Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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9)tanfe to ' Some Commerce
, Chamber er Other, We
Have Friday, the
trw2r tF$x: .. .. un
""li'A" ""tiL "
Brr-Iit4rtn problem In this wan
a aaab.
14 fnr mpwtlHn Mires,
Tttfc ft-U H4 MM fchltlj lHM
T"t r inn )tu rtelthtr
r nlth nor ootht la
I. Mill
Tear aro, hefere Jul Caesar decided
He world would get Into a pretty pickle
K It didn't soon Ret a, new calendar, there
lees celled n, bis; mess-meet 'Pa by some
ienVer of commerce pr Jiuilncwi men's lm-
rovewiM elub or other In southern Europe
1 fer the purpose of Abntlnir bed luck. Oomlns;
f ytty day of the year It had affected busl-
MM about aa much as a Democratic nrt-
' mtnletratlon.
And after considerable discussion by some
- u .
J I sqsbbmkvrJ
just oot
juiccstora of the late Mr. Ptolemy and the
sHder Mr. Ilnmescs, a resolution wr Intro
etoced and adopted with a email dissenting
Ye-te whereby Friday the Thirteenth waa
et aside aeibad luck day. It waa a sort of
ernpremlae or-alternative ilmllar to 1'rosl-
4nt Wilson's punitive expedltlona.
Put ao It happened that Friday the Thlr-
'teenth boearne a day for misfortune, hard'
'Mp, catastrophes, calamities, accident.
' I casualties and other approved brands of
feed luck.
This year, however, because of the near
lty of raw material tue to the war In
JJurope, no 'doubt the calendar manu
jfacturera have been able to supply only
no genuine hard luck day. And they were
V K s i
it r i
itiui. or
lata In supplying; that, maUlns everybody
Walt Impatiently and sadly, as bad luck Is
always waited for, until nearly the end of
But tha goods wero delivered today, ac.
ordlnit to contract. Today Is tha offl
cla), the btK and only hard luck day of
1C Friday the thirteenth of October-
It came very near helnir the thirteenth
month J
It li Just the sort of day when one
Wouldn't want to walk under a ladder on
Which hung a bucket of paint or a Bafei
.1 (lay ona wouldn't dare to ask tho boss
. far a, raise after seeing him throw a
'paper weight at the pfljee boy; nor a day
I en which ona would earo to leave home In
tha mornlntf without kissing tha wife cooa-
J by If she hart grown accustomed to thai
Yes, there are lots of things one wouldn't
are do today because It's Friday the
Thirteenth. But It will bo a great day for
nil that great number of person who
torn to find It happier to be miserable
than to be hnppy without being miserable.
Volco Necwalty of Pence Conserva
tives Uphold Annexations
BERLIN'. Oct. IS Hardly ever In the
history of the war haa n ItelchsUg meeting
Vsen attended with auch Interest all over
Oarmany an at present, ana aunougn tne
ellmax of the question of U-boat warfare
wan not reached, there were speeches on
aVfpestlo And foreign policies of euftlolent
Jfrterest to nil pages,
pr. retor Spabn, leader pf the powerful
Cefiter or Catholic party, left no doubt
whatever that his party stands for war to
tha bitter and, which, aoeordlng to Ills Idea,
Ms only be brought About by compelling
Una-land to make peace.
Ktxt In Importance was the speech of the
Socialist leader. Bcheldemann. who ex.
feesed satisfaction with tha present mill
tmrr situation, After censuring those among
Oarmana who advocated unachievable war
Wts, jierr rumeiaemann continued:
('it a said that p9aum Brland and
fcteyd Qeurge preach a war to tho death
W Chancellor cannot possibly talk of
peace ; but we Socialists certainly can. We
eleelare (hat the people do want peace,
'? say tills ai a Herman Socialist and I
ftaak ef the German people, But what I
ny of the Oerman people English and Jlus.
eUn Sooialiete mUht say of their own peo.
Me, Where In any country the opposite
M maintained It le nothing but a swindle,
AM nations are heartily elck of being lured
t death by lilgh-sounding phrases end
rVht do these nations still flaht forr
j Halted Herr 8oMdemann, Rddlng that the
.Main basis upon which the coming peace
I Will be constructed, will be that the French
Mil remain In France, the Uelglana shall
.May In Belgium ana the Oermane shall
Jfuaaln n Uennany.
