tvntmm rxmoxxtt - '"ninV'clothb" to Himte r LuJt .Won Peplar 233. i)n, JgS25niAMOHD3 BOUYIHT . Vt cr .. nnm i r-j. ptrM' asM-.- w niiiini ci-"" - tSriaCTiilJAlhjtTUgMjrij LT&iwCVS " KtW Thi.t notiaii... . r'CAIGK. ' inTfltNd no' ritoNri WA7.NUT 11 mhiiT. MM ftf CARPET CLEANING . leACP?. "oT'n. foV ToiaOo" . BUw rOR SALE rooL. combination. eeond bend Trior! rOOU combination. conn, nan Mi? eold, rented, exchanged, repairing! effii "Yiti Kefer,' American manufae- fe McAnd htrd howl T T,r:,?lvh.W.tn3J,n; KlWJ.JS'l i '-- J- riiW-wSKNiiKD. V O - 1003 Arrli rsi3ftissra 'J?M mod.1. Iteslerer eold by u oa a ".." ....I ffnllv euaranteed. Nation! fW ftKrtlnrtr. CO. ' ''AS MlfliMTNUT BIURET ZZu rHrj.AVlnut, red Plueh. upholtr I.Sld oik plain Cnalr tfxchang. 8, B jLw'th nd vine . - . e.rrf fecona nan.; UIHt nil . Intrhlil tirnnufi Tsix v- - -..-.;i:... eaey llrl. Inui, Encyclopaedia Britannica ,1 im of Ac of Encyclopaedia t, A. " No" ll 8. JStfi. lor. a iebia. USED OFFICK ruiiBiiunn , IhW Imaginable In thl fin and plenty 'tiii aaeortment nd tH valuea la ?iW. n3i makeei W barse-fni ?l North iriri (blwnIlr.n vinei, "afi-ClTM II RANKI( crania lirmur r,,,,. RSSinm cleaner. eeeond-Und. nth" beraalm tv1? l'T.l.ilw r hnrinnerallnr marhlnal rsffisr &.WMT1 tkkw WSant.wn pnd dlrard .evee. . .,. rtupnpniTfl ..r'.V ininnTllEOT IM TOWN tlAI.TF.nff PAWN shop. oo vinb IfXATINO iPATIWfi Steam, hot water or warm air lonlXliVJ in.i.iiMi -t rnaeonabla prlcea. rewnthlM guaranteed, eitabllahed 80 jearai .Mtnaawa 'P!"Z." r .,...!. .... X i .;i,l, . iV .K vJa 32SU iiriuaa ai n.ii imwur. MACHINERY AND TOOLS E-LTi 108B TEN TU1K8 owt tha Urol rnft C iStlni unfit bearlnira, than for land'a Sia " YOCOM ANTI-FIUirriON MKTAI. tfiia i mti IHON and UtlAHS KOUN- JA1IK8 TOrOM A FON' Si." ITatllPMUVT timoi motort. bollan. attain and oil an- mius. motora and machlnary bouitht. Jf ranladv armatutta repalrrd Main 01. Mrkt zph jraraity vo - n gj i blRN MODF.I.S In ponar wiulpmfnt ,8a & AND OH, KNOINK CQ.4 4N. tth t. toifaif nnnRHH nf irnroekU. ehitln. ! ?lr hurkt nd trannmUnlon . mntvrUla cll tl CHAIU'Ko IfUilJ UiAirAn i -V strait cMTMO. '0Q BR" hnrM tlrnrmn Hwter f miwai "',".L a.i.aMiir Ifm Vt Kit . TiifKMAM mrvlnff mn chine. u 17 . wbl VMJlrton rnln K Waenc. ' Iwrenc t rhlUdtlrhla, LLkn ' No '3 'Own' unlvrftl back and, Pl DOx ico. rnniu utivv. nuwi rTriTTtnH. 11 tlKOB PIITUA an.HAND PK 8UPPI-Y 1003 N Tth Both phonf MUSICAL IKSTHUMENTS nKtovKn vicron hcccuids now JtUlUAIV lV Vlll'"'1"' ! ,. . Mckkiuno urniaiiT tiano ON HOWARD VINCKNT. MS N ITH OLD a OLD I SOLD, allvtr, nUtlnum. plat4 wart, old- 9 jawairr. laain riaiaa uuukui tui ... UTO. 1. U. Clark, raflnar, ROT Hanaom. OOLnC-Caah nald" for old Hold, alUrr. ua florka will rail lien pnune, itui lUKjt.iia, :i n I7in ai STORAOB n,'EUT.iu,:i?1K.I,as?ipKEvTA.,I0U8E3 PENN HTOrtAOB AND VAN CO. SUS MARKET ST. rr riuLA, iriu MONAIICII BTOUAOB CO. t'a arklna1 and Rhlnnln ngnvirn sto t.ANOAaTBn avb, ADD BTORAnB. BIS nirard ava. Htkbic. atoraaa. Phonea Pod. 6304. Movtna. Tic. 42 !TiTZWRITERS AND SUPPLIES HT NOT IlENT I IS mo IT 50 thrao moi, A f llamlnpinn Tvt-iwrt ti In . RgMINQTONT I Inc. 110 B Bth it WANTED rjqUB FURNITURH. falao.toalh. faathar H VlWacil JTllf KVIUl "l"'l. MIIMVIi awumi, laa wainui. walnut tu;h inoo iCK VUH nOOK WANTED: atata prlca and mon i i;o. Kflgar oni CN 1EWKI.HT- antlnuta. nlttola. colna. booVi. with prlcaa I pay. mailed lTc. J, il'MBla a8t9r).:l8a inn. w 44o riBTjvv nTmtffo AViisrpnn par vary nlihcat prlcaa for nwi'i aummar la! Mtlnfar anlta nva.Milll aff . and kimlll I alatlua; alio ladlaa' atreat draaaa and avtnin; Hwm; wrlto, call or phona UarKat 3i3 w I11. cli7 r couniry aay or niani. unuva oi ciotnint Co. i ttoo uprin uaroan at. rlHT.rlrll nmiiKn Wa buy men a aulU. ottrroata. full dreaa, m auui. aio.i owina to tna arai aemana clothtj at tha preaent.tlma wj will ray . Trr niaa prlcaa tor inea aooua. j-uuna f.?. . uki cooPEiiioio airam ava. tr CLOTIIINO lllahaat tirloaa Tiald! itlamao'a clotblnir. ahoea. hata. Hand poa- can day, , avtmna, city, aunurba. any ra. any tlma. . Vrladman llroa.. 