BVBN1N0 LBnOE-nADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTTOBEK IT, 1&W; rnurai la ruvr-ri lrM rnl4t.l..l. vf late fc-rti KiaaMer $t HtfHN te J laeral. Tf e,f Wart 1, "IkHTl name . n 1 In' e.r.j.1. piiate. Tlwra, mi m Puna omit Bower-.,. ru&'A '.r ?. iriuu , . wn Mi Keny., --! pnfjiini " '. i'iwtlf a, M i MnimnnrTi,"Wi ?". Trlb Ail . WW.I.T. .T. Wrt.1 M I P. m. Lt daughter f (ifcorh vVK,n none win wm en . , . - titer, KW4 Ttamnt iTJiy. Oct. .i?txiss intrtl lervtr, ThHri., a I rin ave.. Reaeerevigh. t.t.EM, widow of ana irien'i" n. m.. 0 Int. private. Omit IT, i.i - .. ti ae aefv-. .. I. ,,!,. in funeral aervlcea. JB-tTj "? si. .'"''Ki 4vat. swMtntr. Oct h. ritit-ir m. Wmi al llirlon Hom C Invited lo. funeral Eei, Ved. 2 im, W Ollv- it. Int. prl-jj-T tit. riic. Cem.Hr.nci may cll Tut S KINO Bud-eMy, Oct. t. .JAMB." KINO -Matirw nd frtetkU invited to funeral lervlcee. Sat .3 , p.. from the parlor! of Arthur K Gev-rtnirton Cm, Hetnalne may be viewed WM evwnlna. irom i oci--.. KOL. Oct. 15. BMMA aa.jvien.-. .,! m $ A KOLU (nn.nrehr). - 45. Relallvel an-1 . Idle' Aid Society of in. Merman Ref. l ! Cnurrri, Invited to funeral eerv. " riunSJan v. em at. Int. orlvata C)rn mount Cm. JH. - rfiaiiiM iritrknhA and tluchtr r ',,p . i'V.r ? .-V . mi . ! rta oo jn-irx iitni in- miiiirri , T-ri trirniw inTini, " M'!5I"2." .'" PhlllD kurftfcriftb And duuRMtr l w. Marv in aMU fclatiAa "' - a-. t: ."""".vl.- . i-i. tnn rmininni oi imufii -w 'jHr. m. o ffolmn itnuljn wiii 10 a. RWAsasffi: ff.fcJBrAfA.l wit. o rlfi lrfbrum imd dtnihltr of lit John incll. No. 20, I. of!',. Invltnl to funfral. knar., R'SO . m.i 3nv Aitnona oi. iotn wuruj. Sn FNluiem mn unurcn wi nKiivii7 iv a t. Holy fJfpulohra Cm. . LAjaaMcL-fbct. 18. llKltMlNi:. Uuihter ot tc V. A. Ixrala and Julia Uinnl, lulnttvra I xrKtida inviiPU 10 xuncrai acrvicva, tva . a. m.. 185S Ciotkor at, Int. prtvatr. Oud rilowo' Com. Htroalni mar t Mowed Tuto., "J?Ti:K8.0ct. 10. WILLIAM J. wn of Hi XV. and Klla Lentpro (nco Webrj. llfla EVm and friend! Invltnl to funfral orrvlca. ara.. 3u p. m. rarema rraiurnca. mil fv. i at. Int. Drlrata (Irrcnmount dm, JUmalni or ba vliwd Wd. ao. Aulo funfral. JUfi.uru la, nrr. nuun rt. iAAiui, or ol. jnpn a iioapuai. i.aucaaiar Holemn rr lain n . Tha rcyarand clrr Invltad to attend dlvtna ?ai. Iliea.. lu a rn. noiemn rf. 0J0 n, m Italatlvaa and frlenda ha fevai at cha Tuea.. 10 rem maaa iuju a. vltad to . funarai. Wed.. real. alater. Mra, Alarjr T, Murphy. 1TI ira are. inui. noiemn requietn maaa nuri-n a. m.. Murphy au U SO l ore. i-. m. Int. Tirlvala. Ht. lenla Cam Rematna may bo flowed Tueaday I.UWM. At Lutheran Orchank' Home and rlvm, OD.10 aartnantown av., Oct 14, KVA, Vow of Con rail Lumm. agnl 7I. Itetnthea and nenda Invited to funeral aervlrea, Weil I p, &,, Oliver It. Ilatr llulldlm. 1620 Cheatnut at. t. Hlllalde Cam. HACK. Oct. IB. FREDERICK W.. huaband Marxaret Mack, aon nf late John W. and Wllnelnilna Mark. Relatives and frlenda, Waah. tkclon Camp. No. 4KH, 1'. O.H. of A.f Oncwa Eawe Tribe. No. 200. I. it It, M.i 1'enna. IwiBinandary, No 82. 1. O, H. of A., employee m jsorth llroa , Invited to funeral. Tliura., 3 p, m.4 34S7 N. Reeae at. Int. Qreenmount Cent, jWmatna may bA viewed Wed , H to 10 p. m. MoCUI.LOUait. Oct. 14, KRANC18, eon of wiillam and UUa McCullouch and erandeon of lMbella and late Michael McCullnuch and late Jftmea and Atarraret U Uiien Helatlea and frtanda Invited to funeral. Wed , '1 p. m . par nia' realdenee. -431 i, -i at, Int. Holy Croaa veal. McDAID Oct. 14. JOHN M .J., huaband of JTradn McUald and eon of William and Miry KeOald (nee Uallather), Ralattvta and frlemlv ltivned to funeral. Wad.. 8,8i a. m.. paranta' twMence, D18 ralrroount ,ave Solemn nUh re. 4nWmfmaai Church of Aaaumptlon 10 a, iu. lot. New Cathedral Com- Auto een lee. . MILLCH. Su3i-nl.v, -Oct. 14, RUIIGN D.. kuaband of Into LscIlK (nea Morrlal Relatla r.a irienaa. Monroe ixxive. no. osi i. u. u. i., ivlted to funeral aervteea. Wed , X P. ni.. real, wnre of aon-ln-law. William A. OraVenateln. 410 Carteret at., Camden. N, J. Int. Mt Morlab Co.. rhlla. Frlenda may eall Tuea. eve, Mtl.LKK. audJenly. Jf)rt, 1.1, JOHN 1I hue Mad of Harah Kraneea Millar, aon of late Oeo. . and Marian S. Miller. Ralattvta and frlenda aivlted to funernl. Thura.. U Pj nilf-Urlton Ter taee, Holmee, Delaware Vi.. ia. Int. private. .Remalna may be viewed Wed. eve., after 7 30. NORI.E Oct. 14. , auddenly. at Snllnbury, V . 8ALI.IK C, widow of C'harlea Noble. . vNOOTON, In Norrlatown. P.,Oct, 14. MART y,. widow of John J Nwton, "Relattvea and fitenda Invited to funeral, 34(1 Jacouy at , Wed i m. solemn nun requiem mate at m rat. nc. til rairicn a DWARD J aon of aaed .7. nelitlvea n..H,l 1 m ,. , VUUIIltli 1. U. . . ivlted to runerala rrl.. ft!ln n. Cirenla' realdenee, 3243 I.ocuat at. Holemn m maaa at, Jamea'a Church, 38th and ui in.a. m. int. Hoiv croaa rra. Autoa NNKLL.-Oct I. MAROARUT, wife of O'Cnntlftll. IteUlltrM an.l frlnnlM lnvll.,1 J funerfl Thura.,tlJ0 a. m realdenro of hue. ana. . jazj a, na at. noiemn rouuiem maaa in. ini. jioiy , .... I,, , , - .I, PM"JbB f . j i I, i nvww mrlttmatter airM . . Relattrao M fd-nda. Court Majiayunti, No. , If. ot A . m ed to fameraiV WeA ,Mt m 1J ITl5 J.. Monayonk, Renulem tn"" " ""J' Pjirrh. 14 a. m. Int. Ml, irya Cem.. Ro Swl.KNRr Oct, 13. DM.IA BwrjCNBT Relatlvea and frlenda. Hery and Altar "orlety n4 larve of Haered Heart of t, ratrlek'a niotrh, tnvlM to funeral, Thure , Jo a m . Maler'a realdenee, Mra Mary Flttnatrlek, HIT N 2ll ot folmn requiem maaa "t. Ell; eylh'a Church iO . m, lnl New Cathedral CSVMINflT0W-r4f;. 15, KMII.T II. rlrt, t SWt'feni",i,M,,,5?.hT-,fu,m.Tn. mv ! vlewrd Aved. ej-e. . VAtHJIfAS, Oct IB. ANNin J., wife of Wll Ram V Vaueham aert IB Relatlvea and frlenda l,li.l eA ..uaal BatHa 'TTltll,H H tl. til a KD12 raarhatl av. (OBth and Woodland, ave ), Int. tleornelown, utl . .iinon arrival of tri ,r".T.n. "ri-".' ' VViui tt?lltT.T. Mm leob J. Whllt R(atlvea and frlenda Invlled to ritln irht Mi pr JIAOOlB y,. widow of Charlee B AVlimerton. ared r,n, Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral iT aervlrea. Wed . 