" -jut, vtftmxa' Lto(iBlHWn;ADECteiA. Saturday r ogtobbb i4,-iib -, L . , . -, a ifl.a.... , feK FINANCIAL NEWS 1 TRADING ALMOST WHOLLY IN HANDS OF SPlSCULATIVE ELEMENT? ON FLOOR ' ?Hc 'totrimmb and Market Tone Vary Constancy, but Thr Ii Little Real Liquidation Large Buyer on Long Side x Hik Paints in Today's Financial Ncwa Mtmwiil of friett torkd in itock market. Wheat traders nervoue, wUk prUo irrogtmr. Cotton higher. Foreign exchange moderately active. .Average and oieinai loan and the surphte t flowed decrease in the New York hemk ttottment. Bank eiearinge for country ohowed another increate. Dank of Mongol oHooounl rate raieed from 8 to 7 per cent. Prjee of bar silver higher. Demand for Uel predneU etill large. " ' NEW TOItk, Oct. 14. Txtco movement and the market tone varied constantly all through the halt any, 'ttm tradHflg w left almost wholly In the hand of the speculative element on the floor and some of the uptown bear plungers. Thero was little real liquida tion ectt that which catna from closing out of weakened margins on prelouely tfctet aceounta, Heme' of the larger Interests that had been noted aa buyers before the Beptem- kfer advance were again In the market on th,e long1 aide, and, although these Inter ests were not disposed to express bullish opinions, It was evident that there were quiet but steady buyers whenever material recessions occurred. s " Apjrently politics Is now tho only disturbing lnfluenoo In the situation. The j apexrotative element generally regards the submarine activities aa having lost 'their market Influence. Those who were talking of politics expressed their view mere In betting offers than In predictions. Among these offers waa one to bet Urge amounts at odds of 7 to G that the Kepubllcang wjll carry New York Btate and the smaller odds against "Wilson nero followed by tho nppcaranra of considerable takers of offers, mndo by tho backers of the presidential candidate. In the Inst two days thcuo sngcrs amounted to far more than they had on any preceding day slnco the nominations noro made. Special Influences were hardly discussed In the forenoon's trading, although Norfolk and Western continued to reflect peralstont accumulation by Interests uppoeea 10 represent ino Pennsylvania iiauroau. united mates steel common fluctuated during a good part of the time between 109 and 108(4 and Anaconda ranged from 0K to 91. Heading fluctuated between 109 and 105. with the wrae rallies asd recessions as were noted In many leading Issues. This narrow lag down ottbe price movements to these Utnlta waa regarded as Indicating a coming turn In the market situation. New York Stock Sls Acme Tea pref. . f Alaska Oetd Mines 11 Alaska Jttfteau . . 7 Allls Chalmers . llVi do sref ,. 10 Am Ag Chera ... 7K Am H gwgdr ..... OIK Am can ..,..., Amer Car A Fd? Am Cotton Oil . . Am Hide & Lea do prtf Am Ice . . . Am I.lnseed . do pref Am Iocomothe do pref Am Smelting Jim Bugar Am .Steel Fdy . Am Tel & Tel . Am Wooln Am Writ Pap pt.. S8U Amer Zlno 48 V Net Hleh. Lew. Close, ehae. II I 84 ll 70V4 2S 3.1 34 78 V 14 to 7 IBVfc 87 tt diH 84 12V. eoy, is IS 14 M 1K 101 10S M ... 11 H H H u yH so . .... " 7 1 M4 -- V. M -f H SI ..... 00 H 1W 31 .... 11 M !. 84 :s io 10814 10SV4 1084 U 114H H-V llUi ,. tY 874 SI t iiih kiu Jn ..... 4 41H 4IU 4y 4sy do pref. 77 77 77 Anaconda Copper.. D1H so 91 Atchison 108 VI 108 loatt do prer.,., . ...jooyi loon loot. At Qulf & "W do pref. Baldwin Loco., do pref , uslto Ohio. .., OS fin so a; 107 87 Beth Bteel 881 Uatrett Mfg ....let Brooklyn lip Tr.. 84 Vi Drown Shoe ..... e Bush Terra .....111 Butts Superior. SI Burns Bros lilt Cat Pet pfd 4 01 as 7. 107 0H 810 180 Vi 84 H 10 111 1H 78T4 40 p .17H 1H U 4 . 77 10 7H . uou 140 vi ioy li ss4 ssvfc "si say. DA AS ..118 17 86 11 GOOD DEMAND SENDS COTTON PRICES HIGH Etop-Loss Orders and Increased Supply Follow Early Ad ,yance, Causing Reaction COTTON BKLT. WKATRER CONDITIONS TtmV 10KK. Oct. 14, Ontlde of the His prwIplUUen In h uathncit Mctlon Mw Mtlcn twit lnl marnlnr It " (armllr clr. xm Tvuvwinjr Mnpfraiarrt werv rvnorivai latwTlII. SOiRnonln snd NhllU. Bti New York Bond Sales a Rila SUa Aer db B... 1(1000 Alhtnr IHOOO Am.r . UiOOO Anrln.Pr Ra 22000 Am KortUn fl5 r..,, 00 opoo Am Hmelt Hto M....110 mwi Am in cu 2000 Am Tel ert 4Hi dihmi Am 'inrtaa ii..., 1000 Ann Arbor 4. . !H0(I Armour Co 4Vi.. 1 fciklftrli mil klKnoras Clir Chsttftiwot. 8S1 tn. i.itu HMK can. SSI Wllmluun, .l AnallklB. 1,IIU RMlC Fart rSmtth ninhl. anil Himh. Sftl VV nt Hnd lllrmlnilmra. vfMantnmcrr, ti.Marl.llan. oi Ickabarr. LUi MkranTllI. SSI Th 'Sim 76, Ktid ck and . Thomnflll iCManwiiiai. Bui 1 nDiniiiiiufl. nurrxwuvrtt Habile mi rfnsnrola. fli Nn AiiUnta nnd arleaUn and nnrrrvporti IHDI. TOt Then 1 UUlm Rck am Corona Chrji ,Oft tneh at Karl Hmlth a una nnwr llriiin. -T" -"! Tif i- Lflroai unriBii. in. lath of orelntlntfon at NEW TOniC Oct 14. Advances of 11 to 18 points were recorded at the 'opening on the Cotton Exchange this morn ting. The tone was firm. There was a .good general demand, with prominent room 1 traders and Liverpool )edlng the buying Some spot and commission houses sold .moderately. A feature on the call was the lfxo that bids in December had to be ad ranced before any offerings were forthoom 'lg. Aftsr the first