, rt '. SuMfllDHKiSflMh 'aawi IIII1 11 " -TT-TTT EVENING LEDGEB-Pm&UDELrHIAV MOOTAY. OCTOBER. 9, 1916 - C tpj i ii I - - FINANCIAL NEWS l GERMAN SUBMARINE ACTIVITIES CAUSE v SHARP LOSSES IN PRICES OF STOCKS Exchange Floor Is Crowded With Struggling Brpkers, Who Attempt to Execute Large Selling Orders Dtclinet of Five to Sixteen Points II lh FdniB in Today1 Financial Newt Girmm mrinmcliyltho off the New England coast hit stock prices. to dnwntf tkreo to tletten tint mt ih nn,; c. ' ' frtrt mrWliriMnri in afternoon. Grain and cotton alto weak, but both fe tho low. Nothing of. particuhr interest in foreign exchange mmrhoL Prist of bar stiver lower. Philadelphia bank statement for week oht4 big gmn in homo, deposits and surplus. ' p ...... NEW YORK, Oct. . Another red-letter day was added to TVall street history today with the transacttetra thta mornlnK resulting from the feverish 'uneasiness caused by the new German submarine activities. At the Winning of business the Stock Kx change floor wag crowded with howling, struggling broker, all eagerly attempting to execute myriad ot nelllng order- which had been received aa the result of the newa of the disasters oft the New England coast. No one teemed to carp to reason aa to whether our own country will be committed aa the result of these disasters or not or aa to how long the depreda tkwa on outgoing- commerce may continue, but alt seemed to be Imbued with the purpose of getting rM ,of stocks and aa the result values crumbled away when Dirtiness commenced. There were drops nil through the list, ranging from C to nearly 16 points with aome stocks falling 3 to B points between1 sales. The reaction camo abruptly. Before the end of tho first fifteen minutes absorption of stocks on a huge scale waa evident and generally one-half of tho Initial losses were recovered before the end of tho first hour. ,Ffom lh'n on tracing was more orderly. Advances were "followed by re- VO?. ,.?' ther" Wtts on thjfiiulet days of lost week, and during the greater part of lh , day the mas of securities ruled S to 6 points above the low level at and Just after the opening. suow" "nU!!a b lhMl .th" reC0Vtry " dufc t0 Wu tanklnir rTi .' .v. ? ? ZVn" falled to how that "WnlMd support had been atarted h..vr , arK V0,UnlB Rt "U tlmM "nM the "P"1 movement started whenever a decline occurred. The trading In the first hour was the largest since 1907. more than S00 009 thHnd ffhdC!it '" flng hat Ptrl0d ttnd the 2-000-000 m"k was passed before ne? JLXl Z T?er 'M ,CW i,0ck" wh,ch wero not mnuenced by the general market disturbance, among them being Columbia Gas.' which rose l point to 37M, making a nwe high record. ' "" ntn ,L li 7 T' " .the ,at" tnu5lnB lmPrtnt Interests were divided In their ffi. w,i inT?1 0i?l0 nd many f th0 " which W. then made were duo to buying based on Mirlous rumors about an Administration announcement and possible Allied naval effort. ' Aom.nistration COTTON DROPS FAR, THEN GETS STRONGER German Submarine Activity Causes Greatest Excitement I Seen in Two Years COTTOX I1EI.T ttXATIIKR CONDITION NEW YORK. Oft. ft. The f.llowlnr Urn- tvraturra were renrded la the tttm Iwlt thlm mnrnlnst OkUhcma. t Aitietlll and AMlrnr. " r."V,!l. " lnii(inonii. U. I'harlaatfl.n and Harannah, IDi rl' Kalaljth and WIN inlo. .Unit Rotk, 4t.t'iuthiV, ninninanain. iaanv AtlanlA. f'harlaabin anji H ylrkahiirs. Naw Orleana, remarala ;ai Inrh of prftlpliatlan at Ian. Mini illf, MaMla and Thamaai and alantsarnvrr. IS Fill. Ha. Marl) t Jarkaon Ta: nit nd Ualraatan. 1. Carpaa thrUll, 7S. rhrM . .in AahftTllla. Aoriula if3 intn at cnat cfi ai Maroni .It Inth at Atlanta, am OS Ifi l.M Ii rnata, Meridian ani vnaiianoAsa ana ntbea at Utrr (Iricana. fKnaiTtllci :'-'"""-"! NEW pronK, Oct 0. There was more excitement on the Cotton Exchange this morning than has been seen on any day slnca the board reopened In December, 1914. The German submarine activities caused general liquidation with scared longs the leaders on tbe selling side. No demand was In evidence until prices had been put down 29 to 49 points, when only limited buying developed led by spot houses. The early tone was weak. At, the lowest points tbe two principal spot houses and mills consuming cotton started buying and within a few minutes the market tons became steady January advancing It points. March 30 points and other months In proportion. The wildest kind of trading ensued, the first sale of May after the call being at 17.20, a gain of 9 points, which was fol lowed by a transaction at 17.10, then 17.22, and finally 17.10, a range of 20 points on four sales. " The rally from the early low point car rled prices back to within 17 or 19 points ot (Saturday's closing figures. March con tracts, for instance, advanced from lf.Sto to 17.20c Trade interests we,re the' large buyers, and there was a reeling 'around the ring that contracts were going Into stronger hands, but sentiment was nervous and unsettled, and fluctuations during the middle ot th 'morning were Irregular. One of the private wires received from Galveston said that holders of unhedged cotton were nervous and were offering at concessions. T.OW Cloae iwki 11)0 ft IJ4 BTH ii'i , in H HI FI3U X innn i u . . . . Hlah .IW'W Cot Oil OS..... S7 "HXS! "lo-"rich 8a ..... vr. :X vm ""'" ner oa., Fta !? Amr Hmelt See Sa...ll7 J"o Amer Tat rlt 4a...... luK IKS mr T" et ' a!.. Ills -52 Am'r Writ rap la .... xi 53000 AlrhUon sen 4a ..... DIU .Z2L 'r."lix" cv 4a ilittu.llKI 111, S?(mi lii f "jf-8.,1- n.',t '. "4 iswio do cy 44a uau uC -MS? U'krin" tjt. 8 ion) lrtSs looil tt "ic on lily Ut C...IHI mi iZSoS c"dn.0i,Jii6."