Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 05, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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AFTEK iNiJinvvuo xjj-
Jjrts of Good Export Bust-
nm Senas j"u7
to . .ew High Marks
Hr V.w-
Weal JUr 1
Sai:.w.iw( yl!??-r;l2 !! 55
Kss'w"" ;rv s so
Caksgo. Oct. 6.-Aftr waerlng nnd
Jhc below last night's close, following
i establishment of new high records for
' r.. .-,. lh wheat market necame urm
TLtn on reports of a good export business
P Sd dosed hlgner ij.
Stalling br I0158 na O"1"" "u ""tru
thTwirket oft. Their action was duo to
iZrt that there would be a change for the
Ltor In the weather In Argentina, where
retracted heat and dry spell hss re
tJK In a critical crop situation.
IV -Si. nonlllon of the casn innnsro
E gained strong and there was a turtner
rte at wrrS. w sold at Sl.60'4
1' ...mat ll.SsW at the close yesterday and
v.J at II 5 a,n8t '-B8tt "terday
I' WJ ,... win nmnnl thlt
1t price. oreiB "" -
SliSSl from, the seaboard l were
, .t. The Onio report mr utiumr
! meaerate. in 19.000.000
JP?v" Mnst 40,000,000 bushels hanest-
fcA last year.
feukian agricultural department placed
Wares sown to wheat this fall at 88
rl. .., of last year.
,rtl futures runted follows
w-v..i Ooen. lllsh. Tw. Cloaa. Cloae!
JUiT 1W'4 l.AoH 1.BSJ4 tl.SOtt l.BKJ,
,tsj-'::,; jo? i.4o l.se 4i.8i ....
rt .... .j7T 14.S.T 14.75 114 2
Ib.; IS SO IS SO 1S.7T 1SS2 IS 37
...... .j.n 41 nn til M l-l n
Sr.. 12. 1!! 85 t!2. 1--35
(fk- M. u q Art OT OT
Mr.t 2i&7 SV.SO S2.M 22.87 22:SO
karT, ..U i.W - vw .vi
!" tAikcd. ,
) Hid. AikKl.
lim ftiUr SO ..
llcNmr " "
E7Eit.n.ion so .22
Bwtli Star , .IS ;J
mmtui nimont ;i ;;
ZnetaS Extemton f SH
S..m Eula 24 .20
ilrtnU 10 .11
Kis .ii .is
ir . i ul "-
fctablnitton Fraction m .07
pumnanll D II ..r OS .07
litur .os ,os
mca .. . . ."
Mi Conaolldatcd . . RO .61
!! Mari-ar 1)7 .OS
nbo Extfnaton 35 ,S7
Irnui Ofl .10
W IM sll-i
.jlafMrm WMfirfaTI ... 111 nn
iPrtrPldc 10 ,81
ljTtaimi y. 20 .24
j, Strata Wonder ..... 2,2 2.S7
w Ttwpa Mlnlnt US .10
I'HM'siiii i sfr n ikiiimiismimi " nnra
a:k.l?18c hlsher. MIe.J and hutrhrr.'
K CllTT..B--necIpt. BOOO. Market ntronrj
Btrvvi i9.Bowii.ao; cow ana nirem, is 8Su
tf MlWssiV iar sio snf"2'lffi.,"v """'
SHfieP lUctlpta. 25.no Market ateadr.
Vjftij and weatern. $408.60; lamba. I7.70&
u itn
Bulwark of the Hungry Working
Girl Forced to Surrender to
the Frown insr Front
i of Wnr
AlJ".i.rM,i.(",lr "" blue.
And thj haic rauw la bei
K WJ2i;Rs '
Itr.rt, '! lMtill la up,
M.lam and mail Hftetl
xn wolklnt toll protect.
Nobody ever believed that Chllds would
do It
nut It came to pass, and-now the bulwark
of tho hungry working girl, her last strong,
hold, has surrendered to the enemy, war-
.o " r-is z 1
times. Tho price of food at Chllds has
risen gently, subtly, but upward.
Proof of this was round on the menu.
