IJ JBVElTOfa, IJBDOBR-PHILAPBLHIA, WEDKBDAY, OCTOBtBR 11, liW - . . . , 1. urn i. immiiiwij FINANCIAL NEWS MARKET IS SUBJECT TO PRESSURE THROUGHOUT DAY'S STOCK DEALINGS ii. i.;. . it . . i r i violent Declines Occur in Lite Trading Important In Ureats Are Absent From Long Side Many ftumors to Account for Weakness o liih Peinta tn Todarft Financial News Slook 'market turned tvek in aUrnoen. It wo strong tarty in day. Wheat mm weak at CMeagb. Cotton price went into new ground for teaton. -foretitn ffAMe btteine moderate. Bin steel rail order placed for 1018, frit of tcir predkete pteted to he advanced. Ba- lilver higKir. National reptrtle tubikHarie September earning good. NEW YOnK, Oct. 11. The stock market all through the day was subject to frequent pressure, and Although Rt time advances were made, with some specialties displaying pro nounced strength, the demand was quickly supplied and In the late trading; violent decline occurred throughout the list There wa continued absence of Important Interests from the long Jdo of the market, making the situation one In which speculative line were easily disturbed and liquidation again forced In many tMuesv "Various rumors were In circulation to account for the development of weak ness shortly after midday, when such stocks n United States Htecl common, Heading and Lehigh Valley yielded moro than 2 points within a ahort period. One of these stories was that banks had exercised their power to force reductions ot speculative holdings by some large houses. These stories, however, have been used with effect frequently In the lost few weeks and found few believers In Important circles. ' Tho larger Interests, Including those who often determine prlco movements. Were not disposed to enter the market as buyers until the submarine mennco toward commerce Is removed In soma way. Most of the buying which has been noted In tho market since Monday's early break has been on tho assumption that the disasters off the New England coast on fjunday marked the scopo of the new submarine efforts, for the time at least, but since then there have been several occasions when soiling movements have been causod by the reports of attacks on liners. The room was full of such stories again today Just before the most vigorous selling" occurred. United States Bteel, which had sold above 112, (lec)lnod on this movement to below 110, while Lehigh Valley yielded from 85 to 82, and Marine preferred dropped from 10SH to below 105. In the first half of tho day Columbia Gas and Norfolk and Western were both prominent becauso of aggresslvo buylnff, on which these stocks wero established at new high records, but both Issues reacted sharply vthen the remainder of the list was tinder pressure. . Advances In Wire Products Is Expected NEW YOItK, Oct. 11. An ndvonco In the prices for wire products will prob ably be announced by" the American Steel and Wire-Company, the subsidiary of the United States Steel Corporation, within a few days, according to present Indica tions. The demand for these products Is large and Indications aro that further substantial Inquiries will come Into the market shortly. NEW YORK STOCK SALES 1 : I Hlfh. Law. Clow. 57 K B7K 57 H 124 12K 1JH ej OJ. OK 25 34X 24'f 09 ) 07 07 01 6SM 5W lit 114 114 G6) MM 65K 64f 54W 64W HH 12M 12H 74 70)f 71 28 28 28 23W 'J2H 22H 65W 63 55 7!f 75 76 Last elo4. Acme I'ea 67"f Alaska Gold M 12W Alaska J" Gold M OJ, Atr.Chlmen Mff 'J&H A i., ileet Sugar .. D3H Am 1 id M)H Am Cm pf 114 Am Or Pdj 66f Am Cotton Oil 63K Am Hide A Leather.... 14 Am tilde & L pf 72l Am Ire Securities. ..... 28H I m Llnteed... 231 An unseed pr 05H Am,.Locomotlve 77U Am Locomotive pf 100 105H MWJf 105!f AM Malt Corp 8H 7!