EVENING ' IiEDGEH-PHlLADBLPHIA. dAOTORDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1916 fEWS AND GOSSIP PROM THE LAND OF THE THEATER YES, LOVE STILL MAKES THE PLAYS GOROUNU "L-. Natural U." hlch enjoyed uo TVii'MS rnonth. at the nopubllo "TV w Tork. lftt spring-, will come tei?,Vf ,r one wet, commencing- I'Litfnndiy evening-, with what It aald to 42. .tMnff CO,BL Kp :- deal, with boUneM, but with P' ,,. ' wltb font of the problem, of mod- . The heroine la hum maniey, 2?rtlsL who 1 engaged to marry m "'" v- Hnrinir his absence. In Kr;j and Is Irresistibly at- y.'ib .m,in athlete, whose portrait iSftes been commtMloned to paint for an- Har of hi admirers. fJrL the doctor returns he finds that his , Onn tne """ . mfMunted w th Ci".- ... athlete, that eho wishes to r lBBWIIimi -- He with pleads S!.m to allow physical attraction to be OLZ&nt genuine love, but the elrl Is .i!miiea the physician ana PI l.t, i.iw nru . ,. - - - UStS herself unreservedly to youne uowi- . . e. - it.a bpIpI ( In r1n An ia the nr ... -...- . anu wvic - " twee. jtvWence. for B.F.Keith's Theater ttcstmt and Twelfth Streets MAT.. Nl lxiIOWH DAH.V' ciniiT. s r, m. HI NEXT WEEK Europe's Musical rrodlgy DAISY JEAN A BeltUn Reforee In Wonderful Display of Instrumental Versatility The Famous flrand Opera SUr CICCOLINI In Ulsh-Claea Vocal Selections ISABELL D'ARMAND As.letrd by Bobby O'Noll Presenting "A Demi Tun Heme" " HARRY COOPER Bessie Rcmpcl & Players la Unique l'laylct Culled "ion" FJffiaVlf'rS?f,ttAtl " "" belle i Ml Ventrllonulnti MAUD MULLEIti O.NDE KNICKERBOCKER THEATER MARKET AND FORTIETH AFT.. TOXIOHT. "Madame Bur" NEXT WEEK ' ine Fd V A Kennatlonal Melodrama Matinees Tun.. Thnrs.. Hat. looo orchestua KAT. SSo Next Week Eugenia Blair The Eternal Magdulrnc." 1 VaKeBBBsTJeaat- . sasaaBBaa sHH9iiiW'44i3Nr eseaaH DAISY JEAN Who comes to Keith's next week. r RB tLfssBB& HA.RKXT e JUMKB( ITS. In the Heart of the Shopping Dletrlet BARGAIN MATINEE DAILY II A. M. TO 1 P. M.... I to l 1. M Saturday Eenlng Prim .... .lOo. J to .,10c, live, Bio J dc -c, aac evall IRVING COOPER Presents The Bank's Half Millions A ONE-ACT FARCE-COMEDT PRODUC TION ITII A METROPOLITAN OAST MAUD ALLAN, DANCER, COMING TO BROAD Maud Allan, the dancer, wilt be teen at the Broad Street Theater at three special matinees Tuesday, October 14, and Thurs day and Friday, October II and IT. A symphony orchestra of forty musicians under the direction of Ernest Bloch, the Swiss conductor and composer of the opera "Macbeth." produced at the Opera Bixley&Lerner THE MEII1A AND rAItPSO ni'ltl.r.hQUi; IN VAUDHVltXE AND OTHER ACTS WORTH WHILE 4cFiJ Oil TIIE,VTFK fe'Tt MXU'8 GRAND . PKOAD, AND M0NT00MERV .. r.o. Niton Mrdllncur ien. Mrr. Jtllr Mit.. 10c i 7 & 0. 10c. Be. 3o LAMBERTI , World' a (lretUvt Impersonator RAY FEltN & MARION DAVIS H rlaiikst danclnr act pt lh eir, Hir.l.T WATNE nnu the WARIlliV TWIN Hi rUMENZI imoj ADAMU MIL.LERI MAX World Scries Returns Every Day TIIEATFK Market belonr LUth Rtrert Mat. Dalle. 