Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 13, 1916, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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BTBNING ml-VmtAT)'mmA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER .18, 1016
gprwtnn Mftfa ftfott
CTMtta Mi K. IRWfM, hMBi
V. K,
tmaa n, k, cnm, citfM.
f-HS JtpVfet WWMMlfj
.. I mil ail i
k M Cnitnui tttU
t ft 1W WBFJ"I lO'TW
lii.iiiiiniiiaiiiltB nnl Hdll4lnrf
r. !,, .! elo i macro MujMlnt
MuM, ..i. .. lro niaem liuiidint
raw tat ftcia
Matin (cimdi
NMy HrsatUt.
., .Th teoiee iluildlni
,., 00 Frtedrlchatraeea
fltrronl llouie. Htrenil
2 Rue Lou It I Orsha
trk .tts .eU cm week.
ewteM of DilMMftiM. nti
fir mM.
reni where
Use l required, on month, tWMr
on year, threo dollars. All tnall
lone paraul In edtance.
uH(nr iimnr anareee cnancea
oM as wel new addreee.
t? A&Srttt aH rnrmn(tatto fe JTcrnliio
XeeVw, Isiteyemlesal B quart, PhlUdtlfhia,
Hi , ," .' - .'.' r,ln trr fti "
ssrraaeo ii wta i-ntutt.nm rosforflca ilk
SBoa.lS-CLalS tUtti MitTO.
.MM AVKRAdBJ. Ntrt" rAlD DAltt Cltl
FOR ftHtTKMRER, WAB 111.601
t'UtaeefeUa, FrtJ.e, Ortefcer II, 11.
fAeio by Naturm'i form J for noble
Cn though hit thin fc dark, it nobly
born. Mtnandtr.
We do not hear much ot the Gov
mar these day, but ha has a pro
gressfve program- under1 his hat and
Bybe It will bo hatched.
Tcjcas, It Beems, Is safe for Wll
on, which only goos to show that thero
ought (o be more publto schools In that
feert or tho Union.
"If yotl want a no job, advertise,"
feeems to bo the moral of tho experience
J f tho young man who la to be thrown
, out of work by the war tit tho end ot this
ffHrtlttrtm wfca reeursents the atiittnMni, hi
wrM itimlMMI for the te. IMhral Wlllftrt,
at the lMtthNorC' an Ohio Kallroad, ean
bHt Yalta4o Advice on (he solution of
the meirtttatkm problem. Samuel 'Oonv
lers tawhtely called In to assist M bring
ing ateeut the co-operation ot labor with
the cttMttoytra In the trntmfdtmatldn ot the
1-fttJoWrlM of peace Into the Industrie of
wr. Doctor Martin will be meful In
brlnsin the kugean of the country Into
closer relations With tho lionpllnt wins of
the army, and tloward CofTln can tell the
War Department what the automobile
can do In an cmergrqey. Tho advisory
committee la an excellent one,
Getting somebody's sunt Is likely
j to have a new meaning In Cincinnati) for
I they are eating goat meat In that thrlv-
. lng suburb of dlbveland and pronouncing
k good at sixteen cents & pound.
Wlilld eight-hour day boUqUets aro
talng liflrtdod about, wa shouldn't fortfat
Uio city flremen, who work abnormally
long hours afid alt about and get fat whllti
ether city employes aro out playing golf.
Ulese men should have every chance to
keep physically fit and mentally alert for
Store expert hnd perilous work than the
adding up of rows of figures.
When Senator Stono la charged
With saying that the President's denun
ciation of ttld hyphen Voter la for public
cortsumplloh only, as ha la In hearty
sympathy With the German-Americans,
th9 Senator dentca It. Mr. Bryan, who
told Ambassador Dumb tho same thing,
did not take the trouble to say thnt he
had been misquoted; but then he waa
esttght with 'the goods.
Italy's blow near Trieste, added to
tlid continued Allied successes on the
Macedonian .front, may moro tlan offset
the German victories over the Kuma
hbtns. The objectlvo of Cudorna's drive
Is hot so Important as the fact that the
heavy Austrian losses must b made good
by reinforcements which at this time the
Dual Monarchy can HI nrrord to draw
Jtm other hard-pressed fronts.
