Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 24, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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" Sol's Eleven Has Triumphed in Early Games and
Win uive xaie ner First Real Battle
in the Bowl Next Saturday
ssslai iJSMlZSSwISmmw
4 ' , iZLtit'i VH
l g ivm 4s
if rfXt Saturday afternoon at the conven-
,iT tlonal hour TaM will play a lootoaii
came with the
team from Wih
Inn ton and Jeffer
son College, and
the remit will
hava an Impor
tant bearing on
the future destiny
of Old Kll on tli
gridiron. Two
weeks ago t li
gamo was regard
ed aa a positive
cinch ; but since
five members of
the Yale squad.
Including Captain
IJIack and "Chub"
Sheldon, have
boon laid low by
Injuries, the out
look Is not so
rosy. Also, It
R, W MAXWELL might bo added,
the expert dope on all matter) pertnlnlng
to the well-known fajt sport has a tendency
to skid and turn completely over when least
expected, and the coaches at New Haven are
trembling In their boots shaking with tho
fear that they might be tho next to bo
pinned under the wreckage.
Last year tho little college In tho western
part of the State selected a team from her
100 students, sent It to that mamouth con
, crtte bowl to play a matlneo and departed
ceiors iiigniiaii, icuying a iringo qi somDer
blue around the stadium and with tho
scalps of Old Ell's sons dangling from their
belts. That was last yenr, and now the
pun of Yale are thirsting for revenge.
Sweet Revenge
The thoughts of the massacre are not
pleasant: the Intruders will be met at the
gates, led on to the field and eleven of the
bravest warriors of the tribe will mete out
the samo punishment that was suffered last
year. The men from tho west will be burnod
in oil, walk the plank and be put through
ether pleasing, but Intensely Interesting di
versions according to the plans formulated
In the last month.
However, as future plans and good Inten
tions are merely synonyms for the grand
eldope and tho grandoldope Is as floklo
M a peroxide chicken wo will place tho
muffler on the "Just before the battle"
stuff and sit back and wait Yale would
tarry out her dastardly plot and annihilate
the visitors but for one thing. Perhaps
the visitors are not willing to be annihilat
ed. Let It be remembered that while Yale
has been burning up the East. Washington
and Jefferson has been plodding along, get
tlnr stronger every week and leaving a
trail of victories In Its wake.
Some Scores
As an example, tako a look at the Bcores.
Last year Oenova was beaten $ to 0, but
this year the score was ES to 0. West Vir
ginia Wesleyan was defeated 31 to 0 agnlnst
7 to i In 1915, and Marietta, one of the
strongest teams Jn Ohio, was smothered
4. to 6. It can be seen that the westerners
know the way to the goal line and will not
get lost If an opportunity presents Itself to
wander 'neath the goal posts. And they
intend to do extensive wandering next Sat
urday. Last year, teat you forget. Bob Folwell
was tho big notse at Washington. Pa; and
It was he who dragged tho team from the
depths of obscurity to the glaring spotlight
ef popularity. It was "Folwell'H team"
then, but since the noted coach heeded the
call of his alma mater another lias taken
tils place. It was like putting on a vocal
number after Caruso, or a rookie relieving
the great Alexander, but the new man did
sot falter. Instead he collected tho rem
nants, pieced them together and had the
eld machlno working JuBt as good as be
fore. Allow us to Introduce Sol Metzger,
oach of tho Washington and Jefferson
football team.
Dol Mctzger took charge of the eleven on
August 28 and found but five veterans with
which to build a team. They w$re Captain
Wlmberly, guard; Henry, tackle: Stobbs,
quarter; lfuss, halfback, and McCrcght.
fullback. There wero any number of
scrubs loit over from the, previous season,
iWevr Bn1 "n Practice was under way,
with the fcquad numbering forty.
LlKhtcst and Youngest Team
It was not a husky flock of athletes, nor
would It take many prises In a contest for
the aged It was the lightest and the
youngest bunch of players that ever rep
resented the college, and the team now
looks like a hlch school orcnntintlnn In
appearance, but not when In play. The
backs and ends nveragn below IBS and the
line about 171. It Is said that the team Is
ery fast, and we hope such Is the case.
