SVBNlHa ' LEBGBil--I,HILABEL?HIAr FRIDAY, 00TOBE5K 18, 1016 mtPArranwiiMii Omnbton,' CW Wr Vetorm, . wh WMvhr Kmwii m fkf forMfttikM jr Bkl MeaiMk. MVMrtrHv Tw tnM. The Klu of amMm" MM w(Hil Ml iimm horn tn Vcntiwr, N. J. II ferte there t eeMrmte with hi meond the twenty-fetiritt amtlTerMry Ktt thotr JUCllnoh kMMM Known m "gsMler Dn' rWa he eotrt- a mMln settee near B-thth an. Chestnut street. He i a Keren of the Civil Win- n for many ears avftet r4 wore hi soMler uniform. He tteejelly glared hhrh Makes. IIU fjubllnc houeee were frequent, by poll WHaM M riei HI Anal "bl - u -whan he Mi-yed hi I 10,000 the ttosk market, takta a friend' tip ft Alar. It ia ftl- ha "cam out" with mom.. Ia the day of the Otoueeater rac track. X la taM. MeCllneh mad ,50,000 a n. book- Makar and for a time ha won lares Blake ytayln; 'Hoff race at Patlm Park. The funeral, at Batr'a undertaking; room Tfraay, will Be private. DR. THOMAS J. MORTON Hspublkan Organization Man And So lect Councilman Dies Dr. Thoma J. Morton, Select. Council MM for the Twentieth Ward, for twenty- rw years Coroner physician and one of He beat-known figure In Ilcpubllcan Or- aniaation pontic, aiea yesurasy at in stetne, 14S1 North Tenth street, after an iUneM of nearly a year. Bronchitis wa the arlreet cause of death. For twenty years before he became a Select Councilman Doo tar Morton represented hi ward In the lower chamber of Council, and was a llfo lenir personal friend and political follower f David H. Lane. Funeral arrangements have not been completed, but It Is under stood that he wilt be burled on Monday. Sector Morton leaves a widow and two yetine children. Lane Morton, twelve years M, and Anna Lira. Morton, ten year old. Charles K. Smith Charles IC Smith, who for twenty years previous to 1891 represented the Twen tieth Ward In Common Council, died yes terday at his residence, 0201 aermanv town avenue, Chestnut mil. For forty year he had been engaged In the oil busi ness, trading; under the name of Charles IC Smith Co. He was seventy-one years i4d and death was caused by Bright' dis ease. Mr, Smith, who was a Republican, will be remembered as a persistent advocate In Council of business administration of city affairs. He Is survived by- a widow and a 'en, the latter being CHittea K. Smith, Jr. , Spencer Fullerton After a short Illness, Spencer Fullerton lied yesterday at the home of hi niece, Mrs. James Reppller, of 204 South Forty eeond street. Although 'educated a a me chanical engineer, he never followed his profession. Mr. Fullerton was a member of Lodge IS, F. and A. M , and a pastmoster of the Grand Iiodge of New Jersey. Besides Mrs. James Iteppller, his nephew, Lieuten ant Spencer Fullerton Weaver, of the Twelfth New York Infantry, now on the Mexican border, survives him. Funeral services will be held at the home of Mrs. Reppller on Saturday, at 2 p. m. Charles K. Smith Charles IC Smith, who many years ago represented the Twentieth Ward In Com mon Council, died yesterday at his home, 201 Germantown avenue. Chestnut Hill. For twenty years previous to 1891 Mr. (Smith sat In the lower chamber for his ward. He was 71 years old. Anglers Make Record Catches LAN8DALE, Pa,. Oct. 13. -Lukens 1 Uwartz. veteran secretary of the Lansdalo dun Club and prominent North Penn sports man, with Jtnlph Hamilton, or Doyle toVn, twice during1 the last week regis tered record catches while fishing- on the Tohlckon Creek The first catch was four teen bass, all of twelve Inches, and three foUrteen-lnch pickerel. On a second trip titty returned with seven large basi; Beatijg ADAMS. Oct. 11. FRANCIS.??., husband of lei Rebecca T, Adams, ased 84 year. Rsla. ire. and frlende. H be kin ah Lodge. No. 240, F. led A. 31.. Invited to funeral services, Bat.. I p. m,, ill64 N. llth at. Int. V. I-aurel mil Cem. Auto funeral. Frlenda mar call Frl. eve, ALEXANDER. Oct. 11. KTHKL ELINB MAUDE ALEXANDER, daughter of Lydla and lata Harry Alexander, aged 8 years 11 month I days. Relatives ana friends Invited to funeral -"services. Sat., 3 p. m.. mother's residence, II03 . Mutter at. Int. Qreenwood IK. of P.) Cem. BAKER. Oct. 11. CURTIS A., sod nf TUsh aaai, ji. after at. Int. Qreenwood (K. of 1'.) Cem, x. jcx. ii, uursiio a., sod ox -nian-and Mary A. Dakar, ased S3. , Itela. and friends Co. A. N. O. P.. Invited to funeral eervlrea. Sat.. 3 P. m.. at parents' reel. band of Julia Frugolla llarauilla. Relatives and all socieuea ox wnicn no was a memoer, friends, a, 28 Master at. Int. private. Northwood . Friends mar call Frl.. s to B P. m. IRSUOLIA.- Oct. 10, ALRXANUER. hue. I of Julia Krusolla llarauilla. Relatives and ids ell societies of which ho was a member. iavlted to funeral. Won., 7 JO a. m residence a father-in-law. Joseph Frusolla, 1S4T H. 18IU at. Services St. Rita's Church, 0 a. m. Int. Heir cross lATUAl tirv&i p. mvr rross pern. ,, wife of Henry C, Uateraan. Ives and friends Invited to fu i.m.iDnn. ... tim ciBr.icsB l ddu... p. m. Tram leaves umsmui si. jerry ioju m, ku Int. 1'reebyterlan Cem., Willlamitown. felKTWELl.. Suddfnlr. Oct. 10. SUSANNA r... widow of Abram W. Ulrtwell, ased it. Kelatlvea and,, friends .Invited., to. funeral Services, Bet.. 11 a. m 171 W. Hsnsberry st Kraanlawn. Int. Chester Rural Cem., Cues AortJ: Oft. ".lToHN, husband of Mary A. Bsara (ne lleslnnls).. Relatlvea and friends. Aporentlce Boys, I O. L.. No. S4, Invited to Timers I services, set.. 2 p. In.. 2l.' Mountain mi. rarnwooa Kxm. immi may p id Frl., between 8 and lu p. m. ilKlS. At the Presbyterian Horn for ames ana Alia uen. usia. l-a.. uct. 12. wire or J on of 3:10 train. Wl a!-1 VSK&JH seen. th II rises. Bat. aft. Bervleea on tr. Int. Leverlnstoa JOHN KLMER. son of L end Utrv B. Braes Inee lllslrL mMmd eletlves and friends Invited to funeral. m., parenia- resiaence. 339 I'opiar 'eohwoor Cem., lfulmevllle. Fa, , awMuiEiiii f., wiaow , seed e. Relatives and neon Bible Class. Invited to 1. Sun.. l!ea n m.. Churoh of At. end !.hli h e. Int. flMinvMil Cem. Omit Aowars. i.p Biuort, si raas, Tex.. L.L 11 ;. Browne, H A. BURCHlL lata member PO, renna. Cavalry, and sea of Jamea e'AJUe Burohlll. ased 23. Relatives and nenberi f Aeeumntlen Hodalltv. In. t funeral. Men.. laH a. m.. 11SO Hrown eleean bJaj mesa Chureh of Assumption a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. tolB?';! A' Qleuoester City, N. J.. Oct. JL MPcrTllUtDSAl.L hueoanA ol late a. nurdeau. ased to. Relatives and aieoioro MeH.flf, ivv, 1, ia riinarai --- ' - - .n.aa - aaan.aro n. . m i a, tr . 3 to!? ,te..f unsra IT reeVteM pl W. f, Bally' HA .. WHsdeWita and Uu Holly ! Wl. ULUHlNAel. It JASIBIPW A mim t lata Jasevti and Marcaret CaHahaa. ReU 'Jves m artsade lovKeet to fuaeral. wis . reujaa mast Me,, S a. m. Broad et. Cu) . aU ai M. Jet. Cataedral Cem. 81, Yrf.Ml.t.o. wji lives, Rwas wt reaiaeace. Hflsaa iiuftSS-.?- &. 15 to fuaeral servleea. Frl.. 8 p. m.. 0197 lr.lK SSJrV S.W-MUaa.1 and la :arr. iwatlveo aad IrUsde Invllel "Pt1" Tl..