BVBNXNO- LEDaEH-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBEK 0. 1016 INN ANT OUTLOOK IN NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR 1917 MAY BE CHANGED BY GIANTS' FIASCO, DRAW'S ATTACK UPON HIS PLAYERS LIKELY TO DISRUPT . , FAVORITES FOR 1917 PENNANT There Now Does Not Seem to Be Chance tcrlnstill ' Harmony in Giants After Scrappy Man ager's Charges Became Public Wi IA. ttin Veflraw Incident disrupt tho Olnnt machine, -which appnrrnt y was ferttMd to clinch the National League pennant aomewhero nlontr nlwut the 'of Attentat In 1917T s Any yr one look nt It, there doe not seem to be n chance for .even n. McUraw to lntlll harmony Into the ranka after tho flnsco nnd the New York ttatMfftr'a xharitea wero made public. It la admitted that the majority of the playrra en the New York team nre hitter ncalnut McOrnw for liln scnsatlonnl tuck, while It also la certain that MrClrnw will not rctnln severnl of tho men he fwowaeo of loafing and dlrabeylnir hU Instruction. The more one thlnka of the tirooklvn Incident tho more he must wonder what could have possessed the Olnnta to play such n game. Knowing how Mo Oraw felt, the pla)era must have been able to aco that he would not toUrntn nny tMmr hut tho beat they had In them. It l odd that the playera on n team thnt Mred to be the strongest In either lcwriia should Imvo token sucll n chance. It coat Owner Hempstead n fabulous aum to build tho mnchlno thnt created the greatest aenaatlon In cor by winning twenty six consecutive games, nnd It would be a pity If this loyal sportsman should hnve hl team broken up beeauao ' wt tho Indirfercnco of playera who could aec no further than their noses. No doubt the playera appreciate the full sltttntlon anil reallro that the world aeries money they expected to spend next season la a myth nnd thnt they carelessly lmvo In jured thrmsolvca. W1 Hempstead's Generosity Gives McGraw Grcnt Team niEN the atantn won seventeen straight Knmes enrller In tho season Manager McQraw thouRht he had found the combination, but before Icing tho toum v.-na down In tile second division nnd ho realized that he must strengthen tho club to have the kind of n team ho believed could win the pennant hands down. McOrnw never -was much on this almost-pcnnnnt winners who tnlKht happen to pull through with tho breaks, for ho alwavit wus trying to construct n team thnt eould make n runaway raco of It If possible. President Hempstead opened his pookotbook for McOrnw and got him tho players ho wanted. They were tho great Zimmerman, Charley Herrng, McCnrty, ei Brooklyn, nnd Hoclkc. Theso men llttcd Into tho plans of McOrnw perfectly and Rave him n wonderful team, thanks to the generosity of Hcmptend nnd tho policy of tho little manager to satisfy his players so fnr ns snlnry was concerned. MdOrnw got this machine working perfectly nnd ho was proud of his twenty six consecutive victories, but ho also desired to accomplish another Tent, which was to decisively defeat every team In tho league In succession, even though 11 klllod tho pennant hopes of his friend Wllbcrt Itoblnson. McOrnw had his heart Mt upon turning this trick nnd finishing In third place, and ho probably would have dono so If his playera had continued to hustle The fans may recall McOraw's prediction, made to tho writer, thnt he was going to return good for evil, meaning thnt ho would forget 1008 and dofont tho Dodgers, 'which would nld tho Mills. 