EVENING LEDGER-PmLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, QCTOBEK 4, 1016 15 to NERVOUS, JUT CLOSES HIGHER cting Cables on Damngc to jp in Argentina ouu Uncertainty mS2ZZ5X3Z Sir tar7iV.w.irt,tl warmer t!,,r;W wrthwVsY tenlgr.il A..f7fflr. . Wtr and .IrMII iwnn .T.iiiktiy ivrJ,,,ir:i.i. 'irrtir ""w . T.'L'iii &sWST ta'Sffi.l -Si" TrVbaMj ftT" 'hursd.y and & i . . muri wafl n tenon RT5ww I" evldnc In the heat peCpery0" . movements were rr but the tone nnally was nrmer, aUtlons " b0TO ""'W !?u:-". . milte Mtlve. Much W57tf1yASiS,w" " .. ...-. l- I...1 fnll.n In lm m wo ""v -":: ".::.: ; STdfonrht -remained unbroken: that I W Wl ....i.. . rmn ulan and that era wunii --- ...,., r? - M..iknriA nn.rtr(l that v . . v. art hn done. . , BlHnirl nf tXm must be very sensitive, to the . from the soumern iiennoinio.o. .. fct that lane contributions had i e '".. . , mm ht tvrrltnn. looked lorwa.u " .- --; - '. ....ji e . lh seaboard. fan circuiavcu " " ifciio.lne some Irregularity at the outset Biwrkrt weakened on claims that the P"r . i. h.it heen discounted. i from yrc.n- - -j --. if .c iinvtvnr. there was con- 5e. buylnf by eastern interests, nnd rSr.ftern speculators purchased on . ... ... 1-. m h,cl-A. TVanltn.. bmiIui ana oia ircmj v.. ,.-,... --....-,-r-rin,., however, were alt regained on a ttAht, export. ... 1 0rn ended nrm on repons ul . utu And for the casn anicie m. points in Mr tier. There was excellent liuylnjr on .Y . ? l..la. A(&.nAW rnmm HWil aCCOUni, IttlKVijr ctvLw. vw.v..o. Mi leer "was a further call for export. Bt)titf lo oats ''ere fair but scattered. IH amrxetended higher. After the close It lM niKMted that the sales for export nf.AjJ BAft AAA hUBliels. IM4HW IBlur" iwi -- .v..n- vSeiti-. ... ..T?d." 1 Osea, mzn. . lAjiT, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR 3s t ..lfATrr?.''i?',,''.i.",." feu....... Th mr- Uaotat an TCp IX,. ' &.Z. "1Lnr 85. ! B1.1.W aAVS frfjw R? ksutf.jriL ii"SSViiU : -8! II. OHN itPCritilS. (HUM kn.h.1. ".. IUIII, olterln n to lorr quiet, hut Prlcps rulM flrm und.r llirK n Quoi.tlon. 0r Iota for loVVtr.aX Topttlon .urn No, 2 Tller7 VtVIV T,s!ti.?.P.'i;ir".Vinii.0'i.' irVgw 'i SJi.LUi..ll,.-.'1i.lbf!- .l)mn4 wentern H0.'Tj .;:. wentern No. . .".",. T:"".",." .u . J-i0. DATS IUr nt. Ill Ilk w fair ar.it th mtrket ruled vpiira wuoiniinna. i nrm nn'.. an.!! 3. while, JUitlMr. jundir-.!. wTiur'Ksfrsievr'i'whtS "bVo Slijfiisite "" wrf 8ff, .riSlft oVt?. PttHln rtpeelDta, 500 fcbl. and J51.tt lb L1VK STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Oct 4 ItOOS nelpta, JJ-J i.SMlMO. Tatwfin ' lit IXHl f.A rjil-fl. flu .a .---, ...., v .vruIva "..--. ,-- VII. SllBEP nepplpta. Natlra and wtattrn M.eon . calrte. larlcrt lap. l"Vo8.BO. Iambi. IT NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS . NEW YOllK, Ot. 4 BVTTKR ripcelpta, 14.;m tuba Market atraitr to flrin. tradlnc quiet. Stata dalrr. b0- Imitation cream. ItnaM neeelpta, t.Tt i. OMierally nlthar vrlcoa. Kitraa. JO0i aatra flrita. tor flrata. .MfS-i whlta rata. f.OOSI. brown en-, lur4Jci mlied color. 14 a 40c. in aarka. ti.tn.nA .. ii. i.... Mi.i .. ... jiero flrmlr malntalntd. Chjolatlona. rr 1 in wow-winter, Hear. It) 7(10 :. dnl nai ion. in woo.1 win atrataht. 1107 80. de f '.r."in-R. 'J'?'M d0- atraliht. rot VaarVS.." 7 3TT J.6 do, patent, rotton aacki. HC8.2J, apr nt, drat cl-ar. 17.1507.30 do. Daiant. ia2.AuaT?i. a. .u.i. ....... SH?1 C!.U' ra!!."- cnol! nd fancr patent. Wit ?--2i ir mills, rea-uier tradea Vlnter. clear. m 1li. .-On., a. i.5v t.r.8s LU l'aS l.S 1 07 1.3S LOSS GiT, ,1J17S, 1.5'4 1.58S 1.5S,i, J.BTH fe" ;& 7J4 -76!, ;;. 77, liit-. .v .. ... ... .., ! !" Jr. vt mo 1 p.i. sr.v 1T10 IKf .riso 4 5." 14 2 13.37 i3 87 12.37 40.. 5tH 14 37 13.no 13.07 13 SO u'.ii; 1411 sin t14.2 13. it 14.32 13.4 J 13.33 113 05 13 97 12.35 13.80 112.07 If. , : 50 2S 30 2 80 '27.97 '20 33 zs by , s.nu .i.ni ..011 -j.ua .. p.lt K.CI) 2J.03 22 87 21. OS lAflkN Financial Briefs Maame wide exchanges nern recorded In laWVlecis of several banks and trust, com- ; sold at auction today. The second Itaeiamdof the .Finance Company of Penn . wMiMaold at 119 U. a sain of 11U. and ! . pv tut preferred sold at an advance of it HWaj.THe Corn Uxchanse National Bank llj4ned 5 points t,o JSD, th.oO'enii- ajhsdisr Company for the Insurance' on Urn, eta, went for 726. up 6 points. A t!n of BH points ias made by stock of Bank of North America, and the John SH. Stetson Company preferred was taken lit III, an advance of 18 points Tha tntsl nnratlni, ,.,,, ,p 41.. T . n and New Encland Ilallroad Comnanv Cfrtliear ended June 30 was 53,278, DCS, Miimin9l ,:,40,662 in 1318. The net op. pAtteg renue was SI, 820,935, as com Finred with S1,16G,8G0 the prelous year. IfSe net Income increased from $692,910 -H 5;r to 1936,241, and Is equal to 18.66 ier m on tne J6.000,000 capital stock, as lasBjared with 11.5 In 1915. EvGfaas Omnia nf thA ltit,v,igllnnal Af. EaMtttral Comnratlnn fnp , nM .,i 4 "JO .ere S2,70,897, an Increase of MM over 191C. Net Increased J1.40C, to 12,051.303. Howard D. llurphy. of Chicago, and A. iti?, vi c-owier, ina,, nae been MmA m.a.1 m .. . . " uiniiucrB oi me cnicago uoaru or llleturni from 126 railroads to the Inter- - vommerce commission show that dur r August the net revenues were $12,429, i. ai i compared with S65.266.6S7 for Au " ' For the two months ended with VVet the net rp.vnit -n:. ttci nenaai eejiparrf wth S123.915.572 for the Same , your, lucpenses for the increased nenrtv til ftnft noA .. .. t, 1115. They were Sl.S.023.776. ' Tork banks tn in i, e..i,... ...... av JIM .' iV.."."''"'. i ifM.v ' u .iu since l2!?i.rroJ? arnlngs of the West Penn itia V0V"pan ounng- August were .HI. an Increase of S112.6JS over All- lllai. rVa lnAtA.J nnn IflJ. '" " CttUCU oi,aij o 11 CIO. alralarhl ITNf RA. rfA ...- i. i i- --' -.. ,! -f -w- hv uwa yiu,, IlYH ri-OtflT tarfta Mtilatt kttl ttM i.eisaa ll.kt offwlntii, w quota at $0CrT pc bbl at to I1URIU, t PROVISIONS Tht .markat ruled firm, wllh a fair Job. nine demand. Quotatlona: C'Hr beef, aata, amoked and alr-drled. 34ei wealern beat. In aata, mpked. S4e. city and western beet, knuckles and tendera, amoked and alr-lrled. 