-t- "tlssHs iiib h. nka. aaua an. rreaats a 1- jiH, rtoiy urea cess. i. H at feaallaBie?UU.INB. k X Clyaaeeji aiatfves and Meals oral. ftt-..r- " " Ohalfeau, urel HUI .Cam. ' -I'Tfl 1 IT. mui n . - - r 1 si Sine e. tCw read.. Pec -, sldaaoe 1U1 rVA. L.siE. ttiew Onaaa CsaaL jka. ltu InvlLad Lr.l se vlewvad Ti Id Elsie U Davis Usee BreiuienstttW),- r.1 TSvtJriBr TiT! 1 H 4th st. inf araan- ay te. vteeye Frl. WlATIW fcjs., mt rrast t., IWeVweWrf.lnU N. Cedar lyn Cent, Beer may be viewed Frl. eve.. 8 to DAVIS,' Oct. . MART I. DAVI. Jrh e Kdward T avls (nea lianlele), ased el. Relet rvee and friends Invited 10 f oners I, Hon., P. lei., rowiler Mill lane above Wood at., Frankford, Int. Maejnolla Cem, Remain may be viewed Sat., 1 to 10 p, m. bKI.K. Suddenly. Oct. IS. CsrU KtlOKNB R. UeLK, huaband of Bdytha M, iMIk (nee 1'ecki. l)u notice will be slven from residence, B0 ft, 4th at. PmW.KmVi. In'd .bp. inriiPQ io lunTBl, pit,, niv a. m , tame reeiaence. Evan Autos will most .UlJ,IN. tct. . st Atlantle City, N, J.. BLANCHE M. pitfON, wire of John Dillon and dauahter ef late John and Maraaret ,I.y. ram,. Relatives and frlende, afeo Ht Jqacnlm'a I. .V, it. Podallty, Leasue of Sacred Heart and Altar Society, and all other aocttlea of which ehe was a member. Invited to funrsl. Sat., S.Jtt a. m,, from residence ef Mlea Marcetla Dor en, tesO Frankford ave. Solemn requiem mass. St. Joacnlm'a Church, 10 a. m. Int. St. nomlnlcra Cent. Antn funerel. KCKFKl.UT. At her home, 1610 Mt. V non at.. Oct. 13, HARAII MALVlNA. widow Adam Eckfeldt, ased on. Servleea and Int. I K6INOKR. Oct. 10. JACOn It., eon late An suet and Theresa Edlnter. ased 42. Relatives iral. Nat., a ail a m . fAthr'i n T. UVfnlMt. VI1iaw llenva. Ie. Solemn hlfh requleen mm St. i,uke'a Church, Olenalde. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. trolleys at Welsh and xoru Ver- r l prl and friends Invited to funeral. Hat., 7:30 a, m , parlora Edward Msck. 8no N. 6th st. Requiem mill it 81, reler'a Church a. m. Int. Most JlpI.F.-Oct. 11. .CIIARI.Efl. huebsnd of Elisabeth Ksolf (neo Lav), ased T. Reletlvea fnd friends, members of Police pension Fund, nvlled tn funeral eervWe. linn.. 1 m . Invd W. Ulenwood ave. Int. private, llemalna may be viewed Sun evenlnr. FARRKI.If. Suddenly. Oct. 11. TlfOMAH F.. son of Nellle Ji. and Thomas F Farrell and srandeonof Ilrldret and the late William Far rell. ased S years 10 months. Relatives and frlende. puplle of Transfiguration Bchool, In vited to funeral. Hat , S.S0 a, m . parents' re. dene. 614 rln st Ansele' mass Chureh of the Transfls-uratlon. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. ..TUP'T-" 'H'ow Orova. r, Oct. is, ItARRV W., husband of Kathrrn M lnrd (nee Clark), ased 83. Relatives and friends, lleneoets Adelpnon tdae. No. 28, I. O, O, l, em ployes of WMUam Hellera A Co.. Invited to fu flr'u.fl.V.n" . m reeldenco of brother-ln aw. William It, Ralener, York road and Midl and ave., above Willow drove. Pa, Int. Hat- FpsfiTli. Oct, II, auddenly, HENRT. hue. band of late Catherine Foater, ard 1)1 years, 1 month. Relatives and frlende, offlrere and di rectors Cedar Hill Cem. Co.. Invited to funeral rr,THT,, oai., p, m.. aranuson's residence. . i'i lloracv '. Pi.m.. sranuson's resiaence. Int. private. Cedar Jllll Cem. llemalna may be arti , after T p. m .!... ,.v -..., (i . Hiirr i D. m ,fc. liV1 .ilT0'T.Oc,j 12. BPF.NCKR, eon of ii 1... " '""'"t nnu oeran eviierion. ssea 7i. Relatives and frlemls Invited to funeral services, BVYniJP;Jn,,t. s?i e'..a i mt. prliate. l'Ol,ToN,Ocl II, lll;)llllli ll,, son of late ""J""1'" , Josephine Fulton. Relatives and friends Invited to. funeral serlvres. Hat., 2 p m.. residence pf brother, Samuel Fulton. BIOS Ch?.!.',li.M;?. .'.';! " Alorlah ('in, Autos. i.KilE,NEIMUR,.-Oct. 10. I.13WIB !.. son of '' 1'hlllp and Catherine Oeaenhelmer. Rela tives and friends Inttted to funeral aervlrre, ?VnJ;rX.,,,n. fWrtraents of William H. Neff. 1!M',M at. Int. tlreenmount rem. lS?ll.,lt)'7T0', " MAItpAllET A., wife of fiii. il-1.afrm,nJ n" M: . Ilelattves and Jtlf0.1?? Invited to funeral, Sat., 7 80 a. m , V?... 'Vnston at.. Camden, N. J. Hlrh maia Ca"varv vmmcu Conception U a. m. Int. XfHSUi,,,,'f'T0ct ..'!'. HOWARD, husband of rryiA'i..0.ouri,,):' Helatlve and friends Invited to call Frl. H to Io p. m 2MB N. lBth st. Services In Upper Dublin Frlende' Meetlns House. Sat., 10 JO a. m. Int. private. Friends' urnun'i. w5Ut,,:KNW,OOD'r,'. IK HARAII ORKKN WOOD, widow of Daniel Greenwood, aacd 74. Relatives and frlende Invited to funeral serv ices. Bat U a. m.. 17B w. Monmoulh at. Int. private, Ht. Atidrew'a Cem.. Mt, Holly, N, J, tllllNDROp. Oct 11. ALlcfc M., wlfo of IiMn H (Jrlndrod and dauahter nf Frank II. and Harah W. Cclllnc, ased 24. Funeral aerv Ices private. Hat , 2 p. m.. at parents' residence. 423 New Park ate . Cnlllniswood, N. J. Friends may cell I'rl , after 7 n, m. IIAKZARn.tlct 12, RATll ANNA, wife of Theodore V. llanard and dauahter of Mary Hallnr tnre Hauemann) and late Harry Haua. mann. aartl 44. Ilelativee and friends Invited to JV!!f,J,rv,Se.'u'. 2 ". m.. late residence, 111 D'irtley st. Int. prlvste lll'.KNAN. Oct. 11. JOHN, husband of Mas elo Heenan. of Kales, County Tlpperary. Ire land. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, lion., 8.811 a. m.. 1410 N Camao st. Solemn hlzh requiem mess Ht. Malachy'S Church 10 a. m. Int Holy Cross Cem, lliyrilURN. Oct. 12. MILTON H IIET RURN, nseil HI. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral, Mon., 1 p. m., residence. Concord, pel. Co., Pa. Carrlasea will meet trains at lirandrwlne Hummlt leavuur Ilroad Ht. 11. -01 a. m. and Oxford 10.80 a. m. Int. lllrmlntham llurlal Orounds. ltlCKMAN. Oct. 10. WILLIAM T husbsnd nf Harriett Hickman (nee llundlck), ased 88. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Sat.. 1 p m.. -M0 Wilder st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Remains may be viewed Frl., 8 to 10 p. m. HULHCHUIL At Hatfield; Oct. 11, MART, wife of William Ilulachuh. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral, .Sun., Oraca Lu theran Church, Hatfield. Va. 2 p in. : further services. Mon., S030 N. 7th st.. Phlla,. SI p. m. Int. Oreenmount Cem. Remains may no viewed from 11:30 to S p. m at 3030 N. 7th at,, Phlla. HUMES. Oct. 11, MART, widow of Thomas Humes. Relstlves and friends InWted to fu neral, flat., 8 a. m., apartments of Andrew Ebert's Sons. 2A8 S. 4th st. Mass Ht. Mary'a Churrh 8 30 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. JONES. Oct. 10. JAMES JONES, huehand of Louisa Jones (nee Horn). Relatlvea and frlende, members Third Moravian Church. James a. nialne Council, No. 776, O. of I. A.; Court llrntherly Love. No, 10. P. of A.i Stopemen's Fellowship of 43th Wsrd. employes of John II. Hleteon Co. (finishing dept.). Invited to funeral services. Sat., 2 P. m 1010 E. Venanso st. Remains msy be viewed Frl., after 7 p. m. Int. North rdar HUI Cem. Auto funeral. JONES. Oct. 12. MARY, widow of John W. Jones. lataof Lansford, Pa. Rolatlvee and friends, membera ef Ontario Preebyterlan V.UUI- ,, ,,,Tl rM . 1,11,1.1 ..I.ICTI, nil,, H P. urand Array Cem., ased M. Relatives and frlenda I services. Sat.. !J n tn . Ittitt private, kt. l'j. MAnv T? ,lw Thomas II. Kreplln. Residence. 