"H.1' EV&Kiyft LBlXHR-PHirADBLlBM. tSDAT, t)CTOBBB 30, 1916 HUNTING AN APARTMENT? THIS is the easy way out: Just sit down in your easy-chair and read today's LEDGER. Here is a ust u uic iiiuou uWuttuie vucant apartments in JPhiladelphia, Select a few apartments that seem most likely to be what you want A telephone call or two will narrow the list still further. In fact, if you are careful in your selection and in your telephoning, you probably will have to visit only ftro or three personally to find out exactly the apartment in the right location and at the desired price. i. APABTHSNTS APAIITMENTS APARTMENT HOTELS APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL MAJESTIC and Apartment House a M.ooo.ooo morr.RTV Broad and Girard Avenue, Philadelphia NINB SHORT RLOCKB NOnTH FROM CITT HALL Under New Ownership andlfPractical Management Making the typical Hottl Horn for either permanent or transient guests. tart-e. spselous, well-furnished, nttractlv single room, with bath. 13 per day. ' parlor, bedroom and bath. 13.60 per day. MONTHLY RKNTAL SCHKDULF YEARLY AND WITII TKRM CONTRACTS Stasia rooms, without bath, but running; water and special plumbing 110 Single rooms, with bath . , MO to 80 j-room nll'i, with bath no to oo i .room hum. with bath BO to ho PERFECT SANITATION CONDITIONS The Majeette haa started an Innovation In keeping with th wonderful buslneaa progress (f North Broad Street. WHOLESOME CLUD DUEAKFASTfl. 40e, BOe. COc A BUHSTAHTIAL MIDDAY LUNC1IK0N. TOc AN EXTRAORDINARY TAHLB D'HOTE E10HT-C0UR8E DINNEn ONE DOLLAR vtnt frMh foods selected In the blat markets earlv aivwrv mnmln. ri.tann.llv . ,. ratnagement. appetlslngly arranged br French cooki (market to kitchen to patron.). GREAT VALUES WITH GOOD SERVICE VIENNESE GROTTO AND SANS SODCI CArE The celebrated Dueonl-Swensettl Orchestra ntg htly wjth moet enlivening and down-te-date mueleal selections. " Perkins: station for .hundred of cars. Nearby Oaraa-e Service with ruuuhi. r.i.. CORRESPONDENCE PROMPTLY ANSWERED. JAMES A. MEAD. I'roprlttor JAMES 8. MeCARTNEY. General Manager Wt iJHorrtsi 13th Street Below Spruce, Philadelphia An Apartment House With Hotel Service FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED Suites arranged according to your requirements from two rooms and bath to seven rooms and three baths. Conveniently located with.na.k ing distance to the shopping, theater and business centers, yet sufficiently separated from the business districts to have the characteristic privacy of a residence. J. H. HAWKINS, Manager. THE CAMBRIDGE 102830 Spruce St. Handsome first floort suite for doctor, or dratlst; furnished or unfurnished: excellent terrlce. Table board optional. SOUTH OP CARPENTER STATION, adjolnlnc fClnem I.DUII Miu xreiuiBiiiunii nwivmuuii. Club. 1 block east of Lincoln Drive; newly fitted and nnetr appointed mansion; first, seo end end third floor, each strictly private: v..tii,l latwn .hriiriharv and shade trees! Urge, airy rooms; sunshine all day; no dust or dirt: heated from outside plant: electrlo lights. ni and heat Included: dining room adjoining er kitchenette If necessary. C7SS Eml;n St.. fin-it section In Palham. Pbone Oermantown , tTT W. . P' ' " '"" ' ' lis 200 B. 12TH BT. (COSlNER), riw room" and bMhj -Um boat: will divide, t J. A. PATTEIlBdN, 130 8. lMh -U Wi trjrrMTrr. 1H90 ntrt,i. frt-int. 1 rttamm r --"i"f .- ....----- ---i--- - ana mux. aiamincai Dtrawooa uoora. JflHESTNUT. 