Vi tl .J . liricoinsr on within the Republican party, why the neces sary nomination of Hughes coin cided with these remarkable changes, and "Why tta Country Needs Hughes" is ex plained by Frederick M. DftYftiiport ia this week's Collier's .THB NATIONAL TTSBKLY urn i L '',(' iIXO LEDOER-! KIKDENBURG LAUNCHES GREAT ' .OFFENSIVE ON EAST FRONT lyspytum aortaee as any Vnewn lno AlOOC tlM T04y.LWlhfg laHrd Bd In the regton Mt Halloa the two mwK vKal Wntt In the dtfSMes or Central OaHeta the Caar's treofM ate preeetag the ht. Berlin and Vleaasi affleially restart that the RaeotalMi wkc from their trenches In dee file formation. The constantly repeated etalnM of vre Ra!n tosses indlcat tht the .RUsetan are paying dearly for thesa tactic. , Along Hhe mokhod front the Husefcn ar still pounding nt the Teatori lines, but ob servers here retard thin nt purely an of-fetitv-dfnslrs move an effort to prevent the Germans anft Austrian from launching n drive. The official communication from Petrograd tell of bi rJerrnAni Bring grenades charged with asphyxiating; gases. , Meantlmo a strong Teutonic offensive ha titen begun In the Carpathians And there la fierce lighting on Beventy-flve-mlle front from the Jablonlca race to the Rumanian border. While the plana of Field Marahal von Hlndtnburg have not been revealed yet. It la apparent that Oenerat Brusslloff en deavors to offset the Carpathian drive by Intenalfylnic the battle nround timbers. This Boems to bo the meaning: of the re newed Central Oallcla battle. I A ICAMADHAnA VIXTfl rmase vnriMA di un ! IGNOTO COSPIRATORE La Commisaiono di Inchiesta Ha Concluso I Suoi Lavori. 100,000 lira di Taglia sul Colpevolo ISULLE FRONTI DI GUERRA ROMA, 17 Ottobre, La commissions specials nomlnata re- Ieentemente dat governo per fare una In chiesta eeaurlente circa II dlsaatro delta dreadnought Leonardo da Vlncl, chs natto' tnel porto dl Taranto nell'catato scorsa In iBegutto nd una esplostone dl cul non el rlueolva r comprendere la causa, ha con Icluao 1 suoi lavori. It rlsullato dell'lncht . etta, dlretta, dairammtragllo Canevaro che presledo la commissions, e' che la nave fu Ifstta aaltara In aria da un cosplratore. La , Leonardo da Vlncl e' rlmasta dunquo vlt- tlma, corno moltl supponevnno, dl un ntten tato. Quello che lion e' atato posslbllo as aodare e' no st tratta dl un attentato corn memo da una dell'equlpagglo o da un es trnneo che rluscl' a penetraro nella nave, ma el erode generalmento che Vautore del 1'attentato era una spla degll Imperl cen trall od un agente delle eple teutonlohe. II governo ha promevso una gratltlcazlone 41 100,000 lire a colul cho fara scoprlr e condannare l'autore o gll autorl dell'atten tato, u net frattempo la pollzla lavora alacrcmente alia rlcerca del criminals, Poche notlzle l hanno oggl dalla fronts, ttallano. . II comunlcato del generate Ca dorna ' brevlsslmo ed annuncla eoitnhto piccolo' azlonl dl fanterla che ad ognl modo hanno dato alio truppo Italians II mezzo dl extender la zona delta loro occupsxlono a .eud-est dl Qorlzta o sulIa Quota 206, sul Canto. Ecco ll teeto del rapporto: Lungo l'lntera fronte dl battaglla gruppl dl opera! mllltarl Bono Btntl at tvt a' l aono avuta alcune azlonl dl artiglleria, Ad est delta Vertolblzza (a sud-est df Gorlzia) o sulla Quota 208 (buI Curso morldlonaVo) nol abblamo osleso la sona MI nostra poeutonl mediants plecole aslenl loeatt, ed abblamo anche preso alcunt prlglonlcrl. Sulla fronte delta Vollnla