27J7 federal at. S?ft4 D et. Int. Hun.. Hummlt HUI. Pa. KAIHEH. Oct. 10. JOHN D.. AUfusta Kaiser, ased nn. Invited to funeral services h inn at. ini. nrii KREPMN Oi t. U.. . II k' n Due notice of funeral will be aiven I.AWIICNCB. Oct. 12. JAMU8 LAWRENCE. t?1 8fc. "l".v?. -"n!.,Neshaminy Lodce. No. 422. I. O. O. r., Invited to funeral eervices, residence of son-in-law. Theodora Dan. lela. Ml Rath stv Urlstol. Pa., iron"! l"u pT m? Int. Uwhwood Cem. . ,l.;?JPP8,rct. "' AMANDA ANN WARDEN LUUD3. dauahter of the late Joseph and Miiiannah .Leeds ,(nee ,Uoly). Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Sat., Oct. 14 2 p. m at the rreldence of Harry R, Ulr m,.n5,himJi 8?,:s.iN'. "lh t. Int. private. LODOK. Suddenly, Oct. 11. LOUISA K.. wife of (trover C. Ixodes and dauahter of Irvlns W, and Katie C. Kunkel Uowyer, ased 31. 1-uneral and Interment private. I.OOA.N. Suddenly. Oct. 11. EMMA A., wld !Jj0.(,J'."",' ft .'n' ased 6 J. Relatlvea and frlende Invited to funeral services, HaL, 1 R. m. 0100 Da Lanrey at. Int. private, at reenmount i.em. Remains may be viewed ell., k to io p. m. . .,U,,!,Pl)c.,. II. .HENRT T LUFF, son of late Walter H. and Elisabeth Armstronc Luff, Relatives and fnrnda Invited to funeral aervi f"uD- -r.P; '! N, Ilroad at. North Laurel Hill Com. Auto aervlre. MARTIN.-Oct. II. T1IOMAH MARTIN, 'hue fand of Harah Martin (nee McLaughlin). Rela I'7 ?" ,,i,ii, iJiviaign rtQ, SH, A, II II Int. Invited to funeral' . 1. . ii.. 2030 Wilder . "oa.l runerai. Mon. 8 a. m 2030 Wilder at. Solemn htah maes of requiem Ht. Thomas Aquinas Church 11.30 a. m. Int. Holy Cross .rrn. eliIS5,Dl.n McLaushlln). Oct. It. MAR OARKT. widow ot James Mcllrlde. Ilelativee and friends. Altar Hoelety and tha Leasus of ,hf J,!lC;,, "'art ot 8t. Francla'a Church, In. 3f!t"!.,.',.Jun,'.,v.s,' s:30 i. ro.. 842 N. Taylor at. (24th and Parrlah stsj. Solemn requiem P,7V,8,,r.lLnc'. Javier's Church 10 a. m. ,nV. Ii,.,?i:tnI,1ral Cem. (. McCANN. Oct. 12. HENRT, husbsnd of Mary I McCann. of Deaertmartln, County Derry, reland. Relatlvea and frlenda, membera Catno. 'fl Sona of Derry I Dlvleton No. 0, A. O. II.. In. Jlted to funeral. Mon., 8 JO a. m.. 2443 B. Cum. berland at. Solemn requiem mass Ht, Ann's C,i'J,T.,JAL0..S,-,,, ,nt- "olT Pepulohra Cem. McCIXJSKET. Oct. 12. ELLA f.. wife of Jelin J. UcCloskey, ased 40. Relatives Invited tp funeral. Sun., 8 p. m apartmenta of William II. Battersby. 8810 N, Broad at. Int. strictly Private, Oreenmount Com, Remains may be vtw,a.s,lUi. 1? P. m. . MoULINClIarr.Oct. 12. ifART. dauahter at Ann Mctlllnchey (nee JMclJarvey) and the late. bii mmr, oi oumy uoneaai, Ireland Funeral prtv.. Sat, T, :30 a. m., from reeidence ot uncle. Anthony McQarvay. 1870 Richmond i1. V,h. Ward. Rauteramaa Ht. Ann's Church a. ta. Int. New Cathedral rem. McKENNA. Oct. 1. JANE McKENNA. hel atlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Bat.. 8.30 a. m,. 201 Fllswater st. Solemn mass of re. qulm St. Patrick's Church. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. v MEIIL Suddenly. Oct, oenu oi busaoein Aieni. 11. liIfnfAKr. hi... Relatlvea and friends 743 N. lain eon of John Invited to funeral. Sat., 10 a. ra., ,t'.. 'I'i Private. r , MELLOR. Oct. 11. npnnni- a .nd Catherine IJ.ilor. Relatlvea and frlenda. . u. fS av V.'."-."- C'i '''' ama eoriety of St. John the Baptist. Church and St. John's pramatlo Company. Invited to 'funeral. Sat., 0 m-c Parents' reeidence.' W( Terrace stf. Wis- .Vi''a&on.i .satmnwh,0 mt". " t! John the Baal at Church. Int. Weetmlnater Cem. i.CKTif-Tft??' CATHARINE, wife of tha ,',Bll!l Miller (nee. Schrelnef). Relatives ha.trl'Z"t .W8,n.n0' i1"1 Family, Altar anJ fn. 8', o St. Bonffaolue' Church. soJ f-'li?i5r y'tle, of wblih aha waa a member, ilnlr,l",!Kaae'llSrAl'1 "'. ,T .Ma. m.. lata reel'. fcJS.iJtt?. til Orlanna st. Requiem mm st Bonlfacliw' Church, w a. m. Int. St. feter'a lovinuiu n.1 in ninirsTvM m. Bf John Monashan, a io lunerai. ba AOHAN. Oct, 10. CATHERINB MONA. riei, wiie c rrienas invite IAN (nee Relatives and tehSj:LssithaV, Kaxfaarou a - . i t . --a: "? KiBpi.t; cnuTi ifw vr, ii TtsMuui u4 Ann faswkses iiWl jp ,jBlU'1Klkrti t pssej. jgBIaia. ttffi MUatTAVCtsl. Oct. 10. Ma rr ret.lnAA laaa nr J,. ai of (ate Dr. . ased St. Hatatluaa ae jlarehlns Clubr Fl net saber oraaBlaallaava wmm r. at Bally. lUuala, eUtlvea sad frieade . a. m., realjenoe nr Mu eioaloyes of Breyer w suiiwrai far aiaoi.B! nwllaw . Naarla aster ava Over. K, hueUad ef DCATHS NBIJOK-Oet, It. KMZABBTM NBLaON, Belatlrea and friends Invited to funeral seev. Icee. Sat., 2 p, nt 120 Maverford ave. Int. private, OltcfARD. Oct. 11, SAMUKL F Jr.. hna. band of lata Amanda K. Orchard. . Relatives. and friends. Invited to funeral aervlcea, aatj lao p. m., 142 McKean St.. Int, private. Fern wood Cem. ftamafna mil ha viewed Frl. ava. OTT- Oct. it. linSaiE, wife of William J. Ott, aired S3. Relatlvea and friend. H. .V. M. Sodality of Church ot tha Kpjphenr. Invited to funeral. Sat., 840 a m.. SSlt 8. Juniper et. n lunwrai, pit,, '4V a m., .ail o, . ,giiip-r . mu Solemn requiem hlh mass Church,of the Eplph. any, iw a. m, ini. nerei. Holy Cross Cem, Auto tw IllrM a,AAM-1m A.I If VWAMir. .AM i lata Adam and kva Item (nee Frloehkem). at t07 N. llth at. Due notice et funeral will be slven. ItOMNflON. At Ceoper Hospital, Camden. N J . Oct. 11, MIRIAM; ll ef Clarence W. Rablieon, ased 22, Funeral aervlcea and Int, private. Sat., 2:30 p. m Taneboro, N. J, It. malna may be viewed 1 rl. eve. Train leans "ifuVlFRLViSbcV. T; T:bWARD If. nVM FORD, ased 74. Ilelativee and frlende Invited Io lunerei aervlcea, rial., x p. in., A.aicnes ane. Merlon, Pa, Int. private. Conveyancea will meet trains at Merlon Station leaving Broad Hlreet at i It 6-1 M 4. njiiAiiiv. nuoaeniy, yet. ii. vis.uiri , eon oi lienry ana Jtsnnnn ocnana, aaea irther notice of funeral will be slven frvm ?PO ei.r2!nner notice 8111 ThnmnMn al. srllENCk. At Marlon. Fa., Oct. 12. MAR. IA W. SCHKNCK, widow ef Jacob . K. 8chnck. ageil 78, Relatives and frlende Invited to funeral. Set., 8 p. m. Services Mt. Holly (N. J.) Cem. Chapel. Intl Mt. Holly Cem, SCOTT Oct. 11, CLARA O, HCOTT, dauth tr of Charles D, and Mary J, ScotL. ased at. Ilelativee and frlenda invited ta funeral aervtcre, Mon., 2.30 p, m., parents' residence, 118 S. Pesch st, (88d and Chestnut sta.J. Int. private, Femwoo.1 (m, . SHERWlN Oct. 0. TETKR J husband et Mary A. Hherwtn. Ilelativee and friends, em. pjoyes of William Cramn Shipbuilding Co.. in vited to funeral. Hat., .-io a. m., 2A2T Belgrade st .(18th Ward). Solemn requiem mass St, Ann's Church. 10 a. m. Int. Old Cathedral Cem. . SIMONS. Oct. 12. ar.OROM W huebsnd of tale Margaret l! Htmone. Residence, 021 13. Thompson st. Due notice ef funeral will be given. SMITH. Oct. 12, CHARLES K. SMITH. aged 71. Dun notice of funerel given. SMITH. Suddenly, Oct. 12. CHARLES W. SMITH. Relatives and friends, employea ot Water Dept , Invited to funeral aervlcea. SaL, 2 p, m,, lno i;. Hharpnack at., Uermantown. Int Ivy Hill Cem. SOUDERS Oct. 11. SOPHIA Q.. wife of Frank J. Hnuders and dauahter or Oeorga L. Biddle, Reletlvee and friends may view remains at late residence, ins. B, Ruby St., Frl., after. noon and ave. Int.. Resdlnr, Pa., Sat. i SI'i:i:L. At residence. Frederics. Del.. Oct. It. CLARENCp It. HPEEL. formerly of Old Southwark. Phlla., Pa., member of M. K. Mariners' Bethel Church, and connected with Southwark National Hank for matir yeara. mem ber of Meridian Sun Lodge, No. 108. F. and A. M 1 Spring Oarden Lodge. I. O. O. F.t Niagara Hose Company and Volunteer Firemen, all of Philadelphia. . Funeral service at residence, Mon . 