1 p. .m . realdenee. of ,Ira Harah A. Noll. Sl k Hancock at. int. a, Nrm veoar fill! em. . .ilBRTONAt Ilererlr, NJ.. .Oft. 14. iiir,i, Wll.l aarvlcea. Wed . 9 P m.. Walton ave.. Ileverly, VilinC-"5cTniSf,7'IARI.KS WILSON. Rela Ivea an.1 frlenda. William II HehneldT Ixljre, No. 41, F. and A. M .Invited t fu. nral aervlcea. Wed ,. S. p. m . 1023 N lh at. Further aervlcea and Int. York. 1 Thura., P'VIUSON. Oct, 10. at 47th at. and Ralllmora Jve.. VIRIHNIA dauahler of the late Jeee and lary It, Warrlnxton Wllaon. Int. at Woodlanda CeiT. v lml flnw.ri OnRNf.R -'Oet. If), 24 Re meteon il CHARLHS HAT, aon ma woerner. area employee John It. hooVkaeiilnx department. Invited to aervlrea Thura , 10 a, . m , parema- of William II., Jr , and Halma Woerner. arei laiivrn. rihi sriniti N funra may be viewed veu., irom o to iu p. m. "'.JS.'.",... al-Jl.l.-l. lk.J,. T -u""f J realdenee S3I0 N. Maacher at , Olney. Remain! I . ..! ... It' .nm n 1 fl r. m lnl Oct. IS. ALICB A.. !.!-. nt Jnhn J Wrlehl. B130 larket at. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, Wed, (130 a m. Oliver If, Hair llulldlna. .Ic.'rt Cheatnut at Hnlrmn hlah maaa Our Lady of Victory Church Ki a m Int. private Remain! mftlNUWii,Tr.TnlyV,brt IS IIARRT W, ZKIHINO, aited 00. Relatlvea and frlenda and all oraanlaatlona of which he wae a member. Invited to funeral. Wed,, 3pm 200 Linden ave. Rulleda-o. l'a Int. Mt Morlah Cem, Re main" may Im Wewrd Tnea rve Auto aervlre, ZOIIKR Oct. II. 8TKrllKN II3 AWIITT eon of Ktephen A. and Roae A, 7uter. aaed 23 yeare 3 month". Relative! and frlenda tnvltej to funarai. Wed., 1 p m , parent!" realdenee, US! N. 44th at Int. Montroae Cem, LOST AND FOUND ENVKLOriV-Loat In Cheatnut atreet etorea or Htanley Theater, linen envelope contalnlnr rail road paaaea. Hultable reward If returned to owner1fnurth floor. IIS NUroad t. UOI.O I'lN-Iiat Ilroad 8t Htatltm, koI 1 bar Pin with rataed lettera U. K. Return to 1720 Arch at MKHH IIAO Iiat. on Baturlay oftepoon. Oct. 14, ro'd ineah baa marke.1 on InaMe "A. It, (I , 2000 He Lancey tilnre." Liberal rennrd If returned to J, H. Caldwell A Co., bOJ Cheatnut at. lOOtlLH Loat. email while Malteao poodle. Reward It returned to Mlaa Mabel I'ew, Morrta eve.. Urn Mawr, l'a, I'hone llryn Mawr307 . RINO Iot. irold arnl rln lictween Ilellevue- Htratford and II rood Ht. Htatlon oi Hatunlar evenlnr I,llral rovnrd I 31 I.Mtcer OIT, THACINO OF A IftlAWINO loat, on ArchatT Htween Mh and lllh ( 111, Reward It returned to (IMI H 2d at . Cnmden.N. J. WATCH I.ot, tAunuat 8 sold wotrhi pin nt tached, marked "I.. A. C," Notify Mra, Jamea Heed llnre, N. T. T ronlfaard rem Precaihag Clmn Expert walel and aktrt drapera. flnlah. era and Imrrorera. wlih reference! from the; moat faehlonable eatablleh menta. Oood waeei Ionic eeaeone. Alao. vaeanra for neat yountt ulrla aa appremlluoa In dreaamakln. Apply be., for 10 a. m., French Hreaamaklne; Hhoi, fifth floor, Weat Store, Market atreet. BTRAWRRHXln A CLOTHIEn OHlf, ?orliouaworki about 101 on who prefer! a nod home to hlth weteei no waehlmr or Ironln. Apply I44 Ituntfnc Park a-o. Tele phne, Tlora 4H . .inf., nbat" oooircooli ,ANF?wA.'Tn???J .SO WAHlil.N(I. CAM, IN F.VF.NINO, 0033 i'ULAHKI AVli, OBRMANTOWN. OIRI reliable, colored, wanted, aa clerk for frult aland 152HouthetvBJ30a1m. OIRL for ehemtwrwork and walllnt;! whltei perienceai beat wacea. iioi jeneraon. OIRI, for aenaral houatworki plain cook I food nome. uaii isui vvyomina ve. i-nont YlomlntU. atnui fnd younc women to wrap mVrchandlee, :perlence unneceaaarr. Apply. Employ ment llureau, LIT HROTHURS. fllllW, experienced, and learnera on calendar work i paid while learnlnr. Apply third floor, Wolt 1.0. , l -in anu wanownn 01111,8, .over 10. Apply t International Art I"uM(ahln Cgi.d floor, 12th and J.'allowhlll, UlRf to WrU on raicndaret paid while learn. ln 1'rlntere' Furnlah HouaejlJLCherry at, HOUBKWORK Compfwoman. with refa i wait on table, aeelat In (en, houaeworkl no rooklnci hournmork. adult family. 401H Cheatnut at. amall achool In auburba, I'hone Lnnd'ne ll. HODHKWOItfc Competent lr.rfor aenerat HOl'HKWOniC Wanted, tidy ilrl few houra dally 310 fllth at . SIRNIinRH on lvera laceai alao alrla to learn, rood pay while learnlne Apply Rromley Lteo Company, A and Hoineraet ala MOTIIKIVB IICLPCR, competent pcraon to aa. alat with S children, n nnd 10 yeara old, and lldht dutlea referencea.lM3 N. 17th at. NURHn, while. competentfor enllro car, child of 3, beat reference!, P. O. Ro 304, Over- brookor piione Merlon BS0t evenlnn . NimSB, white, for chlld"20 montha oldi refer- enrJ.JflSBO OWbrookvePh.l)verryk1854. PAPER HOXrcs-rOlrla. iprlence.l on llddlnc- up boieai alao learnera. Apply Schoettle, 310 Florlat, i BALF.BWOMRN . nLAt'NFRS' REOuinn Tiiu RnRVtrns of T ionOIJUHLY CAPAIILli HAl,nSWOMKN IN A LI. Till! VAHIOl'H DKPARTMIINTHl HPRCIAt. AltllANOKMKNTS CAN 1113 MADK FOR PART lIMHt ALL COMMI'NICATIONH ON T1IK BUIUPCT WILL I1U TRKATKD BTRICTLT COSFIOENIIAL. APPLY IIY l.brrRR or iri pkrkon, hi'pkrinthni- UNT'H OFFICK, 838-33 MARKET 8TRUET. Onffanrit trim PrfctMng Cnttnn HOTfl and ynniK iren in wrap merchandlae. F.tperlence unneceaeary. Apply Employ ment llureau, LIT UROTHKItB. ROM wanted. 10 yeara or oer, lo work In wallpaper factory. Apply at onco. llcrker, Bmlth Pec, Water and Bnder vy ROrfi, 10 or over, for cf mill. Kentlngion aeeilon. aool ehanre fpf advancement. Aa- dreaa U f)T J'PRo 3300. .. IlOYB wanted to wofk on torsi tht wojki at tirday aftrrnoona ofTi IT a wetk B, "r Pth and Tlnfii ata, IIOYB wante.1, " p,V i ateady .Pftltloti i Want work. Ptran.ity Mf. Co.. 1211 Arch at. Philadelphia. 