QUAKER CITY ,FERS ADVANCE : NATIONAL PLAY i. Fox, Mrs, SUUon and times Cavarly and Camp bell Win in First Round MRS. KURD, ELIMINATED ' Bf SANDY MeNIBLICK ItOKT RFRIKa COUNTRT CLUB. MtM. Mm., Oct, 1. Four rhlUdtlphlaim MM thrMHrfi with banners' nylnc In the. M nwrf of tha women'! colt champion t of the United mate here today. Mlaa MIMr. Cartrlr. Quaker CUr champion. a Mnsatroitel brand or rolf arsln.t ltlaa Prance D. MacCarthy, Brookllne, and won aa aha chose, 7 up and t to 90. Hits hat tha Drat holes In 19 strokes, 1 tinnr faaira and was 4 up, thlnklnr to mskej BlHMrt a It for, tha first i. She bim to kaap score and kail a 41. Sha was 5 up at . me'-ten-ft and came back In flrta on every , Mlaa MacCarthy. who Is one or tlici W tha Boston Dlarers. juat could not K SPHn and tha gcorinc ot him carenr Xt her o that aha early lent Interest In t was going: on. Mrs. O. Henry Stetson. Huntingdon Vsl lay. waa figured to have the hardest watch of tha Quaker quintet when she met Mrs. John . Lapham, champion of Texas : last Mrs. Stetson waa on the top or her gnsuev 8he took the first 1 boles In a row, SMI: waa 6 up at the turn. , Mtaa Bthel M. Campbell, Philadelphia Crtctee. Club, won a, hard match from Miss Levvrit O. Wtjltherbee, and won 1 and 2. tfca biggest surprise of the tourney was tho - aWeat of Mrs. O. V. Hurd, the medal win Mr, yesterday with an IS. Mrs. Hurd, who wan Mlaa Dorothy Campbell, and won tha Brtttefc. American and Canadian champion MtM twice each, lost to Mrs. Thomaa Huck nalle, Forest Hills, who yesterday only got In tha rolng with a . Xrs. Hucknalls won on the last hole after ft brilliant match, i up. Mrs. Hurd waa all square at the turn when she had a 46 and Mrs. Hucknalt had a. 41. The home holea were decided on the greens and Mrs. Hurd -had a. 10 for a 15, which was not good anoueh to compare with Mrs, Huck Balla's 47. . Mrs. W. A. Gavin, gnatlst last year. V strong favorite for tha title thla year, v-a mly : up on Miss Oeorglanna Ulshop, a fanner champion of America. Miss Dlshop stayed in tha running by laying two stymies and chalked up another on the thirteenth. Mrs. a Yin tried to Jump the stymie at the tawith. which waa right on the Up or the cup, but the "cut" did not cut and she came close to knocking the other ball In the cup. Mis Aleza Stirling, the other favorite and champion or the South, was only 2 up M Mrs. K. II. Baker, Jr.. at tha thirteenth hole. Mrs. Baker, playing on her home aaurre. -played a steady game and did not allow the Dixie girl many chances. Mrs. Baker was well known In Philadelphia If circles some years ago as Miss Edith Koblet. and was a constant figure In tour neys there. Miss Marlon Holllns, a former flnallat and Metropolitan champion, was 2 down to Mrs: Leila C. Stockton, the Metro politan player, who has been'dolng sensa .. tional medal work In her district all sea SOB. Mrs. Caleb Pox, a former finalist and tar Phlladelphlan. ousted the "dark horse" of, the tourney, Mrs d. M. Martin, Stoke Pogte, llnglaml, to tha tune of 3 and 2 In a close finish. Mrs. a. Henry Stetson, also Huntingdon Valley, won from Mrs. Lapham, and C. -The golf of Miss Caverly, on the first re ttoles. completely took thai Ufa 'out of r hr opponent. Miss MacCarthy, olid the count has never been equaled by a woman on the reversed teeing, and tha card la pro duced herewith: Mlaa Caverly put ..... ... SS45JSTS 6 13 a la .......... . 6 0 0 5 ' iifcs MacCarthy Out s 4SS4T 8 1 In ,,i ,,...6 8 O 6 Mrs. O. Henry Stetson Impressed the sjathirlng greatly with her play. She was Ave up after the first five holes and after that (died along till tha mutch ended on the thirteenth hole. Miss Caverly la obliged, to meet Mrs. F, C. Letts, western champion, tomorrow, and does not look forward to her chances with as' much favor as do the critics after her .golf today. 'Mrs. Letts won from Mrs. Charles now ley. Boston, S and 3. Mlaa Laurie Kaiser, one of tbe best hopes f tha West, won from Mrs. a. W. Itoope, 3 and 2. Mlae Eleanor Allen, a fine player from the Boston district, was beaten on the home hole by Mrs. T. E. Forrest, Knollwood, 2 Mrs. Leila Stockton caused an upsst by winning from Miss Marlon Holllns, 2 and 1. Mrs. Stockton had an 84 aa a medal score aad this Is tha best card of any since the tourney began. COACM ROBERTSON CALLS OUT PENN HILL AND PALE SQUAD Candidates for the Pennsylvania cross. country team wera called out today by Coaoh Lawaon Tlobertaon, Prospects for a winning hilt and dsle team aro not ery rtajbt. The only men back from last year's team are Captain McM'.chsel, Humphreys. BtsU and llbennan. Price, formerly of Kextfcsant, and Sanderson, former Kplscopal athlete, are tha leading candidates from the gfsawsnan squad. Yesterday another famous schoolboy ath las matriculated at Tenn. Ha Is Davis, tfiii sr Mercaraburg sprinter and Jumper. fteaeR Robertson" expects to develop Davis ksla ail (steroolleglata point winner, BTENTNG LT?nGiro-rmTJAI)J5LPHIA TOBBbAJ. OCTOBER 3,' " Ittt - 1 1 . i i i 1 : 1 ' SHRINERS' GOLF TOURNEY DRAWS MANYENTR1ES Maxwell, Reynolds and Newton Among Entrants in Edge Hill Play CLAREY WILL COMPETE Sj THE WEATHER Oficlal Forecast WASHINGTON, Oct I. "Tor Xastern PenRsylvanla: Cloudy to- and Wednesday with probably rain ; tonight m north and west Ror- l northeast winds increasing. weather haa prevailed during tha - westy-fourhours exceat In the vicinity superior and in tna far west and Tna area or nigh barometric over tha eastern portion of tha mtry has remained nearly station.! d ta temperatures are beginning to rhM sly at most places within Its area. A area of low barometer has developed tha wast and ovrwes all aMatrlcta MB tb Mlsatsolppr Klver waatward. It aaad a alow rlaa In tmraturs In Ws" BUIM, white K la medarataly -aw of ttea toMaa. CMtsUl Frc4wrt A. M. ialtlJitt JiA s usi4i aa a AisM.SsS PvIm'1 .sa,at ::! .61 MMM'tiM)MWf T i. t4t-a..4 94 i ' iMsttl'-' 4 ' S f 4. UMMlB.Li4tkW IImTUw n 1 1 1 y Umbenhaucr, Thlladelphla's "Trlnco of Monaco," comes to bat with the statement that close lo 100 golfers, with the falr-to-mlddllng class predominat ing, will lea off on Thursday In the quali fication round of the second annual Invita tion tournament of tha Lu Lu Temple Coun try Club, at Kdga Hill, Tha nobles' tournament committee Is headed by Utnbenhauer as chairmen, and tha other members are Francis 1C Worley, George Ward, Dr. O. If. Slmtnerman, V K. Cook and Samuel J. Bennett Four six teens will qualify on Thursday for handicap match play rounds for the YT. Frceland Ke ml rick Cup, the Vice President's Cup, the Opveroors' Cup and the Lu Lu Templa C C. Cup on Friday and Saturday. Uncle "Herb" Newton, who ran off with the Freelsnd Cup a year ago, will be In the running again. Norman II. Maxwell, youthful Lesley Cup "veteran"; Walter II. Iteynolds, another member of Pennsyl vania's Isley Cup