f Xjl 1- BVENING- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1916 a rantland ice picks "The All-Star Baseball Team" of 1916 and re views this the most interesting baseball campaign since 1908 in a breezy, informative article that no "fan" will miss If he can help it, in this week's issue of Colliers THE NATIONAL WEEKLY BUSAALTAPERDUTAE SUBITO RIGUADAGiNATA DALLE FORZE ITALIANE Gli Austrinci Sono Ricaccinti Giu' Per i Fianchi Prccipi- tosi dclln Montdgna Dolomiticn ARMI PRESE AL NEMICO ROMA, to Ottobro. Nclla tona compresa tra 1 valll del l'Avlxlo e do) C'Kmon. sulle Alpt Dolomltlclie. 1 sono avutl furloil combnttlmentl In segulto nlla conqulsta da parte dcgll lull- nt dell poalziunl nemlcho ll Huso, Alta. Sit austrlscl rlusclrono sabato soorso con n vlolentiaalmo nttucco n rlconqulntnro la perduta poalslone, ma un contrn'taeco Inn- c4ato dagll Italian! nclla mattlnata dl do snenlca n ha dato dt nuovo II iKiaaesso oil tone del generato Cadorna ICcco II teato del rapporto del generate Cadorna. pub llcnto lerl (era dal Mlnlatero delta Ouerra: Sull'lntera fronts dl battaglla nu- menta l'attlvlta' dell'artlgllepa nenilca, partlcolarmento nclla zona dl Aslago, Bulla front dclla Camla dall'alta valle del But a iuella delta l'ontebbana, nclla zona dl Uorlzla e sulraltoplano del Car bo. Nclla regtono montuoaa compresa tra l'Avlslo ed II Clsmon ! Bono avutl vio lent! altncchl o oontrattacchl, tuttl pre cedutl da furiosi bombardamentl. Sa bato era II nemlco uttacco' con sue cesso le nostra poslfloni dl Clma Car dlnal o Husa Alta. Durante la notte esso fece un nuovo vlolento attacco Bulla quota 24CG costrlngemlo la nostra ala destra a rlplegare per brevo dls tanza. Non nppena pero' glunnero n not rlnforzl nella mattlnata dl do rnenlca, le notro truppe, appogglate da un accurato fuoco dl nrtlgllcrla, rl cacclarono II nemlco da quelle poslzlonl Klu' per I prcclpltosl flanchl della Iluna Alta, Inflfggendogll gravl perdltc. Ulterlorl partlcolarl della nostra vlt torla m Monto Coatabelln, nella valle Ban I'ellegrlna II C corrento mctlono In rlllcvo II fatto che la noatro truppe alpine catturarono un cannon da mon tagna, sel mltrsgllatrlcl ed una Brando quantlta' dl munlzlonl. Queato a mil furono Immedlatamente volto contro II nemlco. N'ella loro rltlrata sell austrlacl Incendlarono grandl depoiltl dl vlveri e dl materials da guerra. Hull'altlplano del Carso not pren demmo una quarantlna dl prlglonlerl durante plccolt combattlmentl. Aerop anl nemlcl hanno laaclato en der bombe bu Gringo. In Val Sultana, nell'alta valle del Fella, Bulla lacuna dl Grado, au Monfalcone. Ccrvlgnano e Torre Zulno, cauaando llevl dannl ad alcunl ed flzll. Un telegramtna da I'arlgl dlco che a Zurlgo el e' appro so clio una delle plu' jrandl corazzate auatrtacho e' naltnta In aria recentemento nel grnndo porto mill tare dl l'ola. I.a not-zla sarebbe atata portata a Zurlgo da rlfuglatl dalmatl gluntl cola In quentt glornl, ma cssl non Banna Olro quale ala atata la causa deU'eaploalone Che arrebbe colplto coal' gravemente la marina da guerra suitrlaca. Novo plroacafl pnro alano rlmaatl vlttlms lei Bottomarlno tedeaco che apparl' Hnbato Bcorso Bulla coata amerlcana o cho entro' per breve tempo nel porto dl Newport. It. I. A 'Washington l'apparlzlone dl queato sot tomurlno Bulla coata amerlcana e I'affon damento dl plroacafl portantl passeggerl hanno solleyato un nuovo gravlsHlmo prob lems, HI domandano Be queata attlvlta dl ottomarlnl tedechl Bulla coata amerlcana iron coatltulacano un vero e projirlo blocco he danneggfa lnilubblamcnte II cominerclo il una grands nazlone neutrale. SI dice che 11 preaidente Wilson ata roc- Cogllendo I fattl che al rlfcrlacono a queato gravlsalmo probtema Internationale e che laglra. Kgll ha chlsmato a Shadow Lawn, jM. J., dove si trova a vlllegglare, II suo laegretario dl Htato, Iana1ng. per dlacutera iMfon lul ' wtuazlone creata dal sottomarlno ? Tedeaco. 