A , junVi - SYRHTOG IiBBOSR-PHlLADBLPHlX WfiDKlMSPAT, OCTOBEB 25, 1S16 FINANCIAL NEWS JADING ISSUES ifr SUPPLY WHILE SPECIALTIES MAKE SHARP ADVANCES '". .- JJniUd SUtM Steel Common Loses More Than Two Points on Scattered Pressure Some New High Records Established NEW YOniC, Oct 2S. The, stock markst today reflected the Increased uncertainty of the speculative ever the market position and outlook and the loading Issues vrero Rener- My In supply at concessions without refard to the violent advances In many of the specialties. United States Steel common lost more than 2 points under scattered pressure tier It sold at 120 In the early trading. Union FacMo moved In tho same way. nies stocks were followed on recessions by Utah Copper and by many of tho tber Issues which have, lately shown pronounced strength. While these declines were In progress many stocks were established at higher levels. Industrial Alcohol was aggressively bought In the first halt of tho day, then advancing more than 6 polnU to abovo 146, and In tho railroad stocks Itock Island attracted attention, making a gain of more than 6 points to 33. Tho American Illdo and Leather Issues were exceptionally weak In tho industrial group, the preferred falling 6 points to 60tf In response to tho unfavorable state ment for the September quarter published yesterday. Advances and declines followed each other rapidly In other Issues, American agar Refining making a gain of more than 1 point and then falling moro than 2 yobtts, and American Beet Sugar, after selling at tho new high record of 104U. yielded mora than 1 point. Denver preferred continued In demand and made a farther gain of more than 2 points, crossing CO. There was a disposition to regard tho heaviness In tho standard stocks as feeing dua to uneasiness over tho posslblo results of the presidential campaign. To day most of the wagers were mado at odds of 10 to 9 against "Wilson, but at the same tlmo offers woro made to bet round amounts at even terms on Wilson by those who did not have knowlcdgo of the conditions prevailing on tho Curb. Where advances occurred stocks were moved up to a great extent by pools concerned In the various properties. Tho upward movement In Itock Island, Which has been In progress slnco tho beginning of the week, was attributed to the interest concerned in the reorganization of tho property and Is said to havo been first Intended to have an Influence on the reception of tho reorganization plan, which Is now ready for publication, but In tho progress of tho movement K was supposed that an oxtrcmely large short Interest had been created and severing of the short! Is sold to havo mado tho highest price reached in today's trading. The bond market showed an Irregular tone, with tho Anglo-French Bs selling at 94, that Issuo being in free supply by holders who deslro to participate In tho subscription to the new English loan. City of Paris Cs were heavily traded In at 98 to 98. The heaviest dealings wcro In the Rock Island Issues, which were attractive and strong. There wero very heavy transactions In tho Bs, which rose from 63 to 66. Tho 4s moved up from 76 to 76. Colorado Midland 4s wero the strongest of tho low-prloed lssuos, advancing to 13. $2,500,000 Gold Comes in From Australia NEW YORK, Oct. 25. Gold to tho amount of 12,500,000 has been received nt the San Francisco Mint from Australia for the account of J. P. Morgan & Co., Baking a total of 423,000,000 Imported slnco January 1 from all sources. .WHEAT SOARS ABOVE LEITER YEAR PRICES December Sells at $1.86 and Other Months Are Also t Higher CHICAGO, Oct. 28. The record of 1.85, established during the Lellex deal In May, 189), was shattered In the wheat market icre today, when December sold as high as S1.8C. May reached 81.85 and July 1.49. Yesterday's last prices were 31.78ft for December, S1.7S for May and 11.43 for July. Thero was tnormous buying with bul lish crop news from Argentina a feature. Shorts wero compelled to cover and fresh long lines were taken on. Intenso excite ment prevailed as prices bounded upward. Further evidence was received of In creased anxiety on the part of foreigners about obtaining supplies