team, and lIward C Clarey, Woodbury, are the stars of tha field. These are the men N'enton will have to beat to retain tna cup, and ns he will receive several strokes In the handicap matches from each of them his chances are at least somewhat better than "the prospects of tha proverbial tallow dogs with the asbestos cat of purgatorial fame. n ;:::;;:-:::i;;;:.:;p.!3fflt -, . .4J a.as. rtun imutmr wuxr KBgUI INLAND Mlt-W4TJI 34 a as. ' V J-f r 3 ffcJ m,m--wwtwwmti m -: ., rto&L: JrmiiJgRat.'L SISTERS WHO ENDED LIVES WILL BE BURIED TOMORROW Misses Emma nnd Annn Oram to Have Private Funeral The Misses Kmma and Anna Oram, tha two elderly maiden alsters who formed a death pact and committed suicide by In haling gas at their home, 4450 Frankford avenue, last Sunday, will be burled tomor row afternoon at 2 o'clock. The funeral, which will be strictly private, will be con ducted by the Itev. John Wesley Stockwell pastor of the Church of the New Jerusalem Interment will bo In tha family plot li. Cedar Hill Cemetery. Although the sisters conducted a thrtv Ing dry goods business on the first floor of their home, tha one waa III and the other feared to be left alone In life. Their death was ptanned carefully. The two were found dead clasped In each other's arms and dressed In their best clothes. Miss Kmma Oram was sixty-five years old; Miss Anna was fifty-nine. W05IAN AUTHOR DIES Mrs. Edith II. 0. Ellis Wroto Many Books ' NEW YOnK. Oct 3. Mrs. Edith-M. O. Hills, wife of Havelock Ellis, the psychol ogist and author and herself a psychologist died on September 14 In London, accord ing to a letter received hero today, Mrs. Ellis was the author ot a number or books, among which were "Kit's Woman." "A Cornish Idyll." "Attainment," 'lly Cornish Neighbors." "The Imperishable Wing," "Love Acre" and "Three Modern Seers." She also wrote several plays, Mrs. Ellis held advanced views on mariAage and the relatluns between husband M wife, and was the author of several works set ting forth these views. A year age she made an extensive lecture tour In Ibis country. Mrs. Ellis's body wss cremsted and her athts. In accordance with her wishes, were scattered over Hempstead Heath, sacred to the memory of Byron, Keats and Shelley. FUNERAL OF DR. NEEDHAM Services to Be Held Tomorrow at Beth lehem Baptist Church Tha funeral of the Itev. Dr. Thomas Needham, who fell dead on Sunday morn ing aa he was about to officiate at a bap tismal service", wjll be held tomorrow eve ning In tha Bethlehem Bsptlst Church, Eighteenth and Tork streets. The Rev. Dr. A. E. Harris, associate pas tor of the Bsptlst Temple, will officiate. Rer. Dr. W. W. Evans Tha Iter. Dr. W. W. Evans, a retired Methodist minister and a trustee of Dickin son College, died last Sunday at his home In Washington. He waa born at Lewis town. Pa., In 1340, and Joined the Baltimore Conference ot tbe Methodist Episcopal Church In 1SI1. Later he became a mem ber ot the Central Pennsylvania Con ference. For twenty-seven years he was a pastor of Methodist churches, and for twenty-three years was a presiding elder and district superintendent He will be burled at Tork. Pa., where his funeral will be held next Thursday at 3:43 o'clock. Woman, 110 Years Old, Dead From Gas NEW TOItK, Oct 3. Mrs. Mary Forge. 110 years old, waa left alone for the first lime In fifteen years when her grand daughter, Mrs. Julia Mlllows. with whom she lived at 126 Jefferson avenue, Maspeth, was called to the bedslda of her child. 111 In a hospital. Mrs. Mlllows returned home Isst night snd found tha aged woman dead In bed, with gas flowing from an open Jet Coroner Carl Voegel decided that her trembling handa In turning off the gaa ac cidentallyshad reopened the stopcock. Mrs. Forge had told neighbors Sunday that aha felt good for ten years mora of Ufa. , Edwin H. Boleitrldfe Bdwln H. Bolestrldge, active In fraternal societies, died on Baturday at his home, til Fern street, Camden. Ha waa seventy, firs years old and was a member of Phila delphia Lodge, V. 1A.M,; Keystone Chap ter, It A. M.J Mary Commandery. IC of T.; and Chosen Friends Lodge. I. O. O. V. Ha waa a member of Linden Baptist Church. Mrs. A. Jane Bender Mrs. A. Jane Bender, widow of the lata Robert K. Bender, who served as fire chief ot Camden for alx years, died on Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry L. Sulser, II Haddon avenue, Camden. Mrs. Bender was seventy-nine, years old, and had been a member of tbe First Bap Wet Church for mora than forty-flve years. Prewlnent Maaan Dies RALHtOH, N' a. Oct I. John C Drewry,' SI years old, grand secretary of tha North Carolina grand lodge of Masons tar 34 years and former publisher of the IJIaletgfe Twes. Is dead here. Beallj!, nS&gssB (.(. J, A. 3A, widow ef Ma- to t ( WaA.Ts a.. fries nat Smk. aaajatow. Barn u wrtar, Mt Hisa an wud'aMnjL lajt. srttaU, Mar-"1B-ijiSs1j 7- "SI iaaKt r - ' " w f . , u. fTM iTiurch ef VUltstlen, 10 s. m. 1st New Cats. rl (m. nor.nsTnitxiE. it. so, enwts it. ftOl.KsTllllMJK, 4 I. nttltTi and frlenat. rtill. Ue.1t, Kit, 13. '' and A U ; Keraten TtisMer, Ne. Its, ft A. M . Miry Uommndrr. re. S, K. T Vtxn rrLfxtn Lxlt. No, 100. O. O l" ef ThlU.. IntttM a timral rr r, Wd . 2 i. m.. srs Fn st . Csqiden. N. J. Int. rrlr.t. Mt. Pesce Cem.. ruils. Irln4s mur rail Twf t, riOWKN. SADUiB. wife nf Our JC. Dewtn. ! M. Will b tnirlM Wed.. 2J0 p, m . tram aiJ W. Sth tt , Wilmlnstm, Del. Int ntrervlew lm. . linADI.KT. !. SO. at lMjl..!wn. TltOM AS P. IUIAt)l.v:r. aiM r,v. luistirts and frl.tv). Invited to run-ral. Wed, a. m.. Jto 'i A"llsnd t. Holtmn rnulem mm Our Ud7 ef Mt. farml Church. 10 a. m nutOK.- Vf i. MART' J., dausbttr ef John K. ami nmma (lrooln in (lrl.lt. asM 18. Ilrlstlrrs and frl.ndt InniM ta Mrrlca. Vr4., 1 p. m.. from rntld'nr of prtnt, S0S !. rhall at. Int Mt, MorUh Cem, lumalns may ba v1w4 Tu , fl to 10 o. m , nunKK. sm. so jamrs nunKB. nis. Iltea and ftl.tvft Invited ta fnnrl. Thors.,SJI0 a la., alil.r-a raldtwv. lira SarAli ttaa 7210 Olive at Solemn ttqulem mi. St. Francla Xavlrr's Church, 10 a, m. Int. Maw Cathedral Crm, I'AMMIIAN rvt 2. at 1st rl4-nc. MM N ISth at.. JOHN CA1.1.AIIA.V, asvd is. Due rntttra nf funtral will tw. sivn. nAVIM M.k, an Jnat-f-ll S l.ial.anS f fMarlha Uavli, nla'tlv and frlnda. alaa em. piorts or naiawin ixKArnotiva Mprp. invitea io fun.ru I arvkwa, Vad 3 t. m . IJH H. 2lit at. Int. Mt. Merlah Cam. II. mains mar N viewed Tun., hatwean S and 10 r. n Auto funaral. UK I.APAI.lll l-t. I, Mra MAHT DR IM'AiatR, asad S3 ltlatlvaa and frl.nda In vltd to funaral arvtra, Vd., 3 P. m.. st raaldanre nf nnhart Klllott, 7000 mains Sun .. finndala, I'hlls. Int, prhsta. Lawn VH Cam Omit ftnrs. iKiKKNWADKu oi. s. k nAnnAnA IKJKKNWAtiMU wM S Itelatlraa snd Crlands Invltad to funaral oarvlcaa, Thuro , 3 p. m., SI3I N th at int. prlvata, llllialda iVm . 