LBS, IN ORCIffiSTRA HUNGER LINE, DISCOVERS A REBELLION BREWING They Should Givo Out Checks," Says Quarter Pntron, When Two Girls rusn vny into Queue o( Enrly Comers ONE PATRON OWNS AUTO By M'LISS lpalatiatlon and rebellion wre rampant ta 1M humter " on St"rflay night. No wMd brlad. however, l this tortuom ! which curls around from the sallsry Stranca of the Academy of Muslo on Ixcust -. -snrn iiubl 1110 wat ass Sums out on tiler nlghU In ft nnl swirl a dirter of ft block up on Fpruee street, unless, of course, you lira thlnklnir of the bread of tho soul, which Is muslo. then you mlrtt properly call this 1'hltndelphla'a most persistent, most avaricious Dread Line. They wore the starved look of the fam uhed man to whose nostrils comes tho tmell of savory food, did theso hundreds of ople xho stand faithfully exery Baturday Bltht and wait their turn for a gallery teat to hear the orchestra. They took on expressions which said more plainly thnn oould mere words "All summer long we've had our tongues banging out for good music nnd now only are we about to be scred with It" Ordinarily there's a pervashe air of good fellowship among; the hardy constituents of Mm Saturday night lino. Last Saturday night the regulars wore an unmlstnkable grouch. "Something's got to be done about It. This thing's got to be systematized. It's starting again and It can't go on all winter. The management ought to find a way like they did In Hoston. There they use checks." It was a young man with books under his arm who spoke. Tho actions of two young women Intruders, of course; no regular would so lolato the code who came at quarter of 8 and Insinuated themselves Into tee very beginning of the lino were respon Mble for the grouch. A rustle of rage ran down the waiting aisle. You could almost set It People who had been there since :10 bristled at thus being set back two. They gathered round the young man to hear more about the checks. "Tnere tho management provides an ofll. cer who hands out checks to the people as they come. No one can crawl In ahead of the other then. If vnil haven't trnt vmir p. ,, will Ann't trttt vtu. nn.1 . f man who dispenses the checks stands at the Ul cnu ui uio line It seemed so simple that the little old lady who Informed mo she had been stand ing for four years, Could scarcely take It In. "Just think of that," she said In wonder merit. "Boston uses checks and Philadel phia hasn't thought of that yet." Then ho began to "reminisce" about the kind of rple who, In her experience, had squeezed ahead of their turns. "They're never the real music lovers." he said emphatically. "They this wae accented either come early enough to be sure of getting a seat or tako a chance at the end of the lino. But some people don't know what honor Is. "Once a whole family squeezed In. I was so mad I trlod to get an officer to put them back: but what could a policeman via against ft whole family? They said they d been there at 6 o clock and had left In en and st mmnnr. Mnnv'i tha tlmn tfti like to go and get supper, but I wouldn't iBvo tne nervo to claim my place it I did." The code among the regulars is stringent There- Is no regaining a place once It is left, except on one condition. This Is when you have a companion who, with the con sent of thoso Immediately In front and 'tack of you, holds your place while ?3U visit friends up and down tha line, o do more than this, however. Is to un conditionally forfeit your cherished post- Ijtlon. Thar icern mnnv honnv rAimtnn Ratnr. fcW night Particularly was the girl artist who Knows HtoicowsKi welcomed into tne fold. "is It really true that he had his head shaved? What does he look like and why did he do It?" they fired at her. She reassured them In one breath. Un able