jgvUMK :gbdotr- wMxLAJX cr ttTBUC LEDGER COMPANY cTmn h. x, cum. rwiu SWTWw H, LvAwlfl ML , Tlfll WVVMk v-" tP rn'w1? "" 'MDITOMIAI. IMAMS) Criee K, K. CliMi Ontlrmaa. . V WHAUn..i.,..i t.MMer C. MARTIN. . .Oamral Wn Saaer "ttj-ajSL.- s2SiS,ii," i "Jr-"": x. . " -. r:.' .. -a - Mr. WSm patrml Mtly ,m ti Hi ItlJ. a4 Mr. ryw In 1H reed rote Tl,llf. Wlttr the party sUt n lilt tho trtA Taft and Roorelt vote hew w only 17a,07, or mora than 1MW than Mr. Tatt pellftd with a united rrty four yearn earlier. In view of ,th registration Jlpures It la dimeult to nee where Air. "Wilson's Increased vote la to come from. If he polla all the nonpartisans and alf the Democrat he will Kt only 67,80, which Is about 000 lees thnn lie received tho taut time. The ea CsnikM.,.Tirom4 en vueatnui utmia .. . . . ., . . M arm CrVr ....... jj.rrj.iiirtM miiMine I Agurea at they stand Indicate more J":V.V"".53iMlri.rtRiS overwhelming rteoubllcan victory here Levi.... ....tee aieba-Wrmoerat Uulldlnc ,.. . .. WUZ inUAI UUIIU1.1B MEWS BUREAUS I Mtnmii cMao...........r.irt Building raw Toirnriu . .. ti than ever before. ,iw Firtrit U?ifV The Tint' imilJin ..,.80 Frtedrlciiairaaea i riareo-ll lie II Hue Loul nuBScniropN nrnniia .. f A.... Olmmuk.t ...ill Ilu Louie I Oram! WILSON AND THE MAGIC WORD "WEST" 9r eartVr, alt eenta 4 Oi MM till) on year, three, dollar. nr earn MaK areffn pea we nenta: irwi.1. ny .. FnitV campaign produces Its .hare .Viphta. exrej.t iif Uof magic. The mnglc words 'Tho ..a.l.. a tit.tt . Kuaaat a ataa lAhKIH iwaniwa T ! on rsr. thrc UolUr. All mull t 03l nna naT.nr. in .nvunrn. Ifatra-ftii1iarrlhtre wlahiftc aillrrea thanred MM aire old aa well "w addreea. KEYSTONE. MAIN 1000 WtL. NN WALNtT ryjiMr all ni"ilr,'im fo I7roiln Liorr, tHitpmlintx Syedrr, rhiladelphi. wmw at th r-mUnri rni ro'torncs n aacoyo-cuaa uilL Minn. VMM AVEHAOl: NtrT TAtn DAII.T CIR. CXJLATIO.V Of THN KVENINO I.EDOEIl kor HKriiatnKR was lit.eti PW!.J.Ii-hl.. Th.r.d.r. OcUfctr 1. 114. i aomttlmtM cxptditnt to for' ft who we are.Publiut Syrut, Vance McCoimlck Is allll rainbow haelnf. He thinks that Illinois will go for Wilson, alonsr with Pennsylvania. If opera nt 4 a sent will not pay at the Metropolitan, perhaps opera at the Academy of Music at (2 can be made to produce dividends In cosh as well as In pleasure. Tho Government will not have to co to tho relief of tho cotton growers this year, but If prices continue to soar the otton users will need assistance from somewhere. The nlncty-mllo hurrlcnno which has struck the Gulf coast Is a gentle ephyf In comparison with the hurri cane that Is duo to dtiiko the Democratic party on November 7. Another method of relieving the paper famine might be found by making Congressmen quit sending vast quanti ties of their speeches under tho franking privilege to Innocent bystan-lers. Tom Daly's Column THIS MOHXINO "Well," w tloHcd, ai our ilcepv pae lAtmped the ral onrf f Jw illixr haxe Over the wood out U'Ufer-wovt, "TWi l the end of the perfect day.". Nikola Tesla tells tho court that he has Invented a devlca for "Isolating the energy that passci through tho nlr." One of these InatruniQiits attached to tho Cabinet members who nre presently spell binding ml?ht bo mado of valuo. . About 33,000 more votera have reg istered here this year than four years go; when political excitement was at fevor heat. Reckoning ono voter fot every flvo Inhabitants, this seems to how that the city- has gained 175,000 In population since 1913, a pretty handsome 'increase. - ' : The Baltimore is'ews records the II- lumlnatlng fact that the spelling-boo sea v son has opened In 'Western Maryland. The spelling bee, bclnija migratory bird, hy, but very gamy, may not bo taken during tho nesting Benson. On the other hand, the well-known Maryland honey bug may be snared whenever she Is In a mood to say yes. The meteorological sharp of tho "Wilmington Every Evening; describes the phenomena appertaining to tho sun yes terday In Illuminating fashion. "The cause of 'sun dogs,' " ho cays, "Is mlnuto crystals of lco produced by frozen fog." Aside from being an Interesting physical discovery, wo now aro definitely Informed an to why certain eminent logicians refer to the