' AUTO ttrPPMM JTTOU WANT to eell your old rr or want any Vtrte lo repalr.call.wrUe or phone "' p ' A) aOto parthIco U ith at IVrk 114 '" " 'TtlKBt-RBAIIN08 JtTATT u rMarture8eryice flu. The OwtllUm c JB Arch su rht Walnut 34S7. nr 30i PARTS In build or repair any car Mill Auto Farta Co MS N nth Turk lit. mr ..... tit l tllLtfl -II !., ..., -, WBMKIL'T '" V' . -,--- mill fDMKVl, C tlree and tnbee and other aceeesnrlea ITb K. Auto Parte Co.. 818 N. lath .1. AUTO TIBE3 PULLMAN tirf.b UIUM , a " i'IWbu -V. $: NONBKID TIRES u Red Tubee, guaranteed RlDOLFH TlllRt 2V Arrh trio 1 7ft a CULIC9 TIRES Ouaranteed 8300 milt.. us.' Hiwlil prlcea i Hereulee Tire Co . all N Ilroid el. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STtPNTS Bni1 'or mr free book. FAliNiO "patenta bimI Trade-Merks' We will h,D J""1 envelop ur Invention. Ad. lee free. Reasonable liu, Open Monday eve FOSTER & WEBSTER " Jill CheetnutaL mil phone Walnut 138! CMtfiioiTflB proposition' iirifk house, sn i M; lot 160x280s at end nf village, on Von. fold fllirninwii ii-uhpbtiii. tiHriiTTin, Han lor. Delaware Water Oap, tooon no for quirk all. noom 1, Woolworth llulldlng, Ilethlehem, re , . RtlCKDl'SINESS PROPERTY on Northamp loe l 4 best hualneaa section of Easton. I'a i tot 40x220i M0.000 00 for quick sale. Room V WMlwntth Building. Ilethlehem. ta F &&UQ STORE Wood paying uaepnaliloni resort. h im.000 annual saiat exceTlent opportunity) f toed raaeona for ealllna:. D ISO. Ledger Office SaH. 24 yoare old. wanta Interest In estab lished manufacturing concern, haa 18000 and service, to Invest, B 018, Ledger Cantral lOtTICNTS Our four hooka sent f 'tybtaln rat.nl..". Victor J K H29A Cheatnut at., i-niia. free, 'Hoar to rana A Co , BUSINESS PEBSONAXS KTciiS flUlTH TO TllllB ItlMt "atria full drtM. Tuiado. I'rlnco Albort. black anl irajr nlawara (or mornlnc wcddlnta, alao allk bat. "jBAKtjjCCWPKnijniO Olranl ava. " "evening ciArTHKs to iiihb lalrt atjrjxa. Phona,roplar.rS3. Opn ara. tElDNKlV8.J.0thnd rl Irani aw.. 8. w. cor " DIAMONDS' IIOUOIIT Bank rfrrcn Arrralmnt. 1 rf cant. ItAnitT W niml, TIT "tnwm at. lurfcnri.UDUS IlAin rcmod br clactrolrala tha only parmanant way. Kyabrown arched MISS SMITH 402 Keith Thfatar Hulldln flKNTif CAST-OFP CITHINfJ UOiriillT. 119 N TH 8T rHOSBWALNUT 1888. CARPET CLEANING KnAI. CARPBT nBATINO: NO TtlMntXIta" IJ8ED. DOTEH CO.. 8809 N. 12th. Tloaa Mop DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY "roI.UMniA SCHOOL OP DW5S8MAKINO JlJlt Columbia ava I day and ovrnlna. txicln now. up-to-dara twentieth century ay.tem. FOR SALE 6I1.LIARD. POOU combination, aecond hand. keoiM. sold, rentad, rxchanirad, rapalrtns, auoplle Ifo Kaaftr. American manurac turtr 820 Olrard avo. Phone Kana. 231B tULLlARD. pool tablaat new. accondhard bowl Jitf alleya; eaay payment! Koaatto-Darry Itrnt Co., 522 fl. 8th at. rhona Wl. 228. lilLIARD . AND POCKET TAUI.KS Abi bawltna alleya. ra.y payment.. HIIUN9WIOK- gAm-COt.LUNDEK CO.. 1002 Arch CAall REGISTERS bouaht. oxrhanced. repaired, rtplated. auppllea, naw and factory rebuilt! niw total addtra aa low aa $80. Call and aea our naw mod.la. Ileilatara aotd by ua on at.r paymanta and fully auaranteed. tiik mat nmr, rimr fiirnlHTRrt pel. ! T80 CHESTNUT HTRKKT OIURai PKWS Walnut, red-pluah upbol. aterad. plain quartered oak. CHAIR KXCHAiSOB. 8. E. cor. 6th A Vina. Encyclopaedia Britannica Ftara Roebuck and Cambrldsa ITdltlona. eaay tern., at tha offtca of Encyclopaedia l)rt iannka Co. at No. 130 S. 16(6. cor. Walnut. FnlUdtlDbla. SAFES, fireproof, cloalnr out 80, allihtly uaai!, all aliea and makaa, bl bariatna. 21V N. Fourth at. (between rtaco and Vlnax mi t USEDOKKICE FURNITURE ETerythlnv Imaginable In thla llna and plenty ef It: beat a.aortment and beat valuea to rnll. ' fre auto delivery anywhere mIIUHEH. 11T1 AW U U ITHTJ WUO U II R0 U"P, OVERCOATS DtOOKST AHSORTJ1KNT IN TOWN WALTER'S PAWN HIIOP. 004 VINE "It DOORS. 44 In. by Id ft fl each. Central Hou.a Wrecking Co.. 80 N. Tth at. INSTRUCTION . CaDT. educated In Parla. wanta altuatlon In famtlyi to teach the French language, litera ture and diction, two young ladtee or children. E 848.' Ledger Central. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SAFETY" HPL1T COLLARS aiS VOCOM HANUERS and PILLOW I1LOCK8. with fln. Uhed ball and aocket bearlnc. aro tha beat for all abaftlnr purpoaea tiUArTINQ AND UACIIINE WORKS. 145 North Second JAM EH TOCOM A SON. POWER-PLANT KQUIPMEiT Dni.moa. motora. bollara. ateam and oil ea line, pumpa. air comprea.ora. riiAPii. iuu,MifiX, inc. iai ri ao aireei. DVNAMOS. motora and machinery bouaht, o,J and rented, armaturea repaired. Main 91. Market 8063 Tearalay Co . 224 N. 3d at. Exhaust vans biowr7 vent fn. No. s a It Wllbraham cupola btowera Amer pre.aura blowtr., gaa furnacea Nuttall. 1748 N athj 5a8 KNOINER give prompt',, "clean, efficient arnica Wa have all alaea 2V4 h p. up. OAS AND OIL ENOINK CO t 43 N Tth at. UOTOI18 SO h f. Wratlnthouae, 2fl h. p. Wagner, 3 pbaae. 00 cycle 220 volta, with Urtere Seyfert'a. 43T N 8d at ' THliEB U1CI.MAS carving 'machine., one if II p , Whlto Mlddleton caa enalna E. Matne, 809 8. Lawrence at,t Philadelphia. BARGAIN Oil atorago tank. H ft hy'SS ft 7 J0OO gallona capacity with heating coll, Lovegrove Co , 1624 Che.lnut . PIPK A VITTINriH all ! 1II II.A ?Il.l I ANfJ ( PIPE SUPPl.T. 1003 N. 7lh. Holh phonea. bieki. HIIArTINtt All aliea In atoclc CHARLES HONDi COMPANY. 5JO Achat. MANKTR8. of plain and autnmatlo machlnerrT Band for booklet. A. Nacka A Hon. 240 S Oth. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 185 CHICKEniNo'uPUiailT TIANO OCTOllKR DA BALK JIOWARDVINCENTtJlSS N TIt VICTOR HKC0RD3 NOW ON DBLLA1C U2 CHESTNUT BT OLD GOLD OLD OOI.D. ellver. platinum, plated ware, old atyla jewelry, taath blatea Louzht for caih. E.t. UTO, J, L. dark, refiner, 80T Han.om. ftf V nri t .l',a ... T ia ..it. .S vu. uu(,m.biii paiu lor oiu auiu. iiTrr. Intlque elorkat will call. Dell phone, Locuel 21. nOClBHS. 2T S. lTth at. STORAGE FIDEUTT FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES loll-isia MAH1CET UT, PENN nTORAOR AND VAN CO. 3188 MARKET ST. WEST. PHI LA. MONARCH 8TORAOO CO. AUTO Parking and Shipping SERVICE J8T0 LANCASTER AVE. .TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES h SEMINOTON8 fiONAnf-HH BM1T11 PREMIERS For rant. 18 mo.. IT.fiO three tnoa. Rental payment applita dn rurchaaa. Remington 1 Tpewrllet Co., Jnc, I 1I0H, th at. WANTED ANTIQUE FURrflTURB. (aUa teeth, feather pad., broken Jewelry, gold, .liver, diamond. tought,J83Walnutt yilnut T028. Eat 18884 amuKKM JBWBLKT. antlauta. filatola. coma coin bsaka. with price. I pay, mailed lflo. J. P. ftoaa (Peopi.'a Store). 20IIB llth Jftk4k!L. e buy niaa'a aulla, overcoat., full-dree. Tuiedv aulta. itc. Owlnr lo tha great d- MMtid for clfithoa at tha preeant time wa will -- ay yu yrr hlah prlcea far theae good.. Phone PoaUr W4J . B.AAMkleWrai "10 Olrarf ,". -iPX-0? CWmnNQ Will "poaltltely..pay - jiHf prieaa tor.golHieBnan-a OHacaioaa CH)in "' lull-4fM bf4 Tuxoow tuMi, laaMa' eveeloar kcwh. bata, ahaat, futa. at , . my eatlmataa Ufora othari. Will atk. c MSUff TtiTteS-iWlUt. MWr CLOTHES WAWD-W af vary Hrjwat prloaa for men'jt Juauner a4 whaler atraat fttta. ate. Oat r trnvf EVENING LEDGEK-PHILiU)ELPHIA, lAEONDAY, OCTOBER 2,3. 101G ROOMS FOR RENT cirr.-rr"'"'M ,nn -" r lnil.Nirran"nTr.A,.,.r,""1lr nlbH toome MK'I T fata ? "m hMI 'ectttclty ret JeoJi,tVn3iirFSIi;i I?! rneprt. hathi '"ti, aiSrn hli'."" L"n '" ml- room.. I ' "" TafTT1IIUf iir WmorrentTamSF'tSS AVK.-Ur front Preelon 4iP re rw,m, ,or tenllemen. 1'hona "?r2m? "ajagjy. ,!Lo,!.rg..un.futS. BOARDING ' SiT3S,"i-',-, S'iP 'fa'mllyveS? "nUhSJ1, JiM?r"2J0,'""''.f'hM or unfur. Ward T.t..,.5Jrurn 'a fl,r room, with 1H,nS,A"e"""r,TK'-rt,,to "' '" bathiah?"