1 p. m. Int. llarratt' Chapel. BTETI.CR Oct. 11, Rev. D. M. STETLER. aged 72. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Sun., 2 p. m.. Tryon Home, 2Pth and Ulenwood ave. Int. Mt. Peam t'em. Remains msy be vlswed Hat. eve. from 7 to 0. STOKEH Oct. 12. at lata residence, 2041 N. 12th st . FRANK, son ot Iste Richard and Mar garet Htnk.s. Due notice of funeral slven. Oct 11. HANNAH A., wife Of Joseph 11. Turner, aged 68. Relatives snd frlenda Invited to funeral, Sat,, 2 JO p. m rreldence. Park Place, Chester, Pa. Int. pri vate. VAN DERVEER. Oct. 12. ETHEL BEARS SCOI11E. wife of William II. Van Derveer. Rela tlvea and friends lnlted to funeral eervices. Rst.. 1.30 p. m., at S808 Carpenter at. Int. New Brunswick. N. J. VAN IXJAN. Oct. 11. WILLIAM II. VAN LOAN. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral eervlree Sat.. 2 80 p. m., at the Oliver II. Balr Building, 1820 Chestnut St. Rsmalns may ba viewed Frl.. 7 tn 0 n. m t. ll, hamurl, d. nusbana or iteiativea ana W IMS Ell.. .. r, ,. ii- --j e.!i ., ii ci.qr. hb! lit itii.tiiei ami friends Invited to funeral. Sat., 2 p. m.14S2 (auga at. Int. Hillside Cem., via funeral car. Remains may be viewed Frl. eve. WILI.ENIUTCHER, Oct. 12, HENRT W, WILI.1SNIIUCHER, aged 80. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral ervlcea. Hat., 7 p. m.. r,R27 Thompeon at. Int. Fredericksburg, Va. YOHT Oct. II. at Sellersvllle. Pa , THOMAS W. YOST, eldest aon nf the late Hon. Jacob 8. Toat. of Pottatown. Pa., aged M. Int. private. TOUNO. Suddenly, Oct. II. WILLIAM FOR. TER LEU, son ot Albert Q. and Anna Robert son Young, aged 11. Relstlvos and frlenda In vited to funeral eervices. Hat., 2 p. m., parents' residence, 0133 N. 21st St., Uermantown. Int. prUSte. SS1M.MERMANN Oct. 10. JOSEPH A., hus band of Emma II. Klmmermann (nee Hefner) and aon of Hermlna and lata Francis X. 7.1m mermann. Relatives and friends, Phlla. Turn gomelnde and Powell t Clouds Co., Invited to fu neral. Sat., 8 JO a. m., 707 W. Lycoming st. High requtem mass St. Veronlca'a Church 10 a, m. Auto funeral. Friends may call Frl., 7 to 10 p. m. MEMORIAL RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF OFFICERS OF THE JEWISH Hospital Association eipreases Its sorrow at the death of MAX I.1VERIOHT He was for thirty-two )eara a member of our board, and tn that capacity evinced an earneat Interest In tha work of the association. Ha was loyal In his friendship snd kindly and sympa thetic toward the unfortunate. We. his asso ciates. Inscribe upon our Minutes this tribute of appreciation of his worth and of our eeteem. The members of the board extend to hla fam ily our heartfelt aympathy. WILLIAM B. IIACKJCNnURO. PreeldenL JULE8 E. MASTBAUM. Secretary. HELP WANTED FEMALE BELL TELEPHONE OPERATINO Work near ' your home in pleasant and healthful aurroundlngs. with excellent oppor tunities for rapid advancement. There are twenty-eight Bell Central Offices In Philadelphia; probably there la one within a few blocka from your home. Unusual oppor tunltlee for earnest. Intelligent young women between 18 and 2J yeara of age. New employes sre paid while tearfatng, and are rapidly advanced. Pleasant dining rooms, where the beet of food la sold at cost, In every Central Office. Somfortsble sitting rooms for reading relaxation. Opportunity for advancement to Senior and Supervising positions. Apply at 408 Market street, dally, except Sunday, H.30 a. m. to 8 p. m.. or evenings lietween 7and U at any ot tba following Central Offices; 2d W. Chelten ae., Germantown. 84th at. and Woodland ave. 1703 Houih Broad at. 17th and Diamond ats, Lancaster ave. east ot 82d st. 408 Market at. Tith and Market sts,, Camden. Hope and Berks sts., Kensington. BOOKKEEPER and atenographer for advertising agency, acquainted with office work; good rhatioe for advancement. Call 810 Heed Building. CHAMRERWORK. walling Olrl wanted: no laundry work: flrsl-class referenoa required. Phone Cheetnut Hill 47B. CIIILDNURSE Competent young woman. ier (Din expenenoeo. o. L.UNUIIHK Compel Ming to learn rathe lone Chestnut 11111 47B . PJ QllLUNUIIBB and . watting Wanted, experi enced girl for email family In Rosemont. Call SII H. l(h St.. between 10 and ll, Friday, CIIILDNURSE wanted, white. FhoUaUntl mut have beet reiorenoe, Phone ATdmore 4D7. CJIILDNUHSE, white. Protestant! roust have raferanoo. Call 8108 Walnut at. COOil Wanted. Swedish cook, nrst class olty In winter: 8 In tagilly Phone Merlon BOf. COOK, competent, wanted! family ot 8. Qver brookl must hav. good referenoa. Telephone Ovarbrook 2220 between 1 anri a a'AIooI. ... .. j.i t--t,7 I, , ,t , ,-,- i, "- "-.r-r cuuit, capable a pei ma K, capable and reliable: wages 18, If com. tent. Applr 351 Weft Walnut lane, Oer intown. Telephone 8188 Oermantown. COOK First cook for country hotel: beet rf ww'i. riuitu, an p, ioair ienirai. COOK, colored, wanted. Call llio Rlltenhouee , "t. DRESSMAKER Expert waist and skirt drapers End finishers, with references from erg establishments! good wages, ong season. Apply before 10 a. m , 'RENO! DRESSMAKING SHOP, fifth floor, wee; store. Market st. STRAWBRIDOE CLOTHIER Ollll.. educated, to, help In small financial of. fire, mornlnga only at flrsttfalr salary: nu office experience necesssryt Phone Spruce 87. QIRLS acklng and putting up fancy yarns, worsteds and oroehetlng cotton Clean handwork, shert hours, sod pay ynt, If. HORSTMANN CO, Bh and Cherry streets QK'i! t.llW . V .jLatrf 'as ... K. . lT'-M OtllUI waaUd, 1 yaavra.Md . ta ur'W w"TJlyTfc.aJSSErcee am omCw :Mfk. HELP WAJCTKD lfKMALX Co He aerf from rrecedfe Catame OlRtJ) wanted) learners taken! beet wasee ppir Aiirvu n oieienneiea m sen, ztin ana Allegheny ave, oTrLS over ll. AffAr taterieatlonel Art Fii llehlng Cemreny, W fteor, 12fh and Callowhl ii h b!!k OIRll, over 1 year, for Inalde work In fao- lory. arpir mn at. OlhlJt wantedTTieat aniTbrlerht. Apply Frank J VHeldCo Juniper, and Vina eta. HOUSITtVOnK While slrl. small family. r. country. 18 mlnutee from Breed et.i must have reference. P 118. ledger Office. HOUSKWOnK While slrl for general house- workl In family, ltll N. Broad. fio.JSEWORk"atRL7"whltei i"TirfaraiIyTJhon oiiu .v, LACR curtain menders, eiperlenredi also leam erst good wages paid while learning! must be over 1 rears of age. Apply John Bromley . Hone, Lenlgn are. below Front. ualii n aiAii rirei class: sooa Beameireee. Seeker and traveler) references required. J ,10. ledger Centra I. . MBNDRR8 on fevers laces) aleo slrlste learn! good pay while learning. Apply Bromley Laos uompany,A ana . nomerset sis. a iiKi.i'r.xi wsniea, rompeieni va perlenced In rare of small children. Phone Oermantown S0S W. between 9 atid.lO a,m. fJURSB, practlcaT. permanent. Proteetant! strong, fer helpless Invalid ladri live expert- .n ... r.l.hl lial.hl. nnl 1... than 8 feet A Inches: give phone) 140 per month. M vemrai slrl: 2 children: best ref, req. Phone Oak I-ano 013 TV. An. Ideer Centrar FTuriSE. experienced, white or colored OPERATORS, experienced, on Turkish towele. Apply Ward Meehan Co., Howard and Iblxh. OPTICIAN, experleneeKl, arcuetomed