Much of tho critlolam of guardsmen
Was unjust and la properly resented by
officers who have returned from the
border. But it waa never tho men them
' selves who were tho object of the crltl
1 e4m of atnateUra, however much their
toadre pafelesaly worded statements may
itaVe hurt. The unmllltary spirit of legls
, lfttton and admlnlatrtttloh fdr the army
Vraa always the target of those who de
tMnded better things.
Tom Daly's Column
If real cstata In the pfthlml ,1lthlp
t the city Is underassessed, as Prosldontl wl" arlae-
CMlwell, of the Corn Exchange Bank,
eArges, there la only one thing for the
rMesaora to do. Mr. Cain ell asserts that
i Ml one district covering a single sriuara
1 Wie property Is held by the owners
M a value of (200,000,000 In excess of
'ftti aunt oil Which It Is taxed. The law,
yw believe, requires the assessment of
jMl estate at IU full value, Aasumlhg
JaV. CalwaU'a figures are correct, a fair
fcwassiHewt In this district would increase
W 2.0fcA06 tlie Ux returna with the rate
at f 1 a hundred. This would go a long
Wy toward meeting the needs ot the olty
ttt additional revenue.
'tTTO Alin being dally convinced, beyond
V reasonable duiibt, that an unhc-trdot
flood ot Immigrants will pour Into Amer
ica the moment the dnm of war breaks,
and also that thero Is going to bo hardly
any Immigration worth speaking ot for
Tho killing of millions of workers In
the war will hiiva created u dearth of
labor when ntlropa will bo In most need
of It for reconstruction; thereforo labor
will stny In Europe, attracted by high
wages. The national debt ot tho be!
Ilgetehls U so tremendous that Ufa will
bo a burden for years; therefore labor
will leave Europe, discouraged by high
taxes. But, after all, the "economic man"
has a heart as woll as a pocket nerve, No
Is not a machine. Economically speaking,
there should havo been not one man
Itvlhg In the neutral countries no blind
to his own Interests ns to return to Eu
rope to enlist in the army nf his native
land. BUt tho actual (though romantic)
fact was that many thousands returned
to die on the battlefield. And most ot
them had thought tlioy had left their
home across the seas forever. Itow much
more, then, would those who never emi
grated, and whose devoted spirit kept the
war going and saw It through, stick to
tho old ship when tha light was done?
Patriotism Is tho great factor, most Im
portant of all, which Is left out ot tho
reckoning, by tho disputing economists.
It Is Such a mystical and variable thing
that It cannot bo'reduced to figures.
What the cold figures do snow, how
ever, Is that tho war brought an nctUat
loss ot population to the United States,
leaving out ot account tho birth rate.
Moro persons left tho country than en
torod it In the fiscal year dndlng June 30,
1915384,174 emigrants to 326,700 Immi
grants. There has been nn immigration
Increase In tho first eight months of 1916
over tho sumo months In 191B 217,874,
hgalhst 18B.2C9 but not OrtoURh to assure
a net gain of alien population during tho
war. It tho year which ended Just be
fore the war began the immigrants had
exceeded tho emigrants by about 600,000,
Thero may, Indood, bo a return to this
condition for a time aftor the war. There
may be a flood of alien workers. But thero
Is' Just as much reason to believe that
many dt them will soon go homo again.
When Hurope's Industries have gained a
fair start slio will put up tho prlco
ot labor until sho has onough of It. Tha
Idea that the industries and beftt workers
of the World are going to bo transferred
to tho United Btatcs Is phnhtasmnl. -Europe
Is not fighting to commit sulcldo,
but to live.
This Is Indeed a fine d renin for tho
Democratic prosperity monger, for why
should ahy one want a protective tariff
If Europe is coming over hers to live?
To provo to you that America's prosent
prosperity Is permanent he will engage
to demonstrate that thero Is to be an
America Industrially dominant over a do
pleted Europe and embracing free trade
as naturally as England did when hert
factories ruled tho industrial world and
other nations hod only Infant Industries.