e delta Qallzla Infurla ancoru una vlolenta battaglla Inlzlata dalle trupps de generate russo Bruailofl. Quests ntlaccano Is poderose dlfeee austro-tedesuhe, mentre le forze teutoolche tentano dl prendere 1'offenslva nella regloho del Oirpazll per rlchlamare n nord le truppe rustle che sonb ptato Invlate In eoccorao del runienl. Suite frontl dl battaglla delta Rumania le sortl delta loUa volgano oggl pluttoso favorevoll agll alkali dell'Inteaa. Mentre nella Transllvasla I rumenl hanno ,potuto flnalmente front vglare Ja forzo del generate -on Falkenhaya ed arrestarne la marcla verso I plant delta Moldavia e delta Vain chla, -attraverao passl rlconqulstatl dftl teutonU nella Dobrudja, dove bperano le forzo bulgaro-tedeeche del goneralo von Mackensen, 1 russo-nnnenl hanno attaccato vlgorosamente ed hanno resplnto 1 nemlco flno a Dobrlc. Un telegramma da retro grad dice cho 11 re Ferdlnando dl Rumania 1 ka vlsltato la fronte delta Transllvanla ed ka trovato che la sltuazlone e' cccellento. NEGRO OIRL KILLED BY AUTO , Car Belonging to Mrs. John Rend, Wal nut Street, Strikes Unidentified ' Pedestrian Driver Held , A negro girl, about eight year old, un- ' I Identified, was struck and killed totlay by an ' automolrtte at I) road and I'oplar streets, ( making the ninety-sixth motor fatality In j'nuaaetpnia since January i. The child was oroalng Broad street and had, almost, readied the west sidewalk In front of the Metropolitan Opera House, when she was'struok by a. southbound tour- i Ing car, owned by Mrs. John Rsad, of 3917 I,! Walnut, street, and driven by John 4L Uul Jln. S741 North Hydanham'.Btreet. . ', aulvln,. after the aeotdent, took the victim , I In his. oar 'to Hahnemann Hospital, where 'I the MM woa pronouneed dead. The body ' as sent to tho Morgue, and Qulvln -was turned orer to; the polios.' " The child wbj) tiatlese, but wore a blue and -HfkKe striped ooat with red aeHar, and a J black M white calico dress, with black I hoee.and stooklngs. ? BULGARIAN ASSAULTS ALONG ROAD TO M0NASTIB CRUSHED; BITTEB FIGHTING ON CERNA PAniS, Oct. IT. Ilulgarlan troops holding ths road to the Macedonian city of Monastlr have been making strong attacks against the Serbian positions In the last twenty-four hours. It Is reported in an ofllcial statement on ths nalkan operations Issued If the War Of floo today. In aplto of the vigor of the assaults, all were repulsed. The fighting was partic ularly severe along the Cema niver. Artillery duels were reported from that section of tho Ilalkan front held by the Trench, LONDON, Oct. 17. tlrltlsh patrols have been active on both fronts In Macedonia, It was omelally an. nounced today. ANGLO-FRENCH EXTEND S0MME OFFENSIVE; FIGHTING GROWING IN VIOLENCE LONDON, Oct. 17. Violent (lirlitlnir was In progress all night on tho Somme front West and south of llnpnutne the British and French kept pounding the Germans In their encircling movement to "pocket" Ilapnume. German counter-attacks wero followed by a tremen dous bombardment of the now French posi tion In Sallly Ballllsel, on the Bapaume PeronnS highway. Tho penotratlon of this position by tho French Is regarded by military critics as a success of tho first rank, for tho Germans had established powerful fortifications there and regarded the place as Impregnable. Tho next objective of the French In that sector Is the town of Le Transloy, also on tho Bapnume-Poronns road. British troops are pushing on Le Barque. They nro meeting with strong resistance, however. Only three miles separate the British from their prize Ha,paume but the French are about Mlvo miles away. The British have extended their offensive north of the Ancre brook and entered enemy trenches west of Serre, General Halg re ported this afternoon. Since the first da of the Offensive, -when the British drew their lines .close to Berre and then wero driven back, there has been no fighting on this front The Ger mans, holdlna- n strong position at Thlepval. 