i EVENING. IiEDGER-PmEADEIJ?HIA MONDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1016 HOUSEHOLD HELPS Dainty Fish Dishes FISH Is on ui quickest giibitantlal foods lht can b prpra. Besides contain- W aa much hudiment ai many cut of neat. It la uauatly less cot(y. A Ash Ilk fcaAdock, for exampla, la almost ts rich In proteins as beet or lamb, and even more so than mutton chops. Salt and smoked ftth are even richer, because of the fact that they are almost dehyd -Med, and there Is solid substance to each r.jund you buy. Dried fish for breakfast Is a welcome chanKS from eggs or substantial cereal. There are many delicious ways of prepar- ln flsh for the breakfast table. Kresh fish takes only about fifteen or twenty minutes for each pound to be baked or boiled. It ean be boiled in about ten minutes, and fried In five minutes cooked quickly and served quickly, piping hot. Here Is a breakfast dish which can be made either with salt fish flakes or of cold fish left from the night before: , Two cupfula of flaked fish, Two cupfuls of milk. Two tablespoontuls of flour, One tablespoonful of butter, Pepper to taste. t Let the milk boll, then add flour which has been mixed with a little cold milk until smooth. Add fish, soason and cook for ten minutes, then pour over toast points. Another very simple but excellent fish dial), suitable for luncheon, Is creamed mackerel. The mackerel must be soaked for forty-eight hours, the water being Changed once during that time. Then place the fish In a pan and cover them with milk or cream and leave In a moderate oven until the milk or cream turns brown. Cod, halibut or some other firm, white fish Is best suited for this recipe. It Is cut an Inch thick and about three Inches square. Hub the saucepan with some onion Juice, then butter, and place flsh slices on top, seasoning in desired. Sprinkle with chop ped onion, parsley and lemon Juice, and Place n bit of butter on each slice, Uake for about twenty minutes. Leftover flsh can always be made the basis of n delicious cold salad. Usually It Is mixed with boiled diced potatoes and a tart dressing Is used. Flsh soup Is a dish that Is greatly rel ished abroad, but outside of our national clam chowder Is not wry often found on the typically American menu. Here la one recipe that takes some time to prepare, but makes an exceedingly substantial and tasteful dish: Haddock Is a good flsh.to use for this soup, which Is thick enough almost to be called a stew. The haddock Is cut Into smalt slices and one layer Is placed In the large saucepan. This Is covered with sliced raw potatoes, seasoned with salt, pepper, sliced onion, a sprinkling of flour and some slices of pork. Then put in another layer of flsh and repeat the other Ingredients. Over the mixture pour some .hot pork fat, In which an onion has been fried. Cook the mixture for about half on hour. If desired, some cracker; may be added to the soup before serving. Hard crackers are best, dipped In cold water. If they are used It Is necessary to add two cupfuls of milk to tho chowder. (Copyrlsht.) TODAY'S FASHION anaaaaaaaaaaaaaT jUlll