EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA. FBIDAX, OCTOBER 1916 rTALIAWAVANZANO ANCORANELLAREGH)NE MERlDIONAIi: ALBANESE "Vlolantl Attacchi AtMtriacl Re pintt nella XoM elU VHe del Travigioi f rlwcee ) Nmicfee Skoavolte tJN INSUQCESSO RUMENO ROMA, Ottobra. D tin rapporto puMjiicalo trl sera !al Hrnlrfero ii Ouerra rlsuKa che I rupp Kalians ofxirantl ntlt'AlMtilA hanno occu Jtato ltrl vlllactl eWi'Eplro tUntrlonal, Vn reparto dl carallerta frl tn da Anar. vrron ha oecupato I villaggl dl OMtHU ta. ICallstcopI ed Kplskopl nella valla del 'lrlnon, eolcch sono Mate stabltlta comu tttaaalonl cHrette, tra Anargyron Delvlnd. Ques nttovl villaggl, ora occuoatl dalle f&nw Italian si trovano a circa cln quanta mlglla a sud-est dl Vnlona e ntlle Srfclnanx ell llnea dl confine greca, 11 f terrltorlo ora occupnto dalle (one Italian fneU'Atbanta meridionals comprtnde rlrca ivna sessanllna dl mldla dl costa e da IS 1 a SI mlglla dl terrltorlo Interno. ail austrlact hanno tentata dtvtral vlo- lentlsslml nttacchl contra la poslilonl lt- , Kane della zona delle Dolomltl, ma sono latatl resplnll dappertutto. In un solo punto ! rlusclrono a penetrare In Una trlncea Itallana, ma aoltanlo In un brevlsslmo I tratto. Kcco It teslo del rapporto del g. , ticrale Cadorna nulla eltuaslono generals 11a fronte itnlo-nustrlaca: Nella valle dtl Travlgnolo, netla notte del S Ottobre, II nemlco, doiio parecchlo azlonl dtmostrattva contro le nostra lines tulle ntture a nord drlla valle, lanclo' un nuqro ylotentlsslmo attacco, rlpetuto parecchls volte, contro le noatre poslzlonl del Col Hrlcon. sulla parts nerldlonale della valle. Ksso fu resplnto dappertutto. Icrl, dopo una Inttnsa preparations dl arttgllerl.. It nemlco rlnnovo' con truppe frescho 1 auol sforxl ntlla regions del Travlcnolo e rluacl a rlprondere Una delle noatre poaliloni avamate erso Monte Cot Drlcon, nella vallo del Piccolo, poslilonl che not nvevamo eonqutstato nella mattlna precedentc. Sul reato dl questo settorr II nemlco ' stato rcaiilnto con gravl pcrdlte. Nelt'alta valle del Cordevolo nol re splngemmo un attacco dl sorpresa fatto dal nemlco contro le noatre poslzlonl ullo (aide del Monte Slef. 1artlgllerla nemlca ha rlpetutamente bombardato luoghl abltatl u dlversl eettorl della fronte, ed.ha fatto qualcho lianno net villaggl dl Sano, In Val d'Adlgej ; Avoltrl. nell'alta valle del Wo Degano; Tlmao ! o rajlaro, nell'nlta vella del But, e Gorilla. Le noetra batterle hanno rlsposto efTlcacemente con una rappreaaglla, bombardando gll accampamentl nemlcl a Wrneaum, nella vallo del Call, e sconvolgcndo te llnee uuatrtache del Carso. SULLA FIlO,NTB BALCANICA Mentre le truppe rumene che avevano at traveraato II Danublo ed Invaao a Bulgaria aono state costrette n rlattraverenre It flume davantl a forze auperlorl bulgare che ten. tavano dl accerchlarle, lo forze aerbe ope- rnntt nella Macedonia hanno guudagnato nuovl Bucces.it contro I bulgarl cd hanno attraversato It flume Cerna In dlrczlone dl Monastlr, che e' II loro oblettlvo Immedlato. Nel Caucaio 1 ruaal hanno rlpreao l'offenalva ed hanno battuto I turehl In dlversl puntl conatrlnarendoll a batters In rltirata. rsk:. SuffraRc Tax on Shore Volors ATLANTld CITY. Oct. C After having laughed for years at the Idea of paying a. dollar suffrage tax, enacted In moat of the cities of tho fJtate, shore voters must