'made It Inadvisable, for the Allies to ex tend their operations jiuner norm, ine capture ot Thlcpvaj opened me way lor a widening1 of the Jrcnt ALLIED S0M3IE DRIVE WILL END IN FAILURE, SAYS TEUTON REVIEW OF BIG OFFENSIVE BERLIN, Oct 17. The tragedy on the Bomme seems near a climax," 'said a semiofficial statement reporting frightful French and English losses In recent unsuccessful .attempts to break the aorman lines north of the river. When tho British rushed forward for an attack near Guedecourt, the Sixth German Infantry division left Its destroyed posl- tbtMt ami staiwlffvc In tke faM ot ihe sp j utilna tMny twrntd loose MH and ma- 4VNMI JFUtt tnt fRlO WW nWMWfl OC a"fl rawetwc ewwty troops. Thee ereweX col mmm were Hi Bom a-taeee IrHtaHy Mowed tlown, , t "IMalM report shew that the attacks between October and 11 are to be counted aMong tho largest ftcMIng actions ot the whole Somme battle," wrote tho military crltlo of the semlofflc'al Overseas News Agency. "The objects of these hue French and Xnlhm efforts were Bapaume and Peronw. "The violence ot these attacks was especially directed north of the Homme against the front extending from Cource lette to the St Pletre Tanst wood and south of the Homme against ths front between Fresnes, Mazancourt and Chautnes. front had thought It Impossible to exceed the violence of the drum lira used during the attack of the first days ot October," continued the military critic, "but this was now dona by the artillery fro of the eleventh and twelfth. "Nevertheless, and In spite ot the terrific hall ot Iron the English and Frehoh did not succeed In making the German positions rips for storming. The Frenoh and Eng lish storming columns started In compact, crowded waves, but soon came to a stand still1 In well-aimed German Curtain fire. In spite of heavy losses they attempted unin terruptedly one advance after another against the German positions. Near Sallly they six times launched attacks for storm ing, out an mess thrusts railed completely. "It becomes more and more probable that the French and English will bleed to death on the unshakable German front Just as the Russian did In Gallcla." ITALIANS EXTEND THEIIl GAINS SOUTHEAST OF G0RZIA; ONLY S3IALL ACTIONS REPORTED ROME, Oct 17, "Along the whole front working parties were active, and somo artillery actions took place." says last night's oftlolal report. "East of Vertolblzza (southoast of Oorlzla), and on Hill 201 (on the southern Carso) we extended our jiosl tlons by means ot small local actions, tak ing a few prisoners." VIENNA. Oct 17. "In fighting near Sober (southeast of Gorilla) we uupWi .1 two Officers, twenty-ono men and three ma chine guns," the War Ofllce announced last night PURE FRESH PAINT Believe Me C Good Painting is more necessary for your house than good clothes ore for yourself, for good painting is not only a beautificr but a real, 'preservative. Gt our etltmateno obligation Kuehnle PAINTER 28S.l6thSt,r,flc'cc