luVVnaaaaaaaaaaaaai latter half of week. Charlra Chaplin. M day and Saturday. Til Twiwm." wMh onday, Tueedar, Wens- VAUDEVHAJJ KKtTirS The Four Hnabaa ds " '"! Worth? Marten Week-. Hrealh of Old Vlr. rlnla.'' with Oenavleve Cliff and ,eoroPJ"i Vmt Wkiin.i.l ami Marl Ireland, In "Tha Hell of lllntvtll"! Hans Hanke, Mmr J las kail. Andelik'a Zooloa Tribune news pictorial Circus and Sella- OLOIIB Forty California bT In rnlltunr dr lie. matt and rhythm ninnlnr aoa IM tumbllns: Hwitall and.Mlle. ll.lenel "fhwarts Hrethera ana Mmitt in Th Itroken Mirror 'J Jvl Ooar, Jonea MeDonnel WILLIAM PKNN "Matralle," Tommy Ray, Aba. half ,f me 'inoroutnorea, pnoopi-u .".". ,Mr , week, The Roandlnc School Olrli." I"J anil Reddlnr. Mclnioah and hie maids, Drown an.l Mcl'ormlrk, "Uretehen, the Urnnhorn. Photoplay, laltar half of wt CROSS KKTR The Mndenna Opera Company. Oeldemtth and Plnard. banning ana wer. viinara ana nona. inormnn tno .OI,Vi companr. in "The HrokeriMlrror'' t Kd r, Airta and Wllllema. .Do nd Dow. a and Uray.the Carroll Olllette trio and onnell and Rowland. ,1AM PEMN-xUimllf." Tommy nay. lllllr Tulta'a Collelene,'t Val end Krnle. -jne Tnoroutnbreo, pnowpiay. Tip and companr. flrat half of A ho ik ,Ml ri-il, rir TKrmw. manee of tha Underworld." Carlisle's equina and llond, Thornton oj clreue. Ilarrr Aneer and Kins. lh Four rat- ette'e. thr Harmonlata, lattar half J weak. GRAND "Woortrow," SeptemberMorn," the, Wl.i.a Itlll and Ecker. "Tb Two Rubea ' lluah Marormaek and Oraca Wallace, An Artlet'a Studio" and motion picture-. MINSTRELS DUMONT'B New apeclaltlee hare been added to the currant blackface proeram. with all the old favorltaa on hand. MARIE TEMPEST IS THE LADY'S NAM Sho Who Makes a Delightful Evening of Fun at the Broad A Makeshift- For tho woman who must press an oc casional waist nn empty drawer, Inverted, is a capital Ironing board. Tho wood at the bottom of tho drawer, being unvar nished, tells no tales of the use to which It has been put. Where a writing desk is lacking, nn empty drawer. Inverted and then partly replaced, furnishes a roomy, flat sparo for writing materials. The second drawer of the average bureau Is about the rtgftt height for this purpose. Theatrical Baedeker nnOAD "A . LADY'S NASII.." with Maria Tempeet. A new comedy by Cyril Ilarcourt. .H!hor. ot "A Pair of Silk Ktocklnge" and Tho Intruder," with tho ct-llhtful Knirllsh aom-dlenne In the rol of a omin novell-t. LTIIIC. "IIKB SOt.mr.ll IU1V." with Clifton v. riKinro, jonn unari's Thomas ana liar- acora Hart" saret Komfttira. by bmmerlch Katman. comDos-r of A musical play, with itlaa Sprlnittlma.1' Charming tailored suit of mouse colored gabardine THIS stunning tailored suit la of mouse colored gabardine. The coat has an In serted pleated section at each side of the front and back. The collar Is of olive green velvet The plain coat sleeves aro Joined to the coat In rnglan, effect and have wide, flaring cuffs. The pleats are belted In at tbe sides Ths skirt has pleated In sets at the sides of tho panel front and In the center back The side sections are ex tended over the back to form a yoke effect. (Copyright) Ferns and How Them to Keep Ferns are always favored by those who want greens In the house all winter, be cause they are charming to look upon and are easy to keep in good condition.