Count ve Westarp, the Conservative
lender, attacked Herr JJcheldumann for
Proposing the withdrawal of (linnun treons
turn Boigum and the occupied trtlone o(
Accoreleg tq the Xoelnleehe Volksseltung,
Hugo Maase. the Radical Boolall.t. uld,
Hllone are looking to the Uelclistag or
VsjieckM battle, yf wleh te save what Is
)M M froM) the wreok of international
" mm w i.
:i,fr.wnfi. M ww
Ml . eet- Dare,
fm rwet a.
., sM
J "
', a4
er, e)sj peHM
tay at,, ad Mth4
."n ewuiisen
(ta M. a4 ym
m Imam. l
ea if miiimiMi r' " r
TT fli&Vti(terKltriad,t aa4 Imk
f w Js , . ...
v aa Matea f
, aasi Mar
Altrl 1771 Prifclonleri Odono
nolle Mnni dcirll Italian!
Sulla Frontc dello Alpl
Giulio o del Cnrso
nOMA, n Ottobro.
Le forsa ttallano contlnuano In loro of
fensive Null'eltoplenn del Cnrso. Nella
glornala dl lerl cssl hanno ratlurato altrl
1171 prlglon rrl clo' die fa ascendere II
numtro del prlRlonlerl fattl dal g,orni C
do mine dl AkoKo it 10.M1 IScco II testo I
del rapiMrto del generate Cndorne pubbll
cato leri asra dal llln sfero delta, (luerrai
N'ella valle dftllAdlge If nostre lat
lrle hanno dlretto un elllcace fuoco
ncntrn I iltpoeltl mlHlarl dl Hovcffto a
contro In Mnilone ferrnvlnrla dl CaII1
ono. ITn tnl.ttlv dnl nmiioi dl nttuc
enre le nostro pol",nl "Wa Vallarsa
e' stato imrnedlat.imctity fnistrntn.
.Vunvl contrn'lKcrlil del nemloo sul
flachl prttnitrlniiAll iltl l'amililo sono
statl Imm'illntnmento rwiplntl dnlle
nostro truppc. Ivl II nemloo ha noffcrto
perdlte eno-ml cd h.i l.tnclnto nelle
nostrn mnnl nn cannone cd una quan
tlta' dl nrml e dl munlr.iunt.
Hull'nltoplnno dl Anlago pochl rcpnrtl
Uallanl pciielrnrono nelle trlncce netn
leho dl Cnsera Zeblo, le frcero snltare e
rltornarono nulndl nils loro llnee. In '
dltrzlono delle noritentl del Vnnol mnr
tedl scrn, dopo una Intensa prrpara
slone dl artlgllerla, II reinlco Undo'
quattro sticcirslvl atlaclil con sempre
crescente vlolensa contro lo noetro
nunve po.tlzlotit dl Iluna Alta, sullo
Alpl Dolomltlcho. Dcrsncllcrl cd Al
plnl, facenla n gara In prove dl enrog
glo e dl resistance, e reel nncora plu'
nudacl dalU vlolentn del nrmlm, r
trattaccarono fill austrlacl con vlg
ornst nssalio alia bnlonetta, 'In aw
trlnsero n rltlrarnl e catturnrono, 37
Hulla fronts delta Alpl (Nulla si sono
avutl dtielll dl artlgllerla che nella
mnttlnata furono ostncolatl ilnlla denea
ntblila, II ncmlco, unando truppa
freecha, lanclo' una ncrle dl nttncchl ron
tro I puntl plu' Important! delta llnea
da nol conqulstata ud est delta Ver
llolbltia sul Carsn. Kulmlnatl dal
fuoco dello nostra hattorle, ell aus
trlacl furono resplntl ognl volta che
pronunclavano I'attacco o sofferscro
gravl perdlte.
N'el pomerigglo la nostra fnnterlo con
nuovl a vlgorosl ansnltl, allargnvano e
oompletavano le oonqulsta delta gior
nata precedente, epeqlnlmento nella
itona dl Sober, Immcdlattimenta a sud
dt dorlsla, c suite pendlcl dclle Quote
343 e 144, ad est del ylllagglo dl No
vavas. "Hul Carso not obblamo preso
altrl 1T71 prlglonlerl dl cut 35 ufTlclnll.