to furnish a reason for Philadelphia'" beloved conductor's sacrilegious net of parting with his golden tresses, she calmed them with the announcement that more golden tresses had grown out and that he was looking quite his handsome and ro mantic self. It was nt this Juncture that another pop ular regular arrived. He drove up with great eclat In a motor, the make of which Is well know to us all. Ho rumbled his greet ings to other Vegulars through Hughesllke whiskers and modestly took his place at the end of the line. He was complimented on the acquisition of his car, but such Is the democracy of the Saturday night line that he refrained from gloating over those who had come on foot Suddenly as is the way with lights they went up. In a little while tho line tegan to straighten nnd move, slowly at first and then quite rapidly. Those who five minutes before wero standing In front of Horticultural YTnll WAnilo.lnff I !.., ...... -.-.. ...... ..., ..w.,uv,,Q - nW w to be rewarded with seats, now quite Ask for it ir rorite jater "Tfce Shielding Shadow" lrjr J belsg published vry Sunday in the North American, Youi Fav The. SiTKNlNa LTDGEK-PHnaABKLPHIA, KDNBAT, OCTOBER 16, ii6 TODAY'S FASHTON 0 HOW TO 'MAKE UP' FOR AMATEUR THEATRICALS By LUCREZIA BOM Trims Donna ef the Metropolitan Opera Company. HIP! HIP! HOORAY! HERE'S THE CIRCUS! ( i Smart topcoat of preen duvctyno trimmed with Bcljclnn hare. Tlin practical long coat appears In many attractive styles. This model, of bottle' green duvetyne. Is unusually good-looking. The fullness Is held In about the waist with a narrow belt across the front, while two rows of corded shirring across the back serve the same purpose. The high collar Is of Belgian haro dyed a rich dark gray, and the same fur edges the sleeves. The full skirt of the coat Is ornamented with two large patch pockets. (Copyright) miraculously found themselves, quarter In hand, at the very ticket oftlco. Then the mad rush up the long flights of stairs for favorite seats and place. Tcs, they were all there on Raturdny night Old Fritz, built somewhat nfter the manner of a potato bug, It occurred to me, who alts In the third row and Is a great favorite deaDlte his annovtnr habit nt hln. Ing Ilerr Leopold to conduct, following with his stubby fingers every moe of Stokow skl's graceful Mona ones. There were the three little muslo students who come over from Camden and prefer the left side of the gallery, and the woman who has no chin though It Is not recorded that this physiognomical disability Interferes with one's musical appreciation. They were all there as they will bo every Saturday night, rain or frost notwithstanding, so long as good muslo is to be heard for twenty-five cents. But they've got a new Idea to chew on now ; thoy want those checks. " VETERAN CANTOR HONORED Alexander Gross Remembered on Twon-ty-flfth Anniversary In honor of his twenty-flfth anniversary as cantor of Congregation Adath Jeshurun, a reception was tendered the Ilev, Alex, ander Gross yesterday. The Sunday school children In the morning presented him with ft Bible printed In both English and Hebrew, while In the afternoon the oldor members of the congregation, headed by Ilabbl Max D, Klein, were hosts. In the evening a dinner was glen In his honor by the bosrd of trustees and their wives. At the annual meeting the congregation by unanimous vote accorded the right to vote In church matters to tho women mem bers. The officers elected for the ensuing year Include: Louts .Sickles, president; Morris Alkus, viae president : Raphael Gold bacher, treasurer, and Harry Cohen, secre tary. Three trustees were re-elected for a period of three years. They were Solomon Bacharach, Benjamin K. Block and Sidney Loewensteln. THIS "beauty chat" Is written In answer to an unusual request made by the mem bers of a dramatic society who are mak ing preparations for the presentation of their nnnual p"lay They frankly say that they nre unskilled In the art of "make-up," and desire some prac tical Information along that line. As all my readers know, I rarely advise "maklng-up" for the ordinary affairs of life but as there nre many of us who are Inter ested "In private the atricals, tableaux vlvants and pageants, n lesson In tha usq of come amiss. In the first place. It Is necessary to have a full supply of the few necessary greases nnd paints. These may bo purchased at a theatrical costumer'a or at some of the drug shops Tl Is alio possible to have one skilled In the art of make-up to come and "do" you. but the economically Inclined will prefer to apply the paints and powders themsehes. Provide a generous Jar of cold cream, a box of rouge, a box of face powder, an eyebrow pencil, a stint of lip rouge, a stick of black cosmetic a stick of grease paint and a blue eebrow pencil. Equipped with these you can proceed with the actual making up First rub the entire face and throat with the cream, working It well Into tho pores. Then with a soft cloth wlpo off the superfluous grease. Now rub the face with n stick of theatri cal grease paint a stick costs but ft few cents and then dust face powder over It Next rouge the cheeks, using the great est amount of color on the cheek bones, and work It smoothly Into a lighter pink nround. A very little rougo should be ap plied to the chin also. , The lips alfould then be colored with lip rouge, which also comes In stick form. Then clearly define the eyebrows by using an eebrow pencil. If they are not heavy enough build them out with black grease paint Heat a stick of black cosmetla and bead the eyelashes. Then you must take a dark blue pencil, which comes for tho purpose, and darken the eyelids and draw a light shadow under the eyes and a line from the outer corner of each eye. This will make the eyes appear larger and more expressive. The nostrils and Inner corners of the eyes should nlso be slightly rouged. If you desire to whiten your neck and arms, use, a liquid powder which Is prepared for the purpose. Apply ft to the skin with a velvet spongo. To removo make-up use ft reliable cleans ing cream, applying several coatings to tho jpkln until the pores are thoroughly cleansed from the powder and rouge. Bathe the eyes In an eye-cup filled with a saturated solution of boracto acid. Uelow Is printed the formula for an cxcollcnt cleansing cream: White wax 3 ounces Hpermaretl lounm Hit almond oil 12 ounces PlatlllM water 2 ounce tjlycerln s ounce Salicylic actd to arelns Half of this quantity Is sufficient for ordinary use I advise every one who takes part In amateur theatricals to practice maklng-up several times Lefore the performance. In this way you will be able to tell Just the right amount of cosmetics to use In order to appear the living embodiment of the char acter you are striving to portray. (Copyrlslit) Predicts Swedish Premier's Resignation COPENHAGEN, Oct. 16. Tho Polltlken says that M. Hammarshjold, the Swedish Premier, will resign and that he will be succeeded by K. A. Wallenberg. Minister of Foreign Affairs. Metropolitan Now Holds Three Rlnps of Vaudeville, Brass Band and Skntinp;, All Good The thres-ring circus of the theater world hit town Saturday, established Its leather lunged calliope In the orchestra pit of the Metropolitan Opera, and began operations. The prosperity of Its four short weeks In town ought to be Infinite, for the show has Just about ever) thing including tho short est "book" on record. It has cats that danco on the roofs of New York; baggage smashers