1 EVEN the world war that has entered on its third year has not affected our foreign connec tions. Our British fabrics, which will b made up Into all ftarntMW, are as high la quality and aa varied in ssWtion as thay evar ware. Hut it la always wIm ta ja)t yar akoke ef Ptffcapi twity. HUGHES tAND MILLER 1527 Walnut St GREEK REBELS TO OPEN WAR ONSlWLGAIirANS Cant I ants' freta rare One tlav. The Germans started curtain fires on the Denlccourt sector nnd bombarded Lthoni. VBN'IZSLOS SAY8 FOItORS OF REVOLUTION HKADV TO SECURE NATIONAL MI1EHTV 8ALONICA Oct 10. Former Premier Venlzetoa of Greece, leader of the revolutionary movement In CJrecoe, arrived here today from Crete) with the announcement that the revolutionaries would attack the Invading IlulgarlatM with, out waiting for action by King Oonstnntlne The, ex-premler was aemompnnlcd by Ad miral Courdoutlotia nnd uenerat Damns, former chief of staff of the Oreek army. In a speech at the quay M. Venlzelos said "Wo hate on one hand a monarchical rerlme and a sywtem of corruption at Athena, and on the other hand n revolution legun to secure thn national liberty This conseciated conflict will bring un to the fulfillment of our alms without the help of Athens." (SEIUIANS DJllVB RUMANIANS TOWARD FRONTIER PASS IN I'OW ERFUI. SMASH FORWARD IJNDO.V, Oct. 10. numanla's peril of Invasion grows with Mm news ot her dis astrous Transylvanlan campaign. Von Pal kitihayns llaariana hnva captured Toirz turg, southwest of Kronatndt, the entrsnoe to tM Toerzburg I'aas, which Uads through the Tianaylvanlan Alps to the Itumanlan plain, "The enemy Is roll'ng bick on the whole lino," says the Herman official atntement. "In eastern Transyhanla we continue to march ahead. Tha ltutnanluns wero beaten In the battle of Kronatadt. Helnforcements arrived from tho north In vain and Joined the rombnt northeast of Kronatadt." Von Mackcnaen, too, struck quickly In the south, while von Palkenhayn was sweeping the ltumnnlans out of Tran sylvania. The Herman field marshnl tins captured by surprise attack an Inland In the Danube northwest of tho Ilulgarlan city of HIMovu, southwest of lluchureat. The Island In opposite the Itumanlan city of Zlmnltsea, from which runs n rail road that an Invading array would find useful, Two Itumanlan oltlccrn. 150 men and six guns were captured on the Island. Last night's Itumanlan ntatoment Bays nothing of tho situation about Kronatadt, but asaerta the Ilumanlnns are holding their ground south of I'etroseny nnd Her mannatadt, In the Dohrudja tho Huh a ana announce they consolidated captured positions, A Ilucharest dispatch forwnrded from Home to the Wireless 1'ress says that the Rumanians evacuated Kronstadt, Transyl vania's largest city, to avoid Its destruc tion by the Auatro-German batteries which had commenced to Are upon the city. Tho dlspntch says the present position of the Itumanlan army la excellent. Nevertheless the news that Von Kallion hayn has his foot on the threshold of one of the passes that lead from the region of Kronstadt Into Humanla In caujlng alarm. It Is hoped that Iluaala will send aid to Humanla on tno Transylvania as well as the Dobrudja front Immediately. It