A puny crowd like that must bo fast for
Ouy, a new man, has been selected to
play center, nnd Captain Wlmberly und
Drew the guards. Wlmberly Is the heaviest
of the trio, tipping the beam at 180. Ouy
weighs I7C and Drew 172. Henry, the left
tackle. Is said to bo the best In the East,
nnd Cnrroll, who plays on the other side, t,
fast and nggreslve, despite his 168 pounds.
The ends are Tressel. ISO: Moore, 180:
Whltehlll, IBS, nnd Wlckerhom, 150. Isn't
thru a formidable rush line to send against
Yale I
In tho backfleld Stobbs. 152. takes care
of quarter, and McCrclght, 158. Is full
back. The halfback positions are being
fought for by Ruble. 157: Qurley, 155;
Crawford, 150, and Xuss, 152. Nuss has
not been used very much because of In
juries, and Is not In shape for scrimmage.
Ilig Job for Metzger
Metzger had quite a task on his hnnds
at the beginning of the season, first, be
cause he was a new man, and, second,
because he had very poor material to
mold Into a team, it was prophesied on
all sides that he would meet with disaster
In one of the early games : but nothing like
that occurred. Now they aro pulling for a
successful season, despite the fact that
Yale and Pitt are on the schedule. Hut
the saner followers of the lied and Illack
do not look for a victory over these teams.
All they want Is a small score.
Sol played on Penn and onco coached
Ihe team. He was at the University of
West Virginia during tho last two years
nnd had quite a l.ttle succcbs In 1915. His
first year was unlucky for Metzger, as he
broke' his leg early In the season nnd was
laid up tho entire year. His leg still was
weak last year, but he took charge of the
team and had such success that he was
asked to coach Washington and Jefferson
when Folwell resigned.
Metzger Is a good conch. He knows foot
ball and can teach It to the men. His sys
tem Ms different from that of Folwell'a. It
being more flashy. Sol believes In the for
ward pass and open football, but he varies
his passing attack with many end runs
and trick plays. McCrclght, at fullback.
Is one of the best forward passers In tho
country and a good punter as well. When
he Js back on punt formation the opponents
do not know whether he will pass, kick or
punt, all of which tends to strengthen the
.attack. .
Sol Is Philosophical
Sol was at the Syracuse-Pitt game last
Saturday, and we asked him what chance
he had to beat Yale and Pitt.
The team Is awfully light and young,"
ho said, " but I never saw a bunch of play
ers with so much nerve. They are fighting
all of the time and no ,ono will overwhelm
them. If they had more weight I would
Stack them against any eleven In the coun
try, but aa things are now. It can't be ex
pected as a human possibility that my team
can cope against such elevens as Yale, Pitt
and Washington and Lee. I have found
that you can't get any better results with
165 pounds against 185 than you can with
tl 65 as compared with $1.85. However,
we haven't been licked yet, and won't be
until tho final whistle blowB."
"And when we think of how Tufts beat
Harvard, Swarthmore triumphed over Penn
and Georgetown walloped Dartmouth, we
can fseo that Sol's team Is not yet out of
the running Anything Is likely to happen
In football, and as we haven't had a surprise
for a week. It's about time for one to occur."
Scholastic Fumbles
; Keen Interest in Princeton-
Darmouth Game Evident
jn All Gridiron Sections
AIL eyes ABE TURNED on Princeton
as tune approaches for tho annual meeting
with Dartmouth. Princeton alone of the "Dig
Three" has kept Its goal Una free from in
vision. Yale has been scored on several
tunes and Han ,d has gone so far as to
be beaten.
Preparation for tho game with Dart
mouth always Is one of the bright things In
the life of a coach at Princeton and tough
pots In tho dally routine of his players.
Speedy Hush Is living up to all precedent
and is drlvinr- hta nlavara with no retard
tr-.tor their feelings. Dartmouth. It Is re-
fjtwea. gun Is a fast, heavy, fighting team
- m spite of Its defeat by Georgetown and
tin come to Princeton with the Idea or call
ing Jt a season If they beat Princeton and
win no more this year,
were Increased yesterday when he lost tho
aerviee of one of his maatodonlo guard,
wis Schlachter, Ail-American guard In
, U, broke his collarbone' In a furious
Mrlmmage with the second team and prob
)y will be tort to the team for the season.