1444 at mono i Dlcklnton , eica, , V CI"iTlllVfi wiNTRrCllan'a anlfa" Wrcaata. lc, bouaiit. Phona Walnut ttti. BTAHK, 41 N. UTU BT. ,-fiyy cLofTlINO lfihet prlca paid for . Wt.Acklt. laati Tt'oplarl planoa, carpata, antlquta; antlra a and mm'i MpopTtrtTTl. ITUliE frpart houata boaaht for raah. no mattir OMr larta. J. Hirnaialn. lani UMva ava Ramans! BOOMS TOR RENT p. B. 4l Juat opened I prly. bath. eleo. Ill, It CAfn hl flirnlaLhairt ny linfiirntaha1 ATOi7v?uMIPJ:i,.,i,4PL,B O0M8rPlSR pSa-ISf-.iitii &,JK9mAIn7B JtOOMS. KXCELk. c.. .2; n , .Xr v- ' urB "i roomai pri. oatni WTiaipoM open Dratllce. IcuM l(a j. roomai rooma irzi2rwl open urafiaoa, icuw HS. IKT i Bultea wlthbalh( alnita B!Jfjnhatireaeonabla. r aath. laTnT.'ca v o.,:;.".v.,;ir.'"' 51 BTm t!3J ComTorlably'furnlthad aa'o. uTi Vrf."?". roP.B1' neaieo, aiectrio 'Xfiiejajamljjjaaaonabra, Ssc&J5g3E' ICWI.Y KDItNIRIIED ll HMABONA1II.E a Z.zJ v araa wjuoio parlor ana aaioin WSTS "S-SlrT ?9r' WlvaU hallway! ault S'CiiJivl " ' -"'" Br pt' rrr '.."""e , bTIboTu? aj -! vnwurwn rroni "ria...' te!r rooma r antlamtn. rhona ufX i tliiJ-8 dlrTunfurn. 2d floor rni a... IMi'" '" M-Hory room an 7 !( II la I ww.w u a. , it Villll ajao larn auaM. rraaip P"iJ?iIyLfrii ""a. riva in S:?, C" U" . rooms .mi hlik ftfta. Lcy Hati.-kTai.';i: -i .l4.1T9EKassaa aai- ' Mnsu''1.' - - .' V'" "' " TrHoRtrivH, t w uaal ii lISMr-iruy-. (Miojarnllyiw ivaa-w.r-Maj loBoisa ta ffirT'wain im.h." J jIT j .r--v, 4P ta.,J' JEWWE. atory fronti tlJaWirW. wllh ava. J.: ivata LlMildl-un.nm, raat, .RAVITAXT9WI FVKI I APARTMENTS Coall.aert rmn Prrerdlae" BYENINa LElDaER-PHILADRLPHlA, FRTD-Y. OCTOBER 20, 1910 5, ronaull Apnrtmcnt Hcadqunrtcrs rt5i?nnU.,JnI?m,Vi!!- mnamafna for tn. aperiion and reeervaltnm far wa.tin. JiL "'?.'' enort and tha moat aaiiafn. .. aulta to (ort Tou NORMAN S. SHERWOOD ne.. a.iUM WAt'KT ST. aNSItfr2l!:ir)u,,,"rn.,l,.IW,:'.ri','",!"ed If de. alrexl. newly decorateil Poplar ii VAJL'NVX..3?V-A,,r,',l xMrimanl amnd TiT CT.Ui8 'f rmL wl,h b,n fft belli wall heated j'enly of hat water, efi-cltlci wbst piiiKni'.i.riu ...T,US..'3N,rKVIRTA , 3 AND OXr-OHD r?Tft flentlal aertlona nt lha rllvhlak apul ..l.k- rIy,!.iTf,,.n .nl ,n r,U'i h'!" tn healthy I.1"1 .",.",n :J mlnutea of Oly llall 1 Uri-. at I. and (I'Hh t rreaatnwn lln which runa direct to tha bulldln. of ! rm nath and kllrhenatia Cram art la tin Piiktia na fMm ImmI.iI In .ll .- .- ...iw . vm firmiK ilium m Si lllldll m Phone Over- 0KI1MINT0 THE NKW ADDITION 1J I'KI.IIAM l-OUUT . 18 OPEN rRt.HAM rOUIlT waa not built lo make an appeal to every one hut ta you who demand the bait and ara arruitnmed tn rtrm It at a prlca which, roneldarlna whit o da de mand aid receive la mMrale. II will make m f rnnir rrimpeilina appeal nni i.iiuii REAL ESTATE TOR SALE ratlaM from rrtcra'laa Talamn - - Sttta,iHl pwelllnfa A ilSe,iT,,.F:8,nAllT.IB and rroaperoua bualne.a iw51l"IL.,!,. ""-' na beat aecllnne of city EUGENE L. T0WNSEND " k ror 40lh and tlaltlmora ava Phone Woodland njiKI IIT la located at farpenler'a orr peautirul l'KI.IIA Blaiinn (lermantown luat com Drive1 on tha Pennerlvanla Hallroad, IW1 er "1 Jralni a day aurely tramportaUon annuah for any one ftUlfra of 1 hMlttl and 1 