PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts MMt taiWi, with stronger western advleee baaej on unfavorable frtporta lb market ruled Arm and e ,T Quotations .yar tots. In aslant elevator , S red, spot. II TO 6 1 T No 2 MHithtrn J red, V,Wi",i?r "11 " osi w rejected B, II MOl.DI. "eoRN-herelote nil bushel. There waa an advasr of S If 10 In thla market, due o llihl rrretpts and a fairly demand. Quota Ummi Cr lol for lyroj irode aetn location Western .No. S, It I0l IS. vtettern eteemer fll,. II PSOI.W. ylrn No l JIM 1.01. Tcee"T No Tfllow, II 0301.01 OATs Rece)rte, S3. 133 Inieh There waa an advance ot l4e In Ibis market due to llht receipts and a fair demand Quotations. No lTZtn: atUMHc. atanderd white MS 4iTc JCeT 3 mt. f?a.. No. I whit. n4Mc. sample oats. MUSIC nOVn necelple. 453 bhla. and MM Mo lb in sacks. Ther waa llillo trsdlns. hut Ida mar. lit raled very firm In sympathy with ib strenrth of wheat, rnllowln ara the quotatleoa. Lr ls Iba. In wood- Winter clear ITCTJu fc. straight IT.MOT.PO. do. patent ! mi Kan"', fleer, rolton aarkt la 1003 33. do atraliht cotton i ;;rt;. 13.3003 n do palest, wtton eaeke. I300.13. spring nrat clear 13 3 50, do. patent, I0BB 30, do favnrlte hrattde f.0fr.0 rlty mills, choice and fancy patent! it 1000, do, regular irradea. winter, rlear. JJOTSS. do, do, atralcM. U 3O0T PO. da. do. patent. 30g PO. BTB flfll'B ruled firm and hither under ami II supplies, hut tradn waa quiet V quote at I7OT.30 per bbl . aa lo quality PROVISIONS i JyVl .""" fl.rm Un '' looblng imand. Following are the nuotatlona y beef, n aata. amoked and alr-drled. sect weatern beef, a aeti amoked Unci city and weatern beat suckles and tendere amoked and alr-drled' Te.Vtf hama. I3S03H- rank, family, 1:99 M SOI hama. 8. P. cured, loose 13t dine, do ktnned. looaa, SIOXIWc, do, do. amoked ss 3Hci other hama amoked. city cured, aa to brand and average. 304 r. hama. amoked weat rn cured. 4c do. boiled, bnneleaa .lie. ple at,. ahouMera. H. P. cured lwt I4tx. ..- amoked. 144. c bellies. In Pickle, ari-ardln- lo TTPr. El i fined, tlerrea. I7o; do. do. do, tuba. 1 verage. loose. l!St, breakfaat bacon aa to rand and average, rltr cured, !2'ic. breakfaat iron, weatern cured. 52Hci lard, we'tern ret nad. tlerrea. 17o: do. da. it, mhi i? i.i are city, kettle rendered. In tierces. ITc: lard ura clly. kettla rendered. In tuba, iVe. REFINED SUGARS The market waa quiet, but firm. rteHnere' Hit ?rrea cilrn flno iiranuuted. T Mkr. powdered ne ronfectlonera' A. 7.40c. end urailri. j CTS5c DAIRY TRODUCTS Fancy alock old fairly nnd waa well cleaned un at lop rrh-ea. while the under trade aold fairly at Inaldo fiaurea Kotlowlns aro the quotation!. Weatern aolld-narked cream ery fancy apecjala. Sac. extra 3H37r. extra Jj.ta. 830',ci nrata. Slttim aeennda. 2sVSin,VbrT pr'.ni 'ancy. 3c. eeracs extra, 3TC33c flrala. Sc, aerande 3UT3Ao. amcla fancy kranda of prlnla Jobblnc at 4204.V ,. i'l8-T!,.r .WJ" fT1. ""'t for the , limited receipts of fine new-laid evte and valuea were ell auatalned Quolatlona. In freo raaea, 5fir.bir 'a. 8o per don. nearby flrata. 110 80 per atandard caaot nearby current re celnta, U0.3O per raae: weatern extra. 3Rf rr doieni extra Urate. 110 10 per cae. frata 10.10 per caay; refrl.erator evaa. extra. ID 45 rcI,...i'tflIu 0-,rer caao, aeronda. !,i,.?"'S5 ! cl candled csa jobblna at 4J044C per dnien. CHEtSL -Orferlnra were moderate and the iiarket ruled ateade wllh fair Inquiry. Follow nc ar,.l'JlurI",1,!!! ,N,,! ,York. full cream, ancy, Sl'i do, do fr lo food. 20W 9 lc. do. part aklme, llOlvc. T0ULTRY LIVE The market ruled ateady under mod erate offarlnta. but trade waa quiet Kollowlna are the quotntlona: Kowla. aa to quality, itt le rooatera. MWISo; ;nrln chlrkena. arronl ni to qua! y. ITOJOc! Vhlto lrfihorne. arconl. lnr to quality 10013c, durka. tn .lie ,n.l juallty. lseisc. geeae. 10lr. turkeya. 220 4e. plgeana old, per par, -ao8c( do. younr. DRESSDD-Th'era waa fr demand for dealrable atoek and the market rnled Brm under llaht offerlnga. Uuotatlona fob towi Freeh-killed, dry-parked fola. 12 to box. W5 Iba npleco, 24c; do. welihlns 4 b7 apiece. 23Hc, do. welchlmr 34 Iba, .niece 2lr4o. do. weighing 3 Iba. apiece. sO02-.'ei fowla VWi" 'ca-Packed, fancy, drv-plrked, welghlni 403 Iba. and oer apiece, 234r. do atnaller ati.a 13023c, old rooatera: Jry-plcked "7 routing ohlckena. Weatern. weighing 8 lha. and erer per pair. 2I02.V; do. 007 Iba. per pair 23 :8c, broiling chlckena. weatern, welghlne 3 5; Iba. per pair. .24 033c chlckena. weighing ?. ,b": Zr ""': 3Slo. do. mlxe.l Ke. U02-C. brollera, Jeraey, fanry. 300320: do ethar nearby welghlne 364 lha. per pair, 2SM lOc. do. do. araaller afsea. 20027c. ducka. near. P' ".p.rirfi ?2e! equal, white, weigh- IT U?A " rf is 7800 do do. do, 9010 Iba. per doi, H.SSffS.SO. do. do. do 3 Iba. per dor, 14 04.3.-.. do. d.o. do. 7 Iba. per 0I. IS.3O0S.T3; do, do. do. 0bU lb. Ser No.,!6"il",5.,"IC 2-60s"i " nd a FRESH FRUITS Apple, and Erapea were firmer, but other Tarfetle. ahownt little change. Quotation.- KSiVr?rlnVi" ;W'n. 404,3O: Slnokehou." Ji?i2!o. 3'ander, 12.3003 23: Wealthy I3.SO03.25; Twenty-ounco, I2.2.10S 23. York Imperial, 12 SUM 3.2.1: Ben D.vl., l8.aV02.T3s fair to good. l.f,ll2,B0. Appfea. Delaware and Maryland, per hamper Fancy. M0T3t rl,r 1. - JO,Qulncea. .Vow York, per bbl. No. 1. 