-PUTn,,"' "Of" J"le ittV. V, . ,;,, Phon Walnut Tlfl Seal t.e?li't" roni n,M of "eo erl labia r,ot;water heat Dla 40TI srni-RtiN n,wUh-Jbol.tiyR " ,W. 240-Room. to r.ntT wnn lo.rd convenient lo carat reasonable SANITARIUMS UnArUJ'rUAT,0'P,'"n"'l Li ,V M'5rrl !" romforn nureeai book 't Dr Randal Clly Una. Cheetnut Hill. APARTMENTS TUB MONTKV1STA l.. f1.D AND OXFORD 8T8 rt.lJV'i.','' " oftha moat aiclualva real. 221 ,i,iii!?c,l??"' 1 ,he tlli h,n " healthy and within 2.1 mtnulea of lty Hall via Mar. IkLk1 ... '' J. na ""th .1 rroe.town line, 7 Jrunl J'fect lo tha bulldlnr Suite, of tinTOmJ.hl,,h. "nd kitchenette, from HO lo Ron.1oVh,rirook:So8rm ,oc"'d '" U,ld,n 0'JEJit?lt?r,om Private bath.aecond. mir-A -. "'V''"" eipoeura. rurnimea, it ae Ired. newljr decorated Poplar 8IB4 ""ST" ?AnTilrNT!' to h,..T8u,,M.0' -l ""O ? room., i bath furnlihed or unfurnl.hed 1 N Itllh with private avery conv. OKRMANTOWN THE NEW ADDITION TO Pr.I.HAM X)URT IS OPEN PET.HAM COURT wa. not built lo make an appeal lo every one but to yuu who demand the beat and are acrumomed to recelte It at a price which, conalderln what you do de. mand and receive, I. moderate, II will make ,..?n.,. compelllna appral PKHIAM COURT la locale.! at Carpenler'a Station, Oermantown. lu.t off beautiful Lin rnln Drive, on the Penoevlvanla Railroad. SO or ao tralna a day, aurely tranaportatlon enough for any one. Sultra of 2 rooma and 1 bath to A room, and 2 bath, tha alia to suit your requlre mni." ,.'""" ere from ISO up PEI.HAM COURT I. a quiet, perfect APARTMENT HOTEL, and located In an ab ohitely Ideal and exclualva .uburban location. In a. word you may coma lo PEI.HAM COURT and find a perfect auburban location, with tranaportatlon unexcelled, an Ideally con atructed building, quiet dignified, elegant. You may .elect an apartment of the also to ault your Individual newla. you will find alt your hou.ekeeping problema aolved and taken. care of for you abaolutely without effort on your part you will find l table of tha utmoat excellence at a rnoet moderate price, and the aaroe courtesy aervlca and attention la uniform throughout tha entire eatabllah ment. For full Information, arrangementa for In apectlnn and reaervatlona call, phona or write to NORMAN S SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. SPRUCE SOU RACE 3023 Or to hi. rrpreaentatlvea on the premlaea at Pelham Court, Appolntmenta may bo made for automobile lo call at your realdence or buelnea. place and lake you directly to PELHAM COURT at jrour convenience and pleaaure. FURNISHED APARTMENTS NEW JERSEY SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY . APARTMENT To rent, furnlehed, high clan. 2d-atory apartment, newly furn , everything first claeat mu.t be aeen to be appreciated! H rooma and hath, hot-oater heat, gas and electricity: 8430 until May li location. In H. Rhode laland ave., apartment II, Apply on premlaea. . Mt prloea for men' Jusuner I. overcAata. II,.. wau. evejk ladlaa1 eret dnuM kad avtkt, ita. call or nhniv. Ibrkai Mil. "."... S.tlrrM4y or..ifarM..lil fuRKirujiK.:'il5sfvriu, mW bH4 Rfl BBBV.gaTalI H BgeMKMfT L IHFf-?1 . ..ii.iai fr 9n boum' Uuht tr mWJf ru9 i J. BTinrtln, ia- OtTiCe Furniture ftLRttftoi. Koufebolc Furniture calX H Wa ': ll !aISjCoJJ!ei.4yi4JCfillaHrt !' I A lAiM. 1IMI nalaalal aaBUaVBgrgt. aulltuu at. a ateoovs Toswurv mmi HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THERE AREf SEVERAL WAYS " OF SECURING AN APARTMENT But suppos. nitad of trytnr all tha dlf. frtnt way., you Juat call at thla fllca th Urinst, moat attractive and bMt aqulppcd In i'nuaaipnia. aeoira exciuaiveir o cui Juvt what they want for particular popI, Tell ua your reoulrempnta Thn Uadlnr and drajrabia apartment! In Ihltadlphta ar listed w.th or may b rented through ua. Our autorriobllea arn waltlrur to take you to tha list of properties you designate, and with the least poealbla effort you will a-cure the one apartment In Philadelphia which moat nearly approaches your exact Jdeal NORMAN'S. SHERWOOD ' 1411 WALNUT 8T, 8pruca SOU , Race 3023 TOIf CANNOT FIND A IIETTER APARTMENT N. E. COR. 1TTII AND WALNUT BTS. One block from ltlttenhouae Square The housekeeping aulle. are perfect In their plan, a larga bedroom., each having bay wln floHa, fine -largo llttng room, dining room, kitchen, mald'e room and 3 bathrooma aa