LbBBV - jffpffl&Wi JffMi -f lgggJjgkkags-. WESTERN UNION Day letter aoaiigto Letters jEoqyity to the i m0lNWOtftMKmmMlm moowiK) mil ihown InAt dotfauntgMMl dor cento expended. WESTTRHUWOrtTUOJAPnCa JttS ii '.vC. wokah, nnuxx wm rai, tl THROWS ACID ON HUSIAp Others lit CtortrtmM AUro InJwreJ in AttKk-APlktnt BUmee Girl M.Tiltomiit, -Mt.. Oct 17. Ihriebw "Ood hi Jwt ! a wettmtt, Ithmim wKh Hht. hurst Into the Grand Jary witness reotM today and ttieww m-m , ur kiwtMiU. detective, and ether In the room. lh Ur mary Kintciand, oflte outh JCrtaW street, Her husband. JMward nklM. and the other victim wete taken .to Mercy Hoepltab She was arrested and taken to the Central police station. "That girl who's wrecked my life Is In there In that room!" aha Is quoted a ear. lug. right after she threw the acid. The husband and another woman were to testify In, an assault case. GREEK KINGDOM MAY BECOME A REPUBLIC, WITH VENIZEL0S, REBEL CHIEF, AS PRESIDENT LONDON. Oct 17. Followtnif thft formal fffnmrnlftnhi f t, revolutionary Government In Greece by the Allies, the Dally Mall suggested today that the Greek kingdom be transformed Into a republic. This paper says that General Sarrall, Commander-in-Chief of the Allies In Macedonia, favors tho Idea, as also do many lAiropean statesmen. It Is Intimated that It King Constantino Is deposed the presidency would be offered to Eleutherioa Ventzelos, head of the rev olutionary movement. , ATHENS. Oct. 17, King Constantino. In reviewing a naval brigade that had disembarked from Greek warships taken over by the Allies, said; 'TThls day your lips are moistened with a bitter poison. Your proud souls, looking for a united, victorious a recce, saw her bleeding from fresh wounds.' My Govern ment was compelled to give you orders to quit your ships and, faithful to your vow of loyalty to your King, you obeyed." UTILITY MKN AT SHORE Delegates Arrive at Atlantic for Con vention of Water Works Aerociatlen ATLANTIC CITV. N. J., Oct 17. Pros perous utility executives and managers are arriving here today for the annual con vention of the Pennsylvania Water Works Association, which opens at Haddon Hall tomorrow morning. A review, of Public. Service Commission rulings with relation to water companies uui in iji year win ne one or uie subjects beforthe convention. Hush orders for war-munltlons-that kept plant work ing both day and night has made the last year one of large dividends for the water companies. Eight Couples Get Elkton Licenses Kt.KTON. Md., Oct. 17. Klght couples came to Kltitnn today and obtained mar riage licenses at the office of the court They were! George Kdward Hlnk and Mary T. McKeever. Philadelphia : Paul P. Burns, Chester, Pa. and Sarah M. Hanby, Car penter, Del.; Adrona Btonaker and Barnh M. Kmory, Phoenlxvllle ! William K. Oreen and Ann Conlln, Philadelphia'. Henry A. Thlnnea and Viola O. flackard, Camden j Francis Wilson and Martha Elizabeth Mc Keever, Camden: Clarence Huff and Mary Murphy, Chester, Pa.: Shepperd Maglngen and Catharine Elizabeth Reese, West Chester, Pa. ALsUWIAM KILL iWn uAituBoxs Dtmnw mots SoMters AeeiMed of InwHW N"lfv Women hi OeetipM Territory Aepfct the iMmen f t! aVhelng eatrertety ahfrwM- Tha.S treatment of womea by rtta ff" ""f,! to rlots.4lfi many1, lews. AL!??J5u?J3 the AHtrhn garrwetw t -r . by rioters, Trtbesmen, unr the ea4rhln of K'f, hare fled lo the moajitalfHi and are con ducting giierrIHa watfara aali Ihe In vaders. Conflicts