that threaten to smash their own trunks In nn entirely miraculous manners the wrlggllngest Mack spider of a dancer In the world ; a detective) who changes disguises with an nlncrlty which would mnko a chameleon blush: the best "flag net" exer staged; a comedian who won't haxe anything left to tnlk about after midnight, November 7 ; the only really graceful athletto dancing I ever saw; one. song hit; a whole Noah's Ark. Mother Gooso Town nnd United States Geography come to life, nine hyphenated Chinese tumblers; n tramp star: a conductor of a brass band who fillips his base clarionets with his left hand, carolebsly adjusts his collar twice while at work and seems pas sionately dexoteil to "The Stars and Htrlpe Forever"; and finally the wonderfulest nnd most beautiful skating ever seen on the stage. Some circus I And, Just Ilka a regular Barnum A Bailey, It commits the crime of misappropriating flvo cents off everybody that wants a program. That Is the only piece of cheap-Jack miser liness about nn entertainment that Is liter ally the moat financially generous In years, A nickel Is only a nickel; but that Is nn axiom which you can shout the manage ment Just as well as at the playgoer So In spite of tho fact that they generously exhibited two signs by tha proscentum which said: "Hip I Hip I Hooray 1" one crltlo at least was sorely tempted to let that bo the only proper namo divulged by his review. But who can be peoxlsh In the face of the fsct that Mallla and Bart, George Clif ford. Charles T. Aldrlch, eighty or a hun dred chorus girls, Lou Anger, the Ama ranths, "The Ladder of Roses," the lloganny Troupe, Nat M. Wills. John Tlillip Mousa and a score of Continental skaters. In cluding th lovely and astounding- Char lotte, have all been rolled Into ono show by Charles Dillingham and It II. Burn sldeT Generally speaking, "Hip! Hip! Hooray 1" Is a glorified conglomeration of star vaude ville acta glued together with a brass band carnival and all the elaborate chorus effects Will Study Paralysis Cure in France A special study of the. French cure for' Infantile paralysis will be made by Dr. John F. McCloskey, of 8617 Germantown ax'enue, who sailed on Saturday for Paris. Robert B Glendlnnlng, of Chestnut Hill, bapker and member of the Aero Club of Pennsyl-x-anla, nlso went abroad to gain Informa tion as to how war a la tors are trained in French schools. KrtHcUE! Prominent Photoplay Presentations MffnH mmmKmiBuswmmm ftftfinfa Bo&ma Cornpamu rruiE fcllewlas theaters cbtaln their pleturet (breath the STANLEY Uaellni X Company, wliUU le a ruarunlre of ear! hoirlnr ef tha nam prodgrtlom. All pleforei rUwd befare eslilbltUn, Ask far Ike theater la rear lotalltr ebiaUlac pleturea tkroush Ike BTAM.UV UOOKINU COMPANY. AIUA MDD A lath, Morris I'asiyunk Av txiAiinxnuixtx ut. d itlrS r.r. Ui4BW Paramount Pictures. Pauline Frederick '" "MUt&fi& a nnfl fl D AN THOMPSON ArSJLAAJ MATINEE DA KATHLYN WILLIAMS in TUB NJTEn DO WBU," An n A n I A CHESTNUT Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree in "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME" DPI nAOWT MD AHOVE MAHKET DiLLilVlvJIN 1 Mats., 1:30 3:30. I0e Evss., p.JO. 8, 0.30. 13s OWEN MOOnB and MAnaUERITB COUrtTOT in "JtOLUNa 8TO.VE8" ir-nAD 0TH AND CEDAR AVE. KtJJAK. PARAMOUNT THEATER HOUSE PETEnS etui OA1I. KANE In THE VELVET PAW" ADDED "SHIELDING SHADOW No. 3 JOTII AND UIRAItD AVE FRANCES NELSON ARTHUR ASHLEY In r" 'THE REVOLT" ALSO "THE SHIELDING SIIADOXV" 4711 FItANKFORD AVENUE FAIRMOUNT FRANKFORD PAULINE FREDERICK in THE VOMAN IN THE CASE" r-?TU CT THEATER Matins Dally DO in dli Delow Bprure, Evfs. 7 to 11. DUSTIN FARNUM in 'THE FIOHTINO PARSON" C3D- LANSDOVVNB AVE. KVGM.NQ 0:30 TO II. GARDEN Norma Talmadge ' Teed?."'" ALSO TRIAnuLK