ftlLADELPniA MAtcnax o UN AND FLOUR . .i-l 74.1 J bueh.. The market IJfturlMr idranced 4c mbill e ad ",. advice. Uuolettonei a i&.'tfiffl h. s&JLri.. nit i(ii "- ..la 199 bueh. Ths market w SKJi- under UsM otTertnss and a Hi feSln--W.tfi;n No.2 yellow. la?? steamer yellow. 1.I21 13: fjilto. I- Wl,10i - No. 4 yellow. ' I'm ellitf 192.19H, Dueo. ini merer. p ' . ,. . lair G-tn-aai-i .11 iiiuunri &-? iwoUtlon. No. S whit. 80 iseV Jff,.. .nt40ci No. a white. iw .7" .a ttiiRiit. BamnlA Asia , WDIKl Miwv ...-.- .-. tode, 1213 bbl. and 5.S45.T41 ---, Mm "! " .:" A";..:.-". . .a-a:v-- ...a tuna irau I'll ate n aacke. I 00C8.8I1: do, TtMi . f !-vuw. .v. . -, i?.?",W VJ 50BB.401 dO. fftVOrttA l. J I aa-i Ills nllAlfHl i-i.4 regular sra)pa, itratgni, too flT t" SOB"-,4,?' 'sfliMf loTO. city mill. ?K'itnV .18.S0U8.73 ... M.MASrbb.. I'ROYisiuro mill supply and higher. per ddi.. as io quam?. . et ruled Arm with. a fatrjobblng tt5aowln are the quotatlona. City beef, bft rwv.:.-.. .ip-rirld. arte, wretern beef. .&.& cjl'v",j .wte lS "TiVai'enV v-irk. famlle. llutl TBriifflcrf. '2'i81 to a?i ' .-""---.-L.-''-...;- -:.....- t; lwrliJH!SKfcf.J,ffi: 2"K P cured". loose. lSta: do. Jit belltea. I" Pf hie. .according to Pg Vm 17aCi DrfUKlwl lcoii( mm id fcIrera... cltV cured., 32H oi breakfast SP .... !. rtoUf. Iai-H. weetern re. .!.", .. .In An tiihM. lie- far... Kke'tlle isndeVcd. In tierce, lie: lard. ly! kettle rendered. In tuba. 17c. REFINKU SUUAKS , rket 11 quiet but firm. Reners' ....I5 elA. -r.niilited. T.ROm Bow. ?.& confectioners' A. T.40c: aoft grades. DAIRY PRODUCTS n ntntp were ltaht and the mar- rm with trade fair. Kollowlna are ..." . .Ttra. .ISUlIe! extra (Ireta. RTlInt". 84Voi aeoonda. 84c: nearby "Z.'-m 4qi.. nvfriim extra. B7U8.8C? ,. leconda. a485c. apeclal fancy I C trlnt; jobbing ,". . tlrA. Quotitlonrii In fr im, Hii-by lc per dozen, nearby nratft. 91U.hu tt i cat: nearby current rrcelpta. $10.1.0 Zm Weatern cxcrai va per a oxen, extra iveSO per cim, flratfl. 110.50 xr cao; DttlBi ajereav -t "- a JW im Jobbing at 43048a per r rirrrinea were moderate and the rakd ateady with trade fair, rollow i tie qootatlone: New York, full cream, OVeilHc. do. d. fair to cood. S0 tf , pan eauca. aawv. POULTRY via dull nnd lower, with ample nftr utattona: Fowls, as to quality. lHOlHo. l 14&1&C. eprlna chickens, according to Hfilitc: white lihorns, acoortllnv to ' udlTn' Aur-ltm. to Bleu and aunlltv. k: turkeya. 2(f24r; veese. l&Ulba; ' mji hae naitaa J .1 5 R rln vnnnr. tvii BTiTha. mitrket ruletl flnti undr ierlnra Knd a fRlr ,1fmand. Quotations: 1. arypacKca town, m 10 rax. fancy selected. 24Hc: do. welshlnc Uj. apiece. 24c; do. weighing- 4 lbs, ttUp: do. welahlnv 2 lbs. attlece. ate. wetgblnr 3 lbs. apiece. 20022c: fowls. ice-pacsea. iancx ury-picKo, weuninr . and oer aole. 2SVict do. smaller HtSftc: old roosters, dry-picked. 16Hc; r CniCaVCdale VTCBIVVIIl. nriHKIDC O tUB. tKIIU niinnit.. Jkt tttfttt IV,. . ... I. KT Pftirt .iv-apu. ww. wwi .urn, per in, b; broHlni chickens, western, welghlnc 3 i per pair. 2402Ar; chickens, wetshlnc i b. per pair, 20P21o; do, mixed slies. ! broilers. Jersey, fancr. SO Sic: do. Ffttarby. weighing- 394 lbs. per pair. 23 O , w, mii?r Biscai, oi4Va,ic, uucm, nrr r. :v.ac, iqiuDfli wmw, weign Ti lbs. per dos.. $5.75tP0; do. do. HP lop. yt UU., ilo.vu.wu. WU. UU, UU, r dm, t404.S6i do. do, do. 7 Iba. per VILDI on, uo, ao. nian ipp. per ESI 00; dark. 12.B0O2.U0: amall and .fcetl.2S. r MClibll 1'KUITS .'.tArlc inM fatrfv inri vnti,.. ,r.n. ..!!, iviil aaitalned aa foltowa; Applea. per bbl. Emobui. 14 SOOS: Illuih. 3C4; Urlmea' , os, tsmoicenouae, M"! Alex ti.60S2.1; Wealthy. I3&4. Twenty- k ouua du; xorK imperial, izouta i Da.ll. J2. 2542. 73: fair to rood. 11. An H, Applea, Delaware and Maryland, per tf-rancr, ouwiog: lair o aooa. 0V40o. (CNiir York, per bbl. No. 1, 48: No. av. wutnerp. rtew lor., per Duen., II. au lemona. per box, S3 8004.80. Qrape loa. per craie .i ouvo. uranberrlpe. ner bbl.. ISSDR.fiO, do. do. nr rp.t. do. Jeraey. dark, per crate. 1202.40: ht. per crate. il.B02. Peachea, New vvvi uu, uo, per ouan. 11.2801.78. .Pears. New York, per )utni zot uneidon. ; pr baalcet, 80 kamoer Seckel stkieO: Dartlett. Ko. 1. tl.snm.Tn, An t Ac. reare. New York, Bartlett. per bbl., IM, Orapea, New York, per 4-lb. fcaaket n.uiti: wiaa-ara, isvi4Hc, urapea. THr, per 20-lb. baaket Concord, BJOSOo; .Bjwiwc i'luraa, new xorK. per DaSKet a, .uvdc, prune, xavaoc; sreen case. VEGETABLES market waa generally Arm under moderate i ana m iair oemana. wuoiatlonat White per oun. fennayivanla choice, 11.40 New York choice. 11.3SO1.40. White ..Jersey, per baaket, 88003c Sweet ; Eastern Shore, per bbl. No. 1, 12.25 . .ivi.o". oweci poiaioea, uel- atoee. Jeraey. per baalcet No. 1, 00 O 2. 28 Q 38c. Onions, per 100-lb. bat V RAMI b XT . .1 n. .. ,.? l 'lajnlih. per 'ton. 'lliOBi; do. ' domestic, k. 185 (J 40. MCURITIES AT AUCTION rfollowlnff securities were sold at today by Barnes & Lofland : STOCKS Welah IfAlintaln Mlntnv an aolln Manufacturlna; Co.; par pv 1UO 'L Farmtri unA ttMt,.t,la M. enal Hank: par 1100.,,..,. 137 m. Pennsylvania Co. for Inaur- p"p on i.ivfa ana urantina: An- SBltl... n-H mn .n, f. Pennsylvania WareboualnK and iHte Deiioalt Co.t par 150. ...... 100V4 I .' rii - v ruat -o.: par aiuv., va a -r Auuaueipnia siortaraso ana L.Trnst Co.i Par 1100 J. Elmlra and Wllllamaport IUII fad .Co. preterredi oar 130 .. "e.ii ana arnuyiam iiaven llf,oad Co.i par 13b...... ."" i ana BcmiyiKiu jiaven EVENINa LEDGER-PHnDBLPHlA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25 1916 8U 70H B7U B7U allroad Co.i par 130 fws. tiuntlntjdon and Ilroad Top i,-' ZX?!Z2 ,".V.'.r" na. .H?J' ."t . n. Midland V.ll.v It.llm... fn iJ?'ifred K : wiuiam Mann Co.t par 1100.. 180 aAl0i11 . Automatic Co.... Lot Ii rblUdelphla Ilurrowa Oas L,Uht '':,' j ,.,..t..L,ot 110 - Cjotlnental-LIuultable TltU and rBalf lvem waAKaaija Ao T5T. rl .PfL Pv. , .... , nuoiDoidtFir. Inaurar uranca Co., SMJ'f,rah. f.i par ISO...... . . Camden y,ii Buburban Railway laJLp,r stf ,...,.,. Ir Bank it North Amerlcai rar KK?ti TrH,J. Co-i "W 10j. 00 U n?.'P.mlaL'u' Co. nar Il6d 418 Ouarantee Truat and Bate Ie- .. lfelt CoTiwr tloi.:.B",?r. WU uJfli&ii rJi....-...i-....--- 8w --s, wurria iru.l to.j par t ift'iHl'i'ru.t -to.', w iA: :: , I?. H.nkl.m Tr.u,f 5p.l Jr ISO,. aoi; l,". Aaeociatlon of rhlladel- . tsMiV ' Murine.-' C,V: "' p.Bn..r..-f. 'tt;j.'.:fi.i',L- msi !S?j. m-; .'. .,,.. . . o.u tail i...""""1 "ric ana jiaaains fc?"-! Blaenser n.llivaw ia . bjo ra alZ, "?" Hallway Co.,,..., i a -:". """. UM t0- Olant lortland Cement common a lSr, Y?11" allroa4 "Co.. 4 per aa.' g"nfr' consotiaated fwt. "S.?!"""1 Oold.nteret .. y ana o.mir. Due hu . ""Melphla Counlry Ciib. (per S, ' i 'as Aprtl " " in. M LVnanlfXii'll.'.'A' WJ" r ron. TCS "J5:, Jwm M.y ,a4 WowmV.'im FJSvnjLvt 6.H M Sa . . 1" t . . . ... .. i v las ' I'l.at ry and FM bar Silver ioVf' ' ,"'r,ill r in K-w York wu uu, Iniigvd, -. . L") at. lTjw. 'l in ... Wa- , U- L0CAL MINING STOCKS TONOrAH BtOCKB Jim nutler .. nJ Jlriw'aT" . -: : "..:::::::: :J North Htar . .!;!. ?! Tonopah Ilelmont ...... .V.V. ill tetni"..,.-.v.:v.-",", . ina v '" .;;, QOLDFIBLD STOCKS A1IBDIK ,M,,,, , ?5? 