1K)I.AN M 3 MICIIARI, F. , huaband ef lata Marsarata IVilan. It.Utlr.a and frl.nda Invltnl to funaral. Thura. , HJO a m . SOU Titan st. (above Wharton at. jylamn ranulam riaaa, Church el m. Oaurl.l. 10 a. m. Int. lolf Ornaa fm DUUnilKIITT Oct. I. WILLIAM 3. hua. band of i:va lioushertr and son of Arnao and tha lata Ilomlnlo IMushartr. ssad SO. Italatlvra snd friends, amplojae of tha Mldvata Steal t'ompanr. Invllal in funaral. Wed , S JO a, m , KDS0 Norwood at , Utn. solemn rqulm masa at Immaculate Conception Church. 10 a. m Int. Holy Sanujehra Cam. DL'Ni'an. Oct 2. OEOnUt.VA. widow of Hobart Duncan (nee Thomcaon). Ilalatttaa and frlancla Invtlrd to fun-ral. Tnura., :p, m, from ratld-nca of son, Itobart Uuncan, SIIS Mamphla at. Int. Qreanmount Cain. Hl'.NUAS. Oct. I. Mlaa MAntlAltRT Dt'.V. DAH. asad 70. Ilalatlvaa and frlanda Invltad In funaral acrilcaa. WikI. 3 p. m . Tann Widows' Aarlum. HOI K, Buaquahanna ava. Int. Odd Kallnw- Vm. IJMIl.lKII At Silver CUr. N. M . Saot. 3.1. t.l.NKOItl) K.. ton of Samual II and tha lata IWaATW , . niTZMAM-ort 3r36iW rItzmaW, kins- bend of lata Mrr Tlltiman. srM . JtalstlraJ and ttHnA Invited to funeral aartlcaa. Wad., .3 p. m. SIIS W Dakota at. (S3d and Dsupbls ete.i. Int. private, remvreod tm. ItUtllNflOM. Heat. SO. JOkflt II. HOnlM PO.V nalattaa snd frlanda, I'aradlaa levlta. I. r and A.M.i isrsbabal Chaptar, S Shrlnara' Pyramid Tamsla. 1 6-iakar City tienattclsl Aafn efflcare sth Police nisi . Invltad te fnnaral. Thura.. 13 noon. COS S. t)arln at, namatne wiar ba viewed Wed., after s p. m. Int. Kdn Cem . nOKBn s odd-nly, Oct 3, AVOtTST T , nuahand of Sophia ftoeaar (naa ftaurlat. ard SS rt.lallrva and frlanda lll-Centennlal Vnt Varaln. No, I ample rca Orhrla Broa.. Invited to funaral aarvlcat, Prf 3 P. m . 4001 N Talrhlll at Int North cedar Hill Cam rtcmalna may pa lwad Thura . S p. m. Auto eervte. SATTRnTHWAITK Klrat-day. Tenth Month lat (IKOHOlANA ; . wife ef (.iiarlat Ssttarth walla asad AS Italatlvaa and frlanda tnvllad to fanaral, without further notlc. from lata Mary H. Ensllah. a.J J. Italatlvaa and frlanda. employes rr ire Ilellar Ifapi. PI J'anna. II. it. and members of Central M, K. Church, of Frank ford, and all other aaaoctatlons of which ha wss connected. Invited to funaral services. Tuea.. S p m., at hla aunt'a rraldenc. Mrs, John Cather. 1.132 Wakallns at Krankfurd. Int. private. North Cedar lllll Cem ,10a.m. Wed. FITZI'ATniriC 4K-t. 1, ANNA M., daushter of Thomas and Catherine FltxpatrleK ased IS. Itetativea and frl.nda Invited to funeral. Thura.. 0.30 a. m , 1303 N. fith at. Solemn requiem maea rlt Michael's Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cathe dral Cem Fr.KMINO. lept SO JOll.V lON'ATIUII. eon ef Ellen and Patrick Flemlnc and huaband of Laura Hemlna In-. Moore), ared 3S. Ilela. Ilvea and frl.nd. Knstna Co. 36, Chemical Co. D. rhlla Klre Dept t members Fire Marahal'a ofne. Klremen'a ltallef Aim.: i:th Ward He. publican Clrb. Invited to funeral. Thura , 1-10 a. m.. mother's residence. 415 Noble at. Solemn requl-m maaa Church of St. Ausuatlnt. 10 a, in. Int. Holy Croes Cem. oiifiiij.Nn rapt an, Miea kmma oiiiiius. a wei.. p. m,, cwsrinmorv. Int nrlvate 11 A II V. widow of Patrick Funeral aervlrei Delaware Co.. Pa (IILLIOAN. Oct I nllllsan tnea llrennan). Il.latli.a and frlenda Invited to funeral. Thura.. SJO a. m.. 771 N, 31th at . Weat rhlla. Solemn raulm masa St. Aratha'a Church 10 a. m. Int. flair Croaa Cam. . OLENNON.-rSept. SO. JAMRH. huaband lata Mary aiennnn. fleatles and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., HUtO a. m.. rvtldanca of Wil liam Mcxtowan, sots llelsrada at Itequlem Piaaa, Church of Nsthltr. 10 a. m. Int. St. rter a Cam. I1AOOEIITT. Sept. SO. JOSE!1!! T.. son of Hush J. and Rlla lfassarty (nea McLaushllnl. ased II. llelallvca and frlenda. T. A. II. Society and achool children of St, Monica's, Invited to funeral. Wed., ft.30 a. m.. from parenta' real dence. 1P38 Wolf at. r-olamn hlzli requiem maaa Kt. Monlco'o Church lu a. m. Int, New Ca thedral Cam. 1IALTK11. Sept. 90. OOTTLOIl M. HALTBH. huaband of Sochla H. Halter tnaa Roaenrald). of Suits. Westrnburr. ssed OS. Italatlvaa snd frlenda. members of Frans Salsal Unteratuet suns Verein. No. 1, Invited to funeral. Wed , 2 p. m 2733 poplar at. Int. Mt. Morlab Cem. HATCH. Suddenly, at Scranton. Sept. 30, ALICK C. HATCH, widow of Albert Hatch. IteUtltea and friends Invited to funeral aervlcea. Wed., lu JO a. m at parlors of Joseph Q. Foss, H. w. cor. 1 0th and Itace sts. Int. private, Weat Laurel Hill Cem. HAYDOCK. Oct. I. ANNIE C wlfa of Thomas O. Haydock. llelatltea snd frlanda In vltad to runaral aervlcea, Thurs,. 3 p. m. , 310 Cheater pike. Itldley l'nrk. Fa. Int. .private IIOWK. At llrlatol. It. I.. Oct. 1. lltStlDCrtT MAItSIIALL IIOWK. M. D. Due notice of funeral will bo sit en, JOI.INB Huddenly, at Radnor, Pa., Oct. 3. JOHN FOIISYTII JOI.INB. aon of 1st John Van Dyke and Alice Van Voorbeea Jollne. KELLY Oct. 2. HORB. widow of Jamas Kelly. Henidence. 348 N. 03d at. Due notice nf fu neral will b stven. KLAUDBIt. At hla realdence. 400 .Berks St., Oct. 3. WILLIAM K.. huaband ot Jennla V Klauder and aon ot lata Ferdinand and Maria Klauder (nee Frirk). Relatives and frtanda, Peahkewah Trlba. No. 220. I. O. It. M.t Wsah Inrton lrvlns Lodse. No, ISO, I. o. O, F.. snd Templo Kncampment. No. lOti, I, o. O, F.. In vited to funaral services.. Wed.. 1 p. m.. at par lora of Mra. Henry Schneider bon. 173V Or mantown ave. To proceed to Phlla. Crematory. Auto funeral. KHAUS. Oct. 1. PHILIPPINA KRAI'S (nea netache). wife of lata I'harlea Krsua (formerly 1010 Frankford ae. ). rtalatltea and frlanda In vited to funeral aervlcea. 'Wad.. 2 p. m.. real, danca of sos-ln-law. II. M, Draser, 1133 B. Ttoa-a at. Int. private. Oakland Cam. LEONARD. )ct. 2. JOHN J.. aon ot lata Patrick and Mary. Leonard. Itelatlte. and frlenda Invited to funeral Thurs.. 8:30 a, m 0730 Leeda at. $th snd Ijnajnwna ate.). Sol emn requiem maaa. our Ijidy of Lourdea' Church, lu a. ro. Int. Ht. Denial cam, LEWIS. Sept. 20. WILLIAM It. I.KWIS. Relatlvea and frlenda. Yemaaaea Trio. No. ISt I. O. R. M , of Downtnstown: Tlosa Tribe. No. S3S, I. O. It. M., of Ihlladalphla, and Ixx-al No N, Carpenters' Union, aro Invited to funeral aervlcea. Tues., at 8 p. m., 13t2 N. S7th at. Int. prlvata at Downlnstown, Ts.. Wed., 1 p. m. 1XINO. Oct. 1. ItoUERT C. huaband of Klla and aon of Robert C. Sr., and tha lata Ulia lAtnt. ased 37 ltelatltaa and frlenda, C. 11, Htonemen'a Fallow ehtp Club, amploiea of lieli Telephone Co.. Invited to services. Wed.. 2 p. m.. at residence. 3717 LuJlow at. Frlenda may call Tues., 8 to 0 p. m. LONG Oct 1 ANNA, wife of Mllford Ijnr. Ratatlvea and frlenda invited to funeral aervlcea Thura . 2 p. m. 0430 Harlan st Int. prlvata. Remains may be viewed Wed., after 7 u. m MAIHNKR Oct. 2. JOHN JOSBI'lI AlAIH. NKIt. son of Ida (nea 8trha) and tha lata Jo aeph XIalhner, ased 23. ltelalltea snd frlanda Invited to funaral aervlcea, Krl . 