KODH ffWESON t Tfet ;fjx 'tM." m Incld Spch(W Ckletco Mid lUetffttai of Many "PUrrlme" to BItUfCK. Jf. J., Oet 1 The whK f Um nnmhrn premlee to the fen-teat PrMt4H Wlteen hM yt Tha Broerram iMheaet. tHt minor MMWiMitu, a trip ta Chrcaro, ! celobra , IMM of 'TrermerV Day" at Wm4ow Lawn a tlM ricafjtloa of a frown t "Wilson Mtunteera," Iwsie-alent8 who have pledged Miiisi-oo) I tM UM Wlleen cam-alfn. . fin lUrt of "vplnaietra" who come to ' Mil V ut.. I1ub Am... ft. TeWaWWVW .JWW nnij IIWHWCTI IIIV rramvif won uiuiiiiiu . iTm( a-ivucinr. C Mow, ltr Stasmare. Baker, Dnte Bar fee. Prf. John Dewey, ot Columbia MMttstw Hal, Frank r. Walsh and Dr. A. X MeKelway. It la expected that setno time thli week PraaMwtt Wilson w.ll eHecuea the Oerman Moetlcfa with James W. Qerard. Ambas- or to Germany, hut no engagement had made as yet. Thomas McCarthy. United Mate marahal In New York, for marly Mr. Gerard' aecretary, waa here yes tarelar to see Beeretarjr Tumulty. FreatoVent Wilson leaves Wednesday Mralnc for Chicago, where he wilt make t leaat two speeches, Saturday will be tatrved ai Farmers' Day and the rresl 4at la expected to devote his speech to MtDr acrieulturleta to explaining the ftsttetatlon passed by Congress which par ttmlarl' affects rural life. Yesterday wa Mrs. Wilson's birthday. Use President and Mrs. Wilson passed It jtatetlr 'at home, with the birthday cake as tM only special feature. Tho President -ought a diamond brooch for Mrs. Wilson as a birthday sift, J. R. STRAWBRIDGE, LAWYER AND LEADER IX YORK, DEAD Vktim of Sudden Heart Disease Attack in Atlantic City Hotel TORK. !., Oct, 16. The York County Wr and the State ot Pennsylvania lost ono K their leading; law authorities In the death early yesterday morning of Joseph A. Strawbrldge which occurred, following a eriMen attack of heart disease, In a hotel in Atlantlo City. Mr, drawbridge was also one ot the Democratic leaders ot York County and Md served as District Attorney and as rwMeltor for the County Commissioners and ether county offices. He was the Demo oraths candidate for Judge In 1011, and, al (though there was a Republican landslide In taw county, ho lost to Judge N. Sergeant Mom by only sixty votes. Mr. Strawbrldge was bbrn on a farm near Stewartstown. York County, fifty-eight Vrs ago and was graduated from the yejcal department of Lafayette College. fee was for years an active official In the FtrstTresbyterlan Church of York and also In the Sunday school ot that church, He fa survived by a widow and four children, one of whom, a son, Is a student In La fkjrotte. Dr. Matthew "Woods's Funeral The funeral of Dr. Matthew Woods, noted authority on epilepsy, who died last Friday in the Methodist Hospital, was held this Morning at. the Woods residence, 13.07 North Broad street. The Itev. Ouatav Drlegleb, of the Hollond Memorial Church officiated. He Was assisted by the Itov. Wallace McMullln, erf the Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, X. J. Interment waa private. 3IRS. JOSEPH BOND DEAL Daughter of Lnto Clement Brooke Grubb Dies at Chelsea Mrs. Joseph Rond Ileall, daughter ot the Hte Clement Brooke Grubb, of this city and I-ancaater. Pa., died last Saturday at Ker summer home, 2S1S Pacific avenue, Chelsea, N. J. She was the widow of Jo pth Bond Reall, of Now York and Oeor. ftta. IJofore her marriage she was Miss Mary Lilly Brooke Grubb, ,a direct de scendant of Hdward Shlppen, Justice of the Supreme Court, and ot Colonel James Burd, -tf Pennsylvania, Sho leaves two daughters, Mrs. William M. Thornton, of Wilmington, Dol and Miss X4lly Stall ; ono grandson, O. Tucker Smith, Jr., eon of Medical Inspector G. Tucker Smith, U. S. N., and two sisters. Mrs. L. Heber Smith, of Philadelphia, and Miss Daisy E. B. Grubb. of Lancaster, Pa, K HEV. HUGH A. LOQUE Dies in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lan caster, Whero Ho Was Chaplain The Rer. Hugh A. Logue, seventy-four fears old, died last Thursday night from pneumonia at St Joseph's Hospital, Lan caster, Pa., whero he had been chaplain four ynrs. He was a native of Phlladet. )hla and was a member of one of the early classes graduated from St. Joseph's Col Iters, Seventeenth and Stiles streets. Funeral tfarvloes will be held at Lancaster tomor row morning, and then the body will be brought here to the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary T. Murphy, ot 1719 Glrard nvenue, where services will be held Wednesday, at , 8 a,, m. Solemn requiem mass will be cele brated at 9:30 a, m. at the Church of the Oew.. The burial will be at St Denis's Cemetery, Ardmore. William Harvey Filley Following an Illness of six months, WIN Vr-m Harvey Filley, fifty years old, resld im at. the Margrave Apartments, Twentieth HM Chestnut streets, died suddenly at 9:10 Saturday morning from heart failure. Mr. rWUUy was for a number ot years connected, urn, ute advertising departments ot two VhOadelDhla newspapers. At the time of jM death he waa the local representatlvo of 'Ik Gem Manufacturing Company of Pitts. tNUVh. Besides his widow, Mr Filley left aisjy one relative, his sister, Mrs. James Mwnes, who was with him at the time of Ma death. The funeral will be held this afternoon at !:JQ o'clock from the parlors f an undertaking establishment. William L. Price William L. Price, one of the most plo fr sssue figures In the art Ufa of this city anal a member of the firm of Price & Mo t ashen, architects and designers of some f Atnerloa-'a palace hotels, died Saturday at Ms kaarta in Rose Valley, near Moylan. He hM been suffering for about two weeks a nervous breakdown and his death fas as a great surprise to his friends. Mr, Vf-ae had been (n robust health heretofore. Ma was nfty-four years old. la lies sir, rnoe Became associated with i v ra LED03 sADfil MOKDA 1. saMotstaa fke Mkmaraa Waffc aaraafhe. TMgMhar IMT " Ifaillisriiasal Wiiiliilm and the TtMsieii Kees at HMrtte nitr. and the Hotel aareneton In Fiortdn, the rennsylva tila Rallrnad Stallone at Allegheny City. "Washington, Pa.! Fort Wayne, Ind., and nttmrrotts other atatlonven the Pennsylva hla ilnea weet ot Pittsburgh. Some of the residences deafened Jointly are Iho-e ot Wil liam C Scott, ot Merlon, and Frank H. Wheeler and Frank It Van Camp, of In dianapolis. Ita was also associated with Frank Stevens In the development of the Single Tax Colony at Arden, Delaware, where he waa a freqtnnt visitor, Among the res'dences which Mr. Price de signed Is the Alan Wood manxlon at Con shohocken and the homes of John O. Oil more, John P. Gest, Samuel Croft and Ed ward Itok. and many others In the subur ban districts of Philadelphia. Mr. Price Is survived by his widow, one son, William W. Price, and three daughters. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, Oc tober 17, at his late residence, In Rose Valley. SJentljs ADAMBOW -Oct. IS, ELEANOR FHANCEs. widow of VIIIUrn Adimnon, titt si llltlr ml rrlni( lnritd to tunrral pnrlc, Wed., 2 P. .m., 4SI1 Otrmanjawn v. Int. prlrata, Ai.bltlCH. Oct, i, EI.IZAIIKTlt II.. widow jf Ctt. Charlta W, Aldrlch, IltltlT and frftndi Invited to funeral rlt, Turn., 2 p. m rldtnce ot son, William K. Aldrlch, 612 N. 4Bth at, nXtlldTOW i Oft, IS, EDMUND OOHDON, on ot John and nin llalratow, ated 2d. Itla Urea and frltnja Invited to funeral, Iriura., 2 P. m., paranta" rraldnc, 172S 8. 6th at . Cam den. N J. Int atrlctlr private, Harltlih Cem , Camdrn. IIAKKR Oct. IS. EMII.T I.UDWtO. widow of Jofph W, UahT and dauehlrr of lata Wil liam C. I.'idwla Hervlcea anil Int. private HAL.DWIN Oct. 14. JOSEPH, hu.band of Mary Venarablrs and on of late William and kfarla llaldwln. d 2, nlatlra and frltnds. Waahloaton Camp, No. 3HH, V, o. 8. of A and I'nlla Ixxl., Knlahta of Modern liana n. Invited to tunral aervlrea. Tufa, 2 p, m.. AOOS Hwanaon at . Front and Indiana ave. Int. orth Cedar Hill Cm. Itcmalns may m viewed on., a to to p. m IlAnlll'TT HuAAtnto. Oct is. iunnitiCT T . vrlfa of John V, llarrett, asd SO. Itelatlvef no incnoa inniea 10 iunrai, wa , su a m., 1S1B B. 40th at., W,it I'nlla Halrmn reiulm ?! HI. Francis de Halea'a Church, 10 a. in. nt. at, Donta'a.Cem, OODKIN. Oct. IS. MAItr J., widow of Jamea nodkln. Helatlvra and frlenda Invited to rv Icea. Tufa., 2 p. m,, realdence of daushter. Mra. Ellzabtth Crow, 3121 llalcrada at. Int. private. Cedar IMM Cm, IIOOLTt Oct, 14, at lata realdrnce. 2223 (It Jamta'a Terrace, Weal I'hlla.. WAI.TEIl C , huaband of Harah ). Itoult (nea lllack). Ittla Ihea and frlenda. waahlnaton Camp, No. 4S1, I'. O. H. of A., may call Tun., 7 to It p. m. Int. Carllnle. Ta UUWEHH, Oct. 12. LEWIS E . aon of John P. and Utile II, tlnwera (ne Derrlckaonl. asea 10 yeara and 4 daya. Italatltra and frlenda In vlt'd to funaral atrvlcea, Mon.. H p. in.. lblS MUTIIn at. Int. Ocean View Cam., belaware. liOyi.K. Oct. IS. CIIAIIL1-.H IIOVI.E. ltta tlvia and frlenda, 81. l'atrlrk'a Holy Name So. rletyt CoorMra' Union. Local No, 108, Invited to funeral. Wed., a .30 a. m.. 31S B. tfmrdlrr at. Bolemn hlsh rr.aas of requiem St, Patrick's Church in a, m Int. Cothirl rm. HRETKn. Oct 14. OEOnOE, huaband of Annlo llreyer tnea Ilarnea), atcd 02. llelatlvea and friends, oraanlzatlone of which h waa n member. Invttd to funeral aervlcea, Tuva,, z . m., 1202 N. Hancock at Int. Hit. Vernon l m. Frlenda may call after 7pm, Mon, IlltlNIUIAN. Oct. 1.1. ixrrrfa, daushter ot lata Charles and Amelia llrlnkman Kfiatlves and frlenda Invited to aervlcea, Mon., H p. m., revldanca of her alater, Mrs, Albert J, Esslr, llild W. Dauphin at. Int. private, Tuea. after noon. Fernwood Cam. lIUUNNEIt. Oct. 14. nEIlTHA. widow of John Ilrunner tnne Ktadelman). aaed tS3. Ilslatlves and friends Invited to funeral, Tuea,, 2 p, m Slot N. Clarion at, Int. Ureenmount Cem, Auto "llllNNEt.t,. Oct. 15. nUTII STAHK. widow of r. C. Ilunn-ll. Il-lallvrs and frlenda may view remains Tues,, 7 p. m., residence. 23.u N inth st. Int. Tunkhannock. Wed. CAHTOIl Oct. 13. at West Herlln. N. J., EI.IZA1IKTH It., wlfa or Joseph it. Castor (nee Chittenden), astd 31, Funeral aervlcea Hon.. M p. m. . North av West llerlln, N. J. Int, strictly private. t cava NAuair. Oct. 14. Patrick j., hue. hand of Catharine Cavanauih. Jlelatlves and frlenda. Holy Name ttoclety ot Ht. John the Ilaptlst'a Church. Invited to funeral, Wed., S-30 a. m., 412 Tower at.. Manayunk. Solemn hlah maas St. John the llaptlat'a Church 1U n, m. Int. Ht. John's Cem. CONI.1N. Oct. U. JOSEPH T. CONMN. son of lata l'etrr and Elizabeth Conlln and brother of Itev. Jamea Cinlln, ot Ht. Peter'a Cathedral. Erie, ra, Itelatlvea and friends. Division No. 0, A. O. It I emploies of I,. It. rarko Co, In. vited to fyiertl. Thurs.. N.30 a. m., 2043 E. tthlsh av. Solemn requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a, m. Int, Old Cathedral Cem. Auto funeral. COSENT1NO -Oct. 13. GIUSEPPE CAREO, husband ot Ululta Coeentlno (neo Mandnll. nelatlvea and frl'nds, Hocleta dl' M. H llenan renia. Italian Te.lor Society, Loyal Order of Moose. Core Daate, No. 2R0, Foresters of America. Invited to funeral. Thurs., M.30 a. m., 120U H, 8th at. Solemn high maaa at Our Ijidy of flood Counsel Church, Int. Holy Cross Cem. CRIMEAN. At Conshohocken. Oct. 13.MA1HA T.. wlfa ot John J. Crimean and daushter of lata tleoraa and Julia McUunlnal. Itelstlvea and frlnda Invited to funeral. Tues., I) a. m.. from Hector and Fayette ats. Solemn hlah mass ot requiem St. Matthaw'a Church 10 a. m Int. Ht. Matthew's Cem DAVlbHON. Oct. 14. Wtr.T.tAM. hu.h. of Jeannttta Davidson. Ittlatlvsa and friends, Ileamere and Twisters' lien. Asso,, requa lien, Assn.. invited to services, Tues., 2 p. m , H'4 N. 23d st. Int. Westminster Cem. Remains may be viewed Mon,, 8 to 10 p. m. Auto funeral. DE MUCCI. Oct. 1ft, JUSNIE, wife pr iiwla Da MuccI (nea Salvarese). aaed 20. 1230 Daly st. Due notice funeral slven. deacon. Oct. i. juiiw T.,-aon or John and late Charlotte Deacon, aaed 27, Itelatlvea and friends. Quaker City Eodte, No. l, I, O. O. T.l Ypnah Tribe, No. 44, Imp, O. of It. M., and employes of the J, II. Elpplncott Co, and member, cf Oruce l'resbyterlsn Church, Invited ,., tun,.., ui.it-cw, n,u,i ,, in., iai n, on at Int. Fernwood Cem. Remains msy be viewed Tues . between 8 and 111 p. m. Auto service, ESTER. Oct. 13. HERNARD. husband of Carolina Ester.. aced 67, Itelatlvea and friends. Potter Eodae, No. 441. F. and A. M.i Palestine Chapter. No. 240 II. A. M.i St. Alban'a Com mandery. No. 47. K. T , and I.u Eu A. A. O. N, M. H., Invited to funaral services, Thurs., 2:30 .. in., u'm, un,ru hip. ,111, rernwoou cem. lemama may ha viewed Wed., 8 to JO p. m. FIiANAtlAN. Suddenly, Oct. 14, PETER, r husband of Mary Ann Flanaaan'. IleUtlve'a and ,iriiu. riiii.iurB ui jiuriiuuuursi iiau, or i nir mount l'ark. Invited to funeral. Wed., 8 a. in., from hla late realdenco. tho Willows. West .".,?m?!"u.,..I'r -I?1"!"., requiem maaa St. i,nr.W'7;i".'u1VJ'ihI F'1 ot Schuylkill, 0:30 a. m, Int. Holr Sepulchre Cem. FOI.EV. ; fact. 13. HANNAH, daurhler of t..i;.i .i'i.v .;,c.wr5K i diice. : rrqultm Church ot Kpiphany 10 a. m. Int. Holy r7-7:..i:s NUIUIV.I SoTn lilV 1V oiC jvartliatan Km' No7( I. O. H of A.! I'enna. Cnmmnnrfarv Krn q.. V. O. S. of A.I James O. Ulalrui Council." No! 7ilfl. and Commandery O. of I. A., Stonemeii Fallowahlp of 87th Ward, all other or(hutlons ot which ha waa a member, Invited to funeral aervlcea. Tula.. 2 p. m... 1228 W. Cambria at. Int. Illlisma uein via funeral car. Remains may be viewed Mon . 