6 ?j, M& EutiibiQ Ur&ger public LXDcn cqhtany mnii K. k. coirtur. nti euHea, mh jbv efiMaaes, sntnfii .JetMi up a. 1 WDTTOMAb HO AUDI " Omt K X. Onm, Oetrmae. a. Jf, WH A I.HT .,.........,........ rMltor JOHN O. MARTIN.. .Oeee Baelneea Manager ' )e)C i Mreiiea Sfcaara, FMrMeteMa. Ijmmm eaaiit.,...Bre4 w4 CkMtnut streets aser. ..... it t .,ssej Fvrs Jtutldlne? Lew Ml aitbt'Bimocrat Mulldlna aroaM........ ...,1203 Tribune JJulldlns NarYS BURKAUSI Wiwuiro SiiMIiimii Ws JtuHStac r Te nMt imtm J""' nuiinma ctif Suramin.. ...- HO Irrladrtehalraaae pa pwa7.oM,Marcnl llnoee. Btranl un BWHMfr.K, ...... 8 Jlua Loula te Uran4 0UMCMIT1OK TKU1S Mr xrtW, eta mM rr k. Hr mall, foetmM eutetsa et rMleSetsfcU, except where liraltn Foe4r la required, on month, twentr r nettle t rear, tare dcalara. All mail ntHKHcttem pereWe hi asraace. Nortcs fhteMrteiere wlehlns adrtreM chanfttl swat ira eld as wjlMMir aMreea. nwx. Ha VAtmrr xetstoe. main wes rx Attnnt aM romm-untmtkmt to Kvntng iitdetr, Mapeatfenae- Mover, mieiilphta. it Tua rnrtat-rHu roarornoa n eatona-cuiie mis. Mine. - THH AVKRAQB NET PAID DAILY CIR CULATION Of TUB EVKNJNd LKDOER TOR SBtTHUBEK WAS lll.WJ rviitdiiphu. Tt4xUir. o it, tin. A man' &( thing arm ntarett htm Liu elotm about hit (t, Lord Houghton. If one cares for real fairy stories, tho reading of tha 'story of the late Charles IC Smith's secret art museum will live bit of a thrill. The slogan "Ho kept out of war" 'does not soem to bo convincing enough to Justify the Nobel commlttco In award Jn? tho peace prize to Mr. Wilson. That eminent profrnoitlcator who f. runs the guessing machine for tho "Weather Bureau predicted "rain and cooler" for yesterday, and his name isn't yanco McCormlck, either. In . terms of the weather clerk, Frank Hitchcock says that the Hughes prospects in tho West aro fair. The natural Inference Is that the Wilson prospects aro cloudy. Alabama Democrats who are still voting for Androw Jackson are so far behind tho times that they cannot follow the example of Secretary Iledflold and try to mako us bellevo that Mr. Wilson's Administration is responsible for elgh. teen-cent cotton. Another baby has been killed by an automobile, making the nlnetyevcnth Victim of careless driving since tho be ginning of the year. When the teeth of the law take hold of tho heedless drivers qnd they aro punished as they deserve tills sort of thing Is likely to stop. Tho Now York World Is right In spots. It says: "The prayer book la something more than a religious code. To many not of this church's communion It Is literature of tho highest kind." A care ful reading of tho prayer book from now till November 7 may help tho World to bear with fortitude what Is coming to it. Washington reports that with the exception of Secretary Lansing all the members of the Cablnot are out on speech, making tours, and as a result the bun!, ness of the departments is seriously han dicapped. The attitude apparently is that the country's business may do a little watchful waiting on its own account. The hundred Pittsburgh women who propose to fit themselves to preside over homes of their own "will study nrst atd to tho Injured, literature and gym nastlo work," according to the press agent of tho newly formed Josephine Club. Somehow wo don't seem to care much for the associated phrases "gym nastic work" and "nrst-nld to tho in jured." It sounds dangerous. As a guide for the motorist who scarcely can be mind reader enough to discover a villago name as ho skids through, the Brooklyn Dally Kagla has launched a 'campaign wherein it is sug (i nested that each small country yovrn post m. signboard at its entrances and exits telling Its name. This has long been the practice on railroads, and the scheme should have enthusiastic support from the supervisors of outlying communities. There is a certain resnonslvn thrill bi the hearts of some old timers when" they read of, Top (Jeers winning a Grand