wtioiws wujuuur JEFFERSON Jp Edith Storey n weddino Niour Added BILLIH BUBKK lo "Gloria's Horoapo." ICtnO yORTT-FJRST AND LfcAVblV LANCASTJrR AVBNUH THEDA BARA f I B? D T V BROAD AND LlDbKl I COLUMBIA NORMA TALMADGE in THE SOCIAL SBCHWTARY" NWttjsf PHlLAKHLrHfA I rC1 ICT MB AND I.OCUST LUuUij 1 Mats. 1:30 and 3 ISO, ergs , uisu, a, v:ov. too. is. Mabel Taliaferro "T,,B v; Market St Theater "tk5bt I II I I AM riCU In "AN INNOCENT ... '! . vil,J MAQUALENE" Added Jackie Saunders In 'The Urip of EvU," OVFRRROOIC 08D haverford; uvciDauur Ucpt JonM Unlt 0rch THEDA BARA .j, PALACE " "ISJoe6" 5-RS0THERNmeCBhatteP PAOV" RIDOE AVE DAUPHIN ST. rln. JAT 2M3 KVC1, 0 to 1L VIVIAN MARTIN in ' THE BTIlONaElt LOVE" PRINCESS "&&" Bessie Barriscale ln '"""payment- Also CHAM. CHAPLIN jn "The Pawnshop" RrnPIMT ,M MARKET STREET , LEW FIELDS In THE MAN WHO STOOD BTII.I' RI A I T O OERMANTOWN Av . I Ji- I J AT TL'LI'KIIOCKXN ST. DONALD BRIAN in THE BMUOOLEllS'' RI I n V MARKET STREET " Ul I BELOW 7TH STREET VIRGINIA PEARSON in 'THE WAR BRIDE'B BECRET" SAVOY "rVTMHAE,ET,aT ALICE BRADY in THE GILDED CAGE" WIQQ 11TH AND YKNANQO BTS. SESSUE ftAYAKAWA in J'HONOBABLB FRIEND" VICTORIA ABOVE NINTH Douglas Fairbanks '" Also CHAg. MURHAT la " MANHATTAN MAD.NHBB" MAIDMAD" . . a mrv OiRARD iilKAKl DAILY ?lll. ?. T 9 ' Si I SSPBBI V AVJC febfrw TTH ftclijnl FEATURE PHOTOPLAYS yrmr hjmaihu.piua EUREKA GgelK-- JtBL CTAW1 W MARKET ABOVE HTM )11N1.I mis a. m-o una i VALENTINE GRANT in THE DAUPHTBH OF MaeGHBGOK" SOUTH PKILAPHCrHlA O L Y M P I A r HAINMUME NO I'KEIHHtMANCK WHJAY ll'Wfl"' "FOR ROMAN'S FAIK HAME'I of a mammoth muslo show. Oa top comet a great act which Is not only a marvel so far as the technique ot Ukatlng goes, but also a thing of gliding beauty unmatched for poised sweep In all the rushinga of the Russians. As tor Charlotte, she Is the best of the technique, the best of the benuty and a vision ot youthful whltentie thrown In. It M. Tho Theatrical Baedeker OAnntCK "COMMON C'l-W." with Jane fowl. Ormi i aldara and Henry Wsrenson, It has the double distinction el wlnnlns John Crate's frits for a rlsr tr a student of IUr xard Unlrsesltr and of runnlna all throush last s-ton on liroadwajr. XtETROPOt.tTAN OPERA ItOtJUE "Hir, HIP, HOOItW," with (.harlot!, the famous Hater. John Philip Sous ani his band. Nat M .Wills. Charles T Aldrlch. the Honcannrs, Mallls and Utrt and tnsnr other rctaltles lha Mr sntsrtalnment, from th New Tors itlrrodrem. Is hr for a tour weska nsste ment AT POPULAll TRICES WAJ:NIrJVr."URl'",''0 cr father in rot- ITIIA," Qu Hill's newst M-hlrln for dlsplsr Ine th amusine vicissitude of (Vtorn Me planus' wsll.kmwn "comlr ' Thl tlm h I slnn th baextround ot politics, with a bal nssqu thrown In KNtrKPHIIOCKER "THE ETERNAL MAO. MtLtAE." with Eusenle niair. Th dram ot the upltfter and th lliht o' lor, which vrn. nrst dlsrlaied at th Walnut earlier In th season A play with much Interest. LYRIC "Itr.R AOLDICR HOY," with Clifton t-rawford, lohn n.arlen rnomsa snd Maraa rt Romalno A Helgluml-d Teutonlo oper etta, with a coat of pro Allr whitewash and om soma In th "crand mannsr," capably una niKVI "A l-ll'8 NAME." with Marl Tempest. Oossrtmsr comedr, written by Cyril llarcourt. who wrote "A Pslr of Silk 8tock lns ' very deHly Interpreted by Mis Tempest and W Urahapt Drown. rORREUT "SIIU.." with Julia Sanderson. Donald llrlan and Joseph Cawthorn. A pretty star, sn sole star, a comlo star, plus some pretentious orrliestrated melodies, At?f?U'.l,,r-",:',t"-,'ri5," with Ernest tllendtnnlnr A "modern morality play." with mor humsnness than araeHt ,'Kery woman " There's a lars cst, Oltndlntilns net superbly new rcvTunn films 8T.A'.!'nr "THE DAt'OIITER OF MseORFO K" tnrst lair ot week). lth Valentine Ursnt, a