EVENING LEDEPHIIIBEEPHIA; WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER jSraXdfl Wi ? i. n"S- t .' .BBBBI -A - a . -fc- .... .. - t .. a.' i .--,-,- , .I,,,, i . i. ,11 .in i i ... M " iii ! !! ii mi. i ..w 'mfmmmmmmmk Millions of Innocent People are Starving! One of the most prominent physicians in America, whose practice is almost exclusively among the well-to-do, recently made this astounding statement : "flfine out of every ten of my patients are hungry practically all of the time. Not because they don't get enough food but because they don't get the right kind of nourishment, 9 "There is all the difference in the world between hunger and appetite. "Real hunger is the demand of the bodyt for energy for material required for growth and to repair waste to build up muscle, nerves, bones and blood. Most Breakfasts Satisfy the Appetite but Don't Build Tissue In our desire to get a food that is easily digested, one that is quickly disposed of by the digestive organs, we sometimes eat light foodsthat are not only unnourishing, but even lack the merit of fill ing up the stomach. Because these so-called foods when served with cream and sugar please the taste and satisfy the appetite for a short time, we are apt to think we are well-fed. And yet we won der why it is that we begin to feel stale before the morning is over. Or, perhaps, in order to get a "filling" breakfast, we eat ham and eggs, sausage and fried potatoes or some other heavy, hard-to-digest food. We get satisfaction, but we lose digestibility. That is why we feel soggy and inert. Suppose yon try Cream of Barley to-morrow morning and notice the difference. In the first place, you will find that it is more delicious than you thought a cereal could be. You'lLnefer see a dish of Cream of Barley pushed away half-eaten. Even the children and they are usually the hardest ones to please will eat every mouthful. Another thing people don't "get tired" of Cream of Barley it meets a welcome every time it's served. "Appetite is simply the desire to eat. You can satisfy your appetite with a handful of candy but you wouldn't live long on that kind of diet. You might nut on weight, but you would literally die of starvation, because you were not supplying your tissues with the kind of material they demand." Startling, isn't it? Yet one does not need a medical education to realize that every word is absolutely true. Take breakfast, for instance. It is the most important meal of the day. It should be appetizing, energy-giving, sustaining and easily digested, but seldom is. A Cream of Barley Breakfast Builds Tissue and Supplies Energy There is no food in all history that has such a record as Barley. What mother can forget the part that Barley played in the raising of her children, during infancy?. Then why has not Barley of recent years been more freely used as a daily food? It is because the taste of Barley when milled as other grains are milled, is not agreeable to the modem palate. Cream of Barley, however, is made by a process which converts the rough grain into one of the most palatable and likable of all breakfast foods. As an energy-builder as a creator of rugged strength it is unparalleled. Scientists tell us that it is the most wonderful grain in the world. Every great people, from the Old Testament heroes, the Asiatics who reared the splendid, ancient Orient, the Romans and the' Vikings, down to more modern days have flourished and grown mighty on the hardy Barley grain. And now, by a secret process which is the result of years of painstaking research and experiment, all the splendid qualities of this wonderful grain which the ancients laboriously ground between heavy stones are yours in Cream of Barley, together with a delightful and mellow flavor. BBwJ i JSEHm v v V in . I frijiiMBfl L a BBf Add Cream of Barley to Your Grocery List Right Now Cream of Barley is not "just another breakfast food." It is absolutely distinctive. There is nothing else like it on the market. The first mouthful will win you to the army of Cream of Barley enthusiasts. Then, when you notice the feeling of well-being that follows a Cream of Barley breakfast the energy, the vim and the "go" that carries you right through until noon then you will realize that the breakfast "problem is solved for you and your family, children and grown-ups, now and for all time to come. Why postpone the pleasure and profit of making the acquaintance of Cream of Barley? Your grocer has it in stock better put it on the list now while it is. fresh in your mind, and have it delivered with your next order. fOJr urislBBBYa: Mk-k. - . 'VjBBBBBl bYbbYsbbVbbbbbbbw bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw flflflflflt 3? usevsbbI tBBBV BBk BBBBBBfl BBBBBBm ABBBBBBB . L. JtffBBBfl BBBBBBr BBf k. BBBVaf BbWSBBI BBIBbV - a -"sWaBB . . -,'' pMBBBBB BbYbbbbv bbbbbbbbbbbbbbsvBbbb bbbb bbbbh BmbbbBmbbbBmBbBS bbvBbw bYSBBbb BbVBbVBbvBbVBbbw vSbYYSbYsb SbbVBbVBbvBBBt bYSbYs BbYBbBbYSbV'SBbYSB& BbvBb SBhBwB XM w tf !f; ' ,!