A beautiful dream, but what aro tho
facta? First, that oven In warlmo En
i ope Is doing marvels in industrial ac
tivity and development. Second, that
groups of Wofkera who hp.d never figured
prominently as labor factors are In action,
Including many thousands of women who
havo learned how much better It Is to
work at a trade than to spend sixteen
hours a day slaving In .other women's
kitchens. Third, that there Is every rea
son to believe that' this Industry will tako
a great leap forward the moment pence
Is made, and that a competition with
American goods of startling dimensions
McAreflt RallaeS
t no care for gatlth' meex'
Eon dees Ceety pojlttecs,
I no gatta vote, an' so
I no weeshln' mooch to know
Weech side right an' W'eech side wrong;
I no bother mooch tm long
Day no bother mooch wetth mt
1 JUs' want do beei'ncsa, ?
1 no like poleecaman
com' to dees peanutta-stah'
Mke he do most evra day,
Jtls' for talka dcesa way:
"Wai, my frami, I tsl-you w'nt,
Politccta eea gattln' hot.
Don't you mind all dea queer
Tallm 'bout da '(Jraff you hear.
NolheMig en Mt!" (Hera h tak'
lilgrta ptera krehxtr cAk'.)
"Oeea Itefotnta' mak' ma seeckl
KUclm fobliKh ihtengi dey sptakt
All deM 'graft' eos eert dclr eye."
(Now ha taka pltca pie)
"I been can dres polltrtc
Heexa year an' know da treecks,
But I tal you 1 ain't met
Any klnda grafra yet."
(Here he taka two banan'.)
"Evra publeec oDIca man
Worlia for a salary
Jus' da earns Ilka me.
We no want no more dan dat
Ills' contnnt weeth w'at we gAt."
(D(n he tok' weeth botlm hand
Horn' prnnutta.) "So, my fraud.
Don't baylleva all dees queer ,
Talka 'boula 'graft' you hear.'
Nilttti, rakn, pie, banan',
All for wan polceCalnnit!
Mebba res no "grarta" iny!
Wat eea "grafta," anyway? t
THE Jnan with the two small bird dogs
also carried a suitcase when ha board
ed the Camden ferry. A drunken gcnllo
inan who sat near him naked, "tioln for
deer?" Tho man with tho two small bird
dogs (one guOftt ha to his nationality) re
plied; "No, you omndhaun! Elephants.
Can't yn seo tho trunk?"
Til 11 W. ?.
Once ntorr, tt'.t o'er.
l.ait tcore the talc bore:
Hcd Hox one four.
Wo have boon" solicited for our contri
bution to tho lordlmm University Ath'
lctlo Association, and the printed ached
ulo of football games accompanying the
appeal Is guilty of threo typographical
Hftilmbr Do t.sfaretie'at Union. P.
NormUcr 1H llolr Oram t Wotwstrr.
Notrmber 80 Vlllotiova at Forafwtn.
That middle one sounds like super-gate
AN ACQUAINTANCE, whoso nolo ex
perience In seeking the runnablo stag
consisted In tho privilege of freezing un
comfortably Upon a windy stand, tells us
that thero Is nothing Incongruous In this
Blgn ut 604 Market street:
Serving tho City Beautiful Ho Bitei
All Unlovely Things
Ho has his roller skates now. Wo may
look for wonderful and variod activities
from this out. Perhaps you aaw him yes
terday. Early In the
morning ho sknted
tip and down.ChcRt
nut Btreet between
Twenty-second urtd
Twenty-third, bark
ing furiously at tho
dilapidated houses
ah tho south side.
Eater ho executed a
figure eight around
two business men, who stood on tho side
walk telling each other that their first
thought was for the public and not their
own pockets. Toward n6on ho dashed Pit
toward tins horthwent and wo haven't
Been him since.
lrllOM Baltimore J. It. V. sends us tha
card of Eltner Booze, who cohducta u cafe
in that town. .
The plan which the New York
ftttarohanta' Aaaoctatlon has proposed for
wauotng the number of strikes of eht
jatoyaa of ratlroa4a and other public aerv
x corporations deserves' the serious con
jSteWatloi. of all the part'ea lit Interest
As outlined to the Philadelphia Bourse,
ft proyid. that laker should be employed
1 tuuler contract for spec! to periods on
t Urma ajiraad upon by both aides. 80-long
ag tb (XMrtraeta ware In force, It la aald,
that ouM be no atrike without making
ttto party whteh vktetid tha contract
UaM to jkcutlon in the coUrta. Too
Mveh aiortM nt ke ecpectiid from thU
art-angamaqt, for empfeyera have been
Kaownto rteaat Utalr agraaahenU with
tUir ntn. 'hmt kHt It, has 11n In the
I tact that H waoM aftoeUraaa dtaaffecftd
-) fcifcom1 to seek" Ndrese for their grlaV
'fmm y Vim satoaHa tyaaaaags of nil
fillou tiisjtan4 U to raattri to farn.