pay or run chances of being arrested on sight. That Is the plan of the City Com. mlaatoners, who havo been told the city has half a million dollars outstanding In delinquent taxes. . THE WEATHER ' Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Oct. 6. For Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair and somewhat cooler tonight and Saturday; gentle west and northwest winds. An area of high bnrometlo pressure over spreads most ot the country east of the Rocky Mountains, with the crest over Iowa thta morning-. Fair weather prevails In the districts under Its Influence, while rains , are reported from along the South Atlantic coast and from the far Southwestern ritates. The temperatures have- risen In the Middle and North Atlantic Slates and 'are generally front) five degrees ti ten degrees above tho .normal, while a ahurp drop has occurred In the Upper Lake region and In a narrow belt thence southweatward to Texas. Observations at Philadelphia s A, M. Iiaromtter , . .30.24 Traixraturs .... at IWInd, ,,...;,.. ,,.,,, ,. ,.. southwest, N miles tKy ,,,i1mi...i,,i ,,.,,.., iy rrsclpfiatlon last 24 hours ......... .....Trsr tumidity ...,, vs , Minimum tempcratura .,,...,...,....,,., HI Maximum temperature ...,.,,.,..,.,.,,. IT Lamps to Bo Lighted ' Antes and other vehicles ............. StlO p.m. ifth tratsr w water Vi h water1 ... lJ Irish iu A' ki, Tho Tides TORT RICHMON'n . ,.,. .,. ,,., 4:lKp,m, :55p.m. CHESTNUT UTKKET WJtArte I lh water ,'., ,.,..'..,.. ii Ji a.m. sw wster j.......... 4:07 n.m. Ish water .,,.,.,.,, .,...,.. ;! p.m. KKKDV 18IJIND lah wster ,.r,..i.a.....1. ...... SAT t.m. aw water I....,........,,.,. ... . .I'.':'.'! p.m. tnti wnr ,,.,,.,....,. ,.. Ml P.H. nttEAK-U-ATKn water .. ,.,,,., .. ,,,.... ... . t'JOa.m, ,,i,,,4,,,, .,.,.. 4 to T p.m, , - . ...-,. .,,1U:10 p.m. flab water wster , IAC9BS J BOOKS XmmmmmmS2m! 1C2S CHESTNUT STREET 4,44. I. J CeUcoe m ARMIES OF ALLIES SMASH FOES IN MONASTIR PUSH Csaewisiil frets race ns compelled to retreat across tha Danuba, This la borne out by the Herman War Offlca. which does not claim the the ltumanlans were wiped out. however. lUporte Indicate that the battle was of lha moat furious character. The losses are btllevtd to have been very heavy upon both sides, Althoutli the ltumanlans were defeated In this quarter pressure against the Aus-tro-Oermsn forcfv In Hungary has not lieen lessened. Near Orsova the ltumanlans have gained freth ground, pressing back the AUstro-Hungartan defenders In battles In (J reek Macedonia, French troops are shelling- the llulgatlani, Inill eating that Infantry assaults will follow on ths Vardar ltlver section of the fronL Serbian troops are nearly In sight of Monastlr and are within easy artillery rants ot this objective. On the western end of the Macedonian front ths Hulgarlnn.i have been forced but of Greece and lighting Is proceeding upon Serbian soil. In ths Pobrudja arena the operations ot von Msckensen appear to have been halted by the Itunso-Ilumanlan army. NOT A SIXtiLK RUMANIAN ON IlUIiflAK SOIL, SOFIA WAKOPFICK ANNOUNCES SOFIA, Oct, 6. "Not a single Tlumanlan soldier remains on our side of the Danube," says, an oftlclal statement ot the Bulgarian "War Offlco today. The report announces the repulse of the Allies' attacks on the Struma ltlver In Oreek Macedonia and also assaults de livered by