Ilela the. and friend., employee of A. .T. Reach ft Co.. member, of rifth Reformeil Church nnd Sabbath School. Invited to funeral eervlcea. Hun., 3 p. m.. 703 at. Int Palmer Cem. BCHOLCY Oct., 24. JOHN W.. of Palllo S. Bcholey (neo King),, nged (13 Itela tlvea and frlenda., membera Flrat rre.hytcrlan Church of Kenlnlnn nnd dlrnctor. of Metallic 11. and L. . ore Imltrd to funeral crvice.. Krl. 2 pm. 1227 E Fletcher at. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Remain, may bo lewed Thura. evening Auto funeral BEH'P Oct. 24, MARGARET, widow of Charlea Belpp. aged no. Relative, and friend, invited to funeral aervlce., rrl., 8 p. m.. .uos S. 17th t Int. private. SNYMAN Oct. 25. .uddenly. Oeneral WIL LIAM D. HNYMAN. Frlenda may view remain, at Oliver II. Hair llulldlng. 1820 Che.tnut at., ThHPEAK.i2oct. P23.mCATHEnlNE O , wife of Henry II. Bpeak. Retatlvea and frlenda In vited to funeral. Sat . 7.30 a. m.. 2025 B. floth at. High nuu Church of Mo.t lllr.aed Sac rament 0 a, m. Int. private. Auto funeral. HTACKHOUHE Oct. 25 SYDNEY JACK BON widow Henry T Hiockhouee, naed tin. Relative, and friend. Inlted to funeral .ervlrea. HaL. Oct. 28. 11 a. m.. at Merhanlravlll-. Phlla. Int. Reechwood Cem.. Hulmevllle. Pa. CnrrlaBe. will bo in woltlnij at lied. Lion, from u to In am.! nl.o meet train at Treo.e. l-jiylr,; Tren ton u-1" a. m.. and Read nit Terminal U:17 a. m. BTAIRB Oct. 23. JOHN STAYNER STAIRS aged 8.1. Relative, and friend. Invited to funeral ervlrva. Frl.. 11 a. m 1300 S. 53d at. Int. PrlHUTCLIFFE. Oct. 26. IBAnELIA. wife of John Butclirie. aged 88. nelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervtcea. Sat.. J p. m.. 11-32 Dlckena ave., W, Phlla, Int, private. Mt. MSWELOct. 23, CHARLES II. SWEM. aged 877 Relatle. and friend., al.o Quaker City Dlvlalon. No. Kill, II. of L. E. and employe, of Penn.ylvanla Railroad Co- Invited lo - funer aervtcea. Thura . 8 P. m . 1210 tobb'e Ireek Park (8 riOtli at.). Int. at convenience of the family on Frl.. Glenwood Cem.. Trenton N. J. TOY. Oct. 25, auddenly, WILLIAM II. TOY. aged 8. Relative, and friend. Invited to funeral aervlce. Sat.. 12.30 p. m.. Grcnloch. N. J. Int. Evergreen cim.. Comth-n. Friend, may call Frl .7 to 1 P m. Train leave. Che.tnut t. "AlVrHE-Joct. A2y.;0M,UcnHAttEL WALTIIER. tL -5f.1'5iu'?K1 tr oKS i' Aub1 PocUeibookmaker.' lien. Ae.o., Liberal Hnterat Vwli Fnlrhlll Yearly Hen Invited to funeral Hun . 2 P. m , 527 W. York at. Inter. Greenmount tjem. Remalna may bo viewed Sat.. WELSH. Oct. 24. RORERT. eon of Mary J. and late John Welsh, nelatlvea and friend. In vited to funeral aervlce.. Frl.. 2 p. in., brother-In-law', re.ldence. 1403 8. 28th t. Int. private. "wiTHERoWi-Oct. 24. JAMES, late Mary McKelvey, Wlthernw. aged 77. nelatlvea and friend. Invited to funeral aervlce.. Sat.. 3 p. m.. chapel Northwood Cem. Int. Norlhwood C'zECIIER. Oct. 23. C W. ZECIIER. hue band of Maud Kecher and aon of lato Philip and Elizabeth Zecher. aged 53. Due notice of fu neral will bo given. 2010 N. 21)th at. LOST AND FOUND DEED Loet. deed In the name of Elizabeth llutchln.on for lot No, 13J. In aectlon 144 Mount Moriah Cemetery: application boa been made for a duplicate deed, Return to Maria Clarke Black, 4403 O.age ave. NECKPIECE I.ot. .kunk neckpiece. In Wana- rnaker'a. about 1 o'clock Oct. 23i 115 reward if returhed toB01Halle)r llldg.. 1218 Che.tnuL 1IK Iet, a bar pearl and diamond pin, Wedne.duy between 10. m. and 1 p. rn. Reward. Phono Ilryn Mawr (123. HKLP WANTED FEMAIiE Coaflannf tram PrtcttitO Column Oint.9 14 TO IT TEAnB OF AOE. FOn VAnifJtIS IlKPARTMICNTBl BXPIIRIENOE -HfJNBO-KBHAItT. APPLY EMPIAIYMKNT nOltEAU, LIT UROTIIEItB. Oinu wanted for light factory workietart 18: good chance lo advance Apply 604 W. Guard ave. OIRI.B over 18. Apply at International Art I-ublUhlng Co.. 12th and Callowhlll.2d floor. GIRLS over Ifl year, of H, good wage., Ap- plv Wolf ft Co .340 N 12th. Ollll.M wanted. Apply Mfr Co. of America, 431) N 121h. IIOfi.RT TOIH'ERB "and knitter., nn Bcott ft William, and Standard F machlne hlghe.t w.rea and eteady work Ilyglenlo Meeced llnderw'r Co . Ho.lery Ilept 2415 N. Howard HOSIERY PAIRERS and folder, on ladle, and rhlldren'a cotton good. Hygienic Fleeced un derwear Co.t Ho.lery Dept., 24IR N. Howard? HOUHEWbnK, general Kiperlenced white woman, tn go to Merlon. 4 In family: no wa.hlng, must m good cook and give refer ence: wagea Id. Apply, 4 p, m., Room 2021420 Che.tnut at. HOUSEWORK' Reliable white woman for fam ily of 2. rooking and houaework) nn wa.hlng. 11 aver ford, I'n , near .tatlon. Call before II a m 1602 flprueo .t. HOUSEWORK general Ep. girl, ........ ..i. i.. i,iunr.,i'i,n, ,ii,- ,.J, v,i, '"" ',. rook Al ref. , s in family: wage, to, Thone Narbertn .180 J.J nn. i,ed Hr LADIES' UfAID, comp. . good eeam.lre.., packeri willing to travel. Call or add. 232 B. 21.t at. LAUNDRESS, experienced: only thotev.wlth hlgh e.t reference, considered. Annlv by telephone. Mr. J E. Caldwell, Ilryn Mawr 709. ilAN AND WIPE aa butler and cook for email family In the suburb", mu.t be thoroughly perleneed and have eieellent reference. i wage. lift per month F 160, ledger Central, NIJRSB wanh-d for 4-month, old Infant; wagea .. reference requlrwl Phono Che.tnut Hill 100R AV rrom K to I. and Friday. NURSE. Proteatant. eiperlenced. for email chll dren: .waicei no per weeki reference.. Che.t nut Hill 1040 J. OPERATOIIM on .Tngle needl. m.ehtne.reteady work. Apply Greenwald Ilro... 247 8. 8d. BAI.ESWOJIAN for oul.lde work; mu.t have "blll'v and ejperlencc. 120 per week to .tart I. 053, ledger Central. M SALESWOMEN LIT IinOTHERS REQUIRE SALESWOMEN for VAntoua departments, apply EMPIJTMENT DUIICAU. STRAwnnmoB a clothier require eiperlenced .aleswomen for sev eral departmenta. Including OLOVE3 WOMEN B AND MISSES" SUITS COATS AND DRESSES SHIRTWAISTS MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. CORSETS AND SHOES Apply Ilurrau of Emplotment. 4Vj floor. STENOGRAPHERS Good opportunity for quIckT nccurnto soung woman; Rood education and Pract,caJcxp.esentlal M 155, led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER wanted: .alnry Ifl to start: (cany position; chnnce for advancement. "ijuj.winfr (Jent ral. HT,ENppRAPIIER. experienced 'IJnii. Ledger Central and capable. , .,,..,... STOCK GIRLS 'ILAyNEnS REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF ?,"Clv GIRLS IN SHIRTWAIST DEPART .M,ENT: NOT UNDER 18 APPLY SUPER1N f.,:N.1i,.,.:.N.T " OFFICE. FOURTH FLOOR. 833 MARKET ST.. I1EFOUE 111 A M. HLAUNERS TELEPHONE OPERATORS An opportunity to secure employment In ex rliunct! nearest .vour home Vacnncle. In both local and long-dl.tanco odlcea for experience,! operatnra; al.u In achool for girl, lo lenrn tiiieratlng. Apply Kej.tone Telephone Com pany. 133 s. 2d at.. Room 403. WAITRESS Apply, with reference, 2020 Wal nut at. ' woI.A.N colored, chamb'w'k nnd vvnICK; wnicen I" 6"L!oJLndry, auburb. !' 333. Led, Cent. YOUNU oiltL for offlco work: good writer: quick 1 nnd accurate at tlgures. Apply 1225 Coluin . Ida avo Ult'NO WOMEN, with BooTVduratTonr wanted for general office work In publl.hlng hou.e; KH,'.,1? vear. old; experience not required. D -132. ledger Oltlce. . m. Tnt riM (-ethMlral fVin. KBLLY. Oct. 24, FRANCIS, Mary X.lly (nee Crllly). Itelatlvea and friend., all ao- aieti.. of wnirn no wa. a memoer. iiitivvu ,u i: 1523 N. 0th at. Solemn iohael'a Church 10 a. m. runerai. Bat., B'30 a. pi, snuiamni ma raai ni. Mini nt. Holy Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. , . KERNH Oct. 25. . UARQARET It.. WHO Ot William Kerne. Relative, and friend. Invited to funeral eervlcea. Bun,, 2 p, m. 2120 Mantpn at. Int. Mt, Moriah Cem. Remalna may be viewed Hat., between 8 and 10 p. tn. Auto fu- 'kVySBR. Oct, 24. 4S4 Rublcam ave.. Oer- SAntown. BTLVEBTKR, aon of lata Ruben and Itaa Van Dyke Keyaer, aged 72. Itelatlva and lende. Phlla. police reserve. Invited to funeral arvleea, Bat.. 2 p. m at old bome.teid. t,l.' ibraHDlowD ave.. Oormantown. Int. Ivy Hill TffkAlrr Oct. 23. VICTOR KARLE, A JJela- tlvaa and frlenda, Washington Camp, No. 485. P. 0,8. of A,r Stonemen'a Fellowship, membera of Ctrurch of the Apoatlee. employes II. D. A mm aa.,1 all nllie Bnletl. fif which h vraa a 4noer. inviiea to runerai service., nun.. na.. as8 N. Oratx at. Int. Northwood Cem. MALONB Oct 23. CATHERINE M.. wife of Oeorje HELP WANTED FEMALE 1100KKEEPER Mu.t b capable of taking full charge of book.: good opportunity for ambl tloua girl, furnish reference. Excellent Laun dry, 18th and York. CANDY" PACKERS wanted. Apply Mfg. Co. of, America. 439 N. 12th, CIIAMUERMAID and waltre... white. Protee. tant. for auburb., good wage.; every comfort and convenience. F 458, LedgerCentral, CHAMllERMAlD'and" waiting, white; wugea 10; call mornlnga JJ5J1 N Hroad . CLERK Wanted, by a. mercantile house bright, active, experienced,, clerk; wage. 12 a weeks hour. 8:30 to 5, Saturday 1 o'clock, Addrej" P sajIjedjex Offlco., COOK, experienced, wanted, only those with highest reference, con.ldered. Apply by telo. phone to Mre. J. K. Caldwell, Dryn Mawr 709 COOK, young, experienced, city reference re quired. Phone Woodland 614 or call 4320 Che.ler aye . .aDer Ujj.m. COOK, first clasV. coTj wagea laundry) rsfrequlredauburbe, V 852, ledger Central. DRESBMAKER wanla cutter and rectifier on waljit llnlnga. Apply 1812 Che.tnut. m EMIIROIDEIIERB IK.nd embroiderer, wanted In drea.lng e.lah. Apply 1812 Che.tnut si. OJIlL, white, chamb'd and waltre... 218 W. Walnut lane. Oermantown. Phone Otn. 179. HELP WANTED MALE ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN "wantcT nt pneo ror ahort engagement. Apply by vhnnn or In person Saturday aflernoon. 