( 7,'i 7 Am Milt CotD'O pr 42 43 43 43 Am Bmelt & Kef 108W I09H 107 107W Am Smelt & It pf 110 H6' llrtH 110H Am Smelt pfB 88 87M 87H 87H Am Sugar Kenning UW 11M 114H HSU Am fiteel Foundries 60J, 00 U GO 110 AMTelATel 132M 133 132M 132J AmTobioeo 220 220' 220W 220', Am Woolen... SIM 51 49H 40, .Am Zinc LA Sra. ...... 47 48 40 40 vrAmZLAHpf 7JM 78 77H 77j Anscondi Cop M I3.li M!f 01 oil' AtehTopASF. 100 100)f 105 105'. AtlOAWI 80 85( fiiH 84W Atio&wipr ei(( 04 o.i 04 w Bald Loco Wfc 8H Silt 82U 83 Bald Loco Wks pf.,....108H 1031 lOStf 10SH Bait A Ohio ...88 83ii b7W &" Barrett Co lOlJf 101 100 100 Bethlehem Steel .535 o35 630 530 Brooklyn Hap Tr 85 85l 84lf 84lf Butte ft Superior.. 04 (AM 03 03 H Cat Petroleum 22)f 25U 3!( 23 U Cal Petroleum pr 50 53l( 60 6114 Canadian Pacllo VMi 170X 1 75 176k Ceatral Leather. s 78)i 70 76)( 70M Ches&Ohlo 07 07H 05 1 00 Chicago Oraat West.... 13W 14i 13). I3W Chi Great West pf 30! 40)( 38)f 30U CM Mil 4 St F 00U 05)4 04)1 MH Chi M A St P pf 127J4 1234 128U 128j 0CC4SIL 57( 6i!i 67 57 OOCAStLpr 8-iH 84 81 81 Chi A Northwestern. . 12W 127U IS7H 127U . . Chi R 1 & Pac 22 Vili 2i) i.lH ColOAElec 40 43 41 42 Chile Copper ...21 21 20H 20H Chlno Copper........... 63) 53)f 63 M Col Fuel A Iron MX 55 52W 65 Co! A,Southern u 35Ji 35)4 31H 3IK CentlnenUl Can 10JU 105 102)f 102U ceao el r Bai....ii&;t nojf no lift Consolidated Ga 138U 140 1371 Cern. Products Itef lOli 10H 10J corn Prod fief pf....... 01 l)f Credble Steel. 85't RflH Crucible Steel pf....,...121!i 121 Cuban-Am Suiar. , 195 1D4 Cubs One Sugar 04 If 65)4 Cuba Cane Sugar pf,,. Deg'A rtlo Or pf...... Dome Mines Dttl 8 8 A Atl pf. 01 fax 121 101 03)f 00)f 41 21)4 13H 37 63H 3W( 320 178 176 TAH 72M 00 00 DOM 00)4 4 4.-K4 25 24M 13 12)4 . 30 WM - Melstpf 64 63K eea Chemical 325 Oeaeral Klectrlc 178 .. ..eooarkh B F.. ..,..,... 73W Gtaoby ConJol..". 89!i . Great Northern Df 118)f 118)4 118 "'? GNofs ferore prop.... 4W 43 41 GrMoe-Canaae: LQH 60) 60 G WatsS2d pf..... 02M 05 05 IlHoeU Central.. 108M l08)f 107H Issf) Coo Cop,, ,05 06)1 05 Ist.Alrieelturat 16U 16)i 10W 1st Harr Jf J., ,.lie)i 110)f 110K IMCea OerrtotB.,, 17)( 17)f 17)4 1st Paper ,....,. 3M4 37)4 36 UtPapwpf. 97H OS 06)4 ftKNWc v t eft 61)4 6D 60)4 ' Iat NMc pf r t efi...10o 10AI4 1MI4 1st MM oof dp, 38H 3H 30)4 la M M pf e of dp... .108K 108)4 104 Jw(C'THi tjfl hi 87 M4TMr 110 110 110 JUaCttyjatbMB..,. U7H OH 27)4 xaa cttMPMKa pr...... hh bim 01 Aauy 9nfTU9i 7W( Xsaaeoott' Ostsc, ..... 8$jK Lsek Steel Co ,,.,, 66 LMMsOm 108 Ls HusTlre........ 44 trtttek.Vsltay M ! W.....I21K 127 137 iMseult 15M18 17 POo,....f...;a5 a4 34 JuwMs4 wum Vum Wmm Metortlstpf,.,.. n 87 mi HetMNaf mi Uu MM Mas Fetfoieast il07 1WM lOtU Missal Cnatw VH 37k tfH 37K m r u,..,& mu im im BTiMirsm iqm sm h A'im. 44 H 44 H ....i..,...;.IM IM IJtM 137 ;i(Mii)V..t !,... Q. Vm wsaa LMBS-WliM 79M 78f BH 61H 84 83 109 109, 4M mi 86)4 88)4 138 1G)( 0I)( 82)f 121 104 03)( 00)f 41 2IH UM 3X 63H 320 17614 72H 00 118 41 60 05 107X 05H 10)4 110)4 17M 35)f 00)4 60)4 100X 30X 104) 87 110 27)4 61 7811 61M 83 108 42H 127 sfflH 18 .110 IIU 1H 110 VXim XTH 97H "mJH wi P4 gSSm Qm.. n.Yiiini U 7 Wit w "liW saBi TsV9 a 9 J m ! m m m lagltii, m MKM. M; Sot imm im 11? -na g:::;'jrN 9rVf,f wm V0H WH MM WfeMmX$ikwwiikW6bi. ' aBWaBummik;Lr.6'' - 70 71 Jl 111)4 111)4 Lait clou, ltlsh. I.or. Close. Pullman Co 172 171)4 107)4 109 . Hy Steel Springs 63 62)4 51 61 Ity Steel Springs pf 10IK 101 101 101 . 24H 25)4 24)4 25 .103' 100 101)4 107 .74M 741 .112)4 111)1 . 28H 20 . 17 1714 41 41)4 .213)4 12 . 69H 6S .100)1 10014 . 29f 20)4 ,.70)4 70)4 . 17!f 17J . 