1 p. m.( at mother's residence. 4u7 B. Clementina st. Int prlvata, Oreenmount Cem. Itemalna may U viewed Thura.. I to 10 P. m. ' MATTIKW8 Bept, 80, at Cape May, N. J.. MART IIIN'OBRICII. widow ot Oanaral fc. Wil. lac Matthews snd daushter ot lata Louis C. luncerlch MAXWEI-r Oct. J. AMANDA P.. widow of Joaeph Maxwell, ased 70. Kalatlves and frlanda invned to funeral services, Wod.. 3 p. m., B. Drlnshnrat at (lermantown. Int. Ivr Hill Cam . McANANBt Oct I. THOMAS, son nf the late Thomaa and Mary McAnaner Relatlvea and frlanda Invited to funeral. Thurs., 8:30 a, m . fwm raaldsnee) of brother-in-law, John V. llellly. 873 N 4flth at. Iteaulem tilth meee rv.ip Atother of Sorrows Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy iroes am. McCUI.mUOII Sept. SO. MATIOARKT ilc CL'LLOUOH. daushter of Jamas snd Sarah Me Culloush. asad 13 eare 1 month 3ft days. Itela Uvea and friends, mambara Kenalnston Consra rational Sunday School, Invited to funaral eerv J.V.,,.wdJi ' p' "!. raaldance of parenta. t?.i -' ,n,i,n Int Private, North Cedar lllll (em. McOLKNCEY. Oct. 3. ANN. widow ef An. drew MrOlancar. ssad Si. Ralailvaa and friends Invited to funeral aervlcea. Wad. 11 a. m., st rf!?,i,,.nc f dausliter, Mrs. U M. Allan. 6111 Christian at .Int. yrlvsta. Auto funaral. .H':,I,'iWi.a,'.MNLT0ct'. ? 1'EtBN AONES CLAR1CB. daushter of Jamea snd Anna Mc Iushlln (nea Twolls). ssad 10. Halalliea and 'r',,nd,i members Iarua ot Sserad Heart. An. sale' .Sodality and Children of St. Tefaaa"a bchool. Invited to funeral, Frl.. 8-0 s. ro". real dance of parents. 1147 8. Hth st. Solemn mass tie' i7.i. "J.l "A- aeresa-a unurcn 10 a, ro. Int. Holy Croaa fern, ..MORRIS In PhOanUvlIla. Pa.. Oct 1. IDA rfi' dnii,h,.,r ' ii,,.,rr'.na s'srssratta Mar. Ii,vi;n.r.7.,iJln? frlanda ln tad" io funarsl aarvlcea IBS Flrat ava., Phoantsvilla, Wed., 3 fy m. Int prhata. Morris Cam,, Pnocnlivllla, 1. Iter. THOMAS feaonam ,,,, ts flit1 funera aert nCii1" PPtlst Chu II,l,a,,lit. prltale. .."JrEnl'AXr Suddenly, Oct. i. nipzicrtir , r. r. 1....I ., .. ...z'.-.T Naa-dhYrnT .Ved VS. ifaUMvaV' an'd .r'BKS." & aervirjs, a i p, m., Hath. ivu, jam aiiu iors sts,, Nr.ii.tcri SiZ -. . - ... Tlv i li, . . ' .r,??'","ai B.. MAT- iarvlF.'.' i-0.' J,.m,r L' N,"r- Jf- unaral JJff? and Int. private. Fml?.,',Hl'0iJ:,raA5?KJ.,Ii,,l, husband ot ElTr-iii&' V0"' ,, -'.,Pue natlca of fu. P.n5l.7".b ,'v"' '''" fealdance, ISIS Reck. M.J5,,T,iIEL,,,!,,t' " J0HN w-. busbsnd et Msry (Iraham CaMber' asad 8S. Hals, lyes snd, friends Invited to finers! aervtees. M nAiMu-'n2e.t' i' !Jhl!r '" raaldaaca. ANNA ch..y.J?HMA.M.-.OKAM. daushtara at tha lata Charles C, and Martha J, Oram, Funeral prl- Hl.?KSRrCT, S.AMANDA (?., widow ef S?'!-1?' Parker Relatlvea. anq frlenda In- LI iLM vlT le, r" .rJ;.,c' reewtnee or daushter, ,ftSi4jrah"l..l4tT,?r,''.,a ai. 1-t. prlvata, rs OAj.uilHyifNNIFAt'KBR. U. IoTa" JSX?-.. !ir' Clvate, Wed,, X p. ra iW S. PHllUeV V., m &-rurflj UU.ESA. . -W nii7iTaerv&;. Wei7. m.r .Vi. Tarai: mtm&:Kr&L - JTieis. tJLrtf aMaflllfaS MapJ teMHsaVM ttC ftM VfS nwnu. Tl WMtwnC 9 iwiC! Casaaaakan. IT! 'J.Hf JPRJf. i.u'..M: w -' - ' -- -' kKpMTLR. Oct, aad frlaaaa InvluJ to Lcbw'naerv.'ri, a. I. Vlaoaat's yejay. ssST. It, WataUraa aw tafSSMBBBBjas) Vfalii ajBUBSSaTa ia sttSHf- ' - - .??. lH?aay. ajad fealdenca near Kailalrsten liucka Co , la rounn flar : n m. ini Middietown rrienoa Hurrliut (Ireund SCHICK Oct 1. KREnnniCK Vf., huehand of Karelin Fehtrk (nea Borleh), asad 80. Rela tlvea and frlenda. all eweletlee f which he waa a member. Invited te funeral. Wed,. 2 p. m . 2S3I iv Thompenn st. int. Chelten Hills Cem. lie mains can be viewed Tues., 7 to 9 p. m. Auts funeral, SfllOCK Ot 1. MARIA I. widow ef Jonathan Schock. ased 7S. Italatlvaa and frlenda Invited to funeral services, 4ft W flprlnc (laid are. Cheetnut lllll, Wed, S p. m. Int. Ivy lllll Cam. SHUTS. At Delaneo. N. J., Oct. I, LOUISA, widow of John If. Shlppa. seed M, Italatlvaa and friends Invited to funeral. Wed., from tha De fine M K. Church. 2 p. m. Int. Monument im., Havarly. N. J. Remslna may be viewed Tu-i, 7 to 0 p. m., st Ilurllnston ate, snd Wsl nut at , Tlanrn. SIIX'OX Oct. 3, CHAflLES D. SIITOX. hua. hand of Annla Sllcos tne Lutchendorf). ased si, ftalattves and frlenda. Creacent Cluh, llrld.iburs Tacht Club, Invited to funeral, Frl., 2 p. m , 2740 Rrldce at Itemalna may ha viewed Thura. S lo 10 p, m. Int. private, st Itellvue Cem. SPBAIt. -SudJenly. Sept. SO, JOll.V, huaband of Marsaret J. and aon of tae Jamea and Ma tilda Spear. Relatives am frlenda Invited ta unaral. Wed., 2 p. m.. front realdence. Oak and 'arker avrs., Dels, Co., fa. Int. ArLnston ""HTArLEIYmD. Oct. I, CIIAnt.F.8 Vf.. hua band of Msry C Slaplefnrd. Relstlvee and frlenda, Kenderton teniae. No. 260, I. o, O. F t Kins David Csatle. No. at','. K. O. B.i l.-tev Roea Temple. No. 8. O. 0 A.i employes of Rapid Transit Company, Jackaon at. barn. In vlted to funeral aervlcea. Wed., 3 p. m., 1010 W, Orleana at Int. Mt. Vernon Cem. Frlenda may view rematna Tues., 8 p. m. STUART Sept. S'J, WILLIAM M.. huaband of Mary XL Stuart, asad as. Relatlvea and frlenda Int lied to funeral. Wed.. 3 p. m 112 S. Scott eve., Ulenolden. Palawan Co. Int. Arllnetnn Cem. HTURTEVANT Oct. 3. KATIIARINB IR- V-IV.V wlf. ..C II. f V Mlltpt-van fl.ewl.a and Intrrment private, Thura.. 1 p.' m. TAT!)l. Sept. 30. OKOIUin W.. huaband of Roaa Taylor, aon of the tate Oeorsa W. and Mary At Taylor, ared 43. nelatltes and frlenda. Carpenters' !.ocal, 123. Invited to funaral aerv. Icea. Wed . 3 p. m.. at 020 Ileneon sve , Fot Chaee. Fhlta. Int. Uwn View Cam. Frlenda may call Tues, p. m. TEUDNER Suddenly. Oct 1, EMILtB P.. widow of Herman Teubner. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral aervlcea, Thura.. 2 p. m.. at realdence of son-in-law. William Drela. bach. 118 N. A7lh st. Int. prlvata. Auto funeral. WAfd. Oct. 1, WILLIAM E.. ho.band ol Annla C, Walp, ased 33. Relatlvea and frlenda, Haddon Aaeembly, No. 13. A. O. M. I'.I Cloth Ins Cuttera and Trimmers' Local Union, No. 110. U. O. W. of A.. Invited to aervlcea. Wed., 1 :30 p. m., from realdence. 1809 N. G3th at. Int. pr!tate. Itemalna may be viewed Tuea., 7 to 0 p. m. Auto service. WBADI.KY. Oct. 1. ELIZA WEADLEY. ased SB. llelatltea and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlcea, Wed.. 7:80 p. rn . 1315 Vina at., alao In Wayne Chapel. Wsrne. Fa Thurs., 10 a. m. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY EVENING LEDGER AOATB LINE RATE FOIt EACH INSERTION THIS STTI.E TTTK lor like this) One or two times IS Tnree tlm-a ona week 13Hc His tlmea ona week , ,, loo Situation Wanted threa times one weak. lOo Help and Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads are inserted in the Public Ledger without' additional charge. Want Ads under oth-r claailflcatlona may be repeated In tha I'cblio Lsioes st combined rate: Ona or two times ,. 