speoches of Vice Prcsldont Mar shall as "sun dogs." That political debate by means of an electric sign in Indianapolis between George Ado .and Meredith Nicholson hould bring out every voter from Fort Wayne to Jeffersonvllle. Each will be limited to forty-dve words, which will bo Cashed beforo the hungry eyes and per state into tho brains of the cognoscenti. The mere fact that tho arguments aro thtM restricted In length should bo WKHigh to elect either of tho dlstln gviahed gentlemen to the p'resldcncy. ' Because the summer Saturday half , feeiuuy hay proved "an added incciv tt to work," Secretary of the Tras tr McAde? asked President Wilson to Mend It to the whole year. News Mspateh. ' Possibly that's the reason the able retary's "incentive to work" calls him wit on a Kpeeeunmklng tour. He may want to work harder when he gets back. Or, again, lie may want hla vacation ex taoded to cover the wholo week after next March, One can never tell. Just now constitute tho fetish to which Democratic slelght-or-nana nrtlsts bow tho knee. These prestldlga tfttors would have us think of the West as tho pot of gold at the end of tho rainbow. In which will bo found all tho electoral votes tho other side of the Allcghenlcs labeled "Wilson." Divide the country into thrco parts. Give Mr. Hughes the Northeast, about 140 electoral votes. Mr. Wilson tho Solid South and all Ita trimmings, nbout 170. Then turn to tho West. Give Mr. Wilson nil the little State's little In pop ulation though Impressive on tho map about forty. That gives him 210. This generous helping, by the way, hands him Utah, which tho Democrats concede, nnd several others which aro certainly He publican; but figures nro so tricky that It Is belter to deal with them wholesalo than retail. Let them go in a bunch to balance New York. Kor to say, as Is being tald. "The East may be for Hughes, but tho Went li for Wilson." is to concede New York, Mr. Hughes's home State, or else it Is to concede nothtne. Bo we have narrowed the magic "West" to Its nlno largo and two medium sized States. Tho only way to "get a line" on them Is to estimate the possible turnover of Progiesslvo votes to Wilson, and to consider tho best Democratic but conservative reports. Polls and other surfaco Indications Indicate a possible twenty per cent Wilson gain from tho Progtcsslvcs. Certainly thirty or forty per cont Is more than tho most optimistic Democrat could dream of. If Wilson gets thirty per cent of tho Hoosevelt vote In Illinois he still will fall to carry tho State, which has been solidly antl-Dem-ocmtlc fdnco tho Civil War, excepting the landslide of 1802. In Michigan Wil son would have to get moro than fifty per cent of tho Roosevelt vote, for he felt behind both his opponents In 1912 there. Iowa nnd Kansas aro Immovably fixed for Republicanism, according to the pro-Wilson but always fair New York Evening Post. Its correspondent speaks of "the Republican habit." Minnesota Is also in tho thirty per cent, Washing ton In the forty per cent category. Thus far, in the meaty section of tho Western vote, tho count Is eighty-four for Hughes, with sevonty-thrce loft to nccount for. Nebraska Is In tho balance, perhaps will bo Democratic. Wisconsin seems safely Republican. There remain California, Ohio and In- mafia. The figures in the first appar ently favor tho Democrats overwhelm ingly. They were: Wilson, 283,436; Rooso-' vclt, 283.010; Taft, 3911. On this basis only a handful of Progressives would have to voto for Wilson to glvo him Cal ifornia. Uut "Progressive"' In California means Hiram Johnson, and that fighting Governor Is running for the Senate and supporting Hughes. His election is con ceded' by such a lnrga majority that it Is hardly conceivable that the State wllf not awing back to Its old Republican al legiance. Indiana Is nlways clarsed as doubtful, though It has not given a Dem ocratic majority since 1892. Granting the Democrats tho rosiest view of It they desire, they yet must see a "solid West" fall to pieces on analysis. Thero Is not the slightest Indication that thirty or forty per cent of tho Roosevelt voto will go to Wilson. If ten per cent of It does It will bo remarkable enough, In view of tho