21 22 42)f 441a 28 10)4 30)4 212 67 100 7)1 08 7ti 22 41 2S) 104 30)4 212 67 100 27"f 084 17JX 22 44)4 IUy Con Copper.. iteaaing Kepubllc Iron & S... ftepuhlle I AS pC. Shat Arz Cop 8esboard Air Line... Seaboard Air Line pr, 8ears Roebuck A Co. Sloss-Shef 8 & I Southern Pacific Southern Ry , Southern rty pf I, A 8 F w I St Louis Southwest.. Rt L Southwest pf... Studehaker Co 133)i 133)4 131)4 131J4 oiuii Moior. ,,,, uu t,SH (17 117 Tena Coppor 22 22)( 21)4 21)4 TexuCo ,220 2J4 220 220 7eias Pacific , 13 13)4 13)4 13)4 Third Arenue 67J4 67)4 67W 67M Tobacco ProdueU 66)4 67)4 64! 65 .Union nag A Paper 11)4 11)4 11 11 Union Bag A P pf 63 63)1 00 00 United Cigar Stores 1024 100)1 100)4 100)4 Unite. Fruit 160 100)4 !6S)4 158)4 Union Pacific 148)4 140)4 147JJ 148 Union Pacific pf 83V 83 83 83 8 0ll' K , 2i 24 23)4 23)4 U 8 Ind Alcohol 120)f 120)1 117 110 U 8 Ind Alcohol pf... . . 105 10.' J 02 102 Unl'itf Ry lor 0 0'4 0)4 OH Unlled Ity. Inv pf...... 23 22)4 22)4 22)4 U 8 Rubber 69)1 60)4 68)1 68)4 U 8 Rubber 1st pf 114)1 114)1 114)1 114)1 USSmRAM 72 72)4 72)4 72)4 USBR&Mpf 63 61)4 61)4 61M U Boteei Corp'n 111J4 112)4 109)4 110)4 U 8 8tee. Corp'n pf....lz0)4 120X 120)4 120)4 Utah Copper............ 04)4 05)4 03 93)4 Utah Securities 17)1 liM 17)4 17M V-CaroChem 43 43)4 41)1 41J4 Va Iron Coal AC 45) 4M1 4i'l 40J1 Wabash 15)1 16)4 16 15 WabuhpfA 63tf 63)4 62)4 5)4 Wabash pf U 30 30)1 20 29)4 eii union ei una miyj 1UUI I00)1 West B & M 02l OJ 01)4 61'i netiern Aiarjiana dlyi 3H4 Wet Maryland pl...... 604 60)4 Wheel AL E 1st pf.... 0)1 7J4 Willys Overland 41W 45 Willys Oterland pf 104)4 103 Woolorth F W Quoted ex dividend. 30)4 60 7M 43( 103 140 140)1 140 30)4 60 7)4 43K 103 140 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET KEW YOHK, Oct. 11 The market for coffee futures opened Arm, 4 to 10 points higher. Trading on the call was active, gales amounting- to 23,000 bags. It was the prevailing Impression on the Exchange that the early buying, which sent prices to a higher level, was for foreign account, and some authorities expressed the opinion that It had been inspired by recent peace rumors. Octobr Novetni J-li ihr DHtmbtr January . Kabruarjr March ... April ...1. June JU17 AAAaAAddaaAft Aurui ...... 9,00 DIpitmMf 4 V, Kua, t s t t f Itl'OI M t sales t I r f a ft ' Today open In v. 8, HO A.R4 s.eo 8.00 Ytsltrdar rioi .oses.r OO0O.OS M.a( M.OSt S.ASt H.Tqi H.T4I 8 S. . 'S.7T '8.70 m.-Tf 8.TJ 6.72 .! 8.U 'S.SO a. os s.vo Jim LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAlt STOC1CS Ilutltr MacNamara Mid la war ...... a . MiipahaKitanalon Montana , Northtrn Star .. TonoDah Balmont Tonopah KiUnalon Tonopan Mininc 1 Kuia, . . End Bid. ...... ....... ...,,. ,uo t ...,, ,, ....... ,, .. .OS ....,..,,,.,. tia ,;.,,-.,.,, .11 ta Aakad, :?o Reu Euu WMt ! , ( HtMKftMIII GOLD FIELD ntf . .'it . .IS STOCKB .10 Atlanta , Mill Bull Fo'dV Comb Kre DtemfUtd B Fio-rwwi . rtSliSiS y-mr Juffibo Btarl4M. JAtWaVtU.! jiat f- M'Mf. O t(-4)tafffAll Al KiM. Jr'astentf ,VOT -Q .. t''f4-llllftftl ! t MtiaasiaM.a sua ! lllMM'lltMM. tMtft'tMt'M 'f I . nialilijf tfiti 1: .02 .OS ,04 .06 ,e .40 ,ei :SI Wva4a) mivaoa, 10l .,.&.,...., MISQELUklfTOUS OS .., ,1 .in .04 .OT .8 . M ,M , .It .OS M '"SC'.'"'""""""""?!! .-"Ii id Wcvndar i.t.,. .,...,., . .!. 2.M Mtaltw , ,, ,16 ,Ji Fitw; OrMitkUal BtHHur UiwlMtifl NSW XOKK, Oat. ILTUe s4fal aHta44 1.U' toatay fr hm gratuilaW, all s-Mur rsKnsrs qvotlac 7. TW last sal T sewt Cub raws was " unahanjt at I,.' OOVsWMENT OND r 4 8iilPAiPii.HP-''fM -anqSniivv:;. 1 !r?- J-V. li ,iryaA' 8(i ; rsjtajrslr. ,..,. M.,l .......a,... ..9...1 t.. ...- . Aakad. Aew York Bond Sales SfttO Alaska Onh Br A ..Wo do B.r M .. HMO Arxlerrncli A .. Siwo Aimr Mid a I. Ca. WM anrror flte ha . . itTMO Amr Bmll ea . 380 Anwr Tl clt 4a . "WOO AmtrAVrtt Tap'&i i("i Ann Arpor ir.om Armour Co lnMMVI Atrhlartn h 8ix) Alrhtaon Arls 4tta... M-fn. 14 Cbw). Jt.