Circuit trot with Bonnlngton at Atlanta the other day, There are still those left who remember him In the dayB when Mambrlno King was all his name lm piled, when Belle Hamlin was queen and Maud 8. did 28 at Cleveland, and when Budd Deble, "whoso asthmatic, name" to gether with that of Pop Geers carried consternation into the hearts of rivals when they scored for the start. There were king in thos days, and long may the name of M fleers wave on the ban W et. viotory.ln the sport There weald not be so many auto mobile thUves K there wen fewer auto, 'moblte "noes," Th polta have done well (a arresting tan men ehar4 with stealing aaotorears. They are expected to arrest mere of them, put If there we alM a rtma-u) of tfcJ men who b? ,H.!!ta, . the riekjef leaving "at -car la Uu,4tt wU)e making a sail weM b teas. The same skill that re- SKJMKea M tM Mature sf ttlu tea bub s)ght p ss vsr the aaat4 through w mobm property W fMapoeed of. IWW1H Vy esons4me WbvrL and to a ea HlMfcmUnii rajMHM m be to sm Mt where imrialnn can lUfUr ret. BtBBBsaasBqaBBBtaaat' Te ixiolio wotiM be iwtouMM, says the former war4ra af gfatg Mag, if tt knew stow many woman writ tiPwitOr Waite jmfrsaJm devotion to Ik fetf- up ojeam immim uter mm t ngttrmt Lf jL KVSiKINa. LEDOM-PHIIilDBTiPHlJt. WEDffSgbAY, OOTOWSBr 18 fa Iom when told that many hodre of wetl-tev-Ao nmm and women are eonrtrmea drug a44kts. The weakness that makes women write to Doctor Walte makes them take drugs. It Is Juit the kind of WMkneee that should be telentlesaly ex posed, as to Its nature and extent. The hidden evil Is always the more danger ous. Tho fU, though ugly and on the face of them merely ronaatlonal, give Impetus to such movements as In this city resulted In the demand for an ade quate anti-narcotic law. i HUGHES BEAT V1LS0N TO IT Trn. WILSON devoutly and sincerely '"L believes that the government of men like quay, Penroso and McNIchol is in visible government So does Mr. Hughes. Bo does Colonel Itoosevelt. And so does Ellhu Hoot, who agreed with the reform crs of 1905 that the Philadelphia machlno was ''a corrupt combination masquerad ing as Itepubllcans." Mr. Hughes and the former President and the former Sec retary of State also believe that basely Invlslbto Is the government of men like Taggart of Indiana, Murphy of New Tork, Sullivan of Illinois nnd "Jim" Smith of New Jersey, in whoso company Mr. Wilson first saw tho dawn of a new America gleam In the eastern sky. But partisan politics osldo for a mo ment, Mr. Hughes and Mr, Wilson aro both eminent Americans. We can be proud of them abroad of their high mo tives, of their scholarship, of their pufS lives. They answer tho challenge of Vis count Bryce, that we do not choose flrst class men for our Presidents. It was a good thing for the President to warn the Pennsylvania Democrats against invlslblo government He has admitted that there are Democratic leaders who are not dis interested, adding that they do not con trol his party. He believes, as Bryan has been saying for twenty years, that tho host of eminent Industrial, commercial and administrative leaders in tho Repub lican party, against whom the Democrats cannot muster a corporal's guard of tho same callbor, Is controlled and guided by nameless and greedy gamblers In bil lions. Could ho not have exempted Mr, Hughes from this category, which Mr, Wilson himself say-B Ik not loyal to any party, but dosplcably unprincipled and bipartisan? There Is ono thing that tho national leaders in both parties must agree on the ousting of machine loaders in tho local politics of cities and States. Is this not such a great sometimes such a supremo issue that upon It the clean handed candidates for tho presidency could shake hands? But Mr. Wilson will not call for a truce' In the fold against tho wolf. Ho chooses to class tho foe of the gamblers with tho gamblers, the foe of tho bosses with tho bosses, the flrst and most