to fitting preecrlptlons C 238,. ledger Office. HALESIAblEH wanted, Apply M. Silverman A Hon. northwest corner 8th and South. Wl. SALF.SWOMBN niJUrNERS REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF A NO. I SALESWOMEN IN ALL THEIR DEPARTMENTS. SPECIAL AHRANOK. MENTS CAN HB MADE FOR PART OR FULL 1IAND8. APPLY SPERINTEND ENT8 OFFICE, FOURTH FLOOR, BEFORE BLAUNKR8 XXLP WAKTBD XALK ConHnmtd rem JYeceaV Celamn rORTRRS BS RMUIR13 (OPINT'S MARKET, BLAUNKRS mr. samviClHl , BKFORB 10 A. M. SALES MANAOER, energetic, wanted for eoel company with mines in Cambrte, and Clear field Counties! dally production about.700 tenei can be Increased to seofl; must ba thoroughly acquainted with Fhlladelphla and eaetern mar keta: beet reference required. Address F. u. C" . O 281, ledger Office, SALESMAN capable of "hendTlug high-grade or ganliatlen eompoellleni unutoal opportunity in new fleidi state age. experience and quelinca tlonai give phone number, J 762, Ledger Central. sales: SILK Experienced hard silk winders and doublerai also learners over 18 years old. B. Itooley a Hone. 4,13 r.. liroaq at STENOORAPHER. about 1 year'a experience. In large mfg. concern! splendid position for bright girl of good appearance: fair salary to start: elate eiperlence, age, etc. U'28, Post office Box 3300. STENOORAPHER for advertising agency, ac quainted with office work: good chanc for advancement. Call 810 Heed Building. STOCK OIRLS wanted: good wagea for begin ners: excellent opportunity for advancement. Apply M. Silverman A Son, northwest corner fith and South. TET.nrnoNB operators An opportunity to secure employment In ex change nearest your home: vacancies In both local and long-distance omcea for experienced operators; also In school for stria to learn operating. Apply Keratono Telephone Com pany, 18B S. 2d St., Room 403. WAIST DRAPERS, experienced, wanted, In firat claes dressmaking cetabllshment In Waahlng ton. D. C. Reply by letter, 1B17 20th at., Washington, i. sj. WAITRESS, PARLORMAID AND A COOK wanted: 2 white Proteelant women for family of 8, In country! coek must ba good baker: waltreaa to take entire charge ot first floor and walling: no washing: references required. Apply In person on Friday between 11 and 1 at inns apruco st. WAITRESS, competent: family 8. Overbrook. Tel. Overbrook 2220 between 1 and 8 o'clock. WAITRESS Flrst-clees waitress: best refer- ence. Mrs, alarsnall hcuii. i'n. sua, uveroa. WIRE STITCHERS wanted: steady work. Wolf at Co., 12th and Callowhlll. third floor. TOUNO OtRI. WANTED TO ASSIST NURSE WITH TWO CHILDREN! MUST BE WELL RECOMMENDED, WRITE TO BOX 430, ROSEMONT. PA. Oeneral TEACHERS wanted for gradee. blgh and private achoole: positions waiting. National Teachers' Agency. D. II. Cook. Mgr.. 82T Perry Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPERS Oood sslary and ateady positions to those thoroughly experi enced In double-entry bookkeeping no others will he considered. Apply at once, FRANK A SEDER, llth and Market at.. Superinten dents office, fourth floor. BOT wanted, over 18 yeara. position Is open In news depsrtment. Evening Ledger. Apply 11. K. Raleigh, fourth floor, Ledger Building, 806 Chestnut at. JL BOY wanted, not under 18 years, fer general office work, large corporation: must bo neat and accurate. Answer, own handwriting, J 442. I.cdger Central. BOY wanted. 10 ears, main office of Flnley Acker Company: good chance for right boy: salary to start 10 per week. Address P. O. liox 121 BOY to work In orflca and shipping room good, permanent position. Oately a, Fltigerald, 438 Mantel ei, BOY: between 18 and 17. to learn commerclel buslnessi good, permanent position. M 740, Ledger Central. BOY If suitable, good wegrej office manutac luring estsbllshment. C 220. Ledger Office. BOYS e RLAUNERS REQUIRE OOOO. 8TRONO ROYS IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS! OOOD HAI.AUIKS! SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. FOURTH FLOOR. 883 MARKET, BEFORE 10 A. M, BLAUNERS BOYS wanted. 18 yeara or older, to work In wallpaper factory. Apply at ence, Becker, Smith U Page, Water and Bnder ae. BOYS wanted to assemble electrlcal'milnes! no experience necessary: wsges IB: 1 dsy allowed for school! fit, aft'a off. Apply 71 a Cherry. BOYS, over 18. wanted: good pay. Apply Brook- lynCooperage Company, Reed and Swanaon. BOYS WANTED, " RIEOERT. 88 N. TI8T. COUPLE wantedi wife, cook! husbsnd. chauf- . feur, good home. 1 803, ledger Office. DRAFTSMAN wanted': one familiar w'lth eleclrU .. csl work. Apply Wm. Foster, 1208 N.tlst st. ELECTRICIAN, In Kensington district: capable,' practical man for general factory adjustments and repalrei direct current. Apply IB N. Bth. 1CRRAND BOY. neat appearance! excellent op portunity for advancement. Apply before 0 a m, Optician, 1718 Chestnut st. FITTERS ANrrMECHANTJCS wantedi boiler and tank work. Cruee. Kemper Co., Ampler, Pa. FREIOHT HANDLERS Men wanted to truck nil. ,n ,i ire ini aiauoni wpita or colored, Arply U2B Filbert at,, after T a, m. OARDENER wanted, married. Proteetantt use ful around house and heaterai ISO and house! references required. Pit Walnut at. " aniNDEHS Excellent 'opportunity for expert, eneed men. aleo learners! both night and day work: good wagea. Apply Standard Roller """ suiiifn amn ana ierion ave. HARDWOOD FINISHERS 80 OOXfl5ns'-"AN"5 RUBRERHl 4t IJOlfRSJ 40C I HOUR OEOliaE W. SMITH A CO," 8801' RlWELglfjrf INHTRtJMENT 1IAKER8, 724"loi8per"dar p 8 hourei tool makers. il.B2 to 13 1 maehifC WJi."'!.8 J ? aaelstant mechlnlete. 2 to 12.80: all based on experience and rapacity: automatlo turret laUie operatora, Cleveland. I, w s . . r' ? UQI oer jonneon, I. It . .ii nin lunei lains operaiore. a 0 IB. IDl .fi. rnaldert. IS 78i fclackemlth'a helper. 12.241 higher, compensation when on piece w,or,k.' WM u!?,r,r,,Js!( ? 2-S.I aeWerera 12.24. AddTv FranVforrf irunil1 nhiliVJI. pnia, ra.. preferably In peraon. from 8 to 10 m,pn woraing days, for application blanli. !;' : j ' .' I ,rrizrmz2!l. 5,.,iV,1,,B r outsine worg. dining, etc.. at 12.24 per day ef 8 hourei cflUens. Apply In person. Frsnkford Arsenal. "' CABOipSRS" BO, wanted. Cruse-Kemper "CoTT Ambler, Pa. LABOIIERS for Inalde work In factory: white! Apply IH7 w, nth at, . MAN ANb WIFE. Protectants, for sentleman'a country place) wife, rook: man. general utility MEN TO ASBBMBLH and rlvst heavy steel trainee. Foundry chimera, blacksmiths, belUrmakers. ornamental Iron workera nd haBd riveters ran nuallfy. 