HRE HOUSE REMOVAL AROUSES PROTESTS OF 'FALLS' BUSINESS MEN P?rnsfcr of Company rom Ridgo and Miavnic Avenues Threatens Section's Safe ty, Residents Say OFFICIALS DEFEND ACT Action protesUnir arnlnst the removal of l rtne Comliny No. So rrom us iieaaiyuar 'tori lit Wilce nn Mlihale avenues l prom ; ZA by business men and property owners L7t!, Kails of KchuylVill Tim firemen with JLrrPf,,U5 w're ordered out of the sta tion yctterday on the cronml that remodel LjJ,0fthbulldlnirwas to begin Immediately. tS engine and combination hose wagon "were taken to fire headquarters, while the mmi were distributed niiionB other com. I Hle throughout the city. ' B!nc hl lime mo section, wmcii cm' ' uim many lareo mills and manufacturing oatsullsliments. has no engine company ftHirtr than iuanayunh. iwur inuca nwiiy, ,'r Germantown. nn nlmost equal distance. r John V Flanlin, president of the Kails 1 . . Il.lll ftlaMMftl & K BOOM A To t Inn litX raid that he Intends to bring the Hastier' before the association nt Its meet' Kfef neXl iuenuit) iukiiii nun I-3W IM aavlnk the compnny Installed In temiorary varters In the vicinity, so that residents i may not be deprived of flre-rrrotectlon P Swine the period of repnlrJng tho Illilge Fsronue station. 1 have talked wlln other huslness men arid property owners," said Mr. Flnnlgan May. and tney are indignant ai me nay I the city has treated us. It Is nn outrage tfcat the company should l removed If repairs were necessary many other gHea for a temporary station could hae iUa obtained right here In the Kails. Two leeatlons within n short distance from the ftrthonse might have been secured. Tho Xttll estate offered n property on Illdge STenue at Scott's lane, nnd a garage next deer to the fire station could easily have Vten adapted to tho purposed In the latter tut, the flrcmen could have slept In the met station, wn;cn Adjoins me engine mis. Itoth of these offers were rejected .by the city nnd the company was disbanded temporarily, i nm going 10 uring me suua iHen before the Huslness Men's Assoc'atlon "Tsesdsy night, nnd we will try to have the itsmpany sent bach. p A. O. ftosengarten, treasurer of the Sfoirers-WclRhtman-RosenBarten Company, I whose laboratories nrc located a short dls- )tuic away from the nrehouse. Is also In 'fnht at the removal of the men and ap- isarstus. L "Our comapny offered n site to the city per a temporary bulldlnir." he said. "We kre Several hundred thousand dollars In I vested In property here In the Kails and 'ire do not want to risk the prospecthe long tkteence of fire protection. The city did last see fit to accent our offer., but we are I'rotar to see If, by taking up the matter !Wn otner property owners, we can have Sts authorities reconsider their action and "restore the company." It William J. Cooley, chief clerk of the De partment of I'ubllo Safety, said today that fW englno company had been disbanded LeBlj temporarily so that the contractor iawld get to work on the alterations and foeealrs, which are badly needed. K "hvery effort lias been madtf" to find a fKabIe location to house the company EwMle the repalra are belnjr made." Mr. kOsoley said. "In fact, negotiations are tinder way for the leusin? of the irnrare KH 4216 Ilidge avenue. An opinion on 'the juject is awaited from tho City Solicitor, property is owned by the John F. estate, but It has been sublet. As as the arrangement) are completed f engine company will be Installed In the iTSEe On Rldco avenue. 'Vlrtunllv tir-it dnnr fc the' old engine hbuse." 