starul of tho former Pro gresslvo leaders. Still the Democrats cling to the notion that Ohio will como over to them. They concede tho probable olectlon nf tho Republican State ticket. Tho Stato has been Republican for fifty years. It would take moro than fifteen per cent gain from tho Roosevelt voto to glvo Wilson tho State. The-struggle Is close. But It is not so clone as it seemed at this time In tho Bryan-McIClnley cam paign of 1890. In October then Ohio seemed suro for ltrynn. Hut even the vote of Ohio, Indiana and Nebraska, nddod to tho 210 possible Wil son votes, would not elect htm. TAUMASI It'll a long time since I've bean In Boston, as alt the Boston Propers pronounce It, but I do know that "We've paed Thomp son's Spa and raw nothing, etc," Is no 'way for you to have wrote. And while we're talking of beens, this O. K. Bean who runs tho Hotel Montgomery In Norrlnlown has nothing at all noticeable on the producer of "An Artec Romance." one of Broadway's most famous flivvers M Initials were O. V , and somehow there seemed to be something symbolic about them. And wh le we're on this matter of Bns- ton-stuff, have you never saw as you say the signs which confront each other across Beacon street. HOOD'S CULTURED BUTTERMILK PlHltCirS REK1NED CIDER. Now to a matter nearer homo. I might merely Inform you that R. E. Tongue A Bros. Co. make and sell "double lipped" rubber rings for fruit Jars, but let me ndd as a headline suggestion that these Jars are almost Invariably wide-mouthed, K. M. Nevertheless "we've passed Thompson'n Spa and saw nothing, etc." Is good Phila delphia English, which expresses tho ex act shndo of meaning we sought In that sentence. "Wo'vo passed (many tlmei In many years) Thompson's Spa" (and tho algn which was always present) yet each tlmo "saw nothing, etc." There! It that beat reason make the most of ltt MY1 MYI Politics sure aro getting hot! ONE of B. t,. T.'s lads writes to htm: Sir .Ittnt to keep three miles ahead of the pack where will you be on Hughes- day, November 77 J. It. C. Clever enough, but It's too bad we can't noto that tho Fourth of March will bo W.-ends day. Xow Good Charles Toko Your Choice DVitOCttATta Indrflnlte and Yanoroun J iconder what hind of a feller Iluohcs a. They tell me he's all the time making ex cuses For his party's past weakness, and is sues confuses Whatever he speaks, and poor lt'ltoon abuses. So, vainly he thinks that, thus doing, he strics his Opponent in Irtne which from Bait Itlvcr oozes. His effort to icln all the votes of the Moose Is Foredoomed to a failure; he surely can't fuse Ms Old party's sore rebels where no lasting truce Is. That's just tchat they tell me, he surely will losa his Poor ifck In November; already his goose Is cooking. Of Uttla at'nll arc his ruses. Woodrow's elected and 11 vans loses. REPUOLICAX ?ui-.u. MFVn . V WIS . ihc beg of you, just what the news Is About the campaign that now Oharlcs JJvans Hughes is Conducting. I'd just like to know what the deuce Is The tcason the Democrat party refuses To meet with plain statement the things Hughes' accuses , The paity In power of doing. A'oto whose Is The fault that tho Villa-nous Mexican hews his Way over our border while Wilton just snoozest Why living cost rises, but never rcducesf Wtiy Congress, In spile of Its promise, enthuses On pork, and has widened the Treasury's sluices To care for the outpour of our golden juices T Why dastards can murder and droivn our papooses, , While B'lMon sits quietly by and just chews his Bharp pencil, composing a balm for our bruises, Bo fearful that some far-off day he may tosc his Beneficent temper and make safe our crulsest Ills campaign committee now vainly ef fuses. 'TIs not printers' Ink, but the public, that chooses I W. B. FRANKLIN. Lancaster. SPEAKING of silent partnerships, asks C, C. 8., how's this cobbler' sign on Pottstown's main i.tem: megggmmm"' " "t pr "-" n --v 5 ' "ONEJTOUGII N&T!" M X The Northeast Corntr 4triciinm rain. m.m - Josephine Club of rittAurrnTWi;. ! addition to their avowed ,12' Itjg a course In effective' aurukh, aid. mmuain n n.. "lp, wo ..t lh.'" " hr prohibiting the fearsome cigarette fat. ' wnicn nimpiy leaas Up to thli fa,--. .. 