112 per week while learajfi. . m im wun peense Perrnauent poaltlong Address B .1(0, P. O. Bex 8(84. MtUta O, MBN WANT D Bollenaa keri cWnlets, oar repair mea, la eeeenara. Peenar R. IT. 7 17 ttcratautowai ve, . MNsf waaiil! ad pay. AwrV aftteUe-u -'0eiC isCeti, . frMM Vir'Thf ll nasaft at. rS. bsVilt. fau ajTAAaa latAplre i4 rt(riM. J TM7;U4cir 'ataiwsari. riA.ur 'J&Z SIJ'S FOW r TTtB RNCrtXOPACtlfA BRtTAN- NirtA needs a rr.w lnoHRAnrj SALESMEN TO WORK ON .LEAPS ONLY, BOTH IN THE CITY AND TO TRAVEL. TO SALESMEN OF OTHER LINES SREKINO WORK WD CAN SAY THAT FOUR-FIFTIIS OF OUR SUCCESSFUL MEN ARE HEN WHO HAD NEVER SOLD BOOKS BEFORE, WB PARTICULARLT yANT.MBN VTIIO Altn NOT ONLT OOOD SALES MEN. BUT WHO HAVB SUFFICIENT HXECUTIVE AniLITT TO HANDLE OTHER MEN. THOSE W1IO QUALIFY IN THIS RESPECT WILL HBCf.IV IWCTREMBLT RAPID PROMOTION TO I'OSITIONS IN A PERMANENT OR; OANI7TION WHICH WILL. PAT THEM FAR MORE TjfAN IS MADH HT THE AVERAGE SALESMAN. IF TOU ARE A REAL SALESMAN, REOARDLESS OF WHAT LINK TOO HAVE HKKN OR ARM NOW SELtj INO. COME IN AND TALK, IT OVER WITH US. WB TRAIN YOU THOU OUOHLY .COMMISSION AND DRAW ING A rCOTINT. .. . NO. 139 8. lBTit. COR WALNUT ST., PI II LA.. PA. SALESMEN This corporation has pest tlona open for 2 aaleemen for city territo ries! we would be Intereeted In receiving applications from men under 45 who have had successful road experience with com mercial lines, but who now prefer to set off the rosd: must be sdaptable to new line, where aame trade muet be visited 2 and 8 times a weeki state experience fully. Ilnea eold. age. aslary desired. Interview will be arranged at your convenience. M 218. Ledger Office. SOLICITORS. 2. high grade! drawing account: liberal eommleslon. Room 238, I.and Tltls. STATIONERY salesman, , Inside position! must have fair knowledge of the business; those who have worked for the leedlng stationers pre ferred. Apply 114 B. Hth st. STENOGRAPHER and asslstsnt tn advertising depsrtment. Apply, with qualifications and reference, to Henry mutton a gone, i a cony. STORE CLERK, thoroughly experienced In get ting up orders and waiting on the trsds: Gsr-man-epesklng preferred. 282 8. 2d st. STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS. Apply MID VALE, 4800 Wlssahlckon ate. SHIRT IRONER8. EXPERIENCED, WANTED. DB SALES HAND JaSUNI)KT. 1780 L ST.. WASH. Aton, d. c TIPIST-CLEHK. accuslsmed to typewriting: permanent position! slats experience and sal ary expected P 801. ledger Office. WANTED HAND AND POWER MILLINO MA- CHINK HET-UP MEN, PROFILE SET-UP MEN. CUTTER ORINDER8 ON FORM MILLINO CUTTERS. EXPERIENCED ENSPECTOR3 ON UUN PARTS. "Day" turn, fifty-four hours per week. "Night" turn. . fifty-seven and one-half houra In five nights. Time and a halt Is paid for all tlma over forty-eight hours per week. J A bonue at rate of 12 per cent le paid to all employes, and an extra bonua of 10 er cent to "night turn" emploes. 'osltlons are permanent to competent men. State In first letter the rste. your ex perience In detail and whether you Pre fer "day" or "night" turn. Or call at the New England Weatlnghouss Em Ploiment Bureau, Walnut street, Chico pee Valla. Mass. YOUNG MAN. 20 to 24 years ot age. for office position with a well-known manufacturing concern: muet be neat and accurate- opportu nity for advancement for a man who will aa eume reeponslblllty and be available for pro motion; answer In own handwriting; give ego. education and reference. J 031, Ledger Central. TOUNO MAN to take charge of agency depart- men In large Ineurance broker'a office; one having experience In handling aollcltora and calling on real estate men preferred. P 803, ledger Office. TO'UNO MAN wanted. 18 to 25 rears, for all night clerical work: main office of Flnley Acker Company: salary to start 17 per week; rood rhanco to learn bualness. Address P. O. iov1288. TOUNO'MAN In large Insurance broker's office, familiar with rating schedule: one having knowledge of mechanical engineering pre ferred 1 802, Ledger Office, YOUNG MAN wanted' In electrical supply" house to fill and ship orders; must be acquainted with electrical materials, Apply M 221, Led- ger Oft Ice. YOUNG MAN. sbout SO years ot axe; good per eenallty and courteous msnner. Weatinghouoe KlectrloMJgCo.l442 Widener Illdg. TOUN'G MAN wanted to do tracing work; one nho ran reed blue prints. Apply Wm, Foe- ,tr,. 1208 N.SIst st. YOUNG MAN In office ot large faclory'uptown; sond opportunity to obtain better position, 001 maiana ave. General STENOGRAPHER and private errretary, 170 month: muet be filled Immediately. Kxport clerk, familiar with French, Oer man and Spanish: prefer stenographer. Accountant for staff C. P. A., 11200 up to Engineers, chemical, mechanical, highway: positions open for jnunr graduates, 2 or 3 years' experience In plant work or aelrs. a Draftsmen and designers, architectural, office buildings and alorrs. Salesmen, hlgh grsde men wanted, good pereonallty, 11800 IS'OO, Other posllfnne open fer , HIGH-GRADE MEN BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANT 1801 LAND TITLE BUILDINO SITtfATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER and atenographer A young woman, thoroughly experienced In bookkeeping and stenography, expert at figures, deslree a position ss bookkeepper In a first class office: capable of taking entire charge! salary ISB to start. J BBS. Ledger Central. 9IAMBERMAID. reliable, willing and obliging, wanta altuatlon. J 248, Ledger Central. ERWORK and aewlng: refined American ) ref. 1820 Chrletlin" Dickinson 813 J. CHAMBERWOR widow CHILDREN cared for and entertained In their si i, ,iu,ut. ii, nu, j, iviiiiamvni auring mother's absence on social or buslnsss duties. s ..,,iuwyii lew. COOK Elderly , woman. Swlee, .healthy and strong, first-class cook, wishes situation erne 11 4f a-eall W sa sa eaAll e freO) aaeat A iL.818 N.'Tol.T.t.rhlladelphl.r""" ' uuyiY -Americen xroi.. miaaie asea, wishes pos, ll 818 N, Tailor at.,' pplladelph i:LH)icmarican x-rox.. mioaia aaan plain cook i euburba or country. C 802. Led off' CoSk wTilte slrl' wishes a place; reference' )! T.aheaefae v, """ SITTATIOK WAMTKP--MALg Ore dost senior. ffa! w r-nisir, i ni n. ,w.,.i" "v J .i .i. -h.t n...i, iti be appreciaiw. ... mtmnniw h,, ....- ... 24a, -fceeger Cenlra I. ,. ACXXJUNTA NT locTi"i audited. cioeed, trial balances and elate Aoareos Acco'intant. i opened and A statements prepareo. O. nex. ADVERTISINd Mr stperlence covers ever ..r'ir,ar7noy well-known i'Mlsdelohla advertlelngag'noy "Vi "2"-. A4J".'LW,.fih lars. (.'" rears ana .-."- .Vt deoart ss de etc. publ puoiienere; iseoe -,-M, Rent, and engraving room. aJiisin indie proofs, correspondence with advertising agrnclee and branch oltlcesi am l '." L" age. married: can fnrnleh Al reference from preeent employer. Can you use rnel Aaaress M 222. Ledger Office. BOOKkfcEr-R or clerk, "age 2. W'aTnIS' excellent ref. i exi-rlence., C218. 1-drer t". EtjTLKB, Jepaneee. wanta position l..JDt'u family) reference? F. N.,,o N.lJi CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC very highly recommended, desires a JJ Ifi sltlen In PMIsdelphlai la a thorough tn-srhsnlei has handled high-grade foreign and domeetlo car exclusively since ItOO. J. A. 8m!ttl, 13 Dot h st New. unite.' uiAurrnuH wisnes posiunni inai. ":;; e-reful drtvar. wiiiinr. anber. sood references) rnske own repair.. J83T, lder Central ciTATfFpgtjR wishes situation with private family: 4Vt years last position, willing to help around til... P. 91. Ledger Office. CIlAUFFEllii wsnfe position! sTnaie. white, best of references, J 741 Ledger Central. CHAUFFEURToTored: drive enr can good me- chenlc; best reference, von noflmani s,iuirusrsiiin... yeara atrue. detailing, 82l8 Lancaster ave. DOLLS DRE88ED Complete outflte by a lady ofreflnment O 22. Ledger Olco, DRE88MAKER, experienced, deslree engsge. merits: 11.78 per day and carfare. J 448, Idger Central. ' UIRL.Spanleh.., speaks English, would like po- sltlon aa maid, traveling abroad. Telephone Dickinson Mil M 1028 8. 