Tou know that white, limber nastehoani.
creased down the middle, with blue and gold
printing on the outside and n menu in
red Ink on the Inside? Hero and there a
nickel has been inserted by an Invisible
hand In the price of the delicacies cered
at the seven Chllds fortresses In town.?
The Chllds tax on "two positively freth
eggs" has leaped from fifteen to twenty
cents! As for n poached egg mounted on
corned beef hash, that's sprung entirely be
yond the horizon of tho IS-a.week ribbon
clerk. He now does a sum In arithmetic
nnd cats prunes five cents very, very
wholesome, crullers nnd inarmnladr, which
havo not been affected by prosperity, and
then reads the rest of the menu.
Tho boost In prices came as a climax to
Lo Forzo Italiano Guadagnano
Nuovo Terreno n Nord del Col
Bricon Mcdiantc VJgorosi
w?-. I pmmes jpaB?
ClB'M aho a haio W XL
tha disappearance soma time ago of tho
ketchup bottlo from the table. A writ of
hnbea,s corpus Is necessary to lure the
ketchup bottle from Its hiding place. Ita
former home, tho circular nltar or dais in
the center of tho table, now is equipped
with Worcestershire sauce, pbpper, salt
and vinegar. These, with sugar, water,
napkins and toothpicks, are frfe.
A manager of one of tho well-known
gastronomic institutions explained the rise.
"All restaurants are doing It," stoutly
declared he. "The price of ever) thing is
up. Wo have to protect ourselves."
He blames It on the war. So does every
body else. The war had nothing to say
about It.
IIOMA. 8 Ottobre.
II Mlnlittro della Cluerra pubbllcava lerl
sera II seguente rapporto del generale Ca
dorna circa la sltuaziono alia fronts Halo
austrlnca: Lungo Hntera fronts dl battaglla
1'artlgllerla o' stata nttlva. Io bat
terle nemlchs hanno mostrato specials
attlvlta' nella tons dl Qorisla e sul
Nolla valle dtt Travlgriblo ed In
quella dell'alto Avlslo II nemlco, dopo
una Intensn preparaslone dl artlgllerla,
lanclo' determlnati o ripetutl attacchl
contra tutte le noatre poslilonl sulle
atture della parte merldlonale OH at
tacchl austrlacl furono pero' resplntl
dappertuto e con gravl petdlte per II
Sulle" fatde settentrlonall del monte
Col nrlcon le noatre truppe esegurlrono
lgorosl oontrattacchl e rlusclrono a
guadagnare nuovo terreno verso la
montngna chlamata Col Ilrlcon Vlccolo.
Aeroplanl ostlll hanno lasclato co
der bombe su Mnntalcone o su altre
localtta' della xona del Basso Isonxo.
ucctdendo un uomo a ferendone un
attro. Una delle nostra squadrlglle dl
aeroplanl ha bombardato con buonl
rlsultati la staxlono ferrolarla dl ?R
brestna, nella tona del Carso.
Un dlspacclo da Zurlgo dice che lo Stato
Magglore austrlaco annuncla che I'attUlta'
deli'artlgllerla itnllana sul Carso e' mag
glore cho per II passnto e che repartl dl
fanterla Itallanl nttaccarono le trlncee nus
trlncho ad eat dl Oppncchlasella rlusccndn
a penetrarvl, ma che ne furono pol Imme
dlajtamente rtcacclatl. Dice anche che un
attneco Italiano nella zona dl Col Ilrlcon
rluscl' a giungero ntle trlnceo austrlache,
ma sublto dopo gll Itallanl ne furono
A Berllno a' stato nnnunclato che le
truppo rumene cha avevano nttrhcraato 11
Danublo e mlnacclaano II ftanco slnlstro
dell'armata dl von Mackensen sono state
rlcacclate at dl la' del OanuMo In segulto
ad una mnncnra avolgento dello stesso
Mackensen. Iji notlila non e' ancora con
fermata da fonts rumena, ma se anche I
rumenl sono statl costrettl ad attraersara
dl nuovo II Danublo, non st puo' parlare dl
vittorta bulgaro-tedesca.