Is felt here that General SarraU'a army In Mace donia, though It Is progressing, cannot hope to be of real service to Humanla. Many of the newspapers have appealed to the Allied War Council to take measures to save Humanla from tho fate of Serbia anl Ilelglum. GREAT V0LHYNIA RATTLE ON; RUSSIANS PIERCE TEUTONS' TRENCH LIN E NEAR VLADIMIR PnTHOOHAD, Oct. 10. The great bat tle In Volhynla Is continuing, tho War orfico- announced last night, and tho Itusalans have succeeded nt some places In entering the Teutonic lines. Tho official statement follows: In tho direction of Vladlmlr-Volyn-Bkl. In tho region of Znturze, Klielvov and Ilubnov, stubborn fighting con tlnues. At soino points our troops forced the'r way Into enemy lines and concentrated themselves In the occu pied positions. GUNS IN MIGHTY DUEL ON S0MME; IIRITI8II RAID TRENCHES NEAR GIVENCHY PARIS, Oct. 10. There was severe artillery action south of the Sommo Hlver during the night. Tho French War Office. In Its official commlque todny, stated that the Germans bombarded tho French positions In the sector of Denle court and Llhome with quantities of "tear 3HGMHH -ttmttmmttmm Alnr TtrlTlWfM a. . In l-hltadl,hla tban ., "S'lfrr make Ann iOUK I'l.UMHKIt or 'hll. Mtr fo., 041 Real rre-tnwf Om-,-.wi.i r --iceaay ivioney I United States Loan Society I 117 North Broad St, ill 8. nth at. HIS Otrmantown bt. KEAIl ADMIKAL CLEAVES In command of the United States destroyer flotilla which rescued the crews of ships thnt fell victim to German torpedoes off Nantucket shells." Thcso contain chemicals nffectlng tho eyes. 'The text of the communique follows: South of the Homme there were artil lery activities on both sides. During the night tho enemy bom barded tho sectors of Dnlceourt and I.lhoui with Incrlmatory shells. Thero In nothing to report from the rest of the front, Our aviators wero particularly nc tive In tho regions of Heintrrmont and tho Sominc. They delivered six at tacks and bombarded the St l'lcrre 81. Vanat wood and carried out numer ouareconnalBBance flights. LONDON, Oct. 10. Klghtlng of minor Importance was re ported by tho War Offlco today. At dawn Oerman Infantry was caught In tho open near Orandecourt by Hrltlah artillery and heavy losses Indicted During the night Oerman trenches southwest of Olvcnchy wero raided, nlthough held in considerable GO HaP.BBy$1350. The choice of women Simple to run as an "electric", yet powerful as a "racer" King Car Phila. Agency 518-20 North Broad St. rmsrmmsam IpE Mauch Chunk The Bwltr.rland of Amtrlca." tutamn f.rmt Itirnralona Satorda and NrdDfuM In October .00 A. al, l-rom Reading Term In S2.50 Round Trip Including rldt orar HwltehbacV hiladelphia & Reading R J I '$&'&. !LK2f.'S'V. n ?srxB:SrVf rr,iJV2 11 (I A IHMu Water Trtatmral When yoai' System Is. Ran Down . When overwork has crippled your physical energy, when lack of cxcrclso has clocked your system, then it's time to take Naturo'a treatment dally use of Bedford Mineral Water, It cleans and purifies tho system, remedies constipation, renews energy and keeps the Btomach, liver and kidneys in working: order. BEDFORD MINERAL WATER It nmr swwwdt esjutot in AaiaaRf yr,yfy Bottled, at famous Bedford Springs, the "Carisbad of America." praacrlbad by the bast physicians for ovar one hundred yaars If in doubt about treating yoursalf, ask your physician about its use fer you. Batjfars Sariaivi C.a. iai I -'T ? T -FTT 1M WWf lUe MUU. frength The raiders rarrled hombs which they threw Into two Oerman dufouta, kill ing a number of the inmates. ITALIANS