17th. "'"wn OIRL" wlehes daya work, cocking or cleanlis preferredi reference. 118 Pemberton st. OIRLS, rsss. Lt-.?' ."'j'n. """ " fltn one aa waiT " . x,V'.'uX't . rior maid or chem. rmald. 17 to III can furnish beat city refer res. Apply lit fl. Join, or phone I-ocuit chamberworki Cheetnut Hill preferred? Ad. dress 8270, Led, Br., 8401 Oennar'town .' S3 aini.8. 2, colored, wleh poelti r 1I0USBKBBPHR Woman .'. s''s wishes position, general heueework or houee. ix ;.tra,mj"; INFANTS, NCfUW or cwnsanUot Kg. w,aail. MAIDS 8 competent ItagHeh HaHa.b zwSEZsam&&& N V "' rt,'r"'..r n"ff r ohi IIVSV .1 PietwitaBtt II WS." SS&BSggSS&SS lM(-y-s-awa-aa M week ar- OsWunerekaT. civil. RNOINEER. 28. emnfcyed out orTown. deetrea city position, engineering office, rsli- , 8 years asst. rsll-sy linoi good drafts an and Instrument men. M 203, Ledger Office.. COACHMAN-GARDENER, elngle. m ddle axed, deelrea good opening, hate education, ability . and experience. J 842. Ledger .Jantral. DETECTIVE Wanted, position as detect jva or gansrai utility man wnn nrm. corroranon ... person of mesnsi 40 years'. practical experi ence: i-rofeetant unristian. Aoaress s. n. ., .1428 8. Bid St, US EXECUTIVE'8 ASSISTANT MFICATIONBi KAns otfAt nlKD nUHINKHS EPEUlENfB AND UNIVERSlf Y KDUCATIONl OPPORTUNI NOT, SALARY. CHIEF CONSIDERATll j "M i.KptirJH sji;mtua 1 OAlloitSjER, single: thoroughly understands all OF. VA- A..I1 A TT, ON. hr.n.h.a .1 nnln ,r mnA ..r. pie re i highest reference, j 433, Lodger Cent. OENTLEMAN. English. 19. smart appearance, tall, good address, traveled, exceptional ref erences, open for position; bond If neceesary. (J 217, Ledger Office. HOUSEMAN, white, experienced: flrat-claia ref erence. J 743. ledger Central. I-AWYKn Middle aged, desires rrenonslble position where knowledge of lew. ripe bustneee Judgment and MshestJntegrliysre required C 803, Led. Off. MAN AND WIFE wish positions, chauffeurand cook; 8 years' experience; would like to go 'n Insdowne or suburbs; reference. 81U ML Vernon et.. Camden. N. J. . MAN. lrmegood writer and calculator, deelrea Permanent, pos. In N. E. sec. B.J.C.. 3083 lee. MANAGER Well-seasoned business man on n for engagement as manager of moderata-alsrd business or Important department: unusual administrative ability: broad experience: fully Informed on business-building methods: high- est.credeti'le from local conc'nv J IBS, Ledger. PROOFREADER, experienced, wants position; loung man: nonunion: rsference: faat and ac curate. Addrres M 228, ledger Office. SALES ENOINEER Machinery and steel; age 33: technical grsduats; 7 yesrs selling expe rience, wsnts position with high-grade firm. J 84B. ledger Central SALESMAN, 23. now employed aa aealsTsnt manager for ayndlcate firm, deelrea to affili ate with reliable firm handling atapla or spo clstty lines: have B eara' exp. In sales and ex ecutive capacity: familiar with Penna,, Jersey A southern territory: best ref, J 857, Led. Cent. SALESMAN, competent, well acquainted with Ohio and Michigan dry roods buelneee, prefere line for this territory. C 221, ledger, Office. STENOGRAPHER Expert typist wants evening . work: MS8. of any character. J 44L Led. Cen. 8TENOailAPHE!i and clerk. 8 years'' expert- eneadeslree good position. C 228. LedgerOff. WOOL 8ALESMAN 18 months' experience with wool and waste house: sversl yeara' travel ing and selling exp.; travel any territory; sal ary secondary conalderatlon. J r.5, Led. Cent. YOUNG MAN, A. R. degree Johns Hopkins Uni versity, with 4 rara experience In mercantile buslnea aa credit man and office manager, dralres position as secretary to cxecuthe of large concern or poeltlon requiring ability and tnltlatlVB. Addreea MJ!08. LedgerJOfflce. TOUNO MAN with ability desires to connect with reoutsble concern for reenonelble nosl- n laminar wnn uuainras principles anu leamanahlp. M 742 Ledger Central, YOUNG MAN. 21, years of age. would like po sition to go South and learn lumber business, with view to getting In selling end; references. J B34. Lodger Central. YOUNG MAN. married, handy with tools; re pairing of env kind on reel estate, wishes po eltlon U 308. I.cdgcr Office. YOUN'O MAN 22 collego graduate, dealres po sition presenting good opportunity for advance ment, j ,ai, looser central. Uor rl NEW TOltK nEPnESENTATIVK Toung man. 2. graduate Wharton School, varied experience, deelrea to repreeent Phlla, dolphta concern In New York city In sales or executive capacity. J 840, Ledger Central. 8PANIARD. with 14 yeara' business experience, thorough knowledge of Englleh, some French, understands bookkeeping and typewriting, ex cellent correspondent and translator, familiar with general office work and trade condltlona In Weet Indlee desires pos. of trust and re sponslbtlttv with export or mfg. firm In this city or elsewhere: beet refs, ; sal. commeneu rste with capabilities shown, S, O.. 118 Penn olvenla ave , Brooklyn. N. Jf UNIVERSITT'ORADUATE. C. E.. 82. 2 years1 experience municipal engineering Panama. 2 yeara dealgnlng and selling eletatora. 4 eara In automobile Industry, wishes connection with established business. Inside or outside work. P. W. It.. Ill 8 Paxon st, COLLEGE ORADUATErage 28, dealres to locate with a manufacturing or commercial business whrre a demonstration of worth will afford ad- vanccmcht. ,J 4B6. Ledger Central. UNIVERBITT 8TUDENT wishes work" afteT"8 p. m lallytjll day Sat.J 833 Ird. Cent. JAPANESE Oeneralhousework In amall fam ily; beet reference. Iso, 1H34 Vine st, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS, KANE. '811 8 lBth. wanta poaltlons for English butlers, second and third men. Prot ectant chambermaid or parlor maid, seam atreeaea maids Protestant laundresses; also wants ISO and IAD cooks kitchen maids first rises chambermaids, German and French chlldnureee. m GERMAN rook and daughter want positions In suburbs: German cook, with boy 6 years old, wsnts poeltlon- wanted, rooks, chambermalda. rhlldnuraes.e houeework girls and waltreeaes; firetclaBa help wents position. Miss Rose Dougherty. 1313 WtrOlrard ave. CIIILDNURSE. first rlsss. Protestant, able To take full charge wagea ID.II0 oer week, best ot reference, wlehes situation. Mra. Kane. 511 B. 10th et. WANTED, at Eplecopal Office, SI2 8. 12th. cooks, waltreeeea. chsmbermalda. nurses. laundreeeea. kltchemalds. Isdlss' maids. JpNES'B Emprmirit Agency Male and femsia hlp secured; white end colored. Preston 6771. 18 8. 68th. nTCHOLLS. t!28 BAINBRIDGE' HT.'U.'OMPT? ALE AND FEMALE HELP, ALL NATION ALITIEB. SUP, a WANTED. W. IXX7. 2180. AUTOMOBILES For Sale USED-CAR SALE 1818 STEARNS BTl. T.oaai about 4 months old: like new.. Touring, llBfin o ji, i-. x-pass. P1ERCE-ARKOW -cr. Limousine , ., 1000 "vw"' .' " i r- wmoueine and Touring 1708 LOCOMOBILE! y. 48 H. p. 8-paaV. Touring ....,,, .,....,. 1380 8 THOMAS TAXiCABS, overhaufed and painted, each , lexo PIERCK-AHROW, S-eyl. .48 11. P. chaii ale. In excellent ehape ,. .. 1475 W,!KJ?,N J7.1' ly"- Touringi bargain. ,315 WHITE ,. 7-paas. Touring, 0v,r. ' " hauled and painted,., tUOO TRUCKS 1118. BUICK 1 ton, 8 months eld; bar gain ... , , Ign. 114 OVERLAND Delivery jluo THE WlliTE CO. 21 NORTH BROAD ST. L. If. O'NEAL, Used-Car Dept, rilONES, Spruce 1802, Key Race 14, ' ' vJni;r. iiJtti: ' . St,,,R,4 Tub fer every one that gota bad. That 1 our auarajctv, Ah 'HXr fy-er.iD TIRBfl ""III , IT.BO FLAW TIRB6 .. cews-w RBD TUBS' 3lx ,,......,. 