welli Ideal winter and aunmer apartmenta, I alao aultea of 2 rooma and bath: free uae of aundry on top floor, lour Inspection cordially ntltcd. Phone. Walnut 8029, MERTON W. OREIMS N E cor Uruad and Cheatnut, aecond floor HOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS Alt parte of rllr, 3 rooma and bath to T room, and bath; I..3 lo 870 per month, call, phone'or wrlle. SAMUEL BTKHN, 1201, Cheatnut al APARTIEt4T IIUREAU 274 modern apartment buildings. Second pt a., cor, oreu iw twneatnm. riw (HjiiuriAUU CHESTNUT AND 2iD STREETS A few vacanclea Apply Janitor. SPRUCE ST., 2119 Excellent tferner house KlP.lhiPi I alao doctor'a office; modern. MEHT PIIILADELPUIA KINOSCOURT 88TH AND CHKHTFTT BTS. SEVKIIAL MODERN HOIfHKKEEPINa A"nBKiB,rnr.niit.i.ri.iniu VA SB- ARTMENTS F6ll HBNTlELF.Cf RlC ELK- ESSEX. 31th and Chestnut: Monterey, 43d and l nesier neimoni, aiin ana opring uaraen Inquire Janllor. or CAESSE. aOHJlale llldr APARTMENT HOTELS Street HOTEL COLONIAL Bprua.:.nth A BELECT FAMILT APAKTMENT HOTEL Conveniently located In lha center of tha city and within a few anuarsa of the principal theater and shopping district. One, twe or three rooma with private bath. Cuisine and aetnea of tha highest standard. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUESTB Win. 1 Kenney, Manager . " PARKSIDE APARTMENTS " Mlsa Mary O. alcQIads. manager. auoceaeor of Mrs. Cbarjea McuTade. Parkalda ava. at jOlh at. 1ECT1.T (Jl'iUB. Four direct line. U PIIIECTLY Four direct All outside rooms l'POBITU FAlHWOUNT PARK l) nmir oi cur. I furnished and unfurnished. Culaloa of pecullsr.excelleoce. TrTepoona staring itt. CHBtTTNUT AND NINETEENTH Aldine Hotel THE BEAT ROOMS AND BUITaW f WITH THB BBWT TAaL IN PHILA, DAT. WEEK, MONTH. BBABON, TKAB THE GLADSTONE J1TH AND PINE BTS. Absolutely Fireproof SEVKRAL VBRTDI FURNIg THE CLINTON 3A0 ROOMS. HV Furnished or Laae ar tram faau- roeiBS. wl " Weat ttfH . atllvBM. BUTB tu MmJsmammm , ""SUM?" BY OIWViejanjaiTHl uMUrfHSfceu. swair a Mlnflri iHea of u 1 ' H DHLUAH-MOflKlB Ua aye.. CtTBHUerBi M iH' ad street awanani luraasajM ar ba.ni i'K'rnieted iprlnutaj Jets r jejore) also nouasaAn4 aaar IRVING mTELTOtai: Vraartoan . pl, lJgtapLH 'W- . ' vjzsmmM Oiyajo MIMM Mi I N S4 -Altramltea aa laeaAM all ca ten fans m laf-M REAL ESTATE FOR SAL CITV --,. i jih.vat I llt'l'l.lll ir..i II!!! " "S fronts, 20x113 lth M,1 fronts, qukk sale I'SSTr ffonla. 40tl44 . . Appletree 2134-2-;e, VH70 ., FUXlb QtllNN. INC , STJIANII I '1IBHHT ,ISeS. lTlt irViome conva. Jt4 s 2uth, rooms modern t'i? alharlne 9 rooma. rcmvenleacea l;jl lie Inbr Idee Ifltns, 8 rooms il Iialnhrldae rooma . . . . FWihELI.. Ul fl 0TH BAFE INVESTMENTS Wa hava for aala aome .-,, uuiiinoueee tnai pay over to IIS 01X1 l mi Ta'wi oner IIM0 441X1 3 Ml lol .'I CXI year em lha application. M yh el Tfl per cent a mouni Invested! jpartloulere on PKMIIIIIITON KSTATIW 11 18 rlephone Woodlarhl 4T8T CENTRAL DWELLINGS from ta3oo up J A rATTKItSON 18U S ISIh st SMALL INVESTMENT PnoPERTY. front and rear al reels, adjoining corner rear 13th an,j Vine ats must Inrreaee tn value nut Now AND HOLD YOU CAN'T LOHK MORRIS A CO .llldga at llroad Iloth p hunts. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES ltuttdlnjr Aesoelallnn and Tnial Fnads. f ttriNK 00 Walnut sj HEAL r.BTATK FOR SAt.K OR .HUNT IIAHUKH. IIARTMAN A CO. 1201 Cheatnut. WARD'S 8th si homes, north of Hunting Park ave , are complete In every detail HKTZKL POV Agenia, on premises 10TH ST , N . 131 Ripe, for Improremsat no rash required K ",VI I-lger ( entraL lluljdlnt Its, raciarv Bl'tee, ate. (.HOICK. IltJlLDINU iJOtn and large tracts ground In, all parta cltyt alao over 200 mfg. eltee. Melvln. 