for futures require ments. An extreme scarcity of December was a factor. Indicating that European pur chasers, despairing of buying the cash ar ticle In the oien market had bought De cember from speculators and were going to stand for delivery. There was a considerable set-back from the top under hoavy proflt-tnktng and sell ing for a reaction. While underlying condi tions remained strong, values have had an almost uninterrupted upturn of S5o a bushel and a tone of caution prevailed be cause of a vast accumulation of contracts by the public, which might be undermined by any sudden development In foreign po litical conditions or the placing of an em bargo on further shipments abroad. Tho collapse of the Letter speculation was recalled, although the statistical situa tion the world over is vastly different at present. . Late In the session there were reports that exporters were reselling at Oulf ports. No rain was reported In Argentina and ' private advices said that the real weather there was generally clear and hot Leadlnc future ranxed a V Wheal December . Ju&, Decern! ST: SL Open . lllsh l.StU l.hl) 1.81 1.85 1.45 1.4BU. (new delivery 110 62 00S S2K i.ui follows: YtadeVa (Jlnso close l.HO l.SO 1.43 uote December . . 65,, Jyr v-... esft October ...10.80 December ..10.00 r "SKZ. 18M October .,..14.70 MHltr .. .14.85 rone IX S4 87 sot! B4 aitt 1.TUV4 1.7h 1.44 e6 B0J4 BOH !S4H ber .90.28 .27.80 U.Z7.29 sked. 47 1A.80MS.87 tlS.90 11(1.25 18.13 15.75 15. HO 15.95 15.47 15.15 118.20 tlO.82 14.60 114.53 14.20 14.S0 59.00 20.25 26.80 27.78 26.05 t27.0O 14.70 14.80 14.47 14.17 20.25 28.25 27.45 nominal. 29.00 28 80 26.50 COTTON ADVANCES TO 20 CENTS A POUND First Time Slnco Civil War Days .. Pricas Have Been So K High NEW YORK, oet r, Twenty-cent cot ten became a fast this morning when May and July seta at that Dries on uie can. I It was the first time slnco the Civil War I this price was reached. Tha general mar ket was ftrfn. with prices 17 to 23 points act hlgaer. The ginning figures cams below expecta tions as the reports of the National dinners Association's estimate led to higher guesses the floor and caused covering of snorts a a large seals. Commission bouses were buyers, with Wall Street interests and some room traders also purchasing. Liverpool sold January, kwt took the later months. The selling came from two or three Important room op erators who apparently were taking profits ad from one southorn commission house. The heavy realizing encountered on the STraaos to 10 Scents for May contracts aausas reactions whloh carried that delivery t to 11.17, while January soM back from M te 11,(1 or warty last Right's eioeing -fa-was-a Urie volume of fresh buy- waver, ana eater nuctuations were and irsecwiar with prises working i JWial jasfetta from the iewest after Toe. New York Bond Sales lllsh. Low. Close. 4000 Ala Gold cv Re Ser TJ 85 85 85., SUUII Am,r Are rv r.H IDS 10.! lirjTfc 243500 Antio.Kr Bs UISVl U4J4 1H itjiHHi Am foreign pec os... u7 i,n n- lioOO Amer 8melt Sec 6s.. 11214 112 112M miHHi Amer Tel cvt 4tt'...u-v 5000 Amer Tobao 0a 120 84DINI Amer Writ l'ap 5a..,: h7 28000 Armour Co 4Vts .... 93 8uHiu Atrnlaon Ken 4a IMJ 500 do ad) 4a 8J4 1000 Atchison cv 4a 1900. .107'i 17000 Atlan Co Line 4tta.. ! luoo do lat 4a U3U ..lint 103 ft 101 inl 100 100 J, 100 21(1011 Halt auhti 7000 do 4a 2H500 do cv 4Ha 200a Beth Hteel lat 6a . lnuoo do rfd 5a Bouo Tlraden Cop 6a .. 80OU Urook Ilap Tr Sa 1U000 do 5a 1918 .... 12000 Can Uovt ns 1021. 12000 do 5a 1020 liooo do 11)31 3000 C (5 C a 8t L 6a 300(1 Cent 1-eath lat lis. evuu i;eni l'ao n I, ea ... Ha loooo chill Copper 1i..,...1:h 18000 Chea a Ohio cv 4Ha.. 5: luooo do 4 Via 91' 214500 do conv 6a 07 1000 da 6a 11)71 6000 Chi at Weat 4a ouuu um nwn 3 uuuu unic un eta 120 Ml 03 lUti KHVi 107 lljtj 03Vi ll'iU 92 li it 103 i lOlJi UH 100 1CKI 100 i 01V4 100T4 1IHIX .100 .100 ,100T .10JH 10-jft 10.' 'ftfs- 20000 C 11 i Q Joint 4a ao cen 48 5000 2000 do III 4a 04 13000 C M ft St P sen 4a... 0J! 12000 do conv 6a 107 5000 do cp 5a 10.1 Soooo do cv 44a loift 2000 Chin 11 I A Pan Aa 268000 do rfd 4a 430000 do 6 5000 do 5a ct one eta... 12000 do 6a ct 2d at.,... 