'Fire Chief Murphy scouted the Idea that e fire danger was increased because the mpany temporarily had beon disbanded. The apparatus nnd men have been dis tributed among three englno companies Ko, J9, In Itoxborougli; No. 12. In Mana yank, and Engine Company 45, at Twenty- Mm ana vorK streets, lie said. , "The danger now Is even less than It twss before. Motor-driven apparatus has ftoen substituted In the throe houses -lust iMraed, and they can make better time in tHiung to fires In the section In question tan Company 35 could with horse-drawn ; apparatus" I Chief Murphy said that Company 35 feuld bo Installed In the garage near the JJ engine house as soon ns the lease was kned, and that motor-driven apparatuf Should be Introduced there. lUVEXDER OH PINK CARS URGED TO "HUMANIZE RAILROADS" lladividual Washrooms Favored by Il linois Central Woman Stockholder CHICAGO. C)Pt 10 fr.lnnn. ..,,,-, I . iilwl draperies. Individual washrooms and eL , ',:nuer or PiK cars to suit mllady'a ir;.vo am iucaS Jiisi Kaitier ne H. Day, of 1 stockholders of the Illinois Central Itall Mtd hero today it ju humanlilng and modernltlng rall fM Is what I call It." Miss Dayrsald. 'uj cannot traveling in America be made MSant rather tfhnn nt l.l lnntpAl,AV b, ,. jwni irmiucu fivill call iCentral ttock. DISCONTINUING RELIEF M to Families of Returned Soldiers to Be Withdrawn LAt tlnr of the citizen eoldlera' relief ""io neia in the Mayor's office thia VfUnr If Urn rlaAMat a JI.AAnllmi. a Hnr rMf tn li iamtii w- ..mi... B the Third neglment, which has returned I ' m .n muterel out of service. "T"n vi me amines of the First Kegl- - soiaiers win be discontinued next ISk. lvhM k- ..t . 1- . M ... r W,T'M '' ,v icitiinciib is muaicrcq out "hue the Second neglment and six com- - v HD oum itegimeni remain ai me Mr relief will be continued to their Biiits. Tn, committee, It was.announced tolonel 8heIdon Potter, who presided. iiijr ot money to care for the re nlnr families. HOTEL ADELPHIA no- WMtVi l4Ut Luntk n Mataony J cni.m,M', Lwh j 75c 1 carte aervlo all 4y, .-.rpaa w Ioo4rat. twin , fitmeh TriMmiUm Pmlr nutmm Qrtkutrt a ir r Jp .yl EVENING LEDaER-PHILABELTOLfV, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1916 MRS. MYRTLE COVENTRY BLAMES CHEAP NOVELS FOR WIFE'S ERRANTRY Young Woman Leaves Husband nnd Boy for More Freedom To the reading of chean novels Is atlrlh uted the strange disappearance of Mrs. Myrtle Co entry, who lcrt her home at 25S8 Turner street two weeks ngo, accord ing to her husband, William Coventry. The woman, who Is only twenty-one years of age, had n mania for fiction of tho cheaper grade, nnd was often found en grossed In n noel during her meals. She was also passionately fond of sensational motion pictures, says t'o entry. Coventry haa asked the Mice to search for the missing woman, who left a four-year-old son behind. The boy has been grlelng over his mother's disappearance nnd refuses to be consoled. In a note the missing woman left for her husband she explains that she wanted more freedom than she had been accus tomed to, nnd that she desired to make and spend her own money. Another paragraph told how she had tried to ward off the de sire to go away. She asked that the family not worry about her, as she felt confident of finding suitable employment. Coventry raid his wife had once asked his permission to let her work, but that he refused. He said she was a milliner' de signer before he married her and might pos slM seek such employment. The family moved to This city In July. Coventry Is employed on tho construction work of the Frnnkford "Ij." . The missing woman Is described as being medium height, dark-complexioned, weigh Ing about 112 pounds. She was attired In a -dark-blue serge suit with an astrakhan coat She wore a black velvet hat. SOLDIER'S WIFfe TRIES TO DIE; MISSES HIM Ills Regiment Didn't Return. She Swallows Poison and Inhales Gas Despondency, because of the prolonged abt-erfce of her husband and the failure of hU regiment to return to Philadelphia from tin Mexican border, led Mrs. Catherine Karnes, MIS Seara street, to attempt sui cide last n ght. Ph drank the contents of a liottl of Iodine, ate a bo of Insect pow der, and finally Inhaled gas. She was