consistent of the progressives with the last and most decadent of the progressives. Men of all parties will ngrco that Mr. Hughes had good permanent reason, apart from this campaign, to be stirred to wrathful pro test. Ho replica to Shadow Lawn from Omaha: I came Into public life, long before this Administration van thought of, as the opponent of Invisible government. The fact that I was an opponent of In visible government as my title to public confidence, and It was because I was nn opponent of Invisible govern ment that, not according to my liking Indeed, against my desire I was nomi nated for the presidency of the United fitates. I know that we are In constant danger of subversion of the principles 'of government. What is tho Idca7 That Mr. Hughes will sign on unfair and corrupt tariff bill 7 There aro men In the Democratic and Republican parties who want such a bill. There aro men masquerading bb Democrats who want such a bill. Grover Cleveland denounced four such men In his Senate as traitors to their party. Does any one who appreciates the busi ness acumen of Hughes In tho insurance Investigation think politicians can "put over" such a bill? Does any one who ap preciates tho courage of Hughes in at tacking the wage increase law think he could be scared Into assenting to a cor ruptly bipartisan tariff bill? WILSON DID NOT DO THIS THE cost of living has gone up forty five per cent in England since the war began, and the dealers In food prod ucts have not Wilson to thank for their prosperity. RIGHT PLACE FOR THE DANK THE Federal Farm Loan Jloard, which heard arguments In Harrlsburg, yes terday for the selection of this city as the talte for one of (he twelye Federal Lane? Banks, is expected to decide In our favor. The law provides that the country shall be divided Into twelve districts, ap portioned with due regard to the needs of the farmers living In them. There is to be a central bank In each district, with as many branches as may bo re quired to accommodate the business to be done. The purpose of the law is to foster the development of the (and. No one famUlar with agricultural Pennsyl vania can doubf that this State needs capital to make its land more productive. The State Is already engaged In the work of road building to make It easier to get the crops to market, There are tens of thousand of farmers, however, who oan Mot make their lwl as, produetlve as it should be Without additional capital, if the farm loan plan is to secure the groat good for the greatest number, the banks must bo located where the mooey at tltelr oooiawod can bo Invested to th greatest poastbls advantage. Mr. Morris, wfco presided In Harrjsburg, is asaato. of ajaahk. aad ho oan bo trustod to um his post Judgment, it Is ooun. 4oUy egpoetod that It will load kiat to IMP) U tat ivJhMoee With Ua iHttasOTlil to trtueo tftspi pkaM oa f too haoko W IBBUSBSg, Tom Daly's Column BALLADB OF UMICBS A3V.D OROVCttKa For all Ufe'i (lit, tav the optlmlit, For all the trouble and all the iare. For evert ailment that may cxUt A cheerful tmlla It a (onto rore. Hut mhen of trouble tee pet a thare That't much, ice fancy, letond our due, To iate our fccUngt and cUar the air . A grouchy grumble it helpful, too. This tricked tcorld, taw the moralltt, Would be to healthy and 'tweet and fair Were smile the fathlon, and we'd intltt A cheerful tmlle It a tonlo rare. Hut since the Devil hlmtelf may wear The merry vltaac, and all Ml crctc, I'crhapt at mark of the rude hut square, ' A grouchy grumble It helpful, too. An antioer toft, tayt tlto theorltt, Turnt wrath away; and for1 ttrength to bear The menaced weight of the lifted fltt A cheerful tmlte It a tonlo rare. Hut when belligerent eyebattt glare, And threatening glancct pierce you through, What bletted comfort it it to ttoearl A grouchy grumble it helpful, too. t ENVOY Ahl well for the good folk who declare A cheerful tmlle It a tonlo rare; And yet for