1403; No. 2, 1203.30 Qulncea, New York, per buah , 11800173 Umon., per box. I3.B0O4 30. Orapefrult. Cod,"1JS;ePVl,i'rr",A,B,J W5 CranberrleiT Caw f.5Ti' 5bl" pOtltO, do., do, per crate. I &? 6oa Jr..,l'. '5,rk Mr, crate. I2w 3 40; do., do., light, per crale, II B0M2. Peachea. New York, per baaket. 80000c. do do., per boih.-ba.ket. I1.25CI 7.1. iv.ra New nhli1!innp,, i?:J,rl!Sn"r?r-1,sk"" il."03 2V Sheldon. I1.2JOI .30. gartlett. No. 1. 11.230 f do.. No. 2. BO". Peara, New York Hart, rett. per bbl 1304.80 Or.f?, New York. VeV liuV brVr.t?0n?0,'',V,,e' "ci Niagara, 'ISO 14Vic Urapea. New York, per 20-lb. ba.ket Concord, Bt5aoo; Niagara. B30BOc. Plum., fe?,1 Wjt "5, baaket Dameon. 20025c; Prune, 23033c; Green Uace, 30040c. VVm'":' VEGETABLES anlhf eUP-'K.1 rul?d IP" ,"wr. light offerlnga RPhk Jf.)."7nd ",".l.prlce" of rwta4oe were higher. Quotatlonai Whlto potatoea. per buah. Pennaylvenla. choice, 11.4001 3U. New York fL"'.- J.3j5-. White 'potatoe., 'jfraw, per baaket, 83003c. . Sweet pol.toe.. Ki.tern Shora. per bbl. No. 1, 1 7302. No. s. itV ier h.lr1 ,2nJl?; Hlwra and Maryland. Hi Pmfr. dO07Bc. Hweet potatoea. Jeraey per baaket No. 1, O07(x- No. 2. 2SO33S FRENCH AIRMN SHELL FURNACES NEAR METZ Drop Four Tons of Explosives on German, Works and Station PAius, Oct :i. French airmen have bombarded blast furnaces and the railway station north of the great Oennan fortress of Metx. It ss officially announced today by the War Office. Four tons of explosives were dropped. A German air raid was also announced, German machines flew over the French city of Lunevllle, throwlne down projectiles upon the city, but there were no victims. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON', Oct. it. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer sey: Fair tonight and Tuesday; little chance In temperature 1 moderate northeast winds, , Fair and cool weather has prevailed dur Inr the Ust twenty-four hours except for light rains In a part of the Upper I-ake tteslon and in the Northern Dalns Htatts. A further decreaso In temperature occurred In the Atlanjlo Htates from Pennsylvania northward, and frosts were general. A alight reaction to warmer Is reported from the Upper Lake, Region, tha Central Valleys nd the cotton belt, but not sufficient to restore normal conditions. The deficiency In the eastern half of the country ranged from z to JO degrees this morp'ng. ' aL- Olrtcrvation at Philadelphia 8 A. M, . .S0.4 roaneier MMt- ItUtl .. .... ..... " wp. .. -fc T .. .J. 1 , t !... ..tats aoriOCBVle At inura IS lJtil",f-s Mm lemperatura ...... wa lamwraiura .....Clear ..... 111 Lampa to Be Lighted Astes aad aeber ticitlelee ..,...,,..,. 3:40 p.i The TMtM . PORT RICHkWeeB watar .,, ,,., ,,.,,,. ,.,.,.lltl3 a, wa Wl1 CHaMTNUT HTRtsBT WMARf., . ' f 7 wkiUr watUr wtr tfM -'iTsr ' mat!. :!,;;!:?.:::":: ::: MiS L n kWttAJsVATIsJt M-.. &9 :..::.:. .::.:::.:.:::::;tll aW-AMI EVENING LfiDOER-PHIIVDELPKLV, MONDAX. OCTOBER n23, 1918 L'AUSTRIA HA PEKDUTO 4,400,000 UOMINI NELLA GUERRAFINOADAPRILE I Rusao - Rumcni Costrcttl n Ri- Picgnro Nclln Dobrudjn Con- trolTcnsiva Tcclcscn Fnllita Sulln Fronte Delia Somma I.A BATTAGLIA IN GALIZIA . ItOMA SJ Ottebre i.,iJ- rr,?re ,le" "" " MHano pubMltM in J'fesMintl e norprendenll Informaxlonl !!!T ,e al Mlnl"' delta lluerra n llonm wrca le pertllte sublte dall-Au.trU nelln guerra, 1914. e la s luatlono nella duplloe monnrehla wr quanlo rlKtiar riL. 'mmInl dlp."Utone delle auterltn' in litarl tM aituoilon f critlca. Sine nna fine dl aprll ultimo vcorm I'Anstrl.i nvna chlamato nlle ml 7.400,090 uomlnl ?''''"'' fOlot.nln numero 1101181110 1.000. 0(H). dl cut 300.000 aneora aotto latrutlene. w ha dlaponlblll ora. Durante la guerra entire "foniiMlonl dl tnarcla," ctn.cim.i dl circa ZtS.noo uomlnl. con un totale dl 3.000.000 clroo. dl truppe dl rlaena. sono state usatc per rlcmplre I Miotl die nndavana nvan mano forntandol nelle unlt.f rumlKtttentl. llrc SM.00O ill qucstl uomlnl nono rltorttatl millc llnee til Imttaglla dnHi un periodo dl convnlescenxa. coal" rhe I'cnornie dlfferrnta ill 4,100,000 rniiprescnla lo irtllte pcrmattcittl subltc lnll'escrclto In niortl, fcrltl che non powmno rltonnre a comtultcrc, prlgloiilerl c illepcrsl. 1 Klalo Mnggiorc nuatrlaco ha gla" In corimrato nellcnorclUi romlmttente tuttl Kll tminlnl capacl dl portare 1e nrml tra I 13 ed I SO annl dl eta-, cd ha niobllltato nnche per ervlill aualllarll tuttl sell uomlnl tra I SI mI I SS nnnl dl eta foal1 okbI la Cllipllce mnnnrrhla nun' cnlluntn li.are iwir rl empire I vuotl. quello che puo" ragRranel- ic 1 i-uioro cne sono gw stall plu" olte rlfonimtl alle ,u0 mcdlrho o che Bono ernmente pochl, dopo til che doTa' rlir rere nl Klovanl ill 17 annl ml al xcechl dl oltro SI nnnl. I nUMBNI IX IlITUt-VTA Aneora una olta I rumenl nono roatrrttl n rlplegaro davantl alia prcsslone del blocco teirtonlco. Mentrc In Transltvanla loffen sla dl von Knlkcnhajn acmtini ilcflnltlvn- inento arroHUU. nclln Uobrugla II mnrccl- Ullo on Mackensen ha nttni-rntn nil tnttn la llnca con le sue forze hulgiire. turche