8o"K.:::::::::::::.-:::: p.mmbonnd,fl,.Td,;f7.,??.::::: norenc. in sjb&k &"i"-trfv::::::::::: :J? icu.wK;.x,en,,on '''' '.'': :;::::::, ww " in HfiSmsi,' Bilrer rick J0 MISCELLANEOUS pv:a;jVUvv.v.v:::::::;::::a-io tecopa Minmr .......v....:::::.. .It) .10 :W .01 OX .W .OS .... .04 Aakrd. ill k .73 .11 .t3 .11 .03 .01 :8t .on .43 .8a .oa .3i .13 .01 .on .31 .22 5. so .12 Stentl) si I.KATHS ). wna oi John c Clark. Itelatlvea Capt. J. j. lleleterllnc Circle, No. I. A. II.: Altar and Hoaary Hocletlea the liaptlst Church. Invited to fu niVi?3;n-.TflfJ: !l- l rrlncelon. N. J.. MAItT ItAllIKI. ItAKF.n. ated 0. Widow of the Key. Lewie Carter liaker. Funeral services Trinity tnurcn. Princeton. Krl 2 p. m. Omit flowera. n.?!it'J,"P9j MAOOIB MAT. wife of PV!a.v n,t- d 42. R'latlvea and friends 1!".?? funeral aervlcei, Thure., 2 p. m 80 n. Perth at. int. private. Auto funeral. nilADFIELD. Suddenly, Oct. 53, HOnERT P., hUBband of Aerie. tlf.Afl.M ItplalUi,. m.nA friendt. employee of l'hlla. Dlvlalon of II. ? 0l 1- n ' lnvted to view remains Wed after noon and eve. at late residence. 1684 8. Conee. '?e pt. gervtrp, pr j p m t residence of William It. Wllaon. ilkvre de drac. Md. ieo,80KB et-.a fcl realdeneej. i,?i'5tni".!' JOHIAll C. liROOKn. aged 84. Due notice of funeral will be etven ml. W udd.nly'oct. T ALEXANDKTt ''OWN, Bervlcea at the house. Urjrn Mawr, !.. 12 m. Int. private. r. nfJ?N.. 9cl- 23j HKNttT K.. hu.band of neulah It, Ilurn. Itelatlvea and friends. Stone men a Fetlowahlp. Invited to funeral eervlcea, i-r.'"t?. Pi,n...2Sl Itelnhard at.. West Phlla. Int. Mt. MorUh Cem. llemalna may be viewed Thura. ev. nUTtNS. Oct. 51. ANN CLONBY. widow of Lawrenpi Iturne. aged 7. Itelatlvea and frlende. H. V, M. Sodality. Altar and notary Sorlettea naflcred Heart League of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. Invited to f uneralT Tbura,. S f n,.n.t.n",w' residence. Oscar C. A. Cov "f. 2?4 H. 8d at. Solemn high maea of re SU'J S."?. 1 O"' Ldy ' Mt. Carmel 9d0 a. m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. nunNH. Oct. 23, MART L., wife of flev. Charles E. Duma. Itelatlvea and frlende Invited to funeral eervlcea. 217 Iladcltrra at . tlrlatol. Pa.. Thura , 1 p. m. Int. strictly prUate South Laurel Hill. CLAHK, Suddenly, Oct. 54. H03ANNA M. (nee llcPeak). wife of John C. Clark. Itelatlvea nut. irienup, vai 130. U of O. A. of St. John the neral. Krl.. g.so a. m.. 2l() Rector at.. Itoxbor ough. Solemn high maea St John the llaptlat Ch.Vh;. Int. Westminster Cem. COIIILI.. Oct. 23. JAMES A., son of Patrick and Anna Cohlll (nee Mr.Nulty). aged IB. Itela tlvea and friends. Ilolr Name Society. Invited ta funeral. Thura.. 8.S0 a. m parenta' realdence. 2J4 1J, York at.. Slat Ward. Solemn requiem mneS Church nf llnlw V.m. Ilk m In. Holy Croaa Cem. COLE. Oct. 21. MAUT C. COLE (nee ilur Phy). wife of Stephen Cole. Itelatlvea and ..r,lf!"'".'nJ"'1 ,0 funeral. Thura., 8 a. m., from 2224 N. 2d at. High maea at St. Itonlface'a thurch. 0 a. m. Int. private Holy Redeemer Cem. Remalna may bo viewed Wed., 7 to 10 -!"-. Auto fnnerat. COLL Oct. 28. mjNICE COLL. daughter of late William and Catharine Coll. formerly of County Doneiral. Ireland. Relatlvea and frlende, n. V. M. Sodality, league of Sacred Heart, Altar and floury Society St. Agatha'a Church, Invited to funeral. Thura . 8 JO a. m... 625 Shed. 5'ck at. (34th at. and Falrmount ave ). Weet Phlla. Solemn high mats of requiem St, Agatha'a Church. 10 a, m. Int. New Cathedral Cem CONNEn. Oct. 24. MARY JANE CONNER. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. FN.. 1 P m, 10 Ilanev t,, Oermantown. Servlcea at Ihrlst Church, Tulpehocken and McCallum ate., 2 p. m. Int. private. CONNEItTYV Oct. 53. ROSE, daushter of late Michael and Ilrldget Connerty (nee llrady). for merly of Pottavllle, Pa. Relatlvea and frlende. Sacred Heart Society of Church of Aecenelon, Invited to funeral, Krl.. 7 a. m... realdence of coueln. John Sweeney. 103 E. Clearfield at. Sol emn requiem maea Church of Ascension H.30 p. m. Int. 8t. Patrlck'a Cem.. Pottavllle. Pa., by 10 IS train from Oth and Columbia avn. COTTERKLL. Oct. 21. EDMONO nRAIJ SHAW COTTERELL. Relatives and frlende. Jerusalem Lodge. No. 806. F. and A. M.. and all other organtxatlona of which he waa a member Invited to funeral eervlcea. Wed., Oct. 28. 8-30 p. m.. 21S0 W. Columbia ave. Funeral at the convenience of family. Auto funeral. CRAWFORD. Oct. 23. THERESA, wife of Jamea B. Crawford. Itelatlvea and frlenda In vited to fu-ieral aertlcea, Thura.. 2 p. m.. at hueband'a realdence, N. W, cor. Merchant at. and Oawego ave.. Audubon. N. J. Int. prl vate. Friend, may call Wed from 7 to v p. m. CRrVILT.E. Oct. 24. WILIIKLMINA CRt VILLK, widow of Anton Crivllle (nee Starter), aged 02. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to fu neral, l'rl.. 2 p. m.. 302 Wood at. Int. Green mount Cem. CIIODSB Oct. S3. MARY C. widow of Dan- lei W. Crouee. aged 71 Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thura . 2-80 p .m., 226 K. Winona ave.. Norwood. Del. Co., Pa. Int. Mt. Zlon Cem. Train leave" Hroad St. Sta . 123. DEFONEY. Oct. 23. ELIZA, wire of William Defoney. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral services, Thura.. 1:30 p. m., 1848 Mem phis at. Int. atrlctly private. DEVLIN. Oct. 23. FRANK DEVLIN. Br., huaband of Effle Devlin (nee Deacon), aged 88. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Krl.. 8 JO a. m . 1034 N. 20th at. Solemn requiem man St. Elizabeth', Church, 10 a, m. Int. Holy Croas Cem. DICKSON. Oct. 23. EDWARD, hueband of late Janette Dickson. Itelatlvea and frlenda. Waahlngton Camp. No. 180. P. O. 8. of A-: Sago Tribe. No. 182. Imp. O. It. M.. Invited to funeral services. Thura., 3 p. m., aon', real dence. William Dlckaon. 4838 N. Palethorp at. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Remalna may be viewed Wed., after 8 p. m. DOMAN. -Oct. 21. ANNIE DOMAN (nee fc Nally). wife of Francis E. Doman. Relative, and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thura., 8J0 a. m.. 2339 Oermantown ave. Solemn high maa, St. Edward'a Church IP a. m. Int. Holy Sepul- ChDREl5nXClL Oct. 24. RIJSSELL E.. aon of Emmon E. and Amelia A. Drelebach. aged 14. Itelatlvea and frlende Invited to fuperal aervicea, Krl.. 2 p. m., realdence of parenta, Roeemont ave., ab. Ilurmont ae Drexel Hill, Delaware Co., Pa. Int. Arlington Cem. Remalna may b. viewed Thura. eve., 8 to 10 p m. ... ECKMAN. Oct. S3. EMilA, wlfo of John Eckman and daughter of Charles and Seraphln Cloepel (nee Albert), aged 2D. Relatives and frlenda, member, of the Archconfraternlty of the Hoiy Family. Invited, to funeral, Krl, 7:30 - 'iaon N. Kth at. (rear). Itanul.m mill u a m. St. Peter"a Church, Int. private. FEltRULO. Suddenly, Oct. 22. MARY F.. wife of Salvatora Ferrulo. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Thura. a. m.. 8716 Vlneet. Maaa at Ht. Donato'e Church 0 a. tn. Int. Holy CrF"EflN'a. Oct. 23. DOROTHY I... daugh ter 0 Samuel .Harry and late Mary E. Flem ing (nee Simon). Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcee. Frl., IP, hi., fatber'a real dence. 