D'altra parte le truppo russo-rumene
operantl nella vaeta sona della Dobrugla
hanno guadagnato terreno ed hanno con
qulstato una lmportante poslzlone sull'ala
destra dell'armata dl ion Mackensen, nelle
vlclnanze del vlllngglo dl Amxacea, cat
turando un mlgllalo dl prlglonlerl cd una
quantlta' dl materlale da guerra. Mono-
stante la nccanlta rcslstenza cho le truppe
tedesche, bulgaro e turche oppongono al
russo-rumenl, questl oontlnuano I'attacco
contro II centro nemlco nientre cannonlcre
russo bombardano dal Danublo l'nla sinistra
del maresclallo tedesco.
Telegramml da Ateno dlcono cho nella
glornata dl lerl 11 re Costantlno dl Grecla
preBledette un conslgllo della corona tenu
tosl nel palazzo reals alio scono dl dlscu
tere le oplnlonl scrltte presentate da clascun
mlnlstro sulla sltuazlone. Como e' noto
tuttl 1 mlnlstrt del gablnetto Katogeropulos
sono dlmlsslonarll. II ro ha accettato le
dlmlsslonl con l'ldea dl formaro un gabl
netto at guerra nel quale 8a ran no comprcsi
ire aaerenii ui vemzeios.
" gjjiimiil" HEPPE-VlCTSTliliilliia
, m
Heppe's will deliver Records or Victrolas
free to any home in the United States
Records or Victrolas purchased from Heppe's will be promptly delivered (all
transportation charges prepaid) to any point In the United States. Every Record from
lieppes is guaranteed to be new and perfect. The Records used in the salesrooms
re n've" old. Write or phone us your Record orders, and if you need a Victrola,
tho Henpe Rental-Payment Plan will offer you any style at the cash price with no
extfa charge for the privilege of partial payments. v
Heppe Victrola Outfits
6 10-Inch Double-ftce Records.... 4.50
Totsl cost t. $19.50
Pay 1 down, 2.50 monthly.
VICTROLA VI . '. $25.00
6 10-Inch Double-face Records.... 4.50
Toll! cosl , ,.$29.50
Py ti down, 3 monlhly.
Records,, your selection 5.00
Tots! cot ...,, , , ,$45.94)
Pay M down, 3.50 monlhly,
Records, your selection 10.00
Totsl cost .,,,., .$90.00
- i aewa, monthly.
Records, your selection 10.00
Total cost $85.00
Pay $$ down, J 5 monthly,
VICTROLA XI , $100.00
Records, your selection 10.00
Total cost . $110.00
Pay 8 down, $6 monthly.
VICTROLA XIV '. $150.00
Records, your selection.. 10.00
Totll cost -,, .....$180.00
Pay to down, 98 monthly,
Records, your selectldn 10,00
Total cost ...,$2I0.0U
Psy HO down, to mommy.
CM, or Write for Large Illustrated Catalogs
1117-11.19 CWnut Straat or 6th Thompaon Streata
s nu
"Dark" Secret in Player's Life Disclosed, With Some Notes
on the Value of Folk Music as Recorded
on the Phonograph.
ny the Phonojrrsph Editor
Harry C. nrowne, with "Tha House or
aiass" company, playing at the Oarrlck. Is
a busy man these days preparing records
for the Columbia Company, of New York
For be it known It. C. II, tha actor. Is
none other than Harry C Browne, hanjolst
and singer of plantation, rler and minstrel
songs. Mr. nrowne Is his yodnger days was
an expert banjolst, and as his father, Isaao
8. Browne, had been a well-known minstrel
man Some, thirty years ago. It was only
natural that his son should Inherit some of
his father's talents, and several of his
daddy's songs nre among the records ha Is
making. On Tuesdays and other non
matinee days ha goes to New York to make
records of several songs. In tho November
Columbia catalogue will be found among the
numbers listed "Angel Clabrlel." composed
and made famous many years ago by Krank
Dumont, tha local minstrel man. The July
'and August lists also contain songs by Mr
The matter of folk songs on the phono
graph may welt detain the reader's atten
tion for a few moments For this Is n
branch of tho act that Is peculiarly suited
to disc representation. The United States
has little folk melody that does not spring
from the South, In especial tho period of
slavery. And what a wealth of Interest Is
there t Dorak. the Bohemian composer,
whose less-well-known symphony Is to be
played In Philadelphia his autumn, went to
the cotton fields for the source of his "New
World." And een tho less pretending dit
ties and lullabies that southern mammies
used to sing to the pickaninnies aro agree
able to listen to. That Is where tho phono
graph comes It It preserves the personal
tone of such offerings, sometimes better than
the concert hall.