2117 Handsomely furnished rooms. inTn oij rniBo puyas.ciw.nn mtn. . WEST PHILADELPHIA ,Tm BELOW BALTIMORE AVE.. 03 South j fthe MartlneV 8eond-Boor apartment. OERJLVNTOWN THE NEW ADDITION TO PEUIAM COURT 19 OrEN PEUIAM COURT was norbutlt to make an ?vpeal to every one but to you who demand he best and are aocustotned to receive It at a price which, conslderlnc what you do de mand and receive. Is moderate; It will malm Pe"Lia.M cSSuRT Is Toca'ted at Carpenter' Station. Oermantown, lust oft beautiful Lin eoln Drive, on the Pennsylvania Railroad: 10 or so trains a day, auraly transportation toourh for any one. Suite of 2 rooms and 1 bath to 8 room aad 2 baths; tlm also to suit your require meats. Prloes are from ISO up. PEI.HAM COURT la a quiet, perfect APARTMENT MOTEL, and located in an ab- sadkte.askleeJ laal aatad AvetllotuA IthtlvKave liua sIas. in a woro, you may come to rru.UA&l ma a perieci suuurDan location. net ouhit. dlanlhed. eleeant. tlect an apartment of the alse 'Individual needs: vou will And housekeeping problems aolved and taken car of for you absolutely without effort on your parti yon will find a table of the utmost excellence at a moat modorfttii Price, end the same courtesy, service and at tention Is uniform throughout th entire estab lishment. For full Information, arrant-entente for In spection and reservations call, phone or write to NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT 8T. SPRUCE 8971 RACE S025 r to his representative on the premises at Pelham Court. Appointment may bo made for automobile to call at your residence or buslneee place and take you directly to PEL1IAM COURT at your eonvenlenc and pleasure. uuujvi tnaKi strneted bull ft l , t m v IB to suit youir ail your If you are dealroua of eecurlnr a centrally located home In on of Philadelphia's many n,,nx.V,1,A,-.tKl.t:,Lv,.,APARENiro' APART- MENT HOTEL bulldlnis you will, of course. consult Apartment Headquarters where full Information, arrangements for In spection and reeervatlqna for practically every ?"Uffi1r.,PrJ,.Uh'd nd unfurnished apartment In Philadelphia mayj be made with the least possible effort and the moet satisfactory re sults to ynu. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD Ppruee SBT1 1411 WALNUT BT. Race 802S nrrfl rn-j,t?t-ein . IBD AND OXFORD 8TS. Located In one of the most exclusive reel- dentlal ectlons of th city: hlah and healthy :,n'1.7.' r1" ? "lS?ta of City Hall via Mirket !'- h -"1d .10trL "h. crosstown line, which K?h 2lrSiii0vtn"Aull5ln- .S)J"e ot room, bath and kitchenette, from SO to 140. Public dlntns- room located In bulldlns-. Phon Over orook BOOS. HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENT3 TOU CANNOT PIND A 11ETTK11 APARTMENT n. k. cor. irrn and walnut bts. The houekeeplnr suites are perfect In their elani Starre bedrooms, e-.cn havjnr bay win ?9ws; fine lerre Uvlnf room, dining room, kltcnent maid's room and 3 bathrooms as weiii iqeai winter ana summer apartments; also suites of 2 rooms and bath: free uee of " .'. '.' W5L00 ,,nVri xur inepociion coraiauy nuted. Phone Walnut 0629. MERTON W, OREIM3 Kranklln Rank llulldlnr. f" THE NASH 1B2T-29 SPRUCE ST. 2B1 8. lflTIl ST. DESIRABLE HOtTHKKEBI'lNO APARTMENTS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS All parte of city, 3 room and bath to 7 rooms and bath, S2S to S7o per month; call, phone or write. SAMUEL STERN. 1201 Chestnut st. 1401 N. 18TII ST. Two rooms, housekeeping, suit 10 up. w rooms, lurnisnea. sa.ou UP; MODERN APARTMENTS, all sixes and price. Call or writ for complete directory, free. . APARTMENT 1IUREAU. FtankMn Rank Bids;. 