1840 S. Alden at.. Weet Phlla. int. Mt. "oAaESct. S3. LUTHER II.. hueband of Kathtrlne and eon of Deoas and, Lenna Oage, aged 87, Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to fu neral eervlcea. Thure.. Up. m.. 810 N. 44th st int, private, Mt, Zlon Cem., Pottstown, Train leavea Reading Terminal Frl., io M a. m. l'ota- town papera pipaae wvi. t.-K .. i.t. afarv Oallasher. VB.UW . W .1 ..T ..-.u -n l.M-.-W Dul.tl.. .. .. John the Ilaptlat'e Church. Manayunk. Invited to fJn?ril. Thura.. 8 a. tn., 4004 Pechln at.. Ilox- (Mtrouah. Solemn . requiem . mass a it. John the i. .. frlende Invited to funeral, Frl., a. '" RW Cleat fl id at, lllih rnaa, of rejulenj at hureh of Oorpue Chrlsll 10 a. m. Int. llaiy deerner Cam ,. .JtAVANAQII Oct. 34. MART.. 'iV,,"' Charle, i, Karanaari and mother of n?l Mrr. Char e, F kavanagh. . ttelatlvea and friendt. II. V M. Sodality, Invited to unral. Sat . R.30 a m.. 2511 Swing Garden L Solemn requiem mate St, Francis Xavler Church 10 .Vh.. .'"- ld Cathedral Cem. . . . .,. .. KKL1.T Oct- 24. FRANCIS. hV,bJna.M'.rI Kelly (nee CrUlrt. lielatlrea an. frlende. all ,. jletlea of which ho waa a member, lnTlt4 to funeral. Sat , 8 30 a- m . 1853 N Blh at. Solemn requiem, mate St, Mlchael'a Church 10 a. m. '"SiJ'" Sepulchr Cem Auto funeral. KETSKR Oct. 24, 484 Hublcam avy.. Oer mantown. SYLVESTER, eon of late Ruben and Kllta Van Dyke Keyeer aged 72. .."f17' n.1 frlende. Phlla, Police reeerve, Invited to funeral eervlcea, SaL. 2 p. m , at old homeetead. oBM lermanlown m Oermantown, Int. Ivy mil 'Kl.EPrER At Mains Oermanr. July 2S. aged 83, DAVID KLKPl'ER. architect, father of Joaeph Klepper, Jr., 8I2 Park ave .and brother of late JoseAh Klepper. Sr,. of .Norfolk. Va., who aerved with the 20th N. Y Vol. during ., KRAFT.-Oc'. S3. VICTOR. EARLB. 1JV llvea and friendt. Waahlngton Camp, No. 48S. I . O. 8. of A i Stonemen a FellowahlP. Pirn-J""." Church of the Apoatlea. employee II D. Jnatl Sone, and all other aocletlee of which he waa a member, Invited to funeral eervlcea. Sun.. 1 P. m . 2848 N. Oratg at. Int. Northwood t-em. , KYLE. Oct. 23. D. RRAbKN, M, 1 . hue band of Jeannetto Smith Kyle, aged S3. Due notice of funeral will be given. - ,LAUT Oct. 23, EMMA F.. widow of Mr mlah ltuta, Relatlvea and frlende Invited to funeral aervtcee, Thura.. 3 p. m.. 12S8 Hunting- '0?.IN,nEN1FEC;,Frft'.-ct. 23. ANN, A. LIN DENFELSER (nee Wyatt), wife of William Llndentelter. Sr. Relatlvea and frlenda. mem; here 80th llaptltt Church. Invited to funeral eervlcea. Thura., 2 p. m.. 2011 Oermantown ave, Int private. Olenwood Cem Auto funeral. MAQQVVAN. Oct. 23. at Ilrooktm. N. ,Y.. initv Kit.Kpnri e 1.1. Uirnw.n fnee White). eon of filttabeth and late John Magowan. ltela. Uvea and frlende Invited to funeral. Thura., s ao a m.. realdence of mother. 008 N. 4Sth at. Solemn requiem mini Church of Our Mother of Sorrow, 10 a. m. Int. St. Denle'e Cera. Auto "MALONE Oct. 23. CATHERINE M.. wife of Oeorgo C. Malom and daughter of lata Hugh and Anna Tracy, itelatlvea and frlende. Altar Society and League of the 8 acred Heart of St. Malachy'a Church. Invited to funeral, Mon . 8 30 a m., 15 N, 10th at. Solemn high requiem matt St. Malachy'a Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. . . McATKE. Vt. 23. MART P.. widow Robert R MnAtee. Relatives and frlende Invited to funeral aervicea. Thura., 2.30 p. m., 2233 W. .mimppon et. inx. private. HELP WANTKD TEMA1.I CoaHaaed roin Precevltaf? CoNme. HBI.T. TELEPltONB OPERATlNa . Vfotk.near your home In rleaeant and healthful aurroundlnts, with excellent oppor tunities Cor rapid advancement. . There are twenty-elsht Rell Central Offlcea In Philadelphia) probably there ts one within a few blocka from your noma. Unutual nppor tunltlee for earneet. Intelligent young women between 18 and 22 yeara of age. New employee are paid while learning and are rapidly advanced. rieieant dining roome, where the beat of food It sold at cott, in every Central Office. Comfortable tilting room, for reading and relaxation. Opportunity for advancement to Senior and Supenlalng potltlona. Apply at 40fl Market street, dally, expert Sunday, 8.0 a. m. to 8 p. m., or evenlnte between J -no and 0-00 at any of the following Central Of fleet: 2 W. Chelten ave.. Oermantown, 84th tl. and Woodland are. 170.1 South Ilroad at. 17th and Diamond ata, Lanratter ave. eaat of B2d at. 406 Market et. Hop, andaDerka ata,, Kentlngton. PATRICK It., bus- Itelatlvea and lIJt'RlIAN.-bctr24 " I'DWARdX- hutband MrrATnISnd,f.rMw.rra.?rahd.nlf.f.0,vS., 'mil: .'n.n.lnn ITiind . . ".i. .: ' .".;,. . ". 3'--, 7.30 a. m.. 04ZT liaco at. uoiemn maae ox re nuiem Churcn ot uur iar oi victory a, ro. 7nt Holy Croaa Cem. Remalna, may be viewed Thure 7 to 0 P. tn. Auto aervlce. tSLBNNOcL 24. at ber reeldence. 1118 W. Cambrl aTrELIjl J daughter of Eleanor and William Glenn, Notice1 of funeral will be IPvin T from th. Olfver II. Dalr Dulldlng, 1820 6oETZ.-Oct. 23. ANTON, huaband of lata ElSabeth Ooeta (nee Frlderlif). aged 62. Rela. lives and friendt. aleo member, of Arch, ronfraternlly of the Holy Family, St. Peter-a Young Men' Holy Trinity, and the Herman Oak No . Heneflclal SocleUe,. invited to funeral Salt. 7.80 a. m l8S N Lawrencej at. Solemn I requ.em masa a.' m. St. Peter-a Church, int, St. I'ete-XCem. ...... -- fc. ... " i 'iJiTT-v-rr-virhY'iv, . :, .-..wr ,0 Uri.ltl a""",."-"!!, ', ,, a., v. vvv.aa. ..la. Klapiua, of Hare and late l'atrica uriirn. ihiuirp .i. irieeiue, Sriembera of U of It. 1'.. Kentlngton IxdgeNo. nil and P. It. R. iU)lcfAasg,, Invited to iuniral. Frl.. -3 m"PK -'i Monmouth aLSolpmn requiem mass Church of the NaUy. ,,i in . rn. Int Holy Stpulchra Cem, '"llECK2-oVt. 23. WAJITHA. wlf. of Wl llam V Heck and daughter of Ellen and late William ConneTi; Mela tlvJa and friendt. Betay Roaa Cir cle; No, 12. I- V. ".Jiu ln,., i?. funeral. Thure 8 8b a. m. VOl 7 D tt. High maaa S?hrjlVaVc,.b1i.VR".,n?:in! iVstnBJf Ws'd! Lm ( T'aytor). agod0 S. "elatiyw ad feS, ttfflirii.Kii? yf'msn First PreebyterlaB cSurch. Barrlngtoa, N. f. rpIliScclT. tiSSt'tt CJBHs!aw ttarrrUt4 1Bt" a""""'1 seseiwiBea veak, "eewaL ."""ICII. Jiu-.L. H.llm.dl bratlupkaa mfsmimi .If. not 9. BUAU n- n ?CMiJtlvM.ad fri-als : ars., U a. ta. st ifTRCKMA uSm. aaad Ow&fc.r'rw l!WA'1&& wiJs?sa ffi'SBr if"" ClA' fflOfc PPPWPW i-P.( ..PPV tn in?!!'. viJirw rtla. I .Chpltf" 4 IMIIaf WtMH. ft. BBRTU Tf ysaia. et Marr II. MrCAha-v int-n .1.." Ai" -- ii. pnu irienn, v-annausei i&SJl MciAHEY. Oct. 22. Dr. TETER J., huabard uauagnerj. iteiatiarva I Friendly Sone of St. strlck. Dlv. No. 29. A. O. II t Court No. 143, r, oi v., invitea to runerai, inura, n du a. m., 101 S, Ilroad at. Solemn maea ot requiem Church of the Annunciation 10 a, tn. Int. Heir Croee rem. McDERMOTTa Oct. 21. suddenly. BRIDGET, widow of John McDermott Relatlvee and frlende, mrmbera of League of Sacred, Heart, tntlted to funeral. Sat,. 8 80 a, m., 180U S, 84th at. Solemn maea of requiem Church ot UleMeJ Recrement. Int Holy Croat Cem. Metl.HENNY. Oct. 23. OEOROIA RERNICH McILIIKNNY daughter of the late John and ltemlce II. Mcllhenny. Funeral eervlcea. Thura., 3 p. m . 