tlnncrt like mo and you A grouchy grumble it helpful, too. SOME ONE writes In to nsk "How many hips are there In 'Hip-Hip Hooray'7" The point sought to be made, of course, Is that tho N. Y. Hippodrome Is nothing but contlpedal that Is to say, a thousand-legger. Well, we never thought of that, but wo took, away the Impression last night that we had never seen so many girls as lovely nnd ns modest on nny stage before The show Is nlncty-nlno per cent puro and Mr. Nat Wills could bring It up to par, if he would. Sir The Spanish professor In the column for the' 16th Instant had 'nothing on a Teu tonic Magistrate of this city, whose term recently expired. Ills favorite salutation was: "D'd you ever was arrested baforo?" BON MUTT. WANTED At once a Drat claaa arrond-hand raka bakar. Good waiti to rlaht party. Applr to SCHULTZ UAKINO CO., 4-dtf GOT Walnut Btroit. Ad In l'ottatown papar. This here, now, baker business Is get tln' complicated. Pretty soon them fullers would bo havln' ranks like a soldiers' army and keep their missus slain' up nights sowln' stripes on their under shirts. C. C. s. Bachelor Bereavements Sweet Anne contented to be mine. Indeed had tet the date. Announced the day to all our friendt When I would anlmafe. Today I roam the lonely ttreett A tadder man, but, wite; The blow wat hard, but harder still To find that analyze. HOMO. once wat Addlc't Archie Hut the wat ttout and ttarchy And" trod upon my tender, trutting toet, So now Vm very wrothy At her too fat and haughty, And alwayt deftly dovge tho adlpbte. AUCH1E. THUS DOES Everybody's "Under the Spreading ChestnJt Treo" remove the original sunlight from Ben. Taylor's good story: A Hibernian had wandered Into a talking machine establishment. "I want to hear some o thlm sweet songs by the groat Irish tenor, Jawn McCor mlck." When he had listened with great satis faction to "Mother Machree." "I Hear You Calling Me," and some others, he said: "And now leave me hear some songs by this other Irishman I've heard tell of AI Al what'B his name, now? Oh, yes; Al McQIuck I" ITS a shame to be so late with this, but our correspondent was dilatory. E. It doclares, under oath, that when the convention of the A. A. C. of W, was In this town in June, Chllds's restaurant,at Fifteenth and Chestnut streets, flashed these two signs In juxtaposition: Stewed Prunes. Welcome! THE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE In o. o.d. p. asks again: How can the ate ot an ear be determined? So wo put it up to tho Missus, and she said: "The only BUre way Is to examine the hen's teeth." Sir Have you ever met Mr. Fountain, of Central Branch Y, M. C. A.? He has charge of hot-water, flltered-water and cold water supply in that institution. JACK COOMBE. Coming Fashions BY BEQUEST" Or Jamaa T. Crottar, In Wllrnlnrton Journal. To ba In faahlon varr aaon Thera'a many who btllava It will b nait to Natura aura, Juat Ilka our Mothar.ICva'a. tlrtumaktri all will hava a raat From making fanoy auavai, The only draaa In faahlon will ba Aprona of lis laavaa. It aeama that faahlon will ba hera. Tin way thlnii look luat now; 8hort dreaata and bara nacka at top Ara all tha so aomahoir, So far I hava not aaan tha platea Kor stntlamen (o waar; rernapa It will ba a daar akin, Or alaa ona Iron) a baar. Mayor 3 Y V, will ordar thla. To man wlilla on tha alraat. ( thay ahould aaa a lady friend, And faar that ona to maal, No matter what tha lady thnutbfN St how aha aaowid aurtnrlaa. , i urdar from tho Mayor would mean Ha aura lo cloaa your cyaa. Now faahlon li a curloua thins. Mo matter what la aaldi If dithpana took I ha nlaca of hats You'd aaa them on their head, Tbere'a pot a. thins that woman feara; Unleaa It la a mouaet When mil to natura faahlon cornea You'll find me In tha houae, Sir If he has as much trouble with flguroi as I do, 1 can well undarstand why at least ona accountant should bear the name Charles L. Peevish, out (145 San oin street way, B. 1C IL WHATBVEU you may think of the grade of diplomacy we ore exporting from Washington, you can have only pra.lso for the fellow who spoke first and last In this dialogue overheard In the IMIevue gtraii'ord last Tuesday ftlxht: "Who'a the freak next to that homely one In brown?" "Why, that's my wife; but who Is the dome In brown?" That's mievs JIVB 'slTftOP. I noticed In, tho Quia eoauaan toe otbor day says Joe: 4. Aperisaa, sOfsjaa . sal lasra lOarsHSf. wsas. pvawi THE SHADOW A JWhaUDpYou eserlea antral t,i In tM, coram.. T "'"fj , sMeft every mhImSJ?""