tho lluago-Itumanlan forces In IohrudJa, Tho text follows! Knemy artillery bombarded unsuc cessfully Din railway station at l'oroy. On the Struma front thero has been artillery, rifle and mitrailleuse firing. The enemy tried to advance from Orllak bridgehead toward Nevtolen but failed. On the Rumanian front calm prevails' on the Danube, The crossing ot the enemy near Itahovo was completely re pulsed, Not a single llumanlan soldier remains on our side of the Danube. In Dobrudja (Humanla) all the en emy's attempts to advance on our posi tions along the line of Karabsk-Asof-Onur-Amuzarocka-1'ervalls failed. LAMEST 811 IKHf Sim WUJWWCA CaJllAltJ it Students will Book Depart .wnt--as-'q9m-: pteU an that of a new-book tore In- faeL thv will tXI JtJ I -. "V nim oookb itmna wnieit thev eould not obtain !n m ,. ordinary store. The rtl w- iorence in buying at Leary1! fim tbe great aavug in price 'I)HPS awni. Ufemriaa Furch4M4. MeaeJ.sV II II MIIWJP'- S &- Sr BHITISII ItAID FOE TRENCHES AT LOOS; HEAVY flUNS HOAR ON S03I31E LINE AND AT VERDUN LONDON. Oct 6.1 Flghtlni; In France Is now extending be yond tho Bomme and Verdun areas, to which It has been virtually confined for th last six months. In Its oftlclal report today the War OfTlce announced a gas at tack east ot Looa and fighting east of Ar mentleres, on tho Kaanco-Uelglan border, and south of Arras. Three successful raids on German trenches were carried out In the sector of Loos. The text of the orflclal statement follows: During the night there was consider able artillery activity south of the Ancre. Northeast ot Eaucourt L'Ab baye, we have advanced our lines. We discharged gas east ot Loos and east , ot Armentleres. Three successful trench raids were carried .oUt In the Loos area and two south of Arras. PAItlS, Oct. 6. Artillery battles on both the Homme and Verdun fronts were reported by the War Ofllce tpday. North of the Homme ltlver French and German guna engaged In heavy exchanges of 'fire throughout the night There were heavy bombardments In the sector of Cote du Folvre, In the Meuse Valley, north of Verdun. The text of tho War Office report fol lows: North ot the Bomme the night was marked by artillery activity on' both aides In the sector ot Qulennevleres. One of our reconnaissance detach ments penetrated to an enemy support trench and bombarded It with gren ades. On the Verdun front there was lively artillery activity on both sides. The enemy bombarded the Cote du Polvre (Pepper Hill), the Lautee wood and the Apremont forest. Despite adverse atmospheric condi tions, our aviators carried out .twenty two nights, In which they routed en emy machines by their fire. HEAVY AUSTRIAN ATTACKS BEATEN OFF DY CADORNA'S TROOI'S ON ALPINE FRONT nOMB, Oct 6. The War Ofllce last night naa tnis to sny or operations on the Aus trlan front: In the Travlgnolo In the night of the 3d the enemy, after several demonstra tive actions against our lines on the heights north of the stream, launched new attacks again and again In the Colbrlcon region bn Ih southern eld of the valley. Everywhere they wers driven off. Yesterday, after Intense artillery fire, efforts were renewed with fresh troops, who succeeded In retaking one d vaneo twsltlon toward Mont Colbrlcon. In the I'lccoln Valley, which we had captured the previous morning. On ths remainder of this front the enemy was