2 30 1 Erenlnai. T and 0 Ecat State . ,10c I 10c gOc. V5c MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY AROUND THE GLOBE A MINIATURE MU8ICAI, COMEDY CATCHY MUSIC PRETTY Olltl.IKH THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY DAN SHERMAN AND CO. IN "THE JAY CIRCUS" THE FUNNIEST ACT EVER AND OTHER ACTtJ WORTH WHILE U&Vfer ytuzjczAJ&iy Market Above 16th PRICES 10c. lBc. 28o. 83n But Theater Orchestra Anywhere BLANCHE SWEET "THE STORM" Next Mon., Tue.. Wed., MARIE DORO In Flratyhowlng or "THE LASH" 1214 MARKET STREET IOC, 200 LOUISE HUFF "Howard of Patience" Charlie Chaplin in- Pawnshop All Next Week -PAULINE FREDERICK In "AMIES OP EMREHS' PALACE' CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE TWICE DAILY 2:15 and 8:15 POSITIVELY LAST D. W. GRIFFITH'S wonderful Will Never ' Be Seen Here Again Positively v, luurijast Chance to See This Famous Production M) ti 1 Tim wt Jra6flsf''n M x in 1 i rJ y II LI Lv $ WEEK!! SPECTACLE Popular Prices MATINEES, EXCEPT SAT. 5KS' 50c, 75c lUlronr OUL ,,t 2d Balcony, 25c NIGHTS & SAT. MAT. 50c, 51 50c, 51 2d Balcony, 25c Lower Floor lint lloUonr BASED ON THOMAS DIXON'S NOVEL, 'THE CLANSMAN" . SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF 30 MUSICIANS 18,000 PEOPLE 5000 SCENES 3000 HORSES Moat Gigantic and Thrilling Entertainment Ever Conceived NOTE: .Vl ".'wr'TH's wrw DI.KKANCK." .T1IK FIRST A :n in the bbamon. NEXT ATTRACTION BEGINNING TUESDAY NIGHT, OCT. 17 WILLIAM FOX'S MILLION-DOLLAR PRODUCTION A Daughter of the Gods with ANNETTE KELLERMANN pt8 ThUrp. "ATS. EXCKPT 8ATURDAV SiWlH.."" .5? lit NinHTS I 8ATDBDAV MAT. Floor Too. ll.oo Lowp 1st Italconr . , , . .1 lIO inn. ii lb. 11 (10 ifV r . i i I i i I i ' KVKMMflri and SATURDAY MAT. I I H H ill eL .J '8c. t0o and 15o I I I ' I I 1 I MAT. TUKB.. THUKB., FKIUAT I n 4 V Bb I I BBl ,5 ""d B0e sS 1 sV 1 H a I'l H sB Benefits Wow liooKlns- Liberal Term. t"WasMsWBMaMlMMaajMMsl "iIittLit PfeOov o'MooiTK" faTslPIBta.- .tiSgfcJ'''l',l'l Brlfllo Moadsy Brt'lsg .r-lBBttBlaakl. -W H AW Jk. H ssss i ssf MiEieaWltBsWaaM eF l B IiM i w tBBtmSKBt'iMCeu. BawPSA eBtal Ftru Tt.o "'ii Kim H KBJU-HHl M . I Vi . I M h i H - IN POLITICS tW1 Comlque, Paris. Just before Ota war brokt out, will play during; her appearances. Sir Herbert Tree, with his company In cluding lorn Harding- and Kdlth "Wynne Matthleon, will appear In Shakespeare's 'Henry VI11" at the Forrest during- the winter. T. Hoy Barnes It the featured comedian In "Katlnka," the musical pleoe, which opens at the lorrlo Monday nlcht, October IS. It waa written and composed by Otto Itauerbach and Hudolf Frlml. The cast of Augustus Thomaa'a 'Ttlo Qrande," eomtn to the Ilroadj Includes Frank Campeau, A. It. Van Buren. Amelia Oardner and Edwin Brandt