few minutes stop-loss orders were encountered and thtvaupply In creased, with the result that prices dropped t to 0 points from the earlr flgures. The report of the Census Bureau on the consumption of the stsplo In September, Whllo smaller than generally expected, was without Influence. Clear weather prevailed In the eastern portion of the cotton belt, but In the South west It was cloudy, with precipitation at asms points. Temperatures were slightly higher. The market was nervous and irregular daring the late forenoon. The opening ad- ft nee met ery heay realizing for over the week-end and prices soon turned easier, selling about J to 7 points net lower. De cember was relatively weak, selling back to within 4 -Mints of January and about 5 -joints under March. I December later showed a tendency to In crease on rallies of some 7 to 8 points from the lowest. No fresh factor of Importance was dls cuased around the ring, ami trading- was .supposed to be largely of a week-end char aster, y The receipts of cotton at the porta forthe day were estimated at 45,000 bales, com pared with 46,141 bales last week, 19,746 bales last year, and 26,074 bales In 1114. Test, cloaa Op-n III'll. Iw, Class ,,. .17.112 Ii-S .... IIS ua 14000 Atchison sen 4s...... OS IOOO Atrhlson cv 4a 1DB&..1U1 100OO do nv 4 10UO ion 18O0O Atlsn Co Llna cli 4a., ST., 0O0 do S ...... .v.. ...lotH 21W0 do cv 4H ..,,,," M lOOOO nlt a O Hnn R'ia.. U2 lioou nth Btl rfd 8 ...loi'i urns ss no Mono Can Oov 8 1021 .. loo 0000 Hush Trm in uov 1 do 19!) 7000 do 10S8 100' f.OOO do 11)31 101' 8000 ClJC 4Ha., KA onou C-nt l'.c 1st 4s do1 Cbl U t (I joint 4a.. VKV4 0 H CM Bt V dlr 4s.. H2U U.(i 0.(4 do ev 4V4 ..... ..191(4 JO) 101 U Chi n I t 1 rfd 4a,. Ill 78 15S do Ba 01 noil ni f-reti .......lt&n 17.72 17. 7 17. Ji .........7.fl0 17.62 17.M 17, -fr ,...;....17.7 17.88 17.80 17. 17.80 17 70 17 l IT""1 17.72 17.78 17.62 n.M nbar ...,17.8 PRtwrr- ,,,,.1 u '.111' 80 i.i 17.40 17.88 .74 .. 17.80 it r.Jt 17.02 17.70 17.74 17.83 1 Bs Cotton Buyers and Sellers NEW TOnK. Oct 1 4 .December Free .IMHt. Orvls, Mitchell and McEnany bought; Keeklns, Ilartoorn, Itanger, Dartlett, IlenU land Sohlll fold. ' January Downs, Korden, Orvls, C. Hicks, Tettng and Martin bought Marsh, Newman, jXarteorn, Hyman, Frederlckson and Bart. Mt sold. 1 Marsh Sohlll, Mitchell, Orvls, Downs and Martin bought; Wenman, Bartlett. Jlart rC Shutt, Young, Itlordan, Norden, Free 4m, Fllnn and W. Oumoens sold. Xay NeWman.' Downs, McFadden, Cone a4 Cassard bought i Fllnn, Norden and Hy SNSMi and Russell sold. July KeMTer, Allen and Parrott bought, FMan and Cone sold. 1.000 Cha a Ohle cv 4Ha. 88' 04000 do cv Aa 04 8000 rhi a ouon at. a.,,, r 2000 Chl a Kaat III 6a,.. 8H 300U Chl Nwn ran 4a... 11.1 OdUUO 2000 17000 080(10 IIUW dd ua ....... l,nfU 1 , J.....I. ( ( k.. DVVM U .l,UU.II-.t w-.,, ni. OOOO Cona Uaa cv Ca..,.,127 1000 Pal A Hud rfd 4a... OS. 4 9000 !)en Itio Or 4 HO lonoo Krla cv 4a Htr A,..., 6Si 8000 do 8tr II 78. llooo Ifud VUn rfd 8 70 10000 111 UtstVdnh 4H OftK 17000 lows Central rsC 4a.. ftvft 10000 Inn Cantral 4a 1SB2... 80H ISMiOO Inttrb Mat 4Ha 78 18000 Inttrb ft T ref Ba,... OBH 2700O Int Xt-r Mar ev 4V.i..loiS 8J00Q do W I fla".. ...,,..'. B7f, ltivO Japan naw O B 4Via.V HtS Soon Kan City Bo 8a ..... 00 800(1 Kan City Tar lat 4a , 8HH 12000 Ijirkft mtel r,a 1028.. DOS 10UOO do Sa 1030 DI noon txiula A Naah 4a ,.,, 114 8000 Minn a 8t f, 4a ..... 02 40il Minn HI I- S H M 4a 12 10000 Mo Kan a T lat 4a , T7'i IOOO Mo Kan a T eat 8a . ON 18000 Mo l'o w I 4a ..,., (14 S nooo Md Too cv ct 6s ... A3 OOOO Mont Power 8,.., ,110 12000 Nat 'Tuba Ba.,,.. ,,ira 8O60 NYCI.B DUi rrs.. 7flW sr.ooo N Y C a Hu.l Oa. ,Ji8i Bono n v ntr h moa..ioU 1000 K V On a H A P 4a 85H 8.8000 N Y jtwy ad) Ba..,. 82., 11000 H 1 Tl Fn 4H.,.. 0(j44 jOOOO Norf A Wiat 4?...;.. 04 Iw, Clftaa. 88 H8 . loow molt DO WK 1"'.. !"., eVa I't'H B-i 05 g "ri s-s 80S 87 101U 101 H o or.u OJ V2 mm 101'i DO 00 It liHi'4 looVl K looU 100K fa 10l(J lni'f S OOS OOK 14 04I 04'4 ri r,oH no OK U.t .UI1 X JMJ ....... Cent Leather ... Cent A S A Tel. Cries ft Ohio.,,. Chl Ot W pfd. . C 11 t St P ... C C C & St 1, .. Chl & North W Cont Can 10U4 104 Col Gas & i:iec... 41U 3l4 Chlo It I A Pao... 3tU Chill Copper ton Chlno Copper S a; Col Fuel & Iron... 81 Col & So 1st pref.. 01H Con uaa of Jlalto Consol aas.. H H tt Va H W 1W a e Ms U 10 100H iV 4H 94 61 H 111 4 01 78tfc H 4 V, 0 8 101 107 set 880 SOT. Ottt 40i 1H 116H U84 1HH 141 140H 141 86 D8 SO 110 104 71 88 H aiu V -I H M I to m 0H H MVt H 1H H H H H 1 H DRAWING OF MORE MEN FROM TRADE AFFECTS MARKET London Stock Exchange Again Opens With Gen- eralDecline FACTORIES ARE GROWJNG By FRANCIS W. HinST ffpeetot Cable to Xvrnlna lAietr. LONDON, Oct. 14-The stock markets opened yesterday with a heavy tone and general decline. The process of combing more men from trade for the army Is again operating. Tin plate traders are asking for larger aid better export facilities, especially for Ifidla and Spain. Tin shares are aotlve. Oil shares haW suffered from the military situation, Despite the labor shortage, larga factory extensions In the Midlands are reported. One effect of thooxcess profit tax has been the re-equipment and enlargement ot the plants. A sharp battle Is developing between the free traders and protectionists over the appointment of the official committees for reporting on trade after the war. The Tariff Beform league Is to reopen Its cam paign, and I expect there will be a line-up and a clean Issue. The Liberals complain that the fiscal committees have been packed. CLEARINGS CONTINUE LARGE Sales in PhUMelfihlm Hlefe. ISO Am Rye pf watt toe Bald 1-oco. 7H 14 Cam (Heel.ioe 100 CramfT A 8 7tt toe crucible A 7s 7 IrwCoN A 7tt 411 Lk 8f C lltt 14 Lett Nav.. 77 SO Leh Valley 14 H a North Cen m 88 renna R R 88 171 I'hlkt Kleo 16U 400 rnT'tr cfa 10W est Heading. 