1830 SOUTH IHTTEN1IOU8E SQUARE A Few Vacancies. For partlculara apply to sperlntendent. BPRUCB ST.. 2111 Excellent corner houee keeplns; apt.t also doctor's office: modern. WEST PHILADELPHIA nTH AKf CHR fllSVKHAIi KINOSCOIIRT Sl UHKNT" MOD RUN SB . niviTiitAw inuureivn iiuinritvCiCiriu APARTMENTS FOR RENTt ELECTRIC ELE. ESSEX. S4th and Chestnut: Monterey. 4Sd and Chester; Belmont. 84th and Bprlnc Oarden. Inquire Janitor, or CREBHE. 80S Hale 11 1 dr., THE PLOETDEN. 40th and Locust sts. 0 out Ids rms. and bath; fur. If des.i 142.80 to ITS. HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh St. A solect apartment hotel at moderate rates, catering to a high-class patron age. Cuisine and Service Unexcelled A few choico 2 nnd 3 room apart ments for rent, unfurnished. PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Miss Msry O. McOtade. manarer. ucceseor of Mrs. Charles McOlade. Parkslde ave. at 40th St. . PIRECTLT QPI-OSITK FAIRMOUNT PARK Four direct lines to center of city. ..,,. h . All outslds rooms l furnished and unfurnished, Cuisine of peculiar excellence. Telephone Uertna 21. THE SWARTHStORE NOW OPEN .... N. E. COR. 22D AND WALNUT Family or bachelor: a new and "flnod 113 tory apartment hotel, oxtendln- 'o Ita occu pant every facility, convenience and .appoint ment that can be desired. Can now bo een on application to ... A. A. MILTZ. MANAQER THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND riNB STS. Absolutely Fireproof SEVERAL VERT DB8IRAI1LE SUITES CAN RE HECURKD FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED WM. P. KENNEY, Manager. THE CLINTON Wcn SOO ROOMS. KVERT CONVENIKNCB Furnished or unfurnlehed. either by leaee or transiently; suites ot on or four rooms, with bath. 11 IT . 1 CHESTNUT AND Aldine notel nineteenth THE BEST ROOMS AND BUTTES WITH TUB BEST TABLE IN PHILA. DAT. WEEK. MONTH. SEASON. TEAR THEN TOU"LL COME BACK TO VC Ths first year you earn on ""'SfriteJ thrnnbrmnc of that first yr will brfiui you back to ua aialn. the oM rars of ir. . . KillVTbS'th.r. to welcom. yu for a day or for tn wnoi emwr -.. Elevator rTlc. Rnnnliw -atr to Try ""JSom lnIy or en suit. THE LINCOLN. lSTO AND .LOCUST BTS. "Th Perfect Apartment Hotel." When -mn enter THE LINCOLN W1 ""' "9 oftlee and exchanae so s lorin.a ana , jene-wea 11 scarcely reooanli " . your ojo "v;-i Warren Frier, who took uch excellent 1 vou last year and car, you the Mndof -. up-iH .mi mil not mmn cvum HOTEL COLONIAL BpruSi.v.hth str.t A SELECT FAMILT APARTMENT HOTEL Conveniently located In oenter of h city and within a fw sttusres of the Principal theater and shoppln; district. One. two or three rooms with prlvats bath. CuUIn and eervlce of th burheat standard. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OOE3T8 Wm. P. Kaoney. Manactr KVINtiHUlhL WEEKtTRATEi American plan. 12. European. II up. 0IT W.JI.NUT BT. DELMAR-MORRIS . West Chelten ae.. Oermantown: 20 minutes from Broad Htreet Station; furnished or unfurnlehed apartmente; one room and bath or more 1 also housekeeping; apartments. THE ESMOND " cower isth SUITES OF 2, 8 AND 4 ROOMS AND BATH. THE TRACY AND TRANSIENT QUESTS PERMANENT S0TH AND CHESTNUT ORET OAHI.ES. 313-14 N. 33d Attractive 8 to 7 room apartments: all convenlsncesl term reasonable. FUBN18HED APARTMENTS THE GENEVA 1 6TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT High-class furnlshod apartments of 1 or 2 rooms, with or without pri vate baths. Entirely renovated. Excellent Scrvico Telephone, Spruce 3700 Bachelor Apartment Owner of beautiful dwelling desires to rent attractively fur nished apartment of 2 rooms and Frivate bath to refined gentleman, t is equipped with an open fire place. ' 2022 Spruce St. BEAUTIFULLY fur. aultes; prt. bathe; sultabls 1 or 2 rents; exclusive. US S. 20th it. BEAIi ESTATE SAIiE OR RENT If I CITT AND SUBURBAN properties for aala or r-.ni. jwer M.rion iieaity 'company, moh Title Bulldlns, Philadelphia, Pa. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES ... For sale and rent. TAMEB D. W1NC1IDLL. 17th and 8ansom sts. PENNHVI,yANIA SUBURBAN aULA-CTNWTD Larsa list house, sal or i-m, ail prices, namuei v waaner. jr.. Commercial Trust Bld;, 18th and Market. MAIN LINK. P. R. R. JUW LINE Best lino of Main Lin bouses HBuTt " McMULLfAj es't K'nd TrustBId. X. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE yn hays 10 farm taken 'In exchanres which v 7' wl" crinoe for quick csh salee. Call rr particulars. OODBN. 1220 Filbert. iJ-BEAL ESTATE .TO EX0HANQB Sy" I SlAKl! A HP!rTAr."rr i ...h.nn. what ivvd. wnai you want. .wajioiiAw si i;kuvvia ozio unoatnut. rWO dMlrabl sites. located aood section of Oer Sfi?lSwnA wSnt m" Investments. Chestnut HUI Realty Co.. 12 W. Willow Orova ave. KEAL ESTATE WANTED . i i i Bbtath bousht. sold, rented, rent ool 2!i5.li!Sort;m' loana for a term ot yaara or Wfi' MSte?9 1J1- ElwAnuBwaw xoa M. lain St. RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES II. O, MC-JUI.L,USl 114 WALNUT HT, fcfr.AfiPy. 'j"'" . tat. any uctlon. W.lJlat immedlat anwert brokers pro . CbUr D. Rottnor. 140 Chestnut. SXAIi SfiTATX FOR RENT CITY REAi ESTATE TOR RENT Coarfnued from Prtctdtna Column Store and Dwelllnga 1718 S. 7TH ST. Small store and dwelling; rood location for buslneee, MTEH8 A IIART1I. Itidse ave. and 10th. Factories, Warehonee. Mft. Floors Cohocksink Mills A"C5- Floors. S000 to 18,000 an. ft,: cheap power. It, P. McNBBLT. 1782 RandoTpbT FLOOR SPACE IN MODERN 11UILDWO N. E. comer 11th and Washington ave.: 11. It. siding: subpostoftlre: superior light: insurance rate 4c. Phone Dickinson 1410. SECOND and third floors; corner: light and airy) elevator eervlcei suitable for light manufac turing or particularly adapted for storage purpose. Taylor A Hon. Si and 2d S. 40th el. IREB BTORT. 40x80 lot: tpod light: Urrn to suit. J. A. MIDDLKTON.n?actory Specialist, Wldener faufidlng. Philadelphia, AVE PARTY who will erect building, central or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DlKTKJUfcll. T8T Walnut V. OFFICES, BUSINESS BOOMS. ETC. DREXEL B VE ICES Annual . rentals: Single rms.. 1(20. 189. 1160, 2S0. 1480. fiiiif-M 4 vma iiiiTiian. tith linn. i29fi. Suites t rms.; 1-fS, iiOO. I4B0. 1800, Mp. 1700 i,imi rooms, ioou o eo? WILLIAMS. arfO Drsxel Bulldlnr, Ccmer suite. KLL.1B u, HEED IWILDINO liU-1 .IT lTllh.rr at. Centrally located all oonyenlenoesi rents ny low, aervioe oominuoue. attractive! Prefe.eleoal Of flea 15TH. 8 850 Second floor, con.letjrur of Urgs doubt parlor and pleaeai.t adjoining room, connected by brlvaf . hallway, aultabl for phyelrlan. dentist, studio or living apartments I private family. ! teJE2 , U a iJBTS SACRIFICE Rent or sail. 13-room aaml. ibaolutely modern horn, a baths. Eaat; o decided l ,wn StaU alnut Ian t: owner iSvlag in It at presestl K.SSJSfiVi' '"" ?"!K inut FatM. nrmritoWn e J . ' r i . 1 r SSiiZ?" JwLUNO r , "" wjia " ir -UOaOuVjisiisSiU. all' Motion of r IratureW. ?gm$m&" . 8VU, LweeiuaT! ana or. iWJJliJvrjB, OUST BT-l T A' T. A AVST-T ert 6 roaeui large yaMi r Ut- Wf-tw -! W'ss !;P&&tt ra d.vrmvirairA,ip LmSf PROFESSIONAL BUILDINO. 