1 KetMAtt X ,wrW f lmt ahlrf
HtMraa 1ft flaMtteefam tt Ski OaVarta
fa aaTofttf to Wtog abolii such an UM
iatt rtawaia tat daaartnaanta M
taa various national
that tMr oaa co-operate In tti
'MtMM- TM wtoWem af Onttmal af tn
tual Dafaawa and the aypoiatanant af a
oannUte in Induatrial praparaeee
r stops in taa right dlrtlMl, Tb aa-
liiitmani ot a OMBmttue vt favan mon
' ftmnoiirtaili n labor, profaav
anaalcine and Indu.
d National -
Mfk in tlM wJf II
Europo wilt not send us her men and
women after tho war. She Is more likely
to tend us her gbodS to compete with
goods made here at a labor cost higher
than It' has ever been. Jf labor wants Its
profits lowerod It can handily accomplish
Its object by continuing thu Democratic
THE age of faith has not como to nn
end in aplte of tho ossartlona to the
contrary of many free-thlnklng writers.
Wa wara told a few years ago that no
more great cathedrala would be built. Tho
world had grown material. Spiritual thlnga
had ceaaed to Ihtarest It Tha devout faith
which had once led men to devote their
wealth to the Church no longer moved
But tha facta do hot Justify ahy such
pesefmlstlo, view- While the propheta of
materialism were talking tha tloman
Catholics built WetmrUter Cathedral In
London, which compares favorably In size
and architectural distinction with many
ot tha gieat churches built in the Middle
Agea. The Protestants, represented by tha
flacopllahs, planned their Cathedral of
ftt. John the Divine ih New York before
tha Human catholics flnlMttd Weetmln
star, In the other great English-speaking
city. Ifc. John' tha Dlvlno will be bigger
that. PI- l'aul'a In Lohdoh, or the cathe
drala In Cologne, Amiens, Chart tea or
Parla en tha continent.
PhUadalphht wilt In time have a cathe
dral that will takt rank along with the
ether great etaurohwi. The Park Comtnls
iloaata have Woan aektd by a committee
tatwesenUng the laVUeooal Chureh In tkla
dtoaeea J sot aoide k ait 1W tha atructure
on tno fnrkway, Tha plot asked Ur con
tain It," square foot. Ttta dlowaa has
wMh anougli to araot a bulkllng worthy
of the beat tr4tbaW of tha Chrtaiian
Cbnroh. annouaaamaat that tha
poweiW that ba have attrrM tbalr plans
ho far as to Justify tfcem In asking for
permission to kwato on tho Parkway
ouhM to Kir Mb anthiiaaiaw at avaty
a)ilUiWWi f N M InaraMa tfca
aJI aalaair HtiBBaMa'aVsjnei US tkaat i
Tha men said thy wr-rs without a rent kni
wfr llrlns on the sratls of the woman with
whom lhr boarded, Tho Mayor In conrronttd ir
a problem. .
Wllmlnston Every renins'.
Whence, says Caulflold, the expression
"persona nott gratis."
WANTED iln to work In aurden- permanent
puiltion, Apvlr Alfrrd 1'erkfr. llockford.
Wllinlngtun paper.
And C. W. C before applying for the
Job, queries: ''Seml-rccumbent?"
Philadelphia Institutions
Slrt Tlio rhapsody on scrapple recalls the
wheeze about the man whoso first visit to
Philadelphia was the subject of Inquiry
When he returned home. "The chief feat
urea of tha city," he Bald, "are that tho first
families are named Scrapple, and bladle Is
the general breakfast dish." W R. H.
Chlcssa Tribune,
The real story goes Ilko this I When
tho Wince of Wales (Edward VII) visited
this town In 1860 Mr. aeorge W. Chltds
did tho honors' and made htm acquainted
with tho town's quality folk. The Prince
Was conatnhtry told "so and so Is a Bid
die," nnd finally naked "What la n
Notice la hereby given the publla that lroni
dlacovertnv a are and after aendlnc In the
alarm their duty la done, with the exception of
atandms at the pole on which the box la and
dlrertlnr the flremen to the blaie. The ontriale
in obarse wilt thin take rare of the box and It
found neceaaary will aena.ln a aecond alarm.