1313.14 Ileal kal. Trust Illdt. RIXlTil FRONT PROPKRTIRS II. II. JrCOLMtl 1314 WAIJUT ST WRIT riIlfwDKI.PIUA NEWEST AND REST IDEAS IS HOUSES Near England central doorwaya Large porches on terrace lawna Well-luhte-l living rooms Colonial slalrwaa llreakfast rooma Italian x aniens Reautlful papering and decorating A great variety In price etyl and dealin A most attractive residential quarter Prlcea mode i ate and terma of aala adjustable lo ault the purchaser. . . PKMIIERTON ESTATES Ills S 81th at Phoney Woodland 4T8T Well Suited for Physician 409 1 (ultimo re are eemldetarhed. S sty lata rms elec imp heat' my hardwood floors A home of comfort Call write or phnt EUGENE L. TOWNSEND B E COR 49TH itALTIMORK AVE. I'hqne Woodland 3300 4G00 KINGSESSING AVE. For lea. than assessed value, a 3 atory propertj containing 11 rooma, corner '.' main streets garsga privilege Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. " SOUTH 40TH BT 1 4.S WALNUT ST Situated In one of West I hlladelphla'a beat residential blccka unexcelled outlook, full 4 tory electric lights, lut to rear atreet, greatly under coal TAYIX1R BON,S4 2B S JOIh st I HAV13 a dandy three-story properly on 52d at, that ought, to bring ImKMi, but I400O wll buy IL Call llelmnnt TI0 or Seo MATTHIAS about II. 40 N &2d at I HAVE A SIDE YARD HOUSE on B2J at., houses In same row sell for IMKmj lo 11500. thla house ran bo bouaht for400O Phone llelmnnt TlU, or e Matlhlaa about It, 40 N n2dat 319-321 N 33D ST. " " THE CHILTON An apartment house full at iVHnl."' APD " Harrla J. Chilton, owner, 83 locue' at. 0 to 11 a, m SEE THE NEW SAMPLP HOUSE 3333 Walton are ; 100 ft. lots ENIIURO llullder 3 SMALL HOUSES, near 60th , and Ilaltlmore 5."., I?.n.'r;t.f.,.1N,'h nx,m,nej make offer. T H MAUINN1SS A SON Sow Jlaltlmore av. REST, OFFER UUY8 404 N S2d all 3 atory A'J'.W.'i.' J,0.c,.li?n, eemldetachod. 11 rooms. MYERS A IIAItTH. llldga ave .and 10th HF.RMANTOW.N IF YOlTUnBLOOKINQ FOR A HOM11 ln"Oer mantown. Ml. Airy or Cheetnut Hill consult me. A.R.Meehan.0T4T Oermantown mv. CHOICE HOMESrTulnehocken st. east or tier mantown ave. J. It, CHADWICK A CO , bo2i Oermantown ave. OUR REAL ESTATE BULLETIN will ha sent o you by mall on application. Oermantown Truat Co .Cheltenand Oermantown avea, OUH NEW RENT and aala Hat of Oermantown and Cheatnut Hill propertlea aent on apptlca tlon. H. II. Llsjer A Son. 3013 Oermantown avj. ... .... . . - , ivi, , ... n. m i (wtis. Franklin Hank Hulldtn. Chestnut Hill SMtll.LKN A llARtlY walnut 2.1JI. BEVKItAL DEH1RAI1LK PROPERTIES aim.im.N r. itiunr cu. 3Iorrla Rulldlng. Tlog WE HAVE TIIR HOUSn TOW WANT" IN TIOOA OU LOO AN KENNEDY. A RAMIIO. 3740 OKRMANTOWN PKNNSYLVANIV HURURIIAN UROOKLINB Rrand-new del. dwellin.a 7r. and b . water heat, alertrlrtty, BOilSJi 13830, only i4SO rash required! will exchange. . ELMER WATTS, opp. Rrookllna Slatlon. DARUYNear ath and Main: H rooms: all conv garage, poultry house: lot S4HX140 to 10-ft. streetl3lKi0 8wope A Sons Darby. OLENS1DE HOMES and l.ull.llnx "eltee, every description UENNINGCll A ItENNINOER. Olenslde, Pa. LANHDOWNE. PA." IU300. Real value Well built hrlrk house, lot 131 ft front: sur rounded by hlghclasa properties, II rooms: hardwood finish, gaa and eleclrlo light, near train and trolley CHESTER OSRORNE. INC Officea, Lansdowne and 1324, Cheetnut at. "WILL SACRIFICE OS-acre country aeaK near Ambler, for quick aale. new Colonial manaton. 12 rooms. 8 hatha; dealgned by Savory, Sheett Bavery; remodeled Colonial farmhouee, with Revolutionary War associations: 2 tananl houses, large barns, poultry houses, garage, with living quartrre. etc : lawns shrubbery, shsde and great abundance of frulti a rare bargain; full rietalla on request! will enow by appointment. II J DAOF.lt, INC. Ambler, Pa. "SUIIURRAN TOWN COUNfRY "" " Send for caialorue. IIROWN A CIXIUD. Norrlstown Pa. "CITY AND SUIU'RIIAN REAL ESTATH " MEARS A IIROWN 202 S JSTH ST liUtiUltllAN HOMES, country pIsrea'and'bulTeTT leg altea to ault all requirements. II. C. HUNTER. Wayne, Pa suuurua'n HEAL ERTATB " Anv price All locations. Bala or rent. CHAULK8 J HOOD ft CO Morris Iildtr, SURUItllAN "RESIDENCES "for eat or "renti Sttractlva locations; prices rlaht. Maurloa i Hoover.Real Estate Trust Bldg. LAROE IJST OF'scnininAN 1IOMFS, sale or rent, on the Main Line of Reading It, It, WM If. WILSON A CO. Morrla Duildbi. MAIN IJNIi P. R. 11 WAYNE Attractive