?"' Ie J ara otkti colfy. if, i . .. Quiz nrlfln f iV!V..M I t. What are 4h. nL. a. Jan what I. ,... ----"i 4. K.nlln "hurJT a. ..,. ,h.aV Wht.l..j te js .K h- ,, tct... i- -:"""" - srAtr&aSKn atiatklnr. the Aii3J3I?J A Answers to Ycslerasro-i. ' "J.V"r """"a Int at Ja. v. Be TrfftUin I fMrthtftit af W ru i2r- "?. borsUBaT " n " ' "rS l Irhnmlar aaa . S&ttThVmalV'M. 7 8 D 10. Mr. , MenomeUlllanii the ante. , SS reetrl aYcirlfetM la. l.tiai . 1 &&ELFa$m. r-SfilAiaK. l.h- wri af j a.i.or"otnerillS:.V?t'2 . ij.. .-.: ""! f l baa A a .j.. '""" v. i-rrioeni emerltiift, . . ,llh ,ll.iln.,i. :-- ,-"" aa .n. JZ'.;:."-" " bonarary title. ! THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Better Treatment Asked for the Firemen Pndraic Colum Denies the Charge; of Roger Casement's Sister Nuisance of tho Overhead Wires j . Thlt Department t ret to all readcrM who icfth fo cruras their opinion on utjffcfs of turrrnl interest It is an open forum nnd tht r.vtnino Ltdair aumta vu rtiponuibilltv for n xnewM or m correiponaeni iiterw nuii oi si aura ou tinned by th name and addrea of fhe guarantee of good faith, writer, not necetaarUu for publication, tut a a FAIR PLAY FOP- FIREMEN To the Kdltor of the Evening Ledger: Sir The olllclal representatives of the Philadelphia Fire Department will doubt less take appropriate action regarding tho death ot Fireman Frederick "Killed In action somewhere In Philadelphia." I would like, however, to direct tho attention of the public to a few facts In which It should Interest Itself, and, more especially, the sense of justice nnd fair play which should anlmnle the hearts and minds of our City Fathers. Tho same alarm which cAlled Frederick to a violent and horrible death was beard In every flrehnuse In Philadelphia, and several hundred men leaped to Instant duty prepared to risk the same fate that befell their comrade. These men give twenty-ono out of every twenty-four, and If necessary the entire twenty-four hours of the day, to tho service 'of the commu nity. They have had no Increase of pay or shortening of hours since 1902, because they nro prohibited, nt least morally, from using tho same methods for enforcement of their demands as are used by their brethren In other but less hazardous occupations. 1 hope the City Fathers will favorably consider the requests of these guardians of our safety, and while they cannot remove entirely the dangers which beset the fire man's occupation, yet they can help In making their Uvea a little bit happier and more abundant, and Increase their opportu nities for the enjoyment of home and family. Let every City Father apply the principle of the golden rule to the fireman's demands, and I am sure these demands will bo granted. OMVER McKNIdHT, Philadelphia, October 17. PUT WIRES UNDERGROUND To the Kdltor of the Hvenlng Ledger: Sir While wa are getting tha Philadel phia Itapld .Transit on the run In connec tion with certain particulars of Importance, we might as well compel the company to place Its wires under the surface. As those wires are now, they swing like countless loaded guns pointing directly at tens ot thousands of us every day In the year, forming an Intensely real and livo menace to human life which surely ought not to be tolerated In any modern municipality, The people of Philadelphia have far more than enough ot constitutional