- ::. ti 4a. ?a f 05O6O losOoo 10011 1SOO0 vvou VtlHHI S00O 6000 SIKKI 0000 lOUHl J OOOO novo 1000 10000 240OQ INHH) 28000 StfOOO UJOOO 4000 10(10 41000 4CKMI 4000 2IKMI ssnoo ROOO 6 0H) 3000 IIHIOO 21000 8000 28000 20000 sovo 6000 1000 4S0O0 22000 1 ono llHHMI 1000 2IHMI 14000 niooo suooo 4 (KM) 0000 I SOOO 1000 IIHIOO I OIK) eooo cooo 8000 10000 1000 2000 2000 cimoo 1000 1000 10000 2000 44000 12000 8000 12IHIHI 11000 TOOO 270(10 noon r.000 iikio 2000 8501 II) BOO Snoo nooo TOOO 8000 looon 1000 2000 81100 TOOO 8000 4000 1 Allan nirrn.as . 1 a c Una lUi .. do ell 4s ... MS najt Ohio SUa ..; 1 do 6a ,101)4 1 do a do ev 4Ha ,. 1 Pildwln loco ta . ,1 1 Itath ntaal rid 6a .. I llradan 'opP'r a . . jirook rt T 6a 11S, .1 1 llkln V Ktv lat aln Sa.l 1 Can Uort Ra 131 ... do 1B2S t. j do mil ...... 1 Cal Oaa a lilre 8a. . ' Cant U eona 6a . 1 Onl lath 1st 6a ...1 Cant l'ai lat 4a . . ... 1 Chill Coppar Ta, . . . . .1 1 Cnaa a unlo 44 a. .. I . do er 8a , , , ... I Chi Ot. "West. Is. .. 1 CM a Main Ha .... CM II A Q joint 4a. . do awn 4a. , . ,,,... Chi Mil Ht I ran 4a. do dlr 4o do cp 6a .. . .....I do cr 4)4 a 1 do Qf 6o , .... . 1 1 CM Mil P H 4a.,., cm mar rrd 4a . do 6a ...... . .... Clar Hn T.'ne '(a....l Col Midland ct 4a. ... Cona Uai vr 8a.,,...l J'orn l'rod 6a lull.... Mrolt United 44 a.. )la flacur. Corp 6a... Irla sen 4a Krla on 4a Bar A . .. . Kna conv 4a af r .,. Uranhy Co 8 la Ia....l liua Alan in oa do rrd ra III maal dab Indiana Htai 111 Cant 4a IBS? intrrb Mat 4Ha. Intarb 11T raf 6a Int Mar M rt I 6a. Japan. aa 4Ha .,. K C Ft II 4 II 4a. Kan cur no ea ft iopS i 112 I03J 101 kh 7SU 0 100H t lan in ta 6a ., dab 44a .. Btaal 6a .. Kan City Tar lat 4a.. Kins a Co Kir ala 4a., Igarka Utl 8a 123., do 6a 1V10.. , I.k Hbora dab 4a 131 l.la- A M T 8a ....... Us M T T Minn Ht 1, .. .. Minn Ht V U H M 4a.. Mo Kan T Da..... do 2d 4a , , Mo Pac vr I 4a Mont l'owar 6a... Nat Tube Ha., . . N if Air llrk cvt a N TT c'A II 0 . . do ma , do con 4a N Y City 4a 1951).. . do 4a 10 JO N Y N 11 at It Da ., N Y Itwy ad) 6a .. K V Tal Ran 4)a. Nor Pae prior 4a.. , do aan 3a . ,. Pacific! Tal 8a..,.. l'anna. aan ct 4(4 a. Kaadinx aan aa,. ... . Hap Ir4 6a 1 Ht t. I M A H 4s Ht I H K ala w I... do aan ct 4s ...... do Bar A w I ..... 8t I. Sim lat 4s do con 4a St 1 M,A M 1st 4a... do 44a .". .......1 Beaboard A I. adj 6a. do fllo. 4a .., .. do rfd 4a ......... Pnuth llell 6a 1 South Pao 4s do cv 4a , do cv ret ( p 6a..,l 00J4j HSj lo 8U 9 88 88 83)4 iS 10(1 29. 22s' lo. .IS ioij; 101H m an ria nm ..... ... itwy ean 4a,.,, na .1 Tenn C ret full pd. South Itwy can do eon as. T.ui Cn cv 6a... Third Av rot 4a.,.. 82. Third Ayk ad 6a TB I Trl-Clty B 100V Utah Tower BJ , ...J!?,, U H Btaal a f aa'....108VI do a f its na.. . ..105j Un Kin at 11 Ira 6a MW Union Pao lat 4s.... 118 Union I'ac rfd 4 titj Un llwya 8 K 4s. .. SSi Va. Car Ohm 1st Ba.. 00. Va nwy Ba , 80 Wabaah 2d Ba,,..... P?i Wrat Md lat 4a.... HM Waat K A M cv r.. . 124V Whaallna- ft I. K 4a . 7 Wlacon Cant can 4a 87V 103. lSn'4 103 Ji 8. 100,. 84)1 88 70$ 88W 08 1(13 87' Mil 88 101 88 108 10M, 82 iKS 08 10(IJ4 10J 00 1)8 oi H SB'S ?4 1243 8,5 7o: 87 "4 COTTON JUMPS TO NEW HIGH TOP FOR SEASON January Contracts Sell Nearly 54 a Bale Above Monday's Low Level Realizing Follows NEW YOniC, Oct. 11. Business was entailer than recently on the Cotton Ex change at the opening this morning, and although there was h. fairly good demand, the market was held In check by offerings from a prominent commission house and room operators. The early tone was barely steady, with prices unchanged to 8 points lower. Liverpool was a moderate buyer here and Wall street Interests also purchased, while spot houses took the near months. After the call a better demand developed and the market held fairly steady. At the time of the start lie re prices In Liverpool were about as due. 8M to lOVs points higher. The English market was narrow, according to prlvato cables, with some