5ANDY MAKRR. flrat-eTaaa.'wanted to work In the evening or half tlmoi eood aalary. Phone Tioga TIHI . CLKBKR. permanent poattloha. payln from 810 to 80 a month, with aeaurrd advaneementi alate ore and etpeiience, 1827. Ixdter Off. CRANII IIL'N'NRR. first flaaa, for , nlaht workj If, ton electric rran Philadelphia Roll and Machine Company, 23d and aahlnglq;laVIt nnrtntrl fci RLAUNERn RUIHIIRK THE BKRVlCr.B OT" A I KM HI I'rm ivti: BTRP.KT. lUNERn RUQIHRK TIII3 BKRVICr-n oi UOOHMANi TIIOtB IIAVINCl JIAIJ 1.X tlRNI'B PllRFHItltRD. APPLY HIII'MR RNOKNTH OFFICE, S33-33 MARKHT RIAUNERS DRAFTaMrN etperleneed. for a local chemical Slant) aalary denendlna; upon experience. M 40, Ledeer Central, bRIVERn for Packard Ice truck and Autoca coal trucka. Apply American Ic Co., 1 - Relmont ave. DLAUNERS UNCLAIMED TELEQIIAMS HNCLAIMKO TRLEORAMt AT THIi WK8TERN UNION Tlil.KIIIlAPlI CO, 1B01 Cheatnut at Mra 8. Bmall Mlaa W II. Ma-r. II Dunnlnr. . Humnhreavlllc, A 11 Hooker. Wm Cnr mlll. Memllner Hteel Plllni Co . Anchel Hchner, Mra. Dora l-llrorte, Mlaa Mary A. .T Tain. rirr IK lrhe J 1 OH, kmult Wm. II Rttnud, Mlaa 1C. M. iJinnlnit, tlliiaon lurry O Mooro . Mr ir J urch of fit. l.'dmond 10 a, llrna runaiune wirHina, u i. Knlaht, Irf-deer, ueo. I., itaubel, 1-azulK Allklop. Joerph Conlnakl CNbLAIMCI) TIILCORAMH AT TUB 1-OSTAL CAIlLi: THLIlaltAPlI CO, 14'JII H lVnn enUMre Mra Hpenrer 11 Downlnar, Dvvld F II, Ward. P. II "aVOIeferro, Mlaa ronk. Mra Vlcllo Roaa Catherine XIUr 11 I'lnrlc. Mra l.nrttft Mr. ohn O Handy. May Scott. Mary Royd, Mr and rlpelldorU, tcNatly, il.. Tnki. 1 llanw HatTalQ Marchrole Alice Courtney. HELP WANTED FEMALE (Jvnaa Cem FATTKHSON. Oct. 10, ANNA R wife of form Patteraoi. Relative and frlenda Invited la funeral aerilcea. Wed., I p, m., an ln-law'a raalaencf, Andrew Donutdaon. Jr.. 2J37 Oak lord at. Int. prhate. Auto arrvice. rSAWK Oct. IU 1IKNRY W Hn, huaband ft late Jennie Priiao. Relatlirea and frlenda In. vned to funeral aervlcea. Wed., 0 a, m.. parlora ? William It. Chew, 1028 Federal at. Int. irnwood Cem. Remain may be viewed Tuea , to 10 p. m. Auto aervlre i tJUINLAN. Oct. 10. FRANCIS, aon of lata Vrancle Qulnlaii and Mary Hauer (nee Qulm Ian), aaed 84. Due notice of funeral will be arlveti from lair rreldenre. 421 Chew at., Olney. RUPAN. Suddenly, at Trenton. N, J.. Oct. 13, FRANK, eon of Anton and late Antonio Itu faa, ased 82. Relative! and frlenda, Auatrtan gaa. Coaat HonencUl Society, Invited to funarai, wed.. 8 a. is., realdtnre or Mri, Mary Orlalllo, 10 Cypreaa at. Holemn maaa of requiem tit, Joaaph'e Church 0.30 a. m. Int. Ilolly Croif TSaCNDERLIN. Oct. 1(1. JOHN 15 8A1TN. DSRLIN, ased 01'. Relatlvea and frlonde. Wo. fiieur Tribe, No. 58, Imp O R M , nnd Ilerlln. . J.t Oratue, Invited to funeral aervlcea, hure,, 8 p, m., Somerdale, N. J Int. Canton nm.. N. J.. Frl. morn Taka Clvmenlnn linllv rom federal at. ferry, Camden, to i'alrvlew I CHVAB. Oct. 10. ELIZABETH, widow o J Jatooo Bchwab (nee Kpannosel), asod 80. Relatrl eavaa aaak menu, imnn, i- rauan unieraiuac amaca Vefoini Ccncordla M. und F. Unterftukunc Vereln, No- 11 member! clflh Reformed Church, lajvatod to funeral aervlcea. Thura, 1:30 p. m., IM K. Rerka at. Int. private lllllelde Cem. Cat It 8orat oRerlnca. . rTlCLIOHT. Oct. 14. i010, El.LUN THER MtXA. widow ot Bamue rlciuht Iiimj Kearney) ILatallvia and frlenda. alao Hacred Ileurt and Altar Haclety of A acenalon Church. r Invited Ijar attend funeral. Wed., at 8 30 a. in , from late raveiieme. 3114 IS at., 3Jd Ward. Holemn re- ur fiiae- at Church of Aeoenalon lu a. m. t. Holy Sepukher. aabiu.-ci. ,,,,, uKusnier ot laie naa ana .Annie Dnrii, neiaiivee ana rrienda, V. ill Hmtalltv of tha Knlnhtni, rh..h Red to funeral. Thura., 8 SO a. m lbol b! at, Bommnnun requiem maaa Kplphany ei I0jj.m. Int. Hely Croaa Cem. lWT1rr--Oct. 10. lIAKKUi: 11ACHE. hue. ASSISTANT TO MILLINERY ROTER nLAHNHRH ItrOtMRK Till! KEVICES OF THOIIOIKIIILY KXPHRIKNCED WOMAN A8 AHISTANT TO TIIR MILLINERY IIUYEII 1 1118 18 A BPLKNOIU OPPORTUNITY TO THE RIOIIT PARTY. APPLY HtlPKRIN TCNDF.ST'B OFFICE. b33 833 MARKET STIIUUT. BI.AUNER8 AH8IBTANT In doctor a office, telephone, etc t momlna only. Applv, clvlrjt are. reference and wasea eipecleil. M 850, Ledger Central. SALESWOMEN f LIT Rr.OTHERB require aaleewomen for nrloua departmenta, Apply Lm. ploment llureau. SECRETARY Rt.AUNF.RS RrOl'IRE THE SERVICES OF AN A.l Kll!N()nilAlMli:ll TO ACT AS PRIVATi: BECIIETARY TO THE FlRMl KX K IIENCKO AllNO THESE LINKS. OR IN 1.RT RE'JDIIIEI). APPLY IIY LETTER 1)11 IN PERSON TO HUPKRINTnNUnNT'S OFriCB. MJ 33 MARKET SlIIKBT. IILAUNERR SHOE BALK8LADY wanled. vrrlnred for Hat. ftand ee Call Wed . 24r.O N.Front at. bTnNOailAPHBIl-TYIMlwniTEIl. muet have cood education- ntate nee. experience and iiatary.expected.P 823, Idserprllce. r HTENOORAPHER and tvpewrlter-Younr lady with exnorrrnce In biitluer ! ofCIco preferred. SI 831, lder CentroL referencei ahort houra, . J ni2,Jda;er.enlraJ. FITTERS AND MEC1JAN1CB wantedi bolljr and tank work Cruae KemjerCo..iirnblrL.P. . OARKENFIl wanted. Proteatanl, to bj ueful arouid houaei Ro nnd houeet referencei re quired. tH8 Walnut et .. . . HARDWOOD FINISHERS WCpATKnS AND RURI1ERSI 48 HOPRI 40C 1IOIMI. OFQUOh. W SMITH ft CO.i.1!07.POWKLTON AM.. HOFSEMAN. while, for family of S. 118 Wal nut ave., Wayne. l'a .' INSTRI'MENT MAKERS. J.24 to 1 Per day of 8 hourai tool makera. 13.32 to JM mnej In l.ta 12.70 to X aaaiatant machlnlila. J V 2.00 all baaed on experience nd capiclivi automatic turret lathe operatora, CI'veland. Rmwn Sharp J JMJj Potter , J";rn3; .l r.Oi hand turret lathe op-ratoni. 3 to I3J0 hraa mouldera, tl 70i hlaikamlth'n hejn-ri 8.' 