8 to 10 p. m. ""m,,n" II., husband of Hannah W,' Frledrlch inea Grossman) and aon of late Henry and Caroline rrisuricn, iifu at, uua nonce oi funeral slven. from 111 E. Duval at,, Oermantown, la. OAIIVIN Oct. 14. MATTIIUW n h.,.V,.,l of l.lrila F. Uarvln Inea Hammer). Itclatliea and friends, all nrsanlsatlona ot which ha waa a member. Invited In funeral aervlces, 8915 Nr"k "t.Tues.. 3 H m... Int. private. UAVAuiian, vn, is, nuaAn, widow of ratrlck Uavashan (nee ilcOIrr). Kslatlvea and frlenda. Sacred Heart Society of St, Paul's Cnurrh, Invited to funeral. Tuea., 8 JO a, m., S30 Waahlnaton ava. Solemn hlah mass of ra- aatem St. l'uul'a Church 10 a. ru. Int. Catha ral Cam, u-B"S!.Ar";.i"rV?1' . "jM11. OERMANTf, as4 BO. Itelatlvea and frlenda, Humboldt -ajuv. ,., m, . w, ii r n -niia. invueq to funfral, Tuea.. 2 p. m . son-ln-law'a residence, A. Lewie Ottey, 428 E. Slate St., Media, Pa lot, private, uiuuonh. pet. . 1 1. MAItT, dautbtsr of late Patrick and Ellen Gibbons, itelatlvea anrl rrlene Invited to. funeral, Tues., 6.30 a, m.. 1323 S, 23d at. Solemn mass of requiem Cnurrh of St. ivamomj iu , m, mi iioiy i.rosa cem. Auto funeral. ,1ULDEN Oct 13. itfCHAlM. 3.. ar,n nt Catherine and lata Michael Uolden, ased SI. Relatlvra and friends Ilurseshoera' union, Local No, 0, Invited to funeral, Tus H:3U a, ui .resi dence of brother-in-law. 3431 Kelm St., 83d Ward, Solemn requiem hltn mass Church of navTiiaiuu. mi m, in. n. ifuir nspuitnre l.em, .JUCKaTTT.Oet. II. AKTHtm T. KACK- BTT, huahand of lata Mary. JSIien Hsekett (an Kenah) ane) aon at late real and Jahe HaeJwtt. Itelatlvea and frirnsa Invited to fiewral, tVed., 8 a. m., realdence or daechter, 24s Meatrsee at (21th and ctrlstlan eta.). Solemn requjom maaa St. Anthony's Church 1J0 a, m. Int. Cathedral Cem. HAMHtCK, Oct, T, ANDRKW MARTIN IIAMItlCK. Jr., aon nt Andrew Martin and Flor. enra Mtlan Ifamtlck. ased 16 months. l the hnma of hla rrandmother, Mra. Kmma Smyth Mrlsn 7118 Flsueroa at. !os Anselea, Ca IfaN'CT-Oct. 11. In Norrlstown. DAVID 1 husband of Susan jne XlcNIchM) Ifaney. Rela. Friends msy call Tues., 8 tires and friends. Zook Post, No, 11, (), A. It., iniiiru ,u iuii.111, .wi . imibiiibi, 1m luei , 8 JO a. m Solemn requiem mm, st, Pstrlcka Church, S.30 a. m. Int. st Patrick's Cem, HAnTT. Oet. 14, JOHN F ItARTT. Br., husband of Eater Hartr Itelatlvea and frlenda. Court Pride, No 42, F. of A Oawanesa Tribe, No, Sit. Improved O. It M.. Invited to funeral. Wed., 2 p. m . 1(110 Deal at , Frankfort!. Int, North Cedar Hill Cem, Remains may be viewed Tues, eve. HA.t.ETT. Oct, is Margaret, wife ot Robert llaslett, Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Tues , 2 p. m., at residence of altter-ln-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Eoasue. 701 Uraya Ferry rd, Int. Mt Mnrlah Cem. Remains can be viewed Mon., between 7 and Jt ,p. m. Auto servlc. llAZZAltp. Oct. 13, KATE ANNA, wife et Theodore W. Hazzard and daushter et Mary Sailor (nea Hausmsnn) and late Harry .llaua. mann, ated 44 Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral sei-vlces.Tuea,. 2 p, m., late residence, lift Dudley at. .Int. nrlvate. . . HENlERBON-ct it. FRANK J., hue band of llertha E, lienderaon. son of Clara and lata Samuel Itenderann. Itelatlvea and friends, employee Western Electrlo Co.. Invltad to fu neral. Tues,. 3 p. m., 2740 N. Croskey st. Int. Mt Peace Cem, Remalna may be viewed Mon., 8 to 10 p. m. HENItr Oct. 14. WILLIAM K. HENRT. ated 2. Relatives and friends, Stephen Ulrard Iiire, 430. F. and A M i I.u Lu Temple, Mra tlo Shrine and other orcanlsatlons ot which he waa a member lnlted to funeral, Tuea , 1 p, m., lata realdence, 1018 Robins eve., Lawndal. llody may be) viewed Mon. eve. Int. South Laurel Hill Cem IIUBY. In West Cheater, Pa , Oct. IS, HAN NAH MARY DARI.INtlTON. wife of John E. Huer, ated 71. Itelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral, 10(1 8, Church at.. Wed, Jleet at house 2 p. m, IDEI.L. Oct. 18. WILLIAM K aon of late Charlea and Jean Idell, aaed 04. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Tues., 3:10 p. m . 3fmt Ocrmantnwn ava. Int. private. JENNINOS Oct 14. MART, wife of Thomas Jennlnra Relatives and friends Invited to fu neral, Wed . 8:3(1 a. m., 1004 Kimball at. Sol emn requiem maaa st, Charlea'a Church. 10 a. m Int, Cathedral Cm. JOHNSON Oct. 14. MART E.. wlfa of Sam uel E. Johnson and daushter of Marsaret E. (Wilson) Hoffman and late Frederick Wilson, ased 03, RelatUea and friends Invited to fu neral aervlcea, Thurs.. 2 p. m., husband'a resi dence. 0 E, Stato ai.. Camden. N. J. Int. Etergreen Cem. Remains may be viewed Wed. eve, kEM.T Oct IS, WILLIAM R.. huaband of Mae F. Kelly, Residence, S2I6 Lurch wood ave,. West Phlla Due notice funeral alven. KE1.I.NER. Oct, 1ft. I.AUHA. widow of Franklin L. Kellner (nee Dehrlnrer). Reiatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 1 p. m,. residence, 3308 Hasert at. Int. W. Laurel Hill C'kINER. Suddenly. Oct. 14, rillLIP M. KINER, aaed 72. Itelatlvea and frlenda. aur vlvora of Marlon Hoso Co.. Invited to funeral aervlces, wed , s p. m . auiiz uuve st. int. pri vate. ;.lt. reace cem. ri to 10 p. m. KLAER. Oct. 14, JOHN RICHARD, aon nf Mary 11 and late Fred II. Klaer. M. D 1S03 Pine at., aaed S tears,. Int. Mllford. Pa. KOLR. Oct. IB, EMMA KOI.U (nea Renter), wlfb ot Mlrhnel Kolb. ased 43. Relatives and friends. Ladlca' Aid Society of the Oerman Ref. St, Matthew'a Cnurch, Invited to funeral aerv lces Wed , 2 p. m 3034 N. Sth at. Int. private at (Ireenmotint Cem. KURZEKNABE Oct. IS. CHRISTINA A., wife of Philip Kurzeknabe and daushter of Charlea and Mary Dlehl (nee Wensler). a red 20, at father's residence, 2307 Cedar at. Due notice of funeral will be slven. LOQUE. Oct. 12. Rev. HUOIf A- LOQUE. chaplain of St, Joseph'a Hospital. Lancaster. Pa The reverend clergy Invited to attend divine office, at chapel, Tuea.. 10 a. m. Solemn re quiem mnss 10.30 a. m RelatUea and friends Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8 a, m,, resi dence of slater, Mra, Mary T, Murphy, 1710 Olrard ave.. I'hlla. Solemn requiem mass church of Oeau 0-30 a. m. Int. private. St. Denis Cem., Ardmore, Pa. Remains may be viewed Tuesday eve. l.UMM At Lutheran Orphans' Home and Asylum, 0000 Cermantown ave , Oct. 14, EVA, widow of Conrad Lumm, aged 7I. Itelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed,, 1 n. m , Oliver II. Hair Ilutldlnr, 1820 Chestnut at. Int. Hillside Cem. LUTZ. Oct. 13. HARRIET N. LUTZ. Rela lives and friends, msmbcrs of Ladles' Ivy So cial nnd all other organizations to which the de ceased belonged. Invited to funeral aervlces, parlors of Sechler 6 Magulre, 1840 N. 20th at.. Tues.. I p m. Int. private. SIARTENB. Oct. 13. ANNA, widow of Wil liam Martens. Relatives and frlenda, Altar So ciety of St. Columbn'a Church and women of Arch Confraternity of St. Peter'a Church. In Mted to funeral. Tuea.. 8:30 a. m., 2047 W. Hoston ave. Solemn requiem mass St. Columba'a Church 10 u, m. Int. Holy Redeemer Cem. Auto funeral. ,.MAJT.,N Lt- ,8J ItACHEL . E8TELLE MARTIN, daughter of Emma S. Martin and late Joseph Martin. Relatives and friends In. vlted to funeral services, Tues . 