1 suggested by Brolhr iL,m .". mora abnirt hl, .!... "' wno 1 'tioinv ih.t ... ?;::". V'w aw elcgan In the campaign the anclentL ..unci., wo ueueve, d Uncla j iT of the Atchison Globes il . It!.ltm ,h,t tou'h ,h eltiroot Shall nrr ran., ttth rar anoot. A A Mat AK At . ...,u,mrniui inn ivew Tork Wu being cognisant of the high price of 2, auscests that folks who wish to itSS things ntaobstreperous automobllt.ti.p2' the egg game and use overripe rarV! missile, "When they hit an "StaSoMhS splosh." " ""7 mKe R M"1 Also, when an nutomnhniat n.. . fectly good stone wall certain satlatae! BiuBuca iinva uren reported. A correspondent writes thai "r 9 his fur from moths, as well as to provUafl for his proper self-amusement." hi -C!l hH Terslan kitten camphor balls to Mull with. " A cruel and unuauat punl.hment ttl preserve anything from mothn. nnui:l from a Persian kitten to a Great DaiU 21 achieve Immunity by riding In a cloned eaoi on a chilly afternoon Just after the othJI wi hiiu cwttRB anu inings nave come 4 of their summer lairs. A Maryland boy, placing a penny en Mil nunc, jrincu inn uunu ijuiciuy JUBl TO al tht.t he could catch It In his mouth. It . It took a couple "of doctors, some knlva lances and a bottle of ether to get tbt peaae out of his throat and Into circulation n4 Which little fable teaches that one the)! noi R&muie, even ihj smaii amount aa c Bniall copper. startling news comes from St. Louis, Rl la raid that 125,000 war horses have bal soiu inero since jii. una naa alma wondered wnat St. Louis did with her politicians. Other terrifying news from SL LmWI tells how the Episcopal General Convw-l tlon has been moveu to hold the irtrll "ober" In the marriage ceremony for thm.I years more. Any fairly beautiful lady peail sessea or large means wno aesires to i for three years may hear something te her advantage by communicating dlreerJ wltn on, wen, wnavs me user "Scow With Eight Men Adrift in Sea on Lake Michigan." says a Nona! American headline. Bradford ought to i old man Dubalong to the rescue. THE VOICE OF TPIE PEOPLE Plea for Better Pay for the Expert Women in Charge of the City's Free Libraries The Women's Hughes Cam paign Special Tnun Defended EXPERT SALESMEN CAN SELL THE GOODS 8V , This Is not the moment to discuss ueetlons ef this Importance. Acting Seerttary of State Polk, The question 1 the report that (ho Fretddent 1ms admitted that the Kinking ' the Lualtarvta was JustiftabJo, but that drowning of Americans, while not de- w'fce, can be atoned for by the pay- xafet a money, indemnity. Whatever .'hUnt mY tink, there are few If aaaertca-M at all familiar with the 1 tle of International Inw who will Jh that any emervwey pf war can. Mtlfy the siualag of a paewnscr alilp down wHli noeMsiatant. Net Gernaany kwa sought & JuWfy R conscfence, ajtnou;!' uhe haa at. u jiaqiiiiiH nmr mfwmK ism jl tUia. The rioft ttiat Mr, WUmw in aeespt Qerwaa . la ao lacra-IHito that It MitH tt tatved Witt-rat (ra K he ,Ww acr4 he mtU Xq say in terms that tstra taut W jm mUtmk nlng. 14i-JII JUaLSBBBSSESBBC 1 (K tit M,4t7 voUm who have rf in ihia t-ity only IM7I have a- , ttuuajMl'.ea aa DeuMMwata and ooly d noiiparUamas of the ematn- fli.M aie Kepubin uim The total M aonuai tlaan relKtia At MMA Ir h kan -all SOMKWHRRK In the United States tho Salesmanship Clubs of tho World will hold a congress next year. The execu tive committee of the congress is now In session here for tho purposo of deciding where It is to be held. The attractions of this city are so nu merous and so self-evident that It is hardly necessary to enumerate them. Aside from tho historical associations of the town Itself, It is the home of a group of the most successful salesmen In America, if not In the world. If our salesmen were not expert they could not dispone every year of 165,000,000 worth of the products of the printing press, or about the same value of woolen and worsted goods from the textile mills, to say nothing of other millions' worth of ships and railroad cars, soap and shoes, oilcloth and furniture. The men in chargo'of these enterprises learned how to sell by selling. It has been discovered that thore la a ahortet road t efficiency, and that Is through MlewBa-wW