Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 24, 1916, Night Extra, Image 5

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La Ferrovla dal Mar Nero alia
Capitelo Rumena E Nclle
Manl dci Teuton! e
ROMA. 14 Ottobre.
Iirl sera It Mlnlstero delta Querra pub.
bllcava II segments rapporte del general
Cadorna circa la situations alia f ronte Halo,
fiull'altoptano det Carso nostrl repartl
In rlcognlilone al sono splntl verso la
line nemlchs rltornandone con alcunl
Nella Rlomata dl lerl 1'arttgllerla
nemlca ' etata molto attlva nel settore
dl Plava, ad eat dl Oorlxla e ad eat dl
II rapporto del generate Cadorna annun
ela pure che si e' avuta attlvlta' da parte
dttle quadre dl avlatorl a che un aeroplano
nemlco e' atato abbattuto dagU avlatorl
Dalla Rumania le notlzta che glungono
egg! non aono troppo belle. L'armata del
maresclallo von Mackensen, che da un palo
41 glornl aveva rlcomlnclato la sua lolcnta
oTTenatva, approflttando probabllmente del
nuovo traaferlmento dl truppe rumene verao
la Tranallvanla, al e' splnto Innnnxt ed ha
occupato 11 porto rumeno dl Coatanxa, II
plu' grando porto della numanla, teatata
dalla ferrovla che dal Mar Nero porta V
Bucareat. E la sola ferrovla -che In terri
tory rumeno unlace II Mar Nero alia capi
tate, ed era una buona llnea dl comunlca
alone per lo forte ruaae, le quail pcro' poa
ono aempre aftutre nlla Ilumanla dal nord,
dalla via dl terra e dal lo bocche del Danu
blo. Ore, come dice un comunlcato ufflclate
tedeaco, I'ala alnlatra dl on Mackensen al
arvlclna alia cltta' dl Cernavoda. aendo
aia' tagllato la ferrovla ed eat dl Murftlar.
Dal canto loro, I rumenl annunclato
nuovl aucceaat nella Transllvanlo, contro
le forxe austro-tedescho dl von Falken
hayn. E da notaro pero' che In neBSun
punto le fores dl on Mackensen hanno
ancora attraveraato II Danublo per avvlcl
naral alia capitate della numanla. No'
probabllmento II possesao dl Coatanxa puo'
esaere troppo Blcuro dal momenta che la
cltta' eapoata, agll attacchl delle forza
naval 1 ruaae che nel Mar Nero hanno coa
tretto la flotta turca a rlmanere lnattlva
' nel Boaforo ed In qualcho allro porto del
l'Aala Minor.
Vt truppe Ineleal e franceal operantl In
Francta oontlnuano Intanto ad attaccaro
le ltnee tedesche, e gll Ingleal hanno guada
gnato ancora terreno, occupando un altro
mlgllato dl metrl dl trlnceo tedesche.
Anche nella Oallxla per 11 momento I
rusal cedono sotto una forto preaalone deglt
i austro-tedeschl, ma cembra che l'offenalva
teutonic In queato teatro della guerra ab
bla avuto soltanto un carattere terrltorlale,
llmltandoal al settore dl llallcz dove la
preaalone ruasa al era fatta aentlre plu'
forte che mat. Ivl occorreva econglurare
la mlnaccla ruaaa au Lemberg, che andava
facendoal aempre plu' grave.
Registration Board Hears Renewed
Plea Against McNIchol Man's Voto
Hearings of petitions filed by the Com
mittee of Seventy asking that the names
of oertaln voters be atrlcken from the regis
tration books of the Thirteenth ward were
postponed by the Board of Registration Com
missioners this morning. Instead, the board
heard the potltton of Meyer Michaels, Mc
NIchol follower In the Fifth Ward, to have
the name of Harry Hayfllch, 411 Lombard
street, stricken from the registration books
of the tenth division of the Fifth Ward.
The fight against the vote of Harry Hay
fllch, has recurred every election since 1911.
It Is alleged that he Is unable to prpve
legal cltlxenshlp. Hayfllch'a father came
to the United States In 1862, but was not
naturalized until 1904. It Is charged that
Hayfllch'a assertion that he was born In
Rarltan, N. X, In 1881 cannot be so because
Ms father had not moved to the United
States at the time.
The Board of Registration Commission
ers will conduct hearings until 10 o'clock
tonight and from 7 to 10 o'clock tomorrow.