211 hlaher compenaatlon when on piece-, wnrki akllled UHir.ra -J to 2 24i '''rerj.. 12 21, Apply FrankforS Araenal. Philadel phia. Pa., preferably in peraon. , from 8 to 10 n. ni. on worklnr dyafor nppllrailonbla nlo IMIIORERS 60, wanted. Cruao-Kemper Co., Amiiier. i-a. XSttTWAlTatalAI.X CMiflKril rem rmrta Co'nma SALESMEN IF!" ., If you are a aueceeiful aaletman In any line. . . If rou n rroT that yon hare eocceii- fully eold any line, .We, will make an oienln or'you In tha permanent allliur oraanUatlon of the larrrat ptibllahtna: houeo In the world, when, you can make far more than the aterare aeleeman . W. wilt train you thorooehly. WjwHJ furnlah you Irada, We will aire you f. drawln account Ww auarantee rapid ad tanurinent to thoee who make rood. XUn wanted now for both Stare Roebuck and Cambridge Edition. Come In, Ift'e talk thla otr, ENCrCWrEDIA RRITANNiCA CO. 1J9 8. ISIh al corner of Walnut. Philadelphia. . SALESMEN Thla corporation hai pol tlona pen for 2 aaleemen for city terrlto rlen we would be Intereeted In recelvlna; application from men under 41 who nave bad aucreaaful road experience with com mercial llnea. hut who now prefer to let ott the roadi muit bo adaptable to new line, wiiere eeme trad lnoat be vlalted twoand three tlmfa a wnvki afata etoerlence fully. lime auld at" aalary dtalred. Interview will la arranard at your convenience. sis. ieagvr viuce. M WANTED HAS-D AND POWER MILLINO MA CHINE SET-UP MEN. . I IL1J BrTT-III' JWr. t'ltlll I'UTTlill ORINilEllS MILLINII CUTTER. r.XI'ERIKNrED OUN PARTS ON FORM INSPECTORS ON LINOTYPE OPERATOR, ftret claae, union tnant alnale preferred i no learnera need apply. Dally l-rcB, Aiinniiouy, I.UM1IER YARD, MASTER for large rn. . o t oarKlnr IKX lacinry, ninto ,.. --. -;-" refprencea, axe and aalary. Drnce. il 230, Ledger LUMPER iSfsPKOTOR. rapnbl of actlnir aa jardmoatert rle referencev, ate and aalary. M 8TI. Le.lirr Offlc?. , ' TELEPHONE OPERATORS An opportunity to eecure employment In ex- rlmtine neareat your bom"! vacanclea In loth local and lon-d!atanco offlrea for experienced operator!! also In erhool for lrl to leorn OperaiinK. Afii7 rvcjrwiuno A.w,u.v .,.,- pally, 133 S. M Room 403, amy" Ho m of Annla C fthuatar (naa Ktraltl n .nn ate Alfred T, and Bmma W. Bhuater, aged n .i,v" " r,iiwe. -jrun lownanip -, y-..v.- 4irrie t.aaiie. H, u, is., ana iirnaereon Company and .a liaaillAH a flihaeal ,! aa- niVJVf, 'I I "" . W"l ! IIT, AiiurB a ii &. m . urn N. arm nu mu prlyatt nituta a-.Aim ,rc' -V. IB. HAI M K U A BH'KUL (nvo LJIIj VCl. IU, AAl MKIi ) widow Of BB.Ml Hlkl, nxl il. UU vfn nn4 fr.n4, rratkfrd Council. No, 1K3. tBA l Mil. Albrt W. Bickaf. 1H?H llarrlinn m. Frankfort). Int. prlvaU North Cdar lilt I NTDEH. Oct. 15 fKIUP J. ion Of Oeor vh n4 (rttn4 hivlled to turwrnl. Wd.( m. niQiitr- rcviavncf, onii van . Taeony. H4utcn htah tout 8t. lro a 1ft i. m. Int. t. DAmlnlo'a I1m. ITH Oct. J, MAAHT CAKROLU aon of mtHm, iiMtlk tau Ollvar Hmlth. i4 irMziop iHVHes ui lunvrHi nervicta. i., n; -a View a Byk. it WaJ. SJtO p, m.. 218 Chestnut at.. Haddonfleld lau Eullck T. and KlUjn F, -Haalon. Relatltea ind frlenda invited to funwaT. Frl . 8 0 . rn,. realden.-. of uncle, Jreae M McCann, 012 N. Lf JteTr-jTbanof, A. Ly Wru7alter. i"n of jltVaMa' and let. Hleropl- eWt J?T ' l WW I . I I RELL TELKPIIO.NU OPEUATINO Work near sour home In pleneant and healthful aurroundlnga. with excellent oppor tunltlca for rapid advancement. There ore twenly-elBht Dell Central Ofncea In Philadelphia! prohnbly there la one within a few hlocko from your home. Unuiual oppor tunity! for earneat. Intelligent jounc womon between 18 and 22 years of age, New employee era paid while learning and are rapidly advanced. Pleaaant dining room a. where the heat of food la aold at coat. In every Central Office. Comfortable atttlng rooma for reading and relaxation. Opportunity for advancement to Senior and Supervlalng poaltlona. Apply nt 40(1 Market atreet, dally except Sunday, It 30 a. rj, to 3 p. rn, or evenlnge between 7 no and V 00 at any uf the following Central Official , i 20 W. Chelten ave,. Oermantonn. Mth at. and Woodland ave. 17ti3 South Ilroad at. lllli and Diamond ata. I.ancuater ave. teat of f2d at. 400 Market at. Mh and Market ata Camilm. Hope and Jltrka all., Ktnaluaton, BOOKKEEPER for agenta' ledger In Inauranca nfrlte. ataie experience and aalary dealrcd, p 830. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER In factory, coat reconta and de tall. E 3l.Ledger.j;ntral. CltAMHERMAID and waltreaa White girX Prot.t refe.t iiowaahlngpr Ironing TeepRone Oermantown S471. or call 160 W. Waahlngton lane. Utn., between and 0. .'arfaro paid. CJIAMUERMaId alri; neat,for chambermaid; no waihlnKl 3 In famllyj good wagee. 4S.'8 Hpruce.ji TYPIST for etatement and voucher -work: perma nent poilllons no itenorapliyj elate exnerlence andjreaent aalary.P SJJjJedteigniie WIRE STITCHERS wanted, Heady work. Wolf i!t'o 12th andCallowlillLthlrd floor WOMAN wanted, reliable, for day'i work. 2112 Venango at - -- . - TOl'NO (URL colored, do erranda, aleep In. 1423 Irfirual at YOUNO WOMAN, refined, educated, Prnteetant, not over 30. wanted to neelat In caro of 2 chil dren and ahare management nf houeehold; ref erencea M 832, IMlger Central HELP WANTED 2IAI.E AISLE MANAOERS LIT BROTHERS rcqjlre thoroughly competent aiale managera. Apply or addreaa Emtio) ment llureau. MACHINISTS Machlnlila, capable men, can aecure ateady employment, with good wagea. ,. We are In need of men on lathta. plan- I era. boring machlnee, both horizontal and ertlcali milling machlnea. ecrew machlnee, viae hande and floor men for ge! and oil engines, pumpa and milling machine work. No atrlke and no war contract!. NATIONAL TRANSIT TUMP AND MACHINE COMPANY Olt City, r. MEN WANTED; muet be accuetomed to ualng 1'. or - pound hand hammer. Heady and experienced on Iron ork: white only; no lalir trouble; good working condition!, etead work, lndouri; new ahop; good men ran earn 1-0 ier wreki to rccelio conald rratlon atat age, experience, weight and height; good opportunity for men not afraid ot work Addreaa M. 83, Poatottlce Box 8470. "Day" turn, flflv-four boun per week, Nlaht" turn, flfty-eeven and one-half hvura In five nlgbti. Time and a half la paid for all time oier forty-eight houra per week. A bonua at rata of 12 per cent la paid to , all employee, and an extra bonua of 10 P-r rent lo ''night turn" employe!, oeltlom ai permanent to competent' men. , i Stale In firat letter the rate. our ex perlenro In detail and whether you pre fer "day" or "night" turn. .Or call at the New England Weetlnghouie Em ployment llureau. Walnut itreet, Chlco pee Fall!. Miaa, WANTED A fllrat-claaa automatic