n iciicxcne rj nopo una Molenta battaglla ha costrcttto I riiMo-rumenl a rlplegare sul cctrtro e sull'ala sinistra. Von Mackensen hu occuputo un punto aul liar Xero a circa 14 mlglla da Costanxa, cd un'altro punto a dlclnssette mlglU dalla borgata danublaiu dl Itashno. Kgll Intends rvldrntemcnte mlnacclnre la fcrnla Co.tanza-Uucarcst. Anche nelta llallxlu la lotta non e' per II momento faorenle gll nllratl, I rusel hannu dovuto cedere terreno nolle vlclnanxe dl Ilatlcz dopo sel glornl dl battnglla, ma nl aapetta che II generate llrusiloff rcatltulra presto II colK o not ttcttors dl llallcx set tore dl llallcx od altroe. In Krancla Invece I tcdcschl hanno ten- tato dl attne-care le llnee allrate, ma sono etatl ricucclatl Indletro tn gravl perdlte, non solo, ma hanno nnche douto cedere terreno alle truppo Inglest che attaccavano In un breve settoro dl tro mlglla aulla Somme. Xessuna comunlcato udlclalo e' stato trasmessn circa le operaxlonl dl lerl aulla fronte Itallana. II STUnQKlI ASa,SSlXATO dr. Krledrlch Adler, un giornallsta radlco-soclallsta dl Vienna, cho sabato scorso aBsasslno' II presldente del Conslgllo auatrlaco, conte Sturgkh, In un nlbergo tiove questl si era recato o. pranaare con II fra- tello del defuntn mlnlstro von Aenrentnai, ha dlchlarato alle autorlta' dl pollsla che eel! ha commeaso 1'nssasslnlo perche' II presldente del Conslgllo si era rlflutato dl convocare II l'jrlamento e perche' era un rcaxlonarlo, II pegglore ncmlco del partlto prcgresslsta e IIBerale In Austria. Ml dice che a Vienna, In scgulto nll'ns sasslnlo, slnno scopplatl gravl dlsordlnl, ma UUCbio non o aneora conicrmato. SOLDIERS GUARD VIENNA STREETS; MANY JAILED Continued from Page One to gUe no more details until I am arraigned for trial." PAHIS. Oct. 23 The Austrian Cabinet has decided to resign tomorrow, according to a dispatch from Heme. A new Cabinet, it Is expected, will be formed Immediately after the resignation of the present (Sovernment. whose reported decision lo resign is the result of the as sassination Saturday of Tremlcr Count Sturgkh. nnrtl.IX, Oct. SI. Vienna authorities took prompt action to prevent demonstra tions following the assassination of Count Carl Sturgkh, the Austrian Premier. The usual Sunday meetings were pro hibited. Crowds gathered In tho streets. Indignant oxer the shooting, but there were no disturbances. Dr. Krledrlch Adler. the Premier's assassin, who displayed great coolness when first arrested. Collapsed when ho learned of the authorities' action, lie 'told his Jailers that he believed the Vienna crowds would be fired to great demonstra tions by his act and .expected other radical Socialists to head disturbances. Telephonic communication between Iler lln and Vienna. Interrupted shortly after tho shooting, was restored a few hours later A post-mortem examination confirmed reports that all three bullets found lodgment In the Prime Minister's head. Vienna d s iwtches today said that Daron Deck, former Premier, Is the probable choice aa successor of the slain Prime Minister. Prince Hohen lohe. Minister of the Interior and tho oldest member of the Cabinet, Is temporarily filling the vacancy. CELEBRATES 70TH JIIITIIDAV Joseph B. Scattergood Has Been a Resident of Tiojra- for Year. Many Friends Gather, at His Jlome Joseph H. Scattergood celebrated his seventieth birthday anniversary yesterday, at IHs home, 3S1T North Sixteenth street Mr. Scattergood has resided In Tioga during the past thirty-five years, and has "been a member of tho Tioga Presbyterian Church during the entire period. At the family1 din ner there wete present Mary J. Scattergood ; ltev. and Mm. V U Scattergood, of George town. Ohio, Mr and Mrs. (leorge A. Scatter good and son, of Jersey City, N. J. ; Mr and Mrs, It. W. Sweet and son, of Ulenslde, Pa. , Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Scattergood. Miss Julia II. Scattergood, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tail Oughton, Oak Lane. j Mr Scattergood has been In the account ing department of the Philadelphia and Reading Hallway for over forty-three years and retires 011 the pensloti lint 011 JNotemhrr 1 Ile Is one of the charter members of ICenclciton I-oUgc. No. 2, I. O. O. "-. and also one ofthe principal organisers of the Veteran Employe Association of the Phil adelphia and Heading Ituilwa), which now numbers over 1509 members who have been In tie service over tyenty-pire yearn. 