trade calling, a little short covering and no hedge selling. Colder weather was reported from the South, with frost In Tennessee and North Carolina. Light scattered ' precipitation was shown on the Atlantic coast and in the far' west of the belt. The market became excited In the late forenoon, when advances carried all deliv eries Into new high ground for the season, averaging about 14 to 23 points above last night's closing figures. January contracts sold at 17.50c, or nearly (4 a bale above the low level of last Monday. rteallilnr was heavy at these prices and there were reactions of 9 or 10 points, with the .soiling a little more active after the publication pf the weekly weather report from New Orleans, although this was con sldered about a standoff. Tca'day'a closa. Ottobar .,,...18.03 Daeambar ...,T.4n January 'I! March 17.45 May .17,66 July ........ .17.011 Hoot .........17.00 Open, lf.12 17.41 17.80 1T.48 1T.80 IT. 66 JlUrh. IT. 46 17.81" 17.66 IT. BO IT.-70 17.78 Low. Cloaa. 1T.U 1T.40 17.88 IT, 17.28 17.18 18 17.48 17.63 .67 17.43 17.61 17.82 1T.72 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Oct ll.-7-Cotton futures steady, lOH'to 11 H point net higher. Bales totaled 10,000 bales, of which 9100 were American. October-November, lO.ltd, Jan. uary-February lo.ltid, March-April 10.17d NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NBW YOB.K, Oct. It. BUTTER Iteealpta". 10,483 tuba. Vary, .qulat and waakar. Kaira rraamary. 84Hc nlsber acorlns. 83t)36)4ci lltata dairy. 84o ethar aradaa uncbansad. KC40S Bacalpta. 17,18 packacea, ICaay. .with haavy accumulation. Medium aradca of teah satherad, no chanao on quotatwna, Listed Bonds In our monthly circulars we are publishing a series of articles in ex ptanatlan of lavastment Banking lerma; Our OctoiW Circular (Hwmaaws the tmbjeot ef tAsUel Bsevas l, detail. , The olreuUr also daaorraaa a num. 'bar t attractive seovrttylaaa oHr lag (nvssrtmeat Itwoma faBsjing trem CfUt-ttW'h fwrUih4J rWs4. j . Ebward B.5mitH St Co aamstMsias) ioj ANKIfl dUkB iS IRREGULAR AND PRICES LOWER Many Traders Lose Confidence and Liquidate Freely Mid vale Steel Declines NEW YOnK, Oct. 11 lTiee movements on the Broad Street Curb were Irregular with a aeneral tendency to sell stocks at concessions and close out speculative lines. Many of the traders In this market seem ed to have lost confidence In the situation and liquidation from this source was the most Important feature of the ds,y'a market operations. There was a show of strength In ths early trading of Mldvale Bteel, but It was not long before that stock "was again In free supply and was quickly established at a lower level. The motor stocks aa a group were all weak, yielding from.l to t points, and little Interest was shown on ths long slds of the Independent oil stocks, although Standard oil Issues continued tn good demand at higher prices. The mining stocks were comparatively quiet, with Dundee Arizona showing a Arm tone, being actively traded In at 1H to 2V4. Zinc Concentrating was also firm, with sales at K'i. Tennessee Copper was traded InatSM to t. Business was on a comparatively smalt scale, except during the first fifteen minutes, when a few stocks were moved up partly by pool efforts. INDUSTRIAL"! .etn Esnloalvaa , , Amarlran lirltlah Manufactures. American Marconi fanantan Car Co . Canadian Car and Foundry pfd.. f'havrolat Xtotnra Curttaa Aeroplane IT hnnosraph . . Ilaakall and Itarkar Car Kmaraon llaah.ll ilandaa Manufactures Kathodlon lironta pfd Maslm MUnltlona .. . .Manhattan Transfar . , Mldvalo Htcal .... ptla Klcvalor I'aarlaaa Motors ...,. t'onle Knsln t H. H. Kraaro w I .... Htandard Motora , . . t. Htrombarr Motora Huhmarlna Trianala Film .. ... United Motora ..,,.. Onltad l'roflt Xharlna U H. I, and II. common do pfd Whlla Motora World Film nid. :.h. :: , . 