LOSE BUSA ALTA POSITIOIV. BUT IlECAPTURE IT I.V FIERCE COUNTER-ATTACKS ItOMli Oct 10. Violent Tghtlng has taken place In the Trentlno region, north wt of Trent, according to tha omc'al state ment Issued by the War Office last night Austrian nttaol. on Bnturday against Uua Alia resulted In the forcing back or the Italian right wing On Hunday, however, Italian re nforcementa arrived, and the Aua Irlans wcra dr Ten out again. TRENCH AIRMEN R0MBARD M0NASTIR; RESISTANCE OF ItULOARS flllOWlXO WEAK tO.NDON, Oct. 10. Tho Serbian War Office reported today that 100 Hulgarlans were taken In the cap ture of Hkochlvlr on the Macedonian front Tills Is tho Herblan army that Is pushing on Monastlr. Kronen aeroplanes have bombarded Mon astlr and I'rllep, both of which are held by the Bulgarians, It waa officially announced today Hwlnglng forward along a twenty-milt front toward the railway from Seres to ltupel runs, the Brlt.nh captured yester day Ihrefc mors Tfltscea Ormsall. Chavdsr Mah and Hatnatsr and moved to within Ihres miles of the railroad at one plae. Her the British are using cavalry suc cessfully. These aucceaaful operations hare In ere aaed the pressure on the Ilulgsr lines at the points whera failure to hold th Allied troops In check will mean an Instant retire ment to th very outskirts of Monastlr. RUMANIAN RE-ENFORCEMENTS DEFEATED IN TRANSYLVANIA, . VIENNA WAR OFFICE SAYS nnm,iN. Oct. to. Itumanlan rctnforcementa, rushed up In an effort to block the Auttro-aermsn drive through Tranaylvanla. were halted and defeated southeast of Manenburg, said an Austrian official statement received hero today. Tha recapture of Kronatadt, principal city of Tranaylvanla, was preceded by violent street fighting, th Vienna statement re vealed Th Itumanlan everywhere are In retreat. The army of General von Ara encountered only local resistance In enter ing the Harnelter and Ooergeny mountains. Capture of a Rumanian Inland In the Danube near Slstov was effected by an Auatrlan flotilla, aaslsUd by German and Auatrlan detachments. Three officers, 1S5 men and six cannon were captured. The Austrian War Office announced the repula of all Russian and Italian attacks. Police Court Chronicle If (her' any gloom In town at all. Bom of Ifa sure to hit Sam "ooper Ssm says, "Kbn when ah start out io b, hone.' an honwlbll ah gits mixed up In some kin ob trubbILH And It seems to be that way. Sam was fusaln' round the ""'L,. Third and Dalnbrldge streets w,h"n" nond' fst man rushed up to him "J"""1,, " sked Sam. who Is an '" "MK (at limes). ,lf he'd help him to move. lie meant, of course, to rnov. tho furniture. Sam reaponded quickly and started out first 4m I S with om light odd and endi, such as a clock, an umbrella, a box and a watch. Ho wm directed to tak. th things to a house near Second and Catharine atreet. As Sam neared a cop on Second street he noticed that the bluecoat gav him a usplclou glance. The negro couldn t help feeling uncomfortable and walked faster Just from pure habit Th cop Incidentally remembered having had bualnesa with Sam at various times. This recollection and th presence of the clock and umbrella In the negro' arms caused the policeman' brain to move quickly. II walked briskly after Sam and. when the latter turned, h u . no n,w .ii-Hiimnuoq and Into a trot. Then ths enn mit ah e,,tt . nunn teased th . IfwV .