repulsed with heavy losses. In the upper Corderola Valley a sur prise attack on th slopes of Monte 8lef was 'driven off. The enemy ar tillery repeatedly shelled Inhabited places at several points on the front. Home damage Is reported In the vil lages of the Cano, In the Adlge Valley J Foel Avoltrl, In the upper Degsno Val ley; Tlmso and l'ajlaro. In the Hut Valley, and also In OorUla. ORAND DUKE'S CAUCASUS ARMY ROUTS TURKS A1.0NW WIDE FRONT IN ARMENIA 1'HTnoonAD. Oct. . The rtuaslan army of the Caucasus, having suddenly re sumed the offensive against the Turks In Armenia, has scored Important successes. Th War Oftlco report, published here last night, says: On the Caucasus frpnt our detach ments by a sudden resumption of the offensive and with the co-operation of the fleet In the coastal region advanced on a' wide front, capturing a fortified enemy position In the region ot the ltlver Kara Iturnu. West of Kalklt-Tchlvtbk our ad vanced posts broke through the Turk ish advanced guards. Inflicted great losses upon them, captured prisoners, arms, cartridges and equipment and destroyed earthworks and trenches In the enemy's rear. A Turkish statement received hero speaks of the repulse of "strong llus slsn reconnoltering detachments," RUSSIANS ADVANCE FARTHER TOWARD LEMHERO; CAPTURE ENEMY POSITIONS AND MEN PlSTIloanAD, Oct. t. nusslan troops havo captured enemy positions south ot Ilrzazany (southeast ot Lemberg), repell- ItOTffiXiMMiraiflBKrBtlTE Price $6 to $8 Many atylea to tnooee xrom - An Old Friend for Our Old Friends Tho shoe, like the friends, wears welt and promotes comfort. It is built over n sensible last that gives n restful relaxation to tho feet, besides supporting the nrch in an easy position. It looks dressy, too. Our old friends'lovo this bIioc. Per haps it is just the shoo you are looking for. For workmanship, fit and ouality of leather we be lieve they excel any shoo made. IMPORTANT Prices of all shoes will advance on October J 4th. liny now and tavc money. Dr. REED Cushion SHOE Only Store in Philadelphia No. 8 N. 13th St. Open Saturday Evening Till JO mmmmmmMMwoMMwmi oS LOCOMOBILE v CLOSED CARS I'h'e cost of a Locomobile Qloscd Qar is soon forgotten in the pleasure' , of owning a Vehicle so distinguis'Jiect in afipearance in comfort and in , engineering, .-.-wStfv.- t tfht car sis coMtifnr'Wdef' . : taif Frgjn$6o4c 'j8dqo. tHI tOCQWOIIW. COMPANY OP AWJXICA, ..g . a .. .. -- . Inr repeat "Ownart-Turklah counter-attacks. It waa Officially announced today. Fierce battles are proceeding near Zlotahev and In the regions of Penlakr, (lukolatea and Mlyaovce. The Austro Oermans a re resisting stubbornly and counter-sttacklnr. in this flghtlne MS pris oners have been taken. LONDON, Oct ,F)ghtlng In the east ern war theater, particularly on the Korjt-nlca-Zubllno front, where the Ilusslans have massed at least 1000 cannon, rivals Ute fierceness ot hostilities on the Homme, recording to, an Kxchanga Telegraph dis patch today from Copenhagen. This dispatch Is based Upon Information telegraphed to the llerlln Lokat Anxetger by Its correspondent In Ilussla. German of ficers state that the bombardments are as violent as those on ths Verdun and Bomme fronts. MURDERER ASKS PAltDON Served Seven of Twenty Years for Kill ing Montgomery County Man ItAnniRtlUna. Oct. e Felix Fare, con victed In Montgomery County