EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, .1913 ENN CHARTER SEEKS INTERACADEMIC FOOTBALL TITLE FOR FOURTH TIME-MOTHER SPORTS ICK MERRITT WORKS PARD WITH PENN CHARTER TO WIN ' INTERACADEMIC TITLE AGAIN follow and Blue Has Won Title for Last Three Years, and Little Quakers Do Not Want to Make 1916 an Exception By LOUIS II. JAFFE ' aajja a. IJL' tfiav W &.M aatala) .... ' I... . ,"jVh latkla . ,ltl guard ,'tYM gnari right tnrVI . . rlilit rna .qnartrrnarK !( hi.ltll.ck ,; ''..'..rUhl haifharlc ? ".' .. .'.'.I..."", fullbsfk Tl MIS 1. tho line-up Dick Merrill, one-tlm. V footballer at Yale. Is confident , itlm ourth consecutlvelnteraca. r !?!:;. ulnllron championship to Tenn ' ".,.,, In nnishltiK attend of Qer- '?. imtav. Krlends' Central and al. and this season, above all, Mcr- iwant- in- """. V. VnV it again. ""' - -- ----raU man I" Interested In tho yollow blu. rnole.kln warriors Is that ha Is "r .. ihrouah preliminary work, tmnreas ons as a Mod coach. T..... .. th. Charttr players refer to rri. has six veterans In his line-up. and lS i theia boys ho has hu It a fast, al- ih Hint eleven. riersol. famitn, tn "founpsters who have won honors for 511 caarttr on mo mu, .v.w.. ritrsoL the captain, is n. i mu m :t.down tno neia, win. " under forward passes Tenn Charter kfv.vi- i. in Una for a number of spec. H m .I.Ua.iwU Ia.m nn Ih. r tOUOnoowns. ni" -w,v, .. .... . .m. f the line. Is a new man, he, t!li .hnwlnr meed, while on tho defense tacles surs nd ,la1 Lleetfctrs on Team r . . -. -is AA AMtalA as ftnltii and uampoeii aro invmcn, mo wi- "7 . -,.. ...a tinlf1ntn Vat. ar btinr ono-aiin ui .....-..... .-.-aft. The 8purr brothers play guard and ir, J, and K., respectively. u.u., r.mu. IS Ine OlUFr illlcaiiiuit ,. m imt. v.ihn Kannree. brother-of half-back and Lnttran II. Sangree, does the signal shout fa for the protfRes of Merrltt. and besides LaMttMlng a beautiful tenor oice. ne is Fleady In passing the ball to other mem er of the back Held, as well as In hurling like forward pass, anu is quo niiceur hi f mi running. f T- Brown, who also has a brother with Limii ideas and who' actually Is trying to Eat out Tom for his Job, Is the other half- . . back, and, with Bltley. the sixth veteran, at fullback, you have the entire I'enn Charter team, the eleven that nick Merrltt Is con. fluent will bring the Interaeademlc league football championship to the Twelfth and Market rtreeta Institution of knowledge for the fourth consecutive j car. Games Called Off I'enn Charter has Wn iomcwhat handl capped In Its early schedule game. Aftet defeating Norrlstown High School. Cheetnut Hill Academy and St Luke's School were unable to keep engagements with the elloxv and lllue. The schedule for the season, as arranged by Manager Ilelchner, follows: OdoUr SO Wetl Philadelphia Hlth. It Quren ln. OctoWr 27 Swarthmora Trap, at Swarth mora. Novambar 3 I.amJowna llljh, at Quean Lane. Nornnbar 10 Friend,' Central, at ltiiJa lentral Noxernber IT Gplacopal Academy, at Queen I-ane. Notcrubar 24 Qertnantown Academr. at Queen iJine Injuries and illness have failed to deter Coach Merrltt's work In any way 1'lersol, the captain, sprained his arm In one of the early drills, but the member Is In good shape again He la out dally, practicing as diligently as any of the other young gladiators, even though, he Is captain. Others Recover Smith, the veteran tackle, was on the side-lines for a whllo with an Infected foot, but he, too, has recovered and is on the field every afternoon, working hard with the Intention of helping bring the fourth con secutive Interacademlo League title to l'enn Charter. Tor a while It was thought that J. Spurr would have to fit the fullback Job, as Sltley was away from his studies and the foot ball field sick; but since his recovery Les. tcr Is showing more pep than ever and that places Jack baik to his guard iosltlon. Coach Merrltt doesn't figure that his Charter charger have a cinch of It In the league rnce and he Is keeping the boys out on the chalked-off battle field until after dark every day. They aro showing that practice makes perfect, for the team in work ing like a well-oiled machine and now,, It Is only n matter of a contest with good stiff