schools. Mr, Schwab lias rMf y ,glw $l,W,e0 to found a Mies xtanabip eellege, The 8aHwtMM ctube t tie reawesewfa at the engraft main taia sejiool fit their own fk whlefa ex ar WAMUB4 the fuMfantentaU of tle -aofal"i. Tha club wttleM la nw presaes ef argauiiaatlon here U arraag jng tadtfH tae mwm ian. If Ua lecuiers pan euoeaed in "atilng" the etty to Um xutW camraltt of tha eoncreaa as the most nitiv t4aM for tlia gattMria next 'year ttmfvtU MnenatraU taa pea- i taa AeMaVf-atkna walah kww JOHN SCHLINCK Lmakesq . vol l tow m t SIMON SAMUKL KRUG, tho '.Yiddish Burns,'' died a week or so ago in Odeasa. Here is u fairly exact transla tion of one of his simple lyrics a holi day poem: The night ' an ancient sorceress, The silent axure night, Whoao fairy fingers sweep my brow And hide the world from sight. She shuts mine eyes In slumber deep, And wakes my heart In glee. Her wings of white, as soft as silk, 1'nfold mo lovingly. The dear green holiday Is here. The air Is pure, fresh-blown; And every 1 ttla grata-blade Wears a Jewel all Its own. An Improvident and shiftless lot, those Standard OH strikers at Bayonne. They complain, among other things, that their children are not wejl nourished and heaithy, yet (he remedy is ready to their hand. In our favorite maga-tlne last night we noted a page advertisement ahowlpc three hawy youngsters play lug in the Aeida. The text under the oliarwlng 4etur aatMS "no TGUKS LOO I.IKK TitKSKt prowR-faced, vlfforeua, healthy yMiagsters alckiMa never troubles theas." Titan the kindly a4 vw n to fleaorlU the paaaoea and to raler tk rengsr tar furUwr partlculara to WtAMMMD OjBb CQUyilfT SgtPMHM ' . . St . Til Department U Irtr to all rtmlvri tvhn irlah lo Murraa I'irtr id'lf.lona on auWrcM of current inttreat. It I nn opft orum. and the EveniHo Lrdatr naaumra o rraito-KfbiH'y for the vicw of UK rorrrjontnt!. I.nttr m"l br aftfiini I'l the nrtr nii'I aaarets or the irrtlrr. rot nrrmnirttii lor jjutillcallon, but at a ouarantte al oood faith. PAY OF CITY LIBRARIANS To the Killlor of the Evening Ledger: - Sir Wo have road at length tho rea sons for nnd against the trainmen's In creased basis of pay; wo havn moralized ove tho problem of department-store wages; nonio of us hnvo met tho Increasing demands of trado unions and we have sym pathized v.Hh tho school teachers In their efforts to secure larger sainr cs; out an of us seem to have overlooked tho case of the librarians of the city's library system. Tho neglect would ba marked enough If the women no employed could be classed as unskilled labor, for the Increased cost of living would Justify nt least an Inquiry Into tho relation of their salaries to tho cost of prcsent-dny existence But It It not unskilled labor. Tho training nnd edu cation required of a woman remaining In the frco llbrnry cannot be much lers tech n'cal than the studies and practice required In tho case of school teachers. If education in tho schools of -today does Indeed lay a foundation for culture In tho mind nf tho pupil, libraries in ght bo loolted upon as continuation schools, lasting throughout our lives. The possible Influence of librarians In the selection of rending; the'r direction and guidance In tho matter of research and ref erence work, nnd their responsibility In the way of censoring tho reading matter given the public cannot be held lightly, It is a position that requires w!d reading di plomacy nnd nn unfailing fund of good hu mor, for tho public, IU:e an Individual. Is mora exacting In a sen Ice that Is frco than It Is '.n one for which money Is paid out of hand. It seems less thnn Just, therefore, for those who aro patrons of tho Tree Llbrnry, nmi who realize in our own llvei tha In creasingly dimeult buslners of existing, to say nothing nnd to do less for a class of women who. becaupo of no definite or gan zatlou. cannot pressnt their cite to the proper authorities, and who are, In con soquence, given no consldcintlon .by thosa men by whose hands tho city's finances aro directed. it In a splendid thing for the city to build a magnificent I brary on tho Parkway, but It Is on unfeeling act to give no thought to the private needs and pleasures of the II bror'aus of the rressnt. Nono of us Is al truistic onqugh to enjoy piously a strait ened I fo today thnt the next generation, Mhleh forguta even our names, may gasp In admiration at the marble glories and the fiozcn music of our archllocturo of to morrow, We nre too human. Wo live In today and It Is In today that w have derived benefit from access to the books of tho freo 1 brary! have been cour teously treated and have been Intelligently assisted In the search for special volumes. It Is the gratitude full for such treatment, met with over a length of years that has prompted this letter, and If It can arouse a like fooling In others It may help to bring n belated cons deration, and a reward that will act as a copcreto token of our good will and obligation. ALONZO FKATHr.RTON. Philadelphia, October 18. the "poodle dog special." Just why Is not npparent. Thero Is no poodle on board, nor a pug. nor a rat terrier. I doubt If thero U even a harmless necessary cat. Of course, there may bo nil shades of opinion nbout the wisdom of any campaign move, but after nil la there not something to bo said for tho parliamentary ways of ex pressing dlsngrecmcnt? It Is not that women expect politics to bo a gentle diversion where each sldo sprinkles roscwater on the other. Far from It. Women do not ex pect rose water or soft words; but they do demand fair and honest words. The women of this rountry who are earning their living do not find that a particularly rose watery experience, nnd In this other manifestation of humanity called politics they expect to And Just about what they ,hae found In everything else, What they have found, In other tilings. Is that unfair attacks, by and by, fall of themselves, and thnt personal attacks on them cannot In the long run bo mado to take tho place of an honest facing of their arguments and eventually prove to bo boom erangs. This will be tho case with attacks on the participation of women In politics. In the meantime, I rechrlaten the cam paign train the "Bull Terrier Special." ELIZABRTH V. READ. New Tork, October 18. NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW Mr. Hughes would never have been forced to take action on the sinking of the Lusltanla, because had he been President the Lusltanla would never have been sunk. Chicago Tribune. The Government has come arcund to the Chronicle's view of preparedness prepar edness for peace. So far, so good, but the first line of defense Is a protective tariff. San Francisco Chronicle. It Congress can legislate In such a way as to reduce hours and Increase pay. It can also Increase the number of hours of work and decrease pay. If organized labor pro poses to abandon tho right to make Its own collective bargaining with employers and turn this function over to legislative bodies. It will have surrendered much that it has long been fighting for. Indianapolis News. Better Indeed for tho President to have committed some overt act of violence upon a particular class of the service, exempting kit outright from the rules, than that ho snouiu nave permiuea (no- laeais ok ina whole to be lowered, and should have drawn over the falling standard'.! a cloak designed to protect them from tho searching oyes of the National Civil Service Reform Leaguo, which for yearn had the hearty co-operation of former American Presidents In concerted efforts to keep those standards aloft Boston Transcript. What Do You Know? Quertea of otneral inUrttt will he anawered in this column. Ten qurttions, the anawere to which every wclUinformcd person hould know, are asked dotty. QUIZ 1. What nro the "atitlla" In an Knxllah the ater? What l the "pH"? 2. What !? "ahowlnz the uhlte feather" niean? 3. Wlmt nre Jtrarr, fluernaejr, Alilrrner and WarU? 4. U there a l.in- nnnlnat na-eaalna rltr em- nlorea for political cuinimlxn expcntei? B. Yihat U a furlauzli? 0. bailor nt t-earre Klond lime on tVIr ran li'inda "H M. p Kronvrlni M llhelni." VUiut doea "!. M. ." aland for? 7, What I an ellgurrhi? 8. llial wm the crrut ICnjlUi Reform Hill or lRJz? 0. It lint rmldeaa "aprnnt from the brain of .eua"? 10. What are Morris riancra? 