28e Three times ona week ln Six tlmea ona week , 12'vc LARGER TYPE Is permitted In all claaalflcatlona eicept JKelp and Situations Wanted. I,oit and Found, Per aonala. Iloardlnr and ltonma. When an speci fied, add rtVE CENTS PER AOATB LINE TO ANY OF THE AIIOVB RATES. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN UNION TELEORAHI CO. 1S01 Cheetnut st W, flowers; C H. Carey; Mra. Oeorsa MaeMlller: Ur. and Mrs. Ethan Allen Dennlaon: Mra. K. F. Iiarker. Mr. Harry Moore; Mlaa Ida Ottey. Mr, Charlea Herman, Koraepf liar; Mrs Ella Lfnder. Mlaa A. W, Matthews, Nathan Shuts; Mr. Ook Earl A. Davla; I", P. Orlffln. Hear Co : W It. Smith: John Oreren; W. Howard I'snpoat. Kraklno K. Lonsdyke; John Orapaorlann; Mabella Ivor fel; aherman Laudera; Catherine Otekoaklc, Mra. Gold; Mlaa Julia Wella; A. O. Vlmer mann; Mra. p. A Smith; Mrs. E. Phillips. POSTAL TELEORAPH CARLE CO.. 1410 South Penn aquare Eddla noma; Mrs Penrose M. Davla: Charlea c Iloyd; P. P. Forbea: E. J. Ilrlmea; W, M. Tuohyj Charles T, Earl; Mlaa XL XI. nibson: Eula L. Wllllama; Hush P. Smith: XI c. and ilra. Seaton Henry; L. liar rlea, C, E. Spensblej Induatrlsl Works; John II Itansardt: T, 11. McLanshlln: Thomaa P. Whelan; John V. lluckly; Xlr. Ullb-rt; Kport Ins Editor. Philadelphia Item; Ie XIanchape; Joe Carberry; E, Paul Du Pont; James W. Jackaon; James Deter; Mlaa Andrea W. Xtathewa: Loulae Newman: Walsh; Dick Bros. St Co.; Arnateln Cresmerr- LOST AND FOUND FIRESTONE TIRE Lost, tire snd rim com. plele. between Chester and Elamera. Del., on read to Kaltlmure. Reward offered. If. II An derson. 1323 North American Building-, Phils, delphls. WATCH 1300 reward, loat. Saturday, around mldnlsht. on l.'Alslon Cafe balcony, a diamond snd sapphire wrlat natch on black ribbon. Re. turn to Bailey, Banks A Riddle. No questions ssked. e PERSONALS MILLINER, tlalllns. from New York, will rail at your homo and remodel your old hats. Phono Iiarlnr 7270. HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER Asalat csahler, larie menu facturlnr houaa downtown; muat hate evpcrl enca and be competent; opportunity of ad vancement. Address, statins sse cvperlence. ref. snd wssea eipected, XI Hi, Led. Cent. CASHIER and atannaraphar Toun lady want ed. Apply Oulf lunnlnr Co.. SSd A Cheatnut. CnAXIDERMAID. white, Protestant. 3 In family: sood waste. Ap. until 13. 1710 Sprlne'Oarden., C1IILDNUR8B. white. Prntaatsntt must have . rafaranca. Call st 3108 Wslnut st CLERKS wanted; sood sslsry snd permanent position! reference. Apply Becker, Smith A Pase. Water and Snyder ava. COOK. German preferred, for roeklnr snd 2?w2l,.'.,,r" werkl rafaranca required. Apply QUO Nawhall at. Phono Oerrosnlewn 8144 J. COOK, whits, to do dewnatslrs work snd anlat with laundry, references required. Csll Tuea. day before 13 o'clock. 401 N. SSd st. COOK. Oerman Protestant) 2 In fsmllyi ns tvsahlno muat bo sood plain cook! sood wa,aa. Phone Oermantown SS00. Call am w. Ilorlter at., Oermantown. COOK and waltreas While Protaalant: wasea, cook II, wattreae 7: cook muat carve; refer. J.nX. raiutidl. 0) miles out of Philadelphia. P 023, !,edf er Office. COOK Eiperlenced dawnatatra work; small famllyt sood wsgas. H,..n-, ..u ana i,, ia.a a opiar. COOK, while, for'eooklnc snd downata Ira" work; f 2. w.iV J,'I?DC ritred. Call sf tsr a. m. ,1310 N Ifttn, COOK, chmbrmd. A walt.Ts maids w'intrdT'smalj fsm.i no wsah.; ref reg, P S3. Id. orf. COOK JCsperlenced whlteslrTfor'eouotry. Cell S te to a. m.. 4013 Locust st COOK, whits S In family, sood reference, p. veu ea vhlte slrl for rsoktns snd 830 CHR!,. Germsn, te do cooktnr and housework i mujt have sood refcrenoa. Hi Haniberry at.. Oermantown. "' "' OIRU white, far cooklns and downaUIrs work: sood homo; S In family. Bcrroantown 2248 J. OIRI3 3.4 .TP.. Jl YEARS OF AOE. FOR VAKIOCH DKPARTMENTS. APPLT EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. LIT llKOsT XL WAKTgD TBMAL bkAls Ceatlaaedrew. TVrefdlss jTelamn ami-., esperlewed snd l;r?is. a JljliJC work. Apply Sd floor. Welf Co.. lth stw Callowhlll. , - o7nL.tenA7trr3VTMn wejk to lesrnars. steady work. 1SII Sprlns .Osrdenst;. OLASSWORKEni WASTTf). ."''I' IWfll BXPKniENCBD.ASD I.KAItN. F.RS, llioll RATKSANh STCADT vton ai ti.t ,i?.i.':"j? I.ETTfJT. II, K.UUI.rt l'ANT. tlLENOLDEN, PA COM- IIOUSEtronK Etp. white Sir!, small "Srnlly: ratfejer5eheneOsk MJJLR! -,' tT IloFsr.WTIRKER. erlernTTn family l. Write at enoe Box 4S5:ikins Psrk. MOTHER snd da osWar, white, eeeklns; and waltreaa, small najuae. Write advertiser. An derson.snd Xfesda at s. ejjnu tJHHK. . wsnted etperlanced en sani - "r iTrrmieneon a, orw.. ..-" :h. Pltcalrn Hlds.. fifth noor OPERATORS ateelrweee. snd Arch, Pltcalrn Hldi. OPERATORS on all psrta ef ladlea wsah drreaes wanted, plenty, work end ,,0Ill,.JIi' Apply to"ir besutlfuKdayllsht fstlory, lllb-rman Ttroa , 23d. sndjrbeMnui. SALEirtVOMEM jinr. A!'S2' v.rr itnnntr.ns RKO ..v: . . ..-v -.i:i . ; n . XfENTS Arn.T EMrLOIML.NT BUREAU. CVftl! UOt;S DEPART- WK.F WAXTW- "W'SfijisrK-BVW dastaW easMrkt. I'nift KfTnrYr -m 1 f". . -" nX)RUF.N-SECTI0K MASAOEItS Erpetlenced men. wlw esn jsallf J avel ve.poaltlona. APTlT-er noreiu ef Employment 4' reor. STpjtwiiniDaie t cixmiicit llsrter. FLOOR SCRAPER1 ",'vJtV.,IC 2V:UTwK.sVrjL? hsndllnr men renulred: sood. saisry rlsht man li rcn, mnr v:1" onOCERS-Arma Tes Compsrr wanls J tre rary clerks for stores IKt wesperts for suburts: rood wsses snd VJlIirS thVmaelves rounc mn who -snt to edt-nee '""J"1,,, fe a Meher Position. Applr I to 11 s. m., Sth snd Noble sta. i , i " .. .....ma iN'H HARDWOOD FINISHERS ' faa nrortOB nunnEns; 41 Hounsi JlP.IANaivr.. W. SMITH A CO.. 3S07 TOT ELTONAVf;' STENOORAPIIEIl. typewriter, nut.';5, aasrr education; atate ase. eiperlence and salary SPeCted P SOIjLedSer 1'ee.tral. - TELEPHONE OPERA-rtms "The Itell Telephone Company offers rations as operators to 'fa teliiaent youns woman between i IS sno i veare old; salary IS a week "' i.!",.: iipn wun itivaaani sunv eDportunltr of promotWn. Apply, tn J?"?."...- the Bell Telephone Company a ovjr..-.-achool. 40a Market St.. dsl. between JO a. m snd S p. m ; Mcndey. 1j,.,,Sryoek day etenlnss between 7 SO snd SJ0 o clock. TELEPHONE OrERATORS pportunlty to secure ampioiTTient ln Aeareat vour home; .vacanclea i In botn lnc.l-.nd lons-distsne. office, f" ?n "- Bjao in acnnoiau. ."-- ..-.- Apply harnona I."..- - Jiooin iv chanfe neareat incal ani operatora Anerellnr. psny. 133 S. 2d St. WA1TREHS snd chsmberma d wanted i a month sn.l board Apply In person, uniter altr Hoapltal fldSpruceat WOMAN white for wWns and ljjuseworkl mjo other help kept; Scoich ' Enstlah p'eterren wases IS; phone before 10, 13-15 cneamui Hill , WOMAN for cooklnc snd V,Si.htIrkprVf hslf-srown sir : mother snd dauaMer P rer.. ref rco- Apply Monday. 