opposition to see whether the I. C, bunch can show as well In a real game as It can In preparatory mixes. FOSTER SANFORD AMAZED AT NEW SPIRIT OF PENN Rutgers Coach Says Folwell Has Made Great Headway . With New System GIVES TEAM NEW PLAYS VOLUNTEER GOLF SCOREMENNEEDED 1NPHILM0NT0PEN fine Golf Education Prom ised Card Wielders in Tomorrow's Tourney C " ' WY STARS TO COMPETE Bt SANDY McNIDLICIC ' Wanted at bnce about, fifty istrong-arm' ateur golfers to report for duty a; tne as scorers In the play ror tne npen nplonshlp of rhftadolphla. Any cKuens, onably familiar with tne rules or goir, ering the natural ability Jto count up as aevemjr iiiui c ui itrao, mi,v ,,,. b Ire to see some or. the best golf thai nas hown In this city all season, should at once to Francis B. Warner, seo 1 of the Golf Association of PhlladeN Tbe first callers will receive the choice of atones. The duties consist simply In keep- : toe score of a pair of pro a In the medal ay, beg.nning tomorrow at Phllmont. There I argent need of a large gathering of vol- rs and It Is earnestly hoped that mem- I of the local golf association will show Mr-Interest by coming to tho assistance of i omcials with this small service at this (wh Stake. Poodle The play will be over 31 holes tomorrow i 55 holes Fr day. More than S400 la at iJtake. A scorer Is assigned to each pair ot raa, and since the pairs this year are ex ited to be the most lumlnant, so to speak. . cave graced a local open In some few mere win be ample opportunity for i scorer to add to his arolf education bv tlag how some of the best uroa In the JHatrr "do It" uolfers unable to follow the play through wnow 72 noles, but wishing to see 18 a..at leant, maw .Imnlv r.tin.t at Ih. igartliig tee at any of the four sessions a pair will be assigned by Secretary rnar. It will be well worth while to take a rwfi or an afternoon In the Interests of weal association. Arrangements havo been made by Ell! i wr tne stopping of an express train lC the Reading Terminal at 7:30 at Imont PH.entrles will be accepted and it Is n-j urn more amateurs will enter tho T. Only two are scheduled so far. Nor. I Maxwell and Pot nrnnt Tho nlav la Ml l.ke a golf lesson round with a pro. Kgolfed, Mayhap -i. Barnes, professional champion of the saneel mata .hAwui ... .,.... . t..i... ICf. fd m h,s worl "t Pltubursh for Kg nylvanla title, when he ahot an Kl iff final round. Ih flr.l lima In raonllan. racentlv tboi tii. .nil ri...ni tiim.n m i," "rir:r rr:ir:'v "v.?." IHL DV rlnaiA nnaanta.. !. T.... .Ml 1 ck (o nis beat form for the Phil. Mnt (nmnMnu an4 ek l.a.l " ""'"fivn ftuu -VllttV UI Iftlll fa . T V M DVB 11111 U. II IB UCBU raHiaathl ' :. ""h uoy pro. per ifi.Mthe. 'avorlto for the title by reuon "jwMiment play7 over hi own course. ufen huirarlncr tIamj. tn in tn l Of UatAlrt. aan -Jj a ... PB5r2?y,,er h h Kotten away to a ri .7 " W" 'or a record. m. -"- UlCilinWn. Fimnavli'iitiU .n Sslo,nairUnnr'Up '" th8 ntlon tU Wlnnar S".Tr?!rT.Iff'V We" aajiwti . u """ ira luia year, wacuei to be a oontender for the largest Tomorroto'8 Tournament and Today's Tee Talk Flrat thlrtr-elx hole, of .eve ntr-two-liole raeilul rlnr for the open champlonehtp af rhllajlefphla, at I'hllmont t'ountnr t lub. rhllmoni. Vm Medal plar open to all solf- Ira tonneeted mltli eluba. raerobcra of the 'nltsl Hlatea (iotf Aaioelatlon, pntfeaeloiial and uroateur. Klchtr rolfera are euro to qtiallfr for the trophn-a olTeretl In the annual "finale" tour ner at Atlantic Cltr neat week, and It la rxpettal that anotaer alztcan will b added r thi entry Hat la $ut overHlietmlns aa nuir leemi likely, " Plajr over the aeaaldo eooraa la eatretiielv popular at thle time of the rear, and tli.re are few if the reil local aalf enthtiiti.te who wilt roneent to forto the tournament. True of every poaelble nature, are unVroif. and the retiree la open without eharge ull of next eek to thoe win will take ntrt In the event. The plar I open ta nil mem bera f rttrita in the U. H, (I. A., mid entilea ahould le eent at once to I redrrtrlc C. ltub btna, (ecrtUir. Atlantle ( It.'