?9:"-!Solt J8S '1-c rih.Hit'4i::l!S?J !S?e 4Xffi ft?,1. rfiS-llh !: .S?S .IPS 11.000 Che. aToht. eidU-.'SStt J;il qo "4a ntir oiir 1FOI1 I'lno'l do conv 8a.. , S ,?A!iti sviws; h'j ira.." yw. t,f US', 7(1'. sen 4,1.. Wi'i, 'U II t Q I, Jhl Ind W, ::hl mahii JiXKi rh M p sn dVas.lir liis fooocht Mil P h Ji!:. JiSlt ?si 8nSS3.-i:..': mm sir- iinS2hC Tobaeco4.... . B2 8l J22 K"t'n.Amer 5j M..loaS inJS nyoo Con. Uii cv (la ia i tSJKJ Uun,2rlnd Tat Sa...lO(iVS JwfU loo xSBE'.n' s dorp".::::: 432 pa 4HJKiS 1 ny 4a st d.. S7't noon nn ru. .i. r. ...i' 3S 1UI ts'i 101 Dili UftSi 101 looH fSJft izoy s 05 PH 7t ISA i a Wan tu'ii Sat'dair'a cioaa. Ol October ......IS.SO 1 JJecember ,,,.)t.3M January j; , Marrh .. ....) .4U V,r is Spot ..,....it,oo . in Illsh. JjOvr, rinse. T lff.ST Fb.74 'is.s i.o 1T.I4 iakt jt.mh ot It, 14 jakt 1 llll It'll IS.7.1 1 n.o. it.i'i Je.fiK it T.ns 1T.S JT.n IT 7 17 17.41 17.14 It Liverpool Cotton MVEnrOOL. Oct. 9. There was only a fair business done In spot cotton today at 12 points higher on the basis of 10.06(1 for mid. upland. The sales were 12,000 bales, In cluding 8,500 bales American. The re ceipts Were 22,000 bale, Including 19,809 bales American. 'The market for futures closed easy at a net decline ot i points, NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW TOHK, Oct. 9. The coffee market advanced 12 to 20 points at the opening this morning on a mora active demand, which was apparently Inspired by the sub marine activities on this side ot the Atlantic and .a Jump la war risks on British vessels from South American ports to the United State. Commission houses were on the buying de, and there was mora or lets covering. Ings sold e th bulge, however, apd dur. Ing the HrH hour the market experienced a partial reaction, with operations prlncl pally In the March position, galea totaled aooui jo,vw Ui on the call. Today. I.TT)S.15 f .""" IIKKI 8000 ill steel deb 414 a. .S0OO-Indiana fitl 8a w-iwv lowa teni rei .Winn. JlllCm .it.'""' l""r J9UW1I jnier so e.v .....JIM Cent ret. 4 niC at 4U....::: iz It Trit 6a.,... HNH inaimn .1. . . ,"... ,ll!SSl! JP"n new.o"8'4KsI. llOOOO (Id new 4i ......; ,?"fis K.cHir bo.bs.v.v.:: OH Bl I!. 71i H7 MT 74 J.I..-A AIIT. S B3 OJI, 80 r.ou 7 TS 10H long osi iS Ol SI Ojm IKHi IIU'4 sXs mi 041 loiv Hits lo'S IMS list, "as H41, B41, 84S hit so sn 104'i 10411 111411 fa HFlU SOU VJTfc K.1 !4 11KU K 588 I0 NVWCalftUi.. J.lil T'Hfl North rae prior ia .. BS Bl a.... nan naji no', . ref,4s ... MS bsC Bli ct 4Via,..,lii.-i 102S 111-! 1IHKU) Manhattan Am 1 SOi Ml Minn A at I, 4l"... 11)00 Jlo Tao w I 4a...... liiiMi Nat Th a... ;'..," s lnooo jf ret liud fls.,,. nKo an n 4. :!::! oooo N rcuy 4Ua 1884... Iiioo n r Oaa UPli,, s JtJJJg Jf v om a w 1st 4. !n 8000 N Y Rwr rsf 4s 74 B7IMKI do adJ 8s RS "'? N T mate 4Ha,..,...lt8ti 118 71.' lnoon do n 3a iihki lira nnnn I 4IOIH) l'onna aen i AOOO Iteariln ven im fta anon )tlo .0. West let 4e; fl 1'iHM) Rt I, I U sen CallOJ oooo HI I,t HKInwl ... u 1SS5! '"''"ta et 3d at. 4a 78' 8000 Aa Per A w I (' uMfis1 1, Bwn ist 4a;.:.: 78' 10000 Staboard A I, ad 8s.. e.1 .'""i? . ao. 10' VmVJX o0S'n se ev 4. ..... hn JI2i! 2 er."rt ' o .... i 18000 do rM 4. ......... Oil' 4I0O0 South llwy aen 4a... IS lJK2d con 8i. ........ him' j'Ooo Term Aan St I, ret 4a 4. 1000 Toklo 6a 7S 2000 Trl.Clty Ba.. .... " " oiilt 44000 tin Steel a f 8a .. ..lodti "WSS JH "IS H I 6a. .W B T-11 T-tl innft union Pae let 4a...,, 0T4 0714 07 loooo . do rM 4s. x:t:;:: ? COOO tin nwva a t 4a.. '..' . 10O0 v Oar Chm 6a. ...... 101', 8000 ya, nwy 8a ......... nsVi 20oo V Iiw a Pni.rH! a vnj.i waiMan sd ss. w,. 7000 Wah-I T lat ct 4a... 0000 W K it U cv Sa notes. poC IS'J BU :io! n lin im'a s loC KuC S 8JV A.1S 7'I 78 C K 011 7SW 7S S n.t its J 80', FHI'i 0 1m" im" Dll. K 1101 iXfl. iH "til iTa iuti lull 7N ion 1 IM V4H S dim etu L 1IIIU lAtU BMi BBVt BBUj Hit ioP ioP ; f f rlor. .,.....,,...,.,,. S.S4V8.H Ji.rM M.eT "Mil .!.. I.HVt.M S.T4 D.Tn WM.U Mlm L ( fifflMf m t.AV M.ftil it nni h ot LIV STOCK QUOTAtlONB 9Mt!i. 1J..H s!!' 'iH'Irl fijj i Kutaisi Ii I8 tjafl J5sr5Ht THa! sad 'I L FS.7SF Adls t: f p. jK VSW YORK BtnTKH AND.CG f4Jjrt4lag .TaVatasae SJ UBj Ma stsaa- atau atlrs. Maet taker aWMH uncaUrsad. 8nt w ,t New York t NJ5W tOKK. CM . ViM glMllaaUsl sugar was ituaUat at f sea and 7o toaVay. Ma last aaj Its st Cuba raws km at FOREIGN EXCHANGE NET? YOMC, Oct. 9. The market for foreign exchsnge In the early dealings to day failed to disclose any movement of particular Interest. French exchange was slightly heavier In tone, but sterling sold unchanged at Saturday's final figures. Quotations: Demand sterling 4.75 11-11, cables 4.7C 7-16; franc cables Ml?;, phecks Mitt : relchsmarks cables 70M, checks 76 Hi lire cables I.47U, checks .47 S Swiss cables b.SOK, checks 5.11U ; Scan dinavian kroner cables 21.55, checks 21,45 1 Vienna cables 12.02, checks 12; pesetas cables 2047, checks 20.12 1 guilder cables 40 15-16, checks 40 t ruble cables 31,50, checks 11.40. Iong sterling was nominal, 4.71ft V4.71U for to-day bills and 4.H W4.4514 for 90 day bills. Around midday the dullness of the mar ket was unrelieved and there was no change In quotations with the exception of tier man exchange, which lmproed a slight fraction to 70, for cables and 70 H for checks, Sterling was steady. Frano cables were also unaltered at 5.114 and 5.S4U for checks. BANK CLEARINGS ajk elearlau' teeer oeaMwrad iiivuuihi wa .,vlrw with terra- VVMmjiV Bia, RATM FOR MONEY f ru r. itiisixiitssiia 2 wti'tm 9 ltilMti J.. 4W ::::::::::: it m j Mtw. t(f m Ax monttu 4 - ,. I.