ecrew ma chine man who haa bad exparlenra In laying out caina for No. 00 and No, O Brown A Sharps automatic acrew machlnee and No, Acme and Hartford machlnee, alao capable of dooMng up aame; muet be competent to cover a deportment of 120 machine on a variety of email braaa and ateel parte the manufacturing-la almllar to tipewrlter, clock, talking machine parte, etc, Addreaa M 23J, ledger Onire WATCHMAN Exp man. wanted In mfg Plant, one familiar with hollera Addre". atallng atej tip and refa. (1B, P. O. 84tJ WATCHMAN Wanted, a good, reliable man for nlaht watchman In aubjrha. muat have beet of referenree D MJ-edger office YOltNll MAN wanted to learn the ehpebualntal. W I. Doiulae JlhonjCo , JnNStnat x TOUNO MEN . RLAHNKR8. RKQUIRE 1HD 8FRVICE8 OF TIRKHIT. ISTELI.H1ENT TOUNO . MEN; "piTnDID OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCB. SlBNr AND OOOD SALARY TO THE RIOIIT iiois. APPLY BUPKRINTENDENra OF KICK, 833 S3 MARKET STREET BLAUNERS grnxATio-f WA-rq?t---irMAi--- rtfa-f- nm mee5fit. Ceinn TOUNO WOMAN rellaMe rroUrtenl. ,yl poaltlnn ehambeewijrk or fll' ,tU" Bll,"n reference. C 833. Iilicr Off. TlF.Nai--ltarlalnn. Jm lad jw; gaermenla ae tutor by hmin attenwonaj i rf. A. C. 4112 Spnico t !--TIoys wAyrpjAI'18 ACCOUNTANT.'io 60e rr-l?"Irtrm"W,,t " temporary. J 032. Idgef Central ADVERTIHINCI evnerleora rnvere ovr fl. veara vllh welbknown Philadelphia J"l:'n"chiYln. ae detail man. handling "P.,'",. with etc.i laat 8 yeare and jprf j 7'j large publlaherai Inn '"' '""J auV-.ti. partment and engraving room, make layj""' handle proofa, rorreapondene. "'-JJiV. of agenclea and branch ofneta. "-',' 'i age, married! can furnlah Al referencea irom preaent employer Can you uee meT Aaureae M 222, Ledgtr Office. AtrroxosaM Ter ConHeeird rem frrcc-laa Column REBUILT MOTOR TRUCKS 8-Ton flARrnRD power Dump B-Ton (I AH FORD Open Stake Bod, R.Ton AIA"0 Open Expreaa Body a Ton OARFORD Chaavia only 3-Ton MACK Van Body 2-Ton OARI-T)HI 101. Irfihg wheel . lU-Ton OAnroRD Open Body ' " 1 Ton HRtS'KWAT Open Body 2-Ton IKIRRIS I'oreeed Expreaa Bade 1-Ton UARFORD !!. Chaaala only 1-Ton AUTOCAR Pa n Body .Ton OARFOllD Chaaala only V..Ton ABBOTT-DETROtT Chiaele , FINAL C.EAIIANCK PRICKS Casli or Termi nOOKKKKPKR and execullve " -f0? man. 83. married. 13 yeare' ""fiwncea. .rled buatneea experience. 1r-",r''!'ceni dealrea poaltlon vemiajfnture. E l--.lgL" . JT ' ' . . .... nrlenr In BOOKKEEPER, V. 15.. '" -tlV f taking mercantile and mfg. work! capable of J"1", entire charge of offlcei "''.V",1!," centra until ability la proved KVs"' i"" ,'-pTookKliEPERr-oTwIahea ,lillloj " cn"al offlre worki heat ref. K '-3H!Leder t-enjrai BUTLER. Scandinavian. "r,r,in,ol,vale" referenree. con relent and '0,,',,1Y,1" Ing and houaework D 20, ledger Othce iiirriTKItr'Rngllab. flrat elaaa, ".mn.lrl"-: clean and good appearance! age 7i marneu. Ollkra. 1720 Vine et - BUTLKli--Young .colored man wanl" private ramllyjjeat rIerence. 3.I-M. CARETAL-ERS. adulta, Chrlatl.n American, bui, ability, city or country.,!! aiOjLlrfdit-em. Chauffeur, co'oredi "jober. ,&' .JBjri' 2H yeara laat placei referencet no houaeworK. Wrlte 12 NT.42d. Phonellrlnr7037jLV . CHAUFFEUR, white, ahop exp. wlahei no' n, pVl. fam.t'rickftJbfrA5''f';. CHAUFFEUR want! lawllloni alnglo. JWl. of reference!, J 741. IK)crCntral. CHAt'Fi-I'I'ii wlihea poaltlon; Iteat refa I exp.; .obVr: 'carefui "rl"r.BL0- LM"tr 1Cen,r'i CLEANER, preaaer and repairer, flrat clan, de al alrea poaltlon, 017 SL17th at. . COACHMAN, alngle. middle K. Vlfl.,,1,.?- tlont good all-around man! beat of referencei. Addreaa II 48, lilger Central. COOK. Japaneae. wife aa "nald. wlah poaltlp" In amallfamllyi lone experience. Moto, 1030 Vine. Iruav 270J.. . . DRAFTSMAN, mechanical. 8 '" ."""'Sf?' technical education, dealrea poaltlon. boll. l..rtrr Branch roth and Cllrard OARDENER, Kngliah. elnale. ",t,c,Lrt hJ?i. era. autoat reference! willing, C 323. lrfd.orr ilblJSEMAN. butler, or Prter Colored man wanta poaltlon! Ieat leterence.liOHJiOmbardi MAN AND rWH-E-Whlte Proteatantl. one of the beet, hlgb-graae roupi-a "..'."l',-"';" :;:?! thoroughly exoer enced and efficient! atrlttlv flratlMi tnitler and houaeroant wife, expert rock In every department, an "mpJVfou,Jt keeper; exceptional referencea, tnclujlnx laat ptace. K 842, ledger Central. . MAN AND WIFE, colored, wlah poaltlona with private famllyi wife aa cook; huaband aa houaeman and walttri reference. K 341). Ledger Central. IAN ANU IvIFE. while, rrot.. flrat-claaa took and chauffeur, experienced Cadillac. Packard. Plenei reference E 141, Irfdger Central. MATERIAL AOENT Exp'd In following ma 1 I.Tlil. Inaldo or out.ldePt thoroughly familiar Jth bliiaprlntavTt H!.2528Aapenat.. Phlla. PROOFRE.VDER. "experienced, wanta poaltlon; oung man; nonunion! referencea! feat and ac-curate.AdreaMJJ-1. l.elgerofilce. STKNOORAPIIER. expert, dee. employment of nvga.t rapid on typewriter. B 341, Id, Cent. WANTED Poaltlon ae aunt, of an Inalttntlsn tnT v. itiiate In country! van furnlah beat of reference from preaent emploverai. la at C. B. HARVEY Used Gir Department -iitt Oenernl STENOGRAPHER and private eeeretary. good opportunity. 75 month! atenographer for con tractor'a office 813! bookkeeper, thoroughly experienced. 873 month! other poaltlona for high grade men. Huxlneea Hervka Co., 1801 Land Title Building. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BENCH HAND accuatom-d lo alalr work Apply Chae, F. Felln X. Co , Inc., York road and Butler. BLACKSMITH wanled for horaeahoelng. Apply Jamea Irving, 23tliand Moorata. BOND SALESMAN with clientele; wanted to aell bonde of well eetabllehed and highly prolltabla Induatrlal corporation now earning eoverat tlmea Inter eat requlromenta Liberal commlaalon, Addreaa Ilankera (Room 308), 18V Broadway, New York clt I6y wanted, over 10 )rara: poaltlon Ja open In none department. Evening lgei. Apply II, K Ralelch, fourth floor. ledger Building, Otli and Cheatnut ata. CHILDNURSH, while. Proteatant. ,28 to 83 yeara old, far girl 8 yeara old; tlrat-claaa reference, C 330, ledger Office CHORUBIJIEN AND. WOMEN. OOOD VOICES. CALL 10-13 A. M., TUES. AND WED. l'llILApKLPIIJA OHAND Ol'iCriA CO., ll.'S WALNUT ST. COOK. Bwedleh. Oerroan or American, flrat rlaaai 8 In family, city In winter. Phone Merlon BOS. , COOK Wanted good, reliable woman for email family) Proteatant. preferred Apply 0133 Morrli et.t.Otn Phone Otn 810 BOOK Olrl, neat, for cooking; no waahlngF. in family; cood wagee 43o prute at. COOK, white, v-xperlencedi reference required, beet wagea. "Call 170i Jefferaon at, BOY to learn plate printing; muat lx 18 yeara old and wllllnc to apprentice hlmaelf for four yeara) paid while learning. Apply the Bailey, llanke fc 111. die Co., lSl8aneora at., fourth floor. . BOY wanted In large office, ice 10 Ware, good iducatlom no experience neceaeary; aalary 17, with rapid advancement! houra 7 to 0, Uatur daa I p in 1' Mi. l.odgcr Otflre. ROY to run erralidai muat be Id yeara old, Ap. Ply the Biller. Bank! A Riddle Co.. U'Jl San- aom et , fourt h floor BOT, over 10 veare of age; bring reference; aalary 10 weakly; good opportunity for ad vancement. Apply 1418 Real Katate Truat i.,,imm. bots blaunerb requirk the services of BltlOllT. INTKU40ENT BOYS- SPLENDID OPPORTbNITY -OH ADVANCEMENT, AND (lOlU- SALARY TO THE KlUlIT lt(JT. Al" PLY SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. 833-83 ilARKBT SIREBT. BLAUNERS MEN, 10, wanted to learn the aauaage and pork Sacking bualncaa, 2o per hour. Apply a'Jl. .rmantown ave MEN WANTED BolTermakere, locomotive ma- chlnlata. car repair men, laborere. locomotive cleanera I'enna H R . 1711 Filbert at NIGHT EN01NEI:R wanted for manufacturing plant, ntute referencea 13U, ledger Brancn uftlre, 10th and Moore ata OFFICE BOY "for largo manufacturing concern; chanro of advancement; atate age Reply l;i uwnjuandwriting. r n.-i, imager inc. OFFICE nOYS WANTED I A FEW DE8IRARL15 POSITIONS WITH (I(X)D PROSPECTS, ARE OPEN IN THE l'UIILIC 'LEDGER EDITORIAL OFFICLS, "aWi??". THIRD FLOOR. 000 ClltSTNUT ST CHAMBERMAID, and waltlngYoung woman, experienced. B147,. Ledger Central. CHAMBERMAID, experienced, to aaalat waah lng reference. 1734 Saniom at. CHAMBKRWORK Olrl. white, wlahea poaltlon In city. 13 Holland ave,. Ardmore. Pa. CLERICAL Young lady with practical bualnraa exp. wlahea poa.t knowledge bookkeeping and Opewrlllrci beet ot ref.SJI8. I!dgerCen. COMPANION, nurae lo adulle, practical, expert encedi willing to travel Phone Otn. 228J It. COOK, chambermaid or laundreea 3 French women want altuailonat good referencea; coun try preferred. .1107 Saneom !t. COOK and chambermald-rLady deatrei to place 2 experienced maids account breaking up. U 314, Ledger Central COOK -Proteatant woman wlahea rooking only; refrencei country preferred. 2214 Fltxwater. COOK AND WAITRESS wlah poaltlona togetheri good reference.. Coll at 803 .N. 45th et COOK white, flrit elaee. with boy 5 yeara old! email wagee. 3022 Lancaajerave. DAY'S WORK Colored lady wlahea day'a work! good reference,Wrlte orcall J00T S.0iliat DRESSMAKER exp'd" on evening dreaaee; alao tallornJ aulta: IJ.30 per dy and carfare. C 3107 Ledger orflee. UIRL wonta altuatlon, houaework or ioolng email family. Call, Tueaday and Wedueaday, AU31 Rover at.. Oermantown. OII1L. colored, neat, wanta altuatlon, wa'ltreaa, cnamurr;iiaiu or o, .,-, i,--,, ,i.,. 2S0 CHF.STN11T mrnvr-r Jeuat2io Rare UAROAIK- IN USED CARS With rteelrlr llghti and atartera l Latrat model. "30." 7-paai. Flat! run lr Ju 117 Oram, n-paaaeniter touring. ", lOtnStildehaker Rnadater. in 1.1 Loiter, model 77, S-piaaenger tmitlae IPIIKIaao. Ilmmialno. "rif. 1013 Oakland, B-paaaenger touring, Theaa can offer exceptional value ana ... bargain! at the prlco .we eell them for. Win demonatrate at your convenience. Suitable term- " can be arranged. .,. f. TUB IXX'OMORILE COMPANY OF AMERltfl 2314-22 Market ei. i;xcnant:a Car Pom" RAKER r.LECTRIC I.ady will ear.-Te nvo-en Baker Electric 4.peaeenger coupe; perfect eaa. dltlon. Call, phone or write Mra. B 411. JSIi Phone. Frankford 8004. " BUICK HUB C S3, ll-paaaengjr toiirlng; repilM and repainted! will aell for $323. X ill. logejL emra n. preaent etup:o;e4 In an lnatlutlon for children where he baa been for tl.era; he haa prac tlcal knowledge- of gardening and aome know! edge ofjarmlnj P 8.8 l.ejger Office ?ATt -IMAN, underatanda hot water heating, wlahea poaltlon: itrlcllv eober and reliable! btof jffrence 713 Wallace et. YOUNO MAN. cultured etudent ot flne arte, haa had commercial experience In high typo of In terior decorating and dealgnlng; a colorlet of unique taale, referencea from Philadelphia a leadlnax.cluaJieaojria.W4J,LedirJVnt TOUNO MAN, varied experience In clerical, earee. coat and timekeeping on conatrucllon work and material!, wanta poaltlon where ad ancenent will be proportionate to effort! and reaulte. E 340. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN, colored, wlahea poaltlon. country, with nice fomtly; can rare for horae or do lioueework; reference. Edmond Hunter. 4013 Irvltur il TOUNO MANT age 18. wlahea poaltlon of any kind. Addreaa KI8, Ledger Branch. C31U Oer mantown ave. : . TOUNO MAN, colored, wlahea poaltlon aa liouae man oriecond man 1237Cambrldge at. YOUNO MAN wlahei poaltlon a a valet; beat city referenc. CSiJedgerOfnce. . YOUNO MAN. 21. wlahea a good and ateady poeltlon. ? , laager uince, CAD1LIAC IBIS touring carj excellent comhi,. J pew t reai painted; price 1800. bartaka. . CHESTNUT MILL MOTOR CO cn-. K.J 1 atatlon.ieiepnono v neainu mil g.a, CADILLAC 11H4 touring car. overhauled aa . repa nted! full equipment; .Prlca 17.0. A-fS BALE3t50RIRAT10Nl42N. Broad , FRANKLIN B-paeaenger 1S14 tourlnirTiS. Ilka new, guaranteed o le lntlrat-rrai re. ) dltloni will aell for 1030. 1. 242. Udtcr CeeL STBAHNS-KNIOllT 1MB B-paeaenger toorlitj Juit like new; fully equipped; at a bargain. , . Caeh or convenient ternia f U S. BOWERS CQ., USED CAR DEFT. 210N. Broadat Walnui 7i BUICK PARTS schober U-H-FV. 1 m.j ls. Market MODEL " S3 IIU1CIC tdurllui rar tnr'aai;" ef&'i'rnd0... W " & HUDSON'S Phaeloni, roadster! and ctbrioteU-' equipped with electric llshta and eurtera. OOMERY-SCinVARTZ. 