Jg Bill's ether gtgantio guard. Captain
, White, has been sent to tho second
a a result of his crude playing
.against Pittsburgh last Saturday.
SlUair U..n.....a'n, . n.
foy Bohool star, has been shifted to
t "' w" '"w wo vsrsu y, jf gi
'?". working for a rsgulir Job at Mil-
"" mo injurwa to caiwan awi
fs, regular and substitute dealers, ferpad
V-M-HsV VOA TABaa tea full .-. IIlliAklMSAH
rJjL?'; peaUlon. Reggie In tut ufs4thr
jj-- " wti, a n ttatq "(,
B.YAK 18 OHTTlNd ready for the'
3!2 tsL CJwneJI, the eleven which
SUea the h-An- . -- a a 1 liALrut far
"ernoo Jo Cambroifxt aturiy
'nj naugMos is) maKiagr nis men go
ough mil tktttr tricks vary -tar M
lRitniil!A. ... I.l. v.t........... I.U
--.. ,vl uu Py If ilWHWIH MM
5ZJ5 hm tnim,it
Iteports that Ronatskr. of South Philadelphia
Hlch Hcnool. captain and fullback, had urr-r-l
a badly apralned ankla In the Frank ford High
School sanie wer proved untrue. Tha South
wark el-rrn'a Itadar went through a aplrtted
practice yesterday afternoon, and he ahowed no
slims of txlor hurt. Halfback Park made the
only count of thf gouth Phllly-Frunkf ord samo
when ha circled the and for a touchdown.
The postponed data for the St, Joaeph's Col
lea and Atlantic City Hlh Bchool contest Is
yet to bi announced, and when the Phlladel
phlans visit the seashore they may expect a
pretty atlrr tilt Atlantio City opened ta aea
on laat riaturday by sarins (our touchdovrne
against UllUllle High School. Parcel!, tacitlo
for the Atlantio City turn, proved the star by
taklna; the ball oter for two sU-polnters.
Central High School, poasesaor of the Inter
scholastic Leasuo (Umbel Cup, will have to
take a sood brace In Its remaining samte on
the schedule. Coach llowvll liaa a mighty hard
task on his hands. The Crimson and Hold had
Enother cloae ehaye Saturday, when the team
arely defeated Oeimentown High School by
11 to 0. I'armakls made the only touchdown of
the gam.
About tho game time that Howard Derrr was
making his aenaatlonal forty-yard run on Frank.
Mo Field against State. Addle llrennan, of X
Dalle College, waa making the same sort of a
sprint at Ifrldgeton. N. J. Tho La Halle team,
winning Its second game of the season. Piled up
a 14-0 eoore.
. Catholic. High School won the Cat hollo foot
hall laurels laat aeaaon. Bt. Joseph's and La
Sails ar the other schools represented In the
annual aerlaa for the, Cathollo title. While the
I'urph) and Gold again has a strong eleven. It
will have no easy proposition repeating,
Cunningham, a linesman and one of the best
in local raoae. ia capiainei i.'ainollo
Hcnooi a leain
I..JS captain of Cathollo High
thla VeBI. Two nth. rtrn
fit the line-up are Northrop and Krell, win
loan. The first titular conrest for Cathollo will
be on November 11 against La Sails.
McUenamln has been holding down UcKad-
ami pyeuiun ai eiju lur pi, rfoerpn'S in practice
drills the last week and ha Is showing ua well
Ucfadden was forced to the aids lints by a
badly sprained ankle. He mar be unable to plar
for three waeka. Captain Wetgand la expected
to play the same rip and (ear game that made
him one of the beet backs laat year. St. JoVs
tlrst match with La Salle will be November 2S.
