EVENING LEDGfiR-PHILADEJLPHIA, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER U, 1916 1 MAMNG FEATURES OF PROPOSED1 LEASE Aivi Tnts lb 14 AUKtitiMENT free Transfers, proposed lease 1914 agreement. , lrnsfr shall be jrfven "Free transfers to be given .. - -...fA lines of the wherever surface lines lntr viv ?t,riect the high-speed lines speed lines (City's and Company's) at of the city's system or the station ijolnU, enabling a jwsstnW ZSA street line ai iwwniwmwi . n..BiCr m lorwara mrecuon, but !?? ". MBMxiKer to transfer in a the aforesaid freo transfers shall not ,B2f Sictlon. but free transfers bo made In the business district until Ii bo Droded In the delivery January 1, 1920." LS'hStanen Arch and Walnut fct between Are n.iawaro fifi until - wVPENSATOUY PAYMENTS FOR EXCHANGE TICKETS. lderation oi wio """" " . uujiua oi mo elimination (KB? f J2"dinc tickets, and the ex- of exchun tickets for the company 1U surrender and pay oyer to therefor, ns above provided, thetlty "" ttin accruals to tne aaws oi wuum nKreo to release the company dB"1" ".r: . ,! to the daU & Mntrsct in the sinking fund ac- from tho payment of the tax now paid ll'Ar-i.nU to said sinking fund the amount of approximately $110.- '" Tlwmfrom , or until 000 per annum for a period of Jr w under tho 1907 contract, upon dividends of subsidiary company Sf?.Mltrmit the lessee to postpone stocks, as provided by ordinance, in JUi m" wL .MAimt no surrendered six years onlv. or n tnikl nmmmf ,trUtDoned shall bo mado up by approximately 5690,000. The city iLj. larcer annual pvi. i r ;. . . . "1D """pany S-iid sinking fund by the lessee the accrual in the sinking fund and Hnw'll as will bo required to permit the company to postpone future u.n the same amount in such payments into the sinking fund for rul fund at It"0 aaio oi ten yearn irom juiy l, 1914, the sink. !?,.- hn 1907 contract ex- Ing fund payments so surrendered and 53 ?OP . years) as would postponed to bo made up of such jo, interest " - -", " v" " ,-,7'XZm . ner ceni. uci nm..... - i'"" - iimiuiuiu mn years as t-i u v nrifrinnl nr hrrttilo will ne renuired tn nmdnr. k ..... fW nr?Tl ..fa nnvments at June amount in tho slrfklncr fund nt - ijr smwni. piration of tho 1907 contract extended "iFutnermore,foraperifdof for seven years, as would, with in- L- btirinnlng '. or ,untll tercst included, have been produced the dtv will relieve tho lessee by the original sinking fund payment 7rnaVment of tho present taxes at tho end of the fifty-year term." i dividends In excess of 6 per cent." . KyOR SMITH'S TRANSIT PLAN J.O JLAJLWJLVk30JJJ ti XAXJUUJK ni r ri On. Mrfl. to the ieniavivn agreement JdtaT former Director Taylor. L A VOLUMINOUS DOCUMENT W f ""''" .--.written noitea IZZ an'roVta led exam.nattorf Impoeslt,.. p1,.l davi. but In main essentials Jt MIrL.r.iv with the 1014 agreo- ,lo"iTr . rn;t exDerts. The I SSJntot Mayor Smith that the lease Is I'fiffSca Ihe J Areement Is being b-l in good faith V u,e pp'' KetetM ",.UV.. i. tooVlnir to Mr. Bra .unut O- domlnt J but In the enure irar.o.i. ..lu..... .- ...- r vjnM Sheldon Potter, discussing the EwttMsce today, said: Si -It was a wi&o iinna w " "----j&wljloni for making the public familiar Cirttfi erery detail Deioro ..jr - r &.L.K nniv i.nuiiLiio - ""F"" - ?wod by which the-new transit lines SSd be operated, and. the Mayor In mak fhfwnestlons to them did the only thing ?"xiia do. He iurnlshed a basis of nego ' SWen In his proposition, and now,lt s up K Councils." . . ., ... 5 Jtorry rrencn. preiun. MBiber of Commerce, was asked(what he Mfht of the Mayor's plan, but would only f...., h. had nn mmm,nt to make at this ll,l!fc-. . -.. ..l.fm. DT. Edwara IS. uieanon. in'" rnnnril Mid that while he had been ijti'uie president's chair yesterday, he had fil, lnt.rrimt.il too ITVUCh tO Pay Strict iUon to the message, and had not had n to reaa u sinco men. wnn. .v . i won't express an opinion, he-said. . i-i . :..... "y- DEUAY IN WNBIUWU"!"'' , Cwncllmanle boaies wm noi iuko up mo .Ctmsslon of Mayor Smith's plan for leas- dty-bullt transit lines to tne .-nuau- Iuipld Transit company qoro uid of the nrrsent month. The delay was died upon today at a conference between MjA'nnin Joseph P. Qaftney, ot Councus- nuace Committee, ana Director -i wining, ut tse Dertartment of Transit. Ifce plan now Is to give the widest pos tftri publicity to the scheme, and, with this mi In view, the lengthy ordinance contaln fcCUtt provisions of the proposed lease will Vesrlnted and some fle hundred copies will "', U lent to the officers of the various busl- snd civic associations in Tho city. Tnese irs will be asked to call their organ!