00 lK : so" . 23 10 ::::::::::;A J: Askad. 2 46 ISA 83 41 '! AS ft ISa 40 48. RTANDAIID OIL Illinois idio . Pralrla rlpa ., Htandard Ull of California. , Htandard Oil of Naw Jaraay,, Htandard Oil of Now York . . i i 12 r .... 2 . 2J .... 03U 5 :::: ,J . , . 171 ITS ....!! 202 ....80H -BPO .....200 201 . ...J.17 343 ....677 632 . . . .228 232 l-oadrn Oil Ooadf n A Co Intarnatlonal Tatrol 1 1 on .ton OH Mlclw.it Ilpdnlna . Hapulpa Itaflnlna OTIIEn OIL-STOCKB 12S 10)1 lntt 14 9.7 I2W I," 10 ea 10 MINING STOCKB Atlanta Ilutta Coppar a Zlne .. Ilulto a Naw York ,. 'arret da Pasco ....... Flrat National Floranca Ooldneld (loldnald Mararr Ilrcla Mlnlnc Ilowa Hound Jim Duller Jumbo Uitenalon MeKlnley-Darrash .... Maama Coppar Mlnea Co of America Nlnlaalna Mlnaa Co ... Han Toy Ht Joaaph Iead Wrat Knd Consolidated White Oaka , City of -rarla ris . Cerro da I'aaco lis Mldvale Hteal 6a , . Ituaalan Qovt OVia . bonds' l . 10 s 'J 40 60 7 8R 40 68 , . 02 ISUj IN 2Vt 2 ." 5 in 20 is , hh TB., 80 . 3H 4V4 S8t t 117 It 8 J4, lot lotK DIVIDENDS DECLARED Burns Brothers, racular quarterly of lli par cant on common, and IS par cent on prererrad stock. Common dividend payable November 16. llooks cloaa November 10. Trefrrrad dividend payable November 1 Hooka cloaa October 20. Flaner ilody Corporation. Hi par cent on the prafarred atock. payable November 1 to stock of record October IT. Gloucester Ferry Company, aarond .annual of A per cant on the preferred atock, pearable Oc tober 16 to stock of record October 1. The com pany rmersad from a brief receivership in 1012. Girard Quotes In Fubllo Ladssr Oct. 10: "After the war look ant for Roaila. Twenty-flse years will ea It, neit after the Dnllad Ktatea. the areateat Industrial nation on the earth." One Russian Rouble is normally worth about 51 cents. It is now worth about 31 cents. Imperial Ruiiian Government Syi Internal Loan Bonds, .of 1916, due 1926. On account of the con dition of exchange, these Bonds are purchasable at about $320 for a 1,000 Rouble bond. With normal exchange 1,000 Roubles would be worth $510. Russia has larger re sources and a smaller per capita debt than any other European country. Through our direct tele phone to New York, we are prepared to quote a prompt market on these bonds. Deliveries made of "Stock Exchange" or "Trust Com. pany" Temporary Receipts tor lionds. rBAjoERfrGa Invettment Banker Broad & Sansom Sta. West Penn Power Co. 5 Bonds Absolute Fkat Mortgage Earnings mora thkn 2V& times interest raquirewenU. Tax exempt in Pennsylvania PriM A MTJaTaMt . Yildintj 5.23 Fariieulara on rcejmst Ut ptrwularPE-SO TTwNationilGty 'uxi 'citft44tit. h;, wtiisiiiis a'f'ra"" fehffBat'fJa e"raa7aVa7"f"aHMMfa. 4aaafJs4jasajBa .. . -' - ' "'--'-- a a aj a , . i j I Salt in PhilaMpfii 14 Am Oaa... ft f tts Am Rra pr 3714 80 Bald Loco. 88 18 rjam Steel. lea BOO C II 1 ! tin D88 Bleo Stor. H 60 Krl 3 1 -4. 80 Oen Asph. 884 80 lUBTpf 10 100 Int M M . 3844 lOO.Kenne Cop 8JH 88 X T 3o Pf 83 1838 Lk Sup Crp 1IH . 06 Leh Nat . . 11 483 Leh Val . . S3 80 liVTrpfd 48H 088 Tenna 11 It 884 JO rhlla To cum pf. 4l4 88 rhlla Kleo tSVi 8100 TUT tr cfs It Its nettdlna...lOIV. 80 do 2d pt 4 600 So Itwy... 1S 160 Ton Bel.. 4V4 10 U 8 nub.. ih 188 Union Trao 44V4 tot United Q I so UnCoK J.8J4 tits U S Bteel. 113 880 War Ir A 8 4 to West Coal. 1SV4 440 Wm CAM 8154 Lew. 131 tlra 88 91 siH 884 8ft 84) ft 10 tM B3U 08 13-4 11 8214 tt 88 Nat flnae. thee. ltt 1 tlH H 88 Va 100 8 81H J 38 1H 30H H to ..... 36 IS 81J4 W 88 '..... 18H 11 H 8314 J14 4t"4 . 88V4 ..... 4H4 88Va 18T4 41H 88V4 It 10Va 18W 43 4 43W f ? 88 88 t 494 414 H 68 88 1 44 44 4 3314 8t ..... 834 884 108 118 1 8 t .... 13 1 H 10H 8 1t MINDS lllah. Low Cloaa, 104 81 87 Nat chsa. V4 1 810100 A OaCl ta si yl 1000 II L 1st Cs.104 104 3800 13 & Ptr 4s 88 81 3000 I. R Ino 5s 81 8? 