Bfe fr- i&t mrae- fwi..-.aej m. ' v Wpm TS .-ffBr. fe E 1 Vn IN VMHB.OMM ? hs.t-etiw . T IfMlMHf WwflM nil lit Tw etme.ile)e. oSertabr term flftt. COMrT true AMERICA wMM"0r l)pt. MLCTRIC nnkrti flrat-ctaaa rondl Miwr phlteree)! tn m writ or tele, Mir. Wllltam YfKK. 1214 Cora nwaattl i Walnut 2390, 111 eaerlflca mulirn wee, nerfeet con. ,.U. or K. jjri. B., ilU rhawe, rVanVford tow. OK lilt O m, n-MMMtnr leiirtngr, ?.P1""' iniMl will eti or . ". fti. TUI lW tfiSi " 3araK " lowing ears oaxellenta eondl l 886, 4 touring car., overhauled end i tC,-l18, lOWlM ew tlri painted: ret Mill Motor CO! alien. Tel LLA nrica IHOOf t --" I-"!". my, 011011 ii son, otor ComMnr, cp.r-oa.Il eHJons Cheatnut Will I lourlnr car. .overhau a..Tn,aAe. nrlra ITS KatTon. i n. iiroad i WIS: 30. .AU t4 IDLER 1918 COUPE, in elegant condition. uOfnTlr upholstered, at. a bargain; cash ooeivenlenA tame. B-Ji?n8rovt-' look! iSltUN -MMinnr 1014 tourings VI OTearemeea lo pa in nre.-riaaa t-on- ntll mil for IMP. L 342. Ledger Cent WaSTE Wt ni i lAiTKil 11M ft. ft.MIMIUir. and lectrlo lights; moil M soidi best offer takee tb r. Call Borer, t near llh and Tioga. laCXAftD. 4-cyi. 0 H. P., TTpaea. Touring, modelI7! etarter t oioi peat oner 1023 W. AtUotlo In mod condition. ...... .,- 1873 "Tri!. ONEAli 318 N. Broad et. EtclEARD WiTiT"crin rar .IjckrJ touring jar: fully equipped Arply 17 N lirot ( FXkfK. 1913 roadster, repaired end repainted. p re-covoredi will nil (or 1600. M 042. Led- mur Central. BobKL 'cr1 28 MUICK lourln nrliruhi "A! cooaltlim. V. C. Stakir. U7 ITInc.M uiiwWi n. iyt. KDnflONS : uiuintvul .llf oombht-bctiwakt; rhattona. roi rlth aUxitrlo I lAtrlo IIWAll adaura and rabflolataT llanta ana inrnn. t. Si N, lrod at, M-IICXTTH. lots, flrat-laaa conditions aall for id33. u l". iopr wanirai. . m 'CTWW Ap PARTS S0HOBER -TON ' 8AUKII THUCK atatTonary bodr auto. with tg, vV n.,Lty M,. HUDSON PARTS SCH0BER asxn.3s MAT1KKT U8RD TlltICK8 Savtral wall-known tnihi, ranaina' irom 1 Ion up to A ton. with ana wttlSut bidlS. C. IlVHAltVKY. 230S CMttnut. ATJTO LIVERY AND QAHAOE3 INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 1115 VT. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDS0NS TO HIRE Dla UMOURINK TAXICAHS AND iu OUlllNO C'AHS riavar ioaaa CITT, JOH Houn yr. TO HIUB DATAND NIOIIT g in r.o t Park Ii AtTTOUOIllUES, Oilin .IM UCCAHIO.NS. 11.00 oirroN aAiwan. rop. so roN c To hranri ra ::"..,:: ki.-..-' t. II. BO hr.i weddtnca, fonrH. 1715 Olrard. BpEaii. 11T To hlra (open dar and night). mra 14 BZ. orana-naw o.paps. lC-mmm tnil.ln 09. brand-ntw T-paia. Ilmoualo. '5 ll.iS hr.: ala fblunis-A 7 rAM. a cyiCAnaj rpb- 50r MOInTEIt PortahU naracta Staal or atueco. On dlaplay ! N. Bth. Tloaa 24. ATJTO REPAIRING tllB BEST-EQUirPED nEPAlIJ ahop In Wat Phlladalphla: wa atraUhtan VlfIKf,fflin,tl maka parta. repair, orerhaul and "bulla nikii ; hlih-crada cara our apactaltrs wo to CS wracka, rat.a B0 rjnta par houri nc prleaa for parta. plua 10 par cant otentlra bill for auprrvlaloni you ahouid ba Intaraatad In the number ot houra ehargrd than In tha prlca per hours we Blvo you an hornet count ana a Square dials coma, look ua over! atency for MABTEP:" carburetora IH0qlNJLimO3.,42iaJ gheatnut at. 1 8PKEDOMETEII TIUJUHL.KS I Bee TIILI.Yl l" naw location. MO NOttTJI BROAD ST. JU. .1 ' - ATJTO SUPPLIES 1 TOU WANT to aell your old car or want any part. topr.PftalR calrr.u orhon; JI1517W. Iin ai. rwiiij TIMKENhKAnlNaB JKATT rtew Departure Service 8ta. The Owlllla 114Arcli at. Ph. Walnut B40T. Itaoa a m Co.. ao83. PAllTS to build or repair any car. Phlla. ujrartaCo..82N JStJParkJUlJ. BEMOTJNTADLE niltS.' all aliea and makeas ".alio tlrca and tubea and other acceaeorlee. .js i, at Jl. AUIO I'aria KM., oiu .. ...... . ATJTO TIRES AUTO TinES Ouaranteed J500 mllee; atandard m5axefieSi.. N. nnoAD ST, RiiC7NON.SIClD TIKES..... IT.JJ SOxSU, Ited Tuhea. guaranteed ...... RUDOLPH TlflB CO. lS3a Arch at. miiTAtiv Tiiiwa Guaranteed SM10 mllea. Compare prlcea. an at. aniM's. ssn n. nroai BOATS, MOTORD0ATS, LATJNCHES Wanted Wanted WANTED Bseedboat; rnuet make 2S mllea. a44.i.Ixwlaer Central. itORSES IrOR BALE ltlOH-CUlSS IIUNTINO HOIISE. YKAKS OLD. 1B.-J IIIOII. IH.UE ltlllllON WINNEIl IN l.IOltTWKiailT JUUI'INO CLASS. D SV. X.EDOE11 OFFICE. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TATENT3 Write for Hat of PATENT nUTEHS and In ventlona wanted. 11,000,000 In priaea ottered for Invenllona. Band akeich for free opinion aa to patentability. Our Four Hooka aent free. VICTOIt 3. EVANB A CO. WABHINOTON. D. C. PHILADEU'HIA OFFICE. Pept. A. 1420 Cheatnut at. lloura 9 to It. Monday till W p. m. Jiall phone, iipruco 1533. C1TPNTQ Bend for our free book. JtrAAJlilN AO patanta and Trade-Marke." Wa will help yon develop your Invention. Ad TiM free. Reeannabl feea. Open Monday eve- FOSTER & WEBSTER m tn- 1011 Ctieatnut at. Sell phone Walnut 1564. v DRY GOODS STORE In thickly populated northweat "aectlon. ot city I poor health reaaon for eelllnxi a apian did opportunity to buy an eatabllihed bual n, .t 3V"DaER CENTAL SOAD H6baB PKOPOBrrlON Uriels houee. nor W) lot 16Oi5S0l at end of vlllaae. on aood road- Aiianiown. siniuin, .b.v.u, un cor, Delaware Water Gaps $9000 00 for quick alt, IlOOHl it olwum HiiM...t .,Hi,ii, wa AMTED 0d reliable roan. with, email -...f Mf fnltal. to aaaoelata nimaelt wltn a. new and erterprlainc manufacturlnc com panyi poaltlon guaranteed and Inveatment fully protected. For further partloulara ad- 4reea g ows, iaoer .nyri. MEAT AND PROV1BI0N STOIIB Well-aatabllehed atand. Torlt road auburb trade ISO0 to 1600 week: dwelling, atable, Al flgtureai enellant locality) aatab 16 year.. g. pf pSTkRBJtBON0JCl:jTNUT MT. Rli6k BU8INB8S PROPERTY, on Northamp ton at.. Xeat bualneaa aectlon of Kaaton, Pa i lot WtIO! 140.000 00 for quick aala. Room 1, Woolworth feilldlng. Methlebem, 1'a, Sba STORE Good-paying propoaltloni reaortt lofolo annual aaleas eiceilent opportunltyi ISaraaaona for palling. D 120, I-edger Otfloe. Pftf M Veara 'old, wanta Intareat In eatab- a".' ." ' C- M.,.,n( ha tsnnn and "5LrgV.a: "t MW. KdaTr Cintril.