- Bos ton ferns, spider forns, sword ferns and holly ferns require very little care, and aro always attractive on a window-box or table. A northern window is preferable for ferns, and the temperature of the room In which the ferns are kept should not fall below BS at night. U the atmosphere is dry a glass bowl of water kept among them is beneficial. Steam heat the real dry kind Is not good for them. Cleaning Hint A moist rag not a wet one dampened with puro cold water is the best cleanser for polished floors and painted furniture. Oil may be used on the floors, but it should never, never bo used on furniture, at least the painted type. It has a tendency to cause hairlines to ..appear on the waxed surface of the wood. Theso later bloom into full-grown cracks. and QAnnicK. "tiii: linunn or cilass." with mrjr man. flmx Aiarcin'a drama or crim inals, pursurd unjustly by tho law, with a nin at circumstantial eldnce. FOnilKST ''HVIIIL." with Julia Bandron. Donald llrlan and Joseph Cawthorn. An Im ported operetta, tho acoro la pretentiously orchestrated. AV.,F,'p'"r-"iarnKNci:." with nrmst ... ".a an a tarce cast. A modern mo re uty play that la graced with more human nesa than some nf Ita predecessors. Tho act Ins of Ur. Ulendlnnlns la auperb. at roruLAn miens WA,Ti3?uTr""L,TTI'15 I'Kfiov o'Mooitn. with Hilda Moritan. An American comedy-drama vi;T'.Vi!:lMin.JM,lu,c, 0 anil nnnnre. KMcicnrtitocKEii ''madamk .spy." with 1 Trbf.rt Clifton. A play of International com plicatlona by Lee Morrison and Harry Clay Ulanav. WBi?J,i.0,.a- NATION," with Henry 11. Walthall. Lillian Ulsh. Mao Marsh. Robert llarroo. Elmer Clifton Rnd Urltnth'pUjers. NEW PHOTOPLAYS STANLEY "Till! IN'TItlflUK." with Lsnora U rich, a Paramount; vlewa of Philadelphia's Mramen's Bchool. Charles Chaplin In "Tho rawnahop" and travelnsuo first half of tha week. "T1IK HTOIIM," with Blanche Sweet, a Laaky film, and "Seeing America" latter half ,i( week. ATtCADIA "MANHATTAN MADNKSH," a tne Arts-Trlanjle, with Douxlaa Fairbanks, all woek. Also Mr. Chaplin In "The l'awn ahap." PAICB "Tlin HOt.'SK or I.IKS.,a with Kdna Ooodrlch. a Morosco feature: "Tho Pawn ah;p," with Charles Chaplin, and laat epi sode of "Gloria's Komance" nrat half of week. "THE ItEWAnn OF PATIIWCn." with Louise Huff, a Famous I'layera; "Tha Pawnshop1' and vlswa of Philadelphia Fire men's School latter half of week. rtEaiCNT "THK HinriRX HCAR." with Ethel Clayton and Holbrook llllnn. a World produc tion. First local showing. Initial half of JjeMc "THK DAWN OP 1.0 VK." with Mabel Taliaferro, a Metro, latter half of week. VICTOniA "THK r0CLL 8ErnF.TAKY." with Norma Talmadse. n Klne Arta-Trlanale. first halt of week. "THK DAWN OF I.0 B." wim Aiaoei 'lauarerrn. Lying Heart," Metro. with Ford Sterlln, and "His Ke atone. "A IADT'8 NAMB." A comedy by Crrll liar court. Manasement Messrs. 