'As n mntter of fact, this bosom p-vl Htuff between McGraw and Itoblnson Is mostly bunk, as tho old partners nro not no thick as they wero a few enrs ngo nnd tho Olnnt manager did not relish thp , Idea of sending Hoblnson to Hroolcln ton pennant winner, though ho was fair enough to pralso Hobby at every turn. McGraw Is only human, nnd the fact that Itoblnson was becoming moro popular than he (McOrnw) In New York did not make much of a hit with him. ' Red Sox Pitchers Arc Dependable WHEN the Tied Sox nnd nrooklyn clash In the opening gnmo of tho world's aeries tomorrow afternoon nt Hrnves Klold, In Uoston, Cnrrlgan's crow will havo'the big edgo mnlnly because every one of the pitchers is In flno form and alt aro absolutely dependable. It Is llkoly that Dutch Leonard, who, Incidentally, pitched a no-hlt gnmo this reason, will start on the mound for tho American Leaguers In tho first tilt. IJrooklyn cannot offer any hurler who will bo as good as Leonard, If wo can judgo his work In tho coming series by his season's per formances nnd his pitching In the world's scries against the riiltlles lit 1015. Tho only one of the Ited Box pitchers who Is not sure to bo up to 191C world's rerles form Is George Foster, and It is an even bet that he will be. However, In the event that Foster does not warm up well In the gamo he Is chosen to pitch, young Mays should come through with n victor)'. Ho pitches Just the stjlo of baseball that bntlleB tho Dodgers thnt Is, ho has .nil tho necesnary "stuff nnd uses an Under-handed, side arm delivery which Is very puzzling to nny club, "Weather conditions will h.ivo something to do with tho selection of Boston's pitcher. In case It Is hot tomorrow In Uoston, or even warm, Leonard Is sure to start; but If the weather Is cold, then Shore Is very likely to bo the mnn on whom ,the lied Spx will depend. Much has been said of John Coombs's dinners to. beat tho lied Sox In ono of1 the world's series games. It Is hardly likely that ho will, because In spite of his wonderful kpowledse of batsmen and his general craftiness In the box, ho hasn't the fast ball npr tho curve he once 'had, and unless a pitcher hns everything ho cannot hope to win from thatxlcur-ced, hardhitting Boston team. j Fred Mitchell May Succeed Joe Tinker F' IS said by persons who ought to be In position to know whereof they speak that l'Ved Mitchell, who coaches tho Boston pitchers and handles Harvard's ball team, has accepted n proposition from Charles Wecghnun to manage tho Chicago Cuba nexi season. Mitchell, who was hero with the Braves, refused to admit that ho had been offered Tinker's position; neither did ho deny It very rtrenuously. According to the rumor, Wceghtmn Is now plnunlng to pay Tinker off for the 1917 seaaQn, according to tho terms of his contrnct, mid will rclenno him un conditionally, Mitchell Is oilo of tho smartest plajcrs In tho gnmc, and It Is be lieved that he will bo Just ps much of n success ns Pat Moran, who also was a pitching coach prior to being appointed to succeed Charley Dooln. Manngor Rtalllngs, of tho Braves, Insists that Mitchell's work In handling tho Boston pitchers was responsible for the sensational finish mnde by tho Biavcs thnt sea con, and Is reluctant to part With Mitchell, but says thut he will not stand In the ' Way of the veteran coach's chance to better himself, s Huntingdon Valley After Golf Classic THE Huntingdon Valley Country Club, at Noble, has been mentioned ns tho placo of venue for the next women's national golf championship. Mrs. Caleb 1. For, a former national runner up, hns been campaigning for