108U 108H IO8M1 . ... 100 Ho Itwy S7 S7H 1H W 488 Ton Bel 4 a. 4U 4V4 M 78 Ton Mine l-U 8 18-10 S 18-11 .... 67 Union Trao 44 44 44 40 Un O Imp. IIV H . S4B0 U H Bteel 10K IOIt 1 H 60 War 1 t K OS OH H H 10 Westmor C 71 71 It tw, sH 1H 100 78H 70 7 1H 1H 84 8 87 H tV. !. CIOM. Tt eha. 08 , 71 1 100 ..... 7Hv 7IH 1T i7H y 18W TV W 7IH f- W i4 i si H 87H'.... 181i .. . 1IH 1 TaUl ailM. 78 ilu nim laal natarsari 1 laat rrk, 107.8U aha ana. ramoarja ' aritq tala WMk. 67.006 an 7040 arts 1 Mi H 8S1 ObO Krtrth Pan nrtnr 4a l.wv qg ran ia n is 8000 Or loqo i-ae loooo raoei SOOO hsaClnr sen ns tf ...... I . 1).7 rar u ,..,,, v4 1000 PaelRa Trl Ba uuuu l'aonia'a uaa na iuz 7000 tfa Co ranv 1021.,, 02 2006 Pub Sarv N J ,6a.,,.. 02tt uo B4 lniu loiH mono do rtr 4s .....,,.. os 2000 rtspuli Cuba Sa 1014,, OOVt IUUIIU J(i.p ir a, v oa ,.,,iou 08000 Bt t, B F In W I.... 67 20000 do aja w i ,. 87 inooo 40000 do Kan ct 4a da Har A w 1 14000 8t L, Hwn lat 4 12000 do con 4a 2000 Ran A A P lat 4s nniam a a um aaj os jiiiMM, ao rra is 71H10 nouin iuii o(i Baiun ra 10(101 flo cv 60O0O do cv re 24000 do rfd 4s 18000 Booth Itwy can 4s iunuuu 21000 jOAO 1000 ni-'r . o n 1, 1. V., 17000 U 8 Steal f 81 noon ao rs 188000 Tin Ktn 4000 Un Pas 8000 do cv 77 ?2 07f V S7V sss Corn Products.... 18 1SH Crucible Steel BO 7H4 Cuban-Am Sngar.105 109 Cuba Cane Sugar. fllH is do pref. OOMi Va DenftnioO 17 V 17 do pref. 41H 41H Distillers Secur... 4JV4 4tU Dome Mine 14 14 Dul S S A pref.... II II Erie 8816 tla do 1st pref 8194 sti do 2d pref 4414 44ft nnnsrn.1 Hlectrla. . 170 178 General Motor pf'..188H "3ft Ooodrlch Co .... 78 71 Oranby Consol,.., 00 00 Ot Northern pref...ll 1171i at North Ore ctfs. 41 4014 Orcen-Can Cop.... 80 40"4 1)1 Central 107 107 Inspiration Con... 8t 11 Int Aar Corp pref. 48 44 Int Harv Cor N J. 118 118 118 Interboro Con.... 17 17 I7y Internl Paper 88. do pref DS Int Nickel 80 Int Mer Mar t c... 37 do pref 107 100 107 1 ICC Ft S &Mpf.. 74 71 74 8 Kan City Southern 17 Kelly Spring Tire. 70 Kenne Cop 01 Lackawanna Bteel 84 Lake Erie ft West 10 do pref 44 Lee Rubber....... 48 Lehigh Valley.... 84 Loose-vTIl Biscuit. 17 Mackay Co pref.. 07 80 81 104 100 87 18 70 115 1 17 41 41 .. 4 II 37 82 .. 44, 171 8 71 00 -t-i 118 41 40 107 01 44 80 08 80 30 17 70 81, 88 10 44 41 83 17 17 84 54 101 108 87 87 08 1 80 30 Max Motors do 2d pref ... May I) Store pf Mexican Petrol Miami CoDner . M St P&S S M pf.138 188 188 Missouri Pnc t c. ' 5 5 Mo Kan & Tex... 4 Montana Power ..08 National Biscuit. .178 Nat Enameling Nat Lead ..... do pref Nevada Con . , N V Air Drake. N T Central ... NTNH&1I. N Y O ft W 17 71 01 84 20 44 43 84 17 07 89 84 1 104 S ,108 87 Business in Week 14.9 Per Cent Moro Than Last Year Bank clearings throughout the country continue large and much In excess of the same period of last year. For the past week they totaled tt,314,U,S24, as against l,07.6.741 last week and 4, 818.111,411 the corresponding period of last year. The total gain over last year was 14.1 per cent, with Philadelphia's gain 15.1 per cent. Details follow: onTe:?::"-iiH3-v8. ,a-mnm rn Philadelphia V,VVVVA ll.lllmora.. 5.B18 848 Chlcaao . . . a'.'O hdu, t. ".''': 'M1XX P. Maw urisan" BsTtn cities, Sdsys .. rr cltlaa, 8 days .. Total all eltlaa. fi daya .... All clttas. 1 iar 811 18i.T8'4s5 7:8 3 848 80.4IJS.B09 -8 2 a ill fill 704.281.418 BS8.047.008 4-20.2 18.321.480,087 4-23 4 1,108 042.471 1.310.700.488 8.4 Total all tflaa In. Wtek .,..18,214,128.824 14.837,321.4:2 4-1 V Local Reserve Bank Statement Th statement of the Philadelphia Federal rteaerva Hank for th week endlnc October 13, 1010, Is aa folio we: itEsouncns October 13. October 0. 0ctineJt lnnvaujrilB.000.4!0 44 I8.42S.370.00 ?u'nd bafancsT!!1. 18,238.000.00 10.121,000.00 ?una .!,,.,!:? 80.000.00 80.000 00 UStUrtS. rl" :78.787.20 B01.B20 00 37 07 i 4s 07 H tell Ba .... loif, so 4s ,, 8JJ4 ret t p 6s ...,104H i 4s ..,.,..,, 01 twv sen 4 7M4 n Rs .........102 More Cettea Consumed WABHINaTON, Oot 14 The Bureau of the Census report, issued today, shows eot- tost, Meluslve""of llnters, consumed during sjajitsmbT as 510,117 bales, of which 365,- M bale were conaumed In ootton-growlng Mates. Llnters consumed during Septetttt fcer totaled ll.Tlt betUa, Cotton held In eaeumlng etal)lamia on 8ftmber 30 i was 1,111,111 bales, and In public storage and at compresses MU.111 balsa. ImjKjrU 'were 7111 bas. K porta, Ineiudlng llnters, .aSMtf running ll. 'Cotton spindles 'attltve In September, It.ll,t(. Llnters MM In oeneuiulR aartabllehmaaU on Vep- tember 10 totaled 71,111 bale, and In pub- tk storage and at oompresaea 11,111 bales. I during HetMember, J,il Mies. 'r . W- HSW YOMt COPPKB. MARKKT HW YOKX, qet .H.