Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 16, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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PRdorna Avanwt Ora Verso il
Monte Rolte Mentre Prepara
sul Carso la Nuova
1 I - . i'i t ; , ,
ROMA, 1 ottobre,
H ntrala Codorns., dopo aver Rud.
gmto buotI succtssl en! Carso ntlln. ttlornata
ytnrrdl'. lerj. tl llmlto" iu quel:' front
jl.kombsrdamenlo dells line nemlche. men.
In U iu trupp dl fanterla tRlvs.no nt
Trentlno, partlooUrmente nella lona del
In quests, lona, dopo aver resplnto un
ttoroo attneco del nemlco. gll Uallanl
cRtratuccarono con tale slanclo che rlcao
ciarono ell austrlacl verso II Monte Holts
nella redone del Cosmaa-non catturarono
an Intera tiatterla d'arttgllerla nemlca.
IsMtendo coal' In perlcolo la dlfesa, aua
trlaca dl quella sona.
n questl clrcoll mllltarl at crede che II
ytiterale Cadoma attends ora I'arrlvo dl
HafortlMutla fronts dell'Isonso, nel aettore
41 0orina e In quello del Carso, prima dl
laaclare un nuoro vtolento attneco alls
4tfee ch Kit abarrano la via dl Trieste.
4H austrlacl non hanno forse cnorm( dl
tsmlnt sul Carso, ma vl hanno costrulto
tM scrle coal' Intrlcata dl trlnceramentl
eke occQrre lavoro e tempo prima dl poterle
Kcco II testo del rapporto del general
Caioma pubblleato lerl acra dal Mlnlstero
Mia Querra.
Suite prndlcl del Monte Pasubto
tilterlorl attacchl. del nemlco sono atatl
tesplntl dalle nostra truppe che, a loro
volta. In tea-ulto ad un vlicoroso con
trattacco, poterono protrredlro ancora
Verio II Monte Rotte. Nella xona dl
Co.maenon Una . Intera batte'rla dl
rtlrllerla nemlca, compoata dl quattro
eannonl da montagnn. ed una grande
uantlta' dl munlilonl caddero nelle
.Bostre manl. '
it Nella valle del Poslna forze nemlche
&J sorpresero uno del nostrl postl avanxatl
Q iuvo, IUI null vx(jpoim IIIUUIXI
pot-rpno Rlunicero It nemlco t" com
pletamente rlcacctato alle sue poslzlonl.
V) ' Rul resto della fronts al sono, avuta
soltanto azlonl dl artlcllerla. l. nostra
batterle bombardarono accantonamentt
nemlcl a Predaxio, nella valle del
Iartlgllerla nemlca ha lanclato
pochl prole)tll! au Gorilla.
: Intanto contlnua la battaglla suite altre
fronfl della guerra europeo. Sulla fronte
Cella Somma gll Inglcsl hanno attaccato dl
Movo Is lines dl dlfesa tedesche. hanno
eonqulslato alcunl trlnceramentl ed hanno
tatto prlglonlerl 1500 tedeschl.
'Nella Penlsola ttalcanlca Is truppe ru
sens sono state rlcacclnte verso II confine
(rihsllvano In alcunl puntl dove Is truppe
ft re Ferdlnando averano preso la controf
feiulva. In altrl puntl lnvece esse mantel
fono ancora Is loro position!. ' Slsa peio
he gll alteatt saronno presto In atuto della
' Rumania. La Russia am mandondo un
smrclto per coop-rare con 1 rumenl e la
Trancla manda, ufllclal) dl Stato Magglors
ed tin general n. dlrlgere Is operazlonl contro
U truppe austro-teilescha dl von Kalkenhaj-n
.queue Duigaro-teaescDS dl von Mackensen.
Sulla fronte della Macedonia le truppe
Serbs hanno cacclato I bulenri An nnn.
jf1'- hrportantl poslzlonl sul (lumo Cerna
eontlnuano nd attaccars Incmsantemente
1 Unee nemlche.
'Sulla fronte russa e' comlnclata dl ntinvn
f la grar.de battaglla dl Vollnla per II rras
isesso dl Kovel. I russl hanno attaccato
'vlolentemente la line llnee tedescha ed
kanno conqulstato alcunl trlnceramentl.
f x ; . zn
-jas . ja ta - -
Lrrzy rzrZJ
n? iiwtit?"G5r,nftn Punlhmnt of Rumnnln, long thrtntenrd In enso'
the little kinfrdom rntmd the war, hns begun with nn invnslon on, the
northwest, between HermannaUdt nnd Kronstndt, out of which cities the
KumanUn armies have been driven. A Bultrarlan Invasion from the
south Is nor predicted. In Dobrudin Gemral Mackensen hns been
checked south of the Kustcndje (Constania)-Ccrnavoda Railroad.