GARRICK WEEK Drama of Modern Times SAMUEL F. NIXON Y,ctUS O. C. WAKAMAKER. tlntlneta Mir, MATINEE TODAY TONIOHT AT SllS NEXT I Final Chances to Sco the Biggest 3 MATINEES POPULAR 11 MATtNKE WEDNESDAY MATinrjN iiii'iiniiAj irommoi OATUnoAI WM b eVtavT "11 y 1 1 "W wHalwel !Cle3JapsByrBeM:MaaeaiM 3Bgs3c.4i 1 Js7!T- is." JrjSyOTr 5S2Z3K ('-ofumbul Day) ....J5... AROUSES AUDIENCES TO A riTCH OF ENTHUSIASM UNEQUALKD IN YEARS PRICES NIGHTS A HAT. MAT.? SOe. 11. gl.SO. NO HKIHER REQINNINO MONDAY. OCTII1IEK It A. II. WOODS Preaente JANE COWL in COMMON CLAY FROM YEAR AT REPUDLIO THEATER. N Y. BEATS THURSDAY BROAD STREET THEATER MANAOIVO 3AIUUUU I. iXIAUm. iiiiiECTOR FRANK MRDLINOER. Iluilne Manaser. MATINEE TODAY TONIGHT AT 8:15 LAST TWO WEKKH IIEOIN MOMlY Popular Matinees Wed. and Columbus Day, Thurs., October 12 THE MESSRS. SHUUERT Proent MARIE TEMPEST "Won tho rlAUdlts of dlo crlmlnnttnr audUnce." N. AUKIUCAN. "Ml Tempent dlplay her raptlvntlnir art aa a come. dlenne "PRESS. "Delicate touchea of Ilsht eomody," DULLETIN, "Mla Tempset ahowa hr true dett and keen touchea In all th llahte and nhadea ot her role." INQUIRER. "Eicellent fun and mine, rlor actlna " TELEGRAPH. "Mien Tempeet U tho innet dellahttul ot preeent-day Intellectual comediennea." LEDQER. t la well. , LED1 It. "Mlia Tempeet'a a: n!n perfect.'1 EVE, In CTRIL ItARCOURra DELiaifTFUL COMEDY A LADY'S NAME WITH W. GRAHAM BROWNE AND ORIGINAL N. Y. CAST BEST SEATS gl.SO AT WEDNESDAY MAT. AND EXTRA MT. COI.L'MIIUH DAY SEATS FOR THE LAST WEEK ON SALE THURSDAY SAMUEL F.NIXON, B'i jtSr THOMAS .11. LOVE, lluelneee Manager Sv FNOAflKMKNT POSITIVELY LIMITED S. Sy MATINEE TODAY TOMOIIT AT 818 S Sr CHAULEH ritOII.MAN l'reaenta S. fa sanpeusonA I BONUJ)ggy i Vcawthobn7 BEATS FOR THE FOURTH WEEK ON SALE THURSDAY FORREST EXTRA World's Series Baseball Games KES. MONDAY. TUES.. THURS.. FRI.. OCT. 9. 10. 12 and 13 .CT "BPRODU-CTIOgFaAMESIN RjyiJT AAND ONLY A FEW TOM MAY'S ELECTRIC WONDER WSftWMum AS GOOD AS THE REAL GAME EXACT FOR HKNFFITS AT TIIE FORREHT. RROAD AND C1ARRICK THEATr.RS, APPLY TO FRED O. NIXON NIRDLlNOKh (NUon-Nlrdllnter Hid i, 1B.' WAIJJUT ST. r'jtff-nr'iirn''Vi Ss'-'cflM i HU'v '$.AWui ''-t' V'W'SMl mm A MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY WILLIAM S.HART w y 4! IN HIS LATEST SUCCESS "THE DAWNMAKER" ADDED ATTlUyegWAjjNr.J SWAIN In "VAMPIRE AMRROBU" mnwij 'THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY jL.JLJbJLUAiN (xISH Added wAwmrnhEsr rKmtaM CiMdVtey TnW In ''Tin Vraatli WJIHnru ' liuit v9wvwwf RsiofuvHer rfrv -mi AQVltftP JUVfV 'A Day. at the a?r rle. .li1 wrini a LANCAXTKX AYMNUM HMTW1UIN eTH 41W. MOADAY, TVVT .Mef JS faulDAIC TIm teek Mtd WWt Kevkw A jaJslU". lUMirf l,lJMl ii. "wrevo mv .. In stetttiyi.jk'-et ntflOb WeM Welt. ARPADIA CJIMTNUT Helew 1CTH fKfUl-t Deukle Will Today u"1t lrlinVf. I? '.?ttn Madfleaa" Oherlle Cti in "The