-rThe mewitet for i was very oune oils merwing. wtta me prsssun ot yesfeiaiMr aMareattt , a i hw xnowntrur. j.tr use jorlcee advaaoeat a few points, but IBM of busts us mi email, trading r about evenly, divided. T.u -r.s, vr .isi-&rtaA la, fair U- , vsk pnops waana jpsse wr saaai msau Th re cipu of Beulltau oottee at Hie m tmns skr 1Mb hum aawmat la SMOffO MM twto tor too aim i.iee,ee MP. ne aCi tnh asaioe psfiea wsMWuwigfi oum prtose tmmmm Taakir's Toalsr sans las awes- ifc 4.3-,lw!flW8 48. 4ift4 v::?:m i'iSsrff&sr11 f I ID in do con Ra . ...... ..10?., 101 102 TjrniC ret full pali,, U pi 08 Jjilrd Ave rai 4s .... 82 82 82 JTtah Psvrer Bs .,,.,. 00 08 0 wxtb::::: p m m .flOS, ,.100 100 loo ?( U U I II HU',, 09(4 911',, 4a 6tJ 04H 04S ,4s ... oi ni oik .8000 Va Car Chm 1st Bs,., OH' 10000 do Os , ,,.,101' IMA V. .. It. ' . f IOOO do rid looon Va os Ilrown ans va iiKT UB miii. 2000 Weat !d 1st 4s ,,;;, 741 1000 West Bhora 4s ,,,,.. At 7000 Wis Cent sen 4a".;,, 88 Total sales. 81.400.000, compared wltl lJ'i.ra".r!!SZ thu " Ml.IWi rek, I31,004,000, 000 week, Itl'i H.804.. ivuvi lass Financial Briefs 4 4 02 01 .. 118 128 28 27 ..... 07 17 .114 114 114 1 21 21 21 154 151V 183 I 108 107, 107 - 10 10 00 27 18 21 1 Norfolk & West ..141 144 144 North Paclfia ....lit 110 110 Ohio Cltlos Oas .. 8J Owen Bot Mach.. 03 Ont Sliver 0 Penna P. It .... 07 People's Gas ....111 Ph.Ua Co 41 IMttsbgh Coal t o. SO Pitts C C & St L. 70 Pressed Steel Car 05 Pullman Co 170 Itwy Bteel Spring 81 do pref Itay Cons 81 4-1 03 1 0 81 08 1 57 111 40 85 70 83 170 50 . 100 100 100 .V.... 10 X41h XD ..1 07 lit 41 35 70 05 170 50 4 00 lit 28 11 88 Beading ........101 103 do 1st pref .... 44 44 do Id pref .... 40 40 Repub Ir & Steel. 00 08 do pref i. Ill 111 Stmt Copper 28 JM Seaboard A L.... 10 10 do pfd 38 87 Sears-Boebuck pf.121 1I1J1I1 Sloss-snerrield ... 58 os os So Pao ,...100 Southern Itwy .,, 28 do pfd 17 St LA H F w 1.,. IS Btutx Motor .... 11 Studebaker do'pfd 105 44 41 Total reserve ,.,130.402.207.21 rnmm.Mil naoer. 207.881 2 Hank acceptances . 10.883 878 Ot Total bills dlacount 28,m.ea oo 81 H 4H2.T4 11.110,227.20 BONDS . , Net Hlh. Low. Cleee. elite. ItOOO Alleg V 4s VS 08 f0 1000 A OftlCT Es 07 7 07 1000 WftPTr 4s.ll 81 SI .. .. 3000 I .eh V cons V 4Vis 2008.100 100 100 1000 do Coal (S 108 108 103 ....V 4000 Pa Co cona 4tts ... 108 103 103 21000 Ph Dleo 48 88 81 II ToUl sates, 185.000, remparrJ with 810,800 leal Hatin-dari thla week. 8880.8001 last week. Local Bid and Asked J n llrlll Hurt a hus t c to pfd Ilahnvin lco V.lcrtrlo Ktorass General Asphalt do bM . , . n'.i Tel . si SOU . J 7' (Uli . 80 .:: . lie ?i ... . . is Todav Hid Aaked 3S' er .JO r. Lake Hup Corp 1S thlah Kav 7H lhleh Valler 88H ienisn vai ir.. xv do pref ............. 42H Panna ft It 07W Ph la Eieo ., i4 Phila Co ............ 40 do 5 per cent H.... SB do 0per cent pfd,... 41U P It T t o .1 rteadlnr 105 VI Tnnn.ti 411 ... 4U Tonopah jilntns 0 15-11 union iTaciioa If Oas Imp.... 17 a steel York rtwy. do prer Wm Cramp t o. ...... ........ 44 SO . 87 . 78 Trsterday Hid Asked 87., 8SW. r.. . . . K04 HO 801 (10 0)U 08'a 31 80 St IS 12H is 08., 87., 68. " $ w 20S 20U 20 42K 43 S 42H fr f 88., SB, 88. 4tH 41U 4iH tti Iu let, 108 103H 105V i 8 B15.)fl It! 44 ( 45H 44S, H ffi m lo& U 38 87U 88 80 78H 81 &MGK PRICES MOSTLY UNCHANGED IN PHILADELPHIA 'CHANGE TRAB1 United States Steel Common Is Most Acliye-Cramp building Falls a Full Points-Lake Su pijrior lip a Little . .. m eal- utV fMrklt The rniMtpn --. afrA4ttAly ,r setHrten toeay w - -firaatn narrow affair. .TBi.raaa ;--- .. In the two-hour sessVen toaay narrow affair, anermn ---". ouia L:TnrotTlr7 rherefor: they were not disappointed oy the narrow business. .,.- .t,. home For the most pert the stock,th home Issues, cams out on the (SS?lKd prices from the close of f er; n. where there were congee thirere eon fined to fractlona This hld true aiso in the arbitrage stocks. If It had net been for United --- . common. Whleh MauaU )....- .." 1 of a duH day, 'many bnAa,!!!"' had rtry little to do. At u. JIT ' it. .i .. .. -.. . " WAS aal '"'" " "in io snares of tki. had come to a rln.a ,fc " A fractional gain was mt L Sunerlor. Cnmn kti...iij.. '. full Pont, while Phll.s:25 Cambria Steel and Union Tract!!. . siighuVT ; K a"moni PHILADELPHIA MARKETS ed and bought ..111.181.455 80 !11.487.8I 04 a eou.vuu yo n.esu OUO vo 8 B04.B07.8O 8.484.281.00 IT. H nonda a notea Municipal warrants Total Investments. t8.084.B87.89 10.084,281.10 Federal rasarva notea on hand .. 003,400.00 037,125 00 Notee of TKat. banks . and other Fad. reaerve banks .. 28.488 00 18,885 00 Total resources ..140.760.843 83 147,781,202.21 LIABILITIES Partial paid in ., IB22S 890 00 ProM anJTloas ...... 