1881.83 Chestnut St. A lew suite for pnreiciene r wniww, J, T. JACKHON CO.. Cne.tnt stnut and Ulh. MIOHCLABfl entire second hardwood floor offices for dentlet or phys 1 floor, electric lights, steam ors. 127 B. 18th. 1st or physician I neat. SPRUCE. 1782 Phyalctan'a offle and, raosp Hen room: oesiraoie lor epeciu.t. . SPRUCE, 1887 Offices: steam heat, electricity! good eervlce; mornlag and aftarnoan hour. WBHT PHILADHUHIA 44TW ST.. S. OF WALNUT BT. , k, Will rent these modern home. to deslrabl tenants; special Inducement: aeleot location! jarse 8 atory. porsto jront. 10 room and i RRND FOR A RENT LIST BTATM PCB OF HOySB TOU DWUtlt Tn Alton unrta ---. tlOH. WWII fut" MOtUAVE. 3Vm ffPWWV-' yraTgffljrcj&j&f m rroMa d fi at IS rnanns 9 baahat karboadi -east IM. r r1' REAIi ESTATE TOR RExT. Continued from Preoedlag Column PENNSYLVANIA BTJBTJBIIAN JENiaNTOWN New stuoco house I allcon- venienceai nne iocaoui i.u . II. THANK. Jenklntown, MOTLAN Attractive country realdene at Moy Tan. Ro Valley; ample had nd lawn, about 6 acres: hoJse stsnds on high eleva tion commanding xtenslvs vlsws: haa IS rooms, 4 bathrooms, hot-water beat, electrlo light, etn.: chaffeura'a dwelling, with gar as. attarhedi rsnt, 11000 per annum. Whltesld McLanahan. 16th and Tine ats. MAIN LINK. P. B. K ARDMORE 80 St. Paul' road, 12 rooms: IB0; 2 bathsi large lot. . W. U. SMITH. 8002 Drexel road. Ororbroolt. 0R RENT rrRNISHED. CITY 20TH AND MT. VERNON bedroomsl board for gentleman; owner. J 281. Ledger Central. MOlfTOAOES $100,0005 'FLAT HORACE SPECIAL TRUST FUND run OOOD FIRST MORTOAQES Al ftiH&iB' LNUT BT. TO SECURE A UORTOAaH n Be It first or eoond If .you deelr efrkdent service, aulck and satisfactory results and "Klu pYionb or wRrra to us "Your mortgage will be a good a placed," NORMAN B. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. 128.000 for lntmnt l Srt mortgage, any amount. This i fund must b put at lntrsi by No. vemUr 1. Mall appTlcatlon at ono. with il Vartlculara. Also bar A L. fund for ..eond mouaj, 1BT) a, AN QUTNN, INC. tD CHMBRY 1100 rIOTE OR MORTOAOB mmedlat aetilement. tlneettled eelste Joans. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company sixth p uraiNg aARPW u: W LTT inORTOAQES Coaflnatd from Prt or Una Colama trust fttndh for firht mortoaab heiiicnehh stetson Land title builDino MONEY FOR 1ST AND SD MORTOAOES T. A. RKDDlNt A SON 709 WALNUT HT. 8208 BI'ltUCE BT, BUILDINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE ROflERT J. NASH. 1001 C1IE8TNUT ST. MONEY for mortf w Ruck. County proMrty. Lincoln llulldlnr, Phlladslphla. FUNDS POHAI8T AND JDtORTOAaES POTTB A THOMSON, 2821 Frankford ave. )S FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAQES MORTOAaES T-OR SALE "Aul"a i. E. NlCKLEB, 2818 Oermantown avt POTT8 FUNDS THEO ADVANCES. TO niTILD IIAZLBTT 818 WALK irTSf. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES R-aaonahle Chinu JOHN A. IIARRT, 607 Land Title Bids'. ilkJ'.iln.HBHeH - i" J"JTgrTTM8rjinrtTffl !-- SCRAPPLE ;I I I ' i ' ., J M Tho Young Lady Across the Way I THE PADDED CELL 1 - ' A XO ) ,CT,0M V i SrfasBV (S J I VOUlDrfT Bt boTrttRriDN V I YVlV VTH A MAlCi. J THlMK ( ?v jLKo-S THEfts IM THE WAV! ) (He Hon'. I j rJtB3 V MH VAriTED ME. To ' v" Hor"y I I Tli yutinK lnd" across the way nyg J I ilT W :' ' f I It's quite touching; to see how a poor fllilllJllWjlllr I ! I child vll love his common llttlo doc . lij jtff (yf fllttgP ' us dearly aa If the creature were n j Un1nnA WP'-B"-iT aTenulne rcdlKrced hybrid. ' llll llllll I I I i LooWrk Dackword I ' VM 1 "Thcro'a no danger," snld tho Joe. l vs5 - tor. "It's