1 in s 11 1 ''sua as m Hlktofl MaVriage Uwwaa liLKTpN, Md Oct. SI. Ceutelea pro curing marriage Ik teaUy were John KHie and Mary Hirf Philadelphia ; Haur'ce C Mower and Cfcriettn Harvey, Camden, N. J.', James A. Imsw and Sarah smith, BaKlmorel J-e M. lMes. ptll. delphla. and I.cona V Toaatt, HonHM. K. J. ; William H. Brown, Coatasvtlto, and Anna K, Shaffer. Lancaster, Pa,; IfVawealyp alhenk and Heasle KeeM, I aaaatar t Oswrge M. 1.1M, Mill imUn. Mat, aae) t-Utkatt F Pratt. Clayton. !. I Joessph U. Jokraaaa and HMaabeth Adams: PUaauBtvllte, N J 1 kWm. inou ana Mtoue loaaa. waajliia. uk Hoa wi. awytatsi HsU ftpiiT- t BULGARS TAKE RUMANIAN SEAPORT "l7" Wk i 's (HUNGARY) (USSfA) TRRNSYLVtNUI Jt -C St-- ftllMMI(SrDT ". Mil 1 $f -40QvJwrg; 1 ,Ctt 2 tM. ..i,.4,'-.4f: it r- v r m a C I AT $ ' ' o - o B V I G R R 1 A s J f The low of Constanza will ctrcctunlly prevent Rumnnlnna from Kttinu .Kuaslnn reinforcements nnd the brcakinij of the Rumanian line from Constnnzn to Cernnvoda will removo the dnnKer of n land invasion of Hulgnrin. Mcnntimc, severe llchtiiiK is in proRrcM on Humanla's northern border, especially near Rothonthurm Pass. TEUTON ARMY TAKES POilT OF CONSTANZA IN BIG DRIVE Ontlnnetl from Page One began their campaign to cruah Uumanla an appeal for help has come from Ilucha rest The retrograd'eorrcspondent of the Dally Neus. reluming from the Rumanian capital, tclrgrnphrit that he was asked by a high ItUMlan personage to emphasise the Vrriousnem of the altuatlnn. King Kenllnanil himself sent a similar Plea following tho Rumanian defeat In Trnimlanln Petmgrad dispatches today mealed for the first lime the reasons for the severe defeat suffered by the Humanlans In Do brudju. Premier Hratlano believed when Ilumanla entered the war that llulgnrla either would sue for w-ace or would not light against Ilumanla or Itusaln. Only weak forccn. were left to guard tho Ilul Knrlan border while the main Kumanlnn army ixiurcil Into Tritnsyhardn. TEUTONS OPEN Ol'FENSIVE IN (.AliK'IA; ATTACKS KAIL, KUSSIilN WAR OFFICE SAYS PKTHOtlllAD, Oct. S3 Austro-Oerman forces opened n new offensha movement on tho northeastern frontier of (lallclu on Sunday. The War Olllce nnnnunced today that the attacks were delivered north of llrody, but that all fulled, l.OXDO.V. Oct SI. The sixth day of continuous fighting in the llallcx sector ot the tlallrian front aw the Russians give way a little before the fttrlnun onslaughts of the enemy. Herman Infantry, accord ing to the Ilerlln War Office, drove a wedge between the villages ot Svlstelnlkl and Skomorochy. on tho Xnrayuvka River line, and awept the Cxnr's tnwps from most of the territory they had held on tho west bank ot that stream. l'ctrogrnd reports that tho heights nnd woods between those two positions changed hands several times. In tha course of the desperate engagement, hut states that all the Teuton attacks were rolled back. It docs not seem Improbable that the Russian report Is Incomplete nnd that the Teutons have won a success In thli region In the last three days, despite; tho almost overwhelming massed assaults with which Ijctchltsky's troop battered all their lines, the (Jerman, nnd Austrlans succeeded In moving forward nt certain points nnd wresting from the Russians tho key posi tions along the river. laminating heights that fell Into their hands In this methodical counter-offensive undoubtedly brought them victory In yesterday's more general movement. (SKKEK KINO COUNTERMANDS MOBILIZATION ORDER IN RESPONSE TO DEMAND I.ONDOX. Oct. 23. Following the demand of the Allies that the Oreek troops" In Thesraly be removed to tho southern coast. King Conslnntlne has coilntermanded his order calling up the military class of 1916 There was a conference between the Oreek king and somo of his ministers lhat lasted nearly all of Saturday night says n tele gram from Athena today Premier bros. Foreign Minister Zalocosta nnd Gen era! Sotllls took part. The demand for the removal of the Greek forces from Thessaly Is brought about by fears that the Allied army In the western part of Hreek Macedonia might be at tacked In tho rear. The Allies will take over nil the Oreek war stores In Thessaly. SAI.ONICA. Oct. 21. All Jews of the military clans of 1913. 1914 and 1 01 U have been ordered to report to the colors of tho Greek revolutionary government within three days, A procla mation Issued today said that tho reservists who failed to report would be treated ns deserters. The Vcnlxelos government Is 'about to Issue postage lamps which. It Is stated, will be good on letters In all parts of Greece. A commission Is going to tho United States to raise money for the Venixelos movement ROME ESTIMATES AUSTRIA HAS LOST -1,400,000 IN WAR; FILLS GAl'SVITH OLD MEN MILAN, Oct. 2J. The Corrlere deila Sera publishes startling Information obtained from the Home War Ofllca relative to the critical state of the Austro-Ilungarian mili tary reserve.!. L'p to the end of April last Austria, out of 7,400,000 men, had only 3.100.000, .Including 100,000 in training, still available for call- . Twenty-three "marsch fonnatloneii." each of which averages S1S.000 men, mak ing a total of nearly 5.000.000 reserve troops, have been drawn upon to nil the gaps (aft In the armies In tho field, About 100,000 of these are men who were re turned to the ranks after a per'0"5 ' Co" valescence. so that tho enormous difference of 4,400.000 men represents the Auntro Hungarian wastago In killed, permanently disabled, prisoners and missing Austria-Hungary has already locorpo rated In the fighting 'army all men able to bear arms batween the ages of eighteen and fifty, and also has moblllxedfor auxiliary services all men between fifty-one and flfty-flve. Thvr today the Dual Monarchy can only use to muke good her losses the small leavings of repealed medical revi sions, after which recourse will havo to be made either lb boys of seventeAi or men mora than fifty-one. FRENCH CAPTURE .IMPORTANT POSITION BETWEEN TRANSL0Y AND SAILLY, ON S0MMK PARIS, Oct, -J. Another Important ytaln has been scored by the French In their drive toward Bar paume, on tha Somme front, from the south. Tha communique lesued fry the War OMce today stated that tha French have captured HIM ltf from the Uermans. Hill i: as north of the Somme River and Mwea tha pawrful tl.rmun peltloi at Traitoy a4 H-llly Salll sel. South of the Hownne railroad the GrmaMi made a ccaeHer-attack to an effort lo hold up tha Frec4. who are, brewing upatt, P. ronna Ui that saytac. T,hs assavtH, Waa repuisaal. ' , loWdon, ok. II tat rUlab .I'uaaidai positions between !.e Snrs and tlurdecourt last night nna retried by General Hnlg to day, but no Infantry nctton-t of Importance occurred on the Somme front. South of Vpres the llrltlsh occupied the Up of two mine craters formed yesterday by the Germans on 11 bluff. RULIiAR ATTACKS ON CERNA RIVER FRONT BEATEN BACIC BySERBS, PARIS SAYS PARIS. Oct. 33. All day Sunday the llulgnrlan army de. fending the Macedonian city of MnnnMlr drovn furiously upon the Serbian lines In an effort to break thoni. kis nti official report on llalkan operations issued by the War Office today. Although the assaults were driven home vvlth Mrlotis energy, the Serbians stood firm and the Hulgnrlalis were unahlo to gain tiny ground. These attacks wore concentrated along tho Cerna River, southeast of Motmstlr. whom the Serbians have recently gained Im portant advantages. THREE EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS CAUSE SHOUT DAMAllE Two Kelt on Pacific Const nnd Ono in Alnbnmn LOS ANGKLKS. Oct. 33. Two slight earthquake shocks wero felt here mid In neighboring towns early last night. Chan deliers and pictures on walls were shaken nnd crockery was tumbled from shelves, but no material damage has been reported. Reports from Snnta Ana, where the shocks seemed to ho felt more, snld resi dents rushed Into tho streets, considerably alarmed. FRKSNO. Cat.. Oct. 23. Two earthquake shocks, felt throughout, southern Califor nia enrly last night, wero sovero nt Rakers field and In tho oil fields In that district. Power lines between llakerHneld and Los Angeles are said to have been damaged, It was reported that the Santa Fe Railroad ticket ofllco nt Tchachapl was wracked. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.', Oct. 23. This city felt tho second earthquake shook within less 'than a week yesterday. No damage was re ported. A shock laM Wednesday tore down chimneys. The shock vvhh felt gencrully throughout the southeastern .Slates. FOUR WILKES-BARRE HOTEL LICENSES PLACED IN DANKER' District Attorney Asks Court to Re voke Liquor-Scllinp; PrivilcBo WILKi:s-nARRU Ra., Oct. 23. District Attorney Frank P Slattery today naked tho court to revoke the license of four big cen tral city hotels. In his application thn Dis trict Attorney declared that Ifh.ts been dis covered that young girls havo been served with drinks frequently lit thesn hotels and that many of the girls have beenmo way. ward. The hotels are the Arrow, the Sen ate, tho Wyoming Valley nnd the Weiss Hotel. Mrs. Anna Hnrtela, matron of the United Charities, furnished the District Attorney with evidence against each place. A dozen girls will be used ns witnesses against each hotel. WHY NOT PHOTOPLAYS OF ELIZABETH'S DAYS? Metro's "Romeo nnd Juliet" Sug gests n Good Way to Cut the Movie Royalties Hy the Photoplay Kdltor tn the light of the Victoria Theater' all week run of Metro's "Itomeo and Juliet." with Mr Ilushman and Miss Ilajne. begin nlng today, let, us consider the question of trsgedy anil the movies. Will photoplay goers accept, as a general thing, unhappy stories, dead heroes and heroines, cadaver ous happenings? Undoubtedly they will, If the storlea are good enough, and It they are produced wllh emMthy and art. Rut the publl is beginning to be wary of pre calculated misery of the sort that springs from deelgti nnd not from natural sequence of humnti events. That la why the direct, ors had belter bo looking around for ade quate scenarios In .nse the "Romeo nnd .Ittllet" biislneM starts n furore for dole ful tales on the screen. If they want to save money usually siieiit on mvaltles. we suggest that they take the Metro tip and go In for Klixa belhnn drama. Nnt necessarily Shakes pearc. but. perhniMi. Marlowe nnd Webster and their Spiritual brothers. Movie people ate tisturnn skeptical nnd conservative, and the foregoing advice may sound a bit highbrow, but. accept our assurance, there Is morn glorification of action, more "pomp of lKtgeantry. rnpturo of rhyme," morn dash and gore nnd vlvldlty In 'The Duchess of Main" and 'Tamerlane" than In half n dotcn modem shilling-shockers. Speaking of "Romeo nnd Juliet " Thed.i Mara, who Is tn do Juliet In the William Fox version of the play. Is out with another of those chirping Interview. Pleaso listen Tlicda tiara who Is a firm eugenlat, has u new- theory about the character of Juliet According to the beautiful actress who portroja the unhappy heroine In the Wil liam Fox version of Shakespeare's master piece, her iMtrents were Illy mated. "Juliet's father la sixty vears old or more when the play