42 482 25 lteserve depoalta net 14,832.060 48 dov.rnm't . depoelts 8.408.887.71 Due to oiner ea eral r a a r v a hanxs. net .., ... . naoiuiiea 228.830 00 3;.70(.14(1.47 15 S,9 20 i'.ii'i.iea.e i .177.B32.lt 0.441,483 00 180 09 212. OS. .. . . The Dank of England reports the amount of currency notes outstanding aa 121,607, 112. against 121,050,711 last week. The amount of gold held for the redemption of suen notes remained at 128,600,000. Net earnings of the American Telephone and Telegraph for nine months ended Sep tember 10 were 113,414,401, an inerease of 12,101,411 over the net of the corresponding period of lilt. Net earnings of the Pell Telephone System during August were 17, 171,111, an Increase ot (714,217. over Au gust "of last year. For eight months ended August 11 the net Increased 18,1777,111 to 181,010,071. The surplus, after charges, of the Wells Fargo CMnianir for she year ended June 30 was f4.qi0.774, an Inorease of $1,417,094 over tab previous year. , The total eeeratms revenue of the Jfaan vULa. nfttatianaea'-a aat fat. Taul. Kaitnd for the J ear ended June It was. 111,079,-1 sss, sawiftK v,jo,a m (sis ana ii,. 771.114 In 1114, Net was It.tll.flf, a agalaet fl.MI.IU last year. The sttrphts, aitar 'charges were made, waa H,lJ7,tU, ae ewmpaired to M14.02I the previous year, nd'ts eal to 14.61 per eeert et the $11,. , eepttal stock. ' , jTtrs New York ub4reaerry gelned 1,. I4I.H4 from tUe banks an Friday, T" New Terk attek Haehonge has re- ' C4aHJterki7lW ' ' KVtt YORK. Oot. IC Tta eaWr ar. kt tad MMrnlK WH BUlet. , AltaWMa i- auiinaa WWW Mill US tBat aetsane od aay subs ant closed tree probably te Ute taat that wtimtwr eat buyere Who are Vtishlag (Or matal were not la town. Horae small ssdea war nuad by lbs various Interest at tm ebanged toattoiwi Leading fwodKeera and dealers ewttaw t ask lt for Psnom ec Mmmr. i ' rusfuevy S Tenn Copper Texas Co , . Texas Pao Third A e Tobacco Prod ... Un Dig & Paper 00 100 27 27 7 67 11 11 ..... 8 65 1 ...,110 118 120 ....110 110 110 21 21 210 210 13 18 07) 57 85 y 54 1I7V 11 22 4- 210 , . 11 57 84 11 W: do pfd 61 SO .50 2 United Cigar Btra 100 100 100 Union Paclflo do pfd 12 82 U 8 9 I P A F... 22 21 do pfd ........ 17 57 U 8 Undt Alcohol, 118 117 Un Itwy Inr o t do pfd 21 U 8 Rubber .. .. 68 U 8 Srnelt 71 U 8 Hteel...... 100 do pfd ..,... .120 Utah Copper .... 01 Va Car Cheta.... 41 Wabash ........ 11 do pref A ..... SI do nref B ..... 29 147 141 140. 81 12 51 IIS ..... 21 1 B f 7174 108 120 ..... 1 41 Vi 14 AS IS All other Hi Total liabilities., 140.750.843 84 147,781,202 31 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Decreases Shown in All Items for Five Day Week NEW TOIUC, Oct 14 The New Tork bank statement this week shows decreases In loans, deposits and reserves In both the average and actual conditions. The fact that there was a holiday, and the state ment covprs only five days, Is responsible for the poor showing. Details follow: ACTUAL Uini 18 8.7.7a2.000 Net demand deposits 8,271,097.000 riei lime aeposus.. Circulation ........ lteaerves own vaults , Reserve. Federal Ileserva flank,... Reserve other de positories Asaresate reeerve.., Iteaervo reaulred... Burplue .. 08,014 410 18,841,070 Increase. Of whloh 1842.022,000 Is specie. AVERAGE '?; 05,842 000 81,484,000 tlOS 080,000 171.012.00d 80.057,000 032 020 000 004,014,800 Decresse. 117.104 000 42 818 000 2 218 000 402.000 20.837.000 890,000 004,000 20,831,000 T.zoB.eao GRAIN AND FLOUR W1I13AT Receipts. 1118.011 bush. Demand was fair and prices were steadllr held Quota tions: Car lots In export elevator. No. 3 red. spot. 11.8791 10; No. 2 Southern red fl.5S0 I.881 steamer No 3 red, tl BSC1 B8: NoS red, SI ClStf 1.08; rejected, 11 4f 1 BJ, rejected II. II 43W1.4S CORN Receipts. 10.850 bush. The market was quiet but steady under moderate pRerlnas. Quotation!: Car lota for local trade, aa to lo cation, Weetern No. t, yellow, 08liV4c, do. steamer yellow. 67HOB8Vici do. No. Syel low. OBH eoOHc; do. No 4 yellow, K2H tfuSe. OATH Recelpta, 11 650 buah. Offerings Wera only moderate and values were steadily main tained, but trsde wss quiet, quotations: Nw 2 whits, B40B4Uc: etandsrd white. hH OB4o: No 3 white, 524 tB3c. No. 4 white,,' 61 052c; sample oats. 48940c . . FLOlin hecelDta. 1120 bbts. and S36.B20 lbs. tn sacks mill limits were stesdlly maintained with a moderate Inquiry.. Quotations per 100 lbs. in wooo winter, ciesr. iinoni; ao, f I buvb Jnn straltbt. I7&7.60: do. BOMB! 7.40; lo, pi rat c t7.B0e7.75i do, patent, f 8 5118 761 do. fa vorite brands, to.lSUO 40; city mllla. choice and saa, clear, cotton sarka J7.2r.tP7.40; do, aacKB. i vuon I8 25U8 40, aprlna. atralrtit. ootton sacks. cotton sscas, on i 097 MIDVALE IN GOOD DEMAND ON CURB Chnrcoal Iron Continues Strong. United Motors Is Moat Active in Group NHW TORK. &CU TraJInfh.CHtock Curb followed the movements on Exchange closely. . with a slightly nrrner tone after the opening ;owedt-b' J.'?. slons In s. number of . .Kn,01w, jfi' of pending developments In Chr5,..I'?1n caused an Increased demand to3& which ranged close to the high point of 7 eUsbll.hed yesterday, with buying orders coming from many sources, but WPJJ was too small to permit a large olume of 'sitthale Steel, after yielding slightly at the start, da eloped strength and seemed to reflect renewed absorption Fluctuat ons In other Issues were narrow and price changes at the end without much Importance. United Motors rangea irom 01 to wss about ths only aotlve stock In the mo tor group. There was a fair demand for United Alloys Steel around 50 and Bteel Alloys was quoted at J to IU. Zlno Con centrating waa firm, with sales at 5 to tH. Aetna Explosives and Maxim Munitions showed a steady tone, but without much business. INDUSTRIALS in :::::: su mtifi. Tj!fIl 27 9 ( 11H u e e e t see tee e e e e ee e 15. do. natent. drat clear. fancy patent, 18.15 nm Inter, clear, 10.1590 40, . 