1000 Clev Sh Line 4i.. 18000 Col Midland ct 4a... 0000 do 4a 92000 City of Parle Oa 24500 Comp Tab Itec Co 6a 6000 Con daa Obnv Oa 7600 Del ft Hud conv 4a.. -oou ao ria 4a 9HVi 22000 Den ft lllo Or 4a Koft 18000 do rfd 6a 72 1000 Dla Stcur Corp 6 78 7000 I)u Pont Towder 4 a. 101 iiwu .ue conv ea aer l... ai 101K 01 58 in 13 D8J4 127 107 103 lOlft 25000 1000 nuou n,n i:in Ue 15000 111 Steel deb 4 a do Briar 4e. do lit con 7a 84 4000 Indiana Steel 6a 0O0O Iowa Central ref 4a, suuu ao ria ea 74000 do 4a 1053 6000 Interb Met 4 65000 Interb It T ret Da... 65000 Inter Mer Mar 6a... 1000 Internl Paper 6a .... 2000 Jaoaneae 4 '.I a 8000 K O Tl S ft M 4a. 1I)U: 811 18.? 8S .... wi 1023. loo , 95H .1001 100Q Kan Cllv Ho Sa Tuoo lcKa Hteel 5i 20000 I.k Sh deb 4a 1031, 2000 Leh Val con 4Ua.. 70(K) Ur ft M T C 102 uuuu Lrfiriuara oa ..,. lot 1000 Urala ft Naah 4a ... 04 8000 M St P 8 8 it 4a 08 6000 Mo Kan ft T lat 4a.. 77 9000 do 4a 42 105000 l!o Pao w I 4a 07 10000 do 5a 1017 ,.107 1000 do 6a 1920 07 6000 do 5a 1926 w 1 95 10000 Mont Power 6a 90 05 100 04 03S 800O Nat Tube 6a aouo r Air i Drake cvt 6a. ifimi r r u it t aa 108000 N T C ft II 6a..,.., 84000 do 8 a 4000 do 4a 6000 do 4 Via 2000 do con 4a, New York Stock Sates I-4t rleae, ArmrTes.,.1 M)l Mr Homely 10 Alaska (lold M 12l Allli Ctmlmen Mff 25 AHIl Chalraerj Mir pf . 81't Am As Chemical 83 Am Hank Note 41 Am llt Bunr im Am Can 02f Am Car ft Fdr OS Am Cotton Oil COW Am HMe ft Leather 1SX Hlh. 00 16)4 12U 20H 82 82)1 43 Mrw. Cloee. mi 00 15M 13 2Gli R2H R2)i 43 f' 15 13 25 82)( 82M 43 1MM 102K 103M 02JI OUI IB ON MM 10H CSX 25 8 SIH 0H 0Sf 67 17M 73 26lf 68 11 C8f tAH 10M CO 26 68 82 10f 110 Am Hide ft Lpf 7414 Am Mnved 2IH Am MnKed pf. 67li Am Locomotive ,, 81,'t Am Milt Corn 11 Am Bmelt A lief 110U 1U 110 Am Bmrit ft lief pr 118 118 717K 117 Am Smelt pf A 00 OHM DOM OOM Am filed Foundries KM 03 03 03 Am Ruear neflolnc 1231 125!( )23H 124H Am Tel ft Tel 133H 133H 133 IT! Am Tobacco 220 225)1225 225H Am Woolen 6214 63 62M 62Ji Am Writing Tpf 44H 48 45 48 AmZlneL&rlm 40H 40H 40) 40H Am Zinc I. ft 8 pf 77 78 78 78 Anaconda Cop M IM'f 04'f OHf OIf Alch Top ft 8 V 107H 108 107U 107U All Coast Line 120X121 11 121 AtlOulf&WI 05J l)0) 05U V&H AtlOAWIpf 07H 67Ja 7M 07H naMLocoWotlu 841( 8.1 M)f 84H IlaltftOhto 8St 8SX &S RSli Ilarrett Co 163 168U 168U 158f ISethlohem BteW 010 025 010 U1U 13S 110 at S3K S3K 05 OIK 04M 2-lH 24 2IU 52)f 62U rail ,17flM 175! 176M 175H 04U OiH 03 O.Di 110H U5U UH 100 100 100 OQW 08!f 09 60H COM COM aiM 84M 84M 4oh mi mi 05. 04!f 05M 120M 120M 120M 102 102 102 34't 28 34!f 2.IM 23tf 23M COM CSM COM MH SOM 30M ncthlnbem Stoel pf 130M 110 Ilrooklyn Rap Tr 8IM llutto ft Kuperior (VIM Cal Petroleum 23M Cat Petroleum pf 61M Canadian Pacific. Central Leather.. Central Leather pf 115 Chandler Motor 100 Che ft Ohio GOM C CCA St L 67M 0 0 C ft St Lpf S4M Chi Great West pf 40 Chi Mil &Str 04M Chi Mil ft St P pr 127 Continental Can 102 Chi 11 I ftPac 27 Chllo Copper 23M Chlno Copper 68M Col Oai ft Klec 37M .Consolidated (las 13!M 130M 130v 130M Con U K L ft P Ual.,..12U 122H 11)1 VZM Col Fuel ft Iron C4M C1M 5i 54 K Col ft Southern 3.1 34M 34M 3iM Corn rroducU Ilof 18 17)f 17M 17M Corn Prod pf 02M DIM DIM DIM Crucible hteel SO SO 88 80 Crucible Htwl pf 122 121M 121M 121M Cuban-Am Suear 233M 230 230 230 Cuba Cano Sugar 70M 72M 0!f 70JX Cuba Cane Suear pf.... 07M 08M D7M OS Denver ft lllo Or 10 10M 10M 10M I)cn ft Wo Or pf 47 40M 47M -10M Deere ft Co 00 00M 00M COM Distil I Sec Corp'n 45 47 40 40 Erie 38M 38'f 38lf 3Wf F.riolstpf 63M C3M KIM C3M OastonW&W 48M 48 47M 47H Gen Chemical 335 330 330 330 General Klectrlc 183M 185M 183M 184 General Motors 835 850 835 850 General Motors pf 120M 120M 120M 120M Goodrich 11 F 73!i 75 73JX 7iM Goodrich H F pf 11 IU 114 114 114 Orcat Northern pf 110 110M 118M 118M (J N cr for ore prop... 43'i 43M 43M 43M Guir States Stoel 05M 00 05M D5M Gulf States S 2d ps 05 05M 05M 05M Illinois Cent 108M 108M 108M 108H imp Con Cop 05M CSM 05M 05M Int Agricultural 10M 10M 10M 10M Int Agricultural pf 40M C2M COM C2M Int Con Cor v t c sh... 17M 17M 17M 17M Int Con Co.p'n pf 74M 74f 74 74 IntHarvNJ 117M 110 110 110 Int Nlclc v t cfs