Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Cardinal Gibbons Offici-
ates at Brilliant Wed
ding Ceremony in
Magnificent Washing
ton Mansion
.Church Dignitaries,
Diplomats and
Friends of Noted
Massachusetts Fam
ily Attend Event
6f -VitrrrmaTON. Oct. S5. What Is gen-
f'mnr regarded ai the most brilliant In-
ibt rears that of Miss Margaret Draper.
awbter of ths late uenenu wunam
nklm JJrsper, rnu.li-iiiiiiiuini.o, nun viia
. United States Ambassador to Italy,
find Prince Andrea Boncompagnl. of Home
Iwtoclc place today at the Draper resl-
snoe, at Connecticut avenue ana i. sireei,
ierthwest. Another American heiress was
snsforroea into an uauan princess; nn
K.r American fortune was drafted Into
ltd nrvlce of European artlstocrncy.
Ht nOOn louajr, " l" ijicbwiwu v. uiiijt
. four score friends, representing tho
Bfceit exclusive elements of Washington so
l"utr with Cardinal Gibbons and Monslgnor
vMMsell oRIclatlng-, and at least a dozen
K-Jh at a a. LA,!. Jt ldH I'dh la.a-a IntljIlhHl ltwa
alBOre nlfn CJlurc.1 UIKUUMicn aciiuiiifa iih-
"Mlveness to the always Imposing cere-
nenlal of ths Roman Catholic Church, the
frmony vu performed which made Mar-
Kret Draper, sometimes hailed as "the
fc ...wdlv the richest girl In her own
i.M In Washington society, the Princess
t- Andrea Boncompagnl, "and then some," as
at... V. I it a' at TVtir1n.isi frtrnrisi at.
LM o . "--- r-.v--.---T.v----.
Allan princes, has quite too long a string
; names for every-day use.
e-4 The guest osscmDieu in mo ikitiuub
tapestried ballroom 01 me uraper resi
dence. The great organ which had been In-
r stalled behind a sort of vlne-twlned lattice
ih southeast corner of the room swung
"from the soft Improvisations which filled
'the air with melody Into the opening bars
'mi th sreat wedding march, and all eyes
f toned upon the stately procession of church
mn making Its way to the wonderful white
n altar near the grand stairway.
IM Washington has not often seen so many
"hth dignitaries 01 tne wamoiio unurcn
. In all the beauty of their ceremonial vest-
r fcenta gathered together at one altar. And,
S'a kAti .....a.a.4 . aiaai .t.A
EarTn&e. The bridegroom had but one at-
fclena'ant, Gulseppe Brambllla, counselor of
; CM Italian i-muaaajr.
Down the great stairway, through the
white-columned foyer connecting the draw
ling room with the ball room, came the
iSJKtle wedding party, the two little brides
B'&mUi. Minna and Edith Blair, the bride's
Bleces daughters of her half sister, Mrs.
Montgomery Blair the maid of honor,
Budora Clover, daughter of Admiral and
Mrs. Richardson Clover, who has been one
' ; ef Margaret Draper's life-long girt friends.
and anally, leaning on tne arm 01 wiiiiam
Klnr Richardson, of Boston, who was her
rnardlan and Is trustee of her estate. Mar-
A a gmrci uruiicr, u uiiuni vioiuii ii iniiijr
twhlteness, who, when she passed through
t that doorway, was transformed from an
American girl to an Italian princess.
Margaret Draper had always said that
ah hoped when her time came she would
be "Just tho brldlest bride that ever hap
pened.' And she was. Her gown was
of beautiful soft, white Batln, almost
I completely veiled In rare old lace and made
! filmy with tulle. The lace belonged to the
I Preston, for whom she was named and
Itjud been part of her mother's bridal at
, tire. The bodice was almost completely
, veiled In It, and a beautiful capo of It
fell over the court train of cloth of silver
hanging from the shoulders. At the bottom
! , vi uio inun was anomer aecorauon 01 me
ice caugnt nere ana mere witn natural
orange blossoms.
' Her tulle veil, worn over her face, was
(fceld In place by sprays of natural orange
i bloSSOmS And llr hrtltmiAf ttrnm .? utilta
lerchlds and orange blossoms and a few
' lilies of the valley. It was not until after
h iir cremony, wnen me veil wan thrown
Kibacle, that her friends were able to see
jsat which of the wonderful Draper Jewels
she saw nt to wear on this "the birth
day Of hP itf" Thn If wa, an .