of second de gree murder and sentenced to twenty years In the Eastern Penitentiary, after serving seven years, has asked the Hoard of Par dona to give him bis freedom. Faro was Implicated In the death ot George A. John ston, In December, 1009, Hick Marlngs, Frank Chlcarlne and John Dallon were convicted of first degree, murder for Johnston's death. The first two were hanged and Dillon was about to be ted to the scaffold when a reprieve arrived. Ills sentence wss commuted to life Imprisonment. :m- PrmS U, S. Govt. Duitproof Intptcttd. paehctfi. owes Its roorin'ffa to the combination of oUt-tlrrut skill with mixtern tm-lty of InsrMknts and clesnllnesa In manufacture, Appetising and eco nomics!, easy te lianJU. no wsste. Alwsys th asms. Hut be sure It s Allen's IVat dealers have It In S lb. parchment. paper parkas. If you cannot secure It, send un a csrd. CLEMENT E. ALLEN, Inc., Media, Pa. LINER FRANCONIA SUNK BY U-BOAT; 12 LOST 18,000-Ton Steamship, Used as Transport, Torpedoed in Mediterranean LONDON', Oct . The Cunard Line steamship Frnnconla haa been sunk by a U-boat In the Mediterranean, the Admiralty announced today. Twelve members of the crew perished. The Francnnla, which has been In trsns port service, hsd no troops aboard, jnn sh was struck, according to the "lclI announcement but carried a crew of SOI men, of whom all cicept twelve were landed. The Franconla. which ran between Liverpool and Mediterranean ports, was virtually a new vessel, and had been In service only about three years when the war started. She was built In 1910, and made her mslden trip to lloston In 1111. f X rhllailelplila-Alade SSy Ox 2atleallr Ueed SN. THE WHITE ENAMEL III THAT STAYS WHITE Tou ran tsks pride In your horns whn thlnts look bright. rherful. rlesnlr anf attractive. Ror 12 rears 1'orcrllle Knamal has. aided tn mak. Ins atlrarllva the nation S heme. It Imparts to snr surface a flnlsh sa nne as imrrelatn and as durabla as rron. i-orreuie i.mm.i mr dlatlnctlre. beautiful interiors. Aak your dealer pr painter lor Information. 1'or Wl. MUI and riaiter At Tour fltor or tiiom"on wntm nv. ro. 113 North 4th M. II ' ' sLlrV gSBBBasat' 1 - - I ' '.1. i- T SSikB was 1I.1M "? J K Mm1. lonTVJS 11 ?t ' h k placement of 2,000. . -.foriaMe Conalaercd one .tlaicallH srAisv3g with mora bathrooms and showers tnsn Mauretanls. BALTWOIIK, Oct WJkff ca'l Welch, head of Johns W""r,.nt wi. KVm-mlsalorru'dVW and In ths war sons In France. I was told by mn who really "" he said" an IntJrrl.w. yrfc n?nPror,how.rUbN"rutmeVhf..b'e,v,enr ffi," . "cVptu'rVof a submarine Th. MeHrtfS! rertsi. t unelrsta ,. , a.n ea,u -a : hid cw ,ww.wo t aire aassan The Brnrltati talk of nets i lot misbT but 1 cannot Imagine suchV thl.tg. r-Nnsjuaeimen ininx jnat thta kas the submarine warfare and'kiJ Wllron'a notes. The: Qerma.. 7 slnkln boats. They Probably ceZu transatlantic liners. I do nnt ,w? win Thai la the rtnitt he .! I; '" nf... -. .. -,i ,nQ """ t Democratic Dinner at wooDnunr. n. j , Oct .,.. rumwrillrr rviiintv am.m.1.. members of the party attended a diU'! i..i nlehL Addresses wera m. . ""M wittnenn. candidate for nni-.,.. ..". i n...t Wescott. ltnlla.1 o.I.V - Martlne, M. F. Caltel '-ntrsal il Slatei' A MAN'S foolish to disputa with his wife, f r she's jury an' judge, an' the vordick's shore t be in her favor. Smoke a pipe of VELVET an' waivo a