tho local club during the championship event at Belmont Springs, Boston, nnd through her it wus learned that If Huntingdon Valley applies to the U, 8. a. A. nt tho nnnunl meeting tills winter tho Noblo club Is certain to receive the award. It lathis city's turn to stage tho women's championship, which has not been IwM in this district since 1912, when tho Wilmington Country Club had tho event Huntingdon Valley has never been tho rceno of a national championship, but two vnts of national Importance are held at Noble every year the Lynnowood Hall tournament for men and tho Berthellyn Cup tournament for women. Theso two evntg have served to provo to the lending golfers of both sexes that Huntingdon Valley- Is a championship .course, and the few who aro not awnro of thla now will ftalnly find' It out before another year. ' . . .' The Phillies were the guests of Fred T. Chandler, vice president of the club, at a banquet last night, and took occasion to make a presentation to a rover Cleveland Alexander, who was given such a rousing reception by-hls teammates that Ha broke down, Manager Moran also came In for a great reception and praised his men In a short speech. Tha Brooklyn Standard Union Insists that John McOrnw prove hla charge that Wa playeraj'lald down'' or be, driven from the game. Judging by McOraw'n actions he seems to court an Investigation and is not worrying about the matter m much M the fans and .scribes. l OH. WHAT A SEASON! . iiiiMil!I ill -7T X-S -SrSSs, r- . . U. . "I fflKfiSE T w . ' sewm rid i rjf.v . Wf SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS Dy LOUIS II. JAFl'E A1 Xlnnn In Mill ulnnlnc Th Mttl Italy favor I tf frrtthenvHsht wnn tho llrM o put a rrlnip In th ronnlitrnt winning nf K O At WarnT when tho lalr clnaliwl nl th Uroartway MM nfitht Kchnmrr wcr n for th frt two rmtnil 1ut therrnftfr lmm rmd th othr Al hol'linc on ntmont rflntlnnnlly In th clinch. .Vlnnn nt only nulloxfl Wnicnr Imt hft almi ouifouicltt him bfatlnx the IChjo irKun nt hln own emj. , , . ,.. T Pl O'llnlly nln tm UnorUrl nut In Homllnjr, P Ufit werlt ur not thn HuirtKy llultmv nxT of tlw Min num O Millev hnx nvr Iwn In )lr1Inir, ntitl h nayp h l ry trturhril treatise nn llrd loxrr I Mmt hln nnmp , Jrnn Murphy mike hln inll-17 ilbut to "Irht ntth inroln A C, rt. If tlm Wrut rillntllpl Ian l wont ti proxo his hrllllunt frrm nf the tnrly pnrl of last don he will hm to ilcfent Jvm Welnh, hln opponent WpIbIi n Iwxlnc lrMfr thnn err n1 if may rroe n utMinhllnir hlork for Murphy In the Utter ri tart up the locnl llnhtnclsht ladjrr Wlllln Itnrkrt, who mrrtu Johnny TTtnn In th rnil nt thn I.lnroW nnllt U n pparrlnir pnrtner of Joe Wclah. Chirlry Waltrrn, oppoied tn llobhy Ilnre In one of th prfllini In u let rlilc punrhfr unl ho hum Kevrrnl knockout to his crrillt tlurltm hU nhort carcr Whii HIchle Mitchell rmpomla to the ron In the mnln nirlrf at tho Nntloiml Cluh tomor tow tilkht ho lll not ftn 1 hie opponent rMle MrAnrtrrfti, off lite KUaM The Manayunker li lM-to In htrlrt trtiinlnir for u fortnluiit Kntl he li jirlmcil for nn of Tile uauil rip nd tear bill left. Mickey FherMnn, the L'hlcewo boxer of no account but n IlKhtfr extra-orrtlnary anln will p nrii in nrMnti at tho Natlomil tomorrow nljht The wild Irishman from the Windy Oty Ih r lrM off Mlth nnother Harp, Itoh Mrk free from the AuM Ho-I nnl a lctory ocr Jack Toland la hla Ancrknn dlut Jack Dunteaxy atneks up ncnlnt a pretty rlexer propo"ltlon nt the Olymplrt Monday night wht n ! entount r Willie Jarkann