8Soi beet barna, I28C30, rork, family. I20a.80i Varna. S:ii..urd, looae, 200:04c; do, skinned, lone 21t21'4ci do. do, amokpd. 2202:tci other ham", amoked, cltr cured, aa to brand anil aver are, 2tHc, hama, amoked. wetfrn cured, 2Hic; do, boiled. bonle, 85ci clrnlo ahnuldara, H. P cured, lonie. 144ci do. amoked. lSlies blll. In plrklti accordlna to arerare, looea. 17oi break fast bacon, aa to brand and average, city cured, -24ci breakfast bacon, weatern cured. If-IHci lard, nestern. rertned. lea., 10k CI do. do. do, tubs. Isabel lard, diim rllv. keftla rndra.l. In tea., iSUci lard, pur cltr. kettle rendered. In tuba, loUc. REFINED SUGARS Thero waa little tradlnt, but the market ruled firm, itennera' Hat prlceai Untra nn tranu lated, 8 0307c; powdered. 7.037.10oi confec tlonera' A, n.83O0.Oci soft (radea. fl.20U8.93c DAIRY PRODUCTS ntTTKll Huppllea were moderate and the market ru1d firm under n fair demand. Quo tation; Western aolldnacked creamery, fancy apeclala, 38c; extra. 3(1 K 37c. eitra nraia. S'Vtp SRVic; nrata, 81'c; eocond-. J3tt3lc, nearby prints, fancy. aic; do, nveraae extra. 37V3"c. do. flrata. 33830; do. aeromla, 330 34c. Jobblna aalea of fancy prints, 42tM.1c K1(IS Krenh esaa of fine quality were scarce and 30o pep case hlsner Quotation!: In free ease, nearby extra, 38c per doi . nearby flrata. 110 SO ip atandard caae; nearby curr"nt re ceipts, tHIBu per caae; western, extras. 3c t"r dos i weitorn extrt firsts, 410.80 per caaei do, firsts, 110 20910 Ml per taeo, refrlaerator esia, extra, IS no n-r case. do. flrata, ftI0.30; do. seconds. I8.10V8 70 per caae; fancy aelected candled fresh etis were Jobblna at 43645c per doi. CHEESE The market ruled firm under llcht orferlnsa and a fair demand. Quotations: New York, full cream, fancy, S1021Hc: do, do, fair to aood, 20Vi U20c; do, part aklms, 118 10c. POULTRY LIVE There waa a fair deraand for desirable stock and values were well maintained under moderate offprint. Quotations: fowls, aa to quality, 17020c; roostera, 14UI5c: awing chick, ena, according to quality, 17 020c; White Leg horns, according to quality, ltlOlsc: ducks, aa to alz and quality, lSUltc: plgeona. old. per pair, 25tt28c; do, oung, per pair. 18t?22c. uHk.S.si;1) rul.d nrm under light offerlnga and a fair demand. Quotations ranged as follows! Fresh-killed. drvDack-d fowla. 11! to . box. dry-picked, . fancy selected, 24c; do, weighing 4H t3 lbs. apiece. :Sse. do. weighing 4 lba. aoleca. 23a: do. welaulnf &14 lbs. apiece. 2 Jo: do. weighing 3 lba. apiece. 20021c; fowla. In bbls.. Ice-packed, fancy, dry- r ilcked Northern Indiana and Illinois, weigh nr 4O0 lbs. nplece, 23c; Southern Indiana and Illlnnla. weighing 408 lba. aplee. 22 He; mailer sliea, 10022c: old roosters, dry-picked, loot roasting chickens, western, weighing 7 lbs. and ov-r, per pair. 2402SC1 broiling chick ens, western weighing S1(l lbs. per pair, 24M 21c: chickens, weighing OtenW lbs. pr pair, 20 U21c: do, mixed sliea, 21S22c, broilers, Jer sey, fancy. 80032c: brollors. other nearby weigning m t j ids. apiece, nveduc, prouera nearoy, smaller sites, 2lT2ic: aucas, spring, 22c. squabs, per doien whlti nig nwi ini CHARLES PLATT, JR. Insuronco Broker, Member of Club, Dies on Operating Table Charles Plait. Jr. a widely "known lnur ance broker of thl clti. died yesterday morning while undergoing an operation In the University Hospital. Although he had not been In good health for several weeks, he had been able to go to his oftlce and conduct his affairs until a few days ago. Mr. Piatt lived at 1S09 De Lancey street Two sons, Charles Piatt, 3d. and Harry Plait, were associated with their father In business. JAr many years Mr. Piatt was a member of Charles Piatt. Jr., & Co., Insur ance brokers. When the Ann was dissolved, a few years ago, Mr. Piatt and Charles K. Yungman entered the Insurance business under the firm name of Piatt, Tungman ft Co. with ofnees at Fourth and Walnut streets. Mr, Piatt Is survived by his widow and his tno sons. He waa a member of the lilt. tenhouse, Philadelphia Country and Ilabblt Clubs. to funeral, Thurs JrATH 8 'SO a m . 41S T! Clearfield m. st. lt-qulm maa Ascenalon Church, 10 a Int llnlP Mftttttl,!.--. t.rpt lii(, ft.n.P.t . l)lKNfcn -4M S. KATH IMKNKIl. daugh tee of lata Chrlittan V and Marl 11. Klenef. ltealdence. 5933 K Dauphin st Uue notice of lunral will bx elven. SAWAP.e Vet- ,'v(vi..i iTi.iai .! aa KW'iS, " .funeral services 3194 V atll ! tr.1 n-l,.. UUI-AN tct. 2. MK.-1IA1.1, r t; rtAnnATtA UetMlrea and friends s Thurs.. 'J p. m.a rliat.. Hillside Cent.. . '.'.. Margatet Dolsn. Itelatlvps and friends Invited to fiinaral, Thurs , .8 30 a m . 304S Titan at (above Wharton si Polenin requiem Was, church ot St. Uabrlel. 10 a. m. Int. ,'?lr..rjr" tern IJUNCA.V. Oct 5. OKOttOtNA. widow of flebert Duncan (nea Thompson), llelatlves and rrlends invllM to funeral. Thura , 2 p. m , from rjildence of son, ftob-rt Dnncan, 3133. Memphis st-lnt. Oreenmount Cem. J!tTK, At Nsw York clly Mon , Oct .2. rHTIIKh STUnilKH I-ITK, -lle of l'rof War tier nte. or 1'rlnceton. N J.' Kuneral and In erment at rrlnceton. riTzrATRtCK, vt. 1. ANN. 11 , daughter of Thomas and Catherine FtttnMrlcK arrd IS. Itelatlres and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., Sj80.?.- m., 1802 N. Gth st Boleinn requlernmssa St Michael's Church 10 a. m, Int. Nsw Cathe dral Cem. J-l.t-.MINO, -Sept .JIK JOHN !ONATIUH,.on GEORGE A. CLAYTON Retired City Firemen and Veteran of Volunteers Dies George A. Clayton, a former member of the Philadelphia Fire Department, died yesterday at his home, 3814 North Fif teenth street, after a short Illness. A son, a daughter and a brother survive him. Horn In this city sixty-nine years ago, Mr. Clayton entered the Civil War at the age ot sixteen as a drummer. After the war1 he Joined the Union Hose Company, of the volunteer department, and was mus tered Into the service of the newly organised paid department forty-five years ago. Twelve years ago he retired from the city service. Mr. Clat,on was. a member of Philip n. Schuyler Post. No. 51, a. A. It., and Mitchell Lodge, No. 296, r and A. M., of Germantown. .--.--I .-w.