8, Hudson VauRhii. Atlantic City, N J. ARCIUTECTUItAL DRAFTSMAN "for office tn ( harleston. S. C. j mu.t be good, all-around man. Apply 028 Pre.ser llldg.. 1713 AHSlSTANT TO CHEMIST Ttoung man wltli drug store experience or otherwise qualified, chance to learn and ad- vanco In a large candyraclory. D 33uL L. O. AUDITOR Young man familiar with sloreo record, lo audit requisitions and Invoices: good opportunity for an ainbltloun ond ener getic oung man; state age. experience, refer- enco nnd .alary V 330, L-dger Central. HOOKKEEPEIt Young man who" understands nccnuntlnir, one who can operate typewriter preferred; cood opportunity for advancement; state age. reference, experience xnd xalary F349.LedgerCentral. UOY IlltiailT, ENERGETIC HOY OVER 10 YEARS Ol AOE. OF GOOD EDUCATION; EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN NEWSPAPER IIUSINEHS; RAPID AD VANCF.MENT TO ONE POSSESSING THEME QUALIFICATIONS. APPLY LEDGER OF FICE, ASK FOR MR HOUROAIZE DOY, strong, for night work, to assist dts- fiatcher; ahort houra; .alary $8. Apply d Ivery, 121 N, 8th at. nOT. over 18 yeara. to feed Gordon pre... Ap ply fifth floor. HOC Che.tnut .t., lob printing department. UtRL. Ju.t 10 to make herself useful. Acaer !. oiw "i Apply (HHLS to work In laboratory, filling and fin ishing Apply Smith, Kline ft French Co 3.1 Poplar .1 HOY for drafting room! good opportunity to learn mechanical drafting. Apply between H and 111 a. m. .. . IIERNSTE1N MFG. CO , 3d and Allegheny. HOY. over Id jeoro of age. for advertis ing department, good opportunity. Apply second floor, 001 Chestnut street. 11OY.10 or over, for office of mill. Kensington section; good chance for advancement. Ad- dress 1,67 P. O Dox 3300. HOY for art department! good opportunity? Apply 4th floors 000 Chestnut at. UOY wanted In lawyer's office; must be 14 year.. K 443, Ledger Central. HOVH WANTED AT ONCE GOOD POSITIONS OPEN WITH PROSPECTS. IN EDITORIAL DE PARTMENTS OF PI1HLIC LEDGER FOR IlltiailT ROYS OF HI. APPLY IMMEDIATELY TO MR. JOYCE THIRD FLOOR. 000 CHEST. NUT HT. KBLF WANTED MALX Continued nm PreonKs. Cohmrn COPT Attn T.lV-vfv-i j.m W.--- ....11..1 H?m5.i w.fmT "dvertl.lnc layout and copy. ? Pi r . rrT veomen'. specialty store! onlyU ?..!.' "P-to-data man will bo con.lderedl 1 .fate nasi m.m..i . 1' . ii. I !, r eV. ". '-V'"1 "Iv" experience in i"i letter. D Sal. ledger Office. iF,lifeI0J,ni mKn to "P ho? payroll for 1W . """tloni must bo qukkand accurate f-ISJLIW Penman: good opportunity for ad anSIiiiV ,i.,."..M,.. experience, reference and aalary F S31. ledger Central. DwyfPr,.?nW.A,tVTEDi.flT,"A'Y WORK AH, ipiJ'i'B'aIs-Kv WAOKB. APPLY CRANE ,l-E CRKAMCO.t 258 H.t23D BT, I,ni,.9PKiP',,,, to"! " work In order and cheektnr department of wholesale drug house. Address M 821, Ledger- Office. ROYS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORKl MUST UK OVER 10, CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY AFTER B P. M.. LBDOER OFFICE. FIFTH FLOOR. nOY8 for errands, Ap. delivery, 121 N. 8th at. URICKL,YERS, 23, wanted: eteady work. Ap ply IrKln ft Lelghton, Delaware ave. and Unjust at,, (,-amaen, w. j. URICKLAYER8 wanted. George u. vviiuama. Arch above 62d at. CARPENTERS, first class, jobbing, Apply 1515 Plne .1, , CHAUFFEUR. Prot'e.tant. experienced) mu.t have first-class ref. ; In anawerlng state age. refs. and wagea expec ed. .M 160,Irfd. Cent HOYS 2 or 3 "required for labelling and'nillng hottlea: easy hours, good wagea. Apply E. B, Draw ft Co . Swrnson and McKean. DRILLMAHTER wanted Immediately, for Insti tution Apply Room 1201. Crozrr llldg. ...... EnRAND noys i!,':AS'N'?.n!'.. REQUIRE. NEAT ERRAND )HB, AIlOllTlOi IllllNO PERMITH WITH J.P.5U .APPLY SUPERINTENDENTS OK. I'.CD, fJIURTH FIAXIR. 838 MARKET BT., HEFOflE 10 A M. HLAUNERS ERRAND DOTS CHANCE FOR ADVANCE- r.N l : 94 ao l'Kll VVf.r;n,. vviL.L.lAAin, IIOWN A EARLE, INC. .Mil 1C1IF.8TNUT8T. ERRAND ROYS WANTED. APPLY 609 B. I0TII ST . MK Hill FITTERS AND MECHANICS wanted; boiler and tank work. cruse-Kemper io, Ammer, i-a. HARDWOOD FINI8HER8 30 COATERS AND RUHIIERS; 48 HOUIlBl 40c HOUR. GEORGE W. SMITH ft CO.. 8007 POWKLTONx AVJ. HAT MAN--I.IT IinOTHERS nEQI'IRE AN E-PER1ENCED HAT MAN TCI Agwioi .U THE MENS . HAT . DEPARTMENT AN HWER !IY MAIL ONLTt. STATE ENPLR 11NCK AND WAYS EXPECTED. HOX A 1. LEDGER OFFICE. HOUSEMAN COLORED. W'TII "EXPERt ENCE, REF. REQUIRED, 2117CHLSrNUT, INSTRUMENT MAKERS. S24 to 13 per day 'Of 8 houra; too makers. 13.62 to 5 .W V 5- 12 7(1 to 13; assistant machinists. U to l-.-JO. all based on experience nd capocltyi auto matlo turret athe operatora. -',,?",?, Ilrown A Sharp. ,14.60; Potter A Johnson. 13 60; hand.turret lathe operator.. IS lo H IB. bras, molder.. 