katt. Ia A vu.w.s anj 2 halha, tha alia tn ault lour reaulre men! a,.. Prlcei are from ISO up APAIITJIKNT IIOTKU and local-l In olutely Ideal tend rxrlutlve auburhan V In COOUT ariin t VOU tnav mm In PU nnd a perfect auburhan location perfct an ah ocat'on, I.1IAM word ni ranaportatlon unexrolted, an ideally con tructrd build ni. aulet illcnined. eleeant Tou may "elect an apartment of tho alia In ault your Individual needa you will fin I all your houVeepln. prohlema anlcl and taken rare of for tou ahanlutely without effort on lour parti you will nnd a tahla cf the ulmeit etrellenoa at a mnt mcdrale price and tnj name courtesy a t vice and at lentlon li uniform throuihout tli entire catab. Ilshment or full Information, arrnncemente for In .!-. Htm anu w rlta to rcernatlom call, phona or KOmtAN H HI 8Pnt'CE 3071 Fiirnwnon 1411 WAINUt 8T IIACE .033 the premtaea at or tn hla repreaentatho IVlham Court Apnolntmenta mav he made for automobile to call at your rialdenc or tmitneia nlaco ami lake ou directly to PKI.HAM COUnT at your convenience and pleaiure APARTMENTa WANTED Furnlihrd WANTED Twt or three furalahed hauiekeeplna rnnniB. all ccnenlencea marrle.1 couple, no children, atata termi D 111. ledger Office HOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS r YOlf TANNOT FIND A IIKTTKll APAUT.MKNT N i: con ittii and WAicirr sts One blcck from Itlttenhouse Square The houiekeeplnc aultea are perfect In their plan, 3 larv? bedronmi eaoh havlnr hay win ilnwa, fine lariue llvlne room dlnlna room, kitchen, maid a room and S bathronma ae well. Ideal winter and itimmer nparlmrnti, alan aultea of U roomi and bath, free uae of laundry on top floor )our Inapactlon cordially Invited. Phone Walnut CO. "J MK11TON W ORBIMS N B cor llroad and Chcetnut, paecond floor HOUaEKEHPrNa APAUTMENTfl All parte of clt . 3 rooma and hath to ? rooma and bath, IJ3 to 170 per mnrth. call, phone ur write. HAML'hJ, HTKH.V l.'Ol Chaalnut at. NKW rOMONADO CHESTNUT AND 3SI BTHEBTB A few vacancf a Apply Janitor. APARTMENT IIUItEAU 274 modern apartment bulldlnai 'Second 1mr N K ror Hroad and t'heetnut J0TH. N . 1401 Two rooma. kitchenette! fur. planed. d up Blnala rooma 12 bo up. UlAlTOND. 1343 133. handaome corner flat, A and 3 rooma, private hatha, furn. or unfur HPIIUCi: 8T, 2110 Eirellent cornerTiouee- keeping apt t alio doctor'a urllce, modern m ttWT PHH.U1KI.P1IIA KI.NOSCOimT 3HTI1 AND Ulll:Tv,T 8TS. RVKIIAt. MODEUN HOITJlpKEEPrNfl APAhTMbNTU Km lU.NTl KI.ntTlUC EI.Bj VATOftH PUntir' DlMNO IIOOM. APPMf EST. TllySM. BlSKUa. Jll . li'VI lIAUli Bl ESSEX. 31th and Cheatnuti Vonterey 43d and I neatert lieimom Aim ana r Inquire janitor, or CRhSSE rh.ilap! lulmnnf 24th and Hnrlna Harden s -7.'-' . - :::!" - ... ,, r .. j .ii.i,,. ouo liaia Ului APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL COLONIAL Hpruce at Eleventh Street A 8ELECT FAMILY APAIITMENT HOTEL Conveniently located In tha center of tha in a raw anuarra 01 ina principal Culilna and city and within a few anuarra o theater and ahopplnc dlitrlct. three rooma with private bath, airvica of tha blxhaat atandard. PERMANENT OR TOANJIIENT OUESTS wm P. Kenniv. Manacer "5PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Mill Miry O. McOlade DIRE' ii McOlade. roaiiaxir. aucceaaor of Mra. Charira Aliunde. Parkllda eve. at 10th at. ICTLY OPI-OSITM KAlKMOUNT TARK direct llnee to center of city, jtalde rooaiit fumlahed ana unfurnlinea. Culilna ot peculiar excellence. Telephone Hiring- 221, CHE8TNUT AND NINETEENTH Aldine Hotel THE DEBT ROOMS AND BUITES WITH THE BEST TABLE IN THILA. DAT, WEEK. MONTH. BEABON, TEAR THE GLADSTONE , 11TH AND TINE STB. Absolutely