. . J, The record entrr Hat o' the local aeiteou la eipMlill. ch,eck, as Is "Walter Hagen, metropolitan champion and former open tltleholder, Philadelphia's famous trio of women golf stars must now definitely eipand and be comn In the future a qunrtet. Miss Mildred Caverly, winner of the Sliver Cross yesterday at 8U Davids aa well as the Mary Thayer Farnum Cup, Philadelphia champion, finalist for the women's championship of the United States and winner of lesser championships, lina played the best golf of her youthful career this season and has found con siderably more, than local fame. She makes a scniaro out of tho triangle consist ing or Mrs. C. H. Vanderbeck, Mrs. It. It. Barlow and Mrs. Caleb F, Fox, who have for years held virtually undisputed the lead In local golf matters. But Miss Caverly has had one of the proudest seasons of them all. She would be wearing the American crown It It were not for one "little thing." That "little thing," of course. Is Miss -Alexa Stirling, the champion. In the rehearsals during the week of the national Miss Caverly had Miss Stirling six down In one match, which shows what she can do. Her whole success datea from last year at the end of the season when she won the Cricket Club championship. It was the first ericouragement she had had for months and months. It set her game op fire and one has played In championship form ever since. DyXEIL MATHEWS, Captain Tenn Varattr rooltall Team. When Footer Sanford stepped on Frank lin Field yesterday afternoon he was the moat surprised person In the world. San ford was In Philadelphia on business and dropped out to see Coach Folwell. with whom he Is quite friendly, and becaMse he also thought he had a few plavs that would do Tenn some good, Hanford told us that no one realised bet ter than ho Just what Hob Folwell was up against In trying to build up a team I-ast season he paid two or three vls.ta to Frank lin Field without even being recognlaed. and he told us yesterday that he was not very much Impressed with what he saw Before leaving yesterday ho declared that he never nw audi a ohsnse In the general Plrlt of tho men, the system of handling them and the general atmoaphere about the Held lie predicts that Folwell will put the lied and lllue back on the football map. but seems to. think that It will require more than a ear for the famous halfbacK to gei his a) stem working properly "You can't build up a successful football system In three or four weeks." said San ford. "It takes time and I am surprised at the headway Tolwell has made He already has whipped together a team that la going to be a powerful aggregation In a week or two. The thing that always has Impressed me most about Folwell's coach ing was his thoroughness. No Fancy Stuff "Bob never was strong for a lot of fancy stuff, but preferred a few well-perfected Plays that he knew from experience would carry a strong-defensive team through I think you havo a wonderful line here, and that It Is necessary only to find the proper backfleld combination nnd you will have a great team 1 have something I would like to show the boys If Coach Folwell li willing" rolwell was busy working with the new hRckfleld at the time, but when I told him that Sandy had a couple of plays he want ed to show us. Hob said: "It Sandy has anything I wnnt to see It. That old boy sleeps and dreams football!, nnd can figure out more sensible trick plays than any one 1 know " . Sanford Insisted that the linckrteld. Coach Folwell and myself go Into the dressing room where he explained two new pla)s that he has not even Med nt llutgtra yet nnd I think they are pippins. It Is a -question whether thev can to perfected In time for the State game and I don't know wheth er It would be advisable to use them, but we will have them and a few more before the November schedule is started. Practice Scoring Touchdowns Wo want to win all the remaining games on the schedule, but naturally are more par ticular about few of our later game" than the contests with State nnd Pittsburgh. As Folwell believes In thoroughness, he will not try anything until he feels certain that the men have masterd It, nnd threo days Is a short time to work on Intricate trick plays. Folwell's Idea of permitting tho backfleld to score touchdowns for half an hour against the scrubs yesterday appealed to all the men. When tho