13,70; hlackamllh " . nP5r 12.24: higher, compen.atlon when on Piece work; akllled lalwrer., 12 to 12 24 1 eolderera, 12.24. Apply Frankford Araenal, 1 nlladei Phla. Pa , preferably In person, from tl t 10 a. in. on working daya for application blank. LAllORERS, 20o per hour, APP'' 'Jf"! and 10 a. m., llern.teln Wt Co., 3d ana Allegheny ave. -s LAllORERS." 50, wanted. Cruee-Kemper Co.. Ambler. Pa LOOMPIXERH. nonunion, wanted "ti jcnowiea loom.. Address, giving full partlculara. M S24. ledger Office - MACHINISTS, all-around, wanted. Apply Im- bejrtA Todd Machine Co.. CamdenN. J. MAN AND WIFE, first class. nM.v.e""- M trained .ervant". wanted for small p0""',.1!; Airy; I adult. Philadelphia "'""" l"Q,d'L1!?,' good homo and wagea for r lht P If. "e or colored; no other servants kept except a, TT . m a "Ta .. ... As,e.aelanr lllHUiil Ul . - e -"-J','Jt i - III1K BtflHlTlilD, .11."--' .r-1. di.iiiiv. state nuaitncallone. age. .aiary MAN for factory work; no experience nece.sary. Apply Atmore A Son. 1 10 Taaker at. MEN wanted to sell "P '-7-" '"JXtni" H.rrMiurg; very attractive propoa tlon. Bee Mr. Carney. Room 012. Metxger llldg.. 13tn nnd Cherry sts.. 10 a. m. tomorrow.j MEN wanted to sell ."CT E-Z" gas ' Harrlsburg; very altractlv. ProPomon- See Mr. Carney. Room, 912. Mettaer Uldg.. 13th and Cherry sis., 10 a. m today. . MEN WANTED llollermakers. loc0111.0,1'"-1?;. chlnlsts, csr repair m,'n',iVl'Fm1ert .t cleaner.. Penna R. 11., 1711 rlluen ai. MEN wanted to take namea for "ovd'a Dlrec torle.. only tho.e who writ" good, plain hand. yvaares" i J?2' ", "'"" MEN. 10. vvnnted to learn the , .au.agj and pork pncklng buslnc..; 22c per hour. Apply 83 Germantnwnftve. MEN wanted to dl.trlbuto circular.. ttinlr M. i)ii.,..m.n t. &nn M V. ror. 0th and South. tllMITI llie.ll M fcv..t e- - , , , i ii - OKKICI2 IIOV."ln f)miT.-rclal houne; naUry J5.50 xo man ! Mru''i '-. iu rnnii ''; "'.u.JL- i OPTICIAN Young man. with some experience atrement bifocal work. 17H (hestnutsL PACKER; mu.t be experienced in handling glaj"; ware; unusuil opivortunlty to one or ability. state iuallllcatlons. age. salary. P U28, Id- gerOfflce ... - 1MPE FITTERS' HELPERS to go to Work at unco: steady employment. Apply D.W.Evan.. Pittsburgh Valve Toundry and Construction Coinpanv'w Coatesvlle la. TRESSMAN GORDON PRESSMAN WANTED. APPLY LIT HROTHEHS' PRINT1NO DKpARTMF.NT. 2IHT AND ELLSWORTH STS. ASK FOR MR. EDGAR. ,, SALESMAN, exp . for Phlla. ond vicinity: bet. 25 and 30; knowledge of engineering pref.: rommL.lon nnd drawing account? write rully ror annolntment. M 150. l-cdger Central. . SALESMAN A man of experience, atrong per mnallty and with ability to earn ISO per week; stato age and xperlence. E 032. ledger Office. SALESMAN Optical department mu.t have nad experience In fitting. . William., lirown ft Earle. Inc.. 1118 Chestnut .t. SALESMEN "IFI If you are a succes.ful salesman In any line. If you can prove that you have aucce.a .fully sold any line. Wo will make an opening for you In the permanent selling organization of the largest publishing house In the world, where ou can make far more than the uverage aaleaman. Wo will train you thoroughly. We will furnish ou leada. We will give you a drawing account. We guarantee rapid ad vancement lo those who make good. Men wanted now for both Seafa-Hoebuck and Cambridge Edition. Come In, let'a talk thl. over. ENCYCLOPEDIA HRITANNICA CO. f 139 B. 15th at., corner ot Walnut, Philadelphia, KMLT WANTKD-MALK Cmllatml rem rrrceeNtifr Celwnii TOUNO MAN. pot crref IT reare "Id. deslrlnir to learn the advertising buelne"'.."!.' uZ consider what he .will learn before what rie can earn ran make very rood .connection with Frank A Beder. lllh and Mrket . Apply Superintendent'. ofnci Irmlft. JS?V- General IIOOKKEEPEItn vji.igi olhee lllfSIN niiiidipg. ndTTPI8TB. . I0 mo. R:,io.ii3nVEfVmAHEii8.j m: mB"JhSI?rv1SB cJ hiWiT-fln'd TRle SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE IlOOKKEEPER Double entry and financial eee- retary, 10 yeara experience; ealary 116, D S10.( Ledger Office . . CHAMRERMaTD wishes" position In city; II wk.bes(ref. M N, 1116 Westmoreland .t CIIAMUERMAID Olrl'wl.he. po.lllon cham bermaldi ware. 17 Apply 921 B. 22d st COOK AND WAITRESS Closing house Nov. 1: want to place two rood servants, cook and waitress, Mr Rahte, 109 8 Iowa ve , Atlantic Pity . . COOK and chambermaid Lady deslree to plare 2 experienced. Protestant malde account fefyjclng up. F 441,. ledger Central COOK Colored girl. eooklng""and.downslalrs work. Apply present place. 2000 N. Hth t between 9 and 4. COOK and waitress desire positions torelher. be.t reference. Phone Spruce 3027 COOK Went place as cook, email family. Call 60B S. Slat at. , GOVERNESS North German nursery governess apeaka English fluently; 1(4 yeara In preaent position. Addrea. F 248. Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPER, managing, exiwr'd In home. hotel, frat'y. house or Inst'n, flaring 7997 W HOUSEWORK Middle-aged woman to assist chsmberwork, light duties about house; small wares. 12T yeara1 reference 2058 Winter et LADY"B MAID Hindu young woman, well ex- perrenced, would like position aa lady'g maid. Call or write 2013 Catharine at NUnSE, practical, will care for children by day or liour I) S34, Ledger Office. PROFESSIONAL on piano and organ wl.he. Place; very highly rerom'ed M 148, Led. Cent. SEAMSTRESS wl.he. any kind nt sewing. 2051 Halnbrldge. Phone Locust 1897 J SOCIAL SECRETARY Young woman, college Jraduate. typist, good French, wants position, ull or part time F 837. ledger Central. BTENOORArilER Thoroughly experienced and competent stenographer nnd bookkeeper desires Ksltlon whero application nnd Industry will appreciated, best of refs. FJ!44, I.ed Cent 8TENOORAPHER wishes position; physician's office preferred, M 149,Ledger Central TltANSLATOR-stenographer. experienced, Oer- man French. Spanish, Portuguese, wanla po- altlon.F 334. Ledger Central ., WOMAN Wanted, by refined English "woman, Po.itlon a. companion, nurae or housekeeper; reference. M 818, ledger Office. WOMAN, colored, wanta situation, cooking or ehmberwork orwattlng. Dickinson J747. WOMAN, colored, wishes liundrr work out or washlnr by week. 1022 8. 20th t. YOUNO LADY desires clerical position In office; rood penman: refe.FJI47,Idger Central. COLLEGE graduate. 1914. will tutor evgs. In re- turn for a comfort, home. F 34.1. Led. Cent. MORNING hours In apartment", fine washing and mending at home. 1320 N. 21at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ADVERTISING Man with ability to write, good "(rone sales-producing cony (letter, circular, booklet), would like .evening work at home; gpod opportunity for bu.lne.. firm, or Indi vidual. I f.fl., Ledger Central. ARCHITECTURAL draftsman, II yeara' expert I"00'."00" all-around man, ISO per week, F lSSjJedger Central. . ASSISTANT TO EXECUTIVE Young man. 22: steel or export trade pre ferred: 0 yeara' business experienced adapt able, energetic and nmbttloua; excellent ref- erences. F 444, ledger Central. IlOOKKEEPER. experienced; auditing, book, opened, closed and written up; day or evening; moderate l terms. Hell phone Wood. 41(13 M. CHAUFFEUR, white, marrled.'total abstainer, mechanic; hgh.clasa position only; be.t refs A1rejsj.haureurJ.i53.1N Natrona. CHAUFEUR (while) vvlahe".poslllon with prU !" i family; good reference; city preferred. -" .". teuKfr ,-rnirill SALESMEN to demonstrat to storekeepers new changeable electrical window dlaplay algn; soil, at alght for 13; live wire, can mako big money. Crown Mfg? Co.. 704 Market t. HTEAMSHIP HROKER. experienced. (Irat claas. wanted tn New York. Reply, stating experl. ence and.salary.deslred..M 83 Ledger Office. HTENOGRAPllEiraniTbookkeeper, with monthly health and accident experience; fair ealary and good chance for advancement: aDDly by letter only: state age, experience and ealary desired; must have clean record. Continental Insur- ance .Company. 032 Drexel Hulldlnr. Phlla. STOCK 8ALESMEN for Harroun Motora Corpo ration. Apply ELWELL. NAULTY A CO., Htock Exchange Hulldlng. ' WANTED " Balesmen, practical salesmen, aleo ladlea and gentlemen who have some epare time and la vorable acquaintance, to aid ua dl.poas of our numerous properties on the famoua Plnetla. Peninsula ot Florida, In and auburban to St, Peter.burr, bu.lne.. front., farm., plantation home., home.lte Iota, water-front lota In Gulf, port, lota In Ptnsllaa Park, hotel and other properties: great opportunity for bulldera and Investor, generally, a. well a. salesmen. Florida Association, 1B14 Cherry et., Phlla, WINDOW DECORATOR wanted Apply" at" onceT Ooldsteln Pros., 301 Klnr St., Wilmington Del. VbUNO MAN. about 17" year., for general office work In office large corporation, Address 1) 313, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN for general office work: must have good education; state age and reference, p 1)22, ledger Office. COUPLE, colored flrat class, well trained, with Philadelphia reference, wanted by 1 adult In Mt. Airy, must be clean, neat and thoroughly irustwortbv and do work of house together. V 23(1, ledger Central. AUTOMOBILES - .Tar Bala - BAKER ELECTRIC Lady will "jy????.'?. Baker Electric. 4-passengerirourj! ,rPct47w dlllon. Call, Phone or write, Mrs. B ecu Lelper at. Tbone Frankford 2004., CADILLAC 7I5 limousine; thle rar ha jot been run oon miles since ru"BliriL,rwest jeed in perfect mechanical conditions ""J. Inghous. air sprlnga; wlll.n aold t n,WJj: ably less than market value. Keen tarruin era, Haverford, Pa - CADtLLAP, I914-" excellent, condition In evetf deuil: little used and well c"JJor(eii. Fll for quick buyer W A. BCOTT 1215 bert st. CADILLAC 1014 tourlnr rar. overhauled an repainted: mil equipment- price IP";-a !. 