Notice la aleo given that the ahinal for "lire
oul" can be lent It) ftnly by an official having a
key to the Inner door of the box where there la
a button for thla purpoae. To avoid much Un
nerraaary excitement and trouble kindly bear
the above nottc. .a -ladj WirriCII.
Kfre Chief.
Chairman I'lro Committee,
TkmiQua Courier.
If you are easily contused, better keep
away from TamaqUa on fire daya.
Let Us hope that Xrab, the arch critics,
lias discontinued his subscription alto
gether, We'd hate to have him see this
from our own sport paget
Teatrrday Roomba mi watrhlns M4. Pfatfei
warm up anil eyri iimfe aiAnce,! oa
bla ehoumr in ine air
fence In front of Whl
wanning up. nhell he
hlch eeveral hurtera Wi'e
or in
ral hi
aaw thai Prr urae In
good ahaw. tie walked out of the bo. having
made un file mini not la rrtntln In the game
ualll XtM Ulna run had been placed on Urat paw.
Pear TomIf you wanted a aawbonea In
a hurry, would you sand fer Doetor nmh,
Baltimore avenue ttar Klfly-fltth atreat?
And who aHe A. Barbtr liaensa to eon
duct a saloon near Front and DoeK streets f
with TaTl
-rti fi.ndlnalanA
freaVerlk VIH. Ulaajtes
a U Camnrmila ffii
1 i
. rt a. . . .i ....,-Wf."'.-.M..R-rtir(-Vii. a.-.J.- , .-'" - ft. . i..I.'3.
1 'liT i II H ii ' ftt ii 1 1 V
1 1 (MllfffiiIHHH
, f wmmmmmm MmMMWmir tWfr
. '
Whaf Do You Kt
erMa ,efr ,el t-hfrmfi ' 'ininitSl
are tnH av.
I le a tHeaf. ,
wy in iwovtofen.1 rrtl
. V
A' ii
i waa Jnhn WIh- H-veU
wvff Rtara rn nt-e e.a
'. n"jt"" J eti
t Boat l tanri i
HIM wa.,
m k
br aaraSter 'nasim.w eMt ,
t. rliwiiWtlt llayi On rlrlaUt II
B. Twelve. Ufteet SeaiM Ii "iiE.- xi
lien, In lhe,;nwla,raWt Kew VeM
wra; l.flKiO.MeoM
MMmrtlitii Yt9St9lAUlMA i
lrffi,.MATOl aStA . 1
ii JttrBmjnrK i
SA rrfnelnje et tnrkfni entlriel ,te I
4 f,THB(r f tfflea in a' slii'n.TJ
U Drat Inelanee to ket th rinh
u.9.. .Ineoln'a Hecrttarr at Wan
.IS, Clearlna lleoiKi
rhet-ka and bllle are rtcni
aarei Ming Paid in ih.
Mr. Frazier'a Statement About Panics Disputed Democrat Admits
Two Pledges Wefe Broken, "but What of That?"
Hughes's Heckler Unsatisfied
TM T)epirrmif IK r fo oil rraijere teho
icla to ritir ft lArtr oplnlona oh tubltct f
i-urre-nt (nfrrrat. II la an oscn ararn, aed
A'vtntuB l.dor oiiamn tio rMponalllllly or
Inei'lrwa oHm corrripoBdnlta. ,,"
ltm mlimea on me name un uiwr,,,, w, ...v
uirder. nof ircfar(li or pulllcdlloH
out at a
ouarunfre 0 wood oil
To the Editor Of the Kvrntnp Lcdptr:
Blr Mr. Hughes failed to answer to the
question of the Danbury hatters' case at
the Metropolitan opera House last Monday
night sd that Jl Would satisfy nny fair
minded man. I deny emphatically that ho
backed up the law of the land In handing
down a dec'sion In tho Danbury-hntters'
case. Any one who heard Mr. Hughes's
reply or read It should have noticed quickly
that Mr. Hughes has weakened on the
question. He tried to Justify the decision
by putting the worklngman In the same
category with tho business man.