18 TB97! , t7B0j8 do. do. rrrular ;ni cradoa t. 179 T.KO An. ToAtsint. lire flour wti quiet but firm under llcht oirennrss w quota at ioouot. per pul. to quality. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled Arm. but there, vrum little trad lnr. Quotatlona; City beef. In eta, amoked and alr-drled. 30c: western beef. In veta. amoked, Sflcj city and weatern beef, knuckles and tandera, amoked and alr-drled 87c; beef hama, 128 WBl): nork- family. 129 1 20 BO: hama. 8. P. rured, fooae. 20OJ0SC do aklnned. looae. SI vt-R aa, ao rnoKeu, -- noked. city ruredT aa 31HC hama. anion ed .weal DOtJea cured. loose. 13K 2222Ho. other hama, to brand and average, atern Cured. 2lHo; do. 33c I plcnto shouidera. 8. 1. ao. Binoaea, i4c. Denies, in tickle, according to averarv loose 17Hoi bak. (ast bacon, as to brand -nd ave; a, city cared, 22Mi .ti ct urrKRiiii uacon, weiiirn curea. i:-: 1st 9 A ssaaat aiae.t ak01eflb4l 0 urn 11.1 A A Jt saa.au, nal(, IUUIVUI vs , llii UU, UUl UO, tuba, 17c: lard, pure city, kettle rendered, I.. .. . Va . I . Jt ....BA A.... ,1. . . In tubs, 17c v REFINED SUGARS market was quiet, but firm. lie- The nners T.ssc: powdered. 7.S3fj7.88ci confect'nners' A, i.vawi.isc; son cranes, 0 4007.10c list prices: Rxtra flne granulated. 7.150 DAIRY PRODUCTS Decresse. tft.400 000 lO, 407.OOO 830,000 184.000 14.008.000 1, 020.000 '88 824 OO0- 888.080 eS8,27,00() 18 872 O0O 0KS,P1,420 8.17J.300 81,840.000 1418,210,000 188.488,000 in 7H 7114 108 170 1K 88 1ST Ixan 18 844,111,000 Net demand depoafts 8,288,228 000 Net time deposits., 108 480 000 t'ircuiaiion ... It a a e r v e own vaults Ileaerve, Federal lUeerv. Tlanks.. Reaerve other de positories , Aicreaats reserve.. Ileeerva reaulred . . . Burplus ....- 72 817 880 10. 109.010 Increase. fOf whloh t83S.011.000 Is spec!.. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NETV YOIIK, Oct. H. The market for foreign exchange continued to show a very moderate degree of activity. The course of rates was somewhat Irregular". French exchange waa firmer, sterling held steady and Italian exchange and rubles turned easier. There was very little feature. Quotations: Demand sterling 4.78 U, cables 4.78 7-1 , 60-day bills 4.71 W 4.714. tO-day bills 4.U4..9U : franc cables 5.8JH, checks 8.84 H; relchsmarks cables 70 7-1 8, cheeks 70 Kl lire cables S.4711, checks 8.4SU: Swiss cables C.27U. checks 5.2t Scandinavian kroner cables 18.55, checks ZJ.45; Vienna cables lS.QS, checks 12.00 pesetas eables 20.18, checks 20.12; guilder cables 40 1E-K plus 1-18, checks 40T4 plus 1-22 1 ruble cables 21.60, Chiefs 21.40. BUTTER There was little wholesale trading as usual on the last day of the week, but oner Inis were moderate and valuea ruled steady at the recent decline. Quotations. Western, solid- Sacked creamery, fancy epectals, 87c. extra, SUSOa; eitra flrets. 8408Ho, nrsts ,SJci seconds, 88c, nearby prints, fancy, 88ot do, averaire, extra, 30037c, do, Arete, 83c; do, aeennda, 833(c; jobbing salts of fancy prints. KOOS There was a fair demand for de sirable freah stock and the market ruled ateady at the recent decline. Following- are the quota ttonai In free cases, nearby extra, 88o. per doi: nearby nrsts. 1 10. 60 per standard case; nearby current receipts.' 110.20 per easel west ern extras. 88o per don western extra frets. 10 80 per caesj do. Orals, lu 20iper cask; re frlserator eats, extra, 18.80 per esse, do. firsts, I9.1BUB.4S: do, seconds. 18.1068.70 per csset fsney sslected candled freah ens were Jobbing; at 42O440 per dox. CHEKH1S Demand was fair and th mar ket ruled , firm under llsht off erlnrs. Quota tlona: New Tork, full cream, fancy, 21 Vi O 2.1Hci do. do, fair to good, 20Vs (f 21o; do, part skims, 11018c. POULTRY I.1VE The market was autst with ample of. fertnss at former rates. Quotations. Fowls, ns to quality. lelo, roosters, 14f18e; aprlna chickens, according to quality, 17tlCc Whit lshorns, accordlns to quality, 18eJ7c: ducks, sa to stu and quality, lBtvlfci aaea. 10(lsoi liiiwii.. uiiu ir pr, .uv.K) pair, i.viii, uiiE3at:i De suincient to aee Aetna Explosives Am lint M(e Am Marconi Canadian Car Co Can Car Fdr ptd . . . . . Chevrolet Motors Charcoal Iron I'urtlss Aeroplane ...... Kmerson Phonorraph Haskell Marker gar... Itendee Mfs .; Kathodlon llronxe pfd .. Maxim Munitions ....... Msnhsttsn Trans Mldrsle Steel Otle Elevator . reerlesa Motors Poole Kntllsh .. H H Kresxe w I Stand Motors ., Hteel Alloys ... Hunmarine ...... Trlanrle Film United Alloys ...... United Proflt Sharins United Motors 1)H1, and It com .. do pref ......... . White Motors World turn STANDARD Oil, STOCKS Ullnol ;"" Ohio .. 33 Prairie Pipe .......... f ' Standard Oil of California SJ4 Htandard OH of New Jeraey 678 Standard Oil of New York 'lit OT1IER OIL. STOCKS Cosden Oil rosden Co Inter Petroteum .... Lurel OH Oas Houston Oil Midwest Reltnlns . Uapulpa nennins MININO BTOCKS Atlanta ....'................. Ilutte Copper and Zlno llutte N Y Cerro de raaco Florence Qoldfleld ........ Flrat National Ooldfleld Merser .,.. Hecla Mlnlns Howe Bound .,... Jim liuner JumhA Extenalon McKlnlay-Darrakh , Masma Copper Mlnea Co of America ..... Nlpiaalna; ...,.,.,,. Han Toy Ht Joacph Lead White Oak West End Consolidated .... BONDS Cerro de Pasco 8s Ctty of Paris 0s Mldvale 8s ,v Russian eVas Hid Asked. . JO-a " so 48 i3 IDS 7H 81 S ......... ......... i.l. ..' 