scrimmaging from the 10 and 15 ard line started the scrubs i.mke un Dlay after play and held us for downs six of the first nine times. e took four downs from the 10-yard line In an er fort to score n touchdown, showing that we were going along on the usual system. After we had been working a short time, Wght, the new varsity quarterback, got so used to being called upon to pick plays for short gains that he mixed hla attack In such a manner that It was a procession t...nftr At first the backfleld was In clined to mix signals and to pick out the wrong man when Interfering, but before Folwell called a halt everything was Work ing smoothly, and despite the fact that Oraves Williams was on the sidelines It looked better than at any time this Season. Another pleasing feature of yesterday's practice was the splendid showing of Wag oner and Swann, two scrub linesmen who have Just been promoted to the varsity. Swann took Nelll's place and Wagoner-relieved me during the scrimmage, and both men played splendid football. This gives us two more dependable aubstltutes for the already powerful Una. Shoot at Point Breeze Today The Point Ilreeta dun Club will uaber In the lire-bird ahootlnc aeaaoa todar at Point Urease Park. riTTHBl'KOM'l ( IIANCP.. ngalnt the: strong Syraruse team next Salurtlny were lessened considerably veeterday when It was announced that Itandell Soppltt. the star guard, would be out of the game, for the remainder of the season Soppltt was In jured In the Navy game last Saturday but at first It was not thought serlmlf After an examination by the team's ph slclan, however, the big guard was sent to the hospital, where he will remain for aome time. He was kicked la the back nnd one of his kldnejs Is Injured. Had Soppltt been hurt a week ago, War ner would have had time to drill a substi tute to take his place. With only a few days left, however. It will be a big Job, as the veteran was depended upon to hold "Babe" White In Saturdays battle. Ju-t who Warner will select to fill the place has not been decided, but from where we are sitting It looks as If he hud better get a couple f nten to send against the tall Hi re cuse captain The Pitt line will be weak ened, as Soppltt Is considered an All-Amer. lean product, and Is said to have helped Peck quite a little on the offense, Pltt'a showing against the Navy can be attributed to two things. First tho team may be weaker than last ear, and second the Navy Is exceptionally strong. Tho last reason probably Is the answer We saw the Middles In action against George town and the eleven looks like one of tho best In the ltaat The close score shows the strength of the two teams. Another thing which must be considered Is that Pitt had played but one game be fore the Navy battle, and that was a prncttce scrimmage against Westminster College A large score was run up nnd the opponents offered little opposition. Tho men were not primed fur n hard contest, do the Middles had an easier time than they would have had If they played the game this week. However, the close score will be a lesson for Pittsburgh, and no chances will be taken against Syracuse. I'lt i: 01' VAI.K'S ltrm..BR still are on the Injured list after the hard game with Lehigh last Saturday, but all will bo ready for the Virgin a Poly combat on Friday if they are needed, dates, Comerford, Bal drldge, Black and Quarterback Smith watched the uractlre from the sidelines yes- tsrday nnd probably will be kept out of scrimmage for tho rest of the week. Tad Jonea reverted to old-style football and sent his backs through the scrub line for substantial gains. Only one forward pass was used during the day and that was a short heave to the quarterback. I.arry Fox, the crew man, who weight 215 pounds and Is 0 feet 4 Inches tall, has surprised tho coaches with his aggresslvo play In the line and yesterday waa given a chance at tackle. He Is the most likely looking prospect In college, but aa this Is his senior year. It Is not thought that ho can absorb enough "big league" football to be available In tho big games. Tad Jones and his assistants will do all In their power to get the rookie Into shape. WK IIAVK A WKMi defined hunch that Harvard will drop her old time, line