'W3 "Audience sat In amanment. Ml KeHjeTI mann In remarkable feata. alan In total J. regard of wearing- apparel. Nake1aeaa. tg.1 ouenaive. aiaiaa upon mo axrven. iiccora A Daughter of the Gods CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE TWICE DAILY 2:1G AND 81IBI with Annette Kellermanm "Wondroualjr beautiful which niled Opera Houaa provai i-reaa, n spectacle. . Audita1 save empnaue Hiinerlnilveiv beautiful picture. The IBOttM)! picture can to no farther." Ledtar. " "1'antaatlc and altogether entertalnlnc torr.T Vnrth amil,an .hl 'Annette Kellermann has opportunity to ! her aplendld rorra. ner proweaa aa lira "Climax of cinema, elaboration and rtaKJ lam." Bulletin. " NIOHT8 AND SAT MAT.. S3c. 60c. 75c Ml MATti.. EXCEPT BAT., 23c. Boc and 75C. Answers to Yesterday's Quiz 1, "(liimthoea ore enmetlmea worn hy hurzlara ti deaden the aound nf their fontitrpa. The term la applied to, feme polltlrlana uheu encased n underhand rrrnnda, 2. Alfred Nol.rl (1SS3 0(1) left n fund of 9 ZOO.- Olio, he unnu.il lit;ret on vhlch la dl lilrd into flvp eqinl lurta fur prliea for Murk In arlener unu literature and la the Intercut of unheraul tore S. "hUlni milk" la thai front which n certain nmouni or ereani nea been luuen. hiand- nri! vary In the KlJtea for milk, the nr -rFO required ih-ihk unoui la.n pee ci total aollda and nbout 3 per rent of fat THE "BULL TERRIER SPECIAL" To the liditor of the livening Ledger! Bit- The attacks that have been made on the women's campaign train do not do any great amouiit of credit to either the heads or the hearts of the womon'e Democratic opponents. The particular point of attack las been that the train wan financed In part by women who either possess large fortunes themselves or whose husbands poa seas them. Why any special obloquy at taches to obtaining subscriptions from thoso most able to make them It Is dimeult to jiee. certainly It has always" been tho pro- ceaura or an parties m '- per mit, even to persuade, alt adherent of the party to aubaenbe lo Ita uur fund to the beat of their ability lloth rich and pojr have contributed to the women's committee of the National Hughes Alliance and to the train fund jout West, where the writer of this statement formerly acted for some months as organiser for the womeu's com mittee, the most usual cojitrtttHtlon was one ailver dollar, n heavy contribution, it Is true, aa any one who has, lived out West and carried arpund lit or n hi "coin of the realm can testify; but of particular valtte 1 this election because It typifies the Interest of the comfortable a ef the poor in the election of Mr. Hughe. Nor are the women on the train, rich Moat of them earn their living, earning their aajarles a good many IIm ever tbiough tarMtt devotion to the untlannn weal. There, iea on we train was ao mv ikmnmim the present )npnet vfce bave pre-. 4. In builnff on a tuaraln. tlwi trk bouaht outrlsht. but. a anfflclent aiuu do- poaitril uitn Ilia linker lo roTcr lluctua itona In the market price. S. Acre: IHIO aquare yurda, about 0 yarda by ,u rurwa. "Cnaaerole"! a hret-proof earthenware Tea ael In whlrli meat and, tiaually, iccetublea H(v niv.ru uiiu iiiu arr.ru. Cokei the aollil anbatanre left when volatile part hute been dUtllled from coal. Foretell eirhancei Importera here owe nmi nnroua lor Koiiai luirmrirra aiiroad are In o uoiu lue iha aame noaltlon the iinnacea- aary eipenae of rinttanl sold ahlpmenta, In piDtarnt. the trunaartlnna are rlearru tbrtitish blllt of forelcn rirhante. D. 'Trlbune of the people"; an nnelent tinman itfllrel the emreaalon la uaerl liulav m. th. word "rsmuioner". ts ileaerlbe u uian who 10. apprala primarily to the ina.aea "(ioiernmrnt Ihrourti to Ifouaea Inatead thrna"! the Home, Mr Wllaon'a uilrUtr. ullualon nn to Colonel twre wm ttH at s J,3M tfUia: putllac their time tea te whii utuwi what they wmmmm'mfit " ua i Decoration for a Nun V. C. Jt la true that a nun haa received the Legion of Honor from the Krench Gov ernment. Tho official text of the citation you (peak of is as follows: 'Madam Marie Rosnet, In religion Sister Gahrlelle, of tjio Order of St. Vincent do Paul has given evidence, since the outset of the war, of exemplary courage and coolness; has saved In critical circumstances the lives of many sick and wounded soldiers; has heea on