8hubert. llroad Street Tbaatar. r Franklin '. Miss L. CMpPandala Maud llray Mlsa Maud Andraw Mab.1 Vara..... Mlsa Marie Tempeat l-lood Mr. John Sharkey Herald VantasV. . Mr. !. Hy,nl!J Adamt Mr. Stanley Harrison n"i Cortorar,: .....Mr.V. Oraham Browne Mn, Halnei Ml" Daisy nelmora Marraret..; ! NJ? S"."! ;m r , Jtr. neriss uj ,iryri Kennedy Illrd........ ...... Mr. Harry .Lambart Sam Iientloy Mr. Alcernon Urels Act I A alttlna; room. Act 11 A kitchen. Act HI Sam as Act I. Monday afternoon Is an awfully long way from Saturday evening as managing edi tors delight to Inform dramatic critics, and as oven dramatlo crltlca have to admit. And yet there Is still a good deal to say about the delightfully fresh and amusing comedy, which camo to the Droad night before last, besides tho fact that people who know how good Marie Tempest always Is and how pleasant Kngllsh comedy can some times be. will have what Cyril llarcourt would call n perfectly topping time of it at "A Lady's Name." The comedy is even more gossamer than "A Pair of Silk Stockings." by the same author. But In certain ways it is decidedly more amusing. For every ounce of Mr. Ilarcourfs wit and whimsicality gets across, and gets across all tho more readily because It Is not encumbered with any complicated turns of plot. He, might have had them, for he set a lady novelist advertising for n. husband In order to get copy, he had a butler and his master both apply for the Job, and ho got the lady Into tho butler's pantry. Hut Instead of playing for obvious farce situations, the author admitted to tho audience and all the characters that they knew all about each other all the time. Consequently, his action franltly didn't pre tend to compete with rapid-fire farce, and his humor had the whole stago to Itself. Only at tho very end, when a caddish fiance did some mean things In n rather villainous manner nnd the heroine sobbed a bit over them, was there anything pre tentious to get In tho way of tho fun. But oven that was mitigated by the fact that Miss Marie Tempest was the lady doing ths sobs. For sho does them Just as well as she docs the squeals and gurgles, the chuckles and chortles of the rest of the play. Her art Is a well-nigh perfect thing, It uses every comlo tool of tho stago, even down to the aforesaid squeals, gurgles, etc : but It uses them ail as the expression of so rich and piquant a personality that even the commonest are something new. Miss Tempest Is always a delight. With Mr. Uarcourt'a play and a competent cast headed by that finished actor, W. Graham Browne, Miss Tempest Is In grave danger of setting critics punning about gales of merriment. K. M. "THE COMMON LAW" IS WELL PRODUCED Chaplin, in "Tho Pmvn Shop' Gets Laughs With New nnd Violent "Business" - Hy the I'hotoplny Editor Philadelphia exhibitors last week got their first glance at the first production re leased by Lewi J. Selxnlck since he became a power unto himself. It Is "The Common Ijvw," adapted from the popular novel by Robert W. Chambers, and exploiting Clara Kimball Young as the star. In fact, the brand name for the film Is that of the ac tress. At the private display the projec tion was not of the best, and, therefore, nn