begins," says Miss Rara, "while her mother Is twenty-eight. They must havo been married fifteen years previous to this. The union was evidently worldly, arranged by Lady Capulel's im rents" Annette Kellermanu, whose "limbs are as melodies yet" In, "A Daughter of the Gods." nt the Chestnut Street Opera House, where she appears "noble nnd nude," but hardly "antique." dally, will leave early this week for this city, to address the StHte Federation of Women's Clubs on health nnd hygiene. The report that sho will also speak on "Haro Facts About Jamaica" U untrue. Norma Tnlmadge's rirsl Selinlck-mnde feature, will be "Panthea." and not "The Price She Paid." "Panthea." by Monckton Hoffe. acted first In New York city before the "foots" by Olga Petrova, has an In volved theatrical history. It was said to havo been written for Doris Keano. who, however, never played It, nnd William Fuversham was at one tlmo dickering for tho tights. A feature nf the forthcoming McClura series, "Seven Deadly Sins," Is lhat each star, as sho appears In her particular play, will be stipimrted, by not one, but several well-known leading men. 'The Mntrlmonlac" Is the title of Douglas Fairbanks' next plcturo for tho Flno Arts Triangle. Tho athletic star Is working nit It In l.oa Angeles now. under Paul Powell's direction. The actor collaborated with Octavlus Roy Cohen on the scenario. THEATRICAL BAEDEKER rmOAIv-"HI. tlraade," with nan Camreau, Amelia Gardner and A It Van nuren, Ausuitu. Tbomaa'a etpealllnn nf armr life en the Meitran border, produeed under tha Kreonal dlrertion ef the author by tha cnarlea vhman Coninanr LYRIC "The flirt JYem Ilrsill." wllh francee Ivemartat, IVeth Ijdr. Maude Oilell. Oeorae llanaell Hal Knrrie and l.mils A. Rl. men, The Dhuberta' production nf a fnrelan romin npera. wnn music py iwra and aismund itomberg, UAttnirK and llenrr Stephenson ."Commas Olar." with Jane Cowl A dr n . woman." romhtnlns humor rama on the "fall inmflF and BAelal aattre rnn sixxl eituauons. HKTrtOPqj.lTAN OI'HRA HOUflK "Itlp. Hip. Iloorar." with Charlotte the akater. Bmiea ami hla band. Nat M Wills, Charlea T. Aid rleh and many apeelallita. A three. rlns elr- rua or vaudetiue. eraaa oa sooii. and and skallns. all lovely department. ' from which this Is "Variety" has a "Drivel of the Films, plucked: "Whllo Henry Pcwt was enacting an Important scene In The Untdeu Gloom," n large piano fell on his neck. With great presence of mind, Mr. Pcwt held the posi tion until u close-up was taken. A heavy orchestration will be arranged for this picture." FIIIKNDS FROM AFAR AT BURIAL Rich Man Willed $1500 to Pny Travel inp; Expenses of Three WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. Disposing of a $500,000 estate William II. Reck In his will, filed today, provided 31CQ0 to enable three friends from distant points to attend his funeral, "I wish no more than a single flower from any single person," he wrote, "no music nnd no religious service other than thnt ot thn O. A. R., but I do wish that any of my friends who have anything to cay will be allowed to do so, as I prefer this to n perfunctory sermon by a clergyman " Republican Chief Flops to Wilson CHARLESTON, W. Va.,Oct. M.Thomas W llyati, u prominent lawyer of Spencer and member of the Republican State com mittee, has resigned from that body and declared thnt he will support President Wilson nnd tho locul Democratic nominees. FOnrtKST ""libll," with Julia tUndereon. Donald rtrlan and Jovph Cawlhorn. A pretty atar, an aslle alar, a remlr alar, plus some pretentloua orchestrated melodies ADKI.PlIt "Kvperlenre." wllh Krneal (llenden nlea A modern morality plav" wllh mora humahneea than sraeed " Kvery woman " There a a larse raat. Olendennlns acta au peibly. DANCINCI IIP.OAD "The tl.lan ef," "Khama." and other Interpretative, daneea hr Maud Al lan at three matlneta, Tueadar, Thuredar and Friday She will ha accompanied by a laraa errheatra and aailated hy a numeroua com pany AT POrt'LAIl PttlCKH WAI-NIT "The tllrl Without Chanee." by Whitney Colllna. rnnlured hy Robert Sherman. An eipoee nf the while alavo traffle. In whleh, It la aald. thero will lie an amplitude of comic relief, In addition to the pmpasanda. KNICKElinoCKKIl "Kor the Man Khe red." a murder mratery melodrama, with " ood twlat tn the plot Jint betore tha cur ia n fall., and arled and atated wllh con siderable skill. FHATl'llR FILMS 8TANI.RT "The f'amman !.' Kimball Ynuna an.t 1-nnwav Ta-ta '.?.ul. J-."el.n"'.l!' nn". locl preaentatlnn of Albert Capellanl'a predurtton of the Itobert -. .,-i., iiu.r,. j.ruiiiuuy aiaaeu and . wllh Clara su week. W, well arled, hut M ment bill. .401 ramale av atf aaaar aa ejrame News an nam p4etra ateo VirrontA"seae aH) Mett.M wft KayiM and Franrka X. aseehsMn, a. rrai lorai annwing ivt jaietnra screen v-eralsn of tha MMheeswarea aerompanled by a ereclal maie seara, vuDjrciau AnrADIA "The Vajraht-M rrhwe," wlk s5 Btt ' 1 flaaaaa . waar ,w , ,'anV-MA retaee." walk M 81 Warner... Kay-neo-trtane, arat half if hTsnst week. "Flfty-l-ifl rine. Arta-Tria with Nersaaj taller luTf i-nori mma also aiapiared. . nam. M H wk, a Teewtea ag cam Ma-tA " i.k arii i itr Payne, latter aeiat al hKUKefT "The Heart ef a Hera.'t'i nane nna uoneri war r iirn a --Hainan r 'ln thi, tllnlamaala lluehman and Bav-erly week. rAl-AUB ;Tha alarm." a Laaay-Pai ."'