-.-. Cwytitiasi ( U. 8. Treawy tVAsJHIKOTOK. Oot. 9 IW oooaltlon f the Utatted Watas Treaatirr. aaamrdlns WtWsfW1! lavejSMf a faV swV sfnVvWV aWijnv is) getisrai funa, I17I.5,TT; tsdat lla.912.519: total J'-t- - tit. It 1.194 : eVijaWt far the year, M.M4),19t, staxliastve sat Um PasMuna Caaal aa4 sHttaUs aMMH VtMs4MMWlM KrTt sMHaaaV. to a ( ATen? York Stock Stks , -. lt close. AeaATea ... w AletcaOolit M 12( AiMtj. J oold M 7 AIHe-Chelawn Mff ... J5!f AIHa-CbelMfeW...... 81 Ala At Cheatcal 81 Am Bwt Stf tr t, anCu,,,, (Ml Am Cm pf. .,.. ... ... ,,,,,. Hlsh. Wi 80H Hi noii ni tr, Cloa. 67?f 67lf 11U S4) 79 W) Oil, m 1I4U 114! 114 67 63U 13 flTJJ 28 2.Vf 78 05 tat 12 C6'j 271( VI V,M 75 100H 10rt)i mi ojj i bit 4J 42 4J 80 on), BO'f Mf iau 27'l sn. Am Cr AFdy... oo). ""on uu m Am Hide A Leather.... I3f Am Hide I, pf (vsi Am IcePecorltlM 28 Am Unseed 24 AmUFiieedpf ,'f Am IxKomotlre S0; Am Loromotlre pf , inn Am Milt Corp fii Am Melt Cors'n rf. .... iiu Am Jteielt A Ref Ill4 los) JO014 107H Smejl R pf HB vnii 109!f lOOH n rwni pi a WJJj 1X1 !M1 1)0 Am flmeit pf B 88 87 87 87 Am Hufir Reflftlnf H5 H3' ll'a'l 113 Am Bteel FotiDdries 01f 69 68 68H Am Tel A Tel 133 132X133 132, Am Tobacco ...., 222 221 220 2l0 Am Woolen 61'f 4M( 40J4 40' Am Writing Ppf at 32 3j 32 Am Zinc LA Bra 4S'f 45'f 43f 45 Ami I, Bpr., 78 78 77 77 AmcoBdS Cop M u.5', 93, 88) 01 AJ'hTopASF 100)4 105)4 104). 10.-.K 'i'Jf ,T. K lm' 'M K) 100H AJ 2 J!-; MH 81 81 83)4 du O WXpf co M MM M "M.Wk 87 70J, 83H "JJOh". BOX 87!t 88 87H nalt0hlopf 70 70 70 70 lUrreltCo . iavf 160 147), 150 Ilethlthem Steel. ...... .Ctnj olj 615 642 IlrooMyn nap Tr Hi', 8 81 844 null ft Superior o.V 01 03) ol Csl Petroleum 2v, 2JK 22 22U Ca! Petroleum pf oo 4S 48 48 Csnsdla; Pacific 170)4 178)1 178 17SW Centril Leather... k..... 82), 70!f 73 70f Chandler Motor 104)4 104 101 lot Chej&OMo 07J4 05 05'f 00 Chlcipj Great West.... 13!f 13f 13 13 CM Greet Weit pf 40 31J 37 3S), CJI Mil .St V OUV W) 05 05)4 Chi M ft St P pf 12lf 127 120', 1204 u u u o. oi i, o4) .III, GUJ, o3' j j . a. ov u pj iv4) n-l;i Chi 81 I M A 0 115f 118 Chlcieo ft Alton io,'( OM Chi 11 1 ft Tec 20)4 20'f Col 0i ft Eire 34)4 37)4 Continent,! Can lat 100l Chile Copper..". 21 20.'4 Cnino Copper M( 64!i New York Bond Sales Cluttt res ft Co. Col Fuel ft Iron Col A Southern Col ft South 1st pf... Con a RLft P 1U1. Consolidated Oil Corn Froducts lief..., Corn Trod Ref pf Crucible Steel Crucible Steel pf Cuba Cane Suzar . .. Cuba Cane Suzar pr. . Denver ft f'.lo Or ,,, Den ft Rio Or pr Detroit Edison ...... Distill Sec Corp'n ... Erie Erie 1st pf Erie 2d pf 8I) 118 I!'" 10). 30), 100 )Jf 63 71)4 54 35 MX US ) 10'f 33!,' 09 20f 51M 72 71)4 7H4 67)f 67 4SH 34'f 35 34 02 01 01 01 116)4 115H 115! 115J,- 130)4 13HX 137)4 138 lfi'f 16)i 15)f 15!f 00)4 OOff OO.'f 00)f 92 o8X- 83)4 85). .122 122 121)4 121)4 Ol'f OOH 02)4 00 05',' 0534 17U 17U li. 42 37 39.'f 140'f 140'f HOJf 43 42 d.t 39 3514 38 MJ 05'4 .. 0C14 .. 19 .. 42!f ..140 V44IJ .. 40 .. 64)4 45)4 44)4 110)4 112)4 100)4 109 Ooneral Electric 180)4 170 ucnerai Aioiors pr 12,;, 127 Goodrich II F 751 731 Uranby Consol OUX 00)4 Great Northern pf 110!f 117)4 O N cf s for oro prop.... 4'l), 42 GretnivCananea 51 60)4 Gulf States Steel 05)4 05' Qulf States S 2d pf OS (Ut nunois central InspConCop MH 01)4 ini Atrlcultural 17)S 15)4 lot Agricultural pf 50 W( IntCoo Cor v t csh... 17)f 17'f Int Paper 30)4 30 Int Paper pf 07'.' 95)f Int Nick t t eff 52, 60)4 IntMMcofdp 44). 40'4 jni n i pi 0 01 ap. JcuclTea 87 80 Jewel Tea pf I10) 107 jvan jny nouinern Xl J7 Kan City South pf 01f 01 KayscrJ&C'o 08)4 Of Kelly Sprlni Tiro 80)4 70'4 Kennecott Copper 61)f 62). Lact Steel Co ,... 80)4 84)4 Lake Erie ft Wei t 21 20 Leo Rubber Tire 45 44 Lehigh Valley S5 ta Long Island. 35 30 Iauls&Nash 138'4 130 Maxwell Motors 02)4 90)4 Max Motors 2d pf, A7)f 66f Mex Petroleum lH 108 Miami Copper 38)4 37)4 Minn A fit Louis -js)4 28 Mlnnpt P&8SM.,..128 125 Missouri Pacific 5!f 5 Mol'actrcfs 6)f 4x MoPacwl 24)j 04 Mo Pac pf v I C2H 62)4 Montana Toeer 05 . 00 Js'at Biscuit 121 123 Nat Cloak ft Suit 83 at Nat Eoam ft S Co 28)4 27)f Nat Lead Co 71 no Nat Lead Co pf HOW 110 Nat Rys Mex 2d pf . . . . C 6)4 Nev Con Cop.. sin 21 New York Air nrako,... 101 157 jsenr yoric central HUJ4 109 n x n ws is.,,, N Y O AWest.... Norfolk ft Western Northern Pacific... uuw stilus lias . J, Ontario Sllrer Mln 0)4 Pacific Mall 25)4 Peon Railroad &8)4 People's Gas Chi Ill Peoria ft Eastern 15)4 ntts Coal c of dp !Ai Pressed Steel Car BOW Pullman Co n Ry Steel Springs 65)4 Ry Steel Springs pf 103 Kay Con Copper 25)4 neaaing , .. Republic Iron ft S 63 63 41 44 17514 177 110)4 li0!4 71)4 71)4 88 88 117)4 117'4 41 41'i 60 60)4 OOJf 02 02)4 0t 107J4 100)4 106)4 100)4 00! i 15)4 40W 17)1 32 row 4S 34)4 01 15)4 40W 17W 33)4 91!, 60' 4 40)4 8.5 10 25)4 01 07 75 60W 82 20 42Ji 81 30 130 89 mi 105 30W 2S 125 5 ' 24 52)4 04 Ut 82)4 26 08!$ 110 6)i 20 15.1)4 150 100)4 IOS'4 00 00 27W "S 137 139)4 80 107 20)4 01 07 70)4 62 St 20 43H 83 :mi 130 oow 6ow 107 l 2 125 5 4)4 24 52'4 Ot 122 82),' 37W b8)4 110 54 M)t 01 00) .... 