Fireproof BEVEnAL VERT DiaiRAnL'B BUITE8 CAN erimNijLJ$ iiMSfiyia-'iBo mTTKi i-iT TXJfTriM TENT1I BELOW enn nnoiIH. KVERT CONVEfJlBrTlTl. Viimtahad or unfurnlthed, eltbe Uaee or tramlentlyi lultea four rooma, wti "." UKlaftlAIAlUIIIIICI en ave uermanioi id Utreet Hlatlon, of liNCtt ir by on or LTeat -Che ten eve., uermaniowni su roinuiee Tom HlyoiT Htrelt Hlatlon, furnlibed. or .Vnturnlahed apartmenlii one room ana Data yijmrexgeo Tioueekeeplna apartmepla AHONj wwatel aiPtll ear I APARTKJlirT ' -jL't V.H ' WhNIK oV" t S4 K. ,m I I . ' "o 4 romua. wit orliate t ' "" J u ifuruialol) ever; oaV.a ij. i i ' " ' '' 4U.IUOV, aVfliraAa IRVING HOTEL Amerjcanplaiij, 2j )ND ( 3 AND WIS mi ii'f.MTrr n-p WEEKLY IIATB3. European, jl up. THE ESMOND i SPSS&JZP1 8UITK8 OF i 8 AND iJlOOMHAmiUAJIl. sjesit OUESTS ITWUT pcnttiNPKT 8TII AI OHEV OAIILEH. 312.1 W T room apartmentil all reaeonaoie 13d Attractive 3 to coortnltnceel lerma REALESTATE TOR SALS SiU 6S2 B, 1TH H ROOMS, CONVS T04B ;0lh. 9 rooma. modem !i4S Oatharjne .roo'. conienlencea ?1 IialnbrUae. IJIioS. rooma 0H.lnb.e ? room. . -? TT .a.eTTa.eaae-.IilL)'rU Waa laVaa ftil BSllaa tiOnatk IKS his 2000 parffl..NtL" run la.. IMVettluHj awa TL ia tilth et TelephoneW t pay over 10 per can a tnvaetedt partlculara on EltTON EHTATE3, 1431 aJVoodland 47HT, tlS? NINE BOLD IN A,WEE C 6TII TlNP PABCHAl... AVE UU 1 II r 'I"V'"' ieaturei Tanoonvaaj mjUhuaajfully furn, iTH ST. ITIoaai s aiorx uweiiiiuii t 1 roomai )oo.lorderl larae yardi -K H Aweat'prlce4 .it e Nutmi aooii oroeri lara hna lorallonl cneap.. win... i . ni ..... . .-,.-.., a.k t Vila f'niujniii. ,.n r., ..,-... -r.--i;.- BT pun 1ST front JS2Si-Ji Jt, M0NEJY FOR MORTGAGES BijlW. AfrU JIW .r4- itAiTWATBVaO'.- .fK,,NT " 'vom at. lo roiuwi a BAUUKJL W, XMVm. ggsasaahs TrtuvtlleAf. 4a; n. lt) fXaa. aa. leak. as&z mHLSi.-'" ' iHiiWAXI riumi SSTA wcXH'rTH ANDcilEHRr "" lllSfeAB,!SBf' "US "ii i i akulaf eell y Itabt mfa. , W ? rlliV nXS ivilll ur--. UK'ir VIIII.MlK.I.rlllA NKWHJT ANDIUMT 1DKAH IN IIOU8KB J"" Knalarnl central doorwi)a ,"rT. fyjhea en lerrar lawn ell.lhted llttnax rooma Colonial etalrwara Itreakfait rooma Italian earilana Keaullful paperlna and decoritlna J eiory eemer at reduced Price. 4 hedrooi room in tiaemenit not lorr a-rnno noor Wlltard roor water heat, elertrlo llibt and many me iflt unique " 'eat variety In prior etyle and dealm i..i.'n" aiiractive reetdentlai auaner I rlcea moderate and term of aale adjaitahla ., .pMnlTsT'ATks , ,, 143 H.. 3hji at ltwne Woodland ITHT 800 SOUTH GOTH ST. Vnlfi (aturta reitrletnl tert on, Wm. II. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. I JSPlrTH 40TH HT THE CIIII.Tin ANi MHmS!t hmia full at ..IV 'J Apply to llarrte J (Jillton, owner, JJ1 lrut at. tall a m ITJOO .Vll.l. HAt'tUFICE 13-rm ml ror hnuee H acth at Includlna an ratah. crow In bui , term eaey muit lall to elae eit W liter Ml a noth flEK Till? NEW RAMPt f IMIfMU waiton ate . lwilt ni KMtl'no. Ilullder alia REAL ESTATE FOR ttZNT t'oaltaacW Jrom rrrcritlnB Cofama lln.lnra rropertle ami 8tere RENT Office and ihop ?0IT 8AN80t BT. OUIT liniTIIAIVII Anna equtra feel heavy ronetruetlen. .Well-llehtrd-omce and eitimatm; nym. 1. A. PATTjqiMON tin South llhat. too sq RT R I.IOIIT IKAIt BTtllti: AND iUHi.MKVT POO rbeetnul STOntJ lllfrt AIH'H SQUAItM FEET FIN FRONT AND HKJI 10 NEW.) room "houeea"" iKW ft roem houafa rented at'"' eich prl'e.Kliio T ..Hiisa bun now) iiaittmora STi oi VE-Vll 1ll for hundrede. ate why nol t mnrt I MA- far ou? Simple hnuee epn diljyt enlnii, too. nilll AND AVE i'i fAKll ONI.T neat horn Purer- Mil A fheeter av Ir at hiraaln. Pew atrltlht home aea than build price Wlater Mil B noth OBRMANTOW N THREE STOUT, eemldetiched 13 roomi, elec Irlo liehtlr throughout, lot :nxl32t have a beautiful terrace 2 bathroom, eteam heat and laundry hate been recently papered ami painted ind are In flrat claia rondltlen on eaat ilde of Hermantawn near Wavhlnaton Ijlne station Reading Hallway, lermi to ault Surchaa.