These are the last days of hearings.
Mann & Dilks
Tyrol Wool
Ladies1 and
Misses' Top,
Street and
Motor Coats
Many models and
colors that are here ex
cliuuvely. MANN ft DiLKS
I i iiTi mil 1 1 i MrriW
LB n saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
gsVf'f J' gsHHHH
BIhE -blgiS3gagflgsB
i .
" '
r . , . ; .,.
rmmm imjii mini im h
Mother of Fourteen Children Celebrates
rJXl ?!Z Ann ""bldge. mother of
rourteen children, one of whom Is Detectlxe
rhomas Harbldge. Is celebrating her ninety
third birthday today at the home of an
other son. Silas Harbldge. with whom she
Uvea, at 394S Melon street
Respite her ndanced years Mrs. Har
tildite enJos good health and Is Intensely
Interested in the topics of the day. She
has four sons and two dnughtrrs lKIng:
,?h1,.J.TnomSl WIHlMn, atlas. Mlas Suale
Harbldge and Mrs. Sarah Hundermark. The
children and grandchildren have arranged
a home gathering for this evening.
Mrs Harbldge was born In Kngland and
enme to this country In 1H8. Her husband,
Thomas, who was a gold beater by oc
cupation, died nineteen years ago. The
Harbldso family has made Its home In the
vicinity of Fortieth street and Lancaster
avenue for the laet alxty years.
Children Find Ground at Sixtieth Street and Paschall
Avenue Strewn With Bits of $1 and $5 Bills Police
w Can't Solve Mystery and U. S. Investigates Case
Oval-shaped fragments of apparently
genuine 81 and It bills are as common as
table salt In households around Sixtieth
street and Paschall avenue
Children of the neighborhood are bagging
school to browse around the big lot running
from Slxtynrat street to Fifty-eighth on
raschatl avenue, so that they may take
home handfuls of the egg-shaped fragments
for dinner
The (lovemment won't give a canceled
postage stamp for any fragment, or frag
ments, no matter what their shape Is, un
less their total area Is two-thirds of the
whole bill. It's a hard Job, though, to get
pieces of the same bill when there are
hundreds of them In the neighborhood.
The neighborhood (Uncovered the hills
through little Cora I.lndliolm, twelve years
old. of 1411 South Mllllck street. With her
chum. Anna Weber, sixteen years old. of
1414 South Mllllck street, she was taking
a short cut home on the path that slgiaga
through the lot. They saw some Italian
children picking up "green stuff from the
"It can't be grass. Let's sea what It ls,M
aald Cora. They did
In a little gully that runs down to the
tracks of the l, n. and W Railroad were
these wads of "green stuff." They were
fragments of IS and II bills. Cora ran
home with both hands full of the '"stuff that
couldn't be grass" and showed It to her
father ICinll.
The elder Llndholm took It to District
Detectives Trlntx and Qulgley. of the Slxl)
fifth street and Woodland avenue station,
who started to Investigate. The fragments
measured three-quarters by one-quarter ot
an Inch.
In the meantime the gully had been raked
and searched by neighbors, but the supply
seemed Inexhaustible. Prints and Qulgley
went to the lot this morning and picked up
twenty of the curious fragments within a
halt hour.
Is It a practical Joke? Did somebody
with money to "burn" cut the bllla up so
that the finders woutd get nervous prostra
tion finding the missing p eces? Are they
the work of a clever counterfeiter, who at
tempted to get rid of evidence? Or are
they part of loot of thieves pressed too
strongly? Prints and Qulgley could find no
answer to this quest'on. and the matter
now reata between them and "Matt" Orimn,
of the United States Secret Service, who
was called this morning.
Leads Parades, Addresses Women and
Is Banqueted
DENVER. Col, Oct 84. This was
booked as the busleat of all buay days
Colonel Roosevelt has had since he started
on his (100-mlle Jaunt through the South
west and Middle West In the Interests ot
Charles E. Hughes.
He arrived here shortly after 10 o'clock,
got a "strenuous" welcome, was psraded
through the main streets to the Brown
Palace Hotel, attended a luncheon, had an
automobile tour among the nearby hills
and spoke at a woman's meeting this
afternoon at the Auditorium.
This evening he Is to lead another par
ade; attend a dinner tendered him by the
Hughes Women's Special and address an
other audience at the Auditorium.