8ALKS CORPORATION 142 N. Rroad DAVIS. ISIfl. B-passenrer Jourlnr nr. .run very little, a big bargain, fae i or ,"nenlent """?; 1 8. HOWEItS COMPANY, Used Car JJepart ment. 250 N Hroad at Walnut .82 .. DETROIT electric car:.rood condition; cheap. Phona Chestnut Hill 1894 W after 0 JO p. ro. FORD touring. Just overhauled ,BMr'Ilii!' tires, good appearance, I2W: oargain. F. Wade, 1511' Bnyder av. ORANT 1B1T fl-cyl. "! '".V;!.,. pslnt'llki trie atarter and lights, low ' "Li KAilltloii ix new, seat covera and "!' .""i1.1,. to rellent- very eaey riding and Inexpensive vo noerate; plenty of power. L 230. i-oger. Central -cr.TTiTT HUDSONSl'haetona. roadster, and ' equipped with electrlo llhte nd.,"dit: (lOJlERY-SCIlWARTZ. 2.1SN IlroaBaj. KISSEL LIMOUSINE. . I.,,.or,,r,nlinlt leather upholstery. Just he ear n ror "mn or taxi work gool condition rfneraiil'i com fortable. easy -riding car for "rJ?JSSr5t. Icei make offer I. 842. Ledger lemr.i. LOZ1EH IBIS smsll six 'P".t,Sneniam"lV excellent condition In every detail, nne mu' car, will sacrifice for quick sale blue Vwi electrlo lights and stsrter look '"", will demonstrate anv time; clon I mi-, bargain. L 314 ledger ' t,nlr"1' .-.rr; OVERLAND ";. "Vv."c'uni JjpSrtSnUy r".,avU."mone,ydaPir1.J?r Lcdgen?.?. PACKARD 4-cvl. 30 II V. T-pa... tourlt..s:i in good g,togAU 2V n' 'ilroid '.t. SIMPLEX 38, shaft drive. QlLl" let; mechanically In very flno condlt om c S5,".i,.":i. sri1""! STUTZ-101C 4-Pn"enrer; bulldog .pecUl Oood- rich tiro equipment; rVJino mll; bar slip cover, run lera than""" "'" Ilox 270. llaverfordPa --j- rrj 1910 CADH.LAC eUht. fullr "Ulppd and with West nghouse. shock nborBers: "",," heC(U, S5Sr?."p5ln; &CMM-.l.p, AP pfy "llo&ft "wif.on? 2030 Rtttenhous. .t. 801 N. Uroad st. . HUPMQBILE PARTS sciionERr.sssjiJLHAiyE without bodies. P II. HARVEY.23CbeiV.uI. . CAXF38T CLXAMTMn &m&mj5&s DRESaKAKINoNTj SSSS5 nii.f.rinn nrwn. ... bonght. aoldT finted D.,Vh2S Jr I supplle.. Life KeaVer An5.', ' turer 829 Olraert It. r W"?"lcan raTJ BILLTARD AJID lBriS 1 jTAmtikiSSiS 4 cABit nKatBTRita K...rrir-a;i-4sa 1 replated: supplies Tnew vJBS1 rwawT new total addera'aS 7ow a. 'W'nlSk eo our new model. nZiMJ": . CaHkS wLstmmm jmsr -SIdSi. AUTO LIVERY AND QARAQES "independent'taxicab CO. 1313 W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRE LIMOUSINE TAX1PAU9 AND TOURING CAR8 Dla. 0488. Never Closed. Tark J5 110l!llIc5iFrON OAnAm3POPLAR 3409 "twnr tn 1817 To hire (open day and night). "lEviT 148- brand-new repass, touring car. 11 "5 hr rVlK bVand-new 7-pa... "mpuslne. iL'gp hr.: weddings, funerals. 17J5 Olrard. w;.T.'ffA'!lS';.''ii !r rA"i.x CHAUFFEUR, white. 35. married, 0 years' shop and road experience: nil car.: thoroughly re. liable; highest recommendation.. 1325 Heed. Phona Dlckln.on.JI003 yy. CHAUFEUR. colored, flrat class, total ab ?,",,lV:r.! Clm Produce the best of reference. 4. Winona ave., Oermantown CHAHUJltrt wanta po.itlon: Ju.t off Ixvmo t."'ii.5'"r?',l driven rood at repair.: reference. F 81.IderCen(raI CHAUFFEUR and coachman: moderate salary; .J!! reL lS.Irfdgerllranch. 2Uth ft South t. EFFICIENCY EXPERT " " Anxlou. to make desirable connection.. M 147, LedgerCentral ELECTRICIAN Young mnn wishes position in factory or store; experienced with motors, wir ing, etc : at preaent emplojed. F 241, ledger (-entral FOREMAN Young man. 30. capable of getting out wprk. quick and as economical as possible, handling any amount of men. foreign or domestic, desire, to make change. D 328, Ledger Office. t OARDENER, Scotch, married. wlshesno."itio"n on private place; understands nil branches. In cludlnB landscape work. Park. 40 Crary ave.. Mt. Vernon N Y GARDENER-FIIRfsT Oood greenhouse man: W."..0'. .,ock' Poultry, milking; reliable. F 443. Ledger CenlraJ. MAN. 60. experienced hotel" watchman, strictly temperate, at present employed, desires day work of any kind, good reference. D 328. ledger Office . MAN. S3 years, with good purchasing experience In mfg. line. want, opportunity In direct lino of business. D 329. Ledger Office. MA,N,a.nd wlfeTcoloredrwIsh situation, together." Dickinson 4747. MECHANICAL and structural engineer., 1 5 yrs exp., desires executive pos. D 3I2L Ledger Off, SALESMAN. 25. now employed aa aaslstant manager lor syndicate firm, dealres to affiliate with reliable firm handling staple or spe cialty llnea: have 3 yeara' exp. In aalra and ex ecutive rapac: familiar with Penna , Jersey and southfn terlfy; best ref. F 248. Led. Cen. SALESMAN. S-xesr satisfactory Bales record.' wanle change, etaple line or good epeclalty; tn eastern, aoutheastern Pennsylvania and Dela ware. P, O. Box 24. Chester, Pa. VALET German. 