right and power to bring about such a change, pro viding they would but act In unison and with determination. Uecause loaded guns only seldom go off aco'dentally Is no rea son why we ahould allow their muzzles to ba deliberately pointed and kept pointed In our direction. We are able and fully entitled to work our own will In all mat ters pertaining to our best Interests, so let us slnuily force this local traction corpora tion ot ours to do exactly what we want It to do, Publlo utilities are virtually and fundamentally publlo properties In the truest and strongest senae Imaginable. , CHAIILES C, IUIODES, JR. Philadelphia, October 12, PADRAIC COLUM EXPLAINS To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Blr I learn from a reference In a litter that has appeared In the New York Sun that Blr Roger Casement's sister. Mrs. Agnes Newman, had a letter published In your paper In which my name was men tioned. Doubtless the tenor Of the letter was similar to that which, was published in the Sun I ahould be obliged, there-, fore. If you would give publicity to the' attached communication, whrch la a copy of the letter I am sending tha Sun PADKAIU COLUM. New York, October It Following Is Mr, Colum's letter: My attention has been drawn to a letter that appeared in the Sun of Sunday last from Blr Roger Casement's slater, Mrs.' Agnes Newman, In wbteto I am aeeusid pf "literary ptraey." I have been singled out for thla accusation bsoause of my associa tion with a volume, "Poems of the' Irish Revolutionary Hnvthorkood," In which, two and subsequently three of Ulr Roger Case nvenfs poems appeared, Mrs. Newman's aeowsation is wholly un warranted I did not Initiate, the publica tion ot this book. Its vubllcatlon had bean decided upon befero I was consulted. I was asked to advise aiH Has soleotfcrn of lioasAS In a mansrtot HaaeVed to ma a to writ an Introduction' that would Ua a vital ' presentation of Faaralc Pearae, TjlBhjM Macriajtb. Jossj Plonkatt sjd to ao iM os J ww sjaw n sjajp ine same Ma saen of aaeai mamm me." mine. The poems were not copyrighted In America. All any publisher had to do was to take them, out of a file ot the Irish Re view Fortunately, the publishers, who were Interested In the book, Messrs Small, May nard, of Doston, wanted to bring the poems out In a creditable form and to act fairly and sympathetically toward the repre sentatives of the poets. They proposed to pay on the book the UBual royalty on a olumo ot verse. This royalty was to be divided among the representatives of the poets. At the time the arrangement was made, and In June, when the book was published. Sir Roger Casement was still living and Mrs. Newman, therefore, was not his repre sentative. Moreover, only two of Sir Roger Casement's poems were Included, while In tho case of each of 'the others six or eight poems were given. Since August, Mrs. New man has been her brother's representative, and the publishers of "Poems of the Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood" are amending their arrangement with that fact In view. I know that It Is because of the very grievous strain that Mrs. Newman has been underhat she finds It possible to mis understand the transaction. I have abso lutely no financial Interest In the fialeV of "Poems of the Irish Revolutionary Brother hood." nnd I never had any. The royalties, as they fall due, will be paid to the repre sentatives of the poets, ot whom Mrs. New man Is one. My Interest In the sales of the volume Is In the great fact that it helps to a proper appreciation of the men whose names all Irish nationalists cherish and be cause It brings a lust remuneration to their Representatives. WHAT HUGHESWOULD DO To the Editor of the Evening Ledger. Sir In your note to Mr Fagley's letter you say Hughes has answered the ques tions put to him. I have, never seen one answered. Can you refer me specifically to an answer he has made? A