t ' -'r Si !AL PROMISES A WORLD BEATER IN 'GOLDEN PLAN i : ., fried From Insane Hospi tal, Financier Haa Prod uct Women Demand SIGHTS WEALTH AGAIN He to Get Rich, Told by Ex-"Hypnettc Borrower" GET wt of the sheet) das and fasten en to "in original idea. Take this Jrlea to a man with money and make him believe in it as you do yourself. If you accom pH this, the financier will furnish with all tho funds you need. There is more opportunity for tho young man in this country today than ever before Hundreds of men have surplus millions and nro hun gering for a chance to invest. Give them a good IcRitlmnto idea nnd they will take you in' on tho ground fleor. Young men of today need grit and courage mora than thoy do a colicgo education. Don't, float around tho country looking for opportunity. Stay right hero in Philadelphia, for tho money Hi itere. ah you neoa is to tnitiK up a good idea and the gold will pour into your lap. A financial enterprise of such magnitude that It makes all lila previous efforts, such as building a sugar refinery and an apart mmt house hotel, seem Ilka the beggarly achievements of a small-town business sharp. Is about to be launched by Adolph Secat, erstwhile "financial vrltnrd," who on October 12 was released from the Stnte Hospital for the Insane at Norrlstown. , Although this modern Midas has only feeen eut of the hospital for the Insane, for Sv days, he saya he has already evolved plan for corrallnK some of tho millions which have poured and are pouring Into this country from the European war sono. Ho said today he had already received tho un qualified financial auport of three million. Ires to place upon tho market a product Which "the women of this country want very day of their liver and Insist upon having every day of their lives." I Segal refused to divulge tho namo of tho product, but he admitted that It was "nomc- thing to eat" In a short tlmo, he said, the j women of the entire land will be mndo ac quainted wltn tho name of the nroduct l.v k-i c j the most gigantic advertising campaign ever launched In" the United States. This campaign, he declared, would coBt i millions and 'would be directed by a (20,000 (year advertising manager with five assist ants, receiving salaries of 10,000 n year I each. In, a few weeks, he said, every news i paper of account -In the land would be car 'rylng big advertisements setting forth tho qualities of the product . Mr. Segal waa found In his apartments (Parlor B) on the second floor of the Han over Hotel, ire appeared In fine fettle ; hla r Iron-gray hair was waved back over hla f high forehead, his mustache was curled with i a military twUt and he wore a perfect fit ting dark brown business suit Begal'g eyes sparkled with the enthusiasm of the Old financial days when It waa his habit to talk In terms of millions while other less couraltqpus men proceeded cau tiously with, hundreds and thousands. Ills voice had the same old optimistic ring which" Hi the days of his prime created golden visions for capitalists nnd bank presidents and caused them to. "come across" to tho "hypnotic borrower" with henvy loans. It , plain that tho wizard had profited by ' fl I .L T years or rest and solitude i, ui.jiuuinuwn institution. Tho former .financier snapped his fingers contemptuously and bnnged on the arm 1 of his chair when he was asked If he had the courage to fight for a "come back." NOTIHNO IMPOSSIBLE ! ,. b8 ?ack lnBlt,e of ' months, and III come back stronger than I ever did l?Jf0rt. 'IS """.V "Nothing Is lmposslblo In 'tills world nothing, except to bite your own nose with your own tet th." Segal talked ranldlv for ih.n.,i. i f an hour. He spoke of his life at Nor- runu no oi mo opportunity hs had there for gleaning new ideas and studying human nature. Ho offered advice, which he said young men should follow If they hoped to meet with financial success, and touched on some of the grent enterprises he was going to tacklo after he had made complete success of the ono big enter prise that of placing on the market tho one great product, 'Vhlch women must have." "Whit U M. n..t..... w . 1 aMWI fxmuvu BIT. OCEai WOS Segal smiled mysteriously. W' .w"1.' i! "oml!,ln" women want," he said. .uuieu 11 u our. wnue i was resting at Norrletown. The whole basis of my finan cial success has been to get something that the i peoplo want and give It to them at the right price," , "Well. Is your product silk stockings, shoes, dresses or whatT" tilting up his nose with disgust. 'I was shocked to come out of the hos- ,. pita! to see how women are dressing. It makes me sick, I motored over to the - 2"wirf ,n New York wltl soma financial frmids, and I waa Quito nauseated to see hew the women are dressing such vulgar lew necks and such short skirts, a made me bluslu Ifo, ray product Is not dresses or wearing apparel of any kind. It Is ' Bcatethlng to eat, FOI THD WOMEN . "The women folk have this product row, but the price Is too high. I am going to make It much lower, and when tho women of the United States see what I t have done they are going to buy. They will om tinnhl tn vlu .,, .... .. ter It will be a perfectly leeitimat. nn. Xkr will buy; buy, buy, and I will boi me rich again."' .f ."Kow vrlll this great company be xnaced. Mr. Segal r' "Klnanc4! Ha. you make me smile. I never had any -trouble financing- anything, because I always had a legitimate 'proposi tion td present to people with money, "This country Is full of monoyj It could i Met be any fuller if.yie very sky had rained E44 dollars for forty days nnU nights. i!fS. burdned with war profits tpUIIng IsaUttPua, and they don't know what to do ,N Jt, They are craving and thirsting for rtunlty to Invest this money All v to An la tn Aff lm m ,.,. .