re led In St. Agnea's Hospital, and It was said there today that she would recover Mrs. Karnes was found unconscious on a tx-d by her two children. Catherine, four teen years old. and fleorge. ten years old They called neighbors, who helped revive her before she was takenrto the hospital. The woman's husband Is a private In Company 11, Second Heglment. Mrs. Karnes aa happy, neighbors say, when two regi ments returned to Philadelphia, thinking the Second would follow, but ahe became despondent when she learned the regiment would remain at the border until January, OIL CITY GETS ODD FELLOWS Woman Found Unconscious Near Home Bertha McCormlck. of 236 North Ninth street, was found unconscious near Ninth and Itace streets today. It Is believed that she took an overdose of morphine. She was sent to the Hahnemann Hospital. Two men who were with her were arrested. They gave thflr names as John Ijilly, of 93C North Ninth street, and Joseph Mc Nulty, of South St. Bernard street. Bach was held in 500.balt by Magistrate Collins to await the result of the woman's condition. V MEN'S TAILORS nff Cor. 13 th and Sansom Sts. New Fall Materials SUITS, $25 to $50 Nnw U the time to Imtsll Water Meters. IKm't ileUr. AHK 1HUH 1'I.U.MHKK or rhll. Meter. .Co., Oil Real KttsU Tru.t Ilulldlns. Frostproof, tlnaronteod. Taxi Service IMOUHINKS and TOURIN'O CAK( 1 for llUNI.Vr.HH or PLEASURE - PHONES Su,c&,"" coiiFottT Atmuinnn.K co. 1I0 Ho. l'nn Square, Eighty-seventh Convention nt Chnm bcrsburt: Picks It for 1918 CHAiinnnsnt'ItO. Ya.. Oct. 1. The elghly-seventh annual session of the Grand Kncampment of Odd Fellows closed here to day. Next year Oil City will have tho meeting. The grand officers elected were: ISrand patriarch Oeorgo 11. McDowell. Pllcalrn, Urand high priest a. II. llanes. Altoona. tlrnnd senior warden I. A. Jones, Pitts burgh. Ornnd scribe Bdwln U mtter, rhlladel Shin. Grand treasurer J. Henry Itcltel, Harris burg. Grand Jun'or warden J. A. Strltr, Cham be rt-burg Speeds to Aid Mother; Hurts. Woman John Lynch, , tenty-one years old. a special delivery messenger, will be arraigned In Vhe Twentieth and Uuttnnwood police coutt today on a charge of reckless driving. While speeding to a drug store with n pre scription for his mother, whom he hnd founil sick and lying unconscious In n cellat,way when he returned home from work, his motorcycle struck Mrs. Kllsabeth Montgomery, thirty-eight years old, S22 NortW Itucknell street, at Twenty-second nnd Ifrown streets, last night. After the accldebt he obtained the medicine and re turned' It to his mother, then gave himself up to Vhe police. Mrs. Montgomery wns not seriously hurt. IffiM i MASTER Tai loring is an .Art' in itself. And, like all Arts, it is only perfected after years of study .and experi ence. The recognized art of Hughes & Mu'ller standards in men's dress is based upon the experience of nearly thiee-quarters of a century in meet ing the tastes of Philadelphia's well known business and professional men. HUGHES ..AND MULLER 1527 Walnut St. J. E. Caldwell & Co. 902 Chestnut St JEWELED LORGNONS 1 REMOVAL: T In the near future the business of J. K. Caldwell & Co. will be located In the AVIdener Building-, Chestnut, Juni per and South Penn Square. TRAIN DITCHED, TWO DIE; WRECKERS GET BLAME Steel Coaches Save Passengers nt Manitowoc, Wis. Crew of Engine Killed MANITOWOC. Wis.. Oct. 19. Train No. 111. Milwaukee to Ashland, on the North western Railway, was wrecked here today and the II rem ah and engineer killed when the train Jumpel the track and plunged Into a ditch. Steel coaches saved tho pas senger. lull rood men said the wreck was caused by train wreckers. The motive Is not known. Rallies in Gloucester County SWKOKSDOIIO. N J.. Oct 1 Itepub llcans held n rally here last nlghr, addressed by Congressman Waller M. Magee, of New York, and , Judge Charles . Pilgrim, of Newark. Another