Famous riarera-rarsmmint film, and others. Last half or week. "THE KIHK'' with Owen Mcore and Marruerlt Courtot, a I-amoua I'layr.rsramount film, and others. ARCADIA "OLD FOI.Ua AT HOME" (first half of week), with Sir IterWrt Tre. th dls. tlnrulshed English star, a Fin Art. Trlangl V.rr.u!,Bnj. "', others Last half of wek. "THE, RETURN OF DR.WV LOAN," with . Hart, an IncvTrlanile production, and others. PALACE "TIIK CIIATTKI." (first halt of week), with E It Mothorn and Peggy Hyland, "he (lreatsr Vltajrtnh chotoplay. starring Amrlc' leading Hhakrapeareen player. Lsst half of week. "THE ItlTTl'nN OP KVK." with Edna Mayo and Kugens O'Orlen. an Us. anay Dim, first showing REOENT "THE MAN WHO STOOD STILL" tnrst half of week), with Lew Fields, a Uradr. mad World nlm and other Last half o week. "I.inS'N 1IAI)()V." with William Nkrh sees Irene Mooter, and IKra. VICTORIA ."MANHATTAN MADNKM lss the week), with Dough (M Fslrbanka. th amus- ln snd ereltlng Fin Arts-Trlantl mm about the westerner who find adienture In New York VAVDRVH.LIS KEITH'" nsll Utorr Edwin AHen, In "Cles wuariera-'t v iiy ana Morion, Aunan ("Cap") Anaon, C harlr Lrensrd Fletcher, Al Oersrd and Hjirla Clark In ' Modpi Vsud- and Peru, th na in bsiii vlll Frollr Frsnk rarlsh Kramers. Camillas nirds, Triuun i-ictur at)nE Th Iwn Party a tabloid musical comedyi Dn ftherman and company. In "Th Jay CltTU"! Nn Hullhan. In. "Never Agln"i Tl Ling Hint (lnldemilh and Plnard, In "The New dalesman' , Ward and Ray. mnndi Dare-devil Johnny Reynolds, llarktns, MrKe snd loftus, D and Puller, In a comedy sketch, Richard lliothera, acrobats, tc QRAND "Town Hall Follies," headed by th Irlah tenor, Euien Kraim i, Marlon ANeeksi Prcott and Hcpe Eden, Anthony end Mark, th "Wop anl th Contractor'1! Cabar!' Do! Mr Ftske and Mis Falon, and Path New and corredy reels. CROHN KKVB First hlf of wek, J'aultn. th Frrnrh hypnotist. Russell Vokesi tsp and Itlrstl Walter and Moore, in a com. edy sketch! th Thre Angels Sisters and th Four Vander WILLIAM PKNN THEATER Flrt half of week, 'Th UIUm Tfottr." a mulcal com. edy. th Ills City Four. J, IMwIn l-l. In "Wt, U a Co '. Jones and Johnson, Wllllsm 8, Hart, In "Th Dawnmaker." a Triangle nlm. MINSTRELS DUMONT8 VarC program of blscfar enter, talner. with lnterpolatd specialties by mem bers of th resident company, Th skit this week Is "Eiprlrnce, or tn lllackmallers GHAIN IIATC HEARINGS SET Will rROBINSON & CRAWFORD? i.v RBslHUi eaS "DELICIOUS" That's the word you hear used when one speaks of Pride of Killarney Tea. It's a choice blend of the finest Teas grown In India and Ceylon. You'll search this city over, but you will have trou ble to find a Tea that can com pare with Pride of Killarney, even If vou oav 80c to $1 the pound. North, South, East or West, Pride of Killarney Is always best. Pride of Killarney INDIA CEYLON lb.. 45 c i-lb. Tin, 23c; !!. Tin, 12c It always pays to buy Tea and ill your groceries "Where Quality (jounts. s Robinson & Crawford "Whtrm Quality CounU" The Stores for particular people. Throughout the city and suburbs. Tea M 111 . Grocers, Mcrchnnts nnd Millers De Heard by State WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. Tho office ot Markets and Itural Ornnnlrntlon of the De. partment of Agriculture will holJ nve hear ings In the next two weeks to consider a draft of th rules and rerulstlons for the administration of th now grain atandards act. The dates and places follow. October 19, McAlpin Hotel. New York: October II. St Charles Hotel. New Orleans: October IS. Unltlmore Hotel. Kansas City, Mo. J October 14, Kherman House, Chicago, and October 27, Washington. Grain growers, merchants, millers and all others Interested In the administration of the act ar Invited to be present. Those