Gl COM 50 CO IntMMcofdp 40M 41 SOM 41 Int M M pr c or dp...,116M UOM U4M 115M IntPaper 40M 60M 48M 40M WEAKNESS MARKS TRADING ON CURB Some Issues Show .Strong Tone, but Tendency Is to Lower Levels NBW TOnK, Oct 25-The genera! ten dency of the Curb market today was to lower prices, although some Issues showed a strong tone and made moderate gains. A new stock traded on the Curb, Man hatlan Electrical Supplies, sold at 18 W to 36. Chncoal Iron was again strong, sell ing at 7.i and 7T4- There was n good demand for Southern Oil with sales at 8H and 8V4. Sinclair Oil was fairly well held, ranging from 82 H to 54. Marlln Arms fluctuated from 7EU to 79. A wesk tone was shown In Wright and Martin Aircraft, which, after selling at 24 94, declined to 22. Submarine was weak, falling from 42 to 40U and Mldvale Steel declined from 67 tt to below 67. The motor and mining stocks were Ir regular. tnntTSTOTATJI o, I OH Aetna rjlolvea pl l)r 12. a maeiaa n.iirii tain airar. . Marconi ,... lt Canadian Oar Co 35 Canadian Car A Fdr pret ..., 65 Charroal Iron 7H CurtlMa Aeroplane 20 nmeraon Phonnaraph y , Haaknll A Parker 1V Ilendee Manutacturtns ........... 25 Kalhodlon Ilronio pref 9 Maxim Munitions , 6 Manhattan Transit Mldvale Steel 66 otla Klevator .., 08 Poole Kngine ..... ..y?. H 8 Kreeae. .,,,...,,, ,.. Htandard Motors . Submarine Trlanale Film Vnlted Motnre . United PrnHt Sharlns U B I. ft II com do pref ....,,...... World Film BTANDAIID Oil BTOCKS Illinois ;-8 Ohio 8n Prairie rine, JJJ Standard Oil California f5i! Htandard Oil New Jener JM Htandard Oil New Tork 241 OTIICn OIL STOCKS Conden Oil I, Condon Co, , Inter Tetroleum ; Houeton on ,..,,..,, Mldwret Itennlns Hapulpa Ileftnlne MIN1NO STOCKS Atlanta Ilutte Copper A Zlno Ilutte N Y ... Cerro de Paaco ................ Tlret National Florence tloldrleld (loldneld Mercer llerla Mlnlnir Howe Bound Jim Butler Jumbo Kxtenelon ..,....,,... II.VInl.w.n.rF.vh . ... Magma Copper 21 H Mine Co ot America 2', NlplKln S San Toy 1R, St Jonh Iead 1BK Weat End Consolidated 09., White Oaka 4H I10NDS IIS Aaked. 11 lb .! 2 It .7 115 ljfA le 7V4 8 s 41 42( 3 2J4 eiji esC 4tf !t 1H i 225 8T0 300 itr3 nu5 244 ISM k 32 .. 10 10U 1 40 7 .K 91 at .. Cerro de Paaco Ca Mldvale Steel 5a MSfl Ituialan Government OVia 100M 10 8 2 80 U 45 P4 SO d2 20 10U 72 5 101 Divinnxns li6 1HOOO N Y Cltr 4e 1956 res iuuu no it ivoi, ,, ....iiu? 3000 do 4s 19511 lOl 2000 do 4Ha 1040 103V looo N y ni ii ft p s iott 4000 N Y N II A II fla 112 1IUMH) M Y T.f sen iJ. a UH 4UOO Niagara Kails Pow fls.loH vniMI Nnrf A Veat Poch 4a Ml4; 11000 Nor Pao prior 4a,,,,. 95y 1H0OO do aen Sa. ......... UT 2S0OO do 4a , 9K'4 S7M0 Ore Short U ref 4s.,,, Iiati 7000 Ore A W It A N 4a... S8H 15IHH) Pao (las 5a, us'i 4000 Parino Tel Sa 101 2000 Pacino Coaat Bs, 101 . 4KH)0 Penna sen ct 4Ha.,..H)2 looo I'eo ai t ill ,,, m. I'udiio trv pi j oa.... naa VI i 103 V Intrapcrpf 102M 10J 101M 102 JeaclTea 00 80 80 SO KCFtS&Mpf 74 74M 74M 74M Kan City Southorn 27 27M 20M 27M Kelly Spring Tiro 78 78 78 78 Kcnnecott Copper KIM C3M C3M C3M Lack Steel Co SOM 874 87 87 Lake Krlo West 22M 24M 23M 24M Lake Erie & W pf 4CM 48 40M 47M Loe Rubber Tire 30 41 30 30M Lehigh Valley 84M 84M 84 84 u Lone Island 34 33 33 33 Loose-Wiles Ulscult .... 20M 20 25 25 Louis 4 Nash 137M 137 137 137 MacaayCospf COM 00 GO 00 Maiwell Motors 89 89M 8'J 80M Maiwcll Motors 1st pf . . 87 87 87 87 Maxwell Motors 2d or. . CSM COM C6M 65M May Dcpt Stores 07 07 07 07 Mcx rctroloura 113 113 112 113 Mex Petroleum pf 00 08 03 08 Miami Copper 30M 30M 39M 30M Minn a. St L new 32 33M 32M 33M Minn St P & S 8 M....12SM 120M 124M 120M Missouri Paclflc j 7M ' 7M 7M 7M Missouri Tac tr cfs 7M 7M 7M 7M Missouri Tac w 1 24M 24U 24M 24M Missouri Pac pf w 1 G7H C7M C7M C7M Mo Kan & Texas OM OM 0 OM Mo Kan & Teias pf. ... 1GM 10 1CM 10 Montana Tower 00 07M 07M 07M Nat Biscuit 128 127 127 127 NatEnam&SCo 20 J7 27 37 Nat Lead Co CO COM CO COM rnn.AnF.r.PiiiA national iiank Philadelphia. October 25. 1910. The directors have this day declared a dividend of eight per cent (87') for the last alx months, free of tax. payable November 1 to Stockholdera of record at the cloae of business October 31. 