2.80 p. m.. 1241 N. 03d st. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem, McCOr. Suddenly. In Chicago, 111., Oct. 13. FRED MOVER, husband of Ida M. McCoy. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral aervlces. Tuea.. 2:30 p. m.. 1313 S. 32d at. Int. strictly private. MrCULLOUOH. Oct. 14. FRANCIS, son of William and Ella McCullouah and grandson of Isabella and late Michael McCullough and lata James and Margaret O'llrlen. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., 2 p. m., par enta' realdence, 2432 S. 2d St. Int. Holy Crosa Cem. McDAID Oct. 14. JOHN M. J husband of Freda McDald and aon or William and Mary McDald (nee Uallagher). Relatrtea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Wed., 8.30 a. m., parents' realdence, 018 Falrmount ave. Solemn high re quiem mass Church of Assumption 10 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. Auto service. . McOILL. Oct. 12. JAMES J., husband of Annie McOIII (nee Walsh), Reiatlvea and frlenda. Holy Name Society of Vlaltatlon. Invited to funeral, Tuea,, 8:30 a. m.. 2000 Rosehlll at. Solemn requiem mass Church of the Visitation 10 a. m. int. New Cathedral Cem. MESCHTKR. Oct., 13, JACOB K, MESRH TER, aged 70. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral ser; Ices. Mon.. 7 p. m 2029 W. Lehigh ave. Int. Hillside Cem. MILLER. Suddenly. Oct. 14. RUREN D.. husband of late I.ucllla '(nee Morrla). Reiatlvea and friends. Monroe Lodge, No. 38, I. O. O. F,, invited to funeral services. Wed,. 1 p. m. resi dence of pan-In-law. William A. tiravensteln, 430 Carteret st.. Camden. N. J. Int. Mt. Morlah Ce., Phlla. Friends may call Tuea, eve, MULLER. Oct. 14. WINIFRED MULLER (neo llradley). wife of Anthony Muller. aged 88. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral, Tuesday. 8 JO a. m from 1414 N. Wllllnston st. High requiem maaa Church of the Oesu 10..B..m- ,nt-. a'01 Cross Cam. Auto, service. .. NICHALSON. Oct. 13, HENRY, aon of late William and .Mary Nlchalson. itelatlvea and friends, members ot Plasterers' Union, Local No. 120. and Court Cohockslnk. No. 142. F. of A . Invited to funeral, Tues., 7.30 a. m.. from his late realdence. 041 E. Westmoreland at. Sol emn requiem maas Churrh of the Ascension 0 a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. NOR I.E. Suddenly. Oct. 14. at Salisbury, N. c,t.JAJ."JW.B - widow of Charlea Noble. NOCTON. In Norrlstown. Pa.,Oct, 14. MART M.. widow or John J, Nocton. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. 240 Jacoby at., Wed , 8. ?. ni. Solemn high requiem maas at St. Pal r,c,k..",.h.uf.ch J!30 .'." 'nt. St. Patrick's Cem. O'llRIEN. Oct. 13. THOMAB. aon of late Patrick and Mary O'llrlen. Relatives nnd friends. New, York .Lodge. No. 878, U. P. O. E., Invited !Siiun'rS!' .T.u"". ."I31. m-i residence ot William Iltiothby, 1427 ft. Uroad at. Solemn requiem mass Annunciation Church 11 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem, Auto funeral. .R'?!iS5',B.LL'L ct'.. 13J CHARLES MASON O'DONNELL. husband of Marsaret E. O'Don riell. Reiatlvea and friends. Fraternal Order of Earlea and I-oda-a No. n. f. n n nt lnvi. .lunoral. Tuea., 8:16 a m 1700 Race at. High maas unurcn or Assumption 10 a, in. Int. Holy Crnss cm. nLORQIANNA C l'AOB. of Tuckerton. N. J. I daughter of late Dr. Thomaa and Eliza Tucker Page, granddaughter of Judge Tucker, of Tuck. 5Jtoin' !!.' .u!ine"J. TV' l B- m- Tuckertou. N. J. Int. private, Tuckerton Cem. ,I'ABV"' C,.J i JL-HIA F., wlfa of Daniel W Parvla and daughter of into Anthony Fletcher and Catharine Ooodln. aged 72. Reia tlvea and friends, all societies of which she ""nf member. Invited to funeral. Allen A. M. E. Church, 17th and llalnbrldga ata WedV, 10 .." n.Un.V!.'iem- malns may U Mswed Tues , 8 to louo p. m. 1'ltlCE Oct. if. WILLIAM L. PRICE. Fu neral at residence. Rosa Valley. Moylan, Pa., Tuea., 12 m. Train leaves llroad St. Sta, 10.40 lnl.'.I?Alf.r-8u'I'JP,ir' Trenton. N. J.. Oet, 12, UtANlC. eon of Anton and lata Antonio Ru dan, aged 32, Relatives and. friend's. Austrian Sea Cnast lleneAclal Society, Invited to funeral. Wad.. 8 a, m... residence of Mra. Mary prlalllo, 310 Cypress at. Solemn mass ofrequlem 8t. Joseph'a Church 11.30 a, m. Int. Holly Croat Cem. SAFE Oct. 14, at hU realdence, Newport, It t, T. SHAW SAFE, aged 88. Notice of funeral hereafter 8AI.T0N ct U. ANN R.. daughter of Mrs Jantea plough and late James A Salton, aged 21. Relatives and frlenda, Hetlmsn Coun cil. No. 140. p. of 1. Invited to funeral, Tues., 3 p, m., 3332 N. 33th at., Falls ot Schuylkill. tin. !5iFtt!i?" !i!"I mr rtew re- ii """.! iit pi. m, CLtOHT. Oct. 14, widow of Sara Scllernt. Sacred Heart and Altar I akin. Invited le ftenersl, t 8414 R at. (Md Ward!, at Church of Ascenettm, nrmi irn rr, he' LtJrN TMMKlA, Wat tree and friends, arretl of the Ascen d.i 80 a. m.t from Wfitin requiem mass lo a. m. Int, Holy SCOTT pet. 18. JAMES F, husband Bf tartha Scott, agetl 7. Due notice of funeral will edren, MOS N. 11th at. SHARPE. Oct. IS anrf.nlw r-i-nrAtirMr T, wife of Andrew p. Sharp. llelatlna and friends Invited to funeral eervicee, 201 N S4tn at. Tuea.. 2 p. m. Int, private. Remalna may J. FRAliK. husband of Wlllltel. nelatlvea and ba vfewed Man eve. . RHERIDAN Oct. 13, Lvdla 3t. Sheridan (ne friends, employee of Oray'a Terry Reund House of the Penna, Railroad and Vaterons' Employe Asso , Invited to funeral services, Tues., 2 p, m., 1100 McClellan st. Int. Mt. Morlth Cem Re. rnalna rnar be viewed Mon., 8 lo 10 p, m. Auto service . SMITH. Oct, IS. MAROARET M,. widow of John.F. 8mlth (nea Degenl. Reiatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Wed , 840 a. m , residence ot son, John A. Smith. 2330 N. 3d st Requiem maaa at 10 a, m , at St Ron. lectin's Church. Int. Moat Holy Redeemer Cem SNYDER.--Oci. IS. PHILIP J., aon of Oeorae and Mary E, Snyder (nea Jackson), aged 16, Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral Wed 8-80 a, m mother's residence, 6314 Van Drke St.. Taceny. Requiem high mass St. Leo's Churrh In a. m. Int. St, Dnmtnlc'a Cem . STODDARD.-. 