country home, finest ion dltlon; S rooms bath gaa eleclrlo llghia, open fireplace; fruit. J. M Fronefleld, Way no., I'a A LITTLE DIFFERENT Two new houses at Ilryn Mawr, beautifully planned and finished Hand for partlculara MAURAN DOLMAN A CO., N. Ecor llroad ajndCtwatnul JfF.WJKRSF.Y SIJT1UTIIIN FOR SALE" II Y OWNER Suburban home, pear Camdeni lfl-room modern houae. usual con veniences, hot water heat, ronaervaionr, 2 ereennouasa. Itarn anil a old, rare ahade, ahruba larn and garage, other bulldlnga; ana nowerei vegetable garden. Stt acres i owner going South) must, sell, unusual bargain 1133 REAL ESTATE TRUST RUILDINf IPPINCODT IXTS AND HOMES UADiMN HEinilTS, N J. WILLBT LIPPINCOTT NEW JFRSRY RFSHORR VKNTNOll 1400. building tola. BOxlOO ft I con. venlent to baacti and trolley sod W Stale s Trenton, N J PKNNSYLVANIV FARMS SIS ACRES One of'tbalxst dairy and general rma in in niaia oi a eonsyivaiuai pisnty or illdlnga. moat of them newt located In Duck. 8jA fAunlvt no hill..- no atonea. cl-ntir of rri T"'r . ---- "! t ------ -- -- water, price wu jnr qui car aaie oom I, 'UllUIUtl S og. Helhfshem, Pa, D. NEAQT. FARMS ;a i AiKiur, Woolworth U FOR a APPL pbt: '. PETERS A SON. 808 CHESTNUT ST. 11 ACHEbiTlVsmtieVto 3 Main Llna P R. It. tatlonei only 1200 j, H. Titu-au'riuri. west .neater. Pi. REAL ESTATE 3ALE OR RENT CITY AND 8UUURBAN properties for aala or raeit. ixiwer auripn neauy uopaB7, L Aula ijoii in. inmu m ipiue, a nd CITY JAMUg P. CNTRAL, PHOPEHT1 HTIE8 nd Banaoaa ala. PHNNW,VAN1A SUBIIHHAN BAI.A-CYNWYD Large Hat imu rent, at aU turkee. Aamuel C coea wraeai inw "ax., MAJN IJNB, P. B. MAIN L1NB Beat Una of TWala Line houaes, REAL -STATE TO rnXOKANQ- - -e KT -irsiMCM doea Is a. af l.'unooct with ttiaaS. vhlMM!1&v&x' JLL-..L-... II II IIWTTpWFlTll I I fl I I III WW xV-aalji ok axoxAxex t & w r REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL KSTATR bought, sold, rented, rents oat lected; mortgage loana for a term of yvara or a building aeaoclallon plan. AhTHUK IIOSWKtL, 233 N. Hth at. WILL HUT cheap rest estate, any aectlen, Philadelphia! Irnmedlste anewere. brnkera pro tected Chester D Roll r, 1120 Cheetnut. REAL ESTATE P0R RENT MTV T F.NEA1.1S 10 f, 1IT1I ST S3 S, 81,1 al rooms conv 5318 N 13th at, 10 rooms ronv til Rare at 10 rooms ronv . rrenion ave 7 rooma, all ronv. lain. 237 Mounlali 4 rooma 110 an .in 12 I WILL SACniriCB Rent or eell. 13 room semi detached, absolutely modern home 3 bathe hotwaler heal, owner living In It al present, this la a decided opportunttyi a blocks above Oermantown station. Reading R it. Apply 412 K. Walnut lane, Oermantown 8TORESAND DWEM.tNO.1 In all eeellon. al my. uea our iiei in ine leviger naturuay. SAMUEL T FOX A CO S li cor oth and Callowhlll -0!-20 N MAnVINE ST Three story II rooms, ronvenlenrea fine order rent reduced . Keya llll N 12lh st WM L. CRAVEN S SONS 164 N Tth st IBI1 N I "TH ST II room dwelllna 3 bathe aide entrance good order 1831 N lllh el It room dwelling newly papered and painted HORACE YARDI.KY 443 CTieslnut et tOSt LOCUST ST IS rooms and 8 bathe. Rental per annum ll&oo KDOAR C OROSS till Walnut at 1X1" SOUTH. 0 ROOMS CONVS JIM CATHARINE. 0 ROOM CONVS rA!lir.I.l. iiu s 30TII ST send for oin nr.NT i.ist THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO Rrpad and Chestnut als 2213 tAVM'AT ST, 12 rooms and 2 baths .e ni-niiijri FT IMPEL W LEVI ,r2 SAMUEL W t 12 rooma and 2 halhe IS Real Eatate Trust llldg 10TH BT, N 1S Cheap rent suitable for hoslneasE. A2. Idaer Central ftuslneea PreperlleaandvRtnree .. .MARKET ST. CS1 Entire building through lo Commerce al I suit retail or wholeeale business. Immediate poeee.elon, Aj-ply J-ENNA CO , SIT, Chestnut at. STORE-1809 ARCH 81 00 SQUARE FKETi FlNE I.1Q11T FRONT AND IU.AR store and cellar. mK.XKI. III.OO. OFFICES, Annual itrniaia Stnale Roome, lino. 18a IIIUl. 