1010. Checks will be mailed. HQltACKFOHTKSCUF:. Cashier. 'TIIK OIltAIlD NATIONAL IIANkT " riilladolphla.. October IT, 1015. The Directors hate this day declared a dividend of eight per cent (8). free of tax. payable November I, 1916. to stockholders of record at the close of business October 20. Chicks will be mailed. JOSEPH WAYNE. Jr.. Prialdent. niANKMN NATIONAL nANK Philadelphia. October 2.1. 1016. The directors have this day declared a semi annual dividend of ten (107.) per rent, free of tax. payable November 1. 1910. to atockholdera of record at the close of buslneaa October 31. Checks will be mailed. jyvM.HAKUT, caahler. TIIK SIXTH NATIONAL DANK Philadelphia. October 21th. 1916. The Dlrectora have thla day declared n aeml annual dividend of Five per rent, payable No vember 1st, 1910. to stockholders of record at the close ot business October 21th, 1910. Checks will be mailed. WILLIAM BALTEn. Caahler. 02M 25 38 G8K 84M OM 02 25 38 CSM 111 14M9 14M 40M 40M 02 25 33 58 37 100 39 73 105 25M C3M 39M 100 30 73U 105 25M C3M iu 50000 Hep Ir ft Bt Sa ......10014 H M I-" S.1 Liyerpoeil Cotton '.LIVERPOOL. Oct tt aint aoUon H"B alaansnil today at uninangad prlosa. ! IImIm ..r II U r,.r An.ifi.a.i M.M.. Tha aalws sctrrusatuii Iii.uOU balsa, UU bules Am. in. Jmi'.ftrf, MiU Incrudins 13 00 i I r,V ' Amri fsrwljia, uew due i l I i i I Jul futuiei ' e-il I I It M advievu w4 9J was .-Jl tl w 2000 (1000 nt X, ft B T sen ct 4 470(H) ao in w I n 62000 da ajs w I HS oooo da rid ct 3d sta 4s. 7S 21000 da gen ct 4a ..... 75H TSOOO do Ser A w I .... 7QH 72000 do Ber II W I ...... 8S 10000 Rt Louis Swn 1st 4s. 80 , 6000 South Hell 5a 101 4000 South Pao 4a ....... 88. 18000 da cv 4a b&i 20500 do rfd 4 02 loooo South Pae Term 6a... 8SK 21000 South Uwy sen 4a ...,7 29000 do con 6a 102U 10000 Texaa Co cv Sa 100 78 6a HUH 78 400O Third Ave ref 4s 1000 To) Ht L A W 4a..,. 10(M MUh Power 6a . ... 8000 J) B H K R no. ,. . 24000 If B nealty 6a 1000 II H Rubber ..,.. S8000 II H BterJ 8 F 6s. , . . 000 U K of Q 11 A I 6s, . , Sfioa Union Pao lat 4a.,. 10S0 do cv 4; ,.,.,,,,. nono do rfd 4s SMMMl Un Kwya Inv 6s 3tao Va Car chm lat Sa.. 6000 Va Rwy 6a . fWabas 1st 6a ..... da 3d Ga ...... . Wab-P T lat ct 4s, Weat Blectrto.6e ,, West CKm 4Hs .. 111.1 T H5 106 NIW YORK BUTTER AND KGQS rWTTH Retls. t. ra. ftJJMr. ccs. UtfM; Sfjea- aTaitea, Ml lulal! Trkii aeaairallv mm) cajertawia Varelv I. o( TtpnyiT . arawn V PSlfi Sttgar Futures Market NEW YOiiat Oet. lirrTlw sugar future maftut tais nrn4nef opsneel utHahad to an ad-nn4 tof I polaU with a fair 4mmuI ,-r-m Kcsl t st'i sii1 Wall strsst sottroas. utT i os l' "r w- nSuva iiuers' ite MI sails 1M mw ws.s tiaWa to JfsXt' , JA N&tLcad Copf 114M 113M 113M H3M Ner Con Cop 22M 22M 22M 22M New York Air Brake.. ..157 158 1C8 158 New York Central 108M 108M 108M 108M NYNII&II COM COM COM 60M NYO&West -7M 27M 27M 27M Norfolk Southern 1 25 25 "25 Norfolk & Western 142M 143 142M 142M North American OOM 70 70 70 Northern Pacific 112M 112M 112 112 Ohio Cities Oas 84M 85 84M Ontario Silver Mln OM OM OM 0ens Ilottlo Mach 03H Pacino MaU 25M Paclflc Tel A Tel 38M Pt-nn Railroad 68 People's Oas Chi 111M HIM 111 Peoria & Eastern 14M 14M Philadelphia Co 40M 40M Pitta Coal c or dp 30M 30M Pitts Coal pr c or dp,...10SM 109 Pitts Coal Co N J 37M 39 Pressed Steel Car 72M 73 M Pressed steel car pr. . . . 104 105 Itav Con Copper M 25M lly Steel Springs C3M C3M Rr Steel Springs pf...,, 101 101M 101M 101M Heading 109M HO 109M 109M Republic Iron a 78M 70Jf 77 77M bhat Ariz Cop 28M 20 20 20 Seaboard Air Un 10M 17 10M 17 Seaboard Air Line pf.... 38 33 33 33 Sears, Roebuck & Co. . .217 223 210M 223 Sloss-Shef 8 & 1 03 01 01 01 South Potto It Sug 225 225 225 225 South Porto It Sug pf...H5 117H H7M H7M Southern Paclflc 101M 101K 101 101M Southern Ry 28M 29 28M 28M Southern Rypf.., GSM C8M 08M 08M SUndard MUling 100 107H 100 107M St Louis & S V w 1 10M 21M 20 21M St LouU Southwest 22M 22M 22M 22 M StudebaVerCo 133M 134H 133M 133M StuU Motor 68H 68 08 08 Tenn Copper,.... , 23 22M 22M 22M Texas Co 330M 231 230M 231 Texas Paclflc 12M 13M 12H 13 Third Avenue , C2M 60 63 60 Tobacco Products C314 6314 63 53 Tobacco Products pf. .. .J05 105 105 105 Twin City II T ., 07 OOM OOM OeM Union Rag & Paper 10M 10M ISM 15M Union Dag P new 103" 10iM 101M 101M United Cigar Stores 101M 101M 101M 101M United Fruit ,.162M 103 102M 162M Union PacUlc )S2M 152M 152 162M UaOIP&F 25 26M 24M 25 U 8 0 1 I 4 V pf, 67M COM C7M COM U Bind Alcohol. ..,. ..137 140 130 140 U 8 Ind Alcohol pf. . .100 103 10J 103 US Rubber.... COM fllM COM 01M UB Rubber lit pf.... .HIM HIM HOM 110M UHbfsR&M 73M 724i V72M 72M USBK&Mpt.. MM C1M 61M 51H U S Steel Corp'n 110 110H H7M H7M U 8 MM Corp'n pf,....121M 121M 121M 121M Utaa Co..,,., 101 101 Wi WH Utah SeeutHles., ........ 