who cannot appear In person may present their views In writing. mtTClaMJNGTALI REACHES THE "Tho LiKht That Fniled" t Pathe Feature, SomtiiMl Poignant, and Well l!r duced By the Pheteplay Betttor tRsxwIsR. "j Th Light That raHeel," rathe-Jfei with tobrt i:draon. Story br, K ins. Iilrecled oy EOwara Jt. Ith ilobert i:drson. n. I)lrcfil bv Ed showing.) V As good a production as eouM tea hss been given Kipling's finest lrar( M1 screen. In eitcellenca ot photefrrapHf, characttr, sense and In prsclsten ef i tho picture does all posstbla for the ' Tet we doubt If even Mr. Jose r Pathea would care tn affirm that He has all the qualities of Its seuree. are some states ot mind, seme erteea) tf H soul, not transmissible by means C MMl and celluloid, So It la here. But trterelM two sltuatlona where tho polgnanee of JM Heldar'a tragedy docs break through OH wall ot photoplay and wrench one's; heart! when Dick Is first stricken blind an4 wMM he wandra on' to the Soudanese bstMsti to be shot down. Incidentally, the "desert stufT' Is umtalii Ingly well handled, with striking rilHniirttMi Throughout the continuity and vt4tM aro laudable and George B. BeHa, ttsV adapter, haa taken great pains to puetfM the flavor of the original story. We OsMt he made an error In having Dlok try stnb Hemic, and he mixed his tenses castonally, but these were only small fhwssl on n smooth surface, Tathe has glen the feature an ac tlonal cast. In which Jose Colling, as te malicious wnlf, stood out. Claude Fleestataf nnd Lillian Tucker hardly satisfied. Mt Hdeson was the best of all, trenchant, earn est nnd pathetic The picture can be hee. Iiy featured because of Us superior tr ment. generally Impressive playing aesf touching scenario. And lta ending la Nlncere than the stage version. at : 3E : lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllTTHMMim H i.iniiinmiimiiMiuiJH m m m Dresses- Suits - Coats Furs -Fur Sets A wonderful assortment of absolutely correct styles fashioned from t he best materials. BLAYLOCK & 1528 BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut Furs Altered and Repaired. w. Anionp the very un usual furs we are show ing now is a Hudson Seal coat, with high standing collar and re vere in one piece yoke above the waist line. Full flare, and with deep muff cuffs. The coat represents the very latest Parisian creation. i fc I604 Chestnut Streit t: The outs of W Kl Kzclutive Models H p-niooa l a i. I?, a n a n tto&nsRitiaffltotitim jZz&pfa??' t Exclusive display ot Millinery, Evening Gowns, Blouses Coats, Dresses, Suits, Etc. 1624 Walnut Street wui umxmimnnnmmmv.wmiviJi!siKirwv EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR 1 1 Jp.'Sfc ' I BS'1 " r ' t0tnHMm tM. v - a. raaaa Mas U aw oaaeja JKs ""'" '""'' L. . BBBav asasaaaam bsb u. au.4a sLaaweau; I -m:.: rz:-',, maun "" 1 p. .T- j -wrm ., m ...,..,. m,-,--Tm-.rf.r, - JmJMmHUA J-" MJiliIsflis .. -..f-iniilifciM" KVU11V 1I0.SUAY HLIUliCT TO CIIANQR wr.EK or oct. u to 11 1I0ND 1Y ALHAMBHA APOLLO AHCADIA 11EL310NT CEUAIt FsURKKA FAIRMOUNT 50TH 8T. FUANKFOIID UAHDKN GIItARI) JKFFERSON LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST MARKET STREET OLYMPIA 0VERBR00K PALACE PARK PRINCESS RROBNT RIALTO RUBY JAYOY Paulln Frederick. In Ashes ot Kmber Kathlrn Williams In Tho N'r Wo Well 8lr II. B, Tr.. In Th Old rolka at Horn Moor and Courtot, ln lulling 8tone,i , Th Isldln Velvtt Paw Bhlsldlns- tlnsdow. No. S Kan Th ind Pster In Velvet aw Tb Th Ilevolt HhUldlns Bhadow Dustln Fsrnum, ln rismins I'arson Th 1'aulln Frsderlck In Th Woman In th Cas Th Djvll's Nsedl Trlansl Keystone Comedy V'"lvlll and I'hotoplsy On th Olorla' Thf; Waddlnit Nlsht k's llojnsnca da Ilara. ln n Heruent TUKSDAY 'Taullne Kredfrkk, In Aha of lumbers Th I.lsht