Jn tutto sulla fronte delle Alpl
(llulle nol abblamo catturato dal glorno
t Agosto nd ORgt 30,881 prlglonlerl dl
cut 721 Uillclnll.
Avlatorl ncmlcl hanno lasclato ca
dere bombe Bull'altoplano dl Aslago
senza pcro' cnusare dannl. Una dello
nostre aquadrlglle dl nvlatorl ha bom
bardato dl nnovo la poelzlonl nemlche
del Col Hsnto cd o' rltornata alia sua
bane sonza dannl.
Uno del prlml rlsultatl delta nuovn often
slva llalinna sul Cnrso sara' l'alleggerl
msnto delta presslone che gll austro-tedescht
esercltano ora sulla fronte rumona. La
cauxa delta Ilunjanla e' caiieslma ag
Uallanl che nutrpno sincere slmpatla per
la naslono latlna del llalcanl. Da fonte
autorevolo l apprendo InfatU che II gen
erate Cadorna ha antlclpato la sua offennlva
dl ben qulndlcl glornl per venire In aluto
delta llumanla. Ancora non si hanno 1
partlcolarl completl dell'avanzata tallana
nut Carso.
SI calcola che In questl due o tra glornl
dl battaglla sul Careo gll austrlacl hanno
perduto non me no dl 16,000 uomlnl tra
mortl, ferltl o prlglonlerl. Itestano ancora,
una sessantlna dl battagllonl austrlacl che
dlfrndono le llnee cnrslcha avanzate, e la
battaglla contlnua con grnnde vfolensa,
Ia batterle austrlacho, nascoste nelle ca
vcrne fulmlnano lo nuovo trlncce Itallane,
ma 1'artlglierla Itallana rlepondo eftlcace
mpnte. ail austrlacl eupponavano che una grossa
oolonna Itallana fosse tenutn pronta per
avanzaro molto Innanzl e coprlrono dl
frranate o dl shrapnale II terreno tra
a llnee Italians e quelle auatrlache,
Pero' II generate Calonia, provendendo
questo, aveva tenuto to sue truppo negll ac
campamentl dove, mentre gll austrlacl con
tlnuavano It dlluvlo dl granate bu un ter
reno dove non si trovavano truppe, I aoldatl
Uallanl manglavano tranqulllnmenta 11 loro
ranclo, I'"u soltanto dopo cho questo
uragna Inutile era cessato che gll Uallanl
furono lanclatl contro le llnee austrlache.
&KH. JCeyv''tTJ-e,yeJW " " ",-je'4i 4r4wad jliyv "'-eieu'aH m saia Mmf4 -mM a""1 " M mLtt
Workmen havo started to demolish the former home of the lato Rob.rt
nnd Ixiwie WUtnr at Oxford nvenuo end Onklnnd street. It vae used
as a hlfjh school for four yenrs, until the completion of tho nr vr Frank
ford High School. Tho bulldinp was an old landmark in the north
east section
Continued from Tare Or
was long ngo advocated as a new method
of obtaining additional revenues, but It was
finally determined that no revision of ex
ist ng taxation methods could be made on
nnywhero nearly an adequate scale without
the help of the Legislature, The plan of
the Mayor nnd hln financial advisers Is so
sweeping that nothing short of legislative
enactment will give the relief sought with
ts consequent Increase. In revenues.
Manufacturers who have opposed In.
creasca on water meter rntes, , on tho
ground that In soma Instances they are
unequal enough to work a hardBhtp, have
Insisted on a revision of realty nnscsBments.
Chairman Oaftney, of tho Water Rate Com
mlttoo of Councils, has ami red these ob
jectors that the question of equalizing rates
Is being given careful attention.
When asked as to tha administration's
plans for Improving the present assessment
syatom, Chairman Oaffncy, who Is one of
Mayor Smith's most trusted advisers, said:
"I am In favur of amending assessments so
that they will be equitable to all. I do not
believe In overassrsslng soma realty own
ers and underassesslng others. That Is all
that caro to say on the subject."