A worklngman Is )0 more a business
man than the master Is a Sluve. What
business would Mr. Hughes ndvleo the
worklngmen of the coUtitry to go Into If
there was u general lockout? Mr. Hughes
answered the same as a man who is asked
what ho would dd If it would rain. "It
It rain."
He backed up the law of the land.
A very clever politician, perhaps. Is Mr.
Hughes. T,IG HHCKLKIl.
Philadelphia, October 18,
To the Jdltor of the flttenlntf Ledger:
irT ronlv to Mr. Fraxler's pointless
letter, I want to tepeat that It Is no ques
tion of party In November. It Is whether
the Oovernmcnt of America, for America
nnd by America, shall.be perpetuated or
not. The disintegration of America will
begirt from the data of . t. Ill,
In event ot iiugneaa ., ..- ...
Oerman nllens are aeaklng to estubll.h
their control of the UnltcO States Onvern
ment by defeating Won and making
Hughes realize that his wish to be re
elected In 120 must depend on his con
duct toward his Teutonlo masters, not a la
Wilson's stand for America's rlghta accord
ing to International law,
The llrst result of Wllson'a defeat would
mean our chaotld diplomacy alld man the
White House as a marble tomb, for the
defeated occupant's lnliuence With any of
Hie belligerents or nny of the foreign
Powers would cease, from November till
March, when his Wrm expires. Tbe now
President cannot chahg tha Wilson poll
clea without war or endangering peace.
Hemembe that Mr. ford ays that tho
stamp of Wall ' street, of the interests,
which' see through dollar-marked apectaolea
and can thlhk only In term of ln.hhe..l,
is upon the opposition to Wllsoha ra
election. B.hlnd that ol.pd.l ton iiaVa ra
lied many elements of bellWs, hut all
united In the alngla thought of getting
hold ot tha Government for their own
pront and for the, promotion of interests
which aro not the publlo interests.
Philadelphia, October 11, M- P-1
Mveainc rViiiigBas,
If thta Jan't tha yvadarta; yjll stM'a
prohably a alaier aalp af Um WMk Uaa
tmanaua d-raUat mtmm Hi ItMfclft
OliaUav. af tb tarn.
ten years. The panic was so damaging to
American prosperity that not even the re
sumption ot specie payments restored nor
mal business conditions. The panlo was
charged to the Republican party and Presi
dent Grant's enormous majority in 1872 was
changed to tho close race of 1816, Further"
more, no Ilepubllran except Garfield ever
received a popular plurality from 1872 to
The panic of 1907 produced two deficits
In the Federal Treasury totaling 878,000,
000 and caused President Roosevelt, fearing
more serious conditions, td yield to the Steel
Trust and agree not to oppose the absurp
tlon ot tho Tennessee Iron and Coal Com
pany by that trust. Evidently Mr. Itoose
velt thought the panic was growing rapidly
and would soon be out of the "baby" class.
Doubtless Mr. Frasler will recall that Mr.
Harrison's Administration was repudiated
by the people In 1890, A Democratic House
of Representatives, by 148 plurality, 'shows
that tlihes were not good and that the coun
try was dissatisfied with Mr. Harrison.
That condition grew worse until 1892, when
nenrly tha entire country went Democratic.
Mr, Cleveland found panicky conditions In
March, '91 so bad. In fact, that the panic
calna to Its Worst early In '94, while the
McKlnleV law was still In force. It having
remained In force until August, 1894.
The Wilson bill became u law In August,
1894; business Improved, until In 1896 the
tariff was not an Issue. The larger ques
tions of the rights ot society came to the
fore In 1890 and have been the "big" Issue
ever since
I stated that there was a surplus July 1,
1614, of 116,000,000. That -was the last
time we had a fair opportunity to Judge
ot the revenue-produolng qualities of the
Underwood tariff. To Justify the last state
ineht Is hardly necessary. In view ot the
world war nnd tne disturbance of dll busi
ness' conditions. If you charge the present
condition ot the Treasury to the Demooratla
party, Mr. Frailer, why not give th party
credit for all dt tho prosperity? B.
Philadelphia, October 11,
Now tho miners Want a seven-hour day.
Will Mr. Wilson still Insist that tho elght
hoUr day has "the sanction of society?"