- MUwa torether to ko over the plans, so as i'W be prepared to ozpress their views on '.; leaie when the final public hearings m mm in city nan in jsovemDer. 1 JJtjror Smith Is In entire accord with the of city financiers to give wide pub to the lease provisions and time for wtful study of the whole situation, fteries Seger, chairman of the committee M Mreet railways, is also In accord with ptan, and he and Chairman Oaffney Jl confer within the next few days on a J for holding the first pubho meeting of .H t)o councilmanlo committees entrusted with the ordinance previous to Its being offered In Councils for adoption or rejec tion. . QAFFNBT'S STATEMENT In speaking of the plana of Councils, Chairman Oaffney today said: "Every one will agree that the matter of the lease la too big a proposition to be handled hastily. "We mean to make all progress possible without Interfering with a full study of the provisions In the or dinance. I want to make a study ot It and I believe that most Phltadelphlans feel the same way about It I nave suggested the printing ot S00 copies, and these will be sent to those most Interested tn the transit situation. Several weeks will necessarily elapse while this general study Is under taken and In the meantime I think It would not be wise for the councllmanlc com mittees to take up the ordinance. The ordinance provides that the city shall build and the Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company shall equip and operate all or "any of the following lines. Broad street subway with branches. Frankford elevated. Thirty-fifth Ward surface line. Darby elevated. Parkway-Northeast subway-elevated. Delivery loop. Chestnut street subway. The complete abolition of the eight-cent exchange tickets and the establishment of universal five-cent fares Is provided for within a period of years not yet deter mined. The method of financing Is basically the same as that given In the 10 M tentative agreement. With a sinking fund for the amortisation of the cost ot equipment to the company, and a reserve fund, which Is to be under the direction ot a salaried board consisting of three members. SAFETY FIRST Particular emphasis Is laid upon the de tails of equipment. The operating com pany Is required, under the terms of the ordinance, to Install the moat modern safety devices, the most comfortable rolling stocK ana tne most modern methods of ven tilation. Overcrowding of cars Is directly prohibited. The 1907 agreement between the city and the transit company Is to be amended to permit the city to relieve the company of part of Its obligations In return for the abolition of the exchange tickets. The financial arrangements are made so as to repay the operator for his Investment In equipment, to arrange for a rental to en able to retire the bonds issued to build the system and to divide profits on the baBls of the ratio of Investments by the city and the company. There is no provision for the construction of a Camden tube. Transit Director William .8. Twining said today that the lease embodied In the or dinance, with the exception of the new.llnes authorized by Councils and the dates left blank, is In all Its conditions identically the same as the UK tentative agreement. The communication, which the Mayor read to Councils before presenting the leas ordinance follows In part "With ths people I shall sgnd. "What they want In rapid transit. Is what I want. Among the mas of maps, plans, specifications, programs, data, state, menta and reports submitted to me was a draft of an agreement prepared some time In lilt by the then Director of Transit, the parties to which were the city, the Philadelphia lUpId Transit Company, the Union Traction Company and the Market Street FJevated Pas. senger JUIlway Company, ths subhet matter ot which was the operation by these companies, upon the conditions therein specified, of the following lines: Frankford Line, Darby "Line, Uroad Street Line and Delivery Loop, and a reference to the Camden tub. This agreement was never executed. TRANSIT OFFICIALS' LKTTnil Discussions ensued In the public press as to whether It had ever been sub mitted to or accepted. In whole or In part, by the proposed operating com panies. In the public press recently appeared the following letter, purport ing to have been communicated by the signers thereof to the directors of the Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company, on May 31, Kit; "On behalf of R. T. 8totesbury and ourselves we present herewith the out line ot a plan of rapid transit develop ment by the city and tho company which has been formulated after extended con ferences with the representatives of the city administration and