6. ; m en .. 87 70 .. S3 -" ..103 lit .. 1214 18V4 .. 7 : 8J eu .. 41H 4j; . . 2 -Vs .. 40K Ml ?5 i :::::: k jb 60 87.. 14 IS "Ot 340 S8S 882 .30 ,... 14 IS ... 68. 68 OH 10 So' 0 10 eeeeeaeeeee 4 1 a8 80 811 on ' h . 18V1 '. 71 .117 . 08K . 08 .101 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS no a XH 61 'i 20 18K 8 7S 110 OS 08 101 WHEAT SELLS L01 IN NERVOUS MAI Crop in Argentina Is Detert msr Knpidly Foreign D to Continue Good BIXT WEATHKR Yommoi esM. far se heur. fVllsw,? ? er toawrrsw, nnmn-answers tenltkt vssi . UmsTTSw. sereewlut warmer taZU s;rVS,..i-rrr2:!.,r?'v. MinwiirN.Mh.:s''7?jBr and colder ionUM nnd teinernwV 'swa - Showers tonltht. wVrH, west and falder extreme west, settled and eelder. p.elble .V. west . " nlsht, w.wumuir anseilles Uanaas Unsettled tenlshl. .1. T1- - ti moler northwrat. Bandar partly KJj, T4 CHICAQO. Oct 14. Trader. nervousness In the wheat market tide mg, rn.ua uie tone waa irregular, appeared to favor the bear side. the many disturbing factors. Prices grouna aiier int start. December opened at ll.BSt, to t the outset, against tl.ESU at th day. May ranged from 21.5IK to. the start, compared with II 5714 last price, and, after the start. I1.57H. July opened at 11.14. n with $1.22 S at, the end of Pridr, la4 soia at 11.33 ft q Dealings at Liverpool continued small scale, but the "undertone was st The weather In Argentine generally clear and hot. The recent rainfall light and the ctod Is deteriorating t.. with estimates on the yield being est ther. The United Kingdom Is looking larger ctrriifMs, out oners xor qtstast ment are scarce. The weather la United Kingdom, France and India faorable. Rxports from the Utter try in the post seven days are at 1.250,000 bushels, mostly to th Kingdom. The demand for Afaerlese from abroad will continue good. The receipts at Minneapolis and today were 60S cars against 1211 year ago: at Winnipeg 678 cars with 1770 cars; at Chicago 171 sen, 1 treated with sixty-nine cars. ' . Corn was about steady becaDse of atj,3 01 neany i,uuo,uou ousneis for eert i ino past t.wentyiour nours. lnsf here today Were 167 cars. BulHeh 1 from Argentina, where prospects fee ' crop are going pacKward, suetslaec milt at TJifAPtiAiil "1 - Oats' were quiet and steady. 7bt 1 ceipts nere toaay were 814 care,' Age from Argentina on the outlook ter tbes mere were unfavorable, i Teadlnir futurea ranre4 aa 'aIIam? V7ieat Open, titan. Low. IKRBlDfr may July Corn December uay .... Oats December Msy .... tard October . December January Klbs October , January Pork October Dfcember January Illd. Jim Tlutler ....... MacNamara ..... Midway Mlspah Extension Montana North Btar Tonopah Helmont . Tonopah Extension Tonopah Mlnlns .. Rescue Eula .,... West End ., eeeeeeeeee Bid. .vu .08 .28 18 slock pretty we latiomi do, young, par was eau irim. U,m- followl sVeah.ktllea. drr.narlieii fnwl- n to box, dry-picked, fancy selected. 24o do, welshing 1J lbs. aplse. iSHci do, welibtnc 4 lbs. apiece. 28oi do. weUblnr 8W lha, apiece, ,2Jci do. welsnlna S lbs. apiece. 20 feijoi fowls. In.bbls.. Icpscked-'fanof. dry. picked Northern Indiana and Illinois, welsh '"a ft?.' '.n'1 "I'. '. ?Sc7 southern Indiana vasMI avvi IVBSIIIII VUlkBVlie, Demand. ,whll not active, wi n the limited receipts of tin. frei 11 cleaned un at flrm nrin,. o, fc 11. ...... s . - "..ri'i .--. .(..u'eiiira, urypacKea roi ilcked, ..fancy selected, 24 Western Union ..100V4 100H leOH 94 Westlnghouse EBeo 1 60V4 West Maryland.. ej soyi WheeUag &. "u B.. t 1 do 1st pref ..,. 7U 8 do 2d pref ..... 2 24 WUlys Overland.. 44 414 Wtseenetn Central 4H 40H Weelwerth ......140)4 140 Worthing V pf D. MVi HU de pref A ,,,,. syt 8H 60 H SOW -Hi Vi 1H 24 ..... 44 4BM ..... 14014 5X4 0U 1 SH 1H skarsaii Utst weet. S,W6,sH Maasaraal wUk .eei. null. S.l a res. DIVIDENDS DKCLA1BD tUUway, .Pewar .aa4 LUht I CelttsaMM sasiv. aaaaaiajr tmnenj oc 1 4a CaTr saw VessasMaT rriiBTti-'' "j. AfjcTTf ja .!,'. - 'K. i i"j ar?rr T&aTt TaKrT'ia4r raVal Ur Tii sleek of ,cidR oxmnft Mevne. -""-" 'iJ, '.'life. It. Bar aaal rw - StfP" NSW YORK BUTTER AND BGG8 sTsisa I "' . . V. JLJiUL. AaW . J . BANK CLEARINGS Bank cleartnss ponding day last 1 VI oday compared with corre- ww w,-. New t.7M.iw854) BI8.H8.489 SW.Jjl.SM RATES FOR MONEY Mew Tork............... Philadelphia ,.,....,.,.. Hoetofl ,,...,...,. ..f. Chlcaso ..... ...... CaaiBeratsJ Mpsr. three ta six months. Phil. Reeerve Basks' Dieeewrt Rates m a 10 or Over 10 OvarW Ovaree lew. vp toW, UP .. V to M. ofifs in .... 4, iv 4H fclBjlL."t 11 lu tPSIi Sear SSaaisPxaKaHSXBawSaaay fiivKnt, iwi rpaaiinc cmcaena, weslern, welsh ", ti,b,vt.n(1 ow- P,rMiri.s?i do, ao. wstsblac T lbs. perpalr. sSjiSci broillns chick: ens. weefern welsMtw 8 4 lea, per pall. 24V 01 chlcos. w.ITiliiS 05 lbs? per pair, X2ic,eA,i. m,aXliie"',.f S2" breu.rs.iM. nearoy. asaanar ateaa. aaassrei sauaba. per deaa &er daaen. 1A.T& i. t ;,? ......... f 4H .......... 8 ......'.... 