Mention was made aboo of Mr, nrowne's
work for the Columbia. If you hear one
of his records "Jloll Out. Heave Dat Cot
ton" you wilt appreciate how nicely tho
machine catches and reproduces minute In
flections, as well as broader effects. Tou
hear the bell and whistle of the freight boat
and the cascade of cries of tho cotton load
ers, with a musical background ever pres
ent The Columbia has been singularly keen
on folk melodies. Witness Itn "Humoresque
on Two American Folk Songs" ("Dixie" nnd
"Old Folks at Hume") played by the Koell
ner String quartet. And. by tho wny, this
quartet has a curious personnel. It Is com
posed of father, daughter and two -sons.
The Interweaving of the ttwynes In cleverly
accomplished on tho record; which lias a
real folk value.
Ireland has been vigorously productive of
songs and dances of the people -And If
you are pro-Irish (or ecn Just pro-music)
you will liko to hear three of Kdlson'a dla-mond-dtsc
records "Mother Mnchree." "My
Wild Irish Hose." and "Come Hack to Krln,
Mona Darling" The first, graced by the
good tenor of Waller Van llrunt. Is n
Chauncey Olcott ballad of the approved
stage tpe. Its popularity seems to Jump
with the years. "My Wild Irish nose." on
tho other side of the record. Is even older In
point of time, nnd hardly less likable
George Wilton Ballard sings the third
named number, with mixed chorus.
"Mona" Is also entreated to "come hack"
In a Columbia offering It's romantically
done nnd Is likely to hold Its own in com
petition with other comers on that account
Tho Victor Company has at least two
artists, nnd ".cry possibly more, who can
Imbue a popular song with much appeal.
Herbert Wlthcrsj-oon, whom Phlladelphlans
temembcr for his frequent appearances with
the Metropolitan, has recorded "Off to Phil
adelphla." built on an old Irish melody.
In ten-Inch form. It's tho song of an Immi
grant about to tempt fortune In a new
world. Humor nnd pathos aro skillfully
Intermingled to produce what theatrical
Records In All Lenquaqes
Columbia Grafonolas
and Records
Complete atocks for your
selection. Demonttrationa at
any time in our store, or on
approval in your home.
Pricea and terma trf auit your
New October Records
Now on Sale
Open Monday, Friday and
Saturday evenings
Geo. B. Davis & Co.
3930-36 Lancaster Ave.
managers leva to describe as "a tear for
every smile ; n, smlla for every tear."
There there Is the time-tried favorite.
"Msrchlng Through Georgia," dons by Clar
ence Whltehlll, also of tho Metropolitan.
Tho well-known Wotan of "Illng" fame,
who himself should really write a song de
scribing his experiences on tha golf links
soma day, Is the singer We need hardly
remind you that this number was composed
by Henry C Work, and that It Is a sketch,
in melody and words, of Oeneral Sherman's
devastation of the southern Stato hen the
backbone of the Confederacy was shattered.
Which also reminds us of the Shermsn
rcene In "The Birth of a Nation." Terhaps
It will Interest ou to hear tho orchestral
rendering of the song during the presenta
tion of the flm nnd then compare It with
Mr Whltehlll' version
Kitty Cheatham Is a performer who
touches nothing that she does not ndom.
She has contributed two specialties to the
Victor list. "Dixie Land" nnd "fse Owlns
Back to Dixie." both full of that sentiment
which has been alluded to above ns of
tho people. And while on this suhject,
wo might mention the Columbia's "Come on
to Nashville," sung by Georgo II. O'Connor,
a character portraycr of this sort of thing.
Keeps Pace With Higher Cost of Living,
Duo to Wnr-Brldc Profits
NKW YOniv. Oct. B Though the cost of
thing goes higher, the demand for dia
monds duo largely to largo wnr-brlde
profits Is on the Increase, said dlnmond
merchants today The demand Is so strong
that some dealers are offering bleached
jcllovv diamonds as pure white A touch of
nlcohol, however, reveals whether they are,
genuine white
The New Dig lilts
Arc All Included In the
The wide selection is wonder
ful up-to-the-minute and in
cludes Hello Hawaii. How Arc
You; In the Beautiful Seaside Air,
She Is the Sunshine of Virginia,
All Erin Is Calling Mavourneeii
and a host of others. Be quick.
Select YOUR
favorites quickly.
These numbers
arc big sellers.
17 S 9th. St.
Opposite r.atoffle.
k PENrTv
Leaves Note In Which She Sayt
She Had Bwn Wroiifced by
CINCINNATI, Oct S. A hots on -srfcie
she had scribbled that her vfcttM tr4
wrenged her Is the only explanation Om
police have for tha killing late laat taighl
of Alfonso Wetterer, forty-nlna ytra cei.
by Mrs Helen Houck, thirty years M, as4
her subsequent suicide by shooting, v
Wetterer was vice president an4 seers
tnry of tho Wetterer Brewing Company. c
this city Mrs. Houck lived on Walnut Hill,
nnd had been divorced from her huetMnal
two years ago.
Kordegian Steamer Sunk
LONDON. Oct 6. Lloyd's report that
the Norwegian steamship Ada, JUt tone
gross, has been sunk.
; all styles
nnd sizes
$15 to $200
for immediate
delivery. .
Formerlr Manazrr Jarob nroa. fV
1306 Arch St.
MUBHffiiatrhone Walnut tt1
.. Tou will aet prompt 4a-
Itvery and eallrely aatla-
factory aervlre without th.
I bother of going downtown
r it you Duy your rcaiaon
and rerorda hern- Always
a complete stock. -
1627 Germantown Ave.
Jut below Erie Ave.
Open enlni.
Aitken, Riding Goodyear Cords,
Shatters World's Record!
Captures Astor Trophy in Sheepshead
Bay Speedway 250-Mile Classic
Rickenbacier Also on Goodyear Cords a Close Second
Catapulting-along the edge-to-edge board course at
Sheepshead Bay Saturday at the rate of 1 04.66 miles
. an hour, a world's record for the distance, Johnny
Aitken drove his Peugeot to victory in the Astor Cup
Race over a field of 3 1 starters.
He rode on Goodyear Cords!
' And he won on Goodyear Cords!
Desperate competitors thundered at his hubs every mile
a ' of the way a treacherous tire might have meant defeat
J but he won his Goodyears did their splendid part.
i They stood the .burning,, tearing, grinding, rending punish-
j ' ment of 250 miles over edge-to-edge boards at a 104.66-mile
,' ' pace and victoriously!
' ' Aitken's victory is not" an isolated instance of the unflinch-
, ing stamina of Goodyear Cords. The racing recbrds of the
past three months are formidable with additional proof.
Proof, not alone of stamina though this is paramount
but of speed, spring, and exultant vitality.
Proof of the very qualities that led to the adoption of Good
year Cord tires as standard equipment on the franklin, the
Packard Twin-Six, the Locomobile, the Peerless, the White.
the Haynes Twelve, theStutz and the Mcrarlan.
Proof of the qualities that make these tires better.
The Goodyear T5re & Rubber Co.
Akron, Ohio
fssk 0
II wfr k
SM saA
s 11
?rW II'
Goody&ar Tku, Htaog 1?ouritt Tub mi
"Tire Saoer" Accmorim ere svmj te gtt frem
Goodyear Strtkt Sielim DtqUn wmymjstyt,