25 2S)i ....111)4 140 113W 1I2W 112)f 112)4 70i 7S 70)4 0)4 OW 6W 25 23)4 25 6S)J 67)4 5J4 111W 110 llllf 10W 10W 10)f .15)4 33)4 35)4 04)4 60 03H 172)4 172 172)4 53)4 62 62W 101)4 101)4 101)4 24)4 24 21 ...11114 100)4 105)( 107)4 8H 77 02 73)4 Republic I & 8 Df 112! linw 110 iinw SbatArrCop 2034 28'4 27)J 23)4 Seaboard Air Lin 17)4 10W 10 10).' Seaboard Air Line pf... 40W 49 39 30)4 Sesri Roebuck ft Co..., 214.W j12 212 212 Slo-Shef S ft I. ..,,.., o:i)5 01 654 59 Southern Pacific 101)4 100W 09)4 100'X Southern Ry 2054 29)4 .'SW 29)4 Southern Ry pf 71 70)4 os 70 StLASFsrl 17 17 17 17 Studebakerco,., 135 133 131 1.13 Stutx Motor.., 08)4 61 03)4 03W Tenn Copper 23W 25)4 23)( 24)4 Texasco 222 21UJ4 217 210 Texas Pacific 13)4 12)4 1J14 12) Third Avenue,.,., 68)4 68 1 1 68 i 168 Tobacco ProducU 5flW 64W 52)4 84Jf Under Typewr 109 108)4 108)4 108)4 Union Hag & raper...., 11)4 10W 10)4 10)4 Union Hag ft P pf 62 69 60 69 United Cigar (Stores 102 101)4 100W 100W United Krult 102)4 159W 157 150 union i-aciiic HUJl I4SJ4 143 Union PacUlc pf 83W 83 8J USCIPftF 23)4 U 2.1 U B ind Alcohol 120)4 122 117 UH Realty ft Imp....,, 29 30 at) United Jty.Inr pf.... 2H4 21 21 U 8 Rubber ,. 01)4 M) 68 U S Rubber 1st pr Ill 114 114 UBSbiR&M 74 72 71 U S Steel corp'n HOW 11314 108 U S 6tel Corp'n pf..,. 120)4 HOW 110 Utah Copper. . 01)4 OJ . 01 Va-CsroChem 43)4 42)( 4-i)4 Vs Ireo Coal ft 0 40 45 43 WiwAMlt ! 15 15 11 Wabash pf A ,63)4 62 6lW WalArtpfB ,9)4 343)4 2SW "Wert Uiilon Tel ,.l(ll 100 00 Wt K H 64W 2W 69)4 Weitera Msrylaad.,.. 3094 3034 24 WeM Marjlaad pf 40 47W 47 WUIjfi oreriaad 45,'f 44)4 43 Wiseeaela Ceatral 60 40 40 WotlMegtoa I'tttop 34 34)f 34 W Kr saiM prais, I dlTtda-vJ UpUad a aart fcflalna ramn. sHata BmaUlar. Wi a per eaoi H8J4 8.1 2.1 120)f 30 21 68)4 114 71) 11U4 110W 02)4 42)f 42 14J4 62 20 100 fllW 30)4 47W 43 40 31W Ra. t do. DIVIDENDS D 1CLARED AmatleAa iaM. Laad and MsaaWlaa CempaBy rerulr auariarts' ef II. W o preferrad at4c. Njabla MavamWar 1 t steak of reeerd Outs bar 11. , Hasan Qefur Oaasfaarl ttsofored M easts a aaare, t vmmmmammmm. Ceothai W(k Ist MaaksMter KAN054Mt)Taali. Mm., CM. .-4 Yarns are arm. mwlnesa in aleths U bUg aitcke4 btr high prloe. v k "-: ""'nr - 4" r- a. WHEAT TRADERS PEAR U-BOAT ACTIVITIES Rush to Sell HoldinRs and Prices Decline Sharply Export De mand Brings Recoveries .. .JVEATHBPt CONDITION .tNrW )"RK. ft. t. Adtleea reeelred at '! l,f."Tr Hartt IMa aaornlna Indleated th fallenlnc weartiir eendlllanai TenFemiBre ......... . " lanaaian iiartnaiT,,. Vllddla Uf.l ,. .... naoinwr-fr ... ..,... . lper ,MIallnpl ysl. .. er lhllpp sl...r Ohls Valler . .. . r Th ffllawlnjr prerlitllatlnn (In lathe) 1 iiarent .01 at napifl nr I .01 at Mllea C llr and Inrn- . itanaa t Fir. alum. 111. , .14 at Krio and 'ami ,zn ai inieoai . .elear prrelr. preeln. eiear .elear prrein, preelp. Jiir 6 B and alenllne tert .01 at f'anenrdla nn mnA Hnrlncfleld. XT niinri ..v H. ri. Bini ." in" .It at HcTfland, and .14) at Cincinnati. CHICAGO, Oct. J Frightened !r the carry Ins of Germany's U-boat campaign Into American waters, liotdcrs ot wheat encased In a general rush to Ret rid ot their lines today, and severe losses re sulted As had bccM expected, prices stsrted sharply lower. The sellers In cluded conservative traders who decided that It was better to wait until the situation had cleared. Short nelllnir was Indulged In on no mall scale. At the decline there was an excellent demand for a time, export con cerns taking hold freely and a rood re covery was effected. Later 'tho scillnc movement broke out afresh, sttmiflated by notices of tho can cellation of sailings of vessels liy nome transatlantic lines. Tha trade was In the state of bewilderment, fearing complica tions In regard to tho fulfillment of old con tracts made with Interest, abroad. Ship pers, however, pretended to be optimistic. Coerlng caused the market to finish nbotn the lowest. Exporters were In tho market nnd sales were fairly liberal, de spite a sharp advance In wnr rink Insur ance Tho market nt Liverpool was strong on free covering by shorts, the general activ ity of German underwater craft nnd dearer export c fieri", ns well in unfavorable re ports from Argentina. No rain wan re ported In that country and trustworthy advices said that moisture was absolutely essential within a few daya to save tho crop in the north nnd central zones. tadlnc futures ranged a. follow, 1 Hlsh. Wheat- r. Opo. J.nn 1 .Ml Jul . .n' Corn (new de Pec . 71Jk Oata Dec ... 4J4 May ,. SIS Lard Ol ,. isnn Der 14 10 Jan. . 13.40 Ullba Oct.... 14 (in Jon ,. 1S.10 Pork Vt.,,, 2s no Dee . , as 7" Jan.... i"l 13 Ilid. tAsked, " 1 l.ntji 1 aiU uvcrr 4B r.t'4 n.nn 14. is 13.17 13 I'S i :.:. 2 n-, LM JIF .Hi ...ITS RatMat-a Clftll, rinse, ;i 1.31 ??! fiJ: 4R Al H M 11117 l.i.nj n7 l.'.a.' 27 00 21 211 23. 1 U tt.r.j'i t).iw'5i 'A'A t Nominal. tKi. tail. mi t!3.3J 113.1.7 712.33 t27.RO 21 R7 123. U 4"' tr.j'k I J 02 14 2.". 13 0.1 ,14.10 til! r. 12S.ll! 21 mi 123 50 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR t WHEAT ttecelpla. ISfi.MO bush. On,lns wern mixlerate and the market rul'd ateadr with a, rjlr export Uemnnd. Quolalloni: Car lota. In export eleator No 2 red. spot. II 3(1 1 Ml! No. sasulharn red II SIWl.Mi hteamir No. 2 red, ll..ljll.r..! No. 3 red. SI. 3211. Ml rejected A. II. 4NW1 r.li rejectnj U, I1.440I 47. COIIN The market waa iiulet and without Important chan.e. Uuotmlona: Car lota for local iriiur. hi in loiaiion e,tern i0. iel ou do. do. No. a yellow. 05' . l!H'40Ul,ci u ateamer ellow, ',4 WHO', i )ATH necelpta, 11,02(1 linali. The market H7F ft llMUtl do. No. 4 jellow, ....... imiiin., .,u. nnnn. i,,o mirK-l ruled ateady under moderala nrrrtniB. htit trmAm was quiet. Quotations! No. white. r,lCrr,4Hci alandard while. MJktrllc. No. 3 white, 02m J''JI No. 4 white. OlODl'c. aample oata. 48 U KljOUft Ilecelpta. 11(11 1,1,1,. and I.239..1ID ,.vJl?,.'f.k" Trda waa quiet and prlcca iter, without Important chanse. Ouotallona, ir I ml I'S" . In jrotwl Wlnta-r. clear. In. 7Si du.. airal.hi, I747.r,0. do. Mlcnt. 