meeting was also held by the ltepubllrnns at Mantua, with John I! Kale of Camden County, nnd ex-Senator J. lloyd Avis, of Woodbury, aa the speakers. MRS. LE DUG IMPROVES; WILL NOT GO TO PRISON Hotel Tragedy Survivor to Be Turned Over to Coroner as Witness All arrangements have been made between the Detective Bureau and the Coroner's office for a rapid disposition of the case of Mrs. Joseph l.e Due, of Chi cago, survivor of the triple shooting at the Hotel Walton, who Is under police guard at the Jefferson Hospital ns it material witness. "Slowlvi improving, but still In serious condition, was the report made of her con. dlllon today to Captain of Detectlvea Tate by Detective Callahan, head of the "murder aqtwd," who haa charge of the ) attack of pneumonia followed extraction of the bullet. . .. . A on in Mrs. t-e Due la aumclentlj re covered. Captain Tate aald. she will be ar rnitriMi hfnr a msvtstrate and turneA over to the Coroner Immediately, eo as to spare her being Imprisoned to await ma pi inn. In the meantime visitors are barred from seeing the wounded woman. In spite of various subterfuges being employed by persona who wish to Mali her. captain Tate said ho had received no word from Mrs. l.e Duo's husband since he returned to Chicago ten days ago. -Ready Money- United States Loan Society 117 North Broad St. 114 S. Ith it. S3IS Cermanlewn aie. Grand Banquet The World's Finest Coffee Be a eop, with pare, fresh ereara, at the ftanscom Restaurants jij Ynu will pay lOe to !0e a cap sj H for suefi quality eltewhers V n OawU SBSSSBSSSSBBJSJSSSSajSSJ Results from Catalogues and other advertising vary according to th quality of the Illustrations uted. The preeise ityle and fintik .of Engraving that does juatite to the quality of your goods is worth mere aa a sales faeter than columns oi type. For twenty seven years w 'eem'plete plant under one reel" has satisfied critical buyers. If you ilen't try us, you are not sure you are Retting the beat for your purpose. ssTABLMiteo itee GATCHEL & MANNING ta4cjes ad PHOTO-fNGKAVEM SIXTH CHESTNUT ta vU . ip""'; j-f ,-- .. ,rr. "Ski p SBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV a fSBBBa BBBBB BBBBB PTaB H Vft BV afW KO IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBB BBBB BBBB BBBBB SBBBBBB BBBBBB BBBBB BBBBB BBBBB H BBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBO BBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBk. .BBbV JB W V V H HI V . " BBBBBBBBBBBBk IHHMVjaHHBfHHBHHMHBMBBBHBHH ibia HAW! ,i :? ls.L-r,?rtS riSSg?3 ?M tft;M:",W PiL'SI tfctatt k;?jt:i l JOTl S KSitl Noe S HE November list of Columbia Records contains the first recordings of LAZARO, "the greatest tenor since Rubini, a greater than Gayarre.' Hear these wonderful Lazaro records and others by world-famed artists and will know why Columbia Leopold Godowsky Master of piano technique enchants nopins cuvine, "uerceuse" with from the November list organizations, and you Records are supreme r. Louis Graveure Brilliant Belgian baritone In two splendid melodic terns , - Chicago Symphony Orchestra with new triumphs Carl Braun Morgan Kingston Metropolitan Opera bass makes hit first Famed operatic and concert tenor exhibits his Columbia recordings powers of interpretation Florence Macbeth Coloratura soprano prima-donna sings two solos of soaring brilliancy i Lucy Gates Otto Goritz Diltlngulshed coloratura soprano sings 'AU Basso of the Metropolitan Opera Company Through the Night" completes the "Splelmannileben1' Eddy Brown Sensational American violinist plays two brilliant compositions Herman Weil Little Symphony Orchestra MttropoliUnOperabaritonemakesamsgnificent Initial recordings undertho leadership of Georgo initial recording IUrrcre, woild's master flautist AI Jolson Most popular of blackface comedians In a song that's "AI Jolson" all over In the same list is Columbia Record