- -- . At.u.a av ua aawa. hllBkk
(lie had chosen Just two splendid pieces
,. I the beautiful necklace of pearls which her
; 1 i.uncr naa Deen collecting for her at her
'birth and Which he had irlv.n hi- tnr Vii-
ldbut only a short time befam hl n-arn
R, i deth and a marvelous ornament of dla-
wonas a great butterfly with dewdrops of
ffllaimnnal ilalnslaM at a f .
w- wmoi ua.iiid irum ua wings wnicn
i'Jf wother reoentiy had made for her In
hi ... "'" ",u wnicn covereu me rront
faf. her bodice.
The diamond coronet, nor nf h rtnn.
ompaml famliv iw1m a,hi.,f, .. fln. n
Vflnce's gifts to her and which she had
ft. ,f . P'"""6" to wear to hold her veil,
Eaaltj"I 4tA-a- talaia.a..J . at. A . . a.
win iiunneu noi io since it was Be
Mved that It could not, considering the
, uncertainty of the high seas, be brought
.Ter safely,, she did not wear. But It has
-jwuy arrived, and today's bride did wear
K last night, when her mother gave a final
" ior me Priaal party.
As for the fine old Draper residence,
ever In IU long career as a scene of bril
liant hOBIlltalttv hurt It (i-n mn ,nn,a ..',.11..
,vacorted aa It Is for this occasion. The
-mure nouse was smothered In American,
r aeauty roses, and white chrysanthemums
' IfciJ ' a background of greenery red,
"hlw and green, the Italian colora every-
Th -jafl.ail. ... . a
: . --- -v.-...- .! ! uuiiy Iu pflriormea
J cardinal Gibbons, and the nuptial mass
Bi 1 - - i, i
J trf? """W MISS 1
S p&9) ' HfPNt DRAPER jjp
MMf&MSmWmW$m&jSli ' Photo by Central New a l'hoto Service.
ilBM I
IUHK$', Brand-New Babies
rrlma Donna ef th l,trepolltan Opra
WH OWH It to ounselvea and posterity to
perform certain dally duties that will
keep up the health and beauty of the body.
Any one who neglects these Invites nature
to Inflict punishment In ways that are far
from agreeable.
Blame only yourself
when blackheads and
plmplea begin to mar
the smooth surface of
your skin. It Is nature'f
method of reminding
you that you have neg
lected to do your duty
Because you have not
properly cleansed your
skin and have been In
discreet In your diet
the pores have becomi
clogged with dust and
grease. which havo
hardened and formed t-UCUKZIA IiOIH
the so-called "blackheads."
Physiologists are convinced that we eat
too much and too rapidly. It la, thereforo,
to your advantage If you value a good com
plexion to eat less and chew more. Over
feeding causes Indigestion, which prevents
the skin from doing Its proper work, and
blackheads are the ultimate result
If you are one of tho many trying to get
rid of blackheads, diet for n while. Dd not
Indulge In Ico cream, candy, pastry, cake
or any of the rich foods that girls usually
like. Fried foods, too, should be shunned.
Drink plenty of water between meals, so
that the system wilt be flushed of waste
material. It Is also nn excellent plan to
drink a glass of hot water a halt hour be
fore breakfast. Add the Juice of halt a
lemon or a pinch of salt to the water.
Now for the external remedies. I advise
the uso of tho complexion brush. Select a
bland soap that agrees with your skin and
use plenty of clean, hot water. When you
feel that the pores are sufllclently cleansed
rinse the face with cold water to contract
the pores and then apply an astringent lo
tion, such as this one:
nnnewater S ounces
Kldenlowtr water 1 ounc
Rlmple tincture bensoln.. U ounce
Tannto acid B sralna
Mix and wipe over the face with a soft
under Instruction to that end. Last San
day, In the same tapestried ballroom which
wan the scene of her debut four years ago
and of her marriage today, Monslgnor Rus
sell received her Into the Church, Chief
Justice and Mrs. White acting as her spon
sors. After the ceremony today a breakfast
was served to all the Invited guests, about
eighty in all, seated at fourteen tables. The
decorations at all were Identical. Amer
ican beauties and lilies of the valley main
taining the red, white and green color
scheme that had been adopted In defercr.co
to the bridegroom's nationality. At the
bride's table there were seated the wed
ding party, all the church dignitaries, Mrs.
Draper, Mr, Richardson, the Italian Am
bassador and Countess dl Cellere and me
Russian Ambassador and Madame Bakhme
tell. The famous Draper gold plate, which
has seen service at so many notable func
tions, was used. ,
None of the Trlnce'a family was able
to be present. Ills brothers are In active
service ono having recently been wounded.
Ills parents and more distant rela
tives found ft virtually Impossible to leave
Italy under present conditions. In fact.
the Frlnce himself Is due back with his
regiment In December, so It will be a short
honeymoon on this side., of tho water, and
then they will sail away, and Margaret
Draper will take up her new life In the
Palaxzo Boncompagnl, at Rome, as one of
tho war brides of the great struggle.