entirely adequate conception of tho featuro was not feasible. But certain salient points could be grasped. One of them was tho dig ntfled, high-class manner in which the story was directed by Albert Capellanl. and an other the prolixity of the plot. Of course, this Is only one man's opinion, nnd the ma jority of photoplay-goers may like "The Common Law" In Its entirety, but seven reels Is slightly too long for a story with but one or two episodes of pronounced physical ac tion and frequent telephoning and letter writing. The drama on the screen bears the stamp of the book-made play. It Is not In cisive, or rarely so. Tho most sensational thing In the stago version of the tale was the nude posing of alerie, the model. In thi celluloid ver sion mis matter has been treated with deli cacy and sympathy. There Is nothing nasty In the whole fabrto of the photoplay, yet the frankness of Its languago Is likely to glvo the censors some concern. How It is to es cape tho shears cannot easily bo Imagined. The acting of Miss Young Is mildly pleasing (sho has little) to do emotionally), nnd Con way Tearle and raul Capellanl are capital In the parts of palnter-hero nnd palntcr- viuain. the atmosphere throughout being that of New York artist life.- Sccnlcally. tho production is tasteful and opulont. Tho costuming, too, Is beyond reproach. So many theaters ore showing the latest Chaplin farco. 'Tho Pawnshop," today that to print all their, names In boldface would cut Into tho critique Itself. Tho narrative value of this most recent emanation from the Lone Star studio Is slight to the point of nothingness. To make up for this lack the Incidental business of the comedy Is variegated nnd violent. Mr. Chaplin, who Is tho pawnbroker's clerk, washes cupt nnd plates by passing them through n wringer; totters rythmlcally on a ladder: wears a dough-wreath a la Hawaii, nnd bounces elastta pawnballs on tho head of another man. Ha Indulges In but one bit of serlo comedy twhlch Is too bad, as he docs that sort of thing so well), but In physical frenzy ho hna nocr surpassed his current antics. Thnt In why "The Pawnshop" Is destined to popular enthusiasm. And If you must have good looks with your slapstick, there Is the "attractive Edna Purvlance, slimmer than usual. The Morosco Company wants strong stories, for which It is willing to pay well, says an announcement. It offers $1600 each for complete stories adapted to Its needs or upon which a complete photoplay can be founded. Such stories may bo either In synopsis form, 600 to 2000 words each, or may be In the form of a short story or book. Plots suitable for Vivian Martin, l)us tln Farnum, Myrtle Stcdman, Kathlyn Wil liams and Lenore Ulrlclt nre especially In demand. Norma Talmadge nnd Itoscoe Arbuckle nro additions to the Selxnlck forces. They will not play together, however. tasjjfiiiiiuiueuisuH When You Cut Butter Butter will not stick to the knife that Is used to cut it if the knife is dipped in hot water for a minute or so before using. The squares of butter will be smooth and uniform. Prominent Photoplay Presentations ATJTUMN KESORTS