PawaaW' ALL NEXT WEEK E, H. SOTHERN In We HHw4 Ile4eley, "Tbe' Chattel" Regent LCK:usTtiffii133.,Y 'BeaaJt"' ?Jf 9HfV. BEUKfS"yP3S!S- I aSt W e! Evgs"Sc ty$20l. Wtd. ML?it Sr L5tX 'SSS BIGGEST HIT IN 10YEAJRS- LYRIC Seller Soldier Boy" Br VICTOR LEON Mtesk by , KMMIRICH KALMAX n,.? THOMAS MARGARET ROMAINE With a Oreat Cast, lteaeiy Oerae, Brtnphonk) Orcheetra "MOST AMUSING- NORTH AMEMCAN "SPLENDID" INQUIRER XXQUISITE- JUECOUtt PRICES nrDvr.sDVY M,TiNri:s hv.ht se,ts ti.ro WKMNOI (."'''fPT SAT1JKDW), 80 TO It SATURDAY MLXlNfl. ftOetO StJIO BEGINNING Atmtttn itAHMCnsTEtN Preeenta the Tlnkllna, Twlnkilnt MONDAY J.VI-NIN nrifrnnrn to MAIL ORDERS NOW 1NO woJ.vxJiiiv iu Seats en Hale Thoradar tr nrjfKJTr a Muelcal Cemedr Suoceia A . -a. J- e. a.a . y OTTO HAUERnAat and RUDOLPH FRtML. Authors of "Hlsh Jlnka" and "FIREFLr' WITH THE ORIGINAL NEW YORK CAST, INCLUD1NO T. ROY BARNES IT WILL RE TUB JOLLIE8T EVENT OF THE YEATt PRICKS Wedntadar Mats , eet seats el.oo. Evenlni (cepf Hater. dar). tOo to i. Batnrdar Eenlgi VVJ 10 f.VO ADELPHI THEATRE NOW PLAYING The Catholic Movement "As occasion haa required, the Cetho He Tetorarh has endeavored to protect Its readers from the demorallalnt Influence of Indecent theatrical performances. From lime to time we have puWIehed the 'White Lief of plays, compiled by the leaders In The rathvtla Theater Movement.' We have felt tailed upon time and again to condemn the Immoral films ot the movlea' and the Inde cent exhibitions of the tiurleeque houeri Rut, aa wo have never heeltated In con iemnlns the bad, It has always slven us pleasure to commend the good. "For this reaeon wo feel gratified to be able to prolan 'Eiperlence,' the morality play. This drama la one of the beet that haa vlelted this city In yeare. .It ihowe thu arfVMntureB nf YAUth ' who leaves his boyhood home to go out. Into the great world and win auccees ih the turbulent waa of life. He begins lile journey with pure neart. an innocent minu. e. eoui "We Heartily Enjoyed th performance of 'Eiperlence We eon eldered tho production as creditable to playwright as to the performers . i It a wontierrui urctia ana. i I can to trine this beautiruuy tn me knowledge or aa the n' predict for shall do all enacted aer: knnwrlrf. many people aa pceilble . I ahall nnd place aermon rpr eitenane mention of It In my aermon Ivlppur Eve the most sacred 'n T "Temple. Dread abote Columbia Ave '' the potntntf all aertlrvs of ppur Eve mm icar Yamcm wrv ttnnrMplallvlv IURRI JOtEPIt KHAUSKOPrVl "It Is Great, poloaaat. Irresistible. j-rt fine and artte. tlcally balanced. 