....r.la consignor Rusiell. of St
.""" Tne Dranem. althmirh Ihim.
li!r!.I,rote"Unt h4v lwy been on
1 IM frlnrfll.. ... 11.1- a ...-
r Cf . v i' churchmen, afid Cardinal Olb-
i10 vas been tnr Vann nnm ttt Mm nn-
t!. va,ued frlenda. So It Is quite fl(t
Sir.i . l' wh0 had al bM llf-long
oa of the Boncompagnls a family that
v2.".? two rP to the church, and has
"ways un affiliated with the black arts-
ZT'vt or Italy, the party whose alls-ff-Sff
. r,ven l0 Vatican rather than
JM Quiring! afcould. perform the cere-
It was essential that any one marry
BE into suet, a family should embrace the
rivVaal .- a-....,, a,,u UUIII1 W1Q 1TGCJU
', ti V"0" her marriage Miss Draper was
I r -J i p-w
umlwin hair a4
J""" letieltM ih ad Mmh
? MMlMa with Mkw
. rsiklw m4 sc4 UMm
M U.
ex Bras
i. mmmmmmmmmmmmmMwmmm a
I'm golnj to rrvttUe.
success or my lire.
By il oP my tJents
I .simply wont fLil
bectwse rtftr this "ti
To fti.il -would,
te. so
The Krenlnc Irdter will print, frr et
rharxe. notlrea of recent nlrtha aent In
through proper rhnnncln, Addrena "Itrand
New liable," Krenlnr latdrrr. ooe Cheiitnnt
atrcet. Name and addrrw ana. when poaal
ble, telephone nnmber of aender mutt ac
company each notice ao acnt.
BOND, Mr. and Mrs. Harry. 292S Edgley
street, a son. Eight povrnns, five ounces.
niOLKY, Mr. and Mrs. James J.. 1433 South
Fifty-third street, a son. Mrs. Blgley
formerly Miss Jennie McDonald.
llltOWNIlACK, Mr. and Mrs. William,
2128 Sedgley street, a daughter. Eight
FlaT.NN, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick, 1325 Holly
wood street, a daughter, Catharine. Eight
pounds, Ave ounces.
rillZRR, Mr. and Mrs. Harry-Atmore, Jr..
C398 Overbrook avenue, a daughter.
nArPAFOIlT, Dr. and Mrs. D. N., 427
South Sixtieth street a son. Eight pounds.
KOHKUTS, Mr, and Mrs. Albert S.. Jr.,
Philadelphia, a son.
KOIIINHON, M. and Mrs. A. Wayne. Jr.,
of Syracuse, N. Y.. a son. Mrs. Robinson
formerly Miss Margaret E. Atlee, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin I. Atlee, of
Fog Slows Up River Traffic
Ferryboats occasionally paid visits to
neighboring piers Instead of their home
bertha early todayi when a heavy fog ever
hung the river front Passage was slow,
the pilots "feeling their way" In order to
avoid accident, while sirens and fogbells
sounded warning chorus. Beyond slight
delay In reaching their places of business
ferry passengers were not Inconvenienced.
Trains leaving the Camden terminal nli
were a few minutes late. Other river traffla
was virtually at a standstill until the fog
John A. Foley
t.JF3t f-alft sHffifflKsntssstiL ll
whathai- you want to leara rldlas, or te
hir a Uaount or an up-to-al rlc. you
will o taw
aeaaanir a rai ooiivm-
l-a kml4Alfelata A tM lftaft.aalH fla-k
S434 GrMuiiowa Av.
uwnaaaawa lU
The Butter market Is exceed
ingly high for this season of the
year. This fact makes our serv
ice stand out more pronounced.
It has, as you know, always been
our policy to protect our cus
tomers, both as regards Quality
and Price. Our Prices quoted
below are strong evidence that
we are faithfully holding to our
Made from the richest golden
cream, by expert butter makers.
Geld Seal is the highest grade of
freshly churned Butter. Particu
lar people always use Geld Seal.
Are You Particular?
Hy-Lo Butter 40c
Ca-Ro Buttw 35c
"fr'Asra Qualky CfM
Thrt$kmmi tKtiity m4 nthmb.
cloth several time a day. Discontinue Its
use for a while when dryness results.
Exercise of some form should be ,counted
as one of the dally duties. There are
various exercise from which you can
choose Walk, ride horseback, or systemati
cally follow a series of gymnastics. Tennis
playing Is one of the best and finest forms
of exercise, but there are times when the
weather will not permit of outdoor games.
However, tho tennis racket can be used In
doors to advantage. Serve the ball against
a blank wall and return It aa It rebounds.