220 W. Upset tt.. Oermantown. Con veyancea at Drill Station will meet the 2 11 p. m. train from Ilroad street Station. Omit flowere, McMONiaLE. Oct. 23. ORACE. daughter of late John and Roee McMonlgle. Relatlvea and frlende Invited to funeral, Thura., 0 30 a. tn., 4303 Dexter et Roxborough. Solemn. requiem Fmn St. John the llaptlat Church 11 a. m. nt. St, John'a Cem. McNULTY. Oct. 22. TERRANCB. eon of jonn j. and Margaret Devney ncMinr. iteia ttvee and frlenda Invited to funeral, Thure., 8:38 a. m.i 2333 S, 10th at. High maea of requiem Church ot Epiphany 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. MEEHAN. Oct. 23. JOHN, hutband of Ellen Meehan. Relatlvea and frlende. employee M. P. Hnwlett. Invited to funeral, Krl.. 8 a. m., 309 Wolf at. Solemn maaa of requiem Lady of Mt, Carmel Church, 0 JO a. m. Int. Holy Cron Cem. MONAIIAN. Oct. 1. suddenly. JANE, widow ot John Monshan. Relatlvea and frlenda in vlted to funeral, Thura., 8.30 a. m.. Sycamore and Willow ave-.. La Mott, Pa, Solemn requiem matt Church ot the Holy Angela, Oak Lane. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. MOIIOAN. Oct. 24. at hla lata reeldence. 30)8 Cherry at.. THOMAS F huaband of Mary Morgan. Funeral Frl.. 8 30 a. m. Solemn re Sutera mate Cathedral 10 a, m. Int. private, mlt flowera. Auto funeral. O'NEILL Oct. 23. ANNA 17.. daughter ot the late Thome a J. and Katharine O'Neill, graduate nuree of St. Joeeph'a Hoapltal. Itela Uvea and friendt. alio 11. V. M. Sodality, League ot Sacred Heart and nurtce of St. Joeeph'e Hotpltal. Invited to funeral. Frl.. 8 a. m., 143 N 83th et Solemn Requiem Maae at I-ady of Victory Church. 10 a rn. Int. Holy rrc.e (Vm, PIULLlrs. Oct. 21. OSCAR F. PHILLIPS. aged 23. Itetatttea and frlenda. Port Kennedy Lodge. I. O. O. A., Invited to attend funeral, parenta' realdince. Port Indian, Thura., Oct. 28. 2 SO p m. Int. Port Kennedy Pretbyterlan Rurylnfr Orounda. . . . UUIOLKY. Oct. 24. JAMES F.. hutband lata Annie Qulgley and aon late Francla and Annie Oulgley. Relatlvee and friendt. D vision No. IV, A (). II.. Invited to funeral. Sat . 8 SO a. m., 2120 S. Juniper at. High maaa of requiem Epiphany Church. Int. Holy Croea Cem. QUINN. Suddenly. Oct. 24, JAMES, hueband of Sarah Qutnn. Funeral and Int private Thure. REID. Oct. 23. ELIZAIIRTII I... wife o Edward C. Held (nee Horniby). aged 22. Itela ttvee and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thura, 3 P. ra.. parent!' realdence. 4(148 Dlttman at. Int. llreenmount Cem. Remalna may be viewed Wed . 8 to 10 p. m. . . REYNOLDS Oct. 23. JOHN i.. huaband of Jennie Reynolde (nee Sllvea) and aon of Ilrldget and lata Jamea Reynoldt. Relatlvea and frlende, employee of Rrooker Kepler, Invited to fu neral, Thura. 8 80 a. m 1S21 B. Mellvllle at. (46th at. and Woodland ave,). Bolomn nigh matt Church of St. Francla do Balea, 10 a. tn. 'UlICHA'llDr80Np--Sit. 23. CHARLES F.. aged 71. Frlenda Invited to aervlcee, at home of eon. William C. Rlchardaon, 224 Cheatnut at.. Had. donnald. N. -J , Wed.. 8.30 p. m. Int. at Free hold. N J . Thura, a. m. H.LBY -isuddenfy. Oct. 24, JOHN O .hutband Marlon Riley (nee Woodward), aged 83. Keta tlvee and frlenda Invited to funeral. Frl.. 2 p.m., 1828 Adama ave.. Frankford. Int. Oakland Cera, llemalna may be viewed Thura., 8 to 10 p. m. HODOEHH. Suddenly, Oct. 21, HUGH, hue band of late. Mary A. Rodsera (nee Durkln). Relatlvea and frlenda and all lodgea of which ho waa a member Invited to funeral. Thura., 8 a. m., 1304 Carpenter at. High mate St. Tereaa'a in a. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. SC'IIOLKT. Oct. 24, JOHN IV.. hutband of Sallle C. Scholey (nee King), aged 03. Relatlvea and frlenda, raembera Flrat Preabytcrlan Church of Kenelngton, and dlrectora Metallic 11. and L. Attn., Invited to funeral tervlcea, Frl.. 3d. m., 1227 E Fletcher et. Int North Cedar Illll Cem. SEEDS'. Oct. 24. EMMA II.. wife ot John A. Seeds. Servlcei at retldenco. 710 W ypeal St., Oermantown, Thura . a p. m. Int. privute, IJBIPI Oct. 24. MARGARET, widow of Charle, Selpp, aged 60. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcee. Frl., p. m., 2008 H. 17th et. Int. private. SMITH. Oct. 22. .THERESA J wife ot Cbrltt C. Smith. Itelatlvea and friendt Invited CHAM1IERMAID. plain eewlng. Protectant pre. ferred, for th Main Llnei reference require,! i food wages, amall family, Addreta M., llavertord, Pa, COOK, alto waltreea and chambermaid, wanted at once) for amall family: Proteetanta pre. ferred. Apply Mra, C. Pemberton. Jr., 28 Summit et , Cheatnut llllli near trolley and bpth etatlona. Telephone Cheetnat . Hill 83,. COOK AND CHAMnERMAID and waltreaa: 2 wnite gtriei aaeiet email waan: rererence re qitlred: email family: good wagee. .. Arply edneeday from 10 to. 4 o'clock. 4011 Pine, DRESSMAKKfT wanta cutter and rectMer on waltt llnlnge. Arply 1813 Cheetnut. , KMIltlOIDERERB Hand embrolderera wanted In dreetmaklng eetab. Apply 1812 Cheetnut at, OllVTj wantoTfor general noiiaeworki colored! reference. E. A. Ilernateln, 10th at. below Oak Lane ave.. Oak l.an. HEUP WAXTID MAM . Centlaafil rtmt, Prfcnflaff PoUm DQY8-J or reqalred For TabeTlng and fllllnj Nittlet: eaty houra, good wagee. Apply M. 8. Drew A Co., 8 w anion and McKean. . iaoin positions ?pkn. wmt noiri:cTs, in editoriai, 1r VIRTMENTA oV' rtfllLIC I.KDOKR R IIRIUrlT HOTS OF Xf. .APPLY iMMEDlAtELTT TO MIL jf(ncB TIIIHD FLOOR. 008 CHEST. iilUCKIYERS wanted. Arch abjiy. 2d aL Oeorge C Wllllama. Ilirri.ER AND COOK Wanted, man "and wlfa for butler and conki 160 per month. Apply 302 Oowen are., Mt Airy. Referencea req'd. CHAUFFEITR. Protealant, experlencedi mutt have nrat-claee ref t In anawerjng Hate age, ref a and wagea expected, M 180, Led. Cent. CHOCOLATE COATER. expert, good wagea; permanent poeltloni eteady employment: pleaa. anaurroundlnfeK 643, tiedger Central. , COrT AND I.T-OtIT-XtAN Wanted, practical women'a wear advertlatng lay-out and copy man for a large, women'a apeclalty etore: only a live, up-to-date man will be considered: elate paet connection and experience In first letter. D 8J1, Udger Office. DlllKR for 3H-ton Chaee truck: mutt be sober and ateady, experience and reference required. Apply 60 8. loth tt. DRUOOISTS. reglttered. Apply Evana'a Dnik Storelloo Chettnutjt. DRJJOS Experienced man to work In order and checking department of whoreaale drug houte, . Addreta M 321. Ledger Office. ELECTRICIAN HIaunera require tne aervicea of an experienced vlectflclan and genera) repair mechanic- Ap ply Superintendence Office, fourth floor. 633 Market at., before 10 a. m. ULAUNKRS ERRAND ROTS CHANCE FOR ADVANCE. M.K.VT: 14.80 PER WEEK. WILLIAMS. jmowN I Karle.,inc..i8 Chestnut bt. CltnAND 110TS WANTED. APPLT 609 B. .a, IIIP 4j FITTERS AND MECHANICS wanted I boiler and . tank work Crute-Kemper Co , Ambler, Pa. GIRLS H-TO IT TEARS OF AOF, FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS: EXTElUKNCE (jNNKC. KSSAHT. APPLET liPLOYME.NT UURKAU. LIT 1IR0THER8. G1RIJI to pack cakea and work In Iclnr room) experienced packera paid 17.80: beginnera 10 for 84 houre work: aleo glrla 14 to in yeara of age. Keebler-Weyl Daklng Co., 238 N. 22d at. GIRLS, Protettant. 