23, wanta position aa varet to gentleman. F 338, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN desires position with mercantile firm, where ability and Initiative will lie recog nized: 3 yeara' exp.;, refs. F 242. Led. Cent. YOUNO MAN. colored! wants country plsce; u.,,.wui iivu.a, innciirv, nuu wamarino, CAN YOU USE MET I am 24. single, with college education I have 3 eara' offlco experience and for a year waa secretary to a high Government official. I am an expert stenographer and typist. lately I have been In newspaper work, and climbed In 8 year, from 118 to 140 a week. Eye trouble force, me to new employment, 1 want to connect with any one needing a hustling conscientious worker, wltli execu tive ability, 1 am willing to accent a minor post or work without salary until I prow my worth. If prospect, of rapid advancement offer. . V 243. Ledger Central, RETIRED bu.lne.. man desires to be connected with reliable house where efforts and relia bility count; all or half time, F 231, Ledger Central. JAPANESE. Industrious, gen. housework, wanta pos. small family: best ref. leo. 1034 Vine. AUT0 REPAIRING SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES See HILLY, nt hie new location. BIO NORTH HROAD BT. AUTO SUPPLIES ilYOU WANT to sell your old car or want any TAHTfl to build or repair nny rar. - Phlla. AuJoTarJ. Co..823N. lStJu PartJlU. liEMOUNTAHLE KIMS, all alzea ond makees U all? tlrV. and tube, and other cceor,.. P. ft It. Auto Parte Co.. 815 N. I-tn at. AUTO TIRES " PULLMAN TIRES guaranteed 3300 mllea. Compare prices. ORIM'S. 28(1 N. liroaa ei!L 8o7sM NONSKID TIRE3...... "'T'SS SOxSVi lted Tubes, guaranteed......... 1.73 RUDOLPH TlltfcCO..12S3 Arch t HERCULES TIRES Guaranteed Sioo mllea. Special prlcea. Hercules Tire Co.. (112 N. Broad et. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES POSITIONS wanted for excel. Swedish, Oer. and Irish cook.: neat, competent chambermaid., m parlor maid., waitresses, laundreaaes, 2 Swed. " leh girls together, Protestant chambermaid; French and Swiss nuraee, ttdy'e maids, well, recom. butlers, valets, houseman for country, will help In garage.Mra Rogers, 818 B.20th. MltsTNICIIOLLB, 1B2 nalnbrldge "at., hsa comp. English, French, Oermsn and all nation, alttlss butlsra, second men, housemen, cooks, chambermaids. French and other nurses, etc, vacancies; butlers, footmen, housemen, chef, couples, cooks, waltreaaei, chambermaids, houssworkers eleL Phone icusk J,180! MRS. KANE. 511 8. 19th St.. wishes situation! for flrat-cla.a cooks, chambermaids, nurses, butlera. housemen; white couple, cook and chauffeur: girls for chamberwork and wait. Ing; , all ,wsU recommended. Bpruco 8401. WANTEDCooks. "7 to f 10s chambermaids, chlldnurses and housswork girls girls for Institution work; chambermalda and waitresses for Medial wanted butlers and hnuaemen. Mis. lose Dougherty, 1818 W Glrard ave. MADAME PLATA'S parlors moved to 803 8," llthi only guaranteed help supplied, LAUNDRE88, Proteatant. wl.hea altu.llon, city or country 611 B 10th .1 Spruce 3401 PROMOTION COAL LANDS AND TIMBER wonderful' of POCAHONTAS nerlence: title In fee: no encumbrance; all cor. Klpondence confidential: will furnish maps, surveys and estimates of competent engineers " ...whim fnr nersonnl conference with those of large meane and who are Interested: SUV . . .nvklnB Invaaf lira llrtrt nf Ih iroV.ltlor"Addre'"a..-i.-"5:."liox"lW3: uciitnunu. K PATENTS Hend for our free book. "PaOnti and Tradt-Mrk. We will help you develop your Invention. Ad lce free. Heaaonable fees. Open Monday renln- until 8:3, foster & Webster suitb o81' 10ll Chestnut st. Hell phone. Walnut 1684. ROAD HOUSE PROPOSITION nrlck house. 80x 05; lot 160x230; at end of village, on good road. Allentown, Hethlehem. Naxareth. Uan gor, Delaware Water Gap; 19000.00 for quirk sale. Room 1, Woolworth Building, Bethlehem, Pa IintCK BUSINESS PROPERTY, on Northamp ton st,, best business aectlon of Easton, Pa.! lot 40x220: 140.000.00 for quick sale. Room It Woolworth Hulldlng, Hethlehem, Pa, PATENTS Our four hooka sent free. "How to Obtain Patents." Victor J. Evan A Co., A!rfc 1!5 "ii si., i-niia. Wanted EnCVPinnnnrlt- Ti, . Beara-HJora-n,"111'1.'--- terrn-rtVCahvbjIdaoKa,, !"". Co.. at NoMsa". -YlTFIeBsedi. ' Iffi . , ni Philadelphia. I wrevx. i -. fJ0'jPJNO CIIAIHH &Jm&. -?ffssf tourth t,Jb"rtVe';jn,dr,l,;;) Hk U8ED flPMeti t-,-... . mmmms nigg,Vt6A.VoPrtren,tr;rnMTow Walcer'a Pawn BhSp. B04Tyw"; MACHINERY AND rvrvrT MSSPSS? J2 WftS VA ,oc5 wT,1 . nuu nn-gri niet. -.- i ior an ahartin ..- "... "re im . vsm ailAFTlNq AHi $ iMiMwsbma JAMK8 YOrrtv A"g0N n-e.mPi'VEn-,,I'ANT EQUIPMENT 1" Dynamos, motors, boilers sitim.i ,. "ln"lAfiFt5!rcvro-?"""n''' " -ritAiS-..TOOMEY. Inc., 127 V 1, OTKlving J7. . "..a jKtrMgrs&,ai ,Bi5oVuVv.rdrrhn.i hammew UTTALLmm8 'N.StKt ""M it.qtt 4j- .... ISSSSJt a,asfl5ss $?