ATLANTIC CITYjN. J. sV ATLANTIC CITY. Operv at qllseaccms r of TneTircar. A racoaixiscd ..stanflard or excellence, cry600. lamiERj.BvzEr. tasRsmmsm ttyfiTj''tlTl0t'nf til""" I las aetoixewsmntiarii I ofaerYice.comfortxbenutv I LPJrE8TnRMS0lrjPrlCrraWTOTr36U) ffl I AwerlcanlrTarx turoper.n plarv I OSiWMlTC. rm JV.MOTT e Ae BrUif BoSna Grwamu mill! followlnr theaters alitaln their pictures tlirooxh the STANLI'Y Doohlnf company, nnien is soaranteo of early ehonlnc of the finest productions. Ail pictures rsvicwca oeior osniouion. iiK lor toe ineaier ID your locality obtaining pictures throulh the MTANLKY ItOOKINU COMPANY. The Fiahtlnir Parson" Till. 1'Awr.nnui' ARCADIA A lLL.n 12th,Morris fc Pastyunk Ave. AinamDra Mat. Dally 2: Eves. 0:5 & 0 raramouni riciurea. DIT8TIN KAP.NUM In " CIIA11LIU CHAPLIN In CHESTNUT BELOW 10TH Douglas Fairbanks SS CHAK1AH CHAPLIN In "THE PAWNBHOl"' a nril I r tr and Thompson ArULi-U matinbh dailt WM. S. HART in "The Patriot" 14TH CHAPTER. OP "OLOrUA'B ROMANCE" TTr't 1WAVT BSD ABOVE MARKET BELMU1N I Mat... I!S0 A 3180, lOo Evgs.. 0:30, 8. 0:80, 163 "THE NE'ER DO WELL" API TOT BSD AND LOCUST JLAJleUsJl Mats. 1:80 and 8:30. 10c. Etfs.. 0:80, 8, 0:30, He. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In 'The Dark Si lence." CHAPLIN In "Tho Pawnahop." Market St. Theater "&$$" NORMA TALMADQK In "QOINQ STRAIGHT" Today Jackie Saunders In 'The Orlp of Evil" Every Wed'nday Marie Walcamp In "Liberty" r 11 A D 60TH AND CEDAR AVE. CE.UAK juuwocwr theater Chapt ETHEL er fJte Milk ThalExptrl Ceeh lift in Theif faking Yeuwould be urprid'rfyou knew How many women ue EAGLE CONDENSED io oeaing. With itretj sen casks aiKrioyKa4sLfjMjllilalnddeiBy Jaamtl of ! kiayfa. tt ta4e aaasatk aaJ nal -- Mad acakaaaU bk - -- -1 mn I ll AaVltaa fta& art1 aiaf H rr "SWSpsJfu pTag sp WMOTi M (MakilUaUl. Tkewaatlatiul I yrinr aaaj.TKar" Jigie mmi isrf8e alt ynr wTsliint;. "Of caWM yaii kaov ikat for t UN's aatiry CJI B aialia .EaaJaXassl CoaJaniad Milk baa Was tisasa hr ttiowas-Ji al wio M.piy, HM KWCI KW No. 1 "BHIELDINQ BJIADOW" CLAYTON and HOLnilOOK. UUIKN In "HUBBAND AND WIP' FAIRMOUNT 20TM?o avenue THEDA BARA in The Serpent" 4711 PRANKFORO AVENUE FRANKFORD RITA JOLIVET in "AN INTERNATIONAL MARRIAOE" a'T'Ll CT THEATER. MAT, DAILY 5b 1 ll D 1 . Jjel, Fpruce. Ess. T to 11, OWEN MOORE MARat'ERITB COURTOT in , SrOLMNG STONES" "MUSTY 8UFPER" Comedy "Ins and Outs" C K IrtCM WD LANSDOWNB AVE. GAKUtlN RVO., 680 TO 11. MARGUERITE CLARK in "MICE AND MEN" S0TII AND DAUPHIN STREETS JEFFERSON FRANK MILLS -rHHIol?UM8iBH BILLY BURKH id rWrV.rrr.lr 03D "AVERFORD AVE. KJVttDTOOK opa Jan' Vnlt Orchftra, Mary Pickford ". F5gND.. SELECTION TROit OPERA "MIQNON" PALACE l2li 1ARKET SrllEST EDNA. OOODRICir In "Tha House of f.tea" niiAitr.in riiAt'LiN in "the pawnshop" "41ILLIE UURKE In "aLOlltA'H ROMANCE" PARK RIDOE AVE. DAUPHIN ST. MAT . SUB. EVa, 0:45 to 11. MARY PICKFORD in "IICLDA FROM HOLLAND" PRINCESS ,0WBTftIS.Br LIONEL BARRYMORE in THE UPHEAVAL" RPPFNT 1M MARKET STREET IM-AjfLil I JIVUAN VOICB OTlOAN EtheT Clayton and Holbrook Bllnn In "THE HIDDEN HCAR" Rial Tl1 OERMANTOWN AVE ln.Lt I J AT TULPEHOCKEN BT, ANN PENNINGTON in "8U8IB BNOWFLAKE" D11DV MARKET STREET lJ l 8EI.OW 7TII STREET WILLIAM FARNUM in "FIRES OF CONSCIENCE" THE LEADING RESORT HOTEL OF TH C WORLD IEatl6,0Mjfi5fenMm ATXANTIC CITY.N. J. OWSCMSMIP MAHMIMENT. -JQ8IAH WHITE. B, SONS CQMPAKY STEAMSHIPS SOUTH AMERICA Grand Circle Tour iiNiir.R icsroRT NOVEMBER 8TH Bend for deacrlptlvo tjuoklet American Kxiiresa Truel llept. 