City Councils. "In the opinion of all of us It wilt give the cltlsens the fullest opportunity of enjoying the very large Investment to be made by the city and the company In the new development, and at the same time otter a Just and fair solution ot the problems which the changed condi tions of travel will present. k "As the Union Traction Company Is Interested In the matter, and as Its co operation Is essential, we recommend that a committee be appointed to take up the questions with a like committee of the Union Traction Company. "HORATIO a. LLOTD. TIIOMA8 E. MITTEN." The xennlnenr.s and authenticity of that letter remain unchallenged, and. that being the rate, 1 re.olved that If the 1SI4 draft had la that year ben formulated as a baals at netltlon for the equipment and operation of tbo cltr-bnllt lines by the Philadelphia ILpId Tranult Company, there was no apparent reaeon why It thould not act la a .Imllar rapacity In 191S. , I therefore laitrneted my Illreelor of Tranult to bring the IBM draft down to dole so ai to Include therein tho new lines aulhortted by 'the ISIS ordlnaneo, the Camden tube, the construction of which ha not been antherlied, but tho operation of which. If yon deem mate rial, may bo provided for by amend ment. IMi tho IllreeUr has done, and the reled draft Is Incorporated In. the propoeed ordinance hereto attached. I would respectfully urge upon ytra that publlo opportunity be given for a full and free.dlscusslon ot all the terms and provisions of the proposed ordi nance and agreement, so that the great eit problem facing the cltlsens and offi cials of the city may be honestly, fairly and equitably solved. Slnoo this Is a financial as well as a transit problem, I would respectfully suggest to your honorable bodies that the ordinance be referred to the Finance and Street Railways Committees Jointly. To the general public the moat Interesting section ot the ordinance Is the one on the abolition of exchange tickets wherein Mayor Smith follows the recommendations ot ex Director Taylor. The wording ot the two articles, with blanks to be filled tn here, after, Is as follows: rltOORAM OF AIIOLITION The lessee agrees to abolish from the leasee's system on all of the present three-cent exchange tickets, except In the delivery district, which Is defined as bourided by Arch and "Walnut streets Inclusive and the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, where the said exchange tickets may be sold and used as at present until and In cluding , , when nuch re maining exchange tickets shall be abol ished. On and after . ......... one free transfer shall U)e allowed to each passenger paying a five-cent (5c) fare and using exclusively the lessee's sys tem In a forward direction at any point where lines of the lessee's system In tersect outside ot the delivery district as above denned. On and after , , one free transfer shall be allowed each passen ger paying a five-cent (5c) fare and using exclusively the lessee's system In a forward direction at any point In Philadelphia where tinea ot the lea see's system Intersect. The city Is authorlxed to enforce equip ment and In case ot default on Uie part ot the lessee Is authorised tn declare the provisions of the contract void and to pay the lessee the cost ot equipment furnished, upon agreed terms, or may proceed upon any securities or bring suit for speclflo performances or for Injunction. The lessee Is to make payments to the city out ot Its revenues for the advantages nnd privileges accorded. The gross revenues of the city's system shall consist of revenues from transportation and revenue from operation other than transportation, together with all gross receipts or gross earnings or other Income or profit from all sources derived from tho operation and use of the city's system. From these gross returns are to be de ducted expenrca exclusive of maintenance and damages necessarily Incurred by the lessee In operating the city's system; taxes, WHERE 5-CENT FARES WON'T PREVAIL tf j5' According to the proposed transit ordinance, the lessee (the P. R. T.) will agree to abolish all present three-cent exchange tickets except in the delivery district (shaded), bounded by Arch and Walnut streets and the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. I i V5 WUf' fl " IL M Made by the I I lrN jBra& ' The new series Standard "8" is on exhibition at our showrooms for I V l I iHHauii , a few days only. You are cordially invited to inspect this wonder- I I I I I ( JZzl fulcarof quality. As our allotment is limited, early orders, are I - I : I (-sP 111 Tb necessary, to insure prompt delivery. Demonstrations by appoint- I I Vw'W.fli Wf 1 Ji pl ment Showrooms open evenings. , I h I 'KC ulkMfb'-- i A ft Eastern Motors Corporation I L I ( WXitBm m (S 1634 Chestnut Street I -4 LSV W'T J Phono Sprue. 