14, EDWARD W Son of late Charlea and Catherine Stoddard aaed 20, Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Tues,, 7 a, m . brother'a realdence, Charlea Stoddard, 42T Oreenway ave. Mass of requiem Church nf 8t Francis ds Saiea, 8 a. m. Int, Holy BWEErTrlr. Oct. IS. DELtA SWEENEY Reiatlvea and frlenda. Rosary and Altar Society and League of Barred Heart of St. Patrlck'a Church, invited to funeral, Thurs, 8.30 a, m, slater's resident. Mra, Mary Fltzpalrlck, 1727 N 2tst at. Bolemn requiem msss st Eliza, beth's Church 10 a. m Int, New Cathedral CBWIS8LER. Oct. IS. CAROLINE F . widow of Jacob Swlseler. Due notice of funeral will be given from 8020 N, Reese st, WATSON. Oct. 14. ANNIE, widow ef Samuel Watson, aged 78. Reiatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlces, Tues., 2 JO p. tn . 3121 N. 17th st. Int. private, .Mt. Morlah Cem. Auto toners I. WILXfERTON, At Reverly, N. J.. Oct. 14. MAOOIE Y.i widow of Charlea S. Wllmerton, aged 63, Reiatlvea and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed., 2 p. m,. Walton ave., Reverly, N. J, Int. Coopertown Cem WILSON. Oct. 14. auddenly. ANNIE K., wife of Alexander Wilson. Jr and daushter of Jacob and late Lucy E. Mrera. Funeral serv ices, 08 yJ Ealllmore ave., Lansdowne, Del. Co., Pa., Tuea , 2 p. m, Int. convenience of family Conveyance will he at !,anadowne Sta tion to meet train leaving llroad St. Station 1:28 P'WOf,F. At Tforrjatpwn, Pa . Oct. 13. Sirs. MART B., widow of Henry II. Wolf (nee Duns ford). Refstlves and friends Invited to funeral services. Wed 2 p. m.. residence of son, Oenrge Wolf, 4th ave. and Fayette St.. Conshohocken. Pa. Int private. Cold Point. Remains may be viewed Tues., 7 to V p. m. VODZINHKL Oct. 14. KONSTANTIN. hus. band of Mary Wodzlnskl (nea Dubler), Rela tives and friends, Wall Paper Print Cutters and North (lermsn lien. Society, Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8 a. m.. 2310 8. 3d at. High maas of requiem St. Alaphon'a Church 0.30 a. m. Int. Hnlr Redeemer Cem WRIGHT. Suddenly. Oct 1.1. ALICE A., widow of John J Wright, DI30 Market at. Reiatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Wed , 8.30 a. m.. Oliver 11 Dalr Uulldtng. lS.'n Chestnut st Solemn high mass Our !.adr ot Victory Church 10 a. m. Int. private. Remains msy be viewed Tues. eve. ZEISINQ. Suddenly, Oct. IS. HENRY W. ZEISINO, aged 00. Relatives and frlenda and all organisations nf which he waa a member. In vited to funeral. Wed , 2 p. m . 200 Linden ave., Rutledge Pa. Int. Mt. Morlah Cem. ZUI1ER. Oct, 14. STEPHEN DE WHITT aon of Stephen A. and Rose A. Zuber, aged 26 rears 3 months. Relatives and frlenda Invited o funeral. Wed., 1 p. m.. parenta' residence. 631 N. 44th st. Int. Montrose Cem. XXLF WAKTatBraDCAtJI C7lf flHFfm FaM sfWaW(af CWWfl MENDERS en Leref teresg ale stele te rearnt rood pay whlfa learniny Apsrty Bromley Lace Company, A and Somerset sta. . NURSE. EXT COLORM) GIRL. .ONE. HlLn REST HE REQUiAed P 821, I.ED. OFF. LOST AND FOUND MESH nAO I,ost, on Saturday afternoon. Oct. 14, gold mesh bag. marked on Insldo "A. R O , 2000 De Lancey place." Liberal reward If returned to J, E. Caldwell & Co., U02 Chestnut st. HELP WANTED FEMALE DELL TELEPHONE OPERATINO Work near your home In pleasant 'and healthful surroundings, with excellent oppor tunities for rapid advancement. There are twenty-eight Rell Central Offices In Philadelphia: probably there la one within a few blocks of our home. Unusual oppor tunities for earnest. Intelligent oung women between 18 and 22 yeara of age. New employee are paid white learning and are rapidly advanced. Pleassnt dining rooms, where the best of food ts bold at cost. In every Central Office, Comfortable sitting rooms for reading and relaxation. Opportunity for advancement to Senior and Supervising positions. Apply at 400 Market at., dally except Sun day, 830 a. m. to 0 p. m , nr evenlnga be tween 7:00 and 0:00 at any of the following Central Offices. 2d W. Chelten ave . Oermantown. 84th at. and Woodland ave. 1703 South llroad at. 17th and Diamond sts l.sncsster ave. east of 82d st. 400 Market at. 8th and Market ats,, Camden, Hope and llerka sis., Kensington. BOOKKEEPER, assistant; ststa experience and sslsry desired: good opportunity for willing worker, jvi itv. ieqgcr central, CHAMHERMAID flood position awalta an ex perienced glrli $7 per week. Telephone 693 .wumingion. CHAMHERMAID Olrl. neat, for chambermaid: no waehtng; 2 In family; good wages, 432H Spruce st i CHAMUERWORIC and waiting White girl for smsll family In Koaemont; reference required. Address Rox 42. Hosemontj0. CHAMUERWORK and waiting Young white rlrl with experlenco: reference required. hone Chestnm Hill ji$. C1IILDNURSE. white. Protestant. 23 to 33 yeara old. for girt .1 years old, nrat-clasa ref m erence. c 336. Ledger Office. mi CHH.DNURSE. white, hospital trained, for auburba. Call 10 to 12, Monday morning. 41)12 Locuat at. i CHORUS MEN AND- WOSIEN. OOOD VOICES. CALL 10-12-A. M TUES. AND WED PHILADELPHIA GRAND Ol'EIlA CO., 028 WALNUT ST. COOK and waltrees White only; experienced, competent; no waahlng: wages 110 and IS ..... '.. .i ip.l.nhn.. Toe. iirlimi........ - HI . .. T . EH,II.I.U .Jg ...1.,..,. mil, COOK. Swedish. Oerman or American, first class; S In family; city In winter. Phone Merlon 808. COOIC Wanted, competent white cook; no waah lng. Apply 2134 Pine at., between 12 and 8 Monday. COOK, Protestant, for cooking and light house, work; 2 In family; good wagea; sleep in nr out. Phone Oermantown 8300 or call 407 W Hnrtter at. Call after U p. m. Sunday or Honnar oeiors u list COOK Wanted, good, reliable woman for small family; Proteatant preferred. Apply 8133 Morrja at.A Otn. PhoneOtn, 810. COOK Olrl, neat, for cooking; no washing) 2 In family; good wagea. 48J8 Spruce at. (MRU NEAT, GOOD COOK ANp"WAtfRE38: NO WASlriNO CALL IN EVENINU, J,,.. ' PULASKI AVE.. OERMANTOWN. OIRL wanted for general housework; 2 In fam llyj reference. Apply, before D or after 2, 4725 Haxel ave. OIRLS wanted, 18 yeara and over. In toy fac tory; light and steady employment: good wagea. Apply the A, Schoenhut Company, Adama and Sepvlva ats. OIRLS. 10 and over, to learn penmaklng; week to learner a; ateady work- Apply any weekday. 1311 Spring garden at. OIRLS. experienced and-learnere, nn calendar work; paid while learning, Apply third floor, Wplf Co.. 12th and CallowhTll. ' OIRLH wanted,about 16 or 17 years old. for light work In stationery store. Apply Marcus a Co . 1303 Market at. OIRLS. over 10, Apply at International Art Publishing Co., 2d floorj!2th. and Cajlowhlll HOUSEWORK "Competent girl for general houeoworkl adult family. 4010 Cheatnut st. NLR1E Competent and eapertenced ehlldmirea. reference required, good salary. 