17 .iflfju. Kansss. clear i2t,'i?.n Vi'Sr.-a.Vj?5.1-40- 'I"- straight, iiitton !lfa,I,K0Ohi,S- J?a r.ltent. cotton aacka. SWnl,i,",,B?1Pl'-"''-,'o. favorite hranda, IBM h.JJi city mil a. chnkv ami fancy patent. I'i u 2S: do. resular rradea winter, clear. Id 7.1 T,i?vi-triaJfl!!l ,JOYM' ioA Pl'm. I7.8iin. . J'VI- HfO.VH raa In ama I aunn y and nrni. S?ln?.Wl- w quol at W07.SS per Al. si It (JUtlealJ'. PROVISIONS n,? R,r.k,.,. ru,c,'.,flrm w."h fair lolhlnu de. nnid.iSu1'.f,lor",.t"y. '.' ,n "" smoker nnd ftn?".'- "J--,te,rn beef. Insets, smoked. 30c. J":yi ? W.'C"'. '. knurklea mid teFideri". amokad and alr-drled. Ic. beet hams. I2SO 3(1; pork, family. I23W2U.C0, hams. s. l" SiSfriii00' -'OWaoiie.dn. aklnne.1. o0,e: :t(T21sc; do, do, amoked. 520221ic! other I'r'.'M'iK?.1!'1, cl,lr cur"i to brand and aer. m!e:'CJJln, smoked, neatem cured. 2lHc: ?n;.S' " b0,n',1". ,8-ci picnic ahouldera. a. 1. Vvi1' loo. 13'ic, do, smoked. 14fcc bellies, in Pickle, accordlns to aerase, looaa 17!,e: break, ust nacon, aa ta brand and a-erase. city cured l."4ci breakfast hacon. wcatern cured; 2jWc: ffH- ;'n. leflned. tea . 10ic: do. An An'. nu"t'c..tVsV.',,,r.up""-t';i V"?. "'": cure city, kettle rendered.' Id tub., 10ic. POULTRV I-lVn The market ruled firm im.t.V ... ,k. .......... I.. ..:.T"'. ?.,nl.'",.l? '"'J. PProaihln Hebrew holldava. ir.,"iaKV.fyow " "J" au'"y. "tf to roo.": ii ' izntVPSiP ,ctlWJ""'' "ccordlns to quslf. if' ilSl'A" iMl" lxhorna according lo IUall yt'ia1?.17'1 du,'.l". o she and quality, is DtrVJ-'vPo-"'1' ptr ,""r, 3'Sei doiiiuti. ll.hi lil:fr,"c'1et" of ,d'.lrabl. atock i5Ae n'1. '.'! ro"rk'' .rMl'd Arm, with .-.,. were trade " - " eaa. a ii-ii-iiiiiru. urv-iiarvnn Tifiu a iTelihin. JViFi'!'leiV tllMy. ealected. 24o. do! we sh ns ,4Jiwft lOs. autre, 2tlc. do welhlnr 4 a. snlece. Moi di weeing Stt' .'3'.,..?,,, ."I1 $t weUhlnir a hf. .7eea 20U!lc! fowls. In l.bls.. Ics-patked. fancy dii'. i?s '.Wit"- .i0.' Bouthe.- Indiana and y ."-,aa . wo ioa. atiee. ii smaller ali-pa iDClfi.. -ia f.-. ....uii, cnicaena, western, well bs. and o.r, Ctr pair. 5t2Soi broiiln' .! m. western wlahtnir n ci cwren..welirhln fi r 'irt sin iairi ... sr. finrv. mmi, yZ.trLZZ a-&O.Sttv-9tff,KK prim rooatera. drv.ftlnl..' ."tern, wciuhlna 1 ailing chick. IP h.T. IAm lbs. per palrT 20 01 proiiera. Jer- oinar. nearby ., it , 2l,U22a "fttS1 a.U Ui'lc aintlailltl IUIP iIa..!. .a.!4. ... .?' iS5 'ISIS '?!! ' dyn- tS-J"1"! do. welsh L.1.lS?.'lJ i!b- p,r. d0"1- 'l4.Fi35.60t do, weis'ilnir lb., oar dosan. 1494 S3; do welahl aafnL1- P",yloen. IJ 8nwsT75no. welsh". jR?iX. ,b- ser doaan. 12.7502 BOl dark. I j SJ OS.00: email and No. 7. OOcJBIJ.SS. '"" REFINED SUGARS ,..Th? market was autet, but steady, nsllnera' !i;i,,?.r,2',VA.E.S!.rtn" sranulated i.viUU. powdered, 7 0307,10c; confectioners' A. 6fc5f O.tKig; aott .radta. 4J.20ea.S8c. ' ""'' DAIRY PRODUCTS' .a:dnvlcefSV.V.w,.'UrU.?'r.e5 SUl, CI extra llrata. 84 t3Si Tritl sail X ""Ijf. MJMHci Jobbing .ale, orf.ucya0p,fnn,,;:S KatJS Fine new-laid e.xa were In booh -. SS'l". ftrm ,u,"!r 1Ul nlterlna.? "Kdlow! L"f r,.hs Quotations; In frea raais. nearby ap ns nn-M naarhu 4n. a .. ---. . -- -. ataaia. Ill.JU ?U,1 ta., standard easel neartiy current receipts., a 10 80 per caaa; Mulern extra,. SVo per doxTi weitirn !n'S i'"' .Pfr casei aoTtlrs" 'Yo oSJ 10.80 par caati rafrlaeratop ? -...I V.V. J7. per caaai ao. nrata. XD.lAau.JKf riA iojxi:'!M:Ab.ssA' .sajtae;wj-.i!, . ;?"-,! - "isiii..i afuuiBiionBi r ..V,,.uiL.Wfft-.flM?r. 8.?ei do "do; --.. wvw, evn tj.iKi jut yri. ! ,HIiB.Tiiaa niBPlVsat all1at M ..J- ala. ntlerlnsa and a fair demand... Quoiatlonai New ima, lid IDC. FRESH FRUITS Applee and quince, were mora freely offered, and eaalee. with riomahrf nnl. mn..... ..TL.r Jrulla of Jna quality were sanerally In fair domand and Orm 6uotatlon, Apple wr 111. Jonathan. 1 4 II 4 Ml ; II uah. I3W4, (iVlmJV'a Ooldsn. I2.733 outHrtokshouaa. 12 7S"o" 2wfnV::ou.n l-'.ro.B0i Alexander I2i60W 2"M?,' "" ""?. ieM.Mi air lo ood. H.oo hamper Fancy. EiOtflSc; fair lo aood. 23i4tio .1; do. per bush i 80l TSt lemons Mr box.' 1304; arapalrult, Klorlda. per era ta. IS OOtssi cranberrlce. Cape Cod. iw bit., I5i) 60; do. dO Mr Lrala. i-S'Jim An JeravjT. ...,!' a ... .7.v.L:r-.T.-r"- --'. 'T-. v,r. ., uvavnea, niw iwi, per Daj,kt 40ay oo, pe Un 2,Sl Jh ork. ie .U. Bllll ' . '"L xn. lestTlei pet-.aj-.ib. Niamey r Dusn jims.h; si.iwBS! Msrs. Vfl- 'J Uaaaf tEaaajmatal Vain aaV.-f.' Jlartletf. mi U ' 1104., .rauais Tfaw tSe n0iHrwy i l 6rn Oast, mc"' VEGETABLES fi Arm snd blshsr wider rd.'.rrt3l5-.:K!, see Kftiaas. i rruave. Potatoaa ruled firm a waaaata was scarcity. .ba4a ed fntia fi:S-WiKwWSt Oetewan aa4 MarvUnd. wmr hanuier. T&aTlwv.; l.lt to. am daFnutts. par mtrntl i. Jaraay. Bar Waaktt No. 1, 44M M. tf(pap"tWkJ Sales in Phlladelphim Itl.h, !" totlvAllls Chal 4H xS 18 Am Oo . lit Its tl Am fly pf 7',4 ! t Anaconda H t4 10 II ft O..., S1H "1U It Ches A Oh '. Vt 11 Cam Iron.. 4S 4 It Cam Steel, te BO Crucible St 17 14 MH 1411 ElecStge.. y IU g0 Krle y. !( 100 Int Nickel. i 4IS t Ins Co N A 114 27H leo Ky Kea ... UH tlti 20 Kenne Cop IU AIU 3093 l.k Sup Crp 1174 11,4 II Ih Nov.. 17 77 jo ih Val ., a I S3 I, V Tr Pf 4tH 4IJ4 Mlnehlll .. tl tl XII Tenna It It lU 11U loo I'hlla Co.. 4tH l 10 do cum pf 4IH 41V4 tit Phil Hire 1H ItM 2110 PUT tr cfs l IM a riilla Trao 7S)4 7SV4 10 Itsy Cons. ! JV 80 itcp I ft Sll 13 ,1 lstt Heading ..103(4 101 llo Ho Ilwy .. xl4 10 U S17 Ton net... 4 2s Ton Mln . a n Sit Union True 41 41 so Un Q Imp. so 10110 U 8 Steel. 