17M 19M 18 10s Va-Carc Cfcew, ..,.,., 4ft 47M 4SM 4M( Va Irsa Coal & 0 44) 40 443 44) Wibaaa.,,.1 1M lMi 14M 1U( WatatbWA ..MM S(K 67 ATM WabattiKB 0K 31 am vk WtJ laolbp....lM 132 133 1M WsHwn UstosTel mH 108 102M 1UM Wast K AM..,,. , 63M UH Waststn Msrytaad 30 H WhstsMottv., ,.., tH HTH VklMislALaMlMs...... 3K SH Wleasl ItLK lstW..,. 6 S Wfcee. L JOd p,.,,. 3M SH WU'M Oyatlaad ........ 44 ASK VOrylMMaf...,..l04 MUH r W ,4( Mt) The Bank of Service Organized 1807 Howard W. Lewis President Edward Stotesbury Lewis Cashier G. II. Millett Assistant Cashier John Schlagle Assistant Cashier Farmers and Mechanics National Bank 427 Chestnut Street Sales in Philadelfhia J Hlf. Low. to Alliance In tovt toit IS Am Oas ..110H ItOH If Am ys pt H 60 Bald Loc. St 0 D A S t 0. S 15 do pref. 6W 4110 C n I & P V 40 Drill JO.. SS too cub c sue ix III Cam Steel. lis log nico Stor. SO 10 Erie Vs SSO I.k Hup C. 14 to Leh Nav.. 7Hfc 10S Leh Valley R4H SOS Penna It It SflU 10 Pa Salt M. 9ttt IBIS Phlla nieo. 20 00 P n T t o 194 no Pitts etc snA HO neadlnR..100H 10S4 loa s SS Tex A Pao 11 1IH 1H 1H 17S Ton Ilel .. 4 4 4 Mi 910 Ton Mln .. (I A A ..... 100 U 8 Ind A1.144 144 141 1 117 UnTrao .. 4SW Stt 48U V 681 U Q I ... 00"4 POVi D0V V 110 V B Steel. HOM H" ""Mi 10 W Jer A S3 no so SO 75 York Ry.. is?; ISM 1SV ..... Cz dividend. S4 1T4 B04 XSlfc IS It its sh IH 14 7SH m4 bsk 00 t ioh IS Met Clee. efcse. IOH .. ItOH 8 V 84 ! bom ty I4U 1Y IS t 71 W IIS so W SH H 14 H 7HH SS"4 1 say. ooh H to 10 ISM) noxri", Illsh. Low. 11000 D Ii 1st E.I. 1 OS 10S 1000 Kdls Kl ES.100U 100 1000 L V Ren 4s 01 M, 01',4 4000 Phlla Kl 4s SOU SO Net chae. Close, 105 ... 100H ... OtM) BSMj I do 5s..,.105Tfc 10S14 103T4 M 1000 X000 Read gn 4s 00 OS S000 do Imp 4s 08 10000 U n Inv Ss It It 1000 Wets Co Bs 00 00 J000 York lly 1 5s 08 08 00 08 ... 71 00 98 .., M. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NCW YORK, Oct 25. The market for coffee futures opened 2 points lower on near positions and 4 points higher on the distant months. Trading on the call wns active, first sales totaling 19,500 bags. Oetobei Noveml Di r .. i ber Todar-a openlnr. Yeaterdajra close. ft.70O8.7S ROP.iT TRT.ANn ADVANCES SEVEN POINT. IN TRADING ON LOCAL EXCHASg Demand Lifts Price From the OpeningCambria St.- Jt1 alls ren romts, duu ivecovcrs ah or Loss in Afternoon Chicago Hock Island and raclfto stock furnlahed the feature In the tradlnr onthe Philadelphia Stock Exchanre today. That stock was In good demand from the open ing and by mldsfternoon It showed an ad vance of a fraction more than 7 points. The upward movement hero was In repori" to New York. In all more than 4100 shsres were sold Next In line of activity was United States Steel common. The turnover In that stock was a little more than 2200 shares. After holding a fraction above the close of yesterday through the morning, the stock sold unchanged late In the dny. Cambria Steel dropped 10 points to 125, There Is a very small amount of this stock on the market, so that wide movements In the price can bs expected. On the other Extra Dividend for American Brass NEW YORK, Oct 25. The directors of the American Brass Company have declared the regular quarterly dividend of IM per cent, payable November 15 to holders of record October 11, nnd an extra dividend of 1V4 per cent, payable on the same date. In addition, an extra dividend of & per cent., payable December 20 to stock ot record November 30, has been declared. tieni TkiieTalM m:A a,.. . rose to the best price of the y""J 22 1!,, again of 1. In the a.oe?JS? brla