be-tween the AustrhMW ana the population occur almost dally In hcu tarl. Duraszo and other larger towns, the dlspalchei say. mi ' N. G. P. JiUST PAY POLL TAX , . .. Guardsmen Barred Frem Pell Unless They Shew Receipt National guardsmen cannot vote at the November elections unless they can show poll tax receipts or receipts of Stale and county taxes paid during the last two years, according to a statement received from the Attorney Oeneral'a department at pfagTONJ ?. jr- 4MBMiiagti ftan-k mtts 'CaeamM- letwratTWIilKM" 4, Artk-le'S. of ii 1 1 iiai sb laMa . aaiiiBtttf " " '"'" TTi.r' SZ. '.23. at at the rt Depoty Attorney Oeat. .. .. ZZ 'k-m - - A. art .t' .a. u.tuiua -sAnit sMeMiei that a voter must have been n"es at least two month berar etewiwi " "V"r" hare pa'M W taxes at )wt m nww Ctrorters. eeaeBhHr thta w2' sent to the raaideasia em lh rJ5 month s. and MaK farms were! I me h-m is fill, alrm them k4ank Jawer ot attorney. ., . . ,. sanca paeira nearmas ww "r" . r IV names have beaM ! rwt",,"?T, Hs4, 311 Of whom are imrmf ?'2ll three Democrat, tn. KsaTHsa aM en rrenteitkm. wi ine i marrrm w., ... were natloaal jnrdmi. 1 1 ' ' Turks Defeated in Cavalry Battle PXTTROGRAD. Oct 17. In a cavalry battle, fifty mile wet of wm. Ar menla. the RbUbs defeated the Tarfca, ae cording lo a War Office atatemeat today. Tha Turkish port ot Bolu Is being bombarded. 52MM crris io Am fartsMst II H'olprojto-- CEO. W. REINtOU 2BM N. Ire The popular demand for hardwood floors is no mere fad. It is the prov able advantages hardwood floors afford that account for their increasing popu larity. Unequaled appearance and durability are just two of their many points of superiority. Write for par ticulars and estimates. PINKERTON 3034 West York St. Kit,. r- S FOUNDED 1858. DeweeS L Quality and Standard Famous Over Half a Century The New Grey Salon and Ready-to-Wear Department There Is one purpose in the policy of this house the best merchandise at the lowest possible price. Our quality and standard has been known to Philadelphia women for over halt a century. It is just as high and just as zealously protected today as it ever was. The special values now exhibited in our New Grey Salon are examples of this policy. HANDSOME BROADCLOTH SUITS, $29.50 Full silk-lined and. interlined, long lines, cloth collar with over collar; of velvet, insets in skirt, and other, new style features make this special suit a most exceptional value. Women with conservative taste will particularly like it. Black, Brown, Btlrgundy, Plum, Navy, Green and Taupe. B. F. Dew.ees, 1122 chestnut St. T,HE DAYLIGHT STQRE k... ' i't: Remington Wins Speed Championship ."-j TKe International Amateur Typewriting Champion ship at the New York Business Show October 16, 1 91 6, was won by Miss Hortense S. Stollnitz, operating a Slf-Starting Remingt Typewriter ;i rv. r -( 'TOV, !f ' i , dV 5 J . 1 bomethuigl . .,..- uji SBBBBBSV SSBSW"-" SB SSsV iWW II W Hkl Bh lAflli ' BBB W W ,1 .".? Miss Stollnitz made the wonderful record of 137 words net per minute for the half hour, and still the limit of Remington speed has never been reached by any oper ator. .Jhere was no Reniington entry in profcflsippl i-. VwBBw1 fX, ' ' jvcminflTLQi ii ' J- r 1 , f ' . . T '' . '. ' - . , .- ,r's x i':;-,' ', Tt I- . Vv:,-U' 1h ii mi !' ' ' ' ' " ' -i '". ' , ., , i ' , . -;', v f Yum! A i ',.' "r1 , 'i t T - & 1. .:-' iMlTJ . vw MrW!,',,.. mgmsB. , raifjri "fiiffmii L!LFV3M&&m .Ttjsfw' " '-wv"sH