of Hspplness Th Pawn Hnup Sir II II Tree. In Tie ilia folk at Horn In Moor and Courtot itollln. Htones Vivian Martin. In rltrouser Iv Ilfnry II. WslthslI Pillars of Uoclety In Th llous of th tloldrn Window Dustln Karnum. In Tn t .'fttin t'arsuii Ksthlvn William. In Th NUr Do Wll Dorothy Davenport. In Th Unattainable Vaudeville and Photoplay Norma Tlmads. In Th Doclal Berrelsry Mabel Taliaferro. In Tlie Djwii ef lv An IntKwnl af lli Uria o Kvll asdaln Ho IVrformanc Today Theda nara. In Th tHrpent "-fta'aasa lo Vivian Martin, In Th Mtroner Lov Th rayaust Tit Fawn Mop Th fcSwixftioJa.tM Donald Brian, to The SmuMler Vlrslnl Pearson, In Th War rlrs 8sort WoSBttu lav Wllllatn Parnuni, In rlrt of Conscience Dustln I'arnum, In Tn Mshtins 1'ursuii A lie in Ilrsdv. . , 1 . 5 uuuto I. '" Cas Wabsl Taliaferro. 'in Dawn of bv In Th I'ph8l Ills First Ktls Step Tor Woman' Fair Nam Th Yellow Unc Clara Kimball Tourur, In Th baik SlleeW B. If. Bethem. In LDSIISI Tha Ch fh."cr.ilnB5j:u,r,!r Bcarlsl Kunqsr Lew Ftt'Of. In Th Man Wlw toil aHIU BportlnV BU4 alorla's tiomancs t.eT?itto ir.wrw.i? &w $&&; HEDNKSD.W Paulln Krdrrlck. la Ashe of Kmuer Th Itous of th Oolden Window Sir It. tl Tr... Th Old Folk at Horn Kom Marruarlt Clark. In Hlfk and Satin Dousl Fairbanks. In Th (lood Bad Man Ilarnay Dernard. In Phantom lortunsa Throuah th Wall Liberty Msra-uerlt Clark In lUlsns of tho North Kmlly Stevens, In Wliwl of tha Uw Th Dawn of Freedom Hostrli Wlrfax. No. t Vaydavlll and I'notoplay lckwood and Allison, tn Mister i Dustln Fsrnum, tn Th Flshtlns Paraon Vlrainla. Partn, In Daredsvll Hat A lie Brady, tn Tb Ollaed Ca. William Farnum. In Tho Klre ut ConaoUnc Mory and Kelly. In Th Law Decide Vivian Martin, la Th fitronser Lov if Botliern, In h Clialt.l Orrlo . Johnson In Th Ll at Dual Out TUs Waok tvi ef th rmH)' Th Mao Lw.K!Ut, ..... Who meat still Tti KwrrlseVts Ouaane 0. Hurt. In 'tiyju n f isjieaaaJii ---"'1 ' ! PIS' TIliriSDAT Kdna Ooodrlrh. In Th lloua of Lie The 8erpnt Gloria's Xomanc, No. 18 William P. Hart. In Th Ileturn of Draw l!sen Man Hlli TUI lis erlt Clark In ana naun Viola Dana. In Th I.lsht uf Happiness IV r Do Well Vlrlnla Tearson. in Th War Ilrid' Scrt A I1 rlno In a Pawn Uhop ulorla' Itomano Anita Btewart, In Combat Olsdy lluUtte, In Th Bhlns Olrl Vandsvllt and Photoplay "''."cilaUr ,n ,Thda nr. In Under Two Fleas Dorothy Dalton, In ThJunl Child Alio II rsdy. In Th Olldsd Cass In Cla ftfarflarm. Ths Chaila of Borrow Jsrkl Baunder. In Tl. Orlp of Kvll Bulh Btnnehous. In Lov Never Dies Kana Maya., Tri Return of i wmurn B. Hart In 1 jjv Th aWAHtaksr Brrt W'wIrV FrMay. tU nth MaSSw." WHltvn s. Wart. T Fa PattM Ta IfiiSZt'Jlf F)ut TtCrtm".flft54iiSa. M,n k fiar- rniDAV Kdna Oondrlch, In Th llousa of Lies Mary Plckfnrd In Hulda from Holland Wllllsm 8 Hart. In Th Iteturn of Draw Esan Seeau Hayakawa, In Tho llonorabl Friend, Slsrsuerlto Clark Llttls iJidy mistn la Vlrslnla Pearson, Oarsderil Kat In .Mabel Taliaferro. Tlw Dan of Lc In toa Ma Murray, In Th III Ulster Ksihlyn Wil'tams In Th Nr Do Wall Th Half Ured Tr Is nils Keystons Comedy Vaudevtll and Photoplay 8othni. and llylsnd, Th Chattel In Van Murrsy, In The. ills- Bister Finlly Btsvens. In Ti Whl of th Lat Antra Btewart" Jn Tha Combat A fhler and Kelson, la Th rtsvolt Th Blr'irtli of DoaaM UcKanit TntiW&fcr Ka Mas, la Th tnrn of Uvs rl)snei nHt, In 4'U9I0 ' ratA. iK? TH'Tal'WSfJStlJ1 tXfiSfJB? atinri u4 gswut Is BATVRDAY ssntSsfitA .Th Bnclal Aimtar K.istoo " William B. Hart. ta. V-e Ilstum of DrawllsSr ThyUl1onHorKyRva Th l"waBs neilnnrrl175r" Hosm 1 ."";; "n"w jKjfJ'lW? Uuruerlt C, 4-1111 leinr ChlMer and " I'lissa! In TU rwtll-Mu W Wim y$s$&r && s: seritajr Th tr Tl. I Anita Bl T.B Ar wm1 "SsJt. aMr OafaUfeaaO' WSBsa's HW. f rV ww i Httr1 Mom .!