-- "1555 ejrejaja. rrhe wriU-.t-aiMt aOVl Tall ! Albart.Mac and tray 4G55S anaaa, a. uawaara, riaaa eai jaiiranri. aaBBBer auain for mornlnc wrJln aleo, jLAMUHii cporEm, loio wrara ava. - INO ClOTMEB TO HIIIB , I'aona rogtiar saa. vpew m-rww, lth and cHrard avjajj. ffj, eyr,, . . DIAMONDS ROU01TT . BUrKRFLUOUH HAIR removed by alectrolyelai tha only permanent way Kyebrowa arched MISS SallTll, 402 Keith Theater Ilutldlng HEMTB' CARtirK ClJfrTHlWo tl01)Ollt123 N OTH ST PlIONB WALNUT 1MB. joqxs rox xvkr m ii1USAD. . nt-jwHwsgsjt. rrtr. HjK,.tS- "x 3xwy,rrK.J?"i. """ Lv r""r'i" ty CARPET CLEANING CARPET tIEATINOt NO. TUMnLErtS saov r, izin. iioga ojwv. men USED, IIOYKR CO, DRES3MAKINO AND MILLINERY ALL OIRL"la'nouid"lern dreeemaklngl remu neratlva pnaltlona upon crad.i draping a ape rlaltyi day and evening- eeeelonn lerma mod. Margaret 15. Potter Hchool of Dreaemaklng Icrad. ot Dmal Inetltutel. 13S Olrard ava. FOR SALE lIll.l.IAltD, POOL, combination, aecond-hand. bought, aold, rented, eichanged, repalrlngl auppllee Ife Keater, American rnanufac- turer. 120 Olrard ava. Phone Kene. 23IS, BILLIARD. pooT tableai'new. aeeond.lard bowl. Ing alleya, eaay paymenia. Itoeatto-narrT- StreetUoa S22 B.Jlh at. Phone Wal. 2234, 1IIL1.1AHD . AND POCKET TAIII.K'J -- Alea bowling alleye, eaer paymenta, linUNSWICK. llALKB-COLLENUKft CO., 1002 Aroll CArlll RKuThtKRS bought, eichanged. repaired, replateds auppileei new and fctory rebuilt) new total addera aa low aa ISO. Call and aee our new modele. Iteglarere eold by ua on eeer paymenia. and fully guaranteed. tiik NatIoMai. cash fiEoiBrKn co. M0CIIKSTNtJT HTREKT DKrIKM. HAKKM. Kir New and ei-rond-hand Dullng Central Second, hand furnftura Co , P04-DU6 III! Callowhlll at Encyclopnedia Britnnnica fteara-Iloehuck and Cambridge IVlltlone, eaer terma, at tha o trice of Encyclopaedia lirl tennlca Co. at No. 180 0. 13th. cor. Walnut. l'blladiphta. INVALID WIIKELINO CHAIRS, IS up, and used) nleo to rent chap. CIIAIR EXCIIANOB B K torner nth and Vine BAKES, fireproof, doling out flOi allghtly ueed. all aliea and mMieni hlg bargalna. 21D North Fourth et lbetren Race and Vine). . USED OFFICE FURNITURE Everything Imaginable In thla line and plenty of Its tet neenrtinmt and beet valuea In f'hlie i fr aiitn delivery anywhere liyOIIES 1IT1I AND IIUTTONWOOD l r.n rp ovEitroATS ninoroT abortient in town WAI.TEII'H PAWN HHOP. 1)01 VINE INSTRUCTION LADY, educated In Parta. wanle altuatlon in family to teacli the French language, litera ture and .IMIon two young ladlea or children. 15 010. ledger Central. MACHINERY AND TOOLS HAVE YOU EVER BEEN an appliance that meaeurea up o completely to four conceptlnn of what a clutch control ahouid be aa YOJ OH CHINE WORKS. Igvgt g POWER PINT EQUIPMENT Livnimoe tnotora bollera. eteam and oil en- tlnee pumra, air cornpreaeora. FR N 14. ' i30MEY. Inc., Vjf N. 3d atreet. i DYNAMOS, molora and machinery bought, eo' and rented, nrmaturea repaired. Main 91. Market 30OT Yeataley Co.. ?24 w. M , Yak JtBNT MdVINO.PICTUKE TIIEATKIl. .Ilr Mulwedi ejaod locations raaaonabla rent. PoZl!a!WrA CT5T48T6 Main at.. Manayunk. nvltAITHT VANS, hlnwera. vAit. fana. No 3 A r. Wllbraham cupola blowera. Amer. preeaure Mowera gaa Juniacee.2?J!ttaJIJLjmRN. Oth. STEAM PUMPS Slngla and duplex. 4.n. to 8-ln., oerhauled In good operatlt.e cnndltlon. L. F.MSY.FKRT'HJIONB. 43T N .Id at. THREE I.OCKMAN carving mnchlnea: one 17 II I'.s Whltn Mlddleton aaji engine. E. Maene, SOI) fl. Iwrenca at , Philadelphia. LEATHER I1ELTINO. made on. tha Premlaea; fullv guaranteed CHARLES BOND COM ANY, nJ0AJtiH ,8T. . PRODUCER OAR and fuel oil englnea 2S h. P. to 200 h p Commercial and apeelal electric. OAH AND OIL ENGINE CO., 43 N. 7th at IIAROAIN Oil atorag tank. OVi ft. by 33.ft . 8000 gallona capacity with heating coll. l.ovcgrove A Co.iJ524 Cheatnut , PIPE A riTTINOS, all eleea PHILA. SD-HAD PIPE StIPPLY 1003 N. 7th.Jloth phonea MANFTRS. of Plain and automatlo mnchlnery. Bend for booklet. A. Nacko A Bon, 240 B. Oth. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TENORS AND SECOND BASSES The Mendelieohn Club needa a few good tenore Kaw Entrance on Cheetnut at OCTOtlER VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON HAm IIEI.LAK-. 1129 CHESTNUT BT, 188 CHICKERINO UPRIQHT TIANO JIOWARp'INCENT, 38 N.BTH trvrtiTiHiTK ink!! r. v. Albert. V. II. Lukene, 603 Woodland ter., at Baltimore and 40th at. OLD Q0LD OLD OOI.D. ellver. platinum, plated ware, old atyla Jewelry, teeth platea bought for caah, Eet. 1870. J. 1 Clark, refiner, 807 Haneom. ILD Ceah paid for old gold, ellver. i clocka: will call Rell phone. Locuet 1210. ROal.RR, 27 B. 17th at. OLD STORAGE FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET BT. PENN RTORAOB AND VAN CO. 2130 AARKET BT. WEST rillLA. MONARCH 8TOIIAOE CO. ATITO Pecking and Shipping SERVICE 3870 LANCASTErt AVE. F1TZOERALD Htoraga Houee. inTl-13 Poplar et.) aep. roomas goodalna, ; carpeta cleaned. OlhARD BTORAOE. 918 Olrard ave'. Movlna. packing alorage. Phonee Pnn B204. Pk. 42. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES REMINGTONS MQNAHCHS SuiTlIii'HKUIERB For rent, 13 mo.. 17.50 three moa. Rental payment appllca pn purchaaa. Remington Typewriter Co., Inc., Ill) B, 9th at. m'??&xt trUHLB ROOMSi rBfU WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, tH hrnkan lewalry bought. T3 walnut falaa teeth. Old, allver. feather dlamonda Walnut 7026 Kit IHnit UI.ACK. FUR UOlli: WANTEDS atate price and COnOUIOn, .- kOi Jurr uuira. BROKEN JEWELRY, anttquea. ulatola, colna. coin booke. with nrlcea I pay, mailed 16c. J, It. lloaa (I'eople'a tjtore), 206 ri. 11th Wal446 CABT-OFK CIATIJIKH WANTKU Wa pay very higheat prlcea for men'a aummer ana winter buiib. uv,vwiv. a.v. !,. vvuiuk olothea; alao ladlea' atreejt dreaea and evening gownat write, call or phone Market 8538. Wa call city or country, day or night, United Mlaflt Clothing Co.. 800 Spring Oarden at. oaht.okic cixttiiino Wa buy men?a aulta, overcoata, full drraa, tuxedo aulta, elo.i on Ing to the great demand for clothea at tha preaont time wa will pay you very high prlcea for tbeaa goode. phone Poplar 0342. "HAMUEI COOPER, 1010 Olrard ava. CABf-OFF CUyXHlN6"WANTBD Men'a aulta," """"'TAhiy.ft iT8riiut C8''5- CA8T.OFF CLOT1IINO lllgheet price paid for ladlea' and men'a clothing, hata, ahoea, eta. Phono Poplar 6771. DLACKKH. 1239 I'oplarJ FURNITURE, planoa, carpeta, antlqueas entire ar part houete bought for caah! no matter how large, J, Ilarneteln. lSSOlldge ava. HlfiHEST PRICBB paid for raga. paper, maaa gtnea. Iron, metal and all klnda ot junk, will i an anywnera. Write lor pnona Wt ujn) llelmont Scrap and Metal Co . 8838-42 Haver ford ave, imT. IkU-nESIRADLB nOOMB, EXCEL- LOCItST. 1818- DEf LfeNT IACATJON 0TJu5JS6!5J SPRUCE ST . 8822 Comfortably furnlahed aee ond.etory front room, well heated, electrlo llghtei private famllyi reaaonahia, rnUCH. I02J rorn. 'wn, reoi eoulhem expoe.i open fireplace. SPRUCE, 1337 -Sullea with hathi alntle roomai offlceet atearn heati reaeonable, RPRUCR. 1536 Suite of 3 very dealrable rooma and halhi furnlahed or unturnlehed. 18TH ST. N 1807 NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS, ALSO PARLORj llEASONAllii!. 16TH R . 126 Reantlfully furnlahed roomej reaennaote van rrtnini .r ouiiu.f 18TII AND PO room for gentli 0WELTON AVE Large front ilemem excluelve apt. I adult fam. Th Rating 7161 M. or write M .791, .Led. Cent. 36TII. H.. O- Large rooma for gentlemen. Phone Preston 169l. 40TH, B.. 12302 deelr. unfurn. 5d floor rme , well heated. ronViJp ara. Woodland 8B82Wt 82D, N.. 917 Nicely turn. 2d-atory room, gen llemens private fernlly) nearalevated. Phone. 3611 POWELTON AVE Moat deelr. room, .3 wlndowa aouthern expoa i 10 mln, Clly Hall, 8INOI.E ROOM, rrlrata baths alao large unrurn. roome light houeekeeplng. Preeton 4137 W, RENT, 2 roome and bath. 810 months 4 blocke aouth City Hall. E 449. Ledger Central. B0ARDINQ Second tory front i aouth. exp.s Ideal locations excarT tablet ret. BALTIMORE AVE.. .4419- aoutn. e: HURT BT! i iiTi i urn. u isirur mijiiia nun board i private famtlyt near 53d and Chea, ave. BPRUCE, 1028-40 Handaome flrat-floor aulte, unturnlabedi choice tabla board Walnut 7255,. BPRUCE, 1220 Attractive roome. alngle or eri aulte, private bathstable board HPRUCB. 1224.26 I'urnlehed rooma, private bathes tabic board. Phono Walnut 7171. 17TI1, N"., 132 Dea"aecond A third sTbor aca.j eicel table; hot-water beat,. Dla. 6071. HunuiuiAN R1TTKNHOU8B ST., W 210 Ilooma to rent, with board) convenient to caras raaaonabla SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL LOCATIONS apeclat aclentiHo care; nervoue, elderly) every comfort! nureees book let Dr Randal. City Line. Cheetnut Hill. APARTMENTS If you are dealroua of aecurlnr a centrally located home In one of Philadelphia'; many new and attractUa APARTMENT, or APART MENT HOTEL bulldlnga ou will, ot courae. consult Apartment Headquarters where full Information, arrangementa for In epectlon and reeervatlnna for practically every rteeirahle furntehed and unfurnlehed apartment In Phlladilnhla snay ba made with the least Paelble effort and tha molt aatlafactry re aulle to j on, .. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 8971. Race 8025. WAI.NUT AND 11TII BT8. (S. W. cor.V-Second floor aulte. exceptionally attractive, lighted on 8 eldee auttable for houaekeeplng If d-elred. Rent 175. Janitor on premiere. IIARULR. IIARTMANJk CO , 1201 Chestnut at. CHESTNUT BT". 20t (N. W. CORNER) Professional offices and apartmenta. Eletator. electrlo llghta. ateam heat. Janitor aeMlcei suites 2 rooms and bain. OREEN. 20ll 2 rooms,""prlvate bath, second floor front, aouthern expoeiire, furnlehed. It ae- elred, newlydecorated Poplar 8106, WALNUT. 8203 AttractRe apartment, aecond floor fronts 2 large rme, wllh bathi prl. halli well heated! plenty of hot waterj efectrlcltyi ROCKETT'B APARTMENTS. 620 to 033 N. 10th et Suites of 1 and 2 rooms, with private bathifurnlshed orunfurnlehedi every conv, THE Dl'NDAS. 00 02 . Pine et. Attractlva oultes, 2 and 3 rooms, wllh bath, dining room. TAI'LANE. 000 Walnut et. LOCUST. 123(1 Unfurrapt.. 2 rooma and bath; alao large rooma, suitable for studio. 7TH AND HANSOM HT. IN. v. v. rcjm and bath. Apply nn premleea. 1720 CHESTNUT ST.. J ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TWO-ROOM SUITES. 