Troy Times.
tio Inan has more often gone to the High
Court of Public Opinion than our President
And no man's decisions have been no gen
erally reversed by that court Syracuse
No doubt some of the locomotive brother
hood would like td know Whether Congress
Is going td attack tha eltht-hour law be
fore the courts get a chance to decide
whether it Is legal nnd the commissioners
whether It Is practical. Washington Star.
The farmers are only beginning to ap
preciate the power of economic organlta
tlon. They have made various attempts td
advance their class Interests through po
litical movements, and with some measure
or SUcceeS. Now the lesson of organised
labor Is being learned, and there is a marked
tendency on tho part of the men who con
trdl the things by which we live to combine
for the purpose of obtaining a bigger re
ward. Chicago Evening Post.
President Wilson, with that academic
serenity which scoffs at consistency in the
use of language, says the "alternative of
peace Is war." The late Thomas Jefferson
It was who said, "Whatever enables us to
go to war secures our peace." That's one of
tha differences between a plfller and a
patriot Dayton Journal.
To th Editor o thi livtning Ltigtr:
Sir In reply to Andrew Jackson Fagan'a
letter In your lasUe bf tdday, 1 aa a Demo
crat, freily admit that tha two pledge, to
Which he refers did appear In tha Demo
cratic piatrorm or ..- -.-- u.un..
Ilut what ot that? AU llHleal platforms
of all political partlea are at bast but devloj
to catch volts, and If more votes can ba
caught by breaking than by keeplMg the
pledgee they make. It la entirely Justifiable
to break thoea pledges.
T Politics W a gawa whleta la net always
fairly playefl, and I have no doubt the Ra
imbllcat hav"a alian played unfairly aa
the Democrata.
Adherence toTeraentoaa la Met always aa.
vlnable. and thangh these jarowlaaa ef tha
Damocratla party have aa Veen . I fel
aura obr trusted la4ai have a aatMaa.
tory excuse to lw , T,
Philadelphia, Octoteaf ,
jf i'm Jf-Meer t. WaM IM4
I Mr Is Via -TUJolnelar" Mr. Itoaaier gaye
that the aaratal af W M4JT were
1tav, wrnliti Ml mm a Uf wa ee I
, ,
Fits, ot the neutral nations, apart and aloof
from jmr,
The hearts of the word ydur kingdom and
tha earth your nursery Moor,
If under your playroom Windows the great
powers grapple and die.
Above the dust of the battle is a patch of
your owq blue sky.
Your dreams are above disasters If you
pauaa In your gams for Death
Your gadhess is but for a moment and
blown away at a breath.
Kingdoms and courta and banners armies
and cannon and ships '
Were they not bullded ohiy to keep thai
smile on your lips?
To you all power Is paltry, ail pomp but a
little thing.
Whose kiss may be kept from a Kaiser
an... w.h0!f fi"v?.r wlthh'a from a King 1 '
Whose truth Is the seal of treaties, whose
faith Is the end ot the war,
Whose Ultimate only fortress Is a pile ef
Band on the shore.
That kingdom and' this shall totter, that
flag and the next shall fall:
But your snow-white banner forever shall
r swing In (ha eun o'er all. P "
When the. graves are aa grass untrodden
and tha warscarrad ranka dismiss
Y shall link nw dreams with laughtar and
heal the werld with a kiss.
Vf H. Q.rJa VVMtmlMter dateite,
Ckwtnut tk.
Optra Houm
Frtsas I
The big candidate doesn't call himself
"kvans Hughes." If his front name had
been Tom, Dick or Harry he wouldn't
have beeti ashamed of it Boston Tran
One sometimes wonders what Mr. Wilson
would sdy If he -mould decide tb become
downright partisan and break his rule
against delivering a political speech.
Iioston Transcript.
KRfig Tomorrow Night
Scats Now on Sale at
Met. Opera llouee (open until
9M B. m.)i Downtown office.
1108 Chestnut st. tWeymaniTa)
ana Drench box Qfflceai W.
Phlla. Talking Mach. Co!, fill
Mion'h Co, 11)22 jj. Weeyunk
ave.s camaen, Munger !,,.,
llroadway and rederat at.