Federal Agents Reported Prob
ing Mysterious Blast U. S.
Destroyer Active
EAST MACHtAS, Me.. Oct 1. Federal
SccreMServlce agents wera reported today
to bemaltlngan" Investigation ''"of " the
mj-nterlous explosion that destroyed the
ffch stand of Carroll Dennlson In the mil"
die othhe Kaat Machlas River early Sun
day mornlnc nnnlson declared no ex
plosive was stored In the bdUdlng. The
explosion demolished the building and shook
tho town.
Efforts havfl been made to connect the
explosion with a supposed German sub
'marine base In" this section. The fact that
the Un'ted States steamship McDougall.has
been try actus In this vicinity added to
the mystery In this respect. 8o far no
direct connection between the two has b"een
Only 284 Men of Civil War Kcglment
POTTSTOWN. Pa.. Oct 1 . Survivors of
the Fiftieth Pennsylvania Regiment held
a reunion In the State Armory hero yester
day. Of the 1889 men who enlisted In the
regiment 384 are living and receive pen
sions. Adjutant and Quartermaster J. Mil
ton Mlthler. of Philadelphia, made an In
teresting report and a public campflrs was
held Next year's reunion will be held at
Valley Forge.
These officers were electedr President,
John F. Phillips. Westvllle. N. J : lieu
tenant colonel. John A. Krelder, Lebanon:
major, M. S. Doyer, Reading; adjutant and,
quartermaster, J. Milton Mlshler. Phlla-'
delphla chaplain, Moses Wadsworth, Phoe
nlxvllle. The I-adles' Aid Society connected with
the regiment elected Mrs. J. Milton Mlshler,
Philadelphia, president; Mrs. W. If. Kckert,
Rending, vies president: Mrs. Cora J.
Swavely, rhoenlxvllle, recording secretary:
Mrs. Blanche West, Reading, corresponding
secretary: Mrs. M. AL Schwenk, New York
city, chplan.
French Liner, Unhnrmod,
Reaches New York Cnruso
Among Passengers
NKTV YORK. Oct. IS. Unharmed, the
French liner Ijifajette. with many notables
aboard, dockH here today.
Rim had safed from llordeaux last week
whlla Paris and the Units 1 States feared
for her safety because of the recent sub
marine warfar off the gateway to America.
The Lafayc.1e. the finest French passen
ger ship now atlcat. carried lit persons. In
uiudlng Knrlrj Caruso, alnrer; Frank A,
Munsey and S. S McClura. publisher; Mr.
and Mrs. W. K Vanderbllt. Miss Ann Mor
gan. John Ita-Tett, of the Pan'Amsrlcan
Union, and Gattl-Casazin.
That tha I-afnyette was Unscathed caused
relief along tha waterfront
The Qdehec Steamship Company liner
Uermiida arrived today, importing that she
had Sfn no U-boats. Her sailing from
Bermuda had bean hM Kti for thres days
on reports of the U-H's activities oft Nan
tucket. Many of the women passengers
and several men had life preserver con
veniently near
During the last rive hours of the vessel's
dash for the three-mile limit there was In
tense excitement on board. Th minute
Word was passed that ths liner was within
ths "safety sons" k dance was arranged
among tha passenger.
Contrary to ths report brought here by
ths llrltleh steamship liovlc. tha Hcnndl
navlan-Amertcan liner llolllf Olav report
ed by wireless today that she has not
sighted any Herman submarine tin her voy
age. The radiogram, which was signed
by Captain Hoist, follows;
"Have not reeh any submarine. Nothing
truo In story."
"Wo Have tho Germans by tho Ears,"
Famous General Says
CHANTIt.LY. Franco. Oct. Is "We now
have the Oermans by the ears, and will
continue to shake their heads until their
brlM are aWesd M thay will Is
tnt ti sTtv In,"
This declaratlsn w mad by Gen
eral Kdouard Caatelnatt, chief of Maft of ll
the French armies In th field, to tha Ameri
can and British war correspondents.