1 large bedroom, private batht Ideal location Preston 6823 MUST PHILADELPHIA THE MONTEVISTA 63D AND OXFORD STS. located In one of the. moat exclusive reel dentlal eectlnna of tho cltys high and healthy and within 23 mlnutea of City Hall via Market at. "I." and ooth at. crosstown line, which runs direct to the building. Biiltea of 2 rooma. bith and kitchenette, from 30 to 140. Publlo dining room located If building. Thona Oier , brook 3068 OFJtMANTOWN. THE NEW ADDITION TO TEIJIAM COURT IS OPEN PEI.HAM COURT waa not built to make an appeal to every one but to you whp demand the best and are accustomed to receive Itat a price which, considering what. oil do de mand and receive. Is moderate, It will make a atrong compelling appeal. . , PEI.HAM COURT la located at Carpenter' Station Oermantown. Juet off beautiful Lin coln Drlvo. on the.I'ennsyUanla llallroad: 30 or ao tralna a day aurely transportation enough for any one. ....... BuTtea of 2 rooma and 1 bath tn 6 rooma and 2 batha; tha alia to suit your require ments. Prices are from 130 up. . . I'Ef.llAM COUIIT la a quiet, perfect APARTMENT HOTEL, and located In an ab aolutely lden.1 and exclusive auburban location. In a word. ou may come to PELIIAM COURT and And a perfect auburban location, with transportation unexcelled, an Ideally con atrucled building: quiet, dignified, elegant. You may aeleet an apartment of the alze to ault your Individual needss you will find all your housekeeping problems solved and taken care ot for ou abeolulely without effort on your parts you will find a table of tha utmost excellence at a moat moderate rrlce, and the aame courteay, airvlce and at rntlon Is uniform throughout tho entire eatab Uahment. For full Information, arrangementa for In apectlon and reservations call, phone or write to NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. BPRUCE 3071 .RACE 3023 or to hie representative on the premlaea at I'elham Court. Appolntmenta may be made for automobile to call at your residence or business place and take you directly to I'ELHAM COURT at your conenlence and pleaaure. FURNISHED APARTMENTS NEW JERSEY HKASHORK ATI.ANTIC CITY APARTMENT' To rent, furnished, high-class. 2d-story apartmsnt, newly turn., everything first class; must ba aeen to be appreciated! X roome and bath, hot-water heat, gaa and electricity! 3450 until May It location. 10 B. Rhode Island ave., apartment Ii. Apply on premises. APARTMENTS WANTED 5 OR 8 ROOMS, furntshel, with conveniences, for winter inoal atate terms. E 750. Led. Cent. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THE ENQLEVOODrS20 B. 11th Ideal rTntral houaekeeplng apartments! sultea II rooms, kitchenette and bath. Apply Janitor, on prem leee. or 1.18W1H A, TAULaNB, 000 Walnut at. 1512 N. 1BTII BT. Modern houaekeeplng apartmenta) reduced rentals l Just renovated throughout. Apply to janitor, on premises, or LEWIS A, TAIJ LANE. S. W, cor. Oth and Walnut ate. 13TH, N 042 2 rooma, rTath. heat and light, 820 per month. TA ULANK, POO Walnut st. APARTMENT BUREAU lern SDirtmint bulldlnaa. floor, N. K. cor. Broad and Chestnut. Second 1401 B. 58TH ST. (Sherwood section) I rooms! bath and kitchenette, porch, all conveniences! 8 33, TAULANB. CM Walnut at. ' PEQUOT," B. W. cor. 18th and Pine Deelr, apartments. 8 rooms, bath, kitchenette! reaa. ren.t Willie Wlncheeter Co.. 1001 Chestnut! 172l BPRINO OARDEN MT. 2 rooms, bath and kitchenette. On premlaea, or TAULANE, 000 Walnut tt. BI'flliCE BT, 2119 Excellent corner house keeping apt t alao doctor'a office I modern. xoTjKijfijr ATAimaam CaHtrVeal from mssitiiii CefVmn N. . K. 1TTM ANIJ WALNUT BTB. . Qn wk from Mlttenhcueo re Tha hmietceplng aultea ara perfect In their Plans 3 large bedrooma. each having bar win. ui, C A. living mm, aining nwm, kltrhem mald'a room and a bathroom aa welh Ideal winter and aummer apartmeotes alao aultea of 2 rooma and hat hi fre uea of laundry on top floort your Inspection cordially iM'iinj, jiuna nsinui ouv . xtKnrpu w.aRt.TMR We B. cor. ljrpd jind Cvhlj.'igji 'n-y??, NEW C0R0NAD0 CHESTNUT AND TWENTY-BECOND STB. , Extenslv alterations now being made, In. eluding eervlca elevator, additional atory for eervanta' quarters, house telephone ystem. etc. Apply at building or lo SAMUEL J. HENDERSON .001 MOlintS IIL'ILUINO TUB WARWICK 1000 R; lu 8ANflOM flrRRBT A tnoOrnT-lory. nrproof buiidinv tnr suttfs of apartmenta havlnr 4 to 1 ior niKpr. mUdlnir U fTll l 1 utte.nn rllh all iNinvi urplr In thf) bull rnnt at ri al -., I", -a v u uuinii i tha ntlr wal-if It red, 2 or 3 dair bi arnri?at l aulte on th aecond Hoor contalnlnrt) rooma. at 145 pr mftnth. Thera la when wanted, either tn tha publlo din In room nr In tha apartmenta White aid . Mc.ennahaan.N W cor ISth A Pine, west rinrDKi.rniA . . iciNowcotrnT BO ill AJMJ IMK1V ur;iiri Pv-fTT RTN le(aa a t .rtie;V'- .,". ...". r"M a. -.-. nr.i r. 1 1 et 1 1 aiiiiir.uri iiiiiihi-ik H.i'.i'imi APARTMENTS KOlt IIENTl lT.fcfTlllr! fcl.E. VAjoits. puiiLir niNiNn iiobM. apply EST. THOS, M. BEEDB, in.. 12of rtACB 8T ton MONTH 403 Eaaex AiWtments. S4th and Chestnut! elegant apartment! dealrables n rooms bath, pantry, large . reception hall, elevator. Colonial finish, wall safe, laundry, vacuum cleaner, roof garden, watchman all nlght Inquire Janitor 124 MONTH 103. Belmont Apartments. 31th A Spring Oarden. dealrable front apartments, 8 rooms and bath, private porchs will paper and decorata to ault tenant. Inquire Jant lor, THE WALI.INOFORD 80TH AIIOVK CHESTNUT ST. New 8-room apartment for rents, electrlo ele. ator. vacuum heat,Jhot water, laundry etc. 4 THE ALRANAR, 120" H. 46th et.s Aral floor, porch, 0 rooma and bath; attractlva and well located. Taylor A Son. 21 A 26 8. 