Colonel Roosevelt today, for the first
time, expressed himself regarding the In
cident at Chicago when a woman's dem
onstration during the President's visit
there was broken up. He took this In-
cldent as one of the subjects In his speech
this afternoon. The speech was extempo
raneous. The colonel believes his meeting
today with the members of the women's
Hughes campaigners particularly propi
tious of defending the women sgalnst the
"silk-stocking charges made against them."
Dr. II. P. Fisher Buys Home
Dr. Herbert P. Fisher has purchased,
through William It. Wilson A Co, a de
tached atone residence on the weet aide of
Wavno avenue, opposite Maplewood avenue.
Oermantown. The property occupies a lot
70 feet In frontage, with a depth ot 182
feet. It was sold for William H. Wilson
and J Harker Chadwlck. who recently pur
chased It from Samuel M Clement, Jr.. and
was held for sale at 110,000.
Taft Stirs Hushes Cheers
NEW HAVEN. Conn. Oot. J4 Mention
ot the name ot Charles Eans Hughes last
night In a rous ng Republican rally at the
Hyperion Theater by William Howard Taft,
the chairman of the meeting, started up
roarlous applause The theater was packed
and more than a thousand persons, men and
women, were turned away.
Business M o n ' s Association
Nnmcs Committee to Rid Sec
tion of Undesirable Prison
A committee to take steps to effect the
removal of Moyamenalng prison from
South Philadelphia has been appointed, by
the South Philadelphia Business Men's As
sociation Members have strongly con
demned the location of the prison as Pass
yunk avenue and Reed street as "a block
to Improvement of the neighborhood and of
evil effect on thousands ot children who
pass there dally."
On the committee are James II. J.
McNally, Dr. John It Ilalley and Dr. J. M
Malatrsta. They will seek to have the
prison removed to a more suitable site In
accordance, they explained, "with the mod
ern Ideas fo- caring for prisoners, phys
ically, mentally and morally,"
At a meeting last night the following
members were chosen to represent the as
sociation In a tax conference with the
real estate board: Robert II Henderson,
Charles A Hhettllne and Robert Smith.
Attention was directed to the fire which
destro)et part of the wooden Ilrnad street
bridge over the Pennsylvania tracks, be
tween Pollock and Packer streets. This
bridge Is the only and slender means ot
communication between the city and the
navy yard and other property lying be
tween Oregon avenue and the yard, and
Its destruction would mean great Inconveni
ence and danger In case of fire.
and Prices
20 to 35
below retail
ComtUtt Ltm et ForiabU
Dt$h, Table and
Floor Lamps
Call at our handsome showrooms.
1318 Arch Street
A t'" " tlo Brood Street
Reliance Gas & Electric
Fixture Co.
Pittsburgh Company to Demand
Damages of 2500 Workmen
for Alleged Violation of
Working Contract
than 2S00 miners will be made defendants
In damage suits to be Instituted here by
the Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal and Iron
Company, as the result of the shutdown
of seven of the company's mines by a strike.
The suit will be based on the loss ot pro
duction. The company's lawyers are preparing a
statement ot claims. Each of the defendants
must be served with legal notice and the
cost will run Into thousands of dollars.
If pressed to a conclusion, the suit will
be the biggest In Jefferson County annals
and one of the largest ever prosecuted In
t The DarMr tettaf
sslf srse)enttt. TBs) ssatsswasw sax
asserts ths miners -violated their ai
signed April IK, In Philadelphia. wMs)l
qun worx demanding a new wmg
The company contends the Uirtts
Workers and Its members are Just si 1
ror breach of contract as ssy
corporation or Individual.
"W are going to determine oa
all time." said U. M. Clark, "wtwtlksr
bent ot the United Mine WcsrksM
America can break their contracts win t
in so flagrant a manner. We Mv
templated such action on many
occasions, but refrained owlsr to l
amount of work and cost Involve.
will see It through."
John W need, of Broekvflta,
jerrerson county juage, and A. I
Dubois, have been retained by tM
company to assist In th Yrosecvtsstt.
Says Canadians Maltllated
TOLEDO. O. Oct J 4. Han."
twenty years old, a Qermsn sailor.
nospuai wiiii one 01 nis nngers out
otherwise mutilated, he says, by Os
soldiers at Port Arthur. SetwiMk
round wandering in tne streets UiDms,
said he had shipped at Buffalo on tkst :
lah lake steamship Chelsea, At Port Al
he attempted to pass a guard of soMsm
shore and was struck down, the bayvjsjsl i
one severing his finger. Then, he deelaisjgv
ho was beaten unconscious and was la Dsar
iron wnen ne came to several days
Sr 3
To insure satisfaction,
the service of our watch
experts is back of every
timepiece we sell.
