V i& Etfening VMSTRA Sv t-fe akTJ -. vstawt WEDNESDAY October 25, 1916 i J . iH DU FONT'S WILL CONVERT POWDER MILLS INTO DYE PLANTS AFTER THE WAR The du Pont Ponder Company nnd the Aetna Explosive Company havo decided to turn all their auxiliary factories to manufacturing dyestufts just as soon as the demand for explosives-and munitions becomes normal. This will Rive the American dyestuiFs industry a tremendous impetus, according to Department of Commerce officials, and if other plants, enlarged because pfhe war, demands, follow auit, tho United States will bo in a position to compete with Germany in this field. Tho photograph shows millions of dollars' worth of alcohol stored in tanks at tn du Pont plant, which will bo utilized in the manufacture of dyes. -y vv ' Fhoto br Hnelrw PROMINENT SUFFRAGIST WORKING FOR WILSON . Miss Maud Bassett .Gorham, president of tho Penn sylvania College Equal Suffrage League, is actively supporting tho re-election of President Wilson. Miss Gorham is one of a committee that is endeavoring to win the support of Progressive women who indorsed the Roosevelt candidacy in 1912. Vf ' 9 .. "' ' i .. ' ' t TZ .? ' . v t - . .iff .." ' ' XT .' v ti. mm T f " it hj j 't, , i-'-- ; - 'rT2. -t " . - sT -v??',ssss2sa iMlftftftftftftftftvaKBniiftiSkfiBftftftftftftft'&tiSisftK 'tfr i HEfcfc tis&'f'U $j&. - rtt I ftftftftvi v1 ftftftftftM9HI jrf ' ' It iWl'it fwm ftft Ifti ntilftftftfttMBft 1!'Jyf fllftft ffStttiijifr HtttokrfBBHkteB&'4'"'Jv JSBffiM.1 Bsftftftft ' ftftftSSBB '' " riMtfjSlffi9BQ9HHHB'- 5v L ir ARBlSwJnK?2jkriiBSSBHBSSSSSB ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft? "ftftftftftHftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftn&ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftl THIS GROUP OF BUILDINGS WILL PEACEFUL WORK ggMftftftftftftftft BmmmWmWLWKmmWmmmWBBLmmWmttrmWmBiKm '.''''' The sorting house at du Font's, in which the various grades and qualities of powder are sorted, will Btfl" wfttfl LLwL-LW-LLLLLLW-k-LLLLLL-L-WT Z'' 'wHfBftft8 - bo included in the reorganization of the plant after the war, when tho powder works will undergo a MOftW BBBftBftBBBBBBBtftftBBBBBK ijV- iifEiiiBLftiliVBkftkftH metamorphosis that will make it chiefly a place for the production of dyestuffs rather than explosives. w9km HBBBftBBBBBBBVBBBHkBBB5a'4 t VHiftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftJ It was near this hou3e that four men were injured recently in powder flare that destroyed two VTri mmmmmmmmmLmmmmmLmmmmmmmmmm ,u v''H ftfBBBa 1 ' iftftBBWftwHftiWIIilBftliftBMlH--''-------- f J BKVi y2i 3t PBfpPjWY r it'' ' jfv p , r?r:rii " N s"" ?(JBH H ftftftftftftftftftl-'ll-' 4WI- -yrf'4'9 " a , '-eHABadftftBftH-ftftgftftBftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft-'-ftlftftftftftjMfiMtfHii. T-ftftftw V a BftftftftftftftftftftftftftftflL. -b ftftftftftftlftY-sftfcftftftr iP-- iftftftftftftftftft& ft . .. y .V s V tLvi & ft i $' v$ ''NrB -1 I MMMLilJ1' 7 i - .--w"",- -.--.- -." . -pjf'.-A?1"J i1; -; '""'-" :-Jl iliiiiiHwv wb ' Hr f ""IN 'IM'Kr. 1-- ' " il J )'''" iBHi-il " -S&J 1 1 I " 'i I.,'"" "" A T i ''t y- f 'P'MRHH 1SSSSSSSM AV IISk SSSV n i" JlKSSSSSSSV' w-. yVvrlSSSR v. iPI. & . .i M lV b--h- jwflP-nr'" jTTySiM"iii I iw-li"J-iBB v nHHr ft im fM tr ftftBBBBBJBBjBHBfcEuifcW BfiftBHPft BkVipftftYBBftftiHK 9mhH Tiz: iftftBMy ftikrTr KnQ M0y tftHur i KiHc'iftVl v HUBftftSgftftr v IftpJifticwN. --VftfS9ftftftftftftftMpHftfM VteMrikdMflMMSfaAfliAdi-kTftftHftft AftftftHX-'MiMflliftftftfttKftftftftftftWvBftuSv ft a ftftflftftftftHltftftK ftHS---MBMMHftftB7 ? 4&3ftftftVfeKT ftftftftftftftftftftftlPiftftftl iftl .MiftpftpBpftftftftftRHWftftftdyiftftftftL ftjftftftrT,ftHMftljftBftr 'ftftftfthSExy ft t THftftftftBPIftftftftk. BHKiH iftftftftr 'k 'HBftftlftEaWMI-MHHHBjiMiiiiftV' - V &im&im4tlk,mTlmWjmmW A mmWmmmmmmmmmmmmL mWCLmV ft ' BftWl 'W LftftLftV KSi!' flg'r ., ' t&SftwmirJmW 'WAwliS-aW'-ftPftgftftg.. X.2---1L!I3 Vj ' V..rLiaWA9ftftaft! ftftftftftftftftftftftftVftyftftftvlMPftr ' 3fw-'-rn ftftftftftftT Erj.,., . jiiii----i-aai--iii-MiitfftftV.ftftftk9vSftftW x. vfts?wR!fi!$K$Hftftl . . mwBBmmh0?NmmWIKEBI&mB-WBim9KSLmmmWmJmje: imJmT 1 JTlMft - ftK fta'5' ylftftftftpftftftftW KMftftL A "V. ITZsEl rftfliftftftittflftftlftftSlHftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftv tv lftftBftftjl ftftftS? ftSSinQBg--jftftftftjftftftftftftftftVftftftftsftftftftLT t ' lwSflHftHftfts I " VftftftftftftftftftftftftViftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftLftftaV 1-lli' - I KluMMMMSfM 'ftftftftftftftftftftftWftftftftftftftftftftftWftftftftftftftftHik. K ; lftftftftftl I xftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftk !S ft W'"' " HHBjBftftftftft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftlt LLLLLLLLLLLWk J ;:'pRlS-iHvftftjBvftftftl iftft .,.,.. ., .... ... .. i ,jji -J br talMullMkl Mia luid-iL BRITISH WARSHIPS', K8P IK CONSTANT- PRACTIOK Tho ploUKrpb ihuv. th..r huu ffura tfttOtMCM KUsmUUi'i ftft-iick yuM fm ciunv nvi-ii wti'in t uid wltelly, on an nmy ikip. A W1ELL-DR18SED CLUBMAN m ww orttM mk drmiri xm 'RUINS OP HYDRO-AEROPLANE, AFTER FALL IN WHICH SOCIETy? AVIATOR DIED ,( AMXanaw-JSroWB, aocitijf nn, poio-pwyer na utj-Kme nunier, or gbtlenn, Brya Mftwr, WH 4roWAft wh.n,he Icli lou fett into the JhIuwuiq Kivtr U4dM MOTOGKAPUS OF AIR BAfTWS BMTWM9N AEHQPLAMS AND. MiPPjm Wthl A . " ' ' V IAR EXCLUSIVELY ON THIS PAGE TOMORROW,