smash ing, concealed attack this year and resort to open football. The men are not there to carry out this style of play and Haughton already Is planning an aerial offensive which will be sprung In a few weeks. Thus far. the short baaeball pass, made famous by Dob Folwell, has been an Important part of the Crimson's attack. "nnWIN U. WIUTNET, of Phlladel- Hy KODERT W. MAXWELL phla. today was elected superintendent of the I'nlverslly of ltotheMer football team" says tho P I this morning. For the luvuhmlke. whats a superintendent ot a football teamT CAltt.lsi.r. i"t OVKtt one of Its uaual surprises yesterday, whett the football team, minus the blare of trumpets, strolled out on the gridiron and walloped the Lebanon Valley scrubs by the score of "0 to 0. No one knew the Indians even thought ot play ing football this year, as the Department ot the Interior virtually abolished the sport last winter However, the (lovernment ntllclals have consented to allow the game to bo played on a small scale and a schedule Is being arranged. "I'liXS HAS UM.IMITi: POWER In her attack," says Dr. Hoy Mercer, of Swarthmore. "In the game last Saturday, I noticed that the linemen opened a hole which permitted both halfbacks to go through and precede the man with the ball, Any team that can do this will bear watch ing In the future. I believe Penn will have a strong team this year as soon as the men find themselves." TJIK AKMV FOOTIIAt.I. MRS are get ting a tnste ot the horrors ot war Yester day the cadets drilled all afternoon nnd last night, and Instead of hitting the hay at the accustomed hour. Coach Daly took the men Into the gymnasium, turned on tho olertrlc lights, gave them a white football and allowed them to practice for an hour or so The forward passing waa good, considering tho conditions under which the men worked. DAVll TIUHOTT has taken his place In the regular Princeton line-up and will re main there nil season. Tlbbott's drop kicking makes him a valuable man nnd Speedy Iltiah will use him as much as pos sible. The star kicker haa been on the In jured list since tho early part of the sea son Allan Brown, who was Ineligible last year, played a great game against the scrubs yeiterdav, ripping through the line ior two touchdOw back. CUNNINGHAM IS HIGH BOWLER OF LEDGER QUINTET Consistently Good Scores Are Made by Men in the Curtis League THREE GAMES PLAYEDl SENATORS TO 81 TRANSFKRRKD? ,i,i , NKW YORK. Oct. ll Mvtraejw, vre) r. v-lved here today that the Anwftoa Lua) franchise In Washington wovtM to trans ferred to Mroojtlyn, the Senator, uatna; the Dodgers field. The owners of the 'Wash ington club are said to have become ) gusted with the poor patronage there an want to shirt to some other city, areferaalr Brooklyn, before tho HIT season beM. The rumors have crowed up several thata, but always were denied. The Curtis league has begun Its fifth annual bowling tournament on the Terminal Alleys. The Journal Press, last year's champions, took two ot the first three games from Post Press; Evening Ledger took the same number from Heck Kngrav Ing; Country Gentleman and Curtis Kn gravlng downed McKee Press nnd Color Press, respectively. In all three games. Following are the scores jourtNAi. rrtKsa Wllear nuja larra, VV rlehi Forbes'. , tat ls ITS Vauller ITS m P03T rrtEM m tsr t. I" i'i s w lot ii "'I nt IS!6? J8T ins tot jjj rrnuirr i.i i.a , . tllltah'mer 141 133 1JT titew . 1JM ., lis l.ynn 133 102 I Jtn MacOmror . 141 14.1 riereon ... . llo Handicap. 4 3 CU Totala.. TTT 8l tii KVENINO t.KDUKll ttlehter. . lot 1ft. IBS !-? ! 13 tot in: eo S.4 Ward. llaker. Hlmpaon.. 7 lit llW v unn an-m its ihq i jianaican. Totala . 7T0 t)7S 748 I1KCK KNOllAVINO Paaa , ,, I2it ... l?s Koch .. S.4 i0 1ST Htack , , 1(0 )t 1N4 Howard 1(10 irtu lSl H'xbacher ISS 1ST 1S3 Hrown loo Handicap. . 