S. Kind & Sons
'Diamond Merchant
Jewelers Silversmiths
1110 Chestnut Street
11 ,i X
22.2324 25 26 27 2
Smart Velour 8c Beaver Hats
Of luxurious excluslveness for
Sports Wear, moderately priced.
MaWson & ' DeMarry
Formal Dress Hats
An assemblage of fastidious orlg
lnatlons. 12.5015.0018.50
1 1 15 Chestnut Street
Opposite Keith's)
Tomorrow Begins the First of the Last
Six Days of This October Fur Sale
At 15 Per Cent Off Marked Prices
We Reserve Your Purchase Upon a Small Deposit or Charge it Subject
to Bill of December 1st
Fur Coats
November October
Regular t-ale
Price price
45.00 Russian Pony Coats. . 38.75
(Reaver or Raccoon Collar)
70.00 Select French Seal
Coata 58.50
(Skunk Collars)
75.00 Russian Pony Coata. . 63.75
(Skunk Raccoon Collar)
80.00 Natural Muskrat Coat 68.00
(Flare Model, Full Furred Skins)
85.00 Russian Pony Coats.. 72.00
(Skunk Raccoon Collar and Rorder)
90.00 French Seal Coats.... 77.50
(Skunk Raccoon Collar and Border)
90.00 French Seal Coata. ... 77.50
(Very Full Model and Contraatlng Collar)
95.00 Natural Muskrat Coat 80.75
(Hudson Seal Collar, Cuffs and Belt)
115.00 Hudson Seal Coats... 97.75
(40-Inch with Collar and Border of
Skunk or Black Iynx)
120.00 Hudson Seal Coats... 102.00
(Flare Model Selected Skins)
130.00 Hudson Seal Costs... 11 0.00
(4S-lnch Flare Model)
140.00 Natural Raccoon
Coat. 119.00
Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted
Fur Coats
150.00 Hudson Seal Coats... 127.50
(Skunk Collar and Border)
160.00 Hudson Seal Coata. . .136.00
(Very Full Model and Choice Quality)
160.00 Leopard Skin Coals. .136.00
(Badger or Raccoon Collars)
170.00 Persian Lamb Coats.. 144.50
(Skunk or Persian Collars)
1 75.00 Hudson Seal Coats. . . 148.75
(6-In. Border and Collar ot Skunk)
190.00 Hudson Seal Coata. . .161.50
(6-ln. Border and Collar of Skunk)
250.00 Leopard Skin Coata. .212.50
(Taupe Fox Collar and Wide Border)
300.00 Scotch Moleskin
Coats 270.00
(Flare Model with Wide Border
Collar of Skunk or Fox)
325.00 Scotch Moleskin
Coats 276.25
(6-ln. Border and Collar of Skunk)
475.00 Natural Mink Coats. .403.75
(Finished with Sable, Mink Tails)
Fur Sets
30.00 Hudson "Seal 25.50
(Barrel Muff and Straight Scarf)
31.60 Black Fox 26.75
(Animal Scarf and Barrel Muff)
35.00 Raccoon 29.75
39.00 Skunk 33.10
40.00 Beaver 34.00
47.00 Black Fox 39.90
65.00 Pearl Wolf 55.25
72.50 Black Lynx 61.60
75.00 Battleship Crey Fox.. 63.75
75.00 Kamchatka Blue Fox. 63.75
(Barrel Muff and Scarf)
75.00 Moleskin 63.75
(Barrel Muff and Straight Scarf)
80.00 Red Fox 68.00
Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention
Fur Sets
90.00 Moleskin 76.50
95.00 Kolinsky 80.60
100.00 Fisher 85.00
(Animal Scarf and Barrel Muff)
100.00 Dyed-Bluo Fox 85.00
100.00 Cross Fox 85.00
110.00 Slate Fox : 93.50
110.00 Cross Fox 93.50
(Animal Scarf and Barrel Muff)
115.00 Pointed Fox 97.6O
130.00 Fisher 110.50
245.00 Hudson Bay Sable.. .208.25
360.00 Natural Blue Fox. .. .306.00
400.00 Silver Fox 340.00
900.00 Russian Sail 765.00
Furs Repaired and Remodeled
jTA )