20 years of age, to take training In a home fof Infante: 6 monthe' coureet dlplomaa given: poaltlona awaiting graduatee, Addreaa P 904. Ledger Offlce. to funeral aervtcee. Thura. at 2 p. m 110 Cedar ave.. Woodlynne, N. J. Int, private Cedar Orove Cem,, Olouceater, N, J. Frlenda n,.w view remalna wed . from 7 to 1) n. m SPEAK. Oct. 23. CATHERINE G., wlfo of Henry 11, Speak. Itelatlvea and frlenda In vlted to funeral. Sat.. 7.30 a, m.. 2023 S. 00th et. High maaa ChurCh of. Moat Illeiied Sac rament H a. m. Int. private. Auto tureral. STAIRS Oct, 28, JOHN 8TA1NER STAIRS. aged 88, Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervicea, Frl., 11 a, m at late realdence, 180O s 83d et. Int, private. SWEM. Oct. 23. CHARLES II. 8WEM. aged 67. Relatlvea and friends, aleo Quaker City ... . i ta. Ak Tl m f . TT atnl amalaeaa m.0 iJlViaiOn. 4vUi "J AS "a, (4. tet aavaiu on uiiuj.B eja, Pennsylvania HaUroad Co. Invited td funeral services, Thura . 8 p. m.. 1210 Cobb's Creek Park .lllaa.r TAN. NER. Flrat Canadian Contingent, died of woiinda In France. Sept. 23. i16, aged 21. Dearly beloved and iroungeat aon ot Jamea and Annie Tanner, of Hanover. Conn. VANDEVER. Oct. 23. DORA, wife of Waah. Ington T. Vandever, Sr. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thura , 2 p. m., lata reel dance, 8834 Falrmount ave., West Phlla. Int. Fernwood Cera, WALTON. Oct, 23. at her home. UOO 8. Bid at , EMMA L., wlfa of J. Floyd Walton. -Relatlvee and frlenda Invited to funeral aervicea. Wed., 8-30 p. m.. at the Oliver II. llalr Build Ing, 1B20 Chettnut tt. Int, Hollldayaburr, Pa. Omit flowera WKINIIAHDT. Oct. 23. JOHN a., hutband ot Carolina Wcinhardt (nee Blgel), aged 77, Hel. atlvea and friends, members of N, W. Bakers Heneflctal Society, Invited to funeral aervicea. realdence of eon-ln-law. Henry D. Stout, 1243 N. 84th et. Int. private, Arlington Cem WELSH. Oot. ii. IIOHKRT. aon of Mary J. and late John Welah, Relatlvee and frlende In vlted to funeral aervicea. Frl., 2 P, m brother. In.law'a reeldence. 1403 8, 28th at. Int. private, ft Morleh Cem. WITjIKIlOW Oct. 24. JAMES, huaband lata Mary McKeTyey, .Wlthernw. aged 77. Relatlvea and friend. Invited to funeral aervioee. Sat., 3 p. m., tbapsl Northwood Cem. Int. Northwood uei Tl - . wiij-Ajrf nuooeniy. at jvewneia. N. J., oot, 22. CLIFFORD II. aged 38. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervicea. 103 Rector at., Perth Am boy, N, J Thura., 2 p. m. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE VICTOR AND HOME VICTOR Multiple System Water Heaters for Houte Heating Heats Bath and Kitchen Boiler, too. One atove and .ne flrei year round. No Sloes to disconnect. There i nothing; Ilk, It. Send for pookleL S. V. Reeve, Mfg. . NORTH WF-COND ST. Patented X.08T AXD lOUXD t"SoUb ,Cineterr: atloeTSS beVa aVBaaaaasBPBSsaaae-BgeBEaBnaaSBaBaaaapjes KstLF WAXTBD rglCAXl! fJn Ets&imm OIRM to work In laboratory, tilling and tin lehlnr Arply Smith, Kline A French Co., 38 Poplar et . CURLS wanted for light factory work: etart 18: good chance to advance. Apply 804 W. Guard ave. -.- GIRLS over 18. Apply at tnternetlonal Art IMjihlniCo,,! lMijtnJ Callowhlll. 2djloor, U1RLS over 18 years of age- good wagea. Ap- P'yWolf. A Co.. ,840 N. 12th. HOSIERY Torpera and knlttera on Scott a. Wllllama and Standard 1" machlneej hlgheat wasea and ateady work, llygtenla. Fleeced Underwear Co..Hoa. Dept Jim.NjlHoward. HOSIERY PAIRV:itB and'foldera on ladlee' and children's cotton aoodt. Hygienic Fleeced Un- derweaLCOjJIoalerirDeEtjJJjHSN. Howard. HOUSEMAID A young refined Proteetant aa housemaid In a cleaaant home) referencea requlred. E 837. Ledt;er Central. HOUSEWORK, renerel Experienced .white woman, to go to Merlon: 4. In family; no waahlng: mutt be good rook and glvs refer ence; wagea 16. Apply Thuraday, 4 p. in., Room 202 1420 Cheetnut at. HOUSEWORK sTTlabte white woman for fam. Iy of 2: cooking and houaework; no waahlng. ilavertord. Pa., near station. Call before 1 a m..JB028jrure at. HOUSEWORK, general "Exp- girl, awjd .plain cook: Al re.e.: 8 In family; wagee l. Phone NarberthJStO JJ 90, Ieil Hr., Narberth,Pa. HOUSEWORK White girl for'general houae JtorJjL.'- ,r family. 1041 N nroad. MAID Wanted, experienced ladlea' maid; good preferences Appl J811. .Sjprucejit, MENDERS on levers lacet; aleo glrleto learn; good pay while learning. Apply Bromley Lace i;o,, p,.iu. wiuii .., .. MOTHEIVS lif.LP.ER wanted, under 88 yeara. for little girl. 2 yeara: tn country: 128 per month; aer.d referencee. P 034, ledger Oltlce. OPERATORS 'on alngle-needte machlnea: ateady WOTIC. JLVPIW UIVBnww. wna.., a.-.. , a. m GROCERIES Acme Tea Co. wanta 4 grocery clerke for auburban atoreat good wages paid to hunting young men, with bright protpecta tor advancement to higher poaltlona. Apply, 7 to 11 a. m 4th and Noble. HARDWOOD FINISHERS 80 COATERS AND ItUH.IEIlB; 48 HOURS: 40o HOUR. QEOHUla , W. SMITH COj a07 1,OWBLTON.AVE. INSTRUMENT MAKERS. 13.24 to $3 per day of a houra; tool roakera. 13.33 to 13; machln lata. 12.78 to IS; aaaletant machlnlate. 12 to 12.00: all bated on experience and capacity: automatla turret lathe operators, Cleveland, Ilrown Sharpe, 14.68: Potter A Johneon, 13.0(1; hand turret lathe operatora. 13 to 13 10, bran moldera, IS 76; blackemlth'a helper. 12 24: hither compensation when on piece work; akllled laborere. 13 to 12.24: eolderera. 12.24. Apply Frankford Areenal, Philadelphia, Pa., preferably In peraon, from 8 tn 10 a, m. on working daya tor amplication blank IAIIORERS. BO. wanted. Cruae-Kemper Ca, Ambler, Pa. . . LEATHER WORKERS In the glaxed kid leather manufacturing induatry are today among the hlgheet paid labor In America: aplendld oppor tunltlee for young men to learn the trade; for employment call at the fee torlea tn Philadelphia. Camden, Wll mtngton and vicinity. LUMBER PILER8 wantedi experienced men only; 114; half day Saturday. 9th and Tioga. MAN AND WIFE, flrat elate, neat, clean, welt. trained aervante. wanted for email houae. Mt. Airy; 1 adult: Philadelphia reference required; good home and wages for right party: white or colored; no other aervanta kept exoept a chauffeur. F 237, ledger Central. MAN wanted, white or light colored, for houte man and butler; mutt have good reference. Call between 7:30 and 0. 1718 Pine at. MAN AND WIFE, colored, butler and houe.man; woman muat be good plain cook; amall fam lly; reference Required. Call 2T4 S. 23d. MEN' WANTED Uollermakera. locomotive ma" chlnlatt. car repair men, laborere, locomotive cleanert. Penna. n. It., 1711 Filbert at. MEN, 10. wanted to learn the aauaage and pork Sicking bualnett; 22o per hour. Apply 3043 ermantovn ave. OPTICIAN Young man. with aome experience at cement bifocal work. 1716 Chcetnuet. . PIPE FITTERS' HELI1ERS, to go to work at once: eteady employment. Apply D. W. Evana. Plttaburgh Valve. Foundry and Conatructlon Company, Coataevllle, Pa. SALESWOMEN LIT BROTHERS REQUIRE SALESWOMEN FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. AT-PLT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. BTRAWnRIDOEe. A CLOTmER require experienced taleewomen for aev eral departmenta. Including GLOVES WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SUITS COATS AND DRC8SES SltTRTWAISTB MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. CORSETS AND SHOES Apply Bureau of Employment, 4H floor. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Ap opportunity to secure employment In ex change nearett your home. Vacanctee In both local and long-dlatance offlcea for experienced operatora; aleo In echool for glrla to learn operating. Apply Keyetone Telephone Com pany, 133 B, 2d at., Room 403. TELEPHONE OPERATOR Young girl to oper. ate telephone exchange and do Clerical work. A PPly 1223 t.oiumoiaave. TYPIST: mult be accurate operator; good chance tor advancement. Apply Chilton Co., 40th and Market ete USHERS Apply 10 o'clock, Mr. Keene, Regent 'xneater, WAITRESS, experienced. Proteetant. for the country; referencea required. Mra, Walter 1. rouiae, .vnitvinarpn, .'.. WaTtRESS Apply, with reference, 2029 Wat- nui at. WOMAN and huaband. colored, butler and houee. man: woman muat be good plain cook; amall family: ref, required. Call 274 S. 23d at. TOUNO WOMEN AND OIRLS TO WRAP MER. CIIANDISEl EXPERIENCE NOT NECES. BART. APPLT EMPLOTMENT BUREAU. LIT BROTHERS YOUNG LADY to attlit In bookkeeping de partment and do potting) quick and accurate: etata age, experience, ete. Muat writ. Smith, Kline A French Co.. 429 Arch. TZEIV WANTED MALE TRESSMAN GORDON PRESSMAN WANTED. APPLT LIT BROTHERS PRINTING DEPARTMENT. 21ST AND ELLSWORTH STS. ASK FOR MR. EDGAR. SALESMAN to sell heating speclaltlea and velvet to heating nnd plumbing contractora; give ex perience: flrat-claaa opportunity for man who can bring ordera; aalary and expeneea. . M 087, Ledger Central. , SALESMAN wanted for C. E-Z Light Balea Campalgne. Several cities outalde of Phlla detphla: liberal commlatlon. Apply Wednet day, 9 a, m Welabach Gaa Lamp Company, 100S Filbert at. SALESMAN Illgh-claat aaletman: permanent and lucrative poeltlon. .Call after 1:30 p. m,, 081 Reel Ettate Truet Building. - SALESMEN "IFI" If yon ar. a gucceaiful aaletman la any line. If you can prove that you have tucceit fully aold any line. We wilt make an opening for you In the permanent eelltng organization of the largeat publlahlng houae In the world, where you ran make far more than the average aateaman. We will train you thoroughly. Wa will furnlah you lead,. We will give you a drawing account. We guarantee rapid ad vancement to those who make good. Men wanted now for both Sears-Roebuck and Cambridge Edition. Come In, lat'a talk this over. ENCTCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA CO. ISO B. 15th et., corner of Walnut, Philadelphia. KELP WANTED MALE Coflatl (rom meHff Colamw TOUNO MKNr"fam!llar with patent medicine, for aaleemen. Apply Kvane'a Drug Btora. - .,-,'L Cheetnut al. ' . LAROB manufarturtri"and selling- organliallon haa openings for aeveral men from 80 to SB yeara of age wllh good bualneae experience and executive ability, to Inaure favorable attention your reply ahould state in and full .'" of ""l experience. V Vll, Ledger , Offlcvj. C(ULV.LB-. "olorer flrat c'l'aae". well' trained) with i.blladelphla reference, wanted by one adult In Mt Airy: mutt be clean, neat and thoroughly U1,,J?0,',nT and" do work of houe. together. F 238. Ledger Central. SITU ATIONlBWinXD FEM ALE lwKKEKrER and atenogrepher, 7 yeara' ex. rerience, flrat-claea ealee porretpondenti thor ?tbly reliable, capable taking charge. I. 287, LedgefJntral BOOKKEEPER Double entry and flnanclal sec. !n."r'-J0 ,T"I' sgpetlencei aalary UU. D . . sip, lda-er office 0H,.,K,,,AU. German, wlthea roeltlon. 129 VtHeweon tt.,Jklaacher llowNorrla,. COOK AND WAITRESS Clottng houte NorTl want to place two rood hervantt. cook and iVreea. Mra. llabte, 109 B. Iowa ave., Atlantto City. wi?Kc.lor,,.wcm,a want, placei plain cook- lng. Jprlvatetamlly Call I 8,17th; . COOK wanta place; city r'nly good references. a,-,y ,u ,li , m., X l-ineBl; a-"V JOII withes situation aa cookt'good reference. 118 laombard ,t . DArf.iWO,,.K.or h" tlmeTcolored girl wlehea Petition 70S 8 18lh , ELLIOTT nslll.lt IIILLINO machine operator, experienced: knowledge of bookkeertngl ao curate atngtirea D 824Jdjer Oltlce. GIRL, reliable, white, wanta houteworki amall aaii,,,,,,-irr-nra.. daft fl. tUtn. SALESMEN to demonatrata to atorekeepers new ohangeable electrical window dltplay alcn; aella at eight for 13; live wlrea can make big money. Crown Mfg. Co., 704 Market at. SHIPPING CLERK: permanent poaltlon with op portunity for advancement; muat bo young man with reference. K 764, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, with monthly health and accident experience; fair aalary and good chance for advancement; apply by letter only; state age, experience ana aalary dealred; muat have clean record. Continental Intur. atice Company. 632 Drexel Building, Phlla. STOCK SALESMEN for Harreun Motore Corpo poratlon. Apply F.LWELL. NAULTV CO, t I.IOCK iv,scnan,w -.unu.nsi ARTISTS V need two hlgh-claaa oommerttal artists. Mutt be abl. to handle fine letter ing and design. If you bay. confidence In yourself brine sample ot your work to the ASSOCIATED ARTISTS OF PHILADELPHIA. 1B2 BiNSOM ST. JifcCHITECTUilAL DRAFTSMAN for of flea In Charleeton. BT.C.l muat 1 good., al -around man. Aaalof 628 Preaeer Hldg., 1713 Banaom. BOT. oymr 16 years, to feed Gordon preaa. Ap. lly fifth floor. Wa Chestnut St., job printing aif-arti-i, BOY, over 1 years ot ape. for advertltlna- de- rirtfi sK-tnurx.1"' ' iSV, 16 or over, tt o(oe of mill. KeniWtM M0lTati?rf'cS,'tr.t3'te " f"m& ,RiI-rA?y 10 o'cleok. Mr. Keeoe. Reeii"t TRAVELING SALESMAN wanted for eastern I'enneyivema iu van uu .,., er.. impie. ment and gtneral atore trade; experienced In email toola and aupplle,: give referencea, are andeajary expected, .E Bob, Ledger Central. WINDOW bKCORATOR wanted. Apply at onoe. qold,teln Urot., 301 King at.. Wilmington, Del. TOUNG MAN TO LEARN PUBLISHING BUSINESS A leading- New York city tech nical publltlilng bouae. which eyit.ma(lc..lly tralna employee for Ita executive potltlons Invitea ap. Slleatlona from men under 80, for epartment openlnga. Letter, muit be In applicant'a handwriting, stat ing age, bualneea experience, par ticular, aa to education and preaent aalary, Journaliitic, M 810, Ledgtr Cllflce. V 00 ERNEftS North German nureery govemeie; apeaka Ensllah fluently, l( yeara In pretent poiltlon. , Addrete F 246. Ledger Central. 1IOU8EKEKPKR. manaalng. ,xper'd"ln home. hote', fral'y houae or Inet'n. Baring 7097 W. HOUSEWORK Middle-aged woman to iitleT chamberwork: light dutlea about houeel amall wagea. 12 -eareT reference. 2021 Winter, at. LADY s IAID Hindu young woman, well ex- pe-lenced. would like potltlon aa lady', maid. '. wjrite ..U..I Catharine at. NURSE, trained, wlahea Invalid op m.ntal caaee. tk .. :."..-: -- iiviiaurrminiairn i'.na K, PROFESS lOV A I. n. -.1.-- .. -.-.- l.h.. Elll?ryhlghljr reconVcd. M 148. Led. Cent. SEAMSTRESS wlthee'any kind of eewlng. 2031 Balnbrldge. I'hone Locuitl7 .J. YOUNO MAN wanted, experienced la accounting and atatletlcal reoordei muet be able to operate tviiewrlter atvd oae with knowledge of ateaox. 7 . ' i . .... , at.(. . . uuM .. I , . "'. ', P 111 I I- 7V.TrT' "aa...p eXPeOtP. V"; .w.'a-.aap., pi., Y5uNOMAN wanted for all-night clerical o altlonl active grofisryi Luameaa center of city) salary to start IT per week, with chano of advjBOBtl stat. age. AtWreea P. O, Bog TQUW- MAN wanted at onoe ta iearn poal and lumber bualnea, with larg. estabiithed oor. poratwni noure i w ; Wrt-HflMll- V PTTtei competent Iteaotrinh.. .n1 -al.v..r,p a..1r. Ketllon where application and Induatry will appreciated, beat ojtrefa. F244, Id. Cent. 8TKNOaRArilKR wTthee potltlon) physician's a a.,,,,.