'Eiperlence' Is relltfen unspoiled by dogma, beautiful by art and confirmed by Ufa. I never enjoyed any stags production more. The best ot success for 'Eiperlence' In Philadelphia. I shall ree nmmend It to all my hearers and frleade everywhere, "REV. THOMAS W. ILLMAN. "All Souls Unlversallat Church." mini oble ft. nure heart, an Innocel Inanlred with hleh and noble Pureoaea Hoon he meeta temptatlone. the tempta. tloni that beaet every young man .when he leaes the protecting shelter of his paternal root to take his place In the uay marts ot trade and commerce. II Greater Success Than Ben-Hiu "Not within my memory, which covers forty yeara of theatrical hlatnry In Philadelphia, haa any play scored such n nrcei nr been talked about ao much aa 'Experience.' Tho only play that compares with It In any way Is 'Hen llor,' which 1 thought would hold the record for all tlme but I think 'Eiperlence' Sa even a greater euccete than 'Hen Ilur'." J. FKED 7.IMMEHMAN (For forty years n leading theatrical manager of Philadelphia.) succumba to the allurements of vl until ha flntla htmaelf on lha vary brink of crime and the loweat degradation, when he Is re. fialled to a aenee of better things nw the words of a hymn, which br bv hear U.Ih. hn.b to his mind tender recollections ot h's dear mother and his boyhood home, lie turns from his folllea, retraces hla stepa and cour areouely bealns life anew, with los, hope and ambition guiding his footsteps. "It Is Impoialble to describe the ptayiV It miistr Ks sa-aaaaM M ha sinneaolatail Thee, ' IV s.ew ar puvii f ar a'g'4 cviet.i. aim cnrcir ara paraonincaiio vtrtnea tnd vlca, and ar named accordinitir iinMniunii ana it 11 noiai me audience m The atoty la really torn in a iray inai tr rapt attention and Uat. the The acenery ta rom the f.rat episode until the. cloae of the tenth openlna of th he acme of etaire Only 44,000 More People in Philadelphia Can Seo the Most Wonderful Play in America, "Experience," at the Adclphi Theater. , There Are Millions of People Here Who Want to See It. But Owing to Previous Con tracts, "Experience" Can Only Remain at the Adelphi Theater Five Weeks Longer. It Must Leave Philadelphia on November 11. Are You Going to Let This Great Drama Depart Without Seeing It? Hundreds of People Are Clamoring for Tickets All Day Long, anil Unless You Hurry and Secure Your Seats, You Will Miss the Biggest and Best Dramatic Attrac tion of This Day and Generation. Extra "Breakfast" Matinee Next Thursday Morning, October 12, at 10:30 o'Clock, to Accommodate the. Overflow, Making Three Perform ances on That Day Morning, Afternoon and Evening. Beat Seats at "Breakfast" Matinee Only $1. "Experience" Will Not Play Anywhere Else in Pennsylvania This Season. It Played Nine Months in New York, Seven Months in Chicago and Five Months in Boston. J'.renln. and Hnturday Mntlnee, SOo tn gl.SO. Saturday Evening, BOc to S3. Hnrcnln Matinee Every Thursday, SOe to si. Send Mali Orilere with proper remittance nnil self-addreeurd, stamped envelope for return of tickets. aaSSVaaSaSaBejBBBSBsSJSgBSBfiESaBsSsTjafgSB a.ltlniri and fhe aetlna' ia nf Ih. hlirhat order The symbolism of the play Is almply wonderful