40th. APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh Street A 6ELECT FAMILY APARTMENT HOTEL Conveniently located In the center of th city and within a few aquarea ot tha principal theater and ahupplng district. One, two or three roome with private bath. Cuisine and eervlca of the highest standcrd. , PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUESTS tVm. P. Kenney. Manager PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Miss MaryO. McOlade. manager, aucceeaor of Mrs. Charlea McUlad, Parkelde ave. at 40th at. DIRECTLY OPPOBITU FAIRMOUNT TARK Four direct lines to center of city. All outside rooms s furnished and unfurnished. Cuisine of peculiar excellence. Telephone Bering 221. All TJ 1 CHESTNUT AND Aldme iiotel nineteenth THE REST ROOMS AND BU1TE8 WITH THE REST TADLE IN PHILA. DAT. WEEK. MONTH. BEASON. TEAR THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE ST3. Absolutely Fireproof SEVERAL VERY DES1RAIH.E SUITES CAN 1r1TnNIBHtHjiCTtl'FimN18niD THE CLINTON TENTH BELOW DDfitipn 200 ROOMS EVERT CONVENIENCE Furnlahed or unfurnished, either by leaae or transiently! sultea ot one or four rooms, with bath. THE SWARTHMORE NOW OI'HN N. E. COR. 22D AND WALNUT Family or bachelor, a new and renned 12 atory apartment hotel, extending to Us occu pants every facility, convenience and appoint ment that can bo deetred. Can now bo aeen on application tn A. A. MILTZ, MANAQER. SOKE r - DEU1AR-MORR1S West Chelten ave., Uermantownt 20 mlnutea from Broad Street Btatlon; furnlahed or unfurnlehed apartmente; one room and bath or more; alao houaekeeplng apartmenta. THE OENEVA 16TH ST. ABOVE WAIJJUT Hlgh-claea apartmenta. with or without rrt veto bathes entirely return. Tel. 8pruco 8700. m;iMr urvTri ois-nn walnut bt, uwiiio ntiii i American plan, 82 WEEKLY RATE3, European, 1 up THE ESMOND s; E. COIINER 12TH AND SPHUCE STB. BUITEB OF i 3 AND 4 BOOMS AND BATH. THE TRACY PERMANENT AND TRANSrEHT QUESTS 86TI1 AND CUE8TNUT BELVIDERE N. W. Cor. lt)th and Locust. WEST RITTENHOUSB SQUARE U!K1 OAIII.ES. 312-14 N. 83d Attractive 3 to 7 room apartraentai all conenlencess terms reasonable. RBAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY FOR SALE N. W. cor. 28d and Bonsall ate . Improved lot, 40x70; aultabla for erection of aTlfl5 LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad aqd ''heatnut ata. 1942 N. 13TH. COR. NOKRIS BT. 1H14 N. Camac at 12600 3004 Belgrade at ,...,.,..,. 1050 :ll'irigraae at 1200 A II. WILLIAMS. 622 Walnut CENTRAL DWELLING'S from 88100 up, A. PATTERSON, 130 8. 15th at. SMALL INVESTMENT TROPERTY. front and rear streets, adjoining comer near 18th and Vine ata.: must Increase In value, nUY NOW AND HOLD: YOU CAN'T LOSE. MORRIS A CO tRldgo at Broad. Both phones. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES- Building Assocfatlon and Trust Funds. ijiuft iv, vuu tvainm at. 1300 CASH REQUIRED 700 block JsTThayer at.; price I2I00 coat 12400s 0 rooma and baths near church; flna location. Howard H..Wllaon A Co.. Bin J Oerrnantownjiy. N. E. COR. 16TII "AND .COLUMBIA aVe. Ex- cellent apartment or bualneea location; only a email amount of caah required. VM.U. QLENNJB17 Columbia ave.; 1847 LElTllBOW BT. (4THANDJJEIIKB): 3 atory. U rooms; coxy home: good order) con- venienceas cheap! rood lneetment. WM. L. CItAVENrB BONB. 1340 N. 7th aL UAROAIN 2010, Nr"2Tth at., porch front, hot- water heat, electrlo llghta. parquetry floora. I80O caah required; matte offer, HOWARD II. WILSON A CO..,2iSo W,Lehlgli ava. 20 HOUSES'ON CORNWALL BT. (1300 block); 0 rooma, baths A-l condition) all rented at 814) make nfferr piC1SEIDEL A Cp.j4thandCallowhlH iti, 710 N. 20TH 12 rooms, bath In canter. 20x123 to atreetl room for garage; close to high and aiemeniary ecMwaij. WORRELL. B55.N. 17th. 2003 ST. JAMES PLACE lo rooma and 2 batha. SAMUEL W. LEVIS. Ileal Estate Trust Tilda. RENO 8T 1885-37 Four dwellings, well rent rds good orders will take mortgage; bargain. Htiatton, 803 Cheetnut at. Lombard 414 4200 N. UTH (facing Hunting Park) Oet one te four remaining homes. THOMAS Jt WARD. 4235N. 0th, 1714 M IDTIf ST 18 roomai lot ldxlnn, m.J. ern plumbinan good orderi owner anxious to Ulnn, 1517 Columbia ave. 2515-17 N, BROAD ST 38x80. aultabla for au tomobile purposes, will aell at a low price to quick purchaser C Goldmen, 731 Walnut at. 4500 block. N, Oratxi aas'd 12600; price 12700. CllBHTkill &SUORNUu 1524 Chestnut aL 2124 OAKFORD BT. 0 rooma and bathi goo3 ondltton, Gardiner, lttb and Wharton, w-ax awATa Km mj1 CITY CfffifteaciJ ram rrrccrlma' Cofewtta REAL MAROAtNSt 112JCaJlowhlll. Jar., Jl1M, ., .. Fprlna Oarden near I8lh, IWi2fl! atabla rear. 1N, 18th. 10 rooms i brownatone. ivis sirown, ii roomei ioxviis rw. 2112 N. 16thi corner tore and dwelling. ?o8 Srrlng (iarden. 4 stories, 2 baths. SSflW lllllllKRD It. WORRELL A W.j 335 N 171h, REAUTIFUL RESIDENCE . . 2006 Ml, Vernon, 13 roome 2 hatha; hot water beati hardwood floora throughout! el gantly papered andpalnted; coet owner over 110,000 only 3 yeara ago; will aaerlflca for 8000. perhepa a little leeei occupied by owner and open far Inspection at any time. Pbon -.Poplar. 3702 J 1820 VV. VENANOO BT (corner Oraltl. 1630 feet i 8 atory brick dwelling, 12 room and 3 baths; inclosed laundry. .with tuhai hot-water heat. si. anil elaclrle llahl t IfllHlO. ..-.. -.r .-;viT -.i.-; vi .v -i...;..L. .m ,K LANI1 TITI.W AND TrtllBl -u. THE TIlltST tICPAIlTMKNT Ilroad and Chestnut ata cent a tier c nount Invested! partlculara on EMBERTON ESTATE8. 1488 652 B 19TH, 11 room, conva IIBOO 704 B. ytith. roomas modern 440O 2346 Catharine, 9 rooms) conveniences.. 304) 1RJ1 Relnbridge, 1003, 3 rooma ,. .. 180O 1616 Balnhrlde. 