- fjppi .oi, .ihii.1 uiAiiunt.ion of Kllen and Patrick Fleming and husband of l-aura riemlng (nee .Moor), aged 28. jtela '"es and friends. Kngln Co 29. Chemlcsl Co. 8. rhlla. Hre Dent.) mrraber Fire Marshal- office. Klremen'a Itellef Aeo.i 12th Ward He. publican Club, Invited to funeral. Thurs . 8 30 a. m , mother's residence, 418 Nobl at, Bolamn j'wi'ii rain cnurcn or at. Augusttn, lu a, m Int. .Holy Cross Cem. KCCHSSCHWAN. Oct wiaow or uebhard s nosiNri Puchsschwant. aged rtelatlves and friends, Ladles' Aid Society and members pf st, Thomaa' Church and Cannatattcr Irkuen Vareln Invited to funeral ervlcea. "rl . s P m., ann-ln-law's realdenc, rtar. It. I. eaeman. 85 tX. Walnut lane, tlln. Int. pri vate, Northwood Cem. llemalns may be viewed Thors . 8 to 10 P. m OtLLlOAN. Oct. 1. MAnT. widow ot Patrick rillllgan (nee llrennsn). llelatlers and friends lifted to funeral. Thurs., 8 JO a, m.. 771 N. 88th at.. West rhlla. Solemn requiem nun St, Ae-attia-f Churrh 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. emn requiem mass. Our JtAf t lourdes' (.hurch, 10 a m ln St.r)nls ,C"m ., ,.u. t.SNKT 4i S itOlllillT hulnd ef Allc teney. ltelallves and friends Invited to funeral lfl , 3 p m realdence of ;n "-SJS Loney West Chester and Lin ros , Llanerch. Ta Int Mt. Morlah Cem . ,. . .,. . ... tONII Oct. 1, ANSA wife of Mllford lng, rtelatlves and frlenda InvllM to funersl servlcae, Tlmra, 3 p. m , 6480 Harlan st ln'v Private. Ilrnvains may be Tiewe.i vien, .". ..I-.. I. i ICK Oil i. WILLIAM ,n1'0 ! ld V lovlck (nee ltoters). n.1,1'." "M friends. Phlla. Mnslcal Alio ImUed to funeral '' . ri -...;. .- n. . v, . a n m int r."ond 'liaotlst Chun h Oround-' lladdonfleld. NMAOtR. On Oct. R. at his late H-Menc.. In 7'rlnieion. N. J. DAV1U " " K' v-Ki ? k , i.- Thiir,i.. i .so P. m,. in J-irst l-reebvierian Church. Princeton, N "y w..,. v.v... ",:v M im v msnrii maim .lf.Jll.U4ll T'" r --.- ., ..! IU Itala. rsm i" ' "-"I , .' Aiti "IV- t.l- .. o--p tfclhnr. at. Vi.V iiit-4l in fttnofai nui-vlroi. FT-I , l P. "I ,. ai moutrr a rraMtnc, war " DTiVRt. Orwfnmount Cm Ilslatlves and rrlends rri , i p. Clementine st finiinic in.. n-.in..v n. -. .Vr-Jt if. .e William C limb, aged 38 llelatlves and rr.,,n?1 Invited to funeral, Thurs., a p ro , 11)18 w Westmoreland at Int Oreenmount Cem. Ilemalna may be viewed Wed.. 8 to 10 p in, HAIILAainil Suddenly. Oct 2. loaf N Oarjen at., WILLIAM 1L, hueband of Husan Hsrlarher tne lloeder). asd 7n lulatlves and frlenda, Decatur I-ortre. No. 88. I. o. O, K,t aahlngton Camp, No. 801, P. o. H. of A.I Ijocal Union. No. 182. I'nlted nrotherhood of i arpentera and joiners or. America, lunerai servicea. Thurs , si p. in , oraoe It. rormea cnurch. lltn an.1 Huntingdon ats. Int. 15. Orepnvllle, Pa , lrl. morning. 1IATDOOK. Oct. I. ANMU C . wife of Thomaa n lfaVflnrk. rlf.lafli-,a anil r-lon.l-. til. nearby. ign. ilte. wall tier dozen. 13.7SOH: do. welah. lug DtflO lba. nap dozen. i4.K-iflS.1.nO. do. weighing 8 lbs. per doien. 14 04.381 do. weigh zfs ,n: uo. weigning Ing 7 lbs. q: par doien. 13 8008 73! eOOU lbs. par doien. $2.7302 nOl dark. t-I.OO 80; small and No. 2. COoUIl.SS. FRESH FRUITS I 8ECUftlTlPS AT ATTriraxr' E2lu.'t?!i0Jvn,r "ecurltles were sold at STOCKS ..V , llltnd Ct,. fnmmnn. . P"- nsiie. . ,e r.v..j..:.:-'.:v.i l aiare4. a - ".ri.i"MJHiu iml I Vllle p. u..nl -nk, Potts- KSA"" Conaolld.tadCoppercii ."' ' lS;"v.Am.rlcsn Danlri r,;;iAn SliI Iyi. tVmrS:i.lJJ Amaricat par tio6; 238T, Ite-S 'srd Trust .!'. .:-4lnn' ' ' 22W Un .Xa .for Inaursnces 1-Jfr yioo ni Granting Annuities) : M.'n,t.Kn,,,Tru.' c Vpirij66: : : Is?'.. bJ!!i'd 3i SS? tsnn-u',,k"1 ,'v, .... ...nlif'V.th atrVet. "'' asf'.IIOtJ . "''I'on Co. vommoiu p"4e-Joan H QlV.-i!., li" .,-.,. . 384 -,par 1100 "" vo. common! "-Co" hang,-K.-tlonaryank:: 880 BOND? Choice atock sold fairly and peachea were allghtly higher. Quotations Applea per bid -Jonathan. 14 I SO; Illuih. 1394; Urlmea' Hold, en. 12.7803 50. Hmokehous.. I2.7303.r,n; Twenty-ounce. 12 30O3.3O; Alexander. .2 AOW 3.23; Wealthy. JJ.50O3.23: York Imperial. I'.VJ.'l 4t2.,3, Den DaMa, I2O2.50; fair to good. 11.50 U2.S0. Apples, Delaware and Maryland, per hamper Fancy. 73eOtl; fair to good. 33W50C Quinces, New York, per bbl.. No, 1, I4.30O5. do. do. per bush., II 30OL75. lyemons, itr box. $2.7808 50. Urapefrult. Florida, per crate, $3 50 O 5. Cranberries. Cap Cod. pec TbbL. lottU. 30; do. do. per trate. 1202 4u: do. Jerseyr per crato. 1202.40. Peaches, New York, per baakat. 40 73c; do, do. per bush, basket. II 01. 00. Peara, New York, per bueh. hamiver Seckel, tl.2S01.73: Hheldon. IL25O1.30; llartlett. No. 1. tt.25Ol.50: do. No. 2, Sue, Pears. New York. Kurtl.lt. nap bbl.. I3tf4.30. Grapes, Delaware Concord, tier trate, 750Po; do, per 4-lb, basket, 11012c. tlrapes. New York, per 4-lb. basket Comord, loOIJc: Nlaaara. 10018a. Oranpa. New York., tier 21). lb. basket Concord, 40O4'ic. Nlagaru. 40S45c. Plum. New York, per basket Daineon, 204 23c; Prune, 23035c: Orrcn Cage, 30040c VEGETABLES Potatoes were scare and higher, with demand fair. Other klnda of vegetable, ehowed little change. Quotatlona: Wtilt potatoes. Penn. aylvanla and New York, fancy, per bush,, II 20 01.28. Whit potatoes, Jersey, tier basket, 73 w 83c, Sweet pntatn.a, Ka.teni Hhore, per bbl. No. 1, II. 5001.73; No. 2. I1O1.30. Hneet ?otatoes, Delaware and Maryland, per hamper, GODOc. Hwet potatoea, J.rsey, per ba.ket No. 1. 00O7Uc: No. 2, 25033C, Onions, pur hamper, tlOl.16; do. per 100-11) bag. 12.23 02.30. Cabbage, domeatlc, per ton, I430SU General Pcnnypacker Buried Major General Oalusha Pennypacker, the ouiiKest Kcnernl In the Civil War, who died on Sunday, was burled this afternoon at National Cemetery, Germantown. Tho funeral services at his home, 300 South Tenth street, were simple belntr In accord ante with services of the Society of Friends. Though the late general was not a member, ho expressed a desire to be burled with this simple service and not have a military funeral. At the cemetery the sen Ices were conducted by several members ot the West Chester Lodge of Masons. 'to which lodgo General Penn-. packer belonged. Ho was a member of tho Union League. HlKtorlc-.il Society of Pennsylvania, the Loyal Legion and the Society of Cincinnati, CIUIKTKBIKJ4 WEST LM'REL HILL CEMETEnT Valuable lot for salt; summit section. H 844 Led Cent. 