and eeres to bring out tn a moat striking manner the lesion ttuit the eeduo tlons nf the prlmroae path am dead aca fruit, fair without, rottenness within." Editorial In Tho Pntliollo Telegraph, Thursday, Sept. 21st. 10IU. nturirjL a. . eas MFTP HPHT IT A N HPFP A T-TnTTQF ''FOUR WEEKS ONLY sSvS OCT. 14 TIICT 1IVKNT THAT OVKJISIIADUWB T1I13 I'JIKSIUENIIAL ELECTION GEM LINE SEAT Mv rtHF PRUTS 5ALE. aweaBaaatueaasaeaaaaaa Starts Monday At 9 A. M. At the Metropolitan and Downtown Itox Oltlcs HOOChfisfnutSt, SEATS READT FOR THE ENTIRE ENOAQEMENT. All SeaU, Including 1 bote at 50c, Rc.erved in Advance Mall Orders With Remit. lane Filled In the Order neceiveo. 200 PHETTY GIRLS "ON ICE" Daily Matinees (Prices. Bxospt Bat Mat.) BEST $ j ALL OTHERS SEATS I 50c-75c 1IOX SEATS. fl.0. 11.00. ALL SEATS RESERVED EVENINGS mtI8Atb Second Balcony, 10c, Tie. Balcony, 11.00, tl.10. OrcbesUa, 1.(0, 11.00, Not More Than I Seats Sold to Any One Buyer, Tboee Desiring Reserve. tlons for Larger Parties, Apply to the' Temporary Hippodrome OIQee, 1011 Chestnut. CHARLES DILLINGHAM Presents THE New York Hippodrome Organization Sousa3Band ALL THE OREAT FEATURES OP THE SPECTACLE THAT BROKII ALL RECORDS THE GREATEST "TIIE WONDFft ajllOTV" HIP-HIP HOORAY Gharlotte AND THE BALLET ON nEAL ICE 100 NOVELTJS41 ia BROKE ALL RECORDS I MTAtlUi V B. H. HIIKNMIDK -rHouHAND DELIQKTS1 sBassassal JIRI ifxo unajAs.nx enuw m ALL TIIH WOULD AT THE IX)rrEST FRICM." ACADEMY OP MUSIC 1916-1917 BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Dr. KARL MUCK, Conductor FIVE CONCERTS Monday Evenings; Oct. 30, Noy. 27, Jan. I, Feb. 12, Mar. 12 H0L0lT EMMY DESTINE CAUL FRIEDnERG la4A OSSIP GAlRILOVJTSC FRITZ iSklSLBR gUSAN MILLAR m -- --- 4M. gl.ts). tL aviei, 1. M, M OeWtir , tx U.H Glob. eTrtPalir MARKET and ineaier juniper jits. VAUDEVILLE Continuous so M Ai CAUFORNIA'S Aft vF TJATIVF. QHNQ V II A M tp 11 J'. M CALIFORNIA'S NATIVE SONS Svengali, the Mysterious, and Othen s.- V .,,. MARKET HELOW 60TH Cross Keys KK w$rA "A Romance of Ui Underworld" ACADEMY OF MUSIC Saturday Afleriwon, flrlsbrr llal t.-SO PADEREWSKI Tickets now on. Hale; at Hne'i,lUOCfctouSl. II. II. M, , I..M.3 Meesa 111 and 111 MEYKR-BARRRTT RiqiTAL aM ..lil SUiaiaaiiaa w ssaeivsrsBsrs, BsessssssfBiBBBBf l&mft9t:n M Ml. rsilfc. Mvaleat Hsnaa to .. g-tssl.tralj l k , Mas, eJr4reaBBspeeB sa? 4aeBSBBfafBSjs essgsBBa 'SettateasT lassatl A sasstss. AjaerrvAL roNUttrr atoSMUO. Brea4 aJk TEMPLE CONCERTS CIRKNGE KEYNOUMl, Olrteter BAl'TIItT TaSMl'LK, MMOAD AND 1MOUW Symphony-Oratorl-Porulr EMINENT SOLOISTS H MRMMEWMPMILA. ORCHEaTHA Sclcclstl Cltoviw 250 VoIceyT OCT. NOV. S V IH "NMW WORLD'' MrMFrWerr C"fi ?IS:ir! w: Emms- flulinrlu-ltiM 9MkaieiBethsAptrBl Vt AM a4mimhy r umtv """eflfpiPI S5 PHILADELPHIA 0RCHES1 - i.sWrtM.p fowowatai am fOLWt OONCJtTS OF Til I ftosAr2mt& ta w rauu&Au J- taa,rTT ea (toVt at etve tmkHM Hw