-- -- - . ... v.., .,v M iUUU LHafi nnd flijv will llAiii.. ... j.,.. . ,.. .t ...v .,.. ,,,,,i ,juur uv Ma your lap and beg you to use It i . ."" w.mc newuai men wiut ur W mUWoas have called upon me and fssMMfht my Mvlcc ami my Ideas. I gave j Shu ray big Idea atwi Jhay fairly jumped at wc wilt fee.ycvr-lrieMa for life.' I did t'f'ni In pH it WUU stipulation that I Mm, m to bsjei en ft wh vlaw, Right Tfs I want to. stole fraakly that I am t4r KnIiih anytMac that SSM my tmXlMMr buh mkA ut . m, hcsjsflt myself, a ass a praoWcat phU Ut severest ertttss sf my Nasnalal sismw sff taai spspMhSteial )n 1 ftnjsaia have net bwa sueems i at taesp tM ctoy arc all paying i SEtfr sfyvj " . w- t-oeet at the finasrl ir waons nr. mm rMusesy lit iw say paper ssflh. SV Majeiia Kctel. StU4 other auartiment houaa ho- :'. AU f Hmsji an making money blr Dc poet wca4er thaa that, man surpitM poM Dome to see now and JHsycJ, SM swy. what shall f o with flW sflscw (hat i eaa cevlas a wa sjaMcsf return tot their hv I aa a baskxuBt twtey. inayW, BTVENINQ LEDOER-tBItDEXPHIA, WKDNEaDAY, OCTOBER 1ft. !1W hit sssactTem' X WW Iss si where T hepmg tit the mlllWiMlre cImm. I wm bom' W imM wemtyt th a pift frm rrovhtence. X H't ht) ft" TAKIJS' TO MOVtB IDKA "Is the report true that you contemplate establishing a chain bf moVlng-plcture houses across the Stati, If there Is a repeal of the blue laws so that the worklngman and his family can attend the movies on Sunday?" Segal carrssed the Mt hook of his Iron gray military muitache with a smooth white hand, and then replied, cnthuslas tlcally: "I would do that thing," bs said. "If a repeal of thoso blue laws could be brought about 'The worktngmen of our State should nnve some clean entertainment on Sunday, thslr only-holiday from the weekly grind. I. got the Idea While t was In the hospital. Every Tuesday nlrht wa had moving pic tures up Ihsre. Luliln used to wend up films, and we nil enloyed them, Wa nlso. hod a hall each week nnd ball games and other amusements Tho movies were as medicine to me. They soothed my mind and they gave me mental nnd physical pleasure. The Idea was born In mo that It would be worthy of my financial genius to establish n chain nf movlng-plcture theaters. I W'H do It If the Legnilaturo wipes those blue laws oft the statute books." Tho "hypnotic borrower" repudiated the report that ho was about to launch n com pany for the building of the tunnel under the Delaware Itlver from Philadelphia to Camden. "I Used to live In Camden." ho said, "and I liavo built hundreds nf houses there. Therefore, I have a special Interest In the p:aco and know something what the people need. A bridge Is needed far moro thnn n tunnol, nnd If I went Into tho thing nt nil my plnns would call for a bridge." Segal Intimated that nt some future lime he might apply his flnnnclal genius to tho field of aeronautic. 8UCKJK3T3 Allt TIIAFKIG The tlmo Is near nt linnd," ho Raid. "when millions will bo applied to develop ing air tranic I mny go Into It If 1 hayo time. The Inventive Held Is not n new one for me. I Invented the nrst automobile motor. It wan called tho LouIb motor, and 11 was a iair Biicrets "Do you believe that tho young mnn has as good nn opportunity for success today a he did twenty eura ngo?" "More, more." ho said "Tho young man of today who cannot got rich In n fool or blind. America In so full of gold today thnt you havo to wear rubber heels to keep from slipping on It. The trouble with tho young men of today Is that they aro llko sheep, waiting for somebody to lead them. If they had a real Idea they would rush to a doctor, thinking they aro suffer ing from some Incurable, illnease, Tho young men of today don't know how to uso the brains thnt Ood gave them. "Mero knowlcdgo doesn't count, Our col leges nro turning out educated nuts by tho thousands, nnd ns fast nn they come out the squirrels gobble them up. That's the Isst we hear of them. YOUNO MAN'S CHANCES "All the young man neeas today to be successful is to havo nn original Idea and bcllovo In It Any day bo can take this Idea to the olllce of the Standard Oil Com pany, 20 Itroadwiiy, Now York, and the folkB thero will finance that Idea and let him In on tho ground floor. I never had to go to 20 Ilroadway, for I always found .plenty of peoplo In Philaoeiphla to finance my Ideas. "You hear a lot of young men sny to day, 'I can't make good In Philadelphia; I am going to Frisco or, 'I'm going to Alaska.' Thoso yoUng mon are fools, nnd they won't mnko good In Alaska, Frisco or nnywhero else. Thero