only a carbuncle coming J bc5' if v "" on tho back of your neck. But you .' must keep your oyo on HI" , f Hard Luck I "Cheer up, old man.1 Don't bo down- j "wr I hearted. Romcmbor ovorythlng goes . I in this world." A-" . yS V yS v. -""sX i "That's Just tho trouble. Every J? yf S . thing goes nnd nothing comes in." ' V . NOW, TELL ME, DOES IT PAY? - ----- --mm--------, AND0UC&TA-ETTI-r YOO D-tOE-TO DROP ADllNYOUYHftT VQU IT AMti SAV& THE-MONEY J AMPlf Lb l ANt ASK,Ner T0 T RBWBvy' ,w ; QCOGJ)KflKlT feHA " AN0YHEA1fA-tER )T EXPIRED YOU PIMt. IT .Ym FiM ffiT '" iriur.ruci-An m kbamv eei rvrrsr rlliLftf I Ulwbkll .s ISfiMI ,- mo.nr,.,.MwlM v, lw, i,r TiLL . UPONVOUIV 2?i '17 !?. LT i ?a Tils Jmm? I --l I " Lnf-- AOxA --C " ' " J IJ T" IF WI w"itv i - Talented FOOLISH QUESTIONS ANSWERED ' r "I don't know what to do with that I'lr-V "Vi'A'"" -V-:t.yV- " ",' ',! r-.'J.'-l'."i-.''.'-lt '.','.' il- '''"' ' boy of mine. Ho Is forever climbing jr a)'ryV: '. high tree, jumping on moying trolley f iiBi&l V cars or rl.klng his llfo in some other KCy t-tk9 WmlM l$$mlm$$l - SITS- l. WsKfM2-3VaSHSSS?!l?Jti6 la r mmmmmmpm&sxmvm , 43b irlteBPaS i MB 1 Xbl Penn Punch Bowl. ' ' Bm!J(l "Where did Robtnuon Crusoe go with Friday on Saturday night T" ; ECIALTT (vTD WANT mortgage, first, aeoond or gpllt. .AjJgrf- ffi tusrm uric itgs.t tldg. and private funds: quick ctnrr rnaultsl moderat. ih.,... 1ST and 2d mtgs.t tldg. and prt um r.mjn Mief i iweoeinyion ave. HON El ror nrsi ana seoonq mortgages: prlvau funds for building assoclatlona. "" i. rj WM, inifcuntvuti v. poi rtt lllBlT f.. aa, ann annnnn tnnv.vavAa. k...Ali v. .... -" , r."" .. . , uuii.ini lrtVJ17'? association ana lneiaiim.ni mortgage. Willi Wlnoheater Company, 1001 Cbeetnut at. FTJNDS for rtrit and second mortgagee: any amount) quick answer, ClIAfl. W. MILLER. .! -.. wl iJ-a1'---, STL1 -a l. A "a " . EMERGENCY FUNDS placed at once l an r sumi mmedlat anewer: loweal rates. F. X. DH- LANBY. 11 Lincoln Broad and Psnn so. READY jftjNDS for good flrst mortgages brlwr ua your' application, CIIAB. L. BROWN A CO.. 1T B. Broad at. ALL AWSUNTS to loan on lt and 2d mtaeaT ighaa. Z. Do Young. 400 W, End Trust Bldg. The Bketoh. The Iitttl Olrl How lonr must you be in the army before they put 'you In breeches! His Number "What sort of a man Is this chap Peters r lie spends all his spars time tak ing straw votes on suburban trains and tryingeto dope out who IS going to be elected President." The Reason "! "Well, you've had your Taxation, and now you are all rested up and ready for work, I suppose," t "I'm ready for work, all right, hkt It isn't because I'm rested. It's be-', cause I'm broke." SINCE WILLIE LANDED THAT JOB -Imitating Charlie Chaplin he doesit know the gang. PRIVATE PARTY HAH MONKr for mortgages! jr vol. leager ueniret. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN GET A LOAN From This New Licensed fend Bonded Company )!t. crlvat.ly and. without red tan If J bous-Jteeplng. we loan lt to Im en Tor monthly payment on 188 Is only ts " aJi "" 1 taimP ron laMo$' y..a ff.VffS-S ,9. r. ftfaWnWesS'ISBt w. -. -aw m y, -is bt TroibtmJSZMkiJMU M. TfraiAA Ammm, hly payment on 8182 la only 811 "'"T"."! " only 817 at ere t at 2 per cant. Call TODAY, writ u or ptwo Walnut 8M. HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 SOUTH BROAD STREET iftL',sf's.ratos tlH, C't'miMiim IS Ki6WA' eseAWR-WANi nm rqyH'sTi n jm- vwzw&mnp (l llJIrJ I rYl CI Id I ""itWrlnrTi. teuMYWAwn;fe jr ' ; f-Vpt PAV!Ntf.Ty6ii,mAI6HT KIi. ' i rmMX . ' T rffh, ,,( :v. ?- ik