Temple University has one of the best prep
school backfleld men In recent rears lie li
Aubleaate. known aa "Doc" and formerly ef
Bplseopal. Academy, with the Churvhmen, Ap
Dlerata played Quarterback, and he dianlav-a
good Judgment In reeling og plays. As an end
ir anu 111 iiiruwiit. 1110 ,urwni paaa ' iwrt
excelled. Coach Nloolp should bo able to
op a faM eleven with Awlegate as tie
Pfejl. who Is Ailing In the vaoai
Bs roASter at rumi ena
High Bvaoi, . naa
en ebowlng
for West PhlUdSthla
lowing auffklent farm
to cikwjt the & f fell Placed one of the twilca
llseinl I
it, at a
afuoa. and after a Von signal drUi
ecrlir lay .if jr WLJtIt, cond
a nracuea ga'iii""stwen . La alle aS
although he la hevhi no let-up In dlflgeeat rai-
Mr at leuean vae. n i ixira eaa
SS1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b 9gfgtgl HHtfi- JJBI It .olllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHsL
alllllllllllllllllllllllllllellalllllllllllllllllllllSa. T" t!S$: IIBb1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1b1bLbb1b1b1bHsi
C 'CaVV & isflalV -sjWsiMslililB haslilililililililililV Mf
Br-tti JrW t -aflsVgfilH ifSsUP-tVVC'r l SV- I
if Jw asy islw HlB fgeW IHea t , w : Isn.
(&& t'VlS'Jv VMlgB L ,3astJSBBa. V B Sril
isliliV v-rV24v saliliK 1b1i1i1i1i1Bb1i1i1i1ihb1i1i1i1i1i1H lev XV ''Ar
. . .... slilililHF V alsL sssH alsssH
JO rif I A 7VT1170 Ij1V !iW eJlsS M
z tniiiiO m.
McNichol, Jefford and Con
nolly Back Martin Is
Although Lou Martin. Penn's fast for
ward, will not bo nble to play more than
half of the Intercollegiate schedute. If that,
Coach Lon Jourdet feels confident that the
Tied and lllue will make a good showing on
the basketball floor during the season of
1916-17. "It looks to me that we should
do well this season," said Jourdet, "but of
courso you can never tell. We have already
had Homo hard luck In tho Ineligibility of
Martin, but It Is posslblo that ho may be
back with us at mldseason.
"I nm not predicting that we win the In
tercolleglnto pennant, but I don't see where
we will bo any weaker than we were last
Ktason, while tho other teams hae appar
ently not gained to any appreciable ex
tent. Of courso, I can't say Just what
frerhmen material will be worked up by
the other teams In the league, but I nm
reasonably sure that none of them will hava
better men than Johnny Lavan and Kmory.
two men whom I will have from last year's
Penn freshman team.
Another Lavan
"Hy tho way, don't think that we are
playing professional baseball players on our
teams. This Is not the name Johnny Lavan
who has been playing shortstop for the St.
Louts Browns for tho last three seasons.
I hopo, however, that our Johnny will bo as
lucky as the cx-Mlchlcan man. I under
stand that ho cut Into tho world's series
pie with the Athletics In 1913 without play
ing a game with them. That's pretty soft.
'That's a little digression, but to get back
to tho basketball. I Intend to start the men
to work about November 10. That season
starts a little earlier than usual, so I want
to bo well prepared for the opening."
Jourdet Is not picking his team to win
again, but It appears that Penn really has
the best chance. The main drawback Is
the arrangement of tho schedule. The Red
and lllue team has Its two opening games
with Cornell and. Princeton at Ithaca and
Princeton. That naturally gives those
teams an advantage, as nope of them will
have rounded Into perfect form by that
time. Cornell and Princeton are the teams
which Penn feat tho most. Dartmouth
Yale and Columbia look to be weak com
pared to the other trio In the league. Last
season Penn had. the advantage, having
the two opening games at home. It will be
remembered that Penn's chances for the
pennant were almost knocked out by their
defeat at the hands of Yale In New Itaven
early In the year; consequently, tho lied
and lllue suffer the same way In the first
games with Cornell and Prlnoeton.
Two Vacancies
There are two vacancies to be filled on
the Penn team. Williamson has been lost
to the team by graduation, and as already
mentioned, Martin has been declared Ineli
gible for at least halt of the season. Jour
det will build his team around Eddie Mo
Nlchol, Art Jefford and Dill Connolly, all
of last year's five. MoNlchol, who waa
captain last year, waa re-elected at the
close of last year and will again lead the
Red and Blue.
Those who followed the Penn freshmen
quintet last season believe that It will be
Impossible to keep Lavan and Emory off
of tho team. If thoy prove as good on
the varsity as they were on the freshman
team, neither Williamson nor Martin will
bo missed.