la.qoln right here In Philadelphia bundles nf It plenty of It around I got hold of plenty of It. nnd young men with legitimate Ideas can do the same." Segal paused, all out of breath. Ho leaped to his foet. "(let an idea," he said, smiling, "nub that Idea up against a man with money and watch tho dollars fall Into your hat Segal gave tho right hook of his military AiUBtacho a llttl pat and Boftly closed the door. CAIUtANZA, BELIEVED HOSTILE Reports Thnt Ho Ts Opposed to Wilson Disturb Commissioners ATLANTIC CITY. Oct. 18. The Mexican PommlHSloncrs nro perturbed today by the circulation of reports that Caxranxa has. taken a Mand against President Wilson and will look with favor on the election of Hughes, even If this meant Intervention In Mexico. T,ho commissioners said they were not In a position to deny the truth of the reports as they had not been able to obtain a state ment from flenernl Pnrrnn,. T.... ,-.. .. upon themselves, however, to declaro that ul;" ummue uxwicu in Mexico, and that should such a thought cxlBt they would not share It SUItQEOXS SAVE GIRL'S HAND "But Did I Break the Plate?" Asks Child After Operation at Poly clinic Hospital Surgeons of the Polycllnlo Hospital worked two hours last night mending the wrist of Margery Frlchott, six years old, which had been cut when sho tried to catch a plate she let slip from her hands while drying the dinner dishes In the kitchen of her home at 1222 Harmony street Blood vessels and tendons were cut through nnd It was believed, until after the operation, that she would lose the use of her hund, "When she regained consciousness ..v, u .:tc,i,tiiui, ino surgeons told her It would become all right "But did I break the plateT" she asked. ' ' ' f ii Quarantine Lifted at Bryn Mawr Precautionary quuruntlne measures, ndoptod when Bryn Mawr College opened, to prevent Infantile paralysis, havo been lifted. Under the quarantine, students were not permitted 16 leave the college grounds. Ilemoval of this restriction and the belated opening of three girls' schools at Bryn Mawr restored tho Main I.lno town to Its usual busy appearance. the Mertmvr Linen Thread Cempany, cf Belfast, with which he had, been acsochUsa fer forty years. Ms hpent several years hs charge ot the Barbour Company's Ameri can mill, at Paterson, K. J. Mrs, Louise Osrttand, ot S12 Farragut street this city. Is his sister. Mm. Mary Frances Saydam Mrs. Mary Frsnces Suydsm, widow of the 1UV. 3. Howard Huydam, V. D., of New York, died at the home of her brother, Walter K. Ludwlg. 207 Spruce street to day. Mrs. Suydant had been suffering for som time with heart trouble and this sum mer spent her vacation In Msino to recover her he-ilih. She had an sp.vtmcnt In Ham ilton Court, Thirty-ninth and Chestnut streets. Mrs. Suydam was the daughter of the Ute William O. Ludwlg, of Philadelphia. J. R. T. MULHOLLAND Belfast Factory Chief, Brother of Dead Philadclphian, Dies J. It T. Mulholland, a, brother of the Isto CJeneral St. Clair A. Mulholland, of this city, died Monday at hla home In Bel fast, Ireland, Ha was elghty-seven years old. He was superintendent of the factory of w;fc s&eszjt yfs a. I Save Money ti.01 and Waste W o... . ,,. ' ay installing TM KING 283 J.ynrv house nwntr la now tn. tallin a vt.r m.ttr qutekly I tnoi4 than Ml tut ItuK la a XXK.W.M'IW ."" i"r-rsd for ....,.,. r. IfJZKt rrf. i':wr io u.1, ., ..wvr, pit iy until tyssArwi,rJtuvaa? mi ""IV It F"v-r , MM , Vviil rl it l imv M lLJSmmL 1 OMib. Not h lac rfeiUtlv.SirSlii! slw'Vea MKrs4; V Our KulMi 41-44-U m hetth set . Lewis Allison Iwls Allison, an owner ot a newspaper route, dltd yesterday at his residence, tit Viola street, Cemden, at pneumonia, aged fifty-two years. Ha was prominent In the Independent Order of Mechanics and a member of tho Loynl Order ot Moose and the Brotherhood of Trainmen. He Is sur vived by a widow. t.nnir.i . MellRNftY flRAltnY. .S.pt. JO. mis, n,K.?Xii'g ft."1" M' ahAUBY' niii(inu.,icii 1,, ur.iiti,. iiu.i'hixi 01 M.rr A. Alllnon no Csrr). sit ai. ltelstlvc snd frlendt, lna Trlnlly todce. Nn. 17, J. ). O. M.j Wall Whlimsn Ixwee, No. s, llrotherhnnd of AI.T.tSON. Oet, IT, LFIWIS. huhrWI of XUry Itnllnay Tralnmtn. ramden Iidff. No. 111. 1,. O 31 : Paper t'arrlera' Aaao , lnvltd to funeral aarvleea. Hat., at 3 p. m at SOS Viola at. (7th and .Kerry . ave.), Omd.n. N. J. Int. iirlvate, at llarlrljh Cem. Frlenda mar call Krl. after 7 P. m. AUCAND Oet IT, BOSH, wife of Oeorsa Arcand and lUnhlor of lata John and Ann llyrna from County Carlnw. Ireland, ased 0. uiRiivrs nmi irienna, if. ,v m. Hooanty, iasua of Hucrrd Heart, Invited to funeral, l'rl., 7 .til m.. Hf) llifcliwood at . (l.rmantown. Ani. emn requiem inaaa lmmculnto Conrtptlon Churih Sam, Int. Itolv t r. rem. . IIAIt.UT. Oct. IT. ritANK ni.tSWOUTIl. buahand of Jeaala 1,. Itntlejr, ased S3. Italatlvra and frlenda Invited to funeral. Krl , S:S0 a. m.. from Ollvtr II Hair Hulldlnir, 1N2D Chf.lnut at tl-qul.m masa Churei, ,f the (eau 10 a. m. Int. Mt iMinlnlck'a fem.. llolmeaburs'. lit malni may be viewed Tliura., T to 0 p. m. IIAlllnTOW M. IS, KIML'M IIOIIIKIN, son ot John and Klenn llatrsinw, atad ;s, Rela. ttvea and frletda Itivlled to funeral, Thura., U P, m. purcnia' realdenee. 1723 0. eih at., Cam den. N J Int. atrUtlr prltute, Harleisli Cem., Camden. lIKCHTni.. Oet IS. WILLIAM If., hueband of Kathryn M, lleclitel (nra O't'onnell) and aon of late Adam anil Amelia 1 Iterhtel, ased :7 llelatlea and frlendi, John H, Murphy Coun ell No. Ill 1. I. A., Invllnd to funeral aervleea, Thura. 2 p. tn., L'2.17 Wallaeo at Int. Hill aide t'om, via funeral car. llemalna may be Viewed Wed. eve. . lloitOKIt. Oct. in. JOanriT, huehsnd of late Jtasdalene tlorfr (nee Do olnther), ased 7S. Itelatlvea ami Frlenda, men of Holy Family of Ht. Ilonlfarlua's Church. Invited to funeral. Thura., S:.10 a. m., realdenee of aon, Jacob Ilorger, sum N, I'alettiorp at. Solemn requiem maaa at.llontfaclua'a Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. 1IOVU. Oet 10. MAnY II. JIOTD. wlfo of Mortimer H. Iloyd. acetl 01. ltehitltea and frlenda Invited to funrul aervleea. Krl.. 2 )i, m . real denee of llenrv W, lJrljhtly, Jam N. .nth at.. Camden. N. J Int. prlvafo Hvergrecn Cem. llemalna may ti? viewed Thura te. JillAUN. Oci. Ill, KUZAllKTH, trite or John 1. llraun. Itelatlvea and frfenile Invited to funeral erlcea. Thura,, a n. in,, at Oliver 11 llalr Hulldlns. 1S20 Chcatnut at. IntT strictly "lJVUOOKFI.-JOct. .10, A.VNIi: M., widow of Hd. ward Kuller Itreoka. llelutlvea and frlenda ln--vlted to funeral aervleea, Thura., a p. m hO H Lunadowne ae, Ijinadowno, Pa. Int. private' Carriage will meet ti'S p. in. train froni llroad St. Bta. CAMPI1W.L. Oct. 10. ANNA n.,dai1Bhter of lata 1'atrlek J and Annie Campbell Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Thura 8.30 a. m.. 113'.' Oreen at. Solemn requiem maaa Church of Aaaumptlon lu a. m. Int. Holy CUI.KMAN. Oct. 10, MAnv Jt.. daushter of Philip i;. and Mary K. Coleman. Itelatlvea and frlenda are Invited to funeral aenlrea. Frl., u P. m., at her late country home near Norrletown. 'a. Int. private at North Laurel Hill Cem. Automobllea will meet train nt Norrlatown sta tion leaving llroad Htreet Htnllon at 12:5a l. tn. CONLIN. Oct IS sJOHIJl'll ; UUNL.IN. auil of late l'eter and Klltabeth Cnnlfn and brother of Hev. James Conlln. of Ht. Teter'a Cathedral. Urle, l'a. Itelatlvea and frlenda. Dlvlalon No. U, A O. ll.i employee of I.. II, l'a r Kb Co, In, vlted to funeril. Thura., S:3U a. m.. 204S i:. Lehlch ave. Solemn requiem maaa Ht. Ann'a Church 10 a. m. Int. (lid Cathedral Cm Auto funeral. i-uinnauuniufl. iici. in, JUMP. 1'Aillli.u JOSLPH aon of Harry andiltrldiru Counaushton (neo Kelly), ased 14 years H montha. Itelatlvea anil frlende, pupils Oeau Hchool and Ancela' Mo dality Invited to funeral. Bat.. 8 a. in,, parents' realdenee. S76 N, !lh at. Molemn requiem niaea Church at the Oeeu. 11:30 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. CONWAY, Oct. 10. RMMA. wife of Thomaa Conway, aged SI. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Thura., 1 p. in., 1123 I'arrlah at. llemalna may b- viewed Wed. eve. C(M)PJ?H.nt in vi.iwAm.-TTf rwippn (nee Drennan). widow of Joeeph Cooper, ltrla- .- .iiu tri-nun inviieu iq lunerai. inura.. 7-30 a. m., S214 Mercer at. Itequlem maaa Church of the Nktivlty tt a. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. Auto funeral. . COSENTINO. Oct. IS. OtUSnrPU CAIIU). huaband of Olulla Cmentlno (neo Manslnl). Ilelatlvra and frlenda, Rocleta dl' M. S. Ilenefl renia. Italian Tailor Hoclety. Loyal Order of Mooae. Corte naate. No. VS0, Koreatera of America, Invited to funeral. Thura., 8.30 a. m.. 1200 8, 8th at, Holemn hlsh maaa at Our Lady of Oood Couneel Church, tnt Holv Croaa Cem , COWI'BIITHWAIT. Oct. IT. dauirhter'a real, dence. Mra. I. O. Kverett. Clover Hill, Upier Darby, l'a., ADA Q.. wlfa of Clifford 8. (neo Haines). Funerat aervleea father'a realdenee, Vlntvntown, N. J., Frl., 2 p. m Int. Vlncen town. Itemalna may be viewed Thura., S to u p. m.. Clover Hill, ITnper Darby. l'a. COX. Oct. HI. JAMi:h 1'. cdx. Uelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thura., H:30 a. m., realdenee cf aon. Howard J. Cox, 0403 Oray's ave., Weat l'hlla, Hlsh maaa St. Clem ent's Church, I-aachall, 10 a. m. Int. Old Cathedral CenS CIlKOAIt. Oct IT. BUBAN 8MTT1I CnK DAll, daushter of the lute Philip Ausuatua and rJuean Creaar, ased T2. Due notice of funeral Will be KlVen. DEijuonocaif Oct. it, williasi iibnry. eon of Lorens and liulae DcaborouRh. aiced 4, Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervleea. Frl., S p. m.. nt his parents' realdenee. H30U Wallace, at. Int. nt Arlington Cem. IIKVINU. Oit IT, JtiHU'll II., aon of Iloae, and late IlernarU J. Devlne. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Frl., 8 a. m.. 1523 Mlffllii at, Hlzli nun of requiem rit.iTlinmaa AqulAaa Church 0:30 a, m. Int, Holy Croaa Cem. DOIinS, Oet. 10, BAMUKt, 11 . hueband of tebecca. J. Dobba, ased (111. Itelatlvea and Jrlenda Invited to funeral servlcee. Thur.. at 10:30 a, m., at SO ncrlln ave.. i:aat HaddnnOeld, N. J. Int. private, at Coleatown, N. J. DOLAN. Vt, It. ANNA, wlfo of llurton L. polaii. ased 23 Ittlatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Sat., R a. in., 127 Dudley at. (2d and McKeau). r.equlem high maaa Church of the Baored Heart a. m. Int. Holy Croas Cem. Auto aervlce. DONNELLT Oct, 10, BATIAH. wife of Mylea Donnelly, aged 40. Itelatlvea and frlenda In vlted to funei.il, Thura. 8:30 n. m (larret ave., Itowmont. Ta. High maaa St, Thoinaa'a church, Vlllanova, 10 o. in. Int. St, Deuta'a Cem, HOTOHn. Kuddenly, Oct. 10. JOHN A. DOT Cll.lt. hueband of Miry Uotser. Itelatlvea and friends Invlltd to funeral aervleea. Frl.. 2 p. m., K2I Jackaon at., Franktord, Frlenda may call Thurs., TiSO 10 9.S0 p. m, Int. Ureenmount EAnu:r, Oct. ifl. at I.tndenwold. jr. .!., MAIIY Jt, widow of John Karley. aic-d On, Itelatlvea and frlenda Invltod to funeral. rrl.I ISO n. rn., rrsldente of ejn-ln-Uw, William Qltljetis, Lindenwold, N. J. Int. Ilerlln Cem. r;V,nU:" Market st. ferry 12:23 p. m. Ill Kltl-lS, Oct. 15, ANNIK. wife f Uottlulb .Vr.1,.in; Ucr.oyU- Itelattves and frlenda In vlted 16 funeral, Thurs., 8 A. ru 313 Jorepy PARCEI, POST Comfort Durability Economy In Philadelphia-Made Soes Philadelphia leather, PhlludelpliU workman. All our shots are made snd Waled by hand. We l'te ' pivra anoea inauq on our cuaiom lasts! van khu aee our atoca L. O, ur write. UtCXOY. IDS Cherry Nl l'hlla. Bal iiicvrLKsX Ifc'jf $14.0p Up OLD RELIABLE MAL0NK 11.64 TH sClS Great SlausSlee t Price' of AU Sundries. HKCOM) HAKU BICVCLKt). M.eo UP &tB&B3tiSM s x&rwnz.F awa Ogssttssssss. OMs, O. I DseVIr M bSW sWSSs wMkn4At -MrVXML rim lICSeaA""! "e " '" ' rr' Lem., iiiO'ieee'ee. w. J eoot.,7iliJil-r?"7W!':t.0- retldtnee. S0O4 tlrren St . CHAIiLr.s W.. huaband of the LV,!m.m.;.ri,I"',,.Vp!,nj'. sei 81 DuS notice chapter. N Jio. iv A. M.I. St. Alban'S Com. mandery. No. If, K. T,. nJ l.u l,u A A, OVN. M, 8., Invited ii funerat afrrlcee. Thura, bii f, it B '-C'r ave JnJ Vemwooa'cem. 'l'JV, 'IZyEIW AHwsp.vTeil., 8 to 10 p. m. FALCONKn.Oel. fT. CilArtl-BM II.. hue. band ef Ad line Falenner. itelatlvea snd (rlende tnvll(t to fuawrsl aervleea. riat , 2 r m. 32S J. Jonlr-r at. (IStn and Winer ata ). Int. Farnwood Cem. lUmalne jiay La viewed Krl. I'f.lNJJ. Oct. IS, eundenlr. OKOnflRIVt, hus. band of Hue C. Vllnn (nen Kttere). llelatlvea and frlenda. Iirlcklaws' Union. Invited to fu neral services. Frl.. 3 n, m., 1210 W. Cambria at. Int. private, . FI.VNN -Oct. IS. .CATltAIHNn. widow of ijiwi'in.. j uw, i v.i xi i tea ana irienae, notary, .T1 !S'i!'..Mtr Societies of St Joa' nh me Church Invited in r,,n i iSi Holemn requiem maaa St. Joachlm'a Church T a " I"'- t, Oabriel'a Cem.. Hatleton, l'a. iiJEl'IJlT0''. '?. f-Ifl FIHCKKIl (ne, JJohrer), widow of Vincent Frlcker, ased TS. Itelatlvea and frlende Invited to funeral .trrlr.. Thura . 1 p. rn., realdenee of aon-ln-law. Harri ! I,t.f3,J 1'oflar at. Int. private. Ml. MorUh Cem, Frlenda may call Wed., after S p. tn. ,M oee. led. ay be viewed Wed., S to 10 p. m llABTINCIH, Oet. IT, sodden1, St Stnek- Idle, .Maaa, HKNItY OVKItTON JIAST1N0S. KlttKDItlCII --Boddenly, Oct. H, WILLI, ric.h'."i 3Ji ft'i,!.v"i!.' 'ip'-.wsst.in: ' V ,7 zi. ' . "wuAuLt "..oi , jonn nan cock Commandery. P. O. B, of A., Jnylied to fu. neral aervleea Thura.. I. -so p. m.. Ill B. Ouval at.. Oermantnwn Int tt. Morlali Ce-n. Friends may view remains Wed. s p, m. UAIXAdllKII Suddenly. Oct. IB. TtOIIKnT. aon of Jamea Walter anil Flo.nco Ildna Oal lasher, llelatlvea and frlenda Invited to fu. neral aervleea, Thura., 5 p, rn., parenta' reel, denre, 23 H. 4Slh at. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem, llemalna may be viewed Wed.. S to 10 p. m. Auto a-rvlre, 4 OAl'NTT. At Lumberton, N. J., Ot 10. IILNIIY II. OAI'MTT, huatMnd of Barah (launtt, aged 42 years 0 montha 0 dare. Itelatlvea ai.J frl-nde, Council No. 13, Jr. O. U. A M., In vlted to funeral, Thurs., 3 p. m., Chratnut at, Int Kvergreen Ctm. llemalna may be viewed Wed., 7 10 n p. m. (HllllONH. Oct. 10. JAMJ'B, hOabnnd of late Mary Jlhbons, of County Mayo, Ireland. Itela tlvea and mends Invited to funeral. Hat., SUIO a. m., reaUlence John llegan. 20nj W. llneton nve. High maaa nt requiem Bt, Cotumba'a, lo a. m Int Holy Crone Cem. hablam.--i. m. j;i.i.aiii:th A. widow of William I). Haelam Itelatlvea and frlende, also Council No. 1. Daushtera of Pocahontas, Invited to funeral, Thura., R 30 a. m., reildenco nf eon. In-law. Tromaa A. Tourer, 230S N Myr- liewooa nt, mi, . noviiixviiie, a a. itemalna may be viewea vvea,, n to lu II hrl.l Due notice or tunerai win oe.given. JIBNNL Oct, 17. FltHllLllH IC F. Iin.VNI, huaband of Mary Hennl men Maler). aged OS. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aerv leea, l'rl,, 2 p. rn., realdenee of aon-ln-law, Frank Frel. 274 N. Newklrk at. Int. private, tlerman Lutheran Cem. HILL. Oct 10 KTItCf, RMMA. daughter of ..eorge W, nnd llebect a H. Hilt, need s. Itela tlvea and frlenda membera and Babhath Bchool of the U. 1. Church, Invited to funeral, Thura., 1,30 p. in,, tinrenta" residence, 01i N. 41st at.. aervleea L, P. Church. 3fth and Hamilton sts 2.80 n m. Int. 1'ernwood Cem. noon.- ou. 10. l'HKiii: a., wire ot J. it. Hood. Relatives and frlende Invlteil to aervleea. Frl., 1'30 p. in , late realdenee 3711) N. Carllals at. Int. private, FernwiMwl Cem. Hour oil. 10. XAV1KH, huaband of Clara P Instnger Hort llelatlvea und frlenda, Oegen aeltlger Unteratuetxunga V'ereln. invited to fu neral aervleea Thura lu.30 n tn., ail W. louden at., Oermantown, Int. Ivy Hill Cem, Itemalna may le viewed Wed. H tu 10 p. m. v JOIINHON. Oct. 14, MARK h... wSfn of 8am ue 1; Juhnaon and daughter of Margaret K. IWIIeon) llortman and late Frederick Wllaon. aged 55. Itelatlea and frlenda Invited to fu neral aervleea, Thurs , a ti, m., huaband's resi lience, 0 K. State at., Camden. N. J. Int. Kvergrern Cem. i:emalna may be viewed Wed. ve. KRM.Y. Oct. 13. WILLIAM 15. KELLY, huaband of F. Mao Kelly. Relatives and frlenda, Washington Camp. No. 710. P. O. H. of A.I Keyatnne Commandery. No. 48. P. O. S, of A.) Matoaca Trllw. No. 370, I. O. R. M Invited to fitn-ral aervleea, 3240 Larchwood ave., W. l'hlla.. Thurs., 2 p. m. Int. private. Frlende may call Wed.. T to 0 p. tn KI1LLY. Oct. 10. rillNKVIrt p. IJllt.I.Y. daughter of Catherine A. (neo Walan) and the late Bamuet Kellv. ngeil 7. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral, Thura., nt H n, tn,, ftnm mother's realdenco, f,uul Walnut at. Holemn requiem maaa St. Francis do Bales Church. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Hepulcher Cem. Antn funeral. KUNWOIITIIY Oet. 10, nLLEN, widow of John Kenworthy, aged 70. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral aervleea, Thura.. S p. in., 5000 Hldge ave., Iloxborougti. Int. private. Omit flowers. Kl;TSER. Oct. 10. UATIRY KRYSntt. Rel atlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervleea, Thurs , 2.30 p m.. realdenco nf son-in-law, John Haldt, Crutr Lynne, Del. Co., Pa. Ite malna may be viewed Wed., T to 10 p. m. Int. private. KINO. Biiddenly, Oct. 10. JAMHS KINO. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervleea. Thura.. 2 p. m., from the parlors of Arthur M. Stetler. 0000 Rldgo ave.. Roxboroush. Int, nt ljerlnaton Cem. Itemalna mny b viewed Wed, evenlna:. from T to It o'clock. KOnilLKH. Oct. IB. UOTTL1EH KOKIILEn, seed 73, huaband ot late Roalna Koehler. Itela tlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 8 p. in., residence of Karl I, Btrcker. near Mantua. N. J. Int. atrlctly private, Thura., Norihwood Cem.. l'hlla Omit flowers KU11.KKNAUB. Oct. 15. CHRIHTINA A., wife of Philip Kurseknabe. and daughter of Charlea and Mary lllehl (nee. Wengler). aged 20, Itelatlvea and frlonda Invited to funeral. Frl. K:3ii a m., realdenco ot father, 2307 Cedar at. Solemn requiem maaa 10 a. m. Bt. llonlfaclua a Church. Int. private. LAURUM. Oct. IS. ANASTA8IA. wlfo of Charlea Labrum nnd daughter or Into John, nnd Margaret Iowd Relatlvea and frlenda, Zunt Council, No. 230. 1). of 1',, Invited to funeral. Thura., 8:30 a, in.. 318(1 Almond at. (25th Ward). Solemn requiem maaa Church of Nativity 10 a. m. Int. Holy Kepulchre Cem, LAWRENCK. At Iiurllngton, N, J.. Oct, IT, MARTHA, wlfo or nil I.uwrcnce, Sr . aged 70. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, 321 York at., Iiurllngton, N J., l'rl 2 p. m. Serv. tees St. Ilarnabaa'a Church 3 p.l in. Int, St, Mary'a Chuichyard. LKNTKRB. Oct. 10. WILLIAM J., son of John W. and Ell Lentera Inee Weber). Rela tlvea and frlende invited to funeral services. Thurs., 2.S0 P.. m. parents' realdenee, toll N. sth at. Int. prlvute Ureenmount Cem. llemalna may be viewed Wed. eve. Auto funeral. LINKHAN. Oct. 17. JOHN T. nuaband of Mary Llnehan (nee Young). Itelatlvea and frlenda. League of Sacred Heart of St. Thomaa Aqulnaa' Church, employes of N. Snellenburg APARTMENTS The Mew Addition to Pelham Court Is Open 1 PELHAM COUItT was not built tu mulio an appeal to overy one but to you who demand the best and ore accustomed to re ceive It at a price which, con slderlnr what you do demand and receive. Is moderate It will mako a strong compelling; appeal. 1 PRLUAM COUrtT 1r located nt Carpenter Station, Oermantown, Just off beautiful Lincoln Drive, on the l'etina. It. n. fifty or bo trains a day, surely transportation enough for any ono. J Suites pf two rooms and one bath to six rooms and two baths; the size to suit your requirements. I'rlces aro from JSO up. 1 PKMIAM COUHT Is a nulet. perfect APA11TMU.NT HOTKL I and located In an absolutely Ideal and exclusive- suburban location, t In a word, you may como to I'KUIAM COUHT and find a per fect suburban location with transportation unexcelled nn Ideally constructed bulldlnir quiet, dlcnined eletfant. J You may select nn apartment of the size to suit your Individual needs you will find all your housekeeping- problems solved and taken care of for you absolutely without effort on your part you will find a table of the utmost ex cellence at a most moderate price, and the samo courtesy, service and attention Is uniform throuch out the entire establishment. I l'ur full Information, arrange, inents for Inspection, and reserva tions call, plioue or write to (fefek ai'RUC'p SOU RACK SOW or to hla reereeenUtlvs oa the prem ises at I'clAaui Court, Apvolinmeats may be made for auieatioiiiis to call st your residence; eaevveateaee a a&k COURT at your sure. J fnitlaxQpaxinutit yiKUTKOOK HUILIil ' UN aUKMANTOWN) WATWH AYjWUsT