11tt4 11 Net Cloe. che. 4H lie t 14 T4 7H 14 V4 W 4t 0 -1 1H -H 4 V Hi 4H IS 1!4 'A tl 1 tlV, -e-S 1 .. 17 . as 14 41V4 7 Bli It 41H 74 41H Mf V'a V. 10 '.4 1014 J4V4 14 IS S14 inia. 1!4 SOW 414 1 13-IS l-l 41 SO ..... 111; 44 10 do prrf.llsU 11H 11J4 ty S W J AH. oOVi 00 Vi ouyi SOO Cramp A 8 to BO York Ilwy. II); so lii so it; 1 U tltlNIII Nl High. l)ir. Close. che. SS300 A U&i:i Ss 0; Bai V4 11300 KISPTr ts S0J4 SOW mW .W 1000 llqlllU SslOlW !"') 10JH 10000 ra Co gen 4H 1014 1014 1014 8000 do cons i'.in .. .103; 103 1034 llooo Thil I.'lo 4s,S3W ts si w loon Head gn 4s 9 9 W sooo Schuyl It K 8 in .. V(, OK'4 00?4 7000 V It Inv Ss 1IW 7IW 11W V. Local Bid and Asked. nun A Vatq t c MIS tin pref Allli unit j u iiamwin Today Mid Asked. Hlea Htora.e , (len Asphalt do pref ,. Kepalona Telephone., du t c do pref !,ake Hun Corp I.eh!.h Nav ,... lh!h Valley....... Ihleh Valley Tr.... do pref IVnnayManla ....... run i:iec l-hlln Co do 5 rcr tent pfd. . do 11 per cent pfd.. P It T . " Iteadlnir ,, Ion lielmont Tun Mtnlnic ., rnlon Trao V H MleeJ .... Vork Ilwy ,,. do pref , . . . lm Cramp t ST HI Mi aft fit, ".'.' 13 13 IH "a 12 77 h3 2II'. tJ' 371. 2S'4 41 at 41", III Iiim !?.. : 4.1!, 44 hhT4, I'll', . .MO . ij . 11 :Vk : Si. ; Oif. ..411 . .1.1 . 41 1N ,1111 um .17 a K7J ;'.! I 3S- Sit 2H5 33 1iH "lit 45s iw Ralunlay AKU. T.nr.AT, MARKET tlOLDS WELL IN FACE-OF NEW YORK WEAKN Arbitrage Issue? Are Greatest Losers in Day's Tradlii PiisMarininrii-a Electric Is Strong on Talk That New Stock's Dividend Wil.lBe Larger 1 It was to bs expected that the sloe market In this city today would be in fluenced by the weakness In Wall , ret, which waa brought alyiut by the Ojrman submsrlne activities off " New tmtln coast yesterday. The way the rhlUMpW marketTstood up In face of the sharp de clfnes In Wall street, howeter. was en- The'only really sharp losses were regis tered by tho arbitrage stock, or those listed on both exchsnsM- This wss Principally true In United Htates Hteel common. This stock wss the moit actle during the whole session, nnd at one time showed a loss of more then points, as compares with the closing prlco of Saturday, with a turn over of more than MOO hare. The weakness In Steel was conveyed te Lehigh Valley and Heading, two Wher stocks which are known ss New Yorkers, although they are listed on the local I Stock Kxchange The trading In these stocks was 'not ss heny ss'ln Steel, hoeer. Le high Vslley. t the low, was orf rjearly 2 I)olnt nnd Reading declined more then 3 points. , Philadelphia Electrics action was pleas ing. This stock succeeded In staying above the final of Saturday throughout the whole eesilon. Kor the larger part of the morn ing It was 4 higher, and In tho afternoon this was stretched to U. and this was all accomplished on less than 100 shares, Perhaps the strength In the stock was due to reports In the Street that the stock of tho new company will be put on an In- tnd basts shortly after t . 8treet heard thai nJ " would probably receive drridenda of r3q cent. This would compare with T JM creased Issued dividend The) received on the" present stock. on this point came out ot the office. see au ! .3, coiwasay,- The Street had been wondering ever raua tbe refinancing plsn of the cornn,.. . out on July !1 what would happen ttTS' nl.l mint-it. A alnrv whleh h.. the rounds of the Street has found believers. This has been to the effect the new stock win nave a par valna and will be exchanged one share of tha - This would not be done, however tliv story goes, until the old stock Is fun JS i There Is still J2.80 to be paid In. th kw l" wiw " i anm mat an 4)sj aiviuenu wiu im ucciarea nna an a tsresnuTl called lo mke up the difference. TfcaZStl tiany has had nothing to ssv on it.i. .v2T1 As far as activity was concerned Laa75 Superior was the most active ''of tha 31 1...... ii.u ,v..h i,aa .. ? "WaTJ insula. ,i,in ,i,Aii i.vv anareS Of tSM Inrlr w.r ISoliaht and mnlA ii.u...l. .IJ! day. The activity was at, the exnen. 111c yti-t wi 111.11 ucviiiicu OCIOW XZ, stock li been weak ever slnca tha 1 meeting In Camden, when tho auggi was maua,tnat mere was a possibility ii.yih.iiii.uiii, .. iS, IDB8t Ot nome enarrs Trrre itihiio in UAmbpla nna cramp Whipbuildinc, both ot .: went; 011 a poinu CURB TRADERS SELL AND LOSSES RESULT Havoc Wrought on Atlantic Const by Undersea War Craft Has Demoralizing Effect ...ima in", un', ... ht 14, is ... 37ti at :i7. 37", tH 7ll SI 15. IS t)V( 77? ait 43 r.i'i 42 314 4?.5 Kll", lj;S SH Ml LOCAL MINING STOCKS TO.NOPAII STOCKS Jim ll-Jlltr , AlaiNamara Midway , Mltpati Kxtenalon Montana Narth Ktitr Tonupah lielmont Tonopah Extension Tonopah Mlnlns Kearue KuIh West Knil ., '..,....., OULDFIKI.U STOCKS Atlanta ..,. , Illue Hull Ilooth (' D llulldo. Combination Fraction .., I)limondn?lil i 11 Haley , , Florence (lotiinelil Consolidated (loldnetd Merser ..... Jumbo Kxtenalon Kvwunaa ., ro ... Hand Ken Oliver I'lek ,MISCE!.LANi;OL'3 Nevada Hill Nevada Wonder ...! Tccopa Mlnlnic Hid, .mi .ill .2.1 .IN .-- .10 41, r .in .(FJ .1'-' .(Ft ."I .11 . ,FF .411 .HI .07 .41 .HI .III .11. .10 .10 .10 Asked .111 2(1 .-'IF ,1a" 2 .77 .11 .(i.t .it .114 IIJ 117 .11(1 .(17 .4 .04 .(FN 4 17 .0 .(HI SU 5t 3 .111 .11 BIG JUMP IN LOCAL LOANS Total for the Week Is $4,019,000 More Than Last Peposits Increase The outstanding features of the Phila delphia bank etatement for lust week were Increases in loans and Individual dcDoslts. The former totaled 14.019,000 more than the previous week, nnd tho latter gained 18,370,000. The surplus also Increased 15,893.000 to 138,405,000. Details follow: 7.oana . ,...,.,, liepta. (Ind) ..... ciriulallon Hue from banka . IFep, of banka V.x 1 lea ring houae lleaeno held Iteaeri. required . Durpiua . ... Increase i."m ip, 111111 prey. I.12FI.H1N (Mil) . 