2401 s. Jtfoad NtlilSKRr GOVERNESS, care of 2 little gtrle ft and 3 years, asaiat 2 older child rent refer ence salary I3i Chestnut Hill. Addreaa 43 Ledger llranch, 8328 Oermantown ave. OFFICE WORK Young lady ta assist In cheek ing Invoices and lo keep. record of root .Prices, state experience and salary desired. 31 74, ledger Centre 1. - OPERATORS EXpTsEWIO RcifiNE 1 OP ERATORS ON FINE AUTOJJOIIII.E WORK. APPLY HALE ai KILIitTRN .Ct).. ISTII AND LEHI(HIAVB.A8K FORMR9 DKAt. OPERATORS on sfngfe-needte .mechlnes; steady work AplareenwaldJirothera,247 S ji BHIRT 1RONERS. KXPEiyENCTCn. WANTED DE SAt.E8 HAND LAtWDRY. 1730 L ST, WA8H 1NOTON, D. C 8TEN60RAPIIER-TTTEWRITER. rnuarha ve good education tat ags, .experience and salartexpectedi.P8;SjxrerQmce. STENOORAPHER with knowledge of honkP Ing; young woman. 18 ts 22i permanent posi tion In Oermantown real eatate office. Apply 11 o'clock today. fi72l Oermantown eve nu Wxnw-tAiJi i 1. 1 in -- - PrrT-aPll tlTW-s rtWsYwf TELEPHONE OrERATORS An opportunity to secure employment l"": ehanga nearest your home; vacancies In notn local and long-distance off!es for experienced operators; also In school for stria to Jjarn operatlne. Apply Keystone Telephone com pany, 183 S, 2d at.. Room 403. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, lona dlatsnce. by lha American Telephone and Telegraph Co. I young women rf aood education, between tne ssee of IS and 23 yeara. good aatary while learning, rapid promotion for thoae who qual ify. Apply Mnday. October 1. a. tn. to 6 p. m and 7 JO to 8 JO p, m. Room 700. lourse Rulldlng WAITRESS, Protestant, white, with references: good home In country. Apply Monday, lotn, . 1810 Walnut et-, 8 lo 4 p. m WAITRESS Wanted, competent white waitress, no washing Apply 2111 Pine at, on Mon day, between 12 and 3, YOITNO LADY who can take charge of prnsne't files and take care of general office work In the rapacity "f stenographer! rnuat be xper. enced on Underwood machine Apply l-ureka Vacuum Cleaner Cm Oermantown and Olrard eves. Eugetje A. Sachs, sales-manager. THE American Law Rook Company. 27 Cedar st New York city, requires the services of competent, experienced atennaraphera. also dictaphone operators: aslar-- lis weekly and bonus, state experience and references. Ad dress E. L. Kimball, manager collection de psrtment r fienerat .,. TEACHERS wanted for grades high and Private schools; positions waiting. Nstlnnat Teachers Agency. D, II. Cook. Mgr , 337 Perry Rulldlng. HELP WANTED MALE nENClf HANDS, accustomed to stair work. Apply Chaa F. Felln Co.. Inc.. York road and Rutler ROY wanted, over Id yeara. position I'.nPf" ,',n newa department. Evening Ledger. Apply .11. K. Raleigh, fourth floor. Ledger Rulldlng. Ot'h and Chestnut sts. HOY. nbout 13 5 ears of age. to run errands and assist In office; permanent position, excellent opportunity for advancement Hallahan fc Son, Inc., I0thand Washington ate. ROYwanted'ln largeTifrlce. age 18 years, good education; no experience necessary: salary t, with rapid advancement i houra 7 to 3, Satur day 1 p m I 812, ledger Offlce. ROY wanted, brlsht with reference. Address ...by letter. A. O . Room 203, Ilurd Rulldlng.. ROYS wanted on light work In factory; ateady work: paid every Saturday. H. C. rox ft Son. Schuylkill ave. and Catharine at. ROY. 10 oroer, for general lobs around fsc- lory; wages 10. 1211 Sjirlng Oarden at. HOYS wanted, in years or over, to workTn wallpaper factory Apply at once. Decker, Smith A Page. Water and Snyder ave. DRUGS Q "A., good. prartlcal. experienced; reference; ahort hours. J 042. Ledger Central. FITTERS AND MECHANICS wanted; holler and tank work Cruae-Kemper Co., Ambler. Pa. HARDWOOD FINISHERS 30 COLTERS AND RUIlllEllS; 48 HOURS: 4c HOUR OEOROE WHMITHCOj807 FOWELTON AVE INSTRUMENT MAKERS, 13.24 to I'Tper day of 8 houra. tool makers, 13.32 to 13: machin ists 12.70 to 13; aaalatant machinists. 32 to SJ.tIO: all based on experience snd capacity; automatic turret lathe operators, Cleveland, Rrown ft Bharpe, 14.86: Potter ft Johnson. 13.80; hsnd turret Isths operators. 13 to 13.1(1, brass rnnldrrs, 13 70: blacksmith's helper, 12.24; higher compensation when on piece work; skilled laborers, 12 to 12.24; snldercrs. 12 24, Apply Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pa., preferably In per aon. from 8 to 10 a. m. on working days for application blank. LARORERS for outside work, digging." etc.. at 12.21 per day of 8 houra; citizens. Apply In person Frankford Araenal LARORERS 80, wanted" Cruae-Kemper Co . Ambler. Pa tUMIlER YARD MASTER for large yafofof parking box factory; state full experience, references, age and aalary. M 230, Ledger Office LUMRER INSPECTOR, capable" of""aTtln as ?fr".1,"Vfrl s'v" references, ago and aalary. M 231. Ledger Offlce. machine Shop tool crir attendants: Two. experienced, wanted; permanent position; rate. 35 eentaper hour, 04 houra per week time and half for all overtime. -lVrlte or apply De Laval steam Turbtne Co.. Trenton. ALAeND. WIFE. whlteTfnr houaeman-and . pYoknef0DI.'nTo1nyd4!'re'' "J3 N",h "h SLKi ,,iANTJ?D! "V".' he accuetomed to ualng 1V4 or 2 pound hand hammer; ateady S51i.'.IPr!!nc?'! on ,r!n worli whl e only; no labor trouUe; good working conditions! steady work Indoors; new shopi good men can earn 520 per week: to receive conTld erallon atate age. exoerlencn. weight and height; good onportunlty for men not if "a Id 8t7o" Adllr'" " 85' Poslofflce Ilox ME&.f"i w.ar.t'd..'? A" . sausage andToTk Apply 3U43 .nknii.a WU.IIINS, Oermantown ave. 2c per hour. 1KMXANTnU "n'lermakera. locornoUTma: chlnlsts. car repair men, laborers, locomotive cleanera. Penna. R. R 1711 Filbert at. MEN wanted, with experience, to distribute advertlalng .matter; money advanced each nlght. Apply, 6 JO nLnu, 200 N. Front at NIOIIT EN01NEi:il wanted" for manufacturing plant; atalo referrncea. 130, Ledger branch Office. 15th and Mooro sts. 1Jr,'ncn OFFICE BOYfl WANTED A FEW DESIRADLE POSITIONS WITir OOOD PROSPECTS. ARE OPEN IN TltH Fo!JL.,.OY8,'oiJa,,0,l ""& Oikl CIAE'(iTiJuTTH)T5.Air' T,"RD r'R- riPE FITTERS' HELPRS lo go to work "at ntiri ateadv etnnlAvment Annlwn . ...7 Pltaburzh Va lis. FSiindrV'S'Ti:.fc5P"' CornpanyJCoateavllie; Pa, " m""a ATERND 1UII.ORADE ,,IiA8-rr.JfLXPfi!"..CkD. WATER (1' 2-r H.AI.B ft KILRURN COMPANY. IsTli AMrl nniHiir.nritF'ie rtttititnu fi hi AlITOMORlT.B HODY WORK. iiiyAiJi (vii.iyiiKK A. M. MONni APPLY ty. OI.ENWOOD AVE. SALESMEN This, corporation has poal. tlona open for 3 aaleamen for city terrtto. rlea. we. would U Intereated In receiving applications from men under 43 who have had auccesaful road experience with com mercial Ilnea. but who paw prefer to gel off the road: mtiat be adaptable to new line! where same trade, must ! visited two and three times a weeki state experience fully, Ilnea. sold, age, aalary desired. Interview Jf.'L' H" """a?,! ou' convenience. M 218, ledger Office. ALKfAteX. "irr If you are a euceeaful salesman In any line, If yon can prove that you have succeis fully sold any line. We will make an epenlr for feu In the permanent selling organization of Jhel'" pnbllehtng housa In the world, whers i you ran make far more than the average salesman. .We will tralnMO lhhISlw" u".1 furnish you leede.,We will sire you a drawing account. We gTisranteerapld ad-' vaneemenl to thoee who rnake sood. f Men wanted now for both Sears Roebuck and Cambridge Editions, Come In. let's talk this ever. ENCYCLOPAEDIA RRITANNICA CO. II 8. 