General Castelnait, whu has n mors Httl
mats knowledge of General Joffre'a plsrn
than any one else ahd knows every branch
of tha army thoroughly, pointed wMh pride
to veterans who had Just passed, saylrygl
"it Is to men llks these that ws owe
thanks for causing tho disastrous fultare of
the great effort of the Germans at Verdun,"
Admiringly General Castelnnu referred to
tha new lirltlsh armies, saying- "They are
formed of splendid material arid have be
come a feature of overwhelming Importance
In ths war. Ths main pfsoccupatlon.of the
Germans at present Is the lirltlsh armies.
They already know the F,rench army. They
had hoped to exhaust Ita Mrriigth. but they
have learned otherwise. fCow they find
themselves faced by strong, well-trained
lirltlsh armies, which they find too much
for them."
Three of General CasUlnau's sons have
been killed, while a fourth Is seriously
wounded and n prisoner.
Union Theological President Dies
JCKW YORK. Oct 1. The Rev. Dr.
. .afciiunn
aewwvi. nsssm QV '
leal Sewtlrtarr sine u
d aMiw t ,hl hjn, here last nMrkt Ik I
.atxty-wenmta year. Prtft Mmwa. xmJ
the mom widely known iheotntrians M
United Hlate, was born at Hanover. N.
Ma wssjrrsdoated tram Unlaw TheoH
Seminary In 18TT and Its tnwn.
abroad. Doctor llnrwn Vwam an la
tor at Union Serr.livaryupon his rsNra ,
isis anti reln wit tha satnlnsrr i
hM flsath, Me H stirvlvwi by a wntow,
MiHrhters tand a mm, A stawr. AUe
Vachten rown. Is ynfsssst f art
Wallesley College,
AS11KV1M.B. .. C, Oet 18. On (
most novel oontesu ever ssei
Carolina took Place past weak at
Cherokee Indian fair on the reisrvatssi Sa
Cherokee County, when twenty kronssd
paiKtoses were entered hi tha Indian "Bstttr
Rabies" contest.
This contest was nrt beauty show, bsrt
the babies. Judged according to ths atansVart
charts, showed remarkably high scores, sjs
four of ths twenty were passed "wttb siiy
feet scores. Because there wars only thts
prises, ths money was divided iioll
among-- ths four bablss,
Ipeclal Taking Children -to Washing
ton Shuns New York
WASHINGTON.. Oct 16. With ths ar
rival Of the Italian Ambassador nnil
K' Countess dl Cellere, the Argentine Am-
eusaaor ana Mme. Naon, -with their re
tsectlve families, RearXAdmlral and Mrs.
Henry Rousseau, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lel
tr, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Hltt and Mrs.
,Pretpn Gibson, the remnant of Washing
tan's summer colony op ths Massachusetts
north shroe has transferred Itself'to Wash
ington. Owing to each family havlngsmalt
eWldren, the return Journey from Boston
t Washington was mndo by rpeclat train
rsuted to avoid New York and all terfl
wry suffering from Infantile paralysis.
1 wenty
in a
aced' at
Maxson & DeMany
L-hestnut otreet
(Opposite Keith's)
have planned to invest
suit can be splendidly
Reeds .
We have given special attention
to our $20 Suits this season and
the result is an assortment which
believe is in a class of itself.
Jacob Reed's Sons
1424-1426 CHESTNUT ST.
There's Smqrt Top-Coat Style, Real
. Meather Protection & Absolute Airy
Comfort in the
Ventilated Raincoat
. Without & doubt the most ,
v stylish combination rain and
top coat ever designed. Of soft,
thoroughly water-proof, rubber
ized fabrics, in beautiful patterns
and colorings, carefully fash
' ioned into the season's smartest,
correct styles.
Comfort 'U sMursxl, excessive respira
tion and that aoU, ''clammy" foaling sllm
r inatod, by a jwfwitad vwtUktkiK atrip in ,
ih middle of tha tMttk. Walkinjf atarta up
a auction in tha vantjlatinjf pockets, which
forcaa fraah air th'rottgh vimti yalvea:'
But thasa are ao armngad UwtnotWBK U
Botieaabla frew tb outaWawno welfflH Ja-;
addwtyand waUr aannot get in.