-. .. ', '"' ' th Wat of the load nslde and 'W.. oil h irorlh '" BT" nut ths con patteht 1.1m Wofa It all aboutr" asked Rem Don't pull th old tuff." said th m say uu iiiiuir &iio swag away 'T urns mnvlnV iralfl Omh. "Tes, I noticed you were," said ik. "and ao was Is that's how 1 got you' "Anm me moai miaundratood,t In dls yero town," said Hooper, as h. .? The Judge admitted that It IooVm ii. ht ha "Jes run on srenrll i.iJ,,.,2u the man who hired him for th ! He admitted that he hired Ram fell fc aarreMl that Ih. n.. """ ha urged that he ba held for de'at, 1.1. h,nnlv "lairOT nut thn Judrs nontenrl u.i not to blame and cautioned him alwa rtaaa a ran alawlv when h !.. . ., r i aer( BU1CIIW. Archbishop Buys Tacony L-t, Archbishop Edmond P. Prendergaat ' nurchased from Frederick c n.... dwellings 7910 and 7944 Tacony street, cupylng n lot 74 by 100 feet, on th. JlJ weat side of Tacony street, 7 feet south nk.ivn .(...I Th n.l.. ...f " ' f....l n-ti. Inl. M. .... . .. .. Vv ' IUUBCU. .IIV lUM mo IIBCC83CU m. 11(00 I B iW5 I i H MSasK' laWf isBBsl RSXsVJiRBidilBBia Ma'Wson & DeMan? 1 1 15 Chestnut Street (Opposite Keith's) An Extraordinary Fur Event Where Interest Does Not Wane 15 Per Cent Off Marked Prices , t We reserve your purchase upon a small deposit or charge it subject to bill of December 1 st. Let us get down to plain facts. October weather is never very severe. Hence, no volume of Fur Business. We want a big business this month, therefore, the attractive prices below: $& ft' V- ink- ArSyj HalsBP v-4teK.H...' ,vririioS,l! iraSailB For Tomorrow Ah Exceptional Offer Persian Lamb Coats 40 inches long and made of choice skins; these are beautiful coats. Some have skunk collar. 144.50 November price will be 170.00 Vi. A Tsn "" u ... We Also Continue This Extraordinary Special Flare Hudson" Seal Coats 40 inch, with collar and border of skunk or black lynx 97.75 November price will be 115.00 'VI, I .v. Far Sets Novembar Ragular Prlc. i i. i ' .u J t .'a .i Otjajr ' October Sale Vrlce 37.50 Black Fox 31.88 40.00 Skunk 36.00 50.00 Natural Raccoon .... 42.50 55.00 Red Fox 46.75 75.00 Battleship Gray Fox. 63.75 75.00 Kamchatka Blue Fox. 63.75 80.00 Black Lynx 68.00 1 1 0.00 Fisher 93.50 120.00 Dyed Blue Vox 102.00 1 20.00 Slate Fox 102.00 120.00 Cross Fox 102.00 Hudson Seal Coats November Oeleber Ragular Rale Price lrle 120.00 Hudson Seal Coats. .102.00 (Salt Collar and Cuff.) "" 160.00 Hudson Seal Coats.. 136.00 (Self Collar and Cuff.) " 170.00 Hudson Seal Coats.. 144 00 tSkunk or Buvw Collar) ,vv 185.00 Hudson Seal Coata. .157.25 (9 Collar and Cuff a) 190.00 Hudson Saal Coats. .161.50 (6-inch Skunk Border and Collar) 210.00 Hudson S1 Coats. .178.50 (6-lneh Skunk Border and Collar) 25.0.00 Hudson Saal Coats. .212.50 $6.!h Fi Border and CoUr) 300.00 Hudson Saal Coata. ."255 00 (.tah Skunk Bord ,d cSKJ) 'W ' 330,00 Hu'n Senl Coata. ,280 SO (6-bh Br Br4r, CoUsr'adeuBfl) 450.00 1 il Coata., 3S2.50 (-tesh Skunk Border. &; afewl) Mail Oralsjw Rtxswiv Prompt AttMitiMi November Ragular I'rlce Fur Coats October Nsle 1rlra 70,00 FU2 &&?'' 59.50 80.00 Natural Muskrat Coats 68.00 95.00 Natural Muskrat Coats 80.75 (Hudton Seal Collar, Belt) "w,,w 150.00 Caracul Coats 127.50 190.00 Nutria Coats , T16L50 200.00 Sable Squirrel Coats.. 170.00 350.00 Moleskin Coats 297.50 350,00 Beaver Coat 9Q7 Rf) (JO-lnch Modal to Order) ''W 475.00 Mink Coat , .403.75 600.00 Mink Coat 51o!oO Novtmbar Ragular Pile Fur Sets Oetaber Hals Price sjaWspsiBSjsa Esr-.v WBlPfg 30.00 Hudson Seal 25.50 32.50 Skunk , 2763 110.00 Black Lynx 93 5Q ;.ooRer 140;25 IIMM -r :.... 93.50 110.00 Kolinsky 9350 1 20.00 Slate Fox ,,..,," JQ2 00 150.0d Dyed-Blue Fox 12750 325,00 Hudson Bay Sable. , ,27e!25 850.00 Mm Fox ,722,50 ,fW Rt4r tiwililifi .