794 r I I ft BSStlltfrsirr j sr -ii v' adl m fir1 I VI JsesaasasaaaaaaaaainLsaaaaaaaaMlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiais "!,'' aWiHl "" 'BSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C iaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaaBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB B, J-0 ?Malaty'aaaaaaaaaaaassssaaaffssaWsWssaaWsaaWsaW LnDsaLBBBLaVaKi Kg "litulf)lr;nf,HtWJHtJMW f jLaLaaaHPaV I fclassaJBsaaSs, , , -SsssaBBWawaaaaa.. I r , n ' "- WSsSBj6HHHs Features of Proposed Lease of Transit Lines TEASE, as incorporated in ordi-- nance, is based directly upon 1914 tentative agreement with changes only in dates and the inclu sion of new lines. o o ' Refore It is submitted to Phila delphia Rapid Transit Company or passed by Councils public hearings will be held before councllmanlc committee. o o o Ordinance provides for abolition of eight-cent exchange tickets nnd the substitution of universal free transfers in all sections of the city, except the central business district, and in the business district after an undetermined number ot years. As compensation for abolition of exchange tickets the city will permit postponement of futuro payments in sinking fund for a number of years not yet determined, the surrender of sinking funds accumulated Under 1007 contract, and for a number of years not yet specified tho P. R. T. will be relieved from present taxes on dividends in excess of six per cent. Public Service Commission will bo required to approve contract beforo It can be executed. O 0 Termination of 1907 contract to be placed further in future. Num ber of years of cxtcntlon not yet determined. Disputes between company and city to be settled by arbitration. Surplus earnings to be divided between city nnd company in pro portion to their respective invest ments. 00 Salaried reserve fund board of three members, one appointed by city, one by company nnd ono by Public Service Commission, to be established with power to control re serve fund, which is required t,Q be established. , , . Lessee is to assume responsibility for any accidents and damage Suits as the result of operation of lines., . KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TO CONFER DEGREES ON MANY MEMBERS TODAY Fourth AYardf Highest In Or der, Will Be Conferred With Elaborate Cere monies at Hotel STATES REPRESENTED I 1 j- it0 i. .r w s j - ItST $ CrATDAf II . J I & ur err I - v, 11 sy teavc 7 Sj I y C, tsLrtto V f If any, upon property used by th IVssee' In the operation of tho city's system?,' to gether with all taxes and goverfunental charges of every description whch i may be assessed against the lessee, or agttlnst the city Incident to the malntenanco' oV the city's system. Also a maintenance, re serve, a depreciation reserve, a damago re serve, a contingency reserve. it From the net Income, which Is the amount remaining after the deductions are made, the lessee Is also authcfrlied In each fiscal year to deduct Interest on lessee's Investment ; equipment amortisation fund: Market street line rental: net preferential payment to lessee an amount which may bo paid to tho lessee during the early operation of the city's system for protecting the lessee against loss by decrease of business due to diversion of traffic from the lines now existing; Interest snd sinking fund charges on the city's Investment. The fourth degree, the highest In the order, will be exemplified by the Knights ot Columbus ot District No. 1, liastern Tann ylvanla and Detaware, today at the Uelte-vue-Stratford. More than ISO members, the largest number ever participating tn this State, will havs part In ths Imposing exercises. The candidates In the initiatory class rep. resent Torto lllco, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and Include mon slgnorl,, priests and laymen of prominence In their respective sections. The degree ex emplification Is under the direction of John V, Loughney, master for the district, with the following staff ofllcers assisting. Sam uel Brown, James P. Kogarly, Michael J. Mcfinery, Hugh 11. Dunlap, Francis A. Mc Carron, John F. Myers, Kdward Med rath, tho Ilev. James A. Dalton and Joseph C. McMenamln. This Is the first time Ihe flegree has been exemplified In a hotel and the decorations are on an elaborate scale for the occasion. A reception, dance and dinner will be held In the ballroom and Clover Iloom of the hotel In the evening. These functions will be at tended by tho members of the Fourth De gree and their ladles, the