hearin'. f&uT VELVET'S smoothness helps make the rough spots, even. And two years natural ageing makes VELVET smooth. .vjiiT! lit ,iaF$tl??! S5SJv7 .tntm m fiv This is Chalmers Qosed Car Week October 2 to 7 gSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBsPllslgSBBBBBCgSBBBhlgSB Revealing Today Chalmers Enclosed Cars Interiors by Lady Duff-Gordon, fa n74Ms: The t - Qaatity Fint ft I am revealing today the new creations in Chalmers enclosed cars, bodies are the best that the Chalmers Comnanv has built. The lines are different from anything you have seen. You'll find them refreshing like a breath of crisp autumn air drawn deep into the lungs. But your first trlance inside that is the revelation Ynn nnnn K door with a little feeling of expectancy, the lights flash on and the whole picture is before your eyes. No, it is not a painting or a vision. 'Tis reality; entrancing reality. lne intenors,ryou know, are done by that celebrated artiste, Lady DufF Gordon, the world s most eminent designer of gowns. She has applied her great knowledge most wonderfully in choosing materials and interior fitting' tor these great Chalmers cars. b What a privilege to have her name stamped as fashion's final touch on your town ear or limousine! What a delight and source of pride to the ladies of the house. ' And what a comfort! For, as Lady Duff-Gordon says," she has "tried. above all, to make the cars livable. ' , The woodwork is of inlaid mahogany. The floors richly carpeted. Windows are silk curtained. There's a lounging pillow eiderdown and silk, a daintv hassock. Press a button and a toilette case, or a gentleman's smoking set, corhe. out from concealment in the side of the body. ' ' " The soft, harmonious colorings which Her Ladyship has specified can be seen far better than described. " . - Jh.er(;.ae wo Chalmers enclosed bodies, either of which will brine a craso of admiration from any man, or any man s wife: a,fcasP 1917 8400 r. p. itl Chalmers Town Car $2480 Detroit (choice of five color plans) ';. 1017 0400 r, p. m. Chalmers Limousine ifc9.4ftn XW i. ' '''''. " (choice of'&ur color pkns) f. '' ;'k v 'i- Outiof-Town KeprsssitUtives: Lawfer AatasaasMs CarsMor. AHs lews, ls( I ' SKr Hr9fISJSSJf aa'asa1( fS f 9 Ttismas Hashes, Vlwatar, I'. U4aV'lalM Cetiinnr. flUHi, lj Kjsf4ssrtt ,ft Bong ffiinirair.' T""r""S SjSSBBfBMBBap SAr"aBSsPBgsr4SST 9 sfJVsVaa. aaaaaasai sew. I fsaffSS4l. sS)ialgMl4jela V. J.' fttaw Mwsliaa. La Sa Sale, Ms. Wmaas Wairliss. liiiiilm.Bs. , sMmIMmOh taevra. C4oaw, w. ChatataM. ttoHr. x. jr. Ui HUt Oar Osssmmt, Maw Clwt. f. CkCwhw, fHn Paalaawa shMOtamHet VMia. m ". asssasrsBBa ill.ai. N. J. wisiaar , nniiiiwai im m, r. Caslmers sWac f.isnsr a' maV )). IkAejapyME, Pa Mtsjrr J.Tusaaor. Waa.iis.al. M, . WssS'faiaalaf. ra. PrsjMit CJialmaiM Motdr Compmy of Ph4iWlua ' 26-Ji4 NfHh B4 W J? rpisViM jw' i; Sbk , &j A aai.aa m. I IkassM MasfcM. wmmlmtum, UtU etas llaTiaJiTJlrL-TL.? Vast.. Cs-aaW. uiua. raw .w ass. ' 1 " " "ssjssawsissWB. mr wmm sumwi ---- - jg.. . "- "i,p" - - " If nil ipispfsin 11 in 111 1 si imi- - , Vm" mmm " .. lil? M l?- "i ; " PVaaVsSaaBHHgagaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB sS Jji Jf-' f 'SMIMrSJkapHSSJHIHIBV W gyiattgHgigsBg 1 - .2 , ., .. wVv,,fr-.ylAvTi- ,afaTjK W vaJf.. BT iif iTf T" 11 II II III I iliW I I rs I in I Mil ,. tiM.'AMLiiu. .StL J,,hL' ,