'Cltlaen.. MajriV.?-.. - IT!::. ral mortaii. 7i.,Tr;i .xr:--'-' p. wvf3i. lflalTrua5.y,,.lMr . Col i r P,w 14 Jmr)f and Juty. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NUW YOniC Oct. 4. The market for foreign exchange In the early dealings was as dull as previously. The only features were declines In German and Jtutslan ex change. Helchemarlc cables receded to 69. and checks to 69 1116, This shows a loss of l',l from the tecent high of the rally. Ilubie cables were quoted at 31.75 and 31.70 for checks. Sterling was steady at 4.75 11-16 for demand and 4 76 716 for cables. Other quotations were' Franc cables S.S3U, checks 6.8JJi ; lire cables b,464, 'checks 6,46; Swiss cables 6,31'., checks C.33: Vienna cables 12.00, checks 11.98; Scandinavian kroner cables 26.60, checks 21.40; pesetas cables 20,16. checks 20,10; guilder cables 40U. checks40 1316 The market In the early afternoon con tinued quiet with somo .slight irregulailty as compared with the upenlng figures. Francs Improved slightly to .6.13 for cables and 5.93s. for checks, riteiling was a. little better for demand at 4754 Long sterling was unchanged at 4.71 for sixty-day bills and 4.9'.4.C9j for ninety-day bills. Italian exchange shaded slightly to C.4B Vj for cables and 6.4 6 . for checks. On the other hand rubles were higher at 31,80 for cables dnd 31 "t for checks. Home Improvement was also apparent In kroner at 21.45. Jlelchsmarka were nom inal at 69 13-16 for cables and 09 i for checks, Vienna at 11.98 was 3 points above the extreme low record for checks. Cables were 12 flat. Guilders were quoted 'unchanged at 10'i for cables and 10 13-16 for checks. AtU.I. Oct 2. C. WESLET RUHBKLL son of late Hnnuiel and Jane Abel. agd 12. Rela tives and friends, members of Kensington M. L. Sunday School, Invited to funeral services, Thura. 1.80 p. m.. 1228 Marlborough at. Int. V'..t I.aur.l tllll Cm. ALI.13N. Oct. l.r-KLIZAnnTH. widow of Nicholas Allen, rtelatlves and friends Invited to funeral, Thurs., 8.30 a. m.. residence ot aon. Dr. Thomaa J. Allen. 1900 N. 11th at. tiolemn requiem mass Church of Our Lady of Mercy. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Pepulchr Cam. Auto funeral. ATKINSON. Suddenly. In Chicago. Oct. 2, r.DWIN N. ATKINSON, son of lata J. L. and Mary K. Atklnaon. Due notice ot funeral from realdence ot brother, 018 N. 6th St., Camden. N J. will be given. IIALMint. Oct. 2. WILLIAM II.. husband of Martha llalin.r Ilelatlvea ami friends Invited to funeral. Thura., 2 p. in., 1930 N. l'atton at. Int private ltemalna may b viewed Wrd, eve . after 7, Auto aervlce. lll.llttv.rAN Oct 2. ClfAnLT-.l P.. son ot Ch.rle. It. and KU4.1b.th Item-man llle Cla thler). Kl-d 0, Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Thurs, 2 p. in., parenle' reel teme. 881 Mercer at. Int. private. North Oram, I'LU'IC LumbervlKe. fa.. Oct. I, OBOIlOi: W FI.Clv. aged 70. Iluneral, from late resi dence. Lumbervlll Thurs., 10 30 a. m. Int. Carveravlll. Ilelatlvea and frleni.. member, of Uen. Robert L. llodlne Poet, of Doylestoveni Iloylestown Kncampment, No. 31, I. O. O. h.l Pamacus.lng lodg. No. 121, K. of, I., snd Lower lllaclc Kildy Lodge, No. Sill, 1, O. O. l. Invited vvit.iout further notice. 1IOHTON. Suddenly, at Wnodstown. N. J., 10th Mo, 3d JOHN O. HORTON. aged 0. Rla tlves and frlenda Invited to funeral a.rvlces, Friends' Moling House, Wood. town. . N. J. Hlxlh-day. 10 3u a. in Int. Friends' Cein., OI)dSlOMIl . . ... HL'NriNU Ocl ". at Conshohocken. Mont gomery Co., l"a W A BI'NriNH. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral from late real, dence, 308 Faetto st . Frl - P. m. Int. pri vate at Montgomery Cem. Remains may be v.ir.d Thurs.. 7 to 0 p. m. . . RURKi: Sent. 30. JAMES BURKE. Rels. tlves and friends Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 8:30 a. m . sister's residence. Mrs. flarah Ryan. 2J10 olive at. bolamn requiem maai, at. I rancla Nailer's Church, 10 a. m. Int. Nsw Cathedral ifrilTON Oct. 2. .ULIZAIIETII C. widow of Jn.eph llurtuu and daughter of late .David and Ana Conan. R.latlvea and friends Invited to funeral services. Frl 2 p. 111.. 1810 Christian at. Int private, Woodlands Cem, Auto service. lir'tLKIl. Oct. 3, SARAH r",. daughter of the lato Jeremlsli and i'ltiabeth llutler. Rela. tlves and friend Invited to funeral services, Thurs . 2 P. m.. Italy Trinity Church, Coates vllle, l'a. Int. private. ..,... C-.I.I.AHAN. Out. 2. JOHN CALLAHAN. aged 78. Relatives and friends. Olivet I.odije. .No. 887, F. and A. M.l Harmony V.hp,,,I'; Ji,0' 32. R A. C . Appolo Ae.embly, A. O. of if. P., No 42, employe, of Franklin Printing Co.i 1'hlls. Tjpogrsplitcsl Koclety and members of Tioga 1're.bvUrlah Church, Invited to funeral services, Frl . 2 p. in . 3033 N. lKlh st. Jut. private. West Laurel Hill Ctn. Remains may be vieed Thurs . b to Hi p m CARHON. Sept. 30. PANNIB M... wife of Jos C, Carson and daughter of Caroline L. Leary, aged 81, Rlatlvea and frlenda Invited to fun.ral. Hun . I p. iu VU03 Wharton st. Int Northvrood Cem. Remains may bo viewed vlted to attend funeral service. Thura . 2.D m. 21D Cheater pike, Ridley Park, l'a. Int. private. . HAYF.S Oct. 3. in Rerwyn. JAMICS S . hus band of late Mary M. Hajra. Ilelatlvea and frlsnds Invited to funeral, from re.td.nre uf hi brolher-ln-law, lleorge F, Qulgley, llerwyn. Sat., 8 30 a. in Solemn requiem mas. at 8t Monica's Church. 10 a. m. Int St Monica's CemDayles. ford. Pa . 11I.ILKMANN Oct 2. MII.DRF.D VOOR 11KKS IICILUMANN. wife of Horace J. Hell, inann and daughter of Katharln F.. and the l.t Wllllam Voornaoa. ased 24. Relatives and rrlends Invited to funeral services, l'rl . 2 p, m . 214. Furley st (near Chtw and Penn sts , Uermsnlovvnl. Int private. HODSON Ocl, 2, FRANK S , son of Frank ) and leabella llod.on (nee Kelso). Ilelatlvea ana irienas invited to run.ral serviae, ihur , .lapncp 01 nia par.nie. E307 N. after .1 in Marshall st Friend, may call W-J p. m ini ai convenience ot inmil. . HOPKlNSON'. Oct 4. JOSKl'll. husband of lei Fannie llopklnaon (nee liatrd), at 121 H. 20th at . In hi BDlh tear. Funeral aervlce and Int. private. HORTON Oct. .1. HAZF.L HORTON (nee Hargls). wife of Howard llorton. aged '."i R.u. ttvea and friends Invited In funeral service. Frl., 1 p m , st father's residence, l.daar llnr gla. 123 N. 2,lh St.. Camd.ii, N. J. lut Coles, town Cem Aulo funeral Friends may call iiiiir" sit IIOWK. At Ilrlstol, It. I , Oct 1. HEItlir.RT MARSH M.L IIOWK. M II 'utieral eervicea at his latp r.aMenpp, 102.' locust at.. Thurs., 3 p tn Int nrlvate. .IOI.INE On Oct 2, suddenly, at Radnor. Pa.. JOHN FORSYTH JOI.INI.. son of the late John Van llkp mid Allen Van Voorliees Jolllip, Funeral p-rvlec and Int. private. KKI.LY )ct. . ROSI1. widow of Jama Lelly. ag-d 02. RpUUvps and friends Invited tu funeral Thurs . 8 30 a. in., resldenc of son-ln Isw. John llgerty, 318 N. 82d st. Molemn Illih Mass ChurcO of Our Lady ot the Rosary. ID n m. Int . Hols Cross Cem. lVWRK.N'Ci: O. t 2, WM WILSON, son of Oeo. W. and Margaret Lawrence (neo (Ireen). aged 14 R.latlvea and rrlends Invited to fu neral, Frl 2 p. in from pur.nts' residence. 2235 Federal st Int Mt. Morlah Cem. LENNON Oct. '-'. THKODORi:. sou of Julia A und the 1st. .Michael ltnnon. aged 18 Rela. tlves and friend. Invited to funeral. Thurs . s.3u s. m.. from residence of his unci. Frsncla Cunningham. 1012 N 43d st . W 1'hlU High nun ot requiem Church of Our Mother of Morrows. 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem LKONAKD. 'Xt 2. JOHN J., son of lit Patrick and Mary l,onard Relatives and rrlends Invited to funeral. Thurs,. 8.30 a m., 6730 !.eeda st (68U1 and Lanidowno ave.). Sol- tm Remains may be viewed Thura., 8 to 10 P. m MoANANF.T-Oct. 1, THOMAS, son or "e tale Thomas snd. Mary McAnsney. ns'l and friends Invited to lunerai, Thvirs., 8 80 a m from residence ot b"thr.ln-Uw. John I . Rellly, 87.1 N 46th st. Requiem hub rnass pur Mother of Sorroes Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy CrMclS.'imiHLlN -Oct 3, SUItT ..w'l0, "' Captain Patrick McLaughlin, formerly of Ijon denderry Ireland. gl 7i. Relallr and friends Invited to funeral Thura . 8 a ft . on. in-law a rejdcnc, Dennl. MefugWIn. Jr. 1.wn.ld. N. J. Polemn .requletjv roaas St. Rose's Cnuren, lladdon llelghts, N. J SO a. m Int, St Mary's Cem Oloucester. N. J McLArmiLlN. Oct . 2. !'''iN.?N;Kr!' ClIlICB, dauihter of James s",11., ,?". .If; lughtln Inse Twollg). aged 10, ''" "n friends, members Lesru of Sacred. .Heart. An gel. Sodality and Children ot ,.p.aa School. Invited to. fun.ral. Frl., 8 SO ";! residence or parents, ini ".-"'.. fNi, xi... hi T.rp..'a Church. 10 a, m. Int. Holj 4 I)KATH vlted to funeral eervlcee. Frl S 1 licks st In Ml Morlah Cem a p. nt I41J Remain lfAMFFACllUU. Oct. 1.. PRANK TIAMI4 PACIIKII. 8r , husband of Carotin llams pschsr (newI(oth), ge-d SO. . Relative and frl.pds, St to'e and SL lomllca' lien, so cletle and employes of th llous of Crrtlon, Invited to funeral. Thur.. S . m.. T18I Wts slnomlng st., Tacony Solemn requiem itiifi St Vincent's Church. J0 a. ra. Int. St, Don. nio v:em nrjM'KRT Oct ; suddenly, Wit. LIAM ir l.KPPKRTV aged 44. Relatives nd friend. Henry M WllTlsma lMlg. No. 24. 1 and A XXX.P WAKT MttCAXH . . ,ipfc, ' Continued frtr Prrrlf Ceswis. trnis IVm. MCL.KA11N CM-I lfVtNi i 10 . ra. Int. Holy 3. DANIEL MeLTGARN. ged 00. Relative snd friends inea to tuners) services, inur. j J'-..". ""; 1., law's residence, John Ksye. 0203 Use t. Int. MYKRH -SSt. 3. Miss OEOROIF. MYERS ot resr of 334 N. 15th st. Notlc of funeral later. MORRIS, Oct. 8. CATHARINE, wife of Rer nrd Morris. Relative and frlenda Invited to funeral. Rat., 8 a m., 8008 Incaster ave.. est I'hlla Solemn Requiem Mas;. St. Ores ory's Church. 9.30 a. pi. Int.. Cathedral 1 em. S'KRIMiaM Sudden y, Oct. 1. Rev... THOMAS R. Ni:i:i)liAM. I. D . husband of Virginia " neeuham. aged OS. Relatives vileci to funeral services, i-nem liaptlst I nu MCHOItON. Oct. 3. J-.MKS I. .husband of .Mary Nicholson (lie urayi friends and employes of Decker, -aper 1 aexory. inviieu and friends In- s o. in., llath llantlst Church. 19th and York sts Relatives and Smith & Pug tn funeral services. rt.. .. ,i . . .1.4 a timin .1. Ini nrl vale, s'ltT Morlah tiem" Remains may be Mewed YV pl ev. . . NOLL Oct. 2. FRANKLIN M . husband of Kmllv Strobel Noll, aged 8J. IMsttvc and friend. Csrpenters' Union. No. Ri Jeneraon t.lr. rle. No 12, Invited to funeral aervlces. Thurs . 2 p. m . 1318 Rockland at., Logan. Int. west Laurol Hill Cem. O'HARA. Suddenly. Oct. 3. OKOROK. son of late Joseph o and Klliabetli Montel.lb. Rela tives ancf friends Invited tn funersl services. lpi .. ,m,ij t .,... ., int. Mt. Mnrl.li . .. , . ,' ..., ,VV I ... w.. ". ''li. 1. . Hem. 111. may lie viewed -inur., s 10 Cem 10 n m. Auto aervlce ORAM' Ott. 1. nl tVelp lata residence, 4150 FTankford ave., ANNA II. and l.MM.V M.. daughters ot Isle Chsrles C. snd Martha J, Oram OITF.N Oct 3 ERMA MARIE, daughter of Edward K. and Krma M. Olten (nee Welch), aged 1 sear and 2 months. Funeral, rrl., J P. m , parpnt' residence. 800 Princeton ave , Camden N .1 Int Itarlelgh Cem. Friends may call Thurs . 7 to 0 p. m. PARKRR. Oct. 2. AMANDA C . widow ot ltob-rt It rsrk.r Relstlve and friends In vite.! to funttral services, residence of daughter, Iti.'S W. Tlog st . Thurs ,11a m. Int private. t'KRI.IILV Oct. 3. WILLI VM IS., husband of Margaret Perelra (nee Ludlow) Relatives and friends, also Progress l.oJ, No WJ), y. and A il 1 IVquod Trll-. No. 18, t. O. II M.: Laundry lixihange. Cohockslnk; Pnlted llu.l nss M-n' Asio.. Antl-Cohden Club, eniploie. l.ntcrprl- Iundr-. und other organisations of which he wa a member Invited to fun.ral. Hat., 2 p. in , 1013 N nth t. Services at Church of ilod, tlennantown iivp. b.1, llerks St., 2.45, Int. prlvatp. Knights of Pj.th.as Cpiii. PIM Oct 2. 1-I.oRF.M'l; I. P1M. wife of John 1). Plm ssed 48. Relatives and frlenda In Mted to funersl, Frl , 3 p. m., resldenc of son, Hannet T. Plm. 2M7 N. Darlcn st. Int. tlreen mount Cem. Rrtnbliia may be vlevved Thurs.. 8 to 10 p 111 PLATT' Suddenly. Oct 3. CHARLI.S PLATT. Jr. aged 11.' runeral services Mem, 2 30 p in, at St Thomas' Church. Whltnnarsli, l'a Int private Omit nowr, ... , PRATT Suddenly. Oct 2. ANDRRW. bus. hand of Rr.r- Pratt Relatives snd friends. K tl V... No 4u7s l'rtncp of Orons. I, O. I... Nn, 23. and Court Columbia, No. od. 1'. of A.. Invited tn funeral, l'rl.. 2 p. m., 7710 Rulst ave Ini Fernwood Cem PROCTOR. Oct. 2. JAMES, husband of Mary Troctor tne Flnn) and sou uf late Jsmes and Chsrlolte Proctor. Relatives and friends, mem bers of Courl lYauklln. No 240. F. of A , In M , and alt societies of which h w a lnem- wr invnea ro itin.rsi pstsicp., inur. , . nw... spsrlmenls Ktrk Nice. 8301 (lermantamn av . tlln Int Hillside Cem . .la trolley par Re main may r-s Mewe.1 Wed , 8 to 10 p m. IttcllAUDKOV (ne Htohmer) Sept 30. JO SRPHINK R . wife of Wrrn Riehar.ion. sd 30 ltelallves and friends Invited to funeral servtces. Thurs . S p. m , 3043 Titan st (31st and Wnsrtsn). Int Fernwood l'm. Remelns may b vi.w.d Wed , 8 to ID p, m Auto servlc. llOillNSON Sept. 30. JO-tRI'lt II. ROIIIN PON Relallves and frl.nds, Paradise Lodge. I, F, and A.Jil Zarababel Chapter, 81 Shrlner' Pyramid Temple. 1, Quaker City llen.nclal Aee'n; ortlcer 6th Pollca Dlit.. Invited t funersl, Thurs 12 noon. 208 H, Darlen at. Remains may l viewed Wed., after 8 p. m, Int Uden Cem ROKSER Suddenly Oct 2, At'OUST T.. husband of Sophia Roeeer (nee llsurle). asM 01 Rplallve and friends III C'entennfsl lnt. Vereln, No t, employes Ochrts lire . Invlled to funeral services, Frl. 3 p. m . 40ft4 N 1'alrhlll t Int North Cedar llltt I m R.mslns may be viewed Thura , 8 p. nv Auto service, IICOSH Oct. 2 ANNA MAROARKT. wtf ot l.te lenard Ruo.s, aged to. Relative and frl.nds Invited to funersl, Thurs 2 p. m.. 5UH2 Psrrlsh st,, West I'hlla R.inaln may b lewd Wed, 7 to p. m. Int. private. HIIHrPAHD Tenth Mo. Sr, at 43 Jacoby st . Norrlstown, l'a , SUSAN J NIIKPFAKD. sge.1 77 Ilelatlvea and frlenda Invited to funersl at, Plymouth Friends' Meeting House, on Sixth dsy, st 2 p. m. SILCOX. Oct. 2, CHARLI.1 D. SILCOX, bus. band of Annie flllcox (no l.utchendorf), aged ill. Relatlvr and friends. Crescent Club. Rrldesburg Yacht Club. Invited to funeral, Frl., 2 p in,, 2740 llrldce at. Remain may ba viewed Thura.. 8 to 10 p. m. Int. private, at Uellvue Cem HTOCFFI'll. Oct S at Bt David's. Pa , CATIIAHlNi: W.. widow of Charle J Stoulfer, ged 8.1. Funeratservtcp at St. Mary'a P. X. church. Wajne, Pa Frl., 11 a. 111. Int. pri vate Omit flowers S1RADI.INO. Oct. 1. MII.LIMKNTA W. STRADI.INO (nee Corn.il, aged it.1. Relative nnd friends Invited to funeral service, re.ldenc ot her on-ln)sw, N, II. Hendershot. It Unant at.. Newark. N, J , Weil . 8 p. m. Remains msy be viewed at Church. Ill Cem., Thurs.. Ill .SO .. tn int. Chills tivtll. Cm HTURTKVANT Oct. 2. KATIIARINF. IR VINB. wife ot Dr. C N. Slurtevant. Services and Int.rment prlvste. Thurs.. 1 p, m TEIUINER Suddenly, Oct. 1, KMILtE D.. widow of Hermsn Teubn.r. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Thurs,, 2 p. in at residence of eon-ln-law, William Drele bach. 118 N. 37th st. Int. private. Auto funeral, THOMPSON. WILLIAM, eon of Major and Eleanor and father of Mor Thompson, of Doylestown, aged 76. Funersl services. l)i)1en. town. Pa. Thurs 2 p. m. Auto service at trolley terminus, Dosleatown. 1 p m. VANDKRSL1CE. Oct 8, MARY A., widow nf Anthony Vandersllce. aged 80 Relatives and friends Invlled to funeral, l'rl. 2 l. tn., tUugh ter'e residence, Mrs. Ann Porch, 20 S. King at., Oloucester. N J. Int Evergreen Cem Re mslns may be Mewed thurs. eve IVAI.P.-llil. a. suddenly. JOHN H. WAI.I". husband of Linda II. Wain, sued 118. Relatives Mini friends, members of Philadelphia Team Owners' Prot.ctlve Association, and Quakertown l.o.li-. No. 714. 1. O. O. F, (nvltnd tn runeral services, Sunday. 2 p. ni.. at 1523 N, 7th st. Int. prl.ato. XVAMIIACII. Oct 3. JOHN ADA'Vt WAM nACH, husband of the late Anna O. WamlMch, aced 74. Relatives and friends, Seloeta Tribe, No, 308. I, O. It. M.l Oakdal Denetlclal Society. No. I, and Radlscher Untera. Vereln. Invited to funeral, Frl., 2 p. m , 1012 W. Cumberland nt. Int. strictly private. Oreenmount e'em. Remain lliny be Mened Thurs .7 to U p in. . WL-ADLEY. Oct. 1, F.I.IZA WEADLEY. Sged SI). Relstlve end friends Invited to funeral services. Wed., 7.S0 p. in., 1815 Vino st., also In Wayne Chapel, Wayne. Pn Thur.. 10 a. m WI.INMANN Oct. 2. JOHN, son of John and Margnret Welnmann (nee Adams), aged 4 yeara ft months, ReUtlvea nnd friends Invited to funeral, l'rl.. 2 p in,, from parents' icsldeiice. 1128 S. Hemberg.r st . near 23d nnd Mlinin sts. Int. Fernwepd Cem. Remains may be viewed Thurs eve. WOODWARD Nesr Rosedale. Pa Tenth month 3d, THRODORM II, WOODWARD. ase.1 73, Relallves and friends Invited to funersl. without further nolle, rrnm leingwoci Meeting House. Sixth day. Tenth month fltli. 2 p m (nt adjoining cm. Auto will meet 12,11 n nt. train at Rtiscdnle Statlnn. WRAY 4K-t. 2. suddenlj. JOHN P.. son of latn Foster and Jennie Wrny, aged 35, Relatives itci irienus invuen 10 runeral, it) . l p, OlRU Oermsm to Aocookln -end nniiswei must nv good reference, sss jianinerry m... O-rmsntown. ,4, (IIRti for gen. tiouseworki steep cut! foM4 s children; good wage 3811 Powell en ave ' I To 18 YF.ARS OF aok. rost Aiitoi's iikpaiitmrnt Arpi.Y KMPLOTJ-IKNT IICRMAC. LIT BROS. (HRLI WANTBD Rtperleneed girl ami learners, psper boxes: sir.-, wnaes nu iPoy worn an yc whll learning. All-rt Klchhorn yar. paid- I'aljihorp and Turner sis (near Sd and Os-ford). (IIIILM. 2 white, took and wallre. musr b experleucpd and iiav good referenc. bet wsges M07 Del. ave,t Wilmington, D1 OIRLS want..!", between 18 and 80 rear. In email packing dppartmenti experienced, Frank. Iln Sugar ltennery.fnot of Heed t 4IIRLS, experienced and leerner. on rnlehSar work Apply 3d floor. Wolf A Co 12th and C.llowhiir. UOVKKN'Kfliir 9 hours a day In mornrngTll 654, Ldg.rsntral. IIOfSKWORK, general frote'atsnt adult fsm' lly of 3 want experienced, itattled Oerman woman of 40 or 43. must ln good plain iooki reference. required t pleaaant aurroundtnka tn modern clly hou, gno.1 wage, tend ntn and address to Pontofflc Dox 2073, Phlla. rielphla. HOL'snwSllK. arnvraT C'apal.le whit glrli small family, jpf. Call328 B 43.1 at Nl'llSI.RT OOVKRNES!. wanted. Pro, ate! ref and wges expected. Add 20 Chestnut OrKRATOns, experienced. In holh our mat and rap department, we pay good price and glv Msadr work. 2(1 young girls taken as learners l", !l"r .department. wUh pay while learning. M, Frank Co.. 718 Arch. RATES FOR SIONEY Nw York Philadelphia Iloaton . . . Chicago Call. 2 OS!, 4 a Si; C 4 Tim 2 4Vi5 I'hlla , i.d RiSS!Sfy' n,t4 Jiin wrr 100 fix W&'laSBE- '& t (nmmarrlal paper, tbr to six months, dsiphla.M't 04H percent. BANK CLEARINGS Rank clearings todsy compared w(tli corre sponding day last two ye".. , rhll.d.lohla .133,252,027 I38.25S.833 123,288.881 THE WEATHER Observations at Philadelphia Rarometer . tf'lj5 WlnX "!."' .-':' ::NortbM.L'7 mllel .Y'?a""" Cloudy .. . 07 6lI0 v.iu. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LI.KINH PARK, I'. REAI, ESTATE FOR SALE I.I.KINt PA UK, PA. Haturdsy tlAiiu: N Oct. 3. OF.OROI: A . husbsnd of ste Msry K. Clayton. sgd uu. Relatives end friends. Mitchell l-odg. No. ., "... juj Philip Schuy r Post. No. M. O, A, R.l OW t'nlou Hole Co.. No. 2: Vet.rsn Ilrsmen' Asso.. 1". 1". !.. and roemUrs of Engln Co. No. 80. P. F. IJ Invlud to funrl Frl., 2 JO p. m 114 N l&ih t Ini Mount Peace Cem. J DKfrPWET-lW 2. I5L12A11BTII. wife ot Thorn. IHmPsey. .IJelat "ndfred..L...u. or wacreu nr.t v, .v...-w ..-..., Invited PARCEL POST V!SLu,:if Minimum tmpratur Maximum temperature Lamps to Be Lighted Antes and ltwr vetilels High water W J..,.. 11141 V at.r The Tides PORT RICHMOND . . . ( . .. f4 ' Ulerh Waitar MaVaVr'-. .l wUr Wl4 vrnler Ini watftr HUb waUr Lttr ..s-t,,- ClIKUTNUT STREET WHAKF 8 08 in, 2:10 p ni. 7:44 p.m. SS' HEEUY ISLAND , BRKAKWATKR 'low .(" 6-Al a.m. 1 x;4)4 p.m. , 7:81 .. . ?:4 a m, Itjgfi a.m. rIifcm, ISIS L7i ..T .'leneeA ttmutmtmjJ HleirUX (iV Man HR.??3l BICYCLES ELKSMvS MK MN'OK WllPlHG (5ITE5 - 600 - 50OO TEH HOU5E5 VOW BUILPING $ ?000'ttOOO PH0rP,3PAUL W5 ELUW PABk" G 135 3. 5IH.jr. T1I5 ELIZABETMN BEJ1PE,CE 3Trollqs .yrare FIVZ BEDROOMS IN COURSE Olf COMTjaUCTIOrt lo.Soo TK'O BATHJ mM0pfsKkm ataBaaa:- T i--sagaBsssTsassssssBWat)1 r.rTMBiy-i rrfvKi Ka9jsBBv sssssssssssssssBKasrTBra'c.a'K-V H tl'' U Frs.Bj'Fl '''''111 lapsKI'MbLj rlliaBaPlfe;J?lfl a tBjSj1,,,; "' '" 'jjaaisaawBwssyji 8iiiu;nn w hrilL'lllIAN OLD RELIABLE MAL0NE STANDS RKHIND HIS RIOYCLB ti 00. gia 00. sis.oo. sm).oo ahii nk Eiby PAYirEN-iH , i.tp CASH. O, J If. 1 TO M.1 Ureal ((laughter In Price of All Sundries. MBC0DIIA1SD BlUCl.va, ,vO vr W' do nickeling. namllng. "vuioarUtlni bratirur. All kinds (."Pair work guarant. Wv d. We ar ehPr.than tu oeeapsM asxt our work . Tttr than tb Usi. Call and b eevtaocl. Open evwiings. Daddy ef lew prist sad hlA quality. OBO. C. MAL0NE. 108 Glfard At. pop, 8242. Frk HU D. Comfert Durability Ecoasmy In PhikcklfiltiH.Miitle Hkm PblliUellkkU laat iTL-rSU OB MM SS Vi fctti Penfield is Philadelphia's Leading Suburb Ttrc MmmUc Frm By Wy (jjb s. St. Elvtml Tkh4mi mh! WmUtr RMwy OPRRATORS wanted, experienced on men' neckwear, T. ! ..IrCutPhPon Rro lllh ana Arch. Pltcatrn Jlklg., 6h Aojr. rrum tiarlor cif Albert S. Iteers A. Kail. 15114 N 22d st. Cremation at Chelien Hills, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Victor and Home ViclorWater Heaters FOR COAL A new prluclpls; con stsnt supply: 24 to 30 gal.., lc Heats Radta tors. too. Accept no substltut. There Is nothlnr 'Just ks good." Send for Free II00LI.I. S.V. REEVES, Mfr. 45 N. Second St. Patented CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY EVENING LEDGER AflATI: L1NIJ RATI! FOR IHCIf INSRRTION THIS STil.U TYPl! (or llkci this) One or tno time , ., , I5n Tnri'e tliiiPi. one vts.k .... ,. 12Hc Six limes cino week ... , . 10 Hltliutloil Wanted thren times one vceek. Jf)o Holp aRtl Situation Wanicd and Lost nnd Found ads arc inserted in the Public Ledgkk without additional charge. Want Ads under other classifications may be repeated In Hit. 1'ccLio Lumjik at combined rate;; One or two tlma 2.'lo Threp time one week ... Km His times one week 12'iu LARGER TYPE la permitted In all classification ..cent Help and Situations Wanted, list unci Found, Per eonals, Ho. riling and Rooms, Whvn .a snrct lleil add I'lVIl CKNTS I'KR AOATK LINK TO ANY OF THC AUOVt: RATRS There is a drup; store near your home that will accept Lltjcur want ails at office rates. dress wanted; plenty work and good pay "Pu" 10 our iipauiuui aayiuni lactot). Illterman Rro . 23dand Chee'nut. OPRRATORS on single ndl machines; steady vrork Apply Orepnwald Rro., 217 S. 3d sL PRKSS FRKDRlts. Vxr-"rl.nccil on OordMri Pr'"J." APnlr Wolf llros . 12th and Cal-, Ion hill, slith floor . SALKSWOMUN !.! C...,,m0T',K'B nKQUIRC SALKS. VVCIMKN FOR VARIOUS DKPART ?!SiY3.?' APPLY HMI'IAJYMICNT ul RISAC HOL1CITORS. extierlenred for advertising, on commission Jwiln. jt6J0,Lp.lger Central HTKNOUIIAPIIRR wanted In manufacturing office- pxcellent opportunity, state exnerlencn and sslarv desired Address K 1L.P. O. Rox 3143, STI.NOaRAl'llv:il wanted hy wholesale hou... Applv 148 N Drlawnre ave , . ILI.I.I'HONK OI'l.RATORS 111 Hell Telephone Company offers lwsltlnns as operators tu Intelligent soung women be twen IM and 22 Jeara old. salary 10 per week while learning, with rapid advancement surroundings und unusual opportunity for promotion. Apply In pprson to Hell Telephone Company Operators' School, 4itl Market st , dally, except Sunday, between 8.80 a., m and 5 P m. rcr the convenience of those living In reld-ntlut eertlou, ftppltcants may apply b. twpen 7-10 anil H:30 p. in. t the following Place! Monday evening. 2tl W. Chelten ave , tint . Tuesdsy nvenlng. 04th and Woodland sir , my I Friday evening. 1705 S, llrcwd st TKLKPHONK OPRRATORS An opportunity to secure, emplovment In ex. clungn nearest your home, vacancies In both local and long-distance office for experienced nprator: also In school for girls to l.arn operating Anply Keystone Telephone Com Pn. 135 H 2d t.. Room 403 WAITRKHH Wanted, u. good wsltress at Vllis--uovm; rtty home aftpr Nov. 1; must hie best referpiice. l'hon lltyn Mawr 731 WAITHRSH and'tbumbervvork Wsntrd. w'hlls girl, with good references: llrn Mswr 1 O, Ikig ."..I llrn Mawr. Pa WOMAN whit., rvllablp waillrd. Rood plain cook, small fumll, country, near .ttti ter minal th per week: uo laundry, .reformers rectulre.1 11 .ir.s. I-Uep Central WOMKN, tn assort pcauuta. "light orb. tOn3 nat, 4H houra a week Apply utter 1) o clock Wlltnar Manufacturing Company, 331 North Us rene st lOI'Ncl WOMA.V. refined, for month" or sis vpcks. to assist In care of 1 child, will be trrnted a one qf the family: no washing, moderate wage PreHton 2tnll . YOCNU I.ADY In order" depccrtnient "iimUrella facturv Annlv Sunlee-ltrere-Whltlng Co.. 1 12Ih 11 nil Cherr.. Orurrnl WOMAN mantu-rrlul uWIIiy married or slngli. 10 handle a business center In I'hlla. t short hourst good inconi.i pxperlenc unnecessary; give phone. II il'.o IxMgep Central. TJ:ACHKRS wanted for srsde high and private sihools; iKjslllun walling National Teachers Agency. I H Cook. Mgr , 327 PerrRulldlns, l.VCRHASR YOllll HOHIIAN'D'U" INCOMIJ--I.urge firm oftr nn utiuaual opportunity! n ivn.asslng, 11 333. ledger Cuilral. LOST AND FOUND DI.KD Lost, deed for Int In Holy Cross Ceme tery In going from Slili nnd Chnsmut 10 H'th ami Sprucp. It.ward. Return 10 N.i:.3d t. l'lue. DOO I0 reward: .travel, a Roston terrier, dark brlndle. vihlt mark 011 fac". smsll healed scar at root of tall, tsll twisted Re word given t finder uu return to J, M. lux, loth st. and Llniiley jive,, Logan M.CKPIKCi: ImU on River drive or Mldvule uve.. Saturday evutiln.?, between 5 kttd n. Jap cross fur neckpiece, Reward If returned to 1818 Che.lnut at. . . PFPPY 1.ost. Collie nupu, 3 months old. In Hherwood tn-ctlun. Return to 5k2l I'enlildgo hi Jtewaid. WATt II 1200 rewunli lost. Saturday, around midnight, mi L' Alston Cafe balcony, n diamond nd sapphlr wrist watch cm black ribbon. Return to llalley. Hanks L Riddle. No ques tion asked. PERSONALS MILL1NKR. Visiting from New York, will call at our home and remodel your old hut. Phone Raring 7270 NOT HUnl-ONHHII.l; far debts unless contracted -by myself Oco. " Itoefllrh UNCLAIMED TELEORAMS WlTsTF.RN I'NIOV TRLKORAPH CO, 1501 Chesltiut st Jas Joui.n, Dr. W L. Harris V Rowers, Mr, Harry Moure. Cant J. vol I; Pay Clerk V. A. Herbert. U W, I'otip. Mrs. Richard Flnlay. MaJ . Win. !IIy, Jr. Mr. II. weir. Airs, j r iirowii. .vrs vv. r :o , iviizhuiii dicuvnry. uaiu; Mr. vv 11. heel '.,.. Im uliil X. r.ll A.l.tl v: Ktnttli. Frank Hlerner. Duncan Cowun. W. II Thomas Co., Domenlro l'anoocl Mrs M. POHTaL'tRLUORAPII CARI.I. CO. 1420 S. I'enn Bnuar--c w eiijiiii -"-, MMKirvi ll,)rucl.t II. woir. Airs, j : Krlgg. Phoenix (Hess Co (I. N, lJlilll. John McL Hon, IjiuIs 8llverin.nl Co Xf. linn. Id. M Sehrelber. W, R Prstti l.dgsr nri Tho. C Lay. 11 ce. Kdward Martin V J. HELP WANTED F EM ALt! CirAMHERMAlD and wallress, tu llv In JR. tlollyi 2 In family, good wsges and good ome for suitable woman. Call at 4 Ml King t . O.nnanlown (ner Qutn Lan. Slatlou). CIIILDNURSR. Uiullali or tieotch. Prut estantl S children. 8 and I years; tltyi ref. req'd. food wajs Writ llox SJj Overbrook, C1IILDNUR8B. whUrl'rptstant. ruus"bav referenc.. CsJI,iij!l08 Walnut st. CLtSRK kxpeflsnced ofllVa and order clerk only eip. need apply-. Rernsteln. Raun i. D Cots,2d and Arch, Irkln Inilldjug. iFLKItKH" wanted) 'sosd . salary tTnd "permanent posltfonsi reference, Apply llranch 158, I5IB naJUjorx COOK na'waltress Whits I'rotsstantt wager cook 18, wsltre 7).ook must carvei r.fer enres required I 80 mllta out of Philadelphia, P i8. Ledger .OWce. C0OKnd downstairs work Competent joung woman can h.v good plao tn Oak ln. Ap ply, after 10 a. in., at factory oeV. lull COOK d downstair work, wkll.l 510 wts4iiti 4 In fa m.l wags Mi rf. rq. 1 14) W,VwiHJt , COOK, whlui 8 In fsm9yi good reference. tM H. 43d Mt 7A3vu?Tk.ci COOKINO, and docvnatalr. work, asoW. witu wssli. Call 72-01 Lincoln. Drlv or x-bone Cht. nut Hill PT, a . tjtKINOj.snd dowtuitalrs "wori M4rleiiT CP'CT'Ji-' J ...-' Ji'P. i. auq rda ci. aTs UUHAND 01llLSabqut It" years' yMj wilTS Jie.f.jc."" fic.f vrv VIS. JS, v-e ,11. ..ret,. k. tuAOTI Wt g d MY. llskt work IcO0MICN--8lCTIf" .MAUkyaUI ExMrlenced.weB wr eU MUM j'bVSKs-s-TO -"'w ' swtAwiaurMikt curwis;u . i. , Mt-iit-tU execull Hurf.u, ml te-ls ! '10,2.11 Ubici.l4ll . m HELP WANTED MALE Al'IOMOnil.l. 4ALi:SMAN familiar vyitli Phlla trade, slate exn trf , c- JI 558, 1-d Cent. I10DY llL'II.IIRIIH First class experienced m mi high-grade llmou!ne work, highest wage snd steady work. Hale - Kliburn Company. Ihlh und illenwoort ave ROY. "aCTIVI: AM1IITIOUS, TOR OFFICB1 WORK WITH 4'Ollls)lATION. MtlHT IB OVRR 10 AND IIAVB UK)D SCIIOpldNO; ttVMli OPPOHTl'MTY W)R ADVANCK MK.NT. CALL LKIHIK1I OFKICR. UT1I AND CIIUHrNlT STS AUK FOR MR. ROL'R IIA1F. . ROY wanted for automobile manufacturing con cern, must lm over ID .nrs of ag and be bright und Intelligent good opportunity fer Crlgbl buM ., Jjragtr ..j-, ROY wunt.d to lesru commercial business; good ixrinauent jki.IIIoii for boy HI year or oven Kference required M 44jl. Jdger Office. ROT. over 18. under 18. for work In'Iaw ollice. Apply in own handwriting, giving .particulars. II MAS, Ledger ntral , , HOY. 17 to 20 ear of ago. to learn fire insur ance business In hm office of ' company. II SUS, lls.er.)fTlcp . . HOY in publication office. ' must writ plsla "iid"sooil 1 yro.iH.ls, R 23LLedgerOrTlce,- ROY wanted arntind office and factory. Appli Wolf Co. l'-ltj. d Canowhlllj..d ". JKIY llrJght. aolU'e W." ,,i0K1V.f,.J.me work In whole'" hou.e 148 N l)el ve. ROYS It TO 1 YI4ARK' OF AUK, .FOR VARIOIIH DUPARTMIJNTS: NKAT APPRARlXa, Al'I'I.Y ftMPJXJTMKNT ilUUV.AU. I.iT HROTIIURH Mfa, AiWcpfHWr.! FJAOII 1IOYH AS MRHSKNtinitR I.lVINd ALL PARTS CITY APPLY 1420 S PIWN SQUARU. HOYS itlsuu.r require gopdj ""tTong bos .tii iipportuuiiU. Apply Superintendent'. ?8.c-, lourth floor 833 Market, Jf.'cKlJi.)n. UUYH wanted, on for errands end once for optical shop J. K. Llmeburner Company, 1720 Chestnul IKiYH to run errand", 'Apply MupleepRtev Whltlng Co . 12th and Cherry. noYH .vented fur general offlc work Apply 240 W. riomei.et st (AHVCIUi wanted on ling furniture its wort; ID New York, truaranleo steady posll lion and good wages. Call or writ OrsinUjo ,u, 112 W 43d et Nw York city cl.ERKB wanted! good, salary and, ,WM"Set poMtloni referenc. Apply Branck SW,, lita and Moore. . i-.,..! ,,.. ... t COST ACCOUNTANT, experleneed lei mjfnfU turlns and routing ot lari' ouantlty es dsspe, tuts parts! stat ass. .experience, salary sv nfirmr, V 103. lerjorflce. 1 . DIUVKRW for ivci and.Mial truck Apfdy Asaetl .in oe Coini.aiiyJi222 ftemontjve , "H 5 iMal t .J .clMi v