-, property epn Saturday and Sun ay Apply 43(1 1. Walnut lane NEAR CIIICKET Cl.un. modern thre.itory lei low brick houee nn double lot, 10 roome. 3 hatha. For Ions )eii or eala write to 11, Lee, 3VVI iKlrult et (1KIIMANTOW.SI llnu.i. and building ellea for eale. aataral delrable houeea for rent MAIT. HAN IXM.MAN A CO N H cor llroad and t'neainut OEIIMANTOVW TfSMr."." alf eertloni. Franklin llink tlulldtng. Walnut !M7. . DETACHED HTONtf HOUSE OVI.T i.'.00il OI.TNDON pniESTMAN 63111 Omtn ave, IF TOII AIIF. IAXIKINO FOR A HOME In Oer; llll conault mantown M. Airy or Cheatnul me. a. u Jieenan, CHOICE 1I0ME8. mantown ave. rn;2 tlermantown ave, OI1I HEAL TU.TATK nHI.LrjTIN will he aent ny man on arniicaiion . iifiminivnii Meehan, 747 tlermantown ave. E8, Tulr-horken et. eaat of tier. re. J. H CIIADWICK A CO . lo you by iruat vo , nTl'f ermanlnern ate". Ol'n NEW IlENT and aale Hat of tlermantown inn t-neetnui mil oropeniaa irm on '"--lien Tl lt..J.ljter j-fton SHI2 nermanlown av rhe.Jnn Hill 8EVEIIAI, pFanUW.E PROPFHTIES M1NTUHN T. WIllOIIT CO. Morrla Pull ling . . Tioga WE HAVE THE BOUSE TOII WANT vbniji.vania srnt RIIXN ALDAN IT'S EASY TO GET HERE Either by Market 8t Subway (V from 0th et 1 or Penna. 11 R to Clifton Station Juet take a pleiunt rar ride for n few mlnutca and you are at ALDAN an eatabllihed com munity with achoola and, every cltv con venience new detached houae with lira lot '"elm aveVhouth OI' PnOVlnENTF. Oliver H Ke4y4 Co, 4170 Main it . Mjk. BROOKI.INi: Hrand-new dt dwelling; 7r. and b water heat electricity, SIU123 1330, only J4Bn ceeh required! will exchange. . ELMER WATTH, opp llrpokllne Station. DAltnr Near sth and Main.; all cony ; garage, ioultry houie, lot 24'ixltn to lu-ft. atreel fJOOit Rwope A Sona, Darby OI.ENSIDE HOMFH and bulldlna ellea deecrlptton RENNINUCU Ulenilde. Pa sotiTii Amnionic OWNEll nmr HENNINOEtl. I muit Mil quickly 3 lnla, 71135 with via and witer in atreel, worm iiov win i.mi IS30 aood location B 4I ledger Central WILL SACIHFIfB -1 cr country ant. near Ambler, for quick aalei new Colonial manilon 11 room. 3 bathai deilgned by Mawry. Sheeti leeveryi remorialeil Colontil formhouie, with nevolutlomry War aieoclilloni: 2 tenant fiooiea, large barn, poultry houie. garage with lltlng nuartera. etc 1 lawn; ahrubberr. bade and great abundance of friil'i a rar baraalnt full detail on rqueaii will ahow by ippSlntroent. H J. DAOE!tt IN(5. Ambler. Pa " SUIlUmiAN TOWN COUNTIIT "rfoVffltitaSi&UIfc Norrletown. P. "stlllUftnAN REAL ESTATE Anr price All lorallona. Sale or rent. ClfArtLBB J.HOOI CO Morrli !lldv SUni'RItAN RESIDENCES for aale or renti attrertlie location, t price, rleht Maurice S. Hoover, Real Eetata Truit Illdg LAROB LIST OF BltnURrjAN 1IOMFS, ;ala or rent on the Main Llneof Re"'" .ft.! WM II. WIlON A) CO. Morrla Iluttdlnar. MAIN LINK. P. K R. country pierce and build nulrementa. wyne. i- . NEW3JERSEV HI'lirillUN , 1IADD0NIELD-A K9'0'rn?4BflTo,WN irS...,,?t.-t.vra g.;.xv'b;ur,dn.. ggS'c,eV,',.'nrrs.'uh'fe!n-i.t --" TlPPlNCOTT IX.TS AND. .HOMES IOHTH, PJ 1. 1PPINCOTT SUBURBAN HOMES, country ta uVi.u,NTE'rrrW" yyijjLrrf MPPISCOT VBNNRYT.V A N IA. FA R ' RyvENTT.ACUK FARM on Penna R R 8 mllea trm Tllrpad St. Slatlon. aood bull. 23 building lt Mill rnv in Line V, It. R,. town II, llluaiHvii. 