8 rooms 2400 FARllEI.U 710 B. 20TH 8ATH 1NVEHTMENTB Wa hav for aala aome weii.butit nouses thai pay over in year on ine amnq aBnllcatlnn. I'Kll B. 38th st. Telephone Woodland 4737. FOUR GOOD HOUSES on main et. In West Phlla. which ran he bought Irae than aaeeeaed aiue; will pay 20 per cent on inveetment oi rraaie. av. 2322-24 W. DAUPHIN BT , 36x120 feet, with 231A Fletcher at, on rear. 18x120 feeti ae aeeeed at IPilOO, monthly. rental till. 11IE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Cheetnut ate BEAUTIFUL old ahad and shrubbery; hand aome detached houea, 813 Tabor road. Olneyi lot 73 ft wldet 2 frontai garage In rears Ideal auburban home, other attractl. Olney homea. , ABBHN'ETHY, 2121 N. Bth. 1830 N. 17TH Very deelrable realdence. 12 rooma, 2 betha, attractive location; reaeonable price 1)33 N loth at,, D-room dwelling, con veniences, bargain to settle estate. VM. 8. YARDI.EY. 1834 Olrard av. value; will pay 20 per cent on Inveetmeni 812011 and ahouid bring good profit on res . Howard II, Wilson A Co., 212J GermanCn Ralldlng IMm, rectory Sites, eta. DELAWARE RIVER FRONTS B30 acres. BO acre. 300 acres. 44 acre. 133 acres. 123 acres. A acres. 4 acrea. H. R McCOI.I.UM 1314 Walnut atreet. THE FARMERS' new hay market properly. 11th at., Cambria at. and In diana ave., to ba aold at a aacriflce. Partlculara. RINGE A RI.NOE 929 Chestnut st. SITES, RAILROAD, for sale. Pennsylvania and Reading: 12000 per acre and up. according to location. Inquire for terma. - DIETEIIICH. 737 Walnut. N. E. COR 2D AND DIAMOND 8TS. Well located alte and building, adapted for factorlea, garagea. etc : OOxirm to Palethorp-at. LEWIS A. TAULANE. 8. VV, cor. th and Walnut ata RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES II. II MCCU1.LUU 1314 WALNUT ST. CHOICE RU1LDINO LOTS and large tracta ground In all parta cltyi also over 200 mfg. sltee.Melvln. 1315-10 Ileal Est. Tfust Bldg. COR. lllTll'A INDIArA AVE., about 14.000 square feett aiding If desired. WOHRELU 653 N. 17th Phonee, Farlorlea NEAR 7TH AND CHERRY Flna little building. 32IK) aq. ft.! elevators ault any light mfg. s will aacriflce and take terma ault purchaeer. MORRIS ti CO . Ridge at Broad Stores and Dwelllnga 803 COLUMBIA AVE. Store and dwelling, 11 rooms; will be aold at a bargain to close es- WM. B. YARDLBY, 1 M4JJra rdave. 8. E. COIt. 20THA Fltlgerald Store and dwg.: prlce AJerms right. OardIner,18th A Wharton N. VV. COrt. lilTH'A PORTER I-irge atore and dwg; Ue locution. Gardiner. 10th A Wharton. S. VV. COR. 16TH A TITAN House and atore; good cond,: cheap. Oerdlner, 10th A Wharton. N"H. COR Reed A Chadwlck 0 rme; 16x56) fine butcher ahop. Gardiner, 16th A Wharton. WEST PlllLVnitl.l'illA $4200 48TH 8T. ABOVE CHESTNUT BT. Two atory atone front. 8 rooma and laundry; parquetry floora. electric light, hot-water heat, etc.s easy terma If desired. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN SAMUEL STERN . 1201 CHESTNUT STREET, NEWEST AND. REST IDEAS IN HOUSES New England central doorwaia Large porchea on terrace lawna , Well-lighted living rooma Colonial alalrwata Breakfaat rooma Italian gardena Beautiful papering and decorating A great variety In price, atyle and deelgn A moat attractive residential quarter Prlcea moderate and terme of aale adjustable to ault the purchnaer. PKJIHERTON ESTATES . 1438 B, BPth at. Phone Woodland 4767. JUST COMPLETED 54TH ST. AND WALTON AVE. MORE THAN HALF BOLD EVERY 'KNOWN CONVENIENCE. IN CLUD1NO HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGH OUT! UUILTVIN SHOWER RATH, "TILED RATH AND KITCHEN! LOTS 100 FEET DEEP. JA8. C, MNDURO. BUILDER Convenient to 52d at. cara, alao Ualtlmore Bubwaycar No. 84. - 4809 IIALTIMORE" AVE. Handsome semide tached 3-atory residence; large rooma, abun dant tight and air; Improved Seating system, electricity, hardwood rtooras possessea very touch tn Inaure comfortable home and la well aituated for physician. EUGENE L..JPWNSEND B. E. cor. 40th A Ualtlmore, Ph. Woodl'd 3200. LUXURIOUS HOMES SPRUCE BT. EAST OF 44TH 8-story, semidetached homea. feature beyond description; location unexcelled; garage prlvi lege; aampl houae, fully furnished, open. PRICE 1IB00 RENT 115 Assessed 41000) 6 '.'-story brick dwellings; all rented location near 't2d and Lancaster ave, MILLER N0HCRO88 IIBALTY COMPANY 6200 LANCASTER -AVENUE xxax, aavAm o CmNnmHi fnm !VoeHCW, omUHANTOWX It Will Pay You to Inspect ii.. an. unusbally desirable 1 '.,jrnM,''d near In S mlnutea ot Queen I-n..,",,n,1n aoutn Wleaahlelron av. Th TV'wt,,rirVr?, aa western expoeur and rontalna 2 Mlhrona J wall aa 8 chambers. It la lighted by electriciix - . ,i,K all nnvenlences. prlce-1 tn qnlrk buyer at aono. WM. H. WILSON & CO. XtORRlB I1UILOINO CHANCE FOR QUICK BUYER In 4 mln. of Chelten Ave Sta and trolle ye, let us hear from yon or- w'll consider oner. WM. H. WILSON & CO. MORRIB RUH.DINO HOMES OF REAL MERIT .n,C.?iVee,T2,-rr5,m.?b.VhV77h.ri: pareue"; floofi flret and eet-ond floor, beautl. Jul flnlsh In mahogany and white, near Upeal st. Hon, trolleys and Lincoln Drivel prlc m.WWi term lo ault ... SMULLEN & BARRY -v.ri.iin nank Itldg.. Rroad and Chestnut ata. Dctach'ed House, Only $5000, llesutirul atone oweuina, r.-,n,j. ,... light! In very convenient neighborhood. GLYND0N PRIESTMAN 5506 Germantovvn Ave. GERMANTOWN HOMES Selected u.r. nn itiwr Advise us ot jour requirements, list upon request, CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MOtmiB RLDO.l 1121 CIIESTNl'TBT. OERMANTOWN"- V7. Wa.hlngton Jane near Greene at.. .1-atory semidetached dwelling.. 