of New YitU In tho eoinlflnal 1 1 the Itenny Ieonard Johnn Nelaoii tilt. Jai kaon w rile h la In itrent form and bopca to llirht htmaelf back Into form. wliereb he cun set another craik et Johnny IClllmne Clnrley Ixonnrtl meet a Mmny .Mfljo AIo Kabiikoff oppoaea Jimmy Mc(abn nnd Younre Meriwa) a JlattllnK Alur ray open the ahow. Another hlabway robbery la on record, but nnl on a police blotter, arcordlnir to re porta from Memphla. It la atated tha llattltnx 1 vlnitk should hae been ulven the derlnlon In hla match with Una Chrlatle by n wide roareln tho oter night, but tho referee declared the conteat a ilran Kddln Itoraey la palrrd off for a ten-rounder with Walter Alolir lu -Suw York lotuaut i m Wet rhHudelphlu negro la allow In (lotham flovn luiera llaahea of Joe Oana'a claaa nnd e haa been iNixlns nirularly there TMa la another rnae of a local Ikjv halnff to Ieae town to ffet a chance to mnke iroad. Charley Welnerl and Bob Moha ha Iecn sBP'! z x&E&W'&zZ'0 safh3IKK&dr xaUaBBB Auto gears trans mit power. Much of this power is lost through friction. Automobilo LUBRICANTS reduce friction, prevent wear, increase mileage, nnd prolong the life of your car. Aih yoar JtaUr for tht Dixon lubricating Char! JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO. J.r..rCltr.H.J. WW EUnM)U7 K&Si ft JW.IAU !: Arch Si & clven tho right aort of i ommiMion ft break by thn lloxlntf In New York nlntUe to cabin on of their recent mutch The llcepao held by the .Show Corporation to conduct boxlnc lumta In Madlann K'tuare Clarden rxplrea Octolier 11 nnd Chairman KreJ Wnk ban aered notice on the fnriKirntloii that It rttn cit n renewal f Ita llrneo only by consenting; to etnue the Welnert Moha lnut Ortolter It! Ilealdea the c oriN.rntlon muel piy the ttoxcra $2.'0 each for their loan of tlm whtn the lout wan de clared on , , ., . Willie Drown the New York bmlim. who at)ea hlmaelf m champion of the tJ H. N . la In atrlct t ralnlntr In tiotham and he la irirn. tlrttlnR for louta with local mtrhmkra lirown wanta another mix with Uddle O Keefe but be tn hot tnrt Iru In r who la booked In rt elxait ecrap with blm After Bummerlnir Ul home In Han Franclaco Kddl Campt la on Ida way here nffitln. He etopv off lu MInneaiHjIta for u match with Matt llrock. iVtober lu 1 hla will be the tftllfornlan'a third lnaalon nf the Kaat Ho Mixed here ua a tMintim 01 hla first trip. Now bo la a full-fledacd feathrrnelibt GeorRG Sinlcr to He Married nnTltOIT. MUh. Oct fl Oeorire fllaler. flrat Imwrnin nf the tft louln Irowna will he mar rl d here to Mlna Kathleen Holxnairle on Octotrer 1 The romance bsan when they were atudenta ut the I'nlieratty nf .Mlchlsin. Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bouts Last Night IlIlOtmVAY A (V l Nrlaon eially de feated K O. Al Wainer, Oeorxe IHarkhurn knorked out Willie llenrkert with rlxht-hund Minrh to ImjUi, fourthi I'nd fdler muile onnc Harry Smith quit, third; Jlmmr orle ft npped tn fir hii llrati i run Lie Allllamt tlerrntrd l.ddle KelU. NhW tUlK Jerk Denning won from New Al Mrtoy. Have Knrli leat .Vc Think MNCOLX nOUTS TOKlGIIT I'addr Mauler x. Ilnbbr lnod. tonne Ham Iinafurd n, Jimmy Iercett nariey w U 1111m II Jimmy Murphy n, Aaltera va Itobhy llayra. nkei ert a. Johnny r.can. tt nun. Central High Stars Ineligible Football at Central High School received a aetbnrk yraterday when It waa announced that ten of the firstly auuad anl fUe of the errub team would be unable to represent the achool en the srtdlron until they had made up acholiiatlc