4llil.ll.".!, mill , 11, 17H.IHKF , Rl .2711.1(1111 . 1K.1. UH.IMIII . 21.0'.'.IHHI , llll 4 .'. 1 . 1 1 H I . SIF.1IU1.IKHI 3fl,4(l.,OIHI week. 4.mil.lMI 8,37 II IFOII Hl.tHIII 2,I!1H,(IIII 7,nnl,lHiil liitti.inHi 7,.72.(kF l.S7:l.llllil s mio.oou Surplus Orlnher 11, 11115. was ln2.7(l((.(M(, October 13, 1013. IH.310 FMKI, (Irtnber 7. 11112. IT nil i fWn rve -i.. if 4i ta aia ,ha fl.'"H,lfl'l, lAtVlrTI V, aW4t tl 011 (aiU, .Decrease, Financial Briefs Owing; to the activity In today's stock market In New York, no bonds were quoted on the ticker until after 11 o'clock, but all quotations of early transactions were sent out later In the day, I At a meeting of the directors of the Franklin National Bank today Thomas De Witt Cuyler, president of the Commercial Trust Company; George H. Krasler, of llrown Ilrothers & Co., and Kdward It, .Smith, of Edward II. Smith Is. Co., re signed. Today Is Thanksgiving Day In the Do. minion of Canada and stock exchanges and banks and other public Institutions are closed for tho holiday. August gross earnings of the Common wealth I'oner, Railway and Light Company were l, 358,867, an Increase of 1174,019 over August, 1015. Net increased 0,8S9 to 1535,780. I'BtirosAm IIEI'AKTMENT 01" CITV TRANSIT ) 164 liourae llulldlns l'hlladalbhla. Uelobee a laia proposals, properly Indorsed and ad. .'" Pole, above a portion of the alallon underbuy Hall and the eiaratv. nun, Huun.n m.. w.ira flCfiltHl drtataod to ih uiulcralffniMt at Anllnna,l aulll lu. auiatuail until 4 r.S.t. t. W on TI'UMdar. Nofnber t. 1910, and optotd tnl.t.iu lhaeaallaa ea .., .11 ""J"" tctlori ot the liroaq Htrrt Subway comprUtng uruniBt Htri-et thereto, known embracing lour aubwaW will ba about SOU 1 lour iri aa Cdntract lOJ. itei ion, and 101 sn-lta forma, and will Include tha undrplmilni wilt aid of City Dirpei ouuwar. 'J Till blank. Ti Wltb two-sl ha und.rnlnn Hail and also tbe hla aectl6n.i t wlda.) alloo platV ilnss ortha Warsst na and apeclflcatlons can ha aeen stoom Hours Uulldlns. and coplea ot asms with r forma fur Dronoaala Willi hm ann..,!. .J intandlns klddcrs upon epoa t of 150 (cash J? cart Jed check! per art, pendlns return. H "r (llddera muat U skilled and refularly nisred Wlddera muat La skilled and refulai In (tita class of weVk, No bid will h considered unless a rcoawaitled oy criirit.o irum ua wiiy DOllcllor tut' a Sropoaal bond In ly sum.of flva fcundrsd (kuaTi olfara has been fflef Tn acoordanca wuh K prnvlalona of n orenasee approvad Way M. Tha Director reserves to hlmaalt tba ,taht to THK t'KNMUXVANIA KAMJtBAD CUMPANV Wufk strt4aat & Mouth ftftilaliw Tril juevaiivsA. "AiT1 m ?iEHr lalXl 111 W-xWTlACT IO. ur rAvinu. umiiiv m mmrmk rIIUAIKL,PIIIA4 . TA. rUaa. saclacatioa Alaum aur ba naciasS Ktalton-r. Itoeat MT SF aMlUaak. feea Bfi.4 attrieT m ffiat w,jjd r. b. tkmpijc. " - a - a-K. al a vncai ai.ima.iar, WfeSiSw. NEW YOItK. Oct. . It was natural that trading on tho Curb should reflect the vio lent disturbance prevailing on the nens of tho German undersea activities which have brought this Held ot conflict to American shores. Buying orders were hurriedly cAn ecled before tho beginning of business on the Broad StrceUCurb this morning and nearly all tho brokers were deluged with selling orders, for which there was little nearby demand. Under this pressure prices of nc.ijly all tho Important issues dropiicd from 2 to more than 10 points, wJth the severest de clines recorded In the motor stocks, Chov--rolc( selling down to 185 nnd Ucner.il Mo tors falling to 145. There was a wide opening In Mldvale .Steel with tho flrst sales at 67 U to C6. fol lowed by a sharp rally to C8. Zlnz Concen trating, which had been In demand for nome time above 5, dropped to 3. There was urgent selling of tho Independent oil xtocks, with Oklahoma Producing falling to 8?i and Metropolitan Petroleum selling down to I4?i. ' Submarine yielded with the rest, drop ping 4 points to 38, but quickly recovered this loss on attention being attracted to the fact that the output of this company should be more In demand now than It was before the developments ot yesterday. United Alloy Steel, a new stock on the Curb, sold at GO and 49. Some of the mining stocks held llrm, while other Issues were weak. Dundee Arizona, In which thcrS" ere heavy transactions jdurlng last week, sold nt 2i and 2, nnd St. Joseph Lead moved up from 18 to 18j, Magma declined at 10 li nnd United Verde Extension yielded Y. to 38 ij. IXDUSTMALS Aetna Kxploalves ., Am Marrunl Canadian Car Co .,,, :ti Car ft Tdy pret .. I hevrolet Motora Curtlia Aeroplane Kmereon Phonograph Ilaakell A Ilarker Car llendee Alts' , Kathodlon Ilronza pref . JUilm Munition, Manhattan Trans .Mldvale Hteel one i:iev tor ::: : reerleas Motora ,.,,.'. l'oole Una- M H Krone w I ..,...";!;j!" Mnndard Motors Htrcmberc Motors Hulimsrlne .WH J.'rnt Sharing ...A..,.. l'nlted Motors u h i. it it com....i: ....:: do pref , ' White Motors ... ....'I'. ' worM Kiim ......I:.;;;;;..;.; 8TA.NUAIID Oil. Illinois l'ralrle Pine .. ......... '.. Htandanl till of California ,,i .,, Htandard (ill nf New Jersey II . .,, u vii ill .ow lOTK Hid. Asked. Ooeden Oil CoaJen ln Inter Petrol . Houston Oil . Midwest lief apul;a lift Atlanta OTHKP. Oil. STOCKS . in :: .. hi " :T.''4 '.'. 13."' :: M .. nn, .. 117 ,. 