13 oer acre. Weal Chrit.r. Pa REAI. ESTATE SALE ORRENT rrrY AND SUDIIRHAN propertlca for aale or C tent. ftwVr Merlon Realty JWpany. Land TjJjjjdin-. PbiUdalphl, Pa , , CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For eel and rent. iAMEHn.WINCIft.Llh. " 4 Baneom t., PENNim.VANIA HJtfirmilAN ' . eel or jr.. BA,.,-C.WpDr.-a &Wy$h. . CommercWjtltdiu IBlh andWariet. MIN MSB, ". K. K, lIN LINE Beit line of Main Line houiea, hah aiMyii'.'vv'we.'lVru.tRid. R. E. SALE OR , EXCHANQE WM HAVB 10 FARMB, taken In axe wa v part six?- 'm ATSfl bole etMe or Ttai :n 8nm t l itta N FRANKLIN ST, alore and eellar Veall, jn H ISth t tlath phonei I'aetirleej Marrhanae. Mfg. nen Cohocksink Mills ""br.Dcv!i,b..7s- Floor. fPOO to n 000 i, ft . clvi-P Powrt II. J'. T0JKKI-T W.3 !.. " ." l. ..,... I. Is artat UK Mia lall wawliiaacriBc-1irM.j.-ri; r--- rlKUiara mw... - ' :hange, which lee Call for .FLOOn N. R. corner eldlngi auhooetoff rte ec, ACB IN 'iODKIIN nUILDINO lllh and Waehtnalon ave. R R innt, a auiwrtor llihti Insurance Phone Dlfklnecn 1410 n,t third Rom- corner light and t-iYIVM elrv alav.lM, m,v!m aiil ahM for lthl tMBll farturlng or particularly adarted for . "'or purpoeee Taylar Son 24 It - B 40th t THRKn RTOHT. 40tfl0 lot, gol light. Irm to J A Mllllll r; 1(1,-4. rmi'rj oi"- Idrner llulldlng Philadelphia Jk 4TH STRHirr NORTH 110 SI Mnufciurlnr floor ite.nt heat ami power. Apply Penmylvanla t o 017 CI ettnut t , HAVB PARTY who will era, t PulMIn central or other location, for attiafietory tenant DIBTRHlfMI 737 Walnut it eiilt Wide OFFIfl". Ill "tlNBat RIIIIMH. ITTC DIinXML III.Dtl OFFK Rt Annual reni '"L Ul.' BZ'IF . f " inn ii30 iVw 1(113.173" ln !!' : rmi nt i Si a a rtn. 1273, It 1130, 1230 !! Si rma a a 2 rmi b.. . a .. .tk aann w a in w Sarn.r eultaa," t 'to a room . IflVl to lt30 r.l.I.IS I WIIJ.IAM 300 Ilreael liuililini MM) J Ml 112 80 HrtED IIUH.DINO 113 30 Centrally located all con v' r'enta attraetlvelv 113 30 low, eerttc contlnunue 153 00 Prafra.lenal Offlrea rnoFKSSIONAL Ill'ILDINO, lMl-IS C.he.lnut et A few il(aa for phy.lcfane or dejtlete. J, T JACKSON. lo Chealnul andISth . snittCB 1337 ftfllcea, tem heat, eleetrlcltyi good aertlee morning and afternoon bour SI'llltCE 1T3S- Phyairtan'a rffloi and reception mem. de.trabte fgr epecltlt . (IKRMNTOWN STONE COIIS'IAI, HOUSE, 13rcm. 2 batb.i fine treee large lot WARNOCK A BMl.BN. Commen lal True! llulldlng . SfllURRAN "" ITII1 RI'nt'RBAN HOMES For Immediate iVcupancy. are c p pirrKits ko.v, ooi chestnut bt. i'bn m i nrnt'iin N MPTLAN Attractive country reatdenca at Moy ""REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL EfcTATB bought, aald. rented, renla ooW B UclVl, rrjortf ga loan. lor a term 01 -e.ra or WILL BUY theap real eatate. ny aectlon, PblddalPhlai immediate aniwerai broker, pro. tted Chejter D. KoHprf- 'i5? Chelnul. HIOHLY rrpepibi party tan b a-urd to lva V houte during winter! reference. iihngdl luburUnJpreferrea. W W, .Udier. Crnlral WISH TO PURCHABB Wet Phlla dwelling. "ntlnf IM tSsnJJL.jLitlL.i.''r Cttr. WILL BUY lnlllu,.lrch.?p. Muting under 1.8. partkulan. J t4, leedger Centrel, REAL ROTATE POR RRMT -lime iim i f "" ' -v---- ClTli NBALIal. tie I. 1ITK.IIT. JRU t , I .... I . "V H23 iai a, . iLaf Traatiaa av WiCb nACHIflcl BTwaiar Seal! awwer WL, h3pb BStVTl arATMM fla aui at, mv, ..i, ,i,.4 140 , rov, .... , l) !rixyM'iy,ir.ytt "Miin i m fitsn mt -otiri T. aataaaaa, tUl Sr.t 7. elrii UAL f-4: KES AND DWELL! B. IT r, 4fc i fii' C5curfBT is ruoua ulj TUB DTfaeiii ta-HHHt. egH w5 iinr peeiejKi Sa - it t7L TL " -"- - Jtaialiy. ' ' - MW. .Jx'WTw"",f 1 1 i Br4 ituJ ClirMtuyt t tun I4UT-iU.ut AND THl lin he Itnie Vallevi ample aluda and lawn. tlon commandlm room 4 hatbroome it ho lie ettnde on high eh exteneive viewa, iim hot water heat nine, llehl etn pharfatlra'a dwa attached rent liouo per annum a tlrijin.han 13ih ami I'lni M1V LINE. P ne ele R It. ava. Id Ith garaae wmteaiae ARDMOIIE 3D SI Paul' road. 13 roomil 30 2 hatha lane lot W II SMlril tlonS Drexel road Overbrook. SEW JKKHEY SlilHIinilK ATtANTIC CITY A oomrlele and nicely fur ntihed collate fi H Delaware ave Atlantic rity, N J . for rent. Apply The Marbur. 