Another promising candidate for tho var
sity Ave Is Hobby Light, now a member
of the football team. Light is very fast,
a good floor man and has a good eye tor
the basket. '
owr rv&E?t-y
Scraps About Scrappers
Two bouts which wilt Interest l'hllly fane
are expected to he clinched for Charley White
In a few daya. le will appear In a match the
fatter part of next month at the Olympic here,
probably with Johnny Nclaon, and a New York
matchmaker la dickering for Whits to box Denny
Leonard In the near future.
Vnumr tlertnr and Prankte White fniivht IR
mlnutea so Interestingly It may be that the pair
will be rematched. White la a fair lioxer and
funches good; Is rugged and willing, and when
he Italian la In shape he looks like a top-notch
battler, .
Since placing himself under the wing of p.ey
nold O. Ollkea. Harry Smith Is training e he
never did before, as a match with Lew Tendler
la what fillkca Is working on. Hmlth minrhe
with triphammer velocity with his left hand.
and he Is one of- thnee boxers who may topple
over an opponent with a alnsla punch.
Another hard walloper le Wally Nelaon. He
Is tlll In his teens, yet Wally has dona a lot
of fighting, nnd be haa the experience to meet
nv of the tin noundere. Juit hnw wnnA M-.I-
son Is will he decided Thursday night, when he
pairs on wun doe i-uper at ine uroadway,
Willie Itannon haa recovered from a sprained
ankle suRrred while doing road work. He Is
training again and ready to rrapond to the bell,
llunnon'a Inlury forced him to rail off several
bouts, and he was on the aids Unas for almoet
a month.
Amateur Basketball Notes
The Marquette Club would like to arrange
games with all firm class teama having ha lie
and offering guarantee. For gamee writ Harry
A. Ilalton, 32S3 Woodland avenue.
The St. nonlface I., and P. fly la anxloua
to arrange games with second and third claaa
traveling teams for Tuesday nnd Friday
nlghte. Tor gamea addreaa H. Schaeper, 21.7
North Third street.
The reryua Sporting Club has open dates for
second and third class teams In or out of the
city. Writs Charlte a. Clavan. 1442 Wldener
Second and third claaa quintets looking for
Samea ahnuld writs William M. Mlllen, Jr..
403 North Howard street.
Creason A. A., of Bt. John's Men's Club, haa
organised and will have two teams on the floor
thle sesson. All teams wishing to All Tuesday
night engagements should communicate with V.
It. D-pp-j. Jr., 1037 South Second stroet.
The Sterling A. C. of Darby, wishes to ar
range games with any third or fourth rlaao
homo teams In the city. Fur games writs Paul
Herb, 10 South Fifth atreet.
North Penn Dasketbalt. Club has two fast
traveling teama and would like to hear from
all first claaa teams. Address J, N. llllr-r. SIO
North Third street, or phone Kensington 3T40 W.
The Pon Dnsco Catholic Club will have a
team on the floor thla aeaaon and la open to
book gamea with second claaa Uvea. For gamea
write It. D. Ancona, 1731 Maater at.
The Arlentes Club would like to arrange
gamea for November A at home with any fourth
or fifth claaa team. Write A. Naff, 1708 South
Sixth street.
West Pranch Y. M. C. A. will be represented
again thla season by a. fsst tram and would
Ilka to hear from good home teams for Satur
day night dates. Write Clarence a. Enos, 0213
Wsbeter street.
The Keen Kutter. Juniors are open to meat
third and fourth elaas home teama offering
Juarantee. For gamea write Harry Tlugfelder,
25 Arch atreet.
Teuton Star a traveling team, would like to
arrange games with third, fourth and fifth elaas
teams, Write William Moser. 1050 Deal street.
CivprnflTi's Piinnhps Ave Fp.vv-Wild and T,noceA
Steam, But Big Blonde Takes JNo Uhancet
and the Hoosier Wins
TTtOIl three consecutive weeks poor Mr.
a. (Irnndolddope has been lambasted good
and unexpectedly in the ring of tbo Olym
pla Athletic Association, the third puglllstlo
upset on as many Monday evenings occur
ring laat night, when Dig Dlondle Larry
Williams was on his feet at the final gong,
squared off with Jack Dillon, first Johnny
Kelson double-crossed tho consensus of
opinion by holding oft llenny Leonard:
then Al Shubert came through with a sur
prising shade victory over Kid Williams,
and Larry upset the latest dope by going
the distance with the reputed (llant Killer.