- yiptprrpua jt i i as. . LiOQger central. STENOGRAPHER, fl yeara' exp. Iron bualneae. uaiirppjweitionijioi4Urwoodi;a1 WOMAN Wanted, by refined Knglleh womanT potltlon aa companion, nurae or houaekeeperi referencee. M 318, ldir onlce. TOUNO LADY, wlahea clerical poeltlon where ability and Integrity count: at preaent em ployed, but wlahee poeltlon with chance of u.nc-meni. i oiw, i-eager central. YOUNG MAW. aPQUtu fOUIMI H I.KpF1 mmm2ilkIt"tmHtnXi ImW&MMl BSMMI it. experience -MMf CeatraJ. ! for ni oae-MratteiL at offtoe eri tauat Cave a aiw reeerACo, r YOUNG IADY dealrea clerical poaltlon In office; good penman; refa. F 847, I-edxer CentraJi MORNINO houra In apartmenta "flne waahlng and mending at home. 1329 N. 21at, J SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT AND MANAOER. Wharton School: several Year.' p-rw.-i-n,a., lmt,.. n. .Jcoalbualnctt preferred. F 4H,. Ledger. Cent. ii)vniiuv,i-HA, uuai t i-MAn. ii yeara ex. perlence: good all-around man: 330 per week. -OtTLOYMENT AStMHtM wwiiewj'iiew fT9ff 4now99&w TWfee,'a WANTKl-avyTwralvotin, 17 and U for apartmenta, Proteetant ana Cal "!- inreeaea, kitchen ma maids, French nureea. wmte e. ncea noueemen. ueeral ewve .. quired. Mre, rWera. IU i. ii I tituw-tt re- EDUCATIONAL B. n-m-.lt- aaea 223 8. Rrdenbam tnth sal " MU-HX tlona open for mother's beff-er. waareitlg, cexka. nut tea, govcrneeece. AUTOMOBILE USED CARS T-pas. PACkrjnn .!..- ".-.- -" " ' imn..nB inu louring, k ,,.,, . PKBRLKSS 6-eyl, 60-1.. K 7-paae, Touring, etarter ana 4-cyl, 80-H. and Tou Llmouatne and electric nehte... ... ............ im VEl.tE l9j4-6-cyi;7.pa.a: touriJHt... . 1IH HTKAnNS l-evf. T.naaa. -l-i-url-. ... --. - -r." ;- z" ----- -, I ninnina mat liae new. ,,,.., iia-cnp ARROW 6-eyl. 48-H. P. 7-paa. l.itnouaine ........ 1.... IILUIAN 1814 K.n..-I Toi riERCE- ..,.. ...... jring; starter .... eiectrio iignta .'..,.,..,.,...,... p WHITE 4-cyL 40-11 P. t-patt. tourltar. -,."5.-,.tu...nd eiectrio llghta... ........ I8W PACICARt) 4-cyl. 8U-H. P. Limousine . and Touring, ..,, ,,..,......... 1766 LOCOMOBILE 6-cyl. 48-lt. P. B-paaa. nimAKAw' 'olcyf VsM.. W 'cl tm .-,?li,,n. excellent ahape I4T8 W1NTON a-yl. t-paaa. Tourlruxi bar gain t4iM.,,tt,,,,,ilMiiipt. $37 TRUCKS .1914 OVERLAND Delivery IM THE WHITB CO. S16 NORTH BROAD STREET , L. II. O'NEAL, Use- Car Dept, Bell Sprue. 1803 Keystone Race 173 USED MOTORTRUCKS . 8oma of them rebuilt and overhauled. 8-Ton ALTO Open Expreee Body B-Ton OARJKORf) Power Dump Body g-Ton GARPpRD High Stake Body S-Ton MACK l-trge Van Body 8-Ton OAHFOni) Chsssla only 2-Ton OAllFgltD 1910. Long Wheel Bag, 2-Ton GARFOllD Heave rutv 2-Ton D0Iinl8---0pen Kxpreea Body 7?a.- ...ItCl 2-T( li LKOI.tC 101M rVn.n V.aa.-... TtlW Ton HHflTKlvlT n. e.,M n.. 'on OAHFnnii lata i-h...i. -.i. .Ton AtlTOCAR Coal Body tl 'Zon SyjJLI.TH Utility Open Expre,, Bod ..Ton IOCOMOniLE Open Kxnreae Body Alan Cinm 91.hlurunVn it,, iinr.. 13VE'.TJAUi"c-" READY FOR WORK USKD.&Ait DEPARTMENT Aek for Mr. C. B. Harvey Garford, Phila. Co. JH 2g?M CE"NUT STREET AUTOCAR deliver jjin. ., n ry truck. 4 cylinder, big bar Fertlg, 1236 Arch it. BOOKKEEPER and atenneranhar - A vniine man, well educated and thoroughly experienced In offlce routine, dealree a poaltlon aa book keeper or atenographer with a growing con. cem: beat referencea capable of taking charge ofofr.ce.F I-edger Central. BOOKKEEPER, experienced: auditing, booka vwiir-t -i-ini in- written aipi uay or eve. nlngl moderate terma. Bell ph Wood. 410.1 M. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly competent) 10 yeara1 experience, dealrea poeltlon with reliable con- cern, u woa. ioger twentrai, BUYER AND MANAGER I am connected at preeent with a men a merchant tallorlnr bualnesa doing a cath bualneea or (80.000 yearly! going to make a change: are you Intereeted In a man ot thla kind! D 322, Ledger offlce. . CHAUFFEUR. 29, white. 8 yeara' experience on high-grade care. Al mechanic, careful driver, willing and obliging, doee not drink nor amoke. wtthet potltlon with private family, city or country: moderate wagea; beat refer- encee. . hi, i-etiger i-entraia CHAUFFEUR. American. 27. married: 8 yeara1 exper. driver and repair any make! temperate! careful driver: Al ref.F 249x Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, white, married, total ahetalner, mechanic: hlifh-claia potltlon only! beat refa. Addrett Chauffeur.. 188.1 N. Natrona, CHAUFFEUR, white, wlthea poaltlon with pri vate family: good reference; city preferred. I. -.u.. i.ouf.cr. ijentrai. "f-Kr IclS97'R,-0 Lajr w11- erlhee modtra Jimi "lir10- 4-Paeaenger coupe; perfect con tit0.?: -?-,"'r.,Fnon'.or "rite. Mrs. B 4716 - "'lrjLThone Frankford 2064. ""iinSSS."01?' S-paaaenger touring, la elegant P?Jlili,onV ,."' .')SrK,lni -,h r conveBent o."?-".,1. " .WJ-RS COMPANT, Used 762. D'prtm"nt- 20 N. Broad at, Walnut CA-?.,i'V-?TrSi15 Jlmoualn.1 thlt ear haa not neen run 6000 mllea alnce purchaeed; guaran. iXtS..ln Wrfact mechanical condition! West. .kM.0?" .'; sprlngai will be sold at eonsldif I?. ii"L,f-,1 .rkt value. Keen Carruth- . ,. jtaverford. pa. SnVS' .?B-"' during car; excellent eondu r!-iea.wii.i?.. .,n5li Price 1800: bargaln. R H.n".LIH--.M.'-t0-" Company, oproa te lltad- . Ing Station. Telephone Cheatnut Hill 888, CAi,,nrr'A!.'.. IO":. excellent condition In averr detail; little uaed and well cared fort bargain for quick buyer. W, A, SCOTT. 121B Fil- CAILLAC 1014 touring car. overhauled ana TP?lni'"U-.rul' equipment: Price 1780. AUTO SALES COHl-ORATION. 142 N. Broad aV COACHMAN, elngle. middle-aged, dealrea poel- ai. .. I, -.., aaa . K. t .f .... .nCP. llallli IUUU PII'.IUUIIU (MM..; a ., a, ..-.. .. a Aqtireaa r 41. i-eager i-entrsi,. aaa,r,,rMV T"-VITrttP Anxious to'mako desirable connectlohe. M 147, lAHlfter 'entraj ELECTRICIAN Young man wl;hee noaltlon In rectory or atore: experience!, wna i;, wiring, etc.: al preeent employed. F J41, l-eager central, EXECUTIVE High-grade Philadelphia man. 42. teeka potltlon with reuutable concern! beet credentiaie. i- aao, i-jir v.gun.., I FARM MANAGER or care of gentleman a ea tate: flrat claaa. practical In all branches of farm work, care of etock. flowera. truck: can handle men! aelllng of eetate caueaof leaving pretentnlt.ee. D 113. Lodger Office, FOREMAN Young man. 30. capable of B-ettbuT out work, quick and economical aa poitlbla. handling any, amount of men. foreign or domeatlc. dealrea to maka change. D 320. l-arlr-- rtlTlce. h GARDENER. Scflrch. married, wlthea poaltlon on privato tjlace: underttanda ait brancfiea. In. eluding landtcape work. Park. 40 Crary ave., Mt. Vernon. N. Y. . INVESTIGATOR. 