22 S llllnola at , gQR RENT PURN!SnED KCIHJllllAN BEAUTIFUL HOME 0 l-droomi 4 hjlha; t ;n from atatlon near trolleys nominal rent for winter monthi CHESTER osnoitVE. 1324 Cheetnut it or LANHPOWNB MORTOAQES 1 MORTGAGES ELWELL, NAULTY & CO. Stock-Exchange Building " TO SECURE A MORTOAaE. Be It flrit or eecond ou deilre eRIclent ervlc. Quick and ntlifactory reault and moderate chergee CALL. PHONE OR WnlTB TO US "Tour morlgit will be a good aa placed" NORMAN S SJfERWOOP 1411 Walnut at $100,0005 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST FUND (loop Finir.MoriTfiA(iEH HORACE It FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST I23.HOO for Inveelment In Mrt inorlgige ny amount, Thl fund muit ba Put at Intereit b. No vember 1 Mall appllcallona at ynye 'with full partli.ilar Alan hate II. and L. fund for ".TV, INC. IIITII AND CHERRY 130 TO $1000 NOTE OR MORTOAOB Immediate etUernenta, llmettled eitite loan. Building aea'n fund. D KM PS BY A CO 27 Hlfltht FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Compnny SIXTH AND HPRINO OARDBN MORTOAOI'.t SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES. A SPECIALTY ' -.,.,,,,,,iiii, l'i.-,, i . , IIALM,,,.. .t..!".'--.. .'- 1437 BRUilHAlfOH . A .PARKEH. naiNiui ni FUNDH for rir.t and a-cend mortgage! J TURNER. 1S01 Chcitiiut it MONEY FOR MORTOAOEH IJVItuh AND SMALL AMOUNTS QUICK ANltWEIl W. II. JIOQD. 312. yt NOJilHSJiT, iToOOOO TO INVE8T In flnt mortgage!. In um from 11000 up alia building anoclitlon money for econd mortgi . ,, , ... . II O. BEIDEL i CO 4thand.CIJowhlll .ta, 100. 1200 TO 18000 TO LO AN SKfi LEWIS I CO Vou 1227 W Olrard Av. ALTTaMOUNTH. 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOB3 MAtmiCB II ilATSINHEII - TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MOI iUnd title buildino III Bit T Bldg 3IORTOAOB MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MQRTaAOES -T. A RKDDINII "'N . 3503 BPHIICE BT tou WAIJJIJT BT. IHJTLDINa AHBOCMATJOJi AND TRIVATB ROBBHTJ NASI I, I0Jl CHESTNyT ST irk! roll JWNrlEI MONEY J.jSaHfSfr TOWN,?l7 'TOV",r Lincoln Building, Philadelphia. llOHBHU FORDrri'OlMS AND ; 2 D JdOnTOAOEB u a THOMSON 2321 Frankford ave UOltTOAOES TOR. MA LIS m TJIKp m.rxmjn., V i,a","K",AUKa NlCKIjES, 33.J8 Otrmanlown ava VJi'57 tl r SCRAPPLE i i iiiai mrnt ij i ulliani. U-T: e-T ' ' i ' " The YotinR I.ntly Across the Wny J'f TWlCT' ' li- ' "Ul' a I i a in ii J a'mvaNCB8 TO BUILDERH A JIPKCIALTY -WANBONlNTEBWINICSTATbS JOHN A HARRY B0I Land T."l.."W. . it di'J'mii. w..,"'1. '.'. '"itf". 1lc1-- lH PIllVATB l'ARTY would Ilk tu plac fund In loS'1 ATLlSN'lTTrt 403 lUltlmor av. ..kii'.v for llrel and iwcona, pnvati VltJiTllf ToT"flrl and and or plll ruoitgagea, ViiiNET fnf rtt and eecond mortgage.: build na Ma..acUtlon end Installment mortgage. Willi. .WlSl"lr Company KKiV Che.inul .t FUNDri'for nrl "'",?.",'. jl"i ', ? amount, quick aniwer B W. MILLblt. 4ut-40T :ommonwealth Bulldln HEADY FUNDS for guod flnt roorlgageai bring cBu"PW'"vo sit , pj..d.A . AVJn.TTYoturirVVBnTru.t'ni'.Td; t,l siCND kok oiih hknt I. raj (.Anil, 11 1 1, ni tnmw JP -y MONEV TO LOAN YOU CAN GET A LOAN From Tins New Licensed and Bonded Company Uklir. rywm ii j V....B uwtaLIV LmAVII V mtV.. I't.elal at lad oanl 1 to 1204 on vy ttnn, our mn l ply iymm IM :JI a only 13 only Yew Mtottthly payment on $183 la onl 111 tr wg)ilr. payment on 2ill la only JJl " WSk lrtrat at S Per rnt, Call TODAYT wrlU a prplwina TValnut 4388, H0USEH0LP LOAN COMPANY 131 SOUTH BROAD STREET gj4 llyor, IJexl lo Fvrreat ij(iWtrt W ,illt (AN HORROW UOMUY ONiUIAMONllli; JWKIVt. BFtX - m mi up' anA.. .hill III. "" ' fUr.ut arnvao m if --..I . . It ilA (. 1 myi wtjvtfjgfa m aw SiSlEY 1'a5ankp to srv;x?wz Th youttR laily ncrow tho way ho aaw In tho paper that thcOovern mont In coin to maks noma of It own armor plate attar thla and ahe uppoa tho prhate concern will t very glad to be relleted of thla much of the work In the bimy times. Keeping In Practice Mrs. Scruncher What do you mean by chewlnjr, up my beat dishes thru way? Mr. Scruncher Oho eats glass and nails at tho circus) Well, I've got to excrclae my teeth on something, and theso biscuits nre too dog goned hard. THE IVVDDED CELL m -k'i ' t' j Ficnoh ( AT THE VERY PATRIOTIC GATHERING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM AND THb MAP.SEIUAISE-WEJ2E PLA.YFD ALSO THE BUSSIAN ANTHEM HD THE BELGIAN ANTHEM Did He Get It? "Willie came In to Ms mother with an expression of anxiety on his face. "Ma," lie asked, "if a poor, hungry little boy was to corns to tho back door and ask for something to eat, would you give him that piece of pie that was left over from dlnnerT" "Yes. Willie, of course I would." said the mother. Willie's face cleared. "All right." he said, "Just wait a minute till I run round to the back door." Going Fishing 4--v THEN THEY GOT TO THE ITALIAN. THET 5FI5DIAN.THE MOHTENEGBlH Hrrr TttPrtrrnHr, twf lAPaursF . '" Kuwiutiut&t no mc wnwwN ,,. ........ "- ic Aviv Mftnt camc: tu-niici.ui uiupn 66 DOM The Sketch. TUB SPIIUT IS WILLING, UUT 1 H .i (r- h "I saw some nice trout In the market this mornlne." remarked Mr. Fisher. "Did your said his wife. "Well, I wish you would go fishing this after noon." Different "What pretty hair you have, Ethelt" "Do you think so?" asked the little one. ' , "Tea, It's Just like your mamma's." "No, It's not. Tou see I can't take mine off." Willing "Are you fond of terrapin?" "Well, I dare say I could learn to love It if I had the price." Preparedness hil kinds' Old I.uly I want to take out a Mrs Insurance policy at once. My house Is on fire I Origin of the Name Sho Why do you call your small cur a runabout? lie Because It runa about Ave min utes and then stops. , EVE TURNS CYNIC BB,B"BssetaiBfcHkjjBBBBi Th TatUn Kve says this Is a puxxle picture. Ths problem you have to solve Is which Is the on unmarried couple of the three seen above. Enormous prises will be given to the successful guessers perhrpe and married people are net allowed to compete. Also for Bathing "Are the flsh thick here?" "Well, not too thick, sir," answered the native, "We have to yse this lake partly for navigation," HOW THOSE nOOKS IN THE NEW CLASS LOOKED TO WILLIE i fyfjTT Ik ' yywf M I ii .r y Uff $ 4 $ v llllffl J V i a l'ivm ! k i & ie I ml r fi M f vlWfll t w Mm I 1 MUM r M i Lost Illueiofls Suburban life Isn't all that I pic tured It to be." "Indeed!" "Why, I've lived In loneeemehuret nearly a month now and I haven't yet seen anybody jrun to eatch a train. Most of the commuters get to the station half an hour ahead of time, uo they can stand around and swap yarns about their gardens." The College YYlts Are. With Us 'JlwBflahHsflLHHH ' .Hi' lW''iejB V al S 1"' ! eajpt ..n , til.. tat tmHe bit "Yea, um ertiu UvHttt IV dpaffev tki.((h hl V 4ei W the