The estimate of Increased revenues of
from $3,000,000 to 15,000.000 Is the one
on which c'ty financiers are confidently
counting to put the city In 1018 on the old
pay-as-you-go basis that for so many years
ha been entirely lost Right of. Their plan
Is most comprehensive and will Include n
decided rovislon and altering of existing
methods of assessment and revision.
Under It no buildings In "dead" scctlonB
of the city will be overasscssed, while as
sessments on buildings In live, growing
sections will be assessed, at Increasing
In fact the now plan calls for assees
ments based primarily on land and not on
buildings. A more equitable and well dis
tributed assessment on land la looked to
to prevent tho undervaluation of vacant
lots In centers where values nro kept on
tha Jump by Improvements, The general
aascpament of land with separate values
given to buildings Is looked upon as the
best method to distribute equitably the tax
burden upon owners of realty.
In preparing for the changes cases have
been brought to light whero properties
have sold for three or even four times their
assessed valuation, and on tho other hand
cases havo been found where buildings
have been sold for many thounands of
dollars Inss than the value placed upon
them on the assessment books of the city.
These Inequalities stand unexplained and
are taken aa conclusive evidence that the
present methods are Inadequate and that
the city Is deprived In numberless cases ot
Income that should properly como from
this character of taxation,
Several reasons have Influenced the
Mayor and his advisers to keep under
cover their Plans for larger revenue In
!0. Primarily the Plan Is expected tq
meet opposition at the hnndi of many real
ty owners who are now profiting under
present conditions, Another reason Is that
the amendments planned are likely to be
opposed by tho members of the Hoard of
Revision of TaxeB and their friends.
The plans will likely be made publlo
within the next thirty days, but until such
action Is taken the scope of the amend
ments will not be definitely known.
The ecarclty of
leather in general
and of genuine
Cordovan In par
ticular has flooded
the market with
Imitations, which
r roves the except
lonal desirability
of Cordovan, and
emphasises the
foresight and en
terprlee of the
Oeutlng prganlza
tion which hae
provided a great
big assortment of
Knulne Cordovan
oes n an abun
dance of sizes and
fro reason why
y p w shouldn't
have tho real
thing, Come In
'ft50 Mim
Awif vhYiFHaViI&v v$LW w
jLXXmSi wW
i r
Tha Ctutlng
Vei "Dw-vlop
th Arvh"
Cordovan SHU Sox,
Ba Uia Pr
CliP0 Your "Kin KonUvan" from 4 Shades,
m! Uown, ttut biwn, mahogany charry, $7 to $10
t&TVT So", lltk
)WWiinwi '
HkAaa ajid "a m A -l-1-
fy 1 IHm
Canttnued from fere One
to favor the transfer until Friday morning,
shortly before their opinion was handed
down, he xnys. It was therefore Impossible
for (llbboney or nny one else to havo hnd
knowledge of their, ruling on Thursday,
when, nccordlng to Dennis, Olbboney In
formed him that Hurlcc's application would
be granted.
Judge Darratt also denied that ho had
told O.bbonpy or any one else the decision
of the court until It had been publicly handed
"As a matter of fact," said Judge Dar
ratt today, "I did not know Judge Davis's
opinion In the matter "until shortly before
court opened on Friday morning, when he
and I held a short consultation and went
over tha list of applications. It Is absurd
that with 100 cases to go over wa would
give out an advance decision on any one
particular application." .
Judgo Davis said, 'The court endeavored
to consider fairly the petitions presented
by both sides on tho question of the appli
cation of Michael Ilurke for a transfer of
his license to Sixtieth street and Lansdowne
nvenue. It was admitted by the Rev, C.
Edgar Adamson on behalf of the remon
strants that tho character ot the neighbor
hood had changed somewhat since the last
hearing nnd that at least two buildings had
been changed to business properties. 1
have always been opposed to granting or
transferring liquor licenses to strictly res
idential neighborhoods nnd for this reason
refused to grant Durke's application on
former henrlngs In 1914 and the early part
of this year.