. "im iiiincm i-weei. nrai naif ini-iam.- won maria ioro, a i mount feature, latter halt ef tha CIINSTNUT STrtKKT OrBRA MOUl -A lianshter ft lh Hods," with Annette Keller mann and William Shay, rtpectaelag aM beauty of ha nest, but somewhat laekWla Oramatlo eltntflcanc. VAUDKA'ILLB , KKITII'B -The Are nf fleaaen. rrana iiurai im i lea Mf Smmh11 t.-L i ..- .---r- ...". --;-"-. --. -ran iiurai snn Ionian noaromani M, and Honla. and ntma ' fain and Analol Krledland, Charlea KaB S ,n?r1.Me- W.0IUrr "d MarsarefTSH?, Flva Kltamuraa. JVeaton and Clark. tHsMratf na, ana luma, X rn.NN "Tha Bartaelor rra)e,," ir and Vanca lluchea Mualeal Tr1av. "trirav .aw!enk. ,n 4L WM.T.IAVt' rlyii-eater t arnoni i-nitd ORANR "Don! Lose Tour Nerve." miniature rlreua, Wilson and Iraraen. it,, uin anu i-oiia, "atha news pleturea. -tewatt- - - Zeno and Maniel.Bai ailll' Pauline. "Tha Olobe Trettera.' pia t-omedy Four. Iteasla later, reaH Aa '""i J?auf,r ". "'" Arthur tloldte, Shi4a and Kldred. ethers. CRORS KKT "Tha T.awfi l-- - Trto. Atumfnrd and ThAm-jnii tVi ni."T3S: llowan and Clordon. Kurtla's rooetera," fret half ot tha week, MINRTRBLS ' miMOMT'S New. eperlaltles by IUMONTH New apeelaltles. by tha naeaejat Company. Includln '(ichool Onena" and 'C Ilrewery Klopement." Prominent Photoplay Presentations I I IBIIWIIIIilllllllllllllllllllUllJlM J miki BovBna Gmpamu rpilB followlnt theatera abtals their plctorta threojh tha STANLET Book I as iSl".pw whleh la a suarantee t earl ahowlnr ef the flnei pradoellana. All Plttore. retlewed before elhlblllen. Aek fee Om theater In nn laeallty Vulalac plduree thrauih tha HTAM.CY I100KINO COSirANV. ,, ALHAMBRAi?i,".r;,:.1.'.ri5:iluo,!4Ai. Paramount I'lcturea. William S Hart ,n "TII1: mn-ciiN Trillium o. nart ov. mxKW ixjan" APOI I O KU ANB THOMPSON i-,1 V-I-I- MATINEE DAILT LILLIAN GISH in "DIANA OK T11K KOt.UKS" ARCAiil A CHKSTNUT-- niV.rtUiA nni.ow th H. B. WARNER in "TIIK VACIAflONtl rniNCK" OE.JmV-f.N 1 uta.. l:w a 8:30. loc wr Tnu.Ktinx and ci.v:o ninoi-Kv in TUB VICTORY OK CONSCIENCK" CFDAR o0T1, AND CKDAft AT5. ' v(,LS.ri lUKAUOVXT TIIISATER Robert Warwick ,n "yMt$& miv J rtllir.I.niNCI 8IIADOV"-No. 4 FAIRMOUNT S1T5!D AVKNUB Alice Brady in "The Gilded Cage" and TIIK HIIIKI.OINd HIIADOW" MAT. DAILT flel Spruce. Eves, 7 to 11. LOUISE HUFF in TUB ItKWAIUI OK rATIRNCK" FRANKFORD "" ANKAg?B1i VIVIAN MARTIN in "Till: HTflONUKIt LOVK" JEFFERSON S8T" flR" Winifred Greenwood ,n '""'JJIJ.... fjiet Instalment of TIIM.IK IlimiCK" I FAHPR FOHTY-KIItRT AND tl-dLl-il t.ANCABTKIt AVENUE WILLIAM FARNUM in THE KIIIKH OK CONHCIK.N'Ci:" F IRPRTY iiuoad and 1 1 O C I. 1 I COLUMBIA WILLIAM S. HART in TIIK DAWNMAKIin," fMl TCT MU and locust" LiVJUaJl Mate, I :BO and .1:30, Inc. Kvce.. II 1.10. 8. 0:30, loo. Robert Edeson ,n 't,,t,!at,?ailkd' Wi:ST IIIIMDI'.LIIIIA S6TH ST. T",1. Market St. Theater "'wESiS" WILLIAM H. THOMPSON In . . "CIVILIZATIO.VB CIRLD-' OVERBROOK WZ? Anita Stewart . PALACE "u MA?i1"f?0eSTnE,BT Blanche Sweet J PARK K"1" ave. i tAvrmit"tt"v Owen Moore & Marguerite Courtot In "ROI.LINa BTONES" PRINCESS '"VvSJ?"' GLADYS HULETTE in "rnt'DENCE, THE riRATE" Robert Warwick and Gail Kane in TUB HEART OK A HEHO" Rl A I Tfl GEIIMANTOWN AVE. "' IV X AU 1 V- at TUIJ'EHOCKEN BTi DUSTIN FARNUM in "DAVY CROCKETT" EUREK Avm" MARKET 8Ta Francis Nelson & E. K. Lincoln in 'THE ALMIUHTY DOLLAR" C ARHFN MD LAN8DOWNB AVE. UrtlXLCll EVENINO 0;SO TO 11 MARY MacLAREN in WANTED, A HOME-' R 1 1 R Y "AKKET STflEKT , w i? . . Relow TTit untErr June Caprice and Harry Hilliard in THE RAOOED FRINCKBB" SAVOY ulJrr,tSS" Ethel Clayton nnd Holbrook Blynn In 'THE HIDDEN BCAR" STAN! FY "ARKET AROVE MTM ' 3 I rt.l11C I llilO A. Jf to 1I1I5.P. M. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "TIIK COMMON LAW" TIOGA ITTU AND VI!NAN0 BTJ FANNIE WARD in "EACH PI1ARI, A TEAR" VICTORIA MAHKET ST. V 1 1 J I L S AUOVE NINTH F. X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne In "nOMnO AND JULIET" NORTH I'llllwXDKI.IlHA fllR ARFl OIRAHD AVIi I1ELOW TTH 'V,1IV"11-' 115. T AND'f FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS S 80UT1I I'lllUMlEI.riUA O L Y M P I A OAD AND i? UL I" I . RAlNBRtDOaJ XO MKrORUAXCK TODAY TUfcSDA . CRAB. CIIAI'MN In 'THE COUNT" nd Chapter of "TJIB YELLOW MBXACK", EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR KVEltY MONDAY ML'IIJht'T TO C1IANQE W E1UI OK OCT. t J TO U ALHAMHItA APOLLO ARCADIA BELMONT CEDAIt KUKKKA FAIRMOUNT 5CTH ST. VRANKF0KD GARDEN GIRARD JEFFERSON LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST MARKET STREET OLYMI'IA OVERBROOK PALACE PARK PRINCESS REGENT KIALTO UBBY iAVOY ITAJJIEV mnr VtCTOAU MONDAY William H. Hart. In The iuturn of Draw Euan Lillian ninh In Diana of the fulllea Norma Talniaise, In Klfiy-Klftif liu Tellesen. In Tha Vlclnry of tjonectence Itotiert Warwick. In KrMay. the ISth Kranrla Nelien In The Almighty pollar Allee Rrailr. In Tha Olllet Csie Iiulan Hun". In The ltewrl of Tatlenra Vivian Martin. In The Blroncer Ixv Marr MacLaren. In Wanted, a Home Vaudeville and rholopluta Winifred Oreenwnnd, Lylnc