Invaluable collaborator In the. medical service owing not only to her technical qualities as a nurse but to her capacity fpr brave Initiative; has constantly set an example of valor and unshnkable conAdeaee, and hag already been mentioned in the Army orders," Old Silver Dime-, R. H. It. Silver dlmee were Issued In 18)9 and 135! and a silver twenty-five cH piece In 1?M, but their value wrr aceeed tug to the cotitlorM of the Market. , i ii i in ii in ii Jehn, Brewn JMtter ef "Wkt Jio Y Kmm" yew tall mo what, the fallow lag mtoftimi ia fuewi "WUe iwe nc,t twt Uaaawt a ms may make aha; He ere not great exeepa they do n4 JPe., .. y iTffyi ii" 'as,!aa JWP Market at 16th 11:13 TO 11:15 10c. lSe. S3o. B5c. parasiount rnocnAM OWEN MOORE and MAllQUKIllNi: COUHTOT In "T HE KISS" BTAXLKY COXCERT OJlCIHSxTR.l COMING ALL NEXT WEEK Courteey Paramount Picture Corporation LEWIS J 8EL7.MCK lreaenta CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG , IN FII18T I'nEfln.VTATlON of the Photo-DramMLc Senaitlon "THE COMMON LAW" Adatited From Hobert v.'. Chambera' Novel PALACE mizsFB EDNA MAYO In "THE HETUHN OF EVK" ADfA Tl A CHESTNUT nelow 16TH JtJJ.XJi.. 10 A. M. to 11U5 P. U. WM. S. HART "The Return of 'Draw' Egan" Ii. F. I Urtlllant Hill of 1-r i I I .-.. , vudl" Btaral Kfllrh Q Edwin Ardcn & Co. THEATEit UELLE STORY T1IL.AT..! j.,nly A Norton t CajL Anaon t. luuabtcras Chile. Leonard Hetcher; i.erard U Clark, Othtra Today at S. Mo 4 wic Tonight at 8. loe to II. BROAD-Last 3 Evga. ft?Y M A K H 'I'H'.M l-l'rl'. 'n A T VPTP LAST a TIMES Ijl JA,lLj TOSIfflll1 AT SilS LAST MATINEE 8AW THE ENTIIRALLINO MUSICAL rLAIl'1 CLIFTON CRAWFORD IN "HER SOLDIER BOY" With a Ilrllllant Cnat of Slnitra J0HN,;IIAI1U:S THOMAS MAROAItET ltOMAINK A SHOW THAT UELiallTB Alt, NEXT WEEK SEATS TODAYJ TUB ami. Ufa CAL COMEDT RATION' CtV BEASON WITH'! WONDERFUL CA AND ClIOIll'S. A KNACMBlij wmr-ii HAVE PEERS ON EART "The Girl From Brazil" The Girl You Will Love Take a Tip Duy Your Beati Todarff; ADELPHI y?iS "EXPERIENUJi: 31,000 SEATS for tn mom wumwnui , t "EXPCIUKNCK." will be place uri.i in An I cu ' . -- ""-";: r " j..t.i At 6 o'Clock Next Monday Morata Th boiomca will oe open - ,na TiiaiAW qp&v uotii. WDNioin, to accommooai me rrowua w. " LAST THREE WEEKS . ... .. will K. ilUlB oet in lino men ur ".":," iiV"i Engagement fotMtyt'0"nl" ,'- Next tADY'8 NAME Only. Beata Today Week On Week RIO GRANDE Military Play by Auiuatua Thoraaa THREE SPECIAL. MATINEES TUE3.. THUIta.. FHI., OCT, 2t, JO, 2T MAUD ALLAN And Mer Symphony Orcheatra cf aO PrceemltiE itr AVondartuI Dance That Thrilled All 1-ondon for 2 Yeara Eeata Today, f.' W, ll.W. 1.00. Tig. 60o frARRTniC J,I,S AND NEXT WEEK Un-i-VlVtOlV K, h0 Mate. Wed. & Sat. JANE COWL in COMMON CLAY Pup. Wed. Mat With Ileal Beat! 1.60 FORREST nnS: SX,8'" JULIA BANpWtSON In the PiVn'rr KMfej " SYBIL Olobe Theater "i&a.lV8 . lUo 16c S.V use U A, M, to 11 P. u. "Tho T.nwn Povftr" Miniature fr"." ""J Mda cal Comaila MHERMAN, Da FOWHUBT COMPANY In "A JAY C1HCUB,1' OTHhBlS, T 6WH Me. Cross Keys ySSJS EEGENT J&SjfcXpd .TJ Iff ff fT!yeVW..t " . tx.niNp Tr yr-'r y'l-wfr.t i j Walnut ! Tdy Tor, 86, EO Brinjring Up Fathr la Politka Neat Waak-Hria Otfl WltWoul OmZjr CfcakeV tULMKCT 4 WTTW M ,i- it. .TiUto W .mxa Knickerbocker Eueni Blair imv Wm'?Ug&2& ACADEMY OP MUSIC Saturday Afternoon October 21, at 2:30 PADEREWSI3 TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT "CTP"',. CHESTNUT ST. 1. l.6W. - 113 AND t!8. - METROPOLITAN 01ilv Twice Daily MTfeas. . MAT. TODAY. I1E8T SEATS II 0 c" HIPPODROME gSS in "HIP, HIP, HOORAY" SOUSA I CHARLOTTE and Ilia I and The Marvelout - n a i.Tfrn A I. T. K T ON 1 "J NAT WILLS. CIIA8 T. ALDBICIl, 3M 0 Nights and Sat, Mat,, BOcje TTTOmnTlT A MARKET SSf' XjXyjJi-iX OPro-ma-. r-nUTiviTOI'B B A. M. TO Hl'1 J DOUGLAS ffl all FAIR BAN 'lN THE WONPEKKWfc PHOTOPfcAf; "Manhattan Madii uatutAVtUYK bympmont orchi ATT VWYT WRKK Uetra'f Special ProduothW ,,f FRANCIS X. l?USHMAKi tCnd BEVERLY BAX In Baclualna Drat ahowto "ROMEO AND JULIET SbakaaiMwrc'a Wyllla ! iiww. -A V t.A.TII llll-IT ACf DaSMY OV UllfW Qa. I " -. JL. '.'. TLi ""''as-fcr. DMinn t qbillowitt ZW& Boston SympUony Orchettni If UTttfmk. ajaaajMSAMajW Prteaa, k l4 $1