READER. Philadelphia, October 17. tile has not made a speech for the last month without answering one or more of them. In Louisville lajt Thursday he told what he would have done In tha Lusltanla case. Editor of the Evening Ledoeh. WHAT IS MAN? To the Editor of the Evening Ledger Sir What Is man? Is he a being of the high order he Is accredited with, or Is ha simply a higher order of tha brute creation, his superior faculties giving him power to commit greater earnest These thoughts were suggested to my mind by reading of the revolting act re cently of a fiend or brute Jn the form and disguise ot a man at Coatesvllle, Pa. While, unfortunately, the newspapers are not often called upon to chronicle such dastardly crimes, they are by no means of rare oc currence and put the most brutish acts of the brute creation far In the shade. Of course we take refuge In tha thought that such men are degenerates and not worthy the name of men- Rut how about men of Intelligence and Ingenuity who urtde themselves Jn their ability and skill to manufacture munitions and Implements ot war. build dreadnoughts and super-dreadnoughts and other engines of destruction to be used In the slaughtering ot their fellow men In the name of War? War, in which the husbands and fathers are killed In bat tie and their homes Invaded, their children ruthlessly slain, their wives and daughters outraged and murdered In tha most fiendish manner), the most depraved and most In, human mind can conceive! No matter of how noble a character man may ba other wise, ao long aa he Is Instrumental In bringing about such results It Is hard to believe that be Is a being of that exalted state, created In the Image of his Maker he is reputed to be If he la, then Indeed great muat have been hie fall! W, II. a AUentown, Pa, October 14. NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW If Henry Ford had not contributed so much toward the pence Junket, It Is barely possible that he might have donated a check to the Democratic campaign fund. Bir mingham Age-Herald. Vice President Marshall oices the hope that Mr. Hughes will advise the adminis tration what to do with reference to the renewal ot submarine,, warfare within sight of American' coasts. No need of any one advising Mr. Wilson, for he will, as here tofore, do nothing, except possibly find a new way of doing It. Omaha Bee. Mr. Hughes's Louisville statement of how he would have prevented tho sinking of the Lusltanln amounts to this, that the strong est military power the world has ever known, a power that did not hesitate to march Its armies through Belgium at the high price of making Britain the deadliest of Its enemies In a world war that this power, so determined and so ruthless In attaining Its ends, would have been afraid of Charles Evans Hughes Springfield Re publican. But If this (the submarine raid) Is not to be an Isolated venture rind the underwater boats are to be permanently stationed off Amerlcaz. ports In a persistent campaign of destroying enemy and neutral enscla. wo may be sure lhat loss ot life will inevitably result, and that American public sentiment will b Inflamed to such an extent by the blockading of American ports that a new and grave peril to the peaceable relations now existing between Germany and the United States will arise. New Orleans States. CopyrlBhtlnrf an Idea Editor of "What Do You Km '"""" yinns, or Ideas, of ,.,u..ujr uo iiruieciea against aim by copyright or patent, or caiT forma nnd htimnhi.i. .. . therewith lm mn,I.Ki.ji .? In one bank plan one borrowa tioft six rer cent. Th. ,t, ji". 'VM bofore It turns over the money tTiTi celves $31, though he pays interewl vear on Jinn ,,,l ..!. '"i":" $100. Tho 1100 must be'pald UkkA VAfit In flfl.f.l.r,n -...! '. . "VH mm v ... ..tv-t.u rtiuuj wecKiy insttfl m aat,.g limit, ur iueaf can vt wn or natentert. wh.it svmroo. ehM.M .. . to find nut wtiMhop th ... ,. have In my own mind h.