0 .......... .22 .... ....,........... . ,78 OOLDFIELD BTOCKS I..................... .10 .02 .12 .01 .08 .03 .01 .05 .40 .01 ........... FVactlan Id II 11.,.. Atlanta . . Iilue Iluli llooth ... Hulldos; .. O O 1 Combination Dlamondfleid uaiay Florence Ooldneld Consoltdatsd .... uoianeia Merser ..., Jumbo Exteisiloa Kswanas ........... Oro i. ..................... Hand Kn,..,,,,, Bllvtr I'lck Asked ,V2 .10 .28 .20 .25 .18 4 fi 6' .25 .77 .11 .08 .14 .04 .. .. . ...... :SI .18 .04 .05 .10 :oJ ,07 .48 .64 .08 .48 .17 .05 .08 .20 at . Open. Illrh. Low. 0aal i (new delivery) i " mm tr oM n m& m ..15.10 ..14 15 .113. 0J 18.15 14 22 18 05 .IS 83 .12 63 12.63 ..SS 30 ...28.55 tAsked. 23 03 !3 85 t Nominal. 18 03 14 02 15 80 ' 'Wm 4 l eU f 23 82 Hi' ' '.24 2 80 .11 aprlns. aoigJlol las 11 13 tba. ". J10 lb, par. d weiMHisur ip. per ooaaa. KitH eit e et ducks. Daarky, nwBiu.weuut- S! Sa. welk. 4 aasin an. 1. tl4.l do. walib. FRESH FRUITS Th. aenaril market waa quiet and without f.iwnwi are ia important cnans. iShV Hrr-oJSaW' houaaT ii.Ts8 T7. Alaaaader. t 80f York lsasaria.1. sa Qiwta 'W0n7,14r&Ki a.DtyMu.MM UBt BX, 121 J.aL Vfsarhy. .UHfl Uawai Han llavls an. air to $w4. 1 1. B0 3. Ml iwlu. Dtltwar A iranbsrriss. Caps Cod par bVL. II 6.401 de. lo. per -orate, .81144)! do. Jeraey, dara. par tfats. 11.4J, d. do. Usht. per crate.. UW Bl paacuea. n.w 1 ivrx, ver uaeaec. easy . u. ar iM.e..i.aa.. ai imiki , M,..! pears. Jl fti rwi (Mil EcijS YKGXTAWLSei market was aaaieraUr a, but trad waa only. JWftWU, 1.8411 do, New J" wmap, mm war ( arm un4r Uabt meaarata. . te. y. .per TiiS5Va ilvi ys,n.r. pea sat.- ne. i, 1 se, sweae sasataaa. Oaaa ssrMiaaWr, itFTSci sweet 1 M. sawes aa. J rr MISCELLANEOUS Nevada Hill 20 . Nevada Wonder ...,., 2 20 Tecopa Ulnlns .t ,10' JERSEY'S BANKS PROSPEROUS Deposits and Resources Show Substan tial Gains TIICNTON', Oct. 11. The State's finan cial Institutions show a gain tn deposits of 21r.lt.3tS for the period from June 30 to September 13. Banking and Insurance Commissioner Oeorge M. Lamonte today made this announeement In connection with the quarterly banking statement, giving the statistics of the 102 trust companies, twenty-five savings banks and twenty-three State banks under his Jurisdiction. Total deposits In all of these Institutions on September 12 amounted to 1452,022,424, tum iuii uciiu.iu at 1110 last oanKipg state ment were 1412,402,111. A gain of 120, 741,224 Is also shown In the resources of the Btate'a financial Institutions. According to the statement, the combined resources of ths three classes of banks were on Sep. IE?.!. " .. M against $511,. 252,011 on Juns 20. Figures showing the condition of 108 trust companies follows lleaouroea, I2EE.IE2.90 l djposits, 1223,281.4171 surplus fund, 17,I The condition of the twenty-Jlve savings banks felewsi Rerouroes, $14,703,271lde posits. U22.032.215: surplvw 'fund, $10.. ?!:"! Rrt" " the twenty-three Stat. bank, anew reeeurees ef $l(,412,5llt XljT"' 'tl''8 U'T" tunil $1,525,- N0 INDICATION OF SMALOI r DEMAND FOR STEEL I Some Products Display Sign ot vanclng Prices . Steel conditions have shown no during the last week. Further been received bv the leading rails and plates for delhery tn 14. these orders for so far Into the M have been the outstanding feature ef market. All branches of the Industry continued atrenirth. .and thera'are SS dlcatlons of any material abaUesesl the demand. Some products Ing signs of advancing prices. and each day brings the time, turn nearer, accoraingo tne di trade authorities. The establishing of the $5 base box 'for tin plate by tl Sheet and Tin Plate Company surprise In the trade, as.lt wi believed that the leading Inti meet the advance to $( per box for contracts Tor the first half the Independent makers. It Is ever, that as the American only supply Its regular custi new rate the smaller makers .1 affected. . Steel companies are now ibeb liveries, accordlnar n tha soecU the orders on hand, and It will taesl best possible operating results te any Inroads on the delays so, I nf thei Viialna whlph If waa 1 fill durlnsr tha I&sUlIwo months aM year will be forced td go over nrst part of 1217, which win cause delays on dellverleaQfof ordered for that period. , im BARaiLVKR altvasr teday waa uvoted in T a jn' mwwp jv Bteperi Irc Ore Prices nifker FITTSBUIiaK, Oet, li, Lk, nmftrar Iren ore rtees, announced for 1117, wlH shw an adva. at $1 t m, IHleea. dales ef sassier ptg ire) have weelcv Other Ireew are ---riiriiur. Baaea. mer .has show a Nk,TiT IkTSit three weeks. TH Mveaeta? iTniinar uT tafcd steel Kteee h TW. Sieed than at aay Usae sdtee Use UMa!u!X - m meH wm eeme oh UVK STOCK QUOTATJONS ..VHrW. ue 14 He fwv. BIB Blf. 1UA Imwb l T'-VB r J..-, CliirW. J. Bender X WVESTMENT BOND V.tnbera Philadelphia Stock JaS NORTH AMERICAN BtJKl. ubbKx, ADyiatTigiManjil NOTICE IS KKRBBV OITU asr- ua A tkiak Hrnnmnii SV at 6otbr. Tsis y C. HMrvaeb and nUI - "-.T- "..VT Z 1. Itlea i'ad mn aa aspttoatlon wjlf ba w'i r of th Cimmspweaith on Mon4af.J8 et 01 AsueniU ffvsala eflllti th Comnuow to. pn iKeorMratlon and resulstlao of 01 tWs arvJ April a. isjs. 1 and tan Me and leather d si Uather, to deal in IB sane aa 1 t'JXgJvTKiStbr-U -i ur aae n ytgPT'ioiaiaoE. T2K2W Mtmca Mressaaaa flfls Cssmsb: Csiisepjy Ma atvaa tkat a I n MLM.VB M arlDDlpalj It 8HMWll , x-a m 11 I ssssea! an aBBBrovsa. ar dtaeppi u t M sursir and oaaauliai r ajs 4stoac iwv SOW-WW waia la ?urffvsr BHSt-il fvX MI a j un