1127 Chestnut Street Phone Walnut am n &S. iWakViIW& m I id) s MM LtP I'M fflti ass w? PATHE presents THE SHIELDING SHADOW The Wonder Serial in fifteen episodes of mystery, adventure and thrills. Who Is Ravengar? The mysterious avengerl The most baffling character of mod ern literature. See He Shielding Shadow Story by George B. Seitz, Novelized by Randall Parrish. Latest release of the $5,000,000 PATHE Serial Program. Featuring GRACE DARMOND LEON BARY RALPH KELLARD See this all-absorbing picture beginning this week. Read the story. "The Shielding Shadow" story is being published every Sunday in the NORTH AMERICAN Ask for this wonder serial at your favorite theater. Produced. by Astra Film Corporation.. Directed by Louis J. Gasnier & Donald Mackenzie Released by PATHE Exchange EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR I'ViaiY MONDAY SUIUECT TO CIIANOU WEEK OP OCT. TO 7 ALUA3IBRA APOLLO ARCADIA BELMONT CEDAH EUREKA FAIRMOUNT FRANKFORD BOTH ST. GARDEN JEFFERSON RHORB'' aUORIA'B ROANCr?' a im M5 sv i I u nCD KOHTY-FJH8T AND LX.AUC-K. LANCASTHR AVBNUIS Owen Moore 8c Margaret Ceurtot In "ROLUNO 8TOWB6" LIBERTY BBOAD AN?0x.vpr WM.5.HAKJ Tk Flriel'' SAVOY "" MARKET A VI STREET CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in TUB DARK SILENCE" STANLEY UAI1KET ABOVE 16TII 11)16 A. M. I llllt V. U. LENORE ULRICH in TIIH INTHlaUK" T I O G'A 'TU AND VENANao 6Ta' MARGUERITE CLARK in "UTTLB LADT KILBHN" WHT rHILAnRU'HIA EUREKAw',tth,l,w"TB' CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in thk fat or urw G1RARD THEDA BARA QlitAHD AVB. mi rw. Wifl-i, 'TOr'' In UNDHH TWO riAQ" VICTORIA MARKBT BT. V l 1 J l. M r. ABOVE NINTH Norma Talmadge """"l,, CHAKLIH CHAPLIN la 'THE fXWfmmV1 iV SUTH THIMDHLMflA Of YMPIA BROAD AND " " MAUOHUDOB smmtsmmmmmmmTmmwmmmmmmmmmmm -MtarJpvaaM LEADER LIBERTY LOCUST MARKET STREET 0LYMPIA 0VERBR00K PALACE PARK PRINCES REGENT RIALT0 RUBY UVOY tAXlBf VICTORIA MONDAY Th Flirhtln Paraon Tho rawn Shop . Tha Patriot., ,, Qlorla'a ltomanco. No. It Manhattan MailnrM Tha Pawn Hhop Tha NaVr D , Well Shl.ldlnff Rhatlnwr. lluaband and w Hi o. 1 ClaVa Klmtall Tounir. In Tho l'eait vt Ufa ThJa naraTn Tbo Srpnt .Rita Jpllv.1, In An InUrnatlonal Marrlara Moor ana rourtot. In llollln Htonca Murfiirlt Clark In Mica and Men Tlir IIoum nf Mlrrora (llorla'a Romanes Kooro and Tourtat, Rolilnr fltonaa In William P. Hart, Tho Patriot ' Tha Park Silence Tha Pawn Sliop Oolnr Stralrht Tha Orlp ot Evil No Prfnrmanc Today Mary rirWrrd, Ilulda. root lie In lolland Tha Hnuaa of Lie Tha Pawn Bbop Mary Plekfprd. In Jiuida rroin nan and TUESDAY Th Klhtlni'l'nraon Tha Pawn Hhop Th Praam Olrl. Btar Caat Keyatono Coined Manhattan Mnrinraa Tha l'awn Hhop The N'i Wall it Do