deQrlenclea It la unlikely that any of tho In elltllblra will be able to play before, Noi ember Soccer League to Hinc night Clubs Philadelphia Textile Joined the Philadelphia Soccer !eatfue at the meetlmr held laat nlKht In North llranrh Y M. C. A.. .Oermantown anl Ihlsh avenuea the Inclualon of Textile cloalnx the circuit at elirht cluba lln Suits to I LSi Prder IWm 1 1 BMEJil if w Reduced from 1 frareJ w $30 $25 & $20 I I iral I H MadoFrom 1 1 ml M WhsM Woolens j I illllifflTl Cat t0 Your Measitre i II I ) mllllmXX All Colors Ekqlusive j I M'WW. '' " ' Designs Bi hUuII Will' Worsteds, Serges, h . W Wit Cheviots li Ml Ik I li'" l . Wc Guarantee j O . m H See our seven big 1 J windows I PETER MORAN & CO. MERCHANT TAILORS 9 I 9TH AND ARCH STS. 1 K Ettablithed 40 Yoan S K Open Monday & Saturday Evenings Till 9 I a o coNKrriov mitii anv mtiikh ktoui: jM ACCORDING TO DOPE RED SOX f SHOULD DISPOSE OF DODGERS BY TAKING FOUR OUT OF SIX Brilliant Pitching and Proved Steadiness Under Fire, the Two Main Essentials, Assets Possessed by Favorites in World Series ij f.RANTLAND UICE WHAT chsnr hud IlrooVIynT on to I)HIm' In thn main lnrllfnt nt larliril tn thihran1nlilop. the direct an Rwrr comen a,t one NOT VKUY MUCH. Tint If one In to InVo Into contltrntlon the ottrnnl ppll)llltlr of nn upoet In n fn-irnme ttrff, the answer mlcht not he po direct. In denllns directly with n situation of thin eprt the only way ahead la to follow the deIoua,trnll of the dope. And no far ns the dope la concerned noMon'a lied Sox are overwhelming favorites, lirannn 1: The first reason 1 till the lied Sot went out nnd bailed their pennant tn a tniiKh league by overpowerlnc their main rivals Detroit nnd Chicago. . When the rtac was at stake they look these two rival town by storm, wlnnlnir flo of the sit irnmn played. They nsked for no outside help they went out and won. On the other wine the Brooklyn Tloblns won deeplte their Inability In tho stretch to stop their leadlnc rlxal With clsht September games cast against the rhlllles the league leaders won one nnd lost secn. This shows tho big difference between he clubs under fire for results go n, long T.y In nny ntgument that Isn't loaded with prejudice. Reason 2: Hobby hai a good, steadv pitching staff In Jlarquard, Coombs, rfeffer, Cheney and Smith. Hut for world series effect compare thla staff with Habe ltutli. Dutch Leonard nnd Hrnest Shore I Ituth. Leonard and Short stopped Cobb, Crawford, Jackson, Collins nnd Veach when, ever they cared to Hut Marquard alone could stop the Phtlly nttnek In tho other league. Ituth, Leonard and Khoro comprlso two great lefthanders nnd n great righthander Once keyed up they ulmoM will be unhlttablo. Marquitrd nnd Coombs have had world scries experience nnd we believe these two will be effective, The Hube looki ns vyll ns ever, nnd he has beaten the Ited Sot before Ooomln Is n smnrt, courageous pitcher with a world of experience and a lot of stuff left Neither of theso will be easy to beat Hut the Hrooklyn pitching staff doesn't stnnd up with that Boston Irlo by n number of spans. The Hcd Sox. with Hoblltzcll. Barry, Scott Janvrln nnd Gardner, have a surer Infield nn defense nnd one that will hn every whit as hard. At short and third Boston has n decided advantage. Between the two Infields Boston has the better of It. not only through greater world series experience, but through ft far greater ateadl. ness against the test. Reason 4: ' Wheat. Jolinrton, Stengel nnd Myers can hit the ball with Lewis. Hooper, Walker