1 vns. Urown plays half- r ITS TO ORDER .11 ata fr M5a?if3r Dill, AOaafl WaNtta AOCJarZBB ROSE TREE RACES yMmm&sp SIDNEY HATCH BREAKS WOULD'S UECOItD FOlt 100-MILE HUN CHICACIO. Oct. J J. Sidney Hatch, mara thon runner, today broke the world's record for 100 miles, running from Milwaukee to Chicago 'In 14 hours 23 minutes and SO seconds. Hatch cut about four hours on the mark set In 1907 by A. Corey, who did the dls. tance In It hours and SS minutes. Hatch finished his run hrre at 10:50 a. m. Interclub Dowling League to Open The aaaaon of the Interclub Dowling- laue will get under way tomorrow night. The league la made UP of twelve teaYna, tw? each from the XUnufecturera' flub. Union teaaua and llacquet Club and the three auburban eluba. (Jem., will be bowled every Thuradar nUht until the eloae of the season on Msrcb 12. The opening Vhedule follows! .Merlon Uaroona va, If "I" " aei t....l,.nb ne.ana . Ilvae. brack Wbltea, faermantown White ye. German, town llluee. Manufacturer' Club Teljsws ys M"uficlurra' Club llluea. Itacquet Club ta. Fiona vs. lUeauet Club iteaervea and Union League llluea va Union league Whltea Thee games wm be bowled en the home alleys. BHrfl59r 2bB f Ul IEW foods contain greater nutritive qualltlea nr ara mora detlcloua than Oretere. 7 'be United ptatea Uovernment ndorees their food value and everybody appreclateo their wonderfully appettilng flavor. J tut don't bur Juat Oratera er and laalat upon getting RYAN'S OYSTERS i R ' PhtladelpMana ara already I J ron.umlng 856.000 to fiW.OOO I I B more Oyetera .every . jjgi H day than they did one CAdJ H year age, CAeJlTari 1 Matthew J. Ryantffig&M R-J Front and Iork Hta. KvrViCl X?S fom. 1US. Main lsul BTy'eMM ( Tlti: HAL'KFlKl.li problem la worrying Hlg lllll, of Hyrncuse. Newberry la out of the game and na yet no substitute has been found to take his place. Yesterday Hollenback started practice with Median at quarter. Itafter and Mott Urown at halves and Williams nt fullback, llefuro the scrimmage was over, however, lllll sent evrry mailable backfleld man Into the fray. Newberry's loss to Syracuse weak ens the team aa much us Soppltt's weakens Pitt MICHIGAN is putting In some hard licks for the big game with tho Michigan Aggies next Saturday. Frank Sommer Is coaching the Aggies nnd tho game will attract more than passing Interest. Totala . 828 TIM 11 CUP.T1H RNQRAVINO Hoda Waller ., Otto Alaayar, , Uermann. 18T 1M 189 Pralr us i; i no A.ikm. IDS 181 ISO Koaenb'ger ini i VIS M! AVI Totals 831 T8.1 SOU COLOIl PHRSa 118 181 144 S3 M.' 1K on i;n ins 170 182 122 183 14 I. . 1 180 140 180 Forbes... 188 lfl.V Htula J'aaan., Handicap Jii ii 'it ii Totala.. 701 84 845 Totals . 090 751 820 COUNTTtT ncMTi.i'MAN n.i.. Plka. ... 185 1'il IBS llodgaon If. Hale,. 17V 1B1 1st Littman, o. Hale 18.1 148 172 liurfor. ii.ii ..... itvi 154 is; Morn- Marshall. 178 180 185 iturart llableht , Handicap Totala,. 805 804 840 Totala.. 742 03 7 til McKRH PtlKS" 141 131 1S3 -J VI , 81 113 ... in i?ii Un 141 147 MA , . )1 I 110 KS 100 tlU hi 123 Jill 118 EXTRA UqTbbBQ PMEI SH1DQS GAUL, DERR& SHEARER CO. Distributors 217 N. Broad St rtaee- V MEN'S TAILORS f Cor. 13th and Sansom Sts. New Fall Materials SUITS, $25 to $50 L Parlor car luxury and a never-ending flow of vibrationless power APPERS0N R0ADAPLANE Rttall DtaUrMt Fiat Motor Co. i Pennsylvania 1827 Chestnut Street Eaitern Dutributort William T. Taylor, , Broad and Race Streets aUu Uu Si uZZ! M".rt anS aU feee. iTS BS MODEL "FOUR-NINETY" '. 490! - Touring Car or Roadster With electric lights and starter, mohair tailored .topaad top cover. 80x31 iacMirt all around CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPAQ , U4stA.il Brunch 334-388 North Broad Street M.IUaUHUH(A w CM4 H. X.tWst.. 'H W at Piedmonts pay no duty no ocean freight no marine insurance All the value of Piedmonts is in the cigarette itsetf where it should be. The reason is that Piedmonts, being made of Virginia tobacco. pay no duty. They're ALL Virginia tobacco mild, and mellowed by Virginia's golden sunshine. If you ask a tobacco expert, he will tell you that Virginia is the best cigarette tobacco on earth. 8- It t :V "A package of Piedmonts, please 99 4 ,' H Cv? vv & m ojCtMU07a. An ALL Virginia Cigarette- du A J, NOTP i It U lmpoiWe ts wJJ a )Mkaee at 19 aifut4i ot all TwtkWi tobaft fv 5c Kat that tali Jul kittt tabacot) MMi met . VirgiaM, bt Wmmc eW, K4-n Jr-iifU, itutrif jnwritim, aa4 Majml LjaMg tjMMM iMaMal he baataA tai aba sWV 1MBMMI edmonk CQarette.of Qiiality -k - i 4 A 'el 4 af VltdUa laecav hat i wkHWH AlMMML LbT VMafeifl sm'flfctaMaaa. y - ' lOibrS JlsoTtod70farQ t'.