1 "OS "Si 'ac ew WOMEN to saaort peanuts; llfht w0.r,".,(2!J iJiV; 4 hours a week. Apply '''".."S Wllmsr Manufaeturlns Company. SSI Norm lJawrence at ,. . TOUNO" WOMAN. reOned. for month or aix weeka to aaalat In raw of I child, wmae treated as one of the family! no nsanins. moderate wssea. Preston 219. . Mil Fal-ADY". capable of taklns charje: dnr "Vo'odVand furnT.hlns". McCarthy. 003Olrjrd. SOLICITORS, erperlenced, for adtertlalni, on "ommlaalon ba.la. Xt.S40. Ledyer Centrsl. Crneral tVCRRASE TOUn HUSBAND'S 1NCOXIE Lars. flVm offer. .A unu.ual opportunity: no ranvaeelns. It 331, looser vrn.ie,. TEACHERS wanted for iradea. hJsb nd prltat. ass; K'ngstia. "warVTa'iSfa. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT. aenlor. capable ' '""! charse: applicant not to lie under SO years of i"worK wmpoTarr. Apply 70 Croter Bids. ARMATURE WINDERS: stead wssea. Apply Xlldtale, 4S00 atenue. work! sood Wlaashlckcn AUTOXIOBILE SALESMAN Bxcellent opportunity' to sell Ford , ran i in llladelohla: commlaalon baala. Apply sales Tt.tl.il.lnhl. rAlfllut msnaser Ssnte Xlarte Illddle Co. nut st 3102 Cheat- Bli.L CLERK, experienced: neceaaary for Quick "and acaSral. flsrlns. sood hsndwrillns: sstls- factory aalary Apply 41 New Xtarket at. UODY BUILDERS Flrat-clsaa experienced men fcieh.Vr.dai llmouatna work; hlseat wases .nd .Te.dr work, lisle A Kllburn Company, Ikth snd'Oienwood ate "hot "" ACTIVE. AXtBITIOUS. FOR OFFICE UWORK WITH CORPORATION: MUST RE OVER IS AND HAVE GOOD SCIIOOMMI. lUWIll OPPORTUNITY FOP. ADVANCE MEVT CALL LEDOER, OFFICE 1 UTII AND CHESTNUT STS. ASK FOR XIII. HOUR- UAI7.B. - Tmv OVER 10 YEARS. FOR OENERAL CF yiCK WORK; WANT ACTIVE. AMBITIOUS TOl'S-O MAN; ONE QUICK. AT FIOl'RES. OOOD WIUTERT OPPflRTUNITT FOR AD VANCEMENT. APPLY OVF.RHHOOK CAR PET CO.. iOTII ND I.NCASTER. POT wsnted for lutomoblle msnufscturlnr con rem; muat be over 10 Jears of sse and bo brlsht and lntellUent; sooJ opportunity for "'M S4J.J.dser Cenlrsl BOV wanted "by manuf.cturtns company fr offici work and to learn the bualneaa. muat l IS; sood pay and permanent poiltlon. An- pTrtiso Land Title Bulldlns and brine ref. erencea, t - BOY wanfed, over 10 eare. lo lesrn senersl ofltco work: larsa retail grocery business: cen. tral Dart of city; sood opportunity for tha YlfM un?n"ldreaaj17p. Box.USS. TiOY lrt'years of sse. to work In office of re- llslous publlahlns houae; muat be a Protestant. Apply American Sunday School Union,. 1S10 Chestnut t . , BOY wanted to le.rn commercial bpalneaa: sood, permanent position for boy 8i"" ?rv". refereru-a relr;!, Idser Office BOY for cff.ee. 10 ears of sse. Apply w'e.t ern Electric Compart. lllhsnd York t.. BOY'Vsnted to deliver psekase. and for seneral work srsund storeroom. 11 311, Ledser Central uoy"" white or colored, to work In war roW wise. i S3 week. 1211 Sprlns Gsrden street ana n,.v ... ...! itfflM wnrt ataie aae !... .. .;- r;.- ...- ii. ar WSSe.. Attaraa-ijLr-,!:"".."v" -v BOV In pijbllcallon offlcj; must write plain handcou- proapects. H.SSIe ldrer Office. BOV wsnted sround office snd factory. Apply Wolf A Co . 12th and Callowhtll. 3d floor. BOY llrlsht. sctlts. ,bor for offlcework In wholea.Tehouee.14S S'. Delaware ste. BOY. 10. sood sppearanca; sood opportunity for sdvanmant.P02Lednn Office. BOY to work In store; permanent poaltlens sood " chance sdtsneement. 2tS TAslnut BOTS WANTED. 1 AND OVER. LI KB OF nttSlNESH PATIKO HIGH WAOES; LIOHT, EASY WORK. S3 HOCUS PEK WF.EK; IS TfTSTARTl OOOD WORKERS VtAKF. FROM t TO 10 IN FOUR XtONTIIH APPLY IN PERSON OR RT LETTER. II. K. XtULKORD, ULENOLDEN, PA, 14 TO tS BOTS YE4.RS OF AOE. FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS! NEAT Ai'i'rAnLniu aitui ttait-iAJr. MENT BUREAU. LIT BROTHERS. BOTS WANTED FOR NIGHT WOSltt MUST BE OVER HI CHANCE IFOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLT AFTER N P. XI., LEDOER OFFICE, FIFTH FLOOR. medical supputsi HsW. pleasant work; clean iiaanny aurruunaias.l K-Uur weak: salary It to bestaaera. with raped advancement to wwd aiRLR wanted for r.Urleat week, buatasea ''coT, ltsb rss-lia f lsi nrafai-a-J a -. s T Bvaat et accoualei aed saUry UHhWae poa..! Ias sood veetwanaklp as aeeuravU ft Ksurss. OIRU waalaa far. srasssrstle; aha I waaaei steady wsrk. Italy pal CMuaaay.JIM FsUabauai are, OIHLS. J. wwte. ea-k aad - aaaartaneail aad have was-. l.T Oalaare m! "m&QMX'K BOT9 for -Uht farce. a assist dlspsUberi short hours: It. Acker, 131 North Sth st. BOTS for errands: neat snd willing; sslsry l. Acker, 151 North 8th st. BOYS AS MESSENGER iriVINO ALL P4.RTS CITY, APPtY 1430 CO. PEIv'N SQUARE. BOYS .40 run errands msk. themsrlvas useful In .fcloplrs room slso liov. fur .tor-. VAN. DUSEjf A 8TOKJSS COMPANr, llCSCUest- aiRLS wsnted. over Ml lVreBsed"faeliitkaTav; I BOYS " tlnt, uslne... Buchanan Ci., made unlnss la our plant for refined. IntelllJ I 43-JssnaoBsl.. , , -- aeiia aaau, iar aaanac, MDerUIS and BSCkUlS jBt'SH. BOY Experienced buss' boy, "Apply'TSii. cliipV-NTKK WANIlen- far ' n...-iU'. 7Tr- rr-i board. Apply ta parson. Vjiherslty Hoapltal Slop Sprnca St. noapiiai,. Tint. H Wcj.,",lM cCiirat COLI.ECTOH and clerk wsntad la osCk, "rj: rantll eatjhir.hentl refera f TS" lAtlsar Centrsl, . DiHWAsitM-&artSiSari; e,n. tmr 'yew DRAFTSMAN want, H6TEL-c7.BRKrfoorV clerks. 2 fron riers. snd csahler. lady, wanted brr,,ort noir : site sgeetperlerce snd references in app" ration. P fiiO. l-edser QUI IRON WORKERS we want 200 atronr me n, be'tween snd JO a ..x-i- H fMtt t inenrp. Kn-a'WeTIhl." Far "iBS wstJ -. atsrtt Plfewerkers earn rny'li. mr',roable: work Indoors: hell of conditions: JJ "J5!,: real Joha for man wsntlns to l-',cV nentty; s'ste ss-, nationality and "wnenc Addreas A. W , roetofflce Box S4S4, Btstion v. ,ee. ,2.2 , Phlla. I 'V tifinarna ..e. ale.dr work tr. Apply Henry Dla.ton,. Tsrony.rhlia. TirnnVne -.anted Anolr G-orsa A Borat, Urt.wnld tlllaXIlll at..Dsrby LABORERS. SO, wsnted. Cru-Kemper Co.. Aptbier. , rs . MAN" wanfe'd. youns. In Inaursnce knowledsa of bookkeeplne neat penman and sccurste. oft Ice! snd sccountint; .... a,l,teeea II 34 ne.x penman ana imii-ir. .,..