IWEHttfG LTnmEK-VmZABmAHlX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 191C Wwwfag JHfe flgfrgtr POSLIC LCOCEK COMPAKY J . ernes k. k. ctmna, rmiimi Ckstfes C T-salsastsa. Tfcs freeMeat! Jofcei DtTOMAtj BOAADl Ctasa X. X. Cmih, ChaJnauv ill X. WKAUR.... l5. JfcAHTTW WIMtW aWTeWW H ) W9t l'rtsfrSiss Salty mi rrno k-TT1 . lHatn. ls1ssi"(psWsJirwCW f4iv rVf a" rtrl BVSsjnM4ej wm uvtmioii Tsaa ..... .,293 Metroejelrtari "i I . . t , ...... .... RM lord Mi Broad end Chesuial Rtrele ,. .freee-irate rjnun.ns in Toarer Bulldlne- . Wohfl'emtcral BullJInf NEWS BCREAVIIl , ilWMt lWtHtl. ....... ....Mm Buflii YeaK HriMO.n . Ttw Timet rlulldlns U ItrMtc .......... M rrledrlchetresee see) Kr-Mto .... Merrwnl Itoiue. ((trend i amw i.n nw uuu m urssa arUMCJUTOON TBRHS Br ranter, at eearts ter wee. Br mail, IMmM ovteMe of Philadelphia. rjtrejt where femn MMin I required, on month, twenty mh one year, three dollars. All mall iMfcaaelftraita payeM In edranea. WW AoWrlbare wlihlnc addreea chanced (Mat sir M as weH as now addreea. , HU, MM WaUTUT KEYsTOir, MAIN MM )P ft. un ' Ifefc iC I (7 JUdmt all remti(iont f )fpe(s Letter, fadepcaoWno s'ssora', TMIaiUfpMa. Iweess Trsrur i r- fc . su I' at tns rnitiMtrnu Mmc is stcoo-cuas iiiiL Mann. THB AVKRA0B NET PAID DAILY CIB. BULATION Or TUB EVICN1NO I.KDOEK FOB AUGUST WAB ut.ys rhll.s'.le-U. Wrdarteir, Oft.Wr a. HU. J"A mountain look on Marathon And Marathon look$ on th teal aind muting therm an hour alone, I dreamed that Cretea might itill bt fro: Byron, "IKlslata In haste and repent at Ijfclsure" U likely to embalm Itself In the tyroverblat wisdom of the country. Since experts seom to bo so pop. Atari perhaps the Jlayor can find an ex jwt from New Tork to tell him how to solve the vice problem and do those lines which two or three successive Brand Juries havo said ought to bo done. The original plan was to call In Mr. Parsons to decide whether or not It was feasible to run the subways under City Hall. Now he 1 to be asked It it Is feasible for Philadelphia to have the kind of highspeed transit It wants or the kind It does not want, with the emphasis n the kind It does not want. A few snora "business administrations" of this ort and there won't bo any Philadelphia More potent than all the War Office tenuis and boastings Is tho brief and anaffected dispatch from Berlin telling f the carnival spirit that reigned In the JUUtr's capital at the midnight hour When the clock was put back from fsummer time" to "winter time." It may te important to those who would measure Germany's resources to count those on the battlefront. but It Is just an Impor tant to count those in tho cafes. If the Mayor Inslsta on paddling with a toothptcjj, so be It; but weren't ins votern given to understand that this was to be a business administration? The co-operative agreement is tho key to the complete solution bf the transit prob lem. The Mayor may want to throw It away, but there are some hundreds of thousands of other Phlladelphlans who will have a word to say, we Imagine, and K will be loud enough for anybody to kear. The decision of the army au thorities to permit the direct return of Pennsylvania troops, to Philadelphia to fee mustered out, Instead of sending- them flirt to Mount Gretna, la a hSDnv one. not alone in that it will simplify and aid the puns for the reception of the men. There wsufd be considerable danger of Illness K the men were to camp out In tho Penn. rylvanla mountains at this time of year. after they had become acclimated to 'border temperatures. "We had a very delightful con lfcrenee," says Mr. Vance MeCormlck of fck meeting with Murphy, boss of Tarn sany, The graceful style of speech Is. IMr. Wilson's. The sentiment is not Mr. ISryan'a, who wanted to throw Murphy tmt of the convention hall at Baltimore an otuor 10 nonunaw air. wuson, INCIiner tfce rlrwe at lHWctiicy rn such cute Vfi net tmmfonw ItaeK Into Inability to nee stffTMfe and a perverse defermtna tlon to 6Hoby them. Manager McCIraw openly charges that hla team eMd Tefuse to obey his com mand. He declares that one of his pitch er "wound Tip" with men on baes, which is equivalent to saying that the aforesaid pitcher deliberately permitted base-run-ners to oteal bases, N No further comment Is necessary. The fort Is that the Giants were quite content to lose the game, that they refuted in win It and that the game wan an unfali and nn unsquare exhibition. It Is the ugliest scandal which has nrisen In baseball In years. The game will not be helped by frantic efforts to "cover up." The occasion calls for sharp disci pline Instead of alibis. GOOD NIGHT! ARCNSATION'AIa mid wan made In the Tenderloin on the night of July IB. The following statements were made by a distinguished ofTlclal concerning the conditions disclosed by tho raid: I will tell you this, that no law breaker Is big enough for me to pro. tect, Gamblers and others engaged In vicious pursuits might just as well leave.thls town. And If they take tips from politicians that all will be well with them, that will b their fault And any one who Imagines that this Admin, titration Is going to.wlnk at vies In any form will be sadly fooled. Mayor Smith on July 25. It Is my serious Intention to get to the bottom of the facts In this matter. Mayor Smith on August 1, As for the trial of Superintendent noblniton, he doesn't have to be tried, anyhow, because he Is nn appointive oITlcer (evidently Implying that the Su perintendent's trial was a certainty and that abrupt dismissal was more likely than trial). Mayor Smith on August II. . Vice exists everywhere. You can't keep It down and you can't (tamp It out. Mayor Smith on August 24. Good night I (In reply to the ques tion, "When are ou going to try Su perintendent Iloblnson?") Good night I Mayor Smith on October 2, It Is Indeed "Good Night!" THE MAN AND THE PARTY TOI. THE CRISIS the stylo nor tho sentiment is Mr. Mo 'Cermlck'n, who in his normal state can (always be counted on to fight Democrats t the Murphy brand. The Phillies fought the hardest Had of an, uphill fight. Their star Jeteher wis hurt and was out of the 'use for days when ha mi mni n.ii "They lest their crack shortstop at the meet eruckl period of the sca&op. Their yHciiera have don double duty and have given their last ounco loyally. The yiarera have shown a sporting; spirit, always bard for the under dog in a grim s4rvgU like this one to keep on show a?, when striving so Ion with victory always within reach and always Just iaMac -, ... i . , ...T... .,. The Record would, better he care (Xttl how it boasts of the triumphs of the j'AdmJnWratlos based on the contract for JMiiroad bulktlng la Chin. That con ' toast has bnn obtained through the lAjMrican Jnternatisnal Corporation. was organist by the very Wall Tom Daly's Column -Nr- PIBROCH OF FATMOK ribroch o FatHck lit. Pibroch of Patrick, lioit though the diadem Lett tall and hat trick. Come aicav, come aicayt Look up, nor fear, ladt. There'll be a tetter day Wait tttt next year, lad! Though In the dutt thev threw Hope held devoutly, There tea no thame to you You uho fought ttouily. Pibroch of Patrick then Hopefully hear, lad. We can be god again. Wait till next year, lad I OH, well, we're glad the season's over and wo can avoid the society of those Brooklyn folks. They're terrible cllmbera The Meeting Voters to right of them, Hooters to left of them Rubbered and thundered. Into tho Union League Came the long-sundered. What would they do and say On this their "make-up day"T Would there bo h to pay? Rery ono wondered. Buddcn the crowd Is dumb Hero the two heroes cornel (Ono tips 200.) Way for the camera men! Snap them and snap again Mark their agility! Now then, all ready: "HOWD'Y!" lisped Willie T. "HOWDTP piped Teddy. , sftkwt ( sank whom Mr. Wilson de .lstsHir.il In his Long Branch speech. 'Vfca. thy oeuW aot eaant' on the sup !(t of the jartaeat Atoalnlstratkm In laasjaas; an outlet fa AnWisan capital iroa, 'they organised a corporation ,wttfc capital aaclte stand alone and 'jftyfrt iu own battjaf' MatU sue a Urns iw,mm rtiiiima was was wiwbk sanssa bealaa Aass4aasi' Sf U f-ft axaBaf- tasBal ap ttwal"" ssajsfasaa W tff w"-- sasrVnvv4af LssVaw Til fl slslisi t m aau psUwa) tVVsaBaasaf' sV tat1W IPT CfMnS awapaaasaaasssaass the MoanLrn scandal are HAYS aa nUisnce with baseball iTTomnaU ana athsrs wb arssaaklng I frantic aaart ta aaraaana taa vufatte tb awaaanifm saitatiaa af tba is wiraaklra y,iajsajr aaiam) alttaab ana ttmmmm m ala- I risaaW laaaasMMpV T3ACIC of all tho specific reasons that havo been advanced for tho election of Mr. Hughes Hen the basic fact that ho Is offered to the country nn tho represen tative And leader of tho most efficient agent of government which this nation has known for more than fifty years. Tho Issue Js whether tho Ilcpubllcnn party or tho Democratic party shall be In control In Washington In tho grave crisis that is to follow tho closo of the war. Problems will nrtse which will test the statesmanship of the best minds In public life. Our political relations with tho rest of tho world will hao to bo readjusted, and our commercml relations aro likely to be roduced to such a stnto of chaos as has never before been knonn. It is of the first importance thnt the men ,tn charge In Washington be in hearty and sincere sympathy with tho plan to pro tect American rights of whatever char actor and that Hhey be equipped with knowledge of the situation and ability to master It. No little men whose thinking has been tinctured for years with the belief that all big enterprises aro based on the Illicit uso of power, and that all men engaged In the large commercial af fairs of the nation are crooks, can meas ure up to the needs of tho times. It is unfortunately true that the De mocracy is the party of hostility to great enterprises. Mr. Bryan rode to leader, ship on a wave of hostility to the bank ing Interests of the country, which were charged with the purpose of crucifying mankind on a cross of gold. Business in terests, regardless of party, in the Cast and West, the North and the South, com- blned for the defeat of Mr. Bryan. He ought to havo been burled under nn avalanche of votes no deep that no one could have dug him out, but his party was so thoroughly Impregnated with the heresies which he preached that McKln ley's majority was only about 600,000. It had been hoped that In the Inter vening years the Democracy hod learned the error of Its ways. Mr. Wilson, him self, talked about knocking Mr. Bryan Into n cocked hat. His election In 1912 was hailed as tho end of Bryanlsm; that la, the end of the control of the party by the demagogues who sought to ride Into power by stirring up- class hatred and arraying the poor and unfortunate against the fortunate and the successful. But those who cherished that hope have been disappointed. Mr. Wilson has been In close contact with the leaders of his party for the last four years. He has discov ered their temper. He has learned that the feeling which Bryan sensed so well still persists, and that there Is no hope for his success In November unless he Indorses now the things he condemned when he felt free to say what he thought. Ilia Long Branch speech ought to de stroy whatever hops the country may have harbored that he can be trusted to protect the commercial interests of the Mtlen la the next four years. The can vass whloh has already begun Is dtsetos tag tha same revelt amenc sound-tMek. Ing Democrats thai characterised tha 1IM eampaJan. Their are unwilling ta trast their own party when national ares perky and eemmanrtal hanpr are at stake, tvtf U tkay arc wllllas to aacapt Wll soalan method la International politics. If there wars not a compeUIng reason for taa triusaaa af taa JfaaaUiaaa la taa csaaraotar aaa rsaara af Mr, Huk. Jf mjasatoM Dear Tom. -Kuseblus Ilershey long ago solved to his own satisfaction at leaat the Philadelphia rhyme. lie said: "It waa In rhlladnlchla. He eama aaatn to trial. Hah, hahl" The author, I think, was a Lancaster County poet. "By-ways of Literature" sounds like tha title of a book In which I made his acquaintance a decade ago. E. It. wrote of a friend: "He llvM and died llr aulclda." Concerning himself, he said: "air nightcap on, not In mr head." Look this poet up and give us a review and crltlclrm of his work. norariford, Ta. O. L. ROTH. WILL not somo reader supply us with a copy? And while we're on this sub ject of reviewing and criticising, It does seem to us that our poem "In Praise of Scrapplo" should have prompted at least ono promulgator of that toothsomo com modity to send a small volume of It to B. L. T of the Chicago Tribune or to us. We would delight In digesting It. Conversation With Marie tpoka to you of Pernard Bhaw, Armenia and the eight-hour law.' You laid you cared for Maeterlinck, And voiced that you could not wear pink. i I mentioned thing that I had done, The boyish battle lost and won. You rambled through the work of Freud, Through thlvery dream that you enjoyed. We touched on euerytnlnp of worth Thaf ever happened on our earth; Except that I'm in love with you And that I hope you love me too. WILL LOU. Conrlcted Knur Ford, earrylnc concealed dead) wcapona Public Xdser Aro they making 'cm pocket site? It. M. P. rVi NOTlCn TO CONTRIBH We poaltlvely will not reprint that elm ao many tll ue about conccrnlnr eomebodjr'a ehlrta "open evenlnsa.' HERD'S one to delight Krnb. It's from the P. L. of the other morning: Urges "Sensational" Methodist Sermons WHEELING. W. Va. Btpt. 80 lllehop lranaun jinmiiion eaia 10 a ciaea ok ypuns mlnletara! "Hell the truth and tell It plainly, Kvery mlnlatcr ahould either preach eeneailonal aermona and creeps a senaatlon In hla church and town or fit put of the buelneaa." Truth in Advertising Says Jimmy, the office boy: "Look, you Just shot 1-8-2-5 the year Davids Ink Company was founded. That number certainly wins all beta!" Begins an nd of the Thaddeus Da vids Ink Co., Inc., in the New York Times. We kind o' feel we'd be able to win a number of bets, too, if we were n crap shooter and had dice with eights on 'em. v-Jps--C- Nobody could make us believe that Blauner's management la guilty of any such cruel and barbarous treatment of Its employes as an evening contemporary made that firm seem to say In a recent ad: lllthly efficient organization of talented ere store of ektlled artieane of axperta In econ omy f oourteoua attentive aalaepeeple, welted Into perfect union le here wait ins to eerve your needa in this New lllauner Store. This, says Maurloe, Is a slgnil saw on Market street, near Eleventh: Yellow as Gold Just as good! Mccnonrs special i OHANQEADB ta 'HEY, WHAT DO YOU THINK I BUILT THAT FOR?' "m m '& '?j. as5. isjigSr " k L.nJsTJr " zx .wufcrvjsjrjarO s f?la? naBfeflSs 2 THE ONLY WAY Automobiles killed 1M persona Jured S00O others In the principal chips, , ine unnru oimca tiuiiuf mo nrs an months of the current year. New Tork city heads the lltt whh killed. Trafflo laws and special traffla emuri. , terly fall so far to cheek the alarrnhwr I vicv ... ...w .....v-w. w. .ui. tiueegv motor Tomuica. When Is the State of New York to Its proper place as leader In a aerlona .. ment to get the deadly auto under There Is Just one way to do it. treating the driving of motor vehicles It ll were a sport, mako u a ressojMai blllty. . pmm' Convince the next Legislature, as 3 as It Is In session, that the people of uS'-f Bute acmana mai no person snail hinULl a steering wheel unless he or she Is flt wa uo w. wiiii. W...IJ luwiui tr vperatap.1 to take out a Ircense. And It he abuses ltaf Is found driving while Intoxicated. It Is shown to be too nervous or otherwise! unfit, take the license away from hlraJ KSW aorn jvcnin norm. f6mnj!k Market Abovo ICth "Whera the belt In photoplay entertalnraest V alwaya to be aeen.'' Tha TJuItetln. S 11:15 A. M. to 11:10 r. M. inc. iBe. ase. I Stanley Concort Orchestra Beat Theater Orctttttra Anvwher ovKnTunm "LES IIUOUENOTa" (Meyerbeer) Eelectlone During Photoplay Bacchanal (Atrtuma and Winter) (Qlaaounow) Dan.e sroteeque "Coa ack Ilevtle" (Techakoft) "Llsht Cavalry Overture" ..(Suppe) Ballet MuHc "CoppelU" (Dellbea) Thura , Frl , 8at., Blanche Sweet. "The BtanrJ PA T A r'TP 12li MAftKET BTREBT J 1 JtjHl LAST DAT Or" Triple Feature Bill wrwTA nrnTTrnzj in "uovzi Charlie Chaplin ISVaM LAit Kplaoda of "Gloria's nomanca" . , TODAY LA8T TIMES LENORE, ULRICH In Flrat Sbowlat The Intrigue Added . Attraction. CHAR UK ClIATLUt In Th Pwnhotf -AUo Education views at'Diiaaeipuft r irrijicn m ecnooi THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Why Socialists Arc Not Interested in Wilson How the Single Tax Would Abolish Poverty Bruce Hawkins Still Excites the Readers Thli Dtpartmtnt iu frt to alt rfadrrM icho WiJtH to tvprro their opinion on jubireCa of current tnttrt. It it an eptn forum, and th Jtventna Ledger anumti no re$ponlbiUtv for the rtii? of it corrtapondmta. Lt.fn mwt o tlffned bv th nam and addrttt of tn vcrltrr, not neetagarity for publication but at a (ruarant00 of good faith, ESSENCE OP SOCIALISM To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir It Is not surprising that John J. Fleming cannot see why Socialists should not support President Wilson for re-election. Ilegardless of his statement that It Is "ridiculous for any Intelligent man to at tempt to place the Republican and Demo cratic parties In the same clans aa national organizations," many men of far greater intelligence than either John J. Fleming or I have actually done so. It Is most pre sumptuous for a man of limited Intelligence on a specific subject to class as unintelligent those who havo devoted years of study to that same subject. He dare not deny that both the Democratic and Republican parties Indorao the pre ailing methods of produc tion and distribution of which they are an outgrowth. In that manner they are In the name class. It In no other. The Boclallsts' aim Is, or should be, to change this form of production and ex change, which cannot be done by any method such as endeaorlng to alter ,tho contour of the object by changing its shadow. Clalnlng political control Is merely tampering with the shadow. A food for thought, not only for John J. Fleming, but for well-meaning Boclallsts also, the too unfamiliar words of Karl Marx run: In every historical epoch the prevail- Inr mods of economic production and exohange, together with the social or ganisation necessarily following from it, forms the basis upon which Is built up and from which alone can be ex plained the political and Intellectual history ot tnai epocn. CHEMIST. Philadelphia. October . atlon on their production that elnglo tax will establish; perhaps laborers prefer to work, for low wages and capitalists delight to pay large sums of money over to landlords for permission to go to work, but I do not think so. I Imagine that when the laborer finds that there aro no unem ployed laborers hanging around the fac tory and office door begging for a Job, he will demand higher pay, and that the capitalist engaged In the business of erect ing factories, stores and dwellings will not have any serious objections to acquiring cheap sites on which he may display his ability. Whether these two useful members of tho community take advantage ot the In creased opportunities or not Is not for Single Taxers to decide; their business Is to furnish the opportunities. oliver Mcknight. Philadelphia, October 3. Dear T. D.I Reading the story of a cela. brated case, I notice that the loyal husband says; "My wife Is as square as a dollar bill." Maybe Chicago squares are oblong huh? IL W. S. It will be news to most people to learn that the author of "Mother Hubbard" was Barah Catherine Martin, who was born In ltll. and is burled at Loushton. There were other poets living at the time Wordsworth. Scott, Burns, Coleridge, Byron but nene"of them has ImpreeeodJUs erses so deeply on the mind of his country as Miss Martin a solemnising thought for feud&tng bards. It savers of ingratitude that we should forget 'the authors af most of the nursery rhymes which we remember, and remember the names ot most of the authors of the serious poems which we forget. "Mary Had a little Lamb" was ths ohaf d'oeuvre of Mrs. Sarah Joseph Hale. P. B. A. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Starr' Is by Mlas Jans Tay. ler, who with her slater Ann labored so hard in the inteu of sound nursery MoraJUy, and "Hw Doth (he Little Bty De'uoomM from their rival In the go4 work, Dr, Isaac Watts, And It wss Macau lay who wrote for Karl Bsauebamp's methar "There Was a LUtfe Olrlf and Uh Had a Little Curl." jjurature has a horisoa that these r-niais jsat a ktsalt mi l nuay s us. '"" aoaotMr, Wal aura turn aaa w saw't iv ImWmmmmtmMMm. mmwmm.lJLXL aaaaasa. T BRUCE HAWKINS AND IRELAND To the Editor of the Bvenfno Ltiger: Blr The attack of Bruce Hawkins upon Ireland Is synonymous with the purely Brit ish mind of today. The fact that 1000 Irishmen kept JO.O00 British soldiers at bay In Dublin, Easter week, should be suf flclent for any sane man to understand whether "Ireland will eternally cower be fore the lash of the British whip I" The men who surrendered under the "white flag" as prisoners of war were massacred I Britain does not observe the most ele mentary rudiments of warfare. Congo avar would treat their prisoners with more humanity than did these most noble Britons a valiant foel Mr. Hawkins hu Informed Irish men and women of a hlth ertp unknown fact the affection of Eng land for Ireland t Ye gods I Burely the gentleman had been dining not "wisely, but too well" ; and we all know how affectionate a good dinner with plenty of English beer makes the average Briton I A woman like myself, who has been left desolate by "England affection for Irishmen." feels that the day is not far off when England may feel the "lash of a whip of her own making." AQNE3 NEWMAN. Atlantlo City, October I. , A FOND DREAM To th Editor of the Evening ledger: Blr Single Taxars -claim that the estab lishment ot the single tax will abolish pov. erty. or, at least, that hrand of poverty whleh Inhabits tha homes of what we call the "hard working poor." The program adopted to drive poverty out of such homes Is to make the source from whleh all wealth must eorae easte ot aeeeas to these who would profitably use It and to step placing fines upon that which tbey produce. The mere "heMlng" of land would then beeome uaafeAtafela, and land, whleh is now held Idle and useless, would be put to use. Thfc would furnish oppor tunity to capital to ktt busy, and an Imme diate demand would be made for laborers to helo In th production of tnore wealth. This is all the single tax propose to do ruraisA opportunity to Mrpnin- capital ists aetd able and wiluag workers to go ta week wHaout havkavt Pay a prteo tor tha privilege to seas eae who gives SUaWaT Ml ajaasaSnaa. fce.saaeih. WH1 tart Wtf tsssMsfc a HAWKINS AS A TEUTON To the Editor of the Evening Ledger. Blr have followed nlth some amuse ment the Teutonic effusions of Herr Doo dleschaffer and company, under the aliases of "Bruce Hawkins," "George Alexander Powell," "An American (?) Englishman," etc The latter should be very grateful to Mr. S. C Collins (a real Englishman) for In. forming him through your columns that Englishmen do not nay "Motherland." but "mother country," Unfortunately for "An A. 11," Mr. Collins did not go further snd explain that the spirit of bombaRt Is as thoroughly un-English as it Is thoroughly German, for we still find It rampant in his (An A. IVs) foolish article of September 28. Don't these Teutonic gentlemen (though the latter term is perhaps a-misnomer) real ise that the averago American Is getting rather "tired" of their propaganda In any form? Don't they realize that when It takes such an underhand and contemptible form It becomes an Impertinence; In fact. an insuir to me average American Intelli gence? And don't th,ey reallzo how dis gusted wo must hae become when our good-natured tolerance of their words and actions Is ao misinterpreted abroad that an Amsterdam dispatch of today Informs us that the German slogan is now "Peace with all the world or war with America"? it cannot begin too soon to suit many of us. Their stupidity In this respect, as In many others, is sublime. As an American American on both aides of my family for many generations and as a former commissioned officer pf the United States Marine Corps, it appears to me that Germans who persist in making themselves obnoxious, whether here In a private, con sular or even a diplomatic capacity, should be promptly deported, and German-Amerl-cans who find it Impossible, to drop their hyphens and become "All-American" and who feel called upon to work for their ex. "Fatherland" (?) In underhand ways, are better out of the country than In It. We dont want them and we can't use them. They are undesirable citizens and national legislation should be enacted that will make ,..u. ul veiiMuanon or metr naturallza tlon papers and ther deportation as such. Philadelphia. "September 2AMEUICAN' PEACE AND THE WISE ilEN Peace! Will there be peace. Or only the cease Of the cannon's roar? Will this sinister war ST. b'.7.?e oaf wWd.?0' 'UM nd ' Is hate burled dees dmn With the bones ot the dead? Have they fought ao, and Wed. ..!e?v" b.h1' ,hem ". or a erown? Will love be reborn in th dawn of thTday? And who will oom to shew ustha wavt Will thay esmawm they soma? rrora the Vast and th West. From th north and th South. From th eagU's nst And the river's mouth, Will thy follow th Star? Will they hear from afar .voi!f V1' fci "" " bring Tlr. prlo gilt, tlr ? Oh, ray! Lt u way Thy will show us (K way ThraHighth, earknaaa af nhjht to a avabUf -l. JELL, ... . .. s ZsSsc zrjen . What Do You Know? Oarriea of central tnterett mill be answered in iftie column. Ten ovretfona, fse onewera to tchleh everp well-informed verton ahould know, art atked daily. 10. QUIZ la Hana nnHh n, aAirih nP V-tiraftkaf Vhat are the principal hard and aeft wood? ue or Knropo are aomeiimra cauea limi nren 'llrlrrtlarN WhO WTOtA una! "toe Whnt The Clolnter and the Ifearlh1 anlrk" In touch to the quirk1 In ncn a reference as 7 1atlirf )Jjio la U. Ilarrlnr raraona? nai le apinarirtT Hho waa railed "the Great Commoner" darlnx the lleconstroctlon period ot Amer ican hlntorrr What own la the niranlnc of "holat with hla petard"? Answers to Yesterday's Quiz Wampnmi ahella need br the Indiana for money. The endlnc "litlr" often rarrlea tho mrif- iion or oTrruoinc woald ha1 lellr mini much law. ije id thins. respect for would le prone ant a lee&l. make loo of t&e not "fore to abataln A lesal mind an of rraftjr Interpretations "Forso" le tho correct apelllnc, so," of the word mranlns iron,. io ao witnoui. Treat le the term applied to email white partlclre pf Ire and eien to the tempera ture of the air 133 derrre.) which rorre ponda to the formation of lea and enow, f. I0 '!? "allr denotes larie and solid formations. Deduction, or a priori rraaonlnzt drawlne Inrrrencea from the zeneral rule to tho particular cae.. Induction, or a posteri ori reaeanlnst Infrrrlnz a acneral law .vu. ifM,,,ruiar inaianree. 8. Coternment auhsldyi moner eranted br tho K.WIO IO UUUQ UP A D eld to be of public ul 7. tladlfottocki Runalan port on the Sea of Japan serosa from Japan. 8, Veneeri a thin peter costlnr of fine wood laid upon a cheaper wood. 0. Vacant lot fannlnst utlllxatlon of cltr Iota !fC'l..-lr ,Erol'irt,r owners to workmen who may thus Increase their Income. 10. Krldence cJ thr Icehcet corerlnsnart of rocks and .mountains hov rowa rut br or at polish uslneaa entrnrlu. uiiii-x. Slai elans of fur rausea or the Undergraduate Aviators C. A. U The widespread Interest In aviation for national defense led to more than fifty undergraduates devoting their summer acatlons to aviation schooling, of whom twehe Yale and twenty-one Har vard men were able to become practical pilots and ISO medals will be offered dur Ing the coming year for the best essays on aeronautical subjects. Three medals each will be offered for competition In each unl- .!ia1uVMor" t.hl"i 200'000 """Jents are eligible to compete for tho medals which have been offered by the Aero Club of America. The three Subjects on which es says are to be written ari "Mmtary Aerol SSSfflT ;Mlch1an!cl Dt ,h Aeropkfne and Possible Technical Deelopment in Aero, nautlcs" and the "Possible AnnllMtinr. Se Aircraft for Utilitarian PurpS""" of Oleomargarine A. P In the year ended June SO "r?l5!.i!L.tJS. n.nua ort oT'th.0' 1M IIMI B ISund. V, ."? Avenue. produced In the United Bute, an inn"" of 6.654.995 pound, over th.'preWous'yea'r8 Commenting on thejilg Increase the S? tlonal Provlsloner says" "It Indfcate. .w regardless of conWltlnn .5,Jn?Lct,.,hat. Utlvo and other hostile efforts A. oleomargarine ProducUon andd scred the consuming public is cominL- ,1 . " nlss oleomargarine as a hSEn!? 1 reco' sanitary food product WUhT. heVtn'' consumers the appearance .if K eo"1"18 cf on th. table and in the kltchn lsTorf,r,n0 an experiment." , u no longer ac Ked- Chestnut Street TWICE Dji,i,YD - ana ana Again This wt. . and NEXT Wbkk SatVi7 7uS.U- Jept MAR Regent "THE HIDDEN" SCA1T &rwV2r IW 1 ..fUCCrtM Tkmn,, T .nnTTOTt uo sad uk-ii ismimm:' OKAJIUl BELMONT vfw "Mr isT.. SS!tif? i mq2 uSmmSr CIIAnLKS DILUNqilAM's N. Y. Hippodrome Organization En-Tour Intimate TalkB o. t: P. MAIL o. iriit,i:a uo ononis" A mail order bureau haa been e-, ahtihH where your order. If ecoate.'S ranted by remittance, will receive cu.4 IU1 QUICK ailCULiuii. rha rtrtcen aro astoundlnrlr tr nu-ciT flKATfl AT AI.Ij MAfrKBB BXCBl'IINO SATimUATS. 0 1X)LUAR. Address either the SIETnorOLrrij or our own Headquarters. 1019 CUBMf ' NUT STRBBT, or the branch box-oSe. 11US Cllaiui' ainr.r.1 We thank you Tomorrow i. The Excursions LYRIC UNANIMOUS!, MAT. TODAY 11I-HT SHiTH XI KO "Entirely different . . Splendid melody, tense dramatic situations . . masntneent rt work . . Kino uctlns . . Unusual success.? TWrtTTTniTT, 'Heard with dellsht . . Aroused enthMltma . .llrllllant acoro . . exceeainsiy lausnaow. "Kxaulslte melodlca . . Notable .coat . . Mini nomalna and Mr. Thomas delight listeners if Decidedly worth while." RECORD. f nn. nt ft.n aiiroBNa nf the aeaBOn . . a lean to tho listener." 11ULLKTIN- ,Ul UL1FTUJN (JKAVyUUKJJ in "HER SOLDIER BOY" JOHN CHARLES THOMAS MARGARET ROMAINE A TlTJ'T T)IIT TONIGHT. BOo to tl.80. nuuui xia. ropular II Mat. Toraorr2 Tne Moil wonaeriui nay in America ' EXPERIENCE BREAKFAST MAT. 10 JO A. M., OCT. It GARRICK $1 MAT. TODAY! NIGHTS AT 8:IS. MAT. BATUIUUI COHAN and HAalltlS Pretent The Biggest Drama of Modern Timsfl THE HOUSE ' OF-GLASS WITU MARY RYAN. FORREST Mat. Today j0S JULIA SANDERSON 1 In tha QVPT DONALD BRIAN i Musical OIJJl JOSEI'H CAWTIIORN1 Comedy BROAD-Pop. Mat.Today $ 3 Tne AlbHbuo. BJlUii&lll. -rrcn MARIE TEMPEST In Cyril Jfarcourt's A LADY'S N unh w. miAiiAM imnwKi: and N Y. Rest Seats I1.B0 at I'opulaf Mat. Tods, A RC, ADT A ?,,asiSu7. S! ALL THIS WEBK D.OUGLAS FAIRBANKS In tha Wonderful Photoolay "MANHATTAN MADNESSHN &,, Charlie Chaplin AW "& E. H. SOTHERN S1! ia Orchestra Phi itrne ntrivnb - otrrsf tt u ar LRfMt ' KADI ,UAI1l.b ay OiMUtn MMisuw.- TICKETTH FOR, SAT KVQ. CONCERTf npsinAm.w skats tm l,0 PART OF HOUSE STILL AVAIL-, ABLE FOK SATUKUAy iVU; REASON HALE EW18 TOMOlillun NIKG. at HEI'l'K'S, 1110 CHESTNUT. Theater "SSJSV VAUDKVILLE comma i iatii np njoaui; 11 A M. to 11 I M. Gloe Af CALIFORNIA'S U NATIVE SONS Svcngali, the Mysterious, and O j . 'imttftMi Tvr rtW i Cross Keys wftw.'1 MODENNA OPERA COMPi n. r. A Wlnnlns ComhlnaUs xy e i a a uiaaa ana .aniBt1 U mrh'ri Tri Four HllSDSU xvciuii o x Muriel Worth TM&ATiUl la vreath of Old-VlfS" Marion Weeks! liana Hanke. and Other. I TODAY AT S. Sfte and 60c TONIQIIT AT 8. 300 to II. ' .ulnifvr Ri-ntEHT nrpnfllTK POS'sOS "TiTrnrTJ A A. M. to Ias v .jjixn . I"-.. NORMA TALMADGff bsS CHARLIE CHAPLIN 'Vam QIMBAUJR'8 STMPHpsVir GRrHS TfeTra,. Irt.. Bt.T-',DAWN O" t- Wnlmif Matinee Tomorr WamUb & Friday, 25cJ Kvn.. Bat. Mat.. Hi. SO. 76c po blstsr. A oeatear ewanta M lolense iniare" Little Peffgy O'Mooi Knickerbockw V .MS! Urbrt Clifton m "Madme i V jBaaaPS'iB 9B4aWs"' -'