Biased by n. it. uunrtslDb
and Hli and Uarveloun
ww ii.ajjjiji I DKLIOHTS
"The Happy UoU" "Bora DeteoUve"
Mallia,Bart; Mallla Boganny Troupe
Ecept Bat. b0q f0
h. V. 1 THIS KXTnXonDIMinv"
- --,1 nvoipei
Trollejr1 Routes
S. K To go to Chester by trotter I
111a ViiKcici nnuu aiiic car in ine ew
at Fifteenth nnd Market streets. To i
Allentovrh and Hethlehem. taka iti
delphla and Wrsterh at the end ot UM j
tbicu, oixiy-ninin ana aiarkct streets.
Authority for "ShM-Yult"
F. P. A. The Kngllsh hate the beet j
ii.oni.r lor prnnouncing scneoule I
were spelled "shed-yula" tha sutho
usage, which ran and may be at an
as a weather-vane. It Is true thet ike 1
Is derived from a Oreek word whlea, I
the word "school," begins with thj cm
algma and chl, and there l no obvleeU i
inn for tirannunrlne' nna 'eV .h. .i. .
"slC but It has evidently suited the f
paiaie 10 sonen me guttural In lb
Why, tor that matter, should "i-el t
pronounced "sl-sm" snd not "ski up
reason Is probably due to the fa ?
word "schedule" came Into l'.ngli , "
Old French from the Latin "Mii-il
If It were pronounced "ah" un,in 1..
ductlon this pronunciation would ntu
ivmaiti 111 udc.
Aeroplane Factory
l It. E.--Tho aililrois tif omIii. ivj
the aeroplane nihlliirnctUrer l llattnell
"The salary of it trnlnM nxiatrr' H sal
ft.-, ll lAli.lu.1 -n.l A..... -ttl . il
vu-. -. n...,,un,u avu mini, , npy Hfp
paia ior nignia aim not ny the jear
Boy Scotila
E. a. Information about sari mlH
organisation for boys should h ul'.
at Hoy Mcout headiiuarlers. J-liUi
cnesttiut streets.
Classldcatlon of Cities
A. H. It. The net olusjifylhR the e"S
Pennsylvania Into three CUim 4)ii 1
-tnose contain ng a papulation or ia
or more shall constitute tile MM
Those containing 0. KonUltillnh ut "
and under l,0Og,o00 Shalt CoitKt'tlile h
ono class. Tnose mutainitig a hi m
under 100.000 snail constitute tut;
class." Phlladelnhla la the nntv .n
the first class, Pittsburgh and ftrrsiitv
only brtes Ih tha second elnvl. TMi I
claaa cities are AlUntown. Altodna
Falls. Bradford. Carbondale. C'het r
nellsvllle, Corry, Gastoh, 15 f e, l-'rw
Harrleburg, Hasleton, Johnslrtn
caster. Iebandh. Io6k Haven. Mi'K
-MeadvltK Monongahela, New Ctlt-"l
City, Pittsloitr Pottsvllle. Head'ngi , J
vilie, Wllkes-llftrre. Willlamsport 1M.1
Changes in form bf city goxrlihlMK 1
be panciionea xty tne state, wnicit rss 1
cnarteis prescriomg various system 1
11 HU A. M. TO 11 I1B P. M. 10c. lj
itfil Thrmtir
Orchtura Anvuhtt
"SybU" .1...... . J Cot I
Selection During
"Oalr de Lune,"
"Au Matla" .lUodaril
"Andante Con
"Ha y mend
IK nn
aantMa MaUaft. MUsHst
Harry Cooper A
Othor 1TAfiifi
Todat t. 6o Jit(At,bt at 8. K, t. t.
The House o
AM hxhTxah
NEXT .NVBfk flfcATS Tqw
Jane CoW ' Common Clay
AOAPBtUr steal u'mU."..'; -.'...
Walnut ffKg
aa WmmrtmtHTlhu9l7'9mim
I ''
l"ELfi! "THE CHA1
LYRIC Tomaii?aVoiJ
TI1E ICMTlthAr.t.INfi Miisirtkli
In "Her Soldier Boy" 4
trrvutnti! kr ittn NAd To i
Thai Um( Wondfrfiil lfy )fl A
Victoria M8
Added, Xeestan Caatedy. "rrtaea
i.te-lt acaubmt urjym
ma, i
Jan. l, r
KreUier . ,
geSaoa Wjajjowi''.
br, Karl Msek. '
f tieea. H. tf,ae.'ta, t M. aHaee.li
Globe &&
U A. M. to
C-coss Keys
"i'i 2
are-fcs, -