"I believe that the consensus of opinion
of the residents of a locality as to the de
sirability of a liquor saloon should have
great weight In deciding the question of
granting or transferring a license. In this
case If n majority of the residents in the
locality present a bona fide petition I would
again be opposed to granting the applica
tion and would revoke the order transfer
ring the license. I think, however, both
sides should be fully heard In open court
or In the next sitting or at a special hear
ing. "The fact that Durke's property was
taken by the Parkway does not In my opin
ion enter Into the case as a controlling fac
tor, "In the matter of the Durke license no
arrangement was mado with anybody nor
would I countenance any arrangement on
Ihe question ef granting or tranefeerln
liquor licenses, Mf peettlen let tMe reeoect
(a quite well known In dlepoeUlon of caw
In 1114 when I eat with Judge Cerr I
License Court"
llere Jue IMvIs took oceevelon to eey
that he had already been misrepresented In
tho matter of vice segregation. He said!
The court's pottlon has been reported as
favoring segregation. It la to be regretted
that the Judges of the, courts In discbarge of
their duties re obliged to contradict state
mente misrepresenting poeltlone on questions
affecting publlo morals.
"My position In the case of the Jurisdic
tion of Magistrates In street-walkers cases
haa been criticized. That opinion was ren
dered after careful reading of the law in
the constitution and was without any other
purpose than to decide the case Jtflctly
from the legal questions Involved. My po
sition on the question of disreputable houses
has been very much misrepresented and I
want to take this opportunity to state that
I am opposed tosegragatlon end never made
statements to Justify the Inference that I
was In favor pf a district where vice of any
kind would bo permitted to flourish or exist
by police regulation or any other regula
"Houses of prostitution nro against the
law. Proprietors and Inmates are violat
ing tho law nnd should be prosecuted.
My only thought was to help the unfortu
nate women who hnd fallen, and I did not
believe that a prison sentence was the
proper method of uplifting them and lead
ing them to the paths of morality anrt
"I wish the community to understand that
I stand for observance of tho law and at
the soma time for the social uplift of those
who, for any causa whatsoever, have
strayed from the paths of morality. It ts
to be regretted that I have been placed In
such a position- before the community nnd
I am glad to have this chance to stato my
position on all questions ot this kjnd."
Dennis today said lie and IiIh neighbors
would bo only too glad to take up the sug
gestion of Judge Davis.
'The Qverbrook Association meets to
night." he said, "and 1 have no doubt that
action looking toward n new petition and
a reopening of the case will be taken at
this meeting. We nre only too ready to
do anything In our power to keep this
saloon out of our neighborhood, and I am
glad the License Court Is willing to grant
us another hearing. As to Mr. Olbboney,
I can only say thnt In my statement ot last
night I repeated what he told mo last
Anti-saloon rallies will be held on Sun-
SHpjBHTsarSJB 4'jA BjsJsJsJg
Q Make OLD Furniture NEW
H Girt) It th4 rUh, dull flnlah now Mem on H
H Uhn(WmiaiTmur. TohiTttnit trerli fH
vM dmbyMipmwwUbtpmiiT,Uit IB
VM jrtMcaadoUytiuncUmiWttniUoawlUi m
g For AH Woodwork and Fumltura jH
'fH This romvktbU nw flnlih stains tho U
jn iron, nrsUhas It end lyt It soft, sJQ
al hAnd-rubbl flnkh In ilnzlo sppllcaUon BJH
1 thrvo Job In ono end no nprinro WW
iifci BffMiry. Trr It on om plre ot rural- k VJ
VJkJ turo with tho ut-o(-tUt hlfh pollM. M
jH You wUl U dtllsbUd Willi rMiilU. aW
li For Hsle Ity All Hood l'slnt JH
VJJJjBkw and Hardware fltoreo fl(P
4ey H Merr Wmpeen Meorfl
vln Vsbyt.r.nChurcK. Sixtieth and Mae-
tcr streets.
t .. m te. mrra meetin ncra
Jnit nght In the T latter Vhurch thet iH
chrge e by Denel. Inrjemed the antl.
license aavocatea 10 now Hi.....--...
According to these accusations Ol"'.'''
not only Imparted In advance to Dennle the
Information that the transfer would be
granted, but sought to have the Lansdowne
......... wiik,ir-r Ma remonstrance.
The Inference that Dennis "would be cared
for" the latter interpreted as relating to
prospective buyers for hts house.