04, aaat. mgr.. aaleeman. ao "iMtor. ' cJlftlctor. bookkeeper and f "-'" ''jii-!' .'""' r"--, t""t tf' oreene, MAN AND WIFE One of the beat high-grade Mupfti In Philadelphia, thoroughly extjerl. enced and efficient, working .together with a Central, ANAND WIFE, Japaneee. wleh potltlona, man a? coolTwIfe a waltreasi bv. bc.t ret 'rence.YK.jgJ4 Vine et. J Mi:CHANICAI. and atructural engineer. IB yra exp., etlreaexecutivepos.D 8Ledger OH. SALESMAN, 28. now employed aa aai ilttant manager for ayndlcate Arm. dealrea to el-Hale with Kliable firm handling staple i or apecla t y llnee: have B yeara' exp, In Balea and executive MPMll?; 'fiiTMllar with Pengs... Jej.ey and southerjtetireL 248. LedgeCenj BALESMAN, with eeveral years' apeclalty ex perience. aJeelree to make a change for potltlon with opportunity for advancement: can poel tlvey produce reeulta: beat reference: no ob jection to traveling; acquainted with Pa. Btat. territory; aalary and exp. II 044. Ledger Cen. BALESMAN, 8-year eatiafactory aalea record, wanta ibange; ataple line or good apeclalty: in eaatern. aoutheaatern Penneylvanla and Dela- i . i-. ,,0lj ? , "i: Y AUTO LIVEIiy AND aA-BAQES BIIOP ENOINEER and maater mechanle. aged ol. marnea. aooui ,puiii., a-u-v.v,-i . yeara' experience on conatructlon and main tenance of plant machinery and equipment, 7 aa draftaman and dealgner. B In charge of h.n. rf.plrea nhanea that will offer berma. nent connection at or leading to an executive nnaacnoi, n yverp. M 812, Ledger Office. sltlon aa at will offer perms- poaltlon; In preeent connection . yeara. STENOGRAPHER Man, 23, dealrea poaltlon ai prlv aec. or atenographer, D 320, Ledger Off, STENOGRAPHER Expert typist dealree work Ineycnlngt at home F 844 Ledger Central YOUNG MAN. arabltloua, are 20. B'year,'' butP nete experience, wlthea to make connection where advancement will he forthcoming for aervlcerendered. D 823. Ledger Offlce. , YOUNO MAN. 2sTTilgh achool graduate,. In aeo ond year at Wharton Evening School, 4 yeara' experience at bookkeeping, payroll and general office work. uB 744, Ledger Central. i YOUNG MAN dealrea poaltlon with mercantile firm, where ability and Initiative wJU be rrcog. nlted. 8 yeara' exp.i refa F 242, Ledger Cen. YOUNO MAN. 26. wlahee potltlon. 'preferably puiaiae itaa aenvrai uuice experience. .,i, Leaser . piiir.i puttlde Ilea general omce ,xpcrlence. l.eager t entrai YOUNG IAN, 18, dealrea poalTTonevenlngt! atenpgraphlo or otherwlae, P 283,, Lodger Cen. CAN YOU USB MET am 24, single, with college education, have 8 yeara' omce experience and for a year waa eetretary to a blah Government offi cial. I am an expert stenographer and typlat. Lately I have been in newep-per work, and climbed In a years from 118 to 110 a week. Eye trouble forret me to new employment. I went to connect with any one needing a hustling, conscientious worker, with executive ability.,! am willing to accept a minor ptt or Work without aalary until f prove my worth, if protpecta of rapid advancement offer, F S43, Ledger Contra), IlETIRED BUB-NESS ItAN detlrea to be cor.: nected with reliable house where .sorts snd reliability oounli all or bait time. F Ml, LedgerCentral. "" K. cook, buaband ehauK COUPLK wire nret-cla reur; peei reference. EMPLOYMENT AOENOIBS MRS. HARVEY. 1819 Hitt oua vacancies tor laraw ai litfa- . -T.-.u ,-a-l ' P .. I.TT'. IDF .,( aa.,,..,,., , M,.unr arness, Udtes' wsUrs. Swettsl. cook,. IM to , H0i . kltchea gu wr.t.raM. bailor, atutaau-p .JT maUt, tjufaws. latuOrwse,. sera eeu-Ua. batter,, vaMa, boueemen. gW--uaaloal.M,pr. JmaMw "Kelp MeTtrdp hatUHwe GRANT 1017 6-cyl. B-paaa. touring car) eleo. trlo etarter and llghta: low mileage! paint Ilka n.w! .' covera and general condition ex cellent: very eaay riding and lnexnenalve ts operate: plenty of power, I. 243. Ledger HUDSON'S Phattona. roadaters and cabriolets. !','.?P,.,"h..7'cr,0 '' and starters. -OOMJEltT.8CHWAltT. 288 N. Broad at? KISSEL LIMOUSINE. 1918. 7 paaa., blaelt leather upholatery: Jmt, the ear for renting or taxi work; good condition generally, com fortable, eaty riding car for atrenuoue' aery- Jce;make offer L 842. Ledger Central. LOZIER 10"I3 email, six B-pata. .touring ear: excellent condition In every detail; fine family car: will aacrlflee for quick aale; blue paint! eiectrio llghta and etarter: look thla over; will demonatrata any timet don't miss this bsrgatn. L 844, Ledger Central. RENAULT Ltmoualne. perfect condition: must j:a7. r.. pprtig, ui-OD .rcn at 8AXON Rnadtter. early 1018) flne mechanical CSnd".?ni "cod, paint; 1100. Fbon. Lombard , 400 liaum. SIMPL1UC 33. ahaft drive, Qulmby-body landau let: mechanically In very flne condition: car haa Juat been repainted a beautiful green! muat aeli. M, O'Laughlln. 2121 W. Ontario, at. BTUTZ 1010 4-paatenger: bulldog special Good, rich tiro equipment, 2 extra tubea and shoes; slip cover: run lees than 4800 mlleat a bar- e.iu. , iiox iu, naverrorq x-a. rtATinllMQ TH Ttater. rino All makea and alxes; prices 1180 up. Have iHsen traded for new Pain oars. BIGELOW WILLEY MOTOR CO.. oua proaai it,. HUPMOBILE PARTS BCIIOBER, 8839-48 MARKET Wanted WANTED TO HIRE An eiectrio ear In good condition for several months by a lady who will guarantee the beat ot cars In driving and caring for a good car. Telephone aerraao. . town 4936. or addreea M 819. ldger Offlce. AUTOS WANTED FOR. PART8. Philadelphia Auto Parte Co.. 823 N. 13th at- Park 1418. INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 1818 W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDS0NS TO HIRg Dla 0488 LIMOUSINE TAXICABS AND uuiunu-Aii Never Cloaed Park Te.,, POPLAR, 1J17--TO hlr. (open day and night). Park 1482, brand-new 5-pata. touring caur. fl'SS "" "'f?. brand-new. 7-patt, llmouslaa. H) br.l.weddlnge, funerala. 1718 Oirard. i !figilfflik- BUY M0I8TER Portable Garages Bteel a atueco. On dltplay 8981 N. Bin. Tioga . AUTO REPAIKINO BEST-EQUIPPED REPAIR SHOP In West Phil adelphia, good machinery, good tool, and goo mem rntee 00 cent, per hour and an honest count. Maater carbureters, HIOGINS BROS.. 4213 Chettnut, SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES Be BILLY, at bta new toeatloa. B10 NORTH UROADtT, AUTO SUPPLIES IF TOU WANT to sell your old car or want I f.(t. ., JltWir, VPM, .llaP Or PD-ni, -. IV Vi nio-1 pair, call, write orphone. . A A, AtlTO PARTS CO. 1-17 N. 12th et, Parking. Ne' 1314 TIMKEN.BEARlNOS HYATT. en-y yygBgftxr vghzt . . I'AUIB to build or repair any car. Phlla. Auto Parte Co., 833 N. lth. Park 1411, DEMO"UNTABLB RIMS, all tiles aBdmakasi also tires and tubee and other aocaworlee. P. R. Auto Farts Co., 818 NUta at. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIBM Suaranteed. 1500 mllu. CoMtsare uiiiai nssu re, teroaq at. tOtSH ."NONSKID TII4ES. ,..,..,.., ...,ITf iiiy?i!t.f4! UKRCULE-t TIKES Guaranteed 348 BtAes. Special prices ' Htrculea Tire Co.. 612 N. BfM- at. aa-B-g-a-gsi ii t, .is-s D0QB , i,i i i ., , i ,, i, j FOR SAIJO A beauiutti. rye old. affectionate, deposition. broken, twuwirHam aaL-'igf urn. sretwg isBPSSSU. I 13 TdrK EUglXEtW OPffl-MfirXIMJW V yea' j. koua. rRcjrtot-ofttii jupnp ahs i ant-a W"iam ' ' ! a seweW ssett. XXMumrxm ! COAL sfcestlMT IpSpCM MB SO 4 ; aai , P 1 vaat Iwest. r .firaa auar.. has rensnt-i. ' . tlws: ssotaer ana utwnter.want Msltlsas T fa Mfs ISw.S)Ipi i n istti raaiUM -sore (. ' , country. Wanted, butlers, lies tens ea. s-T -Trtaa I alaSM m MMT. aJM eaeliaar... cM?S-f.-S'. ZSSS! " V-ff "nt fam r' "" "-TH-fT'ltl-rnf " i " Tf -9 want vuHImii aulW u4 4ie mafi-. Itaat-sila-ina. MOsL 1 fttratsk mSk, '"!v, 'SlWM'sM )Sfr-a,?iS'? if aaif stlitfr " Sfcswberaaalde." Frenc-l TtTaiF , B . .-. .iu?8l m, nMiapa.lsTiH. .taai- li" '- -i- SSjMfcsHBBB rV4l A Am. liMriei . t vbLSii ' e I rink i t mss-BT-asS Ifla muf snrsiii- Viriiis---ny. iSfkJi &J$i fiBt4 W: