m r ' ,. M l L Mrs. Kauf man had it all fixed up for her . daughter to marry the star boarder, but she failed to count on her daughter's heart and on her own. "Ice Water, PI !" by Fannio Hurst is the story of a boarding-house keeper whose ten years of listening to that endless pjenn of the lodger ended at last in a double romance. In this week's Coll ier's THE NATIONAL WCBKLT JMBATTAGLIAAEREA SULLA COSTA ISTMANA; ROVIGNOBOMBARDATA dnghilterra, Francin ed Italia Prendono Possesso della Ma rina da Guerra Grcca o Riconoscono Venizeloa LE BATTAGLIE NELL'EST IIOMA, 18 Qttobre. Una aquodra ill Idroaeroplnnl Itallanl franceal ha bombnrdato le opera, mllltnrl del porto austrlaco ill Itovlgno o dl 1'unta Ealvore, sulla costa dcll'Istrla, cd ha Irani tinrdato lo navl da guerre nustrlacho che al trovano net Portl stcssl, como nnnuncla tan comunlcato uftlclale dlramnto cuiestn ltiattlna dal Mtnlstero, della Marina. IdroaeroplanI austrlacl il InnuUarono per dare battaglla at veil vol I Italian! o francesl, d 'una grande battaglla. acren fu coin hattuta sut Mare Adrlatlco, It comunl cato dlco che un vollvolo nustriaco fit Messo fuorl dl combattlmcnto o caddo In mare, La battaglla el svolso glovedl', ncl pomerlgglo, tuttl I' vellvdll Itulo-francesl tornarono nils loro baal. I'oco dl Importanto annuncln II gepcralo Cadorna net suo rapportn pubbllcnto lerl sera dat Mlntetero della (Juerrn. all aus trlacl hanno tentnto dl attnecare nella regions del Pasublo, dove gll Itallanl si sono splntl nel glornl scorsl (In quasi sulle fnlde del Monto Rolte. ma I toro tentatlvl sono fallltl gll attacchl si sono Infrantl ap pena Inlzlatl davantl alia reslstenza delle truppe Italians ed at fuoco vlolcntlsslmo della loro artlgllerle. Kcco 11 teso del rapporto: Nelta zona del Monta Pasublo nella notta del IS Ottobre a nella mattlna ' seguente II nemlco tento' dl attacenra lo nostra lineo, ma fu resplnto qunndo 1'attacco era ancora al suo tnlxlopdal fuoco dello nostra batterle. Su tutta la fronto dl battaglla II cattlvo tempo ha ostacolato nella glornata dl lerl le operazlonl del l'arttgllerla. Nella zone d inoutngna si sqno avute fortl nevlcate. Furtoslsslme battoglle sono Impcgnato nulla fronto orientate europoa, ditto paludl del Prlpet, In I'olonla, slno al punto dove J conflnl della Rumania, jtell'Ungherla e della Ilucovlna si Incontrano. II generate russo Urussiloff ha attaccato rlnetutaminte la Unco austro-tedesche a nord ed a sud-est dl Lemberg. ma e' stato ognl volta resplnta dolla forze austro-tedesche. Secondo quanto afferma II bollettlno tedesco. II generate austrlaco von Dothmcr ha contrattaccato 1 russl con Insollto vlgore, dopo cha esst si erano per ben died volte lanclatt a vanl at tacchl contro le llnee teutonlche, ed ' rlusclto a togllere alle forze dello czar un tnlgllo ad un quarto dl trlncee o pocn plu dl 1900 prlglonlerl e died niltragllatrlcl. Sembra che II generate von Brusslloff tentl dl ragglungere una declslone sulla fronto della Gallila plu1 per rlchlamara nu quella fronto forze .teutonlche Jmplegate altrove che per complero una avanzata, rrobabllmente egll tenta dl alleggerlre la presstone che le forze teutonlcho esercltano a tentano dl esercltare neU'estremlta' mcrl dlonala della catena del Carpazll dove lo Ktato Maggloro tedesco Intendeva dl svl lupparo una vlgorosa offenslva nvento lo scopo dl lncunearsl tra lo annate russo e run-.cno e dtstruggerne la contlnulta'. Oil auatro-tedeschl hannn Invcro attar eato violentementa In questa rcglone, ma da Petrograd gtunge notlzla che tuttl gll attacchl del teutonl sono fctatl flnora re splntl e che le forze russo-rumene man tengono le loro poslzlont. La Orecla e' oggt comptetamente sotto II controtlo degll alleatl dell'Intcsa. Itightl terra. Francla ed Italia hanno presa pos sesso dl tutte le navl da guerra cllenlcho ixr la durata della guerra ed hanno rl conoscluto un governo provvlsorlo formato da Venlzelos In Creta e nolle ultra tsola creche. II vice ammlragllo franccso Kournet, che eomanda, le forze navall alleato nol Medl tcrraneo orientate ha presentato una nota al c6verno ellenlco che at dlco sla dl carat .lure gravlsslmo, tanto che It prestdente del Conslgllo ha pregato II re dl lasciare la sua resiaenza esuva ai -.raioi e tornare ad Atcne. La popolaztono ha fatto al re una grand o tlmottrarlone. BVEKIKG LBDOERFHlLAPPmA, WEDNJfrg?, OCTOBER 18. 1910 ARMY UNIFORMS BARRED Staffs of Govemora May No Lonjrer (,-, Use Regulation Clothing: WILMINGTON, DeZ Oct H. Mem bers of the Governor's start lit Delaware are perturbed over the ofllclal order from Wash ington declaring that under the now army and militia bill the members of the staffs of Governors cannot wear uniforms which In any way resemble those worn by officers pf the army and the mllltla. This ruling applies to other States as well as to Delaware. PAX NXCKLLKXT TONIC VOK BIHfi' ANB GKNTJ.KAIK.VH HAIK BALDPATE Kttotere h U. 8. and Canada HAIR TONIC XMVKK FAILS JNjtHfc AIM StMNgtlMful tfc, u...- Udit aaifiiftJiF JltJZ - lUfor trial A&BUfMfetioiUi a ii sm A ALDPATE CO., mm mr hi SHWmw. m.w- a. ALLIED AND AUSTRIAN .AIRCRAFT IN BIG FIGHT OFF COAST OF ISTRIA Berlin Hears Ten Million Dol lara' Dnmago Done and 400 Men Killed in Last Zep pelin Raid BOMBS IN REGENT STREET Damages Wrought by Last Zeppelin Raid on England MORE than $10,000,000 property loss. More thnn 100 buildings de nt royal or dnmnRcd. Four hundred Boltllcrs killed. Three wnrohins hit. Ammunition fnctorlca and railway stations wiped out. Heart of London bombarded. ItOMn, Oct. IS. A licet of Italian nfid French hydroaeroplanes have bombarded Austro-IIutigarlnn military works at Ito Vlguo mid Puntn Kalrore nnd Auntro-Ituu-garlbn Milpl off theso ports,1 IL wan ofTlclally amiounoed today. AUHtrn-IIungarlnn pianos gave lmttln nnd a big nerlal rnRngemcnt was fought high above tho Adrlutlc. The Admiralty ntntcment ald tli.it one of the Auitro-Hungarlan plnnci was dis abled by tho Franco-Italian fire and fell In to tho non. Tho raid took placo on Tuesday nfter noon. 11H1U.I.V, Oct. 18. Over IIO.UOO.000 damage wus done In-the last Zeppelin rnld over Kngland, tlia Overseas News Agency stated today, llomb.i foil In tho very heart of Iondon. Three heavy cxploslro pro jectiles fell In llegcut street, one of the main arteries of Ixitulon trnlllc. The report Is based upon accounts by "eyewitnesses" the ngency states. Four hundred noldlcrs ucro Itllled at Orlmsby when tho barracks were hit. It Is Btated. Two warships that were anchored at Hull were damaged. A cruiser anchored In tho Ilumber river was alHo hit. More than 100 buildings wxro destroyed or heavliy ilamngcd. Near tho London and Ilrlghton railroad station, In I.ondon, ten houses were completely demolished by three heavy bombs. An ammunition factory was blown up In a suburb south of London. Liverpool street station, In London, wns shelled and tho railway tracks damaged. Seven benzol tanks on the banks of the Thames were exploded. At Hull buildings were destroyed, only tho walla remaining standing. Heavy damage was dono nt Leeds, where there nro many ammunition factories. Thq alcohol factory of I'lnk nnd Sons, nt Portsmouth, anil the sheds of Inkers nnd Fyffo were destroyed. Twelve cars filled with horses were blown up. The docks at Portsmouth were struck and railway cars standing there were hit. Tho Oversells NjjWb Agency quotes from tho London weekly paper, tho World, of tho date of October 3, an rollows: "From many parts of tho country arrive complalntH about superfluous warnings against Zeppelins, which, thanks to tho ner vousness of the policemen, help tho Ger mans I am sure that tho real object of these airships Is not the killing of women nnd children nor tho terrifying of the pop ulation, but the restriction of our ammu nition output by bringing their opct-atlons to a .standstill during theso attacks. At some' places thousands of working hours were lost this week. Thercforo we had bettor give warning ana put out lights only when the n'lrshlps arc thirty or forty miles distant" DRAWING NOOSE AROUND BAPAUME J v ZT TMN3LOY yf XSs7UY ALBERT ' PZRONNLVO it This diagram illustrates tho pocketing process to which the Allies aro subjecting this Important town. While the Urltish arc pushing up the rond from Albr-rt to Lo Hnrque, tho French nro headed toward Lo Transloy from Sallly, on tho rond to Toronnc. RUSSIANS REPEL TEUTON ATTACKS Continued 1'rom lozn One the vigorous resistance of King Ferdinand's troops. In sevcrnl sectors tho Itumanlans lavo pushed forward. I". ". irgion of Dorna Vatra and Klrll baba, In liukowlna, the Russians nl.o have succeeded In checking the Teuton offensive against tho Cntpathlan border defenses. Only on tho heights cast of tho Negra wcro the Teutons able to gain. Tho crisis Is not passed. The Invaders still ma'ntuln their grip on ltumanlan ter. rltory south of tho Torzburger Pass nnd occupy threatening positions at other points on tho border Hut tho battle Is going better for Itumnnla than had been Imped, nnd developments are awaited here with confluence. , Thcatcst attacks of the Teutons In the Transylvania passes Inched 'their usual ferocity, probably becauso the furious re sistance of the Itumanlans has had tho effect of weakening tho spirit of the at tackers. In tho Illcnz, Oltuz and OHI val leys the enemy's waves bent In vnln against tho wall of defenders; Iri the Uzul Valley at tho rent re of the eastern front, Falken hnyn'H columns were driven back beyond the front 'rr line with heavy losses. In tho Zubcu Valley tho Itumanlans ulso did more than check the onrush of tho enemy. Hxposed to n grilling fire from the ltumnnlnn batteries, the Teutons were com pelled to abandon their trenches nnd fall back to tho north. At Tabic Hutzl, south of Kronstndt, Ferdinand's troops made a successful ussault. There. Is llttlo change In the situation on tho Macedonian front. Solln records tho re pulse with extremely heavy losses to the enemy of Serbian nnd French attacks In tho bend of tho Ccrnn lth cr nnd along the Monastlr-Florlna Hallway line. Their drive on their own soil apparently has cost the Serbians dearly, but they have won Import ant positions. BRITISH TROOPS ADVANCE ON SOMMK IN HEAVY RAIN; FRENCH REPEL ATTACKS LONDON, Oct. 18. Notwithstanding n heavy downpour of rain, tho Urltish mnda progress ut some points last night between tho Albert-Ua-paumo road and Les Uouefs, General llalg reported today. Soma prisoners were taken. PAHIS, Oct. 18. In a smashing counter-assault south of the Somme Itlver tho Germans penetrated first-lino trenches of the French last night. Tho success was short-lived, however. The French Immediately attacked and not only recaptured the position, but, according to the communique of the War Ofllce today, killed or captured all the Germans In the trenches. This fighting occurred In the sector of llorny-en-Santerre, which Is near the south ern -nd of the Somme front. North of the rlxer the Germans made three counter-attacks. Alt were directed against tho new French positions around Sallly Sallllsel. Tho attacks, nlthough pressed home stub bornly, were all repulsed. The Germans suffered heavy losses. ITALIANS BEAT HACK FOE'S ATTEMPT TO ATTACK ALONiJ 3IT. PASUHIO RATTLE FRONT IIOMM, Oct. 18. llepeated attacks by the AuMrians on Monte Pasublo, on the Tren tluo front, on Sunday and Monday were repulsed by the Italians, tho War Office announced last night. "On .Monto Pasublo, during the night of October IS and on the following morning, the enemy attempted attacks, which were checked promptly," tho statement says. "On tho whole front yesterday bad weather hampered tho operations of the artillery. Heavy snowfalls In tho moun tains arc reported." Coal Mine Town Lands Silk Mill llAZLHTON. Pa.. Oct. 18. Heaver Meadow, n mining village near Hazlcton nnd ono of tho first anthracite towns estab lished, today has Its first Industry outside of tho mines. It Is a silk mill, procured through tho activity of some of tho busi ness men. and employs about fifty hands, whono number will bo Increased as business warrants, Heaver Meadow for years has been sending Its surplus female labor to nearby places, where tho girls wcro cm ployed In shirt factories and other plants. Grand Banquet The World's Fin&t Coffee Sc n cup, with pare, freuli cream, at the ffanscom Restaurants B You will pay lOe (o 30c a cup W for such quality elsewhere V mEmmffimMPs9mKWHmmmW& tlSX, .' LaaaiF aaankBHe7xBMRB9SrSaaHaH'W Hwiilsv - - ar LHHaReLLILLKsLflittsHBlBaVi ' Reproduced from an actual photograph of MARIE RAPPOLD, the famous soprano of the Metropolitan Opera, singing in direct comparison with Edison's Re-Creation of her voice and proving that one is indistinguishable from the other Every Day This Week Is Edison Day The great inventor's favorite invention is a new musical instrument with which, the New York Tribune says, he "has snared the soul of music." It is the phonograph with a soul. It is the instrument which literally Re-Creates all forms of music. trrw" Concert Every Day TO -SHOW how perfectly this wonderful new instrument Re-Creates the greatest voiqes and the artistry of the greatest instru mentalists, we give a special concert Edison Day. m- Come to our store at any hour in the after noon and you will hear the literally rein carnated yoice of the great Metropolitan Com le itertf gel an mkp hkl in Opera stars, Dcstinn, Matzenauer, Case, Rappold, Heinrich, Urlus, Middlcton and Gontz, as well as enatello and Chalmers, of the Boston Opera Company, and also . the masterly bowing of Spalding. America's greatest vionnist, anu ur,n i'iescn wonderful Hungarian violinist, any hour, tht hit Etiwn t aJwfiVfl cmttU the Cpme at LUDWIG PIANO CO, 1 103 Chen .-t LUSITANIA DISPUTE IN INDEMNITY STAGE CenlUm-4 frtrn Tst Otte shown no Inclination to lake action on It. despite the Met that the German authorities have let It he known that they are ex ceedingly anxious to have the affair settled. According to published reports, this note Is approximately J00 words In length. It covers three main points, namely, regret, reparation nnd Indemnity. The note stales that tho understanding of tho German Oovernment Is that the United Htaten will ngreo that the sinking of the Luiltanta was Justifiable, but makes the point that the loss of American lives was regrettajile. The German Government, therefore, expresses Ita deep regret at the loss of American live and nuthorlxes Count Von llernitorft to enter Into negotiations regord.ng the amount of Indemnity to lis paid. I'or a long time It was understood that tho United states was Insisting on a "dis avowal" of the sinking of the Lus'tanla. but when It became apparent that Germany would not disavow the sinking, the Admin istration sidestepped this question, later Interpreting the German note following the Sussex s. liking as a disavowal of the methods which had heretofore been em ployed by German submarine commanders. VENIZELISTS WILL TRY TO GET ARMY IN U. S. Continued from Pas One Tuesday lo consider the latest note of the Allies. The unto Is regarded In Athens as an ultimatum. A powerful fleet ties In the Piraeus road stead, which Is the port of Athens, with Its guns trained on the city. Machine guns have been mounted by the Allies' sailors lo sweep the principal streets of Athens and Piraeus. It is believed that General Harrnll. the Commander-in-Chief of the Anglo-French armies In the llalkans, will establish power ful military posts In Athens and the other chief cities of Greece at once. TREATY BETWEEN' (IERMANY AND (1REECE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTANTINE'S STAND LONDON. Oct 18. A treaty between Grccco nnd Germany has prevented King Constantino from giv ing help to the Allies, according to dis patches from Petrograd today. ' It Is stated that tho treaty, which was made at the opening of tho German offensive against Hcrbla, has determined the Greek King's attitude nil along. nOMH. Oct. IS. King Constnntlne Is liming dally proclamations to the Greek nrmy and the sailors of the Greek navy, appealing to their loalty. An, Athens dis patch to tho Glornalu d'ltalla today states that the events of tho past few days must rerta'nly rtow the Greek King that hrt aotemment Will Prlh If h J"1 hit pro-German attitude. Korme r Mini Mors Oounarls and Btrelt hava wbllsliwl press bureau In Athens to further the pro aerman propaganda. The Greek V ar Min ister, tho O ornate d'Hallla says, has or dered oxlr rV for " Oreek JtPS trans ported lo Germany. The agitation In Athens continues. JAPAN'S PKOTEST PROBED U. S. Inquiries Into American Capital's Activities in Chlnn WASHINGTON. Oct. U. The State De partment today ordered an Informal Investi gation of conditions surrounding rcent proteals entered by the .Ispanele and Rus sian Governments In China ngalnst nctlU ties of American -apltal In railroad and canal construction In northern China. Tho United States legation at Pekln has been asked to forward ft report n the llusslsn and Japnn'cso protests without making any formal communication to the Chinese Government or taking any offlcltil step in the matter. Ilrltain Holds Up U. S. Tobacco LONDON, Oct. IS. Large consignment! of tobacco firm the United States for Dutch and Scandinavian ports are being held here on the contention of the Govern ment that they fall to comply with the re cent arrangement under which cargoes paid for before A.'gust 4 and shipped prior to August 30 mlKh' proceed to neutral destinations. U.S. IGNORES ATTACK ON U-BOAT 1 Closed, So Far aa Thi Is ConccrnodSurpj' at Groy'n Chari.) WASHINGTON. Oct ll-The, tr.R-i r,rr it.. .- ""ran " " """icnn coatt l i far at this Government li r dlplomatla communication will h, England or to Qermany coikJ submarine. The facta aa reveal , win. nowevcr, ue given to any i asking them. State Department officials toes , uiiivim icvuitllllion would bt I the statement In the House of VltNiimt fli-Ai. Tllil-u n ...... .,, oecrtlaryaji the U-ES were similar to thote otl warships near American port caused this Government dliutlsftcta Officials here were aurprittd at vi Grey's, statement that 'It it no.nvj entrance of German submarines lata luHii ihjiio. .no inicrican HovtraiaM made It plain that submarines Jrti celve the same rights ai other wani iizii: i Sets of Table Glass Rock Crystal Cut Glass Gold and Etched Glass Sold in sets or such quantities as may be desired il n Wright,Tyndale van Rodsn, Inc. ! Sole Agents for Mlnton'a English Bono China Dinnerwar 1212 CHESTNUT STREET ht rT! -- These halts are "SHfesB,, eliminated by i wiSS theSelf Starting iSS REMINGTON I v Z The Self Starter puts t a new steady stream J of "Go" into your typed letters. I A M g" "V Aour typist doesn't have to watch the machine. She just keeps on typing. Instead of a dozen halts per letter, the Self Starting Keys give a dozen flying starts. The time thus saved amounts to from 15 to 25. It pays for the machine. To learn more about this time-saving invention write for descriptive folders. Address below, or phone us. SELF STARTING REMINGTON TYPEWRITER Gril Pri pnm0.pqfr Mxfilkn JRBMXiNQTQN TYPEWRITER CO., INconfotAT , 1 1 "um W WW Phildlphi aoiil v&. '- in&2mmuMBamimB