2V1 I4M1.I10 Hullea 2 Rma , 1144, IfiO.ftn I?01 ?! ill Suttee 3 Rma, 1213, 1400 1130 IV"1 I873.I7K Corner sullea 4 to h rooma 83n to 11(13 to a.s .. j t i v, o iseaiia win m lain siiioin pnones Farlorlee Warehonsee. Mfg, Floera Cohocksink Mills "'irAr Floora, 8000 to 18 000 en ft .cheap power. II P MrNKELT 1732 Randolph FLOOR SPACE IN "SoDKRN 1IU1LD1NO N, K corner llth and Washington ava i R. R. aiding! auboostoffhei superior light! Insurance rele 4c Phone Dickinson 1410,, THHKB STORY, 40tn lot good llaht. tsrms to ault J A MIDDLKTON Factory Specialist, Idener Iluli.llnx. Philadelphia , HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for aatlsfaciory tenant. DIirrnRlfll TS7 Walnut at OFFICES. lll'SINF.SSJROOMJI, ETC lirtr-'VCI. 1lf.no nKirrTe.el Anm 1 ltentala x,u ert,,,Tii IrUO ELI 1H D WILLIAMS SOU Dretel llulldlng 112 30 HEED IICII.DINO IIS 30 1211-17 Filbert at , , fentrally located, all conv rents atlrartjvelv 118 30 low eervlre continuous 122 00 WAIeNLT ST, 430- (Penn llulldlngV Irge offices, low rents for Ineurnnce broker, and agenia LEAESTATES. TOO Saneorn al 707 WAUN'Uf" ST Flrsf.floor" office containing 8 rooms, rented If! J month Wm. II W Quirk A llro Inc 8S 40th st Professional Offlcea 1BTH S 830 Large double parlor A adjoining rm on aecond floori prlv, hallway, ault phyel clan dentist atudloor apt prlv fam)ly PROFESSIONAL IIUII.DINO 1831.31 Chestnut st A few aultea for phrslclana or dentists, JTJACKSON CO rheslnut and 13th SPRUCE. 1337 omceei ateam heat, electricity, good aervtoe. morning and afternoon houre. must riiii-iiip.i.rinv ' SEND FOR A RENT LIST STATE PRICE OF HOUSE YOU DESIRE JOS. ALLEN POTTS JiVWe PENNSYLVANIA BUIIl'MIAN MOYLAN Altracllvaountry residence at Moy Ian Ilcae, Valley; ample ahade and lawn, about 6 acrea, noise atanda on high etera Hon commanding extensive vlewa. haa 18 rooms. 4 bathrooma hot-water heat, eleclrlo light. eti , chaffeura'a dwelling, with gara.a attached, rent, 11000 per annum. Wlilteslds . , A MrLanstjian Jnlh ami Pine ate MAINI.INK.P.R. R. ARDMORE 38 81 Paul's road 12 rooms l ISOi 3 bathai large lot. W II. SMITH. 0092 Draxel road. Overbrook. v.i MORTOAOES TO SECURE A MORTOAOE lie It flrat or aecond If you dealra efficient aervlca, quick an! aatlafaclory reaulta and moderate chargee CALL. PHONE OR WRITE TO UH "Your mortgage will be a. good as placed." NORMAN S SHERWOOD,. 1411 Walnut at. $100000 5 FLAT" SPECIAL TRUST FUND FOR OOOD F1RT MORTOAOES HORACE 11 FIHTA 713 WAIJ4UT ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES " Repayable In terms of years or on Installment plan. Northern Truat Company BIXTH AND BPRINO PARPEN NOTC OR MORTQAOi: Immediate settlements. Unsettled aetata loana, llulldlng aas'n funds, DKMPSEY A CO. 27 8 10th al ISO TO IIOUO MORTOAOES SECURED nUII.nr.HS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY UIIUMUAUOll A PARKER. INC "" 14J7 WAM.UT.HT. FUNDS for first snd second morlgaaes, J, 1 TURNER. 1801 Chestnut at MONEY FOR MOIITOAOEH LAHQB AND SMALL AMOUNTS QUICK ANSWER W. II. HOOD, B1SW. NORRI8 ST ?50 1100, 1200 TO 13000 TO IA1AN LEWIS A CO. I22TWairardave. HAVE YOU MONEY FOR M0RTOAQEST RJ). CLOW. JR. WdW?; 1100.000 TO INVEST In first morlgagea. In suma from 11000 up: alao building association money for second mortgages, O C. SEIDEL.A CO. 4lh and Callowhlll ala ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MOIITOAOEH Quick anawer, MAjynjCBJf MATHINUERRI Kal T llldg TRUST FHNDSNR4FARST.MORTaAaK I.ANP TITLBJIUILDINO ' -M-GnBy"fOR JjAND MOATOAaM T0OWALNUT BT. B1038J'IIUCE BT UUILDINO AS80CIAjrjON JND PRIVATE nOHCHT 1 NASH loot CIIE8TNUT BT ilONKY flflfftogn vV-NsTn".' Pn"lr- JVInooln .iluljdlngj I'bllsdelphla. funds vonA'T AlVDu2D UOnTOAaEB roTTS A THOMSONjfjjQ'ian.kford ave. FUNDS FOR18T AND2D MOnTOAQES ifollTOAOBB FOR SA1.H T1IEO K NICKLUH, 2313 Oermantown ave, iONBY"FOR "ilORTOAOBH " Building Association Funds HENRY 8 HEED. 142 Chestnut st ADVANlJ'.t' iv.,Miill'F'i?ZJ't c.i.iai.1 x iiaV.f.KTT A urinn JIIWANUT B T LOANS OhTlNTKHEST IN ESTATES Rtaaonabla Chargee JOHN A. 1IA!IHY,6M Land Title Bldg Tl'KIlCENT lfUNDS FOR MORTOAOES llulldlng aeaoclallon money for econde 1IIBBKHD li, WpltHELLA CO .JOJLN .TUl 18T and 2d mlgs.t bldg. and private fundsiq'ufck and agtlafaclory. results, moderate charges, Sarqn ESTATE, 2811 Kensington ave FIRST and .econd mortgagee wanted city or auburl n C'll iureii OSRORNE. 