AT ISOsKHK. LAMB tltw s T ao4 t roosM asf li' Wtha. Is. 1. MMMeMsM. Mi Ssspst ?sBBiSBserssesaasssi a isssssv aeap i sesaas JMe. ..:.. vuio tunerai. Mll.l.i:n - Suddenlr. Orl IS. J hand of Harah I'rsncea Miller, so K and Marian 8 Miller Relatlv invited to runerai. Thura.. z p race, Holmes, Oelawiira Co . I R-malna may t vleed Wed 21M Titan M. (abora hartesl- '"- requfem 81 Charles's Churth IS) a. m. Int. OM CaUiodrsI Cem. .MACK Orl. IS, ntEDpniCK W., t""l"3 ff .Margaret Mark, sen ef lata John, W, and Wllhelmlna Mafk, flelatlTes and frlende, Wsah Intton Camp, No. 4SB, P. O. B), ot.A.t Ongwe Honws Tribe, No. 2S0, I, O, It. M I Penna. Commandery. No. S2 p, O, H, of A., employee nf North Ilroe,, Invited to funeral, Thura., S p. in,, S42T N- Ileeee at Int. ureenmount Cem. Itemarns msy be viewed Wed . 8 to 10 p. tn. MALTIfAMBIt Oct 1(1, WILLIAM, huaband of Mora Malthaner (nee Hefner), aged , llela tlvea and frlenda Invlteil to tunerai services. Wed, 8:30 n. m., realdenee of son-in-law, Chsrles Keralake, ISM hutfleld at.,.n,s. of Poulkrod st,. fYsnkford runerai ptlrale. Thurs. a P.m. at Cedar Hill Cent. . MAHTKIliio.V. 4)et. 111. MART, daughter et late Philip and Margaret Maaterson, let, ot llnaushan. County Longford, Ireland Itelatlvea and frlende Invited lo funeraV Thurs.. 8:30 a. rn , residence brother In-law, Thomas Harklna. 211 N 22d at Solemn requiem mass Cathedral 10 . rn, Int Itolv Cna Cem. . MXTLACK Oct. 17, suddenly. ISAAC U. huaband of tulle M. Mallack (nee Moore). Rel. tlv-s end frlende Invited to funeral aervlco. Krl. 2 p. m , 41 Poller at ItaddonOeld, N. J. Int prfvate, Frlenda may rail Tliurs , s to p. m MKIOWA.V is-t 17. MAIty vrlfs of Thomaa MrOowsn. Illlivea and triends invited 10 funeral. Frl.. 8 30 a. m.. 301 N. IZth st, Solemn high requiem maaa at Our Lady ef Mrrv hnrrh It' a. m. Int. Cathedral Cem., Auto funeral. . ...... joii 11,. nua son of fat (lee. Ivea and frlende 1 lunerai, 1 nun.. p. in... i,i,m,. ., mea, beiawiira en . Pa. Int. private mar be vlevted Wed eve., after 7:30, ltlWlltl? At flnmorB' l'elnt M J.. Oct. IS. DAVID husband of Kalher Moore, son of late J'imi and Rebecca Moore aged 7. Itelatlvea and frlende Invited to funeral. Snmere Point, N J.. Thura.. 7:30 p. m. int. Mt..Morlah Cem . l'hlla,, Krl en arrival of train leaving Pless antvltle, N J , st 12SV.V . , . . . MVLRS Oct 17. JOIIN.hushand of Ijiura fl, Mrra and eon of late William and Mary Myera, aged-3n Relatlvea and frlende Invited to fu- Fieral Hat 3 p. in., residence brother-in-law, lobert Helms. S.W. cor Osonts ave and llalnea at Int. Northwood Cem. Ilrnulns may be viewed l'rl. s tn 10 n m. NOnLK Oct. 14. auddenly. at Pallabury, N. C HA I. LIU C, widow of Charles Noble. CVHIUEN Oct IS. KDWAltD J., sen of Jo seph U. and Anna K ()'Ilrlen. aaril 27. Itela Uvea snd frlenda, Weat l'hlla. Council. K. of C.I Marquette Club, 12th Diet l'hlla. Rurrau of Hurvey, Invited to funeral, Krl., 8:30 a. m.. parenta residence, 8243 locust at. Holemn requiem mass Ht. Jamea'a Church, S4th and Chestnut, 10 a. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem, Auto TvcONNHLI,. Oct. IS. MAROAnKT, wife of Daniel O'Connell. Relatlvea and frlende. League nf Hac-vd Heart, Altar and Rosary Ho ctetlea nf Ht. Kdmond's Church, Invited to fu neral, Thurs , S 30 a m.. 1327 H. 22d at. Solemn requiem maaa Church of Ht. tidmond 10 a. tn Int Ho'y Croaa Cem l'llimi: Oct. 17. MAROATIKT, widow of llenjamtn Plrrie. ttetatltea and frlenda Invited lo runerai, Thura.. 3 p, in , 2111 K, Arlxona st. Int. private, (Ireenranunt Cem. QU1NI.AN. Oct 10, KRANCIH. aon of lata Krancla Quintan snd Mary llauer (nee Qulnlsn), aged 34, llelatlvea and frlenda. Court Wayne, No, 178, V of A., Invited to funeral services, Krl , 3 p. m., 421 Chew at., Olney. Int. Mt. l'eaee. Auto funeral, ROIHNHON Oct, 17. HMO. at Wilmington. T)e . KHKUKItlCK II. ROIHNHON. aged 00. Relatives nnd frlenda are Invited to attend fu neral, on Thur.. 2 p. m., Rt latn realdenee, 010 Jefferaon at.. Wilmington. Del. Int. at Winning. tun ami nranurwine cem. HAL'NnKRI.IN. Oct. IS. JOHN 15. BAIJN DRRLlN. aged VV. llelatlvea and frlenda. Wyo ming Tribe, No 33, Imp. O, II. M., and Rnr lln. N. J Orarge, Invited to funeral services. Thura, H p. m, Homerdale, N. J. Int. Canton Cem , N, J,. Krl. morn. Take Clementon trolley from Federal st. ferry, Camden, to Kalrvjetr Karme rlCHWAII. Oct. 16. Rl.lZni:Tlf, widow of Jamb Schwab inee Hpnnnagel). aged SO. Rela. ttvea ami frlende. 1'enna. Krauen Unterstuet sunga Vereln; Concordia M. and K. Unterftu kung Vereln No. 1: membera Klfth Reformed Church, Invited tn funeral services. Thura, 1 '30 P. m., 1530 11. llerks at. Int private Hillside Cem Omit tlnral offerings. Auto funeral, HHNlOIl Oct. 17, HALLIH II., widow of William T. Henlor, ageit 07. llelatlvea nnd friends Invited to funeral services, Krl., 2 p. m. from residence of son-in-law, J. Milton iltitcme, 25u H. 17th at. Int. private. HIIARKUV Oct. 10, CATHAHINR SIIAR KKY (nee Mahon), wife of Jamea Sharkey, Relatlvea and frienda Invited to funeral, Krl,, N 80 a. nt., 3123 Jannoy at. Requiem maas Church of the Nativity 10 a, in. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Aut funeral. HIILIL. Oct. 10. UHIIXIF.T, daughter of late Thomaa and Annie Shell Relatives and friends. 11. V. M. rJndallty of Hplchany Church. Invited to funeral, Thura.. S.30 a. m., 1001 a. loth at. Holemn high requiem mass Lplphany Church 10 n. m. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. HHUHTKR. Oct. 10. MAUKOK rtACIIB, hus band of Annie C, Hhuater (nee titrelt) and son of late Alfred T. and Urami W, Hhuster, aged 30. Relatives and frlenda. ntao l'enn Town ahlp Lodge, No. 310, I. O. O, l'.j Harris Caatle, BsUIIWL private. Hillside Cem. Auto srvlce bier5. Cu'fcT iSTSSr c.Vhedr.1 CvW VsTnrnnTOh? snd employes of Hmllhlvllnj frtncnI1,"ijse Kmt'rArftM viewed Thurs S 10 10 p. m. Auto Jenjc. RTOt'OIITOV At Erlsewal Ilosnllat. tjri Fronds invited o'rr!,r::v,?;.L'indrDT: at David 11 Schuyler llldg.. Broad1 ana uii mond rte. Int. private. .. ,. nt'YriAM Oct If MART KIlANCnfl. widow nf the lleV DrrS Howar3 Burdam s.nd dsughter of the late William t'. l.udwn XHlf" Int. rrlval. New York psr" pleaae nfr- HWVrNKT Oct IS IKIlA flWhriWisl nelallvV'a and frlenda, Reasry snt A,,'r,.H1r'k!, and league of Peered Heart of St, istrtcks Church "vlted to fonera Thtirj , s -to a n, slaters residence. Mta. Mary Mtipatrlck, " N. 21sl st Solemn requiem msea El " beth's Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral C"HWiBSI.KR Oct. 13. CAROLINR, I., widow of Jacoh . HwlseTer Realdenee. S020 N. Ree.o at. IteUtlvea and frlenda Inrlted In funeral serv; lees 1 Krl . 1 M p. m.. Oerman. Kvapaellcal iWreh. Silt and indlana ave, Int Hillside Cem" via funeral ear. lTlende may view re mains Thura. 8 p. m. -.,,.. . ,. ... HYMlNdTON Oct. 15, HMILY P.. wife ef Robert J, Symlnston and daughter of ate ntHlertrk and Annie leKee. sged 30. Itelatlvea and frleVds lnvlle.1 to funeral. .Thurs., 2 ! p. m ., 2711 Titan st. Int, Mt. Morlah Cem. llemalna may be vlewtd Wed. eve. JMATVM tOTAv-a,rif hapter, N1. 20S. n. a fltj h' i Na, 102. Invito 1 Unttlr ESiL Hill Cent, to p, m, ,1;. - .'"ee. 10 J Ilematn. ria-". . VAUOIIAN. Oct, IS, AKNIR . Ham K. Vauchan. ass S i7J..r. mt'i'"L . fyneral servlfta. K1") r.333 rasenair ave. tosth .mm 1fel '1 . ' i. IL flu,aali.elH tl . ") T Cansnaa-dT. K.taBiWUTTiiVT'kv.KP iv.r-5 ' WHON Oct. It, niAnr. ,mu .w, e, e, anq a. at ,-j."" neral Mervlces, wed (1 ,, mTliVa'S JMKl Kvmher services and Ini! York 'i.K. JS ef s - - - near . 3 Wl'LfO.V. Oct. IS, st47tt, Mary II. Warrlnvton WiUon lm Omit flowfn, t Winum i. Jr.. una Vtlm w!L2X mtnon Ml le-lsilvt. I' and" frind;,7r..w!n ' J Ketpint depart.r'Tin inura.. in ,"'."' 1 book r.,neal aervleea Tl,. " i,,Tnt, "".V-.VJ i , v."".-' . S, m msy be viewed Wed., from S to ioI' private, " , a. . WOOD. Oct. 10, ANNA M . tlves and friends tnvlted to funer.l tw"- I a. m. resiuem-n o' undertaker Mi i?' Rector at., Msnayunk. Reon,AJles, John tho naptlst Church li) , , M sIU'III SS ..TMt, V WOOONUTT, Suddenly, Tenth .! year.-neUtlvV.nd'fHen'drraVrnu'. ,'elphla Iidgs. No. 72. K, aid A S A" Maronle bodies with whlei hVvVas afsffijj vlted tn tunerai services. HiVkI?L'h tl.nlh 'inih 11 a t . - . --a- Si"'"" ae . ss u AUI, DrlVsllsB Hill Cem. wrivaie JIEAL ESTATE FOI. SALE HADDUN 1IF.K1IITH, N. t. JtEAL ESTATE FOR BAlI "AnDON iiinmtTs, , j. WHY DONT YOU LIVE IN HADD0N HEIGHTS? THE HOUSE OF COMFORTS on lot 50x200 feet, with large living res and open fireplace, dining rooro, tt32 and laundry on first floon threebeSralTS nnd bathroom on second floor, sttie T2: wator heat combination lUturta. S2l somely papered. .asaa, $4250 ? Other Homea 13000 and Up Terms to suit purchaser. Come and seana. ' l'requent trains. Be trolley t... HADD0N HEIGHTS REAL ESTATE CO. cn&&li: . iHPsW eSBsmS ipym iilliliil III' IJlBiM BUUUItnAN HUIIUItllAN ELiciHeS PAiK mmo wiivma (3ITE5 aoo - $ 3000 TEH HOU5H5 VOW BUJLPING $ OOO-JIOOO 5SPMPJ'PAUL 4"5 IWNS PARK' 6 135 S. 51KSX. TW ELIZABETflAN BEJlPEflCE FIVE BEDROOMS ' IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION $10,500 two BATKJ REAIi ESTATE FOBSALE SHf f H I DISTINCTIVE LoSToMK ptSfg 1218 Chestnut St (ffJ-TftSCfi gSmmmBal,a,amx ",&($? " """' '"---" - - " . - 1 Sl'llCRIIAN ' s l IMMSsB sssissslsBSssH asasasasasasasasasaaasasassssfl KBESKBKSSfmtr'Ji'i sSsst9 1 essMsflflP Sr9sEssVsKaBssB jfni 1 HBesjsaja enZasivsWesVEsiBH LB HBeHP y s"'an "h rj ,'daT BaBWlfSM " - JHdtaKe)r eaVlssLHf SKaUol fl3 saT isBI lsHsBBBsf - . jaaaaaaaa4-'BeHB iMsUUiHH assliHeJes(SrlZa4ua. ""'wBj WaSssaieaCeaaMsaVsfBfflSf; flE assssWsMejsBMsaleP No Change of Cars 18 Minutes to City Hall $6350 to $7100 One Five Cent Fare All Stone, Including Garage At 69th St. Station of tkeWarcet Street Elevated-18 Minutes From Broad St. The above photograph illustrates a house oi a ;0t 50 feet wide for $6150 whlck requires only $C50 casji, and after that ' Carrying Charges Are Only $32.50 a Month blmllrHou4iBqn72ft,Jotfor,S7100 J ' An Innovation in House Construction Think of an All Stone House Realise That .Home OwifHf Drqam With m " -" toAMttk IS t&LA eiuALLSLsS its! tasltlltfaissl ssV iwgsitsj on anoutr MfMC ess-- -r -w ssssspssessj ssK, JUtti n. McCJLATHY ' psjuwr mn uvc,i)nrmmm,m Land Titfa Wyiisj , 't --"-. X'JS.- .. f t