A5861, two wonderful quartets the "Madrigal" from "The Mikado' and "Strange Adventure" from "The Yeoman of the Guard"; some irresistible darkey fun of Bert Williams' and George O'Connor's well-known brands ; eighteen popular hits, including the big patriotic song hit "For Dixie and Uncle Sam ; eight new dance records ; symphonic recordings, Spanish dances by the Infantry Band of Havana; trios, marches, novelty descriptives, Hawaiian recordings everything that anyone could possibly want in the way of entertainment. New Columbia Records on sale the 20th of every month COLUMBIA GRAFON0LAS and DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS FOR SALE BY X CENTRAL Cunnlscham riniCt., 1101 Chtdnut BU rsnmjlranla Talktnr Machine Co, 110 Chestnut St. sn.ll.nburr, '.. ft Co., ltth and Markst Rtt. alrawbrlilia CluthUr, Sill and Jlark.l 8tt. NOKTlt Cltr Uo rharmaey, York Koad and Clt Uaa. Potter, John C 1IS7 Rockland St., Local, roternlk, HenJ., 140 North Eighth St. Ideal 1'lano and Talking- Mschlnt C'., SSSS Oerntantown At. Jacobs, Jestpli, I60S Germantowa At. piacwurlcl'i, 18X1 Otriuai.Uon Asa, Ulner JUnsle I'arlor, till N, Gth HU I'lilUd.lpliU Talking Machine Cv 800 N, franklin lit, Relc. 1, 8., 91 Olrard At. . Scherser's I'lano Companr, MB S, Silt BU Bchoell A Megakan, HIS Columbia At., KOKTMKA3T Burr. Kdward H.. Z44S rVaakford At. Colonial Melodr Bbep, StM N, 1'ront Bt. Vraakford Masle 8(r, Ml Ortbedax BU Ooedmsn', U U, lit Wt Olrfd At. flutkswikl, Vleter,- Orthodox sad Almoad Bis. Krxur. Thomas M.. SM4 Ku(ag(on An. Kittr, zH its TVrairard at. Krygier, 4tft. SISS Ktslmead Bt. Ml tinier. Bawuel. 1IB Norlb VUth Bt. l'blUdtlol.lj.Talklug HmMm C., 44 N, Id St. KJBhlrY HtfutrlmHt or. T Front awl s)i41hhhm At. NORTHWEST Careen, T. n (StO Oermsnlown At. ItU, Franklin, BOOS Warn At. Kalwale. Slsrlln, 4I0S Germantowa At. Kejflono Talking aehln Co., XS01 North fid BU JUor. r, II., S0IS Oenn.ntown AT Tompkln., J, Monro. 0141 Oarmastowa At. WEST rillLAIIRLl'llIA Crr. R, Jf,, Sit Main HI.. Darby. UaTli, Oo. B. Co.. S9J0.1BSS l,ancatr At. Kaklns J'Uno Co., tei-fj W. 6d Bt. Plllman, W. II., Sltt Lantdown At. Ixlane. Ilsrry, lis Norlh Sid lit. llclrlilorit llro., 40ST-40 iJincaster At. bIiuII' Ilrug Store, 3UJS Market Ht, L'Blicnul Talking Alacliln and Kcrd Co- t0ll and Cli.lnut HI. WMt l'lilladelpbla .Talking Macliln n... 1 Koulb SOtb 81. ' ' SOUTH tin Brow, Lents, 1X0S Huutli 4lh Bt. I.nplnarel, Antonio, 7SS Boatb 7lh SU Mlll.r, H.. SS4 Bootli Sd Bt. Kclio Co., Tl. U Zb, prop., a. . ror. Sib and Halnbrldg Ht. K'u2,!,,J,,i ,',iOB"r,,,M "0..1SSS K.PiyaaU At. I'l.H.Uflnhla 1'honoaraph C all N Slh BU B., tS4 Houll. St. bloW. Harry, Sit HouHl Sfa SI, OAMUKN, N. J. Budler, H. J lllt.U.M Kfdwar, Cswdea, Jf, , CeXMHHHOCKHK, T RakMby's BartMMt B4t, l Vaott S4. "at; These Perry INTENSIFIED VALUE r Suits at '$15 would be wonderful at any time under present-day mar ket conditions they've gpt every thing backed off the boards! CJDownrighit $25 , $22.50 and $20 values in fabrics, in tailoring, in fit and style! IThat we can do it is due to our having jumped in a year ago and having bought the woolens and worsteds at big concessions in price because we opened the way for sev eral mills to run full force during an in-between season. F Stripes, plaids, plain colors in silk-mixed and fancy worsteds, in fine cassimeres and chev iots, as well as flannels, thibets and blue serges for every size and build of man and young fellow 1 J Tailored, trimmed and styled as P.'erry alone knows how to do it! . , The important thing; for you today is Speed! qThis Sale closes Sat urday at Six o'clock, and should a single Suit of "the 3000 we began the week with should any be left, they can not be bought for less than $20, $22.50 ami $25 thereafter!., -. .. t 1 f ! Do it today! PERRY&CO. "N. B.T." 1M Otestjutt &m Si ? :1m.-I ,. . xTSS'FSP'fl iffiii .HiliTililfrlifMi