nnd Shorten. But we know pretty well what Duffy l.ewls nnd Harry Hooper can do In such n series, for we saw them operate against the Ol.ints In 1912 nnd ngnlnst the rhlllltt In 1MB. t I.enls nnd Hooper nre two great world series types, tho sort that have the knack of rising to tho occasion, cither with a miracle catch or n long, timely smash at bat. They both have been seasoned In many bitter wars, nnd unless they happen to bump Into nn off week they are pretty sun to star again. Main Line Bowlcre Open Season Tonight Th formal oiwnln of the Slain Line llonllnr Leame for the luioli reason will tak M.ei lenUrM. with the elrrult tnrreatrd to alx clubi A thlrtr-match achnlule haa Iwj arrancett anl tte Main Line knights of the alky, villi doubt. Iran have an tntrreatlnc aeaion ahead Thla ava. nln the Wan quintet, champions o i. tagur, will roll the llo"mont Men's Club on tha Wayno Jlen'a flub alien, Halmt Wnlt wu? Ealn captain tha champ, with Davlil Itamwr leading thn lloemont uulnlet The I'ooll Trav. elera will roll ttobert Ravlll'a Nar berth y. li A at Narberth. with tho Narberth Hovers JoufI nejlns to Anlmore Y. M. O. A. t sold rom the StApit&nr lluipidor bit all dealers BwuhDAos, Moijuacturcrs i Iswe-a-dollar"a wc and YOU still SAVE A DOLLAR and enjoy the same luxury of style and comfort in the NF.WAHK Shoe despite the advanced cost of manufacture, thanks to our pre paredness and enormous pur chasing power. You have but to see the new styles in our windows to convince yourself of that fact. ' 1 KI9E ioaH Never was the economy in buvinp; The NEWARK Shoe brought home to our cus tomers as it has been'this season. Let us fit you vyith a pair tomorrow. 237 Styles. Gmmmteed MX Month uorolhfrg One dollar will keep you in note without Inlet for at lent dx months If you wear 9ttaMtfetekHo4e If you can wear them out in less than six months. we Rive you new ones for them FREE. Try a ij oi i pairs tomor row. All popular colon, mioDiacK or while. For isle exclusively .11 IILIVAHK Storn through out the United, btntti. Newark Shoe Stores Company .... .. . 1'IIH-lnKI.PIIIA STORKS Vt VtVX'S 2t" V'wn tStti ana 13th 8ts. .I!! 5?"? , belwean 4th and 6th Hta if Jirr.;.'0" AV" wn Vork and Cumberland Sta All !,0,"l, -V" r th Ht r ' .;.: VrrW"y"! e near Chelten Ave. !ff J.?.rAhMf",',l.SJa r..r P.uphin m Minhiittn Pur Jipanao S'Jk Hoie 3 Pallt lor 11.00, SmjU pair lie. Allantle Cllr Mana.unk Hlore .;4Md Main .("i i.V lUverlnc t aniden ht.nre. lltn llroadwar. ring. -oyy is An!od.i:'aurju.Tlxv;e' Av- When orderlna by mall Includo lOo ParV?l Pn.t eh.-,.. PETEY ( H0V4,SfcU &ft., OUCV.K, vcteyA WAIMC THT MrV-r r j MlLUQVJ OoUAffi MCia. y J OWCLW "3IM uapT Mfep. WaSll'T rUAlirnn Allii-T 1 , . - - ,-r. i iri-.-. r-wri at. aaraaaaaaav. . - - -a , "aBBBaaViBBl an x?vl- n x- T f Urn 7 . " ' for ii. L. H, maaBA. Jam iNa. . W? ? wTmirt WW w 1 w I aB'iaa "gMaTjaaaaaaa J I Vvliw aanaaaalsBBBBBT 3bbbbbt l v HbbbbVbbbbT h mhKT MHpiypajgpaataajyaaJlw at , Baaafflto..41Vi;,Jit1-' t . 1 w Wweu'-r WoTiced T- Jk I TS Tonmur Her hcad -Thw's vhat rr vs CeTTtM SUoBBlSM As The Deuce.;.' jjlll I ijmmL Thim. TVirVr's A "TeRfWtttTHIwC- .AUWTIC, UKCtE PBTBV 1 jt$i m.iT ArYa vSJaaBnBBaflr ' JbbbbbbbbbbbI iKBr LbBBBBBBXb. aBBBBBBBBBBBBLaasBl mm-mmmmiimmmmmmmmJmmmmmmBmm m ' '' a-aaTaMsM (Qrh IS TVlfXT I So? J ! k C.,rt.Vo,';Jr-- V a TJKVV..I iup:( I T 1 I VCUoVj, I i .. -. l, j rv ,o -w rtK IHKEE TMe3 TVS MORMlUGe BBPrtrita cui. CAME AMD tACED MM Swoes - 3HF i A CHAWGPD woNiAM-'.'. 'M li!aaBiBj LOo 3F 33 ii