newly Inltlateu candidates nnd prominent persons from Philadelphia and other placet who have been Invited to attend, Included among the guests are Mayor Smith, Governor Brum baugh. Judges Head and Williams, of ths Superior Court, nnd thi Congressman repre senting Philadelphia districts. The committee In charge of the reception consists of William A. Hayes, chairman; Thomas J. Cleary. secretary; Daniel Wade, treasurer: Ilobect Hepburn. Thomas tIc Kahnev John J. Keohane. Charles W. Pfaff. & It. Clinton. Joseph J. O'l.oughlln. James J. Baney. IMward V. Judge. John F. Myers. John A. Qulnn. P. J. O'Brien. William J. Drier. F. A. Scott. F. A. McCarron. (leorge P. Phillips, John II. Walsh. James F. Cox and Albert J. Crawford. The master a committee consists of Thlllp S. McDevltt. Christopher J. Kelly. William II. Feoney. James W. Wafer, Frank X. Gaff ney and Joseph C. McMenamln, secretary. REGISTRARS ACCUSED BY "SEVENTY SLEUTH Two Officials and Two Other Men Held it Alleged Fraud A cleverly executed trap te ofeUla tre4 evidence of an alleged plot to mamtfaetor Republican votes by means ot false rente tratlona In ths Thirteenth Ward result e4 last night In the arrest of two members ot ths registration Board of ths eighteenth division and two other men accused ( conspiring to register "John Barr," In mate for three days of a Tenderloin lodg. Ing house, who was In rrallty Joseph Bonja mln. Investigator for the Committee of Seventy. He was the leading witness against ths prisoners at a hearing before Magistrate Imbes in Night Court, where all four wers held In MOO ball for a further hearing on Friday. By that time. It Is expected that Wiree other men, Including a division leader and additional registration board members, will hare been placed under arrest. The arrested men are Lewis Folk. 41t North Ninth street. Itepubllcan registrar; Arno Leonhardt. SIS Callowhlll street. Democrats registrar; John Conway. 304 North Ninth street, and CJeorge 11, Slavln. clerk of the Acme Lodging House, 30 North Ninth street The testimony of Benjamin Is to the ef fect that he took up his residence In tha Acme Lodging House on October 4 and that when he mentioned to Blavln that he wished he could vote and "make a bit" Slavln In troduced him to Conway, who In turn pre sented him to the division leader. The lat ter on Saturday, which was registration day. Induced one of the registrars to prd cure a tax receipt In tha name of "John Barr." After this had been done "John Barr entered the polling place, having been vouched for as a resident of 30 Ndrti Ninth street for three months by the leader and registered. Hotel Man Sent to Jail . MAUCH CHUNK. Pa.. Oct. 11. Judgs Barber has sentenced HarVey A. Iloth. a Little Gap hotel man, to pay a fine ot J300 and costs and to serve fifty days In tho coun ty jail for selling liquor on Sundays and In wholesale quantities with his retnll license. Last week the" Court revoked the license, the fifth action of the kind since Judge "DID I SAY SNIVEL SERVICE?" National Civil Reform League Asks Ex planation of Vice President Marshall NEW YortK. Oct. 11. The National Civil Service Reform League made public today a copy of n letter sent on October S to Vice President Marshall by Richard Henry Dana nnd George T. Keyes, president and secretary of tho league, respectively. The league asked a reply so as to be In a position to deny a newspaper report that the Vice President had declared: "Did 1 say 'civil service' or 'snivel serv ice' T They both mean the name. We found the offices guarded by snivel service, and our only regret was that we couldn't ry more of the appointees loose and fill their places with Democrats." To the league It seemed "Inconceivable that the Vice President would publicly ad vocate the use ot the public service to re ward partisan services." Enameled Clocks Delicate tints, in tnrOel- M ing cases, for the bureau. Minute re peaters and plain time. Z.J.Pequignot Jewels 1331 Walnut Street a M THE MOST WONDERFUL OVERCOATS IN ANY PHILADELPHIA STORE "MOHAIR WBS" $15 Unless you look at the price ticket you will say they are $25 overcoats. As a matter of fact they are. We are al ways leading, and as soon as we found the "Mohair Nub" fabric was to be the popular cloth this Fall we set about to have a won derful coat to sell for $15. So here are the coats and the specifications: Box coats with patch pockets, self or velvet collars. Sleeves and shoulders silk lined. Sleeves with turned-up detachable 'cuffs. Cloth rainproofed. The only mystery about the coats is ihe price $15 William It " 1217-1219 Chestnut Street SssssssssssssH' I US if I VT tss&a s ' "X. tf: - . i 'm 4 f'f Wanamakc? j,te..