11.48 I? .. J. 9&Zi3 if iirr Jili....::;::-. ffl Alee .many, excevtte WUt . leaal Imxi SKID CL. , , , Ilea 8.19 .. Also wsHy.eicevueaei lMraas is aU ?- WkSt RVBOLFHs! d Bell rteoe. .' " k iuaouumrir 1. .Jh' k ! mKiw'4s.: atj-tot.mi r tMmmjattmtwtmtr t sHj) "11 Ceaffaees from leeeera Cehee J HUridOBILB lilt IIUPMOBILK, Medal W. Te. . . Hghta and atarter. ' T,l eleth,J 1114 IIUPMOBILK. Model II. . trio lights and starter. TmttI 4et. 1IIJ HUPMOBtLB, Model M. .. .1 Touring Cart. "easeter aaj -wSa" rVnVwn.r"""'" aKn, inrrMOBtLH 111 17. Bread at. Bread snd Tioga sts. ABBOTT touring car. In first-ji.-. . 1.11.. !... IiA:."r.?sae eB V." -is .,.,..... '" hU and iT li:i!IIIHII.I. KHSIaai . . . 1 1 condition) will ttcrtflw! M Te!4, "ii?, 'J1 ,. tr.v'wr , I ".-"T .--""' "' ell for .42 isr r nriirai iuij touring ran m,i.,i . i 1 -, new tlrea; painted i . price Tsonf "lee. ' CHESTNIlV HILL 1.6TOR ro "Si . statlon. Telephone Chestnut lliii r a ntt.t.i r ii a. ' . -. -L w. ,.! ?f?ti,rVlU!f.T.'Jtt..imo.,, zrr"?Tc;.-?:?i2it" FRANKLIN, n-raaaenger nae new: gusrsnteea 1 its. n,w( Kuarantfeu- in I dltlon: will eell for 130 !jp? ,. ", Jr IsM f,, IIATNK.S tnnrlnri electric llchTanM - .av.." u u Vhe.P."i IIUDSQNS Phaetons, roadstera m ..! 1 1 .PAion. -40 runabouti iikTTrnrJ.J e ct: can he bought very resson.wt. ''. 1 k LOW.WI LLKT MOTORjCb 804 N. BrjJS Xi i-Aiiir.. ni, roeoeier: .repaired and e7ir. ie? laSSST" wm '" ror ,,w- -. i31', BCRIPPS-BOOTIf? lDtS: first-class ., , will,, ell, for, LiC2jfcr ctr" BTAMnarfrT Eight cylinder) electric lights .na . ". .iirieei 1 EASTEnN Mnrrnna rnn-s. 1831 Chestny.,.,""A " STEARNS-KNipifT, 118 touring: lS- fully equipped": big bar,; con terms IfM.Jf Urf. Bowers Co.. lleCd Car llept Jo N Seft'-I n r . ?. -r-s !' Parts for Stoddard DaytorT Rrunnnn iiia.j ..-. .v " 2nnrrr J FOR SAI.K Sncyltnder Cadillac tJriaiauTTri painted: In flrat-c sss cond 1 , ? !" . with n. o. p. ap j. j,7;triJ!,r.rSj'w iMEti -rniti'i-ii T.-Trr --L2rav i"d Tltia. IVanled r.' AUTOS WANTED FOR PAIU8 Phlta.i.IT Auto Parte Co.. 823 N. 13th st. rl''''i? AUTO LIVEBY AND QARAOrin INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. "'" "DUOWUBMANNA AVE. SUPER-SIX HUDSONS TO HIRK Di. 0V&Y Dla 8488 Never Closed u. . ,Vaniaa5l7rToSl?onFd'Tnar I1.B0 hr.l weddings. lnn.l.,,li,'.,n,"A BUT MOISTER PortableGar7;s"Jir: Stucco. On Horn. 'r.!'" T "!. .ef .... . .v.m dH nour; xuuitirsu CAR. 90o per specialty. Owner drives. AUTO REPAIBINQ -. . 'F- AWW OUV. J, T,,lFi,nE8T,EQUIPPED REPAIR shop In wesT Philadelphia! we-atraighten axles and frame? b.pW," r"l,r- overhaul and rebiilfsn makes; high-grade cars our specialty; we tew In wrecks, rates 8u cents per hour: aceaav. ,r ran., pius in per cent of entire MM T .Cr aupervlaloni you should be Interested ta I the number nf . ., : .,.."ll ia fn per hour: we give you an Thonest count aSd." f'-ASTER"'!1 i.SV.S2e. v.r:Tg.cVl, HIQGINS JIROS., 4212 Chcstnu st. oi-r;i-iuMETKR 'rnntini.ira T K III! TV .. .. -?" .. e.i 1. 1 , , 41 I r: V TOO UB LES s,.LLJjT- "t hi new locstlon. ......... .,....,, o AUTO SUPPLIES IF TOU WANT to sell your old" car or"want eu parta of It repaired, callj'wrl ti or phoae. e .-. s 4,iin . rTK 1MV, T lllLeWM nniriiTSii'..V. : .. iij4-UH.AiUiVa3 HTATT ?,d 1814 Arch at. Ph. W .-.. iqt i...' .rr-ta ""..-" .," 1 ",'"Mt ni met tw. D5?i,ViNA.,i'B. "IMS: all sue. and m.kwi also tlrea and tubea and other acceeeorlea. . a: II. Alirn I.rt. r- HU t ,n "tl TOT" to hulld nr r.n.l. r ... Phlla. Aulo Parts Co.. S28 N. 18th. 'Park lilt AUTO TIBES . PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3500 mllra. Compare prlcea sj,s,i oiu r., uroaa et. AUTO TIRES Guaranteed 3300 miles) stanaarig mn rtn gMit nele.a ' a APEX TIRE CO., 012 N, BROAD ST, BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES BUSINESS MEN ONLT would you Invest 11000 with 15 or Ml other financially reenonelble men to fiaaaoH a new enlcrprieeT, .Fair security, an u.J !S?.C.?. Ji"?- Promising big rrturne for S FOUNDERS. "Leadera" not "followers-, beck their Judgment for big profits, so deat. answer unless you THINK on specalaflMS Inveetments, ORGANIZER, 1300 ComBeVj . uas xiunaing. x-niia. RARE OPPORTUNITT LIGHT MANUFACTURINO Light manufacturing opportunity for bue.1 tier, article In big demand by wholesaKI . trade; will net 133 to ISO rtkly; do peH .. .1 uiii.. jruu uaso sau casn anu meeaj business. . Address Manufacturer, XI Jv! Leflger otllce. J7 fATKN S Hna or ur free oeea, We will help you develop your Invention. Ate vies free. Reaeonable feea. Open Monday eie-.( lunaa unill BUlli, i- FOSTER & WEBSTER B0,M i0ll Cheetnut at. hell phone Walnct I SPJ'RNDID OPPORTUNITT for peraona barl V . "'""e m inveat in a growing nusiw cnmnl.ts monnnnlv nf ,K. ..,1.1. -...,.-,! of wonderful mrlt and In. great demand: I oorsed snd rrnf.n.,t t. .,,i.p,la every Slate throughout the country: we low i iy" Iln. for run psnicuisre i ".... . hi, Hue inqg.. iiaitimore. aia,. INVESTMENT Established high-grade laseeifl porated printing and emlmsslnr buslnese. oW mandlng more room and facilities, offers e j s.,,..v. ininimrnii cnaracier 01 one and management the beat, with reoly sd amount ou can Invest M "43LedgerC BANKER'S advice snd assistance fncfearj nu iiiaraeiing stock or bond Issuee OI las mate. eatahll.h .nt.n..i. ... tnl 1;w "rn5,, ' ou give aome parliculu .... ...,. ,q,tr s. enxraii DF.J1C ROOM, central offce building, for s)l 128 each per month, with phone aervjc s. stsnographer. J 468, Ledger Central. , . r'rT:Tr8ur. teurhnoks sen-free. "Hew,. J PA'A"1? .f,nt Victor J. Evans A Ce.1 1420 Cheetnut St., Phllade phle. J. OKT MT LIST of buslnesa opportunities t FOR BALETallorlng establishment! will j i ia "' "Z2?r '"anl to retire. Address M J ..., vis-r. BUSINESS PERS0NAIJ. Ssrsh Talcher and Robert Clark, that THE following " persona hereby.. ..iriiliuia ana nousenoia sooos Will pe es starsce charges and loans on Tuesday., I -i IT 111 It . l .. ,as I "r'.t. . tv in., univpa kiii WW btfor- PRlf. Uoodl WlU lift BOlts M SrvmivrB or inn Norihrrn ?V1 V o - 1818 8 llth tt. premUfB of thq Norihrrn atorB ! to "eVr yv io w t n m mi. H VIT m f x ri"oTrke 1 1 wa - yi tn I e iiiivi vieviiiba nips' !L,.V,i,Sf-l" Phon Poplar 2M. wfi." .Rirvi?i.aM inn. - e-r.? r w i -iI Uj ". Hiim " " ,t , I i - tUnlc rNrrnrrt, Annral4unnt. 1 P" i Brinwus'i ,,.... . . 1 '. . , T7 inuinnrnunue iiAin removed uy eiecir s pe only' parrasnent, way. Rrebrows . IISS SMITH. 40. .elthTlieatsr ImlH t. CAaPBT CLEANINO t " fta?K itfcr&jiBSh DRBMJCAKINO ANP UIJJJX1 TOU CAN HAVE DHKSHBB AND ALT Kfisaa luii tiiwa vr.i at leae than yu are new epeudlng. THE ATTRAC1 mis ruu IT" Tou can learn oulekl and eaillv. 10 .aaere tle. joai rear ea tBes, aa ny WW nilllfllal yj," me iae ipee TmTVmlSfa and aasll re tine. , weanon sre l meeiati are. csursee ef t f?"sVM5,.kfo.h.AnJ feUmr aea enetber. sad they leard au Url They oomaienoe seeking tkUiae st Ours U e seBs' 1 ft sreat utlttal school, wlu I e aye,, new Tors but our i esaaaa ss aare a aervs fkiladel Wttte - eJ4 ODAT lor fell lelex-a'. T"JW9.