233 N. Broad et SCRIPPS-ROOTH. "lniB. flrat-claaa eondltHnu will aelfor I32S L40, ledger Central Wnnlrd WANTKD-roadVer -A 1010 uaed car, C 314. Ledxer Office 4-panir , BOYS Two good bora, with blcyclea or able to ride; neat lxy wanted for ateady poaltlona, HWM ll,..n, ,.-,,bw,v -'-,, u-mi-ivif) II Tno.. 7u Hanaonr at. BOYS wanled on iTiiit work In factory; ateady Iworkt paid every Saturday, ii u. fox son, Bchuyllilll ave. and Catharine et. OFFICE BOYS, between 10 and 17, to learn commercial bualnraai permanent poaltlnn, with chanceof adv ancement. M H47. I.ed Cent OFFICE BOYS, neat for-Benorijr ofrico work; atate age and referencea, J 730, Ledger Central i.PE Fin'I'.RS' HELPERS to gd to work at once, ateady employment. Apply U W. livana Fttte-urgli Valve, foundry and Conatruitlon Company-. Coaliavlllej l'R. PLUMBERS and ateum flttera wanted, 40o per hour, 34 houra a week. Apply J, II. Scott It Son, 2-1 Cheatnut at juieaviiie,ra. PRESS "FlfEDEH Yoiinir man vrantedf ateady ialtlon; good pay. Apply National Metal Edge Box Co.. l.'3l Callowhlll, Bth floor SALES MANAOER. energetic, wanted, for cool company with in e In Cambria and Clear field count Ice i dally production alwut.lDO tone; can bo Incrcaeed to .1000: muat .ba thoroughly etuualnted with Philadelphia and euateru mar. ket; beat reference required Addreee P. B Co,C S31I.eder Offlc SALESMEN Mr. B had had aelllng experience, 7 roonthe ago ho wae running an office for a large Arm. aalary IM a wteki he felt clr cumacrlba?, reatricted. he wanted more room to expand, more ecopo for the ppwera he felt be had, Fortunately, he heard of thli organl gatlon. He came to It ae a aaleaman. He la now a aalti manager and will make 120,000 thla year, . "The Llveat Salea Organization In America" ha? almllar opportunity for 3 or .1 experienced ealeemen who want to. urn the Inal ounce of effort to attain real euoceea llai-beeni. drlnkere. crackerjacka, advance cekera end profeaalonal lob aeekera.Hon't waate our time AMBITIOUS men. ATTEN TION! Phone Strut 17B8. after U.3U a. in., tor llliervie" BALl-SMEN wanted! 3 men; llve-wlro ealeame: of neat appearance to demonatrate and e "if ",pimi 34 S. 10th at. vacuum cirjiet aweepera: aala. lou, poaltlon permanent, J loom -. i UIRL, colored, wlahea place, plain cooking, no r .. , , ,a f.tnlli. n...,, 1f,nhl1. m v,a-lt,lia, ,,( w,m. ,.., -j. -j . .....- .., vVilitl.. wlahea mornlng'a work. "J Oxford at. Poplar 0740 W. OOVERNE88--Compt. soung woman. Amr.. de alrea poa. with, refined fain, E 347, l.ed. Cen. OOVERNESS. Frenchl takea full tare; experi enced, J UI3, Ledger Central. HOl'SEKEEPEIt. widow. Swedlah. 33 yeai-a. with boy 10, attending achool, dealrea poaltlon aa workg, houaekpr.i let-daaa rook and laun t beat refa, Addreaa 710 Cedar at.. Camden, N.J. HOl'SEKEEPEIt or companion, refined widow, wlahea poaltlon; no objection to t ravel 1 tier man Proteatant. H 43,Ledgr Central HOUSEKEEPER Young married woman, with child wlaha poaltlon. D 80, Ledgtr Office, NURSE canaille woman, with long experience and eatlafattnry rrftrenca, dcalrta poaltlon. Addreaa M 223, Ltdgrr Office, . SEAMSTRESS, exp., alao .childr.n'a dreaaea. wlahea engagementa by the day; ll.tlj and carfareiK84,IedgrrCentral. BECRUTARYrempToyefl during day. doctor'- of fice, would like almllar employment evtnlnge; etenography, c, J 038, ld. Cent. 8TENOORAPHER. 7 yeere' experlence"lnbank Jng.dealree" poaltlon. U 883, Ledger Central. TEACHER, vlaltlngr wla"hea engagementa Engl lllh branchei, I renrh, German literature, hie. toryi U. of P certlflcateei foreign atudy; refe,; ternia moderate Mlaa Lynch, 1803 Locuat, TELEf'HONC'dPEIlATOR. well educated, hav Ing had B ytrra' bua exp.. can do clerical work, dealree tot. Call Woodland 1U1I0 It WOMAN colored" want dav'a work, anyklnd, or half Jlme. 840 8. Smedley. J WOIAN.7lorod."wanta hoaworkT rtference; home nlghta 1717 Swain et OMAPl,..roTbrd wanta daa work or half lUlie. I..V . twv-r ,i Nnw YORK REPRESENTATIVE Young man, 20. rraduate Wharton School, varied experience, iieatrea to repreaent Phila delphia concern In New York City In aalea or executive rapacity J (ltd ledger Cent tl , SPANIARD, with 14 yeara' bualncaa experience, thorough Knowledge ot Engllaii. aomo French, underatanda bookkeeping and typvwrltlng, ex cellent correepondent and tranelator, familiar with general office work and trade condition! In Weit Indira dealrea poa, nf truat and re aponalblllty with export or mfg lrm In thli city or elaewherw; beat refa ; al. irommeneu rate with capabllltlri aiovvn. 8. O., 118 Penn aylvanla ave,, Brooklyn. NY TO OET AND HOLD export bualncaa you muat avoid mlatakee, my experience of over 10 yeara In exporting and Importing and knowledge of machinery can be aecured by manufacturer Addreee OS. Lodger Branch Office. Wayne and Chelten ave ATTENTION Man. practical experience, nltrlo nnd BUtpuurlc acid, nitric benxol, aniline olt, hydrogen peroxide, poaltlon foreman, K 313, Ledger Central. - 1I101I SCHOOL Brad., 22 years old knowledge of bookkeeping, itenography, rtlllnir abllttl aeeka poa offertm advance'nt E 42,Lrd Cent TARTY, cood connectlona with etock and prod, uce men In Virginia, dealrea to make 1 cad quarter! there, exp In wool hue Dj!3 Led Olt, JAPANESE Orneral houaework In amal farn By; beat reference, lao, 1034 Vine at. AUTO MVERV AND AIA0E3 INDEPFvNDENT TAXICAB CO? 1313 W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. ., ' SUPER-SIX HUDS0NS TO HIRB ' LIMOUSINE TAXICARS AND TOIJRINQ CARS Dia 0IC0 Never Cloatd ..Pxfk .71 TO IU1VI II AI..--,f I1I11T ATTOMOB1LEH. T1NE8T CARS IX TH ' CITY. JXRl ALL OCCASIONS. II.0 Ttt HRIOHTON O -RAOE. POP SI09 , Park. 1482. brand-now 5-paii, touring r. 11. nr.; aiao cran--nw .-paa.. iinKraania ll.SU hr.s weddlnga, funerala. 1713 Olrtrd. ', BUY MOISTER Portab'e Oir.ui Steel r elucco. On display 39SI N. 6th. Tloca 241. AUTO KEPAIKINO fl SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES Gee BILLY, at hla new luratloo. 