Mary Pltkford. In , Ilulda (rem Holland OM'l ''ountrjr Tha Woman Mary Pickford .In. Ilulda from Holland Marnier!' Clark. In Molly Make Hilv Pmirtot. Klcnra Moora nnd Rolllnc P.trra and Kane. veivn raw In '&' In Thada llara. In llrr Double Lira Moor and fnurtet. In Rolling menu Clara Kimball Tnunr, Tha Dark Bllanca Tha Dark Bllanca Tha Pawn Hhop In Edmund Rrerse. In Tha Waaknaaeof Blrtntth Moreno and Kellr. In The Bupreme Temptation Warner ",nd rlry, Shell tt Tha llouae of I.Ira Tha Pawn flhQP ttoBrV.Bt7yZS?Lt' bi c,TVfnHWLIlK.vta KtJflti!i)&iu '-it? WIH'"n P Hart. The Patriot hi Mary MfcLi.rn, nam a mi ,H r DauabMrr Ckrtoti.and Hllwij Kt -riw niwn Scar TM Wtcf4 Iol Oaarl' Rowiia HWk&sns. Te aVpmt WKDNKSDAY Tha I"lhtln Paraon rawn Th Hhop The Pretandera Tha Orlp of Kvll, No. 13 Manhattan Madnras 1h Pawn Mhov Tha N.;rir Do JUuet.Ird Production Tha Kvll Women Do William 8. Hart. In Tha Captlva Ood In tha Tawn Shop Liberty Mabel Tallffrro. In Ood'a Half Aero Smith nnd Woodruff, 'artery In Tha Shop airl Deatrlco j'alriai No. 1 Llon.l Barrymor?, .Tha Upheaval Tl fty.V Do Well Jiarnav Dernard. In Phantom l'ortuna Tta Dark SHnca Tha Pwn Shop Jler Pfubla Ll JU1D1 Ubtrty Ho'hrook Hllnn. In Tha Weaknroa of Ma Mary WaoLaran. kt Wantod A Homa Tha HmiM of Ll Tha Pawn Mmw OM and luraa, In Tha LHr and Kt ni THURSDAY Marin Doro, In Common Ground Tho Unwelcome Mother Star Krxtono Comedy Manhattan Madnoaa Tb Pawn Hhop Maixuerlta Clark, In J.lttlo I,udy Ulleen Kmmy Wohlen. In Tha Prctondera Henry It Wartier.- In Shell 48 William J Iree Farnum. In of 'Conaclenca Rleanor Woodruff, In Jaffrey Statu Haraka Honorable Ki awa.ln riena RnVrt Warwick. In l'rlday tha lath Charka Chaplin, In Tha Pawn Htun Tb, NVer D. Dorothy Qlh, In Orelchcn the Urixnhorn Tha Dark Bllenne The Pawn Shop FRIDAY larl Dora. In Common Ground Dawn and Moora. In under Cover Manhattan Medneaa Tha Pawn Shop Marruerlta Clark. In Llttl Lady Kilcen Maria Doro. In Common around William The End Farnoni In of tha Trail I,ockwpnt and Alllaon, in Mleter U Oeora- Ueban, Pa aqua la In Buo Hayakawa, In Honorable Friend Dornthv Olah, In Tha Ltttla Hrhoul Ma'am Charlro Chaplin, In Ths Pawn Bbop Reaey Hayaki Tha llonorabla Hayakawa, In rmoq The Viola Dana, tn l.igni oi natHHfiaaa The Tha Dark StletMH Pawn Stoop Eleanor Woodruff, Jaltery In Jarkla 8aund!ra. In Tha Qrtp of Evil 5 I Clayton. In oman'a Way Tha Reward of 1'atUaoa Vhlla. rtremen'm eeMet Comtry Tttat Oo4 yWavt CWHVaU1rta Ui "VliT' ti&JVS&& "KXB!I -armfc.1 igigffla, w&rrsr Dorottir Mh. Io Orotchn the Mreanhem rtlwASVr1r.r w Ml m -Katttcf "rgssi" HL,' lfv,sa,r K0yfH?fte.,n SATURDAY Marie Do Common i o,' In feoM ogTarM8L n Jieao; No'ar Do W' ell Mary. MaeLoMal. ta ' Where la MyTStartiRrt Rita Jul I vet, In An International JUrrlaia' Maria D. la m orawtal Common llonerabfWaiial " I.llll.n w, I(rpr f tM "vsur&to lUW-fcfcib DftvvnpoH. iQrfW, S'iarwa n T.'gaT- Tm jaawnTSJ? . Secrtt oflhe awkMarta L,sMTii?stjr' Is "ifiASf Aa4rr r miiimw. neatratlon 3f T&VkS. MfllHa-aaT felABaM twcftP-A, Btan cl ajanal "" Fr. kflF tsa' w Te tinsw laanujii CSSBK5 "iBwaali' LJgJf- 1 TOg ?M Tl la1 Mkj 'JE&