2.1 l(F(F .. 12 .. SI1! .. -Ill'i .. 02 :: 31 ;: ri'' ,.mo .303 , ,2S.t , .aiiF ,..172 .230 MIMXa STOCKS i!s!:N"''.'!:lff?f;v: Cerra da paaco llll, Klrat National .,...,...., noldlleld Mercer .,,.!!!! Itecla Mlnlne Howe tlnuiid ..,.,. Jim Puller j.... Jumbo Kx .......... MrKli.ley Darrah ..'";;( llniu Copper ..,...,' i!!nr,.Co "' America X Diss na Kan Toy HI Joaeph Iad ,, West nnd Con ... White Oaka ....,, Term lis ,, Mldvala lis .. ,. Itusslan Vim . ... City of Paris 0s... HON US I ;;:; .y ..... 4 12 I Mi li'Ur is 07 tlU '0 7'S 1V4 3S 4 h mi 39 mi IN 1H .117 . ON .UMllA . 081, lU'i 4:r 7.1 111.", 311 411 1, 311 i H 4il C.'i. . in7 itii-. 27 :n-. r.7. 232 IS", J?5 in C8 OH in 0 s-l l"l 41 18 -'4 8 SlF IS', 78 s 118 liil, HUH Philippine Government 4 Gold Bonds Exempt from all Government. State, and Municipal Taxes ,n . yniLd States and Philippine Islands Acceptable at'par by the United States Treaiury Dcpaxtment ai security for public depositsT by the Pottmaster Oeneral as security for poital savings deposlti and by the Philippine Government for deposits of Government fundi ... lesalltj apprered br the Attorae.-Oenusl at tba Ualted Statea. Price on Application Stnd for Dtscriptivt Circular PE'59 The National City Company l,r,t""J;,.?i- MriLMAU , rittskursb Uealeo mm us i fiel ot. Vlrst Martiase Waking ru4 a May, !,, PRICC T0 YIELP 0VEPt MELLCMI & KTKY , c nsas, Mask Ha... M VMUmWH. -mwv kUHOHr-l LITTLE CHANGE IN STEEL TONNAGE IS EXPEcf1 1 'ii Statement nt Noon Tomorrow Miy anew lw.uoo.Ton Gain NBW YOItK, Oct. 9.An average ot ti, estimates being made In circles mililne . '' close study of affairs ot the United State, 3 ment ot the orders on hand at the close M ' September, which will be made public M'j noon lomorrow, win snow only a COTBOar atlvely small, chango from the total on tsel books on August 31. with the chances fl.; vorlng an increase ot less than 100,000 toss. '1 While there nro nomo Interests who IJ for a larger gain. It is pointed out in i cles which hae been close In previous ettf.il innico iiinh iiic iicuiiiiAiiuii ul voniracts oee,j tn ins micu-up conuuions o: tne books sM the Impossibility of giving the- dellreref J requested by prospective buyers, will krest me increase in new uusincss in cncCK. SUBMARINE ACTIVITIES MAKE STOCKS DECLINg Continued from I'ase One known on the hoard ns the war stocks, m1 communicated to the railroad and oter j snares. It took the big Interests In Wall street J a little time to get on their feet, so suUe was the fall In prices, but when they ret! their bearings supporting orders were jsm out and stocks recovered from the loavHasyl not tneso supporting orders Deen put no one In Wall street knows where $tl mantel trouio. nato gone ima' morning. The market, taking it all In all. VHi due for u reaction. This had been platen" seen by close observers In the lstt t 3 or three weeks. It stands to reason that . nothing can, keep going up without a rti.4 action coming, and this, in trio opinion M5 many, was long ovcruue. There was a wild scramble to sell lnl-S national Mercantile 'Marine issues as eooo'j ns the gong for the opening sounded. T preferred dropped 16 points, while the" com pany's common declined 10 points. Tiered was also a loss of IG points In.RepubUe? Iron and Steel. .1 The most active stock In the market aisi United States Steel common. There wss a i unnrmoim erawd In that atock. with 30.0441 shares selling at the opening at prices 3. points apart In different parts ot the roosi. i The opening sales were recorded ns rsnrlia from 112 to 109, against 116H at the cIonI on Haturday. Baldwin Locomotha dropped 9i, 8tudt-,' baker 3. Mexican I'etrolcum 6 and tcr number ot stocks showed losses of around 3 points. Trading mcas on the largest scale since fl ivui. ino total saies locine nrst nov ' were 915,100 shares. This Is at tha rattef more than 4,500,000 shares for a full flu- J hour session. Business In stocks vat x large that ho bond quotations cams oier j me taps during the tlrst hour, sberttf , after noon the sales totaled 1,173,000 shire. Sugar Futures Are Steady NKW" YOItK, Oct. D. The market fer sugar futures opened steady, with priest ranging from 2 points lower to 1 oolstl h gher. It seemed to be the general belief that the submarine situation was more of a bullish factor than otherwise, as it tU thought improbable that Imports from Cutai would be very much Interfered with, whiei i'iiurio to r.urope rqignt oe interruptais ine market for raw sugar was unchanged, j unu tne trade at large was Inclined to i sume a waiting position. Snot Cuba.ravijl on the Sugar Kxchange this morning jreesj IftUUlCU H O.VaC, , BAR SILVER Commercial bar slher was quoted In Nf York today at CItfc. off lHc In London bar silver was quottdai 32'. id. oft Hd R.AV A PUBLIC SERVICE- im laaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaaaSS SECURITIES ( Public Servieo Securities are linked with 'tho tucecsi of municipalities As the standard" of living: IntheUati -; , iiigner.-wnicn it ncoBiits uiuK, ine aemand tor the nee, and conveniencci supplied by Pa Service Lomnlni.i e(.M.f.BlliriaeMJ lull li fundamental! L rrminwi tliejr iteady irowtli and itr8itb their securities. Ve have at all h',.. 1,1 A, jr.Ar Pu Service Securities yieldinrf from $?i m 6 v 4 Send for specitl lijt ihowinf prtieH'? afty aiiracttve ottering. peken Aylit &'ibing Land Title yjttvUddafciig HE I th A It IkckiCo. TNUT T wruv&'i&r BANK") ROKBM CHKITNUT T4t. N. K. CM. iMra M Dirt, WatUTEB PhHa. Sub. l.lLhltM REED A. UfainiM A CO. &&WiZH?W2i'S2i&t. tK?S&3LSLJiTAl iWLl&Ju- Whm(!SL&