610 NORTH BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES IF TOU WANT to aell your old ear or wast parti to repair, call.wrlto or phone p " P. It AliTO PARTS CO. ,, 816-17 N 12thit Parls1141) ,': 1 T1MKEN-BEAR1NOS IITATT New Departure Service Sta. le OwllllarriCe.. 1814 Arch at. I'll, walnut jiui. itace avw. PARTS t.i.11 mm un.l, nv Ar PMUAutoPqrtaeo..JB- N 13t)i. Park'llH.1 DEMOUNTABLK JtlM!. an an. a ana rnn; alio Urea and tubea and other acceaaorlea. P t R. Auto Parti Co.. 813 N. 12th L a AUTO TUtES AUTO TIRES Guaranteed 3500 mllei, atorl niaLH. rut tirlrea ' JtPKX TIRE CO.. 012 N. BROAU r.J 30x3. NON-SKID TIRES.. -.17 Je M SuijU. Red Tubea. guaranteed ....... 1,71 yf RUDOL1-I TIRE CO.. 1231 Arcn at. . sti PULLSlAN TIRES Ouaranteed 3300 mllea. Compare pncti aiHM'B. 330 N. Broad it. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HALKHMEN lo demonatrate to merchant! movie, griph window dlaplay eleitrlo algn; klggeat moneymaker In yean. Crown Manufacturing Co .Jul Market at. ' SALESMEN higti-grade orflc ipoclaltyi muat I protlucere Btlckney I Montague, fourth floor, 012 Cheitnut at, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS, KANE. Ml S. 10th. wanta 18 and ID coolie. Main Line, two flrat-claaa chamber ma Ida, no waahlng, 130 mo parlormahla, ISO. 113 mo ; girl for etiamb-rwork and aewlng, city. 17; waltreaa.1, 17-110 wrek, girla ton cnambervvnrk and walling, i.7; Proteatant and Cufhollo ultchenmalda. 111) mo , beet ref erence! required. Call I) to 2 P. m MRS. HARVEY. 11- ltlttenhouae an. French. Japaneao chefa for private famlllra ok. Im ludlng .. renou. Lngllah, I .ench governeeaee. luiura, wcnr.-r peamaircaaea, eetc IU-1 ,B.I ,V t' .:. t eaveral arte, butleri. ivcnnd and houaeinen. couplea, cnauneuii NICROLLS. 1B20 Baln.brldge it.,"houiicomn. butler, aecond man. houaeman, all nutlonail tUas couple, Prot and Cath.; cook, chamber. iiip,u-, , --, i.,,,E-ra, ,uru, in aouillon. looke, waltreaaea. chambermalda and help In all capacities lonijuat2l30 p ,a WANTED Cooke, chambermalda, chlldnuraTa? oieaianv wiirr-v, gini ior general houeo irk and mother"! helpera; girla for liutltu. " .w.?.rk' . " RSE DOUOIIERTr. 1318 YOUNtTADY of reenement dealrea 2 or 8 young children at their ho a wekl Oermantown or Ct.ietnul tile pin t1 home 8 d.. catnut 1 fill nr lerreo - .u. -av YOUNO WOMI-hfT'si. vr,,n PC-ltiona toeelh.r," nn a i cook, other aa chambermaid Call Y W C A , Mnrket, aquare. fltrmantoem, 10 a in to 1. Nj mail anawered, ill'.-l.. ..,.....- ,-,- mL- -.- .,--- iri..i.i, -.iiito.,.! worK tlnn Weat Olrard ave, fcVurafl,..n?-tn1nv1X-, NVANTED. at Eplacopal Office, at." S. 12ihar; cooka. waltreaaea. chambermalda. ladlta' matdl. nurara. kltthenmllda. -UTOMviBILE-l Fer Bale OVERLAND touring car. electrlo llghU and "-"infrl'dgo'et 0"lM',, wl" M" chP 13 FAClARD,4-cyrsul7rir7Tp-aarTourlni; In good condition. it i. ti n'vli. -na Vi. ,!:.. -. 4IJ . r"C -J" -t ---.--.t-.-; .ivau al. Rs4&wri.wjfe7r gef t.emrai. t A rpciTSirTQ Send for our free boA. , imuH-- "Patent! and Trade-uam " ct- -mi d-teloo your Invention. Aj vlco free. Reaaonabla fea. Open Monday , nlnga until n-w, FOSTER & WEBSTER K . ... . ... -(' a., a t'lV-f-l. -fkltvi iir-iVitri-lolLti modrt' Hunt tnr iha minuftcturo of butchr refrHr &i ira ton una Blor rtxturc; wouU Ilka to tuy t-taa .- Ia Iha T tlllf rt l-Tll UI tTt4 atpl article In th? vroodwork line: uv Um Insf for a mmi who run nut-Kit am; wl -' lilm nealnaeahln . Install -I TTIllt er of plant Will In.nt any amount M g .ltl tiiia- aiivh lxiii.ntti t-n-v (Mllltrn '. ,... . p gj;3, jdcrr oncv WANTED Poaltlona by two young mtn, U o4 2 rara of age, atrong, huatling boya. afraid of work; will give good mcaiuri; vel- lege bred; large acquaintance, . ' - !. ".. :.--. i BRICK PINT.for aale. with about 130 eerrt of clay land located on railroad: mlta-la far . ahlpptn to Philadelphia and New .York nw "Keta, P M20, Lodger Office. . , i'ENTS Our four bnoka lent free. "I!s-ta . H)btnl. Patent!." Victor J. Evana A C lln A lri(n,fr t Yl,lln I OET MY LIST of bualpeei opporlunftTei b l.ujlnx: eaav terma Jamea L. 0rl. F, ! Box 21)31. I'miaaoipma. BUSINESS PEBS0NAL8 (i EVENING CLOTHES TO HIRE Leteat etylea. Phone Poplar 233. Open te LKIDNER'B, 10th and Olrard kve.. 8, vY,.er' niAxinvnH nniinn- Rank referenree Arpralaement. 1 perAcH)-- UAr.Ul VY. all.ll, til paneonai. SUPERFLUOUS HAIirremoved by elect rolyele; : the only permanent way. Eyebrowa. arooee MISS SMITH, 4QJ Keith Theaterjluliainfc.. OENT8'7jABT-OFP CIXrTHINO BOUOHT. ! N UTH ST. PHONE WALNUT 1800; t OAQPET CLEANING CARPET BEATINOl NOTUMB. -UV n. l-in. -i REAL USED. ROYER CO. , Tioga DBESSMAKINO AND S-ILLINWtl COLUMBIA, SCHOOL OB DRESSMAKING 17J0 Columbia ave Day and avenlnf elan Ip-to-date twentieth century eyetem. IOR SALE KES. fireproof; cloelng out 60; aUthtly Jjjt 1 II etna and makeai big bargain!. i'J Nef1' ourth at. (between Race "'!yi1' SAFES, a F SCHOOl7DESK8"ir60 jfACK ninrie ana double, any, a,-. inriw anu u-uoiy. mur . . .. XCHANOB. wrner 6thaiiViL !' UHEI) OKKICn K0RNITUR vrrTnina imaKinaoio in in ft a i -. -. aa mt Hi ) 7Lirlmm and Lt VaW" -aI ir- T.-- " VI."- -. -.. V ' .J.i V,,,V.S05,(od 1 POLLY ND HER BALS;- ... . ..... ,-;--, c fcTS SfeR- IbTiy UL U Jr. i r ' K WWW - rar'-r w l!Pi''lI . '' ' " " -. . ' T!r. . .. Js . i . HER ""TE-aJK Wmi ML HtR lDc5Rr.BLtL FRfcAlC.. f FD-ka Kj IT SHOULD H-1 'PCAJ HC Lt2WOAY .AiD .,& HAfUAiD nitasrJ -rv mRv m L, " .! V& T rK " v 7yiif P.- A riviv B. Mjlr v TrK frBf H v yKJkllljf BHt !. vw ' I i rMl a5V Jf J Tflfc HOaJ. MAOtrAOlStLUSj nAiK ttis IflVi-O' 6ooo btoo&wl nut, IOR (.IL GaCS" .aI TlifiRE OWA HfR'tM as fcR it' Y J-- I r1 k ,Ts5r EbjC -' i 1- Jss45aVAlT M' Hill s6l) h jmaio ' 1 U-ITHJ IT, 37.J ' ) -Tjt A ' L, (TilTlrbL)BL.l ' v . wcoastir r I - I - - - - . I I . . ' " , ' if . o? CX A3liJi -5t ! n aHaaaaa " i i ii..irrnr-rr ' J m . c ..4-.l a--tW--M .t---4, i. . . . . i , . , . OU MMASt. IT VR. ACtVi .S-R.! v w I fl V 'n . i i I ?', "-Utfil.