71000 U V cons 4Hs 2001,101 100 101 8000 Ta Co cons . 4 Ha ...10814 103 103 H 8100 I'hll Klc 4s 88 S3H 8300 do Es ..103 10SV4 1000 lt-J Cen 4s 03 03 1000 Un Ity Inv Ss ..... 71 71 sooo York Itwy lat Es .. 07)4 81 88 10314 0 71 87 Yarns Firm In Manchester MANCIIKHTKIt. OcL 11. Yams are firm, but the high prices are checking; bust, nesa. Cloths are In good demand. Financial Briefs Several advances were made In local bank stocks sold at auction today. Corn Exchange National sold up 6 points at 336, the Ridge Aenue Bank gained 6 points, changing hands at 86, and the Philadelphia National Bank Issues was taken at 497, an advance of 4 points. Shares of the Mechan ic National Bank, ot Trenton, were bought at 282 "4, an advance of 29 H points. The New York Subtreasury has trans ferred $1,000,000 to San Francisco. FtHtMsafltr?) r HsaHsH l XaaaEoy Organized' 1807 In formlnjf o. reliable bank injr connection, wo invito your consideration of our 10D years of continuous success and conscientious service to patrons. Farmers and Mexhanics National Bank 427 Chestnut Street CAMBRIA SffEBL OTH ! ANOTHHfe , top SHiLliiliNU AX AW Vl xwwxxj VJZU oerttv Anr,pM Six Points in Day's Trading Bui Not Largo Throughout List, Traders Holding 0 in View of Holiday Tomorrow The Philadelphia stock market did not show much life today. While there were some Isues In which the trading was falrir Urge, when comparison Is made with recent days, the list as a whole did not show much activity. This was possiniy oue . that traders did not care to maka any new commitment- over ths hody 1". " .., .a u.ii.ii nn that mar ansa i" 100. the view of complications tho mesnwhlle. -m a- ni..ll aaafaasinAJI ffl toiniuritt, on" - --.i a highest at which It has ever ?'''" gain of 6 points over the close of "'nlr; was the most striking occurrence In the llat. No news cams out to u"t.n'orlhJt strength. The Street seems to i mink that something favorable to the stock will bo announced In the near future. From time to time It has been "porl that the earnings aro good. In fact, the o"' In the company's history This hs'om, people In the Street to put two and two to. gether and argue that some payment may be made by the company on the stock out of the big earnings. There are only about 10.000 shares of the stock still outstanding, and the Street heard today that thestock would be sent to 150 a share. This, of course, must be taken for what It Is worth. At today's top price the stock Is 19 points over what Mldvale Steel paid In taking Cambria over. Lake Superior quieted down and lost some of the advance which was scored yesterday. During the morning the stock held around the close of esterday, but In tho afternoon a fraction was, clipped off. The total transactions were above 1S00 shsres. There was a little more activity In Philadelphia Ilapld Transit trust certifi cates, but this was at the expense of the price, but only to a small extent. In taking the arbitrage group Into con sideration United States Steel common was the most active. The sales In that stock ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Land Title Building Philadelphia High Grade Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bonds Equipments and Public Utility Bonds MK3IDEKB NEW TOniC AND rillLAIlELrillA STOCK EXCHANGES i were more than SOOO shares and la tato In tho -day was off 2U noUaT ' was In lino with tho downward hLJt New York. Heading ana tM.FVJ wero also weak, both losing upwsjsHfl The Street was Interested tn the ment of gross earnings ot th. 217.1 companies of tho National PronerlT imuy. ' vi :iiiiwi ircy totaled IT nil inticunQ v. a.va.afo, or 13.30 fM , MAM.naVA.I tariff. , ma. I. VTr orlast year. Tho figures for nlnern were n,.. mis is a gain of ! iiv, or 11... ycr tcni over me corri ing periou 01 mai year. BAR SILVER Tlar silver In Tendon today was emua Jm JSHd. a gain of M8d. ,WM"i Commercial bar silver was quoted la av York today at 7Hc, an advance of Ll ILVER Tim Hisiaxryi and uses III! MADS of lhe Prind- ,,iWlr0 pal Silver dls- trlcts or the United States and Canada. COMPLETE REPORTS en tha laadlnt atlver pradocan ssd OlTtdaod vsrers. , Write or call for ths SILVER BOOKLET which eettlaea eempltttty ta ysi the poaalbllltlaa nn ta preset! all Trr sltnatloD. 