- ..r. Idser Centrst slvlns qusllflcstlons snd ref erence MAN AN'D WIFE Mn ss butler and houseman: wife a. rook muat be neat and "'.."V.S1 refa i amall fam. nojwseJilne.P7-LedOrT. MAN. wlfcT "butler.cook. a IS. ,$ -sr No. SI. subwsy. I'none v.woiii ,-.. MAN. uaefuPsround place, care of 1wn, hester. auto. II 334L Idser ('entrsl. . MEN. 10. wsnted to learn the sauiase snd Pjrk parkins bualneas; 32c per hour. Apply 3 Oermantqwn ste. MEN WANTED Boilermakers. Iem"tlve rns chlnlata. enf repslrm-n.laborera. locomotive cleaner.. Penn.. ItR,Csll 171 .rilbertatA -NIOIT WATCHMAN MUST UNDERSTAND WATER TUBE BOII F.RS. APPLT S. II. II, W. FLEISIIER. INC. 26TH AND HAMILTON. OFFICE BOY for Utii office: ood jdses: rlsht wasea paid; sdtancement for brlsht boy. P 2, Ledser Office. OFFICE HOT v.nted In .rrountlns room. Apply the Barrett Comp.ny. 36th snd Orsys Ferry atenue. - PAINTER wsnted: IIS a month and board. Ap ply. Untveralty Hospital. S400 Spruce st. PHOTO-ENGRAVER, flrat clsaa. wanted for work on ateel platea: muat be all-around man and competent In every branch of the work. MIS0. Ledser Office. PIERCERS on woolen mules. Apply -" Jamea Difcaor.. Inc.. Blanket Mllla. Scott s lsne, Falls of Schuylkill. , PIPE FITTERS' HELPERS to so to work st "nee; steady employment. Apply , DW. Evans, l'lttsbury valve Foundry and Construction Company. CoateavUle. Pa. PORTERS , , . Blauners ren-lre the "'rvlce, nf porters: BMd aalarlea Apply Superintendent s office, fourth nor,8S3 Xtarket. before 10 a. m. ROLLINO' MILL HELP wrnted: catchers and eoalors for aheet mills' sood wases. Apply Hcnry Dlaston Sons. Tscony. Thlls. SALESXIAN wanted, with knowledge of window dreaelns. Goldateln Brothers, 301 Kins St.. Wilmington, Del. SALERXIEN THE EVCTCLOPAEDtA BRITAN NICA NEEDS A FEW !IIOH-ORM)E SALESMEN TO WORK ON LEADS ONLY. BOTH IN THE CITY AND TO TRAVEL. TO SALESMEN OP OTHER LINES REEKINO WORK WE CAN SAY THAT FOt'R-FIFTHS OF OUR HITITESSFftla MEN ARK MEN WHO HAD NEVER SOLD BOOKS BEFORE. WE PARTICULARLY WANT MEN WHO ARE NOT ONLY OOOD SALES MEN. nt'TVllO HAVE SUFFICIENT r.NKcirrivB abilitv to ihndi.w OTIIFR MEN. THOSB WHO QUALIFY IN THIS RESPECT WILL RECEIVE KXTRFMELY RAPID PROMOTION TO POSITIONS IN A PERMANENT ORGANIZATION" WHICH WILL PAY THF.M FAR XIORE THAN IS MADE BY THE AVERAGE SALESMAN. IP YOU ARK A REAL BALERXIAN. REGARDLESS OV WHAT LIMB YOU HAVE BEEN OR ARE NOW SEI.t IXO COME INjAND TALK IT OVER WITH US. WE TRAIN YOU THOR. OCOHI.Y. COMXIISSION AND DRAW 1NO ACCOUNT. NO. ISO B. 15TII. COP. WALNUT ST.. PHILA.. PA. SALESMEN wantrdryttractlte pronoaltlon. Call at any of tha foIloVilnr offices of the United (las Improvement Company: N. W. cor. 13th snd Cherry sts., 9th floor. Xtr. C.rney. 17" N Broad st. Xlr. Senator. 1SS S r.2d at. Xlr. Baiter. 447 Frankford sve. Mr. Elchengreen. 22n N. Front at. Xlr. XlcDevltt. 3334 Oermantown ste.-Xlr. Allsn. SALESMEN for We'laharh C. F. 7.. Ilshta; wn-k In several rltie. outside of Philadelphia: lib eral commlaalon. Apply a. m. Wedne.d.y. el.b.ch U.. LampCo.. 100S Filbert at. SOLICITORS, experienced, for adtertlalns on commlaalon bails. M 541, Ledser Centrsl. s0-.lcJ.Tnfl. "anted to call on bualneaa men" 727 Walnut at.. Room S, STABLE AND OARAGE Young, elnsle tvhlta 7n aaalatnnt In "table and s.rase on sen. tleman'a country place: permanent poeltlon: lieet of referouce required, B 235. Idrer Office. TAIIX3IIS on women's fancy coats: muat come direct from ronr fsahlonable est.hll.hments. Apply beforeJO a. m.. French D-eemaklnc Shoo .in floor, Weat Store, Xlsrket st. P" STRAWBftlDGE k CIAJTHIER TOUNO X1AN for senersl sfScewetk," muat YOIINO MAN, colored, houaework. Apply-l40I YOUNG X1EN wsnted for elarlc7fwork7bu7lnee; college srsdustes preferred, te assist In da. partment of accounts; sood sslsry In Ihoaa po.ae.alns good penmanahlp and accurate St flsTires. Apply st once, ready to stsrl Frsnk A Seder. 11th snd Market als ' JAPANESE Two men wanted to lake entire charge of bachelor realdence; located near c.Bt.r of city; ons must bet experienced cook Genersl ASSISTANT PUTtCHASINO AOENT, food prod ucts. ISO) expert typlat for sales deparlro.nf excollent opportunity for earning the buamea. 117; stock el.fk. riperlenc.d In automoMla Vfl"' M",,Tl stenogrsrhers. ssteral. lii! 113. a.le.-manaser, textile product. lown, U600-I20O0! other poiltlon. on?n rjj hlxhgrsde men. Business Sefvlc. Com.ntr 1S01 lii.d Title Building. D"vlc t-empsny. SITUATIONS WANTJED-rEMALE BOOKKEEPER 4 rears' exparUnca 112 nee week, good r.f.rance. H SS5? CdkVr Central BOOKKEEPEIl and stenosrspher. 10 .,,. .. ..ri.nia salary j6. TB45. lidser rVtitra. rrv7e,'r.v.1vffn,?'K.t..ie'i iit . . -. , . , u o . '. . '. ?-.-- - v"friV''v"",,ioc,' sin wlahe. ralTCIn". .ei.r!dnurse.ieo4. axperlanea. I0 N? Ws?.r CH l.DNURSa orcomuanlon, yojn. i.dV ' ejus poatllon. B3n Td,"f 6me ' "" i'IK'I- and chambermaid wl.n 'atiu.n,:, r- SITTJATIOWH WAJJTBD-Fglij Cealfssrd fnni TrreceHsii Ctlumn STENOURAriiKR. in res -s- esperlene. aLkr')" '12P?A .M"Vi "! IlWlaeTt-'lll4 BllV-l IVI Hilt, TEACH 7-idSPftSsr SACIIKR. vlalllne. wishes enesgemenWr-i' llah branches, ranch. Oerman. aVi "" history, V of P. -ertlflc.te., fcfr.finJ refs.. terms mod. Miss l.ynch. laoi liieE!" .J.Lh',a.,1..,r' 1-" tCaS 'K tarn 01 Kb i r IvnttaV rnlored. Tneadar, Wrdneeds Friday IWiMAiv roiorea, wianes nays work e kind, no ws.hlns; references. 1733 ii2r WOMAN, rolored. refined, wants naVsE . e Tfca.ea a,ih' .. .!... :.-' W, ., r.. ... '. ...-...., v,.e a eos 1 a.'.iVtAlkr . Ifh eefeeeneet imh(. i . - or davs wnrk; Applr.t2 North 87th. '"' I tt.,4i. sw'jV,"h,:,u,,,n" wrsa family, no wsshlnsi Oermantown srefSltf good ref A 37. ledger Branch, (133a, ofiTI!! FRENCH (llltt. wishes Position ssefcHii speaks French onlyi beat reference. "JD JJueen l.ne. Gtn. Phone Gtn. 2Sn " A GOOD "LAUNDRESS TVAnTo!-'1Taiib ' WORK 11141 OARRETT VtT J,A1Ptw, 8ITUATIONS "WANTED-MAI,!, ACCOUNTANT Grsduate Unlverattv . - evening school rf nrcoun'n snd flnsniwt ecutlve nhllltv, 0 years' office experlenc? aire, position with manufacturer -ruSE wholes.l. houae If RBI, ledger CentrsL ' ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKBEPER, grsdualWhw: ton School. 7 years' experience, want a cV.il! ; offering better opiiortunlty. It 231. Led. cST BOOKKEEPER. 12 jeatV experrenca. delna poettlon evenings. II 812, Ledger Central. BUTLER, rnlored," wants wsltlns end liouaewoeT! exp'd. city references. II tSflj Ii.r CentrsS 3 BUTLER Tounc colored men vtants altuatU,'. , private f-mll; best ref. n"22t. ledger Office' ' iTnvl rn n, veleti beat nf nr,t..M .t BUTLER or vsleti best of reference, leqger winre n -M,; wnu. afvrru. nv.i. teia.ie. Woi w,. - .maker jb JrKejUceat Cathsrme" """ liousKintEPK.R vouinr:wiT."r.TT--: . .i-.aIrfirEcKlh lit, fiB1. ITukiTaUS- Ssi ',, T.yi.f. -Lf'-eT fbon S3aSICTUST wlrt.s'liaV-JK. , Lesser Itrsneh. isitigsTI!.,8? Jw jaj, MOVilEK'M HEt.PirrTiTnr-r.- refined aettled lew,, aa at.e V .'urae. ... .. ... , . p.a-i' Is B lata K. r rsaut'i-nr.AUKK. . i,tiiaj.4rr- eiior. aauraa e,Ln.-.- . Vjfteftfc L''' "Set-Kr otebOAilnr. C. Folw L-T-T- .-- wurr ff5lwaWis.- iPLTSr T list sa .-.-. - --aw " JT .r 1I1M I IISIS 11 3 mmmm M CHAUFFEUR Youngs, man wishes a position with prtvato family, city or country; dnea not smoke nor drink 4 will. Ins and obliging; 4 year.' experience on hlxh-srsde csrs. careful driver; good mechsnlc. mnderste w. areas beat refer ences. It 340, Ledger Centrsl, CHAUFFEUR, Americanos, married. 8" yelXj , experience, drlte end repslr any car: temper. ; eie. carrtui ""A.