1821 Chestnut al. FUNDS for 1st, Sd or split morlg'agt.riollal- eraj ana .", - ;-,. , ... AVBKrir.lll I. I , ',. , i ,n MOWKT for flrat and aecond mortgages, private "Kit "., k.ilUln. -lellrtn- .1N jJlhii WOrlgaBesj bring OsTOY for flrat and aecond n fiia and bullAIng assnrlatl EADY FUNDB'for good flrat ua vour ansillratinns nUfLJ-JffiOWN Jk CO. 21T B, Broad at. SONKY for first and eound mortgagra, building eaaociaiion iei ,im. Wlncbeatar Coatuany eaaoclatlon and Installment mortgagis. Willis- Wlncbeatar eoaae-ny i"u uneomut att FUNDS for flrat ana secoftfl . jnorlsares, any icoad nortcares, am OKAI. w mii.i.kh. immonwealth liianetang. ALlT" AMOUNTS to loan i on 1M, and. 2d ratHaa.' (Dbaa. Z. Da Young. 400 W. 14f Trust lie, amounts quick answer. 4l) -4UT iMn MONEY TO LOAN JTrWgetJ :, Uto, f,el 7e ltaVIvS. AND QXfOMD BT. s$Jmm tM 0iA0ON.gi?, MmSS W ,rvwr,wrmr rRWB-rfali ' RR7Ji "l" " l lTrv''' Jaai r e.nJl 3CRAPPLEM1 The Young l.ailr Acrrm the Wsy TIIK PADDED CELL , , lll ( e hffi'' ' .M The joune. lady ncroiw the p.tya NV1" I FRn0 'J f i he certainly lintei to noa PccllonnllKiii et . I U. "fj f ' tnatle n cnmimlgn laaiie. nrul If tlio . I V J cXO J ; t 7, omen re only patient the'll t ths -2 S i oto In kooiI time. f l & - , lma- ' I fJ llrcakaKc ) V A I X MVIml wan that terrible racket oer ( . j nt jour hoiiao thin mofnlnir. Mrs. V ) n p mltlir- y vA---" ' "Notlilnir out of the ortlliu'y The -tT tT""T5 , ' v J malil broke gome of our lel chlnn, . VeTj r ti , snj my huabttml liroko one of the Com . iiintntmenta." N. v , I Evidence I ' f J "You any that car of jotira enn ninhe 'K.tao t "A forty inllei nn hour. Are ou aure of j- ' , A triAtr' y" -- - . . - " ' i "I hne the word of three tradlc S v y y i . 1 copi for It." V yf Y Y li I THE HUNK OF A BUSY DRAIN I f ME'& snr,ti' RIC, " I rGooDNlCrHT! I $ NU SAW NIM MAklG I BACKOP pAE - ' 1ANO I OXNB HlrAT-OR 1 TpotHiAB. , ,, ggj5TN!i5ARD HnA v-y.y ? &t0THE&) j T1BiT--Pi ' ,WCTi ' i I CAN MGUMleA UDOKIN'A, j I ' j HOVE rUCNT thROU-H TH6 VUt. HAV6 YO A,f SorAtTHINCf - . r I RAt-Wi Of rAl NC-tX- HE'i Hl'LLYQUCH rAB SUMV . . . "Tv s- . &IXIN- Mr?UPAU.R1C,HT I THINK HEt, REACH IN ' IM Hit l t, ,,Xv X ' J -BE. I BEY ME THINK- POlKttr NOAJ POrX fAN BlUU. . . U ' V!aV dr "" 1 iiwoS !::ri!B' i Sf r - t j eWBaaape eaaaaataam II la aaee taaya-gge ULele7Q( I ff 9 (T sSaWi it " 1 iw aL e-$ eV aeeeeeeeeeeee. 1 "- " . ,J ) Considerate TE pL0WMAN TURNS SAILOR " "A big-, strotifr man like you ought to bo nnlinnicil to ben. Why tlon't '.' "'J you work for a Ilvlnu?" vi.'i ' -f- rSSSj"-- 'i "It's this way, lady. I don't feci as S".e4S . S"- ' "J "fojrJVV iifi' -J! Passing Bhow. 41 3 mN ($ 'W2c3tV' Naul Instructor How fur do you think It la to shortT tl M (' ' y-vUp5 llooklo Oil, about I'd any about !le cre. " Tl-3J7- e-try, ' " aff- -gltf- .!e JJV ilia eM He of the Ilurneil Tongue What fooli these morula bl That's Different "Hae you laid by anything for a rainy day?" "Not me. I'm navlns up for the aumlilny days." "What do you mean?'1 "I'm In the umbrella business, and rainy weather means prosperity to iiie.'' AITERTIIEHATTI.E FCLL5R. jo5tthinkXJtTJSf I wMT OF HIM (JOIN TO yfe A fMh All that TROublc a j&w WMm 1 1 an 111 1 is,J7ii 1 , , ,,, ... . vt Uncomfortable Attitude . ' A, ''Married men should stand up for H their rights," asierted Mr. TwobWe, A "I don't like to do that, so far as L Mn. Dubwalto la concerned," said , Mr. Dubwalte, "Why not?" Ci leoi 100 much like one of thoat e human targets carnival visitors throw J1 baseball at," , a 1 i-r , LOOKINd FOfcKiG- T IN THEwCROrV&NEirM ' - ' . x -. . ' t ' Ar SBKAJ I ClIeePHTN , ' Jv Tm wiejeivnjetJ i--r li R?ar ' fS f iefjeV aft ' '" iJ fligijS steer u I y XaRV ULsTrai leBeBieM! ie,Mra V il eaBAsee e-eM -ee ,, e. y M SH sleeiaeeeen,.a.raf UV f MB ' l! ISMeaa 7 "" SM - 3 ItVBBe, JM 4M .. 11 1 -- axi ijjsBWtMB J 1 . , -Si& Aa .-- .; - nal