This will give you plenty of healthful exer
cise. One seldom stops to think that to have
luxuriant hair It Is necessary to have
healthy hair. For the hair to be healthy
dally attention Is required. This Is not
so laborious as It sounds. Ten or fifteen
minutes given to the care of the hair will
do wonderful things for It
The hair cannot be healthy It the scalp
Is tight and drawn. It Is. therefore, neces
sary to massage the scalp. Use the tips
of the fingers for the massage, and It the
hair Is dry, rub Into the roots a tittle castor
oil or vaseline. After the massage brush
the hair well to promote Its growth, Uso
a brush with long, firm bristles. Another
Important thing to 'remember Is to keep
your brush and comb perfectly clean.
Keep your hands In such splendid condi
tion that you will never need to be ashamed
of them. Take n few minutes each day
to manicure your nails and never fall to
apply a lotion to the skin before retiring,
so that It will be kept soft and white. It
may be necessary for you to visit a mani
curist twice a month In order to have the
nails properly shaped and the cuticle
trimmed If necessary. I never advise the
cutting of the cuticle If It can possibly be
avoided. Apply cold cream or sweet almond
oil to the base and sides of the nails before
retiring, and In the morning push back the
cuticle with the blunt end of nn orange
stick, and In time the half-moons will stay
revealed without having to cut the cuticle.
It the body Is to be kept In a clean,
healthy condition the dally bath Is n duty
that should never be overlooked. A salt
rub will do much toward Increasing the
circulation and energy, while a cold shower
Is excellent for the person whoso nerves are
"on edge,'
Mako n firm resolution to carry out faith
fully the duties which are so necessary to
health, beauty and hnpplneas.
Largest Steam Hammer
At Woolwich Arsenal there Is the largest
steam hammer In the world. It Is capable
of striking a blow of nearly 1000 tons.
Moleskin coat with trimmings of
gray fox.
ATOUTHFUk fur coat Is hard to find,
but this charming model was designed
for the girl who Is yet In her teens. It la
of moleskin cut In flaring lines with set-In
sleeves. A generous collar and murt-cuffs
of gray fox add to the youthful appearance
of the coat The lining Is of a soft, figured
silk of a crepe weave, having a background
of pale amethyst with purplish-blue flowers
scattered over Itn surface.
Climbing in Japan
Mountain climbing In Japan was for
merly almost exclusively limited to the,
dosha or pilgrims, who ascended a peak
for religious purposes.
BarHarnastora, and Cowyossjtw t Joia
Cetebratiofl In Honor at Jm
March King
Preparations have begun at the Mstt
polltan Opera Heum for the celebratta. af
John Philip Soma's birthday, which wtll
be November . WMIa "Hip Hip Hoetmy"
was nt the New York HtatM-lrorM tost
season the bandmXers annrvsrsair we
made memorable In many ways. Xoefc at
the twelve hundred odd employee M tks
big Institution contributed a dims and ths
coins were fashioned Into a beautiful c
which la one of Mr. Sou,' most, greatly
prlted possessions. Congratulations reaehet
him from nearly every elvlllsed eovntry,
and In hundreds of theaters In the TJnHefl
States the orchestras at the same tints
played "The New York Hippodrome Maroh,"
then his latest eoraposlUon.
A feature of this year's observance will
be the presence at the Metropolitan, Opera
House on the birthday afternoon 'of a mini-,
ber of the country's famous composers and
band leaders, who In succession will eon.
duct the band In Its performance of ths
March King's most recent number, "The
Hoy Scouts," the march which la dedicate
to and has become the ofneial song of
the Boy Scouts' Organisation of America.
anaranteea Rati. factory Work
WIlRtiiirrfl IVAinii (Jl
Get Our rriee Ut
Bar Pin
ntanlavlnr three brilliant dia
monds to their best advantage,
C. R. Smith & Son
Marhtt St. at 18th
I f i' I ll"8 '' ' "" iiliMsMsssssJMMaSSSasl I -I si I mmimmmmmMmmmwmm.mtJitm 1 1 WM mm ttmM m J 1 LllW I JLi.i.L.Mi..Ual.sBs.sssssaNiThM '. . .sSMlUil
iil:! Ghe action of a LESTER AevHodrd 1 1
PAe action of a LESTER Aey6arS
KJy unlocks all the riches ofcmel0ayr
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Tke LESTER- keyboixrd responds to your
touch, witk a q-uidk , sexvsitive JX.cHoivf suited
alike to tke soft wKisperiivgs of a ixocturnc
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nvarcK or tke swccjoivg syi.copa.tioiv
of tke latest popilar kifci
cIhosQa old
Heart mel
odies we all
love to Hear,
or t&atulat-estoutfevery-body
is wlusb
and jfrienas
wikfi tke dash
a fcrainecr
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Setting direct
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terms puts it
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Mail This Coupon Tpday
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Gentlemen: Please send me booklet and complete description ol
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