18th st . comer et Walnut, Philadelphia. SALESMEN to demonetrate to merchanta rnovle. graph window display electrlo sign: biggest moneymaker In rears. Crown Manufacturing Co..704 Market at. . . SALESMEN, stationery, with exwrlence retsll commercial stationery. Apply Marcua ft Co., 1303 Market at. W A N T KD HAND AND POWER. MILLINO MA CHINE SET-UP MEN cBxt'e'i? "oiVS&aVl&l- ON FORM EfeiEN'SJ'rNSPECTORS ON OUN rART8. Day" turn, flftr-four hours per "jek. Nleht" turn, flfly-eeven and one-half houra In five nights, Time and a half la paid for all time over forty-eight hours per week, A bonus at rate of 12 per cent Is ' paid to all employee and an extra tioni s nf 10 r-r cent to "night turn" employes. Positions are permanent to competent State n first letter the rate, your ex. rerleeca In detail and whether you pre fer "day" nr "n ght" tum. Ot call at the New England Weatlnshous. Km. Plorment Rnrrsu. Walnut atreet, Chlco pee Falls. Mass. SHEET-METAL WORKERS EXPERIENCED MFN ONLY. ON ItlOlt ORADB AHWWO RILE IIODY WORK. APPI,Y READY FOR WORK a A. M ..MONJIAT.1 ILMjB '-'f HURN COi18TII ANDOI.ENWOODAVJii WXntED-A flrst'claas automatic screw ma chine fnTn who haa had experience '" l"'n nut cama for No. 00 and No o ,,IIX? Hharne automatic screw machines and No. 3 AcmTand Hartford' macTunea; also cap.ple r iMiinr un nam's mut xm compicni 10 ?ove'r ii depi?rtMent'of 120 machines .on a variety of email brass and steel parts, the manuVacturln. Is similar to typewriter, clock, talking machine parts, etc. Address m .a.. ledger Office.' YOUNO MAN. handy with tools nd wRh "om, experience on electrical work and repairing, to take rare of service department: food chance for adiancement Apply E"eka Vaeuum tSeaner Co Oermantown and pirard aves. YOUNO MAN "wanted, telephone operator and clerical wnrk moderate aalary. Apply lei ham Court, Oermantown. YOUNO MEN. strong, wanted In live and dressed poultry huainesa Call, between 3 and 5 p. m., 337 S. Frontat. - General . . ROOKKEErERS clerks and atenosraphers. eev. eril good positions open: other Millions open Ituslneai Service Company, 1301 Land Title Rulldlng. SITUATIONS "VvNTM-FEKATjE sSusr rt',f" :,-ia&o rnnahle of taking entire chargei salary -J to start J 833, Ledger Central. ROOK-KEEPER" and stenographer. "pable ot taking entire rharre and accuatomed to secre tarial work C sw). ledger Oillce. CHAMRERMA1D and watttiui Youne; woman. experienced. I'. 147, ledger Central. CHAMUERWORK nr rhamberwork and waltlnt In small family, no. waahlna; wages. o. J 84BjLedsrrCentral. . DAY'S WORK Colored lady wlahes i day'a work; good referencea. Write or call 1007 8. 20th at. GOVERNESS. French: takes full care; experi enced. J 1148, ledger Central, . . , HOUSEKEEPER or companion, reOned widow wishes position; no objection to travel; Ger man Protestant. B;43. Idjer Contral. NURSE Capable woman, with long experience and satisfactory references, desires position. AddrejsM 223,I,edger OtTlce. TUTOR Experienced teacher In kindergarten and primary up to sixth erode: nature work a specialty; best reference. Rox 145, Haver- Xrd;. Pa, WOMAN, colored, wants work, city or country, nny klnd.1043 Rodman at. WOSIAN. German, wants to take In waahlng at home.1013 West Somerset at. YOUNO WOMAN." reliable. ProteaTant. wishes position chamherwnrk or help with children; reference. C 333. Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, expert. 40, 80c per hour; perma nent or temporary. J u.,. imager central. ADVERTlBINO My experience covera'over 0 years with well.known Phtlsdelphta advertising agency na detail man. handling copy, rates checking, , etc.: last .1 years and at present with large publlsners. Issue Instructions to art de- Kartment and engraving room, make lay-outs, andle proofs, correspondence with advertising agencies and branch ofllcca: am 31 years of age, married; can furnish Al reference from present employer. Can you use me? Address M222. Ledger Offlce. UOOKKEEPER and executive, aaalatant, young man. 33. married, 13 yeara' bookkeeping and varied bualneaa experience, best references, desires position with a f uture.E 163. Led Cen. BOOKKEEPER. 27. wlehea poaltlon as book keeper or aaslstant. F, Uoebel. 801 N. Ohio ave,. At'antlc City, N J. HUTLER Young colored" man wants sltuaflonT private family: best reference, D iJ. Led. Off. 1JUTLEH. Japanese, wanta poaltlon In private familyi reference. F. N., 30s N. 18th at. CARBTAKER8. adults. Christian Americans". bus, ability; city or country. E 240LLed.Cen. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC very highly recommended, dealres a good posl. L'on i" Jft'Ai,;l,,.n,,li 1" ; h?rough melhimd: haa handled high-grade foreign and domeatln vilorfNeYork'.000' J' A' 8m"" "3 ClIAUKKEUJi. colored: sober, careful drlvsrl lii.y,V? l5,,a?.,fc'iUr',r?.',e. no nous?wor": AVrlte 13 N, 43d. Phone Raring 7037 W. CHAUFFEUR, whits, best reference, wanta "So. jltlon touring South, family ir pirt" C 3?L Ledger Central. " " w " ClfAUFFFrUR. White, ahop exp wlahea ta-n" prl.,fam.t best ref.' 82 CPrlck;tW"r" Ardmore." jr ---j -T.yJi-'j"ai vvrii.reTil, CHAUFFEUR wishes position; bestTrefsTi expl aober..careIUI driver, E ISO, ledger CentrJi, COACHMAN, single, middle aged, deaireeTMal. jdriLi COOK". Jspsnese. wife aa maid, wish positions JJ'.n.TVic'u.T'-ri'oOJ "w'""- WW lS! EXECUTIVE. 28. 10 yeara'eiper,nc, atenog". rapher, correapandence. office manager. SlK assist sales-manager and rep., desirea mml? dlate connection, JJBiL. Ledger Central EXECUTIVE -.High-grade PhlKdalphU-lnTir 42. seeks position with reputable i SuS bjsi credentlale. J78J Ledger CentVa"'"' U4NU?tt.rytitJ? U.",r hlmeelfrwantaltThear from thoas looking for a steady' sober workeri experienced electrlclsn's helper, or In an? nffi exchange. Phone Dickinson 2848 w yi2 Federal st. tnVAVWM Wj Pierce, reference, KMslie.Jjief PMOOSniATllCll- fi,aUu.i -- , young man. nonunion j.r.fer'nceii f.V.5l. Anqrese us, Ledger Oftv. WEAVER. Jscnuard. would like rhaT w!?,1 loom flvlir, elate wigsa. o go "? J5 JrMf-' SALESMAN. ."" now "(..'