I.I pa William Karnum. In The Klrea nf Conarlene William H Hart. In The Dawn Maker Rnhert Edeann. In Tha Light That Kalled VV'tlllani II Thomnaon. r-lrlllzatlsn'a I'lvlld No I'erfornianrn Tlay Anita tileurart. In Tha Comlnl Dlanrha Hweej, In Tha Htoni) Owen Moore In Rollins KUnee Oladya HultUe. In rrudemw, the rirt HolM-rt Warwlrk In Tha Heart ot a Hero Ouatlu Karnum. In Pavy CriKkelt June Caprice, In Tha Raaaed Friar Ethel Clayton. In TN Hidden Boar Clara Kimball Younc, In. Tha Corumoa Law KannU Ward, In Kadi Jaaarl a Tear &&'$. IL tu iuiM TUESDAY William B. Hart. In Tho Return of Draw l.'san Pauline Krederlclc, In 1-he VVomun tn tho Case Norma Talmadse, Klfty.Klfly Kathlm Wllllains. In The Ne-er Do Well Owen Moore. In Rollins Btonra Dorothy (Rah. In Orelchen, the Ureanhorn Marl Doro. In Common Oround Iiulaa IlurT. In Tha Reward of ratlanr I'aullne Krederlck, In Delia Donna Clara Kimball Touns, In Th Dark Vllenro Vaudavlll and I'hotoplaya Veltska Suratl. In Tha Hlralsht Road K II Bolhern, The Chattel Elhel Dayton. In The Ridden Bear Robert Kdeenn. In Tha Llaht That KallM Viola Dana, In The Llaht of Hspalneai Charles Chaplin. In The Count Krancla Nalaon, In TU Revolt Ilia n ha Hweel, In Tha Worm Lillian Olah. In Plana of the Kollles Albert Chevalier, In The Middleman Itobert Warwick In Tha Heart ot a Hero Vlrclnla I'earaon, In Para Pevll Kate Edna Maya. In Tb Return, of Ke Veleska Suratt, tit Tha War sHtda'a Batraf, Clara Kimball Touna, la Tl Common Lasr KaunU Ward, la Barn raort a Tr Kf.1 ii&-aSnae- " WItDNENDAY William B. Hart, In The Return of Draw Eian Harold Ijirkwood, In Miller 41 Norma Talmadse, In Klfty-Kltty Kathlm Wllllama, In The Ne'er Do Well Norma Talmadse, In tlolns Blrslaht Lucille !,e Btewarl. In Hla Wife's flood Name Mary Marljiren. In Where la My Daughter? E, II. Bnthern, In The Chattel Mahel Taliaferro, In Pawn of U)e Lillian Walker. In Tha Kid Vaudeville and l'hotoplaia Emily Btevena, in The Wheel of lha Ijw Ixiutaa llutr. In The Reward of 1'stlanoa Ueorsa Walah. Tlw lleaat In Ethel I'laiton, In The Hidden Bear Veleska Buratt, In The gtrslitu Way William Duncan, In Clod's Country and the Woman Oeen Moore. In Rollins Btones lllaluhe Bweet. Th Btorm In Robert Kdeaou, In Tha l.lsht That Kalled Haywood Hack. In lha laU of Ufa Robert Warwick In Tha Heart of a Hero Norma Talmadse, la The Hoclal Beeretary William B. Hart, la Til ratrlot Wlllfrad Lucaa. Tb Rummy Clara Kimball Youn. The Common Law Harold lckwood. la MMaar 44 Ffajcla X, fcNlaJiaae a4 JitMi JvtrM THURSDAY Rlanrhs Bweet. In Th Btorm William Kainum. In KIroa of Conaclenca II. R. Warner. In Th Vaiabund I'rlnc Duetln Karnum, In Tha Klahlliis 1'arson Harold Lockwnod. Mister 41 Clara Klmhall Touns, In The Park Becrel June Caprlee. In Tha Raised Frlnreea K. II. Bothern. In The Chattel Nell Bhlpman. In Throush tha Wall William Karnum, In Tha Brollera (New) Vaudeville and Photoplay Nell Bhlpman. In Throush tha Wall Anils Blewart In The Comhat Lillian (Hah, In Diana of the Kollles , Ethel Clayton. In Th Hidden tkar J Warren KerrUan In TU Bncla) Humanaer Kranrla Ruahman, tn Man and Hla Boul (leo Madtaon, In Chalice of Borrow Maria, Doro. In Tho Laah Norma TalmaiUe. In The Deyll'a Needle Clara Kimball Younc, In Th Dark sHIcnc Kranvla X Ruahman, Jn In the Plj.lomatli) Bervlua Charlolle Walker." la Klndltrur M . Kaavf. Goodrich. In T VveM u( Mo Tat asyslU" iaoftaaatia, aa a dead oTtee. atrjati i "SSlSZUlSt Viola Paa. ha Tka JLtaat of ti.sgiiss. irraWaa X aaT rniuAY Rlanrh Bweet, In Th Blorm Marsuerita Clark, In Little Lady Eileen II. R. Warner. In Tha Vagabond Riinr Kannl Ward, In Lath Pearl a Tear lllanrha Bweet, In Publlo Opinion June Caprice, In Llltki Mies llapplneaa Nance irNfll. In Th Iron Woman Edna Ooortrlch. In The llouao of Lies Wallace Reld. In Th lva Maak Klon-nra lj Radlen, In Th Kuilllv Vaudavlll and Photoplay T. Bantrhl, In Th Country Qod Korsot Mot Uoodrlcb. In Th lloua of Lies Mabel Taliaferro, In Th Daw 9 of Ixjvo Naur CTNell. In Th Iron Woman Allen Tlraly. In Tho-Gllded Case Viola Paha. In Tha Kl.mer ot No Man's Ijind '' Mabel Tall ferro. In Oo-I's Half Aire Maria Dor, la Tli Ias Beasue llayaaaaaa. In Th Honorataa Whal Cleo Maataaa. H Th ChaHoa mi I aaarsaw ranrls X. aatiaaM. la tha BWositaeao aaarrC WIHiim i. Mart, " ftaT & aaWw ' tuMtf A WaaafMfi Clara Kemajalt toun Th Uaalna 1-a1 ns, In PuMi b fa tau Wara ity raraou ef R lo ItMlUUti SATURDAY Dlanrha BweeL, in Th Blorm n Kathlyn Wllllama. la, Tw N'r Do We.1. It. II. Warner, la Th Vasaboud Prla Kannla Ward, In Each Pearl a Tear Doutla Kalrbanka, la Rest I Mixta la William B. Hart- la Th Patriot lllaprha Bweet, la Publlo Qplnla Edna OoodrieU. Tha Route of I, Ulanche Bweet. la Publlo Orlnloa Lucille 'Leo Btewart la Ilia Wlfa'a Uood Naaa Vaudtvllla and Photoplays Alle Brady, la Th Ollded Caaa IMna Ooodrlck.' la Th House ef Uaa Nell Bhlpman, la Throush th Wall Kaw O'Kalt. Is ijtm irei H. U. Warn, la ,-.' rsa AtvaatU t Vasjisant 'Mtaia Vj eiTtia ot rtrKJSxari Maria Daa-o, M TIM le wh4 .UHtao Utaa, it a mm Dlaaa of Ma Murray (a Taa Bream Qlrl Mabel Talla(,t T Dawn t Naiiva ( Nelkd rae iru w I lata Kimball Ysj i b ctMiiinua 1 Hunltt! Karnt Ph rravo of aeaaa7 - --' ! BBfseaSI 1