We are showing the Aervento in a number of ultra-etylith model. The
Kfabrice pe soft, yielding and' ricHin every essential equal to thoeein other top
coati,. but with the extra feature of being absolutely water-proof. TJie Aervento
shpud be teelitded in the wardrobe of every well-dressed man. Wr it for pro
tection trin rain and on the same day, or evening, for dreas,
'" Prioei, f i9JSfit $UM, m'M awl $20.00
Markat, Eihth and Filbert Street
" i l
'H'lSjHWf V -y f. A
'. '.zp- .
Itlustratten thews
the popular model
Note the smart
top-ewt line
A Word of Explanation
The Reason for Our Low Prices
Is This-
We are after big business and we are getting it, because we are merchandising in large
' quantities. ', ,t , '
In our garments we have all sizes from 16 bust to 50 and can fit any one.
".'"' ' In our muffs and neckwear our stock comprises everything recommendable..
Our prices are without competition, as the hundreds of new patrons bear witness to.-
15 Per Cent Off Marked Prices
We Reserve Your Purchase Upon a Small Deposit or
Charge it Subject to Bill of December 1st
"T: v, 4
'liVsJtJ (SJaflsaV i S. ii!' ixfiaassaaaaaaaaaaaaak?
For Tuesday
flare Hudson Seal Coats
40-inch, with collar and border of akunk or black lynx
November price will be 1)5.00
Hudson Seal Sets
Barrel Muff and Scarf
November Price, 30.00
Russian Pony Coats
Beaver or Raccoon Collars
November Price, 45.00
Black Fox Sets-
Animal Scarf and Barrel
November Price, 31.50
FrencK Seal Coats
Skunk Collar
November Price, 70.00
Skunk Sets
.Barrel Muff and Smart Scarf
November Price, 32,50
Leopard Coats
Badger Collar and Cuffa
November Price, 160.00
Fur Scarfs .
' November Octobar
-' Rafular ' ''Sal
. . Pries Pries
25.00 Red Fox Scarfa 21.25
30.00 Grey Vfalf Scarfa 25.50
30.00 White Fox Scarfa 25.50
3.0.00 Taupe Wolf Scarfa. . . 25.50
40.00 Dyed Blue Fox Scarfa, 34.00
40.00 Kamchatka Blue Fox i
Scarfa 34.00.
45.00 Cross Fox Scarfa. . . . 38.75
45.00 Pearl Grey Fox Scarfa, 38.75
45.00 White Fox Scarfa. . . , 38.75.
50.00 Slate Fox Scarfa. .'. , . 42.50
Fur Sets
' Novtmbtr Ctotobat
Ragular Sal
Prlea Pr. .
37.50 Black Fox 31,'M
40.00 Beaver 34.00
50.00 Natural Raccoon .... 42.50
55.00 Red Fox 46.75
75.00 Battleahip Grey Fox. . 63.75
80,00 Black Lynx (Jf.QO
100.00 Dyed Blue Fox . . . ; . 85.00
1 10.00 Fisher ,. 3.50
1 1 0.00 Slate Fox 98.50
110,00 Croaa Fex' . ,, , 93.50
Moleskin Sets
Barrel Muff and Straight
63 J5
Nevamber Priee, 75.00
Persian Lamb Coats
Skunk or Persian Collars
Novembar Price, 1 70.00
Fur Coats
Kamchatka Blue Fox
Barrel Muff and Scarf
NysmbV Pric, 75,00
Hudson Seal Cotts
6-Inoh Skunk Border and .
Navamkar Prict, 190.00
Kjgular, i a ' .
' ' ...
80.00 'Natural Moakrat Coats
95.00 Natural Muakrat Catto
a . OluflMa Sm4 Css. IMa)
120.00 Hudson 31 CoaW . .lOLOd
J50,Qp Caracul.CoaU ..,.. IJJO
190,50. Nutr Cbata ,...,.. ,gj JO
20Q.OO 5W 5uirrJ CMaa.,.00
100,00 Mol.kia OmU. , . . ., 254.00
, 160.00 vr CtMic 297 JO
(NsSlH)Oia1s) ""'
475,00 MiokCt : . .403.75
600.00 Mink Coat 510.00
PiaraJiMfcay Aaia' CWlr KtW ,. Mail OrW Rottiva PranAttontioM furt ffiijfj anal