12 rooms and bath each! extra large loti excep tionally cheep. Chae. VV. Miller, 401-lof Commonwealth niag, . a riiasnttnaa ! f f 83 wav K ftaaaa- f Aa ll- low brick houae. nn double lot. 10 rooma, 2 hatha. For long lease or sal writ to II, Lee, 8 J3l)Locual at. IF TOD ARE..LOQI4INO FOR A 1IOMH In tier- mantown, ". irj -r v., ,... .., .v. .-., nJJ. A.h. Meehan. 0747 Oermantown ave. CHOICE HOMES. Tulrehocken at . of Qer. msntown ave. J. II. CHADVVICK A CO., Bn.'J Oermsntqwn qe. . . OUR REAL ESTATE BULLETIN Jill bo eent lo iou hv mall on application Oermantown Trust Co., Chelten and qermantown avca 7T... vrt.-ii- tf-re .n.l a. la Itaf nf flarm.ntnwn and Cheetnut' HIM nrcpertlea sent on appllca JRR;Lleter ft Jon.5612 Oermantown. ai. Clie.lnnl HIU . Attractive, Modern Residence 14 rooma and 4 bathes garage and 3 1 acres of lands adjoining and overlook nr I-alrrnount Parks on of the moat Iwautlful properties In the most popular section of Cheetnut mill houee Is lighted by electricity and gaa. and heated by hot water! numerous open flreplaceas 2 sleeping porches! surrounded by old ahadei attractive Hardens; house and grounds In best of order. Herkness & Stetson LAND TITLE J1UII.DINO SEVERAL DE8IRAULK PROPERTIES M1NTURN T, WBIOHT CO. Morris Building. Tloffi 2123 VV. ONTARIO. 8 story. 13 rooma. 2 baths, electric, llghta, hot-water heat, hardwood floori; Ideal locations within 2 squares ot trains will sacrifice for quick sale, or will ron slder building lots In exch. I. 827. I,ed. Off. CORNER LOT 55"S!?5CT 12 room houses nenr station and trolley. C. P. PETERS A SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR I.OOAN , KENNEDY A RAMBO. 8740 OUUVfANTOWN Oak ljtnt DETACHED H03IE roll 10800s (1102 North J2th at.s convenient to York road and Fern Rock Stations very complete and In beet ot condition. Owner still In pnsseaslon. J. T. JACKSON CO. llr0nhIn.c'' Olner 12400 3034-86 36-40 N. Falrhlll at.; hot-water heater, electric wired; laundry and porch; deep lota; aamnle houae ready. xupiur, aui lanor roao. COR. FRONT AND TAROR ROAD Large, modern dwelling; all convs ; lot 81x100; ga rage: price attracthe. HINOE A RINOB. 029 Chestnut st Lornn Reforo RUYINO SEE the STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE among Beautiful LOGAN HOMES 1 6th Below Ruscomb Just west of Logan Stn Walk thru Stn. or Fisher's Lane to 10th. T rooma and basement kitchen or laun- dry; euperlor heating and plumbing: handaome fliturea: parquetry floors; 9 closets, kitchen cabinets, gaa rentes, CHOICE OP INTERIOR FINISH. PAPERINO. ETC. Cheery, Bright Homes $4100 Liberal Terms With Garages $4500 OPEN DAILY UNTIL 0 P. M. S. C. ABERNETHY 2721 N. BTH ST. 133 8. 12TH ST. .81 9-321 N. 88D STl THE CHlLlON An apartment houae full ot tenanta. Apply to Harris J. Chilton, owner, O.Ba ..PCM.,, a,,, 9 to 11 "a. m. FOR BALE Near B2d and Market ata., lot and 7 amall .dwelllnge THE LAND tlTLB AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts. S8TH ST., N.. 40 . POnCIl FRONT. SIDE YARD. 0 I tOO MS AND JiATH. 20x123, TO HACK 8T.) MUST BE SOLD: I300O J, jC. BE1DEL A CO. 4TH AND CALIX)WHIlL. 87500 WILL SACRIFICE 12-7inTrmod., cor. house, 8. OOth at., Including an eatab., grow ing bua.t term easy) must sell to close est. Wlsler. 801 8.00th, J 439 AND 441, Must b aold. JTAMESpVnHILllth .endJUnepm atjj WK'Vji uuil.1 ior nunareae, wny not lor yi evenings, too. vnnt Himnli house onen dally 64TH AND BPRINOFIELb AVE. RENT 819. prloa 12300 Near OOth and Market. 2-story modern dwelling, porch front, 6 rooms, bath, .laundry. JRoyTWojrrellJ0Market! 1300 CASH ONLY Real home buyer-a bargain) 7-r. new airtight home, vie, 63d A Cheeter av.. at less than build, price. YVI.tcr.8ul 8 6uth! V bSaLI. HOUBBS. near 60th and .Baltlmor ave.t rented 814 each. .Examine; make offer. Vj.iL MAOINNIS8.A SONL 6000 Baltimore jiiK 921 8. B9TH ST. 2 atjry. 7 rme., hot-water Et., gas A eleo. lot 16x75) flna loc-.i maka offer. d J. OALLAOHER, 610 B. 60th at. 2-atqry trick houae, 7 room, porch, etachedi lot 20x80; near cara. Bargain. LOFLANp, 7iaiYWoodlnd av. RFORD AVE . 47298 ROOMS i PniCI 2300. O. C. SEIDEL A CO., INC. 4TH ,NU callovVhill BTB, HOME Mod. 8-rm , 1 aq. from Subway surface. Cheater Short Line, Smith, 22d and Taakar. 11700 : aemldeta STORES. DWELLIN03 AND APARTMENTS For aala or rent tn beat aectlona of Logan, WM D CHAMBERS, 4933 N Droad at. WILL SACRIFICE 2-etory atore anddwelllng, ault moat any buelnees; beet section ot Logan) alao 2-atory dwellings terma aame aa rent. WM. MOORE. 10-1 Duncannon. Leave car at I.lndley ave, 5100 N ). ' 12TH BT.. N', 48,'S Modern 2-atory dwelling; porch front) large lot; all convenlencea; price tow If. aold at once. RINOB A R1NUE, U.t) Chestnut st. DESIRABLE, well-located propertlea at attrac tlva prlcea, in Logan and vicinity, THOMAS MclLHBNNY, 4038 N. Rroad St. PENNSYLVANIA BUUUKBAN BALA Attractive Place, near station; 14 large, light rooms, 2 batha, etablas lot 80x300) prop erty In good condition. Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BUILDING a-aAXMTA-faiaafci rWTt.tAini av Cow(Iaea1 rem JVWW.. - RIGHT PRICE AND Tnyia . tenjnt-nou.Tetc.', V.T.M''Z.iTL of fruit. Be Photo il rSe AatT lS awuSS thft prrrpert?.' Sh7.d arnS vym. n. WILSON 6rC0 700-01 llnnni. . r x,v. -.-:" "f.n.nnaa CYiNWYD" D.Jn'.T "oP,M3n,,,V,,US? tel rrlea nmmnn-M- vv " "odern i -'- -.-.fa -w a Lower Merion (v, . LAND TTTLE BUILDU. i'TMWTn-.T'3ra?A- t .a--- - Vedma. J baU.rvrrr de?.,rM' SAMUEL C. WAGNBlTji 50t Ral av. and Pnm-,.,i.. -I e". DARRY Near Bth and Main. ki?i 5r'.rn.u.ltry.houeei ' jm SiBWll ll -.rrojauuu. BWop Sons. bsVki, ELKiNB rAntr se--ii. -V. J-iiil?yi pn of th finest corner raV.lS1 L'LT.1 '" . 'urbt 'ZSZ'tXSFVi .SS :2..&rIl'.rnl eondlt oni WiUr" and ehrublwryl must b seen J t" ' elated. Price. 11V ooo, " t0 T m T nT.r..- V u. a. uiAuivaujN r.n ch. -"- ir . Ki.KINS PARK Ashbourne road mrneri very hanx. i and trolley: comfort.hi. hUJ,n.,y. e0 1 acre of land, new heated ...... r"" "a'v. "A"!"""! niiBren in ein ."' J. T ACKSCWnrnSrnttt"., Ki.Kinn I'AiiK 'r- HARUAIN. 114.500, worth 118.(100 si a 14 rooma 3 batha. it ' KJJT ? ! chance. WM. o GLENN liiiTWi! llulldlnr. 1R1T rviiiimM. , ..' M1 Uai nf 13KtotritT ,..i-B . s SKJ'n HUNTINGDON VAIjIf '"11Z2, "'KX. ?:" "mi shades large running stresmi u mii.i Sn?" "u"lWF ej close an relate) large slona farmk ,.7. n.L.m. VtlHIIIKIlE niac.. ,h mil. T. HERKNESS & STETSON . 831 LAND TXTM4 DUILDlKO al b.MVls-N iVI v- English Style Residenre: Mono first floor, half timber abov. '"K.J5. rm".JriJ,hL on come. ,u"u ;' "" ""uri in new and herft Ion of Jenklntown. tetween train X? eyj perfect orderi attractlya KTwn&iVi nearlr new. all up-to-date ronvenleoctai . I -w crnmf -irtA. MtfUii iui t "' nalnnca on mortrraae, HERKNESS &STET LAND , TITLE BUILDING JENKINTOVVN Stone-and-Shinolc House'1'! 1 rooms and bath: on Oreenwond ave. J tween train and trolleyl lot. 50x173 fLl liaH.i nrlf sarin . --..,- Herkness & Stetson ' .LAND TITLE BUILDINO irjunrtvrowN- HOtTSES TO IlKST INn Hffr.I. iw i town. Wyncote. Oak Lane and Chestnut 1 HERKNESS & STETSON , in... IjA.W lIUllaUITiQ J.AN8DOWNK-. PA-t It 1.1 (Hi. Ktnl valuta . Well-built brick hnuae, lot 113 ft.fraM: rounded bv hlahcla.Ba tiranerlleB. 11 . hardwood Dnlah caa and eltctrlc 1UM: i train and trnllnu . ciiESTim osnortNK. ivn. . ! Offices. Ijnadowne and 1524 Chestmil at.' MI2ADOWBUOOK t, 5 6,ACRES AT MEADOWBRWJT: Highest elevation In Huntingdon VeHeyi! anaaei nns views; surrounded by attr- KuiiurDan noinea, npnngueia waier;. HCWVej light; phone: macadam roads; near sUuew HERKNESS & STETSONS LAND TITLD BUILDINO T . . - - - NORTH WYNNEFIELD ', Handsome stone houea and cxrs')j5l rooma, batnat garage naa man a .reen aa bath. 2 cars; unsurpassed location; lot 181.1 front by 250 ft. deep. , r Lower Merion Realty"! ! ANn Tirrp mil mwi NORWOOD 010 J Oth ave.. modern 10 dwelling; large lot: all city conts : easy l C VV. OABEI.L. Jr.. Executor. 314 Well RYDAL Excentlonally attractlva atone Colonial ! 18 rooms. S baths: thoroughly modern ri 4 M acres; eplcndld view over iiuau Valley. HERKNESS & STETSON, 1831 LAND TITLE BUILDINO BALA-. A Stone and Shingle House In beet location, containing 7 bedrooma. 2 lVt,h0n3..,,nO.r.fOtaWnr,'" "Uh man'' "o"" SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 201 Bala av. and CommerclaljrrMlldg.. Phlla. JJALA Colopfal 15-room Holmeeburg granite ton houee; beet location In Bala, llryn Mawr av. opp. Upland terrace; large loti all mod. am conveniences. Owner, JOHN HAUUERT., 208 Bala aa.. Cvnwvd BROOKLINE Brand-new del, dwelling.. 7r. and b.. water heat, electricity, 50x125; 18350) only (450 caah required) will exchange. ' J. ELMER VVATTb. opp, Urookllna Btatlon. SHARON HILL 214 -afory aemlaetacbed nrooms: an conva, i aicam, lut LOFhAND. 7121 WOODLAND AVE j SOUTH ARDJIORB Before you decide t anything nn important aa nuying a uvm aeo me, 1 nave a very large u.i w fot aala atnnir tha Ardmore trolley. I and up to date, that I wish to shew, Several bungalows. J450O. itBOU ano .I.K VK.ft Irani,,,. Ilnu.t. at l!VU0. tilinn anrf .inward HariralnB In building any alte up to 1 acre. Write or pbea beautifully lllualrnted booklet. WM 8 DAVIS, office at elation. .. miUlll AlU.'.M-'!'-.. , ,, , , .i,a. OWNER muat aell quickly S lot "lJ. khs and water in atreet) worth 1150. W Inao, gooa )ocaiion!rfntfjuau.j-"T VILLOW OROVB. raUNTlir onv" ( "V. a,ra. ahada and fruit In abundaa!. , room house, a. bath, gas... e.lccttlcBf . flres. etc.; stable, hennery. Call .aee pHfV 1 C P. l'BTEKB i BON. BOS ClIr-gTMlTf a3 WYNNEFI ELD . ATTRACTIVE NEW HOUS detached, mini 01 nonow. "' fvi7H rooma. of which 2 ar ,1'lh1r",JJ noi waier, nanirv vr .n...v -:-"--. , Ing every poaalbje convenience) 112 i m quick aale! don't miss this opportunity. 1 ,J K saiei aon 1 ini.a una uv.. ...-. , WM.H. WILSON &C0.J ..Annerl Tt3f HUitlua miuum. WIMj BAmiFICB CU-acra cotmti..? 12 rooma. S batha deaifned bg Bawgj A Bavtrri remod-vled Colonial Jannaya il.vo.uwqnar-jr . r "",'C""ur house,, larg. barn, poul ry , bouJ, Willi 111111 ijuaiKi'f wfcti jm j'lt, mhmAm and reat abundance of fniil fcrgaln: full detail, on miueetiwliij ppoinirnan-. ii ajj-j,x,. .-.. - PUBLIC BALK on premlaea. Beturdsy, at 3 p. in , 2 desirable building lots. 160. on vihlt.rnarah ayj ... be : w?en an anq nienion ..... -"".7; ;-,: cneetnut jiiu. i-a.. i. .- ,,;, Ita will ba offered aingly. ' tunlty for epaculatlva or home bull4er. for uJ--DAOE5ljNAmyirJls. rwner ot "Edg.fleld'' at Three Tuaa.Pa mile Ainoitr oi.huu, V. -a..H. jar. etyle house, lu rooms, an "c.-: '.;., very extenslv Poultry plant " "l Bala on premlaea. Thureday. Nov, z. a nana ior circular. . ,w,.- p. It. J. PAPER. 1NC-- Ambler, r 8 ACRES. 21-room . f urnuhed hptel. heat, light ana piini ". yTTrm geregel on State h'lw'''hiSplil vIIle. Bucka County, 1'., on rbllaiieip 1 caaion iroii.y ..'"'" , -U " "tmimuiw THWN--1 COUNTA1 Bend foe catalogue. . BROWN A CLOUD. Norrlstowa. lB&l Xr waTw'Bw W ewaiTw LsjNY iti r aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa V( flR3(v rJ L V iw gft ey-C V BfBp PaLlx wJXf rH rBaaaLBLaa JiiB -Lm LbLhibLbLbi I fj I - Bjajaa)ejaapsaaaa8 n ' s i sw j, .1 siisae'eaaaawaeaeaajeea. ' ' ' 1 1, ... ifKrpfjfhsjiZ . ri ,