-u nlrtifaJ ---"-'" . si una tuuiiui. patent or cop) right i chine or other .tang ble delc caal entMl. nnrt nnlv a tiiulr other publication as. such 'can S righted, and not the Ideas It conUM . 'm Cnmpaisrn Books ' A. L. C Information about thai iormancei nnu promises of botn i can be hid In the Republican a4 crane cimpnign hooks "or trie to "Renuhllcan Nntlnnn! Commit, Vftt-L f-it' " nn,1 rVii It,- nlh .. .hIIh Vxtlnnnl -... . . ( . .. Z "-'""' -.,. via.-.. kuiiiiniuce, .CWI m Metropolitan Valuations w. -. a. ei uiuim vciiieAi jcr valued for n-HeRrnifnk nt $21 Ul rVifittntilA TlitUa-llntr nt tft Rhft AAA a sylvanla Terminal nt $15 980 OOO th KAllsH Tlf. 1)..IUI e)eAl ,'UI HUH AJ11D -lUeIl)IIIK til lefBVV Hudson Terminal nulldlnft at til the Woolworth Building nt WW,i uoiei 1'iaza ui )o,..uv,vuu. EXPERT AT TWIDDLING "You See, It's this way," saysHlnde Sam, referring to the Administration. "The President has eight finger's and only two fists." New Tork Sun. -'Market Above lGth TAUTOLOGY Horse racing Is "tho sport of kings," and also of large numbers ot bums. New Or leans States. THE LOOJC ' 8trekon kissed me In the scaring, Roblp in the fall, But Colin only looked at me. And never kissed at all. Strephon's klas was' leati la Jest, Kobln'a lost la May. But the kiss In Catln's ye Haunts me nlejfct and Sara Tins sail, la Harper's REGENT 11:16, TO lllIC 10c, 15c. 26c, J3c PARAMOUNT ritOOHAU MISS VALENTINE GRANT ., IN FIUBT SIIOWIN'Q OF "The Daughter of MacGregor" BTANLBV CONCERT OltCIIEBTll.l i.TiW.-l.Z'll. BatOWEN MOOItU and MAltUVEniTB COUP.TOT In "THE KISS" PALACE ""oiKET B.H. SOTHERN ,." "TUB CHATTEL't Tliure.. Frl.. Bat "ItETURN OK EVB" ATJPAFiTA CHESTNUT Below lOTIt tXijllJjLt. 10 A. li. to HUB r. M. Dally, 16o; Kva , ilSo. Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree In I'icturltatlon of Rupert Hushea' Novel "THE OLD FOLKS AT-HOME" Thura , Frl , Sat. WILI.IA1I S HAHT In, -THE RETUJIN Olr DRAW EA0ANS VICTORIA VTFiXfirS ALL THIS WEEK Douglas Fairbanks Manhattan Madness- A .Wonderful Triangle Picture A Ceaseless Revelation of Activity COMING ALL NEXT WEEK Uetro'a Bpetlat Production Da Luie FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE la Bacluelva First Showing of "ROMEO AND JULIET" efaakeeswra'e Idrllta Lov, TrilIjy ACADEMY OP MUSIC SaWrtar AfUflwen. Xetober 31, at 3,10 PAD'EREWSKI Grarrick J?op. Mat. Today syw., JANE COWLin 'COMMON' CLAY ' ;t- t t U iM' BROAl!)--PoiJf' Mat Twlay fe4 MARIE TEMPEST t, RIO GRAND fmmMm MUtflT fUy by Aeeatas raaaaaa FORREST-IIMalSSy ,5' . : j- , ".X SENSATION! m A Daughter of the Godl CHESTNUT STREI OPERA HOUSfit TWICE DAILY 2:15 AND i with Annette S V it Kellermann i Weaves a Magic Story of ); quenchable Daring and !).' Orchestra of 60 fl ' NIGHTS and SATURDAY MAT 25c, eOc, 7Cc, ?1.00 MATINEES, EXCEPT SATtff 25c, 50c and 7BC METROPOLITAN ?f0 Twice Daily -"as. .u MAT. TODAT. IJEST SEATS 1.W j ffig: HIPPODROME XSBm in "HIP, HIP, HOORAY" SOUSA I CHARLOTTE and Ilia I and The tarelou n j mtiIha i.i.et Oh NAT WILLS. CIIAB. T ALDBICH. Nights and Sat. Mat, 50cJ T VBTP LAST C TIME? XJ X JtvlL Let II M Met. STITTfl ffWI.nlTIIK'n flTH1CAL CUFTON CRAWF0RT w "HER SOLDIER B0T With a Brilliant - ofy JOHN CHAHLES THOalA MA RO AHET BOMAlNf j. snow that DsuaBTt. NEXT WEEK . BEATS 1 v Tha iAteet N. T. Mueleal Cam "THE GIRL FROM BR With a Wonderful Cait anJ C AdelpM'ftfi&SSa EXPERIEN B. F. Keith's Acaon A IUiwhtarai Cbaa. Lasa uerard Ctarlr. otters m. Today at 3, Sis A see TonllM at , wa B1.WV&1 EUwin Artjo BELLK i lantlr s'Ko Bantlr a MaU 'I'nnsrflr' .t VUUJUfc YJ.VDKVlll- it A. M, tq "The Lvn Party" NilHHalAN, V jruKaw IB "A JAY gJKUUS, rt T"..oi MAHKOT 1 uiusa .ixeyo JrVf O PAULINE th1-EnS METROPOUTAN BQSTON-NATIO UKANO UfjfiKA w StfCttJ-fiWL xeuw ssasatsw. a'w CBsVaTNUT T. T lirl.,4. UutA. Tame rrainui- j4Vsa a a Bringing Up Father in MaJUOHL s ior, IHn Knickerbocker Evigiuue Blair " irv. rJTi""n " i i- ata uiawoov a) unvrvw th