- ew ...v..,n.i.. aricrrncs. XI 120. ledger Office. . aiAUrFEUR. rrotretsnt. with S jests' ex. Krlence: drive any c.ri CjidUlec pref erreel a, st of reference. Jt,3 I-edger Office, f CHAUFFEUR Lady wishes lo find sltustlnn far' her chauffeur, excellent reference.. AddreMj tt niie AUianinun- v vt)L ,, i.ive.a i. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wianes position wtuta private family; can furnish reference.; doal drink or .moke. II 43K, l-edger Central. ,iraitpi.-l'l'n Mechanic: married, total el-.1! al.lner; careful driver: prominent references, m II 120, Ledger Office. 3 CHAUFFEUR, alnsle. sober, while S veers' e. p-rlence: sool city rtrlters hlshe.t prltsts ref. J CHAUFrEUR. Ensllah. a I. mechanic. 10 y.ra exp.: exc. ref. 2010 W Boston or Dla. OlSe, CHAUFFEUR-cpachm.n. second man. best tef. erence. 1. I,drer iirancn, -uin nna ccuin. CHAUFFEUR," married, wlehe- Position wtth Privste family; excellent refs. Apply ftM N.2S3 CHEMisf.Vrsdu.te, . years' exp. In laboratory? and fsctory. o itss, i-eager irmrii, GARDENER, coachman. i;ngllsn. single, exes ' stock, heaters; reliable: reference. B 1S2, , ledger ornce. fiAnnt-vi'rt alnirh.. ftealre. nermsnent position. 1 private place; experienced all brftnehe.; hlgh- eat references, II l..v, Leager cnirai. j GARDENER, elnsle. flrat-clasa reference; sil? kind, nf heatrr.. 2227 Bprtng uaraen st. MAN AND WIFi: Butler, take full cherge gen-, tieman's place; beat of refs.; with half-grovra ' asugnier. i ..-. i-osrr wine.. . MAN AND WIFE want positions: msn as but-4 ler; wife, cook: reference. V. D. Cor, liiljj xteiruie st. MAN AND WIFE, whits, wish positions, first- .In, Imll.p end ennk. 2040 Arch. SECRETARY Young man. 24. sraduate Centrst i High School and University Pcnna. evening 1 h,l e aeemint. and finance. S years ax. perienco ss stenosrspher and ccneral clerk. ij execuiive aoilliy. ureirre i-iainwn e ""TTia rj to executlte large corporation. If S.0, ledger j Central. . . SALESXIAN. with a good sales record, backed; hv T venre' enud evnerlence. desire, to locale1 In Philadelphia; have alwajs worked a qusilt propo.llion I a, uruerr ,... HRrrtBTARIAt. or clerical work wanted by C. of P. Finance Cour.e junior: afternoon., eves-'i inc.; exp. typewriter, iiox i. u. x-. unnu. STKN0ORAPHER. U4 yra.' exp., de.lrea po.'n). High School rrod.: bc.t refs. 11 221, Lea. onv STOCK SALESXIAN. with Aery succesafut rec ord. will connect wun propo.llion 01 meru; , nrntving nrcount Ani commission onijr coo Riiirrcu ja a.i-a. i"JNr tiiunt. vX1? Y0U.N0 MAN. 27. capable executive, exp'd Er-T! respondent, de.lres pos'n ns special represents- tlve. sate. man or trovellns In.pector: rellsbut ' energetic, conanlaIt prefer outside employm'tij. must offer conald'ble opportunity for advance, mert: remuneration rommen. urate with re-; eponeiblllty; refa. M 132. Ledger Office. .: YOt'NO MAN. with rollcce education, uoaaeailnx good bualneaa qualities, tvlahe. permanent po-a' .itinn wun reiianio ana e.tauii.nea nrrn. tvneres ability and servlca are aDoreclated and where! advancement may be foreseen; beat reference furnished as Jo character and .ability. II (.. Ledger Central. r , YOUNG MAN. .Irontr. willing. hlKh-chool sol commeeclal training, dealrts position with op. : portunlty for adtam-ement where services will be appreciated. 11 230. Ledger Office. YOUNQ MAN wtV clerical position with re--1 name nrm. 11 228, Leager urnce. JAPANESE exp., ss butler or vnlet. private . ismiiy. 101110 irea. nun rtortn ism at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HAIIVET, 1010 Rlttenhou.e q hss nn- 1 merous vncancies lor large snaillon 01 -expen enced tt ell-recommened help for every capac ity: all nationalities: cooks. 125-10.1. kitches mslda: waitresses. 123 to 140 narlor maids. chambermaid and combined; laundresses. Is uie- msia. ni nu nationalities: inisria children's nurses; working housekeepers. 13 to 140: mother, helnera; freneral m.ld. far house Snd np.rtment.; liberal wngrs to eln ctent women; butler.: second men; hausemenl gsrdener; good home for single man. , WANTED .r"Mrs7"Kan.'."officet" 311 8. lit .1.. nrii-ci... cook., st a week 10 jU per month: ttaltre.aen. S7 to SlOi kltrhenm.td. must underntand cooking, S7 per week- white ; couple. 00 to SIC per month: second men, S"0( Per month! girl, for chamliertvork and wslt-l Inc. 17: Protestant and Catholic l.umlre.es: beat .referer.cerequlreil, Csll eacy. Spruce MRS. .'SICIIOI.l.H. 1112a Bstnbrldce at has . romn. hut lra. tsrnnil nan hntissmsn rnAkl. waits. chamberniKlds. Mr., varanrlea thU.j niorninir, uuiirra. a coupici. mj; i-roi-"axn and Otholio cooka. lh iq T0, vltr. rbambd-rnialtla. tami.rraa, Qernian Knvernfai,1 iioupwori?ri, exr. rnone j-ocuai -'iau. MI13. HAWK1K8. 2004 lUlnbrMae Vantfd, ooka, hutlTa. houavmtn. waltreaara. chanv trormaldl. Prritit ini ma Mi tnw mnmrttntnu l'rfnrh ladlea' malda. nuraca, taundrravrs; va canclea for 2 malda toccthrr; number of oun ulrla for chanib?nvork and waltlnz; rtfefrncei required. J'hone !pruo 3R27 WANTKI Second mon. boiaemen, couple tot huchlnrn untt. IfntalBit mtriss 1 ruined I'roteatant waltreaa, with parlor maid. M0; pTffuiaiii conti., i rfprn maica ana mirae-v L llehan ama ISb q.aj u Mtsl. BBisa.eaa.1. IIISIUS Will S3 aVllt ,M EDUCATIONAL Domestic Employment Club. ! .a o. nyuenn.m tiotn sna walnut I rsine. Infnntn nurse, nurse., housekeepers. French msld desire position.; tv.nted. cooks, wslt reaaeacouplea. Rprure S72S. ' , COOKS, chambermstd., chlldnur.es. houseavortl, glrlr vtsnt rmaltlona: German mother snd dsughter want .position In" countryi wanted, all kin. of nrat-cla.s help, Mlaa Ross Dough erty.IS13V.01rsrdjive. , WANTBUwAt" I'placopal "ofnce7SI3 B. 12th. cook a. waitresses, chambermaids, kitchen , mslds. houaeglrls, AUTOMOBIJ-ES Fer Sals A LOCOMOBILE REBUILT CAIl with gusrsnteed service and sstlsfsetlon Is a far batter tilieatmant than a chesp new esr. The following Locomobile are now ready lor delivery: ' lultt A.4 Touring ltijf. tt-48 Touring JSii S?5 I"rjn with extra Sedan body 1013 Q-4S Touring T Convenient Terms. THE JOCOiloniLE COMPANr of Amsrlca 2314-22 Xlsrket St.. Philadelphia. lixchane. Car Department . Icut tip Race SJW .Parts for Stod)iara Dayton SCHODKIt. SSJJ-45 MAnKBT afuiCK. 191 4 PIvVpsasengerTrecTrlo-" BsttaT seif.stariari rcnaint.sd. 402 Harrison jTnlM- ..ifc. lexeust 222. . "" COLki. ""mitj, HDBUOiiiTRATOK ,.h.Bv.-owJl-'8 c0. ' ., . . -UC, BROAD BT.'' J nil:1i'.,S'1-,!l',f",,l losdafera "and cabriolets, equipped with electro light, and .tartar.. . OOMBRY-SCHWARTZ. 23S WT Broiiti"r. P1lo"VVuirnnt,eed m0i,U ln "'" yj0t--yf W-WIM-KT IIOTOR CO., SO I N.Bresd. !o!tlT8 , LOCO so BC'UQBKft. 8339.18 MARKET. : AUTO LIVBRV AND O AKAGM ,; IWENI?NTTAXiCABC0. , r...J.,W yfi t-''lWaiHA?JJA AYU. ' ., ' SUPEU-SIX JIUDSONStTOJIIRK' LIVWUBINB . AXICAIUi AND v' Di. cita va.'" .i5- . ... k'MPaPaS ,'ff'j'i.lTT:ro hire topea'aay and "nliliii. lTOIUttlTl icisi WP,