"I woe told that I would get the price
I wanted for my houo." he eald. "It waa
a straight business proposition," He de
clined to name the prlee asked pr the
maker of the offer Dennis said two liquor
dealers now living In the vicinity of Six
tieth street and Lansdowne avenue had
Mill tiny tWUM fnovs out smv. .
hood K Burke we allowH te 10JS
WILT, PREPAnta dim.....
d. Hartley Collrne. alloTt,.::
mofietrants, today seta a petition TJr! '
hearing prebeHy wouM I be ft lie i7 J
aays. -
Mrs. C Bdgar Aeamson. w."
nltrrvmnn. and hnm1f .," " W
of Hurke's application, naldi &?
shocked and eurprleed at J(ids iL
reversal of his stand en tki. zLJ
Judge Davis came ot here pers22?'
saw the characteristics of the neToU
He haa plenty or evidence that it w7Z:
a residential section, if. i ?
more than 660 names wem VSTT e
remonstrance and he knew tv,...." e
the signers were In court and trtLZ '
state their case If given an tm!J
V. In ih tmr-t, nf thl. .1...... ' "in
.vv .; rz-uVJi '""on , ,
Villus e. I'vitiwi
Ilililliiln iiiilB
fie and 10c STORE JjfctUNlJ yK R STAIRS 1 1
Mr. Man. That Means You!
who can wenr sample shoes sizes from 5 tf?)C Mf
to 7V& A to 0 widthB, will here find a irreat MW9 fl
opportunity in these $5.00, S6.00 and S7.00 S7 "m, W
sample snoes tor our un- J AW
heard-of price of -W
Anqthor shipment for Saturday of thw
famous makes, such as William-Knonlnn.
Barry's, Hanna & Son and Nettletons. All I
kino ovttouii o ucoi, tsiuucia ill liWl UOQ 01HCX
Russia calf, patent and glazed kid. Afli
custom ffrado, in English medium and broad
toe shapes. Sizes 5 to 7V&, A to C vid.
Tho greatest value in the city. Early cug-
tomers gee oesc cnoice.
x hi)
I k I II
L v II
Arn 111
One of the ?v
8(e we w
show. IsJ
Men's New $
Fall Shoes
Welted nnd Stitched Roles In DIack and Tin
Calf, Patent and dialed Kid. All Sizes.
FREE Bird.' Whistles Free to the Kiddies
Boys Scout
Kndlcott-Johnson'a. All
solid and just the shoo
for hard service, in tan
and black, with leather
or clkskln soles.. Sizes
e to 11, and I to 0, at
Boys Spencer $ Q
Shoes VX,U"
Ounmetal calf, Dlucher,
English Welt, with Oak
Soles. Sizes 9 to 13 H,
and 1 to 5V4, ntSI.98.
Misses' & Chll-f AA
dryt's Shoes. . 1"?
Ounmetal calf. ItliM '
shapo last. The shoe Ut i
wiK av kuuu service,
' flzes S to 8 at l.t, ,
SH to 11 at ft.4 sad
1114 o I at S1.W.
A I'l
1 II
1 4 1
Women's Smart New Fall Shoes'
$JJ6 to $3-95:
Over 60 of the most wanted models in
the new mahogany tan cajf, Havana brown,
dark tan kid, gray, bronze and black kid. also '
black and white, tan and white combination.
gunmetal calf and patents. High, medium?!
ana ungusn last neeis. vveited and stitched
soles. Sizes 1 to 9, and AA to E in the
Our New Branch Store, 2434 Kensington Ave.
on the
According to ttSe lUtistlcs of the U. 5. InUrnsl Revenue
Dprtmnt, thre are nmoktd yenrly in the UniUd States,
One Billion Littla Cigars, It is figured that Two Hundred
Million of these are feroken before smoking, Therefor?
the Million Dollar Wrapper m Admiral Little Cigars will
save the present smokers Million Dollars a year in
breakage. The Million DUr Wrapier jU Met break,
eruwWe, or frwzle. IT IS COMPOSE Or KJRE TO
tU4.wWi b filW el A-irl LWe Ofrs. . ,.f,
r .1
WSMt mil hind or meMy mma fur
lJM:lini tuekmim. Bimmkk4
iwfu wcau