81si, eat est lewsr part oi aaTariiaemaoi ana mau. Vaaie " Clp .........,,.,,. (ais (608.T.TJ.) JONES & BAKER WWener BWg Phi!arJeIy, Ball, Walnut 1000-1. Raystoaa, Kaee 3200. Vew York if' inirngo Pliihii.i.-I VMtklMM at. . - -" 1 avV.n...v w awmt AUI QtrtrfCsfH ! Brown Brothers & Co, Fourth and Cmsmnrr Stiueets PHILADELPHIA BONDS FOR CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT Chicago Union Station. Company First Mortgage 4& Gold Bonds jawa Juiy l, iui6 Due July lf mi Price lOOM and interest, yielding about 4.48 Descriptive Circular Upon Request $4,000,000 The Northern Ohio Traction-& Light Company First Lien and Refunding Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold' Bonds taswe-osasasajh-asssssej Dated August I. 1916 Due August I, 1956 Interest payabla February I and August I. in Naw York or Cleveland. Redeemable, as a whole or in part, on any interest date at 103 and accrued interest. Coupon Bonds, $1,000 (registerable aa to1 principal only). $500 and $100, Registered Bonds, $1,000 and multiples, interchangeable with Coupon Bonds of $1,000 denomination APPROVED BY THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, OF OHIO The properties pf the Northern Ohio Traction c Light Company comprise all the city lines in Akron, Canton and Masaillon, Ohio and a system of interurban lines connecting these cities with Cleveland. The Company does the exclusive commercial electric light and power business in Akron, and supplies electric energy, directly or indirectly, to nine other communities. ir wJ'la 0,,0Yi,ng jnformaUon is summarized from a letter addressed to us by Mr. b. W.-Moore, Vice-President of the Company: These Bonds are seciared by a mortgage on all the property owned by the Company subject to the. kens of $10,075,000 underlykg Bonds. Tfeewb Uje deposit with the Wee of $2,300,000, par value, of prior iaaWtL First Lien and Reftnds 5's share ratably, to the extent of thTBoU deposited, hi tBiderlykig liens. Additional Bonds may be issued onlv ineler csurefuUyegttarded restrictions. 7 The replacerflt value of the .physical property U largely m excesa ef the total otttstandiag beaded debt , The Bonds precede $4,600,000 par value Preferred Stock and $9,000,000 re" cc'JvCora,B01- Stock P,yin8 dvddi at the rate of 6 and &, Under the terras of the mortgage the Company agrees to provide a Mak X"cd"ondhSirttti0n FMBd 'deqUat l kMP Pr fe 3- The territory served embraces fifty coramunkies situated in a rich sri- SbKtTakT rtrv"" UB W0Jt -P1 . STATEMENT OF EARNINGS r j j aA',' hT """ B-"0W Wt t' Co, Casr,.,.,, Aceoualaat.) Par years ended April 30i ITl5 Gross Eanatags" -. kb , ... Op.r.tJBg Eapi MIUae. and T.aas . . . WSi 473 Ji Nat Earnings araUaUa for Interest Charges. DapracUtlaB, Etc., "il'aiaOTa if Aaaual Utarart . Fkrt LUe, aasl RWuntHar.nel, undIyuV Wdi r2JK " Nat aShH M tr 4W4B taPhs tUAlsi. e.al. VIA 1 a a - threeart Prkf 94 and Intir-Mt to Yild 5,36?. The Nation-ml City Company NaImimI City l4uik '-ff'rHnf,; New Yedc e4HaaKHa0j4Ca(T OrTlCS llLXMHLMtlA. VA. maaraw uau , .ietn ew it. fiTi.-Si ?AJPW)m,. ' Sr?. ",fcr ka" dfimJL 4M. At. . M L " a. Tlaass Ahaivaa ! In an aj - -,,. lt .--... -, isWiseTatBg,gK,Tgl - &.. 1 ,fl 1 1 1U M,Mr,MLl,M H VjI 1, CAS, 1 s mm