recovered all of the loss. n C Price movement wr ., .. out the list as a whole. There wi.TSt 1 ...,, ...u j., ,i.o uuiiik carried un a JT sited fractloa While this was taT! the company's 4 per cent bonds esmT " on he tape at a loss of JH polnUsjTeI pared with th last previous wis. "" i Philadelphia Itapld Transit truti Mews, cates moved up a little. It was lesrneli iT day that the earnings on last SaturdartZ: the largest In the history of the comelll? Tho earnings of the month to date Vw'" aversge increase or ,6600 compare; .iT October of last year. n " erember s.enrts.in January 8.03W8.76 reuruary .. March April .,,....... May Juno ...... July Keptember 0.1009.12 8.71)38.80 8.80 8.1)108.02 b'.bsoo.oi 8.701 8.721 H.74I R.7HI R.82I 8.87i S.VI N.nsi 8.PI)i B.03 0.031 ?8.7 fH.72 (8.70 fH.HO P8.83 P8.S8 en iij 8 07 PI). 112 (11.0 r0.07 Free of all Taxes in tho United States Philippine Government 4's Int May, June, Sept. & Dec. Due Dec, 1946 Free of all Taxes in e Pennsylvania Lackawanna County, Pa. 4's Int. Mar. & Sept Due Sept, 1946 Full particulars on request for Circular P. I 63. TheNationalCity Company 1421 Chestnut St, Philadelphia New York Pittsburgh Boston We recommend and offer subject to sale aa A Conservative Investment The First Mortgage Bonds of a Steam Railroad in Pennsylvania whose net earnings for this year exceed three times its interest charges. The company maintains a lib eral sinking fund, and pays divi dends on its preferred and com mon stocks. Price, at Market, to yield over 6 Free of Pennsylvania State and ' normal Federal Income Taxes. Circular on Amplication Edward B.Smith &Co EsTiusniD 1801. BANKERS Uemlrrri tfno York and PMIarfelpMa Stock Exchanpel 1411 CnssTNDT St., PBiUDtxrnu 80 1'ISS 8T1HT Nw Yoik Steel Alloys Corporation (Molybdenum) Actively traded in on N. Y. Curb I hare lust returned from a per sonal Inspection of the Company's Kropertles at llenfrew. Ontario, and are prepared n apeclal letter on same which shows why this security should sell at much higher levels In the Immediate future. Copy will be mailed on request. TTrils Sept. M. I E. H. CLARKE Investment Securities 27 Win. St Phone Broad 30S3, Mew York Draneh Office, Kinney Dlds., Newark, N. J. BUY SELL PORT LOBOS PETROLEUM OLD & NEW STOCK CARL H.PFORZHEIMER&CO, Dealers In Standard Oil Securities. t'boaea. 4884 1-Vt-e Broad. SS Bread BU.K.T. Th Largest SILVER MINE In the World nirioinu the cobsit Dutnct. h, bees ProBtlas from the ImproTemeat the sltrer sttustten. It his heea ptftsf dlrldends for 10 Jeers, ths prreeat lift, dend rstt belar 28e a shsre qatrttrlr. and from tlmt to tlms It has paid n. tra dlrdends. EARNINGS steSSWJ SBd authorities srree that UlriRSWOS rrndoction of sllrer shenld Pontine va. shsted for xesrs. The peislhllltlH la Ml'ISSINn. In Ttew et the probability of the renicmetltatlos et sllrer, era worthy of carefol cosilderatlos, send for Special Analytical Ileport Use the coupon. ' " JOXBB 4 B1KKR. Otnllemmt I saafi It !d le reeeeei yoar tpreist anelyrtoal retort m lis pHMUHe is MVIBB1SO. Yesee Attn .........i , 116-T. O. JONES & BAKER STOCK BROKERS WidiwBIdg.,PhiUdc!phU Bell, Walnat H90-1. Keystone, Usee 2290. Direct Private Vttnt. JTew Tork Boaton Chlcaco Pittsburg "Xethtno Betl ItMt Service" D1RBCTOBY OF ACCOCNTAJfTS 1 Ccrtlfled l'ubllo Aeconntanta UA.WRENCE K. BHOWM CO. 11S KKAL, ESTXTJi TUU8T UU1UDM $11,000,000.00 In Orders for Harroun Cars HARROUN MOTORS Corporation Incorporated in Delaware Capital, 1,000.000 shares. All Common. 1'ar Value ot S10 each. Full Paid and Non-Assessable Company has no Preferred Stock, Bonds or other issue of securities Manufacturlns Flant Located at Wayne, near Detroit, MIchlran TRANSFER AGENT Security Transfer & Registrar Co. .nA.w. ucruouuKi The Equitable Truit Co. New York REGISTRAR Tha Equitable Trust Co New York 83W MM a IK mi mi MM Mi AA AA ' isair Virginian Railway Co. FIRST MORTGAGE FIFTY-YEAR 5 Per Cent. GOLD 10NDS, SERIES "A" Authorized 78,OOO,0OO , Outstsndlno $29,600,000 Dsted May 1, 1112 Due May 1, 1962 Coupon Bonds 11000, ISOO and f 100 each Interest paid without dsduotlon of Normal Federal Income Tax THE FARMERS LOAN A TRUST CO., NEW YORK, Trustee 