-r-"""' manager for ayndlcate nrri. desK. IatP ate with reliable firm handling suSi.' rlally llnca; have ft years' ess. n sMlS ZLP eeutlve espaclty. familiar with rw i. H southern territory, best ,,,; j Vj,8 ,-Wi Wharlen School . tTnleerslty efffi,.? 'S tiste. 18 years' business exwrlmeVFsJ yeara burer and aaalatant suptMntiaSK l: vAVA.m,i 'ur:"". 'erWer5ra ..,.,.,.,.,, ,,t imager OrTlre. YOUNO "MAN. colored. imi nrauMdie. colored, recent gradoatiTel" in. with inmnll. ?!!. " position In dra.ttlng room. Writs ieia' ' ipnia. pa. - at., Philadelphia, Pa YOUNO MAN. married . wiui family," a z-T.: !".- "-".;...:'"." wnn loro.nnior. wouia iias te secure Waikl niJk's't d"" " hm" W . lKf J YOtrNfTllAN 22. coll.g. aisuuate Osie ? tuiwu aiaw. colored, wishes poaltiori; s-nsiss. nea swwtt st man -.lTJ "YJ ' man or s-cond man 1237 CambriXi. I. YOUNO MAN wishes position esiirbeeTlTeT.a reference. C 826, ledger Qgics. eH xirur.i aiAr, posit ion ?i IV V3Z. VS1"Th An tauiuAii uri-Kii-Tiii advsrtlaifin employed, but wishes to return to Ka.1 phla; he knows all branchea of atiU"1 would nrnve) nf valn .. jerms I teWr'TiSay ""'" Addryy,j EMPLOYMENT AQEN0IE8 Mrs. Niriior.ijt. m Ti.to..M.. v.. petent Engllah. French. Scandlnavlana. ' t-i-laifl ruitlaaftl aiaMVanel enasi ... ' " MHnl'.S'tn.-' la.'." I'' .'.U"I". rookp, armn mothr nnd duihtf lierrriRn Amrnrtn ibqib' rrtaiB .i.au. aej i'.ii, ..! .wt : I; -l -, i mm v-ssiMe nnil . VlaHIlUejrrni iaJ, Ttf. rlAf-aiaUa with ref. i wanted, mala and female help fa?. ranaelttea. " ,OT ivanicu, si r.pucopai urnce. 13 n. lfuTer rooks, waitresses, chambermaids. laaStlj " .- -... -.-, w..w... .,i.,.m., JONES'S Employment Agency Mai and f.au! hlp secttrodj while and colored, rreston 8T?1 In B. 83th. MRt. HARyEY, 1010 lllttenhouse sq. R,!!,", help supplied and wanted. AUTOMOBILES For Sale RAROAINS IN U8ED CARS With electric llahta and atarfera I .a teat model "S." 7-pass, Flat; run 1000 mReVi nil I tirani. n-pneaenaer touring, tnir. ntudehnker Rnadater. 1013 Lotler. model 77, B-pasienger tourist. mm Jiaaei iirnouaine. 1013 Oakland. 3-paaienger touring . Theso csea offer exceptions! value and axa kamlm at the) nrlr vrs sell them foe vcwl demonitrste at your convenience. Suitable term I ran be arranged. - THE LOOOMOUILE COMPANT Of AMBReSal 2311-22 Market jat. ?yhngerji3Ei RAKER r.LECTRIC t-ndy will isrrlflce rwdeafl Raker Electric 4-passenger coupe! perfect CsaVI dltlon. Call, phone or write Mrs. s.i 4TMI I"lpcr at. i-none. r ranaiora jiwh RAKER electric. Inclosed, leather upholatereitl good condition: ready for Immediate use. Tela tVal. 2390. Wm. White, 1214 Commonwealth llldg nUICK 1013 C 25, R-passengjr loiirlng; rpa and repainted; will sell for $323. it I Ledger Central, CADILLAC 1013 tourlre car; excellent eonoltkenj new tires: pointed; price 1800; bartaiat'j CHESTNUT HILL MOTOR CO , neo. Jteaffag ,.eies riiia-.Vinti. rha-lniit 1(111 ftRII. el IHIIUHl . """"', , , i, n ai a ran CADILLAC 101,4 tourlnc ear. overhauled fail repainted: full equipment! price 1730. AUCl 3ALE8jgRrORA,riON. 143 N. Rroad at.- DETROIT electric brougham; will sail chtiaj J at I . looser, v.rmre.1. FRANKLIN B-paaaenger 1014 teurlngl JeoafT like new: guaranteed to he In lirst-eisis eeaJ dltlonjjwiii sen ioriyw. i .i.iwruitr 5siJ HUD80N9 Phaetons, roadsters and cabrleletaj eqUiPPCn Wlin r-iririu Usui " bmiicii, . OOM ERY-SCH WARTZ ,2i3 N .llrpadjll i.ii.'.nri JjhiI H(l tr T . T.naaa Tnwrlrr. In good condition..,. ,......., .,. HHl L. II. O'NEAL. 210 N. Rroad st. ! PACKARD foredoor 7-passenger, In good ceaM-J tlon 1400. 1203 Olrardave. M J,A!9'-- i?.'ffM.T,.iT4ioV,.r 7BW ger Central. ItAlfCII A LANO electric. 1010 modal! Iftej new: reasonable price for quick aale. J ttt, Ij-drer Central. HCIlll l'S-IIUVXl 11 1U14I. Iirav-ciaa. tuimii will sell for 1323. LJJfOjJyedgeriCentrakj TT-. .... .TV,,,.nV,nn K.....h .. Bl LiAlln-IV.1! lull 1 ! ,.-i.-v,,wvi .uw.i Just like new, fully equipped; at a bargain. l 'nan nf conveniens isrme J I.. S ROWERS CO.. USED CAR DEPT. 4 jn N HroadjiL Walnut ,70' HUDSON i'AKTS aUHU-Se 3330-3343 MARK ITT . USED TRI1CK8 Several well-known raaS ranxina irom i ion uji in - i". ",.. without bodlra. C R. HARVEY 2S0S Cheat! MODEL "(. 23 Iiuicii touring car lor a Al condition. W. C Stryker, 1187 Prla qe . Camden. N. J Wanted WANTED A 110 uaed car. roadater. C 311, Ledger Offlce. 4-paiita AUTO LIVEEY AND aABAPE3i INbLPENDENT TAXICAB CO. ISIS W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIR-j LI310USINE TAXICA1I3 APILl nfiiiitvn ckliu Dla 46 Never Closed ParttJ iinpiTAn. tntT-To hlra (open day an Park 1482, brand-new B-paii. touring fl JX h. nlao hrand.naw 7-oaaa. HrAOUl $1.30 hr.I weddings, funerals. , 1718, OlrarJ HUY MOISTER Portable Oarages Bte stucco. On display 30S1 N. Sth. Tioga I AUTO IlEPAiniNQ SPEEDOMETER TROUHLES See HILLY, at his new location. B10 NORTH UROAD ST. AUTO SOTPLIES IF YOU WANT to sell your old car or wat ' parte to repair, can, write or poen P. ft It. AUTO 1'ARTS CO. 816.17 N. 12th at. ParkJWO. TIMKEN-IIEAIIINOS JIT ATA New Departure Service Sta. The Owlllhv 1314 Arch at. Ph. Walnut 3il. i PARTS tee, IStiiM Ar ranalp tnV rtP. Phlla. Auto Parte Co., 828 N, 13th. farkl DEMOUNTAUI.E RIMS, all altea and ta lain tlsAi tnrl tiita an A nthai ! bariLl P, ft It. Auto Parta Co.. SIS N. 12th ag-j AUTO TIBES AUTO TIRES Quaranteed 8500 mllnf I APEX Tinc6., 812 N. PROAP I S0x3U. NON-8KID TIRES. ........... suisvl. Ilea Tubes, guaranteed , .. HOpOLPH TIRECO.. 1333 ArtJ r wiit't , . u irfiiva Quaranteed 8600 miles. Compare pries- " uiuii'l, aiu n, roaa au BUSINESS OPPOaTUNITT-efi PATENTS Bmi 'of ou ! . . . "Patents and Trade-M wa wm neip you oevaiop your invsmi-a. vice free. Rrssonahle fees. Open Mea-T I nines until bu. FOSTER & WEBSTER """' 1011 ChMtnut t. H.ll phona WU) WANTED--PfttUton by two y0un . afraid of work) will give good measeiti lege bred; large acquaintance. OET MY LIST of business opportunities M buying i saa- terms. Jsmas C Oarfleld,'.! HOT !JllSS tllill..lVI- - --., Huamiruia, POLLY NO BER tXSB"" h Pa Km Good Arm ment Whom Hejiear it tnsjaj-Htfll ! ' ILLy-. (jc5T HER. A FRa1CH AiUDf) 5mXW& Wi.Trjfca A "JdCft nr?lr7?A(r ,-TW --p.. . .- i -a .1. . i mRt II-4D.AJ STCKalAllTrT'1 ... . , r m Br-"v i K. I f ATA" KrvA fPVH saH BaH af H wsa- fa-SaMKiir5r,l "iUT,( 7l 4 I a-a-t, --t fihtP xltiH 5TleJo fop IT.' Ai). LiFFTPD rrlM W cJlP WtfcT F ijJairr TRUST LiL OLE IbUV To I . - .i r-T-iilT -it TTtfc I "-' -- Ji h Et IKmY I CfAlT lUlfe Mt rrt?oniV-rS a D.-iuicirr o-KT r r ? 1 - -r ...... i 1 ... lil I I 1 . .. h,.m ii.i.v, ..-. J II laa-B hJ FPFl -3t - 1 . t-rVf:Airfl viiu XJltlOUl Al iaj&L.. Rl 7t- " J : fJ Wr-A I . ih J ' SolrAW fMtfliiT.j u M. i. ...an . a ,w-- --. ., 1 ii ,m,m ii i iiisi,. ,V, .J , (j&0&ljfc ' ' " M