Yes, Dillon won, but he didn't win as
he pleased. J-arry showed sufficient class
to earn tho laurels for as many as two of
the half doten rounds. While the caveman
connected with some vicious punches U the
head, he missed more than he landed, and
those that did find lodgment wero all too
high to even slow up the tall South Phlla
delphla blonde.
Dillon wss nnxtous to leave our dear city
of llrotherly Lovo as soon as he could.
Reason? lie Is to meet Williams's tutor.
Rattling Levlnsky, In Boston tonight, nnd
if the Hoosier boxes as good rather poorly
as ho did last night, one Rattling Levln
sky no doubt will add another victory to
his credit over Mr. Dillon.
Evening Ledger Decision
of Ring Bouts Lest NlgM
. OLWiriA. A. A.Jk .THUn
JtrTjr yt lUHtma. i nil mom
liumx Murphy, Tfirr HTr-i
ifennr tiagiv-, iniro.
Ni:W ViKR Joe I.mch er-lad
tb'lrtlTVmuT" wHlte drew with Abe
wiisi met ceacan kneeaeel
elitbllal Sanntag knocked
sn. nun.
ALLKVTQVTN Andr Cartes waa fgM
Mickey Donley. Steve tale drew wfra May
Tried for Kayo
An alibi that Dillon didn't try Is out of
order. Ho did. H's Idea was to end the
match In the very first round. He let fly
a right-hand punch shortly after the open
ing gong that would have lifted Larry over
the ropes had It landed. Uut the punch
went wide by a foot.
For a big man Williams Jabs to perfec
tion. Ho continually tantalized Dillon with
straight punches to the nose, which ap
parently handicapped Dillon In starting
punches more than harming hlra. Several
right-hand uppercuts, though, did shako up
tho Indianapolis light heavy. However,
Dillon really never was In any ImiSidlate
danger of flopping into the rosin.
On tho other hand, Williams probably
would have taken a nlne-eeoond, or less,
rest, and maybe enjoyed nn unwonted short
nap had Dillon's Judgment In crossing right
hand punches boen better. Invariably Dil
lon missed altogether with Intended wallops
for the Jaw, and the several that connected
with Larry were on the cheekbone, ear or
side of the head.
At Close Quarters
In the clinches Dillon destrlbuted a series
of terrlflo body punches now and then, and
Williams was forced to hold on most, of
the time. A few times very fow Larry
punched with Dillon, using a right hand
uppercut, and Jack's head bobbed up and
Dillon fought hard: so did Williams, al
though the latter took no chances, but the
bout was a listless one and most of the
spectators departed unsatisfied. However,
from a Williams standpoint tho result really
was better than a victory, aa few In the
audience believed the Phlladelphlan would
laat the limit. Dillon didn't seem to punch
as hard and often as it was believed he
Before the contest Sam Marburger, Dil
lon's manager, confirmed tho report from
Bt. Paul that tho Hoosier and Mike Olbbons
were matched, November 10, In a ten
rounder at 163 pounds, weigh In stripped
at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of the contest.
Late yesterday 'afternoon a statement from
New York said that the fight was off.
Murphy Outpointed
Jimmy Murphy, the West Philadelphia
favorite, met another tartar, this time In
the person of Phil Bloom, whose sixth
round rally enabled the Qothamlte to leave
the ring a victor. At the bell ending the
fifth Murphy had finished strongly and
had slightly the better of the bout, but
Bloom's big advantage In the sixth 1
denco enough of his superiority,
WIIII Jones, the punch-proof put?
halts from Brooklyn, assimilated hi
lacing, with Jimmy McCabe being the
trlhutlng person. Mccaba worked
and with left Jaba and right-band
cuts he sent Jones's head baek aad .
cordingly, almost throughout the
Jones had no chance at any
McCabe won as he pleased.