7Ae Mlowing normation from official or other scarce believed fry us to be reliable, but it not guaranteed. PROPERTY Tho Virginian Railway extends from tha Pocahontas and New River coal fields to Sewall's Point, on Hampton Roads, near Norfolk, Va., and was constructed in accordance with the most modern and approved standards to carry coal to tidewater at a min imura cost. THE AVERAGE TON MILE PER TRAIN MILE MOVEMENT ON THE VIRGINIAN IS GREATER THAN THAT ON ANY OTHER RAILROAD REPORT ING TO THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COM MISSION. SECURITY These bonds are secured by direct first mortgage on 441 miles of main line and 29 iniles of branches and upon equipment and other valuable property. After deducting- the cost of equipment and other property these bonds are outstanding at the rate of only $36,400 per mile. EQUITY Cash cost of company's property ha been over $54,800,000, or over 525,000,000 in excess of the par value of these bends outstanding. r EARNINGS Tar the year ended June 30, 1B16, net 'earnings reported equal two and a quarter times interest eharges en bonds outstanding. Listed an the New York SUk Exchange MANAGEMENT JOHN GUY MONIHAN Formerly Vice-Prea. A Gen"l. Mar. Marlon Motor Co.. Di rector of Sales ot Cole Motor Co. and Premier Motors. RAY HARROUN Formerly Chief Engineer Max well Motor Co. and Nordyko A Marmon Co.. International Bpeedway Champion. JOHN P. PLATH Formerly Qen'l. Balea Mrr. Maxwell Motor Co. F. A. VOLLBRECHT Formerly Secretary Trees, and Oen'l Mar. Klnar Motor Car Co.. Prea.. Novell Wheel Co. GEO. G. WORTHLEY Formerly Pros. A Treas. the Fairbanks Co., Mfra. Fairbanks 8calea, R. WARD MACY Formerly Sales Mst. Premier Motor Mff. Co.: also with Ford and Franklin Cos. PAUL HALE BRUSKE Formerly Adv. Mrr. Maxwell Motor Cq. and Studebaker Corp. H. O. BERNHARDT Formerly Production Msr.Plerce. Arrow Motor Car Co.. Pariah Mfs. Co. and Sheldon Axle Co. PETER HACQUEBART Formerly Construction Enslneer Maxwell Motor Co. LEWIS HOPKINS ROGERS Attorney-at-Law. New Tork City, and othera equally prora . Inent In the automobile world. The "Harroun" car is the last word in motor construction, and is the FIRST car to be largely built of pressed steelwhich is safer, more dura ble, lighter and cheaper than cast iron, malleable iron or bronze castings. The best-posted automobile experts the automobile dealers have been so well impressed with the Harroun car, selling at $595, fully equipped, that ap plications for cars have been received, far in excess of the Company's present manufacturing capacity. The output for the fiscal year 1917 1918 will be 25,000 cars, which, accord ing to careful estimates, will yield a net profit of $125 per car, or a total ot $3,125,000, equal to 3134 on the total capitalization of the company figured at par, or 62 per cent on the investment Jt the present initial price of $5.00 per share. Applications for Shares, at $5.00, Par Value $10.00, accepted until midnight October 31, 1916. j Elwell, Naulty & Co. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Stock Exchange Building, Philadelphia riLI. OUT couroN AND MAIL TODAI Lr-10-25. . ELWE1X. NATOTY CO. Stock Kichanie Ilalldlnil riease aend me further particulars about Harroun Motora. X may Invest ...,,,................ Name ................,.......,,,. Address EXWEIX. NATJLTT A CO. fc-10-JS. Slock Eiehanje Bnlldtnsi Enclosed nnd t In full payment fey aharea of Capital Stock of .Harrow) Motora at is par snare tpar vaiue tiw. fully paid and non-aestssable. Ne.mo ....,......,................ Address , L PrlM At Market, Yielding Ow $ Per Cw-t- (Hretiear e KiimK, MttTMMEIY. CLITWEI t TYLEI UNION BANK mrrvnmm WALL ITIT HW YOeiK 1M.1M 6. 4th T. PHILA, Brown Brothers & Co, fbtnrns and Chwitovt Struts PHILADELPHIA Securities and Income We take charge of securities and collect incomes for per-., sons desiring to be relieved of such details, crediting an account subject to check er remitting amounts collected. W m ill Graham .3c Co, BANKERS SU f L.aflir PAMHAuLale.UA JU'Asai UsBeU WWVjfvrTC HnW wwr CemeWdaUd Mertege (Stanieed) BeiHle due ( PriM MM and lnUft -YMtt lMt 4et7 frii tf Tmutfmb tttate T Dilill Iff Bl