&ZS!&&Z 4 UAH ANIJ OIL ENGINE CO.. 48 X. htl." MUSIAL INSTRUMENTS 183 CHICKERINO UPRIOHT PIANO ltOWAnDVINCENT. 838 N. 6TH nr-T,TIt-n ...n vvh .. a ; BALE "- ll-CURDS NOW OX 1 nELLAK. 1120 CHESTNUT 8T.1 E-'l'gTn 18S3 C. F. Albert V. H. Lukexa 603 WoodlanJ ter.. at Ualtimnr. .1 tSJWr a--- -.- .. ivtu mt OLD GOLD 01;Pi?o.ID,,llv1' Pltl.num. plated ware. eM. pit ' 1. "V 1 "Ml. ?.. w t'er ( M -V l'-j:iyV"'t. renner. BUT mom. J OLD GOLlf Cash paid for old- gold sUn'r" '?, STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREH0USKJ 1811-1819 MARKET 8T. PENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. WESTtt?fIILA MONARCH "8TORAOE CaJl All III lfffin a3i 1 . - SERVICE S870"UACA8TERAV-. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPIJE3. REMINGTONS rwu HENT 13 a. mo.. 17.50 three moa.) fi -bii.ciiuii Kuarnmreq, ivna. Ington Typewriter Co., Inc.. 110 8. Oth at. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, old china, antique tO-li .c ,,, viuiurrs, rugs. 01a neeais wore. beaded baas. nM tnM fata ,.a,k a,. an. tlque 8hop.45S.17th.Jihone Spruce 2011.. ANTIQUE" FURNITURE, false teeth. featlwrf'Tj lMughtJ85Walnut.JWanu't 7020.J!.t.le4i ANTIQUE .olid .liver tea seta, odd pitcher. .ugarbowla.tea potaL etc. F 250. Led. CtaLy DROKKN JEWELRY, antique., platols. celsf ' coin books, with prices I psy, mailed I5. . . ' uoss ueopie-. Htore). 280 8. 11th, Wal. 44W. .' . CA8T-OFr CLOTHINO' we buy men's suits, overcoats, full-dr-M Tuxedo, suite, etc. Owing to the great aV mand for clothes at the present time we veil pay you very high prices for these .goo., Phone Poplar 0342. ' T . BAMUTJL COOPER. 1010 Olrard ave- CAST-OFF CI.OTIIE8 WANTED We pay vert hlgheat prlcea ror nun's summer and wlatsr suit., overcoat., etc.. and evening cloth.! nlso ladlea' street dresses and evenlnr gows. Write, call or phone Market 8538. Ws esfl, city or country, day or night. United MWKr. . Clothing- Co.t 800 rfprlnr Garden at. CAST-OFF- CLOTHINO; highest prices psU; gents.' clothing, suits, nv'coats. Send PosttL,, ran ai7, evg city. sudb.. anywnere. an- i rriruman uroi,, 144. noutn St. I'n. uics, ' tta :. lip' ikTTO' DUSINESB MAN will Invest 15000 to 110.000 with aervlce. In established, paylnr bu.lne..!, tate line. E 958. Ledger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS DRESS BUIT8 TO HIRE Latest style full dree., Tuxed'i. Prince Albert, black and gray cutaways for morning weddlnge; also .Ilk hat. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 Olrard ave. .test styles, Phone Poplar 285. Open ergs. .KinNElt'B, lOttLAnd ; Olrard ave.. a Vr'VSr. DIAMONDS nouaiiT Dank references. Appraisement. 1 oer cent. . 11 Aim x vv BI.THL JIT. Bansom at, " 8UPERFI.UOUB HAIR removed by electrolreiel the only permanent way. Eyebrows arched. moa oAii&ii. sua iveun -jneater uuildlng. GENTS' CABT-OKF CI1THINO IMDIIOllfT 123 N 9TII HT PHONE WALNUT I860, CAST-OFF CLOTHING Illahest prices pale ladlea' and men's clothing, hats, shoes, ft. ,J iiwni ruiirui l. i,, iw.iveai j-tj i'4irr ui-OTiiirsu and shoe.; nignest frmi eaiu. nena postal 10 can. ijarneu. savi , olumbla ave. or 8707 Spruce, . FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; saWO w ,,. uwuaes irausui .or caaut w. w.- ..wn i.i.a, w. .JtirilSIBIIl. IM1 Hiw. " ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. 2111 Nicely furnlehed rooms! all eeilSJ .. venlenrea; ga. heat. Phone Spruce. , V DROAD, .. 418 Just opened: prlv. bain.,"' llghts,tejMtjfurnlshedrnrur! CHESTNUT. 2007 DESIRAIILB ROOMS. Tt MAar.n; un TKAnoituvi, PHKHTMI1T VUOl furnished 1 single or en suite; steam best, electricity; 7nr.- .-m. i. 1- . . Duli ujir.QTrcur. 2117 haixihuie.j.i ru ED ROOMS; ALSO Pl!Y8!CIAN8Ol CIIICHTMtTT. 1UAI TVaalrahle rnams.wlta I 1 sa. from L. SSth.Chestnut. Preston. LOCUST. 1318 Il".HIItAIlf.E ROOMS; K CO . LENT AICATION. tj-1 LOCUST. 1B0S THIRD-FLOOR FRONT. 8"""SI OLE ROOM, , rH PINE. 1820 Front rooms, furnished: ngnt, ru nning water, x-none wu" t IOWELTON AVE., 8327 1st and 2d sty. 1 with or without private bath. Preston. BPItUC-. 2022 Furn., rooms: prt, southern expos.: open fireplace. Locust. 1 BPRUCE. 1887 Suites with bath; single 1 onices; steam neatt.reaaonams. BPRUCE. 1328 Suite of 8 very destraolc and bath; furnished or unfurnished. 16TH. 8 830 Large double , parlor " joining room on 2d floor, prlv, ballwi J pnysician. aentiet, atuoio,, or y.jji sen m iiv MiiJfnra M.afnry tlemen, private fsmllvl near slSVated, MINGLE ROOM, private bath; aUoTarg; ; rooms; light housekeeping, Preston 417 AS, 6o VtUSUL IMtRtatl so v rlPTL- Hjt it, "ThRs cit ElER MlXjuT-L S"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers