AUTO KfcrAIRINQ ppRnmtBirn Tnounucs See HILLT, at bli new location, 810 NohTH llIlOD 8T AUTO SUPrLIES i WANT tA mil your oM er er waht any to repair, call, write or phone, 'pi It AUTO PARTS CO. 18 it Nj. '" ,l- l " !? TAnTH In bolld or. rer.slr any,. rr. .Auto I'artaco.. .a n. ism. i-arK iijsj ".iuif nninnmn iitatt . Departure Service HO. The Uwllllam Co., fj Arch"" l'n. Walnut .ItBT Bare 80U. AUTO TIRXS PULLMAN TIRES re prices. I nasranteed 3800 mil's. .Comftn 0r51ft.8 j,g p, Broad st, ) 11HCS 4JUarenieeu vm inueai nmu W'Vifl. ttf : w, nnoAD st snoMkld. tires . i ' I-9 BUSINESS OPPOHTUNITIES STnvb VfTQ Bend for our frea book. TAThNlO -ratenta and Trade-Marks I L .-.. ....a la. a. aj.aaaa InfeAnllAH at rft . JL. frea. Reeaonabla f. Open Monday eve. ah. until 8 JO. FOSTER & WEBSTER 8U,Ta Hit Chastnut it Hell phone Walnut 18(14. vas. cor BUSINESS PERSONALS .a..,M - -tiu rr itfnti i.BIDNBn'H,.10tn and dlrnrd . 8 W sirk references Appraisement 1 per cnt , ItARRY W. SMITH. TIT Banjom at VtTMlFI.UOU HAIR removed by electrolysis, 1 ike only prmanent. way. Eyebrows arched. - !C7.. cVtiVu an?. He th Theater Bids. lavTsFcySt-oKK cixtthTno noiidiiT. ts "wTtTlI BT rilONB WALNUT 1888. CARPET CLEANING n?iTcAni'rrr tibatinoi no tumblers " co.. 88Q N. lath. Tioga b2oq. FOR SALE uttt.tARD. POOL, combination. second hand. '.oosnt. sold, rented, exchanged! repairing iSXH&m life Keafer. .American manufao. , tafrV8gOlrardav., Phon. Kena. gain,. . VtiTlARb. pool tableal new. Becond-hand bowl- IM alleyaieasy psym.nta. Rosatlo-Barry. Street COjI23 fljtriet. rhonaJVaJ.SSii , tf,lTlHr AND POCKET TABLES Also 'iVun atlftii aatparoeiit? BRUNSWICK. BW6"l.teNpBft CO.. 1002.Arch. . 'f&Zrtt-iitt-fiFaifi m total aur iw " . . " LVour nw modala. Illatrp aold by ua on !. paym'nta and fullr FVr"5d: THE NATION I. CAHH KKOIST15U CO. T" fto Chestnut hthbct Encyclopaedia Britannica Buri-Xoebuck and CambrMto IMItlona. y tnn. it tha qfftca of Kncyclopaodla Url. tlnnlca Co. at No. J39 0. 10th. cor. Walnut. Fblladtlpbta. 3I.DINO OHA1R.1 FVI.U1ISU wiAini -,-w-, N"?W ANpivEP-Hotl. AND nUNThD; I fiOLTJOIUPlW at t. coat X njw: .u.ranta.d. iiATsTfl?eproof: cloilos out 60i llchtljr wd( A iim and nukci. bit barn nv 21 N. ?".! ,SKlS!Sntl,,.t51, ftSi i&fS H'talk. lT-?H"i'N'DYirunTTO:NrWOOD MACHINERY AND TOOLS PURAUIUTT In marhlno bearlnita la maajiurrd ANTl'raiCTipN MBTAL U dwfndabla tor mriwi. mux anu uuAoa iuumno. North Second, JAMKS YOCOM SON. POWKK'l'LANT KUirMKT Drnamoa, motora. bollnra. atcam and oil n- 127 N., 3d atrt. tine, in gooa con can ba aen run ilna. pumpa, air eompreaaora. THANK TOOMKVjinc. 0-H. P. De La Varpie oil online, in ooa con. ninr. Apply Commercial Truck Co. ot Amer lj STth and Drown ata. DTNAM09. motora and machinery bouaht. anM and rented! armaturea, repaired. .Main l. Uirktt 8085 Teoreler Co.. 224 N. 3d at IOCOMOTIVE BOILEIIB SO. 60. TO. 0. 100 l, V , Dull Birappea iripie Tiveiru in !... L. P. Seyfirt'a Sons. 487 N, 8d at WOOD. PULUSTSIClllbert): thoueanda , In "lock: an aiameieri. uiAnucti ,, ...... 820 Arch et. . 20. St i. SO. 42 INCH EXTRACTORS 80, 71, on. 110 Inch laundry manKlea. nUHALU, 1 Q J' viili f 1;PB A.PITTlNOa. all llzte PHILA. SD-HAND PIPE. 80rPLT. 1008 N. Tth. Both phonea. MUSICAI. INSTRUMENTS f HJ CHICKCRINO UPRIQltX TIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 8.18 N. 0TH lOCTOUEK MCTOIl KECORDS NOW ON HALE, IiELI.AK. 112(1 CHESTNUT ST. OLD GOLD IDI.n noi.D h mil for old cold, allver. antique ciocri. will can ueu pnone, uicuai uitf. iiutitiitw, zi o. inn ei. OLD GOLD, allver. platinum, plated ware, old- eiyie jewelry, leetn piaiea Dousni xor caen. Kit. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner, 80T Banaom. H STORAGE PENN BTORAOB AND VAN CO. 2180 MARKET 8T. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, talae teeth. leatlwr boutht. 788 Walnut. Walnut 7026 Eat. 1880. BROKEN JEWELRY, antlquea. platola. coins. w... wwb, vfivi. friers A i.r, iiiitiii.'u luc. i i. Boie (People's Store). 200 H. 11th. Wal. 448a. ICAMl rettsirr and meat allcer wanteds give make. 1108 acrnnntovrn ave. Tark 4417A. rORNITURE. pianos, carpela, antlquea; entlra' er part, nouaea bouclit for cash: no matter MW l.t. T n.n.t.l. VttK. 1HJ-. ..... ...... ....,,. .. Mv, mm,,, tu.n iviukw n" lST-OPr CLOTHINO Will posltliely pay nurbut prlcea for .-rutlointn's discarded cloth- ma, .uu-aress ana Tuiedo aultji. ladlra' street anfl lVBinfri mnmwm .... ...... ... .. . . 5.'.,Maui,M ''ore others! will call, day or Bell. Poplar BTT1. niacker. 1280 Ponlar. I HydrQPlanO ll1tly uaed! gv ace, condl j Vl""'m n ... p 02. , d Qff UBWfl DIJCAHDED CLOTHINO WANTED- wITnFV..'',,r,-hl,h P"". Wrlto or Phono lit ?j ' o.lM..ni1 our ""W w"' ' Stark. ClSyStViSf SolM.!!, J,'OI '' 'CAKT.OFF 1010 fllPAi..?"..,':?' t.1- "- COOPER. mo OIRAItD AVE. PHONE POPLAH 0343. BOOMS POR BENT A?2m..W?.?,8.kiV.'hM fourth floo7 at..: . L" 'M Vr uniurnisnea, runnina '- ou,J(nni! raferenoea. '"'"" "JMT&'ff. 3007 DKBIUAnLE nOOMHPHn" frf Ti-Hii-JNIJIENT. akSVan l0,'-AttctlveTy-jrurn-roonJr BarIs?,.-.Iu',i, "m- h"' 'trlclty) ref. :jC&ViSZWl LiD.lfMuK"" A.tfrrt.irfu7irin.V-ToubS parSt?- ' "' - tlU '"m h,-U LjirTi -ffSuStT PrhSm'TJi!'. "mi?" SuthSn ii0.2r?TIrn Jomi roomer prl. WlTT, ilficarT-USr-J.S?5. ??1"-.r"t 1888 J.' aadkith. ?.TTf.l"J ol very aesiratu rooms rW.?tni.furnlehed or unfurnished. iTpVlv T,'lhl,02r,!,, rPom- "' orTn sul(7. LibhjboardopUonal Preston 4287 W. fliSi,.Bi: M.TIIB CAnLTON) Well-furn: kit watie, no.,r b,n' fontlnuoua n-2iI"HU!J,lrfrnce phona. TSki-,V?'?rrB,!.'1 fo"' consletlni. of large I aaaMrtS rii.i.""0, P.""H aajoining- rooni. I sCatriVtf ."!. Pt,v.'J'. baiiwayt aultable for L!a15,m,lfi,,,u'Jl0 "" Jlv'n partroentat sMsTH. . ifvi" tV'i. '. i . ' . t" ; diSOK.Bg' v"'nCT"' " '"- iS"fYfiri7',r,r.l)lJ Si "O ?1 orr fur- 8at.,Jc,JrJ"r?--r?c?,d.-i'.'.5r.' ' i aaPsHHT I' J' "")' ' f " iwrwnB ynqotj. L? y. lUr?.1 '"' f0,-lire Apply i BOARDING EfJJ?iHi?hAYB iX9 '" w.l.funi. r..) iv.t-'. "." v runiinta rooms, unvaia !MS-Ji?olaJ."UrT17lt a. eacal. .tablei prlr. fam. Barlix lift W SANITARIUMS 'tS!Vt!&!cjLrlas l acleulirTcaral g- Pr HandaL ICIty Llite. cWitwt Htll. APARTMENTS ir.A!.D iri"H T8. (8. W. ro.'Mvl. 2 "'Ptlonally attractive, llliUtl on 9 ."""UMe) for iwitsekaepiiur If 4elrj .lanltor ori prcmlaeo. HAftpailt. KTkAXJ i'iia' lai "...:.;, . irUlf 'IfllPV aTl . -'Ha -- i n i h v. A no v iT wa i-k ut rallt t l(lt a.u.ihiWI,U. ulrk &a u.Uh.Ai ,....w-il J S LfcT.-.nCTj " It eewv a MJSjsssjB, ''n aleure. Aaat kaTs)isl Siul ' ' .' EVMNIKG IilsnGBP- PUILVDELPUTA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1916 15 APARTMENTS Coillaaed com rirmfma 7olm '. TO.' AltB desirous of iwurlnt a bentrslly located home In on of Philadelphia' many r.J.i.n,5.?s,it,c"r APAttTMBNT or APART. MB.VT llOTi:L butMlnie, you will of coiirM connuu APARTMENT HEALXJUARTERS ln,.r.h.iUd-Dh!" m',b made with tha least K".,b!; ?1 ", "" ,no" "'ctory re. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD ..,. .... 11 WALNUT HT Sprue 3871 n,r. so:J Y1IU tfi!'rif wi ani oxronn bth. SThiei.1' i. n'' Ot" t. crositown line -""-" M,iv io (ny DUliaint. IjA K.Vir.,n. J kitchenette, fro: iin. IS or !'. to HlorOv,Vbrooi."lloW,'m ,0"'" ,n Dul I1KA.UTH-ULLT furnished' suite.. nH.;..'.,:....- euu i or 2 untlemerij esclu.iv'ii, 5 J0,i; hv Mar. Suit. im IRi puiidint. JITrnuDrT.riiiA nACHRtjOrt APARTilENTS private bath. ISO. furnished, electric llaht. I'.0'::"'" heal. Janitor service, etc. Aril JanlJor, on premleea TIIK I'ARKVIKW, 1SSJ N 41st 2 end kitchenette! lhirf nonV" i-.f.iT:' K" 2?nd'"jSrH"?ro'1'g-.t"g- fATLOn S0 APARTMENTS WANTED" 5,i,.n. 5rJ.T """T bachelors, references rr. .;dJ,cn.,nVr.V",rrp,,i ",,e p',c- " 8Ii?..n.RJiMr?.An'1bV,h ? Hth. 32d. Mar ket and Pine. H 282. Led re r Central. HOUSEKEEPINCrAPARTMENTa THE NASH DESIRA11LE HOUSEKEEriNQ APARTMENTS I9JJLOA'NOT FIND A BKTTUR APARTXtB.NT N. t:. COR. 1TT1I AND WALNUT 8T8. The housekeeplnir suites are, perfect In their In.! Vlhla, .n.l .. .-.... ...... .nanl also eultee of 2 rooms and bath! free use of Plan! 3 larae bedrooms, each liaNlnr bay ln. line isi it ma.1. well! Ideal wl dowsi fine -urnem re ild1!. lllna room, dlnlnsr room. room and II bathrooms ss z . - as i villi aim 1b.iiii aev wa laundry on i0D floori your Inepecllon cordially Intlted. Phone Walnut 002D. MEnTov tit. nnr.tin Franklin Panit Ilulldlna. THE WYNNEFIELD. 68th and Lansdowno ae. Five roome and bath, front and beck porches: Rood lanltor service. This Is nice place to ll and the cheapest npartmenta In the Cttv at th 8R dtiil SMll. Annlv janitor. HOfiflnKEEPlNO APAItTJlhNTS All parts of cltyi 3 rooms and bath to 7 rooms anil bath, 123 to 871 per month! call, phone-or write. ,RAMyL8TKUNj120tCheetnutst. EI.K'JANT HUITES, nely appointed. electric llaht. steam heat, lanltor senlcei 2 and 3 roome, bath and kitchenette; i blocks from Park. 2022 finrlne; Carder). . ilODBUN APARTMENTS, all sites and prices. Call or write for complete directory, free. APARTMENT IiUREAU. Franklin DankBldsj, 1830 B. nlfTENHOi;flKBQUA.nB A TOW VACANCIEH . , , For particulars, apply to superintendent. 1BTH, 8., 828-fdeal apartments. 1, 2; 3 rme ; bsth. kitchenette; furn. or unfurn.: alectflclty. . hot-water lieat; reflned aurrqundlnaa; phone. 1401 N. 10TII bT. Two rooms, .housekeeplnir, suites 33 up. Larsa rooms, fun.lshed, 32.50 up. pnnpr.LriiiA KINOSCOIIIIT 88TH ANI CHKKT-"T ST8. mlifi RRVKRAt. MODERN lIOnHRKKEPINp fPAHTXIENTB l'OH ItBNTl ULKtrrKlU .Kl.l, VATOItH. PlinLIC D1NIN11 APAKTMEriTHl-UH "'&Kjl'VAV.,M'..V,5itf isy'ftASb'ffi U8T. THOS. M. HIIKDS. JR ESSEX. 34th and Cheetnut! Monterey. 43d and Chester: lieimoni. an ana i utmns "Trui.i Inquire Janitor. . or CJtfHEJ0SHaTellld. THE PLOEYDEN. 40th and Locust sts. .3 jut. ldejrosandatlfur.lfdes3!j42.Bato 7S. UALT1MORI5 AVCT. 4301 Attrac, mod. apt.. 8 nne outilde rrne.l oun.ClarkTk. tlarlns; 7iy3J 47TH DEIX)W HALTIMORE AVE.. 1102 S. (Th Martlne); aecond-fioor apartment. APARTMENT HOTELS THEN YOU'LL COMB HACK TO U0" The first year ymi came on a venttirt but tha remembrance of that first year will brlnsr you pack to us acaln. When you enter THE LINCOMf yoti will And the otTtce and eichanie so alorMed and renewea you will scarcely recoanlse It as your old llome: but J. Warren Friar, who took such excellent care of you list year and aayo you the kind of dlnlnc room and did not think could be will be there to welcome you for a day or for tbe whole winter season. Elevator service. Runntns water In every room. , Itooma alnfly or en aulta. TUB LINCOLN. 18TH AND LOCUST STS. 'The Perfect Apartment Hotel." HOTEL COLONIAL 8pn,Bnih mr.t i A SELECT TAMILY APARTMENT HOTEL Conveniently located In the center of tho L'DIIIS UIDIIICL. V,1, wwv w, three rooms with prime bath. Cuisine and city and within a few smmr-e of the principal theater and enocpins" aisinci. ui service of the hlxhest. standard. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUEST8 Wm. P. Kenney. Menacer CHCSTNUT AND NINETEENTH Aldine Hotel THE BEST HOOMS AND SUITEH IN PHILA. YEAR WITH THE BEST TABLE DAY. WEEK. MONTH. 8EAB0N. PELHAM COURT CARPENTER STATION. qEn!AjrTOWN 1'lneet location In suburban Phlla. Hotel apartments of S. 8, 4 and 0 rooma and bath. Iteetaurant and bouee service that will ap peal to people who are particular. I'rlcea mod- THE CLINTON VSk$3?w 200 ROOMS, EVERY CONVENIENCE Furnished or unfurnished, either by lease or transiently! suites of one or (our rooms, with bath. - i THE" GLADSTONE UTH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof TXWO AND SHORT TERM LB A 8KB v DELMAR-MORRIH Weet Chelten ave.. Oermantowni 50 mlnutea ilrosu nireei niaiiuiif lunmuru f mm unfurnished apartments i in or morealeo one room and bath loueekeeplna apartmenta. CIIR8TNIIT ll 1CS Til. ...ifi. nmfluilTftM STTlf AKIf IN f IID VlEMT WllT OF WEST PHILA. 1 ENOLKHIUli, MKAUII I1A.VIJ..TI. IRVING HOTEL Amerlcin plan. 12 European. 1 up. 0IT WALNUT ST. WEEKLY RATES. THE ESMOND h ffigjff? S" SUITES OF 3. AND enOOMB ANO BATH. ENT AND iSIlLAKf rERMANENT TRACY l TRANHII ikvt mrnsTH wJ&Ksnm. . OPEY nABLES. 811-14 N 83d Altraetlv S to T room apartments) ail conveniences) terms reasonable. BEALEaTATE POR SALE . C1TV ii mi . i ' -. " ' ' j i ' 2181 N. 32D ST.. iwelllnjr. '8U N. 18th at., dwt line. j fihK . .Iw.IUm. lontsoroery are., dwelllnr. f' ave., uweiiina. n at., .dwallina. 2.44 ;:-? c: i - r"-T . ,,, 2734 Monisomerr ave. uweiiina. uaupnn 27.14 "i"!l ;i2.1 W. Dauphin at., dwelllnir. fiUARAN-IETKUST AND SaFB PEP. CO, MONEY FOR MORTGAGES '" 2183 H. MOiVtlOUTH ST. 3 story. 8 rooms, cosy home) bath, as. ranae. Hell cbeap. Wnl. L. Craven's Jlons, 1810 n! 711- at. w . , . jluHfJtta'efiH'.IHtafit H-J . . CHOIC"pUILDINtf LOTH and lara .tradta" arowed In e.1 prt city; wig. sSejieJy3M8..1U Heal Mel,. JTust tX. S, jWKvjL'li-JLViiI':i,. L T HOUSES, always rented to first-clan whit laaaats at 112. pew roofs, food c-wiHtlour K jT liSfuiNNIMS SON. 8000JIlilmore av. JI WALTON fYB.-.l-aJTdMY- mtmiXAiiQ' 2 rotxrta, aood location, onlys, ffw kHMdrv-i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . vr.nT riiir.AiiKirim .. Coallnafil ram rrrentlna rotatn 1IA7.F.L AV.B.. 4718 Semidetached tioue. 3 ".', ronrni, 5! rofnii, hotwiatr ht, ! nml r nu pnnirl nninr epicnaifi 01 lien: urrounnu t.'olonlMi whll rnnirl tih int in a rtmrtctM nation; Misiirr lKi fttr- 7 B. E, cer 49lh aed llaltlmoro ava. l"hei Wnoillsml MOO. ni:iM,NTon"N STRNTON .tvtarhe.1 dweltlnc at t Irsetlvw prices, alwaye ofxvn, trains to Rtentan Ptatlen. 1'h.itintl iltll Dlelelnn Resdlm Railway, ar irtv out Sltotem !.vfv."Y CW "?."" MAUHAN, .UoL MAN A CO.. N. K cor. Ilruad and Chestnut. NEW PRTACHnD DWELLINGS, iu.soo up. b. c. TountgON 7014 norBn rT- QERMANTOWN nOMns, "all" actions. -Ef1,llnllnfOuMdln. Wain inut S33T. ir YOI' AE t)QIINO TOR A HOME In Oer mantewn. Ml. Airy or Chestnut Hill cwnetilt me,A. n Meehan, 874. termai.ton ave. . CHOICE TtOMES. Tulrehccken et. east of Oer. rnantown ae. J. 11 CIIADWICK eV CO. Pi.J2(lermantown ave. m OUR REAU ESTATK"nrTLltlNlli bo'eent In you by mall on application llermanloein Trust Co,. Chelten and tlermantoan ea. . OUR NEW RENT and sale llt of Uernwnlown ana vneetnut Hill oropentes seni on appuca. Hon II. II. l.leter A Pen. 8812 Uermsnlown a 14800 p-room bouse ass electric llstite. Iianl- Itniwrrr v. wood floofe soo! condition 134 It rhejlnni IJIII 8KVKRAI. PRSinAlll.E pnoPKRTlBH MINTIIRN T WRiailT CO MetrUlliilldlnr, Tleta ' Wft HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT KEEr.TRAV,o7,loKil)tMATovN T.otan REAL ESTATE, mortrsaes an.1 conieyanclnr. Wil, l. CJIAMUtfllfl J33.N. Jlroa-Lji . Pi:NN5Yl.VANI.81'ni'RnN COLLINODALE 21 new suburban homes. 3 fln leneai av story, noi-waier nai ic i his 175! near trolley to 89th at. A Hone, Darby elec 1 I3C00. Bwope erv RENNlNOElt. OLENHIDE HOMES and bulldlna sltee aeecripiion iii..n.i.-sui.ii et oienslde, Pa bwarthmoITk-thi. coi.leoi: town Desirable homs: some with "trresire, CPl'ETi;itlijtSON,Jl08 CIIEHT.Ml'T HT WILI.""SACRIFICB 0.1-acre country seat, near Ambler, for quick sale; new Colonial msnelon, 12 rooms, 8 bathei ileelaned by Sawry. ahet Kry. remodeled Colonial farmhouse with Itewlutlonsry War associations a tensnt houses, larce barns, poultry houses, anraae, lth llvlntr quartere, etc i lawns shrubbery, ehade and areat abundance! nf fruit: n. rare barsaln. full details on n-quent. will show by arpolntment II, J DAIIER. INC , Ambler. Pj city and srntmiiAN real estate' MEARS A BROWN 203B 16TH , , "h U B UR B AN" TO WN CO L'NTR Y Send for cetaloatie. l!ROWNA CLOUD, Norrlstown, Pa. HUnURBAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All locations. Sale or rent, CIIARLE8 J. IlOOn. A. CO Morrls Blda . SUBFRB AN ""RESIDENCES for eile or rent! attractive location" i prli-es rlrht. Maurice J. Hoover. Real Estate Trust IlldK, LAROE LIST OK, HniU'llltAN llOMKS. ale or rent, on the Msln Line of Headlnr It. It. WM 1IJIVI.LS5NA Cp..Morrls Hulldln-r. MAIS LINK, r. R. K. . IIRYN MAWR Houses or bulMlntf sites for sale; seeral desirable bouses for rent. MAUHAN. DOLMAN A CO. N. E. cor. Ilroad and Chestnut. HAVERFOKnAND rnAME Jl0L?aR i 18 rooms. 2 baths. Wllh aliout 's acre of land In best location. Title property can lie had at an attractive price If purchased now. Inveetlaale. Commercial Truet HldJ SUBURBAN HOMES, country places and build. inw alts In suit nil renulremenls. " --. :. .......a.i.I ... u, liuiir.iv, .aii, ..". If. NEW JERSEY SUIU'RBN LIPPINCOTT ITS AND HOMES HADDON HEIOHTH. N.J. WI1.I.KT LIPPINCOTT PENNHYI.VANIV FAUMH 180 ACRES - IUUUU. J. II. stock and dairy farm! prlco only THOMPSON. WetChestrjPa.. new Jersey r.n , HAMMONTON. N J. berrlea, flve-robm 1 discount for cash. llammomon, ri, j. -Klve-ai ro farni: fruit and ouse. price .uu; inwra Address Wm, Richards, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUBURBAN propertlfs for sale or rent, liwer Merlon Realty ompany. Land Title nulldlnr. Philadelphia.. Pa CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES Tor aale and rent. . RAMI'S D WINCHELL,i 17tli nnd Bansom jls PENNSYLVANIA HITrU'lllUN BALA-CYNWYD Large list liousea. sale or rent, at all prlce-a. .Samuel C Waj-nrr. Jr., Commercial Trust Bldg , 18th andMurkct. MAIN LINE. P. It. R MAIN LINE Best line of Main Line houses, either for sale or rent, st all er''"''" .... HIRST & McilULl.IN. West End Trust Hide. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchaniln-c what ou nnvo for what you want KERSHAW A I'ROWL. 621.1 CheslnuL REAL ESTATE WANTED . REAL ESTATK housht, sold, rented, rents col lected: inorta-acB louns for u term of vara or on bulldlna nssoclutlon plan ARrHu7lIiOSWJ-;Ut.2;l3 N 13lhst. VT.iVi. mlv rhr,nii estato. Hnr Secllfln. Philadelphia; Immediate answers, brokers pro' terted Chester Jl llolltn-r. ie.-u inesinui Wl! HAVE CALLS for 140 and 111 houses" WM. HAULER'S SONS, 1820 CplumbU uo. REAL ESTATE FOR KENT '. cini , t ." WILL BACIHFICI Rent or sell. 12-room semi, detached, absolutely modern home, 'J baths, hot-water heal, owner living In It at present: this Is a decided opporlunltyi 9 vlpcks alioa ilermantnwn Station, Heading Jl, 11. Alply 433E. Walnut one, Oermatitown ST0IIE8"XND DWELLlNaH In all' sectrons'of tlty. See our list In the I-dutr Saturday, l"r' SAMUEL T IXSX, r, CO. H JJ cor. ttth and Cullowhlll. 28"s. lwTII 8T.,"lo'rooms And 'J baths. SO S 21st st,. 13 rooms and 2 balbs, MAMtlEL W LKVISVUfal Estate Trust Bid-; SEND FOR THE LAND TIT lirpeu aim OIIR RENT LI Li! AND TRU I t'tii-stnut sib 11 conveniences IHT TRUST CO. o)nn 1)10 Tn u HT O rooms "by "appointment. Hotli phoms, tVealls, S 1 th st. Fssi'TilENTON" AVE'j-Iii'l 7 rooms, alfcon" leniences ljmon. 208? N. Front. 19183 NrRANKLIN, storo and rellir" NBAI.18iBHi8. J2tn at. Bothjihones i37 MOIINTAN;ST, i.T rooms ISd ondMor- rlsl Nealls Jlj B. l?tj), t. BjilHln;Iteu FaclorySllee1ele1 RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES 11 XI A1C1 llll.U! 181 4 WALNUT 8T 'rourrt-ee wnd Htorea Business CENTRAL STORES Chestnut at. 1808 Cheetnut 114S. 11th. lio S. Uth. 8o4 afarket. HOI Walnut. J20 '".yiTTERSON: 130 ., 13.1, st,' ffJOT SPnlNO OARDEN ST. Larue store, 8 flobrai roomy place for furniture or other busi ness . MYERS A BARTH. lUdta ave. and lOtli st Fartorlea. Wnrelienees. Mf8. Fluom ARCltADMnBTnEETS 14 000 80. FEET IN MOpERN FACTORY Steam and elottrlo power. 2 slevatora, low Insurance, automatic sprlnulere. watchman. It. K. sidings, extra lame windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply o P. FILLINg A SON CO. alMI-atl man (.TIauM"".!,,. i.iZ business home, whether It lie) mill, factory, warehouse or atoro, Wa have helrwul maii la this posltloni can we help ou? J'lona and peclAcailons furnlenid, loiailons xnured. nnanclal. assistance i given, Mershoq Jirus.. 813 Land Title Hulldlng r- -r Coliockaink Mills fiT,AT5itl,4TB' Floors, 8ouo to 18,000 mi. ft, . etieap poner. . rvi.f.. !.. w,i. A...4 inuuipo KIXXJ1I N B. ooi Ming I a fXXJll cn'ACM tier liiii PbaB0.,P.Ur.lnauii rate 4e, HAY IN MODERN IIUILDfKtr waaninfU'i'ave. -K. U. 3w: ii nnd waahlnstun'Ava ubiosts;lcr superior llghti ensgraucs Manufa.i'turlnjt tluorsi ate)in beat and power. AJTlrl'l!J0yMiiU o Jm Chestnut s NRAR nAn s)prlp Cardeii 3000, ft" floor llaht on 1 eldea steam heal elevator, vuwft if' delredv MOftHIS A t'6 Rldie at Jfrlad REAL ESTATE FOR RENT rftrle, M'arelionses lf lloors Coallauril rotn rrteedMii CoNrea " ROOMS FQlTntlHtNEPt PfRPOSBS .WITH Olt W'lTHUlTT I-OWEIl... "I" second Poor rronl. etxsi. AtO Cherry at., second floor rear. 433I. 010 Cherry at,, second floor 103x41, InT Marsha 117 jit arena Hit MsreHe 107 Marsha 107 Marina 1114 Che t!T. aid. an. lo. in Chorry at . lUitetnr anrl bast. ill st , fourth floor front, ' st luiirth noor rear, l let., tlilrd floor rear. II st . Bret fli- rear. 14 .ii si . .nrsi iiot.r iront. laxii. rrv el., (hint floor front. Vnsl3. alllc. iSsM m Msratwill et . Iweetnent. 4'.s3e.J inf Marshall st . baeetn. m. Ixl4li. HIT Marshall st.. baeament. lailS'i. JI Cherrr st , liaapment 3lia, CHAIILUhIkiNii COMPANY 8SHI Arch st, Inquire for Mr l.lpplnrolt or,rirr.t. nrsiNr" rooms, kto. URIJXBIi dlqsfe I gbrraje Sultea. 4 to 8 Rooms. lalO to liflSO III.LIS b WILLIAMS Sill) Drexel Hulldlng. laAIHIR FRONT I1FFICK ROOM, furnished or unfurnlshMl. fourth floor Helleue Court HKlg . I41N Walnut st . lesseu to July. lull. cn t had at asrrinro renlsl Fof Informa tion telephone It II. Cavrly.Oermantown 2780, HEED tll'll DINtl 1SII-1T Filbert et 1 1 be all Centrally located all cwnentenceai rents attrctlvl low eervlce continuous 1IKI.LEVUK COURT HUII.DINO. 1418 Walnut at Daslrabla offices, centrally locsted. with od light iftdgar (1. Cross. t411Vsljiutst. SUBLET 2 vr four data per week handsome. welt located music studio, Stelnway crand. Pianist II 843. Ix-dcer Central dlKSTNUT ST 821-Second rleor, large sky. llaht. good space for architect LEA E8. TATKS JTOO Hansom st . Professional OlAree rnol13SSIONAI. llUILDI.VO. lR.1t-31 Chestnut J st A few suites for ptnslelans of dentists IesUnoom . DUSK ROOM or half desirable office Call 308 Welghtmnn Bldg . 1324 Chestnut st. west riii!.ni:i.ritiA 221 SOUTH 44TH ST 3-story, porch-front residence, Mths rent per. montn 10 8413 Ms r ket. 1 wr WM. T niCKSON A CO SIEMtniTTACHKU. porch front. 15 rooms i good condition; 833 per month. lnter-Llty Realty Co . 147 H. Ilroad st Stores nnd Dwellings 03TH sna na-errora targe sior snu ap, grow nelghbl, 143 Cusper C3d Hserfurd rt.: IF.IIMXNTOWN DlflRABI.i: tiiantnati ut IM). lltU iind IU3: Vi request MAUHAN. UOIilAN . at oi arllculars upon i.u, . r., "s. l5, Toiirlson, cor llronil and cnestnui. iftl t'PU'Altn Send for list iI4 liojer si , iierinamowii , Tioga . MODERN .t-story dwelling. 11 rooms, bath. hot. water heut. will put In eleclrlo light; lot 18x llkl feet, rent 1411 . , YOCU.MAIHIWi:i8 CO ,2(1 8. ISthat. i'i:nnh lvani v sumurii n. MOYLAN Attrartlto country residence at 3Ioy. Ian, Rose alley. ample ehado and Uwti, about 3 acres, housa stands on high elej. Hon commanding extensile views, has IS rooms. 4 bathrooms hot-wster heal, etectrlo llaht. etc . chaneurs's dvelltnc. wltn asrs attsrhnd. rent, 111)00 per annum. Whites A Mcl.anu!lMtl. 1Mb nnd Pine sge side It. It. MAIN" LINE NARIIERTH J40 per month for new 14-room bouse; all rnmenlences. electric llshte. hot water healing, S baths. 8 large bedrooms: 2 Pontics, ono Intloeed and heated: open Are. Place: corner propert ; near Montgomery pike, (lrorge Wurst. builder. Woodbine ae.. Nar lierlh. (larnge If needed. FOR RENT FURNISHED i nrnrtAN COMMODIOUS HOME. 1 sq from train; nom Inn) rent for fall or winter months CHESTER OHIIORNIJ. LANSDOWNK OR PIIILAJIEJ.I'HIA. . , SIAIVLIN! . ST. DAVID'S Beautiful home, attract'y furn.; eeieral rhainbera, .'I batbsi ntntral plant heat, 1U0 month. J. M. b'ronetleld. Waine. Pa. " MORTGAaES "$100,000 5 'FLAT" SPECIAL TRUST FUND FOR OOOD FIRST MORTOAOE8 Horace H. Fritz TI.WAI.NUTn"i X " TO SECURE A MORTGAGE Be It first or second If you desire efficient sen Ire. quick and satisfactory rrsulta and moU'jALi.f "phonH or write to us "Tour mortgage will I as good as placed." NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut at. $23,000 for Investment In Orst mortgages, any amount. This fund must bo put at Interest by Novom tier 1. Mall eppIUattona at once with full particulars. Also lime building- and loan funds for second mortgages. FLOOD A QUINN, INC. , KITH AND CHERRY (30 TO J 1 000 NOTE OR MORTOAOE Immediate settlements. Unsettled estate loane. Bulldlna ase'n funds. DKMPSEY A CO. 27 H, 18th at. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND jJPOJNO QAHDEN MORTOAC1ES SECURED llUILIIISItS' ADVANCES. A SPECIALTY UHUMIlAUMH S I'A 1437 'AllKER. WALNUT ST. INC. FUN'DS for first and aecond mortgages "" J . j; TURNER. 1201 Chestnut st. MONEY FOR MORTOAOES LARUE AND SMALL AMOUNTS 1 QUICK ANSWER W. II HOOD. B12 W NORRI8 ST. 'tloTiono TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from llnuo up. also building association money for a-rnnd jAortgsges, (I " SEIDEL t CO . 4th and Csllowlijll sts. 50 8100, 1200 TO 83000 TO LOAN LEWIS ft CO. 1227 W. Olrard Ave. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer. vAimicr. II. MATSINOER, HI Est. T. Hldg. TRUST FtfNDI FOR FIRST MORTUAUB Hand title iiuildino UUILDlS'O ASSOCIATION FUNDS on hand for first end second mortgsaes: send applications. I'rrdorliHejrnaiinj. 2403 N. J'jav MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D 8IORTOAOES "u" T A REDDINO U SON 70fi WALNJJT ST 8201 SPRUCE ST. ADVANCES TO HITLDESPECIALTY 318 WALNUT 8T. HUILDINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE JiOJH?RTJLNASJI. lortl CHESTNUT BT. ANY SUM ANY AMOUNT l'lnoe.l bl Once, lowest Hates. FX.nEJUNYI112. 1'!nc0JJ!S.,HtnJr. WE WANT MORTnAflES rst, second or. split! funds for collateral and short. term loans. AW1IINTHY,J38 S 12tbt 272JNr3ih 1ST and i'd rings , bldg- and private fundsi Quick and sstlsfactorv results, moderate charges, aMSHON ESTATE, 28H Kenelngtonave, MONIY for ftrst and second mortgages, private fends and build n osaoclatlons, WM FIlIEDRJCjf.A CO M1 NV 12th st. , READY FUNDS for good first mortgages! bring us your application. CHAB. L. lmOWN.A CO 21T H.Jlroad at. MONEY "for first and"aecond mortgaissfbulMfiig association and Installment mcrtgagea. Willis. Winchester Company, 1001 Chestnut st. FUNDS for first and second mortgages i "any amount; quick anewer. CHAB. W. MfLLER. 40l-407 Commonwealtli Hulldlng. ALL 'AMOUNTS' to loan on laland 2d nitaesT Chss. J5. De Young, 400 W. End Trust Hldg, PRIVATE TARTY HAfl MONEY for mortiageg, V 837, lojditer Central, MONEY TO LOAN ItEADY HONEY AT 0NCE" TO HOUSEKEEPERS Tills new LICENSED AND BONDED COM 1'ANY will roaketyou a luan quickly, privately ,Bd without red lap. If you are Iwusekiijkii. Your month y payment o.i . only rf Yuur mwitbiy payinention 87a Is only 18 Willi Intereet at 8 per cant, f " Your monthly painwnt on J182 is only 811 Your monthly iyineiit on luoi la only 81T witli Interest at 3 usr cent, ' Call TOI1 AY, rll ua or. phona. Walnut 4808. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO, 13X toutb Broad Street Secood.eloor. Ne.t Jo Forrest TMater. Opeu o qvr i Saturday, , g.)n. r YOU CAN BORROW WONBY- Ti.- ON DIAMONDS JEWELS, ETC 128 MARKET S3' r JlllHIK AY A;f.,,rW!J ST . fill STOlTII sts. 7 SCRAPPLE The Younif Ladjf Acroas the W'y Hi -:'' fTnTTnTnT lUslt'UKan f., I I , !' fli. The yomiK lad) ncroan the way " th Ilusslana hale been tnlilnp; so many CarpathlAUR lately that she should think the iiroblem of feeding: them would be rcttlnc pretty serious. No Use Little Qeorse wan limine luncheon nt Mrs. Carcy'n. "Wouldn't you like another piece of cake, dear?" asked the hostess. "Yes, I would." replied Oeorge, du biously, "nnd I KUess I could chew It, but I couldn't sc allow It." i- V THE PADDED CELia ' - A I OBJECT- AfUTRlMOAiY. V I HA.HVA.prj t LIGHT OCCUPATIONS DAY PRESSING THECaosB) OF A PERFECT HM SEWING lACEONTHlr CAPE-OF GOOD HOPE SClNASiO "FRANK KEeiVAN tNOTTME fAOVIEACTOR, J4 (l HOPE XT S l&ET AUU.,, ) VsJrjl vv7 V ATiAs. MUSIC .SyS-- u VJh V0S5, Wstsiar ' a. J wS!!b JANITOR IN A ZnAUiOUEUrA G.D. VVACriVAA (cAiuafy coVERltffcf A MATTRESS. WITH TNl- .TlCKlNCr OFACtOQ I 1 iM HARRIE-TT LEfY0 SLEEPING ON AW ' APRICOT Ifil ' c.Sanom.perquson Elimination Test Mrs. Gramorcy I'm havlnsr the greatest difficulty In nndlnr a new cook. Gromcroy That doesn't surprise me In tho least, my dear. You seem to have had about all the cooks there are on the market. War Delicacies ll.. . (jv f &" OKr sTa fHBB3tl te VBi 1 H aaiisaevarSSSSan'a, i i avh, mlj a- fyw .Passing Bhow. Little Girl (excitedly) Look, Slum my! Actually lump sugar t Sad Experience Banker (to applicant for clerkship) Have you had any experience In a bank? Applicant Yei, sir, I was a de positor In ono, until tho cashier ran away with all the funds, Boston Transcript. Early Expectations Johnnie What's your name, little KlrlT Little slrlEia. Johnnie Eva, whatT What's your last nameT Little girl I don't know what It will tie. I ain't married yet. EI F-EVIDENT asis '&&TZ4&'rCffd fn " ll . " . ji i '' i f Tha Sketch. Jim Tus. I'e proved that honesty Is the best policy, arter all. Bill 'Ow? Jim Remember that dorr I pinched? BUI Vus. Jim Well, I tried two whole days to sell Mm, and no one ottered me more'n 11.25. 5o I went like an 'onest bloke and give 'Im to th' lady wot owned Mm, and she give me $2.50. THE LULL BEFORE THE STORM f ,v - ' i ' a "" "- iTTY4 n a, IMJK-. 11111 'ii 'Ji a aawa-aaaaai ! i , , M ,. ' Sooner or Later Dentist Don't make a fuss! Don't make a fusel If this one Isn't It, I'll get it next time I 1 Ar "Oh, How They Ran." rvv- mum j X7X SlsaH ' 1 BaBBBBBBBa .awar sBBV' Sal Hkfcv i . I fcfMy 9 Munnrtr-e-!j fifty ihiidiiii,4 i , abscondni v'ti, , 0,HkkceiMEi wiycubea il , nu-i 'h.t f.l n. a! I ho lUatu.) 1 HoiS'.U ll In luMsiug V.