Another New Yorker, Paul BdwartW,
aeavored to glvo an Imitation of
punching bag, but he didn't euceeed
as well as Jonea. Terry MeQovera
tnrough with another victory and alee a
sound trouncing to Edwards, walloptag'tka
visitor plentiful and good. Bdwareta. Mm
Jones, Is a real tough guy and be, as
boxers, would be wonderful advertise
ments for punching bags,
Joe Fisher knocked outllenny Uughea
the third with a body blow.
Jncktnrs Don Mittens
A quintet of bluejackets from Unole Saw
my's ships of battle hava been pfemiMt-at
shore leave long enough to give Ryan -A4 C,
patrons an Idea of how they scrap In tlmea
of peace. All five sailor boys hava a.
nounced themselves In great shape and ther
will endeavor to give as many Phlladel.
phla civilians a pointer or three le Mm
manly art.
The big bout on the program will bo be-
tween big boya, Fred Jordan opposing See
saw Kelly. Jordan Is the heavy-weight
sailor who waa taught the art of pugtiissa
by Adam Hyatt, the professor himself..
Young Morphew, U. 8. S. Kansas, as
Danny allien an cemt-flnallats, and yewrag
Mr. Olllen has an opponent of no little aWl-
ity. quartermaster Smith, U. S. & Mis
souri, vs. Charley Sollemo: Johnny Mtsr
phy. tho Brig., va. Frankle Coster, M
Charles Brooks. U. & S. Vermont, vs. Young
Tham Langford aro the other number.
Fighter ts. Boxer
a ray's Ferry'a clever boxer, frUnter
Hlnckle, and Smoky Hollow's rugged AstU
cufflan. Darby Caspar, are booked for the)
headllner at George Decker's Point Breea
arena tonight Usually when a boxer op
poses a fighter an Interesting Ht-to.
Another of the Hlnckle boxers, Waftr.
also a clever Slovenian, Is scheduled aa a
semlwlndup antagonist for Billy Has.
Like Caspar, Haaa depends on hard purism
Ing to win. The other numbers rrrnil stein
tha program wll bring together Ynatur
Mickey Gallagher and Young TfiiTisiNl.
Reddy Bell and Dick Savage and Tertr
Kelson and Johny Hogan.
$4 4 -80
5 Our 7 Sedate fev-.
Big Window mSmmwmattO, $tS mm f,
PF.TFR MOP AN X, m. gAjr
SMSSJ msse w m aV 1 aasfsf TAIlsVI
A Sensible Cigarette
, "uracU-e same between La Sal
Cs-arte,' ? W0t.-t a4ouM
r?tkN tmk Mum P(igst8sl
1 1a easasjajsj ass enrol (X?es-'ia-r aeisssw
WmlmtM!UaSJe.'J132!23!LtJ '
UBBAJIM jE -&mfr&1m I
rat tBSmKJfw BBfll-rJyfiyiBgft- iMklL
li-sga aainiiwir mmKxMitmmJ.mmiSm9mJJimm0KffWmMSmm'1
flsV JmWSmWr H-HsV ssHLgk aasMMI ,eefjspfcs
"&y-&&r" comdwrt
aHHtey tours. Beat
saaa-stf lgaUsf JlMaV-MP fPLB.
"(J,' -4PVn?sVT Isss-B s4aspSa
kka sygTstsshsTsBgrfalg-f mni
SrSSrP PsPlalaV,sr gafSaasWa( SsggSrsse)aBrvVa M
m fftl bAsBsi VflLg-T sflgaMsf '
Kit Car Phila. Agmm
,18-20 North Br4 ,
fsEwmm SC - MftT C
4s I
JLfX car
More men- areMnorW"
smoking SENaOSLY
ARE viIliyt-tMJ&a JSttlei m tt
carefully todmmaxulh0afctvtic
good ciptrc-tto-ia tnjiarlSnM-im.atBlc-Ml
The one rcaew yrhy ftaiMM-apoal
ttrWQglyto tW'Bucaj' tMBldagrgun Je tkat
they do not disturb. FatuMS are truly
cMfortabUwmmabloU tiiroat aj-well
a tongue. And they always kayo a inam
feeling fine and k erM--fcara leaf
-ttitlrinXffP'i '"t - '-itf r- A..i',